LeashChapter 6 free porn video

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Taking a knee for a moment, Sarge collected himself and steadied his breathing, drawing on his years of training to overcome the effects of the strenuous sexual exertion I had just witnessed. Standing next to him, I was shocked to see that despite having just dumped a massive load in my wife’s famished pussy, he still had a full-blown erection ticking skyward.

Gazing at my wife, her body remained motionless, except for the heaving of her chest as she too struggled to capture oxygen, while the black leather leash wrapped around her beautiful neck continued to bind her to the gentleman’s corseted scrotum.

With a deep, cleansing breath and a shake of his head, Sarge rose to his feet and stretched his back and legs, coaxing his muscles to relax from holding such a demanding position for so long. After limbering up, and without acknowledging me in the slightest, he strode to the side of the Mrs., bent over, and grabbed a full shock of her hair ... tugging at it for her to rise up on all fours.

To my great surprise, without the slightest protest, she groggily rose up onto her arms and knees under our guest’s persuasive direction, at which point he led her by her hair toward the bed like a submissive little bitch ... her full round ass rocking back and forth seductively and her black-stockinged legs framing her red, well-punished cunt, still dripping the gentleman’s spunk like breadcrumbs as she crawled across the carpet.

The silence of the room was deafening as they reached the side of the bed, and he tugged on her hair indicating that she needed to crawl onto it. As she slowly made her way, he joined her ... his impressive cock still stiff, glistening, and swaying side-to-side with each movement.

Once she reached the head of the bed, he wordlessly instructed her to place her hands on the headboard, and pried her knees apart. Then, with his right hand still wrapped in her hair, he used his left hand to guide his unsatisfied tool right back to her well-fed cunt, plunging back in with a sharp thrust, leaving the SLAP of their bodies echoing in the room. The Mrs. release a heartfelt moan as she took his powerful initial stroke, but she didn’t have much time to dwell on it because Sarge immediately took to servicing her cunt once again.

I strode to the bed in silent awe as his flexing haunches buried and reburied his steely cock again and again, continuing to savor every fold of my wife’s glorious quim as she moaned and whined, but took every inch he had to give.

Reaching the head of the bed, where she knelt upright clutching the headboard, I witnessed Sarge suddenly press her face up firmly against the wall, letting me observe her contorted expression. She appeared oblivious to my presence, as her eyes were alternately closed or rolling back into her head as he rode her.

Releasing her hair, he reached his heavily-muscled arm under her right arm and put her in a half-nelson, and used his other arm to fold her left arm behind her back. Pulling her further upright onto her knees, he continued plowing.

In this position, her right arm was raised because of the half-Nelson, fully exposing her jiggling breasts to me. My eye caught the eye of her captor and he nodded, turning their bodies so that she was directly facing me at the edge of the bed. I marveled at the sight of her being manhandled by this stranger ... her face transforming instantaneously from anguish to ecstasy and back again as quickly as a chameleon changing hues.

Between her legs, our guest’s mighty stalk flashed and his bound testicles bucked and bounced, and just above the cacophony of movement at the juncture of her thighs, I could see her stomach tighten and strain as the well-hung invader plundered her cervix again and again. All the while, her beautiful tits swung and bounced freely ... almost joyfully ... in contrast to the forceful intrusion happening below.

I stood at there, mere inches from my wife being violated, and savored the movement of their bodies, the smell of their sexual musks, and the sound of her submissive whines morph into moans and howls as Sarge continued his mission to successfully breed her once again. Occasionally, she would open her eyes to acknowledge my presence, but with her arms confined and her legs splayed, she was at our guest’s complete mercy ... and he was clearly showing her none.

As the minutes passed, her skin grew slick with a sheen of perspiration, and her hair became drenched and disheveled across her face. After locking onto my eyes with a deep wordless stare, her eyes suddenly rolled back in her head and she shivered violently in his grip.

“That’s it, baby ... Let Sarge take care you ... You need it right there ... right there, don’t you?”

Her eyes once again focused on mine with a groggy, pleading visage...”Yes ... Yes ... right there ... tell him to fuck me right there,” she begged.

“You heard her, Sarge,” I said making eye contact as sweat streaked down his face, “she needs it just like that.”

He nodded and pressed on.

“YES ... YES ... YES...” she screamed, contorting her face, throwing her head back, and seemingly flexing every muscle in her body as the spasms began to wrack her once again.

Hoping to push her even deeper into the orgasmic abyss, I collected both of her bouncing breasts in my hands, and gripping her nipples between my fingers, pinched them roughly as I pulled them outward as far as they would go.

“AAAAHHHH” she cried, rolling her body and writhing snake-like in Sarge’s powerful grasp.

Suddenly releasing her tortured nipples, I gave both beautiful breasts a series of firm slaps and took pleasure watching them redden and recoil.

Still in the throes of her climax, Sarge suddenly flung the Mrs. onto her back, grabbed her stocking calves, and pinned her legs until her feet were above her head. Climbing atop her upturned cunt, his talented cock quickly found her spasming hole once again, and he buried it to the hilt, focusing his entire weight on the spot of their mated bodies.

With the head of his tool certainly pressing against the deepest core of her pussy, he began a slow, methodical clenching of his ass ... using his embedded cock to ream the inside of my dear wife’s cunt like it had never been reamed before. In this position, all she could do was flail her arms and speak in tongues, which is exactly what she did for the next 15 minutes as Sarge panted and growled into her ear, using his tool to explore every fold and fire every nerve-ending hiding inside that sacred hole.

As he ground into her pubic bone, constantly stimulating both her engorged clit and her electrified g-spot, she would climax every few minutes, calling out to God and Jesus, and clutch at the sheets in uncontrollable, overstimulated bliss. Other times, she would grab the headboard in a death grip, and using it for leverage, grind her clit even harder against her the root of her violator’s cock. And with every wave of spasms and twitches that would wrack her body, Sarge just kept her doubled over and continued plumbing her depths.

It was a master class in deep, grinding fucking, and I watched spellbound as his ass subtly undulated, flexed, and rolled ... searching for new angles to explore and new rhythms to experiment with. And as he let his stinger play deeply inside the Mrs., he continued to emit a constant, low, primal growl ... the sound of an unsatiated beast deep in the trance of a powerful rut.

It was unclear how many orgasms my wife had during that marathon union, but it soon became evident that at some point, she had passed beyond the current realm of consciousness and had become a limp, fuck-drunk piece of unresponsive flesh simply keeping Sarge’s cock warm.

Probably because of his earlier release, he was able to stave off a second orgasm despite what must have been intense stimulation as the Mrs. came again and again on his imbedded cock, desperate for him to feed her snatch once again.

Seeing that he had clearly pushed her past her limit, I reached out and slapped his still-undulating ass.

“DISMOUNT!” I barked.

He stopped and quickly stood erect on his knees ... sweating profusely, with his hard cock still stuffed halfway in the wife’s pussy ... its thick dorsal vein throbbing atop the slick exposed portion of his shaft.

“Thatta boy ... thatta boy,” I praised while stroking his sweat-soaked head. From between his legs, the black leash snaked its way from his bound scrotum, across my wife’s taut belly, between her heaving breasts, up to her beautifully-ensnared neck.

“You finished her off real good, my friend ... just look at her there,” I instructed, and we both took in the sight of her body splayed before us and drank it in. I reached down and collected her left breast in my hand and kneaded it watching her face for signs of life, only to have the weakest of smiles appear. Her reaction brought a thin smile to my face as well, and I gave her captured tit and firm SMACK, but received no reaction from her exhausted form.

“If I hadn’t seen him take you with my own eyes, I’d think you were playing possum, sweet,” I smirked.

Still basking in the sight of her conquered form, I slid my hand up to her neck and began to carefully unwrap the leather lead, freeing her from bondage to our guest’s sexual organ.

“You serviced her better than she’s ever been before, good sir,” I complimented, as he watched with a hint of disappointment at losing ownership of such a responsive fuck. “But now the lady belongs to me.”

Taking the end of the leash, I passed it back through the gentleman’s legs and brought my face inches from the spot of their union. The scent of raw sex emanating from their joined bodies was overwhelmingly intoxicating, and my cock could not help but flare as I inhaled deeply. Slowly and carefully, to savor the moment in its entirety, I tugged on the strap forcing Sarge’s scrotum backwards. Following his boiling testicles, the remaining portion of his unspent cock began to emerge from my wife’s worn clutch, and once his uncut head was free of her vaginal ring, it sprang up and remained skyward ... glistening and ticking restlessly inches from my face.

“That’s it, big guy ... time to give up that pussy,” I cooed, starting at his mesmerizing tool for a moment before succumbing to the temptation to lick their combined copious juices slowly from his well-veined stalk. All the while, he carefully looked down, observing me enthusiastically cleaning his cock. Feeling emboldened, I eventually closed my eyes, opened wide, and engulfed as much of his manhood as I could. Entrapped by the lure of his magnificent tool as my wife’s cunt had been, I concentrated on the feel of his firm, warm flesh as it filled my mouth completely.

Sarge lodged no complaint as I began bobbing on his shaft, trying to capture as much as I could, wondering if I could make him succumb to me when my wife’s pussy couldn’t.

For five minutes, I forced his sheathed plumb deep into my throat again and again, tasting the saltiness of his rich precum on my tongue as I did, but I could not make him relent. Eventually, I released his sensitive head from my lips and struggled to catch my breath with him looking down at me with a knowing smile.

“Such a fine tool,” I acknowledged, rising up and walking to the foot of the bed with the leash in hand. Then, tugging carefully, I pulled back on his corseted sack, forcing him to shuffle backwards on his knees until he was off the bed and standing next to me on the carpet at the foot. I brought the leather strap up between the cleavage of his taut ass and across his back, and then began wrapping the excess around and around his thick neck until it was secure.

“Now you be a good boy and stay while I give this spent cunt its second course of the evening,” I growled directly into his ear and slapped his ass.

Crawling onto the foot of the bed, I was soon hovering over my unconscious wife’s sweat-soaked body. Her shallow breathing indicated that she was still of this world, but the look of her suggested otherwise.

Gathering and spreading her limp thighs, her well-worn cunt naturally tilted upward ... open and inviting. I admired the raw sexual beauty of the temptress in my possession for a moment before leaning in and burying my face in her perfumed neck. At the same time, I let my hips slither between her open thighs until they had positioned my throbbing cockhead at her slick entrance. Foregoing any pleasantries of tender love, I instinctively flexed my haunches, and with a lightning quick stroke, planted my single-minded cock deep into the reamed-out hole it knew so well, bouncing her voluptuous hips into the bed with the force.

The SLAP of our union echoed with the same clarity that our guest’s had earlier, but was followed by a much weaker vocal response from the recipient. Considering what she had endured, I didn’t hold a grudge. My cock was home again after patiently salivating on the sidelines for what seemed an eternity!

Wasting no time, I began rocking full-tilt into the wet warmth of the Mrs.’s sacred clutch, plunging again and again into her core and feeling the slickness of another man’s seed slathering my stalk. As I plowed, the typical responsive kick from her loins seeking to devour even more of my manhood was absent. There was just warm, limp flesh in my hands passively taking each of my powerful strokes with nary a spark of reciprocation. Our guest had drained her completely of her mating spark ... both a disappointment on one hand, but also a stunning accomplishment on the other.

Now it was my turn to work myself into a rutting frenzy, as my toiling hips soon had sweat being coaxed from every pore and my own dominant mating growls began to fill every recess of the bedroom. Atop my wife, it was now my turn to the be the master of her body and the moment.

Trying my best to mimic the movements of the gentleman before me, I serviced her sacred alter for an extended period, varying the rhythm and angle of my punishing strokes. Because of my single-minded focus on reaching even a fraction of the ecstasy that she had achieved this evening, I didn’t notice the movement of our guest at the foot of the bed behind me. Thinking my order would not be disobeyed, I had not foreseen him silently unbinding the leash from his neck and carefully crawling onto the bed behind my flexing ass. It wasn’t until I felt the black lead being wrapped again and again around MY neck that I realized what was going on.

I came to a quick halt planted to the hilt in my wife’s pussy and tried to swing my head around. It was then that I felt two warm, powerful hands gather my ass and spread it as wide as they could. Suddenly, there was a dull warmth on my hole that was soon coupled with an insurmountable force that overpowered my puckered defenses. The warmth invading me quickly morphed into searing heat as my body relented and the magnificent tool that I had just been basting in my mouth minutes earlier was now slowly burrowing toward my clenching core.

It was now my turn to throw my head back and howl skyward, at which point I felt his right hand grip my throat and the other my hip, using them for leverage as he carefully slipped me on, hoping that my ass would fit him like a certain famous glass slipper.

When he suddenly came to a stop, I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he had run out of cock to bury inside me. But with an ominous growl in his chest, a sharp tug on my body, and a powerful thrust of his hips, he buried the remaining half of his cock deep into the recesses of my virgin core. With his weight bearing down on me, my hips pressed firmly against my wife’s clit. My cock was buried to the hilt inside her, and my ass was stuffed with eight thick inches of man tusk, so now it was my turn to unleash a guttural moan that rattled the house. I was a fully-mated man!

Impaled for the first time in my life, my body shook involuntarily and my mouth hung open feeling my leash-bound throat throbbing in our visitor’s grip. It was then that I felt what it was like to be owned by the cum-heavy testicles at the other end of the black leather strap.

But I didn’t have time to dwell on that. Almost as suddenly as he filled my ass, I began feeling his hips rotating and grinding into my haunches, allowing the entirety of his buried tool to ream my captured hole. With the howl I’d unleashed still fresh in my ears, it was soon joined by a chorus of whimpers and whines as his buried cockhead explored my core in ways I’d never thought possible. I quickly realized that my stuffed hole couldn’t help but relent to his masterfully probing member, but compounding the bliss was the fact that he was forcing me to grind even more forcefully into the wife’s clit, sending my cockhead even deeper into HER hungry hole. The sensation produced by our three joined bodies defied definition by the plethora of words and phrases available to me.

Knowing the intricacies of human anatomy like a skilled surgeon, he wielded his meaty cock with the deft precision, I swear that I could feel the fleshy sheath of his cockhead stimulating the area of my electrified prostate, coaxing a steady mantra of “YES ... YES ... YES ... THERE ... THERE ... THERE” from my constricted throat. It was then that I realized that his goal was to milk me, so that my boiling seed would join his in the depths of my wife’s pussy.

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My Honeymoon

The small prop plane began it's decent from the crystal blue sky towards the water below. The plane vibrated with the spinning propeller as we began the all too slow decent towards our fantasy vacation. I glanced over at my young wife, her short dark hair pushed back behind her ears, covered by her large floppy white sunhat and her dark sun glasses searching the small island below, scanning it from shore to shore, excitement evident as she glanced back at me, a beautiful innocent smile...

4 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl

There are some things you do in public because you can, and it's naughty to do them; it hurts no-one, especially when you know that getting caught probably won‘t actually happen. Then there are some things that you do because of the possibility of getting caught. The added tension and hypersensitivity of your senses adds to the experience. If you get caught, you have two options. Carry on and brave it out hoping the person or persons will just watch, or stop and pretend that you weren’t really...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Between the Fucking Line

Preface: I am not trying to paint an erotic picture here. I am merely trying to be tongue-in-cheek, satirizing the somewhat trite cliches and images that abound here. I’m not trying to piss anyone off, so please, don’t take it personal. I know I wouldn’t. Thanks a bunch. * * * * * I lost in thought at the moment, thinking about the malaise endemic to society in recent weeks. I was also thinking about how cool it would be to have an 11-inch cock. Soft. ‘Boy, bet that would hurt though. It...

2 years ago
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End of Quarantine Married Chinese Lawyer

So as many of you already know, a few days ago I met with the Married Chinese Lawyer for the first time in almost 3 month for some fun. There was huge anticipation and lead up to that day since the corona virus. The situation in China has been getting better so we were able to arrange a hook up. In that 3 month of hiatus, she's been with her husband the whole time and let's just say it's been pretty lousy to say the least. Below is a video she sent me that I made into a comparison with me. 1min...

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Ghostly Feelings Part 1

This is an ongoing story that fills me with so much happiness. It took me too damn long to write this becuase I needed it to be perfect for you to read. This is love. I had been alone for nearly 8 months when the issues started happening. Good old doctor put it down to stress, but that was an excuse to give me more drugs. I was struggling to sleep and everything got on top of me at work so I did the most sensible thing I could think of, I took 2 weeks off work and planned a week in the sun and...

1 year ago
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My camera

Note : This story is totally fictional! Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest friends were on the ball team so the coach held them at school for extra practice. He realized that the championships were getting close but that sure messed up the day. He was thinking about his new car while driving home. His dad had gotten it for him a few weeks ago for...

2 years ago
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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

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Disco 99

This moment had been a long time in arriving. As we danced in the pressing throng of flesh on the dance floor, I could feel your hardness rising. You licked the sweat from between my breasts, sending a heat wave down to my toes and back up to that spot which was getting wetter by the second. Finally, we couldn’t bear to hold back any longer. I pulled you through the crowd, feeling you press against my back as we fought our way outside. God, I almost threw you down right there except the crowd...

1 year ago
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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

3 years ago
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Mother of the groom

We're in our hotel room, getting ready to go to my wife's son's wedding. I always love watching her get dressed, especially when it's for a special occasion. She has a lot of beautiful clothes and wears them well. To the world at large she's the very model of a classy, well-dressed, intelligent professional woman. But take those clothes off and get her alone in bed and it's a different story!She puts on a pretty, lacy bra that makes her 40DDs sexier than ever. Pushes them together and pushes...

2 years ago
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My first time in a bank

Hello guys, I’m additya here, this is a true story not a fake one. I’m a bisexual guy so I like both men and women, so if women are reading this do drop a comment and inbox me, and guys you can also do the same so is my mail id so do drop a message and comment on the story.I stay in pune so pune people you have a chance to meet me ;) So this incident happened when it was november in 2016, I remember this date because 1000 and 500 ruppes were banned. Toh jab ye note band hogaye tab mujhe dad ne...

3 years ago
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The Rock Chick Chapter 5

The Rock Chick Chapter 5 YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER. NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS. STAY AWAY FROM RAE! OK - I admit the note had me rattled for a bit. I mean, it's not every day that someone slips you an anonymous message warning you your life is in danger. As I walked home from Rae's salon along the busy streets, I suddenly felt like Jason Bourne on the run from the CIA. Was I being watched? Or followed? Pretty dumb, right? Nevertheless I tried to keep my head down, but couldn't...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 843

Wife texts husband at work on a cold winter’s morning; “Windows frozen won’t open.” Husband texts back; “Gently pour some lukewarm water over it.” Wife texts back 5 minutes later; “Computer really fucked now.” A Greek and Italian were sitting in a Starbuck’s one day discussing who had the superior culture. Over triple lattes the Greek guy says, “Well, we have the Parthenon.” Arching his eyebrows, the Italian replies, “We have the Coliseum.” The Greek retorts, “We Greeks gave birth...

3 years ago
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A Much Awaited Sex With My Colleague

Dear readers, Thank you for admiring my previous post long back in 2014 April “sex with my big boobed neighbor”. I am here to share my new experience with you all. I joined a Software company in Bangalore. A girl joined along with me in the same month in my team. She is hot with big boobs; round and 36+ in size. She used to mingle with me a lot and we used to have coffee every day. She has a boy friend whom she married now. She is very friendly and used to poke me all the time during work and...

1 year ago
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Community TooChapter 24

Dan Granger's turn: Nikki and I are lying in bed together waiting for our breathing to stabilize. The thought crosses my mind. "You know, baby, if I'd've known that sex with an engineer was this spectacular, I'd've started sooner." "Beast!" she squealed. "But if you're interested, what about Kaitlyn?" 'Kaitlyn' was one student who lasted a week as an intern at the beginning of the summer. Our family-oriented business didn't seem to fit her plans to bop her way to the top....

1 year ago
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Abanu and Claire

I have been fucking a 22 year old, blonde female, I met not long ago. We met on a swingers site on the internet and, after a few chats, we arranged to meet at a hotel. I arrived at the hotel and waited. It did not take long for her to arrive and she introduced herself to me at the bar. Her name was Claire, and she was very confident and sexy. I ordered some drinks and we sat down at a table to talk. Claire was very talkative and told me about what she wanted. My cock was hard by now and we...

1 year ago
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Showing off

Hi honey! I'm Kellie. I am, an Asian hottie, just waiting to make love to you. Before I do, let me tell you that I am 5 feet 8 inches, have 36c breasts, a nice flat stomach, beautiful long hair and lovely eyes that will caress your body. Looking at me now you wouldn't guess how I'm dressed underneath. I am wearing jeans and a navy blue top with long sleeves and a sweatshirt. Hah. But underneath, I'm wearing my HOT pink thong panties with matching 36c bra. Over this, is a HOT pink bustier with...

3 years ago
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My New Best Friend

The doorbell rang so I grabbed my housecoat as I went to answer it. I wasn’t expecting anyone, certainly not Michael because I had to pick him up from the airport and his flight wasn’t due for some time. If it was him I wouldn’t have bothered with the housecoat because I found it constricting, choosing instead to inhabit my apartment totally naked. I opened the door to be confronted by, me, or at least my older sister or at a stretch my mother. We, me and the person facing me, were identical...

3 years ago
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Puppy Love Ch 04

Dear Readers, I love David and Emma too much to finish this story in 4 chapters as I had originally planned. However the next installment might take a couple weeks to finish because I decided it would be fun to enter the Halloween story contest. So please be patient, and check out my story for the contest while you’re waiting. Vote for me! As always, I love hearing feedback so tell me what you think Hope you like chapter 4. honey28 *********** I was even more nervous than I had been on...

1 year ago
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Status Meeting

“Status Meeting. 9:30 AM. Wellness Room #2.” That was the email in my inbox this morning. I did not recognize the email address and I was completely ignorant to the status that the topic referred to. Even stranger, the Wellness Rooms were a group of rooms near the entrance to our building for expectant mothers to breastfeed newborns. It was very odd to have a meeting there. While these thoughts ran through my head I realized that it was already 9:20. I didn’t even have time to respond to the...

1 year ago
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Dungeon of Pleasure

You find yourself in a very small room. There is no furniture or anything at all, except for that door made of iron just in front of you. You have no idea, from where you came. It is just like, that someone might have been erasing your memories or something like that. The ground is made of very uneven flagstone and the walls seem to be made of masonry. Only one little candle in the room is burning, so you can see the door and everything. It looks like you might just be somewhere...

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My Best Friends Brother

*This is my first story so all feedback would be appreciated* Growing up I lived in a small neighborhood where my best friend lived right across the street from me. I found myself over at her house almost every day. She had three brothers but only one that lived with her. He was about five years older than me and I had an innocent crush on him. At the age of 13 my mother got re-married and we had to move 30 minutes away to a bigger house for her new husband and his four kids. I had completely...

2 years ago
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Any street whore was glad to finally get a job in Lady Jane's house in Vegas. It was a well known and busy house. A lot of married men visited Vegas and came to the Lady's house. They could get any type of sex they wanted with any type of girl. When the men walked in and paid the money they were taken to the parlor where the girls were there in skimpy revealing clothes. He could choose white, black, Asian, Indian, or Latin. The girls were pretty and very sexy and naughty and ready to be very...

1 year ago
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Play time is over

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey all have a good read and don't worry your pretty little heads this story is just that a story. My sister was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen when we were growing up. Gina was only a little older than me, but she matured long before I did. By the time my cock started reacting to female flesh, my sister had a body that was driving older boys and men crazy. To me, it was pure torture in my own home. My first hard-ons were caused by her. I don't know...

2 years ago
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Alaskan Desires

My name is Jax, and this is my story ‘Babe, the brochure came through. Get your ass here now!’ I made my way to the dinner table, where Hank was sitting, excitedly waiting for me. ‘Jax, look, here it is’ I took the brochure from Hank’s grip and gave it a look. The heading of the brochure read: ‘Magnificent Mauritius, Dubai: shopping paradise, or, Icey-Alaska! The world is your oyster.’ I felt rather amused at the luck Hank and I had been handed. The prospect of visiting one of three beautiful...

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Tim gives his first BJ

When I was 16, I was a senior at Whittier High School in California (graduating a year early) and on the swimming team. In May, we were finishing our season and I had done very well setting several school records in a school with horrendously fast swimmers. My girlfriend, Lynn, was quite pretty, fantastic legs, big, perky tits and a great, outgoing personality. She was blonde with blonde pussyhair. She was proud of her body and showed it off a lot. She wore tight clothes, which showed...

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Zindagi ho to aise

Hi, mera nam janu hai (changed name) I m from Aurangabad, I m going to say u the story of my life wit girl from my child hood. By now I m 18 and have a nice, loving, sexy, delicious gf her name is jaan (changed name) v have our relation from last 3 yrs in this time v have been very close to each other. I will say my sex life wit her later. Whatever I’m going to say is true held in my life. I have played many games in my life believe me and do reply me. Mere zindagi mai ladkiyo ka sath kafi...

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Beth Tells All

Beth Johns is 38 has two daughters one Amy 20 living with her man and Sky who is two weeks from 18. Beth's husband is Steve a Banker who works all the time, he is a good father and husband just not always there. their lives are full and comfortable, but as Sky's birthday comes up Beth's other life is starting to entangle with her family life so.............. It's a sunny may day Beth is setting in the kitchen when Sky comes in Morning mom Oh morning honey are you planning to go to...

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A nudist beach fantasy A short story by Erotic7

I was on the nudist beach early, it was such a lovely day and there was only one other person or persons there. All I could see was a windbreak erected about a hundred yards away, so it was very quiet. The tide was out and the lovely sand looked very inviting, so I took a walk down to the waters edge and wandered along the sand in the direction of the windbreak, looking out to sea and along the beach. As I got parallel to the windbreak I casually glanced in its direction and was stunned to...

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Freedom to Fuck

This is an interactive version of my existing series of Freedom to Fuck stories, which can be found online pretty easily. In this Utopian vision of the future, women have no rights whatsoever and cannot say no to anything a man wants them to do. Advanced technology allows quick and simple body and mental modification, used by men to improve the women in their lives. Men have no trouble making use of any women, including strangers and family members. Everyone is far happier than in the real...

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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 18

John’s hand lightly stroked his semi-hard member. “Face me!” Jamie turned, her fingers still gliding effortlessly between the swollen, slick lips of her pussy. She was disappointed to see that the bulge in John’s shorts had not grown. Motherfuck you, she raged in her mind. It turns me on, so fuck you! John beckoned Jamie to come closer. As she moved toward him, he again thought he saw movement in the trees. He felt a stirring in his shorts. There was someone in the trees. Someone was...

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