DoceoChapter 10: Settling In free porn video

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Once back on campus I decided to run up the stairs to my room. Big mistake! About halfway up I began breathing hard, and mentally cursed how fast my body had acclimated to living near sea level in Grand Cayman. As I puffed my way to the third floor I finally understood why "6,000 feet, where the air is rare" is painted on the football field scoreboard.

Hanging out with Sarah and The Ladies had stirred up a bunch of old memories and, I slumping heavily into my chair, I looked around my empty room. After spending the last week with Emily and the rest of the Beach House staff, it felt odd to be alone.

Reaching out for contact, I checked my email and found a note from the Institute's photographer waiting for me. Most clients who can afford an Elite also insist on lots of pictures, but posing can be quite distracting and the pictures rarely look natural. Instead, the Institute hires photographers to discreetly wait where the couple is supposed to be and unobtrusively take pictures. My experience as an Elite allowed me to hardly notice the photographers, and my Favorites album is mostly composed of Institute pictures.

I opened the attachment and found it contained numerous digital photos of Emily and me. Most of them were from various restaurants and clubs, but a few were tastefully framed shots of us playing in the ocean or walking along the beach.

My favorite was one from our second-to-last day, showing Emily and me on the boat returning to the pier after diving. Emily's eyes seemed to be ablaze with anticipation and her cheeks were flushed with arousal. I smiled, remembering how I'd purposely kept her on the edge the entire ride back. If you didn't know the context, it would be easy to believe she'd simply had a fun time diving and had a mild sunburn.

I printed the picture and added it to my Favorites album, and began to reminisce about our week together. With a sigh, I forced myself to lean back and think about something else.

I glanced at the clock and realized that I still had about an hour before The Girls would be heading to lunch. 'You're going to get depressed if you keep dwelling on this, ' I chided myself.

In a bit of a funk, I decided that I needed something to distract my mind for a while. I still had some homework to catch up on, so I pulled out my economics text and began working on the first of the short papers I had to write. Analyzing the marginal cost of a free lunch wasn't the most exciting topic in the world, but it kept me occupied and was easy to write.

A soft knock on the door broke my concentration.

"Yes?" I called out.

The door slowly opened and Amy poked her head in.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I was just working on a paper."

"Well, you had your door closed," she hedged, "and I thought maybe you needed some alone time."

"Ah," I replied, nodding my head. "I'm feeling rather blah, but some company would be nice. Just don't expect me to be all that talkative."

"Sounds good, want to get lunch?"

"Sure, just give me a second to finish this paragraph."

As Amy started to shut the door I remembered this morning's conversation at the game.

"Wait!" I called out. "I talked to Rachael and Don this morning. It sounds like you did a great job explaining things."

"Thanks," Amy agreed, nodding her head. "Now, hurry up. I'm starving!"

I jumped up and rummaged in my bag for the coral bead necklaces from Grand Cayman. I could hear the muffled sounds of Amy warning the rest of The Girls that I might be a bit moody and to just give it time and not press too hard.

My hand closed around the bag of necklaces and I was ready to go. The conversation stopped as I opened the door and gave Amy a mock stern glare.

"Oh? Like you didn't want me to warn them?" she teased.

"Since when have I ever been moody?"

Amy raised an eyebrow, while Jackie nearly turned purple trying to hold back some biting reply. The rest of The Girls waited until I smiled before breaking into laugher.

I handed the bag to Eliza since she was closest. "I got these for you in Cayman," I explained. "They were one size fits all, but some are slightly longer than others, and I tried to find a wide variety of patterns."

There was a general murmur of approval. I enjoyed watching The Girls sort through the necklaces looking for that ever elusive "perfect" match. Several minutes later I stashed the remaining necklaces back in my room and we headed off to the dining hall.

My disappointment at the food showed as I sat down at the table, and I got several exaggerated sympathetic looks before Jess asked, "Missing Nancy's cooking already?"

"Hmm, let me think. Which do I like more, having a professionally trained chef that cooks anything my heart desires, or the food you find in a college dining hall? It's a tough choice."

Jackie took hold of my hand. "I feel your pain," she said with a sincere look. "In fact, I've felt all the pain you've missed this last week."

Knowing she was trying to 'nicely' tease, I squeezed her hand and started eating my food. I decided that the food wasn't that bad, it just couldn't compare to what I'd eaten in the last week.

"You guys want to go get dinner tonight?" I asked as I picked at my food

Sensing an opportunity, Amy quickly replied, "I'll go with you."

Most of the other Girls looked rather glum. "We didn't think you'd be back today," Jess finally explained. "We kind of planned a 'Girls night out' and were going to go to the game."

"Cool, sounds like fun. Which game are you going to?"

This seemed to draw the rest of The Girls up short. After a very long look, Eliza finally hinted, "Ahh, the hockey game?"

"Oh! Yeah," I agreed, my brain slowly making the connection. "But I thought we played Wisconsin last night?"

"Yes, but they play two game sets," Jess explained. "Last night's game was a really close 3-2 win for CC, so tonight should be another great game."

"Huh, I should probably go some time," I agreed. "I actually have season tickets."

Jess looked confused. "And you've never gone to a game?"

"Well, I've been a bit busy..."

Jackie jumped in after visibly struggling to stay civil. "Wait," she demanded. "You had a ticket to last week's sold out game against Denver University, and you didn't even give it away?"

When I again shook my head, Amy asked, "Alex, you do know there aren't any names on the season tickets?"

Noticing my lack of reaction, she elaborated, "If you're not using your ticket it's very easy to sell it by placing a note on the message board in the lobby."

"I guess so," I evasively replied. It sounded like a lot of work for selling a $5 ticket.

"Or you could just give the ticket to one of us," Jackie murmured in an overly innocent voice while batting her eyes at me.

And so the flirting began. Apparently, not all of The Girls had bought their tickets yet, so they set about trying to 'earn' mine. Most of it was rather tame and, even though my heart wasn't in it, I was able to give as well as I got.

My mind kept wandering to Nancy's cooking or the juicy steak I'd hopefully be grilling up at the Whetsons' tomorrow. One consolation was that, since the frozen yogurt machine was broken again they had a freezer with real ice cream near the deserts.

Feeling superior among my diet-conscious companions, I made a mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich and then 'stole' several cookies for the trip back to the dorm.

Once we got back to the dorm and I found some jazz on the satellite radio, my urge to be productive returned. This time I kept my door open, and at least one of The Girls was always studying with me. At one point the TV was switched on, but I really wasn't in the mood for movies. The soft music was very relaxing, and, after finishing my first paper, I decided to join Amy on the couch and catch up on the last of my reading for class.

Even though it was only 5:00 PM in Colorado, I was still mostly on Grand Cayman time. After my stomach growled a second time, Amy asked, "So, where do you want to go for dinner?"

"Look, you don't have to go to dinner with me," I said, trying to offer her an easy out. "It sounds like everyone else is going out and that you already have plans."

"I know I don't have to go with you," Amy teased, "but I want to."

I didn't want to eat alone, and had already looked up several restaurants, so I quickly conceded.

"Well, in that case, I've got a craving to try something exotic. Want to go to Mataam Fez?"

"I've never heard of that restaurant."

"According to the Institute Dining Guide, it serves authentic Moroccan food. Everyone sits on cushions, you eat with your hands, and belly dancers perform at least once during the meal."

"You just want to go see belly dancers," she accused, setting her book aside and stretching.

"Oh, I can see that here," I replied, admiring how Amy's close fitting t-shirt crept up as she stretched.

Amy quickly lowered her arms, made a face, and called me a pig.

"So how far away is it?"

"Actually," I replied, "it's only about eight blocks south of campus on Tejon Street, just past Arcadia Park."

"Cool," she agreed as she stood up. "Let me go change and I'll meet you back here in about five minutes?"

"Sounds good," I agreed as she left the room.

Our dinner was a pleasant surprise and exceeded my expectations. After washing our hands at the low table, we were quickly served heaping plates of flavorful food, including plenty of couscous. The draperies, low tables, and the fact that we were lounging on cushions, seemed to nurture a very intimate atmosphere. Of course, it helped that Amy seemed to go out of her way to brush against me on occasion, but she was discreet, and it made the meal all that more enjoyable.

A few weeks earlier I had debated bringing Sidney here, but worried the flavors would be too exotic. Plus, eating with fingers took some getting used to.

The arrival of food seemed to hamper the flow of conversation. I sensed that Amy was purposely avoiding anything that could remind me of my client weekend.

In an effort to stimulate more genuine conversation, I stated, "You know, you don't have to walk on eggshells around me; I've had clients before."

"I know, but it sounds like saying goodbye can be rough, and I thought you wanted to relax without me constantly reminding you that she's not still here."

"Sometimes," I agreed. "That's what this afternoon was for. I needed some time to just gather my thoughts, and having people nearby was very helpful."

"Okay," she hedged, still unsure what I was implying.

"But sometimes talking about it helps too," I offered. "It really depends on the client."

"Oh, really?" she asked, and this time I could see she was very interested to learn more details about my trip, yet didn't want to force the issue.

"Of course. Even though I can't give you specifics, I can tell you in general terms what we did and about the other Docents I worked with."

Amy gasped. "There were other Docents working with the same client?"

"Yeah, it was a surprise for me too! Trust me, I wasn't expecting it, but having them around really helped," I explained as I scooped up more food with my fingers.

"How so?" Amy prompted. Her voice showed that she was very interested in learning every detail I could share.

"You heard about Nancy, right?"

"Duh, I do believe we all teased you about that at lunch," she reminded, struggling not to roll her eyes.

"Well, you didn't know that she was my Docent, way back at the Institute."

Amy's look confirmed that she was now firmly hooked, and I began to share as many stories about Cayman as I could. Aside from the few details I'd shared with Eliza, this was the first time I'd ever opened up to someone outside of the Institute. Surprisingly, this really helped to get things off my chest and, even second hand, Amy found Chad's jokes and stories hilarious.

As I relaxed, I realized how much Amy had gone out of her way to make me comfortable. I used one of the warm towels to wash my hands and took hold of her hand. "Thank you for a fantastic dinner."

"You don't have to keep thanking me," she insisted. "Trying to help out and being supportive is what friendship is all about. Plus, I had a great time.

"Besides, I don't think the dinner is over yet. Here comes another of those belly dancers you've so enjoyed."

Unlike the previous dancer, this one carried a tray with several cups and saucers, and a large pot of tea. Stopping in front of our table, she danced and made a show of balancing the cups on various parts her body (elbow, knee, head... ) before filling them with tea and passing them to us.

With a contented sigh, I sipped my tea and watched as the server headed off towards another table. "Now that's how you end a meal."

"Pig," Amy snorted, just loud enough for me to hear, but there was a smile in her voice. She moved her cushion closer to mine and we enjoyed the show.

The dorm wing was eerily quiet for a Saturday night with all of the other Girls at the hockey game. I was disappointed when Amy headed off to her room, but that all changed minutes later when there was a soft knock on my door.

Outside I found Amy dressed in a robe.

"So you'll be spending the night?"

"Of course," she quipped. "That is, unless you'd rather wait a few hours for one of the other, probably tipsy, Girls to come home."

"Well, it'll be a burden," I sighed. "But I guess I can suffer through your company."

"Suffer!" she shrieked, lightly pummeling my arm.

As I guided her to the couch, Amy coughed lightly and asked, "Alex, how long are you going to make us wait?"

"Wait for what?" I knew she meant sex, but pretended ignorance.

Amy rolled her eyes and waited for me to continue.

"The Girls," I finally asked, "or you?"

"Both," she assured me, meeting my eyes.

"Would I have to choose between you or The Girls?"

"No," she replied, shaking her head but still maintaining eye contact.

I was suddenly suspicious. It seemed too unlikely that Amy would be the only one to accept my offer of dinner and then bring up this conversation.

"Have you discussed this with the other Girls?"

"Constantly!" she exclaimed with a pronounced pout. "Everyone knows you're sleeping with us and just assumes we're having sex. We get all of the grief and don't get any of the benefits."

"This is a surreal conversation," I stated, thinking back to the party when they'd planned for me to dance with each and then choose. Not wanting a repeat of that disaster I warned, "I'm not just going to sample each of you and then make a choice."

"Trust me," she said with conviction, "we'll never make that mistake again."

It was hard to act overwhelmed and keep from smiling. I knew phase three of my plan was going well, but I hadn't expected The Girls to come along so quickly. Still, there were a lot of details I needed to clarify before agreeing to 'their' plan.

"You know I'm not looking to settle down, and I really don't want to risk straining my friendship with any of The Girls."

"We know, that's why we're only offering and you can always refuse," Amy explained. Leering at me, she added, "Besides, you're not the only horny college student."

"Does it matter who I 'choose' to be first?"

"Not really," she replied, but her tone and body language implied a very different answer.

After my time with Emily, I wasn't desperate to get laid. While Amy's offer sounded exactly what I wanted from The Girls, I didn't want to cave too easily.

"Here's the deal. This is NOT open season on Alex. I'll consider it on an individual basis, but you and all of The Girls must be discreet. You can offer, but it's up to me to make the first move, and you can't tease."

"Define tease."

"Deliberately offering something you have no intention of giving."

"Yeah, Jackie said you would insist on that," Amy replied with a smile. "Are there any other conditions?"

Wracking my brain, I tried to think of the ways my words could be misconstrued.

"Well," I offered, "if we're on campus it must be in my room and, unless I suggest otherwise, it must be dark when you offer."

Again, Amy considered my words before her eyes gained a noticeable gleam. "Does your bathroom count?"

"Of course," I replied. "Its still part of my room."

"Good, then I believe we have a deal," she agreed with mock formality. She held out her hand and we shook.

Almost immediately, Amy hopped off the couch and sensuously began removing her robe.

"What are you doing?" I gasped when her nude form came into view. The robe slipped from her shoulders and, after briefly being held up by the slight flare of her hips, dropped to the floor.

"Offering," she replied, sauntering towards me, joining me on the couch, and snuggling close.

"What if I refuse," I asked, just to be sure she was serious. "Would you still stay?

"Of course!" she nodded, but her face seemed to beg, 'Please don't say no.'

"Relax, I'm not going to refuse you," I soothed, slipping an arm around her and squeezing her to me. "But what if I'm not in the mood? I don't want to ever have to say 'no' to any of The Girls."

Biting her lip in thought, Amy was clearly channeling her inner-lawyer when she finally answered, "What if by getting naked we're offering, and by getting naked you're accepting? That way neither of us has to verbally offer or refuse."

"Hmm, I think I could live with that." I reached down and began to remove my shirt.

"Oh, could you suffer through it?" she teased as she feverishly began removing my pants.

I could tell this was something Amy had wanted a very long time, for she made no effort to slow down, practically dragged me over to the bed. Once there she again took control and slowly stroked me fully erect while whispering her plans for the evening.

I tried to return the favor only to find Amy was already dripping wet. It seemed like mere moments later when I felt her shift slightly and she began riding me with a passion. I was fascinated by the look of intense concentration on Amy's face as she focused on enjoying every millimeter of my cock. The lights were still on so technically it wasn't dark, but I decided that it would be cruel to remind her that she was violating one of our newly-negotiated rules.

When we switched positions I was very impressed with her flexibility. Noting the definition of her legs, I asked, "Have you been working out?"

Amy smiled as she ignored my question and pulled me in closer to kiss me deeply.

I'm not sure how long we kept at it, but I'd wanted to try out some of the more advanced techniques, and was amazed that Amy seemed able to easily do the splits and wasn't opposed to trying new positions.

While it could have been the altitude, I was very surprised that Amy's endurance seemed to be far greater than my own. She seemed to sense what I wanted and quickly adopt the tricks I'd shown her earlier. It felt like I was playing an intense game of Hold Off, which is a competition between Docents to see who can make the other cum first.

Determined not to finish first, or worse, lose by default from being too tired to continue, I suggested that Amy once again get on top.

"Hmm, that feels nice," she purred as I reached up to gently massage her perky breasts. I slowly allowed my hands to drift lower. I noticed that Amy had some very well defined abs before I firmly grasped her ass.

"You feel amazing," I gushed. I could feel each of the major muscle groups clenching and relaxing in concert as she rhythmically thrust against me while milking me with her pussy.

"Thanks," Amy gasped, seeming to toy with me as she purposely maintained her steady rhythm.

Wanting Amy to focus more on her own pleasure, I encouraged, "If you keep milking me like that, I'm going to cum soon."

Seemingly inspired by the effect she was having on me, Amy began to lose herself in the moment, thrusting against me with a new-found passion. Unlike previous clients, I wasn't worried she would hurt herself, and Amy showed no signs of tiring.

As an Elite I took pride in making sure that my clients and partners always came first. Perhaps I was tired, or maybe it was the cumulative effect of the sexual tension that had been building for several months, but I could feel my control slipping.

Wanting to help push Amy over the edge, I deftly slipped a hand between us and began toying with her clit.

"Yes!" Amy gasped when my hand first made contact with her clit, and she somehow managed to thrust even harder against me.

My tactics almost backfired when Amy clamped down on my already over stimulated cock. "I'm going to cum!" I gasped.

"YES!" Amy cried out, and I felt her back arch as her pussy begin to spasm around me mere moments before I erupted inside of her.

After several moments of blissful rapture, I felt Amy suck in a massive gulp of air and collapse against my chest.

"I'm not sure if I could survive a week of that, but I'd be willing to try," I whispered as I played with her hair and gently stroked her back.

"Me too," she sighed, and then shocked me by saying, "I've never cum during sex before."


"Yeah, my Docent was able to get me close. But for some reason I always liked toys or a tongue better."

Same as Doceo
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Playtime Stories Ch 2

2. My cock is so hard as I write this. Occasionally, one hand strokes while the other types. Most guys love a good blowjob. Most guys are afraid to try a finger in the ass, but love it after they do. Most guys want a woman to be a total wanton slut or act like the nastiest whore of their wildest dreams. Most women aren’t loose enough to be that “hot” or that incredible of an experience. I picture myself as everything I wish I could find in a slutty bitch. You know, a total nympho who...

4 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 8

I didn't want to go back into the party that was for sure. I couldn't go home either, since trying to sneak in would probably get me a free trip to the woodshed. I had Henry's bike, but it was getting sorta cold. Real cold in fact and I was sorta pissed that I hadn't thought about bringing a jacket. I coulda stayed the night in the Jackson's tree house if I had something to keep me warm. It wouldn't be the first time. Kitchner Jackson had built the world's best tree house about 80...

2 years ago
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Snow Ch 04

Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait on this chapter. Real life took over for a bit. But it’s the longest yet, to make up for the wait. I struggled a bit about what category to put this in. It’s a bit kinky for an entry in the Romance category, so if anyone is worried about turn-offs, check out the tags at the end of the last page for spoilers of what this chapter contains. ***** I’m pretty sure it was the longest week of my life. And I’m definitely sure that Snow was planning it that way. I...

3 years ago
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SOTS Assailants Hunt

April 23, 2567 System TX-T80019 Several brilliant flares bisected an asteroid; breaking it into two smaller chunks that crumbled into a sea of debris. A brick shaped, nine hundred meter long Assailant class destroyer, named Impervious, plowed through the cloud of rock, occasionally blasting the larger chunks with its point defense plasma cannons. Far ahead from the grey giant was a small flotilla composed of commandeered starships and extensively modified freighters belonging to the Bragulan...

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marge teaches bart

and it was only nine thirty now. His mother thought he was at Millhouse's all night. Oh how little she knew. Bart looked over and noticed Edna Krabopple quietly sleeping on her stomach in the nude. "I know just how to wake her up." Bart thought to himself. He took his already rock hard dick and quickly shoved up her ass. "Unngh" Edna moaned, but remained asleep. Bart started pumping his member up and down in her ass, slowly at first, but increasing his speed as he went. Soon...

1 year ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 22

Wednesday, May 19, 3109, 11:06 am Preoccupied with thoughts of Arma’s wedding 2 weeks hence, Rebecca entered The Hall of The Gate, intent upon searching out a deserted beach on the California coast, where the honeymooner’s could spend a stress-free two weeks away from mom and Arma’s future in-laws. Max was a wonderful young man—she couldn’t pick a better husband-to-be for her daughter, Gudrun claimed—and while Rebecca was inclined to agree with this affirmation, she suffered the anxiety of...

2 years ago
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Friday Chat To Sex In Hotel

Hi, I am Rajesh (name changed) from Bangalore, working in a MNC, aged 32, height 5.6 inches and weight 65KG. I am normal south Indian guy, no gym body. This series of incidents started happening from March 21st 2014. As it was a year ending, I had 7 days leaves to be availed before March 31st. I planned to take leave till March 31st. Since I was going on long leave, I thought of informing my team members individually before EOD. I informed all through office communicator. Around 5.30PM, I did...

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The Sentence I should have never said

"THE SENTENCE" I should have never said. By Jillian Spears This story is about an 8-year-old boy, and how he unknowingly picked his own punishment by uttering a stupid sentence, he wishes he should have never said. Because of that he finds himself being dress as a 3-year-old little girl, and that's just the beginning of his troubles. Hi There! This story was the first story I ever wrote and posted online. To my surprise just after I finished posting the whole story, it was...

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Bitter LoveChapter 20

Frank died in 1952 from complications stemming from a serious bout of pneumonia. It was his third time in five months that he fell victim of it. Grace was at his side when he slipped away. Penicillin wasn't a decade old so it had no effect on curing him. They were childless from having their own issues who was to blame, they had adopted a boy and a girl. Both were in their late twenties and early thirties when he was taken. Jennifer was twenty-nine and thirty-two year old Francis were in...

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© 1994 - Black Angora Press Kathryn's visit to town was, of course, a welcome event. It seemed like a year since I had gone to Hartford to visit her, though it had only been two months, now it was her turn to visit me. I had picked her up at the airport and brought her back home on Thursday night, where we knoshed on fresh shrimp and dry grape soda. After that, we made passionate love and fell asleep in each other's arms. All in all, a pleasant reunion. But it was only the...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Gia Milana MILF Dancing For Dick

MILF bombshell Gia Milana wants you to know how much she loves dancing before she gives it all up today. She struts her stuff poolside, moving and shaking to the beat while her incredible body shines in the sun. When she finally pulls down her top, she exposes a perfect set of jaw dropping knockers. By the time she unveils her fat ass, Gia is ready to go. The caramel MILF cutie makes her way into the house to convene with our stud in some steamy coital action. He drizzles her booty with oil and...

3 years ago
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Sleeping in the girls room

Introduction: This happened over an approximately 4 and one-half hour time period. It was several years ago, but is still vividly burnt into my mind. I wish I could recall more of our conversation but can not, just the highlights. I labeled this story as incest but do not really consider it as such since she was related by marriage. I do not know, but legally it may still be incest. I was just now eleven years old. I felt older but was for the most part still treated like a little kid. As I was...

2 years ago
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Padosan Aunty Ki Chudai

Hello friends kaise ho ap mai heartbroker aj ek apni new and sachi story ap sab ko btane ja rya hu. Meri pichli story ko ap sab ne kafi pasand kia and mujhe kafi e-mails bhi aayi. Hope ke apko meri ye story bhi pasand aygi. Jaise k apko pta hi hai mujhe bhabhi or aunties kafi pasand hai, koi b aunty punjab,amritsar ,chandigrh ya delhi se mujhse contact karna chahe to mujhe meri id- ” ” pr message kre or meri story kaisi lgi ye b ap mujhe email kr skte hai. Ab time waste na krte huye sida story...

1 year ago
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My Brother My Lover Ch 11

Note : This story is completely fiction! Gloria quietly backed back to the living room and sensed the silence between her and her husband. Jim looked hurt and confused. She owed him an explanation but wasn't sure where to begin. "Jim, I have to tell you something, but please just listen first before saying anything OK?" Jim stood in front of his wife looking at her closely. Gloria took a deep breath not really knowing what her husband's reaction would be. "Well Friday, that same blonde girl...

2 years ago
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la reacuteveacutelation

Je n'avais pas encore 18 ans et je vivais une adolescence plutôt chaotique.Entre les conneries d'un garçon de cité HLM, les petits vols (emprunts) de mobylettes et une situation scolaire catastrophique. Je n'étais franchement pas le plus épanoui des garçons de mon âge !Toujours puceau, je ramassais râteau sur râteau de la part des filles qui m'aimaient bien pour la plupart mais comme copain pas plus. Il faut dire que j'étais le roi de la déconne et des bêtises et çà m'attirais une petite aura...

4 years ago
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Darcelines First Night Part Two

"Darceline?" he murmured as he sat up, starting to remember what happened. The clock read 5:02 a.m., alerting him that he had to get home. His parents would be getting up in two hours, and he could not explain where he had been, if need be. He started getting up, reading a passage in the hotel bible before leaving the motel and checking out. Michael drove home silently, his face reddening as he relived the previous night. He was ashamed, having to go to a prostitute for his...

1 year ago
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The Sex Party in Rio

The story so far: My name is Carol and my friend Sally and I took a gap year after High School at 18 to go for six months to Brazil to work on an ecological station in the Amazon river. After 3 months we had the chance of going to Rio de Janeiro for a few days, arriving on a Thursday and leaving on Monday. On the beach on Friday, Sally met Tim, a nice looking 20 year old American boy who took her out on his boat and before long they were naked and fucking each other on the boat. Meanwhile I met...

Group Sex
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Young black university student get raped by a white male on her way home

Diaspora in Europe in by 10.00am the next day, and had very little time considering how little I had done. I had foolishly lost track of time writing up my essay that before I knew it, it was already 12.30pm. I would have to walk across the empty campus in the dark to get home. I wasn't too worried as I only lived across the campus, a 10 minute walk away. I left the Social Science department, outside was well lit but very dark. I wished my department was nearer to where the student bars...

1 year ago
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The Escort

The Escort Jose Pena had spent almost a year working in a male strip club. Shortly after his 19th birthday, he, after a teacher he was sleeping with suggested it, decided to try his hand at stripping. He found a male strip club for women and quickly got a job there. Almost instantly he became the most popular dancer there. It helped that the young Mexican-American was considered to be incredibly beautiful by most women. His brown skinned body was well muscled, but he was also lanky and with a...

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Black Dahlia AvengedChapter 8

Monroe began to fear the worst as time passed; Brennan should have been back hours ago, and he began to view all the faces around him, looking for some sign which would indicate their betrayal, paranoia now gripped him. He found himself trying hard to concentrate on finishing the location work, while questioning anyone who casually remarked about Brennan's absence, then finding himself making excuses for his disappearance on being satisfied that they were oblivious. As the sun went down and...

2 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 2

Tristan Balefire was in a great deal of trouble; trouble of his own making. He had tried to infiltrate a band of slavers and got caught as being something he was not. He was a thief, a very good thief, but he was not a trafficker of human slaves; that particular enterprise was frowned upon by the guild. While the guild might sanction a kidnap for hire enterprise it most assuredly held a dim view on the subject of slavery and slavers in general. He had been paid handsomely to return a missing...

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A Certain Sort of SisterChapter 13

Our first evening of being alone went well; having both enjoyed the experience without any messing-up. I ‘d exercised my self-control. Rachel had changed into a snappy little outfit that left her midriff bare above the tight pink slacks she wore so deliciously. She looked every bit as enticing as in her bikini; but I wasn’t biting. I needed to get this job right; for Linda and Robert and also myself. I’d turned on the TV and found a great old movie that we watched together on the sofa with...

3 years ago
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The forgotten room

I had only been on the job for a few months at the massive long-term care facility on the outskirts of one of the largest cities in America. I didn’t really like the job, but for someone out on parole it was steady income that kept the man off my ass (so to speak). So here I was, being the janitor. Then I managed to even screw that up by dropping several gallons of harsh smelling cleaning fluid. I was reprimanded, and moved to the overnight or “graveyard” shift on the long-term coma wing. ...

1 year ago
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A Naughty Shopping Trip

Sarah was out shopping, her best friend Cass was coming over to see her and they hadn't seen one another for a couple of months. Sarah was desperate to impress.She had been in a few shops but hadn't been able to find anything that she felt was sexy enough, walking through the city she found herself looking in the window of a small boutique. The dresses on display where just the thing she had in mind, a little bit more expensive than she would have liked but Cass was worth it.She entered the...

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FootsieBabes Heather Vahn Freudian Slip

Heather Vahn lets it out that she’s been horny for Ryan Driller for a while, but he’s not surprised, and is more than happy to engage in a little footsie fun with the total babe. The busty brunette moans with pleasure as he licks and kisses her toes all over. She strips off her clothes and shows off her huge tits while he licks her pussy. She loudly cries with pleasure while sucking her own fingers as he brings her to climax with his cunnilingus. She returns the favor and goes down deep throat...

4 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 4

My wife and I had just finished a hot fuck session and were lying in bed. We discussed all the fun we had with the other couples. Then we got to the part about the double hand job she gave me and my buddy Anthony late one night on the back deck. All three of us had played around before, but never on that level. This was a perfect opportunity to really get a feel for her experience. She said she thought it was hot to have two men all turned on and excited over her. I asked her if she would do...

2 years ago
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AtlantaChapter 1 Annie Bradford Mal Content

Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young 40 and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman 4 years before and, heart broken, she'd thrown herself into her work. We meet her while as she's just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room and she's horny and almost...

1 year ago
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I never knew that watching could be so much fun 3

100% fiction! It's Friday and dad is going to play golf tomorrow morning and will not be home until noon. Oh well if I am going to die i'm going to die with mom knowing I have the pictures of her. Mom always checks her E mail Saturday morning so I am going to send her pictures of her sucking cock and see what happens. I just sent them and I heard her yell " go to bed." I always sleep in on Saturday morning, I didn't hear Mom come into my room I just woke up and she was sitting on my bed. " Well...

3 years ago
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Drug Wars 1 The Courier

DRUG WARS 1 – THE COURIERChapter I – Back to MiamiThe girl watched in silence as her plane descended over Miami and approached the airstrip. She had the privilege to travel on business class so the eight hour flight was really comfortable, but unfortunately not too relaxing. Not for her. She was excited, and with every minute the landing got closer, Tara felt her heartbeat quicken. During the rest of the long flight she could divert her thoughts by watching some silly movies about vampires and...

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Homeschooling My StepsonChapter 2

It was nearing dinner time so I got the meatloaf in the oven and worked in the kitchen getting mashed potatoes and a salad made ready. We ate in front of the television, he was very quiet and whenever I asked him a question about something, he replied in as few syllables as possible. After we got our dishes in the dishwasher, we went back in to watch television some more, one of his favorites, the British show, Top Gear, was on with a new episode. "Come sit next to me, Kenny," I asked as...

1 year ago
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Blazing AngelsChapter 7

Captain Luminae sat back after talking with his employer, pondering the options that lay before. It was clear what the employer wanted, but he had more to think of than just pleasing his employer. Employers after all come and go, but a company needed to stay together. A notification for urgent medic attention at the mountain base popped up on his data pad. That shouldn't be. His hand brushed over the controls to open it up. He watched the relay information being added. Gods and Verses! He...

3 years ago
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Naughty Girl

You are waiting in the corridor outside the headmasters office,you have been sent to him for playing with your moble phone and how you was playing, when they did a smokers check of the toilets they found you, knickers down with your moble on vibrate inbetween your splayed legs and when the teacher said Suzie get to the heads office that familier tingle of exitement went through you because you had been there several times before and knew what to expect.So waiting in the corridor your 18 year...

2 years ago
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Nickel NoveletteChapter 3 Heads

“Terry, are you ready for another game?” Faith asked. She had her role all planned out, and she’d got her old dolls from home to go along with it. “Sure. Let me finish, and then flip the coin.” They’d somehow got into the pattern of only playing the nickel game totally naked. Maybe, with clothes on, they were still Terry and Faith instead of their roles. He stripped off his trousers and shorts. She flipped. “Heads.” Well, she’d play her game the next time. She scooped up the nickel and put...

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Hunters Moon

The four of us sat around the campfire on a couple of logs. We were far enough back into the woods that no other lights showed anywhere except the twinkling stars and the full October moon – the Hunter’s moon. Now and then the fast moving clouds would alternately hide and then frame the lunar globe. ‘Ghostly galleons, tempest tossed …’ Tom had his arm around my shoulders and Ron had his around my sister. It was perfect weather for Halloween. Temperature in the lower sixties. Just cool enough...

4 years ago
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Interracial Matters Tamzins Story

The engine was still running as she sat parked in her Ford Focus in the hotel car park staring ahead deep in thought. Tamzin was still unsure, still uncertain the she was doing the right thing. Most other women in her place would describe what she intended doing as sheer madness. It was, she had to admit that, but there was something inside driving her onwards. Most other women would be screaming at her ‘Go. Just drive off and go’. What is that saying about fleeing from the devil? Her own...

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Ana wants to prove she is still sexy

My sweet wife had convinced me to attend a good rock concert.It was at Atlanta; so we had gone there and got a room in a nice local hotel.That night, my sensual Anita looked stunning in a tight green lime dress that really showed off her tits and body very well. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get...

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Book 4 Hanks StoryChapter 10

Hank and Chad slipped into the room, cautiously glancing around. The old castle had been battered until most of it had fallen down, from the blackened walls Hank could tell that a fire had raged through parts of the kitchen spreading to most of the castle. Hank walked over to the bed and knelt down "Crom, its Hank can you hear me?" touching the old man's hand. the old man reached out and grabbed Hank's hand in a surprisingly tight grip "save my Jenee, Hank, take her far away from this...

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How to Serve Man

Walter Madison's eyes were riveted to the television. Being single and eating alone, his having a TV in the kitchen was a godsend. He had just stabbed a chunk of medium-rare steak with his fork when a special bulletin interrupted the episode of "Friends." The tasty morsel remained suspended before his open mouth. "It landed at five-twelve p.m.," the announcer said as he rummaged through papers on his desk. Sweat beaded on his forehead and upper lip. His tie was pulled loose with the top...

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