From Japan with love
- 1 year ago
- 28
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Ah, a wonderful morning. Every time you wake up is a great day, I've made it again.
I only walked slowly for a half hour this morning, then cleaned up real quick and dressed before walking between trailers to get to Steve's. I had a quick cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich before Chuck drove up, ready to go.
Downtown, we parked in the Federal garage and went into a small office on the main floor. Inside was a guy in blue pants and shirt, a uniform with a Deputy Marshal logo on it. Chuck introduced me, "Mark, this is Hank, Hank, Mark. Hank, this is the guy whose car the agents failed to lock up that was stolen and salted. We owe him. When we talked yesterday, you were interested in an old bike, well, he's got one. You saw it while we were searching out there. Is it worth the difference between his Bronco and the SUV I don't know what to do with?"
"Probably," Hank said, and looked at me. "Are you still going to want to ride? Do you have something else to ride or are you going to be looking for something?"
"I have to look for something. I want to ride, but I need a car more than a bike."
"Come look at what we have and you decide. I might have something to throw in, but you can be the judge."
We went up in the elevator to the fourth floor where Hank led us to a beautiful carmine Escalade. He said, "Would you be willing to take this in lieu of your old Bronco? It would cost some extra and you could use your old Harley as a trade."
I said, "What in the world would I do with a Cadillac Escalade. That is so beyond me that it makes me laugh. Come on, this is for some fancy guy, not someone like me."
Chuck said, "Look, this is the easiest way to take care of you. Just think of it as an opportunity to have something special."
Shaking my head, "I'm just not a Cadillac kind of guy. That's a beautiful car, gorgeous even, but I could hardly change the oil in that thing, much less keep it running right. Who knows how to work on those things, I sure don't."
Hank said, "Come here, look at this and see what you say." He walked us down a ways and showed me what looked like a late model evolution Harley. The bike was an FLH sport with a windshield and hard cases. It was the right color, a dark sparkly blue over white. The bike was nice looking. Hank flipped the ignition on and pushed the button. The Harley started instantly and sounded good. I waved and he shut it down.
"I'll give you this bike and that car for your old bike and for the loss of your Bronco."
"You're not nice, Hank. I love the bike, but the car is not my kind of car."
Chuck said, "If you took the Escalade, I know a lady that will trade you out of it quickly. Just tell her what you want and she will get it for you and give you cash for any difference. Now how about it?"
"Only if you're sure I can unload that gaudy thing. I can't drive a car like that around my friends. That is just too much for a guy like me."
"Then we have a deal?" Chuck asked.
I took a big breath and nodded, "Deal."
Hank said, "I'll load the Harley up and come out and get your old bike. That one is for me. I'll pay the service for the difference and you get this jewel of a car and a real nice bike. Go with Chuck so they can do all the title transfer stuff. Jan should have everything ready in Wanda's office."
We walked across the street to the Federal building and took the elevator upstairs. There were two nice girls in Chuck's office. I recognized the little oriental dark girl. She was the girlfriend or wife of the airplane mechanic, Jimmy. I asked questioningly, "Angie, right?"
The little girl smiled real big and said, "Right. Nice to see you Mr. Robins, are you feeling okay since you were shot?"
"I'm fine now. I'm healing quickly, thank you for asking."
I met Wanda who was Chuck's office manager. She was a tall, really attractive, lady who seemed a little stuffy. I had to show them my driver's license and my insurance card. They even called my insurance agent to tell them what they were doing. Wanda handed me back my card and license, along with a stack of papers. She said, "You can go by the tax office on the way home. Make sure you give Hank the title to your old bike. I think the Marshal Service thanks you for getting that vehicle off our hands. Thank you, Mr. Robins."
Chuck followed me out of the office and walked me back over to the garage. Hank had the bike up on a small flatbed, tied down real well. He tossed me the keys and said, "After you drive that thing home, you may not want to get rid of it. If you do, the lady's name and phone number are in the glove box. I already called her and told her the car might be available. It will be up to you."
I followed Hank out of the city and he went straight to the title office. I told him that I might just pass on registering the Escalade today and let the possible new owner pay all those taxes. He said he didn't know how that would work, but it was up to me. I did register the Harley and picked up the tag.
Out at the trailer park, I pulled my truck cart out of the shed and let Hank push the old Harley out to put it on the flatbed. He said, "This is nice, I may be getting the best part of all of this. I hope you get a car that you want. Pick one out first and tell the lady. Let her attorney figure it all out and make your deal. She'll still get a good deal, because she really wants that Escalade."
We put the new Harley in the shed and I put the cart back in as well. I decided there was no time like the present to call this lady. The note said the lady's name was Bobby so I called her.
A man answered the phone and I identified myself and asked to speak to Bobby. He grumbled and grunted then called out for Bobby. A sweet voice said, "Are you the man who has the Escalade?"
"I am."
"Good, what kind of car do you want in trade?"
I said cautiously, "I want a Ford Escape. They're not too expensive and are about the same size as my old Bronco. It can be about any color with the necessary options. Have your lawyer make up the deal so I don't have to pay a lot of registration and taxes."
The sweet voice said, "And how much extra do you want?"
"Nothing, Ma'am. Get me an Escape and we have a deal."
After some conversation that I couldn't understand, the man got on the phone. "Are you working some kind of scam? You have to get some extra over the Escape, how much?"
Not knowing what to answer, I said, "Tell you what, get me the Escape, make sure I don't get stuck with any of the taxes, title fees, and license fees and then you give me what you think is fair. That will be the deal, period."
The gravely voice said, "I can live with that. Do you want autographs or pictures or anything?"
Who the heck was I talking to?
"No, just have your lawyer meet me with the Escape and I'll give him the Escalade."
Gravel voice asked, "Give me your number and I'll have my guy call you to set up the meet. No funny business now."
"Nope, no funny business. I just want a plain car, not some fancy Cadillac."
The man was laughing as he hung up on me.
I barely had time for a drink of water before the phone rang. A voice asked "Mark Robins?"
"That's me."
A formal sounding voice said, "I will go and purchase you a nice Ford Escape and meet you. Where would be a good place and what time."
"How about a place called Park Place. I'll meet you in the bar and billiard hall. You name the time."
The formal voice said, "It shouldn't take me more than a half hour to buy your car and get a cashier's check for you. The difference will be between the price I pay for your Escape and the book retail for the Escalade. Is that good with you?"
I was almost laughing, "Perfect. When?"
"My name is James Carrington and I will meet you in one and a half hours. Please be punctual."
"See you then, Mr. Carrington."
It was getting to be lunch time, so I drove the Escalade over to the patio for lunch. Martin began razing me about the fancy car I was driving. I had to tell everyone a little fib. I said I was driving it to swap for the car I was getting for the feds losing my car. I did say that it was a confusing deal and I thought everyone would be happy. We discussed the Ford Escape. None of us knew a lot about the Escape except that I knew it looked nice and was good on gas.
After lunch, I headed straight to Park Place. I went in and used a coin table to shoot some pool balls for a while. When it was time for the man to get there, I waited at a table, watching the parking lot. The Escalade was parked in front, so I knew it would be a magnet for the guy coming. What do you know; a carmine Escape was parking next to the Escalade. Son of a gun, it even had a sunroof. Oh well, who cares. This was probably the last car I would ever have or need.
The man came in and I waved at him. I had a stack of papers for him and he had some for me. The first thing he asked was, "Can we drive to the tax office and sort these two cars out? That way I can see how the car drives and we can take care of this all at one time."
"Good with me. You drive the Cadillac and I'll drive the Ford."
With a smile, we went out to the cars where I backed out and let him follow me to the tax office. It took an hour and a half of waiting and sorting out how much was owed and finally paid. We both had tags for the cars, so we went out where the man produced a screwdriver from his briefcase. He smiled, "I was a Boy Scout, I'm prepared."
We laughed as I mounted both tags. The attorney handed me a check for eight thousand, four hundred and sixteen dollars, then asked, "Does that seem fair? The auto dealer gave me the figures after I bought your Escape. The Ford has every option available and was the best on his lot. He did give me a great deal and that enables you to get that check. Are we square?"
"You bet. I'm very happy. Thank you and thank the Bobby lady. This makes my day."
The attorney said, "It makes mine and it will make my client's day as well. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good day."
Mr. Carrington got in the Escalade and drove off. That was a hell of a deal. Too bad I don't have a garage to keep my new car in. I wonder if there is enough room between the tree and the fence. I could get one of those metal sheds that could house the Escape.
Driving home, I looked at all the options. It even had a GPS in it, as well as an Ipod dock and a cell phone connection to talk hands free. This thing had more power gadgets than the Cadillac. I think I got the better deal. At least my car looked like a common man's car. It was very close to being as big as the Bronco. I did feel a little guilty. I had a brand new car that probably cost a ton, a newer Harley, and eight grand in my pocket. I had to give up the old bike, but I got my money out of it. I looked at what I had as what the bike and the Bronco had been worth. I didn't feel guilty any more."
I parked next to the tree and pulled the cart out real quick. Inside, I changed into coveralls and brought my dirty ones with me. It was three o'clock by the time I was able to begin working on the transmission. I easily found the problem. The shift fork was bent and a lobe was busted from a gear. Nothing else seemed to be damaged, so I called the parts store to tell them what I needed. They said they would have the clutch, gear, fork, and rear seal for me by ten in the morning.
I checked with a couple of guys working on a big diesel engine. One guy said, "The blower isn't pushing enough air through, so the power is way off and the fuel mileage has gone to pot. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong anywhere. According to the meter, the drive sprocket on the fan shaft is spinning at the right speed."
"Let's take off the shroud to see if we can spot anything," I suggested, so the two men quickly took the shroud off.
"Start it up and let's watch the fan and the fan shaft." I stood back, and told the other guys to do the same, so that part wouldn't hit us if it came off.
We saw the problem as soon as the engine started. The shaft had become disconnected from the fan. The shaft and the lower gear were turning, but the fan wasn't turning.
The guys took the drive apart and found that the shaft keeper had broken off between it and the fan. The fix wasn't going to be that expensive, about fifty cents for the little piece of metal. The two guys hollered thanks and I left to go get cleaned up for supper.
Tonight, Martin said, "I was down talking to Betty and saw your new Escape. That's a nice car, much better than that Cadillac."
"Thanks, Martin, I had to do some trading around, but it worked out."
Crystal came in and said, "Thanks, Mark, you helped my two goof offs figure out what was the matter with that blower. They were on that thing all day. I should use you to just wander around and help everybody that has a common sense problem. We'd save a ton of time if we did."
"I'll help whenever I can, Crystal. Just have Kevin tell me who needs help."
Crystal said, "You're doing what really needs to be done. Just taking care of the warranty carts is a big deal. I really appreciate it. Say, isn't that Samantha's old clunker on the lift in the shop?"
"Yes, Ma'am, I'm fixing the tranny, the clutch, and rear main seal. It'll be done tomorrow. I've already changed the timing belt, serviced it, and tuned it up."
Steve said, "That will be the first time that old sled has run right since she's owned it. She's never let anyone work on it and we have some world class motor mechanics living out here."
Samantha came up and said, "But Mark is paying me back, so that's fair. The others were my friends too, but I thought I would be taking advantage of them. Perhaps I can have Shawna paint it for me. I got a nice check from two of the TV stations for my story. They want some more, so I'm working on it. We have some great human interest stories out here. I've found several in the clothing factory that will be real good TV stuff."
It had been a great day. I celebrated with a small Beefeaters and a beer with supper. I hung around and listened to all of the various projects going on within the company, then went home. I was bushed.
I was barely able to wash up before bed. I was really tired.
I woke up at my usual time and got ready to walk. Rain was coming down like crazy. That's what the noise was. I opened the door and screwed the canopy out to shield the doorway from the rain. It actually covered the area all the way to the shed door. I didn't know whether to go over to the patio or just fix my own breakfast this morning.
Oh well, I guess I could get a little wet. I put on a pair of clean coveralls and a cap then pulled the cart out of the shed. This was probably the first time this cart had ever been rained on. It was sort of sad. My new Escape looked good waiting to go somewhere. I thought of what all I wanted to do today so I put one of my little notebooks and a pen in my pocket, along with both my old cell phone that was cut off and the one I had recently purchased.
Driving over to patio wasn't too bad. As long as the rain came straight down, I didn't get wet. I could get rained on if it was blowing, but I was still pretty dry by the time I arrived.
When I walked on to the patio, Sue was sitting on Steve's lap. They were kissing and hugging. I wanted to yell, "Get a room" but Shawna saw me and said, "Those two get like this every morning that it's raining heavy. They met one morning when it was coming down like this. The rain holds some significance for them."
After breakfast, I worked on several warranty problems and finished about ten-thirty. It was still raining, but not heavily, so I drove my cart over to the parts store. They had a box of parts for me, plus all the fluids I had forgotten to order. That's what a good parts store did.
Even though I broke for lunch, it only took me until four to finish putting everything back together on the little car. I had to push everything and not lift or pull anything, so that made the job take longer. I also had to quit several times to help the goof offs that Crystal described. They didn't have a lot of experience and even less common sense. I thought they were both trying hard and I figured I was teaching them. At least I hoped so.
I washed up at the shop and changed into a clean set of coveralls and took a couple pairs home with me. I drove Samantha's little car to the patio to see if she was there. She was sitting on one of the gliders, reading a book. I got her attention and said, "Drive me back to the truck shop to get my cart."
"You're done, really? Let me drive you. Oh, Mark, this is so good. I can do stuff, even earn a living again."
We drove to the truck store and I said, "Drive it and see if there's anything else that needs to be fixed. You can work with Steve and Sue on the parts. My work is a gift."
Samantha hugged me and said, "Thank you, Mark, this is wonderful."
I watched her drive off, grimacing as she missed a gear, ground it into place, and kept going. She needed some instruction too.
Cleaning up at home took only a few minutes. It had finally stopped raining, but it was very humid. Shirley came over and said, "Can I ride over to the patio with you? Betty is going out with her lady friends tonight, so I'm alone. I'll be your buddy tonight, okay?"
I smiled and nodded.
At the patio, Shirley and I had a couple of drinks before supper and joined in several discussions. As the night passed by, Maria came with her kids to tell me, "Remember, I cook for you tomorrow. It will be a great meal. Be hungry."
As the evening wore down, Shirley and I were tired at about the same time. I suggested we go home. She rode with me and watched as I put the cart in the shed. She was still standing there and I asked, "Can I walk you home?"
She smiled and said, "Only if you plan on staying. I think it's time for you and me to spend a night snuggled up together. I want to feel you up against me."
"Shirley, I've already told you. I'm not able to have that kind of fun without help from pills. You're inviting but,,,, "
"Mark, don't be so defensive. I didn't say one word about fooling around, or if you want me to be blunt, fucking. I said I wanted to snuggle, to feel us holding each other. I mean just that, Mark."
I was stumped for words. I offered, "Do you want me to walk you home to get a nightgown?"
"No, I want us to turn up the air and snuggle bare body. We can leave my panties and your shorts on, but I want to feel you up against me, please?"
I opened the door and let her in and I turned on the light so we could see where we were going. As I showed her down the hall, I said, "I have an extra toothbrush if you want one. Let me turn on the bedroom light and I'll lock up and shut the front down."
Shirley did use a toothbrush and when I had finished in the bathroom, the lights were all off except the light in the closet. Shirley said, "Come lay with me, I want to be cuddled."
We lay together for a long while and we both must have had a million thoughts running through our heads. Her body felt good against me. The feel of her older, soft, and saggy breasts against my chest had my thing wanting to get hard, but of course it didn't. It might have twitched once or twice, but that was wishful thinking.
Shirley and I were looking into each other's eyes. She said, "I think I'd like some kisses. That should put me right to sleep."
We did kiss. The kisses were so sweet, and so soft, it almost made me cry. I had missed that in a relationship. Sure enough, both of us went right to sleep."
Lips were kissing mine. How nice. More kisses, and I could feel someone lying up against me. My mind rocketed back to the loving embraces of my earlier marriage. It was Shirley's voice that brought me to reality, "You are so snuggly, Mark. I love the way we hugged all night long."
I opened my eyes and gazed upon Shirley mature face. She really didn't have that many wrinkles, but when she smiled, she had all those wonderful smile lines. I kissed her and was able to see the smile lines wink at me. I said, "I guess it's time to get this day underway."
"If we were twenty years younger, I'll bet I could talk you into staying in bed a little longer."
"I think you could do that twenty years later too, but for different reasons."
Shirley rose up over me and asked, "Would you consider getting some of those pills? I would like that, and I think Betty and Caroline would also. If I'm not mistaken, your little Mexican girlfriend would like that too. What I'm saying is, if you think they would work, get some and let's try them. If you try with me, I promise not to say anything to anyone. It will be our secret however it turns out."
"Oh, Shirley, that is so tempting. I'll ask the doc the next time that I go see him. In fact, I have to go Monday, so I'll ask."
"Good, I want you to try with me and Betty. Whoever else is up to you, but I know Betty wants to cuddle with you too. I just didn't want to wait any longer. So you see, we can enjoy touching without anything else. I'm not sure how long I want you to keep your hands off me, but I do like to snuggle."
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From that first moment I saw my wife impaling herself on that giant Black cock I knew it was not going to be a one off. She was hooked and would certainly be repeating the pleasurable experience at any cost.I was not complaining, aside from the amazing erotic image that stayed with me and provided hours of great jerk off fantasies, she was also in a new state of heightened sexuality. That one incident had flicked a switch and she had become even more wild and passionate. She seemed to be more...
~~Jack~~ “Oh ... god...” He couldn’t cum anymore. Just the thought of another orgasm made his insides ache in pain. No more, his balls cried. We’re dry! The devil and her two imps didn’t seem to agree. Ashley and Julee had both let him drink them, just a little, just enough to spark the arousal in his Kindred body once more, without either of them succumbing to exhaustion for it. And they took advantage. “One more?” Antoinette said, smiling up at him. The Prince was on her back on her...
TabusDie Hütte am See Teil 02Die Hütte am See Teil 02byBea19©3 -- Einstieg in eine neue WeltLiebe Freunde, einige von Euch haben bei mir um eine Fortsetzung der Geschichte gebeten und da ich im Moment gerade gut drauf bin, füge ich noch zwei Teile hinzu, bis die Story endgültig zuende ist. Ich hoffe, die Teile gefallen euch!Gut, dass mein Vater hinter mir stand und mich hatte auffangen können.Ich konnte nicht fassen, was ich gerade gehört hatte. Mein Bruder hatte Sex mit meiner Mutter? Und...
Mrs. Higgins went to the wall near the door and pressed a buzzer which she knew was linked to the kitchen. Then she went back to Sally’s luggage, found a shorter top, and handed it to the still tearful teen. Sally put it on gratefully and then headed for her open trolly to find something to put on to cover her lower half.She looked back towards the sound of heels approaching the study just as a pretty redhead aged around thirty entered. She was dressed like Mrs. Higgins although she had a...
SpankingLarry's boss smiled to himself as he bounded up the stairs after Ann. He liked to fuck women with a little spirit of resistance, and he knew that Ann had as much spirit as anyone. He had almost been disappointed when she had let him lick his tongue around her tit so easily, but when she jumped off the couch and ran from the room, she was offering him the chase, making herself sporting, and if there was anything Roy liked, it was the sweet victory of fucking a hot little cunt crazy after a...
Suburban Sex Every Sunday at 10:00 AM I left to visit Mommy's house. It's a pretty cottage out in the country, nearly an hour's drive from where I live. Beautiful garden in the front, kept perfectly, a postcard image from the 1950s, with climbing roses and wisteria around the robin egg blue front door. Mommy answers the door and looks me up and down, smiling like the cat that's got the cream. I always arrive fully dressed. Mommy likes me as a young girl, about 16-17, with a short...
"Pete, it's Ed." "What's up?" I wasn't expecting to hear from him, he said it would be a while before any developments. "Well, something that's unusual but not unheard of. We got a request to amend our quit claim on McMaster's account. They also want us to decline claims to posthumous income. Sometimes that's written into the original agreement; this time not." I'd decided not to pursue civil actions against my wife's lover, since he didn't have a lot of money,...
At 0800 we were in the cafeteria eating breakfast with the few men who were finishing up. Breakfast was two groups – those that were getting ready to start the day and those who were ending their day. For the first ones, breakfast was at 0500 to 0600; they had to be at their duty post at 0700, giving them a few minutes for the last cup of coffee and to hit the head. Loures was being run like a military base with BJ and JBG modifications. Since there were three shifts of security guards and...
We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up...
My name is Sarah. I am a thirty-eight year old married mother of two kids. You will notice I did not say happily married because that would be inaccurate, although I'm not unhappily married. Like so many women my age, we are just treading water and just a little bit bored with life. At this point there must be a little more to life than raising kids and having my husband ignore me. Oh, don't get me wrong. He does his fatherly duties by taking our kids to their games or attending school...
Straight SexIntroduction: This story contains underage sex and incest so if you dont like either you might want to leave now. This is also my first story so helpful criticism is welcome. Sorry if there are any faults or things wrong I thought I got them all and sorry if I go from first to third person and back. This is the story of how I and my cousin Lucy ended up having sex. It all started one day at my nans when she came home from school on a hot summers day, this was when I first noticed she was...
It had been almost a year since I had the chance to touch another cock. I was 14 now, with a very cute girlfriend that I enjoyed very much. But there was just something about holding a man's cock in my hands that turned me on more than anything. I was very good about keeping my experiences to myself in the beginning, but I needed someone to talk to who might understand my cravings. I had always been close to my mom's brother Steve. He was older than she, about 40, divorced and lived just down...
Picture Taker I went looking for my camera and it was missing. When I asked Mom about it, she said that my sister had borrowed it, and that she had given her permission to do so. I had taken some nude pictures of myself beating off and they were still in the camera. My hard cock was in my hand with a lot of stroking and some pretty amazing squirting. I had to get that camera back. Mom said that they were out taking pictures somewhere in the woods in a clearing near a stream. I...
Chapter 36 - Now For The Rest Of The Story Heather and Ellen had a happy life but it was far from idyllic. The novelty of lesbian sex eventually lost its allure and their loving settled into a comfortable life of intimacies consisting mainly of hugs and lots of cuddles. Like a lot of married couples, sex was reserved for special occasions. Oral was still a major part of their lovemaking. With the addition of a strap on, sex was glorious when they felt the urge. Ellen was...
The Society of Atreus by C. A. Smith ©2005 Part 1 It all began with certain drawings. She had come across them on the internet one night almost two years ago whenshe felt a little lonely, a little horny. She was just bopping around, lookingfor something that would stir up a bit of a tingle in that bodily zone thatwas her chief source of solace, bliss and ecstasy. Looking for something alittle naughty. Something a little outrageous. She'd found it all right! Firstthe drawings, then stories to...
Lacey sat perched precariously on the top rung of the metal fence that fenced off the back portion behind the grandstand of the booming rodeo. The initial rodeo entrance parade was over and Lance was re-checking the saddle bindings of his mount. She hadn’t seen Wesley in a little while. Her blue gaze shifted from the blonde cowboy to sweep across the crowded area behind the scenes of the western phenomenon. There were cowboys of all kinds running around, milling about with horses and quite...
Computer GlitchI’m 30 years old, single male and I work for a large company that sells scientific computer products to businesses. This means I spend most of my day in a small cubicle along with a lot of other people. My job is to work out any bugs that may be in any of the programs that we offer to clients. So most of my day is spent in front of a computer or on the telephone. I tend to work long hours so I don’t get much time to socialize with the opposite sex.Our company has a large...
SpankingWhen you check your e-mail, you see a new message from Cavalier Escorts; you had almost forgotten you had sent in an application a few weeks ago. It had been pretty thorough: a questionnaire about your physical, mental, and sexual health, photos of course, and a video presentation. It felt a bit strange to be posing naked for some company, but you weren't ashamed. Your body is well toned by regular visits to the gym, just slightly hairy, and 6 foot tall. Your cock, when fully erect, comes in at...
GayThe next few days were sheer torture for Betty. Every waking moment, her brain was taunted with images of her wanton submission to Harvey Peterson's lewd fingering, and her ears seemed to be filled with her lascivious moans of pleasure. She couldn't seem to focus her attention on anything, and she couldn't shake loose from her brain the horrible memory of how she had acquiesced so easily to the modeling agent's manipulation. But even that wasn't the worst part, as far as Betty was...
Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to "show my stuff." But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun's hottest night-spot, "Bare Your Soul". We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...
TabooThe enemy troop transport hovered overhead, it's twin rotors thumping heavily in the still night air. Looking up from your hiding place, you saw the red star symbol on the chopper's side, and shook your head in disbelief. Who would have believed, just a few months ago, that this would be happening over the streets of an average small town in America. The transport begins to kick up dust as it lowers itself to the ground. It gets in your eyes and up your nostrils, but you ignore it. You're...
IncestJenn's body was ridiculous, and I hated it. Her features were wonderfully disproportionate. She had immense DDD breasts that stretched her tight-fitting attire to max capacity and a midsection that didn't look like it should be able to support them. She would wear sports bras and skin-tight t-shirts around the house like a slut and let her cleavage just bounce and jiggle around in front of me and dad on a daily basis. I caught dad adjust himself on a few occasions as she bounced through...
After that evening, Beth would stop by my lab a couple times a week for a little fun. We'd do all kinds of lesbian sex. After her wedding and her hymen was no longer intact, I introduced her to the joy of dildos. She took to it with the same enthusiasm as all the other things I'd introduced her to. With this new ability to make anybody I knew gay, I decided who I wanted to turn next. A name came to me instantly: my niece Clara. Clara was the daughter of my older brother, Ted. She was...
My name is John and my wife Kelly and I have been married for about 5 years (I am 27 and she is 25) and we enjoy a pretty active and varied sex life. We like to take pics and videos of each other while having sex and, on occasion, we also like to use various toys. We have a pretty good collection consisting of about 10 dildos/vibrators that vary in size from a small finger sized vibrator to a giant 18" black rubber dildo with a suction cup on the base. I am open enough that I like to use these...
My wife Donna is the love of my life after eight years of marriage and having sex is always good but we had become somewhat bored with ‘the same old thing’ in the bedroom. We wanted to keep the sexual spark alive and to please each other so after some discussion we agreed on several erotic activities that we could feel comfortable with ‘if we worked up to it.’ We got the idea to invent a bedroom game. We agreed to try just about anything once and thought that the game would make things...
TommyLaura had warned me that the director was quite up himself. He was successful at what he did and was well aware of it. My first impression was of someone trying to make people think he had done more than he had. He certainly wasn’t as confident as he tried to appear. What was better was that Laura got fed up with him trying to belittle me. I know she caught me, but I couldn’t help smirking at him when I was letting her take the window seat.“Behave!” she hissed at me.It wasn’t long after...
IncestI had my first time with a BBC. I was 18, a bit of a chubby. I have a nice looking bubble butt. I had a smooth hairless body. I mostly wore tight clothes that made my ass look huge. I was a very shy person and i was easily intimidated. During those days i didnt knew much about sex, i mean no one actually taught me this. At home i didnt have access to porn due to parental controls. During those days i went to Ghana for a vacation. The whole family just chose a random place and we ended up in...
You’ve got your good girls, your bad girls, your nymphos and then there’s Molly. This girl is a freak with a capital F, for fucking that is. At 25, she’s recently divorced and after 10 years, she’s ready to explore her new life and just get used a bit. To watch her fuck, you wouldn’t guess she’s only been with 6 guys, she likes to get nasty, just call her a little cumslut and watch her go! We suspect she’s always been this way after she told us she...
xmoviesforyouYour stomach fluttered as you walked along the dark path towards the cluster of flickering lights in the distance. You and the rest of your squad walked in total silence, hands resting on swords and eyes darting around to the dark. On the road, the ground was paved with light colored stone. Every couple of feet stood a pole with an ornate lantern bathing the area with light and separating the known from the forest. The ground outside the line of gleaming sentinels was dark with an omnipresent...
FantasyAs he passed the house next door, the porch light came on and he blinked, startled by the suddenness of its glare. He glanced quickly at the brown-haired woman standing in the doorway, her lips pursed. Immediately it occurred to him that her lips were formed just right for a suck job, and just as immediately he tried to put the absurd thought out of his mind. He considered saying hello to her, but instead walked on a few paces, stopped and turned around. He ran back to the in-walk and up onto...
Slender blonde Kyler Quinn has the sort of body that any man would like to get their hands on, and Steve Holmes is no exception, oiling up those perfect little titties and puffy pussy with the confidence of an older lover. The Penthouse teen can’t get enough of his experienced hands in this ‘training’ session, loving the taste of his huge cock as she gives him a blowjob then spreads her legs for a deep fuck. Finally the captivating vixen licks his balls as he climaxes over her...
xmoviesforyouChapter 4 Love It took a full day to recover from the previous evening. After I had passed out Master had clearly taken me down and fitted me into the latex sheet that I was currently resting in. I had awoken in the morning expecting Master to untie me and let me prepare for the day. Thankfully he recognised the rest that I needed and as I lay there slowly I begun to feel the lasting effects of last nights session. My body was aching and stung everywhere, none more so than my...
Hi indian sex friends. Mera naam tom (name changed) hai. Mai delhi me rehta hu. Mai ek engineer hu. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai. Meri pichhli indian sex story pasand karne ke liye aap sab ka bohot bohot shukriya. Aaj mai aapko ek threesome experience ke baare me bataunga. Jaisa ki aap logo ko pata hai mera sex sambandh meri mami se reh chuka hai. Meri mami ka naam rupam (real name) hai. Ab mai apni mami ko sirf occasionally chod pata tha kyuki jab se mere mama ko mami pe shak hua hai, tab se mai...
Hi again! For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 5’10”, athletic build, quite adventurous and fun loving. This was a unique experience for me as it was completely unexpected or planned. Stella and I were schoolmates, since childhood. As we grew up, we were not exactly friends, but just a bit of regular talk here and there. Then I lost touch with her once we went to the college and got busy in our career and making our lives. Many years passed by and then one day,...
By: Jshnmn Dear ISS Readers. How are you? Hope well. This is Mann. I am living in USA, but here I am going to share you one of my experience, when I was studying in Atlanta. I don’t think that I need to tell you that how am I looking or how could give the satisfaction to a female. I just want to say that I have given the satisfaction of many gals, and ladies in my life and all had just one slogan that Mann, I have never had this kind of experience before and nobody could ever give this much...
I was having a rough start to my day. The snow was coming down hard and fast but I finally made it to my second job at the hotel. Dee was meeting me after he got out of work and we were bunkering down in a hotel room. I couldn’t wait to see him. To have his hands on me, and his strong arms wrapped around my body. God he has a presence about him that just makes me melt and soaks my panties before he’s even in the room. Dee and I have been dating for a few months and he found out almost...
The Education of Annie By Cassandra Morgan For most of his days days at Polk High School, he had been invisible. And now everyone was going to see him. As her. Annabelle Turner -- Annie -- moved from the drop-off circle to the imposing gray brick building, her gait slowed by the sheer terror of the moment. Inside, her emotions swirled -- she felt free and terrified and nervous and pretty and embarrassed and excited and a thousand other things as she moved. Her heart was...