Anne And Mary - Book IIChapter 21: Labor Day free porn video

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"Hi. I'm Al O'Malley."

"You're kidding. O'Malley?"

"Well, my grandfather called himself Johnson, but during the Roots thing, my dad found out our ancestors had been owned by a guy named O'Malley. We changed our name."

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I meant, you're Al O'Malley in Atlanta. I'm Harry Katz, Chicago. Saul's dad."

"For Christ's sake! Harry, we've been trying to skin each other for years."

"Well, you finally got me. Bare as a baby. How's business?"

"Great. You sent me the first Still Waters catalog. Now we're all family. Come meet Margaret, my wife."

"Muriel, you got a minute? Come meet an old friend."

"I'm Margaret. You're the Katzes?"

"Margaret, you've got some nerve, wearing a virtual bathing suit to dinner."

"Well, I didn't wear anything the rest of the day, Muriel. What do you call what you're wearing?"

"More fun, Margaret. Come sit next to me."

At Ken's house, Pat and Tina made breakfast.

"Uh... have a good night, Tina?"

"You know I did. The doors were open and we didn't pull the curtains between our rooms. We watched you two for a while. Listened, too."

"That's one reason we left the lights on. Glad you did, too... You've changed a bit since the Fourth."

"Boy, I'll say. And thanks to you and Judith."

"I suspect you've done most of it."

"Well, and Fred, too. He's kept me stirred up so much since then, I hardly get anything done when he's around. Not that I mind, you understand. I haven't had so much loving since we were first married."

"Why's that?"

"Well, you know. I let being wife-and-mother-and-pillar-of-the-community get between my legs instead of my husband."

"I like the way you put that."

"Somehow, we lost the fun of sex with each other. I think we've got that back. Now, well, our social life hasn't changed much, but we've got a home that's a lot happier... You like watching, do you?"

"New discovery. And we like being watched. Wonderful. Makes me hot thinking of it."

Dean spoke up. "Is there anything you'd like me to do about that?"

"God, I almost forgot you guys were here. Hang on a little while, love, will you? After breakfast."

Fred said, "Pat, Tina's a new woman. She looks better, she's a lot happier, I think. And you can be sure I am. She's got Heather sending her VeeCees all the time and seeing her around the house is better than going to the picture-show."

"Are you saying I look like a dirty movie?"

"No. I'm saying you look like... well, you look like every boy's fantasy."

"As long as I'm yours. Here's your breakfast. Coffee?"

Pat said, "Hon, how'd you like the show last night?"

"Wonderful. I loved watching Tina. Especially when she was on top. Just like I love watching you when we do it."

"Same here," Fred said, "Seemed like last night, we'd screw some and look some and..."

"Know what?" Tina said, "I don't think we've ever lasted so long. We'd get real hot, then stop and watch you until we couldn't hold still any more."

"We did that, too. I saw you watching. Seemed to last forever. Dean and I loved it... More coffee, toast, Tina?"

"No, plenty, thanks... Fred!... Hold still a minute."


"Yes, Pat?"

"How about we all..."

"Yeah, great. Same bed, okay?"

"You keep that horny man away from me, though. Dean's my only."

"Count on it. We're not sharing sex with anyone. Doesn't mean we can't share a bed, though. Can't wait to see what it feels like."

"Wow, Mei-Ling. Did you really travel like that?"

"Mary, why not? I look entirely respectable. Don't I, Jimmy?" She wore a cotton cardigan over a virtual cheong-sam. The sweater was unbuttoned, but showed nothing other than the pattern on her skin. "Of course, Josh kept wanting to play with me," she slipped the sweater off and put it aside.

"The flight attendant loved it," Jimmy said, "but I don't think she really understood what she was seeing."

"Hey, kids!" Heather called. "Come on down to the pool." The children shed their clothes where they stood and ran off.

"Sandy, I'm glad to see you." Mei-Ling gave her a hug.

"Meet Judith Huxley, Heather's mom."

"You look heavenly, Mei-Ling. What a beautiful dress."

They walked into the living room.

"Oh. How wonderful. Who is that?" Mei-Ling asked.

"Me. Margaret O'Malley. Like it?"

"Wonderful. I never knew Will had done African-Americans. What's he call it?"

"Persephone. He says the time she spent in Hades was like our time in slavery. Well, anyway, I think it's great. We were here a few weeks ago. He made me wash off my VeeCees to pose, though. I was having so much fun with them, I almost refused."

"I'm glad you didn't. Come here where I can see you next to it... Boy, he's got the skin tones just perfect... Maybe he'll do me, too. You know, I'm just wild about VeeCees."

"I saw you when you came in. Had me fooled."

Anne walked past. "You should see what she wears to work."

"What's that?"

"We run a gallery of oriental erotic art. I design the Breastworks and we sell a lot of my own work, breast ornaments, erotic sculpture. I usually wear just tights and a bolero, so I can demonstrate the ornaments. I thought about leaving off the tights when it got hot this summer — I could use Virtual Stockings — but I stayed with tights."

"Why? I think they're wonderful."

"Me, too. But I want customers to pay attention to my jewelry... I think I'll get some sun, but I need a shower first; get this dress off. Margaret, you're bare already, how about washing my back?"

"Honey, I'll wash anything you'll let me."

"Let's go try it out."

"Okay, meeting time," Anne said. "We told you we were going to put you to work this weekend, so here's the setup. Oh, and thanks to Tina and Muriel for organizing the KP. It's going to make things a lot easier.

"We're going to try to do rehearsals of the introduction on Saturday and Sunday and on Monday again if we need to. You'll each have a starting outfit, and we'll be putting two more on each of you as the show progresses. Saul and I will read the presentation script as the rest of you work, so we can be sure about timing. Only one thing. Two or three of you guys are going to have to wear dresses."



All the male guests volunteered and a mild argument broke out over who should be chosen.

"Knock it off, guys," Heather said. "You'll draw lots. Winners do dress-ups. Losers wash backs afterwards."

"How can you lose in a deal like that?" Jim asked.

Muriel asked, "If we're working Saturday, what about Mary? Doesn't she ride?"

"Yes, she and Ken and Sarah are excused. Since it's just the first run-through it won't matter much. We'll have plenty of problems left over for when they're here... Muriel, do you and Harry mind missing synagogue?"

"No, Anne. Not in a good cause. We're here to work with you."

"Thanks. Oh, Jim, how are you doing with Victoria's Secret?"

"Pretty good. They agree in principle, but a lot is going to depend on how the introduction goes. If it's a success, you're in."

"That's what we figured," Saul said. "We've got to make a real splash."

"Did you show them the product?"

"Yes, Anne, but only photographs. Denise offered to wear a virtual blouse, but I decided to wait. When it's real, we can really sell them."

"Will," Anne said, "What's happening with the stuff you're doing for Al?"

"You've all seen Persephone. Oh, and Al, Harry wants that for the Katz Collection, just like I said he would, and just like the other Goddesses. You'll have to fight that out with him."

"He's been trying to skin me for years... I just might leave that to Margaret and Muriel. Maybe we can have the one you did of Muriel — Ruth, is it? — if we give up Persephone."

Muriel muttered to Margaret, "Looks more like Jezebel to me. But who am I to argue?"

Mary said, "All horse trading has to be done through Still Waters Farms, guys. We want our cut."

Pat said, "Uh, Will? If you've done Goddesses of them, how about me? And, I saw the picture you did for Ken and Mary's bedroom. I love it. Would you consider a commission?"

"Me, too," said Tina.

"I don't know, Mom. I have a problem there."

"What do you mean, a problem?"

Margaret intervened, "Pat, Will explained it when we were here before. He's discovered he can't really draw a woman's sexuality unless he's experienced it himself. He showed us a picture he'd done of you. It was technically great, but it lacks something."

"Oh... Oh... well. My God, I'm blushing," she laughed. "Will, you show me that picture later, will you?"

"Sure, Mom... Anne, as far as stuff for Al, I've done a couple of Erotics and Explicits, but Al and Margaret are the only models I have."

"Will, suppose you come down to Atlanta?" Al suggested. "You might like to meet some of our friends."

"Let me think about that, Al, okay?"

Ken said, "Al, you may find that, in his way, Will's as conservative as Pat and Tina. But, I'm sure you'll work something out."

"Anne," Tom asked for attention, "I need to raise something we talked about a while ago. We're going to need more space. Heather needs it, and if we keep on expanding the art line, for that, too. Of course, that's not even considering what happens if VeeCees and VeeJays take off. Ken came to me the other day, and we've got an idea."

"Let's have it."

Ken began. "I'm going to start work expanding the stables, Anne. I've got a pretty big project in mind. Among other things, I need a general contractor who understands what I want. I also need someone who understands intelligent construction — networking, computers and all that. I think Tom can do that for me. At the same time, there's a piece of land on the highway back of my house I've figured could be used for a general-purpose office building; the zoning's already in place. My suggestion is, I build a building there to your specifications and rent it to you. Tom acts as contractor for me on my whole project and for you as well."

"Tom, I take it you're willing to do this?"

"Yes, Anne, we need the space, and I think the whole thing will pay off. There will be some minor advantages in networking the whole project at the same time, and we can help him with the software he needs. I figure we can charge Ken a reasonable fee to do his general contracting, and we can put that into the kitty. It'll offset the cost of the building, too."

"I'm not sure we ought to be in construction as well as art, graphics, clothing, jewelry and all the rest of the stuff."

"Anne, I'm not proposing a new business, I'm just saying I can do some work that will benefit all of us, the whole family, the company. When the work is done, I'm still here to do what I'm doing now. In fact, I'll only be expanding my present job to handle Ken's needs. He's not going to do it all at once, so I won't be over my head. At least, not much."


"We need to know how the introduction turns out, Anne, before we commit for a new building. I don't want to jump too fast."

"Anyone else?... Here's my take on it. Nothing's going to happen by next Wednesday, or whenever. Tom, you and Ken go ahead and plan an office building for us — just don't spend any money you don't need to. Right, Sigrid?"


"By the time we have the introduction, you'll be ready on that; we can make a decision. And anyway, you can get going with what Ken needs."

"Good, I like it."

Ken said, "There's another thing, Anne, and it may not be something we can decide today."

"Sounds heavy. What?"

"I guess you know I've never put a name on the stables. Haven't really thought about it. But earlier, when Al and Harry were horse trading..."

"Me and Muriel, Ken," Margaret said.

"Whatever. Mary said, 'Still Waters Farms'. Would you have any problem letting us use that name? I like it."

"So do I," said Mary, "even though it was a slip of the tongue."

"We'd better think about that, Ken. I don't see any problem offhand, but we need to think about the legal side, talk to the lawyer."

"Sure, I understand. Just think about it."

"Anne," Margaret asked, "Who is your lawyer?"

Anne named the firm. "They're people Harry knows. Been okay so far."

"Well, if you ever want a change, think of me."

"Margaret," Harry said, "These guys don't mean anything to me. If the guys want to change firms it's no skin off my neck."

"Well, thanks, Harry. Of course, I don't want to use unethical inducements..."

"Like screwing Saul, you mean?" Anne asked with all innocence.

"Never. At least not where the Bar Association can see me. But also, I'm not exactly next door. Atlanta's a long way away."

"I don't know, Margaret," Harry said. "If the new products take off, this'll be a nation-wide business. It is already, just on a smaller scale. Won't matter where you are. And I don't really think the local people could handle that."

Saul sighed. "An awful lot's going to change after the introduction."

"Well, on the other hand, hon, maybe not," Anne said.

"We'll see, won't we?"

Tom and Sigrid drove to the airport to pick up their parents. When they got back, the rest of the group was setting out dinner.

"Hey, everyone. Greetings!"

"Inge. Susan. Get comfortable and belly up."

The men wandered around, getting acquainted. Eventually they all settled down to eat sweet corn, hamburgers and salad.

"We missed you Memorial Day," Muriel said.

"We decided to spend it together," Susan said.

"After you got together at New Years you decided you liked it, right?"

Doug said, "Never was any doubt of that, Muriel, we just had trouble getting organized. Sigrid broke the ice for us, bless her."

"Actually," Inge said, "we've had so much fun, we get together just about every weekend, one place or another. We only live an hour's drive apart."

"But we couldn't resist your call for help," Eric added. "We're here this weekend, and I'm looking forward to it."

Sigrid leaned against Tom and whispered, "So am I. I'm going to get your dad."

The evening was relaxed; Saturday breakfast a lazy romp on the cushions. The two couples from Ken's house wandered in looking very happy. They sat naked on the cushions like the rest and took some gentle ribbing.

"You guys are really taking a chance, coming in here looking that smug and satisfied in the morning," Harry said.

"Well, Harry, we earned it," Fred admitted. "We're still monogamous, but man! We're sure enjoying being part of a loving environment."

"Give it a try here, some night," Margaret said. "You can always 'Just say No.'"

"Boo. Hiss" — a chorus of disapproval for the expression.

"Well, you're right. We might, we might not. Just have to see, Margaret. I must say, I wouldn't mind watching you in action," Tina said. "You're just so... what? You're probably the most exuberant woman when it comes to sex I've ever met. Or, I miss my guess."

"You're right, Tina," Sandy said.

"Thank you one and all. It's good to be appreciated."

"All right, everyone," Anne called out. "Report to Heather for your first outfits. You can help each other put them on, since that's not time-dependant. When you're all ready, we'll start."

When they had all returned, dressed in their VeeCees, Anne said, "Saul and I will read the spiel, you do the walk-and-turns, then go back for your change. This time, if something goes wrong, just yell out 'Stop' and we'll see what needs to be done."

The first part of the rehearsal went as expected. Soon after the costume changes began, however, Heather called a stop.

"Stuff isn't curing fast enough. We have to wait too long and then they're late."

Pat said, "How about hair dryers? Blow us dry and see if it cures."

The rounded up hair dryers and found they helped speed curing of the colors on cool parts of the body.

After another stop, Will was assigned to touch-up work, painting in places where the patterns did not quite reach or match in the haste of changing. Heather told him, with a grin, "Will, I don't want art. I want NOW."

They finished in time for lunch, and by general agreement showered and started again. Things went better this time, with only a few stops, none of major consequence. When they were done with the second run-through, they were exhausted. They showered and went to sit in the afternoon sun. Eventually, Mary, Ken and Sarah came in and joined them.

"How'd the rehearsal go?" Mary asked.

"We did two of them. I think we've got most of the problems licked," Anne replied.

Will asked, "How was the show? Sorry I couldn't come."

"Went well," Ken said, "the girls were fine and the audience loved the new routines. They were so proud of themselves."

"Really makes me feel good," Sarah said. "Last fall, they were a bunch of snot-nosed kids. In just a year, they're acting like women."

"Young women," Mary said. "They're a lot more sure of themselves, but they've got a way to go. And a lot still to learn about horses."

"Well, at least that'll keep them coming back," Saul said.

Sarah added, "We're going to have to think of a program for the ones who want to go further than just what we're doing now."

"Mary, How'd you do?" Lucy asked.

"Took two firsts and a second today. Some new people there. Very good. I just wasn't as good. I'll win the next one, though."

When people began drifting off to the Big Bed that evening, Pat said to Tina, "What do you think? You two want to go watch?"

Tina looked at Fred. "Why not? Let's go."

"Tina, what did you think about watching everyone last night?" Pat said at breakfast.

"Real turn on, Pat."

Fred said, "Really got me turned on, too, Pat. All those loving bodies."

"I loved the way those two children just slept right through it, curled up with Mei-Ling. She says sometimes they hold each other while..."

"Well, it's not my way, but they're wonderful, happy children." Tina said.

"We talked last night, Dean and I."

"What about?"

"Pat asked me if I wanted to try the Big Bed, just for us two. Not loving anyone else. I really liked sharing the bed with you guys, but..."

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Chapter 21: Labor Day Videos

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 9 Easter

Pat Spector spent a long time looking at The Goddesses, Will's big, portrait pastels of Anne as Venus, Mary as Diana, Heather as Ceres and two of Sigrid as a Nereid and as Leda. She said nothing, then, "Show me the horses, Will," she demanded. Will took her into the gallery and then into his studio, where he was working on a western commission. Pat sat down on a chair. Dean wandered in and sat on the window sill while his wife studied the work in progress closely. "I always knew you'd...

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Anne and MaryChapter 34 Friday

The next Friday they talked about Christmas and beyond. Everyone was going home. Tom and Saul and Sigrid would fly together. They decided to return to campus a week early to 'get a running start'. Mary took the floor. "I'm going to be looking for houses when I get back. Has everyone got an okay for the money from their folks?... Good." "What are we looking for?" Tom asked. Mary said, "Start with this, then let's talk. Three bedrooms, two full baths if possible, living room, dining...

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Anne and MaryChapter 37 Return

Anne and Mary drove back to the university a week before classes began. The others were due to arrive late in the day. On the way they bought beer and English muffins and stocked up on other supplies. There was a message on the telephone from Sarah. "Mary, this is Sarah. Happy New Year. Call me." When she hung up after returning the call, Mary said, "Sarah knows we're looking for a house. She said she'd just seen a For Sale sign on the house next to the stables. She knows we want to...

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Anne and MaryChapter 20 Posing

On Monday afternoon, Anne was ready to leave the room. "Mary, you want to come to the figure class?' "Watch you stand around bare ass for an hour? Sure, why not?' At the Art School, the instructor, Henry, met them. "Ah, is this Mary Travis? Are you posing today? How are you, Anne?' Mary laughed. "I hadn't planned to; I was going to watch Anne. But what the hell, why not?' Mary went into the changing room, emerging shortly wearing the robe Anne had used. For Anne, it had been...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 23

Introduction By the time they reached Los Angeles, the show had shaken down to a truly professional presentation. Everything had gone as expected in New York, with one important exception. But after that, Chicago and San Francisco were a lark. In New York, when Anne and Saul came on stage for the first time there was routine applause, then silence except for the background music. The video camera caught them as they entered, then zoomed to a closer shot of Anne's upper body, her face and...

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Anne and MaryChapter 29 Friday

On Friday, everyone had marks from the previous week's exams. The group average did turn out to be 98.7%. Mary ran another review and estimate — the prediction for that week's exams was similar. "Now, all we have to do is keep working at this level," Tom said. "I was kind of worried at first, but I seem to have gotten a lot of confidence from working with the group. Thanks." Will said, "Okay, now something else. Thanksgiving is only a couple of weeks off. What are everyone's...

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Anne and MaryChapter 16 Decisions

Thursday afternoon after history, Anne and Mary drove to the mall. They wandered through the aisles, selected a toaster oven and looked at several big, colorful throw pillows. Mary plumped one fat cushion that was at least a yard square. "I wouldn't mind getting laid on top of this." "If we buy it, you probably will. More than once." Immediately, Mary put the pillow in their basket. Anne added more like it. "What if they don't agree? Maybe they'll hate each other." "Terrible....

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Anne and MaryChapter 52 Home

Anne met Will and Mary's plane. Waiting for the bags, Anne clung to Will, kissing him and hugging. When they got home, Mary started the round of hugs with the others, Anne took Will upstairs. At supper, Sigrid said, "Should we call them, Mary?" "No, Sigrid, let's make up a tray. I'll take it up." Alex went with her, knocked on the door and opened it. Mary went in with the tray. Will and Anne were lying in the bed, spent but joined. Anne's face shone with joy. Mary set the tray on a...

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Anne and MaryChapter 43 Louise

Anne and Mary walked into the Student Union for lunch, chatting like magpies. They'd arranged to join one another at noon one or two days a week — "girl time", they called it. Today, Sigrid was missing. As they went through the cafeteria line, Anne noticed a woman sitting alone at a table. "Isn't that Louise Whatsername?" she asked Mary. "You know, from North College?" "Yeah, I think so. It's not the same Louise we knew — at least from her looks. Something's happened for her....

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Anne and MaryChapter 23 Anne Again

Another exam on Wednesday. History in the afternoon. I think I nailed every question. Coming out, though, I didn't feel the high I usually feel when I've aced an exam. I moseyed toward the Union, knowing that Mary was posing. I still had unfinished business. I realized what was wrong with me when I ran into Saul. He looked down at me with that smile he has. It gave me goose bumps. "Hi, Anne. You look good." I decided to take the bull by the horns, or something. "Saul Katz, if you...

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Anne and MaryChapter 54 Anne

I was putting laundry away when Mary came into our room. "Got a minute?" "Always, for you. What's the matter? You've been looking down the last day or so." "I've been thinking about that trip to Fairplay. It was so wonderful, everything I would have dreamed of a year ago, if I hadn't known it was impossible." "From what you said about it, it must have been. How come you're feeling low? Backlash?" We sat down on the bed. The sunshine coming through the open window ended not...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 5 Jewels

"I have a letter from Jimmy Lin in San Francisco. He wants to talk to us about some kind of cross-marketing agreement. He sent us a catalog before. We were going to look into it further, but we never did. " "Who's he again?" Saul asked. Anne said, "He's the guy who sent us his catalog of Asian erotica, bought a few pieces from us. Here's the catalog from our files." "More than a few, Anne," Sigrid said. "I put a watch on that account and they've bought quite a few more Erotics...

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Anne and MaryChapter 55 Committee

"Sarah, I asked you to come because we need your help and advice. I want to start a riding class for 12- to 15-year-old girls." "Fine with me. You mentioned that a while ago. Why the turnaround?" "Jane Pinski. I told you I found her crying. It's really gotten to me. I want to teach riding, that's what I like to do — what I'm good at. But if I do this, I want the class to help these girls deal with the bullying and all the hassle they face in school from the boys. I've been thinking...

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Anne and MaryChapter 47 Friday

The tiny castings of torsos were interesting. Alex had made models based on himself, Mary and Heather. They showed them to the group. "Nice. These are plastic?" Saul asked. "Yeah. We can get them in gold-filled, 14-karat and 18-karat." "I made them this size as drop earrings," Heather said. "A little smaller, they'd be good ear studs, but you lose detail. Make them bigger, you've got a pendant. We really wanted to see if they worked at all." "This full-length one of Mary is...

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Anne and MaryChapter 15 Coffee Bar

The four men met for supper at the Union, taking their trays to a table in a corner. When they had settled down, Saul said, "Thanks for coming, Tom and Alex. We all know we're here because of Anne and Mary. Both of you met them before either Will or me. I thought it might be a good start if we all tell how we met these ladies." As they ate, each one told how he had come to know the two women. Saul's tale of near disaster with Anne broke the group up with laughter, and Will re-created his...

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Anne and MaryChapter 33 Mary

I really enjoy being with Tom. He's just as funny and warm as Saul, without the self-assurance. Taking him to bed Sunday night really made us both feel wonderful. On Monday, though, at lunch, when Sigrid walked up to me in the Union, I had a kind of uneasy feeling. Certainly just misplaced guilt. "Are you Mary Travis?" 'Why beat around the bush?' I thought. "Right. You're Sigrid, but I don't have your last name." "Sigrid Sorenson. I wanted to ask if you and Anne will be home...

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Anne and MaryChapter 31 Marys Thanksgiving

After Wednesday classes, Will, Alex and I hit the supermarket. We got all the stuff I needed for Thanksgiving dinner, plenty of beer. The guy at the liquor store even let us buy a nice bottle of wine. He knows us pretty well by now. We stopped for supper at the Union. No point in paying extra or trying to make supper in an unfamiliar kitchen. And the weather was cold enough so nothing would spoil in the car. At Henry's house, we put stuff away, looked around. Two big bedrooms with big...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 33 Bad News

"Shit!" Sigrid said. She was opening the mail. "What's up?" Heather asked. "Doctor says I have a bad pap smear. Wants me to do another." "Kind of scary. But, Mom told me smears turn up a lot of false positives. Probably nothing. Want me to come with you?" "No, she'll just take another and send me another post card. But, you can hold my hand until I get it." "Okay." "Mom, it's Heather. Sorry to bother you at work... Sigrid needs to talk to you." "Judith?... My doctor...

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Anne and MaryChapter 30 Anne

When I got up on Monday it was sunny and warm for mid-November, so I wore my Polartec and a pair of those really tight ski pants with half-boots. The Polartec feels nice and fuzzy on my breasts and it almost covers my buns. The zipper neck lets me control the draft. I didn't need a coat. I thought it looked pretty good. After lunch, Saul waved frantically at me as I started to leave the Union, so I went to where he was sitting. "Dad left a message on my answering machine over the weekend....

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Anne and MaryChapter 19 Ideas

On Sunday, Mary cuddled in Alex's arm on the breakfast cushions. "Will, can we look at the sketches you've been doing?" "You mean the ones of us? In this book." "Uh-huh. Thanks." Mary began paging through the book. Alex stopped her. "Slow down. I want to see these better." As they went more slowly through the pages, Alex became visibly aroused. "Better give the rest of us a look, too," said Anne, as she picked crumbs off Saul's thigh. "Alex is having too much fun...

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Anne and MaryChapter 22 Anne

Tuesday afternoon, when I got back to the room after the English exam, I saw Mary's panties on the bedroom door. I sat down at my desk and thought about going through the economics notes again. But when I heard Mary laugh, I got up, put on my coat again and left the room. At the Art School, Siggy, the secretary, recognized me. "Hi, Anne. Are you posing today?" "No, I'm looking for Will Spector. Would you have any idea where he is?" I grinned at her, "Do you even know who he...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 28 Friday

"Glad you're home again, Iris," Anne said. "I'm afraid we've really got you on the run." "Oh, well, somebody's got to do it, and I do enjoy it. But I really want to spend some time with Heather and get into the design side more. I think the next week or so will settle down some. I'm really still reacting to the first craze." "I saw you on TV last week when I was in Chicago," Jim said. He and Denise had come for the meeting. "Oh, that morning show. What a bunch of macho pigs...

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Anne and MaryChapter 44 Designs

Alex had the morning shift at the store. Two or three customers came in, looked at the stationery, wandered back to look at the Life Studies and left. He made one sale to a rugged Junior, taking the picture and quickly creating the graphic. When the fellow okayed the proof, Alex ran the copier and packaged the stationery. The man paid up and left. A girl came in asking about stationery for herself, decided to wait until there was a woman on duty in the afternoon. Shortly before lunch, a...

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Anne and MaryChapter 21 Mary

I talked with Aunt Bessie for a long time Monday night. I told her about the stables, The Bay, and all the rest. Along with all the chatter, she said one important thing to me. "Mary, you follow your heart. Don't forget to think first; know what the risks are. But if your heart says go, do it." She had some things to say about the stables, too. "This Sarah lady is sharp. I did teach you to ride using Western Pleasure Riding methods, because it's so efficient. She saw it. I always...

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Anne and MaryChapter 5 Settling in

That first morning the two new friends were off early to the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores, looking for lamps, chairs, a sofa-bed, a tiny fridge. They found some good things, having arrived before the crowds of other students. Anne's car got stuffed again and again, and they huffed and puffed getting it all upstairs. There were always guys around who were willing to help with the heavy things, and the two of them handed out a few beers to reward their helpers. The next days were full...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 8 Anne

"Hi, Mei-Ling. It's Anne Stilwell." "Oh, I'm glad to hear from you. How are you? How're things?" "Good. Very good. School is good, business is good, the guys are good, so am I. Haven't talked to you since New Year's. What's with your kids?" "They're fine, Anne. Sally had an ear infection, but she's over that now." "You know I really didn't focus on their names when we were there. Sally and Joshua. Why not Chinese names?" "We're not Chinese, Anne, we're...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 15 Vacation

After Mary finished exams, Ken suggested a vacation. "Let's go see Aunt Bessie," Mary said. "How about a week in the islands first?" "Sold." Dan and Consuela agreed to take Hero and The Bay in the trailer to Colorado. When they arrived, they talked about Mary's idea for working young horses with cattle. The weather was warm and they sat naked around the pool. They went off to separate beds, but left the lights on for a long time so they could watch each other across the patio. In...

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Anne and MaryChapter 56 Friday

"Saul, how'd you do with 3M?" Anne asked. "I've got a non-disclosure agreement that covers their adhesive and our use of it. I think we can get something like a five-year exclusive use agreement for our market, or for our application of the material. I've asked Dad to contact a lawyer who can tell us how to get a patent or copyright or whatever." "What about you, Heather?" "Anne, I'm experimenting with the stuff. I got some silk-screen equipment set up in the workshop and I'm...

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Anne and MaryChapter 32 Annes Thanksgiving

I drove home on Wednesday afternoon; cut my history class. The weather was cold, gray, but no snow yet. It was good to come home. Mom was making supper in a t-shirt when I came in the door. I hugged her and hugged her and rubbed her ass. Frank and Ralph were there, too. And Dad. It felt so good to hug him again. We all talked thirteen to the dozen through supper and a long time after. Frank told us about his work at school, his engineering drawings and such. Ralph showed me his latest...

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Anne and MaryChapter 10 Anne

I liked Will, and I was glad he and Mary hit it off so well. I'd sort of hoped she'd find someone besides Tom, especially since I now have Alex and Saul. I walked around the museum with them, listening to Will's talk. He does know his stuff, and even though he really didn't have eyes for anyone but Mary, he really grew on me. Of course, he also took care to look down the front of my dress when I gave him the chance, and he kept trying to see through Mary's shirt as well. She'd left the...

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Anne and MaryChapter 28 Mary

On Monday, there was a notice in our mailbox. We were to report to the Dean's Office ASAP. Right after lunch, Anne and I went to the office to see what was up. She wore a white man's shirt and her khaki skirt. I wore a long wool skirt and a western shirt with a scarf. We sat in the waiting area. A girl came out of the office. She was wearing sneakers, jeans and a kind of ragged tee-shirt. Hair cut crazy; hadn't been washed, at least not today. She didn't look happy, but that may have...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 32 Stock Show

Mary sent the horses to Fairplay with Dan a week before the show. When she, Ken and Jane landed in Denver, the weather had turned cold. "Never known it to fail," Mary said. "Thirty below zero is Stock Show weather." Ken had gotten a suite at a hotel not far from the Stockyards. Jerry Pinsky was due to arrive at the end of the week to see Jane compete. Meanwhile, Jane had the bedroom next door to Ken and Mary's. In the morning, they had breakfast in Ken and Mary's room. "Sleep...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 14 Courier

When the doorbell rang, Mary went to the entry and checked the viewer. It was a woman in a Federal Express uniform. Nude, Mary slipped on the robe she kept by the door and pressed the buzzer. The woman walked up the path from the gate. She was good looking and red-headed. Her uniform had obviously been modified to fit her closely without appearing tight. Full breasts, narrow waist, slim hips. Her trousers followed shapely thighs. She had a lovely smile. "Good Morning. Say, haven't I seen...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

Introduction: Another in the ongoing saga of my cum loving slutwife Anne Marie. This took place about five years ago. Enjoy! A little background: My wife Anne Marie is 57, 135lbs. We have been together for over 12 years, and she is 35 years old, but she could easily pass for 10 years younger. She has great legs and her ass is smokin. Her breasts are a size 34B, perfectly shaped. She never wears a bra, so when her nipples get hard they can easily be seen through most tops that she wears. We had...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 13 The House

On Monday, Mary said, "Chance, can I come over after classes this afternoon?" "I hope you will." "Will you be there?" "I'm not sure right now. You just let yourself in." "Where do you hide the key?" "No key. Just enter your birthday on the keypad." "You're kidding. My birthday? How come?" "It's been set for that ever since I found it out. I won't be much later than, say, four. Make yourself comfortable. You want to stay?" "Yeah." The house was behind a high...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

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Anne and MaryChapter 11 Branching out

Mary slipped into Will's car where he waited outside North College. She was dressed for riding: boots, jeans, a light jacket against the fall air. They drove out of town, talking about the stables they would visit. "I called Sarah Posito this morning before we left to let her know we're coming. She's got a class this afternoon I want to watch, and you can look at the horses, maybe do some sketches." "Sounds good. I had a great time yesterday. And I like Anne, too." "Good. We're...

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