Battlemage Nonetheless Book 3 EnvoyChapter 5
- 2 years ago
- 28
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JJ and Caleb were sitting on a plush couch in a well appointed antechamber. JJ was tapping a thick folder into one of her palms impatiently. Caleb held his briefcase on his knees, and tapped the case with one finger. His finger tap was synchronized with the sound of JJ's folder tapping her hand. They were waiting to see the same person, but for completely different reasons.
The folder JJ held contained the required forms, in triplicate, to file a harassment charge. Inclusion of medical documentation of observations during a classified operation, required the forms to be witnessed and signed by her Commanding Officer. In JJ's case, that was the Commanding General of the Arizona National Guard.
Caleb's briefcase contained the case file of a high dollar welfare fraud investigation involving millions of dollars. According to the case file, his lead informant had been shot in Central Phoenix, and his girlfriend was kidnapped. A 'resident' had noted the military license number of the vehicle involved in the incident, and even gave a credible description of the gunman. Of course, the case file was a complete fabrication. Caleb was pretty sure that General Branch wouldn't want to challenge any of the 'witnesses.'
The license number was traced to the Arizona National Guard, according to the file. Guard records indicated that the vehicle in question was one of several that had been signed out by Master Sergeant Denison, a member of General Robert Branch's retinue. The description the witness provided of the shooter was remarkably similar to Master Sergeant Denison, too.
The Commanding General agreed to set up a meeting, in his office. The key attendees for the meeting were the CG, Lieutenant General Frank Key, and his Adjutant, plus Caleb, General Branch, and Master Sergeant Denison. The CG added Captain Janus to the guest list because General Branch was in the middle of her charges, too.
"We might as well dump everything in the same pot and see what comes out," General Key had grumbled. "I have better things to do than play nursemaid to some general with a history of working with the CIA."
Caleb was particularly nervous. This meeting needed to get started, and soon. He had a surprise visitor for the meeting, but the visitor wouldn't be as effective if he didn't arrive in the middle of the meeting.
The door to the hallway opened, and Caleb's heart was in his throat. General Branch walked in, and Caleb almost sighed aloud in relief.
General Branch stopped when he saw the two seated on the couch, and scowled. There would not be a repeat of the previous evening. He was in full dress uniform this time. He was in charge this time.
"What are you two doing here?" General Branch demanded.
JJ stood before saying, "Good afternoon, General Branch," in her best military protocol. "As I explained last night, sir. If I didn't get some satisfactory answers, I would be filing a report this morning. I did as I said I would. I'll be in the meeting to answer any questions that pertain to my affidavits."
"You would file a harassment charge against me?" General Branch asked incredulously.
This was all he needed. Robert had slept less than two hours the night before, due to trying to get a handle on the mess Dick had caused. He still didn't have a handle on it, and didn't have a clue about how to get a handle on the situation. He didn't even know what had happened to create the situation yet! Receiving a direct order to report to the local CG only added to the confusion, and increased his sense of foreboding. The order contained the correct protocols, and Robert knew that he couldn't ignore them.
'Brigadier General Robert Branch and Master Sergeant Richard Denison are requested and required to appear before Lieutenant General Frank Key at fourteen hundred.'
General Branch had sent out similar orders to get key command group leaders together to solve a serious SNAFU, but he had never received one. Robert discovered that the orders made him very uncomfortable. There was a small problem in the orders. Requiring his Master Sergeant to be at the meeting stretched Robert's nerves to the breaking point. Dick was dead, and Robert couldn't even point to a dead body as a reason for the Master Sergeant's noncompliance. Robert had finished filling the hole in the desert that held his body about three this morning.
Robert had wracked his brains, trying to think of a way to get the body into a coroner's hands that wouldn't implicate him in some way. Of more concern was his being exposed to some unforeseen danger, if he turned the body in. The only option, in his mind, was to get rid of the body. And now he needed it.
"Sir, I told you that I would file the paperwork last night!" JJ said, trying to match the General's tone of disbelief. "Didn't you believe me?"
"I ... I ... I..." General Branch stammered, completely flabbergasted that, in the middle of everything else, he was being charged with sexual harassment. 'If it weren't so infuriating, it would be funny, ' he thought to himself in amazement.
General Branch glared at Caleb and demanded, "What are you doing here? Unless you're her lawyer, there is no reason for you to be in this farce."
"My being here doesn't have anything to do with Captain Janus," Caleb protested. "I was as surprised to see her here as she was to see me!"
"Then why are you here?" General Branch demanded angrily, and getting more confused.
"On a DES case," Caleb spat right back. "I'm an investigator at DES! Remember?"
"What does DES have to do with the National Guard?" General Branch pressed.
"Somebody killed the key person in a case that I've been working on for three years," Caleb growled. "We were supposed to wrap it up this week. Over twenty million in welfare fraud, and now the whole case is dead unless I can find his girlfriend."
"Okay. Okay. You have a case that didn't turn out the way you hoped. I get it," General Branch barked. "Why are you here?"
"Because the clues to the men that killed my case led me to the National Guard," Caleb snarled right back.
"Caleb, General Key's aide just stood to go to the door to call us in," Al announced calmly in Caleb's head.
"Perfect," Caleb replied. "Just enough time to have General Branch thoroughly rattled when we go in there."
"My inside guy was shot down like a dog, and left in the street. His girlfriend, the only other one that may have the information we need, was kidnapped," Caleb continued, as he stood. "I have less than twelve hours to find her, General, before this case is truly, and finally, screwed. A neighbor saw what happened, and saw the man that shot my guy. He wrote down the license plate number, a government plate. According to the national guard, Master Sergeant Denison signed for that vehicle. The neighbor's description of the shooter sounded very much like your Master Sergeant. If my case blows up, every detail about the case will blow up with it. That includes you and your Master Sergeant and every bit of it will be headline news!"
Caleb had been advancing, step by step, throughout his tirade, until he was nearly nose to nose with the General when he figuratively spat out the last 'headline news.' The door swung open to the inner sanctum as the General placed a hand in the center of Caleb's chest and shoved, hard.
"Got you," Caleb and Al said in unison.
Caleb knew that the only way to touch General Branch was if the General initiated the action. He really needed to touch the General. Caleb could read the General's surface thoughts with the signature JJ had passed to him. Touching him was the only way to get access to his deeper memories, to know everything the General had done since the evening before. Caleb wasn't surprised by the cold-blooded efficiency of the man.
General Branch had used the two basket cases, Slimy One and Two according to Kim, to get the body in the van and to the desert. The two men even dug the hole for the body. The hole was a good deal deeper than it would have been if the General hadn't been standing on the edge of the hole ordering them to dig deeper.
Robert knew they were basket cases. A few questions was all that it took to convince him that something was seriously wrong with the two men. They vaguely remembered a guy getting shot, and snatching a girl. They even remembered raping the girl, until she died when the Master Sergeant got too excited. They only remembered some bright lights after that, and then the General woke them up.
When they finished digging the hole, General Branch shot both men, then dumped Dick's body on top of them. He hadn't realized how much work filling a hole with dirt could be.
General Branch still hadn't found out anything about the kidnapped girl, or her boy friend. His nerves had been winding tighter and tighter, waiting for the other shoe to drop, since leaving the unmarked grave in the desert. It looked like the other shoe had just hit the floor, and it was a big one.
Caleb needed all the deeper memories for his plan, but the touch also allowed him to fill the General with feelings of dread. If being able to wrap the General's nerves tighter was the whipped-cream on the dessert, General Key's Adjutant seeing a General in uniform violently shove a civilian was the cherry on top.
Caleb could probably be accused of hamming it up at that point. He stumbled backward, tripped over an end table, breaking it, and fell on the couch.
"What the hell is going on?" the Adjutant snapped.
"He didn't want me to be here," Caleb replied as he bounced back to his feet. "I explained why I was staying," he said angrily. "He didn't like it."
"Everyone, in the office, now," the Adjutant barked. He looked at a female Sergeant sitting behind a desk and ordered, "Write down exactly what happened in this room. When you're finished, clean this mess up."
"Yes, Sir," the Sergeant snapped in the proper military fashion.
"General," the Adjutant said with a curt nod, "After you."
General Branch marched past the Adjutant, nearly quivering with rage. The Adjutant followed him in, with JJ and Caleb following the adjutant.
The Adjutant gestured toward one of two chairs on one side of an open semi-circle in front of General Key's desk for General Branch. Caleb and JJ sat in the two chairs on the other side of the semi-circle.
"I intend to get to the bottom of this cluster ... um ... this mess," General Key amended, growling from behind his desk, after glancing at Captain Janus.
General Branch opened his own briefcase, and extracted a document that he passed to General Key.
While General Key was perusing the document, General Branch said, "You don't have authority over me, Sir. You are not in my chain of command. I answer only to the Pentagon, and the White House, and that document is all the authorization I need to walk out of here."
"The general has already threatened to lock me up, and make me disappear," Caleb said. "A trusted member of the press already has my story. If I do disappear, the story will be in tomorrow morning's paper."
"Is that a threat, Mr. Connor?" General Key growled, as if it were the only tone of voice he possessed.
"Not at all, Sir," Caleb replied. "It's just a statement of fact, for General Branch's benefit, and has nothing to do with the case that I'm here for. He needs to know that I will not hide just because he barks at me."
"I also found a tracker on my rental car, yesterday," Caleb continued. "It was too sophisticated for the other scum that I'm after, so I am assuming that it belonged to the General, but I don't have proof. If I did, I would bring charges against him. In my line of work, being tracked is dangerous to me and my informants. That may have led to the death of my informant last night. The complaint has already been filed about the incident. As the highest local military authority, you can expect to see it in about a week, Sir."
"This just keeps getting better and better," General Key muttered. He looked at General Branch, threw the paper on the desk like a piece of trash, and growled, "You can file a protest through the proper chain of command when we're through. Until then, you will cooperate voluntarily, or you will cooperate in chains. Is that clear enough for you?"
At General Branch's curt, furious, nod, General Key asked, "Where's your dog robber? That Master Sergeant that follows you around?"
"I don't know," General Branch answered stiffly. "I talked to him late yesterday afternoon, but I haven't talked to him since."
"Does that mean your cell phone records won't show contact between you and the Master Sergeant since yesterday afternoon?" Caleb asked.
"Mr. Connor," General Key boomed.
Okay, the General did have another tone of voice.
"I will conduct this fact-finding investigation! Is that clear?" General Key demanded. He didn't wait for Caleb to answer before turning to General Branch and asked, "What will your cell phone records show as the last time you talked to your dog robber?"
"Um ... Maybe last night," General Branch admitted, clearly nervous about the admission.
Caleb had taken out his case file and began flipping through pages.
"Sir," Caleb said politely, when he got to the page he was looking for, "The 911 call was logged at 8:42 PM. The exact time the General received a call could be significant. I can get the call information with a subpoena, but that means I would have to go to court and lay all this out for a judge. That would also mean the press might get access to it. I'm trying not to expose the Army to embarrassment, but I won't protect the Army at the expense of my case."
"Why would the time be significant, Mr. Connor?" General Key asked.
"If there was communication between the two, prior to the 911 call, it could be as innocent as the General giving the Master Sergeant the night off," Caleb explained slowly, as if organizing his thoughts as he went. "Communication after the 911 call could have the same innocent purpose, but the Master Sergeant's demeanor on the phone could be significant. If there was communication before and after the 911 call, it would seem to indicate evolving operations with status updates coming in."
"You said you have twelve hours to wrap up your case," General Key mused. "Can you get a subpoena that fast?"
"I can have a subpoena in two hours," Caleb assured the General. "I would need to justify that type of rush, and would be viewed as derelict if I didn't keep General Branch, and his phone, under observation while waiting the two hours. I would need to call the county or state to have the general picked up during the subpoena process."
"I guess that means that we don't have a choice but to resolve as many questions as possible, immediately," General Key growled, glaring at General Branch. Abruptly he thrust out his hand and demanded, "Let me see your phone, Sir."
"The information on this phone is classified," General Branch declared, clutching at the phone on his belt, and beginning to sweat.
"I have the clearance ... and, at this moment, I have the need to know," General Key declared ominously, his hand still outstretched. "Are we back to 'voluntary or in chains, ' General?" General Key asked in a much quieter, and deadly tone of voice.
Woodenly, with jerky movements, General Branch pulled his cell phone from his belt. He handed it to General Key before surreptitiously wiping the sweat from his forehead. He didn't notice JJ's self-congratulatory nod of satisfaction at seeing the General sweat.
"Thank you, Amy," JJ said in her mind. "Simple sweat is such an innocuous thing. But it can make you look, and feel, so guilty."
General Key's phone pinged. He looked at his desk phone for a moment before picking up the handset. He listened for a moment, his eyes growing larger, before curtly saying, "Send him in."
General Key stood and walked around the desk to meet whoever was coming through the door. It was an action that was notably different than the reception given to the people sitting in front of his desk.
"Senator McGowan," General Key said in greeting, holding out his hand. "It's good to see you again, Sir."
"Oh, boy! Now it's going to get good," Caleb nearly chortled, in his mind in excitement, to JJ.
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Hello iss readers …. Yeh meri dusri story hai is website par …. Pehli meri cousin pooja ke sath thi … Yeh baat actually kafi pehle ki hai …. Infact meri pehle sex ki story hai ….. I m 28 years old and with quiet healthy body ever since i was a kid …. I have a very dominating kind of charcter …. I m narrarting below the story of around 10 years ago when i was in class 12 and was just finished with my board exams and was absolutely free at home … All my frnds in my complex were either elder to me...
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"Good morning, Shaggy," Velma said, straddling the rail thin boy so that her milk dripping nipples hovered just above his mouth. "Ready for a pre-breakfast snack?" "Like, I'm always ready for your milk, Velma," Shaggy said before he stuffed Velma's left nipple into his mouth and started sucking. "Make sure you drink as much as you can," Velma told Shaggy, "you didn't drink me dry yesterday and I started leaking during Algebra class. I had to ask for a bathroom break so I could...
Time: Unknown, parked in a field of corn... We all woke up about the same time in the cockpit. Hoshi looked totally confused and surprised that we were still in one piece. The view outside was that of a setting sun. The plane was surrounded by a vast expanse of corn... I probed with my mind and sensed the 400-foot sound barriers in all directions, about 23 kilometers away. I probed a little more closely. I think my seat in the cockpit was directly opposite the center of Antelope Freeway....
One night when we were at dinner, we started talking about our discussion we’d had in bed that night. We talked about how we had both been with someone else before we met and about that night at the lake. I asked her if she thought we would ever do anything like that again. She said she might be open to it but didn’t think she could with anyone we knew or might see on a regular basis. She asked what I had in mind and I told her nothing in particular and was just wondering what her thoughts...
The craigslist post read:Bi-sexual Swing PartiesEvery Monday and Thursday 11:00 am to 3 PM and Saturday's 1 pm to 5 pm.No Alcohol allowed, food and sodas provided, towels, lube & condoms provided.Men will strip upon entering (can wear towel); women will strip or be in lingerie.Anything goes (with consent) inside house, no sex outside house or in pool or hot tub, nude sunbathing allowed"No" means "No" will be strictly enforced!$20.00 donation for couples$20.00 donation for single menSingle...
Neither Peter nor I wanted to join another church when we left for school and after checking with a couple of others in the youth ministry we took up a collection and bought a webcam for the church. About twenty of us attend Sunday service on-line. With the live chat hooked up, it was a pretty cool way to go to church and keep in touch with everybody. Peter and I usually "arrived" before service started — in whatever we slept in — and had breakfast watching the service on the giant plasma...
Tami Gets Clothes Back By Katie Irwin (Based on the ?Unintentional Nudist? series by Donnylaja. This series canbe found at Writings of Leviticus's Website under Forced Nudity) PLEASE NOTE: The characters of this story are completely stolen from Donnylaja's series, ?UnintentionalNudist.? In the series, Tami goes on a streaking dare during her first weekof college and gets caught. To get out of it, she claims that she is a religiousnudist and her rights must be honored. The college, a strict...
I hope you must have read part 1 of this story. If not, you can read it now. This story is about one of the rowdy experience that I had, being a prostitute. I was doing my regular job of satisfying customers. I was traveling for free. I used to meet and serve many clients. I licked dicks, balls, and assholes of several men. I even had drunk cum and pee of many. I slowly became used too to this environment. Sex was not as fun anymore as it was as usual. I use to go to a hotel by cab, visit...
Trent stands before the mirror dressed in the costume but without the mask on. He looks at the alarm by his bed. He still has time before needing to head out to school. Taking a few more seconds, he stares at his reflection, seeking deep into those eyes that stare right back at him. Eventually with a sigh, he slips the mask over his head. There is that slight shimmer in the glass and then the reflection takes on a life of its own. ‘What exactly is going on with you?’ Arlyne questions, her...
This is the story of my favorite adult/sexual/REAL spanking. It is more or less the beginning of one of the most incredible awakening weekends of my life because it was the first time I had ever been with a Dom.Slick and I had been chatting and talking on the phone for months. I was a sophomore in college, at 19 and Slick was... older. Like 25 years older. In fact, the weekend I was born was the first weekend he ever spent sober whereas I had never even been drunk at that point, and so began...
My name is Mannu. I don't consider myself to be a very good looking guy but I'm not ugly. I'm 5'10", normal built and a easy-going guy. This story starts when I had newly joined a company on my first job. I was 21 then and still a virgin. I was placed in a busy city which was far from my home city. I used to live alone but the business of the city soon took over and I started feeling lonely. One day as I was crossing the road I was hit by a bus which landed me in the hospital. When I awoke my...
Maybe. The names are real. Or not. You decide. When I was a Young. We had a test given to us in our school.I guess it was an aptitude test. Or IQ test. Whichever they give to young men and women that age. Which to me is ludicrous. Considering that, it's a proven fact that the human mind doesn't fully develop until well beyond the age of 18. But I digress.I remember when we had finished the test. And the teacher had handed them back to us the next day. It was in a strange way. We didn't...
Naomi was walking along a beach at dusk. It was usually a popular beach this time of year, but due to some recent storms and unusual cold weather, tonight was rather quiet. Naomi felt the sand between her toes and enjoyed the feeling. Looking out over the beach Naomi noticed a sapphire blue object a short distance away just under the water. Naomi wondered if it was a shell or something else. She reached down and tried to pick it up. The object was bigger than she thought and a few small tugs...
Mind ControlChapter 4I started out by having her spread her legs over the arms on each side of her chair and then zooming her webcam in for a close up of her pussy and tight little asshole. Her pussy looked swollen and extremely wet, ready to burst. Her asshole looked ready for action as well. She zoomed back out so I could watch her entire body and face while she played for me. She then asked "What would my Master have me do for his pleasure?" I told her to play with her tits and pinch her nipples to get...
My name is Dawn, I am a forty-year-old mother of two children and have been married for nearly fifteen years. Last week I did something that changed my life forever. Not only did it open my eyes to what I have been missing in my sex life in the last few years but also I found myself doing things that I thought I would never do in my lifetime.Before I tell you what happened I have to say that my husband is a very hard-working man but when it comes to the bedroom he lacks almost every skill...
ThreesomesMy true story of my first time lesbian experience. Hi everyone, my name is Ashley but I will refer to myself in this story as Ash I have B cup sized breasts and my best assets is my flexibility. I have never been with a male and don’t plan on being with a male in the future, I love who I am and I love the girls I have been with and the girls I will be with. It all started about 3 years ago when I was 18. I had met a girl on the train heading to the beach for the day, she introduced herself as...
The phone only rang twice. 'Hello' she said. 'Carol, it's David, do you fancy a bit of company lunchtime? There could be two of us.' 'What do you mean?' She asked 'Well, were you serious when you said you fancied a threesome?' You can sense the grin when someone replies and I could see the smile spreading across her face. 'Why not?' came the reply. 'I'll see you about 11:30 then. Be good.' 'I'll be better when I see you.' And the phone clicked off. An...
This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5 years . We have 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and our...
It has been three months since your roommate dished out her share of the rent. Your patience for your beautiful roomie, Alexis Crystall, has finally reached its limits. You want to confront the gorgeous hottie about the missed rent after hearing that she’s been splurging herself on new clothes, shoes, and bags. Alexis tells you that she just broke up with her boyfriend, so she did some shopping to feel better. However, you just can’t let her have a free pass on the rent money she...
xmoviesforyouThursday 3 June - Haunting - [Robert] I went into my room in college half in anticipation - ready for a disappointment - but there was none - better! She was there, curled up and asleep, trusting, in the armchair. I didn't want to wake her - I could guess how badly she was sleeping from my own wakeful nights. She had bought cakes and set things ready for tea. Enjoying domesticity with me. I stood looking down at her suddenly realising that there was no going back. I thought of kissing her...
The twin glass doors silently parted from each other as a silent woman walked through them. Wearing black clothing; from undershirt, pants, jacket- even belt- the silent stature moved itself to stand in front of the widely-spaced desk. Sitting with its chair back to the guest, another figure remained. The wall this man was facing was covered with countless amounts of paintings and other items hung precisely from the wall or small shelves pretruding from it. The doors from which the...
After seeing a photo of Sharleen on a network channel, Jay could not get her out of his mind. She was beautiful. He was a lover of good women and saw them as pieces of art. She was the best, nice composition with a lovely facial angle. He loved her radiant smile. Ted so much wanted to meet her in person. All he had to do was make contact, he knew he had to make the first move. One night after work he went home. After shutting off his computer much later, he still could not get her off his...
Rosemary’s secretRosemary was a good example. I guess she was around sixty-five, buxom and good looking with great legs. On Tuesday last week, she asked me if I could find her help her with a ‘delicate’ situation. Blushing, she mentioned that whilst her husband left her quite ‘well off’, she had been surfing the net and found what she described as ‘intimate desires mature chat room’ and had struck up a friendship with a couple who had sent her some ‘nice videos’ and they wanted some of...
Mature100% fiction! Hi ISS Readers, hope you all are enjoying this site...Reading plenty of stories in this site really made me to make an attempt try someone.... to seduce them and bring them to bed. I read a story from this site and wanted to try the same seducing attempt. I was totally confused with whom should I try with, whether my aunt or the girl next door or my any of my close friend. This seducing attempt can be tried by both guys/gals by changing the character. Let me tell about...
EroticPayton is a girl on a mission to get even with her cheating boyfriend. She knew something was up and was checking his phone finally to see all these pictures and even video of her man fucking everyone in the area it seems. So she decided to get back at him the best way possible by fucking even more than he did. She went to the Glory Hole to take on every dick there and her first time there she got her very first two dicks ever at the same time. She slammed her own head back deeper and deeper on...