On My OwnChapter 14 free porn video

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A tiny hand was tweaking my nose. It would grab hold of my nose then wiggle it back and forth. Finally, in a very loud whisper, I heard, "Grandpa, wake up. You have to eat breakfast with me."

Opening my eyes and smiling at my granddaughter was easy. Getting out of bed without disturbing Caroline was more difficult.

I put on a pair of jeans, along with socks and shoes, then followed Suzy to the kitchen. She said, "Let's go check on the mama rabbit before breakfast. I like to see her sitting there covering her babies."

We were approaching the rabbit's nest when I stopped Suzy and pointed. The mama rabbit was sitting up looking at us, and on the ground around her were three little miniature rabbits nibbling grass. We just stood still, watching the rabbits, knowing the mama sort of trusted us.

Suzy pulled me to go back inside. When we were in the kitchen, she said, "Now I know the mama rabbit is letting her babies eat regular food. It's neat the way they grow so fast. I guess nature is different for animals than it is for us humans."

When Suzy got up on the chair to get the cereal out, she asked, "Would you want some of this other cereal, Grandpa? There might not be enough for both of us to have CoCo Crispies."

I saw Wheaties, so I asked, "I'll have Wheaties, is that all right?"

"Right, Grandpa, breakfast of champions."

We repeated our ritual from the morning before, complete with the speech about thinking of grandpa when she drinks her Florida orange juice.

Suzy asked, "Do you know why I slept with you last night?"

"No, Ma'am, I don't."

Suzy sat up straight and said, "I wanted to make sure you didn't get up real early and leave without saying goodbye to me. I also wanted to feel you in my sleep. I liked that. You used to hold me at night when I was real little. I remember that. You would hold me at night and sing to me and you would hold me when I took a nap. I wanted to feel that again."

Sandy was standing in the archway of the kitchen with watery eyes. She came in and poured herself a cup of coffee and poured three more. She put one in front of me and carried two from the room. She was soon back sitting next to me, across from Suzy.

"Suzy," Sandy said, "How do you remember stuff like that? You were less than two years old."

"I just do, Mama, it was something that was very warm and very nice. Maybe that's why I like my Grandpa so much."

Sandy said, "She's always talking about stuff that happened when she was really young. She's one of those people that have a memory of their early childhood. I don't know whether that's good or not. Gene says he remembers when you took care of him when he wasn't even two yet. That's hard to believe, but I know those things that Suzy says are true because I was there. Amazing, isn't it?"

Gene and Caroline both came in carrying their coffee cups, smiling, happy to be alive in the morning.

Pointing out the window, Gene said, "You're going to have good flying weather. The charts say you'll have a good tailwind most of the way home. Where will you refuel and stop for the night?"

"I'm thinking Wichita, Pine Bluff, Tallahassee, and home."

Gene was alarmed, "Are you going to try to do it in one day?"

I smiled, "Oh no. We'll probably stop in Tallahassee. Instead of there, we might divert to Panama City for the night, you know how I like that place."

Gene grinned real big, "That's where you used to take me during spring break all the time. I think you liked to look at all the girls."

"Guilty. It was fun for you, I know. You always had a good time."

"I did, Sir, you were really good to let me have as much fun as I did. You were always watching, but you gave me a lot of freedom."

I said, "You earned your own freedom. I watched to make sure you didn't abuse the freedom and the more you stayed straight, the more freedom you got. You were a good kid."

Dan and Mark came in, groggy from just getting up. Dan wanted to be held by his mom, while Mark got out a bowl and cereal for breakfast. He asked Dan what he wanted and got out a bowl for him too. The kids were a tight family.

Gene said, "I have to get going. Even though it's Saturday we have reviews of all the tests from yesterday. Wish I could talk about them, but oh well, as always I have no idea what I'm working with. I'm just an engineer."

I chuckled as I was sure he knew a lot about what he was working with. The kid was too curious to be on a project and not be very well informed.

When Gene was ready to leave, I got a big hug. He hugged Caroline, told her to watch out for me, and for Caroline and I to come back and visit again soon. The kids all got hugs and kisses from their Dad as he left, with the last hug and kiss coming from Sandy.

Sandy watched Gene's truck until it was out of sight then came back to the table, smiling. She said, "I'm the luckiest wife in the world. I have a great man and three great kids. I'm the luckiest wife and mom in the world."

Caroline and I showered and dressed to travel. We packed up, then Sandy and the kids took us back to the airplane. Sandy brought some paper towels and window cleaner. She said with all the people looking at the plane, there would be nose and hand prints all over the glass.

She was right. The aircraft had obviously been a popular attraction. Even while we were washing the windows, several people came up to look into the cockpit. I did the preflight, then hugged and kissed the kids and Sandy. Caroline received as many hugs and kisses as I did. She really enjoyed the attention.

We lifted off and climbed to seven thousand feet. We were almost instantly in a fairly heavy tailwind. I should have checked the military weather before taking off.

When we landed at Wichita, we were way ahead of schedule and we didn't require as much fuel as would be normal for the distance we flew. I did check the weather and saw that we would be in that heavy flow all the way to Tallahassee. On our way to the next stop, I asked Caroline, "Want to stay overnight in Pine Bluff, Tallahassee, or how about Panama City?"

With a grin, she said in the headset mouthpiece, "Panama City. Will it be late when we get in there?"

"Maybe not with the tailwind we have. Our ground speed is almost a hundred forty. We might make it by around nine."

Caroline sounded a little down when she said, "Oh, I thought we might be able to go to the beach."

"Tell you what. We don't have to be back yet, so we'll stay overnight tonight and tomorrow night. Between those two nights, we'll play on the beach."

Caroline's face brightened. "Oh goody, I'll have to get a swimsuit, but that will be perfect. I've never been up there and it's supposed to be a real nice beach. Can we stay out by the water?"

"When we get there, I'll call a few of the hotels and find out. We'll have to get a car anyway to go out there, so we'll make guaranteed reservations and find some food before we get there."

Caroline sat in the right seat, grinning.

We did land before nine. We had the plane tended to, a reservation for an oceanfront room, and a rental car before nine. Using directions given to us by the operations people, we drove across to Panama City Beach and stopped at an Italian restaurant across the street from our hotel. The food was great and we could easily have overeaten. I wasn't drinking and asked Caroline if she might want some wine. She said, "Don't drink anything. I think I want you to take one of these. She laid a blue pill next to my iced tea. With a big grin, I swallowed the pill then we had gooey cannelloni for dessert.

The room we had was perfect. The ocean noise made the room perfect. We went to bed with the door to the little porch open, letting the night sounds in. We put the result of the pill to good use. At one point, before I gave out, Caroline said, "I don't care if I do walk funny in the morning; this is too good to waste."

We were sound asleep by midnight after we happily moved to one side of the bed.

The next morning Caroline was like a little kid. She couldn't wait to have breakfast then to run to a shop to get swimsuits. She said, "I'm going to get the most scandalous suit they have. I'll tell them that I want something that's barely legal. I have the tan for it and I want to show off for you."

"Caroline, you don't look your age at all. You look perhaps fifty at the most. The young guys will be drooling all over you."

She said, "I only want you to drool all over me. I wish you could use those pills two days in a row. I'm ready for more right now."

That gave me a twitch. Maybe I would still work for an encore later, after all.

Caroline did get a skimpy suit, but it wasn't as miniscule as they had. She made a good choice in that the suit was tiny but covered her to the point of looking sexily sophisticated. I bought another pair of trunks.

We had to use a gallon of lotion while we were out in the sun to keep from burning. I even bought a slouch hat for my bald spot. By noon, we were ready for lunch and a nap, then we went out some more in the afternoon. That evening we walked the beach until we found a little beach restaurant that served some nice fish dinners. We ate and had some drinks, then walked back to the hotel.

In our room, with the door open again, Caroline said, "This has been the nicest vacation I've ever had. I know it was to see your son and his family, but I was a part of all of it. Oh, Mark, you've spoiled me forever. I'm almost feeling guilty that we've had so much fun. I hope Shirley and Betty don't get mad that I might want to steal you. We've just met, but we've become very close, very quickly. At least we know you have to wait, since you don't even have your divorce yet."

We fell asleep kissing and hugging, with the ocean sounds blending in with our sighs.

We got out of bed early Monday morning, ate breakfast, and went to the airport. A half hour later, we were on our last leg home wearing big smiles.

Caroline said, "If Betty wants to be a part of our blue pill time, you can at least take care of her tonight. Shirley is going to be a little jealous. I'll tell you something, though, you've made me feel like more of a woman and a special person in these few days than I've ever felt before. I wish I had known you when we were younger. We would have been good for each other."

"Probably so, Caroline, life is funny though. We have to play with the hand we're dealt. Let's just enjoy each other now that we have this special connection."

She looked at me and talked to me through the headset, "I hope I won't be too clutching, too protective, or jealous. I'm normally not that way, but I'm going to be a little strange around others. I promise to be an adult."

We landed about ten and taxied up to the hangar by the charter office. I got out and helped Caroline out. Inside the charter and rental office, I said, "DeDe, I've brought your new toy back."

"How did it fly? I thought you might stay out another week."

"No, Dede," I said, "I need to get back and do some work for Steve. He was nice enough to let me use the plane. Here's the log, I'll fill the bird up with fuel. Take this card and use it for the charges."

I left the office, fueled the aircraft and made sure the inside was cleaned out. The glass was still clean from cleaning it in Cheyenne before we left. Since there was no rain, there were no spots. I pushed the plane into the hangar before going into the office to get my card and the receipt.

DeDe handed me my card back and I said, "Do you have the receipt? I need to write it in my checkbook. I use a debit card."

DeDe looked at me and said, "Will you get out of here. Steve said you were to fly free, that means free, no charge, you don't pay nuttin. Now get." The lady was grinning as she told me to get.

Jesus, how am I ever going to repay a guy like that? I was going to try, that's for sure.

We drove back to the park. As soon as I stopped in front of Caroline's trailer, Betty, Shirley, and Prissy came out to meet us.

Prissy was first, "I heard you actually flew an airplane by yourself out to see your son. That is really something, Mark."

"It was special, Prissy."

Betty had already hugged Caroline and hugged me too, before saying, "You two snuck out on me. I'll bet you had a great time. You'll have to tell us all about it."

Shirley said, "Okay, you two, how many blue pills did you use."

I burst out laughing and gave Shirley another hug. I said, "You'll be happy to know, we only used one. We were very careful so that I would be able to take a pill upon our return."

Shirley had an evil grin, "Oh goody, I've been thinking about those blue pills all week."

Prissy said, "Well, you be careful with those pills. When you get up there in age, you don't want to take them very often. I won't let Donald have one but about once a week."

The picture flashed in my mind of the very old couple making love. I hope I would be like them. Seventy-five years together and still getting it on once a week, unbelievable. Thankfully, Prissy left so my smile wouldn't give me away.

Caroline said to me, "I'll bet you had the same mental picture I had. Sweet, wasn't it?"

Betty said, "Go put your bags away and let's go to the patio to show them you are back. You two have been the talk of the park since you've left. You didn't go to Vegas and get married, did you?"

Caroline said, "Betty, you know the man is still married. I'm not the only eligible lady around here."

Shirley said, "You may not be, but it is Betty's and my consensus, you two are perfect for each other. We're going to nurture that and hopefully have ourselves a special couple."

I blushed and Betty gave me a hug and said, "I'm so happy for you two. I hope I can still have a cuddle every once in a while."

Caroline and I exchanged glances. She said, "You know we did talk some, but we've agreed that we don't know each other very well yet, and we need to do that before we talk any serious stuff. So help us to tell others to take it easy."

We went to the patio by walking between trailers, since the cart wouldn't hold four of us. Everyone welcomed us and had to hear all about the trip. Caroline was the tour guide and told about the trip up and back, along with the trip to Denver in the borrowed Apache. Steve was interested to hear that my son and his wife were both instructor pilots and earned quite a bit by teaching. He thought it was neat that there were so many nose and handprints on the 162 Skycatcher that we had to wash the windows to fly back.

After lunch, I walked the ladies back to their trailers. With my cart out of the shed, I ran to the cart warranty area to find eight carts waiting. I guess they didn't work Saturday. I was able to finish all eight before five. I was cleaning the stall and the bench when Steve walked in.

"Hey, I figured you were here when you weren't in your trailer. You didn't need to bury yourself in work as soon as you returned."

"I wanted to get caught up. There are some folks that need some help and I want to get to them in the morning. I've had my visit and now it's time to catch up. And, ah, thank you for letting me use the Skycatcher. It was a pleasure to fly. It was easy to handle, even in a heavy tailwind. It didn't pitch at all, rode right along."

"That was my gift, Mark. You've added some maturity to our group and I want you to know we enjoy you. Let's go have a beer before supper."

"Ah, Steve, I play pool on Monday's and Wednesday's. I've missed a few weeks because of moving and getting hurt. It's time I fulfill by commitment to the team."

"That's great, Mark. Where do you play?"

I told him, "Monday night at Fatso's, but it is a traveling league. We play out at Bulls Club and Skids too. Wednesday is also a traveling league and we play all over. From out on fifty-sixth at the Tally Ho to out on 580 at Stroker's pool hall."

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Hi everyone, my name is Alexis, and this is the story about how I became a slut for black cock. Let me start off by telling you a bit about myself at the time. It happened in High School, when I was 17 years old. I was your typical popular girl, with a body to match. I was about 5’5”, 112 lbs, with strawberry blonde hair to my mid back, and sparkling green eyes. I had a nice pair of breasts for my age, 34 C, with an ass and legs all the guys drooled over. I acquired this body through years of...

1 year ago
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How i made a young black males 2 dream

We met a young black married male on line about a year ago now. After speaking to him several time's on line and getting to know him some. On Saturday evening we decided to invite him to our home to meet him in person.When he arrived that night and i got my first chance to see him in person,i must say i was impressed. A good looking young man, with a fantastic body. As we sat in the living room talking my eye's kept on his crotch, even with his cloth's on i knew he was big as thier was a very...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Nikole Nash Don8217t Tell My Boyfriend OK

Nikole Nash feels badly for you. Really, she does. Nikole knows how much you loved your ex, and she feels terribly how it ended. So what’s Nikole gonna do about it? Well, Nikole’s always been a big believer in the following: when a man gets his nut, he feels much better. But Nikole’s got a boyfriend! Oh no! But wait…a handjob isn’t cheating, is it? Nikole doesn’t think so! In fact, while she’s teasing you in order to “build up your nut”...

2 years ago
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Cruising on sea part two

So as we both laid there , me stlll inside her we began to chat, thank you she repeated , what for i asked , letting me come first, most men are only intent on their own pleasure , i love seeing a women come by any and all means , just seeing that most precious moment of them cumming is wonderful ," you are a gentleman " she said , might i ask you , could i stay the night, its well passed midnight and i don't fancy wandering around the ship on my own when its deserted, i said by all means stay...

3 years ago
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Good evening counselor

I meet this guy Topher over 15 years ago from another friend. We were kinda party buddies but we remained connected as friends. He's a great attorney now an super hot , has the GQ look going on, over 6 foot and incredibly sexy. The kind that smell good an dress impeccably. In the past we had a couple sexual encounters but I have never fucked him. I dropped by his apartment after we had texted for a few because I was dropping off some baked goods I had made. I pull up an sat an waited for a few...

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pados ki ladki ko pata ke romatically choda

hey friends i m varun. me gujarat ke surat city me ek company me job karta hu. i m 24 years old.me bada hi romentic hu. ye meri first story hai ummid karta hu aap sab ko bahot pasand aayegi.nw i direct come to my story. ye bat 8 month pehle ki hai jb mene new room sift kiya. me ek kiraye ke makan me rehta hu. mere pass wale makan me ek family rehti hai jisme ek uncle (mohan-contractor), aunty(geeta-housewife), aur unki do ladkiya(somya(21), maya(14)). me har roj apne daily rutine me rehta hu...

4 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 9 Nina Starts to Learn

Nina's encounter with Erin at the sports store weighed on her mind for the next few days. She realized that she had almost been forced into a lesbian experience that would have left her feeling degraded. She also couldn't understand her feelings before the events in the dressing room. Watching the motion of Erin's ass, and allowing Erin to see under her skirt, had happened almost automatically. At the time, she hadn't initially realized that she was even doing these things. The dressing...

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Newly Submissive

After getting all dressed she sat down and started her laptop. Her boyfriend new that she loved reading sex stories online and they happened to get her all soaking wet so he made it a rule that she read them for 30 minutes every morning and 30 minutes every night. As Kasey waited for it to load she went and grabbed her vibrator, already excited as she passed the rules on the wall. This whole power exchange between her boyfriend and her turned her on greatly. She loved how strict he was with her...

3 years ago
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My daughterrsquos secret life

My daughter lives with her husband in a different state far away from me and her mom, so while I was on a business trip near their home I decided to visit for a few days. My wife visited them last summer for two weeks, I was busy at work and couldn’t come with her. Me and my daughter had a great relationship she always call to see if I was ok and text me just to say hello. My daughter is half Japanese and American, she met her husband in college, he’s a good guy that works hard. I see them both...

2 years ago
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Wagons HoChapter 22

We made good time today and we got in eighteen miles. We had just finished supper and were leaning back letting it digest when Sam Arnold and his son came around. He introduced himself then got right to the point. "I came here to talk to you about Abby Wilson," he said. Abby wiggled her way in between me and Lettie. "She's Abby Tackett now," I said. "We've adopted her." "Well, whatever you're calling her, she needs to be punished. She attacked my boy for no reason. First, she...

2 years ago
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Bad Wishing 7 Objectification

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

2 years ago
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Resolutions Part 2 of 2

It’s almost midnight and darkness has finally settled in. We’ve hung lanterns from the low-lying tree branches, and there’s a floodlight at the rear of the house blanketing the backyard in a yellow glow. The warmth of the day lingers even without the sun. The guests have become rowdier than ever now. There’s wrestling going on in one of the wading pools and a drinking game in progress. A close work colleague of mine has just flung off her bikini top. She’s straddling one of Lucas’s friends...

Group Sex
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Dirty Girls and a Camera

This story takes place about a year after me, my little cousin Stephanie, and my girlfriend Johanna’s first sex romp together. I wouldn’t say the three of us got together frequently over that following year, but we had our share of liaisons. The girls liked to dress up and show off their bodies. I certainly didn’t mind. Johanna and I were living together by this time, and we invited Stephanie over to our place on a Friday night for a night of drinks and fun. Johanna had cut her brown hair...

3 years ago
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Mamaji Made Me Pregnant

Hi this is harini from hyderabad.I am a fair girl with 38-30-38 figure.I m 5’6″ n 27 yrs old now.This is my 3rd story.Jyada samay khara na karte hue mai sidhe story pe ati hu. Mai jo story batane ja rahi hu wo ek sachi ghatana hai.And i don’t have any regrets for it.Lets begin Ye story 2saal pehle ki hai jab mai 25 saal ki gadraye badan wali ladki thi.Mai hyd me job karti thi.Mera recently hi mere boyfriend k saath break up hua tha.Unfortunately mai ab tak virgin thi.Break up ki wajah se mai...

4 years ago
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What can happen when you leave a hot wife alone

A couple of buddies and I have reserved the third Saturday of each month to spend the day golfing which occasionally turns into an afternoon and evening of drinking. The day usually starts out early, getting to the course around 8 am and having lunch at the club with a few martini's. In the afternoon we usually move to one of our neighborhood sports bars for a few beers. This story is about my most resent Golf outing which turned out to be a bit wilder than usual. It was a beautiful September...

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Nancy awards her cherry

Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As you knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of Pandav Nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or She never understood herself in that regard. She knew she would eventually loose her virginity and twice she thought she had found the right guy to do it. Each time Nancy backed out realizing at the last minute that it was the wrong guy. Both times...

3 years ago
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I Love Him Part 1

"Haha, you wish." He smiled at me, leaning toward me and took me by the waist, perfect lips leaning down toward my face. I blinked, not knowing how to react and I shut my eyes. His lips rested against mine, then moved a bit and it got more comfortable. I moaned, wrapping my arms around the curve of his neck and he held his body tight against mine..."Emily! Are you even listening?" My teachers voice pounded against my brain and my head shot up and I could already feel the flush of my face...

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My sr

Joe was 19 and his s****r 18. The had lived sheltered lives and still lived at home with their parents. Joe was so curious about sex and would sneak at night down the hall and watch his parents fuck. He was amazed at what they did. He loved to watch his mom on top of the dad and her tits bounce as the dad pounded her pussy. Sometimes the dad would put his cock in his moms mouth and she would suck it as he went in and out. His favorite was watching dad lick moms pussy. As their night light would...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Leigh Raven Tattooed babe Leigh Raven gets fucked by her hung black masseur

Leigh Raven has a massage appointment she needs to get to this morning but she’s also horny. She’s trying to rub one out really quick when Kinky Spa calls her asking if she’s still coming in. She didn’t even get to cum yet! Good thing she’s going to the Kinky Spa. Once she gets naked on the table her masseur wastes no time touching her all over and driving her crazy until she gets the REAL massage service she was after, a huge black cock massaging her insides!...

4 years ago
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Incest Sex Experience With Hot Cousin 8211 Pt 2 MFM Threesome

As you remember in the last part, Riya went to Delhi for a competition. Thus I was forced to sleep in Aisha’s bedroom which was located in the corner or the house, secluded from the rest of the house. Aisha had called her boyfriend Aryan to stay the night with us as she felt very lonely and scared. I went to bed quite early around 10 PM as my flight to Mumbai was scheduled to depart at 10 AM the next morning. My deep slumber was broken when suddenly I heard a loud moan. It sounded as if someone...

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Friday nights

I was very young when dad began having sex with me. It started with him coming to my room and stripping me naked then he would finger my pussy. He got so he could put his whole finger all the way in me. Then he taught me to suck his cock and swallow his cum. I liked it when he sucked my clit which he did before he finger fucked me. When my tits began to grow the sex got more intense and he then began to put his cock in me instead of his finger. The first few times hurt a lot but soon I was able...

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Diary Of A White Slut

Dear diary today is April 1 and Last night I was very, very . I met this guy last night at the store and he was just drop dead gorgeous. He asked if I wanted to go for a drink and I said sex being cute. We had a couple of drinks and then we walked out back of the place. We were both hot and horny from all of the kissing we did inside. He had me up against the wall my hands were in his one large hand behind my back and then other his hand was up under my skirt and rip went my thong, his hand was...

4 years ago
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Lezbo Dream

It was a dark scary night, and Andrea and her best friend Courtney were home alone. Andrea was wearing a tight white blouse and mini shorts. Courtney was wearing a thong and bra.

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 9

Mr. Ward must have announced it over the intercom about the snake in the parking lot and me almost killing it with my bare hands. Damn what a lie that was. “Josey, we heard about that snake trying to crawl up Miss Mooney’s leg before you grabbed it and tried to pull its head off barehanded. Everyone in school knows about it now,” Junior Whitlock told me when I sat down at my desk. Linda Bircher leaned over from her desk, smiling as I looked down into the deep V of her cheerleader sweater....

3 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 4 Moving Some Furniture

“Got a light?” asked Rusty Blockings, pulling the joint out of his pocket. “Yeah, here,” replied his brother Jeremy. They had just gotten off the school bus and headed into the little woods at the corner of Chrystal and Rosewood. School was out and it was time to get high before going home to face the family. Rusty, fifteen, took the butane lighter from his sixteen-year-old brother and lit up the dope. He took in a good hit, then held his breath as he passed it to his brother. Jeremy simply...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 110 Early

It was mid-August, and Warren and Sophia were at the Oceanview ice rink with Liz Cushman. Andrea and Brett had already been out, and Warren and Sophia had choreographed them a short program to "Opus One" that they were thrilled with. Warren and Sophia had originally tried to find a big band piece that they had never skated with, but, as Sophia said, "There's so few of them!" "Opus One" really suited Andrea and Brett's skating, plus Sophia and Warren had skated to it years ago, when...

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Mom deserve black

Hi mera nam rahul hai.me surat me meri mom-dad k sath rehta hun.hum log ek society me rehte hai.mere papa police me hai.hamari financial condition thik nahi hai.fir papa ko bharuch me achhi job mil rahi thi jis se hamari condition sudhar sakti thi papa ne wo job accept ki aur wo bharuch rehne chale gaye.yaha me aur meri mom hum do hi the. Meri mi 36 sal ki hai uski figure 34-32-34 haiwoh bahut hi sexy hai.raat ko me aur mom sath me hi sote the.to kabhi kabhi jabh me raat ko mut ne uthta to...

2 years ago
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Best Christmas Present Ever

All of my friends know one thing about me…I am about the least materialistic person ever. When I am home in America, I love Wal-Mart. I make no apologies for shopping at PoundLand. My preference for getting stuff is…find it, given it second hand, make it, buy it from the charity shop. So Christmas is a real challenge for me. When someone asks what I want for Christmas, my answer is either ‘nothing’ or something very practical like my lovely new sewing machine that the kids bought me this year...

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The Quest For Liberation Continues

Divorce produced a range of emotions and behaviors that was quite unexpected. I missed having a traditional nuclear family, a lot. On the positive side, my relationship with my kids improved a great deal. They grounded me, and I spent as much time with them as possible. I had bought a house on Lake Travis where they each had their bedroom and more than enough clothing at our home. I got them every other weekend and every Wednesday, when I had them overnight. In addition, I had them full time in...


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