Gwen Trooper and Douglas
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
Back in Indianapolis on Wednesday afternoon, Barb handed me the envelope with our copy of the contract and a check for $150,000. She suggested that I go straight to a First Bank branch and deposit it. Heaven, Maggie, and I had gone out to a very nice dinner in a restaurant that catered to clientele who didn't want to be bothered. Barb, Conrad, and Patty Stills had worked on the contract until close to midnight. Our phone had been ringing before we got back to the hotel and we left the fine tuning to our lawyer. She had the copy we would sign sitting on the table in the suite at six this morning waiting for me to read it and sign it. We hand delivered the document at nine o'clock and walked away with the check. We were committed to a twelve episode weekly prime time season starting Monday, February second.
The check was the first quarter payment. They were paying $50,000 per episode.
"How about if I drop you off and head for the office?" Maggie suggested. I was driving. How did she think she'd do that?
"How about if you take two hours to pretend to be a college student and come to see one of the best basketball teams ever?" I countered. "It's the night before Thanksgiving. You are invited to stay at our house tonight and join us for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. You'll still have the weekend to go back to Chicago if you want to."
"I wasn't going back," she admitted. "I try not to go back."
"Then here's the deal, producer. If you want to spend the weekend alone, I'll take you back to your apartment. If you want to spend it in company, I'll take you home."
"Naked." It wasn't a question. She knew that was how we'd spend our weekend. I just nodded. "How would you like to see your producer's titties flopping around all weekend?" she giggled. "Let's go watch basketball."
Whitney had been moved to forward and came alive, dumping in fourteen points to contribute to our 86-51 beat down of Indiana State in a well-rounded effort.
Thanksgiving Day was laid back and relaxed for a while. We actually had a couple parents around, so there was no nudity except in private spaces. John and Bea Clinton flew down. Theresa's parents showed up to coo over baby Eleanor. Malcolm and Regina Evars came to join Lionel and Sugar and see if there was any progress on getting pregnant. And Crystal and Bill James came to join us. I think Bill just wanted to play in our kitchen.
We served Thanksgiving Dinner buffet style in the studio with every available table and chair we could scrounge up. We had a fire going in the fireplace and people really relaxed and just enjoyed our time together.
"Where are your parents, Brian?" Sheriff Donaldson asked. "I always like to see them when they are visiting."
"My sister is about to pop out her kid, so they went to Seattle this week. It's the first time Anna has gone out with them, so it promises to be interesting," I laughed. "My sister is a little more conservative than we are. I think." Maybe not!
"Brian, have you seen Cassie?" Mary asked. "Some of us were planning a shopping trip tomorrow."
"I saw them," Carl said. "Uh ... Cassie and her dad ... They went for a ride."
"To the airport?"
"No. I mean to the woods. Her dad is on Lady and Cassie is on Queenie," Carl said.
"Wow! Cassie got horses saddled and took her dad for a ride?" I could hardly believe it. Several people had been talking about riding this afternoon.
"I sort of helped make sure the cinches were tight, but she got everything set. Her dad seems to be comfortable and even had boots. I think they planned it in advance," Carl said.
"Brian!" Addison screamed. "Come to the office!" I went running to Stall One and found Doreen sprawled in the desk chair. I immediately looked for water and wondered where Doug was. Dor wasn't due for another two weeks, but anything could happen. Instead, she turned to me and smiled.
"Your mother wants to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving," she said as she handed me the phone. Oh!
"Hi, Mom. Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving to you, Uncle Brian," she said.
"Why are you calling me... ? Oh my goodness! Are you having turkey dinner in the maternity ward?"
"We are. Your sister finished baking her little turkey and we left everything on the table."
"What do we have? Is he out? Do I have a nephew or a niece? Mom, you're not giving me any information. Is Betts okay?"
"Calm down, Brian. Male, twenty-two inches, seven pounds eight ounces, ten toes and ten fingers."
"Hooray!" I clutched Doreen to me as I knelt beside her. I kissed her tummy and said, "Baby Swift, you have a new cousin."
"Here's your sister," Mom said.
"Brian, are you with Doreen and Addy?" Betts asked.
"Yes. We're all right here and huddling around the phone with Doreen's tummy," I laughed. "Are you okay, sister?"
"A little dopey, but happy. I just want to tell you that Jonathon Michael is anxious to meet all four of you."
"We can't wait to come see you," I said.
"I love you, Betts," Addison said. "Kiss our nephew and my brother for us."
"There are a lot of little kisses going around, Addy. Love you, too."
"Betsy, is it going to hurt a lot? I've got my legs crossed," Doreen moaned.
"Well, uncross them," Betts said. She dropped her voice to a whisper. "When you visit I'm going to want them spread far enough to get my head between them."
"Betts!" we all yelled.
"I forgot you were all on the phone!" she said. "I'm still dopey. That's it. Ignore anything this airhead says."
"We love you, Betts," I said. "Can't wait to see you and Jonathon. Oh, and Allen and everyone."
Doreen joined our casa in the big room Thanksgiving night. I massaged her with the chamomile oil and had lots of help doing it. Everyone wanted to touch the baby. Having Betts' news was making us all excited.
"Brian? It's uncomfortable for me to have intercourse right now, but I could still have an orgasm," Doreen whispered.
"Mmm. I suppose I could do that," I said as my fingers found her little nub and began to slowly tease it. "When I put my face down there, though, I know you are going to be imagining my sister's tongue lapping up your juices."
"Oh!" she gasped. My fingers were suddenly flooded with her lubrication. "I can't believe she said that with all of you right there. Please, Brian. Please eat me."
"I'm trying to think how many people were in the room with her there when she said it," I laughed. That was the end of the conversation, though, as I kissed my way down the baby bump and into her snatch.
I can see you, Madrina. I just opened my eyes a crack to whisper good morning and found you curled around our baby. You and Doreen look like an interlocking puzzle. Go easy on her titties when you suck them, honey. They are pretty tender.
I watched you with Eleanor yesterday afternoon. Her grandma practically had to pry her out of your arms. Not that you were so reluctant to give her up, but Eleanor didn't want to let go. She loves you. Little Baby Swift will be the same way. You're cuddled so close. Do you know yet? Is there a little girl or a little boy in that tummy?
Every child, Rhonda. Every child born to our clan is our child—yours and mine. We are so blessed.
Except for Dinita, all the parents were gone by noon on Friday. A few people had gone out early to do shopping at the sales, but most were lazing around, just waiting for the all-clear bell to sound. When it rang, clothes began to fall.
We'd had a cold snap at the beginning of the week and even a little snow while I was in New York, but the temperature had warmed into the fifties and sixties by Thursday. It was almost balmy outside when we grabbed robes to walk to the studio for lunch. We didn't stay outside for long, though. Some of the guys and several women were gathered around the big screen TV to watch football games. I was pretty content. Doreen settled into Doug's lap and when she was comfortable, both he and I put our hands on her tummy for a few minutes, grinning like crazy.
I wasn't that interested in the football game, but I was interested in a nap, so I went back to the house to lounge in front of our fireplace in my big chair. I wondered if I'd logged as many sleep hours in that chair as I had in my bed. I was surprised that Maggie followed me into the room, hung her robe on a peg by the door, and curled up in my lap.
"Uh ... Hi, Maggie. You know that this position is going to cause a reaction, don't you? And we haven't really defined what permissions we have," I said.
"I'd be good with cuddling and touching, okay?" she said. "It's hard not to be touching if you are cuddling, right?"
"That's true. Just so you know that I'm not planning to have sex with you. Okay?"
"Oh, yeah. But there's a certain unresolved tension between us, Brian. I'm working on resolving tensions and I'm getting better at it. Lamar still scares me, but he was so good and so kind when we did our shoot up in Indy. All of us felt safe. It's too bad the thing with the Pacers didn't work out."
"I think he was a little relieved," I said. "He's really getting into law school and wants to focus his energy."
"He's still going to join us for our taping when he can. Even Heaven likes having him nearby."
"They were friends in high school," I said. I was still trying to figure out what she wanted. I had an arm around her as she leaned against me and she took my other hand in hers.
"Brian..." she took a deep breath, seemed to hold it a few seconds and then blew it out. She opened the palm of my hand and pulled it up to cup her right breast. "I am a woman. I have breasts. I like them, mostly. I sometimes wish the nipples weren't quite so big, but they are very sensitive, so I can't complain about that." She moved my hand over the other breast and squeezed so I would squeeze her. "Your hands are warm and they feel good touching my skin."
"Please, Brian. This is important. Please let me continue."
"Go ahead." What the hell is she doing? She pulled my hand down to her stomach.
"I'm a woman. I have ovaries and a uterus. As far as I know, everything is in working order. I could get pregnant and carry a child. I see how you look at Doreen—how you caress her tummy so tenderly. No one has ever said anything, but I think—I am sure—that she is carrying your child. I look at her and think, 'One day I could carry a child. What a miracle that would be.' Of course, I know that it's not a miracle." She dragged my hand down and forced it between her legs, pushing my fingers right to her opening. "I'm a woman. I have a clitoris." She was shaking and, though she was damp, it wasn't the wetness of a woman who was turned on. She pushed my finger deeper into her and caught her breath. "I have a vagina. At my choosing, I could invite a penis—perhaps your penis that is pressing against my thigh—into my vagina to make love. To be a whole woman." She jerked my hand away from her pussy and pulled it around her as she collapsed, sobbing against my chest.
What the fuck just happened?
I held her as she curled into a fetal position in my arms. Maggie is small, like Judy, and when she curled up I had a tiny bundle in my arms. She cried for a long time. I didn't know what to do, so I just held her and petted her hair.
"I'm sorry, Maggie," I said finally. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
"No. You don't understand, Brian. No one ... no one has touched me in any of those places ... since I was raped." The sobs were renewed. She didn't seem to want to pull away from me. If anything she held me more tightly. When she could speak again, she whispered. "I needed to know ... I needed to know that I could be touched. But I was so afraid. Rose said ... she told me I could trust you ... she ... that you would never do anything I didn't give you permission to do. I needed to trust ... that I could be touched and not be raped. Thank you. Thank you for letting me trust you."
Friday night, the Lady Hoosiers put paid to Liberty. The opponent was so overmatched it was difficult not to be embarrassed for them. Three Hoosiers scored nineteen points each while hitting sixty percent from the floor. It didn't seem like Liberty could get a shot all the way to the rim.
There were a lot of hugs as our ladies talked to the opposing team after the game. It seemed like the 97-46 victory was harder to take than the victory over Ball State Monday night at 98-42.
Whitney came home feeling a little sheepish and I cuddled her closely all night.
What is it about me? You, Nicki, Joanne, Maggie. I think even Danielle, though I don't know why. Robyn. What is it that attracts damaged, broken women to me? I'm so out of my depth. I don't know what to do for these women. When you were ... sick ... I wanted to fix things and Dr. McCall kept telling me I couldn't fix it. Stop asking why. But she was so pitiful, Rhonda. She just wanted to be held, and touched sexually, and know that she was in control.
I guess that's the answer, isn't it. She could trust me. And there isn't anything that I want more in the world than for my friends to be able to trust me. I have to switch her to that category. She's not just my employee. She's my friend. I can't be her friend unless I let her be mine.
Is that what happened to you and April? You each found someone you could trust? I think I understand. A little. I'm still pretty dense.
I sighed. Arms wrapped around me.
"Some things are just too hard to say out loud, aren't they?" Rhonda whispered. "I feel that way sometimes, too."
I thought I wouldn't see the triplets over the break. They had gone home to Louisville, but they all showed up at the house Saturday afternoon.
"Is it all right for us to spend the evening?" Danielle said. She was already stripping off her clothes. The other two were slower, but both were hanging articles on the pegs by the back door.
"Of course you can," Rose said. "You can have a room for the night if you want. Why go back to an empty chapter house?"
"Rose! That's so sweet of you," Debbie said. She and Dolly went with Rose to the fireplace and were introduced to Lexi, Judy, TK, and Pam. The younger girls had only arrived this morning. Rich and Amber were out with Lionel, Lamar, and Sugar. Susan had Renee out at a spa as they prepared to celebrate Renee's 23rd birthday. We were keeping Lexi and Judy occupied while the rest of Casa de la Tierra prepared for Lexi's 18th and Carl's 20th birthday.
While they were talking, Danielle led me to the chair and curled into my lap like a cat. I swear, she purred. We didn't go to sleep. Danielle was in a talkative mood and wanted ... I wasn't sure. It seemed like she just wanted to be petted. Like a cat.
"I shaved my legs this morning because I didn't want to scratch you up when I sat on your lap. Do you like them?" She kept hold of my hand as she ran it up and down her leg. Then she took my hand and held the palm against her face. "You have such nice hands. I got around front to watch you while you were cooking last week. You always wear gloves. Do you think your hands are ugly, Brian? Because they have scars on the knuckles? I don't mind. I know you have hard hands, but you are always so gentle with them." She dragged my hand down across her breasts and onto her tummy where she left it. "I like you to hold me and pet me. Is that weird? I'm not teasing you. I'm not, like, leaking pussy juice in your lap or anything and you aren't poking me with your thing. If you were, I'd call Debbie. She wants to be poked by it. But you can pet me. I like every place you pet me. I just feel so warm and cuddly. I'm talking a lot, aren't I?"
She shut up abruptly and looked at me with her lips pursed together. I stared into her eyes and then we both started laughing.
"I like to hold you," I said. "And I like listening to you. You're like my own little Chatty Cathy doll. Only naked. And even if we're not getting turned on, I like holding you and petting your naked body."
"Did you see that movie? I love Steve Martin and John Candy. But they are so homophobic!"
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GayMrs. Matthew often pondered over her sensual shaving experience with Gregory ever since their spontaneous encounter nearly a month ago. The excitement of having a young, handsome barber tend to her in such a fine manner was impossible to forget. From the flicker of his generous tongue to the careful shearing of her silver-blond hair, the whole ordeal was the hottest she ever had. The velvet-like pelt of silver had grown close to an inch now, very thick, shiny and healthy. She often touched it,...
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Sometime last year I discovered a new type of porn, shemale, or transsexual porn. That soon led to anal play, at first just with my finger, that was until I was home alone, at least I thought, for the weekend. I thought I'd snoop a little since the chances of getting caught were slim to none, or so I thought. My sister was sleeping over at the cheer captains house with the rest of her cheer group. My parents were in Berkeley on business for their company. So, first up was my parents...
Otherwise...Enjoy my childhood... When I was 10 I went to spend a summer in Oklahoma with my dad's family. Dad and I spent our first few days with his mom in OKC then on the fourth of July we went up to Tulsa to my Aunt Denise's where I was to spend the rest of my summer. I had been excited for many weeks prior to arriving in Oklahoma. I was an only child and my cousin Matt, at the time 14, was going to be spending a month with me an Aunt Denise's. He was not her son, but I'll go...
Introduction: -This story is true in some aspects, but a lot of it is extremely exaggerated. Thanks, and I really mean it if you have read it thus far. I am a male to female transsexual, but that is all the information I will release about myself- Im Matt, now known as Maria, and this is the story of my journey of how I became a shemale, and all the quirks, and bumps in the roads. Now that my name is out of the way, I will explain a little more about myself. Im a 15 year old male with an...
A good friend of my wife, Matthew, had suffered a traffic accident and so Ana asked me to go for a visit to the hospital.A Doctor was busy with Matthew as we arrived; so, her sweet wife Rachel was outside at the corridor.She told us that Ana’s good old friend had been lucky after all.When the Doctor had finished doing his task, we could go in to see Matthew. After half an hour, I told Ana that I could go to the car for a cigarette. Rachel then said she would come with me for a walk…As we walked...
Time: A few years ago. Covers a span of seven years. While the author has never mentioned a specific year for action, historical events have guided the progression. The kind of computer they could get. When they started using cell phones. The condition of the Internet. Who was president. It will become obvious in this part, however, that the events described include the family's reaction and response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and other world events of the late 90s. This...
Just getting a new job and trying to impress the boss, is my very most priority in life. I make sure that I'm dressed well each day: a business suit (blazer, shirt, tight skirt, panties and bra to match), pantyhose and heels. My hair groomed nicely and my makeup just so. I choose a nice light fragrant perfume, just a little something to make the boss turn his head.My desk, just outside his office, is neat and organized. I make coffee each morning and always make sure there is some kind of...
Matthew and David most likely became best friends as a matter of convenience. Others may believe that fate and destiny rule when it comes to love. The boys would tell you otherwise. When they met for the , Matt had recently been separated from his best friend after the boys’ parents filed for divorce and sold the family home. It was the greatest loss of Matthew’s young life. They moved away on the last day of school and Matt was left to spend the summer without the only friend that he had known...
GayLucy Hogarth and Mary Littleton were now having lesbian sex at every opportunity and Mary had given Lucy another caning but Lucy found the caning strangely underwhelming because she now felt that she needed more than Mary could give her regarding corporal punishment.What Lucy wanted now was a real thrashing which she knew would be incredibly painful but she also knew that it would probably take her to heights of sexual stimulation that she had never reached before.When Lucy had taken the public...
SpankingAt the ranch, Joanne was antsy as all get-out. Maggie wanted to continue her production meeting and I had to agree. That was why Joanne was back at the ranch, after all. We had a lot of ground to cover in hammering out the details of when we would shoot the pilot and how we would structure the show. Joanne wanted to go to bed. What a difference. She'd gone from my one-time wannabe to all-the-time horny. Once we'd gotten through the afternoon meeting and dinner, there was no stopping her...
The shoot on Friday went perfectly. Three tabloids had various photos of Heaven and Adam. They always seem to use the worst photos they can dig up. "Adam cast out of paradise," one headline screamed. "Broken-hearted Heaven betrayed!" said another. "Football star had relations in the locker room." "How Heaven is coping with betrayal." "Rampaging model banishes gay 'boyfriend.'" LARA: Oh, my goodness, Heaven! Look at these tabloids! You poor thing. HEAVEN: Oh, don't let those...
I had fun with the moms of pregnant girls. Anna 'Darling' and Nona 'Love' attended as Doug's and Doreen's moms. Theresa talked her mother and Larry's mother into joining them for the show. Doris Trane and Regina Evars were there with Sugar. ME: Sugar? Are you making an announcement today? SUGAR: No, Chef Brian. But it isn't for lack of trying. I thought by rubbing elbows ... or bellies ... with Doreen and Theresa, it might rub off on me. My mother is putting the pressure...
Ever since I can remember I loved women's panties and if i got a chance I would borrow or steal them from my friends wife's panty drawer. Sometimes late at night I would put only my panty on and then just walk around my neighborhood with just the feeling I was doing something so Hot. Fast forward to 2014. I put an ad out online,"In to wearing panties and taking pictures,No k|issing" I had a ton of emails,from guys that just want to hook up and they would forward pix of their C**ks. Some guys...
Matthew - The Awakening - Part 3Part 1 2 got home from school on Monday at the usual time, 3:30. My entire day was a blur. I kept wondering if my mom was going to be good to her word this week and if so, when? Could I even last through the week? On top of that, my geometry teacher noticed me staring at her legs again and kept me after class to admonish me to focus on...
Matthew-The Awakening - Part 2As you might imagine from part 1 I had a tough time making it through the next weekend. I mean, my entire sexual experience was me masturbating (and I was very good at that), a few handjobs from the girl next door and them mom sucking me off the previous week. I would have thought it a dream were it not for the fact that when I woke the next morning with the taste of mom's pussy in my mouth and our...
My name is Matthew, though everyone call's me Matt. I've always been very aware of sex, even at the very early age of nine. I remember my sister's sweet 16 party and her sitting with me on the couch before the guests arrived (I was banned to my room when it started) admiring my sister's panyhose covered legs. When mom left the room I touched her leg and ran my finger up her thigh until she looked at me funny and made me stop by pushing my hand aside. I suppose that was the first time I could...
I didn't stick around. I went to visit the baby. After my in-laws had done their thing they left Wednesday morning. I'd been too busy this week to pay attention to them. I'd hardly played with Maddie at all. I opened the door and called out. "Anybody home? Can I visit the baby?" I called. Out of the guest room, Doreen came running and threw herself into my arms. The kiss I got was heartfelt. "Come and lie down with the baby," Doreen said. We went into the guest room where the bed was...
"Oh! Wow! This is it!" Elaine said as we applauded. "My own television show. I am so excited. I'm Elaine Frost. Welcome to Chick Chat, the show where girls talk." ELAINE: Look! I have new chairs and a new table. We have new lights. I have a new hairdo. I even have a new dress! Like it? My producer warned me that the camera adds ten pounds, so I asked Leonard to make my dress ten pounds smaller. And I love it. It makes me feel so sexy. Girls love to feel sexy. Guys don't understand...
I missed my ride and had to call home to get someone to come and pick me up. Courtney arrived in the Suburban and I got in the passenger seat. She was out of her seatbelt and into my lap, leaving the car running, but fortunately in park. "Can you take me someplace and fuck me? Spank my butt and ream my asshole. Anything you want, Brian. Please fuck me!" she pled while peppering my face with kisses. The short little skirt she was wearing rode up over her butt while she was squirming and I...
Joanne was scooped out of my arms by Amy who carried her between Donna and me back to the big house. All the time she was whispering, “I didn’t do it, sweetheart. I’ll only ever protect you. Please don’t send me away again. I didn’t do it.” Amazingly, Joanne seemed to relax in Amy’s arms and her hand came up to rest on the former Marine’s chest. After a short debate, we decided to take her to the big bedroom rather than to her own house. Mom and Anna were still in the master suite, but none...
ME: Lionel, I don't usually make much out of things like this. But did you know you are a foot and a half taller than me? LIONEL: Brian, I met you in seventh grade. I've always been a foot and a half taller than you! ME: But what are you doing here? On Young Cooking? I thought I was going to have the IU Lady Hoosier basketball team with me today. Did you know they actually have a player who is shorter than me? LIONEL: So you aren't actually too short to play basketball. You're just the...
The foot rub never got off the ground. There was just too much excitement when we got home and our casa crashed in my room. Rhonda wore socks, even though she was otherwise naked like the rest of us. We sat around talking about the new company, how she'd arrived at the name Hearthstone Entertainment, and millions of questions that didn't have answers yet, but Rhonda had a clipboard and was jotting down notes. Eventually, we just sort of collapsed in a pile. There was a fair amount of...
Nicki, Cassie, Josh, and Mary were already back in Mishawaka. School started for Cassie and Josh on Thursday. Nicki's family was leaving for Rhode Island on Monday. The other eleven of us in Casa del Fuego cuddled in the harem tent upstairs and talked softly. I had no idea how Drew had died. I didn't care. I just knew I needed to be there for Joanne. I looked at Donna. "Donna, honey, do you want to go with me? You are Joanne's closest friend from school," I said. She shook her...
"Want to talk?" I asked. I hadn't spent any time with Joanne since the blowup at the table. Adam planned to drive the bus back to Indianapolis and take Joanne and Amy to the airport in the afternoon. When Amy said it was time to take Heaven her coffee in the morning, I volunteered to take it up to her. "Nothing really to talk about," she said after she'd thanked me for the coffee. "I was wrong. I owe everyone in your household an apology and I'll give it to them as soon as I'm...
Lionel and Sugar showed up at the ranch before Independence Day along with their kids, Leon, Leann, and Honey. It was great to see them and I think Lamar and Donna were happy they'd moved out of the barn duplex. For all its appearance as a simple little dwelling in the village, Lamar and Donna had a huge house and absorbed Lionel's family without a problem. The kids showed up at the silo the next morning. Sugar stood at the door with Honey in her arms and watched as we went through the...
Nobody could sit still on Saturday. Even Theresa and Larry were buzzing when they came out to see their horses. Donna had her crew cooking from right after we finished forms. I'd never been so thankful that we'd put in a separate twenty-eight cubic foot freezer. She was filling it with everything we would need to eat for the next week while she was with Heaven. Everyone else from all casa were cleaning, mowing, policing the grounds, and trimming bushes. The new gate and entryway to the...
That’s how it happened that on Tuesday morning, I was in the kitchen and had decided I’d turn on the television to watch the new hostess on The Homemakers’ Hour at nine o’clock. What I saw instead were images of the Twin Towers in New York City. Smoke was pouring out of one of the buildings and I couldn’t figure out exactly what was happening. Then an airplane came straight at the other tower and crashed into it. The World Trade Center. The brokerage where Heaven was waiting for the market...
I slept in the hayloft every night that week. No Joanne. I guess it was a good thing. Wednesday night Mom poked her head up in the hayloft. I was reading. "Why are you sleeping in the barn, silly boy?" "Oh," I said, thinking fast. "It's kind of a celebration of the end of school. I liked it Sunday night and just decided I'd spend a few nights out here before the weather got too hot." "You aren't doing anything dangerous out here, are you? No drugs or cigarettes?" "No, Mom. Has...
Dawn and I had a whispered conversation in which I reluctantly agreed to her idea. My head was reluctant. The rest of my body was pretty excited. She got all ten of the dormitory girls and took us all upstairs. As soon as we got the door shut, I had naked teens all over me. There was a lot of touching and squeezing. In a second, though I heard smacks and 'ow's as the girls quickly dispersed. Dawn was whacking bare butts and sending each of the girls to their beds. I had to laugh. She was...
Things settled down by Sunday night. Nicki and Donna had to return to Brown and Oberlin, so I spent some special time with each of them early and told them how much I loved them. The Mishawaka kids all left, as well, and I got deep promising kisses from Lexi and Judy. "I'm beginning to understand," Lexi said. "Thank you for loving us, Brian." I wasn't surprised to crawl into bed that night and have Whitney tug at me to go down to the master bedroom for some private time together....
The first thing I noticed when I walked out to the car to go to my first class on Monday morning was that Rhonda and Samantha were going with me. I was taking Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 330. It included a lecture, a discussion, and a second lecture on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday, the entire three hours was taken up by the lab. That meant four days a week, 9:30-12:30. Then for good measure, they threw in one final 9:30 lecture on Friday before we were free for the weekend....
What just happened to me? I was sitting on the floor with two cute girls curled up on either side of me, savoring the kisses and wishing this night would never end. All of a sudden I'm standing by the stairs dancing from foot to foot like I have to pee and wishing everyone would hurry up and leave so I can go home. I hoped it wasn't too obvious. I looked at each person as he or she made their way to the stairs and could honestly say 'I love you' about every one of them. But Joanne was...
I never thought about how normal life could become. It’s not that nothing happened in our lives, but that we all kept doing stuff like it was just the normal thing to do. Courtney did a lot of traveling out to California over the next few months. The company that bought her software still wanted her to have input on how they developed it for the consumer market. Jennifer traveled with her, of course, and I found that our businesses were all functioning with more and more non-clan members in...
I didn't leave for the ranch until Sunday. After Heaven left, I called my local casa hearthmates. Cassie and Josh were excited about having started classes this week and were already flooded with homework. Mary was on her way to go back-to-school shopping with her mom. Nicki pulled into my drive ten minutes after I called her. I'd just put clean sheets on my bed and had a load of dirty sheets and towels in the washing machine. Nicki rushed me when she came in the door and kissed me...
"Does this mean I've drunk the Kool-Aid?" Roz asked as I tied a black belt around her white gi. Leonard had done a great job whipping this up for her. It had silk panels sewn in the front of the jacket for modesty since the general fabric, like all our summer gis, was a very thin and open weave. It also had a light liner in the upper part of the trousers. When Rose took her to our third floor bedroom to dress, she'd instructed Roz on wearing the pajamas without underwear. Roz had been...
I ran downstairs Saturday afternoon to answer the door. Mom and Dad were out and Brenda and I had been studying in my room after our very successful taping session. Yes, I mean studying. It had been harder lately to have Saturday study sessions with taping the show in the morning and trying to make the afternoon special for my dates. At least I felt like I was spending a little time with each of the girls who were important to me now. I still wasn't sure about this thing with Brenda. She...
Joanne "Heaven" Barnes: Next door neighbor of Brian's; dark blonde and blue eyes; 5'9"; 19-year-old model; always Brian's guardian angel and fantasy; originally Brian called her Heaven—now that is the name she is known by internationally. Though seldom in the story directly, her influence continues. —The clan— Brian Frost: Senior; not quite eighteen, 5'6" tall and physically fit; one of the oldest in his class because of his October 5 birthday; always the littlest guy in class, his...
I survived my midterms without too much trauma. I'd been studying hard and regularly. I was caught up in all my classes. Studying for midterms really just seemed like review. It was a lot easier than last year. So, Monday night, I baked a cake and went to see my Casa del Agua hearthmates and my cónyuge Doreen. The cake was for Sandy's twenty-first birthday. I was happy to celebrate, but, of course, my real purpose was to have time with Doreen and the baby inside. She dragged me to the...
Joanne had never been on birth control. She couldn’t risk the changes in her body if she’d taken the pills and eventually after she and I were together, she’d never seen a reason to get an IUD. I always used a condom if we made love and that had been a rare occurrence. But that left her vulnerable. She sat staring at the picture of her vagina with Conrad’s semen running out of it. If the last unfortunate event, being pregnant with his child, occurred, she didn’t have the mental fortitude to...
"I'm sorry, Olivia! It's just that you look so cute when you get all angry about something! You get all pouty! So, tell me why you picked my class?" Mr. Matthews asked Olivia. Olivia was an eighteen-year-old student in his law class, a class that nowhere near matched her high-spirited, fiery temper. Over the last few weeks, she'd been spending every break and after-school hours in his office, catching up on work, and they'd grown increasingly closer as the days passed.She now sat inches away...
College SexWhitney was in transit the first week of October. That meant that she had seven days to get from Fort Leonard Wood to her permanent duty station. Her path led through Bloomington, of course, but only for a few days. Then she would catch a plane in Indianapolis. “Where are you going?” I asked when she got home. “Stuttgart, ” she said. She looked into my eyes. It dawned on me what she was saying. “Stuttgart? As in Germany?” I squeaked. She nodded. “What does permanent duty station mean? Like...
"Cameras." "Rolling." "Action in three..." Rhonda counted down two and one on her fingers. Elaine entered from the curtains on our left and we applauded politely. This was it. We were doing our first recording as if it were a live performance in front of twelve volunteers from the clan as a studio audience. I was the only male. "Thank you. Hello! I'm Elaine Frost. Welcome to Chick Chat, the show where girls talk." She turned toward the left. All three cameras were live and Rhonda...
Monday the day belonged to Liz. She left her teens behind. After we'd had a birthday celebration with the casa, I took her to my room and made love to her. For the next several hours, every time she woke up, I gave her another orgasm. When I was exhausted, I called Doug and he took over. By Tuesday morning, Liz was staggering and had a glassy look in her eyes. It took two of us to do it, but I think we out-sexed her. I intended to spend the day getting things ready for Joanne's imminent...
I woke up Thursday at 4:30. I'd slept dreamlessly after Sly left. Or was Sly's visit simply the only dream I remembered? Was it a dream? There was a niggling voice in the back of my mind saying, 'Love and be loved.' I sat up in bed, stretching the core muscles that had been torn, cut, and stitched. The tendons pulled against my pelvis, but I could tolerate the pain. It was getting less each day. I swung my feet over the bed so I could go to the bathroom and kicked the two beautiful...
My casa did not let me dwell over 'losing' Donna. It was a transition that we needed to go through. I was sure it was not the only transition we'd see. And I had little time to waste on deep introspection. I loved Donna. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see her lying in my arms after prom with her breast daringly exposed, knowing I wouldn't touch her sexually because I'd promised. That memory still gave me an erection. But did I see her as eventually becoming my cónyuge? Bearing my...
We had a family meeting Sunday night. Jennifer, Courtney, Anna, Mom, Dad, and Betts. Addison held Maddie while we talked around the dinner table. "We didn't mean to be so rude last night, Elizabeth Ann," Mom said. It was her 'listen up' name for Betts, but she said it kindly. "We get so carried away when Anna arrives that we forget our manners. We were going to talk to you and tell you. There just never seemed to be the right time." "How long?" Betts asked. "A couple years. Well,...