Life Less LivedChapter 12: Boxing Day Afternoon free porn video

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Jessica Lovage-Martin cleared her throat, while gripping her furry microphone, the air still thick with acrid smoke. Dave the cameraman and Pat the producer/director from the Brighton studios had only just arrived and she needed to do an overdue update report for the evening news. She had been off-air for over an hour and a half, after the batteries in her MacBook had died and sending reports by Skype was no longer possible. Jessica had squeezed in a couple of verbal-only reports before her mobile phone also died, the studio no doubt still showing her dramatic footage from her arrival around four or five hours ago. To be honest, she didn’t know how long she had been there, it was almost dark now and she had lost all track of time.

She had already identified the best vantage point, to get the burned out shell of the ancient barn in the frame, with teams of firemen in their reflective clothing standing out in the gathering gloom of the mid-winter late afternoon, as they continued damping down smouldering thatch, raking straw away from thick wooden beams. There was also some frenzied activity by the fireman and other volunteers at the far end of the barn, where they were clearing parts of a collapsed wall, brick by brick along a chain of firefighters. She presently had two witnesses lined up for interviewing, the only ones she was able to agree with to talk to her at this juncture.

She glanced at her notes on the iPad Pat had supplied her with before starting but knew that, once she began, Pat the producer/director had a copy of the same notes and would remind her through her earpiece if she strayed off track. While Dave was still sorting his equipment out and establishing his live feed back to the studio, Jessica thought back to when she arrived on scene.

The flames were fiercely reaching into the heavens then, with six fire engines crowded into and blocking the tiny lane and the Medcalf residence and their crews striving to prevent the fire spreading. She stopped 30 yards down the lane, grabbed her laptop, grateful that she’d had it plugged in on charge during the long journey from the north. No one stopped her as she made her way to the back of the house and set up the MacBook on a pile of tarpaulin covered timber, with its internal camera pointing at the burning barn and the fire crews tackling it. She managed to pick up a decent unprotected wifi signal from the isolated farmhouse and used that connection to contact the newsroom through Skype. To say the newsroom guys were delighted with her feed, was an understatement.

Jessica was able to show Councillor Medcalf’s head wound being stitched up and steadfastly refusing to go off to hospital, until they rescued “Marina and Barbara”. Sir Philip Sands, so recently portrayed in opposition to Medcalf, was shown collapsing, both with grief at the loss of his wife and the effects of smoke inhalation, and consequently being comforted by the injured, equally bereft Medcalf. One of the abductors was taken away by stretcher to a waiting ambulance, apparently with serious burns.

Jessica and Pat the producer/director deduced that “Barbara” was Lady Barbara Sands, but no-one knew who “Marina” was. Dave the cameraman suggested that, as this was a stable, maybe “Marina” was a mare.

Many of the various emergency crews had recognised Jessica as a regular local outside broadcaster, as they took periods of relief and had cheerfully stood to answer questions in front of her tiny camera lens, so Jessica was able to keep the regional news and even, at regular intervals on the hour, the nationwide 24-hours news channel audience up to date. Through Jessica’s earpiece, Pat the producer/director advised her that Dave the cameraman was now ready and the live feed from the Studio to broadcast.

Dave switched on the camera lights and the producer/director called, “five, four,” then silently showed three fingers, two fingers, one, none and Jessica confidently began her latest update on her exclusive scoop.

“This is Jessica Lovage-Martin reporting for BBC News South, from a burnt out barn in Lindon, West Sussex, the home of Councillor Daniel Medcalf, where the drama you can see behind me originally began to unfold, at first light this morning. Eight people, we understand, mostly family and friends of the Medcalfs, were taken hostage, gagged and restrained by nylon ropes, in this ancient barn behind me, where three horses were also kept. The horses were released early on when the abductors first took possession of the barn. The Medcalf family were brought to the barn, which was set alight, while most were still in the barn, in an apparently deliberate act of attempted murder. Four of the kidnappers, mostly young students it seems, are currently held in custody, one of them a much older man, possibly the ring leader of the group, has been taken to hospital with serious burns and is reportedly in a critical but stable condition. He has been formerly identified as James Johnson, a convicted serial rapist of mostly young girls, released from Ford Open Prison just under six months ago, who police sources understand he held grudges against members of the Medcalf family. Also, one of the released hostages has been taken to hospital with undisclosed injuries, but possibly only as a precautionary measure. Two people, both women, are believed to be missing, possibly buried under the rubble of a collapsed wall. One of the kidnappers, a woman, is also missing and may have made a clean getaway. Two bodies, believed to be members of the abductors, have been removed from the wreckage, but not yet formerly identified.

“Now, I have with me, Mister Paul Hammond, who is the farm manager here. He was one of the first victims of this kidnapping and therefore involved in this act of arson and worse almost from the beginning.”

The witness was pushed into the lit area where the camera was focused. He had a thick white bandage wrapped around his head. Hammond, blinked in the lights and stood next to the reporter, while Jessica turned to face him.

“Mr Hammond, can you tell us what happened to you early this morning?”

“Well, I were doin’ me mornin’ rounds when I saw two intruders wearing ski masks, releasing the horses by the stables. As I challenged them, some bugger -er, sorry, one of the kidnappers, slugged me from behind.”

“So what did you see when you regained consciousness?”

“I found I were in one of the empty stalls, about second or third stall in from the north wall. I were tied up and gagged. They used them nylon cable ties on my wrists and ankles, so it were futile struggling, no way you could bite through them, me hands behind my back. I were lying on the floor, alongside Miss Ginny, who were also bound with ties and gagged with white cloth, like cut from an old shirt. She were sitting up, waiting for me to wake up.”

“That is Dr Virginia Medcalf,” Jessica turned to the camera and repeated what Pat the producer/director, in timely fashion, had dictated into her ear, “the daughter of the celebrated Dr Penny Medcalf-Josephs, the cancer specialist who so tragically died of cancer two years ago.”

“Aye, Miss Ginny were expected home for the holidays.”

“So what happened next?”

“Well, there were a different guy to the first two people I saw, who were standing guarding us. He were wearing one of those SandRock Construction hi-viz jackets, one that looked like it weren’t ‘is because it were miles too big for ‘im. Not sure how long I were out for, an’ when I did come to, Miss Ginny ‘n’ me couldn’t talk because of the gags. I think we was left for mebbee another 20 minutes or so, and then more chaps, one of them, a heavy-set bloke, who was also wearing a slightly better-fittin’ SandRock jacket, dragged in Giles, who’s Miss Ginny’s boyfriend — he’s another doctor — plus Miss Sophie — Miss Ginny’s sister — and a woman guest, what I’d never seen before. Finally, this thin weedy old chap, the only one not wearing a ski mask, dragged poor Mr Medcalf in along the floor. He were clearly unconscious an’ bleeding badly from a head wound, much worse than the little bump I got.”

“I’d like to point out that we’ve met Councillor Daniel Medcalf before, not five miles away from this spot, just a week ago,” Jessica addressed the camera, “putting lucid arguments against the SandRock Corporation plans to build a motorway through ancient woodland near here. This is Medcalf’s property that we are standing on.” She turned to Hammond again, “What do you think the significance of those high visibility SandRock jackets were?”

“I think they were trying to fit up SandRock, Jessica, by leaving them jackets behind as ‘evidence’ that SandRock wanted to stop Daniel -”

A snort from another man standing off camera. Dave panned round with his floodlight and camera, picking out a big red-faced man, who happened to be wearing a SandRock jacket that fitted perfectly.

“Aye, it were obviously nowt to do wit’ SandRock, Jessica,” he growled, “or else Sir Phil ‘n’t’Lady Babs would a’ bin raht owt of this murd’rous an’ cowardly attack, instead o’ bein’ victims.”

“Ah, yes, this is Mr Matthew Jamieson, the Southampton depot manager for SandRock,” Jessica declared. “I hear that you burst onto the scene like the U.S. Cavalry and saved the day. Would you like to tell the viewers how you happened to come by this incident?”

“Aye, reet. Well, I were oop cherry picker outside t’big house, like, an’ I cud smell smoke, so I scooted the cage oop another few feet, an’ saw t’smoke comin’ from t’yon barn tha’ was.” Matt indicated behind him with a jerking thumb to the smouldering ruin behind him, where firemen were still picking through the rubble, while others were turning over timbers or piles of material and using water to dampen down any further outbreaks of fire. “I got my mate Bert onto the blower to the Trump- er, the Fire Service. Then I moved t’cherry picker in t’yard so they could use it as an extra unit to get water above flames.”

“We broadcast shots earlier showing the cherry picker being used by the fire service, not long after I arrived,” said Jessica.

“Aye. That’s a SandRock cherrypicker, tha’ knows,” Matt reminded her with a grin.

“We saw,” Jessica smiled as the camera panned back to her before unhooking to include all three in the picture.

Turning to Hammond and Jamieson, standing next to one another, she continued, addressing Hammond this time, “So, Mr Hammond, you were still tied up and more hostages were brought in there with you. It must’ve looked pretty desperate.”

“Aye, it were that.”

‘How did you manage to get away, when you were all tied up as you were? And was the fire an accident or deliberately started by the intruders?”

“They never tied Mr Medcalf up, though, because he were still spark out on the floor. The end stall next to us, like, reeked o’ petrol an’ I could see three or four petrol cans at the end of the partition wall between the stalls,” Hammond replied, “they were in the other stall, but there’s about a nine-inch to a foot space under the partitions, you know for ventilation. We was both gagged, Miss Ginny ‘n’ me, so couldn’t warn ‘em of the danger. Petrol fumes is highly explosive, especially in closed places like the barn, an’ more likely to explode then simply burn. Then them attackers dragged in Lady Barbara and her husband, Sir Phil. I’d never actually met him before but I recognised him straight off, like, from the telly.”

“So what were Sir Philip and Lady Barbara Sands doing there?”

“They were friends wi’ t’owners of this house,” piped up Matt, “that’s why I were int’ lane. Sir Phil asked us to snow plough rahnd ‘ere int’ last week, including The Grange and the row o’ cottages at the bottom, where Lady Babs were stayin’. I ‘ad to coom back ta fix lamp wot I tickled wit’ snow plough.”

“Aye,” confirmed Hammond, “Lady Barbara were Dr Penny Medcalf’s best friend and stayed up here in one of the cottages all during her illness, an’ stayed on afterwards as a comfort for wee Miss Sophie, while Miss Ginny were away training to be a doctor.”

“That explains why they were here.” Jessica added.

“It were getting right bloody crowded in that stall, I tell yer, all pushed down onto the floor. The old guy what came in with Lady Barbara and Sir Philip, who were not only gagged, but blindfolded. He tore his blokes off a strip because, though we’d been gagged, apparently we shoulda been blindfolded an’ all. And then he recognised Mr Medcalf’s female guest. He were right shocked to see her! His jaw fair hit the floor.”

“And what was her reaction?”

“Well, Miss Ginny ‘n’ I had long given up struggling, the bonds were too tight, but the newbies were still trying to get loose, just wriggling like, testing the nylon ties, but when the old man came into the stall, she recognised him straight away and were really struggling hard to get free and try to get onto her feet, like beside hersen with anger. That’s what got his attention, her struggling so much to get up. When he saw who she were, he yelled out, ‘You!’ as if she were like the last person he ever expected to see there.”

“Did this ‘old guy’ give himself away, regarding identity, Mr Hammond?”

As Hammond shook his head, Jessica once more turned to address the camera, “according to an unofficial police source, the leader of this kidnapping gang may well be James Johnson, a convicted rapist and pedophile, who is currently believed to be in...” a finger pressed her earpiece, “Chichester hospital undergoing emergency treatment for severe burns.”

“At the time I hadn’t heard who he were, Jessica. Anyway, I think they’d used all the gags they had on ‘em. One of ‘em thought he had some spare strips of cloth in an haversack, what he had to fetch from the end stall, and so they started blindfolding the newcomers but soon ran out again before they got to the last three of us. I don’t think they had planned on holdin’ so many of us as hostages. Then this classy bird walked in for the first time and kicked up merry hell with the kids when she saw how many of us they were holdin’ hostage. And she was right pissed, sorry, peeved that some of them might recognise the old man. She and the old man stared at each other and openly rowed -”

“Rowed, about how many hostages?”

“No more like, she complained about stupid printed invitations that were evidence that could be used in evidence against him. Then she said that according to their carefully laid plans for an alibi he should never have been anywhere near the place, an’ he replied that neither should she and called her a silly cow, and she got back at him about her only being there because he was, the stupid old b- she called him. She had called him Dad earlier too, now I recall. Then she grabbed the old guy and took him outside, to carry on their row out of earshot, I guess.”

“So, Mr Hammond, do you have any idea who any of these abductors were and what they were after?”

“Not really, most of ‘em were only kids, students I guessed. About four or five guys altogether plus the fat lass. The young guy givin’ all the orders, before the old guy came in, was called Andy and one of the others was Mark. I only know that because one kid called the other Andy and this Andy hissed back at him, ‘no names, Mark!’, which considering the circumstances I thought were quite funny. I never really thought our lives were in danger at that time, that they were just after stealing the sort of Christmas presents that they thought richer people than them would have. Anyway, two of them were definitely related, because the weedy guy Andy, what ended up blowing hisself up, called the older guy, who was also quite thin and weedy, ‘Dad’! So I reckon he were brother to the posh tart.”

“Blowing himself up, you say?”

“Aye, the stupid bugger must’ve struck a match to light a huge twist of paper sacking what he’d tore off a bag o’ pig nuts. I reckon he’s one o’ the two bodies dragged out, couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bloke, I say. Anyway, it were definitely Mr Medcalf, and the woman what was staying with him, they was the ones they seemed out to get and separated ‘em from the rest of us.”


“Kill, I guess. I reckoned the old geezer, Andy’s Dad, must’ve been the woman’s jealous husband or summat. He were furious most of the time, ranting and mumbling. Mad, he were, like foaming at the mouth, like, an’ spoutin’ off a lot of nonsense I could barely understand, but I got the gist that according to him the lass was his and not Daniel’s, that he had no right takin’ her away from him, then or now. The kids had got us all standin’ up while he ranted and the kids began to cut through the bonds holding our legs, so we could walk. An’ then marched us out of the stall towards the double doors, one by one. But just before that, they dragged poor Mr Medcalf and his lady friend out of our stall first and dragged them into the end stall out of sight, where the strong petrol smell were comin’ from. The lass was still bound hand an’ foot, gagged and now blindfold so the poor lass couldn’t a had a clue what were happening.”

“And you could see all this?”

“Aye, me, Miss Ginny and the unconscious Mr Medcalf were the only ones not in blindfolds, because they never brought enough gags and blindfolds with ‘em. Anyway, Ginny an’ me could see the Andy fella carrying the matches and twisted paper is his hands, so we could guess what was gonna happen. Not that we could do much about it. Ginny seemed much calmer about it than me, but she were just biding her time. The others were being led away, after their legs were freed and they were pulled to their feet. They were blindfolded so they didn’t really have a clue what the hell was going on.”

“I suppose you were all helpless!”

“Aye, all except Lady Barbara. When they cut the ankle ties so she could walk, she simply refused to stand up. I could hear her tellin’ ‘em in no uncertain manner to ‘bugger off!’ It was hard to make out what exactly she said but it went something like, ‘You untie us completely and let us all go immediately, otherwise we’re just staying put!’”

“Good old Lady Babs!” chortled Matt Jamieson, “she were one in a million, that woman. Everybody loved her at SandRock, everyone!”

“Wasn’t she gagged?” Jessica asked.

“Aye, but perhaps it wasn’t tight enough, because we could definitely understand what she said. They had just dragged Mr Medcalf and his girlfriend into the other stall, and the old boy said they might as well put Lady Barbara in there with them, so they started to drag her in, while she was trying to kick out with her boots, hopin’ to connect. She couldn’t see nothin’, as she was still blindfolded. Then Sir Philip, who was already being led away, shook off the hand leading him by the arm and started to move quickly back towards where he could hear them dragging her Ladyship. He were still blindfolded though and ran straight into the post at the end of the stall, and the big fella in the SandRock coat dragged him away. The fat lass cut Miss Sophie’s ankle tie and waved to one of the blokes led her away. Anyway, as soon as Miss Ginny’s legs were freed and she were pulled to her feet by this bloke Mark, she gave him a Glaswegian handshake -”

“A what?”

“She head butted him! Very neatly done, I will say, spread his nose right across ‘is face, then she ran off into the end stall before anyone could stop her. Next thing we know, the whole place explodes, filled with flames and all hell broke loose!”

“How did you get out?”

“Yeah, well, more by luck than anything, there was a ball of flame rocked through the whole building, ballooning over the top of the stall. I were still on the ground, my ankle ties uncut. I simply rolled away. I were still on the ground, trussed up like a chicken, but I were right under the flames, which burned away the fumes in the air, they never touched me at all. I could see where I needed to go, so I just rolled over and over until I got to the doorway. I did manage to knock the old guy, Andy’s Dad over in the process, he was trying to run out from the end stall towards the door and I kicked him into the bales stacked by the door. He was burnin’ up like a bleedin’ Roman candle!”

“Were you the first one to get out of the inferno?”

“No, a couple of the kidnappers plus the fat lass got out first. The guys were leggin’ it back to the path by the side of the house, presumably to where their getaway car was if it were out front. The fat lass only ran a few yards but couldn’t get her breath from breathing in all the smoke. Sir Philip, Miss Sophie and Giles were outside and were left gagged, blindfolded and hand tied by the barn door. I was still struggling to get out of the bonds what was still tying my hands and feet up when Matt here turned up.”

Jessica could hear instructions over her earphone, “I’m afraid that’s all we got time for, many thanks Mr Hammond, Mr Jamieson, and back to the Studio,” she said to the camera, then spoke to the two men, “We are not live on air any more, but we will carry on filming, so we can stitch together another report later.”

Jessica turned to Matt, “Mr Jamieson, would you like to take up the story at this point?”

“Aye, well I were on me way rahnd to get t’barn, when these two kids ran rahnt’ corner.”

“They must’ve been the ones that dragged Sir Phillip and Giles, along with the fat girl that took out Sophie. When I got myself out by rolling outside, the two guys had gone.”

“Aye, reckon they left her behind, she’d never ‘a’ caught ‘em, they were travellin’! One of ‘em thumped us as soon as I spoke to ‘em, so I knocked him dahn, an’ then I ‘it ‘is mate, too. When I got in front of t’barn, I saw Mr Hammond here ont’ ground, the silly fat girl standin’ there wringing her hands an’ wettin’ herself, an’ my boss Sir Phil and another guy coughing their guts up, both still blindfolded and hands tied behind their backs. I know the classy bird, that Mr Hammond said he saw earlier. She’s Sir Phil’s PA, and is a reet toffee nosed bitch, who goes by t’name o’ Patience Page-Turner, what all the blokes at the depot call Patty Perknickerty-Twister. She weren’t tied up or nothin’ an’ as soon as she saw me comin’ she hightailed it off dahn that path over there.”

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Godless and Faithless2 Ch 1

In the now crowded brothel, Axel sat with his own full mug of devil’s water, brooding over the events since he was summoned to this world. Almost from the beginning, he and his best friend Rayner had been embroiled in conflict, battling goblins, Inimi soldiers, bandits, and even dragons. All he wanted now was to slip into obscurity and keep a low profile. Too much attention brought the wrong kind of scrutiny. People would start asking dangerous questions about them. Questions they could not...

3 years ago
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Godless and Faithless 2 Ch 4

All Axel knew of the man was that he clashed with Evans who also held the rank of captain. Their roles differed in that Evans patrolled the outside of the city and Kreg patrolled the inside. Evans received greater attention and accolades for his work, spawning jealously from the longtime captain. At the other side of the table the representative of the merchant class, Ivan, poured over a ledger. He would remove his nose from the ledger only to scribble notes. Every so often he would remove...

2 years ago
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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 9

The town of Ridgehill deserved its name. Ridges surrounded it, providing a suitable defense. The three armies camped outside the town used those Ridges as cover. However, as Vix and his two companions sneaked past the camp and into the town, it was clear their natural defenses bred a lack of security. The town brimmed with activity and desperation. Women haggled with street vendors and the homeless hustled used goods on street corners. It reminded Vix of a poor city instead of town in a...

3 years ago
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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 19

When Axel exited the cramped tunnel, he found the worshipers already engaged in combat. Rayner, however, was nowhere in sight, meaning he’d gone deeper into the battle to fight more fearsome foes. Axel knew Rayner was alive because of the way the worshipers fought. They were all under the effects of Rayner’s skill, Battle Cry. It meant Rayner was doing his part and Axel had to do his own. Since all the monsters were engaged and Colin and Haro were taking up the task of keeping other enemies...

4 years ago
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Im Legless Not Dickless

“Fuck I’m gonna cum!!” (see? I knew she was close) she yelled, throwing her head back and closing her eyes. “Cindy! Watch your mouth! What did I tell you about that sort of language?” Our mom scolded her from the other end of couch. That’s right, our own mother was sitting not more than 6ft away on the same sofa, reading through a cookbook and casually watching Wheel Of Fortune, while her youngest daughter was slamming herself into an orgasm on her son’s cock. “But Abby says it, and so do...

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Confessions 5 Alessandra fools Father Peter

Father Peter of St. Johns Cathedral in Duketown has a fame for tolerance of sexual sinsHis virtual girlfriends from the net flock from everywhere to do their Confessions at himAlessandra is a local girl, attending mass at Sundays sometimes, when I lead the ceremonyAlessandra prefers private talks though, sometimes she gets a bit too friendly with FatherAlessandra plays a great girlish game with her beloved spiritual Father PeterAlessandra has confessed earlier at me, always being very honest,...

4 years ago
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Alessandra 1

Alessandra is appearing, first as a virgin still: is appearing, freshly as a woman: is appearing, first fountain found: is appearing, first in my comment there: "Alessandra same sound, see how very wet she gets!" Alessandra is appearing here in private pretty photos and pictures of her pussy play in...

3 years ago
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Boxing the Diva

“This will be a two round bout scheduled for 2 minutes each.” The ring announcer announced as you watched the ring intently and a little shocked at how much attention this was getting. You were never the wrestling or boxing fan as most of your boyfriends had an affinity for women throwing each other around or making out in pools of mud. Probably a major reason you never made it six months with any of them. In the ring was your best friend, Marsha, and she was so excited to try her hand. She had...

2 years ago
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Anime Boxing Federation

Welcome to the ABF where you can select the girls that will go at it in the ring and even get a private showing of how they make up when it’s all said and done. The hottest and bustiest girls come together in the ring for 12 rounds punching one another anywhere that will knock them down for a ten count. If no girls hits the mat, the judges decide it from there and the winner gets to humiliate the loser in a special minute fuck session. Strap-ons are a massive favorite. The scene cuts to...

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Girlfriend and the Boxing Match

John is in late thirties, and average slim guy, still in great shape for his age. He has recently started dating Kate, a smoking hot brunette, five years younger than him who felt in love with him head over heels.The sex was amazing, they both found in each other a chemistry that neither had experience with anyone else before, and it didn't take long for them to start sharing their fantasies.John, unsurprisingly, was the more perverted, and timidly started to share his interest for being...

1 year ago
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My Martial Arts Boxing Boy

I met Bill when we both took the same program at the local college. He was 24, I was 42. I was immediately attracted to Bill. He's just under 6 feet, dark hair, brown eyes and a great martial arts trained body. I knew this because we had to change into uniforms for our classes. I found myself lingering in the change room waiting for Bill to show up so I could watch him put on his uniform. I would steal quick glances as he pulled his jeans down over his underwear to reveal a large bulge in his...

2 years ago
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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

3 years ago
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Sancta Sara 10 Alessandra1

Alessandra is the shyest and sexiest nice noviceAlessandra is a blonde beauty with boyish bottomAlessandra is up for confession at Professor PeterAlessandra is pleading in her prayer for a favourAlessandra is asking for a special audience at PeteAlessandra is loving to be watched, while watering!Alessandra is very fond of big BOOBs as Mother hasAlessandra is secretly in love with Mother SuperiorAlessandra is longing sexy Sasha will watch herAlessandra is longing for nice Natalia as...

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Girls Gym Gyno 2 Alessandra 2 pix

Alessandra feels fond of her freshly found friend, the elderly erotically experienced gyno, whom she frequently visits.Alessandra opens up to him. First foremost in sexual spirit. She would love to meet a tasty teen great girl like herself.Alessandra admits with a big blush she does pleasure herself often, imagining to make love to a lesbian like she feels.Alessandra says she is still a virgin, as she does not dare to insert her own fingers inside her soft silken pretty pussy.Alessandra can not...

4 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra chastity test

Alessandra looks like a teen with her tiny tits and slim figure with a boyish tight bottomAlessandra is in practise a lesbian but no-one believes her here as she is fan of ChastityAlessandra loves to look at that ugly sex slut as she is being banged by big brown bananasAlessandra is afraid of anal sex but loves to come watching Chastity's back-door big bangsAlessandra will be on our cameras all weekend while I abuse her with pretty Petra, my great granddodAlessandra will be our willing victim...

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Girls Gym Gyno 3 Alessandra 3 pix

Alessandra opens up bits by bits, physically during daily visits after school at her elderly fresh friend.Alessandra is autistic in talks under four eyes. In internet, during chats for hours, she tells him more.Alessandra slowly turns her great gyno into her private psychologist for erotic education she seeks.Alessandra searches the net to find a female friend, fond of fondling as herself, but bigger breasted. Alessandra finally finds her joy, called Joyce. Even her name was a well kept secret...

4 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra

I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...

5 years ago
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Alessandra Autobiography 4 All Alone Photos

Alessandra, all alone, masturbates more and moreAlessandra, is she attractive in your eyes? She is super critical about her bodily beauties. See her three photos.Alessandra's social situation gets another big blow, while she desperately tries to stabilize. As an autistic teen, she has to attend weekly meetings with a psychologist in a group of other younger people suffering similar setbacks. Lovely looking Linda Love is her only close friend from their youngest years in the same nice new...

4 years ago
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Valentine Alessandra2 ExVirgin 16Photos E

ALESSANDRA IMMEDIATELY INSTINCTIVELY INTIMATELY INVITES ME TO TAKE & HAVE HER HYMENAlessandra first shows me her few photos. She is still a sexy sexteen years young & veritable virgin. Alessandra first asks me how I see her few photos. She is wondering wether she attractive enough? Alessandra next asks me if I like them enough to make love with her soon. As she wants to be woman. Alessandra next asks me if I can host her next weekend in Amstrerdam. She wants me to be her...

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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Sex Studio Secrets 26 AlesSandra1

Awesome Alessandra longs for love and lust, the shy slender submissive blonde bald beaver beauty Alessandra knows she will be a slave to Professor Peter and his hot pretty Petra, but not of SandraSandra is a slender slave from Riga to visit me for her pleasure in pretty torment and tit tortureSexy Sandra and awesome Alesandra, what a warm weekend ahead for Peter Poet and his granddaughter!Alessandra misses sex so much that she decides to collect all her courage and travel to AmsterdamAlessandra...

2 years ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Alessandra Autobiography 3 Awesome Photos

Alessandra is awesome, lovely and lonelyAlessandra sits lonely at home. No more school to suffer. Still she suffers at home, mostly all alone. Only her elder bro Rob shows some understanding and sometimes offers her his helping hand. To avoid a complete scholarly stand still, he borrows her his computer and shows her sites, where she can pick up some useful knowledge for free. Later, he takes her along running a few times a week, to keep her in some shape. Linda is still her only friend in...

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Alessandra Autobiography 5 Always Hot Photos

Alessandra is, as all autistic tasty teens, always horny and longing to fulfill her hot fantasiesAlessandra is all alone since she stopped to attend school. At home, she can't help feeling horny all the time. Making herself come satisfies her only for the moment. She longs to share her feelings with a lover. Best a lesbian like her, but a bit elder, with erotic experience and bigger breasts than her tiny teen tits.Alessandra can't stand mirrors. As an autist, she sees mainly her lack of beauty....

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Alessandra Autobiography 1 Awakening

Alessandra's awakening arousalAlessandra first ever erotic memory goes back some twenty years. Back then, her best girlfriend and Alex were almost always together to play and have fun. Linda looks like Alessandra, the difference is brunette and blonde. They love to be outside. With wet weather, they are more often at Linda's, a lively and very tolerant bunch. Alessandra is fond of Linda, because she dares to do about everything! Following her example, Alessandra climbs up with her to the top of...

4 years ago
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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

3 years ago
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Boxing Lessons Ch 02

This is the second Chapter in this series. You can read it as a stand alone story but it would be more advisable to read Part one before reading this one. * I followed Melissa into the kitchen and sat in the same bar stool as she began to make us a hot cup of coffee. I had only thrown my jockey shorts back on and Melissa had only put on a small silk nightgown that she had left undone anyway. We did not talk while the kettle boiled or while Melissa made us each a cup and carefully put mine...

2 years ago
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sexy naughty and horny girl me Alessandra and

Many years ago, when I still had time and needed a little bit of extra money, I would occasionally give guitar lessons. Now, I'm not the best player in the world, but I was cheap, and I guess the people who hired me thought that for a start, I was good enough. One of my students was Alessandra. She was a perfectly normal girl with a very italian look - relatively short, with long black curly hair around her round face, cute dimples on her cheeks and some pretty full lips. Her parents were as...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra again1

Alessandra lacks respect and shows no gratitude. High time to teach her a lesson she'll never forget.We set up a ploy to take Alessandra into our power. We visit her town and I ask Petra to contact her.Petra meets her for a walk and a talk in first early spring nice sunny weather. I wait at the corner.We easily overpower her and take her with us to Amsterdam. In the train she does not dare to escape.Petra ironically invites her, only I get her sarcasm: Welcome back blonde beauty at our sex...

2 years ago
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening

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