Maria Thersa, Bobby And LuzChapter 2: Bobby free porn video

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This chapter written by my brother Ric

Join the Army – See the World – Meet Interesting People – And Kill Them!

This story is not about world politics, governmental policies, religious hatred or anything like that.

The heading is merely to explain why Dad is thousands of miles from home, meeting interesting people and trying to kill them.

And why I'm the only one left in the house available to put my lips on Mom's clit and suck it until she screams and screams and screams.

Let me set the scene. Plain and simple, Mom is a walking wet dream, even when she's walking around bundled up as chastely as a nun – which she is definitely not.

Like most boys my age, I used to whack off continuously, probably three or four times a day. And once I learned that it was girls who made me want to whack off, I always dreamt that it was Mom's cunt I was fucking as my cum spurted out, no matter which girl in whichever magazine I was drooling over at the moment. She had it all over every one of them. I never had a doubt that Mom was a real fox, having heard it and seen it as men and boys alike devoured her with their eyes.

It was Sunday morning. Mom had come into my room one last time, to give it one last try to convince me to go to Church with her. She was wearing that boner-maker white knit dress, the one that seemed as if she had been poured into it. She walked over to my bed to kiss me goodbye. As her tits led the way, I had a brief thought that the dress was kind of sexy for Church, but it quickly passed out of my mind.

As she walked away toward my door, I could see two fine ass cheeks pressing out the back of the dress. Not fat at all, just round and perfect. And from ten feet away, I could see her panty line on her right side. From the angle, I tried to calculate whether it was a bikini panty or just a piece of a thong, but to no avail. I knew that she had both from when I snooped in her undies drawer. I fell back asleep, visions of nudity in my mind.

I woke up a while later, glanced at the clock and calculated that I had plenty of time to relieve the pressure in my balls before she came home. And since Mom never walked into my room without knocking, I felt quite comfortable lying naked on my bed, my blood-filled dick in my right hand, which was flying up and down like a piston rod in a hot engine. My eyes were riveted to the center fold of the latest edition of Jerk-Off Magazine, 'Pictures for the Discriminating Teenager.'

Timing is everything. I should have heard her gentle tapping but the pressure of a rapidly approaching orgasm clogged my ears. So I didn't absorb Mom's words until I realized that she was in my room.

"Time for pancake brunch Bobby ... Holy shit!"

I jumped, like out of my skin. My face turned red as a beet and quickly I moved the magazine to hide my hard-on. She was still wearing that same knit dress. She never changed before we went out for brunch; half of the people in Church went to the same restaurant for Sunday brunch. All right, I exaggerate, but not by much. To repeat, I'd often seen the way men and boys alike had leered at her body and it made me proud. All those times that I'd dreamed of her naked body (not that I'd ever seen her that way but I had a good imagination) suddenly merged into one, flashing before my eyes as if I were drowning.

"Don't bother hiding it, Bobby. I've seen those things before. But not since your Dad shipped out overseas."

She lifted my modesty magazine off my dick and stared at the shrinking tool. She squinted, she smiled and then she sighed. Repeating herself,

"But not since your Dad shipped out."

I lay there frozen in time, unable to breathe. Mom reached out her hand and touched my cock, making it grow – if that was even possible. Her head shook. She began to stroke my meat, gently, the way I usually began my masturbation. And just as I always do, she gradually increase the speed of her hand, the friction on my crown. My cum began to bubble in my balls.

"Jeez, I miss your Dad so much."

"Stop, Mom," I yelled, putting my hand on top of hers. "I'm ready to cum."

"I thought that cumming was the whole point of what you were doing," she said. "Jeez, whenever I do the laundry, every pair of your underpants and every handkerchief have dried cum all over them. And sometimes I find cum on one of the pieces of my underwear. You're the only possible source, young man. I'm ashamed to admit that I get a thrill out of that. But boy, you really need to get laid."

"Way back when, before Dad shipped out the time before last, we'd had a talk, and he told me to try never to cum before the girl does and I've been following his advice every time."

Let me clarify something. What I said to Mom about having a talk with Dad was definitely not a lie, but nevertheless was rather misleading. One warm summer evening, Mom had a girls' night out, playing Canasta with some of her friends. Dad and I decided, well, he decided actually, to have some pizza for dinner and we went to our favorite restaurant.

Our conversation covered things as diverse as math and baseball, local politics and girls, war and peace and space exploration, pizza where we were versus pizza from home delivery chains. Then...

"Any major plans tonight, Bobby?"

"No, Dad. Wanna go home and watch some football?"

"No. Let's go for a ride."

"Where to, Dad?"

"You'll see."

We drove for about ten minutes, maybe a little more. The businesses on either side of the street were becoming more and more seedy looking. Steel gates blocked entrance to many of them. A few, like pawn shops, had full gates, preventing even a window from being broken. Street lights became few and were farther apart. Then we drove beyond the retail locations to where we saw nothing but warehouses and factories, all shuttered for the night. Dad turned down a one-way street and slowed the car. Although I didn't know it at the time, we were quite close to Pioneer Square. All I saw were shadowy figures in doorways. Holy shit! I may have been a virgin, but I sure as hell knew what whores looked like.

The car slid quietly to the curb and stopped. A woman moved silently to the driver's side window and bent down. She looked at Dad, at me and then back at Dad.

"Looking for somebody to teach your son the finer things in life?"

Holy shit! Dad's planning to pay this whore to take my cherry. Jeez, did Mom put him up to this or is he on his own? Oh jeez, does Dad use these whores? Fuck, Mom would kill him, I'm sure.

"Where's Luz?"

When she spoke, I could hear disappointment in the whore's voice, yet coupled with optimism.

"She got in someone's car and went for a drive. Can I help you?"

"I'll wait," Dad said.

"Fuck you," the whore spat as she walked away. "Ignore this guy. He's waiting for Luz," she yelled to the other girls.

We sat silently, Dad's fingers tapping on the steering wheel. I had a million questions but couldn't articulate any of them. Finally, a black jalopy pulled to the curb and a whorishly dressed woman exited the passenger side. Actually, she was closer to girl than woman, barely older than I. Dad flashed his lights once and she looked up, smiled and walked toward our car.

All I could see, or rather all that my eyes could absorb was the most fantastic rack that I'd ever had the pleasure of viewing, live or on a screen. It was, and I say this with deep prejudice, even more erotic than the set of tits that graced Mom's chest. My cock damn near tore a hole in my pants as the blood raced to that important part of my body.

"Hello, Henry. Is this your son Joey that you've told me so much about?"

Henry? Joey? What the fuck was going on? Dad's name was Michael (Mike) and you already know that my name is Bobby.

Dad just smiled and handed some folded cash out the window. Without counting it, she bent down, obviously to slide the money into the top of her boot. She opened the back door and sat down inside the car.

"Come back here with me, Joey. I want to see what you look like up close."

Well, fuck, I knew damn well that something good was about to happen. Blow job, hand job, fucking, I didn't care, but I was ready for whatever Dad's money had just paid for. I almost jumped over the front seat to get to the back, but finally decided to act like a gentleman, exiting the car and reentering properly.

"Your Dad thinks that you're a virgin, Joey. Is he correct?"

Tongue tied, my head just nodded.

"If you'd like, I think I know just the cure for that. Would you like me to show you?"

My head bounced up and down like a bobble-head doll, a shit-eatin' grin on my face. Luz, I later learned that it was her real name, opened my belt and pulled it out of my jeans. She fumbled with my top button, got it open and pulled down my zipper. My cock was baseball-bat stiff, pushing my undershorts out through the new opening where the zipper had been. Her hand lightly touched my ass.

I understood, and leaned back on my elbows, allowing my ass enough room so that she could slide off my jeans, yanking off my sneakers on the way down so that the jeans could get off completely. With my shorts the only thing left below my waist, she pulled them off gently. She handed them over the seat to my Dad.

"Hold these for me, Henry. I like to keep souvenirs from all my virgins. And please don't watch us, Dear. Your son may be shy."

She was right. Of course I was shy about sex, whatever kind, in the presence of my Dad, but I was also too shy to ask him to take a walk around the block in that skuzzy neighborhood.

Luz leaned back against the door, one foot on the floor and the other stretched out along the back seat. Her nipples pressed out against her t-shirt, and she pulled the shirt up, exposing bra-less tits. She then pulled up her skirt, resting it on her stomach between her waist and her boobs.

"Take off my panties, Joey." As I slid them down over her hips, I felt the oily dampness of somebody's cum. I knew the feel of the stuff, having used my own cum from time to time to rub into my still hard cock after jerking off. I knew instinctively that it wasn't just female lubrication.

"Would you like to keep them, Joey? For your own souvenir? After you and your Dad, I'm finished with them for the night."

"If you take mine, maybe I'll wear yours home tonight."

"They'll be snug on you, Joey. You're so much bigger than me."

"I don't think I'll mind," I said.

Finished with the pleasantries, but aah, not the pleasures, Luz reached out, pulled me toward her by grabbing my cock. She ran the crown up and down her wet slit and then guided me inside her. Despite her small size, I was able to slide in all the way up to the hilt, to the base of my fuck weapon.

Though I've fucked many a pussy since then, including the one between Luz' legs, I doubt that I've ever felt the excitement of that first time. Which I guess is rather to be assumed. Though her vaginal walls were tight, I knew that I was getting sloppy seconds, or thirds or fourths or whatever, and so was not surprised by the ease of entry. I held still, knowing from my many instances of masturbation that the more exciting the photo or video inspiration that I was using, the faster I would cum.

And I didn't want to cum just yet. I wanted to feel her body's grip on my cock, I wanted to marinate in the ejaculate of however many men had preceded me into that very public cunt that evening.

Let me digress. Do not be shocked that this story refers to a prostitute who is letting johns fuck her without a condom. This story took place some years ago, back before AIDS raised its ugly head and before newspapers and TV began to use it as an excuse to write and speak about things such as 'vaginal sex' and penis and other titillating words designed to increase readership and viewership. Back when rubbers where still called scumbags and were used only to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Back before every street walker knew to carry 'raincoats' and to insist on their usage. Back when men understood that it was for a call girl's own protection and we did not object (except for the occasional very wealthy politician, from a distant state here unnamed, but you know who I mean, offered to pay huge extra fees for the privilege of going bareback into her sweet pussy).

We now return to the back seat of Dad's car. Much as I was enjoying just resting my cock inside this new – for me – receptacle, my balls kept sending messages that the sperm bubbling up inside me wanted to get out. My brain responded the only way it knew how, by thrusting my piece of meat forward and back into some warm and wet and snug opening. By hand, or now by cunt, or as I would one day learn, by sphincter, whatever held my members was suitable.

I exploded with a grunt, spurting my little soldiers into the battlefield already awash with the little soldiers of other men – and yes, despite my age, I felt like a man that night. Luz was silent, allowing me to soak in her wetness for a minute or so, before slowly withdrawing her welcoming opening. And as with most of my previous orgasms, I had to pee. I looked through the window, saw no one, and opened the back door. I could feel both Luz and Dad smiling at the sound of my urine bouncing off the manhole cover in the street.

"Stay here, Joey. I'm going up front to sit with Henry."

She crawled between the two front seats, over the console. I watched her naked asshole and her dripping cunt until they disappeared behind the passenger seat back.

"Eat me, darling Henry. I haven't had an orgasm all evening."

"Luz baby, you know I really don't like to go down on you."

"But this is special, baby. This is your son's fresh cum that you'll be sucking out of my pussy."

I don't really know what was going through Dad's head at that moment, but I saw his head disappear below the seat back. A soft sigh, the faintest sound of a licking tongue, the hint of someone sucking soda water through a straw, and finally a female shriek such as I had ever heard only from Mom when she and Dad were in their bedroom, doing their thing while I was still awake in the next room, doing my own thing by myself.

"Good night, Henry. Good night, Joey." She kissed Dad on the cheek as she left the car, and I replaced her in the front seat.

Wordlessly, Dad started the car toward home. He respected me enough not to tell me that I must not tell Mom about our little interlude.

"Henry? Joey? Who are they, Dad?"

"There's no need for a whore to have your correct name, Bobby."

Back to that first Sunday after Church when I finally got my fantasy satisfied with Mom.

"Every time you fucked a girl?"

I blushed at her language but I nodded.

"You're such a sweet boy. Why don't you show me how you do it?"

I looked at her face and saw only her Mona Lisa smile. The scene was unbelievable. She was offering me my greatest fantasy. It would be incest without witnesses and, I was as sure as 'it don't rain in Indianapolis', there would be no recriminations and plenty of repetitions. It felt as if I were a child with a terminal illness being given a dreamed for trip to an amusement park by a charity formed for things like that.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: That's a good place to make a charitable contribution.

At best, I had thought that Mom would finish me off with a hand job and tuck me in to sleep, after announcing that it could never happen again, it was incest, it wasn't fair to Dad, all that other Mom-type bullshit that was being said just for her conscience. But oh no, it wasn't her brain that was in action, it was her clit and her pussy. She stood up and slowly pulled off her dress, leaving on just her bra and a thong. Well, that was one question answered. As her bra hit the floor, I stared at her tits, her nipples as firm as my cock. Her breasts defied gravity, showing not a hint of sag.

She had never told me if I had been breast fed. I had never asked, and it had never been the subject of discussion around the kitchen table. But at that moment I prayed fervently that I had been nursed on those beauties, and I knew that I would soon do so again, albeit without milk.

I pulled her down on me, aiming her tit at my mouth. She pulled away and slid down until our lips met, her tongue forcing itself inside my mouth. At the same time, her hand was on my balls, squeezing softly.

"Oh Jeez, Bobby, I need this so badly."

Stupid me! I couldn't just accept her sort of compliment. "The way you looked this morning, you could have had any man in Church."

She gave me such a shocked look. "Oh Bobby, that would have been so wrong. I would never have sex with anyone else. With you, I can pretend that I'm with your Dad."

Well, whatever excuse she wanted to give herself was fine with me, just so long as it didn't preclude what my cock and I had planned. My head moved to her tits and my lips began to nurse. Her hand pulled my head tight against her 34Cs – I read the labels when I go snooping through that special drawer. While I suckled, I could feel the bed shake as Mom rubbed her pussy. How nice, I thought. If Mom can get herself off, I won't have to worry about taking care of that before I could get my balls emptied. For, sure as shootin', that cum bubbling up down there was going someplace pretty soon. Hand, mouth, cunt – I didn't think much about assholes back then – however she wanted to take it, I was ready.

But even if it was to be just a hand job at first, I damn sure intended to I'd be in her mouth or cunt, or maybe even both, before I ever began to think about a pancake brunch. Well, maybe I would get to eat her, but I was sure that she'd taste better than pancakes.

Same as Maria Thersa, Bobby and Luz
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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

3 years ago
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Feminizing Bobby Pt 2

The morning sun streaming through the kitchen windows beside her rendered the thin, billowy fabric of Linda's yellow, baby doll nightie practically transparent. It was no accident that as she vigorously stirred a bowl of pancake batter, the shape of her huge breasts and rock-hard nipples were clearly visible to her young son, Bobby. The twelve year old sat just a few feet away wearing a pink cotton nightshirt she had bought for him. The nails on his fingers and toes were painted a shade...

2 years ago
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Maria is initiated part 3

I was also determined that now Maria had decided to do what I had been asking her to do for ages she would keep on doing it, and also spend every minute she could fucking any guy I wanted her to,and I wanted her to fuck every guy she met. When I got home that evening Maria was wearing bright red lipstick, makeup ,and had done her hair, I asked her why she was looking so glamorous, she smiled and said because we were going out later, I asked where, she said that Pavel had invited us to go...

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Bobby Jo

We first met just after I started junior high school. I had entered the seventh grade like many others, in that I was awkward, felt alone and out of place most of the time. Miss Bobby as she was called singled me out on my first trip to the library in search of a research book. Even at that moment in my backward way I felt she had strange and wonderful things planned for me. What they would be was beyond my comprehension but I still felt they would be wondrous. When I noticed her watching...

3 years ago
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Maria A true story

- - - - "Two beers thanks mate." Nothing really beats a few beers with a mate down the pub when your wife and his girlfriend have gone OS for a few weeks. We were one week into our two week bachelor stint and tonight we wanted a decent feed and a few beers. As we sat and hooked into our tucker I saw Maria, a friend of a friend, come into the pub. II'd heard about Maria being a bit of a slapper who put it about quite freely so I watched her with interest for a while and pointed her out to...

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Bobby and Spanky II English

Introduction: This is the second part of the story… enjoy. Bobby and Spanky II By Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spankys last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did...

1 year ago
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Boston with its many old neighborhoods is as varied as its people. In the older seedier parts of town many people live and carry on in a world much different from the clinically clean and proper suburbs. On some streets there are rows and rows of the monotonous dark brick two, three, five or six story apartment buildings many exactly like the one next to it and just like the ones across the street. Other streets, while somewhat rundown, have a funky array of different buildings each one a...

2 years ago
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Bobby Sue Showed Everybody Her Breasts

Bobby Sue was young and wanting to please men.  Her mama didn’t like the way she dressed and told her to act like a lady and not like some cheap slut.  However, her mama wasn’t around to see how Bobby Sue was acting with the boys.Bobby Sue was eighteen and was always showing the local boys her breasts.  Her mama’s boyfriend was always looking at Bobby Sue like she was a model.  Her mama said if she caught him and her daughter together she’d throw him out of her trailer.  She'd been in a...

3 years ago
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Maria is initiated Part 4

I could hear music playing in the background and also men’s voices, I asked her if they were still at the club, she laughed. and said that they were at Donni's place. I said that they must have left the club early, she replied that they hadn't been to the club, I asked her why, she said because when they were in the car Vasko had asked her if she really wanted to go to the club or go to Donni's and start the party straight away, she had said that she wanted to start the party straight...

4 years ago
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Bobby And Friends Visit

It’s always an exciting time when Bobby, my wife’s stud lover, calls and announces he is coming by with a couple of young friends. It’s time for us to to prepare!We both take great care in getting ready for their arrival. She knows what he likes: seamed stockings with a garter belt, fuck-me heels, crotchless panties, and nude above the waist except for a pearl choker. She tops this off with eye shadow, bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Boy, does she look slutty and fuckable!She is so...

2 years ago
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Bobby And Friends Visit

It’s always an exciting time when Bobby, my wife’s stud lover, calls and announces he is coming by with a couple of young friends. It’s time for us to to prepare!We both take great care in getting ready for their arrival. She knows what he likes: seamed stockings with a garter belt, fuck-me heels, crotchless panties, and nude above the waist except for a pearl choker. She tops this off with eye shadow, bright red lipstick and dangly earrings. Boy, does she look slutty and fuckable!She is so...

1 year ago
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Bobby and Spanky II English

By Lamia Lobato After Bobby and Spanky’s last visit, nothing has been the same in my life. The first night that they came I left my bedroom windows open all the way whishing with all my heart that Bobby appears there while I was masturbating, but it did not happened and I did not see him. His light remained off all the time. Still, I imagined that, hidden in the darkness, his curious child eyes watched me and he did the same with his huge cock. I told myself that I would ride a dick like...

2 years ago
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Linda and Bobby and Aunt Jen part 2

Bobby said a little defensively, “You said we could come over anytime to play and that is what we are doing.” “Don’t worry. I’m not upset. I was just surprised when I began hearing moaning from my kitchen. Are you two finished now?” “Not even close”, Linda said smiling. “Would you like me to leave you two to your own explorations?” “No. You taught us how to have sex. You could watch and let us know if we are doing anything wrong” Linda suggested with a grin. “I guess...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Maid Bobby

In the year 2003, I was then 41, as usual I have to find another maid servant, because my wife is a service holder and without housemaid it was impossible to carry out her duty. Suddenly my previous housemaid left my house for seeing her ailing mother and didn’t come back. After a lot of hard work at last I could manage a girl about 12-13 years (Dhaka dwellers better know, how precious the maid servant here). Her name was Bobita but we called her by Bobby. She was a cheer girl with smiling face...

3 years ago
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Maria A Special Lady

This is a true account, all characters mentioned have read the story and approved it for publication. I had intended to change the names but they insisted on keeping their real names————————————————————————————————————————————————————At 70 years of age l still find it amazing that l have lived a life so filled with sex. At 6 ft 7 ins and at present weighing in at over 20 stone,(although l was an active sportsman until my mid forties), l am certainly not good looking, l’m not rich and l do not...

3 years ago
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Maria Pays The Rent

Maria counted out the stack of twenties and small bills and put them back into her Bible on the kitchen table for safekeeping. Once again, she didn’t have enough for the rent, and her landlord would not be pleased. She worked hard at her job, but it didn’t pay enough, and there were also the daycare expenses for her two year old daughter. Maria was barely into her twenties. She was a nice looking young woman with a pretty face and long wavy black hair. When she became pregnant, her boyfriend...

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Pegging Bobby

In the bed, the tell-tale noise roused Beth from her slumber. She held her breath, nerves attuned with tingling energy. A prolonged moment passed. Slowly the door eased partially open, accompanied by the brush of wood against the carpet. She strained her ears, senses on edge as she attempted to pierce the hallway gloom. The hint of a shadowy figure wavered just beyond the door. Her heart pounding with adrenaline, Beth continued to feign sleep, not wanting to spook her stalking secret...

2 years ago
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Hush Little Bobby

Nellie’s bracelets rattled as she wrapped her fingers around Bobby’s cock and began jerking him off. His pants were around his ankles. His legs were between hers—him standing up, her sitting on the sofa. She ran her red fingernails across the skin of his butt cheeks. She pinched them and fondled them. And then she wound her hand back and hit him with a loud spank.“Aw, fuck,” he groaned.“You wanna peek at me in the bedroom, you little creep?” the older woman said.“No, no, no,” said the...

2 years ago
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Maria My big Italian mama

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site. This adventure happened just over a year ago when I was recovering from some nasty surgery.I'd known Maria over 20 years ago. We had worked together briefly, and her neice was friends with my younger sister.She was a large woman - there was no escaping her weight - she was a big Italian mama. And starting a family only added to her size.We stayed friends on social media...

3 years ago
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A story of my night dreamme as Bobby 3

Bobby woke a few hours later on the sofa and made his way to bed, the events of the night before seemed somehow unreal to him, but there was no denying the constant dull ache in his groin had gone and there was some dried cum on his thigh that was proof of what had happened. His mom really had jerked him off and let him shoot a huge load, most of which had ended up over her. He wondered how she would react to this tomorrow, after her melt down over the shower was she going to freak out again...

3 years ago
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Maria and Bill

I've had quite a few encounters with couples between my last posting with Angela and Jim. This happened about 7 or 8 months ago. I'd been living on th Big island for a few years and I post on certain websites for couples looking for a male for MFM threesomes.Bill and Maria messaged me, we exchanged pics and after some contact back and forth we decided we would meet. They were in their late 40's I'm including pics I took of Maria. They were on Ohau so I flew there to meet them in person. When I...

4 years ago
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Marias Birthday

Preface I have been lucky enough to have some stories written for me (thank you Maria Clayton) so I thought I would get my cuckold subby to write one back as a tribute. I locked him in chastity and told him I wouldn't release him until he completed one. This is the result of his efforts....I’d seen the golden envelope on the fridge for a few days now but hadn’t dared ask mistress what it was about. So you can imagine my excitement when she asked me to bring it through, open it and read it to...

3 years ago
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Bobby and Spanky III

Introduction: English Bobby y Spanky By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful, it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the...

2 years ago
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Maria at the cafe III

My first night with Maria had been incredible. I was totally drained, and had no idea how many orgasms she had. The following morning we woke up late and ate a hardy breakfast together. We both needed carbs, juice, water, and coffee I guess. The woman I thought was a conservative, demure, middle-aged Filipino lady turned out to be one of the most incredibly sexy women I had ever encountered. I assumed that she had several people that she had sex with, and knew that besides me, she also...

4 years ago
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Come Bust a Nut in Bobbys Butt

I know that peeping into someone's windows at night is wrong,especially when You're the son of a Security Officer,but what I witnessed that first time was so thrilling and erotic,I became addicted right then and there! And now that I'm older,like any other addiction,if I don't get my fix there's going to be a problem!My addiction started on a mild,Spring evening back when I was a K id. Only I didn't know it,yet.My neighbor,Cooper,and my Dad were hanging out in our garage drinking a few beers...

3 years ago
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Maria Colima

Tony didn’t allow girls in the gang, but allowed a few to hang around, since he and his boys liked female company. I was one of those girls during that summer. Tony spoke to me in the hall during the first week of school. “Find out about that new girl over there by the fountain. The terrible twelve might be interested in her.” I had been to a few of the parties and had a pretty good idea what Tony wanted to know. Tony didn’t want girls with protective families. A couple years before...

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Maria Part Two The Gangbang

Maria. Her awakening. A true story. [part 2 of 2]By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])Maria - Her awakening. A true story.The following story is completely 100% true. The dialogue is only an interpretation of what happened, I don't remember them word for word. The events are as they happened. Please read the epilogue at the end of the story as it reveals what has become of Maria. A big thanks to all those who wrote us a message and have us as a favourite author. Marcus.- - - - -I was...

3 years ago
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Bobby and Spanky III

By Lamia Fangs I never thought that a dog and a child could modify my life so strongly: I keep thinking about them, especially about Sally, she said she wants to come and play with us, I would be pleased to play with her, too since I love playing with the boy and his wonder dog. However, I must be careful; it would be fatal if things do not get out of control. They could charge me of rape, statutory rape, and pedophilia at least. However, the judges in the court do not know that nowadays...

1 year ago
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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 3 Wednesday

For the first time in a long while, I woke up after a good night's sleep. I hadn't slept that well since Mom left Dad and me. I actually looked forward to going to school, well, almost anyway. I still wasn't enjoying being naked in school. The only part I was looking forward to, was seeing Kathy again. I still couldn't believe I had asked her out for a date. Granted, I was going to be playing basketball, but still, I would have a chance to talk to her afterwards. Somehow, I knew this week...

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Justice For Bobby

JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...

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Maria Nicole and the Twentyyearold

Maria waited anxiously for the doorbell to her 2-story apartment to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Maria thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time." Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Maria quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Nicole's steps she was hearing! A...

Group Sex
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Marias Suprise

It had been three years since our internet had issues. Maria had learned her place as a whore and was now fucking whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Tony was a regular at the house, poker night, UFC nights, you name it he was around. Most of my friends didn't know what a whore Maria had been turned into. Maria herself didn't realize it in fact, all she knew was she would satisfy any cock or cunt that I told her too. She had no idea how many cocks she had taken in her service to me. However I...

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