GingerChapter 5 free porn video

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From down on my side of the table came a question. "Do you have a sweetheart? You don't have a wedding ring on."

I peered at the girl who asked. She appeared to be about Ginger's age. I laughed as I said, "Another difficult question. Am I fully committed? No not at this time, but I have a person in mind I hope to be committed to someday. She did some things for me that eased my mind while I was in England. When I first met her she needed help and at the time so did I. We helped each other."

"Would you care to share what you did for her?"

The girl was persistent. "I can, I guess. She was from a broken home and living with her mother. Her mother only had her living with her to make it difficult for her father and giving no guidance at all. She was very unhappy at the situation she found herself in. I met her while she was running away from a party being raided by the police.

"At the time I needed someone to live with my mother who at the time was fast sinking into depression. I had two weeks to get her settled and then I had to leave. When I came home I found my mother and she had bonded and I had a surrogate sister. I see her infrequently and for now I am acting as an older brother. When she gets older our relationship may change."

"She is younger than you, and by how much?"

"Five years in age, but more than that in maturity. She is in her last year of high school. She will have a prom and parties to go to. Then her father is well enough off to send her on to college. I've been to college and a person needs the freedom to make their own choices. She will need to experience the freedom to make these choices on her own."

"You may lose her."

"I may. By the way, what is your name and how old are you?"

"Maria, and I'm seventeen."

"Maria, if I lose her, then in four or five years I'll come looking for you, for she is the same age as you are at present."

Everyone had ceased talking to listen to this exchange. Now they all burst out laughing at my remarks and I finished up my dinner without more questions. Lenora whispered to me. "Maria wants to grow up too fast. She dreams about a different boy every month."

"I was in a committed relationship in college. There were times when I wished I wasn't and my girlfriend finally found our relationship too constricting and left. She was a fine person and if we had freedom when we didn't and didn't have it when we needed it, we might be together right now. If my so called sister feels the same after completing college, we might have a chance at a happy life. For my part, I feel she is worth waiting for even if my chances aren't that certain."

"You remind me of my husband and the way he thought. For now though why don't you go get ready and we'll go dancing. I claim the first dance."

I did dance the first dance with my hostess. It was like holding a feather. When I took her back to her seat she said. "You are a very good dancer. That is my favorite waltz and you did it full justice. You think of your partner always. Thank you, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.

"Now you should dance with some one nearer your own age. Go ask Maria for a dance. Who knows, you might become her flavor of the month." Lenora laughed as she said this. I took it that it as in some form of a warning not to trifle with Maria, but she thought well enough of me to have a dance with her granddaughter.

I waited until I could see that Maria was waiting for someone to ask her. "Maria, as you know my name is Peter Brown. You can call me Pete. May I have this dance?

"Aren't I too young for you?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, okay I guess. Did you have fun dancing with my grand mother? I saw you whirling around the floor with her. I don't dance like that."

"I'll adapt to whatever the orchestra plays." Maria rose and I took her hand leading her onto the floor. She was tall and willow with dark hair and flashing black eyes. I was half way through the set when I commented, "You are fully as good at dancing as your grand mother."

"Thank you, she is the one who taught me. She demands a lot of us in the family and learning to dance happens to be one of them."

"I'll bet you will look much like she does when you get to be her age. She is beautiful."

"I could take that two ways, as in I do look like her or I'm ugly now and going to show improvement. I think I'll just take it as a compliment. You're pretty smooth. Let's get away from talking about me. Let's go sit down and you can tell me about this seventeen year old girl you are not fully committed to?"

"Maria, I'm not fully committed to the girl, Ginger, but if she was my age I would be. We've helped each other in several ways and want to continue on that same path."

"Pete, you told us how she helped you with your mother. What have you done to help her?"

"I don't want to go into too much detail, but I will tell you she was from a broken home, her mother ignored her most of the time. Her self esteem was at zero and she was on a downhill path of self destruction. Case in point, I asked her if she wanted a job to help me with my mother. She called her mother and all her mother said was to leave a copy of my address on the kitchen table.

"What mother would do that if they loved their sixteen-year-old daughter? The mother did call a couple of days later, but by that time Ginger was settling in with my mother. Her father on the other hand, who was just paying support, called immediately after he found out she had left her mother and moved. When I returned from England from doing work for your uncle, I took her to see him. Her father fixed it so Ginger could live with my mother and go to school from there."

"He must approve of not only your mother, but you as well. Is there anything else you have done for each other?"

I didn't want to share anything about Roberta. Not her business. "No. I tell you what, if you are interested in having a new friend, I will give you her email address and you can correspond. She'll want to know all about how I'm doing working for your uncle. You can tell her all about your life here in California."

"I'd love to have a new friend. Won't she be jealous of me being your friend?"

"No more than I'm going to be with her going out to parties and all that being a senior entails. Maria, I was in a relationship in college for two years. According to the girl I was too dedicated to my classes and we parted. Now I have a job and for the time being I'm going to be very busy. I want to do right by your uncle. This is my first project and I want it to be a success. I won't have time to even look for somebody until Ginger is a little older."

"That's stupid. She is free to go out on dates and stuff, but you are going to deny yourself."

"Maybe, but by the time she is old enough to become a wife, I'll be established as a good architect and can support her. Two or three years aren't too long. If it doesn't work out with Ginger, then I really haven't lost too much time because that is when I'm planning on settling down anyway."

"It seems like an age to me. I have lots of boyfriends and I enjoy being with all of them." I wondered. What she had said about having a lot of boyfriends didn't ring true. Just then Maria's mother came up and queried what we were discussing.

Maria answered. "Pete was telling me about his girl. He is crazy. He could be having a relationship with her but is going to wait forever before asking."

"Dear, maybe he is wise and knows it wouldn't work out at present, but would at a later date."

"Thank you Mrs. Lopez. That was what I was trying to tell her. Would you care to dance with me? I see a young man has been waiting patiently for me to let him dance with Maria."

"That's one of her cousins. He has a crush on her."

"Mom, that's my business. Why does everyone treat me like I was a child?"

"Well?" I expected Maria to explode, but instead she giggled and winked at me. Mrs. Lopez was smiling. I danced out onto the floor. All the women I had danced with so far were wonderful dancers. We talked and I was told my partner's name was Delores. Fernando was her brother-in-law. I took it that all six siblings of the Lopez clan were very close.

Again it was mentioned that Fernando was the youngest and the family had been waiting for him to find an interest in his life that he could apply himself to. This vineyard seemed to be it and with the grandmother pushing, the whole family had got behind him wanting it to succeed. It wasn't said, but I gathered it wasn't a matter of money so much, but the feeling everyone should have a place in life. This was to be Fernando's.

While I had Delores in my arms I mentioned that I was going to give Maria Ginger's address to her so they could become email pals. "What about Maria and you and what happens if she becomes interested in you?"

"I won't let that happen. My heart is set on Ginger. There are other things that have happened since Ginger came into my life that makes me believe we were meant for each other. I'm willing to give it a few years to see if my feelings aren't going to play out."

"Would you share them with me?"

"No, I don't think I will. Don't get me wrong, this is something that went on in my family before Ginger came to live with my mother and me. Ginger is now part of it, but it is too personal to try to explain at the present time."

"Fair enough. I was just concerned for my daughter."

"I promise I will always treat Maria with respect."

I called Ginger the next day and explained that I had met a girl who was the same age as she and I had piqued her interest about the girl I had helped. I was going to have them exchange emails. "Great, then I can hear more about you that I wouldn't otherwise."

"Ginger, I didn't think about that. Maybe I had better not."

"Too late Pete. Now that I know about her, you have to." I laughed and promised I would give out her address which I did after tracking Maria down an hour later.

I had to work three days before the New Year's Holiday. I did stay at the Lopez villa, but I didn't interact with anyone except Fernando as I rode with him back and forth to work. He was only interested in discussing how the plans were coming. The firm had the foundation plans almost completed. Now we were working on the design of how the building was to be framed.

The façade or front of the building was going to be very similar to the construction of the original that I had seen in England and the ones I had retrieved the details from the library. In the main building we were thinking of incorporating various gothic designs.

We would use ribbed vaulting for the below ground bistro where the pub and brewery were located. This would support the restaurant and fine dining room on the floor above. The restaurant would have peaked arches to support the roof. To support the walls that supported the roof, a flying buttress design would be incorporated. Strength was the main criteria here because of the construction being susceptible to the damage from earthquakes.

However, great cathedrals had been built using these designs and they were still standing after centuries. Whether this construction would be permitted remained to be seen. This was where the architectural firm came in. They were the one to defend the design to conform to the laws in place for new construction.

Again on New Years there was a dance to attend. This was a Ball and it was crowded and less reserved than the one on Christmas. I learned a little more about the Lopez family while dancing. Everyone in our group was on the floor dancing so I headed across the room where I could see a beautiful woman sitting by herself. She was a striking individual and I gave no thought to why no one was asking her to go out on the floor.

As I approached her I could see there was no ring on her finger. "Hello, Ms., would you care to dance?"

The woman looked up at me. She appeared to be in her middle thirties and extremely attractive. Instead of answering me, she asked, "Didn't I see you arrive with the Lopez family? I don't think they would approve if we danced."

"Oh, why is that?"

"Let me just say they wouldn't."

"Please, I don't have a partner at the moment. Come, dance with me. I don't pay too much attention to those who don't approve of what I do."

"Okay, but remember I warned you. Your name would be?"

"Peter Brown, and you are?"

"Adoria Gonzalas." Adoria rose when I extended my hand and came into my arms. We circled out onto the floor. Very subtly she guided me into a corner out of the general flow of the dancers.

I asked, "Okay, share with me why I'm going to be in trouble by asking you to dance?"

"Because of a stupid mistake ... mostly by me and my jealousy."

"More details if you don't mind?"

"Fernando and I were engaged to be married. After we were engaged, I heard a rumor that he was seeing a woman who was a previous lover of his. He flew to France and England and the woman went with him on the plane. I became insanely jealous and when he arrived home, I told him I had an affair while he was gone to make things even."

"And did you have an affair?"

"No, I just said that. I do love Fernando very much, but he won't listen to me and I doubt he would believe me if I said I had lied. I would even accept that he did have an affair with this other woman if he would believe me and take me back. Needless to say his whole family is against me."

"Wow, this is a problem, isn't it?" Do you have any idea if Fernando has any love left for you?"

"I believe he does. I have been in contact with Delores. She claims he won't let anyone even mention my name, but at the same time he gets a sad look on his face. Oh, if I could only talk to him. Delores tells me his time is taken up with some new business he is trying to start and when that gets further along, she will try to get us together so we can get back together."

"Have you spoken to the Senora? She might be more effective at this than Delores."

"Oh, I don't believe she would speak to me. I'm a little afraid of her as she wields so much power in the family."

"She does that. Let's forget your problem and enjoy the music. You dance beautifully."

"Thank you. You do very well for one so young."

I waltzed Adoria out of our corner and around the room. I could see Lenora sitting by herself at her table next to the dance floor. We had danced close to Fernando, who was dancing with one of his sister-in-laws. He stopped dead on the floor and looked after us when I whirled Adoria around. My partner was looking over her shoulder at Fernando as soon as she had a chance and stumbled momentarily herself.

She looked up at me. "I know he still loves me. I'm going to call him tomorrow. He might take my call."

"I think you may need more than that. Let me seat you with Lenora. She really isn't one to be fearful of. I know for I felt the same when we first met. Just be honest with her." I forcefully guided Adoria to the table. "Lenora, Adoria would like to sit with you for a few minutes. Would you entertain her while I dance with Maria? I have been waiting to dance with her again."

"Of course, Peter. Go find my grand daughter." Lenora stretched out her hand to Adoria. "Adoria, it has been months since we talked last. I was so disappointed when you and Fernando broke it off. Would you tell me what happened between the two of you? Although we were never close, I was so looking forward to having you for my daughter-in-law." I left the two women with their heads together and went searching for Maria.

I found Maria as she was just sitting down. "Hi Pete. Sit with me. I want to talk to you. I haven't seen you for five days. I've been on the internet with Ginger. She is still at her father's until tomorrow evening when she and your mother are driving back to Minneapolis. Oh, you have to be dancing with me when the ball drops when the New Year comes in. Promise me you will?"

We sat there making small talk. It wasn't long until she spotted her grandmother talking to Adoria. She commented, "Wow, we may find out what happened between Uncle Fernando and Adoria. They were engaged and we all thought they would be married by this time.

"Neither she nor Uncle has explained what happened between them. Uncle has been broken hearted. That is why he has been so involved with the vineyard and the new building and is why he has been pushing your firm so hard. It is has been his way of forgetting the break up with Adoria."

"How do you know all of this if you don't know what caused the breakup?"

"Well, that is what my parents are saying anyway. Uncle has always been kind of free and easy and has never let anything bother him. He changed when he returned from England and threw his efforts into this new project of his."

"That may be and this also has been good for me because your uncle has been attentive to the project I am charged with moving toward completion. I have seen that Fernando hasn't been very happy except on a few occasions. I have been puzzled by his actions, but never thought about it being a woman that troubled him."

"The family knows what has been bothering him." She was staring intently across the room. I turned to see what she was looking at. Lenora and Adoria were seated, and Fernando was standing there talking to his mother. At first he did not glance at Adoria at all. We could see Lenora was talking emphatically to first one and then the other. When she ceased, Fernando reached his hand to Adoria and she came up into his arms.

Adoria tucked her face into the neck of Fernando as he hugged her tightly to him. They stood practically motionless for more than a minute. When she pulled her head back and we, who were watching, could see tears rolling down her face. There were tears in Fernando's eyes as well. The band struck up a waltz at this moment and the couple whirled away.

"Wow, I wonder what caused them to get back together? It had to be something Gram said to both of them. I wonder how Gram got Adoria to sit down with her. Oh, it is almost midnight. You promised you would be with me when the ball drops. Let's be dancing when it happens."

I was laughing, knowing Maria was thinking out loud. It was a few minutes later when the clock reached twelve. Maria stopped and said, "Ginger said to give you a kiss at midnight. This is from her with love." Maria held me close and I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I didn't put much passion into the kiss, but Maria knew she had been kissed.

"Maria, I feel we are going to be long-term friends. May I give you a kiss as your friend?" She didn't say anything one way or another, just closing her eyes and raising her lips.

After dinner on New Years Day at the villa, I decided to return to my motel. I had met and conversed during my stay with most everyone in the family. They all seemed to like me. Lenora had a minute with me as I was leaving.

"Peter, it was a joy having you with us for the holidays. I also want to thank you for bringing Adoria to sit with me. I had a nice talk with her and it convinced me that Fernando had it all wrong about her. There was too much jealousy on both their parts. My son will be taking a few days off from what he has been doing. He wants his and Adoria's relationship to resume. I think that is wise."

Lenora smiled. "Also, I convinced Adoria that I wasn't a person to be leery off. I'm sure we will become friends. After all she may soon be my daughter-in-law." She paused and then went on, "That brings us to me and you. I consider you to be my friend. If at any time I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to call. I will expect you to visit on occasion as well."

"Thank you, Senora. I have had a wonderful holiday. I will visit again soon. My work with Fernando's project is no where near finished so I am sure we will see each other quite often."

Maria caught up to me just as I was getting into my car. "Hey Pete, I just got off the computer with Ginger. I told her I gave you her kiss and I also told her you gave me a kiss for myself. She started to get jealous, but I corrected her thinking. I told her it was like a person kissing her brother. I wish someone cared for me like she cares for you. You had better call her when you get to your motel."

"I plan to. Maria, thank you for being my friend. Your grandmother has invited me to drop in anytime so I will be seeing you occasionally."

"I know she did, because I asked her to invite you. She questioned my motives which I passed off as me just being your friend. I suppose I shouldn't wish myself older, but it doesn't seem as if I'm ever going to lose my cherry. Boys my age are just so young. I only find older men attractive."

"I suppose you have someone like me in mind?"

"I could wish for someone very much like you, but then you're taken, so you are safe with me."

"That may be. Maria, I take it that Ginger hasn't shared her earlier lifestyle with you. This is before I met her anyway. You might question her how she felt by giving her virginity away and what followed when men and boys found out she had. I do believe she regretted it and wishes she had waited until she was older. Now we shouldn't be having this conversation as it is too intense for me. Not for me really, but because you professed to being Ginger's friend."

"Pete, I'm sorry and I was taking advantage of you. You are just so easy to talk to and you know so much about life. One other thing I wanted to mention. You know I asked Gram how come Adoria came and sat down with her the night of the ball. She said she was just sitting there and you danced Adoria right up to the table and then left her there. A little later Fernando came to the table. She thinks there will soon be a wedding.

"I told Ginger about it and she said that is something you would do."

Same as Ginger
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Allie waited until her mother returned from work but before Sean got home to tackle Leah on making love with Toby. “We didn’t want to be underhand and spoil the full joy for ourselves by being furtive,” she added. “Oh, my beloved daughter!” Leah thought. “And my beloved Toby too for that matter.” “Hmm!” she said thoughtfully and paused. “We can hardly have you moving in together before you’re married.” Allie said nothing but looked apprehensive. “The spare room’s got a double bed and your...

2 years ago
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Sex with my friend and his dog while camping out

My friend Lane seems to always have horrible breath in the morning. I wonder why… Three or four times a year we would go camping in the mountains for a couple of weeks and have a good time telling stories and drinking beer. Sometimes we would go with a group of friends but most times just he and I would go. When Lane would fall asleep for the night he would be out cold. I never saw anyone so out when asleep. When we were younger we used to do all kinds of crazy things to him when he was...

3 years ago
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Veronicas Revenge

Veronica walked up the path to the front door to their large city house. Paul wasn’t expecting her back until tomorrow night and she thought she would surprise him. She wore a black dress with a silk violet camisole and French knickers set. She unlocked and opened the front door and entered the house. She had expected to find him in the lounge but the light was off, so she checked the other rooms downstairs and found them all empty and dark, there wasn’t even any sign of Sally their live in...

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An Incest Birthday Chapter 9

As usual, comments and honest opinions are greatly appreciated.If you didn't read the first parts you should, it will make more sense if you do.After everything that happened yesterday it’s no wonder I was having sex dreams all night. In the first one mom was riding my face and Rita sucked me off until I came, in the second Aunt Lisa was eating mom out while I was fucking her doggy, the third I was on top of mom pounding the hell out of her, and in the one I’m having now I’m having my world...

1 year ago
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Pams Cumming Out Chapter 1

Pam and her husband John were your average couple. Enjoying midlife with still a healthy sex life. They enjoyed experimenting with different things. When women learned what John did for a living, they had fantasies of their own. John was a firefighter and chief of his department. His job required him to stay in good physical condition. Standing at 6 feet, with dark hair he often got the sly comments about playing with his hose or his pole. Pam loved to wear sexy little outfits for John....

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Wife Slut Trains sisterinLaw

Call a woman's intuition, but Libb knew her husband wantedto fuck her little sister, Meredith. He'll, she wanted to fuck her little sister too!How could you not want to suck on her c cup melons, spank hertight round ass and open up her legs to see a marvelous beaver that she must have?So one night, Libb plied her sister with beer at a party.She insisted Meredith stay the night with her.Then she made her husband roll a fat joint knowing that always made her sister horny. Before he knew it, Hubby...

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Moms at the Beach Ch 01

I woke to the sound of Ann puttering in the kitchen. Andrew was fast asleep. He might fuck like a man, but he still slept like a teenager. I knew I needed to talk to Ann. I put on a short robe and found her wearing skin tight shorts and a sports bra, ready for her morning jog. "Morning sleepy head. I was wondering when I'd see you. Wanna go for a run?"That sounded like a good idea. It would clear my head and be an opportunity to chat. I got my shorts, bra, and tee-shirt from my gym bag and...

4 years ago
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The Agency Girl Part II

It was almost twenty four hours later when Bill opened his front door to Sal again. Once again he was stunned by her attractiveness. This time she was wearing a red velvet dress. Its top clung to her upper body, once again emphasising her breasts and slim waist. Its wide but modest hemline spoke of long shapely legs. This time her legs were covered in a much lighter denier material. He wondered whether or not they were stockings. Once again, his nostrils were excited by her perfume as she...

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December holidays part 8 Claire my sexy MILF

Once in bed Monday night after looking at the calendar, I messaged Cassi asking her if she would like to spend the day and night together on the 28th after my parents and stepsister have left and before her parent come home. She replied saying that's awesome and asked if I minded her coming to my place. I didn't mind at all and we continued exchanging messages. I then decided to message Claire to make sure we still on for Thursday and she replied back definitely and she's looking forward to...

1 year ago
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Saturday Night Nurse

My Tracy and her best friend Lynn both work as nurses in old peoples home. My girlfriend is a very sexy babe who gas beautiful blonde hair which goes not quite halfway down her back and has the whitest teeth ever with a perfect smile but her tits, well I can only describe as awesome, better and bigger than any page 3 babe, with a love heart tattoo on her right tit in exactly same place as Lynn's tattoo, but my babe also had a tattoo of a large red rose running from between her breasts down to...

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Best Christmas Ever

100% fiction! It was Christmas time; I am 18 years old and male. I always spent Christmas with my whole family; Mum, Step-Dad, Uncle, Aunty (All on Step-Dads side of the family) my aunty is absolutely gorgeous and I often fantasized about her. I don’t live with her which is a shame because when I get horny I wish that I could my some of her used panties and sniff them while masturbating. When she comes over to stay for a couple of days I seize every opportunity to see her fabulous body. I...

3 years ago
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The Circle of Life a Harry Potter ImaginingChapter 7 Decisions

Harry had put off this moment for as long as he could. He was now nearly nineteen years old, he had completed his final N.E.W.T. exam and, in a few weeks time, his years of formal education would be over. He must finally decide about his life after Hogwarts. All of his friends seemed to have sorted their lives out already. Ron Weaseley would be leaving school to work full-time with his older brother, George. Now that Weaseley's Wizard Wheezes had become so successful, with several shops and...

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AnimeCon Harem pt 13

“Is this ‘bout the color of my skin?” The elderly black man growled, shaking his head and glaring up from his wheelchair. “‘Cause if this Jim fella’s some kinda racist, you just go on and put me in a room with him and I’ll sort his sorry behind out my own self.”“Charles, no,” Rebecca protested weakly, looking distressed. She wore a simple set of navy blue scrubs patterned with light blue pawprints, and her disorderly auburn hair had been tied up into a braid for her shift. “Jim has… well he’s a...

1 year ago
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The Journey Ch 07

Rabbit ran, cursing the weight of the girl the entire time. He had to find his way down to the core, and that meant passing the hydroponics facility. The place gave him the creeps, even worse than the floor where the geezer ran the show. Prometheus (or Johnny, Rabbit reminded himself, not willing to credit the bastard with his choice of title) had woken up the hospital wing, the terminal patients, and had them working their final days in slave labour, in order to feed his cronies. Many of them...

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Susan A Divorced Mom Protects Her Only Daughter

Susan was a single divorced mom who had legal rights to her eighteen year old daughter Emily. There wasn’t a thing Susan wouldn’t do to protect her one and only daughter. One evening as Susan arrived home from work she notice an unusual car out in front of her home. She had no idea who it belong to until the passenger door opened. She watched as her daughter Emily climbed out of the car and said, “Bye Derrick. You can pick me up tomorrow after school.” “Emily, who just dropped you off?” a...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 15

Cletus closed up the old truck, and we went to lunch. I am to the point now that there just aren't enough ways to describe lunch or any other meal than to say they're wonderful. When you live through the college experience, and the fast-food times of starting your own company, those meals are just processed nutrition, high in everything that is not good for you, with taste, they get from chemical wonders. These meals my friends are home cooked food that is to live for. Well enough about the...

2 years ago
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My Sister Makes Me HardChapter 7

I secretly had a couple of condoms in my wallet. I got them from the school nurse earlier in the week. "I love you, Gloria!" "I know you do, Winston!" "We hardly ever call each other by our full names anymore, but I guess being in love causes a lot of things to happen, like my 24 hour erection that you cause me to have." That prompted her to giggle, "Winston, you always sound like everything you say is trying to get me to take my pants off for you." "Just having a conversation,...

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Gluteus Maximus Chapter 14

Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter ThirteenI looked up at Ray Wickes looming over me, pumping into me, his thicknessstretching me to the max and I couldn't imagine that any moment in my lifecould ever be better. Then I felt it.It was that sensation from deep in my ass, leading to the tip of my dick.I started to squirm and breath funny, hyperventilating and making thathigh-pitched chick sound."Oh! Oh! Oh!" was all I could mutter as I felt my whole body start toquiver out of control."Oh...

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It Takes a Strong Man

To the reader: Recently I found a list on the internet that had a series of attributes of a strong man. I’m pretty sure it’s not a comprehensive list because I can think of a few more to add. However, my first impression after reading it was that it could be the basis for a short story. I showed it to my editor and got the challenge back to go ahead and write it. What you’re about to read is the result of that challenge. I hope you like it. Oh, and sorry, but there’s no sex in the story. ...

3 years ago
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The Milf the Boys and Pam

I stood in the kitchen looking out over the rear yard with its many trees, bushes and splendid variety of Californian fauna. Up to this the fall, the yard had always looked so good, but since the Latino brothers that had looked after it for years had moved on, it had become long overdue for some tidying up. Even the little shed we had made to look like a small cottage was in urgent need of a good clear out. Later that morning I spotted a notice board in the supermarket advertising various sale...

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Tims Unusal Life

Chapter 1 As far back as I can remember my family was poor. My father died in a knife fight when I was only two years old. I don't remember him at all and except for a few pictures we had I couldn't even tell you what he looked like. My mother tells me he was a man of short statue and slight of build. He had blond hair that had enough of a reddish tint to it he acquired the nick name of Little Red. He also had very pale skin and eyes so blue they seemed to look right through to your...

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Depression SoupChapter 1 The Color Of Compassion

Saturdays were "going to town days." Many farm families couldn't afford to go into town every week because times were so hard and money was scarce. Even though gasoline was only eight cents a gallon back then there were times when eight cents was all some people had. Even before the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 parts of Oklahoma suffered through bad droughts and farmers saw a whole year's labor lie dying in the fields for lack of rain. Still it was necessary to make the trip at least...

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The Distracted Manager Two

The Distracted Manager - Two Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on an idea provided by Honoria] Eli continued to glare at Terri before he pointed towards the conference room they had just exited and said, "Round up the girls and meet me in there." "Okay," Terri replied nervously as she scurried back towards Melina's office and where Katie was hiding herself. Eli sat down at the head of the table and tapped his fingertips upon it before his eyes veered down to Katie's...

1 year ago
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building Harrys Harem part 5

“Of course my love. Ask and you may receive.” he slowly started rocking his hips back and forth, pulling almost completely out before sliding back in, the muscles in her tunnel squeezing him like she was still a virgin. There was one definite plus about witches… no matter the age, no matter how often they had had sex, given a night to recover and they would be tight as virgins in the morning. He kissed her gently as her muscles massaged his long, thick cock, the tip pushing against her cervix...

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Things can happen when you least expect them

Things can happen when you least expect them. This was very unexpected. This is a true short story, slightly altered by rose tinted glasses. It all takes place in Rock City in Nottingham, we ( a big group of friends) had travelled to this great venue to watch our one of our favourite bands, Megadeath, in the late 90’s. We were all excited and full of anticipation for the show we were about to watch. We were drinking in the bus and the atmosphere grew and grew. For most of us this was the first...

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Popping in on her sister

We stopped in to say hi to my wifes oldest sister one morning. Hey you two! She gave me big hug as I entered squishing her huge jugs against my chest. I could see down her incredible cleavage and let my hands rub across her silky night gown covered asscheeks. Now Tammy is a big girl. A fine BBW to be sure. She is a gorgeous brunette with impeccable taste. She always dresses to the nines. This morning she had on a tight black nightie that bareley covered her tits and ass. It was decorated with...

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OHGirl Velvets Seduction

OHGirl:I was prepping everything for a visit from my ex-husband and our c***dren. I still loved and had feelings for Mikey, but my life was taken over by my sex addiction and he and the c***dren deserved better. I was in the perfect place now, married to a porn director, producer and the biggest porn company owner in the pacific rim. He kept me busy in films and I helped him to smooth over business meetings by fucking and sucking off his associates. I had been the queen of bukkake gangbangs for...

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NaughtyAmerica Alexa Grace Ana Foxxx VR 23019

Watching two naked chicks go at it — that’s hard to beat. Especially when they’re scorching hot pornstars Ana Foxxx and Alexa Grace. And now, in VR, your immersed in their horny world where they lick each other up and slap each other’s asses, the kind of clit-tickling fun that only girls do best. But it only gets better, because after a while they’re ready for some dick, and it just so happens that you and yours are right there in front of them! Porcelain-doll Alexa and ebony beauty Ana climb...

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Tattoo trade

Let me preclude this story by saying that we wrote this about a month ago right after the situation happened, and are now posting it because Erin is going to see Brian again for more work this weekend.....My wife Erin loves tattoos. She has a large one on her back but until now nothing more. She’s wanted what’s referred to as a “sleeve” for some time now and decided it was time to get one done by the same fellow who did her back, a great artist named Brian. Brian’s studio is in another city,...

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MarlaChapter 6

Something cold grabbed at her hands. Marla opened her eyes and screamed. One of the zombies was inside the car with her, another pounded on the windshield. She was also dangling sideways, held in place by the seatbelt. The one in the car snarled when she pulled her hands away and tried to squeeze farther into the car. She fumbled the pistol out. The extra magazines and her cell phone fell to the ground. The passenger side window had shattered in the crash, the car tilted crazily, leaned up...

4 years ago
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In a Dark Parking lot

The girl came out of the bar with a black guy and seemed to hug him goodnight. But instead of stopping there, he pulled her back to him and kissed her. I didn’t see her pull away, instead she returned the kiss and reached up around his neck and kissed him harder. I thought she looked familiar but wasn’t sure, so I let it pass that they were more than just friends. They kissed for about 5 minutes till someone came out of the bar and broke apart abruptly. I think they were doing something...

2 years ago
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Happy Anniversary

Dear Henry,I wanted you to know that my love for you keeps growing, and that these twenty years have made me very happy and fulfilled. Your devotion to me and to my needs has helped me to build my self-esteem to the point that I am very successful in my career and increasingly fulfilled in my sex life.As you know, my childhood, with my older brothers dominating me, and my disastrous first marriage to John, left me with low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority toward men. However, in the...

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DevilsFilm Kendra Spade Saints and Sinners

Kendra Spade fantasizes about how slutty a girl she can be. She is tired of being such a one man girl. She wants to branch out and get more cock. Bigger cock, darker meat. She dreams she sends out a message on social media for a gorgeous black man to show up at her house and let himself in. Once inside her room, he can do whatever he wants with her. Face-fuck her, pound her pussy, eat her asshole, jam his huge cock up her ass. Orgasm after orgasm awaits her as she is rewarded with a face full...

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Crossing The Street 3

She pulled me forward and I followed as she led me, trembling with anticipation, around the chair. As I rounded the corner something caught my eye on the seat of the chair. I looked down to see a realistic dildo jutting up from its suction cup base. I mean, I knew it was a dildo, not that I own one. It was fat and pink and long and I knew it wasn't real, but my body didn't care. My already dripping cunt pulsed at the sight of the toy. Silent and eager, my eye measured the size and my brain...

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‘Hey Kody, wanna go campin?’ If I heard that line one more time from him I was going to knock him on his ass. Ever since the first time I’d met him, Trevor had been trying to get me to sleep with him by using that line. At 5’11’, 160 lbs with long brown hair and those bright blue eyes that most women swoon over, not to mention his tanned athletic body, Trevor had come to the conclusion that he was God’s gift to women. Not that I blame him for reaching this conclusion, for as I look around, I...

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‘I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I’ve been enjoying myself immensely!’ she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other’s absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 28

Monday morning, after some serious swimming, I was finishing dressing when my cell phone rang. It was John. "You're going to have to go to St. Louis for a Bureau station change then head up to Chicago for a Homeland Security union arbitration meeting. You'll need support, so advise Wanda. You'll probably be gone two nights, so plan on three. I know you just started your flight training, but this can't be helped. I have to be elsewhere. You know, out of this world and such. I'm sending...

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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 4

The doorbell rang the next day around 2pm. Joe was supposed to come by around 7pm, like last night, and I wasn’t expecting anyone else. I opened the door and found Gary Weil standing on my doorstep. Gary was a seventeen year old kid from the neighborhood who I hired to shovel my sidewalk in the winter, mow my lawn in the summer and rake my yard in fall. Gary was a skinny kid with slicked back red hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He smiled at me and his freckles amplified. ‘Good afternoon Mr....

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Best at Show

Best At ShowShe was sleeping soundly, naked, lying on top of the sheets because it was too hot.  The sweat clung to her, and made the sheets stick to her warm damp body.  She tossed and turned unable to sleep properly, her mind constantly going over what was to happen tomorrow.  She was to meet her master in the centre of town, and they were to head off for a surprise.  The fact that he’d make her book two weeks off work, and only respond with ?It’s a surprise? when she asked him only made her...

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My Secret Crush Had A Crush On Me Too Pt 1

Part One: The Secret SpotZach was a boy who I secretly had a crush on back in the day. But I would never have guessed that he liked me back since at the time he constantly made fun of me and teased me, so I thought I didn't stand a chance. The poking and teasing got to the point where I started questioning why I still had a crush on a guy like him and one day the answer came to me in a way I didn't quite expect.One day as the bell rang, Zack leaned over closer to my ear and he told me to meet...

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