GingerChapter 5 free porn video

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From down on my side of the table came a question. "Do you have a sweetheart? You don't have a wedding ring on."

I peered at the girl who asked. She appeared to be about Ginger's age. I laughed as I said, "Another difficult question. Am I fully committed? No not at this time, but I have a person in mind I hope to be committed to someday. She did some things for me that eased my mind while I was in England. When I first met her she needed help and at the time so did I. We helped each other."

"Would you care to share what you did for her?"

The girl was persistent. "I can, I guess. She was from a broken home and living with her mother. Her mother only had her living with her to make it difficult for her father and giving no guidance at all. She was very unhappy at the situation she found herself in. I met her while she was running away from a party being raided by the police.

"At the time I needed someone to live with my mother who at the time was fast sinking into depression. I had two weeks to get her settled and then I had to leave. When I came home I found my mother and she had bonded and I had a surrogate sister. I see her infrequently and for now I am acting as an older brother. When she gets older our relationship may change."

"She is younger than you, and by how much?"

"Five years in age, but more than that in maturity. She is in her last year of high school. She will have a prom and parties to go to. Then her father is well enough off to send her on to college. I've been to college and a person needs the freedom to make their own choices. She will need to experience the freedom to make these choices on her own."

"You may lose her."

"I may. By the way, what is your name and how old are you?"

"Maria, and I'm seventeen."

"Maria, if I lose her, then in four or five years I'll come looking for you, for she is the same age as you are at present."

Everyone had ceased talking to listen to this exchange. Now they all burst out laughing at my remarks and I finished up my dinner without more questions. Lenora whispered to me. "Maria wants to grow up too fast. She dreams about a different boy every month."

"I was in a committed relationship in college. There were times when I wished I wasn't and my girlfriend finally found our relationship too constricting and left. She was a fine person and if we had freedom when we didn't and didn't have it when we needed it, we might be together right now. If my so called sister feels the same after completing college, we might have a chance at a happy life. For my part, I feel she is worth waiting for even if my chances aren't that certain."

"You remind me of my husband and the way he thought. For now though why don't you go get ready and we'll go dancing. I claim the first dance."

I did dance the first dance with my hostess. It was like holding a feather. When I took her back to her seat she said. "You are a very good dancer. That is my favorite waltz and you did it full justice. You think of your partner always. Thank you, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.

"Now you should dance with some one nearer your own age. Go ask Maria for a dance. Who knows, you might become her flavor of the month." Lenora laughed as she said this. I took it that it as in some form of a warning not to trifle with Maria, but she thought well enough of me to have a dance with her granddaughter.

I waited until I could see that Maria was waiting for someone to ask her. "Maria, as you know my name is Peter Brown. You can call me Pete. May I have this dance?

"Aren't I too young for you?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, okay I guess. Did you have fun dancing with my grand mother? I saw you whirling around the floor with her. I don't dance like that."

"I'll adapt to whatever the orchestra plays." Maria rose and I took her hand leading her onto the floor. She was tall and willow with dark hair and flashing black eyes. I was half way through the set when I commented, "You are fully as good at dancing as your grand mother."

"Thank you, she is the one who taught me. She demands a lot of us in the family and learning to dance happens to be one of them."

"I'll bet you will look much like she does when you get to be her age. She is beautiful."

"I could take that two ways, as in I do look like her or I'm ugly now and going to show improvement. I think I'll just take it as a compliment. You're pretty smooth. Let's get away from talking about me. Let's go sit down and you can tell me about this seventeen year old girl you are not fully committed to?"

"Maria, I'm not fully committed to the girl, Ginger, but if she was my age I would be. We've helped each other in several ways and want to continue on that same path."

"Pete, you told us how she helped you with your mother. What have you done to help her?"

"I don't want to go into too much detail, but I will tell you she was from a broken home, her mother ignored her most of the time. Her self esteem was at zero and she was on a downhill path of self destruction. Case in point, I asked her if she wanted a job to help me with my mother. She called her mother and all her mother said was to leave a copy of my address on the kitchen table.

"What mother would do that if they loved their sixteen-year-old daughter? The mother did call a couple of days later, but by that time Ginger was settling in with my mother. Her father on the other hand, who was just paying support, called immediately after he found out she had left her mother and moved. When I returned from England from doing work for your uncle, I took her to see him. Her father fixed it so Ginger could live with my mother and go to school from there."

"He must approve of not only your mother, but you as well. Is there anything else you have done for each other?"

I didn't want to share anything about Roberta. Not her business. "No. I tell you what, if you are interested in having a new friend, I will give you her email address and you can correspond. She'll want to know all about how I'm doing working for your uncle. You can tell her all about your life here in California."

"I'd love to have a new friend. Won't she be jealous of me being your friend?"

"No more than I'm going to be with her going out to parties and all that being a senior entails. Maria, I was in a relationship in college for two years. According to the girl I was too dedicated to my classes and we parted. Now I have a job and for the time being I'm going to be very busy. I want to do right by your uncle. This is my first project and I want it to be a success. I won't have time to even look for somebody until Ginger is a little older."

"That's stupid. She is free to go out on dates and stuff, but you are going to deny yourself."

"Maybe, but by the time she is old enough to become a wife, I'll be established as a good architect and can support her. Two or three years aren't too long. If it doesn't work out with Ginger, then I really haven't lost too much time because that is when I'm planning on settling down anyway."

"It seems like an age to me. I have lots of boyfriends and I enjoy being with all of them." I wondered. What she had said about having a lot of boyfriends didn't ring true. Just then Maria's mother came up and queried what we were discussing.

Maria answered. "Pete was telling me about his girl. He is crazy. He could be having a relationship with her but is going to wait forever before asking."

"Dear, maybe he is wise and knows it wouldn't work out at present, but would at a later date."

"Thank you Mrs. Lopez. That was what I was trying to tell her. Would you care to dance with me? I see a young man has been waiting patiently for me to let him dance with Maria."

"That's one of her cousins. He has a crush on her."

"Mom, that's my business. Why does everyone treat me like I was a child?"

"Well?" I expected Maria to explode, but instead she giggled and winked at me. Mrs. Lopez was smiling. I danced out onto the floor. All the women I had danced with so far were wonderful dancers. We talked and I was told my partner's name was Delores. Fernando was her brother-in-law. I took it that all six siblings of the Lopez clan were very close.

Again it was mentioned that Fernando was the youngest and the family had been waiting for him to find an interest in his life that he could apply himself to. This vineyard seemed to be it and with the grandmother pushing, the whole family had got behind him wanting it to succeed. It wasn't said, but I gathered it wasn't a matter of money so much, but the feeling everyone should have a place in life. This was to be Fernando's.

While I had Delores in my arms I mentioned that I was going to give Maria Ginger's address to her so they could become email pals. "What about Maria and you and what happens if she becomes interested in you?"

"I won't let that happen. My heart is set on Ginger. There are other things that have happened since Ginger came into my life that makes me believe we were meant for each other. I'm willing to give it a few years to see if my feelings aren't going to play out."

"Would you share them with me?"

"No, I don't think I will. Don't get me wrong, this is something that went on in my family before Ginger came to live with my mother and me. Ginger is now part of it, but it is too personal to try to explain at the present time."

"Fair enough. I was just concerned for my daughter."

"I promise I will always treat Maria with respect."

I called Ginger the next day and explained that I had met a girl who was the same age as she and I had piqued her interest about the girl I had helped. I was going to have them exchange emails. "Great, then I can hear more about you that I wouldn't otherwise."

"Ginger, I didn't think about that. Maybe I had better not."

"Too late Pete. Now that I know about her, you have to." I laughed and promised I would give out her address which I did after tracking Maria down an hour later.

I had to work three days before the New Year's Holiday. I did stay at the Lopez villa, but I didn't interact with anyone except Fernando as I rode with him back and forth to work. He was only interested in discussing how the plans were coming. The firm had the foundation plans almost completed. Now we were working on the design of how the building was to be framed.

The façade or front of the building was going to be very similar to the construction of the original that I had seen in England and the ones I had retrieved the details from the library. In the main building we were thinking of incorporating various gothic designs.

We would use ribbed vaulting for the below ground bistro where the pub and brewery were located. This would support the restaurant and fine dining room on the floor above. The restaurant would have peaked arches to support the roof. To support the walls that supported the roof, a flying buttress design would be incorporated. Strength was the main criteria here because of the construction being susceptible to the damage from earthquakes.

However, great cathedrals had been built using these designs and they were still standing after centuries. Whether this construction would be permitted remained to be seen. This was where the architectural firm came in. They were the one to defend the design to conform to the laws in place for new construction.

Again on New Years there was a dance to attend. This was a Ball and it was crowded and less reserved than the one on Christmas. I learned a little more about the Lopez family while dancing. Everyone in our group was on the floor dancing so I headed across the room where I could see a beautiful woman sitting by herself. She was a striking individual and I gave no thought to why no one was asking her to go out on the floor.

As I approached her I could see there was no ring on her finger. "Hello, Ms., would you care to dance?"

The woman looked up at me. She appeared to be in her middle thirties and extremely attractive. Instead of answering me, she asked, "Didn't I see you arrive with the Lopez family? I don't think they would approve if we danced."

"Oh, why is that?"

"Let me just say they wouldn't."

"Please, I don't have a partner at the moment. Come, dance with me. I don't pay too much attention to those who don't approve of what I do."

"Okay, but remember I warned you. Your name would be?"

"Peter Brown, and you are?"

"Adoria Gonzalas." Adoria rose when I extended my hand and came into my arms. We circled out onto the floor. Very subtly she guided me into a corner out of the general flow of the dancers.

I asked, "Okay, share with me why I'm going to be in trouble by asking you to dance?"

"Because of a stupid mistake ... mostly by me and my jealousy."

"More details if you don't mind?"

"Fernando and I were engaged to be married. After we were engaged, I heard a rumor that he was seeing a woman who was a previous lover of his. He flew to France and England and the woman went with him on the plane. I became insanely jealous and when he arrived home, I told him I had an affair while he was gone to make things even."

"And did you have an affair?"

"No, I just said that. I do love Fernando very much, but he won't listen to me and I doubt he would believe me if I said I had lied. I would even accept that he did have an affair with this other woman if he would believe me and take me back. Needless to say his whole family is against me."

"Wow, this is a problem, isn't it?" Do you have any idea if Fernando has any love left for you?"

"I believe he does. I have been in contact with Delores. She claims he won't let anyone even mention my name, but at the same time he gets a sad look on his face. Oh, if I could only talk to him. Delores tells me his time is taken up with some new business he is trying to start and when that gets further along, she will try to get us together so we can get back together."

"Have you spoken to the Senora? She might be more effective at this than Delores."

"Oh, I don't believe she would speak to me. I'm a little afraid of her as she wields so much power in the family."

"She does that. Let's forget your problem and enjoy the music. You dance beautifully."

"Thank you. You do very well for one so young."

I waltzed Adoria out of our corner and around the room. I could see Lenora sitting by herself at her table next to the dance floor. We had danced close to Fernando, who was dancing with one of his sister-in-laws. He stopped dead on the floor and looked after us when I whirled Adoria around. My partner was looking over her shoulder at Fernando as soon as she had a chance and stumbled momentarily herself.

She looked up at me. "I know he still loves me. I'm going to call him tomorrow. He might take my call."

"I think you may need more than that. Let me seat you with Lenora. She really isn't one to be fearful of. I know for I felt the same when we first met. Just be honest with her." I forcefully guided Adoria to the table. "Lenora, Adoria would like to sit with you for a few minutes. Would you entertain her while I dance with Maria? I have been waiting to dance with her again."

"Of course, Peter. Go find my grand daughter." Lenora stretched out her hand to Adoria. "Adoria, it has been months since we talked last. I was so disappointed when you and Fernando broke it off. Would you tell me what happened between the two of you? Although we were never close, I was so looking forward to having you for my daughter-in-law." I left the two women with their heads together and went searching for Maria.

I found Maria as she was just sitting down. "Hi Pete. Sit with me. I want to talk to you. I haven't seen you for five days. I've been on the internet with Ginger. She is still at her father's until tomorrow evening when she and your mother are driving back to Minneapolis. Oh, you have to be dancing with me when the ball drops when the New Year comes in. Promise me you will?"

We sat there making small talk. It wasn't long until she spotted her grandmother talking to Adoria. She commented, "Wow, we may find out what happened between Uncle Fernando and Adoria. They were engaged and we all thought they would be married by this time.

"Neither she nor Uncle has explained what happened between them. Uncle has been broken hearted. That is why he has been so involved with the vineyard and the new building and is why he has been pushing your firm so hard. It is has been his way of forgetting the break up with Adoria."

"How do you know all of this if you don't know what caused the breakup?"

"Well, that is what my parents are saying anyway. Uncle has always been kind of free and easy and has never let anything bother him. He changed when he returned from England and threw his efforts into this new project of his."

"That may be and this also has been good for me because your uncle has been attentive to the project I am charged with moving toward completion. I have seen that Fernando hasn't been very happy except on a few occasions. I have been puzzled by his actions, but never thought about it being a woman that troubled him."

"The family knows what has been bothering him." She was staring intently across the room. I turned to see what she was looking at. Lenora and Adoria were seated, and Fernando was standing there talking to his mother. At first he did not glance at Adoria at all. We could see Lenora was talking emphatically to first one and then the other. When she ceased, Fernando reached his hand to Adoria and she came up into his arms.

Adoria tucked her face into the neck of Fernando as he hugged her tightly to him. They stood practically motionless for more than a minute. When she pulled her head back and we, who were watching, could see tears rolling down her face. There were tears in Fernando's eyes as well. The band struck up a waltz at this moment and the couple whirled away.

"Wow, I wonder what caused them to get back together? It had to be something Gram said to both of them. I wonder how Gram got Adoria to sit down with her. Oh, it is almost midnight. You promised you would be with me when the ball drops. Let's be dancing when it happens."

I was laughing, knowing Maria was thinking out loud. It was a few minutes later when the clock reached twelve. Maria stopped and said, "Ginger said to give you a kiss at midnight. This is from her with love." Maria held me close and I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I didn't put much passion into the kiss, but Maria knew she had been kissed.

"Maria, I feel we are going to be long-term friends. May I give you a kiss as your friend?" She didn't say anything one way or another, just closing her eyes and raising her lips.

After dinner on New Years Day at the villa, I decided to return to my motel. I had met and conversed during my stay with most everyone in the family. They all seemed to like me. Lenora had a minute with me as I was leaving.

"Peter, it was a joy having you with us for the holidays. I also want to thank you for bringing Adoria to sit with me. I had a nice talk with her and it convinced me that Fernando had it all wrong about her. There was too much jealousy on both their parts. My son will be taking a few days off from what he has been doing. He wants his and Adoria's relationship to resume. I think that is wise."

Lenora smiled. "Also, I convinced Adoria that I wasn't a person to be leery off. I'm sure we will become friends. After all she may soon be my daughter-in-law." She paused and then went on, "That brings us to me and you. I consider you to be my friend. If at any time I can help you in any way, don't hesitate to call. I will expect you to visit on occasion as well."

"Thank you, Senora. I have had a wonderful holiday. I will visit again soon. My work with Fernando's project is no where near finished so I am sure we will see each other quite often."

Maria caught up to me just as I was getting into my car. "Hey Pete, I just got off the computer with Ginger. I told her I gave you her kiss and I also told her you gave me a kiss for myself. She started to get jealous, but I corrected her thinking. I told her it was like a person kissing her brother. I wish someone cared for me like she cares for you. You had better call her when you get to your motel."

"I plan to. Maria, thank you for being my friend. Your grandmother has invited me to drop in anytime so I will be seeing you occasionally."

"I know she did, because I asked her to invite you. She questioned my motives which I passed off as me just being your friend. I suppose I shouldn't wish myself older, but it doesn't seem as if I'm ever going to lose my cherry. Boys my age are just so young. I only find older men attractive."

"I suppose you have someone like me in mind?"

"I could wish for someone very much like you, but then you're taken, so you are safe with me."

"That may be. Maria, I take it that Ginger hasn't shared her earlier lifestyle with you. This is before I met her anyway. You might question her how she felt by giving her virginity away and what followed when men and boys found out she had. I do believe she regretted it and wishes she had waited until she was older. Now we shouldn't be having this conversation as it is too intense for me. Not for me really, but because you professed to being Ginger's friend."

"Pete, I'm sorry and I was taking advantage of you. You are just so easy to talk to and you know so much about life. One other thing I wanted to mention. You know I asked Gram how come Adoria came and sat down with her the night of the ball. She said she was just sitting there and you danced Adoria right up to the table and then left her there. A little later Fernando came to the table. She thinks there will soon be a wedding.

"I told Ginger about it and she said that is something you would do."

Same as Ginger
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Illusory PassionChapter 9 Illusive Dreams

Xandra – The Mirage Garden My husband’s cock slammed in and out of my pussy. I writhed beneath him on the silk sheets, his muscular chest rubbing on my small breasts. My cunt gripped his cock as it reamed into me. Chaun’s dick felt bigger than usual. But he was a changeling. He could enlarge himself for me. The pleasure rippled through my body as I gasped and moaned, slamming into the fog wreathing my mind. Everything was so ... hazy since I had arrived in the Mirage Gardens earlier ......

1 year ago
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Old Friends Chapter 1

I wake up to a sleepy sigh from the other side of my bed. A flash of confusion strikes like a bolt of lightning in an empty field. I reach over to the other side. My fingertips meet soft, bare skin under my silky sheets. I turn over. Memories of last night flood my mind as my fingers slowly trace the curvy flesh next to me. My hand sinks deeper to find a soft, warm tummy. I scoot my body next to hers. Our individual warmth greets each other.  Her soft hand grips mine and gently guides it...

1 year ago
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Double foriegn maal ko chodhha

Pehle toh mai aap sab sexy aur hot ladies& girls se sorry bolta hu ke maine itne dino se koi story kyu nahi likhi, cuse i was a little bit busy tha, aree baba jin ladies ne mujhe call kiya tha sex ke liye unhe satisfy bhi toh kerna tha ya nahi, bass isi liye thoda sa busy tha, meri service ki detals aur mai kaha kaha available hu wo sab phone mai bta duga. U can also call me for phone sex. I m absolutely free these days. If u have any sex problem, ager aise bhi life mai koi problem hai, with...

2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part twelve

Christy told me that, the following morning at eight fifteen, Greg knocked on their bedroom door.“Kevin called him in and he brought coffee to us,” she went on, “I was laying down and the covers were down enough to expose my naked breasts.”“So, he saw your tits again?”“Yes, Steve, he saw my breasts again.”She told me that she sat up in bed and the covers were now down to her waist as she drank her coffee. Greg was sitting on the bed and talking to Kevin. She told me that he kept looking at her...

Wife Lovers
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Sommer Ray

Ah, the beautiful model Sommer Ray, who could possibly resist this wonderful piece of ass? Well, if you know who she is, then you are surely going to want a whole subreddit dedicated to her, which brings me back to the subreddit I am about to talk about. All the content you can find on r/SommerRay/ is solely dedicated to this wonderful girl, and you are welcome to check it all out.Yes, this whole subreddit is just for this one mode, but that does not mean that you cannot stray away basically. I...

Reddit NSFW List
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A sissy called Jezebel

Part I - Jezebel starts her big day, serving as a sissy maid for the dominant females of hir family. We seen in depth hir morning routine, as sie gets her sisters and hirself ready for school. My alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning. It is an old fashioned wind up alarm clock with the clapper bell ringer which would wake up the dead, or at least this sissy who had been dreaming sweet dreams of dancing in a full ball gown with hir Prince Charming. I turn on the light on my side...

1 year ago
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The Three Girls Who Love You

So there I was... Sitting at home watching TV. It was all beginning to feel a bit hopeless. As much as I'd have liked a relationship, it just didn't seem to be happening. As I lay there feeling sorry for myself, I began reminiscing about several girls I'd liked, and wished they could've given me a chance. A few months ago, I'd had a short little fling with this girl called Sophia. She had developed a crush on me, and I had one on her too. We went out a few times, but after only a couple of...

3 years ago
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King Jon Targaryen of Westeros

'They said ruling would be simple, that all I have to do is listen to Tyrion's counsel and act kingly in front of the people. I never thought I would miss the Watch, not after what they did to me, but being Lord Commander was easy in comparison to being in charge of all these little children pretending to be men...' "The lord Rocelyn came with his men and took all our harvest, your Grace!" said the peasant, "He killed my animals, my horses, my cows!!" he started sobbing... "What am I to do...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 8

The convoy of three long boats moved silently though the choppy waves in a pre-dawn drizzle that gave no promise of clearing any time soon. The middle boat had the only female in the group. The remaining 17 males all were somber of face and their blades reflected the clouded light of the rising sun like little fireflies crossing the sandy beach. There was no point in trying to provide the female's name. It was so long and had so many syllables that it would take two pages. Gallagher would...

4 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 39 Lisa

It was also slaves that attracted me to the next farm, one that lay right along the road south. Three men stood out in the sun, their hands tied behind them and their black skin glistening with sweat. They were being half-heartedly guarded by a Redcoat who leaned against a tree in the shade. I decided to investigate, picketed my horse, grabbed my weapons and walked quietly behind the resting soldier. The slaves saw me coming, but he did not, and I grabbed him easily by the cross belts, pulled...

1 year ago
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First Touch

First Touch By Nicole Larson We pulled up to the deBoers’ house half an hour before eight. We were supposed to be there at seven, but my mom had this thing about being ‘fashionably late.’ Dad parked on the street, and we all got out of the car, and headed up the block to the deBoer’s well maintained front yard. Mom carried a crudites platter she’d spent all afternoon arranging, and Dad lugged a case of Schlitz. It was cool this late September Saturday evening. The nip in the air that foretold...

2 years ago
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A Sexual Greek Odyssey Part 2

We’d had some good fun with the hotel barman Mikos, but our experience with him was just a one off. We still saw him in the bar most nights afterwards, but nothing ever happened again, even though he and Shelley were often exchanging glances with each other. However, we often noticed two English lads in the bar as well, who sometimes spent the whole evening there. We got talking to them briefly on a few occasions, and found out their names were Jason and Liam. They were both in their...

1 year ago
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A School of Bracelets

Your name is Sarah Hawkers. You are a pretty girl, fairly average height, with dirty blonde hair, nice legs, and cute C-cup breasts. Your parents decided to send you to a strict Catholic school, because, according to them, your previous grades from your old school were great, and they'd like that to repeat. You went to a different Catholic school since the fourth grade, and you see little of your parents. Your previous school was an all-girls school, but now you are going to a co-ed Catholic...

2 years ago
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Nikita8217s Hungry craving to be pleasured

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

3 years ago
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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 06

For a few days, Jason seemed wary around Dani. A couple of times when he worked overtime, he slept on the couch instead of coming to bed. Even when he did come to bed, he didn’t wake her when he got home, as he usually did. Finally, Dani confronted him. ‘Why does it seem like you’re avoiding me?’ ‘I’m not avoiding you,’ he protested. ‘How can I avoid you? We live in the same house.’ ‘Jason, don’t start with the doubletalk.’ Jason sighed. ‘All right, fine. Maybe I have been avoiding you....

1 year ago
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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

4 years ago
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I Wonder What His Name Was

We had gone to the hotel to try to pick up a guy, it had been one of Deb's fantasies for a long time. It wasn't that hard, late at the hotel bar, a horny man, probably mid-thirties, good shape, and handsome enough. Deb has an amazing body, amazing tits and was showing off a lot of cleavage. She negotiated it, I don't even know what she said. We decided to go up to our room and have a glass of wine. I was nervous, didn't even get the guy's name. I was imagining small talk and a drink and...

2 years ago
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Giving in to the old man

I wrote a story a few weeks ago about my experience with an older man. Lets just say things have been getting out of hand with me and this thing of sleeping with other men. Well, i went to see him again, ive been to his house now four times in the past three weeks. I finally broke down and told my husband about what i had done with this older man that i had met online. Again, we had talked about me seeing other men, but we had also agreed that he would approve and know about it. He was upset...

3 years ago
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In The Dark

The sound of giggles and heels clicking on the cobbled streets filled the air. All she could smell was piss and beer on the wind. The sign of a good night out with the girls, she thought. And it had been. They had started off in a chain pub, she couldn't remember which, they were all alike, weren't they? A few bottles of wine between the 6 of them, and they'd been tipsy by the time they left. Next on the list was one of their old teenage haunts, it used to be an amazing rock bar but had seen...

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My Newly Married Wife Fucking Secretly With My Friends

Hi, this is Rahul from Bangalore. 30 year old, working in an MNC here. My height is 6 feet and having a sporty body.I had a sexual relationship with one of girlfriend in college days but that I didn’t tell to my wife Ankita. We married in Feb 2014 on valentines day, it was an arranged marriage. I met Ankita 2 times before marriage and it was just a formal talk. We shared about our college and work. Before marriage, she was working in Bhopal in a private college. Let me describe to you how she...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 33

Show time "Everything is set with Viktor's connections? They've set up the website and the streaming video links, and there will be enough server capacity so it won't crash when it gets hit with a tsunami of connections?" Mike asked. "Oh, yes, no doubt. Viktor pulled out all the stops with his contact who owns a huge chunk of the network capacity in the U.S. Apparently the guy doesn't have a clue about what is going to hit the air, but Viktor's pulled a double whammy on the guy. He...

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Sex Requires Lust But Making Love

I drove along the winding, suburb road that led to Andrew’s house. He had called me over to spend our Friday night together to celebrate the end of finals. I was getting excited, we had been together three weeks now and I really wanted us to have sex. In fact, I couldn’t wait for us to have sex. This was the longest in a relationship I had ever gone without doing it, and though I was happy to respect Andrew’s wishes, I was getting antsy. He seemed to want to make it really special when the...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kiara Lord Busty Redhead Kiara Lord DPd by Landscapers with BBCs

Kiara Lord, a busty redhead, is enjoying a lazy day by the pool when she decides to start pleasuring herself in broad daylight. Being the oblivious chick that she is, she doesn’t realize that her two landscapers are cutting the grass and tending to her pool. When she finally realizes, she accuses the two men of being creeps in a not-so-subtle bid to have them come over. Since she’s naked, when the two men come over, it doesn’t take long for them to pull their BBCs out and begin plowing her.

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Wishy Washy

Wishy Washy Bob loved the lazy Saturday mornings where he had nothing to do and could sleep in. As he laid in his bed debating if he should get up, he smiled with content. He stretched as the morning sun brightened up his room. As he stretched, Bob couldn't help but notice his body felt different. The long hair tickling his bare shoulders gave him pause. Why has his shoulders bare? And when did his hair grow? Looking down, Bob was shocked to see he was wearing a silky,...

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Daddys step Girl

Kelly was young when John met her mum, they seemed to bond really well, as she became a teenager, John became very protective of her more a dad than a step dad, John and Barbara got married and all moved into the city, John was self employed as well as Barbara, so one was always around for Kelly. Barbara had Kelly at 16 and the boyfriend done a runner to America, Barbara fell pregnant not long after we got married having twin boys, we were all very pleased that we had started a new life and...

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The Coworker

Cuckold Story. After I lost my job my wife found a job in an Office. She got good paid and had her own office room just at the end of an long corridor. Opposite to her office was a second office. My wife is in her early 30s and has an amazing body. Long black hair with brown eyes. Full libs and full breasts. The first weeks she always come home stressed, but after then she was more and more happy. She was staid longer at work, but she said it is because she got more responsibilities. She was...

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Britney And The Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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Secret Spy Surprise Ending Edited

I want to tell you a story from my youth.In the UK with have a six week long holiday/vacation from education during which many sports clubs, youth centres and leisure centres host clubs for k**s that have parents who work and don’t want their k**s left roaming the streets.My story happened when I was attending a summer club at my towns Arts & Leisure Centre. The main sports hall had been set up with different areas. The k**s could play football, basketball, or tennis. Or we could use the...

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Make It Shine

Make It Shine Disclaimer: Victorious and all of its characters belong to Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider. Victor Vega was a common 16-year-old boy. He attended a normal, boring school where he wasn't very popular, but he wasn't a lonely guy, he was as normal as a boy can be. His sister, Trina, attended an art school called Hollywood Arts, where she could explore how "talented" she was. And Victor often imagined how funny would be to go to a school like that instead of the boring...

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Fuck Pass VR is a little harder or a little easier than most porn sites to enjoy in public, depending on how you look at it. On one hand, if you’re watching it via the magic of virtual reality, as you’re intended to, the other Starbucks customers won’t necessarily know you’re living an immersive, 3D porno fantasy. On the other hand, it's hard to stay aware of your surroundings with a futuristic pair of sex goggles strapped to your face. One minute you’re smashing a famous pornstar in 8K, the...

VR Porn Sites
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Ramu ndash The Gardener

Ramu was cleaning the parking corridor with the wood broom as his sahab Anant was leaving for the office. Ramu is the gardener for Mr Anant Patil for 8 years now. Ramu basically is from Bihar but he has been in Baroda for quite a long time now. He is married and has 3 c***dren back at home but he has chosen to stay alone in Baorda. (and you will soon know why he did do.)As the car disappeared Mamta came out in balcony and signed Ramu to come upstairs. Mamta is Anant’s wife who has been sleeping...

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Flexible sister

This is an original story – enjoy.*********************************I’m Ted, and I have a story that I have to share with somebody because it is just too amazingly sexy not to tell you. My little sister, Lisa, can lick her own pussy, and I have watched her do it, many, many times. There now you know. Yeah, there is more to this story of course, and so here is what happened about how she found that she had this exceptional skill, and how I became involved in her sexual awakening. We live in a...

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The Export part 1

THE EXPORT by Jacki Pett Part 1 of 3 John Warren had just finished dinner in the hotel restaurant and went looking for a book or a magazine to read in his room. The homely girl at the front desk told him that there was a bookstore just around the corner. The early Autumn nip in the air hinted at the weather to come. John's business for the month was just about wrapped up with this account. Tomorrow's, Friday's, session with the sales people would do it and then he could...

3 years ago
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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 13

Julie had left them alone once she was convinced Daddy would really make love with Barbie. She lay on her bed, still naked, but wasn’t horny any longer. Somewhat to her surprise, she wasn’t jealous, either. She was happy that Daddy was loving Barbie that way. She wasn’t worried in the least that he might decide he liked Barbie better, and stop making love with his older daughter. She wasn’t aware that that level of self confidence was highly unusual in a girl her age, or that the strange,...

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Fingered onto the examination table

I called my good girlfriend Stella and she told me that she was having some troubles with her vagina; because the smallest cock inside even caused her a great pain…I joked with her, saying her problem was she loved to be used just by huge black cocks, no small white pieces…She joked back, laughing and saying that even my beloved hubby’s dick could cause her any pain…So good Stella asked me to go with her to see a new doctor that I had met before; to see if he could find out what was going...

2 years ago
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Bully Degraded My Family 8211 Part 4

Hi, this is me your writer southindian fucker returning with the fourth installment of the story, bully degraded my family series. Thanks for the big support and keep supporting. If you want to write stories for you email me Email id : So coming back to the story Story continues. We all were tensed about what to do as we all were trapped near the national highway. Having a high chance to get caught. Rahul:what will we do bro? Ravi:don’t know bro!What will we do with the two bitches?? We all...

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I was a mess

I was a mess, sat in front of the toilet bowl, dry retchingby now, a mucus, dry tear stained mess. It had been like a dream, worse an out of body experience but one I had driven myself to do. It had started with that bloody article in the magazine, “a third of all heterosexual women have lesbian fantasies” went the tag line and me with my second glass of wine and too much time on my hands couldn’t believe such stupidity. But while reading the article I started to interpose myself in the quotes...

3 years ago
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Mom son in bathroom to bedroom

Hi all I am bunny and I am 19yrs old my mom is 40yrs with hug boobs and big Ass with little fat I love my mom very much so much that I want her as my wife my dad is a hope less man always out of station and enjoying with other women once in a month he comes to us meet and go so no one is there with us expect we both in our home I enjoy watching pro movies when ever I get time one day after watching I saw my mom was going to have bath so I thought of seeing her having bath so I waited until she...

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Business Trip Fling Part 1

Her name was Lisa and we talked on the phone for about 20 minutes and she seemed pretty cool. She agreed to come to my hotel room the next day around 9PM – she had a sitter for her son. The next day I thought about cancelling but my hard cock talked me out of it. Right at 9 there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Lisa walked in. She was fairly good looking...dark hair, late twenties, big boobs and nice legs and ass. I offered her a beer and she thanked me and finished it quickly. I...

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