ShawnChapter 14 free porn video

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We took a very tired girl home at four in the afternoon for a little rest. I still had my present to give her though. With just Monique and Jennifer, I let her unwrapped the package. She found a hand made dildo that made her blush. She had used one many times either on herself or on Monique. This one was different though and I showed her when I turned a knob at the back connected to a rheostat. Power from a wall outlet lead to a transformer, from there it went to a small motor connected to a weight on its shaft. As the motor turned the weight on an eccentric caused the instrument to vibrate vigorously in her hand.

"Monique, Jennifer, take off your clothes and I will show you how it works." They saw the cord but did not know what the machine was capable of doing. With some KY I lubricated a reluctant Monique and inserted it into her. She closed her eyes in pleasure as I stroked the instrument into her opening. There were no vibrations yet so I just continued until she had her orgasm.

Jennifer wanted to give her more and I gave the instrument to her. She stroked for a while till I showed her that I was plugging the cord into the wall. A small hum came from the dildo and Monique suddenly opened her eyes and was about to sit up.

"Just wait for a while, it will get much better."

Jennifer continued stroking and saw that the vibrations were getting Monique very aroused indeed. I showed Jennifer the control and she turned it part way up, immediately making Monique look like she had been struck by lightning as she tensed up, but none of her usual sounds came from her lips. Her body started to thrash and moved faster and faster, so much so that Jennifer had difficulty keeping the instrument in Monique. Soon she could take it no longer and with a final convulsive shriek, Monique collapsed on the bed.

I reached over had pulled Jennifer's hand out from between Monique's legs. "Now don't you think this is a nice toy?" Her head went up and down with her eyes almost blazing. She handed the still vibrating dildo to me and laid down for her turn.

I looked at the child and saw that she was growing fine hair now and soon would look like a woman. Her breasts were developing and I thought part of it was her penchant for getting some of her mothers to service her or she them. Not all the girls responded. Most that didn't was because of a fear of being caught, or of being accused of being a lesbian. The great majority were heterosexual but crossed the line on occasion when their needs drove them or when a young pretty face pleaded their own need.

I inserted the now inert device into the girl's lubricated channel and stroked it slowly and as lovingly as possible but Jennifer was anxious for the vibrations. With a slow start, I stimulated the girl's G spot and after a while this made her cross her legs and trap the device inside, as her abdominal muscles contracted repeatedly and she did sit-ups as a result. I turned it off and continued with small strokes. When she had recovered I pulled the device almost all the way out and set the vibrations higher, tracing lightly around her opening as her eyes almost bugged out. When it touched her small clit she shot away from the touch as if burned.

Monique had seen the last of this and was eager to return the favour she had received earlier. She took the dildo from me and started to suck on the child's clit. When Jennifer started to respond Monique took the device and traced it all over the child's openings while holding her in place with her free hand. Sounds came from the child's throat, in fact the first I have ever heard from her. She gave into the sensations and again thrashed and contracted her abdominal muscles as she made the bed move. With a final noise representing a scream the child fell back on the bed and didn't move.

Monique looked at me and said, "This is a handy toy. It can make the males of our species obsolete."

That night I would have stayed in bed with Jennifer but worked instead. She had grabbed the wires on both sides of the transformer in one had and the dildo in the other. She went to all the girls that didn't mind a girl relaxing her and met Jennifer's new toy. All night long I could hear the screams of joy, so much so that by morning the house reeked of their excitement.

Time passed very quickly until Christmas came close. With the holidays coming I wanted to get each girl a present that they would remember. Mom had written and hoped I could find enough time to fly down. I would like to take care of two jobs at once if I could. There were many preparations to make and it was touch and go whether I could get a ticket or not. When I did get one the girls were all upset that I was not going to be around for the festivities. This was even though I only made love to Monique and Jennifer directly, it was the pair who in turn had relations with all the rest. I was surprised at Monique though and saw in her mind how she had gone into a room to see Jennifer licking Beth to abstraction while Beth did not even realise that Monique was present.

Jennifer saw Monique soon after and gave her a very wet kiss laden with Beth's essence. Monique liked the slightly different taste and knowing that Beth would never realise, she got up and licked the hairy crevice as she did with Jennifer so many times. Beth had come around in time to feel the exquisite sensation again and screamed into her pillow again. Later when Monique was licking Jennifer, she felt a tongue licking her. Beth had known and was now returning the favour. Meek Monique was taken by Jennifer to all the others that enjoyed this game and participated as well.

The girls were all paid for their work in the business on the main floor even if they did little to help. Monique was given a larger sum of money to buy presents for us to give to the girls as I sorrowfully boarded the flight to Pretoria. I didn't want to come in through Salisbury for fear of having security spoiling our holiday. Dad had already booked a room in South Africa so I would not need to run the risk of crossing the border. The trip was long and uneventful till we were over Nigeria and then I heard some moaning from further back in the plane. A man was complaining of abdominal pains and the plane was at least three hours from even a fair hospital. I had my small medical kit and rushed to the group of six people surrounding the man.

I pushed my way through, demanding that they move. I looked at the sweating man in the eye and said, "Hello my name is Shawn Boz. Even though I look very young I have helped my dad in his surgery. Would you like me to see if I can find what is wrong?"

The almost hysterical woman beside the man said, "Get out of here boy. Can't you see my husband is in pain?"

"What are you doing about his condition? Are you going to hold his hand as he dies, or let someone that may know what to do have a look?"

"Let the boy have a look Muriel. The pain is too much."

I undid the belt and then the pants. The chair was leaned back and I found the problem. I already knew what it was and needed this way to have the rest confirm it if necessary. "You have a perforated appendix. I know from the length of time we were in the air that we can't make it to a hospital in time to give a good chance of survival. If you wish to put your life in my hands I will do the best I can. I have performed this operation before and I think you have a good chance."

The man was now very upset, "Are you sure this is my problem?"

"Yes, you have tight abdominal muscles, diarrhoea, you had a pain around your navel and now it is on the lower right hand side. There is no doubt at all."

Unbeknown to me, the man's cousin had died of this condition and he didn't want the same fate to befall him, even though it was rare. Without hesitation, he said "Ok, you can operate."

"You can't be serious Bill. He is just a boy. For god's sake tell the pilot to land at a decent hospital."

"No. Robert died of just this problem and I want to live to see my grandchildren." Turning his head to me with a grimace he said, "Do what you have to do doc. I am all yours."

"Ok then." I turned to the stewardess and asked her to have the pilot climb to a more stable area and keep the plane level." She didn't move. "Get your ass in gear woman and tell the pilot now."

"You, you and you. Pick my patient up and take him to the back of the plane where I have some room. Muriel, get some alcohol, bowls, some clean towels and your razor." Like the stewardess she didn't move. "So be it, see your husband die." The men were taking the man to the galley and Muriel got up to get what I needed.

The captain with the stewardess came running back and said, "What is going on here?"

I stood straight as if to fight and said, "This man needs an appendectomy or he will die. The appendix has been perforated and pus and matter from his intestines is in his abdominal cavity. If we leave this until we land he will die soon after because the doctors will not be able to save him. The condition will have gone too far by then. I have helped my dad and even done this before. The man gave his consent. Are you going to stop me when I can possibly save him?"

"Let me radio for help."

"And how long will it take a surgeon to get on the radio? Who will operate? I need to do this now."

The pilot thought hard and said to the man, "Are you allowing this boy to operate on you?"

"Yes, for god's sake leave him alone and let him work."

"Ok, but the results are on your hands."

I took the towels and put a layer on the floor and removed the man's pants and underwear. He had soiled himself. Once on the floor I tapped his forehead in a place with a large concentration of nerves and the man went unconscious. To the stewardess I said, "Get two soup ladles."

I poured water into a bowl and washed away the faecal matter. Then I washed my hands in alcohol in another container and then the area I needed to work on. "Razor." Muriel handed me the instrument and I washed it in alcohol and removed a large area of hair. I opened my packet of instruments and laid the clean wrap on the towel. "Pour eight more bottles in another bowl and take this one away." This was done and my instruments were placed in the alcohol. With the scalpel fairly sterile I made a three inch long incision and worked my way very quickly through the muscle and other tissue over the appendix.

I had no retractors because I never needed them with my ability. Here I had to use some help. Looking into each of the people's minds I said, "You crouch over here and you over here." The two men did as I said. Then I asked for a ladle. It was passed to me and I bent it a little, cleaned the end in the alcohol then placed the hooked end in my incision. "Hold this steady," I said to one man. The other ladle handle was bent, cleaned and inserted. I got the men to put one hand on my patient for stability and the other to pull opening large enough for me to work without my powers.

The haemostat pinched off the appendix and then I sliced around the small organ then pulled the organ to the surface. I separated the organ from the lower intestine. "Small bowl." The waitress brought it over and I placed the organ in the dish. She dropped it and the organ fell to the floor.

After that, the whole area was cleaned very well for this was what would kill him if it wasn't done properly. I sutured the wound in the intestine very quickly. The men released the pressure and I stitched up the incision in the muscle and then in the skin.

I put the instruments in the alcohol and handed the ladles to the stewardess bowl first.

I used a clean towel to clean the man's abdomen and said, "A successful operation. I got out the contamination and he should live to change his grandchildren's diapers." I picked up the appendix with the attached haemostat and placed it back in the bowl. This time the stewardess was much more careful and placed it gingerly on the counter.

With a towel over the man's waist and legs I said, "I am sorry but my patient has to stay here till we land. Thank you all for your help. I doubt if I could have done this well without your assistance."

I stood up and found a clear plastic bag and dropped the appendix into it and removed my instrument. The bag went into a clean bowl and I placed it in the refrigerator for later examination. The people just stayed and I worked around them cleaning my property and wrapped them in clean paper to be cleaned better at a later time. The bloody alcohol was dumped in the sink and I rinsed the bowl then set it aside. I did the same with the other bowl and the small one that fell.

When I was finally done I asked, "When do we eat? I'm starving!"

The plane continued on to Pretoria. A medical crew boarded then got my patient onto a stretcher and took him away. This was not before I tied the plastic bag to the stretcher with a small note.

By the time I got to customs I was patted on the back innumerable times and the officials just waved me through.

Dad with a worried look wondered what had happened. I said, "Can't go anywhere without plying my future trade. Had to perform an appendectomy.

I kissed mom first because of the conditions in this country then kissed Japera and finally Lusa. I told her in her mind how sorry I was to do it this way.

Once in the hotel I told them what I had done. Dad was following my description to see if he would have done any different. Lusa gave me a congratulatory kiss and a hug. It felt like adequate compensation to me.

We went out to eat even though I wasn't hungry yet. Over the table I told them of my art gallery's latest sales and contracts. I explained about my troll and how the Queen found it. We all had a good laugh over that. School was discussed with mom and she gave her slant on some of my problems. I knew that they would work for her but being short and young precluded their success.

Dad proudly said that he had gotten a military surplus plane for reaching more settlements and at a quicker pace. There was enough money from our 'sale' that he was even looking at another plane so that the other doctors could move around as easily.

We stayed in the capital for three days and then travelled in-country to find more trinkets to support my purchases in London and for a little jewellery to give away. This time we all went and stayed at small inns again so we could see the country. We came close to the village that dad and I had stayed in earlier, but we did not stop to see how well our advice had helped the villagers.

We did stop close to the same river but found no appreciable stones close by so I had to search the river further in both directions. On a hunch I went inland and found sedimentary deposits where the river had changed course perhaps a million years ago. There were some good stones and not too deep either. We drove on though because I couldn't get them from here. I followed the old path of the river with my mind and found more and more diamonds, luckily these ones were not bound in kimberlite like the ones in the original pipe.

From three miles up I searched for an inn close by and zeroed in on an out of the way place with rooms less than our usual standard. Dad listened to my description and said it was good enough for one night if it was available.

The proprietor that came out to greet us was as unkempt as his units. Mom didn't like them but decided to take two cabins for the night. When we unpacked mom wanted to take a shower and got ready after telling dad to hurry up. I could feel a strange excitement and knew somebody was going to be seeing mom naked.

"Mom," I said in my mind, "don't move. Stay very still. Ok?"

"Ok Shawn what is this about?"

"The old man is spying on you now."

"Shawn! What am I going to do?"

"Do you want to flash him?"

"Shawn! I am serious. What am I going to do?"

"I'll ask dad."

"Do something Shawn."

I walked over to dad's luggage and found his fountain pen. It had the plastic cartridge and I formed a force to hold it and another right behind it. I moved around the room until I saw myself in the man's eyes then homed in on the small hole in the wall. Once spotted I moved the cartridge to the hole and pushed with just enough force to make it go into the opening and spread all over the man's face.

We heard a racket from behind the wall and somebody falling over and taking some things with him.

Mom ran over to the hole and could see nothing because it was dark. "He fell in a closet and all the things that were in there went with him. Mom kept her eye to the hole and soon a light was seen when the door was opened but that was all. I sent the image of the man to everybody as he ran to the kitchen sink and tried to get the black ink off his face only to smear it further.

Mother started first then all the rest of us started to laugh at the antics of the man. Dad was more amused than angry when I told him how pathetic the man really was. We ate our meal outside and didn't see the old man at all. He was hiding in a back room with a club in his hand waiting for an irate male to come in and start beating him.

We had a small fire and stayed outside talking of what had befallen us till it was dark. Lusa was taking lessons from another teacher and even though the man was a bigot he raved about Lusa's musical ability.

Japera had begun to study a lot more and decided to take up nursing. Even though this meant that mom would have to do more work, she favoured the idea. Mom even went so far as to read some of the books too and help Japera with the ideas that were difficult to grasp. Mathematics was one of those areas that nurses had to know. Dosages could be misunderstood and a patient would suffer for it.

It was the usual hot summer night in December and I thought of all those people north of the equator that might be battling the cold and the snow. Thinking also of my girls in Britain I figured I had a much better woman here right beside me.

We went inside and I took Lusa to bed. She started on my penis and said, "It looks like you have grown a little."

I looked at my appendage and said, "It is the same size, just bigger than your finger woman."

She crawled up beside me and spread her legs, "I have my own way of checking. Put it in Shawn." This was the kind of orders I liked and slipped into her and just savoured the feeling as I was in all the way I could reach. I moved slowly in and out and changed the angle on occasion as I felt Lusa's reaction to the way I moved. I moved faster and both our emotions soared. I started going very fast and something different was happening inside me. I held Lusa tighter and thrust and Lusa started to shake and hold me tight.

"I love you Shawn," was enough added stimulus that my body started to shake more vigorously than ever before and it felt like I was shooting something into my woman. My feelings went to Lusa and she pulled me even closer and moaned, "Oh Shawn."

I didn't want to be analytical and just savoured the feeling of my first orgasm, for there was nothing else it could be. "Lusa, the good feelings I always had turned into an orgasm this time, my first ever." It was dry but that didn't matter for it changed my outlook on life.

Lusa was like a mad woman after the feelings I sent her. "Do it again Shawn. Do it again." Who was I to say nay. I moved again and concentrated on how she felt. After she had three more orgasms I had another of my own and collapsed on top of her.

Eleven o'clock was coming up and I left my sleeping woman and put my dark clothes on along with a black jacket. On the porch I called into the other cabin and said I was leaving now. Dad was the only one awake and said, "Good luck son and good hunting."

I flew into the air and travelled back to the area of the old riverbed. It had only taken fifteen minutes. The diamonds were visible to my 'eye' and I reached deep down and pulled them to the surface. I flew from place to place and pulled them out like a clam digger did at low tide.

As there were not that many times that I would be here, I worked the rest of the night following the old river bed pulling one diamond after another and putting them in my sack. Just before dawn I returned and opened dad's door and placed the sack on the table without waking them.

My own bed beckoned me so I undressed and crawled in beside Lusa and was almost immediately asleep.

I was awakened by Lusa pushing my shoulder and told to get up. I opened my eyes and saw my woman grinning at me. I had enough sleep and got out of bed and gave her a kiss. Without looking I said, "Why the grin?"

"Dadda showed me some pretty stones, lots of stones."

"Oh," I yawned a little and stretched. "Let's go see what he thinks."

Dad had the diamonds spread all over the bed. There were almost two hundred and most were over twelve carat. Half of a diamond was usually waste and that made the pile weigh almost 1400 carats when polished. The largest one in the rough was eighty three carats but would dress out at fifty because of its shape.

"Son these are simply..."

"Dad where is your fountain pen I need to clean the nib again."

We heard more movement this time and dad laughed, the whispered, "He didn't see anything did he?"

"No, he just has a high testosterone level."

We started back now and I started to feel a little sad again. Soon after the holiday I would have to go back to the university and my education. We did enjoy ourselves and ended up in a medium sized town over Christmas. Everybody had brought presents from Rhodesia and I had nothing to give except some diamonds but mom said that she had more than enough.

I thought of one gift I could give and took a hundred pounds and gave it to the local black church to be used among the parish from my family. Everybody was with me and they all felt a special warmth at the gift. We left just after the noon hour. In a way we felt burdened by all the blessings that had been heaped on us. I felt further burdened by the blessing I had been given even before birth.

I boarded the plane to Britain with a thick winter coat, shirts, underwear, pants, thick woollen socks. From dad I got a bag with most of the instruments a physician would need. The gifts were a surprise because I purposely did not look. The last gift in particular was meaningful, especially with Shawn Boz on the brass tag with enough room to append MD after it.

The airline remembered me, and how I had saved one of their passengers on the flight down, so they changed my economy seat to first class. Fortunately on this trip, I didn't have to operate or save anybody, so was able to catch up on my sleep for almost the complete trip back to London.

The airport in London was congested. Cold rain was falling and the day was dark with heavy clouds. I was surprised to see that many of my students were waving at me from the sidelines. When I came to customs the man looked at my baggage, my face, my doctor's bag, the cheering students and just stamped my passport and said, "Welcome home Dr. Boz."

"Thank you, not yet I am afraid but very soon."

I was mobbed by hundreds of well wishers. Monique and Jennifer made it through the crowd to me, telling me that the story of the appendectomy had made it here and been picked up by the major newspapers. The Tribune even had a further story where all the things that they could find out about me were published. On the front page was my picture and further back in the art section featured many of my gnomes and paintings, but thankfully not quite all!

This was only the surface thoughts I could see and knew that there were many more things left unsaid. I squeezed my women but did not kiss them in public. They knew that this kind of publicity could be bad.

I jumped on a nearby counter and gave an impromptu speech about being happy to be back. Some reporters had wiggled close after I started and started asking questions. I could easily foresee them going on to ask about dangerous areas, so I cut the speech short and just waved to my friends as I got in a taxi with Monique and Jennifer. Monique was bursting to tell me things so I just put my index finger over her mouth to have her keep quiet. I could feel that the taxi driver was all ears and therefore anything that I said would be sold to the newspapers later.

Consequently, our conversation centred on how Monique was doing in school and the fate of our sports teams in a few holiday games. Getting out I paid the driver and the girls took most of the baggage into the house. Once the door was closed behind me the women jumped me. While Monique kissed me Jennifer took off her clothes and tried to push me fully clothed into her vagina. It took only a few seconds longer and Monique had her own clothing on the floor.

I pulled the women to my sides and wrapped an arm under their rumps and picked both up off the floor they gasped and had nowhere to hold onto so they both just held on to their partner. I carried them upstairs to the bedroom and put them on the bed. My own clothing dropped to the floor and I went from one woman to another trying to see who tasted better. I laid Monique on her back and Jennifer on her stomach, but on top of Monique, and preceded to savour all four orifices at more or less the same time.

I used my fingers and thumb of each hand to stimulate all their openings and when they were too wrapped up in the sensations, I switched to my abilities and filled them again. They not only had felt this before, they preferred this position. They got to hold one another and bask in all the love we had to give.

My own member now wanted some action after seeing that I too could enjoy myself in an almost completely new dimension. The urge was even trying to overcome my commonsense. How could this be? I had always been in control and now my body seemed to have a mind of its own. I scanned for problems and saw that everything was perfect. On a closer look I found a heightened level of hormones and for a moment thought of the man in the bundu that had wanted to look at my family naked. This took me some time to consider. In the memories that I had copied, I found the problem. This was going to have to be the way it was for the rest of my life. I would have to strike some balance between following the way my brain dictated and the way the glands were pushing me to act.

This took time to decipher but I had not left my girls unattended. They were thrusting their pelvises at one another. An orgasm was running through both of them and from the looks of it would last a long time. I moved the probes and stroked their G spots while another formed soft ridges that slowly went in and out of their anuses. Their thrusting increased in tempo and the bed rocked to their increasingly violent movement.

When they were at their peak I formed two tubes that searched out and latched onto their clits. The mouths of the tubes sucked in the small morsels of flesh so that first Monique screamed, swiftly followed by Jennifer a few seconds later. Jennifer clawed Monique's back and sides causing deep furrows and I just increased the fervour of my actions until Jennifer collapsed. Her system could not take the stimulation and with no other distractions, Monique soon followed.

I used my power to levitate Jennifer and place her on her back. Monique was moved further away and I looked at her wounds. I moved her flesh into the position it had been before and then shifted platelets into position so that they stopped the bleeding. The wounds would heal much quicker now and leave no trace at all in less than a week.

This left me with a problem of my own and it didn't feel right to use my hand, even though all other males did. My mind detected Sharon in another room. She had heard our love making and decided to use her own fingers to relieve her tension. I had left the sorority alone and they me. Mainly I had no need to gain more women with two of my own to take care of me physically. Despite this, the others had sent all sorts of signals out and I had either ignored them or turned them into safe areas. Now my glands wanted relief and knew that if I took even one woman the rest would want the same thing.

Although I could take care of all of them, it would be at the risk of having them become aware of my special abilities. Even now I had to wait till Monique and Jennifer were so overcome with sensation that they would neither know nor care what I was doing to them. If they did think about it, they thought I was using my fingers and my penis to please one or the other of them. Most times I had to cloud their minds as to what was happening and after a moment I could relent because they had a new pleasure cloud to contend with.

My glands still wanted me to go to Sharon and in my mind I soon knew that I would end up loving her and all her sisters. When the inevitable time came when I had to leave for home I would be ripped apart just as they would be. I pulled back and fought down my urges and just went to my luggage and put my things away. In a corner a cloth bag held three quarters of the diamonds I had acquired. These would have to occupy my mind for a while until my girls awoke. It was not a good substitute.

Same as Shawn
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Rayna sucked in her breath with surprise when they emerged from the forest and gazed upon the Capitol city of Reginatine, named after a famous queen. She had never seen such a large city before in her sheltered life. The ancient castle hovered on top of the large hill like a many fingered beast grasping for the clouds. From all of the towers and balustrades flew flags of the royal family, which fluttered in the cold wind. Below the stone behemoth was a great wall studded with towers, and...

1 year ago
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Jenny and Irena

The Club had been her idea. It had started from a quite innocent conversation prompted by a guy we both knew who had been ripped off at a strip joint. She had wondered why men like strip clubs and I had told her about one of my very few visits to one in Phoenix. I told her the girls were mostly university students working their way through college; Nice, bright, intelligent girls with stunning looks and bodies to die for. And how touching was strictly prohibited, but how sometimes there might...

2 years ago
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Devar ne pyas bujai

Hello ISS readers. I m regular reader of ISS. Mera name Swati hai aur mera marrieage hokar abhi 3 sal ho kar gaye hai,muje ak dedh sal ki bachhi bhi hai ,humara parivar me sas,sasur,bade devar,unki patni,mai aur mere pati eksath hi rahate hai.bade devar company me manager hai, aur unki patni Bombay ki hai aur dono bhi swbhav se bade pyare hai.meri devrani to dikhane me bahoot sundar hai,aur devarji ka to kya kahana, who to har roj subhav 5.30 ko uthkar maidan par exercise karne ko jate...

3 years ago
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MAUlloween By Invitation Only

MAU'lloween: By Invitation Only By J. John Seaver Jill Huntington (as she still thought of herself, despite her recent remarriage) looked herself over in the mirror. "Not bad for an old broad." Her blonde hair was all done up in curls, her tight sweater emphasized both her narrow waist and large, firm breasts, and the long legs that escaped from her short skirt looked even better than usual in her white nylons, propped up by footwear that looked like sneakers but actually had clear...

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Florida Palm College

From the time you were very little, it was apparent that you liked girls. You took being a lesbian to the next level. Every time you looked at a girl you started getting wet, to the point where you couldn't even buy bras online because of all the boobs. It was hard to focus in class when you were surrounded by cute girls, so you graduated high school with a 2.3 GPA, just barely enough to get a diploma. You were rejected by all six of the colleges you applied to. Things were starting to look...

3 years ago
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The Bell

I ring the bell. You open the door. The heels on your boots raise you to the point where I have to look slightly up to meet your gaze. Our eyes lock and you stare straight into my soul."Come in" you say and I'm not entirely sure whether that's an invitation or a command. It doesn't really matter whether I accept or obey. I step inside where New Age minimal music sets a relaxing mood. A slight scent of incense fills the air. The room is dimly illuminated in dark red tones. Everything...

2 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 9

At fifteen after one, Borin said, "Mr Grossi has agreed to your meeting. It is in fifteen minutes." "Any suspicious activity at the meeting site?" "The probes see fourteen men that are possibly searching for you or for a trap." "We better get there then. This time I will go in with the shield active and invisible. I can put ship's coveralls under them." I changed as the boat streaked across the continent. The diamond in its container went into the pouch around my neck but under...

4 years ago
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Shooting in Hannah Version AlphaChapter 3

A couple of days passed before we did any more work on her portfolio. She had stuff to do and so did I. The next thing on the list was called an editorial fashion shot, which was supposed to show how you expressed yourself in photos. She was supposed to move around, jump, run or dance. You see some of that in TV ads about clothing for young people. The models in those ads are smiling as they get all energetic and show off the clothes, like wearing those clothes is the best thing they ever...

3 years ago
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Mornings Are For Blowjobs

For the last couple of months, Jaime hadn't been able to stop thinking about cock.And he couldn't help but regret his decision. Sure, switching to the graveyard shift had meant he'd be making more money and have more time during the day to paint, but he hadn't realized that this new graveyard shift schedule didn't mesh with any of his fuck buddies. And his mouth and ass had been frustratingly empty due to his lack of foresight.He'd managed to set up a handful of late-night blow 'n go's,...

Gay Male
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 3

Nineteen Years later - Sunday July 15- Morning Elizabeth Carter married Andrew Lawley and they had five children. By this time, after nineteen years of marriage, Andrew was seventy years old and Elizabeth forty. Catherine, the eldest child was eighteen, twins William and Mary Ann (called Polly) were sixteen, Helen was eleven and Benjamin four. Elizabeth was sitting at the kitchen table, glasses perched on the end of nose, contemplating a mass of paper on the table. She looked up as the...

1 year ago
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Friendship In Village

Hello Everybody main hun Sonam Sharma. I am a very bindaas girl. Main aj apke saath apni life ki ik tedhi moment share karna chahti hu. Mera rang gora hai. My size is 34D and my ass is 36 (bahar ko haibhut). Poori figure hai 34-28-36.aur main bilkul mast girl hu. I beleive in ejoying life. Mere mama ke ladke ki marriage a gyi thi. Wo ik gaun mein rehte the.mera bhi gaon mein jane ko bhut man tha kyunki us waqt main 8th mein thi jab pichli bar gyi thi. Phir studies ke karan time nhi mila tha. To...

3 years ago
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Gillian and Herbert Miller

Gillian Crowley and I met at a wedding reception for a friend of hers, Margaret Tilly; that was twenty-three years ago; we were both twenty-five and single. At any rate, I was actually a distant cousin of Margaret's. I was just adding my congrats card—with a crisp new C-note in it—to the pile of other gifts and cards, when a very pretty and sweet smelling woman doing the same bumped into me almost dropping her gift. Hers was a large box—I immediately thought microwave oven. She bumped me,...

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Working Wife To Prostitute 8211 3

After 10 mins both these men enter into Shalini room. The truck driver looks into age of above 50 years and his cleaner in early 20’s. As soon as these men enter into Shalini room they mouth was filled with water. There they see it Shalini standing naked near the bed. Both there cock started to grow and makes a tent in their pant. They come near Shalini and made Shalini sit on the bed and these two sit on either side. Truck driver turns the face of Shalini on its side and kisses her on lips....

1 year ago
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Raven Ch 1 Self Exploration

So, somehow the other copy of this story got deleted and this is my second go. Yes, this story is YOUNG. Please don't make comments pointing that out. I'm fully aware of that when I was writing it. Critique, praise, both are welcome. Just please be constructive if you criticize and explain your thoughts. Anyways on to the story. Enjoy! ******************************************************************************************************************** Chapter 1 – Self Exploration ...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping Lets Try ItChapter 3 What Happened to Jill

I ran out of the motel and flagged down a taxi. As the taxi sped off I thought I spotted David going into the motel, but wasn't sure. I took the elevator up to the ninth floor of our motel and hurried in. The room was a mess, there was just a little spot of blood on the sheet. I yelled for Jill. She was in the bathroom. I ran in and found her in the shower. She looked up and was crying as she said, "Jack, he raped me." I grabbed her and hugged her and said, how I was sorry for...

2 years ago
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Life lessons 2

This is the second part of what I think is likely to be a 4 or 5 part story. If you haven't read Life Lessons, then just a suggestion bug you may want to read that first. This part is shorter than the first and likely to be shorter than the next as it is here to segway betweenthe phases of the story. Please go easy on me, I'm not a professional writer.Part 2As Katie suggested, I called home and let my parents know I would be spending the night. As I spoke into the phone, I could tell by the...

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MaudeMadeleine Part 7

‘Your guest left a small present for you, my dear.’ This was Mistress Pickles speaking when later we met, I having been summonsed to her sitting room. Jenkins stood as silent as the grave in her habitual corner of the room. I was dressed and hair pinned and presentable. She handed me an envelope which I opened to find a sum of money the like of which I had never seen before. ‘You have clearly made an impression, Madeleine. You will give the money to me and I will ensure that it is placed safely...

1 year ago
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Yet Another Company of Women

Yet Another Company of Womenbybyronbgeo©"This isn't happening," said Kyle, almost to himself, although Erika was sitting across from him at her desk. She was very attractive with her raven hair cut short, and a revealing blouse. It was only his first week at the advertising company and twice he'd broken protocol used for filing of forms and memos. His boss, Alexa Martin, said he was careless and wasn't cut out for the job, but agreeing to spare him only if he were willing to massage and even...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 13

Arriving at our unit area earlier than the previous morning, I found the cooks preparing breakfast for the men who were already up. Kwaikai took my horse to have him graze in a new area. Captain Prawin greeted me immediately after that. "Chief Trainer, yesterday evening while talking with the Sah meeuhn (clerk), I asked him what provisions there were for writing letters or keeping a journal. He showed me the paper that you had provided and mentioned that there was a writing box here, but...

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husbands first blow job

He had never let me suck his cock, which I didn't understand. I had been sucking dick since I was 17 and enjoyed it immensely, sometimes coming to orgasm while housing a man's penis in my mouth. I think he thought of it as degrading or immoral. After all, we were church-going people. But what he didn't realize is that I had an oral sex and cum fetish. Without being able to suck his cock I didn't feel fulfilled. Everytime we would make love I would get off by imagining his pulsating...

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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 11

The rain of the day before was a memory, recalled in the occasional puddle and in the cool crisp autumn air. McAllister and Sable greeted the dawn and shared a morning kiss. McAllister nodded at the face his dark-toned lover made. "Birch branches," he said, "and if we get high enough into the mountains, there's a low plant called 'wintergreen'". "Being in a human form has its drawbacks," she noted, not for the first time. McAllister simply smiled. Not long after they broke their...

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A Sunkist Love

My dreams about the new neighbor were as good as forbidden. After a long day of swimming in her back-yard pool, she went into her room and took off her skimpy pink bikini top in front of her mirror, leaving me in perfect view of her tan toned body. While she undressed I slipped my hands down my pants and played with my now dripping wet swollen pussy lips. I wanted so bad to be in her room, to be in her bed, to dangle my finger tips over her her back and kiss every nook and cranny of her...

4 years ago
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A Guy and His 67 An end is near

Gen - Jakes first Jinn - sex Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake’s and fellow worker Mary - Boss’s daughter Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary’s Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen’s mother Hakiem, Doctor - the Jinn doctor (aka Hime) Rasmir - Gen’s father Rosalinda - Jake’s second Jinn – Once called Dreama Rashala - Gen’s niece and Jake’s 3rd Jinn - elite Jinn Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir Sheeka - former evil female Jinn...

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A Little Bit of Magic

I wanted soft lights, soul-stirring music, and a good, strong cocktail or two… or three, so I decided to go to The Social. I had never been there on Valentine’s Day before. The occasion had always taken me to other places, so I decided to switch things up and give it a try. I wanted something different than a standard fancy restaurant. I wanted to feel a little bit of magic, and on any given night, The Social was the perfect place for that. For decades, it had been a haven where some of the...

1 year ago
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aunty ko blackmail kerke chodaaa

Hi friends i m fr SURAT my emaill address is [] ab tak mene kafi story ko read kiya hai & ab me apni sachi kahani batane ja raha hun mene yeh stiry pahle b likhi per sayad kissi ko samaj me naa aaye isliye fir likh rahha hun so frnd read it… Hum apne new ghar per shift hue the ki hamre baju me mere papa k khas dost ka beta & uski family rehti thi. Anup ,anu & uska 1yrs ka child neal. Tha hamri achi jaan pahecha k karan humara realtion kafi accha ho gaya tha me anu ko aunty kehta to wo kehti ki...

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AfricaChapter 7

"Why not first class?" I grumped out loud for the first time, a couple hours into the flight, my left leg once more dodging the stewardess as she passed by in the aisle, joining the right in pressing against the seat back in front of me which had been in full recline not long after we began the flight. "You didn't complain before, in our flights into and out of Minneapolis," Helena smirked. "We got in early enough for me to get the exit row seat," I reminded her. "We barely made the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 448

The one from Jimborh from across the pond, inspired this one from Wyden where he explains how he spent his youth!!!!! ⊹⊹⊹ Reminds me of one I read in Playboy MANY years ago. Guy calls his wife from the office. “I’ve just learned about a new sexual position. We can try it out tonight.” “That’s nice”, she said. “What is it called?” “The ‘Back-to-back’ position.” After a pause, she asks, “How does that work?” “I’m bringing home another couple.” ⊹⊹⊹ This one is from Uther Pendragon which...

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Super Smash Bros The Remote Returns

"Whew!" Master Hand sighed in relief, "Took me forever to get those swaps all sorted out! Somebody must have saw Crazy taking the box to the trash and stole it from him. I will take this to the incinerator myself, so nobody can take it this time." ---------30 Minutes Later-------- "Ooohhh! Shiny!" Crazy Hand exclaimed, "Wait, why is this remote in the incinerator pile? Well, here's the instruction pamphlet... A SWAPPING REMOTE?!?! Now that sounds like fun! Three swap types... four kinds of...

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FamilyHookups Aiden Ashley Anna Chambers Sweet little slut Anna Chambers takes advantage of her stepmom

Anna Chambers is home alone so she thought when her stepmom Aiden Ashley comes in to find her taking raunchy photos for another random guy again. Aiden is pissed and starts to chew her out but Anna doesn’t care at all, so to try and up her game she tells Anna how she used to be adventurous in her youth too hooking up with girls. Anna is floored she can’t believe her stepmom was Bi, well this gets Anna to push harder and Aiden decides to show her just how crazy she used to be by...

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MY Lovly aunt astrid

The family that plays together sticks together. Those words were ringing in my mind as I slid my 9-inch black cock into my aunty Astrid Etienne Hydro's asshole. Yeah, those were some strange times indeed. Presently, she's on all fours, her thick and plump body jiggling. Her big butt cheeks are spread wide open and my cock is filling her tight asshole. This is a daily occurrence in our household. A young black man living in Nigeria. Welcome to my life. Stick around. I've got a story to share...

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Arrogant Bastard

"You know, to make things easier, you could just do my homework for me," he says, with his arrogant smirk on his face. "And if I did that, how are you ever going to learn?" I retort. "Why would I need to when I have you as a tutor?" I hate the school for assigning me as his personal tutor. Stupid jocks. Stupid football players. Arrogant bastards who think they run the school and can do anything they want. "I won't always be your tutor, Adam." "Oh, but you will Alexxa," he says smoothly, as...

1 year ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 8 That Purple Metal Stuff

Greg saw two young men in their late teens walk uncertainly up the driveway. They reminded Greg of a pair of stray dogs the way they seemed to expect trouble from someone or something. He went to greet them, "Which one of you is Mark and which one is Jason? Can I put a magic marker on one of you so I can tell you two apart?" They appeared to be identical in every way, except for their clothes. One, Mark it turned out, had on black Dockers and a gray polo shirt. The other, Jason, wore a...

1 year ago
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Exhibitionist Over The Edge

by: vapidvector When my wife, Joy, and I were married fourteen years ago I found it absolutely impossible to believe that she had never masturbated. Not once in her entire life. I, myself, was an old stroke off master, having been practicing the fine art since I was as young as five. I knew how to do about anything autoerotic that would make me feel good and never was slow about getting myself off no matter when, where, or how. Joy, on the other hand, swore that she had never used a vibrator,...

4 years ago
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A Model for CCs

(This is a standalone story based in the universe of "Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy" reading that first might be advised.) Intro Victor was just a regular guy down on his luck. A month ago he still had it all, a beautiful girlfriend, a nice apartment and a decent paying job working for an accounting firm. The company he had worked for wasn't doing so well though and as a result they needed to let some people go. He ended up being one of them. It was a small disaster since him and...

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The New HireChapter 4

I observed her again in the afternoon as we snorkeled. The second viewing excited me as much as the first, particularly watching the water wash around her pubic hair. We had a drink at the cabana bar and then went upstairs to dress for dinner. She took her shampoo into the shower and, after a minute, looked out "Want to join me?" "Oh, yes!" The shower was tiled and provided ample room for two people to move around easily. I suppose it was built that way on purpose, considering the nature...

1 year ago
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The absence of a mother

One evening I was in my bed, I was already in a state of half-sleep. It was only when he sat on my bed that I realized he was there. - Dad, what do you want? I was going to sleep! - Oh dear ... I did not want to wake you up! It's just that I feel so alone! Would you let me ... play with you? ! Play ? I did not understand. It was already late, it was not time to play. And then, if he wanted to play, we could very well have played scrabble or cards, or anything else the next day. - But...

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High Rise Exhibitionist Ch 04

I slept in Sunday morning and was still lounging around at noontime, enjoying several cups of coffee and the morning sunshine on the balcony of my apartment. I didn’t want to waste the entire day sitting around my apartment so after a shower and shave I headed out for a walk around the neighborhood. As I approached Kay’s shop I noticed that she was open on Sundays from noon to three. The small bell jingled my entry just as it had two days earlier, and just as before Kay appeared from the back...

2 years ago
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My Babe in Toyland

After about four more sexual marathons with June, we decided to go out to lunch and only lunch. June wanted to ask me some more questions and pick my brain on becoming a hot woman. We went to a local microbrewery and discuss June's inquiries. June wanted to know about dildos and vibrators and how to enjoy them. She wanted to know everything about toys. We determined that we should keep the toys on the basic and simple side. June's eyes became wide and glassy as I told June that dildos had no...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 7

I found the young Miss Montoya standing beside my bike when I got back downstairs. The back parking area was well lit and there was a large flowering bush of some kind that would keep anyone from seeing it from the highway, which was several hundred yards away. "This is quite a nice bike," she said with another smile. "It looks new." "It is pretty new," I confessed. "I bought it when I got to Seattle a week ago, more or less." "A world traveler and rich to boot!" she grinned at...

4 years ago
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She turned her head, smiled, and said over her shoulder, “Mmmmm….’morning, hon….that feels great ….keep going….yeah….just like that….” She rocked her ass cheeks back against Bart’s thrusting cock, then reached between her legs and found her awakening clit with her fingers and began rubbing little circles around the tip. With Bart pinching her nipples, and her own hands tweaking her bean, it didn’t take long before she felt a delicious orgasm building between her legs. “Oh, yeah….just like...

3 years ago
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My Second Julie Experience

The timeframe is Spring of 1986... about two months since Suzanne's cousin got in trouble. It had been a long time since I had seen Julie. I was expecting anything to be different this weekend. The guy that shared the house with me was gone for the weekend and I was just trying to decide whether to make a drive to the city... or just stay home and watch television. My mind was to be made up very soon... as I heard a knock on the door. It was Julie. I was totally surprised, and as...

2 years ago
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Best of YouChapter 6 A Hiking We Shall Go

True to her word Cindy called Henry a few days later, fortunately for Henry his Mother was out of the house. Cindy excitedly told Henry that she is now legal to date, with a few requirements, no car dating, no alone dating, there were a few others, but nothing big. The car thing was not an issue, he didn’t have his license, yet. He had a permit, but when he got his license it would be next to impossible to borrow his Mother’s car. Heck he had to beg to get his permit. The more difficult...

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Raesaah a horny muslimah bitch

They both walked up the stairs to Abduls flat which was on the 3rd floor and raesaah knocked the door softly while zain rested his head on her shoulder and they waited for it to open he squeezed raesaahs ass and adjusted his cock just as the door opened which immediately made Abduls jaw drop to the floor Salaam Waalicum Adbul said raesaah in a pleasant tone as abdul stuttered n replied with waalicum salaam baby... and smiled at raesaah and then looked at zain and greeted him with a big grin and...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 676

Dessie and Phillip’s First Backpacking Trip Continued Six weeks earlier continued. “We aren’t going all the way there, right?” Dessie asked as they stood gazing at the high, cloud-covered peaks. “It might be fun someday,” Phillip responded, as he put his arm around his wife, “but we dare not even consider it without the proper equipment — and training. As far as mountains go, those aren’t particularly high ones according to what I’ve read, but I wouldn’t consider hiking them without...

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Blowjob Universe

Your name is David. You are a disgustingly skinny moron who has been a huge failure at life. You lost your job, you dropped out of college, and your semi attractive girlfriend broke up with you. Your head is shaved, your armpits stink and you have proven repeatedly throughout your life to have about as much common sense as a monkey. Like all men you have an unquenchable desire to get blowjobs from beautiful women, a desire which has never been able to be fulfilled, primarily because you are...

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my army hero

My cousin Pete and me grew up together.We went to the same school,many of the same friends,and some of the same places we went together.Pete is one year younger than I am ,I am 19 and he is 18 and he join the Army right after high school this past summer.Growing up we played together alot since he and my aunt and uncle lived on the next street over from ours.So it goes without saying that I missed him very much when he went off to basic traning this summer.He came home last month after basic...

1 year ago
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Milfty Candice Dare Goodnight Poon

Candice Dare has been a little scared to go to bed ever since our studs stepdad got a job working nights. Luckily, he is more than happy to lay in bed with his hot MILF stepmom until she is able to feel comfortable. But when Candice closes her eyes, her stepson whips out his cock and jerks it in the bed next to her. He tells her that it helps with his insomnia, and Candice starts to wonder if maybe that could work for her own restlessness. Her stepson wants to help her, so he reaches over and...

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Not My Sisters KeeperChapter 2

Fortunately, I was able to get a seat on a flight that was scheduled to depart in less than an hour from a gate close to the main terminal. I only had the one small bag that I could fit into the overhead bin without difficulty. That eliminated the need to wait at the luggage rack looking for my valued possessions. The lease on my condo was paid through the end of the year and I had my next door neighbor Marcie looking out for my place since I trusted her completely. She was an avowed lesbian...

2 years ago
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Hand MaidChapter 3

In actuality, John had taken Veronica home directly after the party--and barely willing to speak to the man--she told him not to call for a while (after all, she was given no warning she was being taken to an orgy, and no woman likes to admit she is capable of getting cold feet). But now things would be different. Dildo in hand, Vern began to paint more pictures, plan a scene which could make vivid her deepest, most important fantasies. Veronica lost no time in constructing some fast...

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