Bec3 It Ain t Over Til It s OverChapter 14 Saturday Morning Bath
- 4 years ago
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***ARAN SUNBLADE: Emerin Chapel, Ekistair***
Aran sat by his bed and watched Elaina sleep peacefully. The warm morning sun caught her shoulder-length golden hair and bathed her beautiful face in a soft glow. Luckily, one of the Rostiners – Edlin was his name, an older fellow with wizened features and a sparse ring of grey hair – had a steady hand and experience as a field surgeon. Edlin had patched up Kedron, Smythe and Elaina, all of whom were now resting in separate rooms.
Aran was in the armchair next to the bed, leaning forward with his elbow on his knees, his chin and lips resting on steepled fingers as he relived the previous day’s battle. The Heralds would soon retaliate, of that he was sure. The presence of Maharad’s touch had been a surprise, to say the least, but it made sense. Aran had long suspected a darker driving force behind the Heralds, and now he knew.
It was another surprise in itself that Aran even recognised the dark god. Aran Sunblade the twenty-year old man had never heard of Maharad, but the knowledge had come to him from somewhere else, passed down through the omniscience of the vala.
Maharad. A god of lies and chaos. Polar opposite to Aros. What did his presence among the Heralds mean? Nothing that couldn’t be stopped. Aran’s new knowledge told him Maharad appeared in times of great strife and planted his seeds in the cracks, sowing disorder.
Amina would need to know as quickly as he could get word to her. She would also be very interested in the other events of the day. The woman with the knife, a lost soul who had given her body over to Maharad completely, becoming a vessel for his power. The knife was old, forged in a time long past. Aran had taken the weapon from the field and secured it deep in the Chapel’s vault.
That knife was dangerous; it drained the vala of an Arohim once it pierced their skin, rendering them unable to access their healing power.
Aran thought maybe that if he had not lent some of his own vala to the others, they may not have survived the battle.
In addition, the knife wounds in Smythe and Elaina were not healing as rapidly as they should, while their other cuts and bruises were already all but gone. Time would tell as to whether they would heal completely or not. The assassin had not gotten Kedron, but the arrow to the par’vala’s chest had punctured his lung. He would recover, but it would take time.
Smythe had the worst of it. The Nameless had stabbed him three times; once in the back, once in the gut and one between the ribs. Edlin maintained the tainted blade missed his heart by less than an inch. The big Paladin was in the next room over and was doing fine, though he would be the last one out of bed.
Another significant aspect of yesterday was that Aros had spoken to Aran directly. The very thought still sent chills through him. He felt different since that experience. His vala was stronger even than before, but the wild, raging maelstrom of power was gone. Now it was a calm, tranquil presence that could flow gently like a slow-moving river, or if required, surge like a flood, carrying away all those in its path.
It had to have something to do with his sense of purpose. He felt clearer, now. More solid. Less concerned with failure and more focused on what needed to be done.
Then there was Berrigan, taking his own life in a moment of clarity granted to him by Aran. Maharad had not possessed Berrigan the same way as the assassin, but his touch was still there. It was worse, in a way; it meant Berrigan’s deeds were driven more by himself than the deity.
Aran had ordered Berrigan’s body left where it was until Kedron awoke. It would be Kedron’s decision what to do with it.
Using his vala, Aran felt for Elaina’s wound. The knife had gone in to her right side, just below the ribs. There was no change since he’d checked an hour ago, for better or worse. Her vala, however, seemed to be replenishing slowly. Where it was a guttering flame yesterday, it was now a dim glow, weak but steady.
“You will be well, my love,” he whispered, squeezing her hand firmly before leaning back in the chair. He checked on the rest of the Chapel without moving. It was that easy for him, now. He could feel it all without even having to concentrate.
The Elves had moved into the Chapel, choosing the safety of the walls over the forest outside. The villagers were tending their wounded, cooking, cleaning, taking excellent care of the place. Ari was chivvying people about here and there, making sure everyone had what they needed. He would make an astute arondur, that man.
The Chapel was more alive than it had been for over a thousand years, probably. The cook fires were roaring in the kitchen. Every room was being used for something. Aran noted with a grin that more than one room was occupied by a couple making love. Having four arohim in the vicinity was affecting the other denizens to a positive end.
Induin and Liaren were down there, looking after some of their wounded kin. As Aran’s meldin, their souls glowed stronger in his mind than those around them. As if summoned, he felt them stop what they were doing and head for the stairs.
A few moments later the door opened softly and Induin’s silver-haired head poked through hesitantly before she came all the way in, followed by her sister. They were dressed identically in tight forest-green breeches and shirts that molded their slim bodies in an appealing manner.
Liaren went to Elaina and gently touched the sleeping woman’s hand, while Induin stood before Aran and eyed him critically. After a moment, Liaren joined her sister, her expression a mirror of her twin’s.
“Elaina is healing well?” Induin asked, putting one hand on a cocked hip.
Aran nodded. “As well as she can, my heart. The bad wound is closing, but slowly. She needs time.”
Both Elves looked to the sleeping Paladin. “She is strong,” Liaren said. “I cannot imagine her staying down for long.”
“I do not think she will,” Aran agreed, smiling up at his near-identical loves.
“Good,” Induin said decisively. “Then you are coming with us, Aran Sunblade, Lord of the arohim.”
Aran chuckled at the ridiculous title. “Coming where? I really should stay with Elaina, for now.”
“Nonsense,” Liaren retorted, wrinkling her nose. “What you really should do is have a bath, and we’re taking you now.”
It sounded tempting. He glanced at his amatharn sleeping on the bed. “But Elaina-”
“Would not want to wake up and find you sitting there smelling like a troll’s loincloth!” Induin interjected. Liaren smirked and bit her lip in poorly-suppressed amusement.
“I do not smell like a-!” He sniffed his armpit, and found it to be not half so bad as they said. “And how do you know what a troll’s loincloth smells like?” He demanded, keeping his voice low so as not to wake Elaina.
“I don’t,” Induin replied haughtily. “But I could not imagine anything worse. That’s how much your stench bothers me.”
Aran wanted to grab the cheeky Elf and tickle her to within an inch of her life – before making her come so many times she couldn’t stand up! - but his duty to Elaina nagged at him. He opened his mouth to let his beautiful Elves down, but someone else spoke first.
“Go, stud,” Elaina said softly from the bed.
Three pairs of eyes whipped to Elaina in delighted surprise. Aran was on his feet in a heartbeat and leaning over the bed, only a fraction faster than Induin and Liaren. His hand found Elaina’s and she squeezed it weakly.
“Go with them,” she repeated, her eyes coming open briefly before closing again. “You can’t sit there all day and night.”
“I was waiting for you, my love,” he said gently, brushing her hair back with his other hand.
“I will be fine,” she assured him breathily. “I just need time.” After a moment, her lips quirked ever so slightly. “And space to breathe. You really do stink, you know.”
Liaren and Induin burst into peals of laughter, and Aran found himself joining them. “Fine!” He announced. “I’ll take a bath!”
“Wonderful,” Elaina said. Her eyes opened again, but this time she looked at the Elves. “Don’t wear him out, sisters. I want him all to myself when I’m better.”
“We won’t!” they replied in unison. Aran bent to brush Elaina’s lips with a kiss. The twins did the same before they hustled him from the room like a sheep being herded.
The bath chamber was empty when they arrived. This early in the day, the fireplaces were both cold – though the fires were already laid – and the pool was empty. As Aran entered, he brushed the sunstones on the walls with his vala, bringing them to life.
The next few minutes was an impressive show of teamwork from Aran’s lovers.
First, Induin was in his arms, kissing him deeply, her nimble fingers working on his shirt while Liaren started the fires. By the time Liaren was done, Induin had Aran’s shirt off and was working on his breeches. Liaren came over behind her sister and put gentle pressure on her shoulders, pushing her down to her knees.
Liaren then took up the kissing duties while Induin busied herself with his boots, which came off one foot at a time as Aran’s tongue thoroughly explored Liaren’s mouth. He moaned when Induin began kissing his stomach while she addressed the buttons at the waist of his breeches.
With a growl, he hooked the fingers of both hands beneath the collar of Liaren’s shirt and tore the dark green garment down the middle, exposing her pale, flat belly and her delicious apple-sized breasts.
“Oh!” Liaren remarked appreciatively. “I like it when you do that.”
She made a satisfied sound when Aran’s lips found her neck, then her collarbone, and finally her breast, catching the petite pink nipple between his teeth and ravaging it with his tongue. Liaren’s hands were tangled in his hair and she arched her back under his loving assault of her sensitive flesh.
Aran’s breeches came down under insistent tugging from Induin, and he felt her hand encircle his aching cock. He pulled her up before she could take him in her mouth, however.
He now had one sister in each arm and he held them tightly against him, savouring the moment. How long had it been since they’d all been together? Two weeks? More?
Two large, brilliant pairs of eyes gazed at him, one clearest jade, the other pure sapphire. As with all Elves, a soft light seemed to shine behind their eyes at times, giving them something of an angelic cast.
“Now that I am naked,” he began, stepping back from them reluctantly. “It is your turn.” When they grinned and went to strip, he forestalled them with a raised hand. “Not like that. I want to do it. Over there, hands on the wall.” He pointed to the stone wall to the right of the arch that led back into the Chapel.
The twins shared an excited look. “I like him like this!” Induin purred as she sauntered to the wall and placed her palms on it. She stood with legs straight and shoulder-width apart, and she pushed her pert ass out at a maddeningly sexy angle.
Liaren copied her sister, and Aran was presented with two devastatingly attractive Elves patiently awaiting him to render them nude. He started with Liaren, standing close behind her and running his hands from her slim hips and up over her waist. She pushed her ass back so his cock butted against her breeches, and she wiggled back and forth as his hands traveled up her back.
When he reached the neck of her shirt, he ripped it open forcefully, tearing the now completely ruined garment off her slender frame and tossing it carelessly to the floor.
“That was hot!” Induin said enviously. “Do me!”
Liaren’s ass ground against him more insistently, but Aran took his time, running his hands all over her silky skin, from her hips, over her belly, to her soft tits. He squeezed them possessively before sliding his fingers back down to her waist, where he deftly shredded her breeches in the same way as her shirt. At the same time, he used his vala to give her a stiff jolt of pleasure, making her hips buck in answer.
“Mmmm!” she groaned as Aran knelt to remove her boots and the last vestiges of her pants. Her creamy bottom was directly at eye level, and he kissed each cheek hungrily before lightly nipping her with his teeth. Her smooth pussy beckoned him, the pink inner lips already slightly open and glistening with her wetness.
Aran gave Liaren another shot of pleasure, and her arms gave out as she hit a gentle climax, her tight body shuddering as her face pressed up against the stone.
“Don’t move,” he ordered Liaren as he moved to the left and positioned himself behind Induin. He wanted to savour undressing her as he had Liaren, but he found himself moving more quickly this time, attacking her clothes almost fiercely in his eagerness.
While he was busy with a giggling Induin, Liaren temporarily vacated her position. Tottering over on unsteady legs, she opened the valves on the bath, and the sound of rushing water followed immediately. Billowing steam quickly began to fill the chamber.
Liaren then returned to her place against the wall to their right. She resumed the same stance, this time covering her sister’s hand with her own where it rested on the wall. She watched hungrily as Aran bent his body over a now-naked Induin, his cock nestled along the hot folds of her sex as he ravaged her neck and shoulders with kisses and gentle bites.
“I love watching you two together,” the green-eyed beauty confessed. “I can feel everything you’re doing to her, and what she’s doing to you! It’s almost too much!”
Aran shared a smile with Liaren before continuing his passionate march on Induin’s lithe body. The warmth of the fires combined with the hot, steamy water quickly covered the three lovers with a sheen of sweat, and Aran loved the way the girls glistened damply, their hair slicked to their pale skin.
Induin was moaning more intensely now, and grinding her ass back, trying to angle her pussy so she could push herself onto his cock. Aran kept her wanting for the moment.
Not forgetting Liaren, he settled a steady, pulsing wave of pleasure over her, one that would build slowly over time, a fire that would grow gradually hotter.
“Fuck me, Aran,” Induin purred hotly, writhing in anticipation. “Wherever you want, any way you want. Just fuck me!”
Aran had been meaning to wait until they were in the water, but he found himself lifting his upper body and grasping her waist. He pulled his hips back until the head of his rampant erection was nestled against her slick lower lips. Sensing the change, Induin surged backwards, impaling herself quite thoroughly. Her head flew back and she screamed as her body exploded in pleasure. Hot fluid splashed against Aran’s balls as she came hard, and her pussy clamped down on him firmly.
Liaren echoed her sister’s scream as the climax washed through the melda, and both girls fell forward onto their elbows as their bodies twitched in unison.
Aran relished the feeling of being buried inside Induin once again. He had been with no one since leaving the Temple, except for Elaina on the Plane. Sex in the flesh always beat sex on the Plane, however.
He began to stroke his cock in and out, much to Induin’s whimpering delight, but he could tell through the melda that she was almost delirious with pleasure, so he backed off a little, giving her time to recover.
Reaching to his right, he squeezed Liaren’s firm ass before delving downward with his fingers, finding her soaking lips and the stiff clit just below. Soon Liaren was wailing in high-pitched Elvish as Aran began manipulating her with his fingers, sensing just how she wanted to be touched.
Induin recovered quickly, and Aran was soon thrusting into her slick channel at a steady pace. The sound of wet flesh slapping filled the chamber, punctuated by grunts, moans and squeals. Aran lost himself in the act, putting all his attention on the needs of his lovers.
When Liaren’s pussy clenched around Aran’s probing digits for the fourth time, she began to sink to the floor, exhausted. He removed his fingers so she could, and she sat back against the wall, watching with heavily-lidded eyes as Aran and Induin soldiered on.
Induin’s legs gave out then, and Aran held her up by the slender hips he was gripping. When he started to withdraw from her with the intention of letting her down, she shot him a blue-eyed glare over her shoulder.
“Do not dare stop, Aran Sunblade! Hold me up and keep going!”
The melda raged with hot desire from the Elf, whom was obviously not yet sated. Liaren, being meldir to Induin, was a mirror of her twin’s emotions, and was now sitting with her slim legs wide apart, plunging two fingers in and out of her cunt while kneading a breast with the other hand.
Aran did as he was told and drove himself back inside his silver-haired lover with force, rocking her light body with the impact. She braced herself against the wall with both hands flat on the stone, her arms extended and elbows locked. Her heels hooked behind his thighs for purchase as Aran began to hammer home, giving her the fucking she wanted.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Induin cried in rapid bursts, each word punctuated by the slap of wet skin on wet skin. “Come in me! Put your child in me!”
Those words shocked Aran down to his toes. His thrusting slowed to a stop. “What?” He asked dumbly. She wanted his child? She mustn’t be thinking right from all the sex; her pleasure levels were soaring right now.
“You heard me!” Induin replied insistently, pushing her ass back at him as she looked back over her shoulder. “If I’m going to have anyone’s child, it’s going to be yours. I want this, Aran.”
“So do I!” Liaren chimed in, hopping to her feet and leaning in close to him. Her face was still flushed from arousal, but her gaze was steady and clear, now. “We were going to wait and tell you later, but now is as good a time as any.”
Aran returned her gaze and felt her sincerity through the melda. At the same time, Induin put her feet on the floor and wriggled out of his grip. His shaft left the warm confines of her sex as she turned to face him.
“Do you not want us to bear your children?” she asked him softly, as if afraid of the answer.
Aran smiled and touched their faces tenderly. “I can think of nothing I want more, my loves.”
“But?” Liaren asked.
“But what if I’m not here after all this?” he replied. “With the path that lies before me, I don’t know if I will be around to see my children grow.”
“All the more reason to have them,” Induin said firmly. “In this time of uncertainty, it is wise to focus on the good things, no?”
“We didn’t know we wanted to be mothers,” Liaren explained. “But when we imagined having your children, and having them be a part of the Temple, of the Order, it felt right.”
“Even if you’re not here, one day,” Induin added. There was a spike of sadness from her as she spoke those words. “To leave a part of yourself behind in your children would be special, would it not?”
Aran wanted to hope that he would be left standing after Aros was done with him, but he had accepted that that may not be the case some time ago. “You would do this anyway?” He asked them earnestly. “Raise them on your own if something happens to me?”
They chuckled in unison. “We would not be alone,” Liaren answered. “We have the Temple, the Servants, our kin in Ildernass. These children will be surrounded by love!”
She had a point, Aran had to admit. When he finally nodded his assent, they flashed twin beaming smiles at him and tilted their heads in a way that allowed him to kiss them both at the same time. A moment later he was being pulled toward the bath by his cock, Induin’s hand around the base, Liaren’s around the head as they led him to the water’s edge.
In a moment of mischief, he put a hand on each of their bottoms and gave them a shove, sending them careering into the water with a splash and a squeal. Laughing, he leaped in after them, sighing in contentment as the hot water soaked his skin. Gods, he really hadn’t had a bath for far too long!
He waded to the opposite side and closed the valves; the pipes were wide and the bath was already full. Two excited-looking Elves waded towards him as he turned back, their eyes shining in the firelight. He embraced them, and they came into his arms together, each of his thighs sliding between theirs.
“Who goes first?” He asked them, studying each of their pretty faces in turn.
“Liaren,” Induin said, looking at her sister. “She saw you first, after all.”
Liaren turned and gave Induin a grateful look. “I would have let you go first, you know.”
“I know,” Induin replied. “But I want it to be you.” She moaned when Liaren leaned in and kissed her thoroughly. Aran just watched them, more in love than ever before. He enjoyed watching them together almost as much as being with them himself.
They kissed for long moments, but finally Induin broke away, giving Liaren space to straddle Aran’s waist. When she went to move back a bit more, Liaren shook her head.
“No,” she said, turning to Induin. “You stay right here, with us. I want to feel you next to me.”
With a grin, Induin came up behind Liaren and held her, softly kissing her shoulder and pulling her wet hair to the side to get to her neck.
Aran took Liaren by the waist then and inserted himself into her waiting body. She gasped as he entered her, and her hands came up to hook behind his neck.
“Yesss!” She breathed hotly, gyrating her hips as her ass came to rest on his balls.
Aran began to thrust languidly, in no rush, and Liaren tilted her head back, a smile on her face. She leaned back into her sister, but kept her hands where they were around Aran’s neck. Induin took advantage and cupped Liaren’s tits while her lips and tongue played along her ears, her neck, her jawline.
Aran felt Liaren’s quivering pleasure through the vala; between him and Induin, she would be a storm of climaxes in no time, even if Aran did nothing extra with his power.
“Don’t wait,” Liaren told him breathily. “Just do it!”
“Come in her, Aran,” Induin said hotly, her face next to her sisters. She pinched Liaren’s nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, eliciting a gasp from her twin. “Fill up her tight little cunt!”
Aran let go of his control and immediately felt his balls lift and begin to boil. Just before his seed began to shoot forth, he felt something shift in his vala, and he knew what it meant: Liaren would fall pregnant.
He held her close as he came deep inside her. Induin brought her sister forward and pressed her against Aran’s chest so they could share the moment together. They’d made love plenty of times, but this felt different. Special.
Liaren wrapped her arms around Aran’s neck and her legs tightened around his buttocks, locking him in place. Induin held her sister closely from behind, kissing her cheek softly and caressing her hair.
The three meldin stayed like that for long minutes afterwards, the bath chamber quiet except for the crackling of the fires and the gentle lapping of the water as it settled.
Eventually, Induin spoke. “My turn,” was all she said, fixing her gaze on Aran. There was no cheekiness this time, no playfully sassy attitude. Her sapphire eyes burned with fierce love.
Liaren slowly disengaged, pressing her lips to Aran’s as she slid off his rod. Induin quickly took her place, sheathing him inside her hot snatch with a sigh of satisfaction. She began to grind against him right away, her slender body undulating as she rode his cock insistently, almost forcefully.
Liaren stayed with them, a hand on each of their lower backs, her fingers softly stroking their skin. Induin’s eyes remained on Aran’s, never once leaving, even when her mouth opened and her breathing quickened. She came hard, the hot, silken vice of her pussy gripping him urgently.
“Do it,” she whispered, clutching his face in her hands and putting her nose to his. “Do it now, please,” the last came out as a whimper as she succumbed to another wave of pleasure.
Aran could feel her warm breath on his lips. His hands found the globes of her ass and he pulled her down harder, burying himself completely in her willing body. “I’m going to give you a child,” he whispered in her pointed ear.
She shuddered in response, and her hips began to buck faster. The water around them began to churn and splash with their movements. Aran let go and his cock spasmed wildly, spewing hot seed into his beautiful Elvish lover. His arms came around her back and he squeezed her tightly. His lips found the soft skin of her neck and he moaned deeply as his own pleasure combined with Induin’s and Liaren’s through the melda, creating a maelstrom of ecstasy they shared together.
***ELAINA: Emerin Chapel, Ekistair***
Elaina stirred restlessly. She was not quite asleep, but not yet awake. Her body felt flushed, hot. She was beginning to sweat beneath the sheets, and she kicked them off feebly, exposing her skin to the cooler air of the room. Her nipples hardened into aching points instantly, and she moaned softly as another surge of pleasure crashed through from Aran’s melda.
What was he doing down there? She could feel him below, glowing like the sun, though her vala was not yet restored enough that she could tell anything else. His arousal was roaring; he must be fucking Liaren and Induin. Lucky things.
There was a pleasant tingling in her breasts and belly as Aran’s feelings affected her. She squeezed her thighs together, wanting to feel some friction between them. There was another sensation, too; a slight burning from several different places on her body; one beneath her right eye, and several on her arms and legs. A more distinct burn came from her right side, just below her ribs.
That’s right, she’d been stabbed. She felt at the wound gingerly, peeling back the dressing. The bandages were wrapped all the way around her torso, just beneath her breasts. It wasn’t painful, exactly, it just felt hot. To her surprise, the wound had mostly closed up, and it continued to heal rapidly even as she felt at it.
Aran’s vala surged again, and Elaina felt it flow through her, just before the burning feeling intensified. A few moments later it was gone, leaving smooth skin where moments ago there’d been a nasty knife wound. She didn’t need to check her arms and legs to know those cuts and gashes had disappeared, too.
Suddenly, she felt as healthy as a spring foal. ‘Aran Sunblade,’ she muttered as she sat up and put her feet on the floor. ‘What miraculous thing have you discovered now?’ Even with the support of the vala, full recovery should have taken at least a day or two. She was sure Aran had healed her, somehow. But how?
With her returned strength, her vala was also restored, and she used it to get a feel for the Chapel and its current denizens. Unsurprisingly, there was a fair bit of sex happening down below, and not just where Aran and the twins were concerned. Elves and Humans alike were happily pairing off or gathering in groups to make love. Not all of them were going somewhere secluded, either. Some were quite happy to express their desires in front of an audience.
Elaina smiled. For the first time in her memory the Chapel was alive with souls again. The smile slipped, however, when she felt Smythe and Kedron nearby, still healing. What could be done for them had been done, she was sure. They just needed time.
Rising from the bed, she removed the rest of her bandages and stretched, enjoying the renewed power flowing through her muscles. Opening the door, she stepped out into the hallway, not bothering with clothing. From the feel of what was happening downstairs, things were escalating quickly, and her nudity would not be an issue.
Before heading down to find Aran, she peeked in on Smythe. The brawny Paladin was lying on his bed looking pale as a sheet, though his breathing was steady. It looked strange, like a mountain lying down. She’d never seen him like this in the thirty years she’d known him.
He didn’t stir when she whispered his name, and she couldn’t blame him; she could feel the three dark wounds he carried, along with a multitude of less severe ones.
“May you heal quickly and well, my friend,” she said softly before gently closing the door.
Kedron and his girl were in the next room along. A quick look inside showed the young par’vala asleep on his back with his meldin curled up beside him. When the door creaked, Imella sat bolt upright, her eyes wide with fear.
Elaina stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. “Hush, now,” she soothed the frightened girl. Gods, the poor thing was bruises head to toe! She looked as bad as Ayla did when they’d taken her off the Heralds! “I’m a friend.”
She aligned with Imella, and felt barely constrained fear, dominated only by a deep and fierce love for Kedron. Elaina smiled. The girl had a good heart.
Imella settled somewhat after the alignment. Someone had found her a white cotton dress, and it looked like she’d had a bit of a wash, but Elaina could feel the burning stripes on her back where she’d been lashed.
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I'm Lisa. A 37 yo slutty and experienced CD who enjoys playing with groups of men.The following is the true story of what I was hoping to be the first of my visit to to one of the Bathhouse of my town - The Hawk in Portland, OR. It happened on February 2020 and after this first time I was planning to go more often especially this summer. Then Covid happened.... Anyway hope you'll enjoy and leave comments.By January 2020 I had decided that I was done with the Oregon Theater. Those who know the...
If you are disturbed about older plumper mom and mature son sex then this story is not for you.My mom phoned wondering if I could come around to her house while she went for a bath, just as a precaution in case she had a fall, as my father was unable to help if anything did happen. In her sixties and a large plump woman, she is waiting for a new hip and has arthritis in her hands.She went up stairs and I followed her “I’ll wait in the bedroom mom, so I can listen for you” I said“Ok, but will...
This a real incident happened to me in last year. I am Naresh ( name changed ) I live in banglore with my parents. My mom name is vasundhara ( name changed ) she is around 40. When I was child my mom used to bath me regularlty but this habit was gone when I became adult. One day I went for hair dress when I came come no one was there only me and mom where there. After entering home I started going towards bath room suddenly mom called my name and told that you went for hair dress so you don’t...
IncestI had not visited Bath before, and when I saw the elegant and gracious buildings which make up the greater part of the city I was most impressed. The Crescent and The Circus are rightly considered jewels in Bath's crown, but the Roman baths and the Abbey church have also much to recommend them to the historian, and lovers of antiquities and architecture. Rob Crawshay drove Matilde, Molly March and me to Bath. I had given the staff at Queen Street three weeks holiday, save Rob who would...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I was 18 years old. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My Mom had gone to a Ladies club meeting. My Dad and my brother had gone off fishing and I had pretended to be sick so that I could get a good look at my brother’s XXX videos that he kept under his bed I was going have a free afternoon of beautiful ladies getting fucked by huge cocks while stoking myself slowly to satisfaction. At the time we only had one VCR in the house and it was in the family...
IncestChapter Six: Good Girl's Naughty Bath By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I trembled as I faced my mother. She stood in the entrance to the house, her arms folded beneath her breasts, her long hair gathered in a braid that was a twin for mine. She wore her typical, conservative dress, looking like a fifty's housewife. I was naked. My eighteen-year-old body was covered in the silvery streaks of dried cum. Daddy stood behind me. We had just returned from the private dungeon owned by one of...
Robert Bentley turned on the taps and looked at the small clear plastic packet. Oh well, he may as well give it a go, he thought. He emptied the contents into the bath. Bentley hadn't really gone into the New Age shop with the intention of buying anything. He just wanted to get a closer look at the hot shopkeeper he'd seen through the window. All he'd seen was a glimpse of pale skin and cascading black curls, but it had caused his heart to jump. Curious, and with a little bit of time to...
This is my first time writing in this Indian sex stories site and my sincere apologies if there are any mistakes I use to read many stories from this site and I really wanted to share my story in this site for all the horny readers. Hello everyone, My name is Unni and this incident happened when I was and my friend Rahul were both friends from school and we used to share everything with each other. Once my friend told me that he had seen his mother naked in bath and asked whether I saw my...
Yesterday I went to a local Onset (Japanese bathhouse) where there have hot tubs, jacuzzi, heated stone beds, sauna, massage area, restaurant, stores and a Korean Body Scrub. Of course, the bathing areas are divided into a male area and a female area. What I found interesting in the male area is how body shy some men are, they walk around from hot bath to jacuzzi and other areas in the bathhouse with a small towel held Infront of there groin. Find it interesting that they have a woman that...
Mother in the bathI would lay awake listening, waiting to hear my mother turn off the lights and come up stairs. Sometimes she would quietly open my bedroom door to see if I was asleep, I would keep totally still and try to control my breathing till I heard the door gently close again and the sound of her walking down the landing, the click of the bathroom light switch and then the sound of the water beginning to run into the bath.As the sound of running water filled the house I could still...
I met Kerry’s mom first, not long after the two women moved in across the street. Kerry had left for college and I helped her mother out a few times, mostly with heavy lifting. Mom was my age and a fine looking woman, but Kerry was something else—prime fantasy material. Kerry was no tomboy, but she could work hard, physically. It was summer, after her first year of college, and she’d worked up a sweat mowing her lawn. I was putting flashing around my foundation and struggling to get both ends...
First TimeSnow days sucked. At least that was how Patty felt after spending the entire day listening to her two children bicker and complain. She’d woken at five that morning to three inches of fresh snow, with more falling, the morning news had informed her that both the district she worked for and the one her children attended were closed due to the weather. Naturally, on a day when they didn’t have to go to school, her children were up by five-thirty. When they had school, Patty struggled to get...
I was cruising the web the other day watching some porn videos as usual and came upon one in particular that brought back some memories of a time when I was still a very young boy. The video was of a Mother and young son taking a bath together. I began to remember how my Mother would let me get in the tub with her and wash me all over, and she had me wash her back for her. It was a normal thing at the time since I was not quite 10 years old yet. After I turned 10 the baths with Mom became less...
Press Start Game, or this game will make no sense at all! You can skip through to chapter 6 if you are here for the gameplay and not the story “Our noble order dwindles in number by the year. The better of us die martyrs, granted grace through bloodshed. The lesser of us succumb to vice’s call, and fall from the light. My dearest, your training is complete now, but promise me this - promise me that when you pass on to the next realm, you will do so having left this one a better place.” Your...
FantasyThe next two weeks passed in a dream for Jonathan, the drink he was given dulled the pain and also seemed to remove him from reality. If asked after to talk about this time he found his memories were disjointed with whole days missing completely. Slowly however, his body healed and as his appetite improved so did his strength until finally one morning he sat up in bed to greet the doctor. "Good morning Jonathan, how do you feel today?" "A lot better thank you doctor." "Any...
You open the bathroom door and walk in; the room is steamy, bath is almost full, lit candles are everywhere, you scent perfumes and music is still playing in the background. I wrote a little note for you saying “David, undress and relax”. You start to undress; you unbutton your shirt and trousers and take them off, followed by your shorts. You turn the taps off and step into the bath. The water is hot as you lower yourself in; it’s up to your neck; you are relaxing for a while. I walk...
I’ve had an incredibly long day at work and when I get home all I can think of is getting into a nice hot bath and relaxing my body. I start to run the water into the large porcelain tub and pour scented bubble bath into the water. I light candles all around the bathroom and turn off the lights so I am in partial darkness. I play soft, relaxing music, most likely Sarah McLachlan and Marvin Gaye and slowly start to remove my clothing. I go back into the bedroom and remove my shoes and panty hose...
It was a couple months since my first visit to the steam bath. Since I drove past the building five days a week it wasn't like I had to go out of my way. It was just that I had conflicted thoughts. The thought of anonymous sex always got me hard yet at the same time I considered myself heterosexual but leaning toward bisexual. Enough about mind games and back to my story.So a couple of months passed and it was now early Spring. Feeling a bit horny one afternoon after my final class, I was...
You run a hot bath and add some nice fragrant oils, not bubble bath but oils.As the water fills the tub we are slowly undressing each other, as each piece of clothing hits the floor we slowly and gently touch each other but not to aggressively as we know what will be happening soon. The Bath is ready and we are both naked, you with just a small amount of juice dripping from your pussy lips and me with a semi hard on and a drop of pre cum at the head of my cock. I get into The Bath first and...
Two girls share everything in their sexual life and one day they decide to share a bath. Let me tell you that it’s going to be really hot and exciting…Now let’s see the type of women I really love and get hot about! There she was, perfectly flawless in everyway. She was dark-haired, blue eyed, athletic built, pierced and tattooed on her gorgeous body. Maybe not any single guy would boast of having sex with her on his time, but she was definitely mine. From the moment I saw her, I was stunned by...
As she was getting ready for her bath, she heard the phone ring. Since she was the only one at home she decided to answer, just in case it was Joey. She hadnt heard from him in a while, and she was always excited to hear his voice. "Hello" she said "Well hello beautiful" the deep voice replied. She was flattered and blushing. How can this man she hardly knows, give her such deep feelings? He began by asking how her day went,and even remebered that she had a test the day before. She responded...
MasturbationLike most Mondays, this one started out quite well. Up at 6:00 am to get the kids off to school and my husband off to work. Just making lunches for my crew is a job in itself. My kitchen counter looks like a production line, as I get their sandwiches, drinks and snacks packed away. My boys are able to get themselves ready and out the door, but my daughter, who is only 6, needs a little more help. Finally, by 8:00 am, I am surrounded by nothing but peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong, I adore...
TWINK NIGHT AT THE BATHHOUSE This is a (mostly) true story that happened on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. And I loved every second of it! So it turns out every Tuesday is Twink Night at the Seattle Steamworks bathhouse. Guys under the age of 25 get in free. I had never been to the place on a Tuesday figuring the whole twink promotion was probably a scam to get people my age in to see hot young guys who probably never actually showed up.But a few Tuesdays ago I had an evening free and I was horny as...
Hey my name Abdul Musaveer—20 years of age from Hyderabad, India…6feet 2inches tall…slim body. White complexion…with very cute face…and very sporty and friendly nature….I have very sexy smile as most of my friend says….One afternoon…with my 3 other best friends … my three best buddies, Mohsin, Ibrahim and Shahzad ..Wondering around in King Street in Hamilton…it was a hot summer day….and looking around lot of semi nude’s boys and girls….make us horny as fuck Short description for these three...
Gay MaleThe Bath Walking upstairs to the bathroom the fantasy was already running through my mind. It turned me on so much to think he could want to do that to me, to fulfil my every desire and need. I leaned over the bath, my breasts trying to escape the prison of my bra, whilst I turned the taps on and watched the water run, hot and steamy. The room quickly misted up, feeling like I was in a sauna. I wanted to feel the heat, let the water condensate off my hard nipples. I shut the...
Emily was glad to get home after a particularly hard day at the office. She had been in the dullest meeting ever with fat men in suits talking about projection figures for the coming financial year.She couldn’t wait to run upstairs and turn the hot tap on. Running a well earned bath, she undressed glancing at her firm body gradually exposing itself in the mirror. She inspected herself thinking, ‘Compared to the so called gorgeous girls in the office, she might be considered plain, but if only...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi friends my name is sandy i am 28. Let me tell u that i like eating cunts and having there juices and then have a fucking session like anything. Let me tell you a new real, hot and spicy sex encounter which happened with me few years ago with my cousin sister. It was a Saturday not unlike any other Saturday in mid may, the weather warm and fresh, the blossoms of summer just getting under way, everything green and bright. I was merely twenty-two then, still living at home with my parents and...
Fiction.. If you are disturbed about older plumper mom and mature son sex this story is not for you. Mom called me again wondering if I could help her when she went for another bath, I was at her house as soon as I could after knowing what happened last time. Crippled with arthritis and waiting for a new hip my larger plump mom needed a helping hand with things and reassurance in case she fell.I wasted no time in undressing her as the awkwardness between naked mother and son had been conquered...
The Bath Walking upstairs to the bathroom the fantasy was already running through my mind. It turned me on so much to think he could want to do that to me, to fulfil my every desire and need. I leaned over the bath, my breasts trying to escape the prison of my bra, whilst I turned the taps on and watched the water run, hot and steamy. The room quickly misted up, feeling like I was in a sauna. I wanted to feel the heat, let the water condensate off my hard...
MasturbationIf you are of a certain age you may remember the public swimming baths we used to have in the North of England , they were usually big stone built affairs with slippy floors and changing cabins on either side of the pool , you had to get a basket ,put your cloths in and hand them into the attendant.Our school had our swimming day on Fridays as last lesson , I was one of the chubbiest k**s in the class and was always being ribbed about it , but in the water I was brilliant , shortly after the...
I knew I shouldn't get romantically involved with my niece, for she was a blood relative and some say it's wrong to be your blood relative's lover, husband, and father of her children. Well, I can make my own decisions and that is just what I did. If you saw Tabatha, you would agree that I made the right decision. She has to be one of the most beautiful girls on the planet. I invited her over to my place for summer vacation since she was between semesters and I was quite lonely way out in...
I trembled as I faced my mother. She stood in the entrance to the house, her arms folded beneath her breasts, her long hair gathered in a braid that was a twin for mine. She wore her typical, conservative dress, looking like a fifty’s housewife. I was naked. My fourteen-year-old body was covered in the silvery streaks of dried cum. Daddy stood behind me. We had just returned from the private dungeon owned by one of Daddy’s friends. There—before a dozen other Master’s and their slave girls of...
I looked up at the building I would be inhabiting. New home for a while, it was a grand stone architecture very bold. It stood some six stories tall but had a very steep pitch roof which made it quite a bit taller than that. The entrance was multi door and reminded me of an old period school. So I hiked up the steps and entered all the while disbelieving there were only about maybe half a dozen people inhabiting the entire once S.S. headquarters which seemed to encompass vast acres of...
Hi guys, thanks for the awesome response for my previous story. I am going to proceed ahead with what happened the next morning. Those who have not read my previous story, can find it . A quick recap about my cousin Alka. Alka is 5’5′ in height. She is really slim with a figure of 32C-26-32. She is really pretty with a peach-shaped perfect face, brown eyes, and silky brown hair. A little bit background about me. I am 5’10” tall, average built and dick size average. In the previous story, I...
IncestYou’d asked me to go to the shop for some milk. When I return you are nowhere to be seen and the house is pretty much in darkness and then I hear you calling me from up the hallway and I see a faint glow coming out of the bathroom doorway. As I near the bathroom door I say, “what’s with no lights? Do we have a power fail….” I break off mid-sentence as I reach the bathroom door and see the bathroom is bathed in the soft glow of a dozen or more candles. My eyes then turn to you. Your body is...
Love StoriesI don't know how lucky I have been in the past few weeks..after having seen my sweet SIL butt naked got a chance to take a good look at my wife's c***dhood frnd... she had to visit our place for her entrance exam in on of the Business schools.. she was with us for 3 days and that one chance I got to see her naked is worth a million...this time I did not rely on my cam in laptop.. order a hidden cam online and installed in the bathroom which she uses.. after she finished the bath and left home...
So, I had my first session with my new friend. She is very much a newbie. Timid but eager. One of the many "late bloomers" from the countryside of Japan. Nothing much exciting to report. Our first meeting was in a little run down love hotel on the side of a hill in the mountainous area of her hometown. We spent 3 hours doing sensual play without penetration. While the sight of my pre-cum strung from the tip of my cock to inside her mouth was a pleasure we still have a ways to go before we get...
I woke up Monday morning with a terrible cold. Just my luck,I was playing semi pro soccer and the most important game of the year was in 2 days I was working as a physical trainer and I had 4 clients booked for the day, I got my phone and canceled my appointments and went back to bed. Not being able to get any rest due to nasal congestion, fever plus my body was just hurting . The state final was Wednesday so I only had 2 days to fight of my cold. Laying restless in bed thinking how I could...
I was twenty-three and this older guy asked me out on a date, I agreed and he took me to a new experience. He had taken me to a gay bathhouse.Gary was a gray-haired bear, he was just a little taller than me, he was about 5' 10". He also had piercing blue eyes and a deep voice that made my knees weak and an urge to have him deep inside me.I had gotten ready for my date after I got off work. It was a Friday night. He liked his men young and smooth. So I shit, showered, and shaved everything. Then...
Gay MaleHe closes the door gently, conscious of the hour and not wanting to disturb the other guest on this floor. He turns and she is standing in the entryway, back to him, looking over the room. He walks up to her, snaking his right hand around her waist, pressing against her. Before looking over her shoulder he takes a moment to inhale the scent of her hair. A hint of something floral, but it’s light and he lets the fragrance infuse him. Still holding her to him he glances about, to see what she...
"I feel a little strange about the way he massages me..." Kay, the mother, was getting ready for her bath, talking quietly with her husband Jim. He was behind her and she had been undressing. He was running his fingers down her bare back. He had showered and was now waiting for her to bathe and then join him for a hot adult sex scene in the bedroom. They stood outside the bathroom where the water was drawing in the bath and where, soon, she would call her son Sammy to come in and wash her...
"What is going on, have I tamed him so easily?" I thought to myself as I watched him slowly crawl through the small opening and into my bath. My heart raced within my chest as I watched his every movement as he made his way over to where I was sitting in the bath. "B-Blaez?" I whispered just before his moist lips smothered my own in a heated kiss. I then decided to take a chance, a stab in the dark as most would call it. I quickly gripped his hips and turned around, pinning his back...
Your room is softly lit by dozens of flickering candles. Their flames cast ever-changing shadows against the walls. Open French doors to the balcony allow the gentle night breeze to stir the curtains and bring the fresh scent of confederate jasmine inside. The stars are shining and the silvery moon is full. Night sounds create a background of harmony and peacefulness. Half submerged in your Victorian bath, frothy bubbles overflowing, you sigh contentedly as you dream of my touch. Sprinkled...
I come early to surprise you and although I call, you don't reply. I tiptoe up the stairs, avoiding the creaky third tread, I'm wondering if you are taking a nap, but then I stop in my tracks, and smile. I hear sounds of water splashing and know your in the bath. As I get closer I hear familiar moans and I smile to myself. I know my ever horny girl is playing! I creep up to the door, and hear you murmuring, "That's so good, please don't stop, you're making me cum. Keep going, keep going! Mmm,...
MasturbationMy name is Carol and I recently left my house. I’m eighteen, but a very young eighteen. I’m still in high school. In sixth grade, I was left back. I should have graduated already but I didn’t. The last few months have been very hard on me. My mother recently got a new husband. He’s an alcoholic and they’re always fighting. I really don’t like him very much. My mother really pays me no attention. This is her third husband. It’s always the same kind of a man that she attracts. I’m always very...
TabooI sat at the other of the bath looking at mum’s breasts, they were a little larger than mine and her nipples were much bigger, but the fact she was a 42 year old woman who had a baby she was in great shape, it made her more sexier than ever“Sweetheart, are you looking at my breasts again” she smiled at me,“Yes, I was thinking that someday I will have boobs as nice as yours” I remarked,Mum cupped them; she knew this would turn me on,“Mum likes you looking at her, particularly her breasts” she...
The steam bath looked to be empty. It's just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won't be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I've just come up from the beach, and I'm looking forward to some "me" time in the steam bath. It's wonderful! The steam is so...
LesbianIt was near 11:00 PM as I pulled into our driveway. I noticed some lights on upstairs so I naturally assumed that Mom had also ended her evening.When I reached the top of the stairs I could hear her humming softly. The light in her bedroom was on and the door was partly opened. It would be down right rude of me to go to bed without telling my mother goodnight so I eased up to the open door. No one was in sight, but the bed covers were turned back ready for use."Mom?" I called out softly."Hi...
There were once beautiful baths that existed in this world. Back when sexuality wasn’t hidden like a disease and the true beauty of the naked form and nature was something to be preserved instead of graffitied upon or covered.It lay next to the modern-day bath, a community swimming pool. It's mildly populated this afternoon. Couples, young and old, children splashing about, elders tanning themselves. Everyone enjoying the water and sun.I lay on my stomach in my black bikini and place my book...
HistoricalThis is my first submission, even though it is part two of a potential three. It relates an encounter that is based in reality. This part begins after a heavy game of touch football, I realize that I am attracted to my tomboy friend, Christine, and the feeling is more than mutual. I hope you enjoy this installation, entitled : the bath. * * * * * When I woke, I found myself in wholly unfamiliar terrain. I panicked for a moment, my senses telling me one thing while my mind rationalized my...
I was chatting on line with my friend Bill about similar childhood experiences we had growing up in a nudist home. Our conversation explored the many areas of our childhood. That's how we discovered how much we both loved bathing with and being bathed by our parents. I told Bill that I bathed with them, especially mom, well into my early teens. In fact the only reason we stopped bathing together was the lack of room in the tub. Mom, dad and I still share the bathroom. Bill told me his dad...
Back to the bath Hermione sat down in potions class her panties still missing, someone's took them from the library. Class started and harry asked her if she was ok. “Yeah i’m fine just a little shaken. “ “Did something happen?” “No, just I hooked up with a guy last night, and it was great but he's a dick.” she said pulling her collar, getting a look from draco. “How much of a dick?” “A moffly.” she said as another chain grows...
With 2 fingers Kate parted her pussy lips and groaned as the water rushed in, the heat of it making her want to cum right then. With the lips pulled apart she began to push her middle finger in and out, teasing herself, feeling her clit swell and her nipples harden. Kate had just thrust another finger into her hot pussy when she opened her eyes with a start and gasped. Standing over her, with a smile on his face and a bulge in his pants, was her neighbour, Josh. Frantically splashing around,...
Introduction: Two girlfriends get together for a hot bath We started with a bath tub full of warm water, but we could have just as easily started like the day before. With both of us wearing open bathrobes, me sitting on her lap, facing her, my arms around her neck, her hands inside my robe, my legs wrapped around her and the thin-backed chair that she sat on. Holding each other close, nipples to nipples, and gently kissing each others lips. Or like it did two days later, naked in my bed, warm...