Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 20
- 4 years ago
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Feb 2, 1857
I was back out with Dawn hunting again this morning. Everyone was surprised last night when my brothers managed to return before supper with a deer. Listening to them brag about their hunting success had me on the verge of tears trying to keep from laughing. I noticed amused looks on everyone else’s faces, too. It was nearly an hour later before my brothers even heard about the gun battle. They were once again sullen after hearing that.
Despite the early morning drizzle, Dawn and I managed two wild pigs and two deer today and were glad that we had started taking six mules with us. Once we left the loaded mules with the moving wagons, we were off again. They told us they would take a longer lunch today to deal with the two pigs. Mom said that my brothers went out hunting again today.
Later that afternoon I went to check out a small trail that led away from the road, hoping to find a campsite for the night. Instead, I found four wagons hidden in the trees half a mile from the road with the bodies of ten men strewn around the small clearing. Whoever robbed them didn’t take their clothing, but took their weapons and livestock. They even emptied a money belt one of the men wore, although they left the empty belt. They had left the tack for the wagons lying where it fell when the animals were unhitched.
All four wagons were loaded with coal. I was glad coal was difficult to start burning when I saw the partially burned tarps covering the wagons.
My two shrill whistles that meant “come” and “danger” brought Dawn a couple minutes later. Once she knew I was safe, she helped me move the bodies much farther away from the clearing. There had been enough rain today that it was impossible to tell how many attackers there had been or even which way they went. For a minute, I thought that the men who attacked us yesterday might have done this, but they were coming from the wrong direction. The condition of the bodies made me think that this had happened this morning while the dead men were hitching their animals to the four wagons, preparing for the day’s travel.
When the rest of our wagons arrived, we buried the men. Since they hadn’t attacked us, we buried them in their clothing. The men in our wagon train determined that the wagons were drivable, but the coal would have to dry out before we could burn it.
The rest of the trip to Independence was rainy and miserable with occasional snowfall. We even had one day with hail thrown in for good measure. The road was muddy but had been compacted enough that it only slowed us down by a day or so. My brothers began hunting every day, despite the foul weather, so Dawn and I cut back on how much we brought back.
When the wagons caught up with us each evening, we had firewood ready, although we had to use dry kindling and firewood from the cooking wagon to start the fires. Even then, it was difficult to start if it was still raining. My wives started dragging both Dawn and me into the wagon as soon as the wagons arrived. They stripped us down, and then dog piled onto us to warm us up with their body heat. Whoever was driving our wagon would take care of unhitching my six draft horses. Once we were warm, and after a lot of good-natured complaining from Penny and my wives about how cold they were now, Dawn and I dressed in dry clothes and rejoined everyone else.
I learned that the women had bought more canvas in St. Louis, and they began erecting awnings over the rear of the wagons in the evening so we could sit outside the wagons to eat without getting soaked. They also covered the coal loosely even though it was already wet. One of the drivers commented that coal must hold a lot of water, because the wagon was extremely heavy. The other three drivers agreed. Who would have known?
Feb 12
The weather must have sensed our mood because the rain broke and the sun came out. A rainbow framed our first view of Independence this morning.
Everyone not driving was out of the wagons as we rode into town. Mima claimed her favorite seat, in front of me as I rode Lightning. What I thought was Independence turned out to be Independence and Kansas City. The Kansas part of Kansas City was across the river from the Missouri part of Kansas City--strange. You’d think they’d call it Missouri City, although I guess there was already a city by that name. Several people who saw us told us that there were places across the river where wagons gathered before beginning the trip to California or Oregon.
They warned us to be careful, as those people had been there since last May, having missed the last wagon trains west, and were now desperate for food. When they learned that we were continuing to Council Bluffs, they directed us to places north of the city to spend the night.
Once we had the mules and horses unhitched, we all sat soaking up the sunshine, glad for a break from the rain of the last several days. The women didn’t even want to go into the city to shop, at least not today. We heard that the trip north should take about two weeks.
”Two weeks and we’ll be at our new home,” I thought excitedly. I couldn’t imagine how tired of travel the people who went to California and Oregon had to be by the time they got there.
Feb 13
The women did go shopping today and bought surprisingly little, mostly food. I, on the other hand, went crazy. I found twelve of the repeating rifles, nine more shotguns, six of the S&W revolvers, and fourteen more Navy Colt revolvers, plus more ammunition. I sold off the older rifles and revolvers.
Then I saw a strange plow at a feed and grain store. The man explained that it was a new, steel plow designed to till the prairie soil, cutting through the thick tangle of roots of the prairie grass. Older wooden plows broke quickly out here, and old iron plows required stopping every few feet to clean off the soil sticking to them. I bought all six of his plows. I also bought seeds for apple, peach, pear, and plum trees, as well as for blackberries and blueberries. I even grabbed several sacks of potatoes when he told me they would grow near Council Bluffs.
While I was shopping, Dad took the coal to the docks to sell. A company that provided firewood and coal for the steamboats was happy to buy it, and quickly had all four wagons empty. That was when Dad discovered what was making the wagons so heavy. Under the coal was a carefully constructed false bottom. Once they were away from the docks, he peeked beneath the boards and nearly shit himself. Each wagon carried a mix of gold, silver, copper, and lead ingots hidden beneath the false bottom.
The men who had attacked probably did so thinking the wagons carried gold and became discouraged when they only found coal. I had to admit, it was an ingenious way to hide the valuables; it fooled the robbers and it fooled us. Dad quickly replaced the false bottom and led the four wagons to our campsite. It was a good thing that I was sitting down when he told me.
That evening, we installed new hoops and covers on the four coal wagons, and loaded them with the plows and potatoes, adding the women’s purchases when they returned.
Feb 14
While everyone else enjoyed another leisure day of sun, I took the first ferry of the morning across the Missouri River and rode out to visit as many wagons as I could. Dad and Mr. Wilkes went with me, along with Emma. We visited forty-five families before dark, talking with them to see if we could get a feel for the type of people they were. Using covert hand signs, we voted on each family as to whether or not to invite them to join us. One no vote vetoed the entire family.
We already planned for the four of us to spend the night in a hotel on the Kansas side of the river. Tomorrow morning, we would ferry any families deciding to join us back across the river. Of the forty-five families, we invited twenty-seven, and all but three of those accepted our invitation. Their only other choice was to starve to death over the next two months or pray that they found enough game, or found a job, which wasn’t likely.
Feb 15
Once the families were across the river this morning, we bought simple food they could eat right away. An hour later, we arrived in camp where a huge breakfast awaited them. Dad had taken the first ferry this morning and warned them about how many people would be joining us. I was surprised when the three families who declined our offer showed up later in the day. They apologized but didn’t want us to think they were taking charity. I promised them that they would be working hard enough in a couple of weeks that they wouldn’t even be able to think about charity.
The women made one last trip into town for more food, and we planned to leave the next morning. At Dad’s suggestion, we loaded a good portion of our new food stores into the four coal wagons under the guise of more evenly distributing the load among the wagons.
Feb 16
I watched in amazement as our wagon train moved out in the morning. Once again, we had doubled in size, now numbering more than forty wagons. We really did have a legitimate wagon train. Once the last wagon was moving, Dawn, Penny, my wives, and I rode to catch up with the lead wagon. I nodded at Mingo as we rode by our wagon, which was the lead wagon. Mima waved excitedly at me. For some reason, Mingo took it upon himself to drive our wagon each day.
We followed the road as it led north or northwest. This road was better than the one from St. Louis to Independence and we made good time, reaching the outskirts of St. Joseph after only three days. There were enough people and settlements along the river that we only managed three deer in the three days. My brothers were beaming the day they shot a deer, and Dawn and I found nothing.
We also had a chance to get to know the families that had joined us in Kansas City. I overheard bits and pieces of the story of our trip so far retold several times, and by several different people. By the time we got to St. Joseph, I was sure the people from Kansas City would all stay and help, and not take off at the first chance.
Feb. 19
St. Joseph was as big as Independence and Kansas City combined. Since I heard in Kansas City that Council Bluffs was only half the size of Independence, I decided to buy more plows if I could find them. I had to go to several different stores, but finally found twenty-two of the new plows. These were even better than the ones from Kansas City as these had three blades on each plow instead of a single blade like the ones from Kansas City.
Naturally, I bought the repeating rifles, S&W revolvers, and Navy Colt revolvers I found. I also bought plenty of ammunition to train everyone how to use them, and, if we had to, still fight a small war afterwards. The roving bands of bandits in Missouri scared me, and I wanted to be ready if we ran into the same thing in Iowa. It was only through luck that none of us had been hurt in the two attacks.
When I finished buying everything else, I found the last items I was looking for--wedding bands for Flo and Madison, as well as a gold necklace with a locket similar to the ones I bought for everyone at Christmas. I even found four more boxes of beads for Dawn to show my appreciation for all the hours she had spent hunting and scouting with me, not to mention her leadership at the first battle in Missouri.
This time, even Dawn shed a tear when I thanked her in front of everyone and gave her the beads. Everyone else applauded. I gave my wives their gifts privately and they rewarded me privately.
Feb. 20
We were all excited when we pulled out this morning. The road was clearly marked and in good condition. There were clouds in the sky, but Dawn said it wouldn’t rain. We found one deer that we returned with before venturing out again. There were fewer farms and settlements once we were away from the city, but there was still little game aside from rabbits and birds.
We had a little rain on the third day, but it only lasted for an hour. The farther north we went, the better the hunting became. My brothers even came back with two deer one afternoon. Each evening, I could feel my excitement growing as we drew closer to our destination.
Feb 25
Mid-afternoon, I stood in my stirrups and shouted at the top of my lungs as I looked down on Council Bluffs. Even as I shouted my enthusiasm, I noted with a heavy heart that the area wasn’t anything like what I had envisioned. I had pictured endless miles of green prairie spreading east from the Missouri river.
The reality was a far cry from my vision. A narrow band along the river north and south of the city was under cultivation, although it wasn’t planted right now. To the immediate east of the city was hilly land. It was covered sparsely by what appeared to be a sickly, thinly populated forest. The complete lack of agriculture east of the city was proof enough that the land wasn’t suitable for growing crops.
The good news was that the opposite side of the river had a city nearly the same size as Council Bluffs. The land there was much closer to what I had pictured. It included what I would later learn was the Saratoga Bend of the Missouri River. There was a small town by the same name, one where many steamboats stopped.
Dawn obviously saw the disappointment on my face and saw where I was looking across the river. “Much better land,” she agreed, pointing to where I was looking.
“Yup,” I answered succinctly, and aimed my horse south towards the campsite that we’d chosen a mile back down the road. I figured we would make our grand entrance into Council Bluffs in the morning.
When the wagons arrived, I warned everyone about what I saw, and it put an obvious damper on what should have been an ebullient mood. Still, the relief that our journey was nearly over was palpable. My wives and I held our own private celebration before falling asleep.
Feb. 26
Our grand entrance into Council Bluffs was much subdued after everyone saw for themselves what I had seen the previous afternoon. The people we questioned in town agreed with my original assessment, including casting our lot in with the new city of Omaha across the river. The only downside was that Nebraska was still a territory, but we could live with that. By mid-afternoon, we had ferried over to Omaha and camped out just north of the city.
After sending five groups of men out in pairs to scout the area I’d pointed out from the rise above Council Bluffs, I had my parents, Emma’s parents, my wives, Penny, Tom and Dawn, and Mingo join me. We took the four wagons with the ingots in them, as well as my parent’s wagon and my family’s wagon, to a rise where we could see for more than a mile in every direction. Dad told everyone what he had discovered in the wagons. After everyone was breathing again, we proceeded to unload the goods hiding the false bottom in the first wagon.
We found a layer of wet cotton cushioning the top of the ingots, and another layer below them to keep them from rattling. Each ingot was stamped “10 lb.” The first wagon had five hundred pounds each of gold, silver, copper, and lead stashed in the false bottom.
We removed the gold and stashed it in my parent’s wagon, and then proceeded with the second wagon. The goods from the second wagon were loaded into the first, and we pulled up the false bottom.
When we were finished with all four wagons, we had found that each wagon was packed with five hundred pounds each of the four metals. Dad suggested it was that way so that losing one wagon would only mean losing a quarter of the more expensive metals. Losing the wagon with gold if it had all been on one wagon would have been devastating.
That left us with two thousand pounds each of gold, silver, copper, and lead. Mr. Wilkes did some calculations and thought the gold was worth over five hundred thousand dollars, depending on how pure it was. I had to sit down before my legs gave out. It was close.
“Does anyone want to guess how much land is going for here?” I asked. Nobody knew, and suggested talking to someone in town, as well as a few of the farmers scattered around the area we were looking at. Dad suggested talking to Mr. Franklin since he managed one of the banks in town back home.
We split the gold between my wagon and my parent’s wagon. One of the wagons with ingots had been mostly emptied of ingots, the remaining ingots having been transferred into the other three wagons. After refilling the final wagon with the goods we took out, we headed back to camp.
We found Mr. Franklin and asked his opinion about the price of the land here. “With the collapse of the economy, it should be pretty darn cheap. I saw entire farms sold for ten dollars. People can’t afford to pay off their notes and the banks had to foreclose, and then sell the property for whatever someone offered. They’re desperate to sell because nobody is buying,” he explained.
That was definitely encouraging. I was so excited that I could hardly eat dinner, but had no problem scratching my wives’ itch before going to sleep.
Feb 27
In the morning, everyone was assigned to a work crew. One crew would roughly lay out a small town. The streets would be extra wide, as would the lots. Once we got enough lumber, we would begin building houses. Meanwhile, several work crews were to cut trees from along the river to make a temporary corral for our livestock, especially the pigs; I still couldn’t believe they all survived the trip.
Other crews began cutting down trees to build two barns. The first would be to store the supplies remaining from our trek, emptying the wagons so they could be used for other things and to make sleeping in them more comfortable. The second barn would be for the livestock. I hoped we would be able to buy enough lumber that we didn’t have to build everything with logs.
Dad, Mr. Franklin, Mr. Wilkes, and I took the two wagons with the gold ingots into town. We were lucky because Omaha was the capital of the Nebraska Territory, so we didn’t have to go far to find the land office.
The poor clerk nearly passed out when we told him what we wanted, and had to find the town dignitaries, including the Territorial Governor William Alexander Richardson. When Mr. Franklin explained how much land we wanted to buy, there was an audible gasp from nearly everyone in the room. Their first concern was to ensure that we would NOT be using slaves. Dad assured them that the Negroes with us were all free men and women, here of their own volition, and we would pay them a fair wage to work for us.
Then the politicians began doing what they do so well. They tried to make us pay much more than we should have. After listening to the bickering for half an hour, I stood up. “I’m sorry that we wasted your time, gentlemen. Given what I was led to believe about the sad state of the economy, I thought you would be happy to sell us the land at a reasonable price. After all, we will be hiring hundreds of workers, including probably every able-bodied man in Omaha who is currently out of work.
“In addition, we would be purchasing hundreds of wagon loads of construction material, supplies, and whatever else the women decide we need. I guess we need to go back to Kansas City. That’s the most likely spot for the railroad to the west to begin, and they didn’t try to overcharge us for the land,” I lied with a dramatic sigh as I turned for the door. Dad and Mr. Franklin followed me.
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Sunday When I commed Cooper after breakfast, he had both Red and Blue Squads ready to pick up where we left off Friday. There were no new danger vectors from Chongqing so we headed north. I’d already taken second vectors to complete the vectors for the rest of China. I hugged and kissed my wives goodbye as the Talons began arriving to take my family home. The Mistresses of the Dragon stayed here and I had instructions from Sally to make sure Zan, Nuo, Wei, and Jia were pregnant since that’s...
I pulled her to me and wrapped her in my arms. “It feels so good to be able to officially call you my girlfriend, even though you’ve unofficially been my girlfriend for as long as I can remember. I get the feeling that everyone expects us to make our relationship more permanent than that soon.” “How do you feel about that?” she asked nervously. I gave her the only possible answer I could think of. Dropping to one knee, I asked, “Sally Anne Phillips, will you marry me in the not too distant...
On a mid-May Friday, my wives boarded the AN-158, insisting that I join them. They wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I still had no idea what was going on when we arrived at the hotel in Lexington and they had me change into one of my tuxedos. “Will someone please tell me what we’re doing?” I asked. “You’re making us happy,” Jan replied. Two hours later the women were dressed as stylishly as I was, and we climbed into the waiting party bus. I finally realized where we were going when...
Saturday I was surprised when all the women went to sleep last night at the same time I did. I knew that Helga had to get up early today, but they all went to sleep. Helga got up about 0300, explaining that she wanted to get an early start so she could get the crab and the crawfish to the farmers market early. I was surprised when Sally, Dana, and Kristen went with her. “Make sure everyone is strapped onto their sled securely,” I reminded Helga. “Hurry back to us,” Sally said emotionally as...
Saturday April 2 Ten of my wives, and our reporter and cameraman, joined me as we flew to Yellowstone this morning. We’d reserved a large cabin since we’d be there for at least two or three days. After making a quick stop on the way, we uncloaked about five km from the main ranger station, slowing down to normal grav sled speeds as we followed the road. “Can I help you?” the young ranger at the desk just inside the front door asked automatically as he looked up at us. “Oh,” he said when he...
Wednesday General Conklin was eating breakfast in my suite again when I exited my bedroom. “Any plans for today?” he asked. “Not if you have something I need to do. Otherwise, I felt it would be a good idea to start checking the numerous small feelings of danger that I still get. They feel like the ones I got from the people we rounded up in Nicaragua after capturing the rebels,” I explained. “That definitely sounds like something we need to do. I think I can help with the transportation...
Sep 27, 1857 Captain Roberts and the Iowa Dream arrived nearly on schedule. I met the boat at the docks to make sure we had room for our cargo and rooms for all nine of us. When he heard what we were transporting, Captain Roberts had us load it after dark, and leave several of our men aboard to guard it overnight. He agreed that the Mint in New Orleans was the best place to sell it, even the copper. He had sold everything to the Mint the time I stayed behind to take care of the pirates in...
With time on my hands before this afternoon’s classes on using the new grav sled, I found Commander Ferguson and spoke with him. Twenty minutes later the guards at the hastily thrown together prisoner compound let me enter. “I’d like to speak with everyone if you would gather them together,” I told the closest of the rebel leaders, glad that I was fluent in Spanish. “Why?” he asked suspiciously. “Because I believe many of you have legitimate complaints about things that happened before the...
Sunday Someone did laundry yesterday, so I packed the clothes I would take to Fort Bragg tomorrow. I had a feeling that things with the military would start happening quickly now and warned Sally. With my stuff stored aboard my grav sled, I went back inside for breakfast. With so many women working in the kitchen, I veered into the living room and found Don, with Giselle curled up happily on his lap. I almost said something, but as soon as I sat down, Caitlin claimed my lap. “Mom, can I...
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I wound my way through the foggy course, surprising another safety person at the midway point. I was also pleased at how well I could see everything. Even though I could mentally see it already, what I was starting to think of as my “Jim sense” warned me about the trip rope stretched across the trail. I easily avoided it, as well as the sand pit that would have broken my pace and slowed me down. Finally clearing the fog course and startling the safety person at the end of the course, I faced...
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Walt entered the kitchen and looked at me appraisingly. “You okay? I heard you were next door, staring off into space.” I could hear in his voice that he was concerned. “So much weird shit happening today, but mainly I’ve been worried because one of the rescued girls did everything but proposition me in front of one of the shrinks and my girls. Chloe and Marisa told me not to worry about it, they all understood, so I’m fine,” I answered. “I can’t keep one woman happy,” he chuckled. “While...
Dec 3, 1857 We arrived in Omaha shortly after noon today. The rest of the afternoon was another tumultuous, continuous, parade of wagons taking people to Libertyville. When the initial wagons returned, I noticed that the wagon drivers were all Negroes, probably to help make our new additions more relaxed. I was glad to find Emma and Wendy doing well, as well as Emma’s and my son, Jim Jr., and Wendy’s and my daughter, Violet. Nathan and his mother held an emotional reunion. We had enough...
Monday My com’s alarm woke me at 0430 so I could join the troops in the mess hall by 0530. After showering with Idania, I made sure to check my boots before putting them on. We woke the rest of the women, warning them to check their shoes, even though I had already scanned them. Gina and Jackie both squealed in fright and jumped back on the bed, even though my mental check of their shoes turned up nothing. I gave everyone a kiss goodbye. “Work with Idania on her English,” I reminded the...
Tuesday The dogs seemed to be waiting for me this morning, which reminded me that I needed to get their handlers set up with more permanent housing. I was in the doorway watching their coursing game when a pair of arms slipped around my waist. “I’m trying to learn to get up at the same ungodly hour that you do,” Jan sighed. “Never happen,” I chuckled. “You girls would have to stop your late-night fun far too early in order to get up at this hour,” I reminded her. “True, but you are the...
“Okay, as I’m sure you already know, my fiancée told me to give you whatever you want. I know better than to disappoint my fiancée, so tell me what you’d like,” I told Mrs. Dunn when I ended the call, although her grin told me she already knew. Since the asshole was still unconscious, I gave him a fast-acting pain killer and then used one of the ammonia inhalants I brought from our family’s first aid kit and woke him up. It took him a few seconds for him to get his bearings and then he...
Friday Despite missing snuggling with my wives, I slept well and woke up just after 4:00 Riyadh time this morning. The Marine who was on duty let me into the gym so I could work out. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “The Saudis are crediting one of their Palace Guards who died with warning them about the attack.” “My ... idea,” I grunted between reps of the bench press. “I like to keep my name and face out of the news about actions I’m involved in,” I explained after finishing the reps. “The...
Coal and Adventure Mar 27, 1857 We left after an early breakfast this morning. Four Sioux warriors and Grey Fox accompanied our eleven wagons as we headed north. Chief Lone Buffalo told me it took four or five days to walk to the location of the coal. With the wagons, it still took four days, mainly because the trail wasn’t a wagon road and we had to cut down trees or clear rocks and fill in ruts where water had previously washed across the game trail we followed. We were exhausted when we...
An hour later, I crawled into bed. I was so tired that I even put off cleaning my weapon. Hell, the roosters were already mocking me that it was time to wake up to face another day before I got home. Late that afternoon, the FBI agent in charge of the raid called. “The U.S. Attorney General gave me two different figures for the land,” he said. “He says that, if you agree to work full-time for any federal law enforcement agency, the land is yours for ten million dollars. He doesn’t even need...
Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...
Once the girls were on their way, Uncle Don went over the reports with me. He explained that adding more milk cows would require a bigger pasture. Several of the college courses I took over the last two years were farming related. I suggested planting the pasture with alfalfa and Timothy grass and using portable fencing to section the pasture off into five fields, rotating the cows through the fields for a year and then tilling everything under. The manure and alfalfa would increase the yield...
Sunday It’s creepy having to shake out your boots before you put them on in the morning, lest you discover the hard way that a scorpion or venomous spider had taken refuge in one of them during the night. While I could “see” that nothing was in my boots, I followed the ritual anyway. I even mentally checked the boots of everyone else. I’d have warned them if I found anything, but left it to each of them to check their own boots. So far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the weather. I...
Thursday We were awake early enough to eat a good breakfast and then reach Fort Bragg just before reveille. They had commed us yesterday and asked us to be back by their breakfast. The two teams that went with me had to run through a strafing and bombing range to test their proficiency with the 10 mm automatic rifles, and other weapons systems on the grav sleds. The rest of us broke up into groups. Each group reviewed all the intel available for their target. I met the troops going with me...
* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...
The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...
Hi, I'm Jim Part Two By Virginia Kane 1. I still can't believe what the "specialist" my transition doctor brought in to perform my latest feminization procedure did! To all intents and purposes, my groin now resembles a woman's mound! Sure, sure, my little cock had shrunk to less than half its original meager length it was before I began my feminization hormone regimen six months earlier, but I still enjoyed having Jim...
I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...
Hi, I'm Jim! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My wife was out of town on business again with her new employer, so I had the entire weekend to express my alter ego. While I was still at home, I had put on my...
Jim woke up the next morning feeling a little light-headed. The bed-sheets were twisted and matted, he had one leg hanging off the side of the bed and was lying diagonally. Next to him was Jenny, his mother. She was naked as was Jim, she had a bit of the sheet covering one side of her, but it wasn't doing much. Jim could still see her beautiful pussy and her pert breasts. Her face was very angelic as she slept, even the fact that her hair was knotted and damp with cum didn't take that away from...
I got a call from Jim the day after our liaison at the layby, it quiet surprised me as I thought it would be a one off due to him being married. I've had multiples of married men in the past that say they'll phone you and never do, doesn't really bother me I quiet understand that their horny and looking for a quick release and when that's over they've got wives to return home to, occasionally one will contact me, it's fine by me I get as much out of it as they do, so everyone's happy.Anyway...
It was a hot spring day. Jim Smitherson sat at his desk impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.All he could think about was how much he wants to go home.Jim stands at 5'9 with red hair and blue eyes. He has an 8-½ inch cock.He wasn't paying much attention to the teacher. Instead, he was too busy looking out the window at the cheerleaders.He noticed his sister Jane, practicing her routine. He watched her as she did a perfect cartwheel. He then suddenly felt his cock come to life in his...
Jim drove the car out of the driveway and started towards town. He glanced over at his mother. She looked like a whore in her tight top, short skirt and clearly visible stockings. Neither of them spoke as Jim drove down the road in the direction of the main town centre. Jenny sat quietly, looking directly forward with her hands placed delicately on her lap. Jim often glanced over to look at her once more, he still couldn't quite believe what was happening but he was sure going to get the most...
Jim had trouble concentrating. His mind was to preoccupied with everything that was going on at home to pay attention to the ramblings of his history master. His father had run away with his secretary and left him and his mother alone. It wasn't as if he had abandoned them into poverty or anything like that. They had a nice house with a pool; his father had been a successful barrister; his mother had been working part time and had saved so they weren't short of cash. They were perfectly...
Jim was sitting on his patio enjoying his morning coffee at home for a change. He thought how much he loved watching the newly risen sun streaming through the trees and making the dew glisten. He knew he needed to start working but this was his favorite time of the morning. He could listen to the stream that bordered his yard chuckle it's way past the yard on its way to the swimming hole. He smiled when he remembered how much fun he had as a child swimming in the hole with his friends. His...
Jim woke early the next morning. It was still dark outside. Jim lay there for about ten minutes wondering whether it had all happened like he thought or was it just a dream. He needed to find out one way or the other. He got out of bed and walked slowly and quietly towards his mother's bedroom. The door was locked from the outside just as he remembered. He turned the key in the lock slowly and carefully trying to make as little noise as possible. He then pushed the door open slowly and peered...
* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...
Janie and Jim were related, but only vaguely so. Janie’s mom was married to Jim’s dad, so technically, there were brother and sister, just not blood related. Jim was eighteen and Janie was almost eighteen, falling behind Jim by about three weeks. They had both lived under the same roof for about five years, the time that their respective parents had been married. Each had their own room and each had their own set of friends. They seemed totally different in everything. Jim was a jock and Janie...
First TimeJim finished her spanking and surprisingly Kate didn’t get up from his lap right away. He was pleased Kate took her punishment well. Kate didn’t make a sound as the tears fell from her face. Jim really had to admire her for that….admire her as well as love her. He took no pleasure in spanking her but honestly felt that Kate needed a strong hand to keep her in check. Just as Jim finally admitted to himself that he needed a woman to love, to truly love and share his life and thoughts with. ...
Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should write. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....
Jim and I were relaxing on the back patio, sipping our cocktails to the soothing sound of the waterfall as it trickled into our backyard pool. It was mid-June, but the weather had not yet turned brutally hot. In a matter of weeks, it will be too hot to enjoy our patio like this, but tonight the weather was perfect.I took a sip of my chardonnay and said, “I was looking over my Lushstories profile page today during lunch…”“At work?” Jim interrupted with a slightly disapproving tone. Jim was...
Straight SexChapter 1Being the first day for the new administrator, the main office is a little tense. Lisa sees Jim Smith walking down the hall, and she hopes that nothing happens to place a bad reputation of this institution. She knows that Jim will learn that the students are not going to get further than this, but then some may go on. Jim greets those in the office, being just Lisa and Connie at present. Lisa does show him his office, as Debbie and Sara enter the office. Lisa knows that those two are...