Emails and Texts Seduction carnal desires uncommitted sexual play
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
TO - Master
FROM - Night Nurse
i am pleased that you enjoyed my latest report. As to your punishment, it has been carried out; my nipples (and the area round them) are still a little sore as are my pussy lips. My mirror is adorned as you instructed and it will remain that way for a week.
i am working hard on the story; about five pages have been written so far and i hope to have more done overnight if it remains quiet.
It is a shame that no comments have yet been received at the Group. i look forward to reading them when they arrive. Are you planing to organise a discussion in the Chat Room? i suppose that a set time would have to be organised...
i remain your slave,
Night Nurse
TO - Master
FROM - Night Nurse
Please find attached my new story. i hope it pleases you.
(Other readers can find the tale "A Night on The Wards" stored elsewhere on this site)
TO - Night Nurse
FROM - Master
I don't know if it's my imagination but you seem to be getting progressively better with each story.
What I particularly like is the way your stories end. You have the wonderful ability to leave your reader wanting more. Rather than concluding a story, you set up a final paragraph so that it allows the story to continue in the readers own imagination. In your first story it was the lesbian guard and now in your second story you leave your readers with the ingeniously thought out predicament of a sacrificial lamb being thrown to the wolves. Fan-Fucking-Tastic Night Nurse. And I mustn't forget to mention the best line that I have ever read in any erotic story "I offered this lonely organ some shelter..." You really are quite exceptional imagination Night Nurse, not to mention Naughty.
The story will be posted in the files section of our group.
You will be pleased to know that it is your Masters birthday on the 20th of this month. With that in mind I want you to think long and hard with regards to what your present will be.
I have spoken. I am your Master. You will obey...
TO - Night Nurse
FROM - Master
For your next assignment you will go back to the sex shop and then to the movies (if nothing else I'm getting you out and about).
You will wear your most vulgar whore outfit inclusive of knickers and bra (make sure your underwear is cheap and nasty). Your handbag will contain your butt plug and a dildo or better still a vibrator and a small container.
When you enter the sex shop give the assistant an obviously inviting smile and a wink of your eye. Go through the curtain and wait in the back. When the coast is clear, if the assistant has not already sniffed you out then call him over. Explain to him that your Master has sent you here once again but this time to be punished. Inform him that you first need to be spanked and then lightly whipped across your buttocks, concluding with the insertion of the butt plug using sticky tape to secure it. If he is willing to do this task then his reward will be a free hand job. You will collect his spunk in the container. Thank the man and leave.
Before you go to the cinema you will call for a quick drink. Whilst still at the bar you will open your container and pour the spunk into your drink from a height, elongating it as you do. Then drink your cocktail.
Now it's off to the pictures. For your own good I would advise you to watch an unpopular film. Whilst sitting uncomfortably in the dark you will take off your knickers. That was the easy part. Now you will take off your bra. You should now be sitting dressed in only your skirt and blouse. Hitch up your skirt to cunt level and fully open your blouse. Take out your dildo or vibrator and insert it into your mouth. Then feel free to masturbate. When leaving go to the ladies and take out your butt plug. You guessed it, next you will wash it in the sink. When leaving the cinema find an employee and give him your knickers explaining that someone has left them behind, but before handing them to him, bring them to your nose and take a deep sniff. Then give them to him along with a flyer and with a twinkle in your eye say they smell of Night Nurse.
Have fun my little slut.
I told you it would get progressively more difficult.
I have spoken. I am your Master. You will obey...
TO - Night Nurse
FROM - Master
Group Assignment number 2 is not to be attempted in full. You will not have to endure a punishment at the sex shop neither will you drink his spunk.
Needless to say I got a little carried away with your task. I want your assignments to be fully practical with no real danger or risk to health.
That is all.
I have spoken. I am your Master. You will obey...
TO - Master
FROM - Night Nurse
Your words of praise with regard to my writing make me feel so warm inside. Thank you so much. i am pleased that you enjoy my work. Leaving a reader hanging like i do is an old writing trick, most often used at the end of a chapter. This is because most readers think that they'll stop at a chapter's end but if a cliff-hanger is set up, they either keep reading to find out what happens (the 'I Couldn't Put This Book Down' syndrome) or they happily do stop reading and then try to figure out what will happen next themselves. i'm also pleased that you liked 'that' line. i was rather proud of it, myself...
Tuesday is my day off this week and so i am about to take myself off to town. i've decided on a slightly different outfit this time and i have taken into account your instructions and adjusted my attire accordingly. i started off with a really cheap black thong, the sort that come in packs of three from the street market. i matched this to a cheap black bra along with suspender belt and stockings. Over the top i'm wearing a thin white blouse so that the bra shows through quite clearly. i've selected a denim skirt which is longer than i would normally describe as whorish but it is one of those that buttons all the way down the front. i normally wear it with only the bottom two buttons undone but today i have only done up the top three. Having checked myself in the mirror, i know that this means that i show off a goodly amount of thigh each time i take a step... and when i sit down, if i don't do anything about it, both halves fall away and show of a flash of panty. i've been a bit overly heavy with the make up and i've used bright and vivid colours. i'm now setting off for the sex shop.
i'm now sitting in a bar of the cinema with a well earned drink in front of me. i've had to select the seat with the thickest padding for reasons that i will shortly describe. i've bought a ticket for Billy Elliot - i chose this film for two reasons, one being that i want to see it and the other because i reckon it's been out for so long that it's not going to be that popular anymore. (Rugrats In Paris, on the other hand, looks like it's standing room only with all the ankle biters being on school holiday and all.) Anyway, my film doesn't start for awhile so i have some time to type.
i arrived at the sex shop and went in. The assistant clearly recognised me because he smiled and nodded his head towards the area behind the bead curtain. i returned his smile and went in and waited while he finished off serving. When the shop was empty, he came back through the curtain and told me he was pleased to see me again. i murmured my thanks and then told him that i needed his help. He said that he didn't 'do' help unless he was paid... but, on the other hand he had a pal who wanted to meet me anyway. He then took me into a back room that clearly served two functions, one as a storage area and the other as a seating come tea-room. Here he introduced me to a man who was sat there smoking and drinking a cup of coffee. Seems that this man, who is called Paul, had picked up one of my papers after my previous visit and who has joined the list. He seemed quite surprised to having met me so quickly. He offered me a cup of tea and asked what he could do for me. Whereas before this i was only going to explain about the butt plug, i now decided to mention the spanking too. He smiled and said he'd be pleased to help. My heart sank a little - i'd half been hoping that he'd turn me down. Paul then shut the door and told me to remove my skirt. Rather embarrassed, i started to do what he said but i was a little slow so Paul chastised me and told me to go faster. After i'd done that, he looked me over for a bit before telling me to bend over and to clasp my ankles. He didn't tell me to remove my knickers because, i suppose, being thong backed, my buttocks were effectively bare anyway. Then he asked how many slaps my Master had told me to ask for... to which i said that you hadn't actually mentioned a figure. Paul looked very dubious about this and asked if i was sure. i said i was and he told me that he'd give me 'six of the best' as that was traditional but if he found out that i'd lied (and he would know from reading the group site) then i would really be in trouble. Confidently, i stuck to my guns... and then noticed, out of the corner of my eye that Paul was holding a cane! i immediately protested that you'd said smacked... to which he said that he preferred a cane and that was just tough luck on a slut like me. i swallowed and braced myself. Christ, but it hurt when the first one landed. i stayed in position but a nasty word did slip out! Paul then paused before asking, "Well?" i didn't understand what he was talking about for a moment and then it dawned - in stories that i'd read with characters in this situation they always had to thank their master or mistress for administering each blow. i apologised and explained that i'd only recently started my training and finished by saying, "Thank you, Paul." (i wasn't going to call him Master as you are my Master, Master.) Satisfied then, Paul landed a second blow on my other buttock. And so it went on for all six. At the end, i had not changed my mind about pain - at that level i just don't like it and how anyone can find it erotic escapes me. Paul then allowed me to straighten up and rub my stinging arse for a few moments before ordering me to bend down again. He then greased up my plug and my bum (i liked that bit) before quickly and efficiently inserting it up my arse. This hurt a little more than usual as i normally take my time and ease it in bit by bit whereas he managed it in only three or four hard thrusts. Paul told me to stand up so i asked about the tape. He smiled and told me that he wouldn't do that. "If you really are devoted to Master," he said, "you'll learn to keep it in on your own without artificial aids." i smiled a worried smile.and agreed.
He then asked about his payment. i played dumb and asked what he meant. "I helped you, slut... now it's your turn to help me. Kneel down..." i did as i was told while Paul unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. It was pretty obvious what he wanted so i took hold of him and started to lick up and down with the tip of my tongue. Once he'd stiffened up enough, i opened my mouth and wrapped my lips round him. i then gave him a good blow job and he was gentlemanly enough to withdraw just before he came, spraying his spunk all over my face rather than down my throat. He helped me up and told me to clean myself off in the toilet and put my skirt back on again. We then spoke for a few moments before he mentioned that he would look forward to reading about this on the site (hi, Paul!) and i left.
Which brings me back here and my aching arse - both internally and externally. i've got a nice glass of chilled wine next to me so i'm going to put you down so that i can have a drink then re-read your orders. Once in the auditorium, i won't be able to see the computer screen so i also won't be able to type until later.
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xmoviesforyouIt was cold kneeling there on the concrete floor of the basement. Cold and dark, due to the blindfold she wore. She knelt there, waiting for her Master to come home. She fondly remembered His email message. Master would always email her at lunchtime to ask her how her day was going, if she had finished the chores He had given her and to check to make sure she was "being His good girl". Today's lunchtime email was special though. He had given her instructions for when He got home: Sparkle, I...
Introduction: This is the third chapter of the second series. Im not quite sure yet if there will be 6 chapters to this series or not, but it will most likely be in that ballpark. This is also more of a buildup episode, but hopefully it doesnt dissapoint. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. Ughh sweetie! This is why mommy told you to pack last night! I screamed frustratingly at my daughter. Now here I was, sifting through her little suitcase at 7 in the morning, trying to find and...
I have had a bad day at work. A child died because of me. I couldn't save him. I left the operating theater with my head in my hands. One drunk driver and now I had the thankless task of telling his parents I could not reattach his aorta to his heart. He literally died of heartbreak, and now his parents will too. It is moments in life like this that make me question everything. All I want to do is go home and give you a kiss to let you know how much I appreciate the small fragile time that we...
Straight SexHi I am Radha . Typical south Indian housewife. This is a real incident happened 2 years before when I was 35 old. Now I’m 37 old. Telling about me I’m 5.7 tall . I’m 32 32 34. Slim with little big ass. To be frank to say I’m a dream aunty for everyone. I don’t look aged also. I can easily dress into homely dresses like saree and modern dresses t-shirts and jeans. But I don’t dress vulgar. Coming to the story. I reside in Chennai. I have to attend my cousins wedding in Delhi. Husband couldn’t...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: All sex is between characters over 18. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are times when I love the travel that comes with my job, and there are times I don’t. I travel every week, more or less, getting to be home every weekend. On the plus side: Seeing new cities, visiting different companies and helping them with their tech problems, getting them solved and then moving on. Meeting new people. Frequent flier miles that let you take great vacations inexpensively,...
Hi friends this is my first story please bear with mistakes and give your valuable feedback @ this my mail id interested females can do sex chat with me. I am right this story in telugu Hi guys nenu ie sex story lo naa 18 years age lo jarigina oka incident valana nenu ela maaripoyaano meeku chepthaa. Memu vizag lo oka flat lo vuntunaam. Nenu na dad na mom kalasi akkada vuntunaam. Memu eppudu ma flats lo jarige functions ki vellam. Maa flat lone ekkuvaga gaduputhu vuntaamu. Maa flats pakkana oka...
Slow Comfortable Screw Lillian, a nice lady in our church had an emergency operation and had to stay on bed rest for six to eight weeks. Several of us in the church signed up to take turns checking in on her and seeing to her needs. We were one of the first couples to visit her and that was when she requested us to visit her husband in prison. We didn’t even know that her husband was in prison. She told us the necessary information and then she whispered more information to my wife,...
My husband had left for a "weekend with the guys" before I made it home from work on Friday. I dress casually for work on Fridays and this day I was wearing a low cut blouse and mini-skirt. To make myself more comfortable, I kicked off my high heels and removed my garter belt and hose. I poured myself a glass of pop and flipped through my mail. All junk. I went into the kitchen and tackled the dirty dishes. If I didn't do anything else productive this weekend, at least the dishes were done....
I woke up and she said that its my birthday I can have any thing I want then she lifted up the blanket and her daughter was naked and she said she gave her something to sleep and then she moved her so she was laying next to me and she opened her legs wider so I could see her fanny and she said that she has to go out and get stuff ready for tonight so she left and I packed a pipe and smoked it and I was looking at her fanny and I rubbed it and opened her lips and stuck my tongue in her fanny and...
I always wanted to play the part of an adult movie producer, but I never had the guts to try anything of the sort in real life, until recently.I had rented an office in a small office park to sell my services as I an insurance sales representative. I was slow to hang out my shingle identifying myself and that’s when I decided to try something different, just to see how far I might be able to take things.I had my office well decorated with a large mahogany desk and some nice high back...
OccupationsMy dad's birthday was coming up on the weekend, and I was trying to think of some way to make it special. He did so much for me. He always made me happy too. He had taken such good care of me since my mom left. I really had no money other than what my daddy gave me. So I couldn't buy anything. I should've known, my daddy always had something in mind. My dad took me out to dinner, and we had fun as we always did. After dinner we went for a little drive. We drove about 30 minutes. It was on...
This story is a stand-alone one about how Jeff Trumbull, from The Real Me, became Mary. One does not need to read the first story to enjoy this one. For a change, Alistair "Ace" Trumbull woke up early on a Saturday. He was a good husband and good father, but he liked his weekend lay-ins. His wife, Meredith, was more than fine with it because her man deserved the rest. Her Al was a hard worker. He worked on the Southampton dock. A hard drinker, Ace was a regular at The Griffin and The...
"Man, I can't believe this is happening to us," Wendy Branch said to Sarah Mitchell, someone she'd only known for a couple of hours but already felt was closer to her than her own sister. "I know what you mean," Sarah responded. "My whole life was changed in a single moment, in just the amount of time it takes to make eye contact with an angel." Alex had asked Wendy about her name after they'd met earlier, and she'd sighed. "My father was always a practical joker, he wanted to...
I would like to tell you of a great experience I had recently. It was the day I plucked up the courage to visit a Lady who gave make-overs to TVs like me. I had discovered her while on the internet and I was so impressed with the photographs of some of her 'ladies' I decided I must make an appointment for some pampering. So after several attempts to pluck up the nerve to email her I did just that and was very pleased to receive a reply with a telephone number. After some trepidation I...
The days couldn’t go by fast enough as I patiently waited for the last weekend of October. While crossdressing on Halloween seemed all too cliché, Missy and I had collaborated on quite an outfit that undoubtedly would be my most outlandish and revealing look yet. Missy and her friend Laura had decided that a trio of slutty pirates would be the perfect opportunity for Jenni to make her college campus debut. Missy said she was up for the challenge to make me undeniably passable as long as I was...
CrossdressingThe great sea, truly a spectacle of beauty and majesty. You know, if you ever actually found something in it to look at. For the time being it was nothing but just blue ocean waves. Yes, occasionally you’d find an island to restock supplies on, but those were few and far between. You have no idea when you’d be able to even FOUND the kingdom of new hyrule… even if you did, you only barely had any ideas about what you’d do once you got there. Presumably once you found a big enough island, you’d...
"When we last left off Hinata FINALLY admitting she loved Naruto. He loves her as well but they cannot be together. The clan rules state that in order to marry the hier Hyuuga, you must win a 5 stage tournament. Then the ceremony will take place after the preperations are made. Married For Life." Hinata cried herelf to sleep that night, knowing full well that her father had to call a tournament when she announced that she was in love. She thought of a way for her and Naruto to be...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 8: Storm This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. "She didn't take my crown away," Alejandra protested to Dianna. "I allowed her to have it. I wanted her to be the Empress. And I wanted to be the Princess working with her behind the scenes. I arranged for...