Lucky Jim 1-FirehairChapter 8: New Orleans free porn video

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Apr 22-29

We encountered far more traffic on the lower Mississippi River than on the Missouri. With the wider, more traveled river, our boat continued traveling at night since the moon was full enough to provide some light. After eight continuous days aboard the boat, I was eager to be back on solid ground, able to move around and go places without worrying about missing the boat if I delayed too long making purchases in town. As it was, I had already sent back enough building supplies to fill the warehouses--twice--and had even more on order for future delivery.

I had thought St. Louis was a big city; New Orleans was monstrous, especially the waterfront, which took up both sides of the river. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the Iowa Dream still docked. Once we debarked, we hired a wagon to take our luggage and us to the Iowa Dream. Captain Roberts wasn’t there, but his new first mate supplied us with his address and directions to his house. The carriage we had hired gladly took us there.

The entire trip to his home, I was rubbernecking, trying to see everything at once. Captain Roberts’ home was a beautiful building, and his wife was quite attractive. She was obviously proud of her husband and lit up when he introduced me to her. “You’re Lucky Jim?” she exclaimed excitedly, hurrying over to hug me. We were invited to stay at their house and have dinner with them. It was odd seeing Negro servants in his home, but he assured me that they were happy, well treated, and paid for their work. He also teased me about being up to six wives now. I riposted that we could use another wedding ceremony once we were underway.

“Jeb,” he called one of the male servants over, “this is the man I told you about,” he said; the servant’s eyes widened in surprise.

Captain Roberts asked about our adventure and we told him all about it. He was incensed to learn that the Black Night had shipped escaped slaves and Free Negroes to slave markets to sell. He actually applauded when I told him what I told Captain Nadeau to do with any of the Black Night crew who misbehaved. “I tried three times to get Nadeau a boat, but someone else always had a favor they called in and they had to hire a different person,” he lamented, glad that Nadeau had a boat now.

“Of course, I have no idea what to do with the boat once it reaches Omaha.” I admitted.

“Don’t worry about that,” he laughed. “He’ll pick up cargo and passengers and head south again. He’ll probably run from Omaha to St. Louis and back.”

When he asked how soon we would be ready to return, I begged off for a couple of days. I wanted to see what I could find to buy here and wanted to be able to wander around the city a little, too.

Apr 30 - May 1

In two days, I filled the better part of three boats with everything I bought, including tons of flour, corn meal, corn, wheat, and all kinds of food staples to help feed so many people for the next year. I also met Aaron, the mining engineer and hired him. He was excited to be given free rein with operating the mine.

Captain Roberts sold the remaining boat that was still in Kansas City, sight unseen, for seventy-five thousand dollars. The person who bought it had seen the boat when it was nearly new. The last night we were there, Captain Roberts took me to meet friends of his. When we left the home of his friends, I had papers making forty-six men, women, and children my slaves. Just before dawn, I had them shackled, for the sake of appearances, and driven in wagons to the Iowa Dream where we led them aboard. As soon as we cast off, the shackles came off.

May 2 - 18

The captain married us the first night after we left New Orleans. Technically, we should have waited until we reached the territories, but I was getting off in St. Louis.

I completed additional “transactions” with someone the Captain knew in several ports on the way north and brought aboard more slaves. By the time we reached St. Louis, I had two-hundred-seventy-three “slaves” aboard. We had almost no other passengers, and a few of the ones we did have gave me surly looks. I could live with that.

May 19

The day before reaching St. Louis, one man’s wife was giving me those surly looks. Then she walked calmly up to me and slapped me. “You shouldn’t even be allowed on the boat with decent people,” she hissed. My laughter set her off and she attacked, fists flailing and nails gouging. By the time we restrained her, she had drawn blood several times.

“You,” I growled at her surprised husband, “come with us,” I ordered, frog marching his wife towards our stateroom.

“Sit,” I ordered the woman as I pushed her towards the bed, watching her as she fell backwards onto the bed. She bounced back up, ready for round two.

She froze when she saw my fist cocked and the look on my face. “I ... said ... sit,” I growled, enunciating each word dramatically. When her husband saw my look, he collapsed into a nearby chair.

“I assume that both of you feel strongly about the slavery issue,” I commented, getting nods of agreement from both of them. “If it would save the lives of all the slaves aboard, would both of you refrain from talking to anyone about slaves, slavery, or me for two days?” I asked.

“You wouldn’t,” the man gasped. The woman was in tears.

“Yes or no?” I asked threateningly, looking each of them in the eye. Both finally agreed.

“Now, let me explain something to you,” I said in a lot more civil tone. “I’m taking them to Nebraska,” I said.

“Nebraska?” I repeated when neither reacted to the statement.

“But, Nebraska is mostly a free territory,” the man protested.

Smirking, I remained silent. “You’re going to free them?” the woman gasped finally.

“They’re already free. They are just pretending to belong to me, and I only have papers saying that they belong to me to protect them,” I explained. “If anyone else learns about it, we could be attacked or possibly arrested,” I warned.

“Oh, no, look what I did to you,” the woman wailed.

“Sit,” I growled again when she stood.

“You should go to Omaha,” the man suggested excitedly.

“Why Omaha?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

“There’s someone in Omaha who feels the same way, too. We were going there to find him, hoping to work with him,” he explained.

“Who is it?” I asked. I realized that I hadn’t spent much time there but felt my dad would have said something if he’d heard anything.

“Nobody knows his name, but he singlehandedly took on fifty armed slavers in Leavenworth and defeated them, freeing all five hundred slaves they had gathered illegally.”

“There were only eighteen men in the house, I had an Indian scout with me, and only rescued one hundred eight slaves,” I answered, correcting the greatly exaggerated story. Somehow, I managed not to laugh at the exaggeration.

“You?” the man gasped; I nodded.

“Although we did stop another group capturing steamboats as well as kidnapping free Negroes to raise money for the pro-slavery side,” Emma interjected.

“We saved five hundred more kidnapped Negroes destined for the slave markets and captured the boat used to transport them,” Flo added.

“Could you use an attorney?” the man asked.

“I have no idea,” I admitted. The man seemed to deflate at that comment. “If we do need one, we’ll let you know,” I offered. We finally introduced ourselves. The attorney was George Pate and his wife was Lydia.

Emma doctored my wounds--two scratches on my right arm, one on my left cheek, and one on the left side of my neck. Captain Roberts was aghast when he saw the scratches, but relaxed when he heard how it happened.

May 20

St. Louis was the northern extent of the contacts the captain had. Once I collected the final eighty-three slaves, I escorted them aboard the boat. My other wives hugged and kissed Madison and me goodbye; Captain Roberts shook our hands and wished us good luck. Aaron and two of the men he brought with him joined Madison and me as we watched the boat steam off. Then we turned towards town. There, I arranged a shipment of goods destined for Omaha. This shipment included more windows, galvanized pipe, pumps, bottling supplies, rope, chain, nails, and the other usual items. I ordered all the lumber I could buy, and six similar shipments to be sent every two weeks. I also bought a lot more food. Deciding that we would need them soon, if not already, I ordered and paid for two complete steam-powered lumber mills, a steam-powered gristmill, and a steam-powered flour mill. They should arrive in about four weeks.

Once I finished ordering everything, I bought a wagon and the mules to pull it. I also bought horses for us to ride and six pack mules, as well as a supply of food before we rode out of town. We made camp for the night several miles south of St. Louis.

May 21 - 23

For the first time since leaving Omaha, I woke up in the morning and went hunting. Madison wanted to go with me but had previously offered to be our cook on this trip. I reveled in being outside in the (almost) wilds again. I brought back a deer, hanging it on the hook I had installed at the back of this wagon the same way I had on our original wagon in Virginia. I definitely missed the braziers. With the lengthening days, we pushed ourselves and our animals, managing nearly twenty-five miles a day. Three days after leaving St. Louis, we arrived at the site of the coal mine in southeast Missouri.

Captain Roberts’ brother, Reuben, actually broke down and cried when we arrived and offered him a job. When he finally calmed down, he related the most recent problem. The same group that bought his mine had bought most of the mines in the county, mines that produced coal, copper, silver, lead, and gold. The owners had replaced the original miners with slaves between three and six months ago. The slaves were forced to work longer hours to produce more than the original miners had.

There was a lot of violence at first as the original miners sought revenge for losing their jobs. One of the new owners disappeared with the four wagons he was taking to St. Louis. The wagons were filled with thousands of pounds of gold, silver, copper, and lead ingots hidden beneath a load of coal.

Two weeks ago, Reuben was at the gold mine to borrow some fuse. That night, there was an explosion in the gold mine, killing the overseer and the supervisor, as well as all fifteen of the slaves who were working in the mine at the time. To cover his ass for letting two drunk men set up explosives in the mine, the foreman sent a report to St. Louis telling them that the slaves did it on purpose.

In reality, the manager and supervisor were drunk when one of the slaves had tried to explain about a problem inside the mine. Pissed off about their drinking being interrupted, the two men went into the mine, planning to set up a blast to clear away the problem. They were too drunk and did something wrong, setting off the blast prematurely, killing everyone inside the mine.

Now the owners were coming with a new crew of slaves, planning to hang the remaining slaves to set an example for the others. Reuben wanted to say something, but the foreman threatened his family if he said anything. The owners were due at the gold mine tomorrow and had already gone to the silver, copper, and lead mines to load the ingots that were ready to go to St. Louis. When they finished loading the gold ingots, they always came here to bury the ingots under coal to hide them.

I didn’t say anything right then but knew from personal experience that the subterfuge worked.

May 24

We left for the gold mine shortly before dawn, arriving two hours later. The owners were already there, and had the previous crew of miners shackled, standing in the back of wagons. The owners were in the process of warning the new group of slaves what would happen if they misbehaved and were getting ready to hang the slaves who had been there when the deadly explosion occurred.

“Stop,” I shouted as Reuben and I rode in. The others stayed back, taking cover in case things got nasty.

I noticed the scowl the foreman gave us when he saw Reuben. Once we dismounted, I told the owners what Reuben said happened. “Is that true?” one of the owners asked the foreman irately.

“I told you to keep yer damn mouth shut,” the foreman growled at Reuben as he went for his revolver. Reuben froze, but I didn’t. My S&W was out of the cross-draw holster before the foreman had his revolver cocked and my shot dropped him before he got a shot off. For a second, there was stunned silence, and then one of the guards for the wagons raised his rifle towards me.

A shot from the woods rang out, and the guard tumbled off his horse. What ensued could hardly be called a gunfight. Deciding that they had to avenge the death of one of their own, the guards tried. I managed to push a still-frozen Reuben behind a wagon as I defended us. Most of the guards fell to rifle fire from the woods. I shot one who managed to sneak around the wagons. The three owners were the last to die, dumb enough to pull guns and aim at us despite the fact that they were unharmed, even after their guards were dead.

“Shit, now what?” I thought to myself as I surveyed the carnage and checked on the downed men. Madison and the others rode in to help.

“Now what?” I asked aloud this time since I still hadn’t come up with an answer.

Reuben finally came out of his stupor and came up with an answer. “How many of you men want to stay here, and how many of you want to follow this man to a free territory?” he asked, pointing at me. “You know that you will be blamed for this, even though you had nothing to do with it,” he reminded them needlessly. “Anyone who doesn’t want to go with Jim, raise your hand,” he said. Nobody raised a hand.

I began directing people. “First, pull the wagons over to the smelter. Open the false bottoms and load all the gold. Be sure to spread it out evenly between the six wagons. The men who work in the smelter should help load the gold. The miners should strip these dead men and make a pile of their clothing and weapons. If they have money, give it to my wife for now. Once the men are stripped down, carry them into the mine far enough that we can collapse the mine shaft to hide them.”

The men who were with me began gathering any mules and horses not attached to the six wagons.

“Why six wagons? Didn’t they use four before this?” I asked Reuben.

“That’s how much harder they’ve been working the slaves,” he answered.

Once they stripped the bodies and carried them inside the mine, I had the miners begin bringing out any tools and equipment worth taking. They brought out every conceivable type of mining tool, as well as mining lamps. They also brought out several casks of black powder and six spools of coiled fuse. Molds for the ingots were brought from the smelter, and dozens of gold pans were brought from the stamping mill where the ore was crushed, and the gold separated.

The men loading the gold had a small problem. There wasn’t enough space left in the wagons to load all the gold. I had them take out lead until the gold fit, then put the extra lead on top of the false bottom.

Once the ingots and tools were loaded, we crammed any available food into the wagons, and then tried finding places for everyone to ride. We had the thirty replacement miners and fifteen surviving miners, as well as sixteen men who worked at smelting the gold and five more men who did odd jobs or filled in when someone was sick or injured.

Between the extra horses and mules, and the six wagons designed to carry the ingots, we easily had enough room for everyone, so I had them load as many of the mining tools as they could.

“What about the men from the coal mine?” Reuben asked.

“We’re taking them, too?” I asked, surprised.

“If we don’t, most of them will run away and will end up being caught and punished,” he said. Once our caravan was underway, Reuben lit the fuse for the powder he had left in the mine. It was deep enough that, five minutes later, we only heard a muffled roar from the mouth of the mine behind us.

We made it back to the coal mine before it got too dark to continue traveling. Reuben explained to his men what had happened. He knew that both his supervisor and his foreman were against slavery and would support him. In addition to the wagons we just brought, there were six wagons already in the coal mining camp. Four of them were used to make deliveries of coal to the smelters at the other four mines. Two made a weekly trip into St. Louis for food and other necessary supplies.

By the time I fell asleep, exhausted, all the food and tools from this camp were loaded, too. We had even loaded several jute bags of coal to use for cooking.

May 25 - Jun 7

There were over two hundred slaves at the coal mine. Still we managed rides for everyone. Madison and I hunted, and then scouted the trail like Dawn and I had on our original trip to Omaha. This time, we extended our daily travel to twenty-five miles, pushing the mules since it would be a short trip. The men changed off driving since we traveled from dawn until dark. We stopped for lunch when we reached a stream where the mules could drink and took about half an hour to eat a cold lunch.

The cooks from the gold mine and some from the coal mine cooked breakfast each morning. The remaining cooks from the coal mine rode with Madison and me. We took mules to carry food for that night’s dinner. Once we decided on a campsite for the night, the cooks started dinner so it was ready when the wagons arrived. Shortly after dinner, everyone but the men assigned as sentries were usually sound asleep.

We stayed south of the Missouri River the entire trip. The streams were fuller this time compared to our trek from St. Louis to Independence, but the weather was warmer, and we only had one day of rain. Game was easier to find along this route, too. Madison and I could both get a deer every day, and even a few pigs a couple of times. The two times we found pigs, we shot six of the porkers, and the men stuffed themselves. Between the plentiful game and the food supplies, we ate well. The Negroes all commented that they’d never eaten so well before in their lives.

Each evening as we ate, they would ask questions about Omaha and our “plantation” as they called it. To them, it wasn’t just a ranch or farm. With the coal mine and two steamboats, they felt it qualified as a plantation. I wasn’t about to argue because I’d never figured out what to call it other than the Lucky J. Madison had suggested calling it an estate, but I felt that sounded too snobbish.

Each night we posted sentries, concerned that someone would discover what we had done and send people to catch us. Each guard had a mule to keep him company. I breathed a sigh of relief when we reached Kansas City with no problems. We camped south of the city.

Jun 8

In the morning, I rode into town to see if I would be able to find a steamboat willing to transport nearly three hundred Negroes, and with enough room to do so. After half an hour of searching in vain, I stopped, astounded. The next boat looked a lot like the Black Night but looked different just the same.

“Could you tell me who the captain of this boat is?” I asked one of the Negro crewmembers who was busy painting the boat.

“It be the same Captain Nadeau that you put in charge, Mister Jim, Sir,” he answered with a grin.

Same as Lucky Jim 1-Firehair
Chapter 8: New Orleans Videos

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 18

Tuesday Oh dark thirty It took us hours to clear the town. When we finally finished, I went to the holding area and walked amongst the detainees, marking each person with their threat index score. More than half of them were between one and three, forced to be here and kept here by the posted sentries. The men worked in the mine, the women took care of the home. Some women spent part of their day reloading 10 mm cartridges. When the attack began at the southern end of the tunnel complex,...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 35

Friday I was at peace with myself this morning, and didn’t need the dogs chasing each other, the quiet walk to the creek, or working in the barn this morning. It was a good thing, because the look on Faizah’s face this morning made me sure she would have hunted me down and done me wherever I was when she found me. “I should be fertile this morning,” she husked as I pounded into her as she lay bent across my desk. When we finished, she tiptoed quickly back to the master bedroom. I’m pretty...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 13

Bitsy rolled over and started kissing me. “Got anything left for me?” she teased. “I’m sure I can be persuaded in a few minutes,” I answered as I hugged her. “Hmmmmm, I bet I can shorten the delay,” she challenged with a wicked gleam in her eye. When she took my turgid, cum-coated cock into her mouth, I was pretty sure that she was right. She stopped after less than half a minute. “Good stuff,” she said as she crawled over me to Chloe. “Share,” she demanded right before burying her face in...

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Mardi Gras Time In New Orleans

A fine sheen of sweat glistened over her body as she readied herself for the shower. The sound of the Mardi Gras seemed to pulsate through the walls of her hotel room. It hadn’t stopped since she arrived early that morning. But she had been so jet lagged from the trip that she had to try and get some sleep before she ventured out. As she showered Fran thought about her trip. It was her lifetime wish to come to New Orleans. The food, the music, it had all appealed to her senses and she saved...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 27

Monday Feb 22 At 0300 Monday morning, I was again strapped into the seat of the weapons specialist aboard the Talon. Max had returned last night with two sealed letters. The first was from the President. The sooner, the better. President Talbot The second letter was from General Conklin. Start with the East Coast again. Work your way to the West Coast. Then anything over China and Southeast Asia. Hit the Mideast, including the territory Russia claimed after the MEW. Do Africa, saving...

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Moving to New Orleans

I was tired of living in the northern states and when a friend came back from New Orleans,I just had to go. He told me about the weather , the available high paying jobs,and best of all the hot women that lived there. All of what he said made me fill up the van,quit my job delivering pizza and headed south. I got a job in a warehouse the same day I arrived living out of my van until I was able to find a place to live. I made friends easily and it was Sam that invited me to stay with him...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 13

Wednesday Having gone to sleep early last night, I was awake early this morning. I didn’t want to disturb anyone else since they were all still up last night when I fell asleep. I finally got up because I had to pee. Then I took a quick shower. “You’re up early,” Cooper commented from the shower doorway. “I figured that you’d still be wiped out from yesterday.” “I was pretty tired last night, but I’m okay this morning. I’m usually up this early to hunt or fish,” I replied. “How do you...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 8

“We can’t wait all night for those yahoos. They probably found some young pussy and stopped to have fun. Start loading the cattle and we’ll have the last two haulers wait here for when they get back,” he ordered the men. “All we do is arrange the cattle inside the trailer and drive. I don’t know nothing about gettin’ them damn critters into a chute,” one of the drivers replied. “How hard can it be to get a bunch of stupid animals onto your trucks?” the fancy man retorted angrily. “Since...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 26

Sunday When I commed Cooper after breakfast, he had both Red and Blue Squads ready to pick up where we left off Friday. There were no new danger vectors from Chongqing so we headed north. I’d already taken second vectors to complete the vectors for the rest of China. I hugged and kissed my wives goodbye as the Talons began arriving to take my family home. The Mistresses of the Dragon stayed here and I had instructions from Sally to make sure Zan, Nuo, Wei, and Jia were pregnant since that’s...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 2

I pulled her to me and wrapped her in my arms. “It feels so good to be able to officially call you my girlfriend, even though you’ve unofficially been my girlfriend for as long as I can remember. I get the feeling that everyone expects us to make our relationship more permanent than that soon.” “How do you feel about that?” she asked nervously. I gave her the only possible answer I could think of. Dropping to one knee, I asked, “Sally Anne Phillips, will you marry me in the not too distant...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 40

On a mid-May Friday, my wives boarded the AN-158, insisting that I join them. They wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I still had no idea what was going on when we arrived at the hotel in Lexington and they had me change into one of my tuxedos. “Will someone please tell me what we’re doing?” I asked. “You’re making us happy,” Jan replied. Two hours later the women were dressed as stylishly as I was, and we climbed into the waiting party bus. I finally realized where we were going when...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 15

Saturday I was surprised when all the women went to sleep last night at the same time I did. I knew that Helga had to get up early today, but they all went to sleep. Helga got up about 0300, explaining that she wanted to get an early start so she could get the crab and the crawfish to the farmers market early. I was surprised when Sally, Dana, and Kristen went with her. “Make sure everyone is strapped onto their sled securely,” I reminded Helga. “Hurry back to us,” Sally said emotionally as...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 29

Saturday April 2 Ten of my wives, and our reporter and cameraman, joined me as we flew to Yellowstone this morning. We’d reserved a large cabin since we’d be there for at least two or three days. After making a quick stop on the way, we uncloaked about five km from the main ranger station, slowing down to normal grav sled speeds as we followed the road. “Can I help you?” the young ranger at the desk just inside the front door asked automatically as he looked up at us. “Oh,” he said when he...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 25

Wednesday General Conklin was eating breakfast in my suite again when I exited my bedroom. “Any plans for today?” he asked. “Not if you have something I need to do. Otherwise, I felt it would be a good idea to start checking the numerous small feelings of danger that I still get. They feel like the ones I got from the people we rounded up in Nicaragua after capturing the rebels,” I explained. “That definitely sounds like something we need to do. I think I can help with the transportation...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 22

With time on my hands before this afternoon’s classes on using the new grav sled, I found Commander Ferguson and spoke with him. Twenty minutes later the guards at the hastily thrown together prisoner compound let me enter. “I’d like to speak with everyone if you would gather them together,” I told the closest of the rebel leaders, glad that I was fluent in Spanish. “Why?” he asked suspiciously. “Because I believe many of you have legitimate complaints about things that happened before the...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 21

Sunday Someone did laundry yesterday, so I packed the clothes I would take to Fort Bragg tomorrow. I had a feeling that things with the military would start happening quickly now and warned Sally. With my stuff stored aboard my grav sled, I went back inside for breakfast. With so many women working in the kitchen, I veered into the living room and found Don, with Giselle curled up happily on his lap. I almost said something, but as soon as I sat down, Caitlin claimed my lap. “Mom, can I...

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Boarding with Jim at New Outlooks

This is a story for those who enjoy reading about forced hormonal feminization, not just guys dressing up in female clothes. It tells what happens when two young boys are send to a unique school where--much to the younger one's surprise--they undergo special physical and hormonal treatment programs. The younger one is given female hormones (against his knowledge, untl it is too late), his roommate is given male hormones that turn him into a super masculine stud, with predictable...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 12

I wound my way through the foggy course, surprising another safety person at the midway point. I was also pleased at how well I could see everything. Even though I could mentally see it already, what I was starting to think of as my “Jim sense” warned me about the trip rope stretched across the trail. I easily avoided it, as well as the sand pit that would have broken my pace and slowed me down. Finally clearing the fog course and startling the safety person at the end of the course, I faced...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 38

I still can’t get over the fact that I now own seven producing oil wells and am expecting an eighth to come in within a month. Leonard was beside himself when he called to tell me that the seventh well came in two weeks earlier than expected. He also warned that the well they were currently drilling aboard Lucky J #2 might come in early, too. I can live with that. As it is, the first six wells are pumping more than three million dollars a day! Leonard expects the newest well to perform as...

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Saturday in New Orleans

I was on my second day in New Orleans. I spent what was left of the day with my gf Sandy shopping and seeing the sites. Sandy had already arranged for us to attend a party that night. The party was at a house in the city but I have no idea where we were. When we got there it was in full swing. As we mingled I was already seeing women with their tops off and blowjobs in corners. One couple was fucking against the wall in a hallway. The guys pants around his ankles. We made our way to the back...

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Hello New Orleans

(So Adios to Amarillo, ) What a long day. From utter despair of having to go back to my parents to relief when my sister and her boyfriend 'rescued' me and even found me a new place to live. Michelle -- No, she asked me to call her Mickey now -- and I had always been close. We would comfort each other when our father would discipline one of us, if you can call a whipping until your butt was covered in bleeding welts discipline. She was also the one who explained what was really...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 17

Walt entered the kitchen and looked at me appraisingly. “You okay? I heard you were next door, staring off into space.” I could hear in his voice that he was concerned. “So much weird shit happening today, but mainly I’ve been worried because one of the rescued girls did everything but proposition me in front of one of the shrinks and my girls. Chloe and Marisa told me not to worry about it, they all understood, so I’m fine,” I answered. “I can’t keep one woman happy,” he chuckled. “While...

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A week in New Orleans

We met a great couple while in New Orleans and they told us about some places to get good food and some places that were a little wild. We took their recommendation on a few places and they were right, so when they asked us if we wanted to join them one night at this bar just off Bourbon St. we said. “Sure,” and agreed to meet them there the next day. We did our thing that morning and played tourist around the area when they texted us in the early afternoon and wanted to know if we would...

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Trip To New Orleans

Kitty and I were sent to a seminar in New Orleans. We had adjoining rooms and planned to sit together during the class. We arranged a time to meet downstairs in the lecture hall and said our good nights. I got up early and gathered my briefcase and travel coffee cup and secured a table near the back of the room. I got some of the free coffee and a banana and sat at our table. I had a deviant urge and when no one was looking, I slid under the tablecloth and hid under the table. I left my...

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Trip To New Orleans

Kitty and I were sent to a seminar in New Orleans. We had adjoining rooms and planned to sit together during the class. We arranged a time to meet downstairs in the lecture hall and said our good nights. I got up early and gathered my briefcase and travel coffee cup and secured a table near the back of the room. I got some of the free coffee and a banana and sat at our table. I had a deviant urge and when no one was looking, I slid under the tablecloth and hid under the table. I left my...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 11 On the Road Again and Again and Again

Dec 3, 1857 We arrived in Omaha shortly after noon today. The rest of the afternoon was another tumultuous, continuous, parade of wagons taking people to Libertyville. When the initial wagons returned, I noticed that the wagon drivers were all Negroes, probably to help make our new additions more relaxed. I was glad to find Emma and Wendy doing well, as well as Emma’s and my son, Jim Jr., and Wendy’s and my daughter, Violet. Nathan and his mother held an emotional reunion. We had enough...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 17

Monday My com’s alarm woke me at 0430 so I could join the troops in the mess hall by 0530. After showering with Idania, I made sure to check my boots before putting them on. We woke the rest of the women, warning them to check their shoes, even though I had already scanned them. Gina and Jackie both squealed in fright and jumped back on the bed, even though my mental check of their shoes turned up nothing. I gave everyone a kiss goodbye. “Work with Idania on her English,” I reminded the...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 23

Tuesday The dogs seemed to be waiting for me this morning, which reminded me that I needed to get their handlers set up with more permanent housing. I was in the doorway watching their coursing game when a pair of arms slipped around my waist. “I’m trying to learn to get up at the same ungodly hour that you do,” Jan sighed. “Never happen,” I chuckled. “You girls would have to stop your late-night fun far too early in order to get up at this hour,” I reminded her. “True, but you are the...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 3

“Okay, as I’m sure you already know, my fiancée told me to give you whatever you want. I know better than to disappoint my fiancée, so tell me what you’d like,” I told Mrs. Dunn when I ended the call, although her grin told me she already knew. Since the asshole was still unconscious, I gave him a fast-acting pain killer and then used one of the ammonia inhalants I brought from our family’s first aid kit and woke him up. It took him a few seconds for him to get his bearings and then he...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 33

Friday Despite missing snuggling with my wives, I slept well and woke up just after 4:00 Riyadh time this morning. The Marine who was on duty let me into the gym so I could work out. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “The Saudis are crediting one of their Palace Guards who died with warning them about the attack.” “My ... idea,” I grunted between reps of the bench press. “I like to keep my name and face out of the news about actions I’m involved in,” I explained after finishing the reps. “The...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 7 Coal and Adventure

Coal and Adventure Mar 27, 1857 We left after an early breakfast this morning. Four Sioux warriors and Grey Fox accompanied our eleven wagons as we headed north. Chief Lone Buffalo told me it took four or five days to walk to the location of the coal. With the wagons, it still took four days, mainly because the trail wasn’t a wagon road and we had to cut down trees or clear rocks and fill in ruts where water had previously washed across the game trail we followed. We were exhausted when we...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 12

An hour later, I crawled into bed. I was so tired that I even put off cleaning my weapon. Hell, the roosters were already mocking me that it was time to wake up to face another day before I got home. Late that afternoon, the FBI agent in charge of the raid called. “The U.S. Attorney General gave me two different figures for the land,” he said. “He says that, if you agree to work full-time for any federal law enforcement agency, the land is yours for ten million dollars. He doesn’t even need...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 3 On to Independence

Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 4

Once the girls were on their way, Uncle Don went over the reports with me. He explained that adding more milk cows would require a bigger pasture. Several of the college courses I took over the last two years were farming related. I suggested planting the pasture with alfalfa and Timothy grass and using portable fencing to section the pasture off into five fields, rotating the cows through the fields for a year and then tilling everything under. The manure and alfalfa would increase the yield...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 16

Sunday It’s creepy having to shake out your boots before you put them on in the morning, lest you discover the hard way that a scorpion or venomous spider had taken refuge in one of them during the night. While I could “see” that nothing was in my boots, I followed the ritual anyway. I even mentally checked the boots of everyone else. I’d have warned them if I found anything, but left it to each of them to check their own boots. So far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the weather. I...

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