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It took Bran three days to name his new Companion. He had promised to continue the battle, after Noah's departure, but that didn't halt his grieving. He chose 'Alexander, ' for his new Companion's name, which means 'Defender of Mankind' in its original Hebrew. In view of their shared mission, the name seemed appropriate.

Alexander had immediately made Noah's memories his own. He was ready to continue with the research that Noah and Bran had been pursuing. The only delay was caused by Bran's inability to focus. Alexander spent the three days studying the data, and discussing his finding and Noah's ideas with Al, and the Companion was ready when Bran's grief began hardening into determination.

Bran's emotions had morphed from soul numbing grief to cold, hard anger, over those three long days. He still grieved for Noah, but he vowed that Noah's death would not be in vain. He also vowed retribution on the author of Noah's death. Bran was ready. His naming of his new Companion was the trigger he needed to focus his attention on Noah's ideas. Their cadre's immediate needs were improved armor, and protection against the Demon's mental attack. Longer term needs were a way to meet the aliens on more even terms when they came. The memories that Noah left encompassed all three needs, and many, many more.

"It's a good thing we can live longer, with a Companion," Bran told Alexander wryly. "Noah left enough work for a dozen normal human lifetimes!"

"Which is probably why Noah prioritized them," Alexander replied. "Do you agree with his order of prioritization?"

"Mostly," Bran replied. "I think some can be combined. For example, the armor can be designed to be part of the protection against the Demon. The current armor can be mentally adjusted to reflect a range of frequencies, depending on the color you want it to be at the time."

"You're thinking of the frequency range of the Demon's mental attack," Alexander said approvingly. "The attack on you was by way of your quantum connection. Companions communicate in a different spectrum. The communications that we facilitate between humans, is very localized. We can determine the spectrum of the quantum connection, and ensure the armor can block that spectrum."

"The Demon was able to block Noah from communicating, too," Bran pointed out.

"True, but he didn't attack in that spectrum, or didn't during that encounter," Alexander replied thoughtfully.

"The armor needs to protect the user in both spectrums," Bran said stubbornly. "At the risk of making a bad pun, I don't want there to be a 'chink' in our armor."

"That was a bad risk, because it was a bad pun; but I understand what you're talking about," Alexander reassured Bran, his thoughts laced with humor. "How about Noah's idea for the mechanics of the armor?" he asked on a more serious note.

"I think it's brilliant," Bran replied, excitement showing in his thoughts. "Instead of a completely new platform with a specialized structure, extend the platform of the internal nanobots to include the armor. That route will be faster to develop, and easier to check for unexpected side effects."

"Do you still have concerns about how all of you are changing; becoming something different than human?" Alexander asked carefully.

The Companion knew the answer to the question. He also knew that it helped his host clarify his own thoughts, when he expressed himself in terms that he was more accustomed to.

"No, because I was wrong," Bran finally replied. "We may be changing, but we're still human. Each of us are still genetically compatible with other humans. We have a few bells and whistles that most humans don't have, but we're still human. I don't think that Branch is still human. I think whatever got into him made him even more inhuman than he already was."

"I think you're right," Alexander agreed.

Bran was ready for testing by the middle of February. He used himself for the first batch. The only 'side effect' was that Alexander was permanently fused to him. The idea of being permanently fused to Bran, was mildly consternating to the new Companion. The 'side effect' of the new armor caused another debate among the Companions.

Companions couldn't be damaged in a physical sense. They could only die if their host died, and another host wasn't available. Al's lifespan of nearly fourteen billion years, was a testament to the longevity of Companions. Facing the prospect of trading the next thing to an infinite future for the finite longevity of humans' bodies, voluntarily, caused a lot of discussion. The Companions were forced to reexamine their commitment to the human race.

Naturally, every Companion wanted to do everything it could for its host. The unwritten contract, between host and Companion, said their unwavering support was provided until the host died. The best solution for the armor would take the Companions beyond the end of their contract, into death itself, voluntarily.

There were one hundred seventeen hosts and Companions, by the first of March. The debate was hot and heavy, but it didn't produce answers, until Al suggested a melding.

"Helping our hosts solve common problems isn't the only reason for melding," Al pointed out. "It can also be used to solve issues that Companions, as a species, must confront."

"What kinds of issues have Companions faced that required melding?" Amy, JJ's Companion, asked curiously.

"Primarily, deciding the degree of Companions' interaction with a new species," Al replied. "You may think of the aliens coming to earth are evil. They aren't. In their view, they, or theirs, were attacked. They will respond. They must respond. A truism on earth is the same throughout the universe. A show of weakness attracts predators, always. That truism applies to every ecological structure in the universe, that I have seen. It applies to individuals within species, political structures, and species themselves. There are species in the universe whose actions resemble a cancer more than an intelligent race. Any species that shows weakness is attacked. Melding makes it easier to determine if Companions are dealing with bad leaders, or a bad species. Every species has its share of both, but the degree of both determines our level of involvement with that species."

"Alexander and I will take part in the discussions, but we cannot join in the melding," Al pointed out, after a pause.

"Why not?" one of the newest Companions asked.

"Our opinion may be helpful, but our decision is moot. It has already been made for us. We have been sealed to our host," Al answered carefully.

"I don't agree with that," Amy spoke up. "I understand what you're saying, but you're wrong."

"It's what I believe," Al said firmly. "Since I do believe it, that is how I will proceed."

"Fine! You're as bad as Caleb!" Amy fumed.

"Thank you," Al replied, smiling to himself, as he compared this discussions to others in his life, with Companions his own age. "I respect Caleb. Being compared to him is a complement. Don't tell him I said that. He still thinks that I think he's defective."

"At least try to explain what you would consider if you were in the meld," Amy pleaded. "Your opinion is important to us!"

"Okay," Al said slowly."Companions die with their hosts. It doesn't happen often, but it happens. Two other Companions died in the crash that brought me here. We take the same risks our hosts take, but at death ... well ... Caleb says we have a 'get out of jail free' card that we can play any time. That's as apt a description as any, I guess. Even though my host died in that crash, I was able to continue with a new host. I am sorry my last host died in the way he did, but that's the way the universe works. I don't regret my new host. If anything, in retrospect, I'm glad circumstances placed me where it has. This is a valuable host."

"What do you mean by valuable?" one of the newer Companions asked.

"Why do we collect memories?" Al queried. "Is it just the act of collecting memories, or is it something more? I am over thirteen billion years old. All you know is your experience with this host, on this world. Can you visualize what a billion is? A billion seconds ago was 1959, on this world. A billion minutes ago, the human that inspired the Christian religion was alive. A billion hours ago, humans were still living in the stone age." He paused, before saying, "A billion years ago, I was Companion to a host in a different galaxy."

"A valuable host is one that teaches you something new, or maybe shows you something rare," Al continued his explanation. "I think I have learned something from Caleb and his species. Or maybe I'm simply remembering something that I shouldn't have pruned, in one of my migrations. That's always a problem for Companions. Which memories do you want to keep? It is a very important question for every Companion."

"Beyond those thoughts, the human species is still the key to the Companion species continued existence. Do we owe anything to our species? I'm not sure how I would have answered that, before Caleb. I do know how I would answer it, now. I would say, yes."

The melding prioritized the questions around the issue. The first question was Al's question. Once the Companions had decided that they did owe an allegiance to their species, the rest of the questions were meaningless.

The issue of whether they should allow themselves to be permanently fused to their human hosts was solved in the first few moments of the melding. They changed their focus to the longevity of humans, and how to extend it. That discussion brought them back to the question of fusing with humans. If their hosts lived long enough, another discovery could be made that would allow them to be separated from their hosts, if they ever wanted to be separated.

The new Companions decided that betting their lives on humans and their ingenuity was a good wager. Al was proud of them. The decision was quickly followed by dissemination of the DNA controlled armor.

"Did I disrupt any holiday plans?" Scotty asked the room full of people.

"Scotty, Federal employees are about the only people that get Presidents Day off," Caleb pointed out drily. "The rest of America can't afford to take a day off just because a bunch of politicians declared it a holiday. To the rest of us, the third Monday of February is just another Monday."

"At least there's not as much traffic on the roads," Scotty pointed out, grinning at his friend.

"That's true," Caleb said with a frown. "Which brings up a whole different issue. The only people not working are Federal employees and banks, yet the impact on traffic is significant. Why do we have so many Federal employees in Houston? Hell, why do we have so many public employees, period?"

"That will be one of the issues in the next Presidential election," Scotty promised drily.

"Still, I appreciate all of you coming today," Scotty continued, looking around the table. "Being a Federal holiday, it was the only chance I had for a meeting like this. Look around you. The people in this room are the core group that will carry us to the White House. We have a lot to do today. There is an agenda for today, in front of each of you. There are a few things we should discuss, before we get to the agenda."

There were nineteen people in the conference room, including Flan and Singer. Everyone in the room had a Companion, and the Companions were ensuring no one overheard the meeting. Despite the meeting being kept very secure and private, the fact they were having a meeting was very public. Scotty believed they needed to go through the motions of a normal campaign. People had to know that he and his election team were holding planning meetings, and doing all the other things a serious White House bid normally required.

"Perception trumps reality in American politics," Scotty explained. "We must create the perception that our campaign is at least quasi-normal. That will attract the funding that we'll need to win. Politics swims in money. It's a fact of life so get used to it. I have about eighty million in my war chest."

There were a couple of whistles around the table, and various comments about money and politicians. The most common comment was about understanding how politicians seemed to be in the top ten-percent of the nations wealthy.

"Expect the cost of this campaign to be close to a billion dollars," Scotty said, and the room dropped into stunned silence.

"We also have opponents, on both sides of the aisle, asking for America's votes," he continued after a short pause. "We also have enemies, both local to the United States, and international. There is a distinct difference between competitors and enemies. Competitors deserve respect, and an honest dialog. Many of our competitors may be future candidates for Companions. Our enemies, on the other hand, reap what they sow, and each of us must watch for them. They are dangerous. Caleb, I believe you have news about our most dangerous enemy, a rogue General Branch."

"I do, but I wouldn't swear that he's more dangerous than our rogue President," Caleb grumbled before turning to the rest of the group.

"We have three security videos of Robert Branch. The last video was in Turkey," Caleb explained. "He was crossing into Syria in the company of the leaders of a loose coalition of Jihadists fighting in Syria. He was dressed in traditional Arabic robes, but we were still able to get a picture of his face. His face has more ridges than Bran described, but it was Robert Branch. The other videos were in Mexico, and Saudi Arabia. In the Mexico video, Branch was walking, and moving, like a man that has had a stroke. The damage was less pronounced in the Saudi video. He was almost moving normally in the video we got from Turkey. It would have been good news, if the damage hadn't been repaired, but it is still encouraging."

"Why would it be good news?" Scotty asked, more for everyone else's understanding than his own.

"That piece of intelligence is bad for that region, but good for our battle against the Demon for two reasons," Caleb clarified. "First, Noah caused more damage in Branch's brain than the Demon could heal quickly. That tells me the Demon doesn't understand very much about the human body. The physical restrictions caused by the damage, even though the damage may be completely repaired, will cause anger. People make mistakes when they are angry. I am assuming that Demons do, too. Second, the Demon wouldn't have stayed in a damaged body, if it had a choice. To me, it means that Noah's goal of fusing the Demon to Branch was accomplished. If we can kill Branch, we can kill the Demon. That's my theory, anyway. We owe Noah a very great debt of gratitude."

'Amen, ' and various other murmurs of agreement ran around the conference table.

"Why is it bad news for the region?" George Terrell, Scotty's Chief of Staff asked.

"We plan on putting Scotty into the White House, in an orderly manner," Caleb replied. Then, at George's nod of agreement, Caleb continued with, "We are planning on taking over the American government to allow us to get into space to protect mankind. The Demon in Branch isn't as concerned about orderly manner, protecting anyone or anything, or how many bodies it leaves behind. We have four years before Scotty can get in the White House. Once Scotty gets into the White House, it will take additional time to mobilize, and get people in place to go on the offense against Branch. Do you think the Demon, and Branch, will be waiting for us to get our ducks in a row?"

"Probably not," George replied, paling slightly.

George, and the rest of those present, had witnessed the replay of the Demon encounters, via their Companions.

"I expect Branch to take command of that loose coalition, and unify it into something very dangerous," Caleb continued, nodding grimly. "Someone else will be the public head of their movement, but Branch will be in the shadows behind that leader. Expect to see a lot of bodies in the streets, in Syria and, and probably Iraq, too. Without our troops in Iraq, Branch will have more latitude to maneuver. Also, don't forget, he was involved with the Iraqi training. He knows how the Iraqi army will react. They won't be much of a threat to him, or his forces."

"We could send in a civilian team, and take him out," Flan suggested. "We have seventy three people with Companions, now, to draw from. If that isn't enough, I know more people with combat skills that would be good host candidates. It would be a nearly unstoppable team, if they're armored up."

"That may be something we need to consider," Scotty agreed. "But only as a last resort. The scrutiny that part of the world is getting, would make it very hard to function without being detected. That's a problem for another day, though. Today, we need to figure out how we'll get to the White House. Remember, we do have a bigger problem than Branch coming at us. Our plan is to get to the White House, to get ready for it. There is one thing that I want to be clear on. We will not be forcing people to our way of thinking with our special abilities. We can get their attention so they listen to what we have to say, but that is all. The primary way we'll be using our abilities is exposing those who are trying to game the system."

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Main 30 saal ka naujwan hon,meree shadee aaj se 2 saal pehlee howe thee, suhag rat ko mera 9″ ka lund dekh kar meree biwi buhat daar gayee thee aur jab main usee chodna shuroo kiya too woh buri tarah se chillane lagi thee, use itna dard ho raha tha k usne mera land aur ander lenee see saf mana kar diya, majbooran main ne apna land us ki chot se bahar nikal lya,mere land ka siraf top hi ander ja saka tha lekin us koo buhat dard hone laga tha,khair is tarah pura ek week guzar gaya, lekin main...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 48

We actually set the dining room table for dinner. Roy joined the four of us. He was pretty quiet but Lena was a chatterbox. She kept going on about the happenings at the TV station. Christina ate in silence. I could tell something was bothering her but I couldn't put my finger on it. Tamara had outdone herself on the lasagna. It was very good and I thought about having seconds when she said, "Save room for dessert. I have an apple pie in the oven and vanilla ice cream to go with it." I...

4 years ago
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Desert DreamChapter 17

The Caravan master was somewhat reassured when he was shown into a palatial suite, most likely the only kind to be found in the Imperial Palace. Certainly there would be servant's quarters, but most servants wouldn't be ensconced within a suite of rooms, would they? The Caravan master wondered nervously to himself. He was bathed, perfumed, (he had really needed it, too- after being hustled day and night without cease from WhooWhee.) and clad in sumptuous robes. Then he had to await The...

1 year ago
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The knock at the door came right on time. Doris glanced in the mirroron the wall justbefore reaching for the knob. She smiled to herself, knowing she wasboth excited andnervous. With a swing of the door, his smile put her at ease."Hi, I'm Brian." She returned his smile."I'm Doris. Thanks for driving down.""My pleasure. Now, you said something about a cabinet door thatwouldn't shut." Dorisopened the door and motioned for him to step inside. Brian was just ashe had describedhimself. He stepped...

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The Secret of How to Get Along With Authority Figures

Have you ever had someone lose their temper and lash out at you with an open hand? I have, and it was damned painful when he did it. The he in question was Mr. Ronald Poindexter. He was the principal at the high school I was then attending. His slapping me was highly illegal. I could have had his job if I'd reported him to the school board. I could have sued him for everything he had, if I'd been so inclined. I didn't report him though, and didn't file suit against him either. Valerie...

1 year ago
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The Gutsy Disha And Me Part 2

Hey Guys! I got a good response on the previous story ‘The Gutsy Disha and Me’. Thank you for appreciating the story and loving it. Disha is a bold and adventure loving girl. This is what she had in mind to make the romance, sex memorable. Midnight, I was sitting on my bed naked, jerking my dick with my laptop in front of me. With my legs spread wide open in front of the laptop, I was scratching my balls and jerking my dick hard. On the other side, Disha was fingering herself faster, two...

1 year ago
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Spanker Joins A BDSM Society Part 1

A few weeks after Spanker’s sex session with my wife Deb (see “Session With Spanker”), Spanker invited me over to do the same to his wife, Ann. Believe me, I got so hot that I came twice in Ann’s sweet brown pussy. She is hot and willing!Spanker and I began to swap wives regularly. Spanker didn’t know that Deb and I were members of a secret society of couples who liked to swap wives and punish them. As I got to know him, I realized that he and Ann would be ideal members, so Deb and I invited...

1 year ago
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Flying the Friendly Skies0

The flight that I had booked for my 1st trip to Los Angeles had 8 people on board and a full compliment of pilots and stewardesses. It was actually pretty cool. There were 10 stewardesses on this flight. 3 African American, 4 Asians and 3 Caucasian Stewardesses. I was particularly watching the Asian stewardesses because of the reason for my flight. I had met this girl on line and she lived in La. Several months ago, we started our online dating, but we both agreed that if we met someone else...

3 years ago
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Carnal Avalanche Part 1

In the encroaching darkness, Bald Mountain loomed ominously, appearing impossibly close. The steep ski trails, each one an intimidating challenge to my intermediate skills, spilled down the sides of Baldy's peak as if white sauce had been ladled over a giant mound of chocolate soft serve. It foreshadowed our walk as Peter and I crossed the condominium complex to join two swinger couples for dinner, and perhaps more, at their rented condo. Surely new and different tests of my limits awaited.I...

3 years ago
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The weak always loose

i never been so scared of my lifesit at the beach bar , on a stool this random guy ordering a drink his hand on my ass gropping me in my swimsuiti never felt so suddenly scared his hand getting inside my swimsuit reaching for iti look back and only the wave in sight no one to see he is touching mehis finger teasing my hole i look at him''stop please''my little hole pressured on , i felt like i would loose and get his finger in but he got his drink and left i never ever been so scare and...

3 years ago
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 10

Chelsea was making dinner one night a few weeks after their picnic romp. It was one of her Master's favorite dishes, a pot roast, and she wanted it to come out perfect. Finally she had finished cooking it and while it "rested" on the counter top, she went to his study to see if he was ready for dinner."Master?" she said, tapping lightly on the door."Enter.""Dinner is about ready, Master," she said, coming up and standing beside the desk, her head lowered and her hands clasped together in front...

1 year ago
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Jadore and the Poets Passion

Jadore and the Poet's Passion by Petti Jadore, not James any more, sat pretending to read in the Great Central Library. How strange it is, he thought, the book open and unread in his hands, to wear a new body, and a new gown at the same time. Strange. But not unpleasant. He was slowly getting used to his new self. Where, when he'd been alive (the first time, that is, in the late twentieth century), he'd been fat and clumsy. Now, he was small, and graceful, and very pretty. In...

3 years ago
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1994Chapter 3 Homecoming

Questions flooded my mind as I drove to Mrs. Cynthia Collingsworth's house on Sunday night. Why had I let Doug drag me off on a camping and fishing weekend, and why had I tried to help him with a business plan? Why had I tried to help Jessica? Why did I want to believe that Cynthia trusted me? Was there a connection between these questions? Did it have something to do with retaliating against Kelley for trying to turn Cynthia against me? Phyllis had commended me for trying to help her...

2 years ago
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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

First Time
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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 22 Texas

Crystal bounded into the living room of the suite I'd found reserved for us at the Four Seasons when I arrived the evening before; she launched herself into my arms. I caught her without falling over, and we hugged and kissed each other over and over. Behind her, a hotel bellhop slowly removed her luggage and one of her guitars from a cart, piling up things in one corner of the spacious living room. As I hugged her, I told Crystal, "I have missed you so. Somehow, we've got to see each...

2 years ago
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My adult spanking

I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and being exposed to another man, a complete stranger, in such a naughty way.I signed up to a gay spanking fetish website,...

3 years ago
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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, or blatant plagiarism of this work. SKANKY By Wyrdey Bill Kallis sat behind his desk with the biggest hard-on that he had ever had. Bald? Retarded? Flabby? He was lost in thought, completely oblivious to everything that his history teacher was saying. He knew that he held the power of a god over everyone and everything that he saw....

1 year ago
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Farm Sex

During spring break, I work at a mixed farm, grain and cattle. It is owned by Alex and Myra who are in their thirties and have no children. I’ve been busy all week shovelling grain, moving hay bales and cleaning out the barn. Cleaning out the barn means shovelling hay and shit and piss out of the stalls, onto a stone boat. Then I haul the stone boat out to the field and shovel it off as manure/fertilizer.This morning, I awoke at six with my usual boner and I jerked off in the bathroom. A normal...

Oral Sex
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Barbies New Job Part 2

Barbie's New Job - Part 2 ? by: Trans Vest I was directed by Karen to go and get 'freshened up' and return to Jamal's cube as she said that it seemed like I was anxious to go with him, so she was going to arrange for Jamal and me to have the rest of the day off. As I was leaving I heard Karen say, "... and if you need tomorrow off too Jamal, just call in." I went to the bathroom and adjusted my makeup and just stared at the person in the mirror for a few...

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Worshipping Vikas

After some hesitation my fiancé Disha admitted to me that her choot (cunt) becomes wet every time she sees or thinks about Vikas. It wasn’t very hard for me to understand this: Vikas is tall, very fair and has an absolutely cute baby face and Disha is a woman who can never be satisfied by one man. Sooner or later I knew that this would happen. Vikas is a my friend right from the college days. We were roommates in the hostel. We have done all the “kukarms” (bad deeds) together. We used to fuck...

4 years ago
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The Sisters

The Sistersby DolorDelectatio- Synopsis -Extreme Toyland's mistress Lisa branches out with an addition to her company. She visits a newly created production room to witness its test run: a scene in which mistress Jane pushes twin sisters well over their limits with uncomfortable restraints, inventive suspension, electro-torture and pins and needles. Three chapters.This story was written by author DolorDelectatio. Unfortunately his previous stories are scattered around this website until the...

2 years ago
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College times

In my first year at college I had asked a good few girls out on dates and had been successful most of the time. There was one girl I had asked out and who had politely declined, Vicky, who had always had time to chat and turned out to be a good friend.It was during the second year nearing the ned of the first semester that I had been standing in the queue for dinner with Vicky and while we had chatted about the normal stuff Vicky had asked me how many girls I had been with since we first met. I...

1 year ago
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Malan MothersChapter 20

Karl knew that there was no official record kept of this child and its disposition, so he sought out people who should know what was what, and began asking questions. The first contact told him the zygote had come from medical scientists in the USA, and had been implanted in a military volunteer. To take it from there, he would have to speak to a specific US General. Getting the contact details from his contact, Karl phoned the General. He explained the duty that had been laid on him by the...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash Top Flat Terri

I thought a lot about Mia, she is so cute and ambitious and I offered to help her on the quiet free of charge as she was such a willing and enthusiastic student, I had her trust.I made sure she had my number and made sure she got home safe and boy, was I glad to hit the pillow, I was totally knackered.I would have loved to have slept for longer but the smell of coffee on my nightstand forced the issue, I opened my eyes and focused on my darling sister looking down at me, “Morning Bro, who’s...

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Sexy Sophs 3 Hot Holiday Hobby

So she proposes, after unexpectedly volunteering to do the dishesThat we two would to try catch some fresh fish in the lake for lunch,While her hot mom sexy Sophie starts to light a grill already for us-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mom is pleased by dear doddie doing the dishes: time to relaxSo she hands us some angles, a big bucket and a net as toolsShe has the grill going within minutes and sets up her stretcherHand in hand we walk down...

1 year ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 6

"Mom, you must see Jessie's nails! Not only did he do a beautiful job on my toes and fingers but he also glossed his toenails with guess what? Yep, pretty rose!" "That is wonderful dear," Susan replied, "He is progressing as we had hoped. All that anger, mischief, and all around bad attitude is giving way to a beautiful, blossoming child." "I just had the best time with him since...well, since I can remember. We actually bonded which is something I had all but given up on,"...

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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 5

Hugh woke up at 5AM the next morning, the unwilling victim of jet lag. He looked over at Erin, sleeping soundly. "How can he sleep so soundly?" he wondered. With a start, Hugh realized that he had just referred to Erin as 'he'. Unable to get back to sleep as the morning light began to filter in, Hugh decided to get dressed and walk to the local bagel shop to fetch some breakfast. After slipping into some old jeans, Hugh looked at Erin's bra on the chair. He had not worn it since they...

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Sharing my UK Indian wife part 1

This story I am about to describe is true and are about my experiences of sharing my Indian wife. I have changed the names for these stories. We are an Indian Sikh couple from the UK, Leicester. We have both been brought up in England and we have been married 8 years. My name is Manvir and my wife’s name is Jaspreet. I married Jaspreet when she was 22 and I was 29. We are now 30 and I am 38. Although my wife is 30 she actually looks a lot younger and still gets asked for ID when trying to buy...

3 years ago
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The Opening Of Chamber Of Secrets

Thank you all for overwhelming response. I never wrote anything and never imagined myself as a writer. But after reading your mails, I can get in your pants now! Haha. I am going to share my first story today! The opening of chamber of secrets. I was 18. My school was well know in city and across the Maharashtra. It was not that strict about lectures and believed more in learning outside the class room. Me and my friend were going in Library on 3rd floor. Let me tell you about him. He is...

Gay Male
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The Roommates Pt1

The roommates pt2When we arrived every light in the house was out. We figured that 2am was a little late for poor Mark and Josh. Mark snoring like a lumberjack and Josh playing soft music and burning inscents burning.Smiling we entered our bedroom and closed the door. The next morning Dash and I had ALOT to tell Mark and Josh, but wehesitated to tell them until we got a feel for what our to new roommates were into, we decided to start doing little things to gauge how comfortable they were with...

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