HeroesPart 2 free porn video

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Monday morning. Jesus, I wasn't looking forward to this.

My parents had really rallied. They'd been amazingly great all weekend. Wonders never cease. And Craig did call Sunday night, and had me in stitches with his pep talk. He also, seriously, reminded me that he was in my first class Monday morning. That would be a help.

What wasn't going to help was that it was history, with that asshole. His name was Mr. Ellis. Hopefully, since I'd been out two weeks, he'd give me a fucking break.

So, I got up, dread in my heart, and got dressed. Yeah, I decided to hide them. I wore a long-sleeved shirt. Hey, it was mid-October, in Rochester, Michigan. It wasn't exactly balmy outside. I could definitely get away with long sleeves.

The school had been informed that I was 'injured'--that was all, at my request. I knew Craig had told people I'd been in an accident. I knew the truth would come out sooner or later--but I was going to control when, where, and how.

It turned out that I didn't take very long at all.

I walked into history. Craig, who sat a couple rows over from me, passed me entering the room and gave me a little pat on the shoulder. That was all, but it meant a lot.

Then the class started. And, dammit, that asshole Ellis wasn't going to cut me a bit of slack.

"Well, Miss Klusse! So glad to see you back all recovered," he started. I just gave him the fakest grin I could muster. He went on. "Since I know you've read the assignments while you recuperated from your accident, I'm sure you know we're studying the Constitutional Convention. I haven't had anyone to lead the discussions as well as you do, so would you start for us by summarizing the reading?"

"Sorry, didn't read it," I said.

"Excuse me?"

"I haven't picked up a schoolbook in two weeks. I've had other things on my mind," I said, picking up steam. And then I did it. "I wasn't recuperating from any damn accident." I roughly pulled up my sleeves, and then held my hands up for all to see. "I slashed my wrists." The gasps were audible.

I went on. "So, you can see I've been preoccupied. And you can also see I'm not exactly the most mentally stable person in the world right now. And one of the reasons I'm not is that I'm sick of being a circus freak."

I had the rapt attention of everyone in the room, including Ellis. "So, I've made a decision. I'm going to sit in this class, and take your tests, and ace them as always. But the days of me being the one to always speak up in class are over. If you call on me again, I'm going to sit here like a mute. I'm tired of always being picked on because I'm smart, especially by teachers. You get no more freebies from me. You're the damn teacher, you teach this class."

Ellis looked at me like I had four heads. He wasn't the only one--pretty much the whole class did. Well, except for Craig--who shot me a grin and a thumbs-up.

Finally, Ellis cleared his throat and said, "OK, the Constitutional Convention." And he didn't call on me again.

I considered it a victory. Yeah, everybody knew, now--everyone in that class, and it would surely spread--but it was a victory.

It happened twice more--and that was before lunch! In pre-calc, and in physics. I gave similar speeches in both. The pre-calc teacher reacted the way Ellis had, but the physics teacher got pissed and sent me to the office.

To see the principal, good ol' Mr. Egermont.

Eggy--as we all called him behind his back--was a fraud. Kept up this big hi-how-ya-doin' facade, while, deep down, he was a prick. The man had the phoniest smile in the greater Detroit area. I'd never had a run-in with him before--I was the class brain, after all--but I hated his guts anyway.

He called me into the Inner Sanctum, and bade me sit down. "Virginia," he said with that simpering fake smile, "I hear you've been a disruption in some of your classes this morning."

"Yup," I said agreeably.

"But why?" he said, fake smile still in place. "You've always been our best student. And your teachers always tell me how helpful you are in class."

"Because I'm forced to be. Not because I want to."

"But, Virginia, class participation is part of your grade. Your grades are stellar, I'd hate to see them drop."

"That's bull," I said. "Angela Cressey's grades are almost as good as mine are, and she doesn't say a bloody word in class, because she's shy."

"But you're not shy."

"No, I'm suicidal." He looked at me and snorted in disbelief. So, I showed him my wrists.

Which finally wiped the fucking smile off his face.

"I wasn't in an accident two weeks ago. I slashed my wrists. It's a fluke I was found in time. And, I'll be honest with you, I'm still not quite sure that it was a good thing that I was found.

"One of the reasons I am suicidal is that the teachers in this school, and every school I've attended, have helped paint a big huge sign on my forehead that says 'Class Brain'. I am tired of it. I won't put up with it anymore. If I keep getting singled out in class--which makes my classmates hate me, by the way--you will be attending a funeral. Got me?"

He was as pale as a sheet. Finally, he managed to say something. "Are you in counseling? We have some good ones here."

"Yes, I'm in counseling, of course. And not with one here. Are you kidding? I wouldn't trust a counselor affiliated with the school. They'd probably make the ol' Class Brain regurgitate the collected works of Freud, or something."

"Virginia, has it really been that bad?" he asked.

Since he seemed almost sincere, I answered the same way. "Yes. It's really been that bad."

"Then I'll put a stop to it."

"Thank you."

"Virginia, brains are nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'd trade 'em for looks," I grinned.

He grinned back. It wasn't as fake as his usual. "You say that now, but in ten years, you'll be a Harvard MBA and be able to buy and sell half the kids in this school."

"Harvard MBA? No thanks," I snorted. "Not my career goal at all."

"What is your career goal?"

I leaned on his desk and grinned at him. "Well, Eggy, I figured I'd be a high school principal. Or a Vegas showgirl, one or the other."

To my surprise, he absolutely roared with laughter. "Please, Virginia. Don't be a high school principal. You think you've got problems now?" He shook his head. "Don't be a high school principal. And if you think I didn't know about that nickname, you're sadly mistaken."

"I figured," I said, still grinning. "So, you don't think Vegas showgirl's a bad idea, then?"

He was still chuckling. "Get out of here. And, Virginia? That was a good line. I didn't know you could be funny. And I'm betting your classmates don't, either."

"Can't be Class Brain and Class Clown. I'd be hogging all the good spots in the yearbook," I smirked.

"Go on," he said, still laughing, "get out of here. It's your lunch time."

So I did. Well, I have to admit--that went a whole lot better than I expected. Eggy can be a prick, but he dealt with that well. At least I got a rise out of him!

I felt a lot better walking into the cafeteria. Of course, once I got there--I didn't feel great at all.

I don't care how low you think you're whispering--when I'm standing three feet in front of you in the lunch line, I can fucking hear you, OK? And I can hear you from three feet in back of you in the lunch line, too. And when I walk by your table.

The upshot? Oh, now I wasn't just the freak, I was the crazy freak. Well, I guess I expected that.

I got to my usual out-of-the-way sit-all-alone table. And I was surprised, ten seconds after I sat down, to not be alone.

It was the aforementioned Angela Cressey. "Can I talk to you?" she said quietly--she said everything quietly.

"Sure," I shrugged. Talk to me? Angela Cressey could talk? News to me.

If I had valedictorian all sewn up--which I pretty much did, if I lived that long--then Angela was in the clear lead for salutatorian. I figured she'd throw the game sooner or later, just so she wouldn't have to get up at graduation and make a speech. Angela Cressey making a speech was almost as ludicrous as me being a Vegas showgirl.

Anyhow, if she wanted to talk, that was fine by me.

She settled into her seat, and rummaged around her food. Then she blinked seven times. Took a deep breath. Rummaged around her food again. See what I mean? This is what Angela does when she's working up to say hello.

But she wasn't working up to say hello. She pointed at my wrist, and said, "What did it feel like?"

I was surprised, but I answered her. "Hurt like hell," I said with a wry grin.

"How long before you passed out?"

"I don't know," I said. "I'm guessing a half hour or so. I know I felt, I don't know how to describe it. I guess floaty. I felt floaty for a while, then, the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital. The worst pain was right when I did it. I went numb fairly quickly."

"Who found you?"

"My mother. My parents were going to the theatre and forgot the tickets. They got out of the restaurant, then came home to get the tickets."

"So, it was a fluke you got found."


She blinked a few more times, and sighed. "How close was it?"

"Oh, they figured if the ambulance was maybe a half hour later, there would've been no saving me."

"So, you planned for it to work."


"Where did you do it?"

"In the bathtub. Didn't want to get blood all over my bed, as silly as that sounds."


Did you ever get a creeping chill running right up your spine? I was getting one, believe me. Full blast chill. Because I had a very very bad feeling about why she was asking all this.

Just then, in a bit of stupendously bad timing, Craig came over to the table. I would've been glad to see him, but not now. "Hi," he said to me, grinning. "Hi, Angela," he said with a bit of surprise. Angela looked horrified he was there.

I got up off my seat, made a 'wait a minute' motion to Angela, and led Craig away from the table before he could sit down. "Listen, can I talk to you later?"

"OK," he said, a bit confused.

"I am not blowing you off. You know Angela never talks. Well, she's talking to me, and I think it might be important. Very important. If you come over, I'm afraid she's going to clam up, and I think that would be bad."

"OK," he said.

"I'll tell you later. Call me after school, OK?"

"Will do," he said, grinning. Then he was off. I went back and sat across from Angela again.

"Did you have any more questions?" I asked.

"Are you going to do it again?" she said softly.

"I'm working very hard on not wanting to," I told her.

"Hm," was all she said.

I looked at her for a minute. Angela was a porcelain doll. Long blond hair, big wide blue eyes, button nose, very pale skin, the whole bit. She even wore dresses all the time, most of which would be more appropriate for a ten-year-old. She was like a little doll. Including being silent and trying to hide in the corner. But she was smart--as I said, close to me smart. She was as much of an outcast as I was--maybe more, at least I wasn't shy. I dreaded what was coming.

Then I took a deep breath, and just said it. "Angela. You've thought about it, haven't you?"

That porcelain doll face just crumpled. I could see the tears in her eyes already. And she confirmed it. "Just about every day," she got out in a near-whisper.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. What do I say? WHAT DO I SAY? Shit. What am I going to tell her, don't do it? How can I say that?

I'll admit it--it's been in the back of my mind. I was trying to not want to, but I still knew that I could always take another whack at it if things didn't get any better. No, I wasn't 'cured'. I was still shaky as all hell. I damn well knew it.

So, what the hell do I say? Dammit, I wish Shannon were here.

That's when I got one of my patented brilliant ideas. Well, in hindsight it was obvious.

I rummaged through my pocketbook and found Shannon's business card. I needed that--I had only one--so I grabbed a piece of notepaper and wrote her name and number down on it. I slid it towards her. She looked at it, the tears still running down her face.

"Angela? That's my shrink. She's been a big help to me. She's really cool. I think you should call her."

She looked up at me in horror. "Oh, I could never do that!"

"I think you need to."

"I can't. You don't understand." She took a deep breath and tried to control herself. "My parents are older. They tried for years to have a baby before they finally had me. They absolutely dote on me. I'm their perfect angel daughter." She sniffled. "They have no idea how I feel. They have no idea how unhappy I am. I could never tell them why I think I need a psychiatrist."

I took a deep breath. "My parents don't dote on me--in fact, that was part of my problem. They love me, but didn't know how to show me. That's getting better. Anyhow, they had no idea what was going on, either. If I'd told my parents I needed a psychiatrist, they might have freaked, too." I looked her right in the eye. "But I know for damn sure that my mother would've preferred that over finding me in the bathtub unconscious and covered with blood. Wouldn't yours?"

I pushed the paper towards her again, but she shook her head. "I can't. I just can't!" she croaked--and then got up out of the chair so fast it made my head spin. Before I could say, "Hey, Angela!" she was gone.

Shit shit shit. Now what do I do?

I had a few minutes left in lunch, so I whipped out my cell phone and tried to call Shannon. No luck--it was her day off. They offered to let me talk to one of the other shrinks, but I didn't want that. If it had been for me, I would have--but for this, I wanted to talk to Shannon. This was for advice, not therapy, and I trusted Shannon.

But that left me again wondering what to do.

Then I got another brilliant idea.

It was devious. It was underhanded. Angela would probably hate me for a very, very long time. But if I saved her damn life, it'd be worth it.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Eggy must've gotten the word out to the teachers. After my last class, I flew out of there in record time, and waited. I wanted to see Angela.

I did. She took a bus, poor kid. I followed it. I waited until she got off, then followed her to her house. Keeping from being seen in the car while trying to follow her at walking pace wasn't easy, but I did it.

I waited until she went in the house, waited 10 more minutes, and then knocked. An older woman answered. "Can I help you?" she said.

"Are you Mrs. Cressey?" She nodded. "Hello, I'm Ginny Klusse--I go to school with Angela."

"Yes, you do," she smiled. "Everyone around knows who Ginny Klusse is." I managed to stifle my grimace. "Were you looking for her?"

"No, ma'am, I wanted to talk to you. Preferably without Angela around."

"OK," she said, with a quizzical expression, and led me over to a seat on the porch.

"Angela came up to me at lunch today. She had some questions to ask me. You see, Mrs. Cressey, I attempted suicide a couple of weeks ago." I showed my wrists again. I was getting used to the gasps by now. "This was my first day back at school.

"She was asking me all kinds of questions about how I did it and what it was like. This worried me, so I asked her if she'd ever thought about it. Mrs. Cressey, she said that she thinks about it almost every day."

Oh, God. The expression on that poor woman's face will be etched on my brain until the day I die. But I knew that I had to do this.

"Angela... wants to kill herself? But why? What did I do?" she whimpered.

"From talking to her, I don't think it's you," I said. "She said you dote on her and she loves you and her father. It's a lot of the same reasons that I did, actually. The problem is her brains. The only person in the junior class smarter than your daughter is me," I said with a little grin. "It's very isolating, believe me, I know. Kids treat you like some kind of freak. And in Angela's case it's compounded by how shy she is."

"She's very shy, we've worried about that. But being smart? That's a bad thing?"

"Oh, you have no idea."

"Ginny, what do I do?"

I got that piece of paper out again. "I tried to give this to Angela but she wouldn't take it. Said she couldn't tell you about all this--which is why I'm here. Anyhow, this is the name and number of the psychiatrist I've been seeing. She's very good. I know she's not in the office today but she will be tomorrow. I think Angela needs to see her."

"I'll make sure of it. I'm going to have to talk to my husband about this, and that's not going to be easy. And it'll be even harder talking to Angela. But I'll make sure of it." She gave me a watery smile. "Thank you for doing this," she said, and then reached over to give me a hug.

Two hugs in a week. Unbelievable.

"You're welcome. And I'm glad you're grateful because I think Angela is going to hate my guts."

"No, she won't. She might at first, but I'll make sure she knows it was better to get it all in the open."

I drove home, worried, but feeling good about what I'd done.

I got home and Mom was holding the telephone. "You're a bit late," she said--a bit worriedly, which was understandable, considering.

"I know. Don't worry, there's a reason. I'll explain."

"OK, but first you have a phone call." She got a little conspiratory smile on her face and stage-whispered, "It's Craig."

I gave her the same smile back and said, "Good, I'll take it upstairs."

It was a nice conversation. Craig told me he thought I'd done the right thing. Then we kind of chatted about school. He loved what I had done in History. He also loved, after I told him about it, how I had handled Eggy.

After we got off the phone, I went down and talked to Mom. We were sitting on the couch together. I told her everything--about the thing in History class, about Eggy, and then about Angela.

She actually told me she was proud of how I'd handled myself in the classes. She laughed with what I told her about Eggy.

"You actually called him Eggy to his face?"

"Yeah, and he just laughed," I said.

When I told her about Angela, she just listened, a concerned look on her face, until I was done.

The next thing I knew, she was hugging me! I'll admit it, I almost broke down with that. I managed to stop it. "I'm so proud of you," she said in the middle of the hug. Then she broke the hug and leaned back. "I'm a little surprised, though." I just looked at her. She went on. "I'm a little surprised you were so adamant about helping Angela, because you obviously consider suicide a viable option." She took a breath. "Look, I know well enough. I know that if I asked you to tell me that you were absolutely certain that you'd never try it again, you wouldn't be able to do it."

"No, I wouldn't," I agreed. "But, think of it this way. I'm also not planning on doing it again. I'm here, I'm OK, and I'm not trying to figure out where you hid all the sharp objects. And that is a big huge step from where I was two weeks ago. When I woke up in that hospital, all I could think about was doing it again and getting it right the second time. So, it's progress. I'm not OK, but I'm better.

"And there are reasons for that, and yes, you and Dad have helped," I said. "But one of the biggest reasons is Shannon. She really has helped, a lot. I didn't tell Angela not to kill herself. I didn't go into the whole trying to talk her out of it. All I did was tell her she should talk to Shannon. Because that did help me."

"You wish you had talked to her before you tried it."

"Oh, hell yes."

"Well, that's progress, too," she smiled. "You did the right thing, Ginny."

"Yeah. Angela will probably hate me for a while, though."

"She won't eventually."

"That's what I'm hoping."

"So," she said with a grin, "you were talking about people that helped you out. So, tell me, where does Craig fit in to all of this?"

I smiled back. "That's a good question." I told her about what he'd confessed about wanting to ask me out last year.

"Well? Has he asked you out now yet?" she said.

"I told him to hold off after I got through the first couple of days at school, to see how I reacted. I did tell him that if he decided after all that he still wanted to, I wouldn't say no."

"Good. Ginny's going to have a date."

"Now, Mom, let's not count our chickens before they cross the road, hm?" I pointed down to my wrists. "This is enough to scare anyone off. This, plus the reaction in school."

"I don't think it will scare him off. I mean, he called today, right?"

"Ah, he only called to find out why I blew him off at lunch to talk to Angela."

Mom was still smiling. "He would have called you anyway, I'm betting. And he went to eat lunch with you, right?"

"True. We'll see, I guess."

"Do you like him?" she asked me.

"Yeah. He's very sweet, an excellent listener, easy to talk to. He's also cute."

"Good," she laughed.

"So, where's Dad anyway?"

"I sent him out," she told me. "We had some errands that needed to get done, and I told him to get dinner. Chinese."

"Oh, goody!"

"I knew you'd agree with that. Anyhow, I sent him out. I wanted this afternoon to be just us, is that OK?"

"Sure," I said.

Her face got all serious just then, and she looked down at her hands. "I wanted to help you by myself today," she said quietly. "I figured maybe that'd help the guilt. Because it's bad."

"Oh, Mom," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"It's OK, Ginny," she said, visibly composing herself. "Do you have homework?"

"A little."

"Why don't you do it before your Dad comes home with the supper?"

"OK," I said, and went upstairs. Good thing my homework was pretty mindless, because I wasn't thinking all that great at the moment.


Tuesday at school was better. The teachers pretty much ignored me, which is what I wanted. I passed Eggy in the hall and he asked how things were going to day. "A lot better, Eggy, thanks," I told him. There were a bunch of kids around, so they were all tittering that I had actually called him Eggy. He just laughed.

OK, so maybe that happy-go-lucky act wasn't completely an act.

Anyhow, it was OK. There was still a lot of pointing and whispering, and I saw a couple people staring at the scars. One guy that sat next to me in English actually stared at the scars, then moved his desk over six inches, like it was contagious or something. Ah, well. None of that really surprised me.

And I wasn't surprised to see Angela completely shun me. In fact, when ever she saw me, she looked daggers at me. Ah, well. I could only hope she'd understand one day.

After school, I had my first session with Shannon. This was the one-on-one; the group was on Thursdays. I walked in and waved to her. She had a big smile on her face.

"I got an interesting phone call this morning."

"Oh, yeah?" I said, guessing what it might be.

I guessed right. "The call was from a woman named Ellen Cressey. She was calling on behalf of her daughter Angela. Your name came up in the conversation."

"I'll bet it did," I grinned.

"I'm seeing Angela tomorrow."

"I'm very glad, but let me warn you. It might be a frustrating hour. Angela might not talk. That girl takes shy to a whole new level. I was amazed that she talked to me."

"What exactly happened?" Shannon asked. So I told her. She knew some of it, but not all.

When I got done, Shannon was beaming. "You know, Ginny,. what you did was very healthy. All of it. It was a healthy reaction."

"If you say so."

"I say so. because you acted as if Angela's life was worth saving."

"Well, yeah," I agreed.

"And if hers is, isn't yours?"

"C'mon, Shannon--you know that shit's always easier to see from the outside."

"Yes and no. I think you see more than you realize."

"You're the Doc," I grinned.

Two days later, I was back in her office, for my first group session. I still wasn't quite sure about this, but I'd promised Shannon I'd give it a shot.

They'd only started meeting a few weeks ago. Since it had just started, Shannon had no porblems with me joining in instead of waiting for the next one.

I was the fifth. Two boys and two other girls. Shannon said, "This is Ginny. She'll be joining us starting today." Then she asked the rest of them to go around and tell me about themselves.

Zoe went first. She was a sophomore from the next town over. She was dressed like a Goth chick--all in black, dyed black hair, black fingernail polish, mulitple piercings, the whole bit. She was the one that had the hardest time articulating what she was going through. I guess she was very clinically depressed, and there'd been some trial and error with the medication. (Shannon had put me on a mild antidepressant. Don't know how much it hepled, but it couldn't hurt!)

Anyhow, with Zoe, a lot of it was brain chemistry gone haywire. And she couldn't easily explain it. She talked about feeling like she'd been buried alive--she couldn't breathe, her mouth filled up with dirt, the weight was crushing her--but it was all in her head. The funny thing was, she said she liked group so far, because nobody laughed at her while this outlandish-sounding stuff came out of her mouth, but saying it out loud in a setting like this made it sound ridiculous to her. She said that helped, especially now that they seem to have gotten her medication figured out better.

Seth was next. He was a junior from a town about ten miles away. Seth's story was easy to grasp--he was gay. And was severely harrassed about it, both verbally and physically. He tried to deal with it--he described himself as mostly mellow--but one day he just snapped. So he was trying to deal with a suicide attempt, but also trying to deal with a suicide attempt that was very impulsive.

Next was Karen. she was the same age and from the same town as Seth. I guess they didn't know one another well in school, but had kind of been leaning on one another since they met in group. Karen was shy. Not Angela shy, but she had trouble getting her story out. Of course, that was partially due to the story itself.

Because Karen's story was the most horrifying. She had a brother 4 years older. When she was 12--the brother 16--he started raping her. This went on for 4 years. He was in college now, and would come home on weekends that he knew their mother wouldn't be home at night, just to rape Karen. What was worse was that Karen had told her mother--who hadn't believed her.

A month ago, after another rape trip home by the brother, she'd had enough. She swallowed pills. The only thing that saved her was that her father came looking for her--her parents are divorced--and found her unconscious, with an empty pill bottle besdie her. Also naked, with spunk dripping from her pussy. And he found the note she'd left, clearly blaming all of it on her brother.

DNA testing at the hospital had proven it was her brother's semen. They arrested him--and the upshot of that is her mother won't speak to her. Unbelievable as that sounds, the bitch chose her rapist son over her violated daughter. Jesus. She's living with her Dad. Everyone in school knows her brother was raping her, which is bad enough--damn media--but plenty of people question how it could've been real rape if it happened for four years and she never reported it. Idiots.

It was like horror piled upon horror. She was even having problems with her boyfriend. He'd not judged her at all, unlike some other people, but was hurt she'd never confided in him in the six months they'd been going out. "He says he would've helped me, and I know now he would've, but I was so scared," Karen said. "It's a miracle I trust him at all, and it took a while for him to understand that." And she'd also never had sex with him, for obvious reasons. He was patient, but part of her was afraid she'd never be able to. And another part of her wanted to--because, even though her brother was raping her and her mind was horrified, her body sometimes responded, especially as she got older.

Karen got all this out in a voice that swung between almost-in-tears, and completely numb. That poor, poor girl. And I thought I had it bad.

I didn't know what to say. Luckily, Shannon, before I even had a chance to say something, moved on to the last person in the room--Sam. Sam Raleigh. He was the only one that went to my school, though he was a sophomore, a year behind me.

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It was the day before the first day back from school after the holidays and all ... Lisa, Beth and Joy and even Cathy were all back at Sunny Acres getting ready for the next day. They were all wearing the Sunny Acres uniform while setting up the room. "So, how was your break," Beth asked Cathy. "Oh it was wonderful," answered Cathy. "Since it was the first Christmas we've had after we've started going nude at home, we realized that we could save a lot of money by not having to buy so...

3 years ago
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A Sissy Fantasy A Day And Night With Daddy

A Sissy Fantasy - A Day And Night With Daddy Daddy's Cocksucking Princess I awoke after falling asleep after last night's escapades, and the first thing I I notice is the chastitiy, it immediately reminds me of what happened last night. I wasnt expecting to be put in chasitity last night, Daddy had hinted at it, but I did not think he was have me in it so soon. I did not really want to have my clitty locked up like that, but I really want to please Daddy, so of...

1 year ago
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Dosto ki madad se maa ki chudai 8211 Part 6

Waise hi Sahil ne apni jeebh mummy ki gaand ke ched par laga di. Aur ab Karan aur Sahil ek sath mummy ki chut aur gaand chaat rahe the. Mummy jhuki jhuki aapne honton ko kaat rahi thi. Karan bar bar bahar ki taraf dekh raha tha. Jaha se main un dono ki puri chudai dekh raha tha. Aur apni hi mummy ko aise dekhkar. Apna lund sehla raha tha. Peeche se mummy ki chut aachi tarah dikh rahi thi. Karan mummy ki chut ka nikla hua chamda kheech kheech ke chus raha tha. Karan aur Sahil ne milke. Mummy ko...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

2 years ago
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Erotic City 2

~2~ Dangerous Games   The hallways are beautiful.   Gilded mirrors, red luscious carpet and claw footed velvet sofas. I love this kind of extravagance, I love that I can afford this lifestyle. Looking around I walk over to the velvet piece and run my hands over the soft material, sighing appreciatively I drape myself over the seat and lay my head on the arm. The velvet caresses my skin and my back arches as an involuntary shudder rolls through me, this is true ecstasy. I let my hand...

1 year ago
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X Keez Movies must belong to a Dutch mofo, right? Well, every person who browses the internet for more than an hour at once can definitely say that they’ve experienced at least one moment of ‘heat’ which was quickly followed by opening up a private incognito window and searching for some XXX content worth fapping to. This kind of porno consumer is impulsive, and they would definitely open up even fishy XXX tubes that seem like they might be hiding spyware or malware in order to get the job...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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When I Learn To Fly

ONERain is so much prettier in the summer.As we drove, fat drops splattered against the car windows. The sun shot through their glossy skins and threw coloured lights inside—like riding in a kaleidoscope. Good job it was this pretty, too; to tolerate another hour in the car with Mom, I needed the distraction."Danni?" Esme, my girlfriend, traced the seam along the inner leg of my jeans. "You're quiet. It's weird.""Just tired, baby." It wasn't weird. I'd been quiet with her a lot lately, but...

1 year ago
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Basketball Practice

Hey my name is Lachy; I am originally from a country town in Australia. My dad got offered a new job in the city so I have just moved. I am 18 and not very tall (bout 5’7). I have brown hair, tanned skin and blue eyes with an average body. I am very insecure. Not emo though just an average 18 year old, that’s been persuaded to exercising more from my friend Josh. Josh is shorter than me and has a little bit more muscle than me too. He is the common sports man, footy in winter and Basket ball in...

3 years ago
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Angie Pt1

Angie arrived back at her house and ran straight to her room. Closing the door behind her she removed her bra and panties set and laid them on the bed. Stripping down she put the panties on, then, looked at herself in the mirror. Her pert 34b’s where her best thing going she thought. Her looks where plain and her ass was, well, just was. Not much curves to the hips yet she thought. She cupped her breast and tweaked her nipples. They where not average nipples for her size, they where...

2 years ago
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CastawayChapter 48

Driving back to the main highway was simple. Getting turned around so we could drive back to the main highway wasn't. The packed dirt road we'd driven down was pretty narrow. It hadn't been designed for large vehicles, and I have no idea how, when it was in active use, they'd handled things if two cars or trucks or whatever met, because they sure couldn't get by each other without running off into the loose sand. And if the rear drive wheels hit that sand you weren't getting back out...

3 years ago
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Hotel Room for Two

Scene: Very attractive young woman is working in an office, sitting at her desk. Long blonde hair. She wears a skirt mid-thigh. Moderate heels. She has a knit shirt on that barely reaches the skirt. She’s new out of college. She stands and walks to the whiteboard and is drawing a design on it. we’re watching from her back. When she raises her arm above her head, we see her shirt pull up and show some skin.Her boss walks into the office. Her boss is blonde, mid-20s, really stunning. 33C breasts....

2 years ago
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Carries Quest For KnowledgeChapter 4

After a short recovery from her very first penetration, and with their inner fires pretty well flamed out for now, Carrie and her cousin Dora got dressed and left Michael's house shortly after Carrie's initial experience in the old fashioned art of wick-dipping. She and Dora decided to spend the rest of their day at the Mall, where they had told their mother they were going in the first place. They had lunch on the food court at Taco Bell. Carrie had a Mexican Pizza and a Taco Supreme, and...

2 years ago
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Sappho Chapter 11

Chapter 11 After thinking about Richard's message for an hour, I returned his a call. The question was, "Why now?" With just under a month to go before my deadline, why didn't he just wait until it was all over? I could think of a couple of reasons, both being flattering or considerate. But when I spoke to him, he kept his motives to himself, remaining mysterious yet insisting on seeing me - a rare thing for Richard. And so we set a time and date of his choosing, and truthfully,...

3 years ago
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The Pursuit is the Prelude to Passion Part 1

Friday, finally. The end of another long week, punctuated by a gentle rainstorm that threatens to linger throughout the weekend. The work week is over, and relaxation is in order for Emma. Emma’s work is fast-moving, fluid, and demanding. She works as an editor, fixing errors and finding the right way to phrase complicated political issues to effectively communicate the meaning and implications intended. As she works in a political office, she is in contact with dozens of politicians, mostly...

3 years ago
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Lynn And Lee Toy Time

Lynn awakened with a moan, the dream still vivid in her mind. When she shifted in the bed, the covers lifted just enough to allow a breeze from the ceiling fan to kiss her powder blue thong, sending a tingling chill through her from the wet spot there. For the last week, she'd dreamed of what was going to happen two days from now. A couple that she and Lee had met online was coming to visit, and she knew she was going to have her first double penetration in a long time. It would be Teresa's...

2 years ago
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Gardening Aftermath

Emma and I stood in the living room, the bright sunshine streaming in through the patio doors, the hum of the electric fan filling the room as it circulated the warm air. The breeze from the fan has some cooling effect, as could be seen by Emma and her mum, Sarah; their nipples stood proud, the areola puckered and nobbly.Sarah stood, arms on hips, face stern, large, saggy boobs staring at me in all their cross-eyed glory. My eyes drifted down to the tight green fabric of her bikini briefs. The...

4 years ago
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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Cracker, John Staff Sergeant, Addison National Guard, Game Warden, 6’-0’’ tall, 175 pounds, 32 years old, sun bleached blond hair, blue eyes Sergeant Cornplanter was in the cab of the deuce and a-half with the driver, and I quickly moved to stop them before Miranda could drop the wards and they left. “Sergeant Cornplanter, the guard you have won’t be a lot of help sitting in the back with the passengers,” I told her from...

3 years ago
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Dare Me Not Ch 10

Recap: Janine can regain control of her body after ten seconds as long as no new command is issued. She managed to deal with Brad, hopefully once and for all (Ch. 9). She hopes that Professor Jonah Dawson can help her to shorten her window of vulnerability. Of course the Professor would help her! He had helped to relieve her of her virginity before wiping her memories clean (Ch. 3). Janine enjoyed being able to focus in class after all the crazy antics of the day before. Some of her classmates...

2 years ago
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My live-in girlfriend, Katie, travels a lot for business. I don't really like it, but I know she has earned the position she's in, which takes her all over the country. Mostly I don't like it because I get left behind a lot. Oh sure, it's fun for the first couple of days. I can toss my dirty sock in the middle of the living room floor, eat greasy take out in front of the TV, and even meet my pals out to watch the game on the big screen down at the corner bar. But, at the end of the night, I...

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The Hairstyling Model II

This is a first-person account of an involuntary feminization, which is fiction The Hairstyling Model II By I. R. Nixon We left the room. Uncomfortable as I was dressed like this, I knew it would be hard to detect my real gender. We approached the elevator and Sharon instructed be to go back and get her notepad off the dresser in the room. When I returned to the room I discovered the maids rolling on the beds in laughter. It was now obvious why Sharon had sent me back to the...

4 years ago
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Now its over with Or is it

When Chris got drunk he got abusive to his wife of six months and he was getting drunk more and more often lately. Keri was a sweet girl and I do mean girl. She had met Christopher when she was 17 and she ran away and married him just after her 18th birthday. They had only dated for a few months and he was nice to her while they did. That's not to say that he didn't take her virginity on their second date even though she had said no, but she enjoyed it and he took the time to make sure...

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For Julia

You give me that look that says want, lust and love all in one. I’ve been drinking a little, just as you like. It keeps me from holding back and the animal hunger breaks the barrier of self-control. We close out our small talk with the friends present and head back to the house. You know what I want and you want it too, holding you around your waist as you walk down the steps and we holler goodbyes over our shoulders. I slide my hand down your pants as we do, brushing your wet warmth before...

1 year ago
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California Girl Part 2

California Girl Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Wow, I look around and don't know where to start organizing. Man there are boxes everywhere. I guess I will just start bringing down the boxes but maybe I should organize the boxes first. I start putting all the boxes that say nail polish or nail supplies or anything about nails and stack them by the door. I go thru the bedroom and see more boxes as I stack them also. Okay now I will start taking them downstairs. I see the backroom...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 51

Time: January 2, year 204,894 2:15 PM London Local Time (T plus 17 hours, 15 minutes) Jim paused for a second, staring at the corporal beckoning him to the couch. He then felt a brief taste of lemon in his mouth, and he realized it was Gary reminding him that Gary would protect him if things really got out of hand. Jim smiled a bit as he thought of what Gary's definition of "out of hand" would be in a situation like this. He walked over to the couch. "There's a good puppy! Such a nice...

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She was like the cheerleader who gang bangs the entire football team. Only she was never going to be exhausted at the end of her debauchery. This was the one and the only reason she existed. She drew her strength from their semen. Every man who landed his load on her, and grinned, thinking how messy he had made her, had given her additional years to further her sticky existence. Every last ounce of jizz that came anywhere near her was converted into life giving essence.She could change shape...

2 years ago
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My Husband Shares Me with a Friend

“Gosh Sarah, whenever you get any liquor in you all you can think about is sex,” Ben said. I blushed. I wasn't a prude, but I didn't usually talk about things like that in front of Eric. Eric laughed. “What do you think about when you get drunk Ben?” Eric asked. “Bed,” said Ben. “A few drinks get me going too,” said Eric. “I get a little tipsy, I get relaxed, and I start feeling friendly.” “You and Sarah should just get it on then, and I can go to sleep,” Ben joked from his...

4 years ago
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Salon Visit

SALON VISIT by Brenda I arrived at my hotel and got checked in around 1 in the afternoon. Another trip to NY, this time for a softball tourney. 4 days with no work worries. Just relax and play a few games. The hotel staff might look at me a bit funny but I was here for a gay softball tournament so I could get away with dressing as I pleased, even if that meant being mostly in drag. I really didn't care what most people thought. I don't play until tomorrow afternoon so there is...

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Let It Rain

I was on my way home from a three day weekend ride on my motorcycle when I stopped about ninety miles from home to get something for lunch. They had the news on and when the weather came up they said a front was coming through and we were in for thunderstorms and a temperature drop of around twenty degrees. I finished eating and pulled back on the road looking at some angry dark clouds off in the distance. I decided to hurry like hell and see if there was a chance of getting home before it hit....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Meri Raandi Padosan Nehal Ke Chudai

Hi Guys, I am Abhay or ye Meri pehli story hai IndianSexStories pe. Ye Incident Real hai or agar koi galti ho toh sorry. Let’s start with my intro. Main Delhi ka Launda hu or age hai 22 years. Main ek student hu or technology mai dhyan thoda jada hai. Looks are average par height meri 6 foot hai or lund bhi average he size ka hai i.e. 6-inch. Chalo agar aapko mera intro pasand ho toh jarur mail karna I am complete straight guy. Chalo ab story pe aate hai. Actually jaise ke abhi bataya mujhe...

1 year ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 7

I woke up around 9:00AM and did the routine of cleaning inside and out and hair removal. I put on some red panties, and turned on the TV and ate some breakfast bars I brought from home. Knock! Knock! Knock! Startled, I jumped up and rushed to the door to prevent another scene in the hallway. I opened the door quickly but only partially and was glad I did when I saw the maintenance man. "Hi...everything is ok here," I said peeking out the door. "I'm not here for maintenance. I'm here for...

2 years ago
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Rococo Club

Seen from the park the tall, palace-like house looked abandoned. Only if you got very close you could see soft, yellow candlelight seep through the heavy curtains in a few places. Up close you would also hear a faint whisper of music from the 18th century. And if you had been able to look into the big hall, your eyes would have been met with a flash of beauty and decadence, you'd have a hard time to imagine. Hundreds of candles were flickering in the three huge chandeliers hanging from the...

3 years ago
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Meri Chudai

Doston mera naam Roshni hai . Mei Haryana se hun . Mei sexy juror hun par randi nahi .Meri kahani meri paraye mard se first chudai ki hai . Meri kahani mei Hum do active character hain . Ek mei – – Roshni aur doosre mere relation ke jija Kamal . Mei aab 42 years ki hun aur kamal 58 ke hain . Meri fig 44 dd 40 48 . 5feet 7 inches tall . Kamal 6feet 1 ” lambe chauri chaati mote hain par active hain . Abb aap ko mera first encounter batati hun kamal se kaise suru haua Doston baat 1996 ki hai tab...

2 years ago
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Ek Chudaai Ki Sachi Dastaan

Hello friends this is Amit from Chandigarh, first of all i thank you all for d response and appreciations you guys have shown . this story happened only in response to my earlier story as one women out of all the 342 mails I’ve got till date left her phone no along video a msg to contact her as soon as i find it. let me introduce myself once more… i,m amit, a very fun-luving dependable, loving, caring guy from Chandigarh,,,i m 36 yrs young 5″7 tall, 68 kg wt, athletic built, belongs to a...

4 years ago
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Lavinia by CtrlAltDelete LAV. "O, Tamora, be call'd a gentle queen, And with thine own hands kill me in this place! [...] T' is present death I beg; and one thing more That womanhood denies my tongue to tell: O, Keep me from worse than killing lust, And tumble me into some loathsome pit, Where never man's eye may behold my body! Do this, and be a charitable murderer." from Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare In Titus Andronicus, one reads...

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The Contest

The Contest I don’t know how my wife found out about the contest but once she learned of it she couldn’t stop talking about it. And soon she was trying to get me to enter it with her. My wife, Julie, was a slim brunet with small breasts and nice, well shaped ass. She had been a virgin when we married but she quickly learned to love any kind of sexual activities. She especially loved sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. Maybe it was her love of cock sucking that piqued her interest in the...

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Shelly On The FarmChapter 4

In the two weeks that followed I shut my mind to everything but trying to survive. It made it easier that the boys were kept busy from early morning till late in the evening. The crops were coming up and Uncle Nat needed all the help he could get. Besides the regular chores, Jason and Billy Joe were hiring out to a neighboring farmer who was building a new barn. They were doing it for the extra spending money, and I was relieved that they weren't around so much. I spent more and more time...

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Watching the Boys Part 7

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! SLAM! I hit my alarm clock shutting it off. It was way too early to be up. I slowly tried to wake up and get ready for the Airport Shuttle, which would be here in about 45 minutes. I grabbed my robe and shuffled down to Bryan's room to wake him up. As I approached Bryan's bed I noticed he was naked as his covers were half way down his body, exposing his gorgeous butt cheeks. I rubbed his smooth bare bottom as I became hypnotized by the sleeping boy's beautiful ass. I...

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Dude we totally did it

So one day, I saw this hot cunt walking down the hall in the math building at college. I was like, "HEY! Ya cunt! Get over here!" "Excuse me?!" she said. Oh damn I smacked that bitch so fucking hard and said, "BITCH! If you EVER talk back to me again I'm gonna fucking kill you!" "Yes sir," the cunt said. So, I whipped out my 11 inch fucking beast of a cock, and shoved it down her throat. The bitch started gagging and choking, but damnit I don't give a fuck. She was...

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Sarah FutaSlut

_S_arah looked around her room and sighed. She was still used to getting up early, but now that the vacation started, it just meant more time for her to do nothing. She had spent most of the past few days mindlessly edging and watching porn and gotten increasingly frustrated at her loneliness. Her balls had grown considerably since she began her streak 4 days ago and she couldn't wait so see where things would go if she continued. Sarah had always loved orgasm denial and giving herself blue...

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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

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BrotherInLawChapter 6

Winter was making one last dying effort as Ginny stepped down from the commercial prop-jet at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. The falling snow was so thick she couldn't see the hangar as she made her way toward the charter line headquarters, falling in huge wet snowflakes that stuck to her like glue. She was soaked to the skin when she finally reached the shelter of the hangar, and the tiny office of Northern Lines Charter Service. "I'm Mrs. Dennison," she said hopefully, "I think my...

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ThatSitcomShow Alana Cruise Daisy Stone Krissy Lynn Threesome Company Lovers And Friends

Crissy and Janet have both fucked Jack and now they need to compare notes. They don’t know Jack is listening in on their conversation as they get under each other’s skin and then talk about Crissy’s hot friend. Jack is pretty sure that the girls are talking about bringing in another girl to hook him up, so he prepares his expectations accordingly. His dreams come true when Krissy arrives and is, indeed, super hot. Crissy and Janet take off to go get drinks, and Jack takes that...

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The Unusal Tale of Tanya

The Unusual Tale of Tanya. By Samantha White. Hello there, my name is Timothy, Tim to my few friends, and I work at Crainbridges Waterproof Plaster factory, you know the ones you stick on your cuts. I have worked there about fourteen months now, and I thoroughly enjoy my work, I work on a machine that produces one meter long waterproof plasters, I load up three reels with different tapes, and these come out the other end of my machine as meter long plasters and then they go on to a...

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Second ChanceChapter 22

I looked at them both and saw sincerity, kindness, and affection. It would be so easy to go along with the two women and see how long it took to get them both in bed, but I wasn't interested in seeing what I could get. What I wanted was the chance to develop a long term, stable relationship that got me back to the way my life used to be. Maybe I was over-romanticizing their feelings and mine, but I thought we had a chance to be good together and wanted to find out if it was true. I'd been...

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Jakes mom is hot

You had spent the night over at your best friend?s Jake?s house. It had been a good evening. You had watched a couple of really gnarly horror movies with your buddy, secretly drank a few beers and gone to bed really late. Jake had to wake up very early to get to work so by the time you woke up sunlight was pouring through the window and Jake had already left. Getting out of bed you quietly go to the bathroom. You close the door behind you and try to empty your bladder, but since you are...

1 year ago
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nikmatnya abg

“kamu dari mana rul?” tanyaku kepada nurul ketika dia baru kembali.“dari jalan-jalan.” jawab nurul singkat,tanpa ada menoleh sedikit kearahku.cerita dewasa ya sudah aku pikir,nurul sedang males cerita dan lelah kali ya sepulang jalan-jalan..dan aku pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidur,setelah membersihakn gitarku, hingga pada tengah malam itu,badanku digoncang-goncang oleh orang disebelahku,dengan sedikit setengah sadar,aku bangun dan melihat siapa orang yang berani mengganggu tidurku yangsedang...

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Private Lara Lee Her Sexy Lingerie

Lara Lee has a new set of lingerie to show off in Private Specials, Sexy British Babes, and with a body as irresistible as that underneath, it’s no wonder her boyfriend can’t wait to rip it off! It doesn’t take long for Lara’s sexy new garment to end up on the floor as she reveals her incredible figure to the lucky Raylan Franco before treating him to a sloppy deepthroat blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on www.private.com as this incredible babe puts her hips to work and fucks...

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A Change of lifestyle Part 10

A Change of Lifestyle Part 10 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Now comes some humiliation, some new shoes and a little chastity. Then he spends the night with Jess! Chapter 32 - Tattoo and a little humiliation We were expected at the tattoo shop and the girl doing my design explained the process and checked the design. I stripped off my trousers and pulled down my panties. I...

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BreeChapter 3 Wifes Accidental Encounter With the Donkey

Surprisingly it was my ex-long-term girlfriend/almost fiancée Kate that, unknowingly to me, set me up on a date with Briana (Bree for short) when we were both students during our last semester of college. They both lived in the same sorority house attending Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University) in San Marcos. Kate and Bree shared adjoining rooms with a connecting bath and were very close friends, along with another very close friend, Shannon, who was Bree's...

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Paulas ScarChapter 1

I had wrapped up meetings with clients and prospects, so before heading back to my apartment on the upper west side I decided to stop for dinner. My path took me close to the Capital Grille near Grand Central, so I stepped inside. The hostess got me seated and handed me a menu, and a bus girl filled my water glass. I scanned the menu and was approached by my server. "Is the spit-roasted chicken the only poultry on the menu?" I asked. "Yes -- it's very good," she replied. "I don't...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 125

Thanks to ikakalovich for this one!! A Woman was out golfing one day when she hit the ball into the woods. She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. The frog said to her, “If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes.” The woman freed the frog, and the frog said, “Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes. Whatever you wish for, your husband will get times ten!” The woman said, “That’s okay.” For her first...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 26 Because I Can

"There he is," Vickie said as Roger and I entered the Dining Car. "Let's ask him." "Ask me what?" I replied, stopping at their table. Vickie and Adriana were seated across from Deedee and Abby. "They want to ask us questions about you, but we didn't know if you would be okay with it," Vickie said. "No gifts, talents, or abilities," I thought to Vickie. "And nothing before I woke up." "Aw-w-w, that don't leave much," she whined. "You can always talk about all the...

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The Stud2

Mike a big HS football star and got every girl he wanted in bed but he screwed up when he picked up a young girl a party and went to her house to fuck her. He had just ripped her panties off, opened his pants and told the girl to suck his cock when her mother walked in! He tried to up and run but his pants at his feet trippedhim up. June the mother said she knew who he was so running was not going to get him out of this mess. June told him her daughter was only 15 yr old and was calling the...

3 years ago
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Risky for us

This is the first time sharing so hopefully you like it. After diner and drinks with friends over the weekend we were driving home and my wife decided to start playing with my cock. It looked like she was just leaning on my shoulder, but she had her hands down my pants caressing my tip. After getting my really hard I could tell she was getting really turned on. She then went back over to her seat and opened her pants, just showing me the front of her pink thong. My heart started pounding being...

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