Emails and Texts Seduction carnal desires uncommitted sexual play
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
TO - Master
FROM - Night Nurse
(Still Role Playing)
Dear Daddy,
Thank you for taking the time to write such a long and complex letter to me. I think that I'm now beginning to understand a little better what you are telling me. I'm sorry that it's been a few says since I last wrote but there has been several major occurrences here at the Convent School. Going back a few days, here is what has happened:-
I received your letter and eagerly read it word for word several times. I looked up a few definitions in the library and then, since I had a free period, I slipped into the photography room. Taking a bit of a chance, I set up one of the instamatic cameras on a self timer then took a few test shots to see where I needed to stand for my purposes. Once I had that sorted out, I set the timer and hastily pulled open my blouse to show off my breasts (which, I'm proud to say, are the largest off all in my class). As soon as the flash went off, I covered myself up again. Once I had the photo, I quickly left. When I had the opportunity, I scanned the picture and saved it as a.jpg file and I'll attach it to this letter. It's not all that good but I hope that Tommy finds it worth the risks I had to run!
In your letter you ask about the boys and the times they tried to get into the bathroom and when they pulled down my skirt. Well, they never actually managed to get into the bathroom as I quickly learnt to lock the door after their first few feeble attempts when their noisy, giggling approach always gave them away. However, as to the skirt pulling... you know that park just down the road? Where we all used to play as kids? Well, one Saturday morning when you and mummy were out shopping, the boys and I went to play in the park. Everything was fine for awhile and we were playing nicely. Then one of the lads, I can't recall which one now, suggested we play hide and seek. I agree and, after losing the argument, I had to do the looking. After awhile with no luck, I spotted some material flapping about behind one of the clumps of bushes and so I went to look... only to find all the boys there together, grinning like monkeys! They grabbed me and pinned my arms behind my back before tying them there with some rope. Then they pulled off my skirt and knickers before ramming my panties into my mouth to stop me asking them to let me go. Then they pushed me to the ground and forcibly spread my legs - by now I was crying - and then they started a close and clinical inspect of my private parts, compering what they found to a biology text book they'd brought along. It was all very degrading for me. Once they'd finished, they let me up then removed the gag and rope. Leaving me where I was, they went off taking my skirt and panties with them. Finally, after about half an hour worrying and trying to think what I should do, they tossed my clothing back over the fence from the outside of the park. I never told you about this because of beating the lads promised me if I ever mentioned the incident.
Anyway, back to events here. The next morning, after receiving your letter, the Father and I went off to the lough as usual. After I undressed, I told the Father that the cold was making me want to go wee-wee and asked if I could go behind a bush. As you'd led me to believe, a bulge began to grow in the front of his cassock as he told me that, as part of my punishment, I would have to do it where I was right before him. I squatted down and opened my legs and, before not too long, my urine was splashing to the ground and soaking into the soil. His cassock was now flapping about wildly! After I finished I went to bathe and when the Father called me back to shore, I wasn't surprised to see him waiting, holding the towel. Standing behind me he dried my back before slipping his arms under mine so that he could dry my breasts - or should I call them tits now, daddy? After he'd been drying them for several minutes, he moved to my front and began to go to work between my legs. As always, I found this exciting and, as you had told me, I began to moan and to thrust my hips forwards. The Father responded by dropping the towel and simply rubbing my pussy (there - I typed it!) with his hand. "You're moist," he said which seemed a silly thing to say since I'd just go out of the lake but I said nothing in reply. Then the Father dropped his hand before grabbing a handful of my hair (on my head). I yelped and suddenly found myself being dragged, painfully, back towards the convent with absolutely nothing on! When we reached the building, the Father pulled me towards a door that I have never seen opened before... but, yanking a key out from under his cassock, he opened it and pushed me through. I was then dragged down several corridors until we reached another door which opened with a simple twist of the handle... and then he tossed me violently in so that I sprawled on the floor. When I looked up, I saw that the Mother Superior, her deputy and several of the other sisters were there. Farther Murphy then said, in a rather commanding tone, "This one is ready."
To my shock, the nuns all replied, "Yes, Master," and began to remove their habits. Underneath, each was dressed identically in just a black leather bra with holes cut for their nipples to stick through, a black leather g-string and suspenders and stockings... which looked most odd setting off their sensible, low heeled nun's shoes. "Start her training!" And, with that, the Father walked off, closing the door behind him.
Mother Superior told me to stand and to move over to an upright wooden chair that she indicated and to sit in it. Once I had done that, she had the other nuns bound my wrists to the arms of the chair and my ankles to the legs. Into my mouth they pressed a soft rubber ball that had some leather straps attached to it so that, once it was done up, I was very effectively gagged. Seeing my look of shock, the Mother Superior proceeded to explain to me how this school was more than it at first appeared. "True," she said, "we give the basics of a religious education but you might have noticed how we emphasis strongly meekness and obedience?" I nodded. "And when a girl is ready, we train them in how to be good slaves. You didn't think that you mother and stepfather just decided to ship you out to a convent in the middle of Ireland for no good reason did you?" I couldn't help it, all I could do was shrug my shoulders for I had often wonder just that. "No, your stepfather selected this place because we are the foremost training establishment of our kind in Europe. As each girl begins to discover her sexuality, she is brought to this room and the truth explained. Some girls in your class have already been here while others are nowhere near ready. You may have noticed how some girls seem to be missing for parts of the day? Now you know why. Very well, myself and the sisters have to return to our 'official' duties. We will leave you here for the morning to consider what we have told you. You will then be released in time for lunch after which you will attend the usual afternoon classes. Then, in the evening, you will be allowed access to the computers so you may inform you stepfather of what has happened... and this time you can do it openly. Oh, yes, you didn't seriously think that we hadn't spotted your electronic letters to England? That was one of the first signs that you would soon be visiting this room. Now, we must go. Think well, my child, of the joy that will be yours when you are fully trained and truly know your place in the world..."
And that, daddy, is about that. I thank you for being so farseeing as to have arranged for me to come to the Convent. I feel that by the time I leave here, I will be well on the way to being an efficient slave but, no doubt, yourself and the boys will have to polish off a few rough edges. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Your devoted stepdaughter and slave in training,
(Master, I hope you approve of the way I've taken the story. It strikes me that you will now have much greater freedom in the actions you want Sharon to undertake. I don't know if you want to keep playing her stepfather and send instructions to the Convent for the nuns and Sharon to follow or if you might prefer switching roles and simply become Father Murphy, the man behind the nuns. I look forward to your reply. NNN.)
TO - Night Nurse
FROM - Master
To answer your question Yes I do like they way you are steering the role play. Your idea of the convent playing the part of a much darker and secret role in the education of young ladies is brilliant. However, what I don't want is for you to move things on too quickly. I am starting to really enjoy the innocent personality that you have given Sharon and so I want to maintain her innocence until I see fit. You have given her the use of a charming vocabulary like Wee-Wee etc and I also like the way she initially wanted me not to use slang words that she didn't understand. It then becomes more interesting for me to gradually chip away at her innocence and have her raise questions on matters she doesn't understand. I want her to have an inner turmoil going on where the conflict is between that of sex being dirty and sex being excitingly intriguing. You may continue the story of the convent being used as an undercover training school for sex slaves but at the same time I also want the emphasis firmly on Sharon having more flashbacks to episodes in her life like the one in the park. It therefore goes without question that she shall remain my darling little daughter.
I will manipulate the scene from time to time so as to give me all the freedom I need.
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IncestJeff was wearing navy blue slacks with a light blue shirt and a blue and white sweater. Devlin was pleasantly surprised she couldn't smell any aftershave. She couldn't smell any spray-on deodorant, either--she still remembered that jock she'd gone out with two weeks before. He'd reeked of Old Spice aftershave and Right Guard deodorant all night long. It'd been enough to make her want to gag. Jeff's sweater and slacks--the color seemed right for him. Maybe he was finally paying attention...
Sam said, "Really! What was the idea?" "Well, I don't socialize much, so I thought I'd fix it so I can please myself." Sam just looked at him for a few seconds, and asked how the operation went, and what was the result. "I had it done genetically, and it made me long enough to do myself without hurting my back." "Damn," Sam replied. "That must be something to see. Are you enjoying it?" "Hell yes. Like most guys fantasy, a blowjob any time you want one." Sam...
I guess the night before put me in the mood for a stroll down memory lane. I say that because as I walked down the jungle path toward the boat landing my mind was split. Half was keeping a sharp eye out for stranglers from action the night before, and the other half was concentrated on my much earlier years. I bet everyone does the same kind of thing now and then. Well maybe not the soldiers running around the jungle seeking revenge part, but the split thoughts part. Some of those memories...
After the appropriate sound of a ringing doorbell, a rather matronly looking woman entered a rather matronly looking foyer. The foyer looked matronly by having walls covered in a print wallpaper with columns of cute, farmyard geese. Thin stripes coloured like slightly tarnished copper separated each column from the other. Here and there, a knick knack shelf with a ceramic figure of another goose would assist the single framed mirror with three 'never to be used so don't even try' coat rungs,...
As it turned out, their fears were not unwarranted. Over the next couple of weeks Trent was nearly caught with his sister twice and his mother once. The first time was early in the morning and Ally and Trent were sleeping peacefully, and nakedly, in his bed. They'd screwed for hours when she came to his bed and fell asleep afterward. Their father was tired of Trent's always sleeping in on weekends, and was about to barge into his room and wake him. Fortunately, Rebecca was just coming up...
I’m nervous, but excited as all hell. The day is finally here! I’m in the hallway, under the bright lights. The passage echoes distant movements, smells of testosterone and sweat. There’s a laminated ‘Access all areas’ pass around my neck. I twist the little string lanyard this way and that, my fingers giving away my jitters as I wait for my older sister. I owe her big time. Ginny works for my favourite football team, in the marketing department. She has ensured that I was ‘lucky’ enough to...
WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...