The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 18
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"They've taken Megan!" Exclaimed a dirty and exhausted yet still surprisingly attractive and sexy Carla.
Pete was frozen to the spot, a cold lump forming in his otherwise lumpless stomach. Penny, however, rushed to the disheveled girl and in as motherly a manner as she could muster, helped her to a chair while instructing Wendy to get a glass of water.
"Here," soothed Penny, handing her the water, "drink this. Now try and calm down and tell us what happened."
"Calm down and tell you what happened?" complained the lovely blonde, taking a sip of water. "How in the hell am I supposed to do that? I mean, there we were, minding our own business when a blue 2003 Buick LeSabre, came out of nowhere. There were three guys in it, two with black hair and one with blond, but all three just looked like thugs. Anyway, those crazy fuckers rammed right into Chad's car! We thought it was just a regular car accident when all of a sudden there were two more cars, a red 2000 Ford Taurus that had two more blonde haired thugs and black Lincoln Town car, either a '95 or a '96 - I always get those two confused - the driver was a thug but the passenger seemed to be in charge. He was tall, around six foot two, maybe a hundred ninety pounds and short brown hair. Well, in no time at all they were all over us, mainly grabbing at Megan, Chad tried to stop them, he couldn't take them all but I saw him knock out two of them before they put him down - I don't know if he's okay or not, the last time I saw him he was lying on the ground and he wasn't moving, needless to say I'm very worried about him. I tried to run but one of the thugs grabbed my arm then they tied up Megan with duct tape - not the real stuff but some cheap knock off brand - and that was when the guy who seemed to be in charge, ordered the guy holding me to 'go ahead and kill the bitch' so I kicked him in the balls and ran off into the woods. I got here as fast as I could."
Carla paused to catch her breath, "So after all that it's amazing that I can remember my own name, just how am I supposed to calm down and tell a whole story?"
"Never mind dear," said Penny, patting Carla on the head, "sip your water and try to relax."
"What are they gonna do to her?" Pete asked his two mentors.
"My guess would be," replied Bernard, "that they are trying to decide whether or not we have a breeder. They will first give her a pregnancy test and if it's positive, they'll extract the embryo to see if it's human or alien."
"But what about Megan? Are they going to hurt her?"
"They'll keep her alive until they find out what they need to know, then she becomes a liability and will probably be killed. If they had a breeder of their own she would be used for that, but since they don't, she is just excess baggage."
"How long do we have?"
"The pregnancy test is simple," said Skip, "but they won't be able to get the embryo out that easily, and then it takes a little while to examine the DNA. If you want to find Megan alive, we have to do in the next day or two."
Pete grabbed the phone. "Carla, do you think you can take us back to where it happened?"
"Now Pete," counseled Bernard, "I don't think it's a good idea for you..."
"Don't worry, I don't plan on going there alone - I'm calling back up." Pete said as he finished dialing.
"Johnnie? Trouble ... call your cousin and get back here ... we're fine here but Megan's been kidnapped ... you bet your ass it was the Sonarians, Carla described the guy I saw at the school ... the one I fought with ... that's because you weren't here when I told the story ... I'll tell you later ... get here as soon as you can and bring the whole crew ... great, bye."
Fifteen minutes later Pete's driveway was once again filled the throaty growls of beefy Harleys and bored out American muscle cars.
Pete and Johnnie piled into the back seat of a jet-black 1968 Plymouth Fury convertible while Carla took the passenger seat. Johnnie assured Pete that his best driver, Gimpy Joe, was behind the wheel.
"Okay," said Carla, having been informed that she was to guide the driver and all the others would follow, "head towards that boutique that has the cool hair scrunchies but doesn't carry any good clothes whatsoever."
Gimpy Joe stared at her with a blank look. "Any chance you have a street name?"
"Sure, it's one of those number streets, and the other was a president's name. It's by the big snowman."
"Fourth and Jefferson," supplied Johnnie to the amazed looks from Pete and the driver. "There's a tire store there, its got a big blow up of that white tire dude."
"Yeah, that's it," Agreed Carla, "the Michigan Man."
Gimpy Joe gunned the engine and sped off as he and the others shook their heads hopelessly.
It took ten minutes for the six cars and twice as many motorcycles to roar through the nearly abandoned streets to the scene of the abduction. Chad was sitting on the ground propped against a rear tire of his car. The Fury squealed to a stop, Pete and Carla flew to Chad, who looked at them with pained eyes.
"Sorry, Pete." He said, miserably with that look jocks get when they just blew the big game. "I tried man, there was just too fucking many of 'em."
"You did fine, how badly are you hurt?"
"I don't think anything's broken. Are we going after them?"
"That's what we have to figure out."
He stood, leaving Carla to fuss over her boyfriend and turned to face the group.
"So, where do we start looking?"
"I know one of their safe houses," offered Bernard, "I wouldn't expect to find her at it, but we may find someone who knows where they've taken her."
"Sounds good to me. Let's go!"
Everyone piled back into their vehicles and tore off with Bernard's driver leading the way. About half way there, Carla, who was now in the back seat with Johnnie and Chad began to shout.
"That's them! That's them!"
"What are you talking about?" asked Pete from the front seat.
"That red car we just passed going the other way, that was one of the cars that attacked us!"
Without any prompting, Gimpy Joe twisted the wheel while slamming on his emergency brake, his car spun around and in an almost seamless maneuver he was quickly roaring after the red Taurus.
The car had a huge lead and Pete, remembering his pursuit of the Sonarian agent at the school, had an idea.
"Johnnie!" He shouted, climbing up to sit on the back of his seat. "Get on my back!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Just do it!"
Note: It would help immensely if, at this time, all readers would imagine hearing Molly Hatchet's 'Flirting with Disaster' during the next two paragraphs. No real reason other than that is what the author was listening to when he wrote it - plus it's a kick ass song.
Johnnie wrapped his arms around Pete's shoulders, convinced that Pete had lost his mind when suddenly the two of them were floating above the speeding Fury.
Pete leaned forward and quickly left the convertible behind. He felt Johnnie's grip tighten painfully but ignored it as he overtook the Taurus. Just before reaching it he sent a telekinetic blast that took out the back window and a second later they were in the car, Johnnie's fists flying and Pete, having once again not completely thought through his actions, huddled on the floor boards trying to avoid injury. The Taurus spun out of control and slammed to a stop against a telephone pole.
By the time he and Johnnie had extricated themselves they had been joined by the Fury and two of the other cars along with half the Harleys.
"What the fuck was that?" Johnnie asked, his eyes wide.
"Never mind that now. Let's see if either of these assholes know where Megan is."
Skip, having checked on the thugs, pulled his head out of the Taurus.
"We won't learn anything from these two, they're both dead."
"God Dammit, Johnnie! Why did you think were chasing them?"
"I'm sorry, but those guys were really hard to hurt, I had to pull out all the stops or they would've killed both of us."
"You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. Somebody get Bernard on the phone."
Two minutes later Skip was shaking his head and closing his phone.
"No joy, the house was deserted. We're back to square one."
"C'mon Pete," Pete murmured to himself, "think ... think ... Hold on! Carla, can your coven help locate Megan? The witches on television have those locator spells."
"You know there is something I've read about, it's not as easy as it is on TV, but..."
Carla fished her phone from her wonderfully tight blue jeans and flipped it open dialing quickly.
"It's Carla ... emergency meeting ... no, all of them ... the cemetery on Oak Street, we have to cast before midnight so you have less than an hour ... see you there and make sure nobody's late, Megan's life may be on the line."
She hung up the phone.
"Okay, I have to get some things from my house and I have to do it fast."
"How much stuff are you getting?" asked Johnnie.
"Just a back pack."
"In that case," said Big Mike, throwing his leg over his bike, "get on ... and no screaming. Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride."
Carla climbed on and tried wrapping her arms around the huge biker but had to settle for grabbing his shoulders. She wasn't a tiny girl, but clinging to Big Mike's back she looked like a kindergartener's teddy-bear back pack on a sixth grader.
"Meet us at the cemetery, I'll be there as soon as I can." She managed to say just before the ominous looking hog roared to life and took off like a greased pig running from a dozen elephant ear and cotton candy fueled pre-teen boys at a state fair.
Pete and the rest had been waiting at the cemetery for forty-five minutes; the other cheerleaders had just arrived when they heard the throbbing growl of the Harley approaching. They actually heard it for several minutes before it finally raced into sight, Carla's gleaming blonde hair billowing straight back. Once Big Mike stopped the throbbing machine she was slow in dismounting and staggered slightly in joining them.
"Wow," she said, "that thing is a lot ... uhm ... faster, yeah, faster than I thought it would be." She shook her head and re-oriented, "Is everyone here?"
She looked around and saw everyone she needed.
"Okay girls, power circle over there, Brandy, you know what to do," she held out her back pack after extracting a small leather bound notebook, "you'll find everything you need in here."
She walked over to Pete, leafing through the notebook.
"This one is kinda dark. Someone is going to have to give up a blood sacrifice - you know, like what you had to go through when we freed Megan from your control. This is different only in that it has to be voluntary."
"That's okay," Pete assured her, "I'm ready."
"Your's won't work. It has to be a blood relative."
Since they had agreed that Penny would stay home in case Megan escaped and tried calling for help, all eyes turned toward Mindy.
"No!" said Pete firmly, "find another way, there's no way in hell I'd ever allow something like that to..." he stopped, feeling a hand on his shoulder. He turned to find his lovely little sister standing there, her light brown hair framing her beautiful features with a look of pure innocence.
"It's okay, Pete," she said, her voice barely audible. "I'll do it."
"Are you sure?" Pete asked, "It hurts a lot."
"Mindy," chimed in Wendy, "why would do that for Megan? After all she did to you over the years."
"But she's still my sister, and with the way things are now ... she's a lot nicer. I don't want her to die."
"I've kinda gotten to like her lately too." Admitted Pete.
"Okay folks," stated Carla in a 'take charge' tone of voice, "It's show-time. Mindy, you come stand in the center of the circle." She guided the adorable lithe teen to her proper place. "After we begin the blood flow you have to hold your arms straight out to your sides and turn in a slow circle. We need blood at all the points of the compass so stop when your hands are over each of these points," she indicated several circles scratched into the dirt, "and you need to hit each of them with blood from both hands, so this may take a while. You still up to it?"
Mindy swallowed hard. "Okay. I got it."
"Why does Mindy have to be in the center of the circle while you do the spell?" Asked Pete, "can't she just drop the blood and get out?" I've seen that circle in action and the center isn't the best place to be."
"She has to be in the middle. The spell is going to be 'on' her. She will become Megan's locator."
Before Pete could protest, Mindy thrust out her hands, "Let's go, do what you have to."
Pete's chest swelled with love and pride at his little sister's courage.
"Hang on," stalled Carla, "I gotta give the girls their lines."
There was a brief huddle of cheerleaders and then they dispersed to the circle. Carla approached Mindy, her hand behind her back.
"Are you ready?"
Mindy swallowed hard, "as ready as I'll ever be."
Carla produced the same dagger they had used on Pete and in two quick practiced motions, accompanied by two soft moans from Mindy, there was a small dripping wound in each hand of the lithe beauty.
Gritting her teeth, Mindy held out her arms and began the slow and arduous process of allowing her precious life's fluid to accumulate at each of the designated spots. The cheerleaders all began chanting in some ancient obscure dialect but Pete paid them no attention, focused as he was on the single tear slowly winding it's way down Mindy's adorable cheek. She finished her circuit and the air in the circle became distorted, shimmering like an asphalt highway on a hot summer day. In no time at all her hair was flying in an unseen wind as she silently screamed.
Horrified, Pete was about to put a stop to the whole ordeal when it was over. Silence descended on the cemetery, Mindy looked curiously at her now healed hands and then, turning slowly she seemed to assess each point of the compass until she finally stopped, pointing to the northwest.
"That way ... Megan is that way."
They all climbed back into their vehicles, Mindy taking front seat of the Fury this time. Gimpy Joe roared off turning when and where Mindy indicated. They had been driving for about half an hour when Pete's phone rang. He reached for his pocket, grimaced, unfastened his seat belt and reached for his phone again.
"Gosh Pete, when you say it, well, it just makes total sense," explained Eric, a large football player and Chad's right hand man. "You are such a great guy and doing such noble work that we'd all be more than happy to help keep you safe. But when Chad suggested it, I don't know, it just sounded ... stupid ... I can't remember why." His face was clouded by a puzzled look. "I suppose Chad just doesn't have a way with words ... you know ... like I ... have way ... I guess." "Yeah,...
Pete stood outside the trailer in sheer panic. He had managed to slip the drug to Reese Servingspoon but before he'd had time to do any programming whatsoever, her handlers, who insisted that she needed a two and a half hour nap to prepare for her next scene, had swept him out of her dressing trailer. He couldn't believe that he had finally, after all these months, slipped his favorite movie starlet a dose of hypno-juice and he couldn't give her the simplest command. Who knew when he would...
"What are you looking at, Doofus?" Asked Chad, captain of the football team and the latest generation in a long line of Big Man on Campuses. The type of guy who doesn't merely think that it's 'okay' to pick on those weaker than him, but that it's an imperative - a family tradition stretching back to the dawn of time. "Uhm, nothing," answered Pete, trying to make his skeletal frame disappear, difficult since the hallway was crowded and nobody was letting him pass, "I ... I'm just...
"Okay, Skip," demanded Pete, "who the hell are the Sonarians, what - exactly - happened to the previous breeder and what did these, so called, Sonarians have to do with it?" "It wasn't my fault," muttered Skip, "I was on holiday at the time and Phillips was supposed to be taking care of security. And you can believe I'd have had his head on a platter, if he hadn't taken off." "Yes, I'm sure that's fascinating, but what happened to my predecessor?" "The Sonarians got to him....
"I think your mother is right," said Skip after Pete had relayed the entire story, "no breeder has ever had the amount of power you do, so it's no mystery why he didn't think that's what you were. But, since neither side has ever created a new guide either, I can imagine they must be plenty baffled about now." "But they must know that they took Bernie out," observed Pete, "wouldn't they just think I'm his replacement?" "It's feasible, but like I said, we've never done it...
"Wow, Chad, you sure do look angry. Are you angry, Chad?" Pete spoke flippantly despite the concerns of his family and friends. "Grrrrrrr..." Was the best Chad could come up with. Pete began his mental manipulations as he continued. "I can't say that I blame you, really. I mean, the idea that anyone would want to hurt me makes me mad too. And those damned Sonarians don't want to just hurt me, they want to kill me!" He removed the restrictions on Chad's movement. "Don't worry,...
They pulled to a stop across the street from the house that Mia had pointed out - it didn't look very different than any of the other sorority and fraternity houses on the street but it certainly looked erotic to Pete. They only had to wait a few minutes before a bright green Toyota Prius pulled up behind them and Skip got out. After a brief reunion between the cars they headed across the street in a group. The five gorgeous leggy women in oversized t-shirts attracted more than a little...
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This story includes references to characters from other stories I've written that are posted on Fictionmania. You really don't need to know the names to follow the plot, but it helps broaden the experience. Peter and Dash: A Turn By Wolverine Mesmerize and Peter walked calmly down the busy city street. It was the middle of the summer, but Peter still wore a jacket, something that had become a uniform for him ever since he returned from the other universes. And ever since Laura had...
“Come on Susie we talked about this, you agreed it would be fun.”“Yes well talking and doing are two different things, l’m nervous, l’ve never done anything like this before.”“You agreed we should spice things up a bit, we don’t want to get bored with each other.”“So you are bored with me then,” she said accusingly, “what are you saying, that you fancy someone else, that tart that works in the office perhaps, she looks like an easy lay with her false boobs and short skirts.”“Don’t be silly...
Tim and Abbie 62: The celebration at Peter and Sarah’s houseOblivious to what is happening elsewhere this evening, on his way home, Peter makes a similar stop but at an off-license instead. Purchasing a top-shelf bottle of Scotch to celebrate his news about his new position at Microga.Arriving home early, Sarah greets him with a look of concern on her face about what might have happened. Seeing Peter raise the bottle in the air, she knows whatever it is must have been good and starts jumping...
TransOne spring day in 1922 Ann closed up the shop where she worked. She was keen to run her own shop but it would be a several years before a legacy from an aged aunt would allow her to do this. For the time being, aged just 20, she continued to learn the ropes from Mr and Mrs Hunter.The next day she was closing up again but this time Mr and Mr Hunter were present. They called Ann to the storeroom at the back of the shop.Ann entered and closed the door.“Now, Ann, last night you forgot to lock the...
My wife and I were taking a vacation in Canada. We were staying at a beautiful hotel, and they upgraded our room to the presidential suite. The first night we were there we ran into Peter North. That night was the most memorable night that Stacey and I had. After getting some much needed sleep, after all that fucking, sucking and cumming that went on, but when I awoke, but Pete was not in the bed and Stacey was curled into a ball like usual. I crept out of the bed to not disturb Stacey. I went...
I had been struggling all month to work out what to do for my mother’s birthday, I was searching the internet high and low and eventually found a deal for a night stay with a couple of spa treatments. I went ahead and booked it for the following week of her birthday. Being a surprise, I didn’t tell her until the night before we were going. Dad was working away on this particular weekend, so I thought it would be nice to get out and enjoy a bit of much needed relaxation. Telling mum, the night...
Peter and Dash: A Turn, Part II By Wolverine Peter awoke with a start, his nightmares were becoming more and more realistic. He always heard a woman cry out in pain and then a feeling of remorse, but now it was becoming like an opera, a tragedy. Peter reached over and felt for his wife, Laura. Her hand patted him with reassurance and he fell back on his pillow. Laura flipped over and reached her small arm across his chest, her brown hair building up around his face. He brushed...
Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...
Author's note: This story was written with permission from Solari, the creator of the wonderful Night Skies Hotel universe. Night Skies Hotel: Peter and Dash By Wolverine CHAPTER I: TWO DAYS EARLIER Shane was in heaven. Ever since he had arrived at the Night Skies Hotel a few hours ago he had been surrounded by beautiful raven-haired women with green eyes. They were perfect in every physical way and every last one of them, even the maids, moved seductively at all times. It...
In the privacy of their own home, Kamea was allowed to experiment and try anything sexually she might be curious about. However, her parents did make it clear that Evan would never penetrate her with his huge penis, not her vagina, rectum or her mouth and that she should always keep in mind that her virginity could only be given once. Maylea told her about the sex toys they already had and they would get more along with DVD’s and books. They would teach her everything they knew, not only about...
I haven't seen my Uncle Peter in The Netherlands for a couple of years and working full time for a large television network has not allowed me any time off, but this summer I would take a leave of absence to visit my favourite uncle. I have fond memories of years gone by and as he meets me at the airport I give him a long hug and the first thing I remember is the scent of his aftershave which brings about a little tingle between my thighs. By the time we get to his house it is late and I am...
“Peter and Paul” Peter knew this would be his very last chance to go the Model Plane Exhibition at Earls Court. Georgina would never go after the last time; his brother was his only way out. There was no way she would let him go on his own anyway. The house was quiet, Peter took the opportunity of ringing his twin brother, If Georgina found out too soon all would be lost, including his relationship with her. “I...
Peter and Dash: The Agency Part One By Wolverine Michael rushed through the moonlit forest. Every footstep he took gave the tell-tale crack or snap of a twig. The limbs were low for the 6'3" man. He had to duck to miss the branches, making his steps louder and heavier. Michael was tired, but he couldn't stop now. Even dying from exhaustion was better than the fate behind him. Pain roared through his sides. He had to stop. Michael looked around for a hiding spot. He saw very little...
Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...
Massaging Shilpa’s breast was the best part for Peter. Her big dark brown areolas were also very inviting. In between Peter was lost in mature breasts rubbing her areola dots and her nipples were erect. Again he spread the thick lotion over her areola. Then repeated the action on her other nipple switching rubbing her breasts, areola and pulling her tits softly. She felt her body quiver with sensation. Although she knew his actions had more sexuality, she felt herself surrender. Where this goes...
Did she have a hidden agenda? Was her Ishtar to dominate white men driven by some racial hatred or need to seek revenge for her enslaved ancestors? By all outward appearances, that would appear to be the case. But Mistress Ishtar was far more complex than superficial appearances would allow. Black, strong, confident, and proud, there was no mistaking that the Domina was proud of her African heritage and took pleasure in reducing her white submissives to whatever it was that they feared the...
Peter and Dash: The Agency Part II By Wolverine The fight was a blur to Dash. Bunny had lunged out of the forest at Peter before he could even sense her. These agents were good. Luckily, Peter had been able to utter Dash's name in the scuffle, throwing Bunny back and allowing Dash to emerge. Bunny lunged at Dash as he gained control which prompted him to roll out of the way. She missed and Dash took the opportunity to take her out with a sword slash. Surprisingly, before his sword...
Peter and Samantha ‘How was your weekend?’ Samantha asked, coming into the kitchen. She was wearing a light summer skirt and a lacy blouse, her black hair pulled back from her green eyes. ‘I never got the chance to ask last night or this morning.’ ‘It was fine,’ Peter answered, non-committal. He wasn’t sure how he was going to tell her about his experiences with Eric. They had an open, comfortable relationship, but their promise to each other was it all had to be open and honest. He’d now...
A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Peter (more to come)I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Peter between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Peter's shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps, her arches curved over his wide shoulders with her toes resting on his...
Every day after work, Peter got on the same train and sat in the same seat Every day after work, Peter got on the same train and sat in the same seat. It was a boring journey home, taking him out of the city, through the suburbs, and eventually out to the small village he had lived in for the last ten years. But he always looked forward to the train home, because every night, without fail, in the seat opposite him sat the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He?d first noticed her a few...