RefugeesChapter 3 free porn video

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Dean had always suspected that those stories on the Internet about forty-year-old sex-mad MILFs who looked twenty-five were fantasies. Here in the moon, surrounded by other naked concubines, he could see that forty-year-old women looked forty years old. His other disappointment was that none of the women, whatever their age, wanted to hop into bed with any teenage boy they saw. In particular they didn't want to jump into bed with him. Most of them seemed too embarrassed at being naked, and hid themselves. His mother was the most embarrassed of all, at least when he was around. Here he was, surrounded by naked women and still a virgin! He wasn't bad looking: dark blond hair, blue eyes and a nice smile – well, he thought it was nice – but he was just one of the crowd. He didn't really stand out and all the women were intent on finding a sponsor, not another concubine like him. No different from the way things had been back in Canada. All the women were looking for their ticket to the stars, and he didn't have one.

He knew that getting himself a sponsor would be a long-shot. There were so few women sponsors and even fewer high-CAP men with huge harems who'd need a back-up guy. He was getting so desperate that he might even consider a gay man as a sponsor. If he was here for too long without getting selected then they'd send him back home. So far he hadn't had a single interview. Even one would be good, at least he'd lose his virginity. If he could do that, then this trip to the moon wouldn't have been a total washout.

Zeinab's new apartment was very like her old one except that it had a fifth small bedroom for Leila. The AI had again put Ishaq's cot in with Khuzama; he was too young for a room of his own.

The big difference was outside. Men. Some in uniform, some in those short grey shifts and some naked. Bushra seemed to handle their presence well. It was difficult to tell with Adeena. She seemed subdued, but she'd been subdued ever since Dhakir had divorced her. She didn't take too much notice of what was happening outside the apartment. Khuzama was shocked at first, but she soon adapted. She'd been married before, so naked men weren't completely new for her. Leila was the one most affected. Whenever there was an unattached man in sight, she was round-eyed in astonishment. She hid behind her mother, and peered round from her semi-concealment, not quite able to believe what she was seeing.

Bushra took Leila to her new school and Zeinab sent her other two concubines off for more training. When Bushra returned, she and Zeinab had a serious discussion about selecting a man and how they were going to test him – or rather, how Bushra was going to test him. They both agreed with the AI's suggestion that a young compliant unmarried man would be best. A more assertive man might want to take control. Once again the AI produced far too long a list, so they only bothered to look at the top few in any detail. Neither of them wanted to test a lot of men, given what 'testing' would involve. As long as the first candidate was satisfactory, they'd accept him. The AI assured them that there would be a surplus of young male concubines in the colonies, so if they made a mistake he could easily be replaced.

They both agreed that they couldn't force him to be a Muslim, that wouldn't be right. It would be enough for him to behave like a Muslim. All concubines had to behave the way that their sponsor told them to, so he would be expecting to have to do things the way Zeinab said.

Dean was playing a mindless video game, passing the time killing digital dickheads. He'd carefully turned slightly away from his mother, sitting next to him, to spare her embarrassment. Suddenly his collar spoke, "Unselected concubine Dean Hunter, a sponsor wishes to interview you. Do you accept?"

Hell yes he wanted to accept! Mom heard as well, put down her book and turned to look at him. "Yes, I accept. Where and when?"

"Interview Suite 6340, to start immediately. I will direct you."

As Dean stood, his mom leapt up and gave him a big hug. "Good luck dear," she told him.

Unfortunately the hug from his naked mother, and from her naked tits, produced the obvious reaction in the fifteen-year-old. No point in trying to make it go down, that never worked. He certainly didn't have time to jerk-off and clean up, he had to get to his interview.

"Turn right," the AI directed as he left the Unselected Concubines Lounge.

He'd need his hard-on for the test-drive anyway. At last! He'd lose his virginity ... Uh-oh, better check, "AI, is the sponsor a man or a woman?"

"The sponsor is female. Straight on at the next intersection."

A woman. Yes! Today was definitely looking up, just like his dick.

Dean didn't get anything like the reaction he expected when he entered suite 6340. There were two women sitting there. The older was a dark-haired concubine in the usual short grey shift, the younger in a black Navy uniform with a headscarf. A headscarf. Olive skin, like the concubine, so they might be Muslims. Whatever she was, the sponsor had this look of absolute shock on her face. Why? Hadn't she seen a naked man with a hard-on before? If she'd been testing men then she must have. He knew his dick looked average; he'd seen plenty of others to compare it with over the last few days.

The older woman was smiling. She rotated a finger, "Turn slow." She had an accent, so English obviously wasn't her first language.

Dean turned slowly on the spot. "Stop," she said when he was half-way round, facing away from the two women. Behind him, the two women talked in some language he didn't recognise. Urdu perhaps? Maybe they were Pakistani? Did that matter? No, not if he got selected. He'd just have to learn Urdu or whatever, instead of Chinese. He stared at the wall while they talked. Their conversation stopped and he heard one of them moving behind him.

"Come," the concubine said, and led him to the bedroom off the interview room. Yes! He was finally going to get laid! The sponsor stayed sitting in her chair, still looking shocked.

Zeinab couldn't believe it. She'd seen erections in the films she'd been shown. That wasn't like seeing a real one for the very first time. She'd seen naked men yesterday, and that was bad enough. None of them had erections though. Her heart began to settle from her throat back into its normal place. Bushra's suggestion to do the sex testing first might help. The man, Dean, should go limp for a while. That would make it easier for her, more like yesterday. Perhaps if he could wear one of those grey smocks? "AI, can Dean wear a smock while we talk?"

"No he may not. He is an unselected concubine, and is required to be naked at all times."

She thought for a moment. "Could I accept him temporarily, just for this interview?"

"Yes. You may reject any of your concubines for any reason at any time. You would be free to return him to the unselected concubine pool at the end of the interview if you found him unsatisfactory."

It was a disappointed Dean who returned to the interview room. He'd licked the woman, Bushra, but he'd done that with his girlfriends before. She'd given him one of the best blow-jobs he'd ever had, but that wasn't new either – just better. He was still a virgin! Not losing it was a real downer after all his hopes earlier. Bushra seemed to like his performance, so she should give a good report. Maybe the sponsor wanted to fully test him herself? There was still hope.

"Dean, my name is Zeinab Filali," the sponsor told him, once he'd seated himself again. "My English is not so good as I want. I will use the AI to translate the next part. It is important you understand right."

Dean nodded, ready to listen. She got that 'sponsor contacting an AI' look in her eyes, and he heard the translation through his collar.

"I find male nudity very uncomfortable. I am not used to it at all. For that reason, I want you to wear a shift for the rest of this interview. That means I will have to temporarily accept you as my concubine. Please understand that this may only be temporary. If you are not suitable, then I will release you at the end of the interview and you will be no worse off. I do not want to give you false hopes."

Dean nodded. That explained her shock at seeing him. If a shift made her happier, then he wasn't going to object. "That's OK," he told her. "I understand that it may only be for this interview." Unfortunately, putting on the shift meant that he wasn't going to lose his virginity here. Damn! At least she might sponsor him; that was the most important thing. If he got a sponsor then his virginity wouldn't last much longer. If Bushra was as good at sex as she was at blowjobs this could be a good berth for him.

Bushra went to the replicator to fetch a shift and Dean accepted Zeinab's offer of, hopefully permanent, sponsorship. As she'd said, if she rejected him after this interview, then he wouldn't really have lost anything.

Zeinab relaxed once he put the shift on. She even managed a tentative smile.

Dean was torn. This was a sponsor who was obviously interested in accepting him, and Bushra gave really good blowjobs. And Zeinab had two more women concubines he hadn't met yet. He'd have four women! But ... Zeinab and her other concubines were Muslims, as he'd suspected. Most of their discussion was about that. No, he wouldn't have to convert. Yes, he'd have to give up pork and alcohol. Yes, he would have to fast for Ramadan. He'd even get to marry all four of them! Could he live with that? He'd miss eating bacon, but getting a sponsor was a lot more important. Alcohol? At fifteen he'd not ever drunk much beyond a single glass with a meal, and everybody said replicator beer tasted like gnat's piss anyway. Ramadan sounded like a big thing, but not enough to break the deal. If the rest of Zeinab's family could do it, then so could he. He was already circumcised so that wasn't an issue – both women had already seen the answer to that question.

Zeinab made it clear that Bushra was her lead concubine and would be in charge when she was away on deployment. Dean could live with that. At only fifteen he hadn't expected to be made head concubine. Bushra was obviously much more suited to the job; she certainly had a lot more experience than he did. She would know more about the Muslim thing as well; he would be the only non-Muslim in the family. That was another good thing, Zeinab was obviously thinking of her concubines as a family, not as slaves.

It was the answer to a casual question that startled him the most. "What language were you speaking? I expect you'll want me to learn it."


Arabic! He'd heard that the Confederacy didn't extract anyone from the Arab League. How had these two got here? There was obviously a story there, but that wasn't important right now.

Zeinab looked at Bushra, who nodded. Yes, this young man was acceptable. Once she'd recovered from her initial surprise, Zeinab had warmed to Dean. He seemed content to follow orders and not try to assert himself. At fifteen he was a bit young, but that also meant he would not have as many bad habits to unlearn. Was there any point in trying out a second candidate? Probably not. There might be some minor differences, but likely not worth the effort of going through a second test and interview. So far the AI had come up with good advice, and she definitely did not want to repeat the shock she'd had when Dean came through the door.

"Thank you, Dean. Welcome to my family."

Dean could hardly believe it. He'd beaten the odds and found a sponsor! It took him a second to recover, "Erm ... thanks." He couldn't think of anything else to say. He really wanted to rush over and kiss Zeinab, but she probably wouldn't want that. She didn't seem to have much experience with men. Probably she was a virgin as well? He'd have to ask Bushra when he got a chance. Bushra obviously had a lot more experience than either Zeinab or himself. That blowjob ... There was something he really did need to do, "Could we stop off and tell my mom? I'd like to give her the good news personally."

"Yes, of course."

Gabby saw Dean come in through the door of the concubines' lounge. She barely noticed the two women with him. He was wearing a shift! She could feel her eyes tearing up as she rushed towards him. He was saying something about being accepted, but she wasn't listening. Her little boy would be safe! It took her a minute to calm down enough for Dean to introduce the two women. In her rush she hadn't noticed that his sponsor, Zeinab, was wearing a headscarf. It was too late to worry about that now, Dean had already been accepted. She determined to stay happy and not worry. This was Dean's big day, and she should be happy for him.

In her apartment, Zeinab introduced Dean to the others. Khuzama smiled shyly, Adeena didn't and Leila half-hid behind her mother, clutching her hand. Dean didn't let it worry him. With three other women in the family, Adeena could keep her distance if she wanted to. She was older than the others anyway, even older than Bushra. At least Khuzama and Zeinab were closer to his age and they both smiled at him. No doubt Leila would get used to him in time. Maybe she was just nervous with strangers?

No sheer harem pants and no skimpy boleros; yet another fantasy went 'pop'. Still, that one was obviously straight out of the Arabian Nights and never real. Zeinab was in her uniform while the others were in blouses and jeans, except for Adeena who was in a long skirt. Bushra quickly changed out of her smock into a blouse and pants. Dean got a nod from Zeinab and was soon dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. Much better than that embarrassing grey thing.

It was a strange evening for Dean. Zeinab spent a lot of the time in her office, arranging the wedding ceremony for tomorrow. Conversation was definitely limited by the language barrier. Dean spoke no Arabic, and apart from Zeinab, only Bushra had barely passable English. All of them were learning it, but they hadn't progressed very far. He spent most of his time watching TV in his room. He did emerge to eat with the others. The meal was very good and at least he could have a little conversation with Zeinab. She seemed glad that his mother was here so she could attend tomorrow's wedding.

Of course, with their wedding set for tomorrow, Zeinab made it clear that sex was strictly off the menu tonight. With just himself, and no alcohol, it was a very tame Stag Party indeed.

Dean lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He was now a married man, and his wife – make that one of his wives – was sleeping next to him. And he was still a virgin! The entire world, himself included, was conspiring to stop him getting laid.

The marriage, (or was it marriages?) had been ... different. He didn't get to say, "I do," instead his mother said it for him. Zeinab had some Fleet Auxiliary Corporal to give her away. Neither of them actually had to say anything, they 'consented by their silence' the corporal explained. Zeinab did get to speak later since she gave away Bushra, Adeena and Khuzama. That made sense, she was their sponsor so she was the nearest thing they had to a parent up here. No Imam either, just three of the corporal's friends as witnesses.

One familiar thing about the wedding was the new outfit that his mom was wearing. Zeinab had taken her on as a temporary supernumerary concubine for the ceremony, so she could wear clothes. She'd gone all-out with a big green hat and matching full-length dress with a long-sleeved top. She'd had to take it all off afterwards of course, and Dean had stored her outfit in his room. She said she'd want to have it back when she found her own sponsor. She'd cried during the ceremony, naturally. There were some wedding traditions that couldn't be skipped over.

He was with Zeinab for the first night. Her bed was enormous, big enough for all five of them together, so the two of them were lost in it. She'd told him that he would have all his wives in order, one a night for the first four nights. After that, he and Bushra could arrange things between themselves, with Zeinab having a veto.

It quickly became clear that this was not the kind of wedding night that Dean expected. This was Zeinab's very first ever date with a man. She'd never in her life been alone in her bedroom with any man outside her family. Dean went along with her wishes and started very slowly, as if on a first date. A pre-Confederacy first date at that, some kissing and touching above the waist only.

Zeinab was beginning to relax a little when he managed to put his foot right in it. She had confirmed that she was a virgin, so Dean tried to reassure her by telling her that he was as well. Zeinab was completely surprised. She'd thought that all Western men got mobbed by a crowd of eager women as soon as they emerged from the CAP testing station. Dean had to explain that only the lucky ones with a good enough CAP score got the attention. For low scoring men like himself, things were very different.

Zeinab instantly switched from nervous new bride to sponsor-in-charge. She didn't want her first time to be with an inexperienced man. She would wait until Dean had been with his other three wives and had gotten some experience. He could see her point; since they were both virgins, it would be better for him to have more experience before they went that far together. By the time he'd been with his other three wives – he still couldn't get his head round that – he'd have a better idea of what to do. Hopefully it would be enough to make Zeinab's first time a good one. The downside of course was that he stayed a virgin. If only he hadn't told Zeinab...

For the rest of the night Dean had to restrain himself. It made sense to take things carefully when she could dump him back into the concubine pool at a moment's notice. She seemed to enjoy what they did, as far as things went, and reassured him that she would go further in a few days.

Dean was useless for much of the next day. About every thirty seconds he thought, 'tonight!' He couldn't concentrate on anything at all. Even his Arabic lesson in the sleep-learner didn't seem to do him much good. Bushra didn't help either. She knew exactly what he was thinking and wiggled and jiggled various interesting parts of her anatomy at him, grinning all the time. Strangely, her being fully dressed made it sexier for Dean. After all the minimally clothed women on Earth, and the naked women in the moon, fully dressed was a novelty for him. When she noticed what Bushra was doing, Khuzama got in on the act as well. It was definitely 'Tease Dean Day', all day. At least Adeena didn't join in as well. Two of his wives teasing him was bad enough, but if there had been three...

Bushra had three goals that night: to get pregnant, to enjoy herself and to teach Dean. She wasn't sure if she managed the first, but she achieved the second and third. Three times. Dean was very willing both to learn and to help with her other goals. She could tell she would enjoy her new husband a lot. His attitude was very different from Ahmad, who had been rather dour and distant, especially when it became clear that she couldn't have any more children. Sex with Dean was fun, if over a little too quickly, but it was having more children that she was really looking forward to. Little Ishaq was lovely, but he wasn't enough, not when he was split between his three mothers.

Dean had three goals as well: to get laid, to get laid and to get laid. Like Bushra, he met all three. She was very patient with his over-eagerness and managed to calm him down, the second and third times anyway. He could see the wisdom in Zeinab waiting. He could tell that his performance improved with Bushra's help. It should get even better after Adeena and Khuzama. Finally, he'd shed his unwanted virginity!

The next night Dean found Adeena very different. She hadn't wanted to leave her first husband, and he had divorced her only a week ago. She did her duty of course, but Dean could easily tell the difference – her heart wasn't in it. He suspected that she would be in his bed a lot less than Bushra. That wasn't a problem. He had four wives, so she could take a back seat if she wanted.

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It had been Kelly’s idea to visit the fair. She’d been chasing Ben all summer and his band had got a booking to play the beer tent, doing their covers set for the drunks. She was desperate to go, having spent the summer trying to catch his eye every Friday night across the bar at the Fox, but he’d not shown more than a passing interest, no matter how overt she’d been with her flirting.In her head, this was going to be her big moment, when he’d gaze out across the trestle tables and sea of red...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 11 A Favor

Baltimore was full of rumors and women of easy virtue, and that is where I caught up with Foster and my companions. The Maryland legislature was in session when we reached Annapolis, so we paused there for a day or two while General Greene outlined his needs and shortages. General Mordecai Gist, who had survived at Camden by taking to the swamps while Gates skedaddled, agreed to forward whatever supplies could be squeezed out of the Maryland counties, but no one thought much was to be...

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Teaching Mrs ATM

"So what does it taste like?"I've always asked that whenever I stuff her mouth with my cock immediately after I rammed her asshole. I've never gotten an actual answer, just a snide stare looking up as my dick stretched her lips."So what does it taste like, you whore?"Again, no response.I didn't need one. I simply asked so I can remind her that my cock had just been in her ass before I shoved it in her mouth. I wanted to remind her that despite her being a clean cut elementary school teacher...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Lexie Deep Special surprise leads to anal

In todays update Lexie Deep gets her workout session interrupted with a birthday song and cake. As a special surprise her man gives her a box with a bunch of dildos and anal plugs. He lets her know that the toys are for her since she’s been wanting to tryout anal for a while. Since its her birthday, what a better time to do so? She gets the dildos inserted slowly and after she feels likes she ready and she ask of his cock. We see this chick taking this long cock from multiple positions until...

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Ghostly Love

Outskirts of Charles Town, North Carolina End of the Reign of Queen Anne, 1712 Kell took another deep drink of brandy. The smooth burning liquid slid down his throat painfully, yet easing his own pain with each drink. Sitting on his mother’s favorite settee, he stretched his legs out toward the warmth of the fire. He kept his boots on, despite the fact that both is mother and Mrs. O’Donnell hated when he wore boots in the house after working in the fields. It didn’t matter though. Nothing...

4 years ago
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Soldiers WifeChapter 7

Allen drove fast, cutting in and out of the traffic, cursing and fuming all the way to the suburbs of Santa Monica. He had to force a smile when he was greeted by Sybil and Bob. "Rather than shake your hand, I'm going to put this in it," Sybil said at the door. She held out a tall glass and gave it to Allen. Surprised, he took it and tasted the refreshing liquid. "Whoever you are, you know the way to a man's heart." "I am Sybil and this is my husband, Bob. And the key to your...

3 years ago
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The WaifsChapter 6

Sean hated this. He looked at the ring on his finger. It was silver, the image of a dove engraved into the top. A dove of peace ... the symbol of The Guard. Military life, even more than life in general, is full of irony and related unintended humor. Their official title was "Homeland Peace Guard", and whatever the original intent of their creation, their dove was now a symbol of hate and inhumanity throughout the system. Naturally, never having seen a real dove, for all Sean knew they...

2 years ago
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Way To End The Day

The steady drone of the big diesel for the last couple of hours has about made both of us drowsy. The traffic tonight has been sporadic, either light and moving along at 70, or heavy stop / go construction tie ups that really try a truck driver’s patience. The day is going to end soon, over 600 miles logged and we can retire for the night. It hasn’t been all that cool in the truck as the A/C has had problems keeping the temperature just “moderate” and not all that “cool”. Schedules and time...

4 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 2

~One Week Later~ Gary knew he shouldn't have answered the phone but he always made the mistake of answering it without looking at the caller ID. "Gary. You will be meeting your mother and I for dinner this evening at eight o'clock at my house." Gary's grandmother, Ava, was on the phone sounding demanding as always. "Hi grandma," Gary said cheerfully. "Don't hi grandma me, you just show up for dinner. You're mother says you don't want to go back to school. Is this true...

1 year ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 2 Melindas Preparation

Watching Melinda pack for her adventure, Janet was sure she had no clue about being truly treated as an adult. Janet knew I was not going to be treating her as a child and wondered how she was going to deal with it when Mel came back to her ... if she came back to her. She had already faced the reality that Mel may choose to leave the nest. She was so young, but Janet knew if she chose to spend the time with me that it would be nothing but good for her. Mel hasn't really had a male...

3 years ago
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Couple Ke Sath Masti Indore To Chandigarh By Flight 8211 Part 1

Hello friends mai ronit sharma indore se bahut dino baad aapke liye ek real story lekar aaya hu mai ek din apani mail cheak kar raha tha maine dekha mughe ek mail aaya sorry jo naye readers’ hai unko pahale apana parichaye de du mai ronit sharma indore my age is 30 mai job karta hu mughe sex bahut pasand hai maine bahut se cpl ke sath sex kiya hai lekin kabhi kisi ki pahachan jahir nahi ki privacy ka pura dhyan rakha hai mere saman ka size hai 8.6long and 2.4inch thick hai aur stamina bhi kafi...

3 years ago
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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 9 Thursday Morning Tara

Editor’s Note: The next document is a photocopy of a page from the journal of Tara Freeman Thursday, December, 2nd So yesterday, Dad made me sit down with Doctor K and talk about me as opposed to talking about Bec, which is who we’ve been talking about for most of the week – or should that be whom. Sheesh, I hope I’m not getting graded on my grammar for this. The Doc was cool. He wanted me to talk about how I’d been coping with everything since Monday. I tried to do that but it came out...

3 years ago
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Naomis Party

Naomi’s Party Fiction I’m a very nice looking gal, my name is Jenny. I am usually wearing sport clothes but this time I was at a party invited by my cousin Naomi who had just moved in her apartment after her school years. I wore a nice pink dress and open leather shoes. We were both 22 at this time. Naomi was very cute. I had a crush on her but wasn’t able to say it to her. It was unthinkable to me of making love to a woman, so I had dismissed this silly idea and had focused on male...

2 years ago
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     Looking back I don't know why or how, but I became his Cum Dump.  It must have filled some need for me as well but I never dwelled on it.  He being Mister Little, the Head Administer at the Spa where I started working.  It started as a City Jobs program but I managed to work in the program off and on for almost three years.  It was where I learned about Man sex and other activities.  How Mister Little and I hooked up, even I can't remember, but somehow we did and for about a year we'd have...

1 year ago
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Under the Spotlight

"Hello Siân," smiled Fíona as she answered her door, soaking wet with a bath towel loosely covering her. "Are you alright?" "Hi, Fíona. Yeah. Sorry to show up without calling first." "It's no problem, Love. C'mon in." Fíona closed the door, still holding her towel in front of her. "I just stepped out of the shower." "Yeah. I see that," Siân said, reaching for the door. "Maybe I should come back some other time." "Siân, Love, don't be silly. You're here now. It's not like you've never seen me...

2 years ago
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My steady trucker the Voyeur

Hi All - thanks for reading my post. Always look forward to your comments. So, last evening around 10:00 BING BING my cell phone goes off. It was a message from an older trucker I met a couple years ago (a few stories about him posted) I haven't heard from him in a few months and was happy to see his message.He likes to watch, take photos and video of me as I tease him mostly sitting in my car and sometimes walking in the parking lot or woods. He has a normal route that brings him through the...

2 years ago
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Best Halloween Ever part 4

Best Halloween Ever - part 4 By strangefun WARNING: This story contains extremely graphical depictions of sex, abuse and humiliation. The alarm rang its way through my dream, and I awoke. The first though was to go back to sleep, but then the realization where I am and what has happened shot a wave of adrenaline and excitement trough my body, jerking me wide awake. I looked around the room and saw trough the balcony door the gagged and blindfolded figure bound to the chair....

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires 8211 Part 6 A Parting Fuck Session

As the sunlight falls on his face through the window, Shahid wakes up looking at the clock. It’s 7 am. He looks around, and Roja is not around, just him covered under the blanket. He gets up and walks out to the hall, not realizing he was naked. Present in the hall is Prashant. Lata is pouring tea in glasses. They look at the naked guest of their house. Lata: Good morning dear, had a nice sleep? Shahid: Yes, thank you for being so welcoming to us. Prashant (smiled): Well, the...

3 years ago
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Sneha 09904848894 9825358299

Hi all ISS reader sneha is back.thanks ki aap sabne muje itne sare call,sms or mms bheje.aaj me khud ye maanti hu ki mein is duniya mein akeli nahi hu mere bhi bahot saare dost he jo muje call ya sms karte hai aap sabhi dosto ka dhanyavad ki aap ne muje call ya sms kiye. Thanks one again.aaj me aap ko ek sachhi kahani batane ja rahi jo mere naukar ramu aur uski biwi ke aath ke sex ki hai ya baat karib do mahine pehle ki hai dopher ka time th me ghar par akeli thi muje ramu ko bazar bhejna tha...

2 years ago
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Purely Scientific

"I think that about wraps everything up for this part of the module," Dr Spencer said, clapping his hands together. "Remember, if you have any questions, you can always email me and set up an appointment during my open hours." Considering this for a second, Sophie bit her lip and tightly gripped her folder before joining the rest of her classmates who were now noisily making their way out of the lecture theatre. Sophie, however, made her way to the front where Dr Spencer was alone and...

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Jack and JillChapter 107

I left the flower shop and headed home, hopeful that the blue rose would help and worried that it might not. I was beginning to see that men and women were two different species. Or at least Jill and I were. When I'd spoken without thinking, I'd told her the truth. Mary was not in the habit of leaving things around. Not so much because she was afraid I'd do something without thinking, although that may have been part of it, but because she and I had had it drilled into us to show...

3 years ago
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School Discipline

       School Discipline It was so unfair! It didn’t matter what Winona did, it could never be right. And she tried so hard. But whatever she did was judged to be wrong. Her parents thought so. Her teachers thought so. Her headmistress thought so. Her fellow school pupils all agreed. And her bum always had to suffer as a result. It was a rare day that Winona didn’t get a spanking. And usually not just a spanking, but also a caning or a paddling. And every night when she went to bed, her arse...

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Parcel Leads To Sex

It was a nice day in Mumbai just few days before Xmas, as I was going on holidays, had carried some parcels to be handed over. Have kept the details intact and no privacy is being compromised, if anyone feels it shouldn’t be posted please let me know will immediately get it removed. I am sharing this episode here as it an experience started in a public transport, and it’s bound to be a bit lengthy or else it wouldn’t make sense. A day after I arrived for holidays, having my drinks as usual,...

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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 20 Winners All The Way

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. Back at the ‘Cupid Night’ dinner, Amy and I cleaned each other’s faces by licking the apple juice. We were back at our table. Amy: Oh, it was so much fun! And you were so cute....

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Sarahs one night stand

The nights here in England are long. In winter, the sun comes up late only to go down early in the afternoon. This means that we inevitably spend most of our lives here in the dark. Mind you, I don’t much mind the dark. The dark is a place where you can hide from your secrets, where your innermost fantasies can become reality and where life itself can be fulfilled without anyone knowing or interfering. I myself carry a dark secret, of fantasies fulfilled and a life that’s enjoyment was taken to...

1 year ago
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MyGF April Brookes April Comes

April Brookes was hanging out with Ken in the hotel lobby flashing him with the goods. They almost got caught as a hotel employee walked straight into a flash. They moved their operation to the hotel room. On the way Ken got a quick blowjob in the elevator. In the room April stripped naked and started to play with a vibrator that was on the bed. In and out and horny she was. So they fucked. First she was on top. Riding. Then Ken took her doggie and last not least. Everybody’s favorite...

4 years ago
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Traceys Collar

Tracey picked the collar up off the ground excitedly after having a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching her.She knew what the collar was of course, it was a slave collar and as Tracey held it in her hands she could see and feel that it was a good slave collar. It was a shiny silver colour, fairly narrow, made of steel with a sense of strength in it, she knew whoever wore this collar wouldn't be taking it off in a hurry!As she turned it round her heart leapt, the key was in it....

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Wife explains

I'm Andrea , a happily married woman. Shortly after we married I discovered my husband's fantasy of becoming a cuckold husband. This was something I had no idea actually existed, of course I knew of cheating but I didn't know that it was a fantasy that husband's have.Over a period of several weeks I was able to learn about my husband's desire to have me cuckold him. I found some excellent web sites that explain the cuckold lifestyle. I had to be very careful about how I went about confronting...

3 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 6 Cocktails for Two

On Friday, Allison spent most of the day avoiding Lionel, thinking that he would interpret her evasion as disdainful disinterest for at least a while. That, she hoped – in between trying to clear her desk of the various tasks she needed to finish before the weekend - would give her a chance to think about his proposal. The disturbing thing, Allison thought, was that she hadn’t dismissed the idea out of hand and even now was still wondering what she should do about it. Friday night at least...

2 years ago
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Scottish Holiday

Edward’s eyes lit up when he walked in the door and saw me. I’d pulled out all the stops for my visit to the pub where I’d met him two days ago. My basic black cocktail dress stopped four inches above my knees, legs clad in dangerous thigh-high black stockings atop my patent black, five-inch heels. I’d plucked and painted ever so delicately, and my hair was a dark riot of full, shining curls. The dress showed a modest amount of cleavage, enough to draw Edward’s attention right away. The silver,...

Wife Lovers
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 74

The next morning was a little hectic as we got things ready to have the gatherers go out with the truck and the wagon. The hay people went out to bale up the last of the canyon area and the one tractor and ATV went up to the plateau to rake what we had cut. I had designs to finish, so everyone was pretty busy. I mentioned to Bernita that we would need the hide doors soon so if she needed help she should get busy. I mentioned to Grojan that we should probably look at the hide door panels we...

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Diggin It

Skyler pulled the truck over to the side of the gravel road and stepped out. He didn’t have much of a cell signal to begin with, and he knew it was worse inside the truck. The call went through, and his father answered in a weary voice, “Hello?” “Sorry to call, but I accidentally deleted that map you emailed me with the landmarks. I’m somewhere near the place, but I just can’t find it.” “I’ll send it again.” There was a brief pause and he heard his father say, “Thanks. Your mother is sending it...

Group Sex
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Another ChanceChapter 23

Sometimes, when I seem to be staring to you ... I'm not. If you see me jerk and look a little embarrassed it's because I'm back from wherever I've been. Lately, I've been spending quite a bit of time there instead of here. Which gives me furiously to think, Is where I've been actually where I'm supposed to be and this is where I'm not? Ah, yes. Raised eyebrows. Mine did, too. Such long ranging thoughts are not a good thing when one is in the middle of a fresh water ocean that has a...

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Cocktail Table

A few weeks ago, I received an Email from a young man who was a graduate student at a University in a city a few hours from where I live. He said that he is an avid fan of my stories that are posted in He and his girlfriend read them all. In fact, they have been sharing them with a group of friends at the University. This isn't just any group of friends-they are a sort of club that engages in mate-swapping and group sex. There are twelve of them all together, all couples. So...

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My Secret Wank

I have been inspired recently by my wife for whom I have written a few dirty stories and by some of the fantastic contributions to Lush. I only discovered this after my wife told me what a good writer I was and I innocently searched for sex stories. As I say, I have recently written a few short stories for my wife, which has spiced up our sex life beyond imagination. We have always had a reasonably good sex life, but since I began sending her notes it has become even better. I think the first...

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Hometown College

You had spent the last couple years taking online classes from home. It wasn't your choice, or that's what you told yourself. Having crippling anxiety was enough to drive anyone away from social situations, so you considered yourself lucky to have the virtual school option. While it had been easier to hide in your room at diligently finish your classes, there was the nagging feeling that your future would be just as lonely. How would you ever be able to leave the comfort of your home? Would you...

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Dave ndash The Morning After

Oh the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, I slowly came too to focus on Jilly sitting on the edge of the bed looking down on me, I steaming cup of fresh coffee on the nightstand, “Good morning sir, how are you feeling?” she asked in a soft voice.Apart from an exposed morning wood I actually felt surprisingly good considering how much we smoked yesterday and to wake up to Jilly’s smiling face was a bonus.Jilly was dressed in her baggy trackies and her white sports bra, did I oversleep? “I...

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