Lucky Jim 1-FirehairChapter 15: Colorado Expansion free porn video

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Jul 26, 1859

When we got back to Fort Crius, thirty-seven men had arrived in response to the ads we took out in the eastern and other newspapers. My father had pre-screened them before sending them here. The new men were a bit disappointed when their first job was construction, at least until I reminded them how cold it would get up here in less than three months.

Aaron and forty-three men from the gold mine had also arrived and we greeted each other exuberantly. We talked most of the evening about what we had accomplished here to date.

I was surprised at the progress Reuben and his men had made on the coal mine. Every completed building in town already had a week’s worth of coal. The steam-powered lumber mill was operating from first light to dark, giving the workers just enough time to shut things down for the day before it was too dark to do so safely. The water-powered lumber mill did the same.

In the morning, I led Aaron and his men towards Clear Creek Hot Springs. Since we didn’t stop to hunt, we made good time and arrived early enough that they could look around at everything. The next morning, we got to Mountain Mesa, the area above Clear Creek Hot Springs where most of the potential mine locations were. Poor Aaron was just shaking his head at how many sites we had marked between the two areas. There were now sites marked for nineteen potential gold mines and two silver mines.

Aaron commented that we would need a good road between Fort Crius, Clear Creek Hot Springs, Mountain Mesa, and any other areas we found.

July 29

I got back to Fort Crius today. Aaron and the others had stayed in Clear Creek Hot Springs. Despite having been gone only three days, sixty-two more men had arrived, looking for work. I showed them the start of the route the wagons took to Clear Creek Hot Springs and explained macadamizing to them. Knowing we would need roads and streets, I had brought several sets of the screens to sort rocks for the macadamizing.

The next morning, those men and the seventeen new men who arrived the previous afternoon began work on the road. I went out and blazed the trail, marking trees to make it obvious where the road should go. Several times, I marked trees to remove so the wagons didn’t have to go out of their way to go around them.

Each day, the work crew grew as more men arrived looking for work. They worked hard because I told them the road had to be finished before the mining could begin in earnest. By now, they knew they would be mining gold, not copper or lead. We did lose a few potential employees who took off, hoping to strike it rich on their own.

Knowing I would be heading back to Libertyville soon, I took Reuben aside and asked how the coal mine was coming. He assured me that it was going well, and we would have plenty of coal this winter. He planned to load up the outlying areas heavily. When I asked, he assured me that his men could run the mine without him. Instead of heading up the coal mining, I left him in charge of Fort Crius and in overall charge of all our operations in Colorado.

I explained my vision for the surrounding area to him. I envisioned the land between us and Auraria filled with fields. The crops we planted on my first trip here were doing well, and might provide enough corn, wheat, and oats for this winter--depending on how many more men showed up. The first cutting of alfalfa would be ready in a week or so.

I also explained my philosophy about pricing things we sold to the outside miners. Before leaving Libertyville, I had discussed it with our bookkeeper, and finally got him to agree with me. Necessities such as food, coal, tools, lumber, and clothing were sold at the same mark-up we sold them for in Libertyville; with an added charge equivalent to what it cost us to ship the goods here. The bookkeeper had already calculated what he thought it was and would continue to monitor the cost. Each shipment from Libertyville would include an updated pricing list for things arriving in that shipment.

Having stood in the frigid waters of a stream and suffered from numb feet while panning for gold, I understood what the miners put up with to earn what they did. I wasn’t going to cheat them by gouging them on the prices of necessities they bought from us.

We priced extravagances like booze, tobacco, and the brothel as outrageously as everyone expected us to. Our prices on those items would compensate us for what we didn’t make overpricing necessities.

When the surveyors finished, I intended for them to return to Fort Crius to show us where our property lines were. I wanted the five thousand private property flyers posted along the boundaries next spring to warn potential miners and settlers that we had already claimed and paid for the land.

I told Reuben that I left Aaron in charge of the mining district to the west. Reuben answered to him about mining issues but was otherwise in charge of Clear Creek Hot Springs and Mountain Mesa. My top priorities were housing, crops, and the roads to Clear Creek Hot Springs and Mountain Mesa. Reuben was excited. Lastly, I was considering running the telegraph here from Libertyville.

Aug 4

On my return from another trip to Clear Creek Hot Springs, I was talking to Aaron when the wagon train of supplies from Libertyville arrived. I noticed the excitement level shoot through the roof with their arrival. The number of wagons surprised me, as did some of the contents.

I had expected the barrels of moonshine, or corn whiskey. Two thousand bottles of the stuff were a surprise. I guess Mr. Berg intended to put his new bottling equipment to good use and had been a very busy man. In addition to the moonshine, there were kegs of African sorghum beer, kegs of regular beer, and even kegs of mead.

The women in Libertyville were obviously using their new toy. Eighteen wagons loaded with nothing but wood crates filled with cans of preserved food bore testament to that. Someone had pasted a small, printed label on each can telling what the contents were. Some were cans of produce from their gardens. Other cans held beef stew, ham chunks, or beans with ham chunks added. I expected that one can of those would be a good Sunday supper for a miner.

Canned goods meant we needed can openers, or we risked damaging the blade of our favorite knife. The new price list had prices for the new items, as well as revised pricing for the clothing, boots, flour, other food staples, and other items we brought last time. I noted that a big shipment of Aigle boots had arrived. The new miners in Auraria, Denver City, and other mining camps reportedly springing up in the area would love those. All the men working for us in the streams already had a pair.

The miners from Auraria and Denver City had followed the progress of our supply wagons through reports from new miners who arrived. More than a hundred of them followed the wagons into town, eager to buy our goods. We started unloading the wagons into the mercantile as quickly as we could. I made sure the men inside had the new price list before they started selling anything. I even stayed and helped refill shelves and tables for the rest of the day. Our innovative saloonkeeper had two of his saloon girls outside at a portable bar selling drinks to the thirsty miners waiting in line for the mercantile.

The bread oven was busy all day and night for three days. The majority of the Auraria miners bought at least one loaf of the fresh bread. With the enticing smell of fresh-baked bread permeating the air of Fort Crius twenty-four hours a day, it probably added incentive to the men to buy a loaf.

Two more steam-powered lumber mills were included in the shipment, as well as a larger stamping mill. Those would go to Clear Creek Hot Springs, along with two of the three heavy steam-powered hoists to lift miners and ore out of the bowels of the earth when the mines got deep enough. The angle of the seam of coal here meant we would need a hoist for it very soon.

In all the excitement, I almost missed the fact that our first windmill in town was up and operating, meaning the well was finished. Soon, I hoped, we could get started on a water tower like the one in Libertyville. Despite the freezing temperatures and the brisk winds that made the temperature feel even colder, I hoped that the thick rock base would keep the water from freezing.

The two pianos in the wagons survived the trip miraculously unscathed, despite the butt breaking bouncing of the wagons each time the wheels hit something.

Aug 5

While the men from the supply train took a couple of well-deserved days off, we prepared for the return trip. Along with the alcohol, more casks of gold and silver coins arrived. We were the main, and probably only source of currency in the area other than gold dust and nuggets. The small smelter set up just outside of town refined any gold dust and nuggets the Auraria miners used to pay for their purchases. We also set up an assay office and started buying gold dust and nuggets--for a fee, of course.

While the amount of gold was nothing like Paha Sapa provided, more than four million dollars in gold dust and ingots were ready to return to Libertyville. Under cover of darkness, we loaded crates of gold in ten separate wagons. The weight wasn’t the reason we split the gold up; I had learned a bit of strategy from the Missouri mines and the way they split up the gold among their wagons.

Aug 6

Unlike my last return trip to Libertyville, this one was a secret shared by every miner within a hundred miles. Last time, only a few people outside of Fort Crius knew that we were actively panning for gold in Clear Creek, and none of them knew how successful we had been. This time, word had spread about our mining claim and the fact that we had found multiple sites where we were mining gold and silver. Just the amount of gold we took in payment for the goods we sold was enough to interest the type of men who were inclined to try stealing the wealth of others.

More than a thousand miners knew the supply wagons had arrived and that much of what they carried had sold in the last couple of days. When we returned to Libertyville, people would correctly assume our wagons carried the gold.

We left after a pre-dawn breakfast, eighty-three wagons returning from whence they came. I rode out ahead of the wagon train scouting for trouble. Flower and Little Deer insisted on riding with me. Several times during the day, I had to stop to interview groups of men headed for Fort Crius. Fortunately, they seemed to be traveling in groups of from ten to twenty-five.

Even though my father interviewed them once, I had a bad feeling about a few. I gave those men forty dollars for their time and trouble. Most of those continued on to Colorado, now intending to strike it rich on their own.

Aug 7

Shortly after noon, I smelled wood smoke and sensed trouble. With my wives staying well behind me, ready for anything, I crept closer, finally finding a camp with twenty-one men. They were laughing and bragging about how rich they would be after today, and what they would do with their riches.

I sent Flower back to warn the wagons since Little Deer’s English still left much to be desired--as did my Arapaho. We were both improving, though. I sent Little Deer to alert the Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors who I knew were in the area keeping an eye on us to make sure we got through safely. They probably already knew the bandits were here, but I wanted to be sure.

An hour later, a scout rode into the bandit’s camp, increasing their number to twenty-two. He warned that the wagons were only fifteen minutes away. The talking stopped as everyone got busy, double-checking that their weapons were loaded and at hand. They put out the campfire, made sure their horses were securely tethered, and headed for the road.

Half the men hid on each side of the road, waiting. A sapling they had already chopped down was propped against a tree near the road. One of their men was standing atop a rise, watching for the wagons. When he waved, they pushed the sapling so it fell, blocking the road.

I almost jumped out of my skin when Little Deer and Flower waved at me from twenty feet away, letting me know they were both back. Little Deer signed that the Ute and Arapaho warriors were already behind the men on both sides of the road and would attack when the first shot was fired, either by me or by the bandits.

I thought about it, wondering if it was right to take preemptive action against the bandits. They hadn’t done anything illegal yet. Then again, I heard them making plans for what they would do with all the money. I watched them set up an ambush when their scout announced our wagons were only minutes away. I decided that dropping the tree across the road, knowing our wagons would have to stop, qualified as the beginning of their attack. I wasn’t going to wait for them to start shooting at our wagons, possibly wounding or killing our people.

I signed back that I would begin firing at a count of three. Little Deer raised her hand and made some strange sign I didn’t recognize. Then she sighted her rifle on one of the bandits. I fired at the leader, hitting him in the chest and dropping him. Little Deer and Flower fired a split second later, and our shots were echoed from all around us as the Ute and Arapaho warriors added their support.

I didn’t even get a second shot off. The second man I was aiming for was hit from behind and fell forward. I think everyone only fired a single shot. I waited for nearly a minute trying to determine if all the bandits were dead or wounded too badly to be of danger. Seeing and hearing nothing, I started crawling towards the area where the bandits had been hiding.

Flower caught my attention, signing for me to stay put. When I signed back asking if there were still bandits alive, she just motioned again for me to wait.

Ten minutes later, I nearly had a heart attack when one of the Ute warriors stepped out from behind a tree just five feet from me. I was starting to question whether I was losing my touch because I was spending less time in the woods than I used to. I had known when Grey Fox was behind me in Leavenworth even though he had been silent. In the last hour, two of my wives and a Ute warrior had all gotten close to me without me realizing it.

“We captured four of the bandits and have two more badly wounded. The rest are dead,” he said in passable English.

I thanked him, and he led me to the six live bandits. One of the wounded men died before I got there. The other wasn’t far behind and died before our wagons arrived. Once the wagons arrived, we discussed the four remaining prisoners. The warriors had captured the four men who were hiding where none of the others could see them. We decided to go ahead and hang them; they wouldn’t have hesitated to kill us.

I took each bound man off and questioned him where the others couldn’t hear. I asked if there were others in their gang who weren’t here, wondering if there was a ringleader somewhere nearby, or possibly a group hoping to seize part of our land. All four men told the same story. They were just a bunch of discouraged miners who came here to strike it rich. They didn’t come out and say so, but I got the impression they weren’t willing to work hard enough to be successful.

Three of them started robbing and killing other miners. They made enough that they kept doing it. Eventually, they met other disgruntled miners who joined them. There were so many men showing up every day, and men getting discouraged and leaving, that nobody noticed when a miner disappeared.

While they were shopping for supplies in Fort Crius, they realized how much gold we were taking in and decided to rob us, and then head west to buy land in Oregon or California. When I pressed them on any other miners who knew about the attack, one of the men commented that the other miners would have killed them if they knew what they planned to do. They all knew we charged a fair price for the food, clothing, and tools we sold, not gouging them the way they had expected. The miners realized that we were charging higher for the booze and the brothel but were grateful that we didn’t gouge them for the supplies they needed to survive.

Same as Lucky Jim 1-Firehair
Chapter 15: Colorado Expansion Videos

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 22

With time on my hands before this afternoon’s classes on using the new grav sled, I found Commander Ferguson and spoke with him. Twenty minutes later the guards at the hastily thrown together prisoner compound let me enter. “I’d like to speak with everyone if you would gather them together,” I told the closest of the rebel leaders, glad that I was fluent in Spanish. “Why?” he asked suspiciously. “Because I believe many of you have legitimate complaints about things that happened before the...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 21

Sunday Someone did laundry yesterday, so I packed the clothes I would take to Fort Bragg tomorrow. I had a feeling that things with the military would start happening quickly now and warned Sally. With my stuff stored aboard my grav sled, I went back inside for breakfast. With so many women working in the kitchen, I veered into the living room and found Don, with Giselle curled up happily on his lap. I almost said something, but as soon as I sat down, Caitlin claimed my lap. “Mom, can I...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 8 New Orleans

Apr 22-29 We encountered far more traffic on the lower Mississippi River than on the Missouri. With the wider, more traveled river, our boat continued traveling at night since the moon was full enough to provide some light. After eight continuous days aboard the boat, I was eager to be back on solid ground, able to move around and go places without worrying about missing the boat if I delayed too long making purchases in town. As it was, I had already sent back enough building supplies to...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 12

I wound my way through the foggy course, surprising another safety person at the midway point. I was also pleased at how well I could see everything. Even though I could mentally see it already, what I was starting to think of as my “Jim sense” warned me about the trip rope stretched across the trail. I easily avoided it, as well as the sand pit that would have broken my pace and slowed me down. Finally clearing the fog course and startling the safety person at the end of the course, I faced...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 38

I still can’t get over the fact that I now own seven producing oil wells and am expecting an eighth to come in within a month. Leonard was beside himself when he called to tell me that the seventh well came in two weeks earlier than expected. He also warned that the well they were currently drilling aboard Lucky J #2 might come in early, too. I can live with that. As it is, the first six wells are pumping more than three million dollars a day! Leonard expects the newest well to perform as...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 17

Walt entered the kitchen and looked at me appraisingly. “You okay? I heard you were next door, staring off into space.” I could hear in his voice that he was concerned. “So much weird shit happening today, but mainly I’ve been worried because one of the rescued girls did everything but proposition me in front of one of the shrinks and my girls. Chloe and Marisa told me not to worry about it, they all understood, so I’m fine,” I answered. “I can’t keep one woman happy,” he chuckled. “While...

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Creative in Colorado

My wife and I recently moved back to Aspen Colorado (where she is from) shortly after we were married in Jacksonville, Florida. We met online about two years ago while I was in the process of finishing up Law School. She is five years older than I and a very successful Real Estate agent. She moved down to Florida with me about six months ago at the beginning of summer for two reasons. (a) She wanted to take some time off from her career and she wanted to work on her tan at some of the local...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 11 On the Road Again and Again and Again

Dec 3, 1857 We arrived in Omaha shortly after noon today. The rest of the afternoon was another tumultuous, continuous, parade of wagons taking people to Libertyville. When the initial wagons returned, I noticed that the wagon drivers were all Negroes, probably to help make our new additions more relaxed. I was glad to find Emma and Wendy doing well, as well as Emma’s and my son, Jim Jr., and Wendy’s and my daughter, Violet. Nathan and his mother held an emotional reunion. We had enough...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 17

Monday My com’s alarm woke me at 0430 so I could join the troops in the mess hall by 0530. After showering with Idania, I made sure to check my boots before putting them on. We woke the rest of the women, warning them to check their shoes, even though I had already scanned them. Gina and Jackie both squealed in fright and jumped back on the bed, even though my mental check of their shoes turned up nothing. I gave everyone a kiss goodbye. “Work with Idania on her English,” I reminded the...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 23

Tuesday The dogs seemed to be waiting for me this morning, which reminded me that I needed to get their handlers set up with more permanent housing. I was in the doorway watching their coursing game when a pair of arms slipped around my waist. “I’m trying to learn to get up at the same ungodly hour that you do,” Jan sighed. “Never happen,” I chuckled. “You girls would have to stop your late-night fun far too early in order to get up at this hour,” I reminded her. “True, but you are the...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 3

“Okay, as I’m sure you already know, my fiancée told me to give you whatever you want. I know better than to disappoint my fiancée, so tell me what you’d like,” I told Mrs. Dunn when I ended the call, although her grin told me she already knew. Since the asshole was still unconscious, I gave him a fast-acting pain killer and then used one of the ammonia inhalants I brought from our family’s first aid kit and woke him up. It took him a few seconds for him to get his bearings and then he...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 33

Friday Despite missing snuggling with my wives, I slept well and woke up just after 4:00 Riyadh time this morning. The Marine who was on duty let me into the gym so I could work out. “It’s not fair,” he complained. “The Saudis are crediting one of their Palace Guards who died with warning them about the attack.” “My ... idea,” I grunted between reps of the bench press. “I like to keep my name and face out of the news about actions I’m involved in,” I explained after finishing the reps. “The...

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Colorado Vacation

Colorado VacationI grew up in a small town in Texas on the gulf coast and worked hard for everything I had to my name. Mom was widowed when I was s*******n and I stayed at home with her to help pay bills and take care of the forty acre property we lived on. I dated girls my age, but they were never what I wanted as I would go out to the over forty Country Western club and dance there. I was now twenty two years only, six foot tall and well muscled from hard work. I had saved up for several...

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Ships Passing in Colorado

Jamie Moore is a copywriter for an ad agency based out of San Francisco. In her travels between her agency's office in San Fran and Seattle she was able to keep a man in each city until things got too serious with both and they eventually found out about each other leaving Jamie heartbroken, sorry, cold and alone. Looking for an outlet for her feelings she began to write of her exploits with the two in erotic short stories. Jamie developed many fans that wrote her in praise of her work. One...

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The Past In ColoradoChapter 6

As I stood in his office holding the picture in my hand, I felt my blood drain down to my feet. I picked up the other picture on the floor and carefully placed them atop the cabinet. I set all the other pictures upright and stood there for a moment staring at them. There was a picture of me with my mom and dad on my third birthday. I was wearing a little green party hat and had cake all over my face, my mouth wide open and laughing. Mom and dad were on either side of me, leaning down and...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 21 Malfoys Business Expansion

Chapter Twenty-One – Malfoy’s Business Expansion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, ncon, x-mast, grope, magic, mc, spank, voy Draco Malfoy was enjoying life; his latest revenge plot and money-making scheme had netted him a decent amount of gold in just a couple of weeks. It had taken him a week to perfect his revenge plot and the spells and enchantments...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 7 Coal and Adventure

Coal and Adventure Mar 27, 1857 We left after an early breakfast this morning. Four Sioux warriors and Grey Fox accompanied our eleven wagons as we headed north. Chief Lone Buffalo told me it took four or five days to walk to the location of the coal. With the wagons, it still took four days, mainly because the trail wasn’t a wagon road and we had to cut down trees or clear rocks and fill in ruts where water had previously washed across the game trail we followed. We were exhausted when we...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 12

An hour later, I crawled into bed. I was so tired that I even put off cleaning my weapon. Hell, the roosters were already mocking me that it was time to wake up to face another day before I got home. Late that afternoon, the FBI agent in charge of the raid called. “The U.S. Attorney General gave me two different figures for the land,” he said. “He says that, if you agree to work full-time for any federal law enforcement agency, the land is yours for ten million dollars. He doesn’t even need...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 3 On to Independence

Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 10 New Orleans

Sep 27, 1857 Captain Roberts and the Iowa Dream arrived nearly on schedule. I met the boat at the docks to make sure we had room for our cargo and rooms for all nine of us. When he heard what we were transporting, Captain Roberts had us load it after dark, and leave several of our men aboard to guard it overnight. He agreed that the Mint in New Orleans was the best place to sell it, even the copper. He had sold everything to the Mint the time I stayed behind to take care of the pirates in...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 4

Once the girls were on their way, Uncle Don went over the reports with me. He explained that adding more milk cows would require a bigger pasture. Several of the college courses I took over the last two years were farming related. I suggested planting the pasture with alfalfa and Timothy grass and using portable fencing to section the pasture off into five fields, rotating the cows through the fields for a year and then tilling everything under. The manure and alfalfa would increase the yield...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 16

Sunday It’s creepy having to shake out your boots before you put them on in the morning, lest you discover the hard way that a scorpion or venomous spider had taken refuge in one of them during the night. While I could “see” that nothing was in my boots, I followed the ritual anyway. I even mentally checked the boots of everyone else. I’d have warned them if I found anything, but left it to each of them to check their own boots. So far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the weather. I...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 23

Thursday We were awake early enough to eat a good breakfast and then reach Fort Bragg just before reveille. They had commed us yesterday and asked us to be back by their breakfast. The two teams that went with me had to run through a strafing and bombing range to test their proficiency with the 10 mm automatic rifles, and other weapons systems on the grav sleds. The rest of us broke up into groups. Each group reviewed all the intel available for their target. I met the troops going with me...

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Being Jim Ch09 The Heart Has no Conscience

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.09: The Heart Has No Conscience Or: The Guilty Heart By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is...

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Being Jim Ch08 Lightning Strikes Twice

The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...

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Hi Im Jim Part Two

Hi, I'm Jim Part Two By Virginia Kane 1. I still can't believe what the "specialist" my transition doctor brought in to perform my latest feminization procedure did! To all intents and purposes, my groin now resembles a woman's mound! Sure, sure, my little cock had shrunk to less than half its original meager length it was before I began my feminization hormone regimen six months earlier, but I still enjoyed having Jim...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt1

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Hi Im Jim

Hi, I'm Jim! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My wife was out of town on business again with her new employer, so I had the entire weekend to express my alter ego. While I was still at home, I had put on my...

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Jim woke up the next morning feeling a little light-headed. The bed-sheets were twisted and matted, he had one leg hanging off the side of the bed and was lying diagonally. Next to him was Jenny, his mother. She was naked as was Jim, she had a bit of the sheet covering one side of her, but it wasn't doing much. Jim could still see her beautiful pussy and her pert breasts. Her face was very angelic as she slept, even the fact that her hair was knotted and damp with cum didn't take that away from...

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