Payment in tow for flat tire repair
- 2 years ago
- 44
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We go to Secrets, the S&M club where I think Kyle made up his mind I’m the girl he’s been looking for, two or three times a month. The name of the place is Secrets but I only know that because Kyle mentioned it when he took me there on our third date. There’s no sign on the club and people don’t call it that. Everyone just calls it “The Club.” Sometimes it’s just the two of us. Sometimes we go with Dean and Sandra. Every time we go there, Kyle undresses me as soon as we get to our table. When Sandra is there she remains naked too. I wondered at first if it was just us. Gradually I began to notice that many of the women in the dark booths are also naked. As the months passed I saw some really strange shit on that stage!
One night a girl who appeared to be far too young to even be in there was taken on stage and undressed by a man and a woman. Her arms and legs were fastened to a large cross. Dean told us he has met them in the past and he’s certain the girl is the couple’s sixteen-year-old daughter!
We watched as the couple stood back. A man came on stage and over the next half hour or so he pierced the girl’s nipples and then her clit hood and finally her labia. When she was released from the cross she circulated throughout the club, stopping at every booth in order to show her new jewelry to the other patrons. She stopped at our booth and smiled, though she looked tired and embarrassed. She quietly announced, “My parents want me to show everyone my new jewelry. Do you like them?”
I smiled at the poor girl and asked, “Do you like them?”
“Oh yes! I’ve been begging for them for nearly a year!” she exclaimed.
“Have you been in here before?” I asked.
She looked around, guiltily, and then she nodded but quietly admitted, “I’m not supposed to tell.”
We admired her piercings for a moment. Then she said goodbye and moved on to the next booth.
But that wasn’t the weirdest show we saw on that stage. One night a man brought his wife up on stage and she was placed over a low bench on all fours. Her wrists and ankles were chained to the floor and she was beaten briefly. Not with a riding crop this time, but with a cane. It looked awful and she really screamed her head off. I had trouble watching. But then it got worse.
The man who was beating her stood back and returned the cane he beat her with to a rack on the wall. Then a woman, she looked like the woman who suspended Sandra from the cable that first night, came out from back stage with a German shepherd. The dog was guided to the woman and started licking her. I saw her begging the man who had beaten her and was now standing in front of her watching her distraught face and smiling down at her. I couldn’t hear the words but it was obvious from the tone and the look on her face that she didn’t want to be there.
I looked at Kyle. He was looking down at his drink. He seemed uncomfortable.
Dean had turned to Sandra and they talked quietly, ignoring the show on the stage. They didn’t want to watch and seemed embarrassed that such a perverted show was even being put on.
I think that the management, hearing the woman’s pleas to be released, must have been concerned that she was truly doing this against her will. Someone in a tuxedo came out on stage. He bent down and spoke briefly with the woman.
I guess she satisfied him that she was not really being forced to do what she was about to do against her will. The man in the tuxedo left the stage and they continued the show.
I watched. It was revolting but for some reason I couldn’t look away. I saw the dog being led up over the woman. As soon as he was nearly in position he started humping his hindquarters. He was pulled closer and finally his cock hit something. The woman cried out, then hung her head and was quiet until the dog finished. I had never seen anything like it. I was just a little embarrassed by my own reaction because I thought it was exciting to watch.
The dog finished with her and was led away, but the woman was left like that. She was still there when we finally left. No one came out of the audience to have sex with her, though.
Over a relatively short amount of time our love life began evolving. Kyle slowly began to introduce me to pain as a type of foreplay. I wasn’t tortured. The things we did were nothing I couldn’t handle. It started with a couple of light spankings which I was surprised to find were more than a little arousing, though for the life of me I couldn’t tell you why. Then one night, while I was tied up and blindfolded, Kyle put clamps on my nipples. He seemed to know exactly how much to tighten them down. They were just painful enough to be exciting. With the clamps in place, he started placing clothes pins all over my body in all of the most tender places. He put them on my breasts, under my arms, and on my labia. It hurt like hell. But, once again, much to my surprise it was exciting. A couple of times I almost asked him to stop. In certain sensitive parts of my body it was almost more than I could take. Surprisingly, the worst place, the part of my body that hurt the most, was under my arms!
Even after I decided I could stand it I thought about asking him to stop, not so much because I couldn’t take it anymore but just to see if he would. But I didn’t speak up for two reasons. I decided that if he won’t stop when ask I don’t want to know that about him. But most importantly I don’t want to disappoint him.
We progressed in other ways too. With Sandra’s help I learned to take a cock into my throat. We began to explore anal sex, too. The first time was a bitch. It still isn’t my favorite thing to do. But when it’s done right it can be pretty exciting. One night when Dean and Sandra were visiting both men took me at the same time. It was my first time with two men at the same time. I liked it. I liked it a lot.
It was unexpected, or at least I was unaware of what they had planned. It started shortly after Dean and Sandra came over. I was naked of course. I’m always naked at home. Sandra undressed as soon as they came in. She always does that just as I do when we visit them. Then the men undressed. Sometimes the guys are naked at home, sometimes they aren’t. There was nothing unusual about it.
The men asked us if we would mind putting on a show for them. Sandra and I smiled at each other. We always enjoy doing that. But even if we aren’t in the mood, a request from either of them is more than just a request.
Sandra and I moved to the middle of the floor and we started kissing and touching. It wasn’t long before we were on the floor and doing some serious making out. That was when they decided to change the game, or at least that’s when I became aware that we were going to try something new. Kyle stretched out on the floor beside me and told me to straddle him and start fucking him.
I obeyed immediately and eagerly, throwing my leg over him and with Sandra’s help getting lined up, sliding down on his wonderful hard cock. I hadn’t been fucking him long when he pulled me down, held me close and kissed me. As we kissed I felt something delightful which turned out to be Sandra, spreading the cheeks of my ass and kissing and licking my asshole.
She ate me enthusiastically for a few minutes. Then there was a pause and I felt her applying a cold, slick lubricant to my asshole. As soon as I was greased up she moved out of the way. Dean moved into position behind me and with Sandra’s help he slowly pushed his cock into my ass. When I realized what they had in mind I was more than a little nervous but I didn’t protest and I’m glad I didn’t. It turned out to be one the most incredible sensations I can ever remember experiencing. Dean’s cock is slightly smaller than Kyle’s. But with both of them in me at the same time I felt so full, so crammed full of cock. I loved it!
As both men fucked me, Sandra moved up to my head and toyed with my breasts while she kissed me passionately. All three of those people making love to me, fucking me at the same time, it was beyond incredible!
I experienced orgasm after orgasm before the men had theirs. We finally collapsed in a heap in the middle of the rug. I lay there laughing quietly for no apparent reason and I couldn’t control it. It was the most exciting thing.
We slowly unwrapped ourselves from each other and I asked if I could finish what I started with Sandra, she hadn’t had an orgasm yet. The men thought that was only fair.
I told her I’d be right back. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up first. Then I came back and gave my new best friend several nice orgasms.
They spent the night with us that night. After all the sex we went out to dinner and then we returned to the condo for coffee on the patio. It’s always amazing, sitting out there on a pleasant evening, watching the boats on the river and the lights of the city while sipping a good cup of coffee or a cocktail. It’s so peaceful.
A strange thing happened that night. While we were sipping our coffee and talking quietly, Kyle asked me if I would do something for him.
No thought was required. I instantly replied, “Anything,” and I meant it.
He looked at me and then he said, “Wait, don’t answer yet. You don’t know what it is.”
I smiled, shrugged and replied, “My answer won’t change.”
Dean got up and went inside. When he came back out he was holding one of those black leather riding crops like the one he used on Sandra up on the stage at the club the first time I saw them.
I looked at it and I smiled at Kyle and asked, “Do you want to beat me? You may. You don’t have to ask.”
Kyle smiled back at me and said, “No. I could never hit you. I want Dean to hit you. I want to watch.”
I paused for a moment. I would have preferred that Kyle do it. But I reasoned that the effect will be the same. Dean will be using the crop on me. But I’ll be doing it for Kyle.
I smiled at Dean. I probably sounded more confident than I really was when I asked, “Where do you want me?”
Dean didn’t smile. With a very stern expression on his face he replied, “Stand where you are and keep your hands at your sides. Don’t move them. This is your first time and it won’t be easy but try to stand still.”
I looked at Sandra. She smiled and winked at me but that only helped a little. Then I locked eyes with Kyle and tried to calm myself and get ready.
Dean moved around behind me. For a long, tense moment nothing happened. Then I heard the first blow coming a fraction of a second before I felt it. The swish as that whip cut through the air, the loud crack as it slashed into my tender flesh and then a burning pain across my ass. I flinched, but I didn’t move. I gasped in pain but I didn’t scream. And I kept my eyes locked on Kyle’s.
Dean gave me a moment to get ready, and then he put another stripe across my ass. It hurt like hell. But I still didn’t move. The next two blows cut across the backs of my thighs and then he moved around to my front. Now I can see it coming. That seemed to help. It still hurt like hell. But I wasn’t startled when it connected.
The first one was a slash across my stomach. It hurt even worse than the blows to the backs of my thighs but I know that the next one, or the one after that, is going to be across my breasts. I’m truly terrified of that.
When the dreaded blow came I finally screamed. It was every bit as bad as I thought it would be. Then he whipped them again and of course I screamed again. But I noticed something when he paused to let me get ready for the next one. I noticed that I’m becoming aroused! I couldn’t fucking believe it! I’m in agony. But I know that if he would just hit me a few more times I’ll be able to cum. And he did. And I did.
As soon as Kyle saw that I was having an orgasm he told Dean to stop. He got up and came over and took me in his arms. I’m crying. But I’m smiling.
“Are you okay,” he asked.
“Yes. I didn’t mind. Were you trying to see how I react before you take me to the club?” I asked.
“Maybe,” he said. “Would you like to do that at the club?”
I thought about it. I remembered how hot Sandra’s show had been. I remembered what had followed.
I smiled at Kyle and said, “What I want isn’t important. What you want is what matters.”
I pulled him close and kissed him passionately and then I asked, “What does a cunt like me have to do to get fucked around here?”
“First things first,” he said. Then he took my arms from around his neck and stepped back.
Sandra is standing behind me. She moved closer and started gently applying a salve to the red marks on my body. “This will ease the pain and make the marks disappear in no time,” she said.
I don’t know what she was using on me but it did feel good. I stood there, closed my eyes and let her work the cream into my skin. Her talented fingers had me moaning in pleasure in no time. The guys stood back and watched. I don’t know if it’s from watching the whipping or the creaming but both of them are hard now. So, when she finished rubbing in the cream, we got on our knees and started teasing their hard cocks with our mouths.
I didn’t let Kyle cum in my mouth. After about five minutes I smiled up at him and said, “You still owe me a fuck! You don’t think you’re going to get off this easy do you?”
Kyle chuckled and stood up. He pulled me over to the metal railing around the patio and as we looked out at the city lights and the river, he took me from behind, gently, lovingly. As he fucked me his body pushed against the fresh stripes on my ass and that excited me even more. I looked around at all of the buildings around us. I’m pretty sure no one can see us but I imagined that they could. That and his hands exploring my body, well, it was all pretty exhilarating. I’m going to have to remember this. I know I’ll want to do it again before very long, all of it.
It was no more than an hour before I noticed the red marks on my body had disappeared. There was still some tenderness, mainly on my breasts, but not much.
Shortly after that we went to bed. Dean and Sandra are staying overnight in the guest room. Kyle and I cuddled up and went to sleep right away.
I woke up early the next morning and had breakfast almost ready by the time everyone got up. We ate on the patio and then sat around and sipped coffee for a while.
I had to smile when Sandra asked me how my bruises feel. I suddenly realized I had forgotten all about them. They don’t hurt at all!
That evening the four of us went to the club.
Kyle spoke to the man in the tuxedo when we entered. The man smiled and picked up a phone at his dais. A naked young woman came out and escorted them to a table. I was taken into a back room by the woman who led Sandra on stage that first night. I was undressed and a stiff leather collar was placed around my neck. Then a pair of leather cuffs were attached to my wrists.
When I was ready, if someone can ever really be ready to be hung up and whipped for the amusement of a large room full of perverts (like me), the woman smiled at me and said, “You look lovely, are you ready?”
I took a deep breath and nodded but I wasn’t taken to the stage right away. I was left alone and forced to think about what’s about to happen to me. I think sitting there alone and thinking about it was worse than actually doing it!
After leaving me there to stew for a while the woman returned. I have no idea how long I sat there letting the tension build. She picked up the other end of the leash attached to my collar and led me slowly through the club toward the stage. I can feel the eyes of everyone in the building on me as we moved through the club. It’s very exciting but in the back of my mind the memory of the first time Dean whipped me is playing over and over, reminding me of the pain I’m about to experience.
The lights over the stage came on as we approached and the curtain was opened. I was led up on stage and as my cuffs were attached to the cable the woman asked quietly if I’m nervous.
Dumb question!! I didn’t smile. I thought that would ruin the mood. With a trembling voice I quietly replied, “Oh, only a lot.”
“This is your first time, isn’t it?” she asked.
“Yes,” I responded, “but I’m ready, I think.”
She bent down and attached cuffs to my ankles. She moved to the back of the stage and I felt my arms being drawn up over my head. But of course, she didn’t stop the pulley when I was on my toes and my body was drawn tight. She just kept going until my feet were suspended six inches off of the floor. It wasn’t as awful as it sounds. The cuffs are heavily padded. She finally stopped the pulley when my legs were drawn tight and spread wide apart and the chains holding my ankles to the floor were drawn tight.
She stood there with her back against the black curtain at the back of the stage. She stood unmoving, like a beautiful statue of a naked woman. The contrast of her parchment white skin against the black velvet curtain covering the back wall was striking. I was left suspended to await my fate. I felt every eye in the club on me but I drew strength from the knowledge Kyle is watching and that he loves me and is proud of me. I have every intention of making him even more proud of me on this stage tonight.
I have a unique perspective from up on stage. I can see into many of the dimly lit booths. There are women present in only about a quarter of the booths. Many of the booths held just two or three men. All of those people are staring at me, at my naked and vulnerable body. Unless something is different tonight I have no doubt that a large number of those men I can see are planning to plunge their hard cocks into my vulnerable body as soon as the whipping I’m about to receive is complete.
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A world so similar to ours but filled to the brim with inflation possibilities. Maybe the person who falls victim to the visitor's whims will be inflated like a balloon and be filled with air, water or whatever fluid the visitor's perverted mind can imagine. Or maybe the inflation will be one of a fruit based variety where the victim gets turned into a juicy ball in a flavor of the visitors choosing whether that's blueberry, cherry or any other kind. Or maybe still the visitor may be looking to...
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Hi all Indian sex stories readers, is kahani main bataye hua abhi character real hain. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye to pls mail me on Mera naam pratik hain. Mumbai,dombivli ka rehnewala hu or is kahani ki heroine meera dombivli main rehnewali hain. Ye kahani start hoti hain year 2012, jab main ek mnc kiya tha. Job jab ki mahape main tha.Aapko to para hflatga ki lodha builders ne kitna develope kiya hmainshilphata road ko, to maine decide kiya kyo na shilphata road,dombivli main naya flat...
Introduction: I met Dot and Goody, my future wife and her maid of honor I was 22 when I arrived at my new assignment in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and the officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to...
In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had their favorite haunts downtown and most of the time you would run into someone you knew as you made the late evening rounds looking for pussy, our primary off duty occupation. We did a lot of sightseeing but our interest in German culture was finding the best places to score. There was of course the local bar scene where a guy could get lucky. If you were...
I was 22 when I arrived at my new duty station in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Dot found her first job and a new friend in Goody To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard...
To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips; truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and...
Wife LoversThey were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and Goody's arm around Dot's waist just above the buttocks. Now there was a sight, but not uncommon on European streets. They were quite physical with each other; always playing grab-ass. At the time, Goody had latched on to a young American airman. He saw a good thing when he "laid" his young eyes on her. He was twenty; maybe. He was a good looking kid, not too...
Goody........Chapter 2 She certainly was. Her real name was Gudrun. One of those funny-peculiar names that Germans give to girls. Everybody called her Goody. When I met her she was Dot's best friend. It's not too difficult to describe Goody. She was, in a word, voluptuous. She was only about 5'6" tall between me and Dot, both about 5'10". She had black hair, blue eyes, a tiny waist with flaring hips..... truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had...
LesbianI had been looking for a place to live for several months but the residential lettings market had hit rock bottom and there wasn’t much around. Having given up with the agencies I resorted to local ads and word of mouth, which led me to a first floor flat in a very large converted house. It seemed nice enough located in a quiet leafy side road not far from the centre of London, a conservative area with Edwardian houses seemingly very proper and ordinary. The main door led through to a...
My girlfriend brought our friend Tiffany over after work. She came over to vent about her day not going so well and stayed for dinner. As we all sat around the living room somehow we got on the subject of feet, I'm not quite sure what sparked the topic now that think about it. Tiffany told us the other day Dan was making fun of people with feet fetishes. He joked about what would she do if he had one and how stinky and gross he thinks feet are. I quickly protested of course. Then she told us...
Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. "Oh, lord! What have we here?" He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship.The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...
Wife LoversIntroduction: It had been about 10 years since we saw her last and she was just as hot as ever, maybe better with age… Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. Oh, lord! What have we here? He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The two beautiful women were locked in a squirming clinch...
The two beautiful women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the counter. Goody's skirt was riding way up high exposing her stockinged legs from high-heels to crotch. Dot was pulled on Goody's leg under the knee with one hand.....the other groped Goody's panty covered buttocks. Their lips were locked onto each other's mouths. "Hey, you two look like you have a...
Our "how we met" story is short. Dot and I met, fell in love and were married within a year. We spent hours recounting our sexual experiences to turn each other on, then fucked like mad afterwards. I told her about my first sexual escapades as a young man in the military. She told me about Charlize and Goody, her first girl-girl discoveries, and how much she loved to suck cock. What's not to love? After we got married, we decided to limit our sexual activities only to each other for a while.......
BisexualBy Docker5000 Diane price watched with sad eyes as her only son started to pack his belongings into his old beat up Ford fiesta car. He was off to university. He had just won a full engineering scholarship. Diane was very sad on seeing him go he was her baby. However tensions in the house had been slowly rising over the last couple of weeks. Her son Danny and his father did not get on and on a few occasions she had to separate them before there was fighting between both of...
Hello, guys! This is my fourth story in ISS and hopes you guys had enjoyed my previous stories. But I was very disappointed in the feedback section as major replies were for having sex with me and even some guys have sent there dicks pictures also. This was highly insane. Coming back to the topic in this post you guys will come to know about sexual activity during our college fest and even on the refuge flat. This incident took place when I had shifted to a new building in my home town. The...
My luck was in the day I met her, and the first time we fucked, it just got better, she has an insatiable desire for sex, and the cutest tightest pussy I have ever come accross or cum in!! My name is Rick, Im about 12 years older than Steph, and we have had some great imes together, so i thought i would share them with you, starting with this, and more to come. This story starts in a bar, my Flatmate had been having a bad time with his girlfriend and Steph and I took him to the local bar to...
This is a true story. A few years ago, I moved to Spain and I was looking for a room in a shared house. Couldn't find anything, but after a couple of weeks of looking, I managed to rent a room with a Polish woman. I mean, she had her room, I had mine, we shared the kitched, etc. She was great, we became friends.A couple of months later, we were at home, and had a couple of glasses of wine. Out of the blue, she said "I'm going to masturbate later tonight, I want you to watch me. Do you...
As a midwife, Sonya found herself being buried under coursework. She lived in an (almost) all-girl household, and when they weren't all working together, they were studying together, or attending lectures together, which gets kind of frustrating for a girl as horny as her. Other company of any kind was a luxury. She had ordained herself 'Mum of the house' and was always chasing the others up on washing, getting them into work on time and attending University. She admitted it: She was a...
this is true and i will tell it as best as i can.there were 4 of us in total my wife (sam) myself and 2 friends and we had visited a few local pubs and all had a few drinks but it was a little dead that night so we decided to go back to our place and collect more booze on the journey.after around half hour we arrived loaded up with lager wine and vodka which was bought by sam which was a little unusual but what the hey it was friday night so we settled in and put some music on the sattilite tv...
I walked across to the doctors office which was in fact in the basement and slowly and carefully went down to the front door and rang the bell, my jaw dropped when the door opened.Maybe I was expecting a pretty receptionist but I certainly wasn’t expecting an old man well into his 70’s dressed in a button up white coat and from what I could make out, not much else.“Hello, I’m Dr Goodwin, I am a doctor you know” he said very professionally while looking me up and down, “You must be Jerry” he...
Caroline’s TotalThe complete Caroline stories.*************************************************Copyright Oggbashan October 2005; September 2006; December 2012; January 2013. This omnibus edition September 2015.The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Birth and DeathCaroline is an...
I saw her coming toward the plane after I had secured the cooler in the rear seat. She couldn’t be my angler, I was expecting a man. She was definitely headed for the plane and was carrying a rod case and a tackle box. She walked up and stood in front of me. ‘Are you Captain Tag Gordon?’ ‘I am, and you must be Mack Anniston.’ ‘Correct.’ ‘Here, let me stow your gear in the plane, do you have more things?’ ‘Yes the driver is bringing the other bags.’ She had a sweet and melodious voice, but I...
I was at school and it was April Fools Day and I knew Shawn was up to something but, I didn't know what because he was acting very sneaky. Well, at the end of 3rd period I went to my locker to put my books up until after lunch was over. Just so you know Shawn and I knew each other’s locker combinations to each other’s lockers if we wanted to put something in each other’s lockers like a gift or something that wasn’t able to fit through the openings in the locker. We trusted each other not to...
GayFLAT MATES - Part 3 Chapter 13 - "A Parting of the Ways" The first few days after Gavin flew to America I mopped about the house, listless and without any energy to do anything. I couldn't even be bothered to dress properly and wandered about in a pair of women's satin pyjamas and a towelling dressing gown. I didn't bother to shave and my long hair soon became a tangled mess. I looked frightful! Deep inside I knew I would have to snap out of this lethargy; Gloria would not have...
Hello friends, my name is Sumit () and I am from Bangalore. My height is 5’9″ and this is my first post on ISS. So, please forgive me if I am wrong anywhere… Now lets come to my story. Ye ek desi sex story hai and baat 2015 ki hai jab main pune mein job karta tha. Mera ek friend bhi pune mein he job karti thi, jo ki meri kafi saalo se friend thi aur uska naam anamika(name changed) hai. Dikhne mein ek dum maal thi, height 5’6″ thi uski aur boobs 34C the. Jab main Pune gaya toh uske next day main...
Hi friends. This is Ruchita again. So I narrated the things what happened further in the story “Unexpectedly Gang-banged By My Friends In Their Flat – part II. So as you all know that the sex amusement is nonstop for all teenagers. Even my story continued further and I will narrate what happened further in this story. After that enjoyment with my boyfriend and Ankit, Malik and Dhananjay I stayed that night over there as my dress were wet. I was completely nude sleeping in between them. I woke...
Hey Guys this is “Safeinn – name changed” I am Good looking Guy with 6 ½ inch Cock … this is my first story over here in ISS .. Been a fan for ISS from long time..Girls & Aunts if interested .. mail me – This story is about my team mate Keerthi & she is one of the amazing babe in my company.. those soft 34d breasts.. smooth 28 waist.. and 38 butt… woowiee… just irresistible… but the worst part is.. She’s too homely.. if anyone see for the first time they will surely have a good opinion on...
This is madman I am 27 yrs, tall and slim, living in Hyderabad. Reading all your stories, I am excited to post my true story which happened 2 years ago. I had a close friend of mine, his name was Ankit, he wanted to purchase a new flat or house near my area as it is a village type area. So I decided to help him. After a few days I heard of a lady who wanted to sell her flat, as her husband was abroad and they wanted to settle there. Her name was Rajni and she also had a six year old daughter....
"Itz ah shin I tellz ya!" Mihoshi continued to blubber. Directing her comments towards Kiyone's hind quarters, as her partner began hiking up the stairs. "Tooz womenz uh wan manz! Id juz wong! Unateral!" "Yes and you'd form a nice quartet in two shakes wouldn't you?" Key responded dryly. Shifting her 'fireman's carry enough to open the door to their room. "Dey needs da guidance!" Miho slurred. Straitening enough over key's shoulder to emphatically gesture. "Avz a...