Awakening The Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss Tantri
- 2 years ago
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Stian Elbert and I myself—Ragnhild Aswin—are departing off for a hush-hush and not-communal picnic at some far away seaside and seashore. By hush-hush, I denote that it is going to be the two of us alone and not more than that. Yes. We are going to gobble batches and assortments of delicious and lip-smacking food and more outstandingly and significantly have endless laps and lots of great and so out-of-this-world sex. It is to some extent chilly and icy, but we are going anyway. We have made up our minds and assessments about it and nothing is going to alter that.
Regrettably and unluckily, and much to my own dissatisfaction and aggravation, the car that we are in—a bullion-colored Nissan Trimm 196—breaks down and Stian is left with no preference and alternative other than to ring up his repairman and tell him about where we are and what came about to us as well as where it is that we are going. After continual and nonstop minutes of chatting and conversing on his phone with the grease monkey man, he breaks off the call and peeks at me callously and frigidly like.
"What did the mechanic say?" I ask him.
He frowns at me unfeelingly for being daring and audacious enough to inquire him of that. "He will be here in like two hours from now; can you believe it, Ragnhild?"
"That is totally awful and dire news in any case."
"Yes, it is terrible news indisputably."
To hack a time-consuming story to the summary and terse, Stian and I consent that we are going to fuck each other in this bulky, infinite forest about us. We can't just wait any more longer to arrive at the beach. I want sex right now and I yearn for it so bad. I would recite the rosary and even say my prayers out loud if it is bearable and allowable just so I can have and enjoy it. I am not shaggy dog storying here. This is the fixed and genuine truth. Arghhhh! I watch in silence as Stian takes off his blue-color jeans and pitch-black underwear and remains in nothing but his steep and irrefutable bareness. Why is it all the time that he likes having on black underwear in distinction and disparity with the other poles-apart shades? Oh my! Those mightily and impressively built and gorgeously hulking and filled and bursting-at-the-seams thighs of his ... they enthrall and spellbind me. Damn me for my unquenchable lust and licentiousness and lasciviousness of him! Yes. I have an voracious and unappeasable desire and longing of him and his gigantic dick too. My monster and dearly loved John Thomas—I call him. He is mine to get pleasure from; mine to stroke and feel and amuse myself about with.
Phew! This is so truly funny and intriguing. I don't want it to end; not at all.
"Tilt down over the front windshield of the car with your face gazing straight at mine so I can fuck and spank you till you are so exaggeratedly stoked and floating in mid air."
My goodness! That is what I am supposed to do? I hurriedly do it keenly and merrily in any case. I clamber up on the windshield of our car, and once I am settled and accommodated on it, I haul and tow my legs apart and then pitch and fling up my yellowy dress so that my lemon-tinted Gee-string is laid to plain and infallible sight before Stian's vigilant eyes and gaze itself. With a speedy and trained and yet mild tug, he yanks and tows away my Gee-string until he is clutching and gripping them in his very own hands. Then, with that carried through, he flings and tosses it away into a close-by bush.
I am provoked by his deed there and then. "Shit, Stian, you threw away my Gee-string, didn't you? Have you got any idea of how much it was that I bought it? It was and still at present is very pricey."
He becomes charmed and absorbed to the heart by my uncovered and furry and shaggy vagina when he stares at it. Yes. He is going to fuck it pretty damn bad and hard. This I can tell from the way and manner that he is licking his lips while gawking and ogling at my undressed cunt itself. Fuck me already, will you?
"I will get you a new duo and set of Gee-strings, Ragnhild, before we get back home. I assure you. I will get you any type of pants that you want. Do you hear that?"
"Yes, I do hear you obviously well, my overlord and boss." That is what I call Stian. He is my principal and overlord. Any heading and label that you can think of which has a majestic and lordly feel to it belongs to him. Yeah. That is just how things are between the two of us. And I like it that way. As for me, I am his servant and bondswoman and varlet and serf. I like it and I am also mad about it so, so, so very much.
"Nice," Stian notes kindheartedly. "You are a good girl indeed. And I am so very in love with good girls. As long as you submit and yield yourself entirely to me like this superb way that you even now are doing, we will all the time be at harmony and serenity and cheerfulness with each other."
Won't he fuck me already? I have had enough of the lame, monotonous, and stupid talk already.
When he reviews and checks my hopeful and longing pussy this time, I am convinced and positive that I will be spanked and fucked and banged pitilessly and heartlessly like no man's dealing. In fact, my vagina itself is missing Stian's spermatic seed and jism so, so, so very much. She is awfully and particularly parched and thirsting for it. Without taking another swallow and fresh nip of it, she will definitely kick it and pop her plogs. I am just jesting and wise-cracking, don't take offence at me. But once it—his male gamete—is made accessible and obtainable to her—my vag (abridgement or shortening for vagina) or pussy hole—she will without doubt gulp and guzzle it all down.
Properly and evenly, Stian places and lays his finger into the thickness and breadth of my gleefully now animate and busy pussy. The feeling ... the sentiment that stirs with it ... it is all so great and riotous and unbelievably fantastic. I have not submitted myself to anything like it before. Arghhh! Bit by bit and nicely, he jostles and jams smoothly nice his elongated fingers into me. I stare up at the boundless blue sky above my head and close my eyes for what seems like a fleeting while. Each time before we have sex, Stian all the time does that to me. He knows very well how to make and get ready my pussy for a good and pleasing round of kinky fuckery. This is so great and far-fetched indeed.
Left and right, up and down, his skillful fingers rummage about and stab and prod each and every side of my vagina's inside. I like the feeling and commotions that they are rousing up with the stabled movements; I like everything about his balanced and yet calm and body-striking movement. It is all Greek to me—which I do not know and even do not apprehend—and I am utterly thrilled and excited by it as much as my mind is muddled and obscured up like mud-spattered and grimy waters on the other hand. Sex, sex, and more sex please...
"Can I lick and lap and sweep your pussy with my own tongue and also nosh and snack it with my very own mouth?" Stian asks all this to me, observing and studying what my reaction and response to him will be like. I am perplexed and dazed at the same time, and my face can evidently and straightforwardly show all of this.
"Yes, Stian. Flick and lap and brush your tongue in my cunt if you like. Snack and graze it with your very own mouth too if you see it preferable and more suitable and eligible." And he does precisely just that. Bowing himself down towards me so that he has his mouth stationed and positioned right next to my vagina, he gawks and glances it briefly and for a moment before budging and stirring ahead to lap and whip his tongue violently and hysterically against it. My goodness! It is the best and most excellent thing ever. The lips and rims and margins and flanges of my sex wags and wiggles with the thrashing and flogging of his tongue, creating these pleasant and stunning sensations from somewhere there down my waist. In the dome and quarter of my muff and punani that is. Goodness. It is all the great and gratifying. I do want all this to come to a concluding and ultimate ending? Not at all! I want us to go on and on and on without any sort of conclusion at all.
My body is melting and dissolving and liquefying in this vast, grand accumulation and grouping of keen most bliss and pleasure. Getting laid is the nicest thing in case you didn't know. My breath is so confound and disarrayed up and my thinking itself is this gone nuts and round the bend. All I experience about and within me is enjoyment and bliss and immense contentment ... and nothing else. The way that Stian licks and thrashes his tongue on the rims and brims of my sex bears out to me just how much of a professional and connoisseur he is at sex. I am so pleased and relived that I am married and wed to an accomplished and practiced man like him in the first place.
After breaking off from his accomplishment for a little bit while, he runs his finger down my vulva towards my ass and then stabs and pricks it. I howl out vaguely savored and delighted and a little bit surprised and taken aback by that. My goodness! Will he also be fucking that zone and region and neighborhood of mine? He shouldn't do it. I am at the moment not ready and geared up to be rammed and rapped with that massive cock and dick of his into my ass. Not now; not any sooner; perhaps some time later.
I scowl and make a face whilst Stian's finger sports and fiddles and wantons about with my ass. Is he solemn and grave and staid on biffing and decking and walloping and whacking up that quarter and neck-if-the-woods turf of mine? Is he? I ask him straight away, "Are you also going to slide your stretched and giant John Thomas in there, Stian?"
"Not really. But I can do it if you want me to. What is your say on that?"
"No, no; don't do it. I am not geared up for it right now."
He stoops and bobs himself down and first smells and gets a whiff and sniff of my ass before he proceeds on to lick and smack it with his tongue as well. My goodness! Oh my goodness! The feeling is so bizarre and abnormal and of-the-wall and daggy-like. Doesn't he find it foul-smelling and stinking and reeking sort-of to have fun and frolic and frisk about with my anus this freaking anomalous way? An hour before we left for the water's edge and ocean plage back at our home, whilst I had locked and shut myself up in our capacious and bountiful latrine and water closet, I had given up human dung and faces and excrement that looked as grassy and greenly as hale-and-hearty lawn, and it was the most malodorous and feisty-smelling waste matter and lak of mine, which I hand wiped up and brushed and swabbed entirely clean with the velvety and silky maroon-colored tissue. Damn Stian for doing that to me! He was trifling and amusing himself with my goddamn intimate and darling most anus, wasn't he aware of it?
I am shamefaced and conscience-stricken and sheepish on that. I mean, the anus is supposed to be mucky and grungy and skanky—isn't it all that? And Stian here is sporting and romping up games with it like it is greatly guiltless and squeaky-clean and irreproachable? Yeah ... I know. Like they term and style it ... anal play ... grungy and dirty play, isn't it so?
Heck. Who would have foretold Stian engaging in silly and stupid games with my prized and priceless anus all thanks to the utilization and usefulness of his sluggish and dopey-minded tongue? Damn him for it! He was thick-headed and brain-dead enough to do it. Yes, he definitely was.
When he is completed with entertaining and amusing himself with my much-loved and very much helpful and functional anus, he stares up at me and then beams and smirks wickedly to state to me, "Must I come up there to fuck you? Or must I drag you down here to fuck you right close to me?"
"Mount up here and fuck me please," I make known to him. He does just that. He crawls and clambers up to where I am seated on the bonnet of the car, with my back tilted and leaned on the windshield beneath me, and once he is up here with me, he curves and twists himself down to place and lay himself over me. Goodness. His solidified and congealed erection strokes and brushes my thighs; and I am all this frozen immobile and static right away, gulping down hard as a sugary, lust-awakening-like feeling and passion journeys through my blood and veins themselves. I want him to fuck me hard ... right here and right this particular moment. Will he at any rate? It is too soon to tell that, or is it not?
"Are you ready for me to come into you?" Stian questions me, reviewing and surveying my facial appearance and idiom itself.
I nod towards him silently, and it is then that he penetrates his full erection into me, lightly and cautiously. Yah! I have been waiting for this sugary moment all these lengthy while ages. And here it has at last come. I don't want everything to end. If only we can expend and splurge and fritter up the rest of our outstanding and lingering but lasting days fucking and spanking up each other. It would be so great and fantastic, aren't you of the same opinion and estimation and view with me. Leisurely but unquestionably, Stian pumps in and then bails out his elongated and made-bigger dick out of me, satisfying my lust, slaking and placating it—and I am so extremely and from the bottom of my heart pleased with him and his achievement.
Oh my gosh! What a content, joyful, and pleasurable life of mine this all is! A life of sex ... sex ... and more sex with my very much handsome and devoted and caring and helpful husband—Stian Elbert. Stian, please fuck me in this inexhaustible and fear-provoking forest about us, will you, honey?
Shit. I can't believe that Stian is going to fuck me real awesome and admirable and butchin' five-star! I would love that. His voluminous and hulking thighs ballet and waggle against mine, his hips or bottom or butts behind swinging and swaying quietly and intensely. Oh my gosh! I love it. It is oh so appetizing and amazingly tasty and yummy and plain damnedest best awesome and beautiful and pleasurable too. I stare down to see how his gigantic dick is pricking and going in and out outside of my hole, and to be truthful and candid with you, I am dazed and beguiled by what I see and observe. Speedily and vividly brutal and stern, his phallus punches and rams into me, making his body to ballet and jig and wriggle in such a very dazzling and outstanding and breathtaking motion. Being fucked is an excellent and fantastically enjoyable thing indeed. He must not stop ... he must not refrain or break off from what he is doing to me right this very moment.
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The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey.Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried in a mouth, and it did belong to my...
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The Bliss Pill Part 3 Natasha woke me in the best way possible. I emerged from sleep to feel the sensations of a succulent pair of lips around my cock and a tongue teasing the tip. "Hmm not as big as mine but still tasty," purred Natasha as she paused to look up at me. Life suddenly seemed bearable. Even the thought of work didn't have the same impact as it used to. I was loving having the ability to change my gender temporarily. Right now, I was enjoying my male perspective. ...
Chapter One: Blown by His Mom and Sisters A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure puts the last touches on its next creation. Its next way to have fun. A belt. Brown leather. A silver buckle with the words “Suck” on it. A simple concept. The Figure is thrilled by this. It knows just where to place it. Slipping through the mist into a mortal world, it slips into a department store. No one “notices” the...
Janet pointed out that there was going to have to be an instruction manual to accompany Coital Bliss vials, or there were sure to be law suits as people misused the ointment. Furthermore, the instructions needed to be illustrated so that users could see what they were letting themselves in for. She suggested to George, her father, that she and Wilbur be the models for the pictures. They were very familiar with the effects of the ointment and were accustomed to using it with each other, so...
Now that she had broken the ice, Janet was sure that she could get George to bed her more often, especially if she could get Robin and Wilbur to sleep together on something like a regular basis. Oh, well, she would work on that as she got the chance. Meanwhile, she was working on the World Class web site. She had those four videos she wanted to mount, plus she had a lot of text that she had to get in as well. The basic problem was that she had to present the story of a totally new product,...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 14, Post Coital Bliss) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
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Chapter Six: Blown by the Fertile MILF A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Things changed at school rather quickly. With my older sister's help, I started dividing the girls up into different categories. Some became whores. Literal prostitutes. These were the hottest girls that I would sell to the boys who attended my college. The twins, Rosalita, Janet the lesbian, and others were sold to the boys for $50 for a...
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It was a few weeks after the Galactic Earth party, and Tina was still in awe of what had happened on that amazing night. Before then, the shy blonde eighteen year old had done little more than trade a few kisses with guys and then there was that time at the school break up party when she had boldly flashed her tits at Steve ... But in the forest, with Ecstasy burning in her veins and her lucky panties soaking up her sweet virgin cunt juices, Tina had plunged tongue-first into a hedonistic world...
LesbianMy name is Vally, I'm 50 years by now, originally I’m from the Middle East. I’m wealthy individual but due to the Arab spring and the disturbances in 2011 there, I decided to move anywhere outside that region. I moved to Romania since 2012 where these events took and still taking place. I got married there to Nicoleta (Nicole), who is 46 years old by now, pretty, hot and lovely lady. Beside she is occupying an important position in the district we are living in. We felt in love, or that...
My baby was coming home tonight, and lately, I hadn’t done anything spontaneous and romantic. My brain was shot from working a lot, but now that the weekend was here, things were going to be different this time. I’d gotten a few things from the store to help make tonight one of his best nights. And I’d just finished cooking dinner, so I wrapped it up and set it in the warmer. I had to head out to the airport to get him, so I left right away! The whole drive was exciting, millions of...
Becca's petite, lightly tanned body moved gracefully with each step, her black workout pants revealing the movements of her hips. With every step, her athletic shoes rose from the pavement, leaving behind the soft crunch of someone small running of gravel. Her jacket had long since been removed and tied around her waist; it was too hot to exercise with one, being late spring. Becca slowed down, her breath puffing; she leaned over and rested, her hands on her knees and the air moving out of her...
My darling, it has always been my dearest wish to see you happy and fulfilled in every way. As we have grown older, I have watched your libido blossom whilst I have remained imprisoned by the limited sexual repertoire that nature granted me as a man, and even that is beginning to decline in my slow descent into old age.A man’s sexual urges are very direct, and once aroused, he must follow them as he drives forward to the brief ecstasy of that explosive convulsion of ejaculation. He may be able...
LesbianAfter reading many stories on this site I finally decided to take a shot a posting my own stories. All of my stories are based in true events from my life (like the one youre about to read), my darkest fantasies or a combination of both. If you feel the need to leave negative comments then post them in a manner that will help me improve in the future because my desire is to provide quality stories that excite a broad range of people. In the early 90s my parents were almost non-existent in the...
Hey yo, its KK again with another story. I’m 22 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches, fair and athletic. I have been selected for modeling and also been offered to act in serials but lets see what happens further. So now i’m moving to andhra pradesh visakhapatnam and will be residing over there for a few months. If house wives and older ladies in vizag want to have a secret relationship with me, then you can mail me at So this happened in kerala when me and my family along with another family, went over...
Hello fellow readers, I am a 27 yr old doctor working in Mangalore and have been very impressed by the content posted here and I am here to share my experience with a couple which was a first time for me. I prefer to call them Mr. And Mrs. Das. This happened when I was in the obg posting, Mr. and Mrs. Das had come there as out patients and their complaint was that they were married for 4 years and had been trying for a baby ever since, so I send them for evaluation by which I can discuss their...
That is Alexa Bliss’ first thought as she awakes from a deep sleep. Her second thought is of the raging headache that just came over her, the result of a massive hangover. Whatever she’d drunk last night, it was either very strong, or in very large quantities. Or, probably both. Opening her eyes, she stares blearily around the room, and is happy to recognise it is her hotel room, which she had been staying in for the previous night’s episode of Raw. That’s good, she thinks, at least I made...
“Blade,” I said, as I looked around me at the doctor’s small sterile consulting room. “My name is Blade.”Her sudden movement brought my gaze back to the doctor across the desk. I saw her name: ‘Dr. Rachelle Deckard.’Dr. Deckard opened the file in front of her, looked me up and down and slowly stood up and walked around the desk. Her long black hair fell onto her shoulders and the buttoned-up white doctor’s jacket accentuated her full tanned breasts. As she stood next to me, she leaned forward,...
LesbianPatience was never really a virtue of mine, but as I sat waiting, my legs fidgeting on the side of the bed, I thought I was going to go crazy. A knock sounded at the door to the room, and all three of us jumped, as a man entered, a smile on his face, and a clipboard in his hands. "Good news, Jason. Looks like your casts are coming off early." Doctor Brown said. His wispy long grey hair stuck out from his head, but he has been our family doctor for years. Lisa and mom jumped up to...
+++++++++++++++++ Exhausted, I lay on my back, arms stiffly standing up into the air. "Whew! You really know how to tire me out," my sister murmured next to me, and I turned to smile at her. Despite having just unloaded my seed into her, I couldn't help but admire her lithe naked body, as her chest heaved, and her auburn hair lay plastered to her head, full of sweat. It was Sunday morning, and Lisa had wanted to get one last good screw in, before our mom returned from her little...
Moaning as I open my eyes, I look at Lisa grinning down at me, and wish I could just roll over and go back to sleep, but with my arms in their cast, on my back is the only position I can sleep. This is how it has been ever since that night our mom had caught us and Geo in bed together. Every morning she comes in to visit, before going to school, and while I can't complain about the attention, being kept up late at night by my mother doesn't make waking up early any fun. "Hmpf! I'll bet...
Broken Bliss Ch 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunlight streaming through my room woke me up, and the first thing to greet me was a headache. The second was the realization that Mom was no longer lying next to me. Groaning, I got out of bed and stumbled from my room, head throbbing. In the kitchen I found Mom and Lisa, both sipping cups of coffee. Upon seeing me, Mom rushed to pour me a cup. Rarely had I ever had a hangover, and they are never fun. "I called in sick today for...
Broken Bliss Chapter 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning, and realize Mom hadn't come in to see me last night. Had I done something to offend her? If so I needed to make amends. But first things, first; I had to pee. I walked out to the kitchen, hoping to catch Lisa before she left for school, but heard her driving off instead. Mom's bedroom door was closed, so I knocked with me knee, but got no answer. I checked the garage, and saw...
========================================= I awoke the next morning in a panic. What had I done last night? I had molested my little sister, is what I'd done. The fact that she had seduced me into it, made little difference to my guilt. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was just after 6. Good, Lisa hasn't left for school yet. It took me a second to get out of bed, my arms being useless in their casts, and I tramped down the stairs to her room. There was light coming from under her...
Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Male/Female Teens, Masturbation, Older Female/Males, Reluctance. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but if you don't like any of those themes, turn back now. Otherwise, please enjoy. ===================================== I couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of...
Tammy was lying on a bright yellow mat beside Tom’s oft used pool. She was on her back stark naked while Tom slowly and carefully rubbed sun tan oil on her delicate, girly soft skin. She smiled up at him, licking her freshly glossed lips. She’d used hot pink to accent her mouth because she now knew that it made oral sex a lot more exciting for him. He loved to split open those virginal looking lips that were moistened by the kind of lip stick that whores were known to use, at least that...
“Mommy, can I go over to Tom’s? He’s got such a groovy pool! It’s heated and so huge! It’s like Olympic!” Mary Timmons was a tall red head although her nice figure had declined with the onset of middle age. Her hubby was regular even if not particularly inspiring. After all, what could one expect after twenty two years of relative marital bliss? You couldn’t stay super horny forever. Three times a week with her adoring Al was just fine in Mary’s book. She looked down at her little...
This is a story of an insatiable pre teen’s discovery of carnal wonders. If you don’t like young stories, please go to another category. Tom enjoyed working for “Pools Are Us”. He was both a sales rep and a back up maintenance man when things got slow. So for that reason, the company built him a very nice, Olympic sized pool in his back two acre yard. The new home was picturesquely situated in a well preserved woodland area. The next house was literally a hundred yards away and Tom...
KISS OF BLISS Sean had talked to Maria’s mother, Sonya, to find out their taste in food. So they arrive at their house having a reservation at a restaurant. They had decided on casual dress but Jeff insisted on borrowing some of Sean’s cologne. Now he insists on going to the door alone. Sonya answers the door, gives Jeff a hug and a kiss on the lips, inviting him in. When Maria walks gracefully into the room, Jeff does a double take. Sonya had done up her hair beautifully. “Wow! You...