BarbaraChapter 35 free porn video

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While making her way to Ali's office she asked Rajah how he had come to be trapped. He told her that the door was always latched and he certainly didn't want to break it down. And his dear mistress already knew that he had a difficult time turning a doorknob.

When she found Ali Clifford in her office and told her what happened to Rajah, Ali flung her arms around his neck, kissed him passionately and said, "You poor dear! What can I do to make it up to you? My lord, it was felony assault ... In fact, it was attempted rape. One young man held hostage by fourteen oversexed, horny young women..."

Shaking her head she said, "Oh, the shame of it all..." Then she kissed him again and said with a cute giggle, "Dear Rajah, it appears you survived. There doesn't appear to have been any permanent damage done ... and your coat absolutely glistens. They've been brushing it, haven't they?"

He agreed and grinned back.

After telling Ali her idea, the woman wasted no time. She immediately picked up the phone and began to translate the idea into a plan and then the plan into action. She already knew that the previous night's performance was the last one the circus had for the season and was the last for Gabel-Williams as well.

When she reached him, she confirmed a suspicion: Because he had the only wild-animal act using tigers, all of the animals were going to be consigned to zoos around the country and around the world. After explaining her idea, he was wildly enthusiastic. Arrangements were immediately made to bring all of the remaining seven tigers to the office that afternoon.

After hanging up the phone Ali thought for a moment, looked up a telephone number and placed another call. When Joyce realized what she was doing — ordering seven minivans to be delivered that afternoon — she just shook her head. Clearly, Ali Clifford was a brilliant woman who instantly thought through the entire process and then handled every detail.

When they left the office to go to lunch, Ali told her that she was in for a rare treat: Kathy Carlson was doing the cooking that day and she was — without any doubt — the finest cook in the world. Entering the room, she saw Kathy at what appeared to be an incredibly complete kitchen built into the wall of the conference room.

Four naked young women were beginning to serve. When she asked Ali why they were nude, she was told with a laugh that it was a part of the firm's new training program. "You met Pam Smith this morning, I understand?"

When Joyce said that she had, Ali told her with a grin that it was all Pam's doing: How, at the firm Christmas party the previous year she had complained that they were not taught anything useful — like serving a formal dinner nude. "She pointed out — accurately, it turns out — that when a girl learns to maintain her aplomb while serving naked, her self-confidence is strengthened to a degree that permits her to be comfortable — and look it — in any conceivable setting.

"It's quite valuable, really. Moreover, when they're serving while naked it's far easier to critique their style. There are no clothes to hide poor posture, for example."

After having her first bite of the food that looked so beautifully appetizing on her plate, Joyce put down her fork and exclaimed, "Ali, this is unbelievable! I thought the dinner served Saturday night was the finest food in the world, but ... but it's not even in the same class as this!"

"You're right, dear," Ali replied, "but then I warned you." Then with a little giggle she added, "Incidentally, Michael Morris is going to be in heaven for the rest of his life. Susan is only six but it's already clear that she has her mother's talent for cooking. By the time they get married ... Yum! She will probably be even better! Can you even imagine food better than this?"

After agreeing that she could not, Joyce returned to the enjoyment of her marvelous meal.

After lunch, Joyce told Bobbie what she had found downstairs, triggering an explosion of laughter. Then Bobbie hugged Rajah who had looked hurt when she responded to his tale of woe with laughter.

Bobbie hugged and kissed him, then looked right into his eyes. "Rajah Collier, you're a pretty good actor, aren't you? Terrified? Abused? Hah!

"But don't I look sincere?"

His crack caused Bobbie to howl with laughter.

Then Joyce told her about the plans for the other tigers. She agreed to come down with Andy and Ken to bring the tigers up in the freight elevator. "Good grief!" Joyce exclaimed. "Ali forgot something! She didn't tell the building management. What will the owners say?"

Bobbie grinned. "It's the owner — singular. And she obviously loves the idea. Her name is Allison McGrath Clifford. Any more questions?" Then Bobbie explained that Ali hated to pay rent so she had done in the building what she and Bill had earlier done with the Beverly Wilshire: She bought it.

At three o'clock, the four of them were waiting at the building's receiving dock when a tractor-trailer belonging to the circus was carefully backed into position. Gabel-Williams got down from the cab, greeted Bobbie, Joyce and the children, and then supervised the unloading of the great cats. Each was in his own cage and was delighted to be free. Before taking them upstairs, though, Bobbie carefully explained what was going to happen to them. The tigers, who were sitting in a semicircle in their house-cat positions, listened very attentively.

When the cats were all up on the 37th floor, Bobbie said to Joyce, "It was your idea, darling, so you take it from here." Leading the way with Rajah at her side, Joyce opened the door of the Leper Colony. When she did, she found Ali already there waiting for them. She whispered to Joyce that she expected the subsequent scene to be very funny and so it proved to be.

The young women were naked again and were standing in a row in front of the window in nervous groups of two. Their eyes widened as, one after the other, seven huge Bengal tigers stalked into the room. Then the big cats paced back and forth in front of the women while communicating in a form unintelligible to humans. Although unintelligible, Joyce knew what they were doing and Rajah confirmed it: They were making their selections. Suddenly the pacing stopped and the cats sat down in a row facing the girls, spaced at the same intervals the girls were.

Marty Bradford and Kelly Maguire each had an arm around the other's waist. It was for mutual support, Marty knew. Her eyes widened as she looked at the cat sitting opposite them. His green eyes were wide and he seemed to be looking at them hungrily — Are we his next meal? she wondered. Then simultaneously the tigers got to their feet and covered the short space to where the girls were nervously waiting.

"My name is King," the huge animal communicated. "May I have the pleasure of serving you? What are your names, Mistresses?"

With a great sense of relief, Marty wrapped her arms around the animal's huge neck, kissed him and replied, "My name is Martha Bradford, but everyone calls me Marty. This is my roommate and best friend, Kelly Maguire."

Kelly kissed him, too, and now both girls had their arms around the animal's neck. Kelly was also five feet eight inches tall and was constantly teased about being the younger Ginger Conrad. Like Ginger, she had magnificent auburn hair, brilliant green eyes, a glorious figure and, like Ginger, the very rare complexion for someone with red hair, one that tanned. Then Marty asked, "Darling King, what do we do now? Do you know?"

"I think we get acquainted," he replied tentatively. Then looking at each beautiful girl in turn — he already thought them to be two of the most beautiful girls in the world — he asked, "May ... may ... may I drink at your fountains? Please?" It seemed to be what all of the other tigers were about to do as well.

Just then Joyce said in a voice loud enough to get their attention, "Girls, I have news for you. I know you're all intact virgins and I also know that the tigers are about to lick you at your source. You should know that in just a week or so they will have taken off all of your pubic hair. Since I see you all have the cutest little beavers — they are all beautifully plucked — are you sure it's what you want? Of course, being virginal and pure, receiving your husbands with bodies utterly devoid of any body hair could be a major-league turn-on, but..."

Martha Bradford and Kelly had spent hours working on one another's pubic area so Marty looked down at hers with some dismay. Then with a grin at her roommate she said, "Good-bye, beaver! It can always grow back someday, I suppose, if I want it to." Then she noted, "But Joan Clifford has always looked so darling..."

Then to King she said, "My darling King, my love fountain awaits." She spread her legs and then stifled a scream as she felt his tongue penetrate her vaginal lips.

As the tigers were finishing their first round of licking, the door opened. This time it was Kris Bradley with Sasha. The girls all gathered around, then sat on the floor while leaning back against their animals, and listened carefully as Kris began to tell them some of the things she had learned in the first thirty-six hours of her life with a tiger.

Joyce left the room with Rajah and rejoined Bobbie and her class. At the end of the day, the mothers came in followed by the young women with their tigers, along with Kris and Sasha. Bobbie smiled and said, "This morning we started on Greek and this afternoon, on Latin. Well, the children decided that we should have a school song. They appropriated one and would now like to sing if for you." The children lined up in two rows and began to sing the Latin student song, Gaudeamus Igitur. The mothers and guests were utterly thrilled.

Then Bobbie said, "I see that my thieving twin sister has joined us. And she can sing ... at least a little. Kris, feel like singing?" The girl came forward with a guitar she had brought with her. In addition to having a fabulous singing voice, she could play a wide range of musical instruments with virtuosity, including the guitar.

Coming forward, she told the children that if she had to work, they did, too. The only way she would sing would be if they sang with her. What followed was an impromptu folk concert which ended with a beautifully moving rendition of Shenandoah. Then Kris stood up — she had been kneeling for the entire concert — and said, "It's time for the Bradley with the good voice — Bobbie — to join in." Having seen April and Ron Jackson enter the room she added, "And I would like Casey Jackson to join us. We are going to sing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". Casey?"

The little girl stood in front of the two young women and began to sing in a beautiful voice while her tears began to flow, "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..." Singing softly at first and backed by Kris' and Bobbie's brilliantly clear voices, Casey sang. At the first chorus the remaining children came in. At the final chorus, everyone in the room was singing but still Casey's brilliant voice, now filled with emotion, rose above them all singing, "Glory, glory, hallelujah..."

When the hymn ended, Casey ran to her parents who she had seen standing in the back. To her dismay she found her father crying. She apologized for singing so badly it had made him cry.

Dropping to his knees Ron Jackson hugged his little girl and cried, "So badly? My darling, that was the most beautiful singing I have ever heard!" He kissed her tenderly and added, "Case, there is one thing of which I am certain: Your grandfather in Heaven is smiling down on you right now! To hear his beautiful granddaughter singing our song of freedom with the beauty and power and emotion that you did ... Darling, I have never heard anyone sing it better."

The little girl just glowed in the praise from her parents. When she looked up at her mother, she saw the most brilliant smile on her face that she had ever seen.

April scooped her up and said, "My darling daughter, I cannot tell you how happy you have just made your father and me! I just can't! But darling, there are no parents who have ever lived who could possibly be prouder of their child than we are of you!" The family left with Casey between them holding each parent's hand as she began to bubble over while telling them what she had done in school that day.

When the school ended for the day, Joyce asked Ali if she could meet with the firm's senior partners. For some reason Joyce felt that she should be particularly careful with her appearance for the upcoming meeting so she went into the ladies room, washed up and brushed out her hair. When she entered Ali's office with Rajah pacing proudly at her side, the women were sitting around a table waiting for her.

There were Ali, Ginger Conrad, Kathy Carlson, and Sandy Benson. In addition, Joan Clifford, the firm's director of administration, and Judy Morris, the director of operations, were there, too. Rajah's subsequent behavior did not surprise Joyce in the least. In fact, it provided the last piece of confirming evidence for her thesis. Now she was certain that her idea was correct. On seeing the women arrayed around the table Rajah dropped flat on the floor, closed his eyes and just lay shivering in fear.

"Ladies," Joyce began, "Rajah has just provided the last bit of confirmation I was looking for."

Then to Ali she said, "Would you please tell Rajah that it is all right for him to rise, even if he is in the presence of six empresses!" Ali's eyes widened in amazement but she did as she was asked. With apparent reluctance Rajah rose from the floor and sat beside Joyce who hugged him and whispered that everything was fine.

Then she said, "You see, I have solved the mystery of Clifford & Jamison!"

Turning to Sandy Benson she introduced herself and asked, "Sandy Benson, I have a question for you. In what significant way could your life be better than it is right now?" Sandy was utterly dumbstruck by the question, but recognized that Joyce was serious. She sat and thought, then began slowly to shake her head.

"How could it possibly be any better?" Joyce asked. "You have a husband you utterly adore and who adores you. You have three children who would melt the hearts of a marble statue ... What more in life could you possibly want? Oh, yes!" she added, "Health! Well, that's part of it, too. You see, Mrs. Benson, while your driver's license says you're in your forties, the fact is you're physically about twenty-two. Do you feel tired? Do you feel menopause closing in? I think not. Am I right?"

Sandy sat, stunned. What she was hearing made no sense at all, and yet ... and yet she did feel better than she could ever remember feeling. Judy had mentioned Marty Bradford's comment about not wearing a bra and Sandy realized that, in spite of her constant nursing, she didn't ever wear one, either, nor had she ever felt the need for one. Finally she stammered, "But how... ? Why... ?"

"Now I know the answer to that question, too," Joyce replied with a note of triumph in her voice. "But before I answer it I would like all of you to strip naked. Please?"

The women did as she asked and in just seconds all of them were bare. Joyce stripped off all of her clothes, too. After forming them in a circle Joyce instructed them to look at one another's bodies very carefully. While the women were certainly used to being naked around one another, they had really not looked carefully at one another in years. As they did, Joyce could see eyes widening in surprise.

"Now look at your feet, your elbows, your hands ... Do you see any signs of aging? Ali, you're the oldest. I guess you're pushing fifty. Any signs of it? Drying skin? Wrinkles?" Of course there were none. Ali's golden skin had the smoothness and softness of a teenager's but without the pimples. Ali just shook her head in bewilderment.

"Last question," Joyce continued. "Have any of you incurred any injuries after the age of ... oh, let's say twenty-five ... that left a scar? How about you, Ali?"

Ali admitted that when she was making films she did many of her own stunts and wasn't always as careful as she should have been. One stunt had resulted in a compound fracture of the tibia; the bone end had driven through her calf muscle and exited in the rear. When she turned her back so the others could see the scar and looked down, she couldn't find it.

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Fucking My Fiancee In Front Of The Pool Boys

We were at a Jaycee Convention in our State Capitol. I was 24 years old at the time and my wife to be, Julie, was 22. We had attended a dance on the previous evening. Having drank too much, eaten too much, and then fucked the night away, we didn't roll out of bed until mid-morning. The first order of business was breakfast, followed by a little power shopping and then a return to our room for some rest and relaxation before hitting it again.Julie had started playing with my cock in the...

4 years ago
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It all started innocently enough last Friday afternoon when my boss announced that he wanted me to work late that evening. This announcement came as something of a surprise because although we frequently work late at my office, Friday night had always been the one night we would leave at 5:00. My boss explained that a certain client of ours needed a particular financial statement early Saturday morning, however, and so I resigned myself to a late night at the office.Unfortunately, I had...

4 years ago
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After Five YearsChapter 4

July 2009, Sudan I was reasonably calm as I drove the beaten old Land Rover north out of the town. I kept on driving carefully, since there was no need for anyone to take any notice of me. To be more exact; it might not be a bad thing if someone were to remember seeing a man driving a car out of the town, so long as nothing more was noted. It took me almost two hours to get to the point I had previously picked out. My luck persisted, and I was able to leave the road without any other...

1 year ago
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Learning To Live Again

Gina turned the water off and lay back in the tub. Her body completely submerged in the bubbles of her bath. She closed her eyes. She was nervous about her plans for that evening. Nervous was just one of the many emotions she felt.She had been dating Phil for four months. He was polite, handsome and always a gentleman, but most of all he had been patient. He had not rushed her into anything. He had not even tried to kiss her until after they had been dating a month, much less anything else.She...

Straight Sex
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Batman And The Joker Sex Orgy

Bruce Wayne was walking around downtown Gotham and 2AM when he saw the bat-signal in the sky. He quickly went off to meet Gordon. "What is it?" he said to Gordon. "The Joker." Gordon responded. "He’s at it again. He just robbed Gotham City Bank." "Any leads?" "Nothing yet." Gordon said, as he turned around to look at Batman. He was gone. Bruce decided to go check out the bank to look for clues. It was all closed all closed off. He went into the bank and noticed a...

2 years ago
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The Sexy GirlNextDoor Part Two

Once a girl gets a big hard cock in her, there is no stopping her from wanting another one in her. At least, that's how it was for me after my first fuck with my neighbor, Ben. He had just fucked me with his twelve inch cock, with a big head on it and I loved it so much I couldn't wait to do it again. Our friendship was growing like our dicks were. And I was now having an affair with my next-door neighbor, who wanted to have threesomes with me and his wife, Jennifer. Being a sixteen-year-old...

3 years ago
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A Stormy Road Trip With Mum

Helen and Mark were returning from a two-week visit with her friend, Joyce who lives in Cornwall. They had gotten a late start and now it looked like they were going to have to pay for it."The storm is approaching Bristol. It should arrive within the next half-hour. All persons should take shelter as soon as possible. You can expect strong winds and heavy rain with. Travel is not recommended!" the radio blared as Helen drove along looking at the dark cloud approaching from the west."I guess...

1 year ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part II

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi”. So many readers wanted to know what happened next, whether I was successful in making physical relations with didi or not. After my didi got married, we used to meet occasionaly on her son’s birthday or on some marriage functions. It was month of January and there was a marriage of one of my cousin brother and the baraat had to reach girls place at Ajmer. My sister called me on phone and asked whether I was planning...

2 years ago
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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 6

The semester progressed. At school, Carla and I got closer to the end of another successful term. At home, we continued to have incredibly torrid sex. At the time, I lived in a part of the country where it never got too cold in the winter, and even if it had, the house was kept nice and toasty, thanks to central heating. One night, before the evening temps got too brisk, I remember Carla and I had just made love when she suggested we go outside and join my mother in the back patio, and so we...

1 year ago
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This is Short She is making me write this right

That is not acomplaint though. I would do anything for this girl. The only rule is that I can not use her name...but I met her from this site, met her in real life for the first just a few hours ago. And now she has me sitting in fornt of my computer, naked. She is naked too, her long blonde hair sticking to her face from the sweat she worked up. Her sweat dripped all over my back as she held me on my hands and knees before her. I let her own me, use me, take me. She forced (can it...

2 years ago
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wife tricked into paying a debt

before i get into this true story i want to explain how this came about my wife had been promising me a threesome for almost two yrs and hadnt delivered i had been in this porn site and got her to join she did saying this would be good practice for her to get used to the idea of have sex with other men but i noticed she would only have sex chats while i was home every time i asked her why she hadnt had chats its was always one excuse or another and 20 months later i was no closer to getting...

1 year ago
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New Neighbors

My wife and Kim met one of our new Neighbors while out running one morning. My wife invited her back to our house for coffee and the ole meet and great. Her name was Patty, her husband was Larry in sales, Larry has two k**s who live with them. Patty’s step sons name is Jason who is 20 and the step daughter is Priscilla 22. They’ve had full custody since they were young and recently moved here due to Larrys work. My wife invited them over for a BBQ later that week and they all came. Jason was an...

2 years ago
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Room and Board

Bob and Carol had a storybook relationship that was the envy of many of their friends. Married for 17 years, they met in university, had one child and lived in a spacious home in the suburbs. Bob was a senior vice-president at a high tech firm that had just gone public and Carol was a registered nurse who worked part-time at the local hospital. They were both very health conscious and although they were entering their early forties, they could easily pass for a couple ten years younger. Bob...

3 years ago
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The Home Made Video

The Home Made Video  This is a continuation of the story of our real life sexual journey. This story is my best recollection of the events that occurred. I have previously written about how we started to explore our sexuality in stories entitled, “The Life and Times of a Horny Couple”. Since this event was a first for us, we put it as a stand-alone story. It really could have been Part 9 of our series though. We hope you enjoy reading about our latest sexual experience.We hadn’t seen Will since...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Janies Got A Gun

What have I done? My God, what have I done? I have become that which I most despised, but no longer care. God forgive me, I won't stop making love with my beautiful baby girl. I have to tell someone, just to unburden my soul. Where to start? Maybe I should tell you about myself before I get into how this all happened. I was born Samuel James Wilhite in the city, but raised on the family farm. My dad and mom had a little over eighteen hundred acres of farm and ranch land just over twelve...

4 years ago
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The Dildo That Erased Claire Bonnevilles MemoryChapter 16

The next morning Claire called Chad. "Can we take a couple of days off?" she asked. "I need a little break from having to control myself." "I understand completely," he said. "I wanted to stay last night. A lot. I left because I remember what you did to that punching bag." "I'd never do that to you," she said. "I know. But if anything had happened you'd be beating yourself up this morning, and I don't want that either." "This is a very good example of why I need some time...

3 years ago
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After the pandemic

After the pandemic Author's note: This is a work of imagination loosely based on real events. I don't want to belittle the work of those that give their lives and energy to fight diseases every day, and I don't mean to offend those whose life has changed for the worse during real pandemics. My thoughts are with them every day. This is just a short work of fiction written in a couple of days. I hope you enjoy. --------------------- My name is Alex and I still remember when the...

4 years ago
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Wild Magic Ch 1012

"Why don't we go to the den and have a family movie night? It's been a while since we've done that." "Yeah!" Annie jumped up. "I'll go pick a movie." She ran into the den, conveniently leaving me behind to manage the dishes alone. I made a couple bowls of popcorn and by the time I made it to the den, I found everyone had changed into sleepwear. Dad wore a t-shirt and pajama pants, mom wore a light robe, and Annie wore a long shirt with thigh high striped socks. I sat down the...

3 years ago
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El PasoChapter 7

I sat on the porch talking with Liz for another few minutes, then excused myself and took Melosa back to the stable. On the way, we rode up on a couple of women walking down the street. I smiled to myself, stopped Melosa and doffed my hat with a bow. Melosa caught the movement of my hat and did the curtsy thing again. She stayed in place until I swung my hat back onto my head. The women smiled at me and cooed over Melosa. Oh yeah, there would definitely be a prize in my little chick magnet’s...

2 years ago
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After my dad walked out on us, all of those things she used to do, she just didn't do very often anymore, and her outgoing personality seemed like it vanished completely. She had been raising me by herself this whole time, making due with whatever we had, staying in shitty apartments while she worked late nights at minimum wage jobs. I always tried my best to comfort my mom through her depression bouts. She deserved better. Better than my shitty father or those other asshole dudes, better...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Nine Rebecca Prepares Daisy for Her Master with Some Help

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Nine - Rebecca Prepares Daisy for Her Master with Some Help In Part Nine of Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Stevie (now Daisy) shares his view of what has been happening since Ms. Rebecca called and invited him (her) to visit Ms. Rebecca and Master Mark at their new home in an exclusive area of town. Alone, I was cramping from the enema Ms. Rebecca had finished administering a few minutes ago as I waited for her to answer...

1 year ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around Ms Musgrave Gets Her Revenge Part Two

I moved my head to the right, just as Claire reached across and picked up her crook-handled cane in her small right hand. I quickly returned my face to my, by-now, sodden t-shirt. The young teacher laughed as she noticed this and swished her cane through the air several times behind me.“Nearly there, naughty boy.” She said softly as she swished the cane once more.Ms. Musgrave took a few deep breaths and resumed her position at my left-hand side, adjusting her glasses with her left hand as she...

1 year ago
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3 Weeks in Paradise

3 weeks in Paradise By Katie Bell Well about 6 months ago I found you wonderful site, when I looked in your story's section I sore a story called the lock, I read this and I thought how could I become a baby I had not been interested in that before I found your site but when I looked more closely at you site and the story the lock I thought, how could I do that, so I decided to try and limit my life to how a baby would live it. About 5 months ago I decided to ring in to work and...

4 years ago
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Sibling Seduction Ch 26

Amy heard him pull in the driveway and her pussy flooded as she rushed to meet him at the door. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a burgundy shirt that buttoned up. He wore shorts and a T-shirt. When he stepped inside Amy had her arms around him before he could even shut the door. He shut it as her lips found his and she kissed him soundly. Her young tongue darted into his mouth as he grabbed onto her skinny ass. Amy pressed her body against his, clearly feeling his bulge pressing against...

3 years ago
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Not an Ordinary Checkup

I usually hate going to the doctor's. It's such a waste of time; I have to wait for hours for them to look at me, stick their hand in my vagina, and tell me there's nothing wrong. I like my doctor though, he is so sexy. I could just imagine the kind of shape he is in under that white coat... or what's in his pants. I finally arrived at my doctor's office and gave my name to the secretary. The secretary told me today was a special day; medical students were in to observe. She handed me a form to...

Group Sex
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Aunty Ko Chod Ne Ki Tadap Or Pregnant Kiya

Hello to all iss readers. This is my first story it happened 2 months back and now it happens every weekend. Mera name neel he me 18 years ka hu s app ko pelhe mere bari me bata ta hu meri height 5.9 he. Mere laund ki size 5 ich he of karib 1.5 ich choda he. Mera colour gora he or body bui fit he. Ab app ko mere auntyk e bari me bata hu unki age 25 he or vo slim he par unke boobs to kaya batvu bohot bade ke or unki gand bhi mast he unki size 28-26-28 he. Ok bor athe story pe To dosto yeh...

2 years ago
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Trainee Got Train

Hi All! This is Vicky Pandey and currently I am working as a free lance soft-skill trainer for some of the biggest name in the IT Industry for the privacy reasons, I will not name the companies but you can think of any name in the IT Industry and I have trained their folks sometime or other on Soft Skills. This story was of about 4 years back when I was working with a global giant as a Trainer. My role was to train people on process and soft skills so they can resolve the customer concerns with...

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JulesJordan Blair Williams Has Her ASS Opened By Manuel

Buxom beauty Blair Williams gets her ass pounded by Manuel Ferrara. Blair Williams has got curves in all the right places with her perfect round ass and more than a handful tits, this slut is sure to turn heads where ever she goes. She’s looking sexy as she teases in her black corset with black stockings by the pool. She meets up with Manuel inside where he does what any of us would do if this hot whore were in front of us, he buries his head deep into that beautiful asshole of hers. He...

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Robbing the BunkerChapter 16 Looking for Clues

As the others rushed around, looting the General Store for items they would need, I sat George Witbier in a quiet corner. "George. Listen to me George." He seemed to come back to reality slightly. "We've got to find a hiding place. They're going to come looking for us George. George do you hear me?" I got no where. He had surrendered to the despair. Looking around, I started to think about how to get the group back to the arroyo where we'd hidden the Time Machine. I jumped as I felt...

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