BarbaraChapter 36 free porn video

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Ten days had passed and King had truly settled in with Marty and Kelly. They had just returned from the office to their apartment and Kelly Maguire, after quickly stripping off all of her clothes, licked her lips saying, "I'm first tonight." Then to King she said, "My fountain awaits your pleasure, my darling!"

The tiger lay down before her, raised his tongue to her labia and began to work on her slit.

Looking down at her loins across her flat belly she realized that she no longer had any pubic hair at all. Now, except for the hair on her head, her entire body was devoid of hair and as smooth and soft as a baby's bottom. Tonight, she vowed, she was going to maintain consciousness. So far, ever since the first afternoon, every episode resulted in Marty or her ending up flat on the floor, unconscious.

In an effort to retain consciousness, Kelly decided to focus her mind on other things, so she mentally reviewed the events of the last ten incredible days. Following their introduction to King the girls learned that Ali had purchased minivans for each pair of girls, claiming the vehicles were the minimum size necessary to transport a tiger.

Then Joyce Collier had asked Marty and her to come down to the ground-floor plaza for an interview. When they did, they found a KNBC camera crew waiting with Joyce. They were asked questions about their jobs — both were litigators working with Sandy Benson — and their trial records: neither had ever lost a case. (Even ten days later Kelly had no idea that their answers had helped strengthen the case Joyce had later made to the senior partners.) The interview ended with King and Rajah touching noses while Joyce wished them the same happiness with King that she enjoyed with Rajah.

Then Kelly gasped as the first orgasm took her. Sasha had told all of his friends how wonderful it was to try to form the tips of their tongues into pencil points to penetrate the vaginal cavity. King had taken the advice to heart and was now able to do it any time he wished. Kelly admitted to herself that each episode of lovemaking — drinking at her fountain, King called it — was better than the last.

Then she thought of the Eleven O'clock News they had seen their first night together. The news was the only show King wanted to watch so when he lay down in front of the TV set, she and Marty had laid down beside him. She remembered how everyone had laughed — including King — when the show opened with another cheery wave from Rajah.

After the headline news, the studio cut to a two-shot with Jack Johnson and Joyce Collier. He took her hand in his and then said, "Ladies and gentlemen, Joyce and I would like to make a very personal announcement. Late last Friday night, after our show went off the air, I received the most joyous news of my life: Joyce Collier agreed to become my wife! We are now engaged to be married." Then looking at her he said, "Joyce?"

"Thank you, darling." Then the camera came in tight on Joyce alone as she continued, "First, I want to apologize to all of you women who saw the show Friday. I want to assure you that it was all real: When the show aired I knew... knew! ... that I would be a spinster for life.

"How did I know? Because there was only one man alive I ever wanted to marry: Jack Johnson. But I knew that he wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. Thus: spinsterhood. So what happened, you wonder? The answer:" The camera pulled back while Joyce looked down and said, "Rajah Collier, you get up here this instant! It was all your fault, after all."

Again the animal put his feet on the news desk and looked into Joyce's eyes while she looked into the camera and continued, "You see, Rajah kissed me. Then he communicated that he hoped I liked his kiss although he knew I couldn't possibly like it as much as a kiss from the love of my life, Jack Johnson.

"You see, the problem is that Jack hears Rajah's communications, too. Well, the next thing I hear are words I never thought I would ever hear: Jack said he loved me more than life itself, and had loved me from the first instant he saw me, years ago!"

With the camera again in tight on Joyce she continued, "So now I am the happiest woman on the face of the earth! And look what Jack gave me! Isn't it gorgeous?" The camera came in tight on her slim hand with her diamond flashing under the studio lights.

Following the announcement there was a follow-up story to her original from Friday. Joyce announced the story of her attempted rape and its aftermath, followed by the trip to the police station. She even showed a letter that had been received at the studios at ten o'clock that morning from a William Smith abjectly apologizing for using unseemly language in the presence of a lady.

Joyce looked into the camera with her eyes gleaming and said, "Willie, I think this is a very thoughtful apology. More importantly, Rajah thinks so, too. But, Willie," she added, "your handwriting really needs work!"

The next story was Jack's on their meeting with the Animal-Rights people. When he finished, he produced two letters. One was from Nathan Wiesman. Although the hand doing the writing had been shaking so badly it was very hard to read, it was — unquestionably — an apology for his behavior at the circus Friday evening. The second letter — a series of three, actually — was from Cohen, Crawford, and Higgins. In them they stated that the tigers at the circus were the best, brightest, healthiest, best treated animals alive in the world. They were truly magnificent specimens of their breed.

Hearing the words, King purred and held his head up even straighter after first ensuring that both Marty and Kelly had heard the words and taken notice. Kelly had hugged him and assured him that he was the very best of them all.

After going on to more news, the last item was the story Joyce had produced that day. She and Marty both squealed when they appeared on camera with King. The segment closed with Joyce's wish that they be as happy with King as she was with Rajah and showed a very cute shot of the two tigers rubbing noses.

With the camera back live on Joyce in the studio she had said, "Folks, one point to keep in mind with respect to that last shot: male tigers hate each other! Normally they wouldn't be within fifty miles of another male. Yet these animals love each other. Honest."

Then with a grin she added, "You have just met Martha Bradford, Kelly Maguire and their tiger, King. In addition, there are six more pairs of young women who also have tigers. So, if in the next weeks you see a pair of beautiful young women on the street — they are all outstanding beauties, by the way — just remember they are all friends of Rajah's.

"Also remember, please don't make them angry. It's really not a healthy activity. In fact, sooner or later there will be a Surgeon General's Warning: Making a Bengal tiger angry could be hazardous to one's health." Then she looked into the camera with a puzzled look on her face and asked, "I wonder where they'll make us print it?"

Kelly and Marty had both applauded wildly when the closing shot showed Joyce melting her lips against Jack's while Rajah stood beside them giving his cheery smile and wave, and then blew another kiss to the camera. Even King purred loudly at the sight.

Again trying to focus her attention away from her cunt, now moving with a life of its own — Kelly couldn't count the number of times she had cum but already it had to be a number greater than ten and increasing fast — she thought about other changes in their lives. Her relationship with Martha Bradford, for example. While before they had been close friends, now they were closer than sisters.

Neither had been in her bed since the day King appeared. Now, every night when they were ready for bed, the girls lay on King's massive chest, embraced, and then shared a kiss that kept increasing in its flow of pure love. While they were kissing, his huge arms would enfold them and, while still locked in each other's arms they would fall asleep. To Kelly — and, she believed, for Marty, too — it was indescribably heavenly. The least movement caused her nipples to rub against Marty's and stirred the glorious fur they were both lying on. The warmth of Marty's beautiful body was reinforced by the warmth of King's.

Then there was daily living. Ali had not missed a bet. Early the next morning, when she opened the door to pick up the paper, Kelly found it, along with a huge covered container of raw meat — King's food for the day. Later that day they had found out that Ali had made arrangements for daily deliveries to each of the girls' apartments. After having their coffee, she and Marty had put on shorts, put King in the van and driven to the nearest big park. There all three had run together until the women were tired. Then Kelly had gotten on King's back and lay down while Marty sat under a tree and waited for them to come back while King had his opportunity to really run.

Now, although her head was reeling with dizziness, Kelly was still conscious as King licked up the last few drops of her cum. "I did it!" she exulted, "I didn't pass out! And, Martha Bradford, it was so scrumptious. Could a man possibly be any better?"

"Of course, Mistress," King replied. "A man — the right man — can take you to Heaven in his arms. And if I have my way you both will soon have that experience. Then you may begin on your true mission in life: being loving wives and mothers."

King's eyes widened as he asked, "Mistress, my words did not upset you too much, did they?" Kelly assured him they did not.

After working on Marty — she did faint again — the two girls talked about what to do that evening. Ever since King had moved in with them, their lives had revolved around him. They really had not even left the apartment except for their exercise in the park and to go to work.

Finally Marty said, "Kel, let's face it: Why did we get a tiger? Answer: To be able to go to places where we have always been bothered by creeps, right? Well, how about if we try it again tonight with King?"

The girls grinned at each other and then shook hands. When it came to dressing, they decided to wear the Clifford & Jamison casual uniform: worn Levi's and work shirts with the sleeves torn off. Around their necks they wore something new that Ali had purchased for everyone in the firm who had completed basic training: rebuilding her body to the firm model. It was a very heavy 18-carat gold slave collar with the C&J initials engraved deeply into the catch. In much smaller letters their names were each engraved on the backs of their respective collars.

They decided to go to Clancy's, a bar with some good-looking guys and good music. After parking the van, they found they had a long walk to reach it. King paced proudly ahead of them and both women could feel the intense pride the animal was feeling to be escorting two women as beautiful as his mistresses.

Entering the lounge, they caused an immediate sensation. When King asked them where they wanted to sit — they decided on the bar — he paced to where he could see the bar, then decided which were the best seats there.

Going up to the two men already seated on them, it took only a very low growl to suggest to them that they had really wanted to stand anyway. Fear was obvious in their eyes as they paid their bill and then went down to the end of the bar as far from King as they could get. When a waiting couple made a move for the vacated stools, another low growl instantly convinced them that they really didn't like that location at the bar at all.

It was all Kelly could do to keep from falling down laughing. Suppressing her giggles she said, "Marty, who would have ever believed it? After all, poor King can't really talk, but he does seem to be able to ... communicate — That's it! — to communicate his wishes."

Then with her eyes wide she asked, "What do you suppose it is?" Then she snapped her fingers and exclaimed, "I know! It must be our collars, right? That's why those guys were so eager to give us their stools and why that waiting couple weren't interested in them, either."

With her eyes bright but with her expression bland, Marty agreed that Kelly must be right. It was the gold collars they were wearing.

Now that they were seated, the two girls ordered beers and then wondered what to do next. Meanwhile, King was sitting, looking over the crowd, totally unconcerned — and apparently totally unaware — of all the eyes focused on him.

He communicated to the girls, "What's wrong with these people? Do you suppose they've never been to a zoo? They act like they've never even seen a Bengal tiger before."

Kelly assured him that it was a reflection of the decline in the American educational system. They probably had never visited a zoo, and, worse yet, may never have even heard of a Bengal tiger, let alone seen one. King smiled happily and agreed that was probably the answer. He asked them if any of the guys looked interesting, but the girls both just shook their heads.

At that King rose to his feet and began to pace around the pub. He looked at each man but was looking for a certain thing: an aura that told him the man was pure of heart and thus might be a candidate to meet his divine mistresses. He was amused to see the people part to let him pass as the Red Sea parted for Moses. In the farthest corner of the room he sensed something and went closer.

He found two men sitting at a tiny table barely large enough to hold their two glasses. Although they were seated, they seemed to be large enough and their features were regular enough that his mistresses might find them interesting. Moving through the crowd he reached their table, sat down across from them, and just looked at them politely.

The two men were Don Garfield and Jim Callahan. Their conversation stopped as the huge tiger sat down just a foot away from them. Garfield swallowed hard and with his voice cracking said weakly, "Hi."

Then he almost passed out when he distinctly heard, "Hi! My name is King. What are your names?" Garfield stammered out introductions and then King said, "Since your table is so tiny, may I assume you gentlemen are here alone? You do not have dates?"

When assured that they did not, the tiger smiled — to Don Garfield, it really looked like a smile — and said, "Wonderful! In that case, I would like you to come with me to meet my mistresses."

Then King backed up a short distance to allow them room to get out. Don and Jim looked at each other, swallowed hard, and agreed they had no choice. Neither wanted to provide an early-evening snack for a tiger. When they were on their feet after leaving money on the table for their bill, they followed the tiger to the bar. There was no need to push their way through the crowd — the normal way of getting around in Clancy's — because the people parted leaving the widest possible space as King approached.

Kelly's eyes widened as she saw King return. In his wake were two utterly gorgeous young men each about six feet three. "My God!" she whispered, "What did King do this time? It looks like he manufactured a couple of dates for us."

Marty didn't answer. Instead she just murmured, "Yum!"

Returning to his mistresses, King sat up attentively and looked at the four young people. Garfield and Callahan were so scared they didn't notice anything except the back of the tiger leading the way. Only when he sat down and looked at them attentively did they look at anything else.

When Don Garfield saw Marty, he just gasped and said softly, "My God! Who are you? You ... you're not human! You're a goddess come to earth."

Marty stood up and extended her hand saying, "Hi, my name is Marty Bradford. Who are you?"

Garfield just shook his head. Then with a wry grin he said, "I don't know. I used to know, though. In fact, I used to know it as well as I know my own name." Then he grinned broadly and said, "Hi, Marty. I'm Don Garfield and I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you!"

When he was introduced to Kelly he said, "Oh, shit! Here's where Maguire and Callahan retire from the conversation and just talk to each other in Gaelic for the rest of the night." Then with a broad grin he asked, "Well, Callahan, are you happy now?"

"How could I possibly be happy," Jim replied. "I'm having the best dream of my life and everyone knows you're only happy when the dream is over." Then to Kelly he said, "Kelly Maguire, you're the most beautiful thing the Good Lord ever put on two feet!"

Kelly frowned and said, "Bradford, I don't know about these guys. I just found out that poor Jim Callahan here is disabled ... Oops! I guess it's 'differently-abled' these days, isn't it? Anyway, he's blind!"

"Blind, am I?" he demanded. "Well, maybe that's because we're so far apart." With that, to his amazement and to Kelly's, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Instantly there was a flow of electricity, joy, and the purest love. As he held the kiss, Kelly's lips began to flow with passion that burst over him like a crashing wave.

"My God!" he murmured softly as they parted slowly, "Who are you? Who are you really?" Kelly assured him she was just another worthless lawyer.

The sudden kiss and its aftermath convinced King that he had made a good choice. At least Kelly seemed delighted and he had seen the flow of passion between the two young people. When Garfield made a move towards Marty she just held up her hands and said she was driving. They might try later.

Deciding that the two men would be joining his mistresses, King looked to their right and left and selected two men sitting to their right. A very low snarl quickly convinced them that they would be much more comfortable someplace else, too. Kelly just shook her head. After she and Marty moved over one stool, the two men took stools flanking them.

Kelly had finally recovered from Jim's kiss but her eyes were still shining. Looking at King she said, "Darling, for this I have to do something extra special." Then she snapped her fingers and called the bartender over. She told him to call the nearest Domino's and order a large pizza with extra pepperoni and extra cheese. "Tell the guy it's for King."

Then she asked, "Do you serve lemonade here?" When told that the bar did, she told the man to make about a gallon and put it in a bowl on the bar. Although the bar did serve pizza of its own, it was a bar pizza that was closer to cardboard than it was to food. And with King staring at him, the man was not about to argue about ordering a pizza from Domino's.

When he came back with a huge bowl of lemonade, Kelly and Marty moved their stools aside to give King room. Effortlessly, he extended his body upward and then rested his paws on the edge of the bar while he very neatly began to lap up his lemonade. He just took a couple of sips and then said he would leave the rest until his pizza arrived.

The man from Domino's presented the pizza to King with great ceremony. He placed the box on the bar but left it with its top closed and covered. Then he asked King to get up on his hind legs to see. When the tiger did what was requested, the man lifted the paper covering the top of the box. There was a large seal on the lower left corner.

Kelly read it and began to howl with laughter. The center of the seal was a very happy smiling tiger — Rajah, she thought. Around it was written the words, "Domino's: By appointment to their majesties, the Royal Bengal Tigers, purveyors of pizza."

While the girls got acquainted with the guys, they continued to feed pizza to King. As usual each girl got a hurt look from the tiger every time they stole a bite. With a grin at Jim Callahan Kelly said, "I would give you a bite, too, but I'm really not sure how King would react. He might open your belly up with a claw and take it back!"

When he finished his pizza, King smiled appreciatively. By now the noise of the club was getting to the young people, so Kelly and Marty enthusiastically accepted the men's invitation to have dinner.

The guys knew of a good restaurant just a couple of blocks away. With King pacing alongside, the foursome walked along the sidewalk. Don Garfield was both surprised and pleased when he reached for Marty's hand and found that she took his eagerly. Her hand felt so smooth and cool and wonderful.

As they walked Garfield wanted to shake his head in utter amazement. First, at six feet three, he was used to having to take mincing steps when walking with a woman. He realized Marty had beautifully long legs and a naturally long stride, too, so she easily maintained his natural pace.

When they were about halfway to the restaurant, Marty suddenly stopped. Since she was holding his hand, she stopped him suddenly, too, causing Jim and Kelly to almost walk into their backs. She said, "Shit! Kelly already knows, so I might as well end the suspense and find out, too." With that she put her hands behind Don's neck, pulled his head down and began to kiss him.

The kiss began with a flow of pure love and electricity but then — as had happened with Kelly and Jim — there was an increasing flow of pure passion. Don was initially shocked and his hands were at his sides. Then he put his arms around her and held her. As their passion mounted, he pulled her closer until her breasts were being mashed against his chest. All it did was to evoke wonderfully warm, happy noises from deep in her body.

Then Kelly, not being one to waste an opportunity, did the same thing with Jim Callahan. Their kiss, with nothing to distract them, was far better than their first.

Meanwhile, King had stopped, too. When he saw what was happening, he just sat up attentively and waited while feeling his mistresses's wonderful sensations. As he watched he felt warm and wonderful; Marty and Kelly were such wonderful girls and deserved the love now flowing to them.

Same as Barbara
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Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 20 The Attorney General of the United States thought that first he’d try the easy way. He had his secretary place a call to (where was it?), Statesboro, Georgia. He thought, ‘we won Georgia pretty easily. Maybe they’ll do what I tell them to do without too many questions.’ His phone buzzed and he picked it up. ‘Whom am I speaking to?’ ‘This is Chief McArthur of the Statesboro Police Department.’ ‘Chief, Bill Ashton here....

3 years ago
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Naughty Escapade 8211 Part 1

It was a warm summer night in India, where husband and wife were relaxing after a short sex. Husband Romesh wore his clothes, while her wife payal was lying down naked. She was thinking to have some more fun. But her husband was not interested in having sex. He was only work oriented. Let me describe payal. Payal was fun loving house wife, she was free-minded and would were reveling clothes not to show off, but she loved to wear. She had less friends but she share everything with her best...

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No Second Acts

Freedom Summer, they called it, the summer when three civil rights workers were murdered by a mob of Ku Klux Klansmen. It was the summer after The Beatles splashed on to the American cultural scene and the summer of the ’64 New York World’s Fair. It was the summer when Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and and the summer before Lyndon Johnson’s landslide victory over Barry Goldwater. It was also the summer of the first decade where just about nobody in the USA got polio anymore,...

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21st Surprise Birthday Party

I considered myself lucky that when I moved into my first apartment I found a roommate who also wanted to be my fuck buddy. That itself is a topic for another story, but I will say that from the time we moved in together we had great sex. Every night before going to sleep Jim (my roommate) would fuck me and deposit a thick load in my ass then every morning he'd give me a good morning fuck and some times he'd bend me over in the shower. Let's just say I was quite content with the amount of sex I...

Group Sex
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My Naughty Nurse

I was in the Hospital for a few days when I was Eighteen or so for an appendectomy, I was 5'9" tall, about 130 pounds, medium brown hair, fuzzy mustache, and Hazel eyes, I have a little grin sort of like Elvis did yea I was cute LOL ! I was to have surgery that next morning first thing, I was given sleeping pills to help me relax and get a good night sleep, But somewhere around, must have been dawn, I woke up and had the shock of my life. There was this nurse in my room....

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I Seduced My Neighbor Over The Phone

Do you have a neighbor who you wanted to fuck the first time you saw them? Well that is how I felt when The Humphreys move in. Stan who is an absolute hunk, is 6’4′ tall with short black hair and hazel eyes. Stan works from home as a freelance graphic designer. Melissa is 5’11” tall with long blond hair reaching the middle of her back. She has aquamarine eyes. Melissa is a former model who runs her own modeling agency. My name is Trish, I am eighteen and have a body that older men fantasize...

4 years ago
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Outdoor Fun With My Girlfriend In The Monsoon Season

Hello ISS readers this is adirullz, I am a regular reader of ISS and submitting my first story. I am 21m 5.7 average built with cock size of 7 inch length and width 2 inch from Mumbai for any feedback kindly mail me at Lets get to the story its about pounding my gf outdoor in bushes,it was a saturday we made a plan to meet at some lonely place as we didn’t want anyone to disturb so I decided to take her near highway midc area where nobody would disturb.She came on time nearly at 4pm as it was...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Chapter 5

Tuesday morning 29th May 2018I’d headed to bed at around midnight, but it was fully two-thirty on the Tuesday morning before I finally managed to fall asleep. Thankfully, my client meeting was in their office right next door to the hotel, so I was able to get out of bed as late as six and still shower, breakfast and prepare for the meeting.Of course, from when I awoke at six until I walked into the client meeting at eight, much of my mind was back in Florida, wondering what had happened after...

Wife Lovers
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I have known for years that my mother wanted me sexually. I don't know when it started but my first signs came a few years ago. I am 18 now with an older sister who recently went off to college. One day, I was sitting in the family room watching TV when mom came in wearing some shorts and a wife beater t-shirt which did nothing to control her tits or prevent her erect nipples from nearly burning a whole in the almost transparent cotton. It was warm in the house so it surprised me when she...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 8

"I'd have to say, Junior," said Vee. "That was just a tad bit rude." "I didn't know she actually liked him ... teens ... you know." "Yeah ... I understand ... there are times when I hate my mom," Wendy said. "Don't worry about it ... she hated me all through her teen years. She didn't get over it until she had you," explained Junior. "Children don't understand their parents until they're parents ... then it's Katie bar the door." "What about... ?" asked Vee. "My...

2 years ago
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Better Ch 06

Chapter 06 – Michael I knew leaving Andrea hanging was going to drive her nuts, like a little kid who spent weeks waiting to see what Santa would leave under the tree. Her childlike impatience was giddy and adorable as she tried to guess where we were going. It wasn’t until we were in the charter plane with just the two of us on board when the pilot came up to us and said, ‘Our flight into Chicago will be about an hour and 20 minutes,’ that she found out. ‘Chicago!’ Andrea cried. ‘What are we...

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Going GoingChapter 16

Katherine Adams was a Brain. Without doubt the smartest student in the school, she was afflicted with the shyness that often goes hand in hand with great intelligence. Now a senior, she had never dated. She wore baggy clothes, her hair in an unattractive cut, and ugly glasses. She spent little time with her few friends. No nicknames for her, she was simply Katherine. She had been invisible except in the girls' locker room. Her female classmates knew she was hiding an incredible body. They...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Vengeance is born! MCO observation room Lab E Dr. Hilber was looking the humiliated mutant that was crying, tears ran down the mutants cheeks and he enjoyed the pain he was causing to that freak. The readings suddenly went wild and one of the assistant asked "What is that?" Dr. Hilber looked at the readings, the essence Subject 142 gathered started to rise again, this time the scale they used to measure the...

1 year ago
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If you are looking for a quick release, X Free HD may just be what you have been looking for. The domain name says it all; it is a free tube with thousands of free porn videos coming to you in sparkling HD quality, all for fucking free. To tell you the truth, you will hardly find better news elsewhere today.To be exact, there are currently 36,392 XXX videos covering a diverse range of niches spanning from hardcore to the downright weird. The number may obviously be larger by the time you get to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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My Mother and the Swing

My Mother and the Swing I woke up this morning cuddled in to my mother with my face stuck in her tits. Her babydoll is only fastened with a bow at the top and her tit had found it way out, hanging towards the bed. My mother had her arm around my head, cuddling me on to it and I began to suck her nipple. She must of liked me sucking it as her breathing became long and deep, I felt her other hand push down between us feeling for my cock. She turned on to her side to get a better feel of my cock...

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Going to the Bath House

When I was a lot younger and living in Korea (back in the mid 70's) one of my favorie thing to do on a Saturday night was go to the local bath house---There for about 5 bucks US, you got a girl and a big bath tub and all the hot water you could handle---In the begianing I never meet most of the bath girl before so before starting I would have to pick the girl I wanted before we started---The place had rules too. It was ok for the bath girl to lick your asshole---give you a blow job or a hand...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Raya 04042019

I will start you off this week with a little sex humor… What do fat chicks and mopeds have in common? Their both fun to ride until your friends see you on one LOL! Now I’m sure Cam doesn’t mind being seen riding and ramming it home with Raya though, and from the moment this bubbly 18 year old showed her smiley faced we knew this girl was going to be fun. Oh and what a fun whore she turned out to be. If you like your tail a little thicker with absolutely GINORMOUS whopping...

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Cabin Vacation

We were going to a cabin in the woods, just him and I. One week of sunbathing by the lake, walking in the woods and swimming with very little clothing. The cabin is simple, kitchen, bathroom (with tub for two) bedroom and living room. There was a fireplace, just in case it gets chilly at night. I explored everything. Planned candle light dinners. I brought scented candles for bedroom and bathroom. I also brought sexy nightgowns for each night. I was not going to miss a beat. My mind had...

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Our new toy

Misty and I had been discussing bringing another man into our fun and we have even been talking to a few willing participants but they usually back out at the last minute. I was away on business and Misty had decided that she was going to make a surprise visit and we were going to get this guy toy fantasy completed. I was looking forward to it actually. For some reason it really got my blood boiling to think about watching her as she sucked another man’s cock and stroked mine at the same time...

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The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf A magical tale set in the Etz Chaim universe A message from the author. Words of warning: Because I'm a nerd: I like to world build I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions of what I am, or how I should act: I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people's opinions of me. I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and...

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A Dream Of Being Driven

We are driving along a quiet, deserted road. It’s the heat of the summer and the sun is shining brightly in the sky. We are on our way to have a quiet romantic picnic in the park. I am wearing a short sundress with spaghetti straps. You glance over and see that my straps keep falling down. Every time a strap falls down, you catch a quick peek at my breasts, noticing that I am not wearing a bra. I soon realize this and wiggle around to make the straps fall down on purpose. As we drive along,...

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The Training of Jodypart 1 The Meeting

I'm watching my beautiful husban's giant cock plunge in and out of tha ass of the slut that we got to make this scene. We've been married for 3 years now and the sight of him never ceases to make me wet. I'm not the least bit jealous, he's doing this to put food on the table and I know he worships me, you see he's not just my husband, he's also my faithful slave. His body is mine to do as I please and right now fucking this slut is what pleases me. As I feel my cunt moisten watching him, I...

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Strip Trivial Pursuit

The old farmhouse was perfectly set in the lush mountains of Magoebaskloof, one of South Africa’s special jewels. The tropical scenery there is exquisite and the house we rented was an isolated old dame. It had no electricity so we cooked on an old coal stove and water was heated via a donkey that we had to light half an hour before we needed to bath in a huge, old-fashioned tub. Best of all was the huge fireplace in the lounge. It wasn’t sophisticated any more, but it had character and charm. ...

Group Sex
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Annas Affliction

Anna's Affliction, part 1by Abe?How old are you, Anna?? asked Uncle Wilbur.?Sixteen, almost seventeen,? she replied.?You are no older than our Kate, but you are dressing like a lady.  Your  hair is up, your skirts are down, and it looks as if you are wearing corsets.  Our Kate is still a girl.?  He was looking at Anna with intense interest.  She was striking, with blue eyes, porcelain skin, coppery hair, and a bosom to waist to hips ratio that was the height of fashion, the image of the fertile...

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I Want to Watch You Wank

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.I'm waiting for you to come online. Literally. I'm sat here in my underwear, in the chilly room whilst I wait for the heating to kick in. It's made my nipples hard and huge, and they ache with cold and anticipation.You like that, don't you? My hard nipples, straining through the sheer cups of my bra? Yes, I know you do. And I know you like it even better when I take it off, so you can see my round,...

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Wife Is Fullfilled by Wellhung Friend

I am a happily married man, age thirty-five. Rebecca, my wife, is a very attractive thirty-two-year-old blonde. We have a very fulfilling sex life but, even though she doesn't complain, I sometimes get the feeling that my penis is not quite large enough for her. Maybe I am wrong, but when we're in the middle of fucking I often ask her if she would like a big cock up her cunt and she readily agrees every time. She keeps telling me that I'm plenty big for her, but I think that she says it so...

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Sexually Aroused Neighborhood Bhabhi

Hello ISS Readers, I have been reading a lot of stories on ISS website. I was thinking of sharing one of my experiences as well. So, here I am sharing one of my encounters with my neighborhood Bhabhi which turned out to be a sexual encounter. About myself, my name is Naman Narula, born and raised in Delhi, 27 years old, 5′ 8″, having a nice body and a normal penis. (I don’t like to brag about it) Let’s Start the story. 2 years back, one of my brother’s friend, Ankit got married to the star of...

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The Neighbours Daughter Part 2

Jack knew Emilia was a kinky bitch. Ever since the Halloween event over a year ago, she had shown just how kinky she was. And now, at the tender age of twenty, her ability to make him cum like an erupting volcano was a definite strength of hers. They were fuck buddies, fuck buddies that could not get enough of each other. An alleyway moment of passion had turned into a regular, lust-filled frenzy whenever they met. The trouble was, she wasn’t just any fuck, she was a fuck, who happened to be...

1 year ago
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True story of a Gigolo

Hello friends myself Raaz. I live in Delhi. I am sending my first story for you. It is a true story of my life. 2 years ago I came to Delhi for my engineering studies. As I belong to a small town so I didn’t know about the life style of a Metro City. Well now I am coming to my point. I have an athletic body as well as handsome. That is why I am demanded in girls. I lived in Dwarka at Delhi. In evening, sometime I got bored, as I was living alone at my room, so I used to go outside to make my...

First Time
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The Promotion

"Thank you, Mr. Lanon," Sam added. I crossed my arms and scoffed. "And what did Sam do to deserve that promotion? I know I worked my ass off this year; I'm not seeing the boss give me even a pat on the back," I whined, before I went to the bathroom. I went to the urinal and did my business. A few seconds later, the door opened. "Hey, Mark, did you hear the news?" Sam asked, as I heard footsteps. I looked to my side to see him next to me. "Yes, good for you, I guess. There was only...

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Jennifers surpriseChapter 4

Mark's balls may have been drained for now, but they were already stirring as he looked at his mother lying on the bed. She was looking right at him with her brown eyes through those librarian's glasses. That mousy look gave her natural good looks something wildly erotic to him, aside from her body and position of course. Jennifer, mousy or not, was lying on the bed looking like a wanton slut, just the way she wanted to be, and with the people she wanted to be a slut with. Her son waiting...

4 years ago
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My Niece I Part 8

My last night home for a while was as good as it gets. Two hot and horny women whom I love dearly reminded just whit I would be missing. We made love until it was time for me to leave. I would catch up on some sleep on the plane. We showered together, this time they gently shaved my cock and ball sack as if they had both done this many times before. Shower sex has got to be one of the best places with the warm water and slippery bodies. I kissed them both goodbye and headed back to...

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Ahriman The Evolution of a Serial Killer 18

Introduction: Part 18 *****Just a quick note: Chapter 17 was removed by the site because Samil was under the age of eighteen when Ahriman introduced him to the sacrifice. Im not going to rewrite it so that hes older, so just continue from here.***** Ahriman pulled the Cayenne off the road into the trees far enough that it wasnt visible to anyone driving by and looked at his son. Samil was a man now, but he still wasnt comfortable with this. Are you sure about this, Samil? You understand how...

2 years ago
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My Uncle took my Cherry

It was midnight on the Saturday after my nineteenth birthday and was up north at our hunting cabin that I had been going to with my dad, cousin, and uncle for as long as I can remember. I had stayed back from the bar because I was “tired”. Really I was extremely horny and I was going to rub one off to some porn that we had up there while they were away.So they left and I figured that I would give it a good 20 minutes for them to be gone before I got down to business, just to avoid any...

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Kamwali Ke Sath Kam Kiya

Hello friends me aaj ek aur experience share kar raha hun. Muje pura yakin hai ki apako ye pasand ayega. Me 26 year ka hun aur meri masculine gym body hai white and fair skin hai aur meri height 5’11 hai. Ye bat vese ghar ki hi hai me saal me jab bhi moka milata hai to town me mere ghar pe visit karata hun vo dunia ki sabase best place hai vese lagbhag sabako apani bachpan ki jagah ,sabase achhi lagati hai. Last year jab me ghar gaya to muje bahot kushi huvi purane friends se mila bhai bhabhi...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 3 Publish and be sued

Becky and Zinnia had returned to Bloomsbury Square and my sole dining companion that evening was Matilde, and very fetching she looked in a gown exposing her fine shoulders and the upper slopes of her breasts. I remarked it was a dress wasted on a single male. She smiled at me from across at the table, leaning forward so I had an uninterrupted view of her cleavage. "I'm displaying what you are forfeiting, Jacques; but Caroline is a worthy winner of your heart and I bear her no ill will. In...

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Double TimeChapter 55

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle—when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” —Christopher McDougall, Born to Run MY HIGHLY ANTICIPATED private time with Desi never materialized. I fell. It was my own stupid fault. I was concentrating entirely too much on Livy’s bouncing ponytail ten yards ahead of me as we did timed splits and tripped over my own feet. Faceplant right on the asphalt. V1 didn’t run track, but we’d all been out on the cinder track around the...

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