Family Found Part 2
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Ten days had passed and King had truly settled in with Marty and Kelly. They had just returned from the office to their apartment and Kelly Maguire, after quickly stripping off all of her clothes, licked her lips saying, "I'm first tonight." Then to King she said, "My fountain awaits your pleasure, my darling!"
The tiger lay down before her, raised his tongue to her labia and began to work on her slit.
Looking down at her loins across her flat belly she realized that she no longer had any pubic hair at all. Now, except for the hair on her head, her entire body was devoid of hair and as smooth and soft as a baby's bottom. Tonight, she vowed, she was going to maintain consciousness. So far, ever since the first afternoon, every episode resulted in Marty or her ending up flat on the floor, unconscious.
In an effort to retain consciousness, Kelly decided to focus her mind on other things, so she mentally reviewed the events of the last ten incredible days. Following their introduction to King the girls learned that Ali had purchased minivans for each pair of girls, claiming the vehicles were the minimum size necessary to transport a tiger.
Then Joyce Collier had asked Marty and her to come down to the ground-floor plaza for an interview. When they did, they found a KNBC camera crew waiting with Joyce. They were asked questions about their jobs — both were litigators working with Sandy Benson — and their trial records: neither had ever lost a case. (Even ten days later Kelly had no idea that their answers had helped strengthen the case Joyce had later made to the senior partners.) The interview ended with King and Rajah touching noses while Joyce wished them the same happiness with King that she enjoyed with Rajah.
Then Kelly gasped as the first orgasm took her. Sasha had told all of his friends how wonderful it was to try to form the tips of their tongues into pencil points to penetrate the vaginal cavity. King had taken the advice to heart and was now able to do it any time he wished. Kelly admitted to herself that each episode of lovemaking — drinking at her fountain, King called it — was better than the last.
Then she thought of the Eleven O'clock News they had seen their first night together. The news was the only show King wanted to watch so when he lay down in front of the TV set, she and Marty had laid down beside him. She remembered how everyone had laughed — including King — when the show opened with another cheery wave from Rajah.
After the headline news, the studio cut to a two-shot with Jack Johnson and Joyce Collier. He took her hand in his and then said, "Ladies and gentlemen, Joyce and I would like to make a very personal announcement. Late last Friday night, after our show went off the air, I received the most joyous news of my life: Joyce Collier agreed to become my wife! We are now engaged to be married." Then looking at her he said, "Joyce?"
"Thank you, darling." Then the camera came in tight on Joyce alone as she continued, "First, I want to apologize to all of you women who saw the show Friday. I want to assure you that it was all real: When the show aired I knew... knew! ... that I would be a spinster for life.
"How did I know? Because there was only one man alive I ever wanted to marry: Jack Johnson. But I knew that he wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. Thus: spinsterhood. So what happened, you wonder? The answer:" The camera pulled back while Joyce looked down and said, "Rajah Collier, you get up here this instant! It was all your fault, after all."
Again the animal put his feet on the news desk and looked into Joyce's eyes while she looked into the camera and continued, "You see, Rajah kissed me. Then he communicated that he hoped I liked his kiss although he knew I couldn't possibly like it as much as a kiss from the love of my life, Jack Johnson.
"You see, the problem is that Jack hears Rajah's communications, too. Well, the next thing I hear are words I never thought I would ever hear: Jack said he loved me more than life itself, and had loved me from the first instant he saw me, years ago!"
With the camera again in tight on Joyce she continued, "So now I am the happiest woman on the face of the earth! And look what Jack gave me! Isn't it gorgeous?" The camera came in tight on her slim hand with her diamond flashing under the studio lights.
Following the announcement there was a follow-up story to her original from Friday. Joyce announced the story of her attempted rape and its aftermath, followed by the trip to the police station. She even showed a letter that had been received at the studios at ten o'clock that morning from a William Smith abjectly apologizing for using unseemly language in the presence of a lady.
Joyce looked into the camera with her eyes gleaming and said, "Willie, I think this is a very thoughtful apology. More importantly, Rajah thinks so, too. But, Willie," she added, "your handwriting really needs work!"
The next story was Jack's on their meeting with the Animal-Rights people. When he finished, he produced two letters. One was from Nathan Wiesman. Although the hand doing the writing had been shaking so badly it was very hard to read, it was — unquestionably — an apology for his behavior at the circus Friday evening. The second letter — a series of three, actually — was from Cohen, Crawford, and Higgins. In them they stated that the tigers at the circus were the best, brightest, healthiest, best treated animals alive in the world. They were truly magnificent specimens of their breed.
Hearing the words, King purred and held his head up even straighter after first ensuring that both Marty and Kelly had heard the words and taken notice. Kelly had hugged him and assured him that he was the very best of them all.
After going on to more news, the last item was the story Joyce had produced that day. She and Marty both squealed when they appeared on camera with King. The segment closed with Joyce's wish that they be as happy with King as she was with Rajah and showed a very cute shot of the two tigers rubbing noses.
With the camera back live on Joyce in the studio she had said, "Folks, one point to keep in mind with respect to that last shot: male tigers hate each other! Normally they wouldn't be within fifty miles of another male. Yet these animals love each other. Honest."
Then with a grin she added, "You have just met Martha Bradford, Kelly Maguire and their tiger, King. In addition, there are six more pairs of young women who also have tigers. So, if in the next weeks you see a pair of beautiful young women on the street — they are all outstanding beauties, by the way — just remember they are all friends of Rajah's.
"Also remember, please don't make them angry. It's really not a healthy activity. In fact, sooner or later there will be a Surgeon General's Warning: Making a Bengal tiger angry could be hazardous to one's health." Then she looked into the camera with a puzzled look on her face and asked, "I wonder where they'll make us print it?"
Kelly and Marty had both applauded wildly when the closing shot showed Joyce melting her lips against Jack's while Rajah stood beside them giving his cheery smile and wave, and then blew another kiss to the camera. Even King purred loudly at the sight.
Again trying to focus her attention away from her cunt, now moving with a life of its own — Kelly couldn't count the number of times she had cum but already it had to be a number greater than ten and increasing fast — she thought about other changes in their lives. Her relationship with Martha Bradford, for example. While before they had been close friends, now they were closer than sisters.
Neither had been in her bed since the day King appeared. Now, every night when they were ready for bed, the girls lay on King's massive chest, embraced, and then shared a kiss that kept increasing in its flow of pure love. While they were kissing, his huge arms would enfold them and, while still locked in each other's arms they would fall asleep. To Kelly — and, she believed, for Marty, too — it was indescribably heavenly. The least movement caused her nipples to rub against Marty's and stirred the glorious fur they were both lying on. The warmth of Marty's beautiful body was reinforced by the warmth of King's.
Then there was daily living. Ali had not missed a bet. Early the next morning, when she opened the door to pick up the paper, Kelly found it, along with a huge covered container of raw meat — King's food for the day. Later that day they had found out that Ali had made arrangements for daily deliveries to each of the girls' apartments. After having their coffee, she and Marty had put on shorts, put King in the van and driven to the nearest big park. There all three had run together until the women were tired. Then Kelly had gotten on King's back and lay down while Marty sat under a tree and waited for them to come back while King had his opportunity to really run.
Now, although her head was reeling with dizziness, Kelly was still conscious as King licked up the last few drops of her cum. "I did it!" she exulted, "I didn't pass out! And, Martha Bradford, it was so scrumptious. Could a man possibly be any better?"
"Of course, Mistress," King replied. "A man — the right man — can take you to Heaven in his arms. And if I have my way you both will soon have that experience. Then you may begin on your true mission in life: being loving wives and mothers."
King's eyes widened as he asked, "Mistress, my words did not upset you too much, did they?" Kelly assured him they did not.
After working on Marty — she did faint again — the two girls talked about what to do that evening. Ever since King had moved in with them, their lives had revolved around him. They really had not even left the apartment except for their exercise in the park and to go to work.
Finally Marty said, "Kel, let's face it: Why did we get a tiger? Answer: To be able to go to places where we have always been bothered by creeps, right? Well, how about if we try it again tonight with King?"
The girls grinned at each other and then shook hands. When it came to dressing, they decided to wear the Clifford & Jamison casual uniform: worn Levi's and work shirts with the sleeves torn off. Around their necks they wore something new that Ali had purchased for everyone in the firm who had completed basic training: rebuilding her body to the firm model. It was a very heavy 18-carat gold slave collar with the C&J initials engraved deeply into the catch. In much smaller letters their names were each engraved on the backs of their respective collars.
They decided to go to Clancy's, a bar with some good-looking guys and good music. After parking the van, they found they had a long walk to reach it. King paced proudly ahead of them and both women could feel the intense pride the animal was feeling to be escorting two women as beautiful as his mistresses.
Entering the lounge, they caused an immediate sensation. When King asked them where they wanted to sit — they decided on the bar — he paced to where he could see the bar, then decided which were the best seats there.
Going up to the two men already seated on them, it took only a very low growl to suggest to them that they had really wanted to stand anyway. Fear was obvious in their eyes as they paid their bill and then went down to the end of the bar as far from King as they could get. When a waiting couple made a move for the vacated stools, another low growl instantly convinced them that they really didn't like that location at the bar at all.
It was all Kelly could do to keep from falling down laughing. Suppressing her giggles she said, "Marty, who would have ever believed it? After all, poor King can't really talk, but he does seem to be able to ... communicate — That's it! — to communicate his wishes."
Then with her eyes wide she asked, "What do you suppose it is?" Then she snapped her fingers and exclaimed, "I know! It must be our collars, right? That's why those guys were so eager to give us their stools and why that waiting couple weren't interested in them, either."
With her eyes bright but with her expression bland, Marty agreed that Kelly must be right. It was the gold collars they were wearing.
Now that they were seated, the two girls ordered beers and then wondered what to do next. Meanwhile, King was sitting, looking over the crowd, totally unconcerned — and apparently totally unaware — of all the eyes focused on him.
He communicated to the girls, "What's wrong with these people? Do you suppose they've never been to a zoo? They act like they've never even seen a Bengal tiger before."
Kelly assured him that it was a reflection of the decline in the American educational system. They probably had never visited a zoo, and, worse yet, may never have even heard of a Bengal tiger, let alone seen one. King smiled happily and agreed that was probably the answer. He asked them if any of the guys looked interesting, but the girls both just shook their heads.
At that King rose to his feet and began to pace around the pub. He looked at each man but was looking for a certain thing: an aura that told him the man was pure of heart and thus might be a candidate to meet his divine mistresses. He was amused to see the people part to let him pass as the Red Sea parted for Moses. In the farthest corner of the room he sensed something and went closer.
He found two men sitting at a tiny table barely large enough to hold their two glasses. Although they were seated, they seemed to be large enough and their features were regular enough that his mistresses might find them interesting. Moving through the crowd he reached their table, sat down across from them, and just looked at them politely.
The two men were Don Garfield and Jim Callahan. Their conversation stopped as the huge tiger sat down just a foot away from them. Garfield swallowed hard and with his voice cracking said weakly, "Hi."
Then he almost passed out when he distinctly heard, "Hi! My name is King. What are your names?" Garfield stammered out introductions and then King said, "Since your table is so tiny, may I assume you gentlemen are here alone? You do not have dates?"
When assured that they did not, the tiger smiled — to Don Garfield, it really looked like a smile — and said, "Wonderful! In that case, I would like you to come with me to meet my mistresses."
Then King backed up a short distance to allow them room to get out. Don and Jim looked at each other, swallowed hard, and agreed they had no choice. Neither wanted to provide an early-evening snack for a tiger. When they were on their feet after leaving money on the table for their bill, they followed the tiger to the bar. There was no need to push their way through the crowd — the normal way of getting around in Clancy's — because the people parted leaving the widest possible space as King approached.
Kelly's eyes widened as she saw King return. In his wake were two utterly gorgeous young men each about six feet three. "My God!" she whispered, "What did King do this time? It looks like he manufactured a couple of dates for us."
Marty didn't answer. Instead she just murmured, "Yum!"
Returning to his mistresses, King sat up attentively and looked at the four young people. Garfield and Callahan were so scared they didn't notice anything except the back of the tiger leading the way. Only when he sat down and looked at them attentively did they look at anything else.
When Don Garfield saw Marty, he just gasped and said softly, "My God! Who are you? You ... you're not human! You're a goddess come to earth."
Marty stood up and extended her hand saying, "Hi, my name is Marty Bradford. Who are you?"
Garfield just shook his head. Then with a wry grin he said, "I don't know. I used to know, though. In fact, I used to know it as well as I know my own name." Then he grinned broadly and said, "Hi, Marty. I'm Don Garfield and I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you!"
When he was introduced to Kelly he said, "Oh, shit! Here's where Maguire and Callahan retire from the conversation and just talk to each other in Gaelic for the rest of the night." Then with a broad grin he asked, "Well, Callahan, are you happy now?"
"How could I possibly be happy," Jim replied. "I'm having the best dream of my life and everyone knows you're only happy when the dream is over." Then to Kelly he said, "Kelly Maguire, you're the most beautiful thing the Good Lord ever put on two feet!"
Kelly frowned and said, "Bradford, I don't know about these guys. I just found out that poor Jim Callahan here is disabled ... Oops! I guess it's 'differently-abled' these days, isn't it? Anyway, he's blind!"
"Blind, am I?" he demanded. "Well, maybe that's because we're so far apart." With that, to his amazement and to Kelly's, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Instantly there was a flow of electricity, joy, and the purest love. As he held the kiss, Kelly's lips began to flow with passion that burst over him like a crashing wave.
"My God!" he murmured softly as they parted slowly, "Who are you? Who are you really?" Kelly assured him she was just another worthless lawyer.
The sudden kiss and its aftermath convinced King that he had made a good choice. At least Kelly seemed delighted and he had seen the flow of passion between the two young people. When Garfield made a move towards Marty she just held up her hands and said she was driving. They might try later.
Deciding that the two men would be joining his mistresses, King looked to their right and left and selected two men sitting to their right. A very low snarl quickly convinced them that they would be much more comfortable someplace else, too. Kelly just shook her head. After she and Marty moved over one stool, the two men took stools flanking them.
Kelly had finally recovered from Jim's kiss but her eyes were still shining. Looking at King she said, "Darling, for this I have to do something extra special." Then she snapped her fingers and called the bartender over. She told him to call the nearest Domino's and order a large pizza with extra pepperoni and extra cheese. "Tell the guy it's for King."
Then she asked, "Do you serve lemonade here?" When told that the bar did, she told the man to make about a gallon and put it in a bowl on the bar. Although the bar did serve pizza of its own, it was a bar pizza that was closer to cardboard than it was to food. And with King staring at him, the man was not about to argue about ordering a pizza from Domino's.
When he came back with a huge bowl of lemonade, Kelly and Marty moved their stools aside to give King room. Effortlessly, he extended his body upward and then rested his paws on the edge of the bar while he very neatly began to lap up his lemonade. He just took a couple of sips and then said he would leave the rest until his pizza arrived.
The man from Domino's presented the pizza to King with great ceremony. He placed the box on the bar but left it with its top closed and covered. Then he asked King to get up on his hind legs to see. When the tiger did what was requested, the man lifted the paper covering the top of the box. There was a large seal on the lower left corner.
Kelly read it and began to howl with laughter. The center of the seal was a very happy smiling tiger — Rajah, she thought. Around it was written the words, "Domino's: By appointment to their majesties, the Royal Bengal Tigers, purveyors of pizza."
While the girls got acquainted with the guys, they continued to feed pizza to King. As usual each girl got a hurt look from the tiger every time they stole a bite. With a grin at Jim Callahan Kelly said, "I would give you a bite, too, but I'm really not sure how King would react. He might open your belly up with a claw and take it back!"
When he finished his pizza, King smiled appreciatively. By now the noise of the club was getting to the young people, so Kelly and Marty enthusiastically accepted the men's invitation to have dinner.
The guys knew of a good restaurant just a couple of blocks away. With King pacing alongside, the foursome walked along the sidewalk. Don Garfield was both surprised and pleased when he reached for Marty's hand and found that she took his eagerly. Her hand felt so smooth and cool and wonderful.
As they walked Garfield wanted to shake his head in utter amazement. First, at six feet three, he was used to having to take mincing steps when walking with a woman. He realized Marty had beautifully long legs and a naturally long stride, too, so she easily maintained his natural pace.
When they were about halfway to the restaurant, Marty suddenly stopped. Since she was holding his hand, she stopped him suddenly, too, causing Jim and Kelly to almost walk into their backs. She said, "Shit! Kelly already knows, so I might as well end the suspense and find out, too." With that she put her hands behind Don's neck, pulled his head down and began to kiss him.
The kiss began with a flow of pure love and electricity but then — as had happened with Kelly and Jim — there was an increasing flow of pure passion. Don was initially shocked and his hands were at his sides. Then he put his arms around her and held her. As their passion mounted, he pulled her closer until her breasts were being mashed against his chest. All it did was to evoke wonderfully warm, happy noises from deep in her body.
Then Kelly, not being one to waste an opportunity, did the same thing with Jim Callahan. Their kiss, with nothing to distract them, was far better than their first.
Meanwhile, King had stopped, too. When he saw what was happening, he just sat up attentively and waited while feeling his mistresses's wonderful sensations. As he watched he felt warm and wonderful; Marty and Kelly were such wonderful girls and deserved the love now flowing to them.
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September – Year 1 Cricket. Cricket. Cricket. “Daddy?” “Yes dear, you heard me right. Lynn and Erin and I married each other a few months ago. It was a civil ceremony and we have a civil union, otherwise it would be bigamy and illegal. I met Lynn first. She woke up some things in me that had been dead since your mother. I even called your mother and talked to her about it.” “I know, we talk. She said that you asked her to release you from your wedding vows. I didn’t know that you were...
July, 1950 I knew that I had promised the dinosaur people to visit the next day, but something had come up that I couldn't ignore. Besides, I could visit any time in my time and shift to whenever I wanted to in their time. This time shift could get to be really confusing if I let it. My more pressing interest right now was a report among the teenage community of drugs becoming readily available. I couldn't say what it was about drugs that bothered me so much, except that I equated the...
I've had sex a number of times with black men. I have a collection of favourite pictures and videos of women, mostly white or Asian, sucking black men with huge members. I will admit it's a fetish, but perhaps those of you who don't understand the attraction that white and Asian women have for black men need an explanation.Someone once asked me why it was that so many white and Asian women fantasize about being fucked by black men. I can't say if I'm like others, but definitely it has to do...
The railway station was mass confusion but everything seemed to be running on time. There were little groups of clergy going into a conference in Vatican City, gatherings of tourists clustering around their mother hens of tour guides and even some groupings of American military types catching the train to visit the popular tourist centers including Venice just a few short hours away. Olga and I sat in the center of the surging crowds relaxed in the knowledge that our train to Venice on track...
Henry was invited to Sunday dinner. He had been warned by Alice not to expect much warmth nor hospitality from her reverend father, and he cleverly confined his table-talk to “yes, sir,” “no, sir,” “thank you, sir,” and “no, thank you, sir.” They were served by a European cook-housekeeper, but the clearing-away was done by a young Aboriginal girl. After dinner, Alice managed to spend ten minutes saying good-bye, as they stood on opposite sides of the rather frail garden-gate. The next...
hello to all the readers of Indian sex stories ,i love the website and am a regular reader. The story i am going to tell is fictions. i love south Indian actress jyothika , she is the cutest and the most beautiful actress in the world, i have seen her in real life she is really gorgeous with 5 ‘7’ height and i think 40′ d boobs and 42′ ass , she is of pink complexion and spotless skin . i have seen her rare video capture for the debonaire magazine where she gave her fans a surprise of a life...
This is Anurag. This is an incident that happened when I was in college. I had gone visiting my ancestral home during my semester holidays. We had a house maid, Sakina, for housework. When I was home. I would sleep in the living room itself watching TV till late at night. Sakina slept in a room that was in-between hall and bedroom. I had a good and friendly relationship with Sakina. She has beautiful breasts and ass worth drooling. Since the whole family was there. I had to be careful as to...
AB-5275 COME AND GET IT, DAD! by Ray Todd FOREWORD The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who, under group pressure, joins the neighborhood...
The next thing I knew he was shaking me awake. It was almost noon and he wanted something to eat. He took me into the bathroom and we took a quick shower. But before he turned on the water he stood me inside the shower and pushed me to my knees. I thought he must want a blowjob but instead he grasped his soft cock and with and evil leer on his face he calmly stood there and pissed all over me from my breasts down. I just stood there in shock. I think my brain has been too numbed, too damaged...
While your mind played the fantasy over and over, your passion between your legs throbbed with anticipation of what this may bring. It had been arranged. You had wanted to discover with him what lay beyond your casual chat about more than just “vanilla sex”. And while your mind played the fantasy over and over, your passion between your legs throbbed with anticipation of what this may bring. The handsome Sir you exchanged pleasantries within the hotel lobby had warned you- this...
BDSMPercy is a bad Step Daughter who took her mom’s car out without permission to sneak over and bang her boyfriend but crashes it into another car driven by Prince & Donny who brings her home to her mom to get the money to get their car fixed. Kay, who doesn’t want to pay but wants to teach her daughter a lesson has a better idea She decides to ask them if there’s something else they can both do to work off the damage because they don’t have the money. Prince and Donny...
xmoviesforyoui first met michelle at a seminar.she was from pensilvania.thankfully she wasnt amish.we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses.but i guess everyone does that at these functions,especially after a couple of cocktails.we left the conference centre and went our separate ways. a couple of days later i emailed her and suggested we get together and mull over the ideas from meeting and she readily agreed.we agreed to meet in the bar at the hilton this moment i had no idea what was...
I had just gotten out of work and had decided to stop off at a local bar on my way home. Pulling into the parking lot I saw a few cars and figured I might get lucky enough to take someone home with me. As I entered the bar i headed for a small table an sat down. The waiter asked for my order and soon brought by. As I sat there sipping my drink I scanned the bar and saw a couple of men looking my way and decided one of them might be for me. I guessed right as one man came over and sat down next...
After the long night, we slept in late, the next day. Carl made me suck his cock again, and of course, I enjoyed it. He said he had some things to do and that he would drive me home, so that I could rest, and that he would be picking me up again that evening. He drove me home with his arm around me, and of course, he had me play with his big cock while he drove. He dropped me off in front of my parent’s house, and told me to be ready about 6. I nodded, and walked into the house. I knew I...
Da stand ich nun vor dem Spiegel, nackt, und betrachtete mich. Nun zugegeben, das war mir egal. Ich hatte grad mein Abitur bestanden und in zwei Monaten würde ich nach Eichstätt ziehen und Theologie studieren. Ich wollte katholische Pfarrerin werden. Wieder glitt mein Blick an mir herab. Ich hatte schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die nicht wären könnte man mein Gesicht auch für das eines femininen Jungen halten. Schmal, scharfkantig, naja, nicht allzu attraktiv. Und dann mein Körper. Meine...
My name is shelly and here is my confession of how I committed adultery with my sister’s husband Sean. It all started after my boyfriend dumped me when he found out I was pregnant, I was distraught and thought my world was at an end, My sister Tina invited me to have a night out with them and I was only happy to except there offer. Come the weekend I got myself all dressed up even put on my sexiest underwear, a lose fitting dress that was a little short but showed of my legs , my three...
In todays update Ashlynn Taylor is the daughter that ends up seducing her fathers friend. She surprises her dad with a random visit since she’s in town for the weekend. She spotted his friend and while he got ready to go to work she decides to aggressively reach for his cock. After almost being caught we see this chick is nuts, smiling and giggle while having a cock in her face. She looks great sucking but even better when she finally starts getting fucked. Her nice ass bounce on his cock while...
xmoviesforyouthe office fetishthis incident happened to me 4 years back.. when i was travelling wid my boss to india for a buiseness boss was a beautiful woman.. black long hair.. big beautiful eyes.. n awesome succulent breasts.. i always had a fetish for her.. she wud catch me looking at her times.. but i just laughed it off.. one day v were both assigned to go to delhi in india.. n were staying in d hotel .. while travelling i couldnt stop looking at her.. n she looked at me.. n kissed me...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 8 The Day After Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...
That Saturday night had been terrible for Matt Parker. He had not been expecting to meet a girl in his sister's party, but he did. He met Sarah Colvig, a lovely blonde. And she was interested on him. But nothing happened. Why? Because, the night before, Matt Parker was stupid enough to lie so he could make his wildest dream come true. He had sex with his sister, Sally. And then he told her the truth, and Sally was angry. And, that Saturday night, Sally just couldn't leave Matt and Sarah...
July 23rd, 2002. Military Systems PLC; RAF West Drayton, England Came the morning for the aptitude test and interview, and I deliberated on what to wear, and which characteristics to project; suit and tie and a regimental manner, or smart casual and a laid back attitude? I chose the former, expecting all ex-military on the interview to be similarly dressed. In the room set aside for the aptitude test it was easy to pick out the ex- servicemen and the students, and not only because of their...
‘Is that your natural hair colour?’ The launch of the super yacht ‘Mira’ was a major event. I was there because I do the interior design section of my regional newspaper and my colleague, Luke, was there because he covers local industry. The yacht had been built in a local yard and the gala press day was designed to show it off. We’d been invited aboard for a sumptuous champagne lunch, followed by a short cruise with a dinner later. We had each been allocated our own cabin and had been asked...
Jess was an hour or so into her therapy session when the nurse led me through a confusing set of hallways to a nondescript door marked "Stimulation Room 4". I could hear my wife's moaning faintly through the door, but when we entered the room I realized she was nearly screaming. All of this had been explained to me earlier of course, but seeing it in person was still a shock.My plump wife was nude on all fours, with a cushioned platform holding up her torso, and a thick black cuff attaching...
Mind ControlI am a mature widower having lost my bride of fifty-four years, ten months and fourteen days days due to complications from pancreatic cancer. Since becoming a widower I have been dabbling in my bisexual side more and more. I had some minor experience during my youth but have been much more active recently.My uptick in activity can be traced to me joining a swinger’s web site called Swing Lifestyle (SLS). There are many bisexual couples on this web site looking for bisexual men to join them in...
BisexualI had placed an ad on my local gumtree site(Glasgow) to meet a big cocked guy to come to mine and fuck me when I was wearing my rubber and thigh boots. Got the usual round of pic collectors and time wasters,but got an email from a guy who said he was in my home town and it just said ‘9 inches and thick wanna see it??’so who am I to resist,emailed back to him,’yeah sure,come to mine and show me it’didn’t expect him,to actually show up,but 15 minutes later my door got chapped and there he
Tommy and Kara had been next-door neighbors since shortly after the death of Kara's mother, five years earlier. Both were now eighteen and had graduated from high-school a few weeks previously. Tommy's sixteen year-old cousin, Bill, was visiting while his and Tommy's parents were gone to the beach for a few days. Tommy, Bill and Kara had met in the morning, after Kara's father had left for the office, and agreed that they would get together for an early afternoon swim in Kara's...
Jim then led me to the bed and removed his dressing gown. he was naked below and had a very solid looking erection. I reached for it and stroked it. He told me to suck it and he sat on the bed. "Condom time" I told him. Roger, who works in the drawing office in the same company where I work is 29 and fifteen years younger than me, had recently offered to pay me to spend a night with him in a hotel. I had accepted, after he agreed to pay me £1000.00. He had given me half the money up front...
Cheating WifeThe Room by dale10 He began to whimper like a wounded puppy the moment I entered the room. Of course he couldn't speak, not with the tape over his mouth. He lay on his stomach on the checkered bed sheet, his strong young legs tied to the two rear corners of the bed. His arms were tied together in the small of his back, which emphasized his considerable shoulder muscles. He was the perfect specimen of sixteen year old jock boyhood. I stood for a moment just staring at his great beauty....
What was that line from Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven? Ooh, it really makes me wonder? Like, ooh: just what the devil was Sam up to now? He had probably, on average, been screwing hundreds of women a year – for several years now, though most had more than likely been prostitutes, and yet I remembered his wife had been promiscuous too, terribly so. So, his one marriage collapsed in on itself, collapsed under the weight of all the smoldering infidelities two people could visit on one another....
I had just bought a motorcycle. Actually, I bought 2 motorcycles, but one was a parts bike. Neither was running, so I had to enlist two friends; Mike because he knew motorcycles, and Fred, because he had a truck. The guy I bought the bike from was about 2 hours away, so by the time we got there, loaded everything into the truck, and got back home it was dark outside.I was excited to show off my purchase to my wife, Mary, so while the guys unloaded the truck, I went inside to get her. Inside I...
“This is the where the Renaissance began, Colonel Greenaway.” Signora Garibaldi indicated the vista of the Piazza del Signoria with a sweep of her hand. “Such a wealth of talent lived and worked in Firenze over the years. Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci, Cellini, Donatello, Galileo, and so many more. This statue is a Florentine statement of their independence and freedom of thought, in art, architecture, science, philosophy, and politics.” It was the day after the dinner at the Monmouths,...
Soo, Nila and Maala had been in the United States for some five years but the sisters still put a lot of stock in their tribal traditions. For example, in the remote region of South East Asia, where the three sisters came from, the eldest daughter had to marry before the younger daughters could even consider it. Consequently there was a lot of pressure on Soo, who was 24, to get a move on.For three months she had been going out with Jacob Stillman, a young man she`d met at a party. Never having...