Our Fantasy
- 3 years ago
- 68
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We found Ned's car at the airport and drove to my house where my car had been left. I had a strong urge to go upstairs and open the birthday gift that had been left on my bed, but decided it would ruin the surprise when we came for dinner the following Tuesday.
Anyway, it was late and I could see that Cynthia was anxious to go home. It was not until I opened the garage door that I knew why. The new car was parked in the fourth parking place, which had formerly been used to store unused items. Robert and Margaret were there to greet us. He helped with the luggage and she asked if we were hungry.
It was too late to refuse the gift or even complain that it was too extravagant. There was only one thing I could do to show my appreciation. Cynthia was obviously pleased by the way I walked around the car, opened the doors and filled my lungs with the new car smell. I noticed the openers were attached to the visor. Robert explained that he had located the one for the garage door, but had to borrow the one for the main gate from the Alfa.
Something occurred to me. "Jessica's dealership doesn't have the Jeep line."
"She said this was the car for you. She made some calls to other dealers and went with me to help pick this one out. She even arranged to have it delivered. I hope you like it, Darling."
What could I say? On this night, actions spoke louder than words, much louder. When I dropped her off at her office the next morning, I was a little concerned that Cynthia's work would suffer. Although she claimed that her nipples didn't bother her, their appearance told a different story.
Back in college, I'd been able to schedule my activities. Going to class, studying, and group projects were done on certain days and always at the same time. This also applied to recreation, running, playing tennis and my Friday night pizza parties were planned in advance. I attributed my ability to best utilize my time to my training at C.M.A. This had also been practiced when I went home to attend public high school.
While I'll admit that I sometimes let personal relationships interfere with my concentration, it happened infrequently. For the most part, I was able to separate duty from feelings.
The big car really did handle nicely. On the way to my office, I considered everything I was involved in at the moment. I decided that I could list them, but prioritizing them by importance would be more difficult.
1. Conduct John's Monday morning staff meeting. Cover the topics he'd mentioned and keep it simple.
2. Return phone call to Sandra Lynch, find out what she had in mind and investigate the deal before agreeing to meet her in Baltimore.
3. Return calls to Dora Ferris and Jessica Langley and act accordingly.
4. Follow John's instructions to look into the feasibility of helping Doug take over Tracy's auto parts business and report my findings.
5. Make certain the Collingsworth office move goes smoothly.
6. Get in touch with George Mercer to find out more about his candidate for Cynthia's financial advisor.
7. Make plans to visit the Denver building.
8. Something was not right with Marcie. I wasn't sure what needed to be done, but I was going to find out, and if the situation warranted, it would receive top priority.
Wanda must have been in the office for two hours before I got there. In addition to a brief outline of what I was to cover in the staff meeting, there was a summary of the previous week's events for me to review. Her only comment was to tell me she was too busy to talk.
"I'll have something to show you regarding the Baltimore building when you get back," she said, as I left for the staff meeting. I noticed that she was wearing the pendant that Cynthia had given her the day she came to the house to analyze the stock.
Everything went smoothly until I was adjourning the meeting. Simon Barker raised his hand.
"When are you going to release Daniel McDonald to return to his primary job?" he asked.
I attempted to hide my irritation. While I could not deny his right to know the status of an important member of his staff, there were at least three other forums that would have been more appropriate for him to have used to present his question. Daniel's work on the Collingsworth space was essentially finished. Other than a few minutes each day to make sure the work was progressing as planned, the rest of his time could have easily been turned back to his boss.
"I don't know," I answered in a dismissive tone.
The other attendees were filing out of the room. I waited for Simon Barker to take a stand. From the way he was glaring at me, I almost knew what was rolling around in the back of his mind. I fully expected him to take advantage of John Oldham's absence and accuse me of hiding behind my dad. In fact, I was somewhat disappointed when he followed the others out of the room.
The truth was that I had other plans for the use of Daniel McDonald's time.
While I was waiting for Wanda to finish assembling the data she'd accumulated on the Baltimore building, I phoned Dora Ferris. She invited me to visit her at the child care center where she was currently working.
"I'll send out for sandwiches and we can chat while we eat," she said.
There was something about her voice that I couldn't detect. Was she offering me more than a sandwich and a tour of the child care center? Was I reading something in her voice's inflection that wasn't there? I accepted her offer and we made an appointment for the following day.
Wanda came in with her data on the Baltimore building.
"How was your vacation? I hope you won't mind having cake and hearing us sing happy birthday to you later?"
"It was very restful, thank you. We had cake and I received some nice gifts. Cynthia gave me a car."
"Wow!" Wanda exclaimed. "You must be doing something right ... amend that, you must be doing a lot of things right."
"She wants a kid in the worst way. You should have seen her with K.O. and Samantha. I wish I could accommodate her, but so far it's not happening."
"What kind of car is it?"
"It's a Grand Cherokee. She said I need a winter car."
"Double wow! You're going to have to get busy, Sammy. It sounds like she wants twins."
"Get out of here and let me see what you compiled on Baltimore. What time does the cake arrive?"
"Around three PM. Do you have anything else for me to do?"
We both knew she had plenty of work to keep her busy. I should have told her that, but when she saw me hesitate, she caught on that there was something else on my mind.
"The auto parts business plan you did for Doug?"
"He's heard about a guy retiring and wants to buy the guy's business. I wouldn't involve you with something that doesn't pertain to the company, but this is an exception. My dad is considering investing in the venture."
"Where is the business?" Wanda asked with such zeal that I was glad to fill her in on Tracy's Auto Parts. She disappeared and I didn't see her again until lunch time. I decided to wait and see what she came up with before inviting Daniel McDonald to accompany me to check the place out.
It had been some time since I'd spoken to Jerry Bastian, the manager of the Baltimore office. He was receptive to doing the legwork on the building.
"How much time do I have? When are you planning to come for a visit?" he asked.
I told him I would like to make the trip in early April. He said that suited him fine. "That will give me all next week to do my legwork," he said.
Sandra Lynch was somewhat put off by my delaying our meeting regarding the Baltimore building. "Oldham is not the only interested party, you know?"
"I know, Sandra, but I'm going to need time do my own investigation before I approach the members of the trust about this. You could cut my work in half by furnishing the particulars."
"Such as?" she asked.
"Such as the history of the occupancy rate since you've owned the building, a thumbnail sketch of the present tenants, their commitment term, and how competitive your rates are in comparison to like buildings."
"Don't you want to know the operating costs, how much we owe on the mortgage, and how far we're behind on the taxes?"
Wanda's report had those numbers, but comparing the Lynch Company's version might be interesting. "Yes, of course, please include anything that would lessen my workload."
"Sammy, be sure and let me know where you'll be staying. If it's anything like the Denver negotiation, we may as well be comfortable at the end of each grueling day."
Should I tell her that one of the investors might accompany me to Baltimore? "Sandra, I'll not only tell you where I'll be staying. I'll give you my room assignment."
She gave me a warning shot before we ended the call. "Don't take too long deciding you're ready to meet. Someone else may beat you to this opportunity."
I had a sudden urge to get out of the office and invited Wanda to join me for lunch. It wasn't that I was concerned about being overheard discussing non-company business in the office. I guess I wanted to talk to someone and Wanda was nominated. Of course, she didn't know this and she brought along her findings on Tracy's auto parts business.
I was still laughing about Sandra Lynch's attempt to entice me into a late night rendezvous as I opened the passenger's door for Wanda.
She admired the car briefly before asking, "What's funny?"
"I'm laughing at myself. Do you think I'm unprincipled?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you think I would accept an offer of sex if it could jeopardize a business deal, or do you think I would draw the line and refuse?
"You're talking about Sandra Lynch, aren't you?"
"It doesn't matter who made the offer. Right now, I could name half dozen women who have made strong suggestions about sleeping with me. The question is, do you think I'm unprincipled?"
We were at the restaurant and didn't talk more until we were seated. It was a place frequented by Oldham employees, both for lunch and after work. It was also John Oldham's favorite place to bring associates. Wanda handed me several pages of data on Tracy before answering my question.
"I know you're principled, especially when it has anything to do with business."
"History would differ with you. There was the lady in Georgia that I screwed and received a nice bonus for my work," I said, remembering Holly, the generous widow who loaned me the use of her house and car for the summer of 1992.
"Name them," Wanda challenged.
"Half a dozen may be an exaggeration. Sandra is the only one where business is involved."
"That's all right. You don't need to tell me their names. I still want to hear what makes you think you're such a stud."
We were interrupted by the server, who asked us if we were ready to order. Mine was simple. I always ordered the same thing when I came here, a corned beef sandwich and Coke. Wanda wanted salad and a diet Coke.
"You're as bad as Cynthia. I'm trying to break her from asking, "Are you going to fuck her?" every time I mention another girl's name."
"Doesn't she know you're principled?"
"I wish she would accept that about me. It's becoming a bone of contention between us."
"I can't say that I blame her. Anyone who goes around boasting that every girl he meets wants to hop into bed with him is hard to trust."
"Why do you say that you know I'm principled?"
"Personal experience. I'm one of those girls who have been turned down. I've heard your reasons, but I think you got your sample that one time, and you decided that I didn't measure up."
"You know that isn't true, Wanda. You're a hot little piece of tail. I've told you time and again that we need to maintain a working relationship."
She feigned a pout. "Come on then. Let's have the list."
"Okay, besides Sandy, there is Kelley. She practically begged me to do her in the front seat of my car one night after a Reapers' meeting. There's also Marsha Cody. She's made strong suggestions that she'd like to get me in the sack."
"That's three. You're still short by three according to my calculations. Who else can't wait to give you a tumble?"
"Jessica Langley. She's the auto sales lady that helped Cynthia pick out my car. You met her that day at Doug and Phyllis' house"
Wanda's stare gave me a jolt. Perhaps I'd misread Jessica's intentions? "Cross her off the list if you want, but we spent a weekend in the woods and I distinctly remember waking up to find my hand on her breast."
"I'll accept her. Do you have two more?"
"Constance Carrillo is a bank loan officer. Doug wanted me to go with him to see her and she met me later that same night at the ice cream shop. She's had two failed marriages and she really got the shaft in more ways than I want to talk about. Even so, she's ready to pick up the pieces and try again."
Wanda's look was even more disbelieving than the one she gave me after I told her about Jessica. "It's not that I doubt your power of persuasion, Sammy. I just wish you wouldn't look at every woman you meet the same way, like they have needs that only you can supply."
"I don't know if you realize it or not, but you just hit on something. All women have needs and I just happen to be good at knowing what they are. Take Dora Ferris for instance. I returned her call this morning and she invited me to visit her at one of the child care centers her parents own. She has a need to help her husband hold on to Cynthia as a client, and I get the strong impression that she would be willing to do what's necessary to achieve her goal. Fortunately for her, I'm not the kind of guy that would take advantage of her circumstance. She happens to be married, and even if I wasn't opposed to fucking other men's wives, I'm fully committed to Cynthia."
Wanda choked on her salad; at least she put on a good show. I'm not sure if she was astounded to find out that I didn't make it a habit to fuck other men's wives or that I was committed to Cynthia. In any case, we finished our meal and went back to work without me having looked at her report on Tracy.
"Sammy," she said, as we were pulling into the company parking lot.
"Yes?" I asked, wondering what was coming now.
"Did you mean it when you said I'm a hot little piece of tail?"
I looked over at her, showing astonishment. "Of course I meant it."
"Do you think my mom would be a hot little piece of tail?"
Now I was really astonished, but showing shock or embarrassment was not in the rules of the game we played. "I don't know. I'm only seen your mom naked that one time, and that was years ago."
Wanda made a clucking sound, showing, I thought, that I was not playing by our rules.
"Because she would, you know?"
"Would what?" I asked, getting out of the car, anxious to finish this conversation and move into the comfort zone of my office.
Wanda waited for me to come around and help her step down from the big car. "She'd be happy to be number seven on your list of girls that would like to fuck you. May I tell her that you think she's a hot little piece of tail? Hearing that would make her ecstatic."
Edith Rowell had to be fifty years old, but seeing her naked body was one of my favorite memories. "Sure, Wanda, make your mom ecstatic."
I didn't think she would tell her mother that I thought she was a hot little piece of tail, but from the way she was grinning, it made me wonder.
From the size of the gathering in the cafeteria later that day, I wondered if anyone was left in the office. I had a small piece of cake and laughed at the barbs about me reaching the age of twenty-three without breaking a sweat. They didn't know about my first fourteen years and that I had sweat plenty, but I didn't correct them. As Ruby was giving me a special birthday kiss, I got a glimpse of Wanda holding up both hands with five fingers showing on one and three on the other. Was she saying that Ruby would like to be number eight on my list? Didn't she remember that I never looked at girls I worked with in that way? Still, Ruby's build almost demanded a second look, if not the urge to make an exception to my rule.
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A few years before I met Melba and Wanda, Melba's second husband had died, leaving her with their house on the lake not far from my home, but very little else. It was shortly after that when Melba took Wanda into her home and adopted her. In order to make ends meet and provide for them, Melba applied for and secured a position as the treasurer at a retail furniture store. Wanda wasn't qualified or able to work in any capacity, but she essentially was Melba's housekeeper and companion. A...
Straight SexThis was a wonderful feeling, an anticipation so keen italmost hurt. I'd done the adultfriendfinder thingon and off for years, with consistantly average results.I like roleplaying and fantasy and have always wanted tohook up with a couple that I clicked with and that wantedto try that too. But that takes some trust and chemistryif it's gonna be "blow your sox off and curl yourtoes" good. That doesn't happen much on adultweb sites. No, really! So, I was very happy (and surprised) to finally meet...
This was a wonderful feeling, an anticipation so keen italmost hurt. I'd done the adultfriendfinder thingon and off for years, with consistantly average results.I like roleplaying and fantasy and have always wanted tohook up with a couple that I clicked with and that wantedto try that too. But that takes some trust and chemistryif it's gonna be "blow your sox off and curl yourtoes" good. That doesn't happen much on adultweb sites. No, really! So, I was very happy (and surprised) to finally meet...
A few years before I met Melba and Wanda, Melba’s second husband had died, leaving her with their house on the lake not far from my home, but very little else. It was shortly after that when Melba took Wanda into her home and adopted her. In order to make ends meet and provide for them, Melba applied for and secured a position as the treasurer at a retail furniture store. Wanda wasn’t qualified or able to work in any capacity, but she essentially was Melba’s housekeeper and companion. A...
After the incident of the face painting orgy on the basketball court by her stepson and his buddies, Peggy had to take a break from the boys for a day or two. It had been a surreal, totally spontaneous, and wonderfully sordid event. She loved the eroticism but felt it would be awkward to be around them so soon after it happened. So, Peggy called Wanda. She just had to meet up and tell her partner in ‘Prurient Interests’ her recent tales about the boys. Wanda was a friend from college, who...
I am a husband that has been married to the same woman whom I love very much for over 25 years.However, I like many husbands have this recurring fantasy to watch my wife being fucked by another man and to watch her climax with wild abandonment. There is nothing I can imagine as thrilling than to watch your wife being fucked by another man or men, unless however if that person happens to be a hung, Black or Hispanic.My wife is a very attractive woman 54 yrs young that stands 5’6″ with green...
Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...
While forty years old, I have always thought of myself as shy. By nature I am a sensible and cautious woman, but over the past few years I have developed a strong fantasy that has begun to consume me. This is the story of the first time that fantasy becoming a reality.Finding myself single a few years ago following a difficult break up, I had trouble sleeping. At night I would browse the Internet, initially reading news and current affair sites. After stumbling across a few porn sites and at...
MatureI guess this is pretty weird but for a long time I've had this fantasy about watching a big, black man come in my wife. When I'm making love to her I think about it.I finally told her. At least she didn't freak out. Finally admitting it made me feel better.Then one night when we were messing around in bed she asked me to tell her more about the fantasy. She was holding my penis, which she knows lowers my resistance. But I thought the fantasy was strange and I didn't want to tell her more. She...
My Utimate Fantasy By The Princess My life had become mundane. At forty three I had achieved all that most men would ever want or need. I had sold my business interests and set up a self perpetuating investment portfolio that would last me for ever if need be. I was divorced and my adult children were independent and doing well on their own. I turned to thrill seeking adventures but there is only so much car racing and aeroplane flying one can do before...
Part 1……………There are lots of things I enjoy about sharing my wife Wanda with all these other men. The prepping, shaving and lotion applied to her bbw body before her date arrives. The mental anticipation I experience leading up to her fucking. The numerous images I jack off too of hotwives being fucked and satisfied by their strong virile lovers. Their facial and bodily expressions and pure euphoria they feel while being penetrated by a satisfying huge cock. You can’t forget the initial deep...
Chapter 1 Mr. Johnson peeked over the top of his American History textbook and zoomed in on the last girl in last row. The pretty 16 year old teenager was NOT by any stretch of the imagination ... petite! Her curves were far too rounded for things like cheerleading or gymnastics. In all honesty, Wanda Mitty was what one would describe as a "big" girl. The lesson was about the War of 1812 between the British and the newly sovereign country of America. It was really a very odd set of...
Sandra's FantasyBy Tappy McWidestance and SandraSynopsys: This story comes from a reader's fantasy about how a woman's secret desire to be dominated by a younger girl leads her on a submissive adventure.Editor's Note: This story is written from multiple points of view. I will list at the start of each section which character's POV is being used. As you might expect, we will start with Sandra, a 40-somthing divorced executive whose fantasy is the basis for this story. I would also like to...
March 16 Dear Diary, OK, I’ve decided. In honor of my first St. Patrick’s Day since turning 21, I’m finally going to do it. It’s time to live the fantasy, rather than just, well, fantasizing. I can’t tell anyone what I’m thinking of doing – I’d be too embarrassed – but maybe if I write out my plan in detail here in my diary, I’ll have the courage to follow through. It was about 10:30 when I finished furiously scribbling my fantasy – or rather, my plans for the next day – onto the pages of my...
Introduction: I satisfy a rape fantasy for my wife, while I satisfy some of my own. This is my first story on here. Constructive comments are always welcome. I satisfy a rape fantasy for my wife, while I satisfy some of my own. This is my first story on here. Constructive comments are always welcome. _________________________ Fulfilling Jesses Fantasy My wife Jesse is a complete knockout. Shes 59, with blond hair and blue eyes. She has a great physique that she maintains by jogging and yoga....
Jane's Execution Fantasy Jane's Execution Fantasy "It's time," he said."Oh, God," Jane thought, "here I go. I hope I know what I'm doing."She put her arms behind her back, and he quickly looped a rope around them several times, then again in a figure-8 fashion, then finally cinched it tight between her wrists. She felt her wrists pulled together even harder when he knotted the rope. He took the two ends of the rope and ran them around her waist, tying them tight in back, on top of her...
I have been fantasizing about my mother since the age of twelve. I don't know how it all started except that one night I had a wet dream about her and ever since then she was all I sexually fantasized about. She has been divorced since I was 10. My Dad took off one day and she never heard from him again until she got his divorce papers. Because of him she soured on men for many years. That is except for me. She looks a lot like the "Beav's" icon mom June Cleaver in the old TV show "Leave It to...
Weekend Fantasy By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and I had just gotten out of school, so I hurried home as fast as I could, filled with a strange mixture of nervousness and excitement. If I stopped to think about it I probably would have concluded that the excitement dominated. After all, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. My parents were going to be out of town for the weekend, thanks to my dad's high school reunion, leaving me home alone. They'd left for the airport...
When Wanda and I planned an afternoon at the beach to do nothing more than relax and polish our tans, she had a memorable experience. The memory of that experience is also so vivid in my mind that I will be able to recount it for you. Wanda had chosen to wear a daring thong bikini that covered only a tiny fraction of her voluptuous body. As we made our way across the soft, hot sand, heads swiveled in our direction as lecherous men and envious women ogled Wanda's statuesque body. Even before...
“Here, take this. I want you to be safe. “ With that, my husband handed me a condom. Actually, I don’t know why he bothered. I’m not going to need it. He’s truly kidding himself if he thinks that I will be having sex tonight with somebody else. “Dress up seductively”, he told me as we were getting ready to go out. Tonight was the night that I had agreed, quite reluctantly I must add, to act one of his fantasies. Maybe “act out” is a bit strong. Go through the motions is a lot closer to...
As you probably guessed from the title of this story, my name is Sweets. No, not really, but we will go with that for this story. I am a fairly typical northern girl from the suburbs of a major Midwestern city. I have long had a fantasy of being taken by a man whom I do not know and never see. In my fantasy, I am handcuffed, blindfolded, tied down and my body is ravaged by some stranger. My animal instincts are set free, sexual appetite is completely satisfied and I am pushed way beyond any...
Cheating“Here, take this. I want you to be safe. “ With that, my husband handed me a condom. Actually, I don’t know why he bothered. I’m not going to need it. He’s truly k**ding himself if he thinks that I will be having sex tonight with somebody else. “Dress up seductively”, he told me as we were getting ready to go out. Tonight was the night that I had agreed, quite reluctantly I must add, to act one of his fantasies. Maybe “act out” is a bit strong. Go through the motions is a lot closer to reality....
“Here, take this. I want you to be safe. “ With that, my husband handed me a condom. Actually, I don’t know why he bothered. I’m not going to need it. He’s truly kidding himself if he thinks that I will be having sex tonight with somebody else. “Dress up seductively”, he told me as we were getting ready to go out. Tonight was the night that I had agreed, quite reluctantly I must add, to act one of his fantasies. Maybe “act out” is a bit strong. Go through the motions is a lot closer to...
Wife LoversR. Pearle’sRobyn Grain: An Everyday Bondage FantasyHi everybody. My name is Robyn. You might be familiar with my sisters, Kelsea and Sarah Grain. Kelsea was cast in a recent story called The Secret Words. Sarah is a little shy and unless you frequented Yahoo chat rooms between 2005 and 2008, you probably wouldn’t know her. This is my bondage fantasy. I want to warn you though, it’s also a rape fantasy, so if you are sensitive about the subject, or uncomfortable about it, I wouldn’t advise...
So, Ever had a fantasy? A sexual one? Ever wanted to have sex in a different way? A different place? Well, I had one. It was 3 years ago. It was during the holidays of uni. I was at home, still being a slut. One Saturday while being fucked by my dad, I asked him if we could do my fantasy. I was in a doggy style position and his dick was in my ass. That was the thing for my family. Sex became a basic thing for us. We could have sex whenever we wanted. And we could be doing anything meanwhile....
Kavita and I had been married for more than a year when I shared my erotic fantasy with her. During the initial stage of our marriage, things were really good. Kavita came from a very conservative family. Hence she was a virgin. I took her virginity on our honeymoon. Kavita was very satisfied with me because she had nothing to compare me with. I was 24 when we got married, and Kavita was 21 years old. Ever since college, I had a weird fantasy of seeing women get fucked in front of me. I say...
I met Wanda about 2 months ago. She came to London to visit her husband. he rents a room in the same house as me. Wanda is an adult, older, 68-year-old woman. we both liked each other despite the large age difference. I am 41 years old. one day I didn't go to work. I stayed at home. Wanda's husband went to work in the morning, as did the rest of the flatmates. only Wanda and Me stayed at home. Halfway through the day we met accidentally in the kitchen. I made coffee for myself, wearing only...
"Baby, you can't be serious.""I can and I am!" Wanda replied in a very serious tone."Baby, you know it was an accident.""It was an accident the first time you did it too. I told you what was going to happen.""I know, but you never seemed to care before." He pleaded, not even realizing how grating his whine was on her ears."I cared the very first time you did it. I told you I didn't like it, but you ignored me.""Baby but that was 15 years ago?""I know, but I remember it. I told...
BDSMAfter the incident of the face painting orgy on the basketball court by her stepson and his buddies, Peggy had to take a break from the boys for a day or two. It had been a surreal, totally spontaneous, and erotic event. She loved the eroticism but felt it would be awkward to be around them so soon after it happened, so Peggy called Wanda. She just had to meet up and tell her partner in ‘Prurient Interests’ her latest tales about the boys. Wanda was a friend from college, who never married,...
It was a few minutes before midnight when Wanda met me at the front door, wearing black panties and the grey sweatshirt. Her eyes followed mine, down to her bare feet and then back up to mine. "You have very nice thighs," I observed, surprising her by not reprimanding her for wearing black. I didn't say anything about her red toenails either. "Do I really, Sammy?" "What do you do to keep them toned?" She looked at me like she didn't know what I was talking about....
said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....
"So, what is your favorite fantasy, sexy teacher?" Ginger asked, her fingers idly tracing around Karen's nipple, making her squirm delightfully.Karen reached over, pulling Ginger on top of her, feeling warm wet pussy against pussy, as their legs scissored each other. Ginger rubbed against her, then reached down with one hand. Her fingers slid into Ginger's wetness, rubbing inside, even as Ginger's fingers entered her.Then all thought was suspended as they finger-fucked each other, the moans and...
Group SexSo Ashley has been working hard to keep herself in shape. Tony has told her so many times about men commenting on her sexy body and she now doesn't want to disappoint.She has become more confident in herself and has been enjoying the attention, thinking of ways of making herself more appealing to the men giving her compliments.Constantly checking herself out in the mirror and thinking of the lovely compliments she getsWhen she goes to bed, Ashley thinks on not only Tony licking her clit sliding...
"You know, I've been thinking."I looked up, when he starts off with those words, he has something crazy on his mind. The last time he said those words, I slept with his friend in front of him. It was his fantasy come true."Oh.""I know what you're thinking, I'm up to no good. In this case however, I think you'll like my idea."I nodded, letting him know I was listening."You've stood by me through a lot, most people would've walked away, but by the Grace of God, you stayed. You picked me up when I...
Love StoriesWendy's FantasyHad someone send me a message and ask me if I could write up a story for them. After talked for a bit know what she wanted to write about decided give it a shot.I was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted...