Robin's Loving FamilyChapter 8: Cyndi Comes To Visit free porn video

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Both Jax and Sam had slept rather well the previous night and since they had stayed up fairly late they both had slept in. However empty stomachs eventually roused them and it was time for breakfast. The three siblings were sitting, lazily, in the kitchen, when Robin’s phone rang.

Cyndi was on the line, asking if Robin wanted to hang out and invited her over to her house. Or her mother could give her a ride over to Robin’s. Cyn seemed a bit shy when she brought up that option.

Holding the phone, and quickly asking her brother, Jax checked with Sam and found out Kyle was coming over to take Samantha out so Jax suggested to Robin that Cyndi come over here, they would have more space as Cyndi has a younger brother who was always bothering them.

Hanging up the phone with Cyndi, and confirming her plans with Jax, Robin was in a very good mood this morning. She’d slept long and hard, and, getting out of bed earlier than the others, had found it rather fun, and novel, to just walk to the bathroom, nude, and take care of her business, not wasting time with getting dressed and undressed just to take a quick shower. Breakfast had been quiet, and nice, and when Cyndi called, she’d walked around the main floor, chatting, without a care in the world, completely at ease, almost reveling in the freedom to be without clothing.

As soon as Robin hung up the phone Jax walked up to her. “It should take her a bit to get over here, so there should be enough time for you to suck me off. Robin, will you please go down on me.” It’s always best to ask politely, even though she wasn’t supposed to say no.

Setting her phone down, and turning to Jax, Robin was planning on asking what she should wear when Cyndi was there, (not quite sure of the rules when others were around), but was unable to get her words out before he had come close and requested some oral sex.

Blushing, the novelty of the act still not worn off, she nodded, agreeably, “Sure ... um ... right here?”, she asked, before laughing, “of course here ... he’s right here...” she said as if to herself. “I was going to ask what was the clothing protocol when guests are over...”

Reaching down, she softly held his slowly swelling cock, and felt the warmth of his thickening flesh in her hand. “It’s so ... warm!” she observed, bending over to take the tip in her mouth, suckling a bit, before kneeling down, putting her behind on her heels, as she took both hands and held onto the base of his cock, one hand holding onto his testicles. Quickly now, it seemed, his shaft swelled and filled her mouth, stretching as the thick head grew. Having learned how to relax her jaw and lips more completely over the last two or three days, Robin soon had her head bobbing up and down his long shaft, the thick head pressed firmly against the top of her throat on each deep driving attack of his shaft. Still holding the base firmly with one hand, she slid her lips, up and down, sensing his quick acceptance of her attentions, and loving the way the hot flesh felt in her mouth.

Samantha walked in, having slipped on a sundress, and little else, as she was going to meet Kyle shortly. Seeing her sister at work, Samantha moved to a nearby kitchen chair, lifted up her dress, baring her from her breasts downward, and chirped “Hurry little Robin bird, you need to top me off quick before Kyle gets here too!”.

Robin glanced at her sister, her eyes taking it all in, as she fervently increased her pace, not sure how long before Cyndi would arrive, and wanting to not let her family down ... it had been going so well lately.

Whether it was Samantha’s arrival, or Robin’s increased skill, Jax, having purposely been in a rush, had not held back. He let his body react and roll with the urging of her sweet mouth, and quickly reached the edge of orgasm, waiting only for the next deep dive of Robin’s mouth to explode for the third time in his little sisters somewhat eager mouth.

Smiling, Robin looked up at him, patting his bare thigh as she turned to her sister. “I gotta hurry though!” she said, seeing her sister’s quick readiness, and, without much further ado, she began to lick and tease her sister’s wet lips, feeling her juices begin to flow freely around her darting pink tongue. The plug was obvious, resting just below the split lips of her now writhing sister, and Robin tentatively pushed against it with a finger as she serviced her sister’s sex, and was rewarded with a loud moan from Samantha. Encouraged, she combined her suckling of Samantha’s clit, with steady pushes against the toy, and very quickly, surprisingly so, Sam was gasping and clutching, and pulling Robin’s face hard against her dripping vagina.

Understanding that time was indeed a factor, Samantha did not try to hold off either and thought that if it was going to take too long, and they would be late, then she was going to give her younger sister an example of her fake orgasm, she wouldn’t want the girl to get discouraged after all. She spread her legs wide as Robin settled between them, the anal plug visible as she exposed her lower body to the young teen. Sam let out a sigh as she felt her sister’s warm tongue begin to probe her wet soft lips.

Jax just stood where he was watching his youngest sister go down on her older one, while completely naked, and after she had just finished sucking him off. He thought how the girl had been when their parents had first left. If he had told her then to suck his dick and then eat out their sister she probably would have ran out of the house screaming! Yet with small steps taken over time, here she was, an eager participant and the brother was sure she would go along with almost any suggestion now, though they still needed to take it slow so she wouldn’t resist.

The brother didn’t answer Robin’s question until she had finished with her sister and Sam had indeed came on Robin’s tongue, the butt plug having helped push her over the edge. And as soon as the younger girl moved back, Sam stood up and dropped her dress down as if what had just happened was commonplace. “Well we can’t be naked with your friend around” he said with a chuckle as he remembered fucking Cyndi’s brains out. “So why don’t you go and slip on a dress or something, Sam is wearing a nice one, why don’t you see if you have one similar.”

Jumping up, a bit of a hurry, Robin dashed upstairs, barely pausing long enough to wipe some of their juices from her face, and quickly found a sun dress, a bit old, but still cute, and slipped it on, not bothering with anything but the one item of clothing ... it’s not like they were going out ... and ... well ... Cyndi had seen all her charms once before.

Waving goodbye at Cyn’s mother, and giggling as they passed her brother, saying hello, Robin watching Cyndi flush and stammer.

As the two had walked in, Jax was just watching TV wearing a pair of house shorts and a sleeveless T-Shirt. Seeing the girl Jax said “Hello Cyndi”. The girl just replied with a ‘Hi’ seemingly very shy, giving embarrassed looks. Everyone knew that the girl had a major crush on Robin’s older brother but around others he just played it off as if it were cute, only Cyndi knew that he had taken advantage of it. If anything, Cyndi’s desire for her best friend’s older brother was even stronger now, and she desperately wanted to have sex with him again, but was not sure how to go about with Robin around.

Soon, they were catching up, chatting in Robin’s room, and she was debating on which activity to suggest, when Cyndi noticed something. Walking over to Robin’s clothing hamper she reached in and pulled out something black, and as it fell completely open Robin could see it was the corset, and under it Cyndi was quick to grab the garter belt and a stockings as well. She didn’t say anything she just held them up and looked at her friend expectantly. Robin started breathing a little faster and she licked her lips. As she did that, she got a pretty good sample of her sister’s tasty pussy. She had wiped off her face afterwards, briefly, but had forgot to wash it. Though it was highly unlikely for Cyndi to find that out unless they started to make out or something, just thinking about that happening was actually a bit funny.

Cyndi stood, and waited for the explanation of the garments. While she did she pictured herself wearing these for Jax and then noticed there were no matching panties, which only served to make the whole idea that much naughtier. Cyndi was getting herself extremely aroused, and she could feel that her panties were starting to get soaked.

Her arousal mounting, and wanting to ease the frustration, Cyndi shocked herself by asking shyly “Do you remember what we did to Amber and Bree at the slumber party?”

“It looked like it really felt good ... do ... do you think we could do it to each other just to see what it feels like? If you don’t want to that is totally fine. “...

As Robin scrambled in her mind for a reasonable explanation for the corset, discarding one idea after another, she almost didn’t register Cyndi’s shy, slow suggestion that they pick up where things left off at the party ... only with just the two of them.

Well, you see ... the corset” Robin started to explain, her face blushing at Cyndi’s spoken question, before being interrupted by the swift unannounced opening of the door, startling them both,

Jax stood there, letting the door fall open, “If you girls want to go somewhere like the mall or something just let me know, OK?. Also how does pizza sound for lunch?” Cyndi got an extremely red face when Jax opened the door like that, thinking - what would he have thought if he caught them going down on each other.

Jax’s abrupt opening of the door, reminded Robin of some of the rules of the house ... he obviously meant to keep the ‘open unlocked door rule ‘ enforced ... even though he was letting her dress whilst having company. She blushed, wondering what Cyndi would do if she knew about all the rules ... though ... with her fixation of Jax ... maybe it would not be as an extreme of a reaction as she assumed.

As Jax left, leaving the door not quite fully latched, Robin turned to her blushing friend and decided to explain somewhat, and throw in a few of the changes in her life ... not ALL of course, but a couple and see how she reacted. Starting again, she tried “Well, the corset, hmm, it’s going to take a little background to explain ... Come ... sit down” she said, patting the bed next to her.

“Remember the big headlines, Water Shortage? “ Robin said, continuing when she saw Cyndi nod, “well, we are trying to conserve water, a lot ... like the grass is getting kinda brown, and, um, we cut way down on laundry by limiting how much we wore/changed etc. Now ... seriously, you can’t tell anyone ... except maybe Amber ... but I started skipping underwear many days ago, and wearing only one or two long items at home ... cutting our laundry pile in half ... See ... let me show you...”she said, with an impish smile, flipping up her sun dress briefly, flashing her friend, enjoying the quick look of shock. “It’s not like you hadn’t seen me before ... so it’s fine that you know. But ... well ... many days at school I don’t have underwear on either ... and at first it was really scary, but, then, it sorta started to be fun ... you know ... daring and all that ... I thought about daring you to do it too ... You know Amber found out. And then got me to show off at the start of the sleepover ... it’s just ... um ... around the house. This is the most I’ve had on in a while ... a lot of times I just wore a long shirt ... and I stopped wearing PJ’s altogether ... that was sorta why it was not that hard to do those dares at the sleepover...”

Cyndi looked at her friend, only a little stunned at the revelations, still not sure what this had to do with a sexy corset, but, picturing Jax and Robin and her sister all running around the house half dressed, got her excited even more. “So ... Jax would normally be wearing ... what?” she asked, obviously fixated on her crush.

“Oh, shorts a lot ... the rule is only one item of clothing...” Robin said, letting slip that it was a rule at all, hoping that Cyndi would not notice. “Um ... I think sometimes he wore a football jersey ... it barely came down to his butt...” Seeing the shocked look.’Oh ... it’s no big deal, I’ve seen his dick flopping around a bunch ... it’s not like he walks around showing it off or anything ... but, well, after a week or so, things get more and more relaxed, I don’t even really notice it any more ... today noticed him ... since he dressed ‘up’ for company...” she giggled, imagining anyone else calling shorts and a shirt ‘dressing up’.

“Wow ... I mean ... oh cool ... I guess...” Cyndi mused, careful not to judge, but, imagining the glimpses she would get if she was a member of the family ... she could feel her panties becoming a bit damp as she relived the night in the bathroom, Jax’s hard cock not just dangling that time!

“Anyhow ... I had told Samantha one night when we were being all close and stuff, how I felt, you know ... on the stairs at school, and things ... how it was daring ... and exciting and stuff ... and she was very much into it, having done similar things. Next thing I knew, she had dragged me to the mall and made me try that outfit on, and I bought it ... I mean, I could never wear it ‘OUT’ ... but ... well, around home I thought it would be cute ... maybe even, you know ... something different for a special occasion. Samantha helped me get all prettied up in it last night ... and ... well. It was amazing, I looked totally different ... a bit slutty ... well. Maybe a LOT slutty ... but so ... pretty...”

Robin did not think it wise to share that Jax had seen her like that, at least not initially, then Cyndi spoke up.

“Wow ... um ... can I see it? Or ... maybe try it on too?” she asked her friend, her mind now firmly in the gutter, as she wanted to reach in and play with her over excited damp center, but was still not sure Robin was willing ... she had not said much about her earlier, shy query.

Robin had not forgotten her friends previous request, and had been imagining it a bit herself, so, when Cyndi suggested she try it back on, she readily agreed ... figuring that was as good a way as any to break the ice, and ... do what Cyndi had suggested...

“First though” Robin said, leaning over and giving her a quick kiss on the lips “I would ... like to ... do what you said ... yes”. Blushing suddenly, she stood up, and without hesitation, lifted her dress up and off of her body, standing before her friend completely naked, and quite comfortably so. Picking up the corset, she fit it around her waist, turning her back and having Cyndi help lace and latch it into place. Pulling on her small breasts, lifting them up and over the edge of the corset cups, she turned, showing of her black corset encased stomach, and uplifted breasts looking as if they were being presented to the viewer. “Kinda, um, sexy ... huh?” she said as she put the garter on, and then sat down, and began to pull on first one stocking and then the other.

Standing up, and walking back and forth, trying to act grownup and sensual, Robin modeled the complete outfit, turning to and fro, showing off her bare backside, as well as her dark curls, framed by garters and stockings. Her nipples perked up, firm, on top of her presented breasts, and her flushed face showed a hint of excitement.

Cyndi’s eyes bugged out a bit, when she saw just how grownup and, well, R-rated the outfit was. “You really ... wore that around?” she could not imagine doing so at her house ... but she immediately imagined doing so for Jax ... though she’d die if Robin ever found that out.

Robin had not planned on going that far with the explanation, but, since Cyndi seemed excited and entranced rather than shocked and condemning, she decided to act as if it was perfectly ok...” Oh ... sure ... it’s just family ... it’s not like it’s nothing no one’s seen before ... I told you ... it sorta gotten pretty casual around here since the Water Shortage ... like ... if you don’t mind, we can tell Jax it’s all cool, he can relax if he wants to...”

Shaking her head, Cyndi demurred, “I dunno ... it’s a bit ... well, I don’t want to be rude or nothing ... maybe we can tell him later ... after I get used to you like this...” she said, slowly, haltingly, but then looking at her friend with more than a little bit of hunger.

Seeing the look on her friends face, Robin stepped forward, coming to stand between the spread legs of her friend, seated on the edge of the bed. Not bothering to lean down and kiss her, she just slowly moved her bare chest, closer and closer to her friends face ... and mouth ... and waited for her lips to touch her body.

Cyndi eagerly opened her mouth and pulled Robin’s soft flesh inside. Reaching around to hold her friend, her hands felt the bare cheeks of her bottom, and enjoyed the shocking sensation of nudity combined with the outfit, feeling the fabric as she pulled her closer, but also feeling the bare skin ... it was sensual and exciting. Pursing her lips around the nipple, she suckled on it for a moment, as she moved her hands over and around her friend’s soft backside.

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Several years ago my Sister In Law came to visit. It was well known by my wife that I had a thing for her sister. She is equally sexy and seeing her dressed and watching her I always wondered what was beneath the clothing. Do her tits look similar? Is her pussy similar with large labia? When I found out she was coming for a visit my wife was already on to me about how lucky I was going to be. I could check her out. We made plans to take her to see the sights locally. We had even planned to take...

1 year ago
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Cyndy Rules

Cyndy Rules! by suki its like I'm looking through these stories the other day and its like hey these are all pretty good these writers. They like all have great imaginations you know. It must be great to know all those words and be able to put them all together and everything. Yeah sure but like you know I'm thinking something is missing. Something is very seriously wrong and it takes me a while and then its hit me and like its so totally obvious that i snort pepsi through...

3 years ago
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Aunt Janice Comes To Visit

Aunt Janice Comes To Visit Pt 1 Me, my step sister Lori and step mother Susan have been having sex together now for almost a month. I never dreamed my life would turn out like this, being with my step sister was so taboo and mind blowing, but my step mother too. I mean, she is one of the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever seen, and to be so downright dirty blows my mind. She told me the other day her younger sister Janice was coming to stay with us for a visit. I had forgotten what a...

3 years ago
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Sir Comes To Visit

Sir Comes To Visit By submissivewife I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel, glancing quickly at the clock and seeing that I only had three hours left until Sir arrived for his visit. I felt my heart begin to pound at the thought, but quickly pushed it aside as I rushed to put on my panties and bra and then went into my daughter’s room to grab some clothes for her stay at her grandmother’s. I then went into my son’s room and got his clothes together. Taking them into the kitchen, I...

3 years ago
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rica comes to visit

Rica comes to visit It was a couple hours before noon on a weekday and Rica had just called me saying she wanted Daddy's cock and if she could come visit me ? Oh does my slut need her Daddy's cock ? Sure come on over if you want slut. Rica said she would be here in 1/2 an hour. I had an idea and it would depend on how horny Rica really was. Calling Ron a 6ft 5in well build black man I had be come friends with on the flight to...

1 year ago
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Amy comes to visit

Amy called and she was going to be over around 5pm, it was her yearly visit and we just got 3 feet of fresh powder, perfect for a day at the local ski resort. Amy is 22 years old, just graduated from college where she went on a Volleyball scholarship and loved to snowboard. She also has a crush on me and everytime she visits I always get extra hugs and kisses, always on the lips. She was the of an overbearing school teacher and was getting to point in her life that mom did not control her every...

3 years ago
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Loving wife becomes a slut 1a

Best read after chapter 1..I forgot to add this bit! couldn't help whispering to my open mouthed husband, "That's O.K. isn't it?" as cheekily as I could.His cock was clearly semi erect and his eyes eager and full of excitement as he approached. I knelt up and handed him the camera. Then swept up in a wave of lustful desire, madness and a rush of blood drove me to pretend to over balance. As I fell forward my hand dropped , the...

1 year ago
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Bij Jos op visite

Hij doet open en heeft een t shirt en een joggingbroek aan. Hij is al opgewonden zie ik. Zijn gezicht ruw van de stoppels. Bij binnenkomst kus ik hem meteen. Ik leun achterover tegen de muur naast de voordeur en hij drukt zich tegen me aan. Langzaam, zachtjes verkennen onze tongen elkaar, alsof ze weer moeten wennen aan het samenspelen. Mijn rechterhand daalt af naar zijn broek en ik kneed zijn lid. Hij wordt direct hard in mijn hand en hij fluister in mijn oor: "ik ga je suf neuken!" Geil als...

2 years ago
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Cousin Nancy comes to visit

Having been introduced to the world of real sex by cousin Nancy, I was now obsessed by thinking of her and all that she had done with me during our time in the barn. I was wanking at every opportunity and imagining how Nancy’s wet pussy had felt, and how her nipples became so stiff as I licked them.It was of course worse at that time in the 70’s as we had no internet, mobile phones and so on to secretly chat as modern k**s do. I couldn’t phone her either, as that would have seemed really...

4 years ago
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A Kitty Comes to Visit

I was nervous like hell. We had chatted endlessly about it, and what I had felt when she had proposed a visit at my place had been astonishment at her trust in me and growing excitement. I had pictured the moment and planned all kinds of things to entertain her, but now that the time of her arrival came closer, I found myself running a trench into the carpet and sweating my hands off. My nervousness, you see, wasn’t about her, it was all about me and about the questions if I could match with...

2 years ago
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A Friend Comes to Visit

Matt felt a gentle buzzing against his thigh. He hurriedly slipped his hand into his pocket and yanked out his phone. “Are you almost here?” He blurted into the microphone louder than he intended.“I’m about 15 minutes out. Someone sounds excited to see me” Sarah answered, her voice forced to a high volume to overcome the road noise.“I can’t help it. We haven't hung out since the wedding. That’s too long to go without seeing one of my best friends.”“I know. I can’t believe it’s already been a...

1 year ago
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Wifes friend comes for a visit

Enough time has passed after my divorce, (12 years now) that now allows me to tell this story, where it wouldn’t matter any longer to those who might think it was a story about them. Some names have been changed, but most “is”, as it occurred, barring memory loss from time lapses. So, enough disclaimer, on with the story. Scratching my chin, looking up in the air sideways, eyes half closed, as one does when they are trying to remember. Seems to me it happened this way, and in this...

3 years ago
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A Friend Comes To Visit

This is my first story. I’ve become close to a few people on Lush, the guy in this story being one of them. We tease and play with each other constantly but unfortunately we live far from one another so we can only talk on the phone. I had a dream that he came to visit me and it was hot enough to share with everyone as well as be my first story! Names have been changed, of course. ------------ I rolled over in my bed when I heard my phone ringing. The screen flashed when I hit the unlock...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to Visit

This summer, my mom's sister left her husband of eighteen years and their son, my cousin, Adam, came to stay with my mom and I for a little over a month. That's really where all this starts. My mom and I are very close and we talk about all kinds of things. She's great because she's willing to talk with me about boys and sex and all that. She says it's better than learning it wrong from other kids. She's probably right. So, we've talked about sex in more detail than many moms and...

3 years ago
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Cyndis Gown

I originally wrote this story several years ago. Although it has been published on a few BBS's/web sites, I feel it belongs on the Ultimate Story Resource, FictionMania Cyndi's Gown (Cgown) By SissyM (Cissy Michaels)([email protected])(A Dietrech) 30 Dec 1994 Recently I had to attend a trade show in New York. Several weeks before I attended, I started corresponding with a Lady who lived in Manhattan with her roommate. Jennifer was a professional person, worked on Wall Street...

4 years ago
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Cyndis Audition

Cyndi screamed uncontrollably as the dildo/torture device activated insideher. The machine in her cunt was a bright green phallus composed mostly ofsilicone, about two and a half inches in diameter. It was perfectly straightbut covered in bumps and ridges of uneven height. At its base was a motor thatcaused it to spin rapidly, churning away inside her pussy. This wasn't whatwas making her scream. A thin silver rod of metal was pumping in and out of her unlubricated backside.The force with which...

4 years ago
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Anna Comes To Visit

It was a few weeks after the lovely (and unexpected) spring break I spent with my sexy sister. She decided to come up to visit me on campus, and the timing worked out perfectly since my roommate was going to be away for the weekend. I picked her up from the train station, and we went back to my dorm room to make plans for the evening.  I suggested we go to a house party a friend of a friend was throwing. I decided to wear a short denim skirt, and black tube top (with matching thong). Her...

1 year ago
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Sister comes for a visit

The following story is completely fictional. My name is Chris and im 23 years old. The following takes place about 2 years ago. I had been living on my own for a few years now and hadnt been able to see any of my family in a while. I knew they missed me but I was just to busy with work to go see them. My younger sister Amber who was 18 at the time had been frequently calling me to ask if she could stay with me a few weeks over the summer. At first I wasnt sure if I wanted her to come, but then...

3 years ago
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As I settled into bed in the guest room, I heard the faint rhythmic creaking coming through the wall from the master bedroom. My imagination and my cock both came to attention. The lovely wife of my friend had been very attentive to me all evening and the snug fitting clothing she wore showed off her attractive figure. Some of her comments had possibly been double-entendres, but I dared not presume anything. Of course I lusted after Celeste. I hadn’t been with a woman for months. My envy was...

4 years ago
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Rich comes to visit

Rich comes to town. I knew it would not be long after the golf weekend that Rich visited. Turns out I was right.Bryan had kept his word that he intended to be stricter with me going forward. Bryan gave me new rules and requirements that he expected me to follow. He took over all my bills and paid me an allowance to live on from my own check. he taught me how to budget my allowance to make it last. If I spent it all in a few days I went without until he gave me my next allowance.I discovered...

2 years ago
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Uncle Evan comes to visit

Sabrina high school sophomore. 5’2, 105 lbs, red hair, green eyes and a tight little body that made the high school boys drool over. Not to mention a few older men who sometimes gave her the creeps with their staring. Mom Nicki 34 year old wife, mother and ruler of the roost. A tad over 5’, maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet with sparkling red hair which her only daughter inherited and a spectacular hot body, despite her barely noticeable tits. Dad Andy 37 year old husband,...

3 years ago
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A Killer Comes To Visit

Copyright © 2002-2003 Pookie. All rights reserved. It's been fun staying in this nice home all week with my boyfriend. I've been house sitting for the Riley's, who have been gone since last Friday and aren't due back until this coming Sunday. House sitting can be a great job if you have all the amenities with it. With it just being Thursday, we still have some days left to enjoy the comforts that are unknown at the apartments we live in. The Riley's are paying me to stay in their...

2 years ago
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An Old Friend Comes to Visit

Five o’clock finally arrived and it was all I could do to stop myself from doing  handsprings out to my car. I’d really done nothing but fidget in my chair all day anyway. The only thing on my mind from the moment I woke that morning was my plans for the following week. An old friend would be arriving to stay with me and I’d taken the following week off so we’d have nine lust filled days together. Actually, Rob was more than a friend, he not only, had the biggest cock I’d ever taken, at nine...

3 years ago
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An Old Friend Comes to Visit

Five o’clock finally arrived and it was all I could do to stop myself from doing  handsprings out to my car. I’d really done nothing but fidget in my chair all day anyway. The only thing on my mind from the moment I woke that morning was my plans for the following week. An old friend would be arriving to stay with me and I’d taken the following week off so we’d have nine lust filled days together. Actually, Rob was more than a friend, he not only, had the biggest cock I’d ever taken, at nine...

4 years ago
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Brett Comes to Visit

It had been a couple years since I had last seen Brett, but yet I thought about that weekend almost everyday, it was some of the best sex I had ever had, and according to Sam, it was the best sex she’d ever had. So when I got the news that my aunt and uncle, and Brett would be coming down to visit I was really excited. Well a few days before they were to be heading down here I got a call, from Brett.“Hey Jordan.” Brett said“Uhh hi Brett.” I said, unsure as to why he was calling me.“Well we’re...

1 year ago
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Grand daughter comes to visit

I just was coming home from shopping and saw a girl standing near my apartment. I asked her who she was looking for. She said a girl named louise. I said i am her and asked her who she was. She said i am your 20yr old grand daughter. I asked what she wanted and she said she had heard rumors about me from my ex wife. Just then my boy friend came home and asked who she was. She poped up and said i am her grand daughter. We all went inside and talked about family and other things. Tina that was...

3 years ago
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A Friend Comes To Visit

This is my first story. I’ve become close to a few people on Lush, the guy in this story being one of them. We tease and play with each other constantly but unfortunately we live far from one another so we can only talk on the phone. I had a dream that he came to visit me and it was hot enough to share with everyone as well as be my first story! Names have been changed, of course. ———— I rolled over in my bed when I heard my phone ringing. The screen flashed when I hit the unlock button,...

4 years ago
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Sisters Homevisit

"Hey, are we there yet?" I feel like I've asked that question a hundred times since the trip began, my parents are dropping me of at my brothers house for a week. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago, he moved away from us to study and got a job soon after. I must have been 11 when he left, he was 17, we were never really that close but something is making me really excited for this visit, my 18th birthday was just a month ago so he is 24 years old now, I wonder if he has a...

1 year ago
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Convent Toilet Slave Revisits

I woke up when some fluid hit my face, then I smelt it. It was piss. Where the hell was I? Then two parts of darkness parted and I saw a face looking at me. "Bonjour monsieur. Comment allez-vous? Ouvrez votre bouche si vous veuillez." So I opened my mouth and the piss squirted in. I just had to gulp it down. It tasted salty, I had forgotten the taste. I could see that the woman above me was only crouching over the toilet seat. When the flow of piss stopped she sat down properly and looked...

3 years ago
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Tamarillas ChoicesChapter 8 Going Visitin

Tamarillia acted like she didn't have a care in the world. She was striding forward with a purpose, Lizzie had to keep holding her back so she didn't get too far ahead of the group. "Why are you in such a hurry Tammi? I would think that you wouldn't want to go into a dark, spooky place like that, much less rush to it." Lizzie was confident in what she said because the forest in front of them was filled with ugly trees with twisted limbs that seemed to reach down to catch...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl chapter 5 Garys visit

“C’mon, Julie, you’re fucking with me?” Gary exclaimed.“I’m really not.”“I don’t believe you…well then, Marc is fucking with you…no way he said that,” Gary insisted.“Gary, I understand your apprehension, but trust me on this: Marc is not only okay with your visit, he suggested it,” I assured my brother.“So, let me get this straight, you told Marc all about us…all the stuff we did as teenagers? And his reaction is to invite me for a visit? Somebody is fucking with somebody.”“I thought so too...


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