Georgia on My Mind
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Jed, as Jamie's dad was known, had left Savanna, seldom to return, to attend the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. After graduation he got a masters degree in finance at The Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. Instead of returning to Savanna to work in his papa's bank he took a job with the Jameson Company, Limited, an investment banking firm located in Philadelphia.
After a few successful years with the company Jed was invited to the Christmas party at the home of Alfred and Mrs. Jameson where he met and immediately fell completely in love with the vivacious Lilly Jameson, daughter of his employer. Jamie, the only child of the union of Jed and Lilly was raised on the Main Line of Philadelphia mostly by staff and the still beautiful but ultimately fragile Lilly the result of Jamie's difficult and unplanned caesarian birth. The doctors had told Lilly that she should avoid another pregnancy.
When Jamie was twelve Jed decided, as he had decided that three were enough Jedidiahs in one family, to send Jamie to Savanna for the summer. Jed felt that Main Line Philadelphia was turning Jamie into a fop and he spoke with Ellie about it and she was delighted to have Jamie for the summer with the goal of turning him not into Huck Finn but maybe something closer to Tom Sawyer. With Jamie in Savanna it would give Jed and Lilly time alone together, time to revive their sex lives and maybe take a trip. He remembered how in the early years of their marriage they would screw like minks. But after the trauma of Jamie's birth Lilly had been withdrawn when it came to sex. She would give him hand jobs and occasionally a blow job but what Jed wanted, vaginal sex, had not been forthcoming.
Jamie had opposed going to some place full of hicks. He had pleaded with his mother to no avail. His dad had been adamant and gave Jamie his marching orders and that was it. Jamie was going to Savanna and there was no need to pout.
After he had met his Aunt Ellie she showed him to his room. It was a front room upstairs. It had been his dad's room when he was a boy and had its own bathroom. There were faded pennants hanging on the walls for University of Georgia football and the Atlanta Crackers baseball team and the largest was for the University of Pennsylvania. There was a dresser, a chest of drawers, a comfortable looking chair, a large bed with a bedside table and a huge closet. In one corner was a desk and chair with a study lamp with a full bookcase beside it. Aunt Ellie left him to put his things away telling him "When you finish come on down to the kitchen and have some sweet tea or milk if you prefer and some toll house cookies and let's get acquainted."
"Sweet tea what was that," Jamie thought. "Boy the south is a strange place. Wonder what the natives are like."
That first summer after the first few days Jamie went barefoot almost every day and most of the time with no shirt and wearing only shorts or a bathing suit, his Aunt Ellie taught him how to swim in the river, taught him how to catch fish in both the river and the ocean with plain bamboo poles and on rod and reel, she taught him how to drive a car but he wasn't allowed to go out of the acre size yard with it, on a fishing boat they got shrimp and crabs which aunt Ellie cooked in huge black cast-iron pots out in the yard near the riverbank, they barbequed huge racks of pork ribs, roasted potatoes in the embers of the wood fires, grilled corn on the grill; he went with her in the fields and picked beans and tomatoes and lettuce and corn and they brought it home and aunt Ellie cooked it fresh on the day it was picked, he learned that a mess of beans was whatever amount you had, he learned that potatoes and peanuts grew under grown, he learned to eat boiled peanuts, he met and played with lots of cousins and he learned to kiss girls. Some of his girl cousins would pull their panties down, or to the side and let him look if he would show them his peter. Some of his cousins already had hair down there and others had lesser amounts all the way to none. There was nothing shy about his Georgia cousins.
His male cousins taught him how to shoot guns and where the best crawfish holes were, where and how to gig frogs and to smoke cigarettes. They tried to teach him to chew tobacco but Jamie got sick and didn't try it again. They would play baseball some days from sun up to sun set. They would ride bikes out into the woods and put targets on trees and practice shooting. They had built tree houses in the woods where they would go to smoke and jerk off.
His cousin Henry Hamilton was the best shot of all of them. Henry was fourteen and talked about fucking girls. Jamie could never be sure if Henry had done it or was just a big talker but Jamie was embarrassed to ask too many questions as he was bereft of any experience with girls.
No matter what they did or how long they did it one thing was for sure; there would be talk about University of Georgia, Bulldogs football. They were called the dawgs and Herschel Walker was the best running back ever except for maybe Frankie Sinkwich, a single wing tailback, who won the Heisman Trophy and the MVP in the NFL. Most of Jamie's cousins and young friends didn't remember Frankie Sinkwich since his last game for Georgia was in 1943 when Georgia beat UCLA in the Rose Bowl but Aunt Ellie and Aunt Sam knew everything down to the player's shoe sizes and Aunt Sam appeared to claim more intimate knowledge when she went to college at Georgia. If they differed on a point they would argue into the night. It seemed to Jamie that everyone in Savanna, male or female, knew all about Bulldog football and spent a hefty part of the day talking and arguing about it.
Sam was at the house frequently. Aunt Ellie was pretty but Sam was really, really pretty. She could have been a movie star. That's how pretty she was. Sam was married to Jack Hawkins, whose family owned the local newspaper. Aunt Ellie had been married to Charlie Hutchinson but he had died.
Ellie Jane Lauderdale had been a lively and pretty young girl and had a following of suitors among the young men of Savanna after she graduated and returned from the all girl Radford. Wanting to go into banking she was working as a teller in her papa's bank and was living the good life with more boys than she knew what to do with. She still lived at home with mama and papa and Sam who was a sophomore at the University of Georgia in Athens. Jed was living in Philadelphia where he was already a junior partner with his company.
That is until Charlie Hutchinson came to town. He was six foot two with cornflower blue eyes and light brown wavy hair and was considered in the day to be dashing. He had just bought Thompson's Peanuts one of the biggest employers in town and surrounding county. Ellie met Charlie when he came to dinner at her parent's house. Papa was showing his gratitude for Charlie choosing the Lauderdale Bank for his business. Little did Jedidiah E. Lauderdale, Jr. know that he had just set in motion his oldest daughters move to another home.
Ellie had been struck nearly mute when she first saw Charlie Hutchinson. Charlie found her discomfort charming and knew at that moment he was going to marry this girl. He was thirteen years her senior but this was no impediment in his mind. This mattered not to Ellie in the slightest who, when she found out the age differences acted as if someone had just said the sun came up in the east that morning. Ellie had known immediately that this was the man for her.
In a whirlwind romance they were married six months after they met. They only waited that long for propriety and for mama to have time to plan their wedding. During that time Charlie had a mansion built in the tonier part of town. It was no surprise because Charlie had her approve every nail that was driven. It was ready for them when they returned after a month long honeymoon in Europe.
Charlie being the gentleman he was resisted coitus until they were married. He tried to keep to public places, which wasn't always easy. He survived the period before their marriage with Ellie's virginity intact. That lasted only until the Queen Mary set sail. They had planned their wedding and honeymoon so that when they left the reception they were whisked to their flight to New York and upon landing they went directly to board the Queen Mary. Their luggage had been sent ahead and their things put away by the ship's staff. During the four day voyage they were only out of their cabin to eat. Ellie had heard plenty of talk by the girls at Radford but those tales couldn't compare to the real thing. She was fucked laying on her back, on her stomach, on her knees, standing, sitting, doing a back bend, on all fours with Charlie fucking her mouth, and sitting on Charlie's dick with him standing, sitting and laying on his back. She sucked everything that protruded from his body and some things that didn't and in turn was sucked everywhere and she enjoyed every minute of it and begged for more.
When they returned to Savanna they continued their sexual gymnastics. The only difference being Charlie went to work five and sometimes more days a week for eight to ten hours per day. He needed this time to regain his strength.
They rarely went out or, had people in. They were all the company they needed. They would have drinks before dinner and after if it suited Charlie. He preferred Tennessee sour mash whiskey with a splash of branch water. Ellie had not been a drinker other than some beer in college but whatever Charlie wanted Ellie wanted. So she too drank Tennessee sour mash whiskey with a splash of branch water.
Within two years Charlie had made Thompson's Peanuts into the largest peanut processor in the State of Georgia. He had increased the workforce by one third with wages equal to any in the industry. He had put in place a management team strong enough that he could cut back on his work hours to spend more time with Ellie. By this time their sex life had slowed to a gallop and they were seen more frequently in society and Ellie went back to the bank. They certainly didn't need the money but she wanted to know what needed to be done when the day came that papa wouldn't be able to handle it. With Jed showing no interest someone had to keep an eye on things. Charlie voiced no objection. What made his wife happy made him happy.
They had had nine idyllic years when returning late one night from a business meeting in Aiken, SC in order to get home to Ellie Charlie fell asleep at the wheel, ran off the road, hit a tree and was killed. It was almost impossible to tell Ellie. When the call came into the sheriff, Victor Richards, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to be the one to have to face Ellie. Instead of calling Vic went by Jedidiah's house to tell him what had happened. Like the sheriff Jedidiah couldn't bring himself to face Ellie and he called Sam.
On hearing the news from her papa Sam without hesitation threw some things in a suitcase, grabbed her makeup case and told Jack she was going to be gone for a week maybe more and she headed to Ellie.
Ellie was surprised to see Sam at that time of night. "Sam what are you doing here. Is something wrong with Jack? Are y'all having trouble?"
"No Ellie Jack is fine. Have you got something to drink? I could use one. Why don't you fix one for yourself?"
"What the hell is going on Sam," Ellie said as a shadow of recognition crossed her face and Sam knew Ellie knew. "No Sam no not Charlie! No please Sam. Oh please God no. When Sam?" Ellie said as the tears began to flow and she collapsed in the floor.
Sam called Ellie's doctor and demanded that she come over and do something for Ellie right now. Doctor Anne Sheridan had known Ellie and Sam almost all their lives and told Sam she would be right there for Sam to just hold on. She had seen this type of hysteria before with the death of a loved one. This was not going to be easy for Ellie. She and Charlie were so involved with one another. If you looked up perfect marriage their pictures would be there.
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 02 I must have slept through my alarm because I woke up to the sight of daddy looking down at my naked body. I smiled and said, “Good morning daddy; sorry, I set my alarm but it didn’t go off. I’ll be down in 2 minutes; okay.” Daddy was just stood there staring at my naked body and I wasn’t sure that he’d heard...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 12 The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. I thought back to the previous day and wondered if I’d have another day as good as that one. I showered then put a dress on and went to the café for some breakfast. Manuel welcomed me and held the chair out for me as I sat at a table. I didn’t...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 22 It was late morning when I woke up to the sound of the boat’s engines running. A quick look out of a porthole confirmed that we hadn’t left the marina. After waiting until I was fully awake, I looked at my phone to see if anything was happening that day. Yes it was, I had to go to the club that night to get...
by Vanessa Evans Intro, Georgia is a 19 year old skinny little girl, only 150 cm tall with little AA cup breasts and light brown hair. She spent her school years in an all-girls boarding school and after an amazing gap year spent on her father’s yacht in Ibiza harbour, she has to go back to England to go to University, a condition of her father handing over his multi-million pound business to her when he retires. This story is about Georgia’s first few months in her new apartment and it will...
by Vanessa Evans Part 03 – Studying starts. The Sunday was a lot quieter with me doing not a lot until the evening. I phoned daddy to say hello and let him look at my naked body again, and when I was talking to him I asked him if his company had any IT nerds who could help me with a problem accessing the security cameras in the building. I told him that I wanted to see who was at the outside door and which areas of my apartment were covered. “You do realise that Charles will be able to see...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 25 My pussy was getting wetter at the thought of walking around Ibiza Town in broad daylight wearing only a dress that was totally see-through. Okay, I’d worn that colourful top as a dress before but this was different. I don’t know why, it just felt different; more sexy. I went up onto the deck and moved the...
The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come in, it’s not locked.” When I turned to see...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 16 I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I sat upright and smiled as I remembered my early appointment. As I showered I realised that my next shower wouldn’t be for at least 2 days, maybe more. I soaped myself all over again. I hadn’t been bothering with deodorant or perfume up until then but I found the bottles and...
It’s funny the little stories we can keep from our spouses for years. After fifteen years, I thought I knew everything there was to know about my wife and vice versa. We’ve never been secretive people, at least not towards each other. I think it’s a hallmark of our marriage, we’re honest with each other, all the time. We don’t have to agree, we just need to be honest. Lynn knew I thought Angelina Jolie was the world’s sexiest woman even though Lynn and Angelina had little in common. Lynn...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 20 The next morning, well lunchtime, I was woken up by an excited and naked Kate and Zoe coming aboard and telling me that they had some news for me. “You’re going to be permanudes?” I joked. “No; well not quite.” Zoe replied. “So what’s all the fuss about and why are you both naked? Has your father been...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 23 As I was walking back from the café the next morning, Sebastian called me over and asked me if I was free the next day. I said that I was from late morning on so he told me that he and a couple of his mates would pick me up at noon the next day. “What should I bring?” I asked. “Nothing; just come as you...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 13 I woke up when Martina came down the stairs. She was full of apologies when she saw me but I told her not to worry, that I shouldn’t still be in bed at that time. I got a bottle of water from the fridge and went onto the front deck to wake up properly whilst sunbathing. I waved at Toby and made sure that my...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 11 It was still only mid-morning so I had to decide what to do for the day. As I’d spent quite a lot of time sunbathing the previous day I decided to skip the beaches and go into town to have a look in some of the shops. I also wanted to see how long I could wear the butt plug for without it getting uncomfortable....
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 09 I wore a thin tank top and very short skater skirt to travel in. I’d thought about wearing less but decided that it might not really be appropriate and I didn’t want to embarrass daddy. James arrived and loaded all our cases into the Bentley then we set off with me being quite excited. Remembering how little...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 15 It was late morning when I woke-up and as I lay on top of my bed with the fingers of my right hand waking-up my pussy. I swore to myself that I really would have a lazy day. The problem was that there is just so much fun to have out there. Anyway, I swore that I wouldn’t go any further than the café that...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 17 After I’d got some breakfast the next morning I went to find Zoe’s boat. It was easy to find because she was out on the deck. I waved at her and she welcomed me aboard. “Hi Georgia; dad, this is Georgia, you may remember her from the boat party the other week. Georgia, this is my father, Mr. Billingham.” “Oh...
by Vanessa Evans Georgia is an 18 year old girl who spent the last 6 years in an all-girls boarding school. She decides to take a gap year to have some fun. Part 01 Hi, my name is Georgia and I am about to tell you about the fun that I had on my gap year. But before that it would make sense for me to tell you a bit about myself. You see, I’m stinking rich, well daddy is, and it will all be mine when he pops his clogs. Mummy died when I was 12 and I have no brothers or sisters. Her death...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 21 It was later morning when Zoe and Kate woke me up as they boarded daddy’s boat. They came straight down to my cabin and I was still flat out on my bed when they came in. “Been playing with yourself in your sleep Georgia?” Kate said. “I don’t know; I was asleep.” I replied. “Zoe plays with her pussy when...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 03 I woke to the sound of Daddy shouting my name. I was still on my back and I discovered that my right hand was cupping my pussy. I wondered if I’d been playing with myself in my sleep. What I did know was that my pussy was wet. When I opened my eyes daddy was above me looking down at the naked me. “Come on...
by Vanessa Evans Part 04 – Sleeping with a camera between my knees. I woke up that Tuesday morning with my right hand on my wet pussy. I sat up, looked down and was happy to see that my legs were where they were when I went to sleep and that the camera was still where I had left it. I jumped up and almost ran to my laptop. It took me seconds to find the files for the camera and the ones date-stamped during the night. Happy that the camera was motion activated, I immediately saw my right...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 Arm in arm, daddy and I walked into the main hall with the steel balls clunking in my pussy. The ball was in a big room with a big dance floor surrounded by lots of big tables, all set out ready for a meal. A man greeted us then directed is to our assigned table. I couldn’t help noticing a few people staring...
by Vanessa Evans Part 07 – Second Party. The Saturday started with a surprise facetime call from my father. I was still asleep and staggered, half asleep, to my phone. “Good morning my darling daughter, did I wake you up?” “Yes daddy.” “Sorry but I got up an hour ago and I’m off to Australia in about half an hour so I had a bit of time to kill.” “That’s okay daddy, it’s always good to see and talk to you regardless of the time of night.” “Georgia, it’s 10 o’clock in the morning; you...
by Vanessa Evans Part 05 – We order Riley her new wardrobe. Wednesday saw me wake up at about 9 a.m. and the first thing that I did was to open my laptop to see if there were any new files archived from my Wi-Fi camera. Imagine my surprise when I saw 5 new files. Okay, the first one was Riley setting up the camera between her knees, and the last one was her waking up but the other 3 were all about the same file size and when I viewed each of them the contents was just about the...
by Vanessa Evans Part 06 – A couple of not so exciting days followed by a really exciting day. I quickly checked my Wi-Fi camera’s recordings and was pleased that I’d masturbated twice during the night. I was still annoyed that I hadn’t reached Riley’s 3 but maybe that was a one-off or my 2 was because I was too tired. I decided to give her the camera and get her to repeat the exercise. Most of Thursday was boring, two lessons at the university followed by some homework followed by a solo...
by Vanessa Evans Part 08 – Things start to get a bit routine except for - When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 18 It was ‘Fucking Machines’ night at the club. I was excited as I’d never been on a fucking machine before. When I got there I had a quick look behind the closed curtains and saw some things that were obvious and some that I hadn’t a clue about. I looked forward to finding out what they were. I went into the...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 10 Daddy must have come to terms with what had happened as he slept, and realised that I was right, because I woke next morning to the feeling of daddy licking my clit. “Your mother used to like me waking her like that.” Daddy said when he realised that I was awake. “Did she like being woken by you fucking her...
Kyle’s look was made clear when we got to Georgia’s room. There were wet spots on our blouses, and our faces were shiny from where we had cleaned off Kris’ splatters. I didn’t know if Kyle knew what had happened, but he was wondering what those crazy girls were up to. I pointed out the wet spots to Georgia and smiled. We stripped off our blouses and went rummaging in her closet for new clothes. Seeing my friend’s full breasts nestled in a lacy white bra was too tempting. As she led me in the...
by Vanessa Evans Part 02 – Still Settling In. The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 When I got to the club I discovered that Daniella was going to the Private Humiliation event with me. As I had no idea what was involved I asked Daniella if she’d been to one before. She first told me that it was a private gathering of like-minded people in one room of a workshop that would be cleared out,...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 05 James parked in the station car park then went to the back of the car. “What are you doing James?” “I take it that you are staying in the car Georgia.” “Correct – unfortunately, I’m not that brave.” “Nor are you stupid Georgia, there’s bound to be at least one policeman in there. This Charlotte doesn’t know...
When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have been and I had a little nap before waking in the afternoon when Roxy was...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 14 It was lunchtime when I woke-up to the sound of the boat’s engines starting-up. I guessed that it was the captain making sure that everything was okay, but to make sure that I wasn’t being kidnapped, I wandered up onto the deck without putting anything on. I was right and the captain and I exchanged a few...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 07 When I woke up, I was on my back and Charlotte was asleep on her side facing me, one arm across me holding my tit. I gently lifted her arm off me and went and had another shower during which I had a good look at my pussy to make sure that the aching wasn’t from any injury. It wasn’t and a refreshed me almost...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 06 “That was fun last night.” Charlotte said to me as soon as I woke up. “Have you got lots of other toys in that drawer?” “Yes I have, I haven’t had the chance to try a lot of them yet but you’re welcome to have a look and experiment. Hey, what time is it?” “9:15 why?” “Shit, you have an appointment to get rid...
I woke up that Tuesday morning with my right hand on my wet pussy. I sat up, looked down and was happy to see that my legs were where they were when I went to sleep and that the camera was still where I had left it. I jumped up and almost ran to my laptop. It took me seconds to find the files for the camera and the ones date-stamped during the night. Happy that the camera was motion activated, I immediately saw my right hand slide down to my pussy, obscuring the view of my right nipple, the...
They had hit a lucky day. There was hardly anyone at the DMV and Jamie had quickly gotten his learner's permit and he and Aunt Ellie were gone before the possible rush. Jamie was reading his Driver's Manual and hadn't noticed where they were going but wherever it was it didn't take overly long before he realized they were parking in front of a very large house near one of the small parks spread throughout upscale residential Savannah. "Where are we Aunt Ellie and who lives...
by Vanessa Evans Part 09 – I was a public disgrace. Just as the Saturday night party at the end of November was starting, Matt asked me if I was still interested in being abused somewhere very public. I hadn’t thought much about it since that Truth or Dare night and I’d confessed to one of my fantasies, but it soon all came back to me and I replied that I was. “Right, everyone up to their apartments and get dressed as we discussed. Georgia, I’m coming with you and sorting out what you are...
by Vanessa Evans Part 10 – The Spanking Society and the Top Brass see me naked. The Friday after my public humiliation (that I loved every seconds of) was the meeting of the Spanking Society. Riley had agreed to come along with me, and to get spanked. Wearing just very short dresses and a warm jacket, we got a taxi to the pub, got ourselves a drink then asked where the function room was. As with the Orgasm Club there was a huge bouncer outside the door who opened it when I said that we...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 08 Thursday started with me realising that Charlotte was holding my right tit as we slept. I smiled to myself and gently lifted her hand off me. I got up and went downstairs to put some coffee on. While I was down there I looked at clock and discovered that it was 11:30. “Wow,” I thought, “the weeks fun must have...
Wednesday saw me wake up at about 9 a.m. and the first thing that I did was to open my laptop to see if there were any new files archived from my Wi-Fi camera. Imagine my surprise when I saw 5 new files. Okay, the first one was Riley setting up the camera between her knees, and the last one was her waking up but the other 3 were all about the same file size and when I viewed each of them the contents was just about the same. Riley’s right hand moving to her pussy and her masturbating to an...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 19 It was the middle of the afternoon when I woke up and after some time in the bathroom I put some coffee on then went up onto the deck. I looked over to where the enormous grey monster had parked but it was gone. I wondered if all the sailors got back on board before it left. I had my first day since I’d...
The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental list of what I had to do that day. It was a...
Just as the Saturday night party at the end of November was starting, Matt asked me if I was still interested in being abused somewhere very public. I hadn’t thought much about it since that Truth or Dare night and I’d confessed to one of my fantasies, but it soon all came back to me and I replied that I was. “Right, everyone up to their apartments and get dressed as we discussed. Georgia, I’m coming with you and sorting out what you are going to wear and put a few of your toys into a bag....
Georgia Whenever I play “Georgia” I can’t help but think of Ray Charles. But this time was different. The bridesmaid was just so hot that I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and I stared straight into her eyes as the song poured out of my saxophone. For some reason today, the reed was just right. It blew free and easy, with a sound as big as your back yard. For a fleeting instant, the thought crossed my mind that it was getting ready to die, that it would make a sound like a duck in the middle of...
GeorgiaWhenever I play “Georgia” I can’t help but think of Ray Charles. But this time was different. The bridesmaid was just so hot that I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and I stared straight into her eyes as the song poured out of my saxophone. For some reason today, the reed was just right. It blew free and easy, with a sound as big as your back yard. For a fleeting instant, the thought crossed my mind that it was getting ready to die; that it would make a sound like a duck in the middle of a...
Straight SexWhen Jamie stepped into the darkness of the Next Street Over it took him a moment to adjust his vision to the point that he could make out the familiar surroundings. Little had changed. The fixtures had been spruced up but the bar was the same albeit with newer barstools. As he proceeded deeper into the room he was met once again by a gaggle of well-wisher cousins who treated him as if they had known him all his life. Jamie felt welcomed just as he had that first summer only the women...
Georgia – Part Two By the time I got to the third floor, I was huffing and puffing. Lugging that tray pack sax/clarinet/flute case up six flights of stairs was no picnic. And, of course, I had packed an instrument stand and a bunch of tools in it, so it weighed about seventy five pounds. I’m getting too old for this shit, I thought to myself. I leaned against the wall in the landing, trying to get my breath, before opening the door, and venturing out to the hallway. I stood the case on it’s...
My wife, Regina, and I were driving through rural Georgia making our way to Savannah for a weekend getaway. I was driving pretty fast through the back country since it was pretty desolate out on the road. I was also driving fast as my wife’s head was in my lap taking my engorged cock deep in her mouth. My one hand was on the steering wheel and the other was down the back of her skirt. Regina wasn’t wearing panties giving me easy access to her hot asshole and wet pussy. I had a finger in each...
Georgia – Part Three “I have a better idea,” Mel – or was it Melissa? – replied softly. “Let’s put this on him.” I wondered what “this” was, but soon found out, as they slipped the sleep mask over my eyes, and tightened the band around the back of my head. Then I felt the strap across the back of my neck being loosened. I moved my head then, and was rewarded by feeling Doris’ clit against my upper lip. It was hard, and felt as I imagined a little cock would, complete with foreskin sliding...
This story is true to the best of my recollection. To protect the innocent (or not so innocent) names will are fictitious where they are remembered at all....I had been chatting up this sexy Georgia sorority girl for a few months but the opportunity had never arisen for me to take a trip from Jacksonville to Athens to visit and get to know her better so to speak. She realized that her Spring Formal in Atlanta was just a few weeks down the road, she asked if I would be willing to come up and...
Georgia – Part Three “I have a better idea,” Mel – or was it Melissa? – replied softly. “Let’s put this on him.” I wondered what “this” was, but soon found out, as they slipped the sleep mask over my eyes, and tightened the band around the back of my head. Then I felt the strap across the back of my neck being loosened. I moved my head then, and was rewarded by feeling Doris’ clit against my upper lip. It was hard, and felt as I imagined a little cock would, complete with foreskin sliding back,...
BDSMGeorgia – Part Two By the time I got to the third floor, I was huffing and puffing. Lugging that tray pack sax/clarinet/flute case up six flights of stairs was no picnic. And, of course, I had packed an instrument stand and a bunch of tools in it, so it weighed about seventy five pounds. I’m getting too old for this shit, I thought to myself. I leaned against the wall in the landing, trying to get my breath, before opening the door, and venturing out to the hallway. I stood the case on it’s...
BDSMIt was late August shortly after a workplace injury had left me bored out of my mind. I was playing around with different chat apps when I stumbled upon Joselin. She was around my age and gorgeous as the perfect Sunset. We started chatting and found out we had a lot in common. I asked if she wanted to exchange phone numbers so it’s easier to keep in touch. She agreed that it would be better than the app. It was kind of glitchy and didn’t always notify you of a new message. Once I got her...
The Friday after my public humiliation (that I loved every seconds of) was the meeting of the Spanking Society. Riley had agreed to come along with me, and to get spanked. Wearing just very short dresses and a warm jacket, we got a taxi to the pub, got ourselves a drink then asked where the function room was. As with the Orgasm Club there was a huge bouncer outside the door who opened it when I said that we were there to see Tommy. The room was bigger than the Red Lion function room but the...
Lilly was beside herself when Jamie got out of the car. He seemed to come back darker every year and his hair lighter. He was positively manly for fifteen. She immediately began planning his visits to Philadelphia relatives and shopping trips to New York and lunch at the club. She planned for him to meet some nice girls this year which she hoped would make him want to stay home next summer regardless of what Jed wanted. Lilly could have saved herself the aggravation of all the social...
The turnout was far beyond any expectations that Jamie had imagined possible. The funeral directors on the other hand were fully prepared for the service in front of the mausoleum. They were organized like an army on the move. One group handled the family another special guests and still another for the general public in attendance and a final group for the details of the funeral itself. There were enough flowers to cover a football field. The Lt. Governor was there along was a senator, two...
The limousine had dropped Jamie at the Oglethorpe. Inside he spoke with a pretty young girl obviously new with the hotel but very well trained in customer relations. Jamie inquired if it would be possible to have food ordered from The Dolphin's Wing and deliver to the hotel to be served in his room. "Of course Mr. Lauderdale would you like to tell me your order and the time you would like it served." Jamie gave the list of things he wanted and added two bottles of white wine from the...