Nick High SchoolChapter 28
- 3 years ago
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I called Nadia, and when I told her forty-two thousand, I could hear the air escape her lungs. I asked if she had sixteen thousand. With that amount added to our eighty-four, it would make it a hundred thousand, and she'd own sixteen percent.
"Let me see what I can come up with, and I'll call you back in a while."
"Don't hurt yourself. This isn't life or death."
"Thanks, I'll let you know."
Twenty minutes later, a happy and perky Tess came bouncing in. I think either she forgot her bra, or she didn't want to take the time to remove it, once she entered our apartment. Maybe she took it off in the elevator. I got a hug and a kiss, and I just had to give her a grope once her melons pressed against my chest. I think that it upset Adam more than Tess, but he let it slide.
They were both making those eyes at each other, so I walked across the street to the park. I ended up taking a long walk on a very nice day. It seemed that everyone was out. As I continued walking, I saw some people playing volleyball. I stopped to watch, and they asked if I wanted to play. There were a mix of guys and girls. From watching, it appeared that the leader of the pack was this guy named Carson, and he was very competitive. I'm glad he was on the other team. There was a girl on my team named Monzi. She knew what she was doing, and gave me pointers and encouragement. I knew that I needed a lot of practice, but by the third game, I had the basics down.
People came and went all afternoon. So we'd play four on four up to six on six, and sometimes four on five or five on six. Most of the people were good sports that were just out for fun and exercise. I got good at blocking and spiking, but the bump was a big gamble to guess where it might go. As dinnertime approached, everyone decided to call it quits. Monzi said that their normal time to play was on most Saturdays and Sundays from noon to five or six.
I told her that, depending on my schedule, I'd try to stop by. We said our goodbyes before I trotted off toward the apartment. When I reached the building, I was dripping sweat and carrying my shirt. As I got in the elevator, over my shoulder, I heard a call to hold the door. So I stuck my arm out to hold the door back. The first person I saw was a small Japanese woman who I did not recognize. When I looked up, I recognized the guy with her.
I said, "Kon'nichiwa, ogenkidesuka," to the lady, and "Hello Mr. Lennon. I like your music."
John said, "Thanks kid, do you live here in the building?"
"Yes. I'm out of school, staying here in the city, and working for the summer."
Yoko said, "Your Japanese is very good. Are you taking it in school?"
"No, I've lived in Japan, and my parents still live there."
We both got off on the top floor, and walked in different directions. John said, "If you need anything let me know."
"Thanks. Same with you, I'm at the end of the hall, overlooking the park."
I gave a brief wave, as I turned toward my end of the hall. I walked in to see Tess in a t-shirt and panties. Her butt stretched the material nicely. She just smiled, as I took a glance.
Adam said, "I think that we got everything worked out."
"You won't believe what just happened to me."
"Nick, just let me finish, this is important."
"Fine you go first, but we'll let Tess decide what was more important when we finish."
"Fuck off. Nadia called back, and said that she borrowed some money from her dad, but she only has ten grand. Tess said that she has money in her college fund. She'll cover the other six thousand. So we'll have a hundred thousand in capital to start. After you receive your initial ten grand back, we can invest the fifty-six thousand that we need for taxes, as well. That's until I need it next year."
"Cool. I just rode up in the elevator with John and Yoko."
"Are they still out there?"
"They were, but your news was so important."
Tess laughed, and said, "I think that Adam's was more important, but Nick's was more time sensitive."
I stuck my tongue out, and he shot me the bird. Then we both just laughed at each other. Tess went to Adam's room, came back with the bong that he'd bought her, and a plastic bag of pot. I took a couple of hits. It was so much less harsh than smoking a joint. I had some more, and then went in to take a shower and change.
Tess and Adam were ready to eat, so we all went out, got some food, and then came back to chill. They were ready for bed, for both sex and sleep. I'd just woken up at noon, so I went for a walk down toward Times Square. It was a circus. I hung out, watched the people, for a while, and went window-shopping. Then I went to the record store, and bought a few albums. The Kinks new "One for the Road" was out and I bought Peter Gabriel's self-titled album.
Back at the apartment, I listened to both of the new albums wearing headphones. I then left them out, so Adam could take them for a spin. That night, I went to bed early around 2:30. When I woke up, it was to the sound of 'Games Without Frontiers' leaking under my door. So I slipped on a pair of boxers, and went out to find my friends smokin' dope again. The offered me some, but I passed. Instead, I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of cereal. When I finished that, given that I was still hungry, I ate a second bowl. Then I left and went to my room to dress. After dressing, I left, and went to play some volleyball.
Monzi was there, and when I walked up she said, "Hey Nick, I'm glad we didn't scare you away."
"No, I had fun yesterday. If I was on Carson's team I might have thrown in the towel, but with you on my team, I was just inspired."
"I'm glad; I need someone who can jump on my team."
We played all day again. As we were finishing up, I said, "After I take a shower, I'd love to take you to dinner."
Monzi thought, for a second, and then said, "Sure; do you want me to meet you somewhere, or are you going to pick me up?"
"Whatever is best for you. I'm new to the city, so you'll have to pick the restaurant."
"What are you in the mood for?"
"I don't care, but I don't have my tux with me. You pick the place, tell me how to dress, and I'll take care of the rest."
"I'd love to dress up, and go someplace nice, but let's go casual tonight. I hope that you don't mind picking me up, since my parents feel better than if I just took off. When I'm at school, they don't think about it, but when I'm home they go back to parent mode."
She gave me her address, and I told her that I'd be by at seven to pick her up. I went home to clean up, and the lovebirds were in Adam's room. I knocked, told them through the door that I was going out to dinner, and that I'd see them later.
Monzi lived a couple of blocks away from the park on the west side like me. When I got to the street, I just took a cab up to W 85th Street, and then found the brownstone with a '126' over the door. When I knocked, Monzi answered wearing a pretty sundress. I was glad that I'd worn khakis instead of jeans. As she led me in to meet her mom and dad, I kept looking at her home, and I could see that it was a cool house.
They seemed nice, in a parent kind of way. Mr. Anderson asked the typical questions. I told him that I was staying at my parent's apartment, for the summer, while I was home from school in New Hampshire. I wasn't sure where we were going to dinner, or what we'd be doing afterwards.
As we were, leaving Mrs. Anderson said, "Monica, call if you'll be out past midnight."
"Yes, Mom."
After we got in the cab, I said, "I thought that Monzi was an interesting name."
"That's what all of my friends call me."
"I guess that's what I'll call you, my friend."
We went to Little Italy, where we had linguine with white clam sauce. I loved the garlic, and at least she had the same thing. Monzi was a tall girl who stood around five feet eleven inches. She had short black hair that started around her ears. It then tapered to where the hair just touched her shoulders against her neck. She had green eyes that were almost enough to keep you from staring at her C+ sized breasts that were mesmerizing. She played volleyball at the University of Connecticut, and had just finished her freshman year. I also found out that this was her home, for the summer.
During dinner, we joked around, and had fun. After dinner, I asked what she wanted to do, and she said that she didn't care. So I took her on a carriage ride through Central Park. She felt as if she was a tourist. During the ride, she asked me about my work. After I described what I did, she told me that she'd never met anyone who cleaned buildings for a living. Then she told me that she hadn't made any plans, and planned just to hang out during the summer. To keep in shape for volleyball, she ran, and jumped rope every day while playing volleyball in the park on weekends.
As the horse neared my building, I had them stop, and let us out. I took her up, and when we walked in, Adam had Tess bent over the couch with him standing behind her. She jumped, and left Adam standing in an awkward position. He bent down, and pulled up his pants, as Tess was pulling up her panties under her dress.
I got rather pissed. There were empty beer cans on the coffee table, and the bong sitting front and center. The only thing that I could think to say was, "What the fuck. Here, I bring a friend home to introduce her to my friends, and you can't even take care of your business in the bedroom, or pick up your mess. Next time you can spend the weekend at Tess' place. I shouldn't feel unwelcome, or have to stay away from my own home."
Tess was terribly embarrassed, "I was just leaving, and our kiss goodbye got out of hand. I'm so sorry Nick." She was picking up cans and the bong, as she apologized.
I just turned, took Monzi's hand, and walked out the door. We were in the hall when I started to apologize. "I'm sorry you had the see that. They spent all year together at school, and every night together while I was at work. The spent all weekend taking over my apartment. I thought that she'd be gone, and we could sit down and relax."
"I thought that you lived with your parents."
"No, I'm sorry. They're in Japan. This is their apartment, but they live overseas."
"What're they doing in Japan?"
"My dad is the US Ambassador to Japan."
"That's cool. Did you live in Japan?"
"Hai, that's yes. I've lived in Japan, Denmark, and I was born in Paris."
We were standing at the elevator. When the door opened there stood John and Yoko. She said, "Konbanwa, watashitachi ni anata no namae o oshiete kuremasendeshita."
"Good evening to you too, Yoko. My name is Nick, and this is my friend, Monzi. Monzi, this is John Lennon and Yoko Ono."
John moved the bag of take-out Chinese to his left hand, and reached out to shake her hand. She was too star-struck to talk.
I said, "John, when my roommate found out I met you, he freaked out. He'd appreciate an autograph sometime this summer. But I'm kind of pissed at him right now, so maybe it'll be better if he just happens to meet you on the run."
"Let me know when you're speaking to him again, and I'll make sure he receives an autograph."
"Can, you give me one for Monzi if I stop by sometime?"
"Sure, last door on the park side."
"Thanks have a good night."
"You too. Nice meeting you Monzi."
"Bye. It was so cool to meet you."
I added, "Sayonara, Yoko."
"Good night, Nick."
We got on the elevator, and after the door closed Monzi screeched, "I just met John Lennon."
"He knows your name."
"I met John Lennon. That's so cool."
"Let's walk down to Time Square, and buy a couple of Beatle's albums. Later, we can see if we can ask your new friend for a signature."
"I'm still sorry about Adam and Tess."
"Next time we can call ahead."
We bought a few albums and a poster of just John standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, his fingers making the peace sign. I got a cab to take Monzi home. It waited while I walked her to the door, and gave her a light kiss goodnight.
Adam was up, and when I walked in, the apartment was clean.
"Nick, I'm sorry."
"I thought that we'd move in, and it would be just like at school. But it seems that we need to put down some ground rules or something. You said that Tess was stopping by after I went to work. I never even saw her. I finally was awake and home during the day time and I felt like I couldn't even hang out in my family's home."
"I talked to Tess after you left. We fucked up, and it won't happen again. It's not fair to you. We can spend every evening together. We don't need to spend all weekend in bed."
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I moved in with Nick when I finally hit rock bottom Thank you readers!? I welcome ANY and ALL feedback- good or bad.? This is my first time doing this, as I know it is for many others-and I really would appreciate the comments.? Oh, and there is more to the story- this first part is slow, but the second part is not. I moved in with Nick when I finally hit rock bottom.? Jobless and homeless for over two months- having crashed in apartments of family for too long now, starting to stink...
Rebecca and Anna spent Saturday at the outlet mall while Nick helped Jake with weatherizing the windows. As usual, Nick and Jake hardly said a word to each other. Noah mostly kept to himself, lifting weights in the gym in the garage and hanging out in his room. Everyone spent Sunday relaxing around the house after a big breakfast, football on the TV from afternoon through the evening. All weekend, Nick tried to keep his eyes off Anna, but when she innocently yet provocatively modeled her new...
Nick or Nicky? Part 4/5 by Sheboyjade sorry for the long delay but here is the next installment. In order to fully follow Nick's eventfull transformation as his boss blackmails him into becomeing slutty Nicky Please read Nick or Nicky by sheboyjade in the archives. ***************************** PART FOUR: THE RE AWAKENING. Nick awoke early. He felt very sore headed. his body felt tired the soft silk sheets of the bed cosseted him and he desperately wanted to go back to...
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An evening to remember with Nicole and Nick - went downstairs all three of us, and the blonde portier smile as she sees us. I see her slowly lick her lips as she’s eyeing us. We smile back, and head out. Nicole you walk with your head held high, and Nick you are proudly hoping people will see your cuckold shirt.We go to a nearby restaurant in the old part of town. It’s small and cozy and dark. A lot of fun things can happen in the dark. The young...
Introduction: A Few Good Men This story is a continuation of chapter 1 so if you havent read it you should check it out. Otherwise Enjoy The next morning I woke up before Nick. I quietly got out of bed and started the shower. I noticed that the bathroom blinds had not been closed and the sun was shining in. From the window, I could see my neighbors as they left for work. I was messy still from the night before but I had dried up so I was a bit sticky. As I got in the shower, I felt the hot...
The next morning I woke up before Nick. I quietly got out of bed and started the shower. I noticed that the bathroom blinds had not been closed and the sun was shining in. From the window, I could see my neighbors as they left for work. I was messy still from the night before but I had dried up so I was a bit sticky. As I got in the shower, I felt the hot water massage my muscles, which were aching from the over-exertion of last night. My holes that were stretched so far last night, seemed to...
Nick or Nicky 3 By Sheboyjade Part Six: Nicky awakes. Over the next few days Marcus plan swung into action. Susan had made the contacts and Marcus surgeon friend had obliged knowing that as a part of his payment Nicky would have to spend a little 'training!' time with him. Nicky had been drugged, and had been out cold in his care now for the necessary few weeks it had taken for his treatments to take place. Nicky was now ready to reawaken and he felt sure that his...
Nick grew up with three younger s****rs. All were an attractive f****y, very close. When nick was a teenager, mom would come to his room and get naked and strip him and let him suck her tits as she played and stroked his cock. He loved sucking her tits, they were so full and warm. Then she started licking his cock and sucking on it. He would cum in her mouth and mom would swallow every drop. He would lick her pussy and tongue her hole tasting her warm cum on his tongue. Then mom wanted more…...
Nick grew up with three younger sisters. All were an attractive family, very close. When nick was a teenager, mom would come to his room and get naked and strip him and let him suck her tits as she played and stroked his cock. He loved sucking her tits, they were so full and warm. Then she started licking his cock and sucking on it. He would cum in her mouth and mom would swallow every drop. He would lick her pussy and tongue her hole tasting her warm cum on his tongue. Then mom wanted more......
When the word got out that I had floor seats for the concert, I was soon a very popular guy. I told them that I had some tickets, but I wasn't sure how many I had to sell. I wanted to judge the demand before I set the price. Miss Wilson my Home EC teacher stopped by my table, and said, "Nick, I hear you might have some extra tickets for the Fleetwood Mac concert. If you do, I'd be interested in buying two." This is where you fall in to a dilemma. My plan, at that point, was to ask forty...
When I awoke the next morning, I was between two gorgeous naked women, Monzi and Janice. When I realized who was lying in my bed, I freaked out, woke up Monzi, and said "You didn't go home last night." "Don't worry, I called mom, and told her that I was staying with my friend Janice." "I don't remember that." "You passed out after you came in me, while I was licking her sweet pussy. We both called my mom. I have to go home, and pick up a change of clothes, but Janice is coming...
I was having coffee in the kitchen one morning when my doorbell rang. I got up and went to see who it was. Opening the door it was my love Nick. I greeted him with a soft kiss on the lips and a hug and then invite him in. We hadn't seen each other in long as he had a new pretty girlfriend, and a part time job while still studying to get some extra cash. I said it's lovely to see you for a change Nick, and asked what brings him by? I pour him a cup of coffee as He replied saying, it has been a...
I made it back to the dorm room to see that most of the people had left except Tess. She and Adam were making out on the couch. He had his hand on her hip, so as I walked by I slid it up on her tit. He immediately moved it away. At that point, he became so flustered inside that all he could think of was to apologize for my actions. However, she surprised him by grabbing his hand; putting it back on her tit, winking at me, and going right back to kissing Adam. I made sure that I closed the...
I got home thursday morning after going to gym and went upstairs to the bathroom to have a shower and wash all the sweat off of my body. After stripping out of my gym clothing and standing naked in the bathroom the doorbell rang. I put my gown on and went downstairs to see who it is. Opening the door It was my lover Nick who came by for obvious reasons. I invited him in and told him that I was about to shower when he rang on the doorbell. We made our way upstairs to the bathroom when I asked...
Saturday, I relaxed. I took a walk around the park; had a nice lunch, watched some TV, read some of my book, and took a nap. My only work was thinking about the program that I was working on. I called Todd and told him that I was at the Ritz near the park. He talked to his mom, and she said that she'd just pick me up, so I didn't have to pay for a cab. They came by around ten on Sunday, and we drove to school. I had one bag, but Todd brought home laundry, and had received some presents....
I wanted to make tonight special for her. We were going out for dinner, then back to my place for a night of fun. We had been planning this for 2 weeks, and I wanted it to be perfect. The plan was going for me to pick her up, and we were going to a good Italian place downtown. Well that went over perfectly, we had a lot of fun, and I got her to blush quite a few times. She's so cute when she blushes. Once the date was over and we started to head back to my place, I smiled and looked over at...
BDSMWe played our first volleyball match on Wednesday evening. Many of the parents wanted to see their kids play, so they scheduled the games to start after dinner. The coach placed me in the starting lineup. I was playing with Boris, the setter, and Pavel, the spiker, on the far side. Uri started in the middle back, and when Boris was on the back line, he was the setter. In Moscow, they don't name the schools after presidents or towns, as they do in the U. S. They're simply numbered. As such,...
When Mika came over later that afternoon, I showed her what I'd gotten for her. She felt overjoyed. When she opened the package, she actually stopped, and read the instructions. It told her how to insert and remove the dildos from the harness. It also gave her information on the proper cleaning of the phalluses. After she inserted the larger one, she tried on the harness. When she looked around the room, she said, "I think I'll go back to my room for a while. I'll see you...
Tess came by early and gave Adam a blowjob. What was adorable was that she was walking a little funny. Although everyone else had taken care of their ski rentals the night before when they first arrived, I still had to rent mine. As I walked over to the ski rental shop Tiffany, Janice, and Miss Wilson were also just walking up. All of us rented our equipment and ended up waiting for each other. Stowe is a very steep mountain with very few beginner slopes. We all rode up to the top of a long...
I crawled into the tub with Nikki, and pulled her in with me. We kissed, and she felt so good in my arms. She pulled back, and said, "I so want to have sex with you, but I can't, because I'm a virgin. I love the idea of it, but I'm just not ready." "No problem. I do enjoy holding you like this, and kissing as we just did. I also enjoy checking you for stubble. You know that I have other girls that I play with, but I don't have a girlfriend, and right now, I'm not really looking for...
Later, when Adam was home, he had made a few more investments. But we soon learned that the twenty-five percent per day profit would not be the norm. We were still up on eight of the ten trades he'd made. But so far, we still hadn't received any word back on the Ford contract. Adam's ideas were making their way around the office. He felt excited since his new computer technology was making it easier for them to process information. Adam let us know that it looked like Nichol's Stores...
It was a warm summer night. Nick and his friends were hanging out in his cool air conditioned room. Nick is 6'2 160 pounds, medium length brown hair and big brown eyes. You're perfect twink. His friends Hunter, Cody, Zach, and Dakota were there too. They all had average builds, and were extremely sexy. Nick would of done anything to be fucked by all of them, Luckily his wish came true. There was a moment of silence before Zach stated "he was horny". Nick jumped onto the opportunity right away....
GayThe girls continued to prepare for their first game on Friday. During each practice, you could see their increased intensity, and focus on the game. I always played on the practice squad so I could give the girls as much help as possible. It also helped me to see where their weaknesses were. This way, we could exploit those weaknesses to get the point. I'd then mention what I found to the coach, so she could figure out a way to fix it. Sue had worked her way up to the number one setter....
Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites.For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a five-foot-ten-inch, fair-skinned, fifty-five-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink...
Oral SexSince my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair-skinned 55-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
Marsha and Nadia showed up to where I told them I'd be, waiting out front, and they had Julie and Tess with them. Julie caught me rolling my eyes, and said, "What's wrong Nick? I saw you do that thing with your eyes." "I was hoping that I could spend some time with Nadia without being sabotaged by you," I said. "I don't see where I've slowed you down so far. Just remember that you shut me down when I looked at you." "You're my cooking partner. I only want the best for...
It was a new school year, but with the same routine. I was up early so I could swim. I then did my push-ups and sit-ups before pulling on the Erg. Following that was a shower and a change of clothes, which completed the exercise routine. Then I was off to breakfast. By the time I'd finished eating, they had the tables for athletics and the extracurricular activities all set up and manned. I'd seen most of them the year before. There were two types of teams; those sponsored by the school...
That fight was the start of the end of my school year. It took two weeks before I could return to the boat to start practicing with the team. Because I was still not breathing right, and the coach didn't want to take any chances, I missed the Philadelphia regatta. I continued to train, but by then, the season was winding down, as was the school year. One day, I received a call from Adam. He said that something important had come up that we needed to discuss. So he invited me to come down,...
Nick and Mike had been best of friends since their high school days when they played football together. They ended up becoming roommates in college and were nearly inseparable. When they graduated from college they still stayed true to their friendship, but that all changed one night. Mike and Nick were out celebrating Mike’s 25 th birthday at their favorite hangout with a few other buddies, when Mike met Megan. Megan was a twenty-one year old beauty who went from guy to guy looking for...
“Shit, Nick! I don’t know about this.” She had been waffling almost since we left the house. I was finally cashing in on a ‘birthday coupon’ she had given me two years earlier. We were on the way to Sun Acres, a clothing optional or naturist place. Her coupon (that she wrote back then just after we were married) promised me a weekend nude out at a place like this. I had all but forgotten it until I found it in the bottom of my underwear drawer. I did some research and here we were. “Stop...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 I decided to go to school naked, that would save me the embarrassment of stripping off in front of everybody. Since this meant I would have more time in the morning than usual, I jerked off in the shower, hoping to pre-empt the need for 'relief.' I pictured my ex-boyfriend. We had started dating the summer between eighth grade and high school and broken up when I moved. He gave really good blow jobs, and I imagined him lying on top of me, caressing my dick and...
First off, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Nick.I am 18 and live in Pennsylvania. I work at a family restaurant that has five cooks, me being one of them, four dishwashers and a dozen waitresses. We all get along pretty good. There is one thing however that I really enjoy about going to work and that is the one dishwasher named Mike. He used to go to my school but dropped out earlier during which is now our senior year. I never really paid much attention to him because he...