Cattleman's LamentChapter 9 free porn video

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As the men from the Collins ranch left the Indian encampment behind there was a lot of frustration. Jonas and Buckshot didn’t know for sure where the tracks were leading because they headed back in the direction they had come. That suggested that they should have seen the party as they approached the Indian village. Because they hadn’t seen anyone, Jonas insisted that some man had stolen his wife and daughter, and had some kind of control over them, hiding them from the men while they rode by toward the Indian camp. Buckshot wondered aloud if it might be that sheepherder’s boy, but Jonas denied that hotly.

“My wife would never stay with that boy once she had Sarah back,” he said insistently. “It has to be somebody else. One of those men that works for Rocklin. He’s got some kind of control on them or something.”

They had found the grave in the clearing. The sign was so mixed up that it had taken them hours to find where Vixen and Tulip’s track led off to the North. Peter had wanted to dig up the grave, but Jonas, ice in his gut, didn’t want to see whose body was there. When Vixen’s tracks were found heading North, he convinced himself that Molly was alive.

Her tracks were still with those made by the winter shoes, and had left that way too, but Jonas couldn’t abide the thought that a sheep herder’s boy could somehow be in control of his wife and daughter. He had created a fantasy in his mind that a cowboy, drifting and looking for work, had somehow gotten hold of the Rocklin horse, and was protecting the Collins women.

There were holes in his theory big enough to drive cattle through, but Jonas didn’t think about that. He had never felt so helpless in his life.

When they crossed the river, it was clear that the party of three horses had turned East.

“Well, the trail turned and looks like it’s going back toward the Circle C,” commented Buckshot. The inference was that he thought they should move at all speed back to the ranch.

“We have to stay on the trail,” insisted Jonas. “He may turn off and take them someplace else.”

“Going to be dark soon,” said Buckshot.

“Well then, we’ll just have to spend another night in the open, won’t we?” growled Jonas.

Brad rolled off of Amanda, who lay sated after a nice, long, intense orgasm. He landed heavily beside her. He was always an extra attentive lover when they had been on the trail and then returned to the ranch.

“I sure do love you, darlin’,” he panted.

“You love what we just did,” she teased.

“Give me a minute,” he breathed, “and I’ll show you how much I love it.”

“I’m surprised that Beth isn’t in here with a rifle, wanting to know where the Indians are,” she teased some more, referencing the noises they had made as each reached a pinnacle of passion.

“Our daughters know what we do in here,” he said.

“Really?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. “I’m so glad you educated them on that, because I never have,” she continued teasing. Then more seriously: “We need to be thinking about finding them husbands soon.”

Feeling her husband’s semen beginning to seep out of her, she reached between her legs to press herself closed.

“We’ve got to get the rest of the flock up to the high meadows first,” he said, not wanting to think of men doing to his daughters what he’d just done to his wife. When they located the flock it had been decided that only half would be driven up to the high meadows. Xian Bai and Charley kept the other half behind, moving them to new grass on the flats near the ranch. Brad had been concerned that there might be trouble on the way and didn’t want to hazard the whole flock. When there had been no trouble, other than the dead man they’d buried, they had left Enid and Buster to watch over the flock, and returned to the ranch to get the other half of their livelihood.

“All you think about is sheep,” complained Amanda. “I’m leaking. I need something to plug a leak, husband. Get me something to plug a leak.”

“I have something to plug your leak with woman,” he said, rolling back on top of her.

Back in the high meadows, nature reigned supreme. The grass grew tall, and the runnel of snowmelt from higher up ran clear and steady. Sheep did what nature had equipped them for, grazing peacefully.

Not far away, two young humans did what nature had equipped them for, as well.

Neither of them could have described how they had somehow ended up lying in the grass together, clasping and kissing. Frank could not have described what made him want to taste the pink tips of the breasts Enid had so casually exposed to him. All he thought of was, that when he did that, her reaction was immensely favorable.

They would have said that all they did was kiss ... just rubbing against each other in their soft bed of grass, until somehow, unbeknownst to them, his strong young penis changed from rubbing up against her sex, into prodding into her sex. The moment when Enid rolled with him, like a young colt rolls in the grass in joyful abandon, and his penis somehow ended up inside her body, was unexpected really. Neither of them knew the mechanics of sexual intercourse in any defined way. What they had seen animals doing was completely different than what they were doing. They knew it existed, of course, but would have made a mess of things if they’d have actually tried to perform that mysterious act.

Nature, however, is a good teacher. When it happened, and Enid felt the sharp pain, she was in such a heightened emotional state that she felt it not as pain, exactly, but as simply another sensation piled on top of all those other new sensations she had so recently been feeling.

Besides, that pain was fleeting, and was replaced almost instantly by a sensation deep inside her of completion ... fulfillment ... rightness.

For Frank, the sensation was slightly different, but just as emotional.

Heat around every inch of his straining length, triggered in him the instinct to probe deep ... stay deep ... while his completely unexpected orgasm almost immediately flushed through his penis and provided the young girl’s womb with its first sampling of the male half of reproductive materials. His passion acted on him by keeping him hard, and they continued to rub and kiss until nature taught them that moving inside her was delightful too.

They were innocent in many ways, though in an insubstantial way they were both aware on some level of what they were doing. They reveled in all these new feelings, and made love for hours. It was the chilling air that led them to stand, still naked, their clothes in their hands, and walk, hand in hand back to the shack ... where there was a bed.

That night the shack served as what would someday be called a newlywed penthouse. They explored every inch of each other’s bodies, and even talked about many things. But always ... always they went back to him prodding deep within her, seeding her garden again and again as she welcomed each burst of heat deep into her body.

In the morning she tried to hold him there, staying naked, standing naked on the porch as he tightened the girth on his saddle.

But he knew he had to return to the ranch.

“I’ll see you again,” he said solemnly to her, kissing her one last time before he mounted. “Somehow I’ll make you my wife.”

Enid rubbed her hands over her smooth, sperm-packed belly and looked up at him. “You’d better,” she said. She was plenty old enough to know that what they’d done might cause that belly to be anything but flat.

“I love you, Enid Rocklin,” said Frank firmly from his saddle.

“And I love you, Frank Collins,” she said proudly.

In a mere fifteen hours, hours that matched, very nearly, the number of years they had been alive, they left much of their childhood behind them.

Sarah got the dried meat they had been given by the old Indian woman out of her saddlebags. She passed it around while Bobby built a fire.

There was no rock face to reflect the heat back at them this time. They had picked a place by a small stream to stop for the night.

Bobby had decided that a lean-to might help them keep warm, so he put one together, piling it high with pine branches. Then, on impulse, he built another one against the first, making a tent-like structure that was buried under pine boughs. There was a pile of driftwood nearby, left by some ancient flash flood, so there would be plenty of wood. It was Molly’s idea to make a hole in the roof and put the fire inside.

That let them use the horse blankets as a mattress, to lie on.

Once they were settled in, and ready to go to sleep, Molly told Bobby to lie down on his back and pull his pants down.

“Mother!” exclaimed Sarah.

“I told you I know how to help a man when he can’t have sex,” said Molly, as if they were talking about how to bake a pie. “With what you’ve seen already it surely won’t hurt you to learn this little trick.”

Bobby blushed a little as, when he lowered his jeans, his already stiff member bounced up and slapped hard on his abdomen.

“Oh my goodness,” said Sarah. “It’s already ... hard.”

“In some situations that’s the best compliment a man can pay a woman,” said Molly, staring at the object that had brought her so much pleasure the night before. “He finds us attractive dear,” she murmured.

Molly got down and sat, leaning on one arm, while, with the other, she reached out and grasped his penis. She pointed out to Sarah, who leaned over him from the other side, how his foreskin slid back and forth, revealing the prominent knob underneath it. She then stroked her hand up and down several times, while the two women stared at the exposing of, and hiding of, that shiny, dark knob. Molly felt herself grow damp as she did this, and realized she was going to want more.

“You do it dear,” she said to Sarah. “It makes me want to do things that we have agreed not to do.”

“Should I?” asked Sarah, looking down at Bobby.

A lot had happened to Bobby Rocklin in the past few days, and he hadn’t had time to take it all in yet. He was a bundle of conflicted emotions, not the least because his privates were bared in front of two women, something that just twenty-four hours earlier he would never have even thought of doing. But life had changed for Bobby, and things that were foreign the day before were no longer forbidden for him to contemplate. It was for that reason that his response was completely out of character for the young man he had been up to this point in time.

“Please?” he moaned. He had already learned that a hand sliding up and down his boner felt fabulous. It wasn’t anywhere near as good as what he had felt the night before, but it was still fabulous.

A lot had changed for Sarah Jean Collins in a short time too.

Oddly, it wasn’t her near rape, or kidnapping that had impacted her the most. Rather it was her mother’s easy acceptance of the sexual attentions of Bobby that had changed everything for Sarah. As a girl she had known that men could be bad, and do evil things. But what her mother had opened up for her was a complete new world, a world of strange, exciting, interesting, adult things. And Sarah was being invited to enter that world. She was just as rattled by all this as Bobby was.

She tentatively reached out to grasp him. She felt and exclaimed about how hard and soft it felt at the same time. She gave a few tentative jerks, and Molly told her to go slower, and more gently. She saw Bobby close his eyes and his butt lifted off the ground a little.

“Now, it’s going to make a mess,” she said. “There’s something I used to do for your father.” She leaned over and kissed the tip of Bobby’s penis while Sarah stroked it.

“Mother!” gasped Sarah. Bobby’s accompanying gasp was unintelligible.

“Hush,” said Molly. She opened her mouth and slid it over the head, just in time to receive four strong, healthy spurts. She loved Jonas’ taste, and found that Bobby’s, while different in some way she couldn’t describe, was just as delicious. She swirled it around with her tongue, sucking on the knob to make sure he had stopped. Then she pulled her lips back over the knob and sat back up, to taste and swallow. Her swallow was loud in the quiet confines of their enclosure. She licked her lips and smiled.

“See? No mess.”

Sarah and Bobby were both slack jawed at what they’d seen.

“It tastes delicious,” said Molly, defensively. “Now you can go to sleep,” she said, looking at Bobby.

He pulled his pants back up and, for lack of anything else to do, lay there. He didn’t think he could go to sleep. He was still excited.

Sarah lay down beside him, and Molly settled down beside Sarah. The light of the fire made the green boughs over them bright. Both women wanted to stroke themselves, but both resisted the urge. They all lay there for a long time before sleep finally claimed them.

Molly woke from strange, erotic dreams. The fire was bright enough that she knew instinctively that someone had added wood to it recently. It flickered, and was smoky, but not too bad. She heard Bobby moan and turned her head. Sarah was lying half on top of his legs, his pants down again. She heard a slurp as Sarah’s mouth pulled up off of Bobby’s stiff penis. One of Sarah’s hands was under her buckskin dress, rapidly digging between her legs. Molly watched in awe as Sarah licked the head, and then sucked at it, stroking Bobby as he lay staring up. He moaned again and went rigid. Sarah made a little sound and Molly heard several convulsive gulps as she sucked at the knob, that hand still now. Sarah went rigid too, her other hand making several almost violent pulls at her loins. Sarah pulled her mouth off of him and swallowed again, then sucking the knob again as white oozed out of the little hole in the tip. He was still hard as a rock.

Molly rolled up onto one elbow, and they both looked at her.

“You were right Mamma,” said Sarah softly. “It does taste good.”

Molly felt a moan work its way out of her throat.

“Maybe just one more night,” she croaked, and began pulling her clothes off.

She showed Sarah how to ride a man, leaning forward to enable her own climax before Bobby stiffened under her and lunged upward as a result of his. When he was still hard, she showed Sarah how, when a woman was pregnant, a man could take her from behind. Sarah already knew how a woman could take care of herself without a man, so her mother didn’t have to teach her that.

When Molly lay exhausted again, she had nothing to prop under her buttocks. She just went to sleep instead.

It was about noon when Frank heard the sheep and was met by Queen and her puppy Lisa. He saw the sheep wagon, again with Amanda at the reins, Brad riding beside her. He saw two other men back behind the flock, who were joined by Queen and her puppy as soon as they had sniffed at him.

He rode slowly through the sheep to the wagon and tipped his hat.

“Found your son,” he said when the wagon had stopped. “Seems he saved my sister. He’s taking her and my mother back to the ranch.”

Amanda raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.

“Thanks,” said Brad. “We appreciate the news.”

Frank didn’t mean to say it, but somehow it just bubbled out of his mouth before he could think.

“I’m in love with your daughter,” he said.

Both adults stared at him, their mouths open.

He wanted to put his heels to his horse and run for his life, but something deep inside him stopped him.

“I’d like to call on her,” he said, his throat tight.

“Enid?” gasped Amanda. Beth was in the back, in the wagon. He had to be talking about Enid.

“Yes ma’am,” said Frank.

“What in the world are you talking about?” asked an incredulous Amanda.

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One night sophomore yr I decided it was time to lose the V-Card, and I decided it the only guaranteed way was with a hooker. Just riding around with friends nights before I kind of had an idea of where there may be hookers. I ride around town looking for hookers. My idea of what I would find was based off Pretty woman and HBO specials, women walking around half naked. After 2 nights of no luck i do some research and find out that's not how it is. After research I had a good idea of where to...

1 year ago
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Behan ke saath suhagrat

Bhaiyon se request hai jeevan mein ek bar behan ki choot ka maza zaroor layker mehsoos karayn ki kitne pyar aur muhabbat se behan apnay bhai ko khush karne ke liye sab kuch karti hai. Dopehar ki garmi aur meri aur Savita behan ki is chhoti si ghatna se kamray ka mahaul bhi garma gaya thha.Savita ko apni bahon mein le kar use godi mein uthaya aur bed per baith gaya. Savita ki dono tangay bed ke ooper seedhi kardi.Ab tak Savita samajh gayi thi ki yeh maze ka khel hai .Uski taraf se koi bhi virodh...

3 years ago
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Mature Cock Slut and Young Stud

Yashoda was a small woman, no more than 5 feet tall. But she had high tits and a pert ass. What most people did not know about Yashoda was that she loved fucking young studs. Her husband was busy in his touring job and did not give her the quota of healthy cock. In Baroda, she had fucked all young boys in her street and now her husband had been transferred to Chandigarh. Now she had to find new stud for her ever hungry pussy. Yashoda was 38 years old and her only daughter had been married last...

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Our new neighbor watches us work in the yard

It was only mid May and the temperatures were already in the low nineties. The early heat had brought heavy rains with it causing the lawn and garden grow wild and fast leading to long afternoons of yard work in the hot sun. The wife and I had spent the better part of the morning pulling weeds and mowing but after hours of work, we were finally finishing up and would be able to relax for the rest of the day. Its was Saturday so we both had the next day off and could get away with having a few...

2 years ago
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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 8 Love Sex Confused

(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-7, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others during her school semesters back in her adopted Australia, where she lives with her mother, the ex-wife. I had to go to one of our northern offices again for problems which had cropped up for our business, having just had more overnight sex and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Under The Mistletoe

Sometimes couples can conspire to make their lovemaking way more fun and intimate with just a few props. Aubree Valentine does her part by changing into some sexy red lingerie topped with a Santa hat. Robby Echo completes the scene by appearing with some mistletoe, the perfect excuse for some sensual Christmas delight. Crawling into bed with Aubree, Robby extracts the price of his mistletoe as he bends in for a kiss. One kiss turns into many as the couple settles in for a languorous makeout...

4 years ago
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Heather Part 6

Good morning! Heather texted, captioning a pic.CJ caught me being silly this morning. HahaGood morning, sweetie! Very cute pic! I sent, in reply.Are you working from home today? Heather asked.Yeah. You work today? I replied.No. Working out, then heading home, Heather texted.It's reasonable to say that I lived in an affluent neighborhood. However, I don't have a full-size gym in my house. CJ's parents are beyond wealthy. Their estate has a main house and several other quarters on the property....

2 years ago
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Project Phoenix 2 Chapter 1

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. The story meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my earlier story, Project Phoenix. Readers who are unfamiliar with it may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier two stories. I really appreciate them. Project Phoenix Part 2 By...

4 years ago
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Psylocke Slave Ninja

PSYLOCKE ? SLAVE NINJA By Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:It was a very dark day.  Ever since Bob Dole became president of the United States of America, the lives of every mutant was now at risk. He had the military authorized the Sentinel Programme be re-activated again. The military and the police started locking mutants up or sent them to camps in the island of Genosha. The mutant superhero team X Men decided to challenge the Sentinels but were beaten in the end, except...

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Revenant By Cal Y. Pygia We all knew that Bradford had killed Julia. The problem was that none of us, or even the police, could prove that the bastard had committed the crime. He had an armor-clad alibi. His mistress, Susana, had sworn he'd been with her all night. Actually, her exact words were, "He was insatiable!" Fortunately, justice does not always depend upon human agency. On the third night following Julia's burial, my telephone rang. It was Madeline Albright, the owner...

3 years ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 20c

Jake knew right away that The Northern Jungle was not going to be everything Greg predicted. In fact, by the time it was over — after an agonizing 176 minutes — he was starting to think that maybe Greg had just done irreparable damage to his career and credibility. The movie was horrible. There was no other way to describe it. The very premise of it — that global warming had killed off most of the Earth's population and caused the Pacific Northwest to be one of the few habitable places left...

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Doing the Divas

As you walk down the street on a fine summers day your mind begins to drift off as you run on auto pilot. You recall Wrestlemania 25 and in particular the Diva's, such fine specimen of woman and curves that caught the eyes. Whilst a cheesy grin emerged on your face as replayed each Diva in your head jumping around in slow motion you were dragged back into reality when out of nowhere...

2 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 64

“Oh my god what are you doing” Screamed Savita as she Smita take picture of her in her torn clothes and half-naked body. “Hahaha.. Maybe the RWA would like to see their new crowned princess in her birthday suit. Why only they may be the internet and whole world would like to see your nude body” said Smita as she threatened to post all of Savita’s nude photos on the internet. As she ran out of the RWA office Savita followed her and demanded her phone and clothes back but Smita locked herself in...

3 years ago
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After Midnight Chapter 16

There was an awkward moment when Candice looked at Andy, trying unsuccessfully to read his expression. She thought about saying something, but Marsha pulled her away.“I’ll help you get ready,” she said.“What’s going on?” Candice said as soon as they were in the bedroom.“I don’t have a clue girl, but would Andy pull a stunt like that without a good reason?”“Yeah, but what reason?”“Either he knows something sensational about your Mum— "“Or he’s fed up with me stringing him along.”“What’s your...

4 years ago
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Karis first taste of black meat

It all started when my black friend Russ came over to watch the game. My wife was supposed to be with a friend of hers but she was having problems with her boyfriend and couldn't hang out. Russ and I had been drinking all afternoon, when my wife Kari came home and wanted to catch up to us so she started taking shots. She was wearing a yellow sundress that made her 115 pound 5`6 body look incredible. She has long blond hair and an ass that won't quit. I remember telling her that her tits looked...

2 years ago
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The teacher lV

After eating we sat on the couch. As he put his arm around me Mr Smith asked, are you having fun more relaxed now I said, yes. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. Pulling me to him, I sat on his lap facing him. Wrapping his arms around me he kissed me deeply. Breaking our kiss Mr Smith said lay back. Laying back, my head hung down off his knees. He held my legs by my ankles. Pulling them up he spread my legs wider and set my heals on the back of the couch. Fully exposed Mr Smith ran...

2 years ago
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I Jennifer Chapter Three

I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Three: Love Your Suit Mark hurriedly got dressed and left the cell to meet with Simon while Christina sat down on the lounge and sneered at Jennifer as she dressed. Jennifer stepped into a pair of sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose and then a pair of hipster satin panties and a matching brassiere. She tucked her genitals between her legs and pulled up the gusset of the flesh-toned translucent garment using the gusset to hold her genitalia in...

1 year ago
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Measuring Up 3

The plan worked and both girls agreed to come around albeit that they did not know that the other one was going. Sarah-Jane arrived first and Liam took her to his father's study room and when Charlotte arrived Max sat her down in the kitchen. They both worked on their projects for a while and then as planned they managed to get both girls in to the same room where they were both as surprised as the other to see each other. "What are you doing here?" they asked of each other in unison....

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Red Barn Wanking Club Part One

Following on from my previous story Louisiana Lessons Part Three in which: “Tell me about this Wanking Club” I asked. “We meet about once a week on a Wednesday night at an old barn on a friend’s farm” he said “there are about 6 members and we are all 16 years old, we enjoy communal wanking and showing off our erect cocks. The objective is to teach each other ways and means to stretch our cocks to greater lengths and thicknesses. This is all measured and recorded something like Weight Watchers.”...

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Lesley part 22

"Right Ernie. I'm taking you back to ya room, and me and you are gonna have a wee chat. Ok" McPeevie was in a bit of a spin and had some loose ends to tidy up before his visitors arrived. His day had so many ups and downs he had very nearly lost track. The inspection had gone reasonably well and his session with Lesley nearly a total success until the very last minute. First he had to deal with Ernie Hedley. "Ok Ernie here you are. Back in your room""I'm not ducking blind""Never said you...

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Having Fun Before A Wedding

But since I wasn’t the favorite thing to girls, I masturbated a lot. I watched all sorts of porn and even viewed a gay porn video every now and then to switch it up. I wasn’t sure if I was bisexual or not. I loved pussies and tits, but there was something about dicks that I somewhat enjoyed. I never got caught and always covered my tracks by deleting history and spraying febreez everywhere I jacked off. My family was pretty normal. Like I said there was my dad, Jason, my mom, Cindy, and my...

1 year ago
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Darcy And Dad Mom had lost her battle with breast cancer five years earlier. Dad was still experiencing grief and seemed to be having difficulty adjusting to life as a widower. After all, they had been happily married for 25 years, having met as teenagers. Essentially their adult life together was the only one that either of them had ever known. Watching dad struggle emotionally through the months and years following mom’s passing was heartbreaking. Dad remained in my parents’ home out in the...

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Four Wheeling Ladies Chapter 2

I so wanted to fuck these two beautiful ladies, to slap my balls against their molten cunts and to feel their pussy muscles grab my throbbing cock.“Who’s first to fuck my meat,” I didn’t want to cream their lovely faces yet, I needed to fill one of those delicious pussies with my manhood.Both ladies wanted my monster, but Gill would be the first, Kate would have to wait.With a final kiss to my hard cock and a long suck by both Kate and Gill, they stood up. Gill moved onto the four-wheeler,...

Group Sex
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Arrowverse Women Hypnotized

(Please add!) My name is Peter, and I wanted revenge on all the superhero’s. They had locked me in a prison cell on Lian Yu. I was on a island, and there was no getting off of it. I had the ability to hypnotize people by touching them, and I eventually decided to use it on one my my prison guards to finally escape. He opened the cell without any hesitation, and I all could do was smirk. “Free at last” I say with a huge grin on my face. I then tell the guard to use the helicopter that brought...

Mind Control
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Adventures of a Texas Ranger Chapter Four

Jim opened the door and entered the big office. The broad shouldered young Sheriff, Tadpole Wheeler, rushed to the door! "Jim! I'm proud to see you're still kickin', Pard. We got a wire the other day from Austin saying you'd left San Antonio headed for here after getting stabbed in a ruckus with Silas Hawkins. Me and the Captain have been burning up the wires all over Texas and we couldn't find hide nor hair of you!" Tad pumped Jim's hand energetically. Jim just barely managed to...

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Male Escort With Corporate Employees In NCR

Hi all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with my new and latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I really glad to see such feedback. Please no one ask me to introduce you as a male escort. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. I got a huge response after sharing my experiences here. Myself is Shankar from NCR; age 23, hairy chest with average body, I live in indrapuram, Ghaziabad. I’m available to give the...

4 years ago
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Frustration Miles High

My eyes were drawn to her like a magnet. Her dark hair was pulled back and make up perfectly applied. She wore a navy blue skirt and stockings with heels and a white top. Her body was slim with a very smart chest and matching ass. I couldn't figure out what nationality she was but her exotic look made me rise in my slacks. She shot me a glance but nothing major. I was hoping for a little bit more however I am married and felt guilty. As I lay my head back and closed my eyes, her image presents...

Straight Sex
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High School Class Reunion

The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...

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Are you a boy or a gerle

"Are you a boy or a gerle?" I had never considered this a difficult question before my girlfriend, Julia, asked me it one evening. Just as I had always considered myself male, apart from perhaps during a few dress-up sessions with my sister Cara, (and who hasn't dressed up as Supergirl or Wonderwoman for Halloween, right?) I had always considered myself a boy, like my brother Pedro, and my sister Cara to be a girl. But I tried to block those dress-up sessions out of my...

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Varians Surprise

Varian's Surprise By: Lyrissa Varian Wrynn strode through the corridors of Stormwind Keep towards his private chambers, paying little heed to the beautiful tapestries or the sculptures wrought by some of the greatest artistans of Azeroth which lined the hallway. The massive armored form of the king towered over the lean, buxom form of Jaina Proudmoore, the archmage of Dalaran, who hurried alongside Varian to keep up. The white and gold hair of Jaina shone like silver and gold in the...

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