- 3 years ago
- 23
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As the men from the Collins ranch left the Indian encampment behind there was a lot of frustration. Jonas and Buckshot didn’t know for sure where the tracks were leading because they headed back in the direction they had come. That suggested that they should have seen the party as they approached the Indian village. Because they hadn’t seen anyone, Jonas insisted that some man had stolen his wife and daughter, and had some kind of control over them, hiding them from the men while they rode by toward the Indian camp. Buckshot wondered aloud if it might be that sheepherder’s boy, but Jonas denied that hotly.
“My wife would never stay with that boy once she had Sarah back,” he said insistently. “It has to be somebody else. One of those men that works for Rocklin. He’s got some kind of control on them or something.”
They had found the grave in the clearing. The sign was so mixed up that it had taken them hours to find where Vixen and Tulip’s track led off to the North. Peter had wanted to dig up the grave, but Jonas, ice in his gut, didn’t want to see whose body was there. When Vixen’s tracks were found heading North, he convinced himself that Molly was alive.
Her tracks were still with those made by the winter shoes, and had left that way too, but Jonas couldn’t abide the thought that a sheep herder’s boy could somehow be in control of his wife and daughter. He had created a fantasy in his mind that a cowboy, drifting and looking for work, had somehow gotten hold of the Rocklin horse, and was protecting the Collins women.
There were holes in his theory big enough to drive cattle through, but Jonas didn’t think about that. He had never felt so helpless in his life.
When they crossed the river, it was clear that the party of three horses had turned East.
“Well, the trail turned and looks like it’s going back toward the Circle C,” commented Buckshot. The inference was that he thought they should move at all speed back to the ranch.
“We have to stay on the trail,” insisted Jonas. “He may turn off and take them someplace else.”
“Going to be dark soon,” said Buckshot.
“Well then, we’ll just have to spend another night in the open, won’t we?” growled Jonas.
Brad rolled off of Amanda, who lay sated after a nice, long, intense orgasm. He landed heavily beside her. He was always an extra attentive lover when they had been on the trail and then returned to the ranch.
“I sure do love you, darlin’,” he panted.
“You love what we just did,” she teased.
“Give me a minute,” he breathed, “and I’ll show you how much I love it.”
“I’m surprised that Beth isn’t in here with a rifle, wanting to know where the Indians are,” she teased some more, referencing the noises they had made as each reached a pinnacle of passion.
“Our daughters know what we do in here,” he said.
“Really?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. “I’m so glad you educated them on that, because I never have,” she continued teasing. Then more seriously: “We need to be thinking about finding them husbands soon.”
Feeling her husband’s semen beginning to seep out of her, she reached between her legs to press herself closed.
“We’ve got to get the rest of the flock up to the high meadows first,” he said, not wanting to think of men doing to his daughters what he’d just done to his wife. When they located the flock it had been decided that only half would be driven up to the high meadows. Xian Bai and Charley kept the other half behind, moving them to new grass on the flats near the ranch. Brad had been concerned that there might be trouble on the way and didn’t want to hazard the whole flock. When there had been no trouble, other than the dead man they’d buried, they had left Enid and Buster to watch over the flock, and returned to the ranch to get the other half of their livelihood.
“All you think about is sheep,” complained Amanda. “I’m leaking. I need something to plug a leak, husband. Get me something to plug a leak.”
“I have something to plug your leak with woman,” he said, rolling back on top of her.
Back in the high meadows, nature reigned supreme. The grass grew tall, and the runnel of snowmelt from higher up ran clear and steady. Sheep did what nature had equipped them for, grazing peacefully.
Not far away, two young humans did what nature had equipped them for, as well.
Neither of them could have described how they had somehow ended up lying in the grass together, clasping and kissing. Frank could not have described what made him want to taste the pink tips of the breasts Enid had so casually exposed to him. All he thought of was, that when he did that, her reaction was immensely favorable.
They would have said that all they did was kiss ... just rubbing against each other in their soft bed of grass, until somehow, unbeknownst to them, his strong young penis changed from rubbing up against her sex, into prodding into her sex. The moment when Enid rolled with him, like a young colt rolls in the grass in joyful abandon, and his penis somehow ended up inside her body, was unexpected really. Neither of them knew the mechanics of sexual intercourse in any defined way. What they had seen animals doing was completely different than what they were doing. They knew it existed, of course, but would have made a mess of things if they’d have actually tried to perform that mysterious act.
Nature, however, is a good teacher. When it happened, and Enid felt the sharp pain, she was in such a heightened emotional state that she felt it not as pain, exactly, but as simply another sensation piled on top of all those other new sensations she had so recently been feeling.
Besides, that pain was fleeting, and was replaced almost instantly by a sensation deep inside her of completion ... fulfillment ... rightness.
For Frank, the sensation was slightly different, but just as emotional.
Heat around every inch of his straining length, triggered in him the instinct to probe deep ... stay deep ... while his completely unexpected orgasm almost immediately flushed through his penis and provided the young girl’s womb with its first sampling of the male half of reproductive materials. His passion acted on him by keeping him hard, and they continued to rub and kiss until nature taught them that moving inside her was delightful too.
They were innocent in many ways, though in an insubstantial way they were both aware on some level of what they were doing. They reveled in all these new feelings, and made love for hours. It was the chilling air that led them to stand, still naked, their clothes in their hands, and walk, hand in hand back to the shack ... where there was a bed.
That night the shack served as what would someday be called a newlywed penthouse. They explored every inch of each other’s bodies, and even talked about many things. But always ... always they went back to him prodding deep within her, seeding her garden again and again as she welcomed each burst of heat deep into her body.
In the morning she tried to hold him there, staying naked, standing naked on the porch as he tightened the girth on his saddle.
But he knew he had to return to the ranch.
“I’ll see you again,” he said solemnly to her, kissing her one last time before he mounted. “Somehow I’ll make you my wife.”
Enid rubbed her hands over her smooth, sperm-packed belly and looked up at him. “You’d better,” she said. She was plenty old enough to know that what they’d done might cause that belly to be anything but flat.
“I love you, Enid Rocklin,” said Frank firmly from his saddle.
“And I love you, Frank Collins,” she said proudly.
In a mere fifteen hours, hours that matched, very nearly, the number of years they had been alive, they left much of their childhood behind them.
Sarah got the dried meat they had been given by the old Indian woman out of her saddlebags. She passed it around while Bobby built a fire.
There was no rock face to reflect the heat back at them this time. They had picked a place by a small stream to stop for the night.
Bobby had decided that a lean-to might help them keep warm, so he put one together, piling it high with pine branches. Then, on impulse, he built another one against the first, making a tent-like structure that was buried under pine boughs. There was a pile of driftwood nearby, left by some ancient flash flood, so there would be plenty of wood. It was Molly’s idea to make a hole in the roof and put the fire inside.
That let them use the horse blankets as a mattress, to lie on.
Once they were settled in, and ready to go to sleep, Molly told Bobby to lie down on his back and pull his pants down.
“Mother!” exclaimed Sarah.
“I told you I know how to help a man when he can’t have sex,” said Molly, as if they were talking about how to bake a pie. “With what you’ve seen already it surely won’t hurt you to learn this little trick.”
Bobby blushed a little as, when he lowered his jeans, his already stiff member bounced up and slapped hard on his abdomen.
“Oh my goodness,” said Sarah. “It’s already ... hard.”
“In some situations that’s the best compliment a man can pay a woman,” said Molly, staring at the object that had brought her so much pleasure the night before. “He finds us attractive dear,” she murmured.
Molly got down and sat, leaning on one arm, while, with the other, she reached out and grasped his penis. She pointed out to Sarah, who leaned over him from the other side, how his foreskin slid back and forth, revealing the prominent knob underneath it. She then stroked her hand up and down several times, while the two women stared at the exposing of, and hiding of, that shiny, dark knob. Molly felt herself grow damp as she did this, and realized she was going to want more.
“You do it dear,” she said to Sarah. “It makes me want to do things that we have agreed not to do.”
“Should I?” asked Sarah, looking down at Bobby.
A lot had happened to Bobby Rocklin in the past few days, and he hadn’t had time to take it all in yet. He was a bundle of conflicted emotions, not the least because his privates were bared in front of two women, something that just twenty-four hours earlier he would never have even thought of doing. But life had changed for Bobby, and things that were foreign the day before were no longer forbidden for him to contemplate. It was for that reason that his response was completely out of character for the young man he had been up to this point in time.
“Please?” he moaned. He had already learned that a hand sliding up and down his boner felt fabulous. It wasn’t anywhere near as good as what he had felt the night before, but it was still fabulous.
A lot had changed for Sarah Jean Collins in a short time too.
Oddly, it wasn’t her near rape, or kidnapping that had impacted her the most. Rather it was her mother’s easy acceptance of the sexual attentions of Bobby that had changed everything for Sarah. As a girl she had known that men could be bad, and do evil things. But what her mother had opened up for her was a complete new world, a world of strange, exciting, interesting, adult things. And Sarah was being invited to enter that world. She was just as rattled by all this as Bobby was.
She tentatively reached out to grasp him. She felt and exclaimed about how hard and soft it felt at the same time. She gave a few tentative jerks, and Molly told her to go slower, and more gently. She saw Bobby close his eyes and his butt lifted off the ground a little.
“Now, it’s going to make a mess,” she said. “There’s something I used to do for your father.” She leaned over and kissed the tip of Bobby’s penis while Sarah stroked it.
“Mother!” gasped Sarah. Bobby’s accompanying gasp was unintelligible.
“Hush,” said Molly. She opened her mouth and slid it over the head, just in time to receive four strong, healthy spurts. She loved Jonas’ taste, and found that Bobby’s, while different in some way she couldn’t describe, was just as delicious. She swirled it around with her tongue, sucking on the knob to make sure he had stopped. Then she pulled her lips back over the knob and sat back up, to taste and swallow. Her swallow was loud in the quiet confines of their enclosure. She licked her lips and smiled.
“See? No mess.”
Sarah and Bobby were both slack jawed at what they’d seen.
“It tastes delicious,” said Molly, defensively. “Now you can go to sleep,” she said, looking at Bobby.
He pulled his pants back up and, for lack of anything else to do, lay there. He didn’t think he could go to sleep. He was still excited.
Sarah lay down beside him, and Molly settled down beside Sarah. The light of the fire made the green boughs over them bright. Both women wanted to stroke themselves, but both resisted the urge. They all lay there for a long time before sleep finally claimed them.
Molly woke from strange, erotic dreams. The fire was bright enough that she knew instinctively that someone had added wood to it recently. It flickered, and was smoky, but not too bad. She heard Bobby moan and turned her head. Sarah was lying half on top of his legs, his pants down again. She heard a slurp as Sarah’s mouth pulled up off of Bobby’s stiff penis. One of Sarah’s hands was under her buckskin dress, rapidly digging between her legs. Molly watched in awe as Sarah licked the head, and then sucked at it, stroking Bobby as he lay staring up. He moaned again and went rigid. Sarah made a little sound and Molly heard several convulsive gulps as she sucked at the knob, that hand still now. Sarah went rigid too, her other hand making several almost violent pulls at her loins. Sarah pulled her mouth off of him and swallowed again, then sucking the knob again as white oozed out of the little hole in the tip. He was still hard as a rock.
Molly rolled up onto one elbow, and they both looked at her.
“You were right Mamma,” said Sarah softly. “It does taste good.”
Molly felt a moan work its way out of her throat.
“Maybe just one more night,” she croaked, and began pulling her clothes off.
She showed Sarah how to ride a man, leaning forward to enable her own climax before Bobby stiffened under her and lunged upward as a result of his. When he was still hard, she showed Sarah how, when a woman was pregnant, a man could take her from behind. Sarah already knew how a woman could take care of herself without a man, so her mother didn’t have to teach her that.
When Molly lay exhausted again, she had nothing to prop under her buttocks. She just went to sleep instead.
It was about noon when Frank heard the sheep and was met by Queen and her puppy Lisa. He saw the sheep wagon, again with Amanda at the reins, Brad riding beside her. He saw two other men back behind the flock, who were joined by Queen and her puppy as soon as they had sniffed at him.
He rode slowly through the sheep to the wagon and tipped his hat.
“Found your son,” he said when the wagon had stopped. “Seems he saved my sister. He’s taking her and my mother back to the ranch.”
Amanda raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.
“Thanks,” said Brad. “We appreciate the news.”
Frank didn’t mean to say it, but somehow it just bubbled out of his mouth before he could think.
“I’m in love with your daughter,” he said.
Both adults stared at him, their mouths open.
He wanted to put his heels to his horse and run for his life, but something deep inside him stopped him.
“I’d like to call on her,” he said, his throat tight.
“Enid?” gasped Amanda. Beth was in the back, in the wagon. He had to be talking about Enid.
“Yes ma’am,” said Frank.
“What in the world are you talking about?” asked an incredulous Amanda.
It was early morning. Dew was hanging off of the trees and bushes as I jogged through the hiking trail. I had just recently moved here in a small secluded town to start my new life. I was a recent college graduate and although I worked in the large city, the forty-five minute drive to work was worth the fresh air and beautiful landscape. I slowed my pace until I was walking and humming along to the music from my iPod. I wanted to enjoy the morning air. The sun’s early rays created a peaceful...
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Hi guys and girls. This story is for real lovers not for those who are seeking one night stand. This story is purely fictitious. My name is Aman. I was having a busy life working with MNC and was under huge work pressure so i decided to resign and had plans for higher studies. After filing my resignation i used to hang out with my friends in the evening. After a week, a 30 year old women moved in my neighborhood. She was too cute and seems to be a sophisticated woman. Soon i noticed she was...
(Late Summer through Winter of Year One) With that determination made, I entered onto the hardest working week of my life. I'd begun to lose a lot of fat and had started to feel better since I was working from dawn to dusk most days, felling trees, dragging game, and playing poke the cervix with three women. But that improvement wasn't even close to how damned hard I ended up working. In order to bring the river over to me, I had to split and dredge out about fifteen feet by six feet by...
At the time I was 22 married. I was quiet, unobtrusive, never stated an opinion. I had a full figure, very large breasts, slim body, strong thighs with slim ankles and secretly [I didn't realize at the time] a very strong sexual urge, which men seemed to pick up on. We were out one night having a good time. A few bars and a few drinks later and a group of us turned out of this bar at closing, Sort of family, but not closely related and a couple of other guys. I wasn't drunk or anywhere near it....
InterracialThe BDSM Club Monthly Social-Part FourRobert said, "This has become a family tradition Kathy.Whenever a new submissive is being tested I let my sonshave a go with her as part of the tests. I'm going to watchso you boys have some fun with her and I'll let you knowwhen it's time to give her back.""Have you ever been gang banged before Kathy?"She replied, "No Sir, but I will do whatever you want."Kathy was led over to a round drum like device and tiedbending over it, hands cuffed behind her back...
I was fascinated with these two girls and what they were doing. Rather, what the second one was doing to the first. I had watched flicks about dominating mistresses, but this was real life and I couldn't take my eyes off of the scene on the other side of the window.The first girl was standing with her legs spread and her hands on the back of her head so that the second girl could touch or pinch or do whatever to any part of her body. The second girl had just finished spanking the first, then...
VoyeurMy mom and dad divorced when I was 12. I was never too sure why, but it happened about the time my dad got very religious and wanted to become a minister. I used to see my mom on weekends, as my dad had custody, but she moved to the opposite coast when I was 15, so I spent summers there. The first time I went there, I met a guy next door to her, in his late 20s. I met him because I smelled him smoking pot in the backyard and asked if I could have some. He was a nice guy, and was curious about...
I watched as she walked up from the ocean, her body glistening with little droplets of water, her eyes shining with pleasure, the beach was crowded with holiday makers many of them almost naked like her, some of them completely naked, but not one of them was as stunningly beautiful as her. Her heavy breasts jiggled delightfully, the delicately pierced nipples catching many an eye, eyes that went from her breasts down to the tiny gold clitoral piercing that was clearly visible through the thin...
I glanced nervously over my shoulder. The silence of the library was eerie under these circumstances. I was failing my history course this semester and rumors were often whispered about my lecturer, Paul Jones. I paced the history corner where I had been told to meet him and anxiously flattened my inappropriately short skirt. I was willing to sleep with him for the seven I wanted but I was under the impression that it would be private, in his office or apartment. I put my hands against the...
Geese! "I'm coming, I'm coming! You don't need to break it down?" Vee swung the door wide open. "What?" When the Island was bombed and destroyed the family and home, Junior was turning sixteen and late for her birthday party. She arrived to a smoking hole still filling with Great Lakes water. For about two years, Junior went three miles past wild. She was pregnant at 18 without a clue as to the male who produced the sperm and really didn't give a fuck ... she probably should have...
A low groan escaped the lips of the hot brunette I was currently drilling. She was flat on her back, torso twisting against the sheets while she wrapped her ankles behind my neck as I thrust down over and again. Gabrielle came next to the bed. "Sorry to interrupt. But the reporter for Forbes has been annoying me for the last hour about his interview with Miss Robinson." No answer came for a few seconds besides the normal grunts and moans accompanying our sex. "Oooh, don't stop, I'm...
October 2, 1983, McKinley, Ohio I was totally unsurprised when Angie didn’t show up for a ride to church. I was also fairly sure that she and I would have the conversation at least one more time. It didn’t strike me as likely she was going to give up THAT easily, though at some point I’d simply tell her I wasn’t going to consider it. I contrasted Angie’s approach with Kimiko’s, which was very different, mostly due to disparate cultures. The previous evening, Clarissa and Glenda had excused...
In the early evening of Valentine’s day, Sid had hustled Anne out of the door of Boundless Waves. Stan had rung him to make arrangements earlier. Downstairs, in the vestibule of the building, she was surprised to find Denise and Stan waiting for her. Stan, Anne and Denise all went in to Covent Garden, and had dinner at ‘Trotters’ cafe in Covent Garden. They didn’t make a huge thing of it as Anne would have to be back in work the next morning, but a loving, relaxed meal was enjoyed by all three...
While I sat there and tried to recover from the beating my face, tits and cunt had received, Joan and Debbie can to me and helped me into the bathroom where they proceeded to help me wash up and soothe my aching body. Meanwhile the men and Elysha and Edna all sat there relaxing when Carl suddenly stated, "You know" he began, "I've never had a black girl suck and fuck me before" he added. Looking over at Edna and Bob, who looked at each other and then nodded an okay to Carl, Carl then turned to...
At 14, Sarah was already becoming an intelligent and attractive young woman. She had long since grown accustomed to using logic, common sense, and reason to help her make good decisions about things, and to protect herself from those who would disrespect her. Her natural ability to think and make decisions for herself was probably the key that opened the door to our physical relationship. It started on an average Thursday night. My wife worked a graveyard shift from 12-8AM, and was out the...
katie was crying her eyes out, she occasionally said "why" before continuing to cry. She was stopped by the sound of the phone ringing. she rushed to answer it"john, is that you?""hey katie, its rob, your brothers friend""oh, hi rob" she snuffled."you ok, you sound upset?""its.... well... john, my boyfriend, he dumped me, said he was sleeping with someone else, said i wasnt good enough for him""are you ok? is anyone there with you?"no, im here alone, my brothers out somewhere, try calling his...
“Michael, we can’t fall in love. I have told you that before. Make love to me all you want, but I can’t do more than that. I do care very deeply for you, but I don’t dare say what you want me to,” she said in tears. “Besides, I promised your girl.” I kissed her tears away as I felt her start lifting and dropping. I was determined not to cum too quickly. She started kissing me all over my face while riding me like I was a bull. It didn’t take long for her to climax and I didn’t have the...
This is my first story, but not my first encounter with maids. I am an NRI and have returned to India recently. I stay with my parents and two sisters and we have two maids in the house one for cooking and one for cleaning. This is an encounter which occurred with the maid that cleans the house. She is not that tall – she must be five feet and 2 inches at the most and that’s pushing it. She has a very petit figure because at the age of just 22 she has an eight year old daughter and a five year...
“So, you ran away?” Takkas sneered at both Brnnt and Karkol. “We could not win. I saw no point in throwing away lives to prove it,” Karkol shrugged. “Our losses were immense. We lost the military horde based on Vultoq and almost a third of the standby horde, one million three hundred thousand Yr’ch, for approximately ninety Vultoqi. Civilian casualties in Grmmar were total. We no longer hold the city, though fortunately the Vultoqi have chosen to reduce it to rubble, rather than keep...
After our friends left we called our parents wishing them a happy new year. While chatting to my mom she said that they doing a big roast and that it would be nice if Jessica and I were to join from 2 pm onwards for a early evening meal. We agreed to join them, as we were quiet happy not having to cook and tidy the kitchen again. We soon left for my house and as we took a slow drive there Jes and I chatted and planned our next three days of fun together. Arriving home I greet my parents and...
The music was booming. The only lighting was from the strobe lights keeping time with the music. The club was a sea of grinding, flailing and sweaty bodies. The DJ was pumping out music to a very enthusiastic crowd. I felt like some sort of voyeur alien sitting by myself in a corner looking out at some foreign life form that only briefly came into focus when the strobes shot their intense light onto the dance floor. My corner remained dark, out of reach of the the sporadic lights but definitely...
“Judge Skelley, I’m fully aware this may not be the proper time to discuss business with you, while you’re grieving over the loss of your son. But I feel an urgency in asking you for a few minutes of your time to discuss the matter of that quarter-section of land Jason owned out past Kendall’s Grocery, across the county road from my farm I just bought from Mr. Bill Donavan.” “Josey, I’ve been going over all of Jason’s holdings these past few days, and I’ve discovered another four hundred and...
Gabriel walked out of the office humming a tune. He smiled at everyone, which was strange in New York. He caught a cab back to his apartment on the upper west side. When he walked through the door, he realised just how much he missed the city. Not that small town life was bad, but there was always an excitement about New York. Of course, in about six months he'd remember why he left, but for now, everything seemed to be going his way. Not only was he once again going to be gainfully...
"John wake up." The sound of his voice ripped through my head like a chainsaw. I screamed as I covered my ears and rolled into a fetal position. I felt tears in my eyes as I struggled to catch my breath. "John." This time the volume was down to a dull roar. "Quit screaming!" The voice was down to almost rock concert levels when it spoke,"I am not screaming. I am barely whispering." The voice was silent after that. I lay there on the floor trying to figure out what was happening....
After your impressive performance with the bellboy, you turn back to me. You are keenly aware that while we have been flirting and had a lot of suggestive talk, we have not done anything. While you are not frustrated, you are anxious to get things moving. Little do you know, I like to take things slow at first. It keeps me in control, this you do understand."Great job with the bellboy, what would you like to do next?" I ask."Whatever your wish sir, I signed and kissed a contract releasing me to...