Cattleman's LamentChapter 11 free porn video

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Frank hurried towards Silver City. It had been so named because someone thought he had discovered silver there. That hadn’t panned out, but the name had stuck. It had never grown more than the one central street, with a few dozen houses at one end, rather haphazardly built wherever somebody happened to unload their lumber, and a few merchants holding on up the street.

It boasted a population of three hundred, but it was a rare day when more than two hundred were actually in town.

Frank was surprised, therefore, to see a crowd of people in front of the Sheriff’s office. There were horses there too, perhaps a dozen, as Frank rode up. He saw the Sheriff on the porch in front of his office.

“What’s going on?” he asked of a man wearing a green eyeshade on a strap around his head. He was Mister Conklin, the banker.

“Getting a posse up,” said the man. “Been Indian trouble.” He turned toward the porch to shout.

“Hey Sheriff, got another one for your posse here maybe. He’s a little young, but he’s wearin’ guns.”

Frank looked up to see the Sheriff looking his way.

“You’re one of the Collins boys, right?” asked the lawman.

“Yessir,” answered Frank, slurring the two words together.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s been a man killed by Indians. One of those sheep herders that works for Rocklin.”

“That’s what I’m here about,” announced Frank.

“You know something about that, boy?” asked the Sheriff.

“Yessir. He was one of two men trying to rape my sister when the Indians stopped them,” said Frank. There were gasps from the crowd.

A strident voice rang out. “That’s a damn lie.“

Frank’s eyes widened as Buford stepped from behind two taller men. He got down off his horse as the man went on.

Buford spluttered. “I was there, boy!” he shouted. “There wasn’t nobody but me and poor old Chaps, and them savages kilt him dead!” He yelled at the crowd. “Now let’s go find them damn heathens and rid the world of them murderin’ redskins!”

Frank stalked toward Buford, and the crowd opened up like magic.

They had seen men wearing guns walking like that, with that look in their eye. People began edging even further back, some stepping up on the porch with the sheriff.

“You’re the liar,” he said as he walked. “You tried to rape my sister ... had her down in the dirt. I found the sign, and I talked to her when she was rescued from those Indians. You’re a rapist!”

Again there were gasps from the crowd and they moved back.

Things like this had happened before in this town ... maybe not about rape ... but about other things that resulted in gunplay.

“Now hold on here,” said the Sheriff

Frank watched Buford, who was standing in an aggressive posture now, his hand hovering close to his pistol grip.

“I’ll take you there,” said Frank, never looking away from Buford’s hand. “I’ll show you the sign. You can come out to the ranch and talk to my sister. She knows who tried to rape her.”

Buford panicked and went for his pistol.

Those who were fortunate enough to be watching Buford and Frank, rather than looking at the Sheriff, would tell the tale for years to come ... decades in fact. Buford went for his gun first, and he drew in what was described as an impressively fast draw. His pistol cleared the holster and, for once in his life, Buford pulled the hammer back flawlessly. He even had a grin on his face as he began to lift the weapon up. He was deciding whether or not to pull the trigger, or just hold everyone at gunpoint and try to get away, when he was stunned by a blow to his stomach like the kick of a mule. His finger tightened on the trigger spasmodically and his pistol went off. The bullet hit right between Frank Collins spread feet.

People looked to see Frank holding a smoking, pearl-handled revolver in his right hand, a stunned look on his face. Only two men had seen him draw and they described it as greased lightning, the fastest, most beautiful thing they’d ever seen ... at least involving gunplay.

Buford hit his knees and tried not to fall down. Something was terribly wrong with him, and he felt weak. The boy was still standing there, and Buford re-cocked his pistol with every ounce of strength that was left in him. He tried to lift the pistol.

Frank couldn’t believe he’d actually shot a man. His draw had been instinctive, the product of all the secret practice he’d done since winning the guns. He’d killed countless tin cans, and knotholes. He’d even killed a snake.

But he’d never shot a man.

He felt paralyzed and the pistol in his hand that he was so proud of seemed to suddenly weigh forty pounds. He couldn’t keep it pointed at the man he’d just shot. It began to fall as Buford’s pistol began to come back up.

Sheriff Matt Couffman calmly lifted his pistol and shot Buford right between his eyes. The man toppled over backwards, folding up on his lower legs and giving the impression he was suddenly a double amputee. The pistol he’d been about to shoot Frank with flopped in the dirt by his limp hand.

There was a split second of silence before everything that had happened started women screaming and men yelling. People darted this way and that, milling like spooked cattle. Just as amazingly, things calmed down within only a few minutes.

Sheriff Couffman stepped down from the porch and walked over to Buford’s body. The crowd got quiet. He turned to Frank, who still held his pistol, hanging from his hand.

“You shouldn’t have shot him, son,” he said.

Almost immediately four men began to argue with the Sheriff, who put his gun back in his holster while Frank pulled his up to look at it, still unbelieving. With a look of astonishment, his muscles did what he’d trained them to do. He opened the loading gate and pushed out the empty casing. Pulling another round from his gun belt he reloaded his weapon and put it back in the holster.

A man came up to him and stuck his hand out.

“Son, I don’t care what the Sheriff said. That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. He had you dead to rights and you got him clean.”

Frank didn’t know what to say as he was suddenly surrounded by people who had already made up their minds that he had told the truth.

The Sheriff wasn’t quite so willing to give Frank the benefit of the doubt. He shoved his way to the boy and stood in front of him.

“I’m going to need to talk to your sister, son.”

“I’ll take you there,” said Frank, his voice cracking.

“I’d better have those guns,” said the Sheriff.

Men complained, but Frank unbuckled his belt without a word and handed it to the man. He wasn’t so sure he wanted those guns any more. He felt sick at his stomach.

“Let’s go on over to the saloon before we leave, son. Looks like you could use something to revive you.

Thus it was that Frank Collins, fifteen years old, had his first shot of whiskey. When he was finished coughing, and could speak again, he was much revived, though, and was then eager to get the Sheriff back to the ranch and be done with this sorry business.

When Molly and Jonas got back to the ranch house, and Jonas actually looked at his daughter, and the injuries that still showed plainly, he sat down and listened as she told what had happened to her.

He cried during parts of it, which astonished everyone present.

Then he apologized to her and stood up.

It was all that Molly could do to keep him from going to find Buford.

“Let the Sheriff to his job,” she urged. “We need you here. I need you here.”

She took him to the bedroom to show him how much she needed him.

For once, Jonas Collins was so distracted by his anger that he couldn’t concentrate on what his wife wanted from him. It took her two hours to get through to him and distract him in other ways.

The Sheriff and Frank met Peter about ten miles out of town. When he heard he had been sent for, the Sheriff felt a little better about what had happened. When Peter heard what happened he looked at his little brother with an open mouth.

Frank suddenly gasped and faced the Sheriff. “You’re supposed to meet Beth Rocklin at their ranch, so she can take you to that man’s body and to trail Buford.”

“That doesn’t need doing any more, now does it?” commented the Sheriff.

“Well no ... I guess not. But she’s waiting there for you.

I need to go tell her it’s all over. She needs to know so she can go back to her family up in the mountains.”

“I can’t let you go off and do that,” said the Sheriff patiently.

“I still need to talk to your sister. Your folks need to know what happened too,” he said.

Frank looked at Peter. “You have to do it,” he said.

Peter thought about that for a few seconds and smiled. “All right. You tell Pa where I went. No! Wait! Don’t tell him where I went. He’s not all that hot on them sheep people right about now.” He looked confused.

“You go tell the girl what happened,” said the Sheriff. I’ll tell your Pa I sent you there.”

Peter smiled again. “I kind of wanted to see her again anyway,” he admitted.

“Be careful,” cautioned Frank. “I think she’s wanting to see you again too.” He couldn’t tell Peter anything else under the circumstances.

“Good,” said Peter cheerfully. He looked at the sky.

“Might not be able to get back before dark,” he said.

“You stay the night and you’ll have more trouble than you can imagine,” said Frank. But he smiled. Let the girl talk Peter’s ears off. That would cool him down.

When Peter rode into the Rocklin yard, everything looked deserted. He was riding past the barn when he heard a voice above him.

“Up here,” came a feminine voice.

He craned his neck and was staring down the barrel of a rifle. He knew it was a rifle, based on the appearance of the barrel, which was octagonal, but all he could think of was that it looked like the barrel was six inches across. Then his eyes went up the barrel to a smiling face with a brown pony tail hanging over the neck. Blue eyes stared into his.

“Gotcha,” said Beth sweetly. “You’re not the Sheriff.

Where’s your brother? What are you doing here?”

Peter stared at the face he had been unable to get out of his mind for two days. All the time he was on the trail with his father, all he could think about were those eyes, and that neck and the breasts he knew were under her dress, even though, in her position, he couldn’t see them.

“He’s not coming,” said Peter, breathless for some reason. “The sheriff, I mean.” He blinked. “Neither is Frank. He’s under arrest. I mean the sheriff has him ... he’s taking him to our folks. He said I had to come here.”

She frowned, and even that looked beautiful on her face. “Stay there,” she ordered.

“I’m coming down.”

The doors to the barn were open, both front and back, and the sun gleamed through motes of dust. Peter looked and saw feet begin to descend the ladder built onto one side of a post. As the feet went downward, the dress covering her legs lifted, exposing firm calves. She was barefoot. Then her body came into view, and he could see the thrust of her breasts with her arms raised above her. He sighed, seeing again what he had remembered so often these last couple of days. She managed the rifle with no trouble, holding it in one hand while she gripped the side of the ladder. She dropped the last two feet, landing softly. He couldn’t see it because now the sun was behind her, but he knew those breasts bobbed when she landed.

When she walked casually out of the barn the rifle was held hanging from her right hand, no longer pointed at him. She didn’t find him dangerous and that made him feel good.

“What do you mean the sheriff’s not coming?” She still frowned, looking up at him. The neck of her dress was open, and he could see a dark crease between her breasts - cleavage was a word he wasn’t familiar with - that made him want to wiggle.

“My brother found the man who took my sister, and killed him,” he said. His mind was on that dark crease, and what was on each side of it.

“Killed him?” the girl gasped.

“Your brother? Frank?“

That made her breasts thrust out even more as she took a deep breath.

“I have to go,” said Peter, feeling dizzy.

“What? You can’t just ride in here and tell me something like that and then turn around and ride out again. I want to hear about it!” she said excitedly.

Peter knew that if he got down she would know what he was thinking. He was wearing cotton pants this day, one of his father’s old pair, and they were loose. He could see the bulge of his stiff penis even as he sat in the saddle. He knew that if he stood it would stick out four or five inches.

“I can’t stay,” he said miserably. Right then he wanted nothing more than to stay and look at this vision of loveliness.

The rifle came up suddenly, without warning, and again he stared into the muzzle.

“You get down off that horse Peter, and I mean right now!“

“You know my name?” he asked wonderingly. It didn’t occur to him that she might remember his name from the single time they’d met, even though her name was burned in his brain.

Her hands worked the action on the rifle smoothly, and he realized it hadn’t even had a round in the chamber when she’d “threatened” him with it. Her frown had deepened.

“Okay, I’ll get down, but I have to tell you something first,” he whined.

“What?” she said, her voice low.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said. “And a man can’t help what happens when he sees a beautiful woman.

Please don’t shoot me.”

She blinked, and the rifle muzzle wavered. Her mouth opened, and then closed, and then opened again.

“And if I get down,” he went on, “you’re going to see something that’s going to really make you mad, and you’re going to want to shoot me, and it’s not my fault - honest - and please don’t shoot me.” He babbled, unable to control his voice.

“What in the world are you talking about?” she said. “You just get down or I’ll shoot you out of the saddle. I want to hear about what happened,” she said stubbornly.

Peter eased his foot over the rump of his horse, and tried to step down holding on with only one hand, so he could adjust his ... problem ... with the other hand. His weight swung him toward the head of the horse and he lost his balance. His foot got caught up in the stirrup and he flailed his loose arm. His weight was too much for his other arm and it slipped off the saddle horn. He landed with a thump in the dust, flat on his back, and the air rushed from his lungs as if sucked out by some overwhelming force.

Beth ducked under the neck of his horse and stood staring at the boy on the ground. His mouth opened and closed like a fish and his chest quivered as he tried to get a breath. Her eyes went down his body and she immediately saw the lump, which did indeed protrude four or five inches from his groin, making the front of his pants look like he had stuffed a rolled up cloth in them. His reference to her beauty, which had taken her completely by surprise, flashed through her mind and she felt almost giddy with joy. She giggled.

“Oh,” she said, giggling some more. “I see now. I won’t shoot you for that you silly man,” she said, staring at the offending lump ... which apparently wasn’t nearly as offending as Peter had thought it would be.

Peter finally got a breath of air in and rolled over onto his side, lying there and just breathing for a minute.

“You’re kind of clumsy, aren’t you?” said the girl maddeningly.

He had never felt so embarrassed in his whole life. He didn’t know what to say, so he just lay there and concentrated on breathing.

“Does it hurt?” she asked.

He looked up at her. “Of course it hurts. You don’t fall off a horse and it not hurt,” he said, his voice wounded.

“I don’t mean that,” she giggled again. “I mean that.” She pointed the rifle at his privates.

He flinched and covered his groin with both hands.

“Oops,” she giggled again and moved the rifle.

“Sorry. I’m not going to shoot you, honest. So ... does it hurt when it’s ... like that?”

He looked at her again, not knowing if she was making fun of him or not. She didn’t sound like it. She was so strange, though, asking questions like that, that he didn’t know what to think.

“No,” he said, hoping that would be the end of it.

“I don’t see how it could be like that and not hurt,” she said conversationally. “Course I don’t have one. Did you know your brother made love to my sister?”

Peter’s mind whirled. This was all so strange he didn’t have the faintest idea how to act.

“What are you talking about?” he croaked.

“I don’t want to stand in the sun while we talk,” she said.

“And I don’t want to talk to you while you’re lying in the dirt. Why don’t you get up? Let’s go inside and talk there. We can get something to drink and have a nice chat.”

Peter moaned. She was acting so normal, blathering on like he had just come for a neighborly visit. She obviously knew that he was stiff, but didn’t seem the least bit concerned or upset about it. And now she was raving about her sister.

“You promise not to shoot me?” he asked, his voice high.

She laughed. “You’re not very brave for a cowboy,” she said. But somehow it didn’t sound like she was insulting him. “Do you need help?”

That stung Peter’s masculine pride. “No, I don’t need some girl’s help to get up off the ground,” he said darkly. He levered himself up, feeling much better now, and realized his stiffness was fading. That was good. He surreptitiously re-arranged his dick so it went to one side and down into his pants leg as he stood. He dusted himself off and picked up his hat, which had fallen off when he hit the ground. He planted it firmly on his head and faced the girl. She was looking at him like he was a newborn calf, like she was evaluating whether or not he was worth keeping alive.

“It’s gone,” she said suddenly.

He couldn’t help looking at the front of his pants.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “Am I suddenly not so beautiful?”

“You are the strangest girl I’ve ever met,” he said, unable to keep it inside.

“First I’m beautiful, and then I’m strange,” she said, tilting her head sideways, her green eyes looking right inside him. “I’m not so sure you have all your brain. Come on,” she said, and with that she turned and walked toward the house, leaving him standing there wondering what was happening to him. Every time he tried to deal with something she said, she said two or three more things and he couldn’t keep up. His head hurt a little and he couldn’t tell if it was because he fell off his horse, or because of her.

He followed her into the house, where she set the rifle in a corner and went to the dry sink. She worked the pump handle and held a glass under the spout as water poured out. As her elbow and arm worked, her hips swayed and the dress moved on them. She was even beautiful from the back. She turned and handed him the glass of water. Her movements were graceful, the dress hugging the curves of her body. She looked so normal, doing such a normal thing. He noticed how her hair flipped around behind her head as she moved. He saw her eyes drop and she smiled.

“Oh, it’s back!” Her eyes stayed there. “So now I’m beautiful again?” she teased.

“You’re not like other women,” he said. “Most women would be riled up by ... that.”

“I don’t know if I’m like other women or not,” she said as he took the glass gingerly. “I’m just me, and I’m like me, because that’s the only way I know how to be.” He was amazed how good that water felt going down his throat.

“So, what happened?” she asked, eager again to hear news. “Did Frank actually kill somebody? I can’t believe he’d do that.

Why I was just talking to him earlier today and he didn’t even seem to be able to carry on a simple conversation. I know he made love to Enid, but he wouldn’t admit that either. And then, you say, he just rode into town and killed somebody?”

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There it was, the little red light blinking high above our heads, just as well the guy I was with was too interested in me to look.Our porch was secluded from the front house view so we could be left in relative peace to finish what he was desperate to finish and as my denims were down by my ankles I could only think of daddy and what he would be thinking if he saw me now.It was all over in fifteen minutes and I suddenly felt a chill, standing naked as the guy tucked himself back into his pants...

3 years ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 4

*Wednesday Evening*  After dinner we went back to the hotel. Taking the elevator up to our floor, Beth pressed me against the wall as she kissed me. Kissing her back, my hands grabbed her firm arse cheeks. I pulled her to me as our kiss became more passionate. When the doors opened, an elderly couple where waiting to enter. We broke our kiss, and they smiled as we exited holding hands. Entering the room, I walked over to the jacuzzi tub to turn on the taps. Beth walked over and poured in some...

2 years ago
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Private Veronica Leal Katrina Moreno Gonzo Anal Threesome

Today in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 we bring you the sexy Latinas Verónica Leal and Katrina Moreno, a spicy duo with big tits and asses who have come to to take on stud Nick Moreno in a scene of true private class, gonzo style! Watch these babes show off their incredible bodies as they get down and dirty with some quality deepthroat ass to mouth action before enjoying a spectacular anal threesome that has them taking turns fucking and screaming all the way to...

2 years ago
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Fiona Alice The race for cock

I pondered what I would do for the rest of the afternoon and evening and decided that in the morning I’d begin my little game that I had in mind. Friday morning started early as my alarm woke me up from my sleep between Fiona and Alice and I nudged them both to wake them up. I told them to do us a big breakfast as they’d likely be busy and probably not have much time to eat. Once I’d polished off a huge full English and they’d cleaned the table and washed the pots I sat them down on the...

4 years ago
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My female FWB

I believe my profile states that I am married, and you’ve read my stories about my friend Kristin. But nothing has been said about about my female FWB. Her name is Dani. I see her several times a month and we have regular sex. I subsidize her rent and phone I don’t write about our time together because for the most part it’s just vanilla sex. However this weekend I was feeling like I wanted a kinky adventure. On Saturday I texted her and ask if she was up for some kinky fun. She said sure and...

4 years ago
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The Domination of DestinyLynn

I had my first real experience with sex when I was 18. I didn’t find out till sometime later that it was called being dominated. That summer I was staying with my Uncle. He and my Aunt had divorced and technically he was no longer related to me, but to me he was & still is my favorite Uncle. Uncle Bill was that cool Uncle that all my friends wished they had. He liked to party, and he had no problem letting my cousin Mike and I do it too as long as we did it with him. The first night it...

4 years ago
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A Spring Day Fantasy A Poem

Copyright 1974, 2001, swl all rights reserved. Permission is given to download a copy for personal use. Permission is given for Fictionmania to post a copy at its website. A spring Day Fantasy a poem by shalimar We walk along the beach as the surf crashes ashore, Above us the sea gulls cry out for more. Other birds run on this side of the water, A snail or crab is their food for slaughter. Helen finds a bottle, one of the old ones from Coke. As she pries off the cap she said as...

4 years ago
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Sam and Buddy vs The DonkeyPunched Coed

Squick warning: This work contains scenes of extreme cruelty, including non-consensual rape, torture and sexually-motivated murder ("snuff"). If you think you would be upset by reading such activities in a work of fiction, the author encourages you to avoid reading this story.All characters and events appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or historic or current events, is purely coincidental.Story Title: Sam and Buddy vs. The Donkey-Punched Coed...

3 years ago
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Two Wives 8211 Part 5 Fucking My First Wife

Hello friends. This is Sam and I am back with another part of the story. I truly appreciate your responses. Please continue to send your valuable feedback/suggestions/ any inputs to I am eagerly waiting for suggestions and comments This series is about Bipin Jena who got married to the younger sister. The events which made him marry her elder sister and how they all lived under one roof. Bipin told me his story which I am narrating below. Our honeymoon was over and Vaishali returned to...

2 years ago
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Marital Duty

Sandra had a real effect on one young man. Before I met Sandra I had never seemed to find the time for a real girlfriend type relationship. Oh, there were girls. But before Sandra my idea of a long-term relationship was anything over three hours. My motorcycle and my drinking buddies seemed to be the center of my life. But after meeting Sandra things changed. I actually put on a clean shirt when we went out. I started to really care about my appearance. A pair of jeans without holes was no...

4 years ago
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House guest lV

Bob found it hard to keep the car on the road as Megan sucked his dick.After her shower Rebecca didn't bother to cover herself leaving the bathroom. She giggled to herself feeling naughty walking through her sisters home naked. Fixing a drink, she sat on the couch. Raising the glass, she let the condensation drip down on her tits. Unable to take it any longer Megan sat up and looked around. It was still dark out and she knew it would take another thirty minutes to go to work. Unbuttoning her...

2 years ago
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Ron Just A Growing Boy Part II

Johnny sat nervously on the couch, his hands clenched in knots on his lap. Before him, his mother paced the floor. Her heels snapped viciously onto the hardwood flooring as she paced back and forth. Johnny had never seen her so pissed. Maybe that time he'd ridden his bike headlong into the door of her Mercedes came close, but this time, he decided, this time may be the topper. "That was so damn humiliating," she said scathingly. "I get called out of work, and why? Because my son has been...

2 years ago
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Fucking Friends My First Anal

I am NOT the simply sharingA true story.And also my only anal.We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single.We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss....

2 years ago
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Private Anya Krey Clea Gaultier Orgy At The Salon

Anya Krey and Clea Gaultier are part of the sexy hairdresser team in Private Specials, Happy Ending Hairdressers and today they’ve come to ready to go the extra mile and give their lucky clients, Alberto Blanco and Sam Bourne, the ultimate experience. Watch these horny stars strip off and get the party started with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs as they get everything wet, ready and warmed up for the main event… An incredible orgy with some anal for Clea that has both girls...

4 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 4

There was a rare period of a couple of weeks when they were fourteen, that Paul Jennings and Penny Palmer fell out and didn't speak to each other. Like a lot of quarrels it was over something quite silly that was said, but Penny went off in a huff. It had happened before, but usually after a little while she cooled down and would sidle up to him and take his hand and then whatever it was would be forgotten. But not this time... He didn't see her any more that Saturday, nor the next day,...

2 years ago
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E080 Emma Enters The Yankee North For The First Time

As Donald resets the GPS for their continued route, he checks ahead and nods his head slightly at what he sees.  They pass under the Welcome To Maryland banner, and Emma gives a small shout of joy that she is now in another state.  And the “north” – Yankeeland.  She has never been this far away from her home before. Her elation about this makes her babble on and on to Donald about how wonderful this is, how she never got to go anywhere when young, all the new sights and things she is seeing and...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Kristins Encounter Begins Anew

The ad seemed innocent enough. She had been reading the want ads for some time now, seeking something different to do. Years at the same job had taken its toll, boredom, and a feeling of dread that came with every new day. This ad was different though. It caught her eye, and after dismissing it as either nonsense, or a joke of some kind, she kept going back to the same paper and rereading the circled advertisement, “If you are a bright, thin, attractive, highly adventurous and daring girl who...

2 years ago
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Baberotica Scarlett Mae Reveals Her Slutty Side

Sweet redhead is on the edge of going from the sweet girl that she is to the sluttiest bitch on cam. That’s because she’s feeling horny as fuck. Excited to strip naked on cam and play with her generous little pussy and ass. She’s a fresh 18 cutie pie, with big naturals and a fantastic ass. A girl with no inhibitions and pretty intrigued about showing it all to the cam. All she needs is a good angle so that everybody to see how slutty she can play when feeling really horny. First she takes down...

3 years ago
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Spring BlossomsChapter 3

The woman was in a state of amazement. Never had she seen such a public showing of lesbianism, and between such young and attractive girls! She had been to Provincetown, Massachusetts once with her ex-husband, and seen many women walking hand in hand, or arm in arm there openly, even kissing briefly. But never this. As she rounded the curve of the footpath ending at the parking lot, she saw the two girls get in their car. Pretending not to notice, she pulled her dog along hastily to her...

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Overboard TooChapter 42

We were about to head for the hospital when I remembered. "Jake! He hasn't heard yet about what happened. Gotta see if I can get to him before he hears it from someone else!" Our girls had been loaded into ambulances, and they were all on the way to the hospital, to undergo all the routine things that follow accidents, and things that weren't accidents at all. Belinda and Laurel were primary on the triage list, Laurel having been shot and wounded, and Belinda with a concussion. Those two...

3 years ago
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My Didi 8211 Part II

By : Mystyle614 Hello doosto, main Sahil firr se aapke liye ek sacchi kahani lekarr haazir hunn. New viewers k liye batadun ki main 22 yrs ka hoon, 5’-11’’ meri height, handsome guy from Hyderabad, India and ek Software Engineering student hunn. Jaise ki maine apni pichli story “My Didi” mein bataya ki maine kaise apni didi ko seduce kiya tha. Abh main aap logon k saamne wohh kahunga jisse paddkarr ladko k lund khade & ladkiyoon ki chooth gili hojaye. Main unn sabko thanks bolna chahta hun...

2 years ago
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My First Fuck Part 2

BY me Saturday night came and I was excited about the things to cum. Namely me. All I could think about all day was the up and coming fucking I would receive that night. Mom talked to me about how to enjoy being fucked especailly in the ass. I still wanted my dad to take my virginity there. Mom was worried that dad was to well hung to do it. She was afraid to her little girl's asshole would be torn and ripped to pieces. So while dad...

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Home Alone

The quite tapping of the rain became a bit louder as Mark opened the large studio window ,and dropped down on the sofa. The cool rain didn't sooth his heat he felt on his skin. Peeling off his tee shirt, Mark slowly dragged his nails towards his nipple. His girlfriend wouldn't be home for another hour ,and he was horny as hell. Mark closed his eyes as he lazily lowered his hand into his jeans and pulled out his cock. 'It's her fault I'm horny!' he thought, ' her and her new pube fetish.'...

2 years ago
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Mein Mann trickst mich aus

Mein Mann hat mich mit dieser Schwangerschaft reingelegt. Seine verdammte Bessesenheit bestand darin, dass ich ihn betrügen sollte. Ich liebe meinen Mann sehr und wollte ihm gefallen, aber wo ist die Grenze..... meine Taillenweite nehme ich an, hat ihn dazu gebracht. Eine ehemalige Kleider 36 bei 5'4“ mit langen fließenden flachsblonden Haaren und grünen Augen. Meine Beine sind lang und schlank mit einer schönen goldenen Bräune. Ich habe sehr große Brüste mit 36c die Titten sind ziemlich reif...

4 years ago
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My Nerd Friend

About a month ago this guy name Allen got hired and started working as a stocker as well. I knew Allen from high school but was not friends with him. Allen was the geeky nerd in school. Didn't have too many friends I guess no one really liked him. He is my age really tall about 6.7' but skinny about 140lbs, lanking and a little goofy looking.  Since him and I went to the same school and now work together he would try to be my friend. He'll try to be funny at times and tell some...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Suprise Delight Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! As I stood up from the bed, I knew what I wanted to happen and if all went well I would be having my first threesome. My niece Mindy and her friend Amy were down the hall waiting for me. Since they knew I was upset, I figured a little punishment would make them a little more compliant with what I wanted them to do. I walked down the hall and found Mindy’s door to be closed. I opened it without knocking. Mindy was in the process of pulling a shirt over...

3 years ago
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The New Hole Part 2

Introduction: Read The New Hole Please read my first story in this series, The New Hole, for the background…………….. As we were driving and almost home Rebecca decided to send a text to Betty that read: We had lots of fun with yall and would love to talk about meeting for drinks sometime -Rebecca and Brent I stayed semi-hard the entire ride home and could tell that Rebecca was very turned on by the whole experience. When we arrived home all of the kids were in bed and our babysitter, Candice,...

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Slave again contDrown in CUM

I woke up covered in cum on a table on my back, my arms and legs tied down, my asshole hanging out over the table ledge, dripping gobs of cum onto the floor.The guy i had sucked off was on a similar table, covered in cum along with the two women, all tied down and soaked in cum. All of us were covered in welts and cuts from the whippings we had received this night, covered in dirt and grime, urine and sweat. We were a mess.In came William with a dozen Large black men with HUGE cocks and bigger...

1 year ago
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A new life

It was only midnight when I snuck out of the house, got in my car and sped away. I hoped that no one had heard me leave. My mother had just recently grounded me, because she found out about me. She thought that a mere sixteen-year-old high school student shouldn’t be allowed to make her own decisions. Any ways know that I thought about it I didn’t really care if they knew I had left, I was gone for good this time. I had taken what few personal items I had, and the couple hundred bucks that I...

2 years ago
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Falling In Love With Kyle Chapter 2

Introduction: Heres the part two. Its got a little more sex-related stuff, but no full on sex. I hope you like it. Please leave comments, I love to read them! His lips against mine, kissing me deep and slow as I straddle his waist, gently grinding against him. He pulls back and his lips brush along my jawline, moving down my neck. His breath against my neck and in my ear, as he whispers I want you. He bites my earlobe, gently, sending chills down my spine. His hands are roaming all over my...

3 years ago
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The Find Book 2Chapter 7

“Ron, how about Gulfport for the night. We could get the top floor at one of the casinos. Then it will be a short hop to New Orleans in the morning. Mark you on for that? Said Marty over the radio. “Yeah. Give us 10 minutes,” replied Mark. We were 2 ½ hours away. Arron called back, “We only need 1 floor! Eight rooms per floor, I already called in dinner reservations, so clean up on board. Tom had to call in to let them know we were coming in! No choice due to ranks!” “It’s okay, will it be...

5 years ago
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Vagary His perspective

In his perspective : Continuing what I've stated previously, how I would like to write in different styles, different perspectives. I will write fantasy, memories, and delusion. The delusion I'm writing is a rather large story; that will take some time.Lightly, my hand cupping her face, my thumb traces her cheekbones. Kissing her, feeling her full lips on mine, her tongue darts every so often to taste my own, meeting in between our lips to caress each other. She tastes of strawberry lip balm,...

Oral Sex
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Max Level Benefits

It's been a long, hard life - killing basically anything you see in your path while adventuring, doing odd jobs for farmers, important missions for the military, hell, you've even saved Azeroth once! You've decided to retire from the adventuring life, and you wake up to a red envelope... 'Dear John Doe,' 'Due to your impressive accomplishments and service record, the Circle of Narzira would like to invite to to join our organization, including immediate access to all the privileges and benefits...

2 years ago
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Jessica meets Master M and Mistress V Part 2

Before reading you should read part one here: (if you haven't already)Now we can resume:As Jessica ate Mistress V's wet, cum-filled pussy Master M was looking on enjoying the show and watching his wife moan in pleasure. Once Jessica had cleaned up all of M's cum, she continued to eat out V's dripping cunt, until she once again felt Mistress V's hand tap her on the shoulder: "Sweetie, I want you to stop, but only because I need to feel you...

3 years ago
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The Engineering Costume Party Part 2

After realizing I might be the only guy dressed as a skank for the Skanks and Robots Party I timidly waited in the dorm room and “pre-gamed” with Anthony and Jillian for the upcoming festivities. I drank vodka and cranberry with Jillian while Anthony had beer. I hoped some “liquid courage” would help me to feel more comfortable going to the party dressed in such a slutty outfit. Now, I had tried on some of my sister’s more scandalous clothes before, but I had never been out in public en femme...

2 years ago
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Cattle Girls

Cattle Girls Part 1 (FFf+, kidnap, nc, hum)By Molly SCopyright (c) Molly S.  This story may be distributedso long as no charge is made and the text remainsunaltered.  For any other use [email protected] welcome, let me know if you want more!=======================================================    FFf+, kidnap, nc, hum    This story contains traces of ws and scat.    It contains material that some people may find    offensive.    This work is a piece of fiction.  The...

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GloryHole Amara Romani 12192016

Amara Romani is a self-proclaimed glory hole hunter. No joke. She scours the internet and will walk into any adult bookstore just to see if one exists. She’ll walk into a men’s room “on accident” and walk poke her head into the stalls just to make sure she’s not missing out on any “cruisy” action. When she became aware of a new hole in a dirty bookstore near her house, she rushed over to check it out. She wasn’t too discreet, either…which...

3 years ago
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My First Experience

I had always been with woman. In my sex with woman I've always been very dominating and I loved it but my fascination was always in being dominated by an even more dominating man. Like compete, lose and get dominated.I thought this is time. I started online and found a super hot partner. He told me that he likes more or less the same thing but he doesn't necessarily wants to dominate but wanted us to compete. He said we'd compete and whoever wins will dominate. We made each other promises. If...

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