FidèleChapter 17 free porn video

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tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

Torrents pummeled windows; a deafening counterpoint to the contemplative silence of long-forgotten coffee.

tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

Wind whipped through trees, whistling and wounding; its fullest fury angrily flinging leaves and limbs to the ground.

tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

A plate of scrambled eggs congealed. Abandoned, untouched, ignored. A metaphor.

tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

Fingers drummed a table, mimicking a cadence that obliterated a mind.

tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

A beating heart, the pulse of an artery, the slow-motion blink of an eye.

That I’m in love with you, Luke.

A cluster of leaves held together by splintered and bleeding wood slammed into the window, peering into his silence for a sodden and desperate moment, before falling to the ground and beginning the long march towards death.

tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

She’s still alone. This weather has to have delayed his flight, which means he won’t be back until late this afternoon, or maybe even this evening. If it keeps up like this, he might not be able to land at all. We could be together right now, if she wanted. He paused, considering. Or if I wanted. Then reconsidering. No, that’s the wrong thing to do. She finally acknowledged that she loves me, but she also said she loves him. I don’t think her confession changes that. Which means I can’t just go over there and claim her. She’s not mine to claim. Only to win, though even then...

He took a sip of his tepid coffee, frowned at its bitterness, then rose to press the microwave into service. How long have I been sitting here?

The storm howled and moaned. He smiled at an aural memory. The sulfurous stench of room temperature eggs tickled his nose. Shaking his head, he added them to the reheating queue.

She’s not mine, but she’s not his, either. Not exclusively. Not anymore.

The microwave beeped. He exchanged the eggs for a steaming cup of caffeinated velocity.

Does that mean she’s ours? What if one of us doesn’t want to share? Or what if she doesn’t want to be shared? What then?

He took a sip, physically satisfied but existentially troubled. The coffee was a pale shadow of what it had once been, but it no longer mattered.

I know what I feel, I know what she feels, I’m pretty sure I know what Bill feels, but I don’t know what any of us wants. It’s not as easy as fantasizing that she and I could just run away together, assuming that she’d even agree to that plan. I don’t know that I have it in me to pry her away from him or to make her love him less, though if I don’t that may mean I’ve already envisioned the end of my dream. There are no simple paths forward, only painful choices. Everyone will suffer, and some more than others. Which means Wendy was right all along. So what should I do?

The reheated eggs were, inevitably, overcooked. He sighed, splashed some hot sauce across their surface, and ate them anyway. Perfectly cooked eggs are something I can usually do in my sleep, but apparently not while lost in a haze of indecision and newly discovered love.

tap tap tap TAP tap tap, tap

Focus remained elusive. He eschewed his morning workout; the punishing tempest would have restricted him to the gym, and he felt sure that seeing Kathryn, even in passing, was more than either of them were emotionally prepared for. The rarest of all luxuries — rolling over and sleeping in — was briefly considered and easily rejected, for his thoughts were as turbulent as the thick clouds unleashing their rage upon the earth. But when he finally opened his laptop to begin work, he was too distracted to concentrate on the task for which he’d been hired. Thinking about buying wine for Kathryn made it impossible for him to stop thinking about her. About them. Instead, he plowed through a backlog of email, professional and otherwise, then picked up his phone and thumbed an interrogatory text to Wendy. About twenty minutes later, his phone rang.

“Is it Armageddon where you are?”

“Storms in the city are weirdly marvelous. Surely you haven’t forgotten.”

“I haven’t.”

“What’s it like out there?”

“More stormy than marvelous.”

“Of course.”

“Still sleeping it off?”

“I could ask you the same question, but the answer’s a non-literal yes. Anyway, why are you talking to me when you could be buried between that marvelous vixen’s luscious thighs?”

“Bill’s coming home today.”

“In this weather?”

“Well, at least in theory. She doesn’t want to...”

“ ... fuck both of you on the same day? Yeah, I get that. It must be hard enough to remember whose name to cry out while she’s coming.”

“That’s not nice.”

“Maybe she could kill two lovebirds with one stone and holler out mine. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Anyway, you idiot, I wasn’t calling her a slut.”

“It kinda sounded like you were.”

“No, I’m just saying that it’s hard. I’ve done it, I’ve messed it up, and I’ve paid the price. But I was only banging more than one girl, not trying to have multiple meaningful relationships at the same time. What she’s doing is a hell of a lot more intense, and the consequences of a mistake could be pretty severe. I know it’s hard to think when you’re getting your rocks off with your horny redheaded Aphrodite, but take a moment to appreciate what that effort costs her.”

“You’re right, I should.”

“Not that I have all that much sympathy for her.”

“Now you’re being mean again.”

“No, kid, just pointing out the simple truth. You didn’t force her into this. This was her choice. She made her beds. Now she has to get laid in them.”


“I do amuse myself. Speaking of which, you’re late.”

“Late? Late for what?”

“I just got off the phone with her. It’s why I took a while to get back to you. And yes, that means I knew you weren’t actually with her at the moment.”

“I feel so violated. So what did you two talk about?”

“Nice fishing expedition, doofus. You’d make a terrible spy. The answer is: everything but you.”

“I didn’t mean...”

“Yes you did. You’re a man, hence you’re self-centered. No, no, don’t worry, your name might have come up once or twice. Anyway, the conversation we’re about to have in which you ask if I enjoyed the sex, how I feel about you ... because you’re self-centered, remember? ... in the aftermath, and all that crap? She beat you to it, loser.”

“Wendy, I’m sorry, I just wasn’t sure...”

“I’m teasing you, slowpoke. Jesus, you’re way too fucking earnest these days. The truth is that I’m glad you waited, and this morning was the perfect amount of waiting. She just got off her sexy ass before you did.”

“Yeah. Well, I’m sorry anyway. I’ve had kind of a draggy morning.”

“I can imagine. She make your dick fall off yet?”

“Well ... there was that, yeah. But there are other reasons.”

She stayed silent as long as she could, waiting for him to continue, before barking an impatient, “Well?“

“Sorry. This sort of daydreaming is why I got a late start, and I’m still thinking it all through. Anyway, I’m going to annoy you by leaving that conversation for later, because I know you’ll have a lot to say about it. And you’re right: I do want to start with you, or actually with us. We’re good, right? Has anything changed, for better or for worse?”

“If you say anything about sickness and health, I’m going to drive out there and put a foot through your larynx.”

“It wasn’t intentional.”

“Yeah, right. Like I’d marry you anyway. You’re way too boring for me.”

“That’s probably true. Can I assume from the way you’re mocking me that everything’s fine?”

“Everything’s fine, Luke. You can stop fretting about your emotionally damaged dick-loving lesbian pal. In case it wasn’t obvious the other night, I can take a pounding.”

“Wendy, I wasn’t...”

“I’m serious, Luke. I’m fine. We’re fine too, unless you’re about to get weird. Well, weirder.”

“I don’t know, I’m...”

“Christ, you are about to get weird, aren’t you?”

“I suppose. I’m just trying to make sure that...”

“You know, I’d love to torture you as much as you deserve, but then we’d be here all day. So I’m going to do something I hate, and be earnest myself. If you tell anyone other than her about this, by the way, you’d better sleep on your back for the rest of your life because I will follow through on my threat. You remember which one?”

Gulp. “Yes.”

“Good boy. So, I doubt I need to tell you about me and Kathryn, and anyway I’d just be repeating everything you’ve said amidst all your drooling. I’m in awe of her, I lust after her even more than I did before I learned for myself just how fucking amazing she is in the sack, I’m more than a little head-over-heels, and I’m still pretty sure she’s either a sex demon or an alien pleasure drone, but I’m not in love with her and you don’t have yet another competitor for her affections.”

Wait, was that a possibility I should have considered? “I ... okay. Well, good.”

She snorted. “Sorry, but I couldn’t help but get a little dig in, dumbass. Don’t worry, there was never any chance of us falling in love while she’s got two dudes wrapped around her fingers. It was just sex ... really, really, really great sex ... but no more than that. Despite desperately wanting to, I didn’t even ask when or if we could do it again, because she’s got more than enough complications to deal with right now.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it.” He couldn’t help but remember Kathryn’s tearful confession about how and why she’d gotten the three of them together, and he wondered if he should share the conversation. Wendy didn’t give him the chance.

“You should probably know that she told me what’s been going through her head.” Luke’s breath caught in his throat. Which part? All of it? Does she know how our conversation ended? “The thing is, I guessed it would go this way as soon as she called to set up your date. And before you ask: no, I don’t feel used, or at least not ill-used. I wouldn’t have minded, anyway; sex that good is worth a little coercion. If my orgasms are the price for you two figuring out what the hell you’re doing, it’s a price I’ll gladly spread my legs and pay.” She’d taken on a stentorian tone, as if she was making some sort of patriotic declamation, and despite the headiness of the subject matter he couldn’t help but laugh. “She dropped an intriguing hint that I wasn’t the only pawn on her chessboard, either, but she didn’t elaborate. Anything you want to tell me, Luke?”

“Uh, not really.”

“Never mind, I’ll pry it out of you sooner or later. Anyway, the point is that she and I are good. Which leaves us, or more precisely you, because I’ve already told you I’m fine. I’m told by my breeder friends that it’s important to fluff a dude’s ego in the immediate aftermath, because it makes them easier to manipulate — which is pretty pathetic, by the way; if you’re that simpleminded, how did we end up in this patriarchal shithole? — so I’ll start by assuring you that you have some skills between the sheets. I mean, I guess I sorta knew that ... word gets around, you know, even to lesbian ears ... but it’s good to know that your success with the ladies isn’t all smoke and mirrors. It’s certainly not your handsome face.”

“There’s the Wendy I know. I was beginning to worry after all that unsolicited praise. I’m sure you’re right about my face, though.”

“Of course I am. Those whiskers are atrocious and sandpapery, and I’d bet you’ve already undone all Kathryn’s careful work and you’ve got the wrinkly balls of an elderly beast again.”

Laughing, he replied, “By your standards, I suppose so. I didn’t shave this morning. I didn’t have a reason to.”

“Yuck. You’ve just ruined my appetite. As an aside, I’m not going to ask how I was, because I already know I’m a sexual Olympian. I even ... well, since you were being evasive earlier, I’m going to leave that for another time as well.”

“You were. Actually, I have to admit that you did a lot more than I thought you would, and with a lot more enthusiasm.”

“Well,” she acknowledged with a hint of embarrassment, “I was surprised as well. I suppose ... damn it, Luke, if only you were a...”

Did she actually just confess her feelings? “ ... a woman? Wendy, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“That’s it. I’m absolutely, one-hundred percent ass-fucking you in your sleep. I mean it this time.”

“I was serious.”

With a sigh, she replied, “So was I. I do care about you, you know. A great deal. But here we are at the exposed heart of the matter, and I suppose I can’t avoid it any longer. The answer is that I don’t know. How I really feel about us doing the dirty, I mean. There was...”

“ ... a distraction. Yeah, Kathryn and I had the same discussion, and it’s part of why I’m not sure how I feel about it either.”

“Right. Though I suppose you understand that she was much more of a distraction for me than you were.”

“Naturally. So, anyway, does that mean...”

“ ... that we should do it again, but on our own? I’ve thought about it, and I’m sure you have too. I don’t know that I have an answer, but my gut tells me that we should stop thinking about it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, that’s fine too. The truth is that I don’t have the same burning desire to fuck you that I did before the three of us got together, but I like you and for some reason I’m still curious. The way Kathryn maneuvered us together is one thing, but I think if you and I tried to force our way to an answer, it might actually damage our friendship. In other words, I want to avoid that more than I want to have sex with you. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, and I confess that I’m relieved, because that’s exactly how I feel. If we have sex — just you and me, I mean — it should be because we want it to happen then and there, but it shouldn’t be on anyone else’s agenda.”

She fell silent for a few moments. “You know, your words are full of logic, but your understanding is full of crap.”

“What the ... wait, are you back to making fun of me again? Does that mean ‘serious talk time’ is over?”

“No, because this is actually the most serious talk yet. Look: whether or not we have sex, there’s going to be a third person in the room, and that’s true whether or not she’s physically there. Please tell me you’re not fooling yourself that badly.”

“Oh, I see what you mean. It was just poor wording on my part.”

“Yes, and it’s a good thing you and I aren’t going to fall in love, because that’s the sort of ‘poor wording’ that ends in someone kicking your sorry ass to the curb.”

“We’re not, are we?” It was a declaration, not a question, and Wendy took his meaning immediately.

“No, we’re not. I love you — yes, I’m finally admitting it — but not in that way. Like I said, if you didn’t have the wrong chromosomes and all that testosterone, things might be different. Sometimes I wish they were different, because you’ve tolerated my bullshit longer than any of my girlfriends, and that has to mean something. But they’re not. Anyway, whether or not you love me, you’re in love with someone else.”

“For what it’s worth, I do love you and I don’t have any problem admitting it. You’re much more than just a friend. And you know, with the occasional exception, I actually enjoy your bullshit.”

“That’s the crying shame of it right there. Or maybe it says something really awful about you.”

“Why not both?”

“Definitely both. Anyway, you’re avoiding the elephant in the room.”

Sighing, he replied, “she’s not in the room at the moment.”

“More evasion.”

Should I tell her? She’s my best friend, but these are deep waters, even for us. Then again, if I can’t talk to her, who can I talk to? “Something else happened yesterday. Something ... big.”

“It wasn’t about your penis, then. Let me guess: you rubbed one out while fantasizing about me.”

“You...” he sputtered, unable to stop himself from laughing. “Trust me, if I did, I’d never admit it to you.”

“That’s a yes, then.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not. My thoughts were definitively elsewhere.”

“Figures. So, do you want to compare notes? Because she’s the only fantasy that’s gotten me off since our little encounter, and I’ve gotten off a lot.”

“No, I want you to stop teasing and have a serious conversation.”

“Another one? You see why our love is doomed, right? Anyway, go ahead. I’m listening.” He plunged forward, recounting Kathryn’s wildly shifting moods and the difficult emotional conversations by the pool that extended into the evening. He was building to the denouement when Wendy interrupted him. “I appreciate the narrative flow of your story, especially as it approaches its dramatic climax, but you can stop. I know where this is going.”

Deflated, he asked, “She already told you?”

“No, but it’s not exactly hard to guess. Do you need the emotional closure of saying it, or can I skip to the end?” When he just sighed, she continued. “She told you she loves you. I’m not even going to ask for a confirmation, because I know that’s what happened.”

“You’re smarter than me, because I didn’t realize it was coming until she actually said it.”

“You know, Luke, I’m going to admit something I probably shouldn’t: one of the reasons I’ve always liked you is that you have an unusual amount of emotional intelligence for a dude, whereas most of your gender somehow skipped that table in the genetic buffet line. Which is why your unending dumbassery when it comes to you and Kathryn is so fucking frustrating.”

“I know, you told me...”

“ ... weeks ago. I told you weeks ago, fuckwit! And all you’ve done since then is avoid the issue. Well, it’s in your lap now, whether or not she is. So what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. I mean, it’s all so new, she only told me yesterday, and...”

“Weeks ago,” she repeated. “Weeks of wasted time! Jesus, by now you could have ... oh fuck it, never mind. Let’s fast-forward to the inevitable aftermath. Do you remember what I warned you about? What her finally admitting that she loves you actually means?”

He suddenly felt as if he wanted to avoid her line of inquiry. “Kinda. Something about her heart being in my hands, and...”

She groaned. “Please tell me you paid more attention than that. I know you’re having brain-wiping sex, but that was the most painful conversation you and I have ever had, and if it turns out that you weren’t even listening...”

“No, no, I’m sorry. I do remember. You told me that it means that I’m able to hurt her, and that she finally trusts me enough to hope that I won’t.”

“Even though...” she prompted.

“Even though I already am. Which I’m still not sure I understand.”

“Press rewind on that operatic tale you were telling me a few minutes ago, and then try to convince me that you’re not already hurting her.”

He did, and he realized that she was correct. “Alright, alright. You’ve been right about everything all along, and I’m a moron for not listening to you. So, all-knowing oracle, what am I supposed to do about it? That wasn’t sarcasm, by the way. It was a serious question.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I can tell you what you’re both thinking and feeling, but if I knew how to translate that into agenda items I’d be in a relationship with an actual person rather than battery manufacturers. But for the record, nothing I warned you about has changed. Mount Luke-and-Kathryn — pun intended — is still going to erupt, destroying the village and killing an unfortunate number of residents and unprepared tourists. The only thing you get to choose is who lives and who dies.”

“Your analogies are awfully dramatic. It might be bad, but no one’s going to die.”

“Living with a dead heart isn’t much better than dying, Luke. And being the one responsible for murdering that heart is its own form of death.”

“You know, I so enjoy your little pep talks.”

“Oh, no. You can’t whine your way out of this one, jackass. You can say anything you want to me, but other than banging her into an utterly inevitable admission of love, you’ve done fuck-all about your real problem. Tell me: how close to done with the work are you?”

“About halfway, but a little closer to the end than the beginning. I’m supposed to be ordering wine today, but instead I’m talking to you. Aside from that, it’s just cellar reorganization and shelving the first of the new arrivals.”

“So many wasted hours. There’s no way it should’ve taken you this long to finish your work, so I assume you’ve been stretching it out as much as possible so you can spend more time inside her.”

“It’s kinda hard to work while we’re having sex.”

“No doubt. Obviously, that means you’re both in on this little plan. How does it feel knowing you’re overcharging Bill so you can keep screwing his wife?”

“Way too harsh, Wendy, and please stop it. Anyway, I’m not charging for the extra time. That wouldn’t be right.”

“Well, look at that. A code of ethics. How admirable.”

“Why do you persist in making me feel even shittier than I already do?”

“I’m not trying to make you feel like shit at all. If what you’re doing doesn’t accomplish that all by itself, there’s nothing I can say or do to change it. I’m trying to make you face reality. You know what your choices are, right?”

“Of course I do,” he snapped, anger and frustration getting the better of him. “Walk away, try to take her away, or ... keep having an affair, I guess.”

“And what steps have you taken towards any of those goals?”


“That’s what I thought. You’re running out the clock, waiting and hoping for the writers to hand you a completed final act. If you believed in a god, it’d be way past time to start praying for divine intervention. You’re not going to chance upon a miracle by fucking her, me, or anyone else, you know. Admitting that you love each other should have been the beginning of a decision, and I have no idea what she’s done since she told you, but it’s clear that you haven’t done a damned thing. The clock’s ticking, Luke, and midnight’s approaching. Surely you feel it.”

Defeated at last, he admitted, “I do. But I still don’t know what the right choice is. Or maybe it’s that I don’t know what choice is least bad.”

“They’re all bad, but you still have to make one.” She sighed in frustration. “The night you met her, do you remember what happened?”

“Yes, but what does that have to do with... ?”

“She plopped down next to you, you tried to dazzle her like you dazzle everyone else, but when your braggadocio fizzled because you’d never met anyone as formidable as her — and because she’d already fried your synapses — you stopped trying. You were clearly falling for her, and you spent the rest of the night basking in her radiance, but you didn’t do anything about it. I’ve watched you artfully seduce at least a dozen impressionable girls onto your dick over the years, but I’ve never seen you just give up like that. So I took over ... fluffing you up, letting you show off, pouring her a little extra wine, doing everything I could do to make the impression you were supposed to make. And it worked, didn’t it?”

“Are you asking me to thank you for being the best wingwoman ever? Because I’m obviously incredibly grateful, but...”

“I don’t need your gratitude, I need you to focus on how that night ended. You wanted her, she wanted you, you told me that she admitted to being another drink ... or another hour ... from going home with you, but what actually happened was last call. The clock struck its final hour, I started closing the bar, and she got up and left. At least she made a decision. You just sat there with your dick in your hand, waiting for something to happen. The thing is, you haven’t...”

“ ... I haven’t stopped. I get it. That was one of your better and less violent analogies, by the way.”

“Thank you. I’m clever when I’m angry. My point is that because you got exactly what you wanted — entirely thanks to her, by the way — you’ve never stopped waiting. It might be hard to grasp because you’re spending every waking moment fucking the shit out of each other, but you still haven’t moved from that barstool. Not when it comes to her. Don’t you think it’s way past time for you to make a decision?”

“You’re just repeating the same objection, and I’ve already agreed with you.”

“No, I’m trying to tell you something else. At the bar, she’s the one who made a choice. She was stronger and more sure of herself back then. She’s the one who got drunk and grabbed your dick. She’s the one who slipped herself into your bed. But she’s not going to bail you out this time. If she was — if she was sure about what she wanted — she wouldn’t be in love with two men at the same time. As I tried to tell you weeks ago, she finally admitted that she loves you because this is now your responsibility.”

“Even if you’re right, which you probably are since you’ve been right about everything else, you’re not exactly helping.”

“But that’s part of what I’m trying to get through your thick skull. Unlike at the bar, I can’t help you either. This is all on you. Leave her, take her, keep her as a side piece, stage a scandalous murder-suicide and let the tabloids tell your story ... you have to do something. Passivity doesn’t become you, Luke. It’s not sexy. And it’s not like you.”

“Well, let’s walk through my options so you can tell me if I’m missing something, because it looks pretty bleak from my barstool. Option one is that we break it off, either now or when I leave. Bill’s happy, or at least he has the chance to be. Kathryn might be sad for a while, but she’ll still be with someone she loves. I’m the only one who gets nothing.”

“That’s the simplest and easiest of all the paths, yes. It’s the noblest option, too. It’s also the one that causes you the most pain.”

“I know. Believe me, I know. If I didn’t, this decision would be easier. Option two is that we keep doing what we’re doing, though obviously with less frequency and a lot more sneaking around. I get to keep having the best sex I’ll ever have, maybe I’ll even go back to dating other people, and we’ll coast on our erotic inertia until something changes or one of us decides to end it. The biggest downside is that the risk of us being caught skyrockets.”

Wendy paused for a while before responding. “That, and I’m not sure how many members of your harem will approve of your plan. It’s one thing to have commitment-free sex while you both play the field, but it’s quite another to know that the person you’re fucking will not only never love you, he might not even be thinking about you while you’re together because he’s so deeply in love with someone else. Anyway, you’re wrong. That’s not the only downside, and it’s not even the biggest.”

With a sigh, he admitted, “You’re right. The biggest is that I’ll still be in love with her, and her with me, but we’ll still be prevented from acting on that love. In other words, it’s just a longer-lasting version of what we’re doing now. The emotional cost, for both of us, would be the highest of all three paths.”

“Also true. In fact, that might bring a painful and destructive end to your affair all by itself.”

“It not only might, it probably would. Anyway, that leaves the third option, which promises the greatest possible reward — at least to me — but which is also the most damaging to the largest number of people: I make a serious play for her. It’d have to be a direct appeal, because if I’m actually going to try to break up her marriage, I won’t do it while skulking in the shadows. There’s no way we could hide for very long, anyway. Of course, there’s no guarantee that she’d say yes. I’d be heartbroken for a while, but not all that much worse off than if I’d ended it, and I suppose the brightish side is that it offers us a better chance at closure. On the other hand, if she agrees and I get what I want, it destroys Bill, upsets my parents, leads to more than a few ancillary scandals, damages my professional reputation — I’d never get hired for a job like this again, for example — and almost certainly causes us enough anguish that it’s possible we might not survive it anyway. I think that the only way we could manage it would be to pull up stakes and run away together, though even then I doubt we could completely outrun the whispers.”

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Maiden of Rome II By ShannonQ It is seven years after leaving Rome for Spain. Maximus, Penelope, and Attia are enjoying their sunset years as Tiberius dies and the new Emperor Caligula is reeking havoc on the people in the capitol of the Empire. Rated R In part one Druses Marcellus was a Tribune in the XVII Legion which was attacked by the Germans under Arminius the chief of the central tribes. This was the battle of the Teutoburg Forest when...

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A New Way of LifeChapter 7

"So it was foretold" recited Leonore. "But what does it mean?" I asked. Shrugging, the Tinker from the village, who had not yet offered his name, said "We aren't sure. There's a lot more about testing you and what will happen, but that is the prophesy part." Thinking about it I realised that it did indeed fore-tell my coming and what I was going to do. With 9 kids on the way, all who would be genetically dominant as Elendril/ L'Dangyi "elves" that apparently were here before, a...

3 years ago
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Foul LanguageChapter 2 Shit Happens

I haven't always been like this, you know. I used to be a nice guy. I had a nice job and a nice house in the suburbs and a nice wife and two nice kids and two nice cars; all that perfect family shit. I worked in the "Big Smoke", aka Toronto. I had a pretty good office with a window that had a partial view of the lake and a private parking spot. I worked for Primexal, a national electrical hardware manufacturer and I was Product Development Manager. It was decent job that usually required...

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Willy and the handjob2

One afternoon in late summer, a really scorching Thursday, I had showered and was laying on my bed in nothing but a towel. There was a little tap at my door and my sister Willy came in. Her real name is Wilhelmina after a grandfather, but she is only known as Willy. She’s a couple years younger than me, a sophomore, real smart and real pretty. She’s about five three, almost all legs and a hundred twenty, much of which is boobs and butt cheeks. We get along very well and have always looked out...

4 years ago
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Sensual Scene

It’s our honeymoon and we are on a Caribbean cruise. After a dinner of steak and lobster I took my sweetheart back to our room and went to our room. Her face was blushed and she looked so cute in my eyes. I brush some of her long brown hair out of her face and she smiles up to me. ‘Please, take me.’ She whispers. My love was a little shorter than me, with round hips and pert breasts, she is so gorgeous in my eyes. Leaning forward, my lips meet hers and I close my eyes. All I can feel is her...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 170

I worked at KCC for the rest of the week. Patti, HR and I worked on hiring the several more full time people to meet the needs of the athletics department. They were going to be working a 4 to midnight shift to be able to go to sporting events as guards and chaperones. Patti going on vacation the last week of each of the next three months would complicate things a little. Admin was going to assign me one of the pool secretaries when she was gone. Another complication was Mr. Jackson had...

1 year ago
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How I brought out the inner Slut in Linda and turn

I could feel her quiver beside me as her knees buckled just slightly. She grabbed my arm tightly, "Take me to your car and fuck me right now.""No""God, you have me so turned on I just want to come. Please make me come." I smiled as I asked her, " Right here? In front of my friend Andre's house? " Leaning forward half whispered, "What if someone saw us? What if Andre opened the door and saw me fucking you right on his door step? That wouldn't be very lady like would it?" I was enjoying...

2 years ago
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The Introduction

Mick knew that he had to do something with his hopeless marriage, for two long he had expressed the loathing he had for it, but he also knew that a formal break could be very, very expensive. ‘If I could just get her sexually active, get her to fuck and suck, I would be satisfied. I then could take the constant whining of ‘do this or do that’, or ‘that wasn’t done etc. etc’. But how was the question, especially now that he had finally introduced himself to a woman he had been saying ‘good...

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The Gentle Cowboy Ch 03

Daisy was nervous and tense, ‘Don’t you want to marry for love, Jake? Why are you doing this? Tell me you’re kidding, Jake.’ Daisy’s voice seemed to reach higher tones with each question. Slowly he shook his head, ‘No, Daisy Maze, this is no joke. Become my wife or I take your ranch, your home, and… remove your family from the property. Choose, Dais, because once you leave this room there is no turning back, either way.’ Confused, upset, and mystified, all she could say was, ‘Jake, I…’ Words...

1 year ago
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the new assistant pt 2

Lisa offered to give her new assistant Gloria a ride home after their long day at work. They were both happy and relieved the project was finally finished and their hard work had paid off. Lisa was especially glad she was able to bring the project in on time and that her crew would all be getting bonuses for their hard work and long hours.As Lisa pulled up to Gloria's apartment building to drop her, Gloria asked if she wanted to come in for coffee. It seemed like a good idea since Lisa had...

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a love story1

    Scarlett Travis silently cursed her horrible timing as she arrived at Horseneck beach, immediatly spotting her ex-boyfriend, Randy, and his gang of douchebags, Phil, Eric, and Zack. Scarlett had kicked Randy out of her life after she had caught the bastard with another girl in her own bed fucking the slut. He didn't even have the decency to apologize to her!      Scarlett quickly started moving in the opposite direction, looking for anyone she knew from work to escape him. In the...

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Just be thereIll find you

She was wandering the streets of the area in which they had agreed to meet.She didn't know where he was but she knew he would find her - probably come up behind her and frighten the life out of her the sod...haha - and that hopefully they would end up fucking by the bins behind a supermarket or some other dirty delight.She was naked under her leather coat and she had on his favourite boots.Thigh length boots that his spunk had stained the outside and the inside of more than once.She knew that...

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Jeannie and I thank Uncle John 1

My beautiful young friend, Jeannie and I had just returned home from our first weekend together as lovers. At eighteen, Jeannie was the image of a healthy happy, confident young woman. She was a blue eyed blonde, barely 4'11" and I am sure she was under 90 lbs. She was and still is very fit, muscular and flexible from years of gymnastics. She was always so upset that she was mistaken for being much younger and at 18 she could easily pass for 14. She is the daughter of one of my best friends...

1 year ago
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BFFs Aspen Romanoff Monica Asis Marilyn Mansion Hide And Go Freak

Aspen Romanoff, Monica Asis,and Marilyn Mansion all decided to ditch their schools camping trip since there was going to be no fun, no refreshments, and worst of all NO BOYS! The girls took it upon themselves to rent out a weekend pad and have a little fun for a change. These girls were getting lit, but they needed a bit more of a masculine presence to really start getting things popping. They invited one of their boy toys over for some fun, all he had to do was bring a camera! As soon as he...

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Sybil 319000

What is it about Eastern European bitches that makes them so sexy? The first thing I notice is the face. Eastern Europeans have the angles and curves of a model on their face.A Durable and Resilient VaginaPlus, there is something in the eyes of Eastern Europeans. It's the pain and suffering they endured growing up in the Eastern bloc. If you can take living in the Eastern bloc, you can take a dick.No matter how brutally a cock may treat a bitches pussy, asshole, and mouth, it's still better...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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I talked her into it

I went over to my best friend Danny's house to see him but he wasn't home. His wife Alicia was there and invited me in to wait on him so I did. Alicia is a hot little number, about five foot three and a hundred and ten pounds. She has short hair that is normally mousey brown but she keeps it platinum blonde. She also is heavily tattooed. That day she was wearing a pair of black spandex shorty shorts and a neon yellow tank top. I asked for a cold beer and as she went to get it I had to bite my...

4 years ago
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A Model for CCs

(This is a standalone story based in the universe of "Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy" reading that first might be advised.) Intro Victor was just a regular guy down on his luck. A month ago he still had it all, a beautiful girlfriend, a nice apartment and a decent paying job working for an accounting firm. The company he had worked for wasn't doing so well though and as a result they needed to let some people go. He ended up being one of them. It was a small disaster since him and...

3 years ago
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Lust In the Locker Room

Hideki and Ashley were nearly inseparable since they met nearly a month ago. Fearing her parents’ reactions, they met on the sly, thinking of creative excuses to hide their romantic and sexual life from them.Ashley went to all the home games and became Hideki’s biggest fan and cheerleader. At the same time, there was no denying how her life had changed since they met. Her sexual desires were no longer repressed and she found herself resisting the urge to masturbate at inappropriate moments. She...

Quickie Sex
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A Pakistani8217s Sex Adventure In Australia 8211 Part IV

Hello friends, I am back again with another experience. I would like to thank all the guys and girls who emailed me with a great response. my email is One Saturday morning my phone rings; Voice: Hi Jaanu! I was dumb-stuck for few seconds, Hi Padma how are you sweet heart? Padma: I am fine darling, what are you doing? Me: Now that I got you on the phone I am thinking of the time we spent together… Padma: Hey my husband went out for few minutes so I am ringing you, would you like to take care...

4 years ago
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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 18

"I want to go back to work." "Why not?" "My six months will be up at the end of September or the beginning of October, depending on how they count. The weddings are a week apart, September 30 in South Australia and October 7 in Queensland. We could fly to Adelaide around the 25th, to Roma on the 2nd or 3rd, and home on the 10th. I could start work on Monday the 16th." "You got it all planned out, eh?" "Except for one part." "And that is... ?" "Pat. No creche will take a...

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Adam Jesse Ch 14

When Jesse and Adam walked in the meeting room, most of the board members were already seated. Gerald hadn’t arrived yet, although this did not surprise Jesse. She went to the head of the table and motioned for Adam to have a seat beside her. Questions were already flying around the room before she sat down. They were all wondering why she had called a meeting. The first person Adam noticed was Doug sitting directly opposite him. Both men glared at each other for several moments before Adam...

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A Motherrsquos Secret 3 ndash Secret No More

This is part 3 of the story of a mother who has done a taboo porn video to support her k**s. Her are links to the other two parts. Please enjoy and show your appreciation by thumbs up. had been a month since Jean had recorded her porn movie. In many ways she was trying to put it out of her mind. The memory still excited her. Never in her life had she ever...

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my girls asshole

i am with my girlfriend six months and she is bi. she has a great body and firm breasts!! one thing that i did not like was her asshole.. it was hairy and i said to her that i did not like it and she said it was to awkward to shae that area and she asked me would i do it!!!! i asked her would she get her female friend to do it and let me watch!!!she was hesitant at first but then she quite liked the idea!! a weekend came and her bisexual girlfriend came over ... i popped the bottles of wine...

1 year ago
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Becoming his slut wife

“Are you sure about this?” I ask my husband for the millionth time, afraid that we're stepping over a line that will forever ruin us. Certain lines can’t be uncrossed once they’ve been crossed. “Yes I am, I want to see my slut wife in real action,” he whispers hotly in my ear, nibbling it for emphasis, a sure sign he’s aroused. I remember it well, that night when we’d had a bit too much to drink. It had been our twelfth anniversary. I don’t know who’d initiated it, but we had started...

2 years ago
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Amazing Visit From Friend with Benefits

This is the first time I have ever submitted a story to X-Hamster but I think everyone will love this story.This story took place yesterday. It had started out a pretty crappy day. My wife and I almost missed her doctor's appointment. While there, she was bitching about her girlfriend (my friend with benefits) coming over after the appointment. Well, needless to say, my wife finally agreed to have her over. We picked her up from the local library and brought her back to our apartment.Once in...

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Lakeside Youth Sanatorium

A lot of people wonder why a guy like me became a nurse. The main reason is pussy which is pretty much the reason for everything I do. Four years ago I was looking for something different and decided to enroll at Lakeside Community College. I went for the Nursing Program because I heard most nurses are free with their snatch and decided it was the best place to get some serious action. During the process of me fucking every student nurse in the class, I ended up graduating. It was a bitch...

2 years ago
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The Deadly ForestChapter 6

After our celebration and cleanup following the attack on the cabin, Mary and I had a serious discussion in whispers in an effort to keep our conversation away from David and Alice. Mary said, “Jack, what happened today was so close to what happened just before I met you that I am still shaking. I keep thinking of what could have happened if you and David had not shown up when you did. I do not know if I can go to sleep even after that great fuck you just gave me. “I know that logically I do...

3 years ago
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Flashing First Time

I just had a unique (for me) experience in my hotel. After a soak in the hot tub, I returned to my room and donned my lounging pants. They have a generous fly in the front.I wanted some ice to cool down a diet drink. For whatever reason, I decided to go down to the ice maching with my dick and balls hanging out. Don't ask, because I have no explanation. It just seemed to be the thing to do at the time.Since it's quiet in the hotel, I figured "No Big Whoop!" I grabbed the bucket and a key, and...

1 year ago
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A Primitive Hope Ch 04

The atmosphere seemed to perfectly mirror Cindi’s demeanor. Large powerful engines, raw and untapped crude oil… manifolds askew… cylinders fabricated to thrust, their sole purpose inside an engine. All working together for the greater cause. Two beings lost amidst machinery and abrasive equipment, broken and in need of repair… Cindi was my mechanic… to repair my inoperable heart that demanded her skillful ability to survive. My neck dangled back, feeling her hunger surge as she devoured my...

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SheLovesBlack Lulu Chu A Curious Neighbor8217s BBC Craving

Petite Asian cutie, Lulu Chu, loves sneaking around in your yard and watching you masturbate every afternoon. The tiny teen is a bit unlucky this time because you catch her while she tries to get a glimpse of your big black cock. Instead of scolding the young chic, you let her inside the house. Lulu confesses that watching you jerk off has become a routine for her. As a reward for her honesty and her admiration for your big black cock, you decide to give Lulu a close-up view of you playing with...

2 years ago
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Idin NoahChapter 2

Then... I was out hunting for the tribe it has been a long two day hunt, several hunters are staying with the kill to dress it while I head home, as Jora pregnancy progressed the more I was out hunting, always making sure the village and her had enough food, I calculated that we still had a month or so before the birth, I wanted to be stocked up so I could stay with her and the child as much as I could. When I got back to the village it is almost dusk, I can see that there is some kind of...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 42

Tuesday, 22 April, 2014 Regional Operations Central Command, Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “The decision to hold ROCC sessions here in your temporary housing was pure genius on my part, wouldn’t you agree?” Mayor Ted Lansing fished for praise as we sat together with the other principals of the Command. “Naturally, Your Honor. Now, can we get on with the business at hand?” Lancaster County Sheriff Stuart Lopez urged us with the nodding approval of the other local...

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Sex With Neighbor Women

This incident happened to me in my life last year. I am 28 years of age based Avadi, Chennai. Mrs. Sumitha is my neighbor she is aged about 34 years. She is having a school going kid and her husband working as a Human Resources Manager for a private company and he is aged about 45 years. She came to the rented premises last year since her husband got transferred. Both our houses are located in the same compound. She is one of the beautiful creations of the god. No words to explain her beauty. I...

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Getting worked in Texas

Well the day came for me to leave and I had packed everything I needed and had booked to be in the same hotel that the seminar was to be held at. I felt pretty confident that all was going to go without any problems. I kissed my kids and husband goodbye and said I would call. I got into Houston easy and got the rental car. I noticed alot of black people around which didn't bother me, but just noticed that there were way more than where I was from. The kid at the rental car company was a...

1 year ago
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Sharing Addiction 2

If you want to be my friend and read rest of the stories, leave a comment here before you send me a friend request. All invites are rejected otherwise.========================================================================Sharing (Part 2 of "Addiction")I had expected the drama practice to be a long, sordid affair. I wasn't disappointed.Heather and Audrey were at it again - squabbling over who gets the most lines. It was getting boring when Audrey pounced on Heather, grabbing her by the neck...

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Living Beyond the Day a PP StoryChapter 5

I went through the window and opened the door. I told Dad about the Liberty. "Son, she must have been more angry or hurt than we had imagined. Let's go at least to the top of the valley road. Cut everything off." I turned off the burners on the stove and hustled out to my Liberty. Dad was in the drivers' seat and had the engine running. We hightailed it up to the top of the valley. Pat was there trying to get through. Dad said, "You go to her and talk." I ran up to her. "Pat, stop...

4 years ago
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Best friends bitch and the ride home

My buddy was coming to pick me up from the airport because I had just touched down. I was visiting him for the first time in six years, he had joined the Air force. I was going to stay for a week, I asked him to make sure there were some decent bitches around, but to my dismay he told me he was in a committed relationship and that I was on my own in that area. Well as I exited the plane into the airport, I noticed he was standing there with a very hot mess of a bitch, she was wearing a micro...

3 years ago
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A Cold Day in Hell

How much longer would he make me wait?Kneeling, naked and blindfolded, on the bathroom floor. I could argue with myself that I didn’t deserve this but I did. Being tired is never an excuse to question him or to refuse to do a set task, but today the brat reared her head and that was that.The look came out, then the order and now here I knelt, waiting for him and his displeasure.I could hear muffle sounds from the bedroom for a few minutes before the bathroom door open.“At least you can follow...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 337 USS Harry S Truman

Monday, April 16, 2007 (Continued) At 4pm I detached myself from the boat and headed closer to the shore to find a computer to use. I hadn't done enough research about the military bases in the area, so it was time for me to do some more googling before people got home from work. I found a seaside house with a couple of computers that I could use, so I browsed away. I used Google Earth on one of them, and noticed that Hampton Roads was only fifteen miles away from where I was now. If I...

3 years ago
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GAY PARIS A Gay and Lesbian Tale PART 2

GAY PARIS (A Gay and Lesbian tale) . Part 2 The action takes place in Paris in the mid-1920sThe Main Characters: Sylvia Aubert (doll) married to Senator Richard Aubert (bottom) Louise Louvain (butch) married to Paul Louvain (top) Judith, a black lesbian hooker at the brothel spying for Paul Edith (butch), professional singer interested in Sylvia Aubert André (top/bottom and bisexual), wealthy voyeur friend and lover to Richard and PaulAfter the show, Sylvia received a handwritten note...

1 year ago
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Private Jolee Love A Night Of DP

Jolee Love has been a real sensation here at and today she returns in Private Gold, A Girls’ Night Out in London to continue that streak with yet another breath taking threesome. Watch this star with her incredible body and big tits as she takes on the veterans Marc Rose and Chris Torres, first swallowing cock left and right before offering up her pussy and ass for the real action. Watch and enjoy Jolee in all her glory as she gets fucked in this quality display of anal and DP...

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The Check Up

" Mandy who is next" "Mrs Smith. Ms Pointer" Mandy hands me a manila folder as I walk passed and enter the surgery. "Hello Mrs Smith" I look down at a beautiful woman, her long slender black stocking legs are in the stirrups. Her black dress d****d over the chair. Her black lacy bra garter belt and knickers are of a very high quality with little white flowers. Her black high heels hang from her toes. Her pussy is trimmed. "Hello. I was expecting Dr Long. " she looks disappointed."How can we...

4 years ago
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Perverted Ghost Possesses Family Members For Fun

It all started as a normal day, when all of a sudden I felt a chill go down my shoulder. Aslo my name was Roy, and I didn’t think today was going to be as weird as it was. Boy was I ever wrong, today was gonna be so weird. I brush it off as nothing but little did I know our house was haunted, and the Ghost was very perverted. The Ghost then scans the house for the perfect target, "oh you’ll do very nicely" she says smirking.

1 year ago
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Kindred Desires

KAYEI love people, but I don’t enjoy being treated like some naïve teen who doesn’t know what’s best for her.I’m a card-carrying adult, fully allowed by law and motivated by disposition to engage in any ethical activity of my choosing.  Yeah, my short stature, girlish face, and medium-small breasts might freak you out at first sight.  However, if you were ever lucky enough to sample my surprisingly curvaceous ass on your face while I begged you, husky voiced, to taste my cunt, you’d know...

3 years ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 4

Back home, I took the trailer directly to my cargo's destination dock, had it unloaded, and headed for home. Margarita again took refuge in the sleeper compartment. Her presence in the truck wouldn't have been so remarkable as to draw the attention of the truck terminal's crew, but Margarita and I were both still behaving with some caution. At the house, I parked the rig and called the girl out. We went directly to the house, where I unlocked the door and showed her inside. "You have a...

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 Pamela was swept away by the powerful alien.Pamela had been driving for hours, the mountain roads were twisting and deserted this time of night or really early morning. The sky was dark, no moon tonight but every once in a while she would get a glimpse of the stars through the windshield.   This area of the North Carolina Mountains was almost completely deserted, not even any side roads marked by lonely mailboxes. The radio was Pamela’s only companion as she drove along, she sang along trying...

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Japanese onsen sex adventure

My sento story: I was far away from Tokyo in a country town. My friend was working at a ryokan and asked me to visit. I was looking forward to a holiday anyway – Tokyo and be really busy. A holiday in the mountains was an ideal thing.I am 23, 5’11’’, dark blonde and gym fit…. 8’’ uncut and not bothered getting naked. In fact, it was a bit weird at first going to onsen or sento but now, take it for granted that this is the ‘thing you do’ with mates and families. I really enjoy either and prefer...

4 years ago
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Donny N Marie

Marie Ormond was glad to be leaving for college. She was tired of all the gossip, and not having any friends. It was a small town populated by smaller minds. Marie loved to write fiction, especially erotic fiction. She had hundreds of erotic stories on her tablet, which had been stolen five months ago. Whoever stole it had edited some of the racier stories so they appeared to be diary entries. One day she was a popular cheerleader, who all the boys wanted to date and all the girls envied....

1 year ago
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Little Perversions

The city is lonely and my bedside table is in disarray. Cherry cola fizzes in a champagne flute. A ragged copy of Albert Camus’ The Fall holds a position of importance in place of a Bible. It’s bookmarked at Jean-Baptiste’s recollection of that warm autumn night by the River Seine. I like to reread that passage when I can’t sleep. Next to it, there’s a half-smoked joint in a vintage glass ashtray that I stole from an ex-lover’s apartment. I can’t remember his name, but there’s something...

4 years ago
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Das schwarze Brett

Schon nach zwei Tagen nach dem seine Seite online war, erhielt Hans seiner erste Rückmeldung. Es ist nicht vorstellbar wie viele Kerle ihre Ex Freundinnen anschwärzen und alles wissenswerte preisgeben, um sich die schlimmsten heraus zu suchen. So erfuhr er praktisch alles. Wie sie aussehen, wo sie wohnen und wie groß ihre Fotzen waren. Alles was die Typen als Gegenleistung wollten, war ein ein Video der Rache. Nachdem Hans, um sicher zu gehen noch eine Mail verschickt hatte, wusste er alles was...

3 years ago
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         "Where are we going?" asks Rose. Two years is a long time to get used to someone who kidnapped you but treated you well. Thats somehow what rose felt: Comfort around him because of the way he treated her. Always giving her what she wants, keepin her in good shape. But never letting her out of his sight for even one minute. He was always afraid she'll run away.          "To a club," replies William. His icy blue eyes meet her green ones. She grimaces. Somehow she knew this was the...

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Family Fun

Dear ISS readers, my name is Akhil, from a Tamil Brahmin family, and I am a diehard fan of incest sex. I used to read many incest stories and watch many incest movies as well. I used to always dream of fucking my mother, and masturbate knowing that it could never happen in reality. But things that I thought could never happen, turned out happening. This is a true life story that happened to me when I had just turned 18 during summer vacation in Kerala. Now am in an engineering college. Before...


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