Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 6A
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Toweling himself off after a brief and disappointingly unrefreshing shower, Luke sighed, staring at the tile as if it might offer him some tiny morsel of insight or comfort. The only sound he could hear was a slowing drip from the leaking shower head. He wondered if they were already deep in the throes of passion. If I step out of the changing room, will I be met by cries of ecstasy? And if I do, how will that make me feel?
Ever so slowly, as if wading through a pool of molten lead, he finished his ablutions and donned his street clothes, staring at himself in the mirror and begging for solace, recrimination, or both.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” he asked of his reflection. No answer. Though I don’t know why I’d expect mirror-me to know something that I don’t.
His reluctance to leave the safety and tranquility of the changing room was as palpable as it was frustrating. But he was beset by indecision. Not just over his choice, which was now made and part of their new reality, but about what to do next. Should I go watch? Do I want to watch? Do I sit there and ... I dunno, beat off or something? That seems a little pathetic. Unless they’re so hot together that I can’t help myself, and then it would be kinda dumb not to. But that might be even worse, too. Or if I don’t watch, should I at least try to listen? How would that be easier than watching, though? It’s not like I won’t know everything that’s going on; she’s an extremely vocal lover. I’ll hear every single orgasm, and probably be able to guess exactly what he did to achieve it.
He sighed again, rotating his shoulders to try and reduce the tension that the shower had completely failed to dissolve. Well, I can’t just stand here and talk to myself. I have to do something. Hiding is cowardly. I’m the one who set this in motion, and now I need to man up and see it through. If I don’t, all my self-serving justifications about how this might help me get over my jealousy were no more than meaningless psychobabble. He was finally gathering enough courage to find out what they were doing when Alejandro strode into the room with a stern and slightly troubled look on his face.
“Don’t tell me she changed her mind?” Please, please, please tell me that she did.
“I am not here to tell you that.” Hmmm. Kind of a non-denial denial.
“So she didn’t?” He knew he sounded deflated, realized he was being ridiculous and even a little bit churlish, and forced himself to mentally exhale his internal emotional toxins.
“I did not say that either.”
“So why are you here, rather than back there?” Now I do sound petulant. This isn’t his fault, it’s mine. Nor is he responsible for my endless second-guessing.
“Because I am the one who said no.”
Exhilarating waves of relief washed over Luke, calming his frazzled nerves and relaxing his muscles. Which is why his very next words were so shocking, most of all to him. “But she wants you. You want her too. I saw it as clearly as anyone can see anything. Please don’t try to pretend I didn’t.”
“I shall not, for you are correct on both counts. But there is a conversation you and I must have that will explain my answer.”
Why am I not leaping around the room with joy? Why am I bothering to let him explain himself? Why don’t I just grab her hand and flee this absurd situation? “Okay, go ahead.” Good job. That was a well-executed escape plan.
“I apologize for what will be a very challenging question, but I require an answer that makes sense to me: why? Given the change in her circumstances and the context of our afternoon, I understand Kathryn’s interest, and I openly admit that I share it, but to be exceedingly blunt: what do you get out of it? I must warn you that if your answer is that you crave the thrill of watching her with another man, my answer will be an immediate and permanent no. I have allowed myself to participate in that fantasy a few times, and it has almost always ended unpleasantly for all concerned.”
“I get it. You’re ... I mean, dudes want you to be the ... bull? Is that the right word? Or their wives or girlfriends just want to take a spin on a huge ... well, you know. Either way, it happens, then someone decides they can’t handle it after all, and everything goes to hell.”
“Precisely. This is part of the learned caution I explained to you earlier. I did nothing to deserve or earn what nature provided, but I did earn the wisdom to act with respect. For me, there is simply too much risk of disaster to be a novelty in someone else’s sexual drama.”
Luke shook his head, giving voice to a few seconds of wry laughter. “You know, Alejandro, for a dude it’d be really easy to hate because you’re handsome, because of your success and talent, because of your ridiculous endowment, because of everything you’ve already done with Kathryn, and because of what I suggested you two should get up to only a few minutes ago, you’re making it very, very hard to dislike you.”
“Which is exactly why I will not give anyone this particular reason, though I am pleased to learn that I have not yet fallen in your estimation.”
“You haven’t. It’s me who keeps screwing up. Listen: I can explain, but it’s going to take a few minutes. Do you have somewhere else to be? Where’s Kathryn, anyway?”
“She remains where we both left her, albeit in a condition of elevated agitation, and I will gladly give you all the time you need to explain.” Luke launched into an abbreviated history of his time with Kathryn, paying special attention to their sexual escapades with Wendy (and his with Irina). Alejandro nodded along without interruption. Eventually, Luke arrived at a motivation he hadn’t fully revealed to Kathryn, for it only coalesced into a coherent narrative when he was in the shower.
“In terms of bringing additional partners into our orbit, if I’d even thought about doing so I should have tried to pair her up with Wendy, though as I just explained it ended up happening the other way around. I know a few other women — occasional and casual partners — who I’m sure would be delighted to join us, and who I also believe Kathryn would enjoy. But since we arrived at your studio, I’ve been subconsciously, and for the last half-hour or so consciously, facing the fact that I don’t know a man I’d trust enough to include in our sexual adventures. Not that my friends are untrustworthy, just that there isn’t a single one I’d willingly introduce into our relationship. Yet I know, especially from things she said when we were with Wendy, that more than one man is, somewhat surprisingly, an unfulfilled fantasy of hers.”
“And now, suddenly, here you are. You’ve already had sex with her. She trusts you, against all likelihood I trust you as well, and though I’m still embarrassingly intimidated by that monster in your pants, I can’t think of a single logical reason to deny her something that I know she wants. There might be other men she wants to have sex with, but I don’t know who they are and thus have no reason to trust them, much less seek them out. You might be my one and only shot at giving her something she wants so very much. Believe me, no one is more surprised to be on this rollercoaster ride than me. But my immediate reaction to you — that caveman-level instinct to cage my woman, even though she’s not my woman — was not only slightly shameful, it masked a deeper and more fundamental issue. There’s another jealousy that’s much more difficult for me to put aside, and I’m hoping that being able to deal with the two of you being together will help me rise above it.”
Alejandro stared at him for a few moments before responding. “That was well-explained. I believe I understand your motivations. But you have now raised and highlighted another of my concerns, and I apologize for what may be an even more challenging question than the last. You are offering me a woman who is married to another man. How am I to feel about this?”
“I know. I thought about this before I said anything to her. But I’m not ‘offering’ her. I don’t possess or own her, nor can I dole out her sexual favors to whoever comes calling. I’m simply giving her permission that she’d never give herself. Sexual exploration is part of who we are, and part of why we are. The only thing I can offer is freedom. And by the way, I’m not offering it to you, I’m offering it to her. You’re just the fortunate recipient.”
Alejandro looked chastened. It was a striking thing to see, for he otherwise carried himself with such self-assurance. “You are correct to call out my misuse of the word. This is, I fear, an artifact of my culture, which can be frustratingly patriarchal, and over which many enlightened women have upbraided me time and time again. I thank you for your answer, though I feel that I must point out an error in your thinking. You claimed she is not ‘your woman.’ In the sense you just described you are right: you do not own her. But she is your woman, whether or not she is also another’s. Surely you see this?”
Luke stared at the floor for a while, then looked back at Alejandro. The photographer seemed unusually interested on his response. “I do, or at least I think I do. She tells me the same thing in so many different ways. But it’s a difficult situation, and I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate it. I’m not sure I always succeed, nor am I always sure I do the right thing. For what it’s worth, though, I think this — what I proposed between the two of you, I mean — is the right thing, right now.”
For better or worse, his answer appeared to mollify Alejandro’s concerns. “Then my third question is much easier, though in a way it is more personally invasive. Were I to change my mind and acquiesce after all, what preparations would I need to make?”
He was confused until he realized that he was being asked about protection. “Oh! Well, since you’ve been friends for so long and since you didn’t use anything when you were ... together ... I presume you already know that she can’t get pregnant. As for the rest: she’s clean, I’m clean, Wendy’s clean, Irina hasn’t had sex with anyone but me for ages, and so on the medical side we’re about as pristine as anyone can be. But I don’t know your situation.”
“In theory, I am the greater danger, because I enjoy an active sex life with a wide variety of partners, but of course that means I must be fanatical about such matters. In fact, I can provide proof that is only two days old, and I promise that nothing has happened in the interim to change that status. Still, I am happy to concede any and all precautions either of you desire.”
“I doubt she’ll want you to use ... well, why am I telling you this? You probably remember what she likes, and if you don’t I’m sure she’ll be happy to remind you. Does this mean you have changed your mind, and that your answer is now a yes?” To his surprise, this second potential reversal of fortune didn’t negatively affect his emotions like it so recently had. In fact, he felt strangely excited about the looming possibilities.
“If you will remember, I began this conversation as a way to explain why my answer was no. I will finish that explanation now. I said no because I will not be with Kathryn in any fashion unless you are with us.”
“Well, when you walked in I was trying to figure out if I had enough courage to watch, or if I was just going to hide in here until it was over.”
“Watching is not what I am suggesting. I do not mean in the room with us. I mean the three of us together. Not,” he cautioned as Luke’s eyebrows went up, “you and me. I do not judge, and I have certainly had many opportunities to experiment, but that is not an interest of mine.”
Luke couldn’t help but laugh. “Nor mine. Though even if it was, I don’t think I’d start with... that.”
“A wise hesitancy.” Was that humor? I just can’t tell with him. It’s so utterly dry. “But Kathryn needs you there. She may not have said so amidst her initial eagerness, but she does. The moment you left the room, in fact, she realized it. Just as importantly, so did I. I must be completely and repeatedly assured that I am not endangering your relationship, and the only way that can happen is for you to be a full and equal participant.” Though he signaled his assent, Luke still wasn’t completely sure he understood, and apparently that confusion was obvious enough that Alejandro was moved to elaborate. “As you said, we have had many chances to revisit our experiences over the years, and while I cannot speak for her, I believe there has always been a tacit understanding that the possibility and the curiosity remain, even if never acted upon. Yet I am absolutely sure that, even today, nothing would ever have happened without your intervention. You claim you give her freedom, and I believe you do, but you also give her a reason. Moreover, I would never have considered it without a clear and honest explanation of your motivations. That this might happen at all is entirely due to your actions.”
Luke closed his eyes and grimaced. “You know, that doesn’t exactly make me feel good about what I’ve proposed.”
“Then think on this: I am no longer saying no, but neither have I fully committed to yes. I propose that we go to my apartment, where everything is much more comfortable than this cavernous and artificial environment. I am sure you are both as hungry as I am. We will eat, we will drink, and we will speak about any subject that engages our interest. From that point forward, I would ask you to trust my experience with such arrangements and let me create the necessary mood. And then, if we are all still willing, I suggest that Kathryn and I should give each other our undivided attention for a little while, though I think it is crucial that you remain nearby. Once she is completely relaxed into the situation and convinced that you trust her enough to continue — and, just as importantly, that you trust us enough to continue — we will join together in a threesome. You said this is something she has not experienced before?”
“Not this kind. She’s been with more than one woman — I’m not sure how often, but I got the impression it was more than once — and I already told you about me and my friend Wendy, but never with multiple men.”
“Then for reasons aligned with yours, I would like to help give her this pleasure. Depending on what we do it can be overwhelming for the uninitiated, but to the extent that I know her mind, I am sure that she will only enjoy it to the fullest if someone she loves and trusts is part of it. Please also understand that my saying yes to any part of this remains entirely contingent on your full, active, and eager participation. Until I am absolutely certain that I am doing neither of you harm, you must be there and involved at every moment. Later ... well, we will see. Even though there are two of us, I remember very well that she is...”
Luke’s imagination drifted into the recent past. He recalled Kathryn’s incredibly enthusiastic reaction to being doubly penetrated and wondered just how she’d respond to two real cocks, though he reserved a measure of doubt that she could accommodate both of them at the same time without significant difficulty. He regained control of his memories and said, “Everything you say is wise and considerate, and moreover it reveals a great deal about how much you still care about her wellbeing. I wholeheartedly concur with your plan. I have a few logistical questions, though. What should we do with our car? How are we getting to your place? How should we get back? The parking attendant didn’t seem overly permissive.”
Alejandro smiled. “You are in a designated client space, and unless you wish to waste an enormous amount of money parking several blocks away, you should leave your car where it is. As for how we are getting to my place, the most efficient route would be to take the elevator.”
“You live here?”
“I do. This is a warehouse converted into an artists’ workspace, and most of the floors are occupied and reasonably active. But as I said earlier, I have done well beyond any reasonable measure. I grew tired of commuting back and forth from the heart of the city, and so I had the top two floors converted into an unnecessarily lavish apartment. It is distant from any form of nightlife, but that is as much a benefit as it is a burden. To tell the truth, the apartment is much more spacious than I need or want, but on the other hand that space allows me to ... entertain.” Much remained unspoken behind the last word, leading Luke to wonder exactly what sort of “entertainment” he hosted.
“One more question before I forget: what time do we need to be out of your hair? If this goes ... well, if we end up in bed and if Kathryn’s her usual self, we won’t get much sleep. But one of us needs to be rested enough to drive home, and I’m sure you have things to do tomorrow.”
“I do not have another client until 6 p.m. tomorrow, so there is no rush, though a discussion regarding tomorrow morning is a matter I would like to table until we see how the evening develops.”
“Okay,” he said, wondering why there was suddenly so much mystery in Alejandro’s previously plain and direct communication. “Last one, though probably the most important: how did you leave things with Kathryn?”
“I presented her with a much shorter version of the concerns I just expressed, though I did not mention anything about requiring your presence, for the final barrier to my affirmative answer requires that she reach that conclusion herself. But I think you will find she is as eager to talk to you as you are to her.”
“Well then, let’s go.”
Kathryn was pacing around the room on pins and needles, tapping her fingers against her thighs like she was furiously typing a letter. The moment they reentered the room, she completely ignored Alejandro and raced toward Luke, leaping into his arms and practically sobbing with relief. Grabbing his head, she plowed her tongue into his mouth until he was bereft of breath.
“Oh god, darling, I’ve messed everything up, haven’t I?”
“What?” he asked as she attempted to orally molest him a second time. “No, you haven’t messed any mmmmmph!“ He enjoyed her fervor for a few minutes before gently but insistently bringing an end to her lamprey-like clinging.
“You don’t ... I ... Luke, I tried to do what you asked — what I finally admit I wanted — but I got it all wrong. I was crazy to think I could do it alone. The moment you left the room, every single thing about it felt awful. Even just kissing him. I can’t do it.”
“What if I was right there with you?” he said with a patient, understanding smile. Alejandro was right about everything. I still don’t know how I’m going to feel when they actually have sex and I have to watch her take that gigantic schlong, but I can’t deny that he understands the delicate emotional hazards involved in something like this far better than I do.
“You ... you’d really want to be there?”
“Where else would I be?”
“Would you ... god, Luke, I don’t want to sound like a complete slut, even though I’m being exactly that, but will you consider joining in? I mean...”
“I know precisely what you mean, and the answer’s yes.”
“Oh god ... oh fuck ... Luke, you perfect, majestic, generous, loving, incredibly sexy...” The rest of her encomiums were lost in a hail of kisses, and he couldn’t help but laugh as she covered every exposed inch of flesh with her frantic gratitude.
“I agree with every single adjective,” he laughed as he again pried her from his body. “Now, let’s go back to where you left off. I believe you two were kissing.”
“Ask him again. You still have my encouragement, and I’m even more sure than I was before.”
Searching his face for a trace of doubt but failing to find it, she turned to Alejandro. They didn’t exchange a single word, staring into each others eyes for what seemed an eternity. And then, agreement having somehow been reached despite no apparent changes in expression, she pulled his face to hers and kissed him with pure passion, their tongues dueling as she writhed and whimpered with anticipation.
It was Alejandro who eventually broke the kiss. “I am quite sorry to interrupt something so enjoyable, but I suddenly realized that I am being a presumptive host. You may not be prepared for an extended stay.”
“Actually, she insisted that we pack overnight bags. Though I didn’t know what they were for until...”
“No! No, Luke, this isn’t why,” she said, flushed with arousal and uncertainty over his reaction to what he’d just witnessed. “I never expected this. I thought we’d spend the night at your place. I had a ... oh god, I need to cancel a reservation, and ... oh shit, I also have to...” She was hyperventilating, clearly overwhelmed by the headlong rush of events.
“As a very wise woman once told me: breathe. Let’s take this step by step. I’m very happy for you to spend the rest of the day — in fact, the rest of your life — naked, but you’ve got clothes around here somewhere. Go shower if you need to, put them on, then make whatever calls you need to make while Alejandro and I retrieve the bags. We’ll wait for you in the office.”
For a few moments she just gaped at him, for the “rest of your life” comment hadn’t gone unnoticed. Even Alejandro looked impressed that he’d been so bold. Impulsively, she kissed both of them — paying extra attention to Luke — and fled the room.
“Well, I guess we’re on camel duty.”
“I am afraid I do not understand. Why a camel?”
He chuckled. “Once again it’s not funny enough to explain.”
“You know, Luke, jokes that are not funny enough to explain may not actually be funny at all.”
Luke sputtered with laughter as they entered the elevator. Now that was funny. Why did I ever suspect he didn’t have a sense of humor?
A bag slung over each of their shoulders, they looked around the small room, patently avoiding the erotic elephant that filled it. Here we are. Just a couple of dudes headed upstairs to have sex with the same woman. A woman I love and for whom he might feel a little of the same, which doesn’t even begin to address how she feels about him. And yet we’re pretending that this is completely normal.
“Alejandro, I’m sorry but I have to ask: do you do this a lot?”
“Could you be more specific?”
“Spur-of-the-moment sex?”
“Perhaps not as often as you think, because schedules in my industry are problematic even in the best of circumstances, and the hours can be exhausting. But by normal standards, yes.”
“Sex with your subjects?”
“More often than I probably should or would like generally known, but far less often than in the past.”
“Group sex?”
“Nostalgic sexual reunions with long-forgotten lovers?”
“Occasionally, though Kathryn does not qualify as I have never forgotten her.”
“There is little reason to be impressed, Luke. I work in a hypersexualized industry in which release without commitment is often the best available alternative to disastrous emotional spectacles. I told you that Kathryn and I would never have been compatible. I did not tell you all the reasons, for while I have finally accepted them, I am not necessarily proud of them. I have chosen a life of open, honest, and deliberately low-commitment sexuality that does not even rise to the level of true polygamy. I do not wish to be anyone’s partner. I feel great affection for others, and perhaps even a pale and insufficient version of what you would term love, but with every passing year and encounter I am more convinced that I do not feel the same emotion, with the same intensity, that you and others feel. It is a defect in my character, perhaps, but it would be a terrible cruelty to fail to recognize it and attempt to live as someone I am not. I would only hurt others if I tried.”
“I guess I thought that, in some sense, you might still love Kathryn.” Jesus, that was hard to say out loud.
“I do, to the extent I am able. But not like you do, and not nearly enough for her. By the way, and though I have no right to ask this of you, I would prefer you not repeat this conversation to anyone. I cannot stop you from sharing it with her, but even then...”
“Well,” he interrupted with as much lightness as he could muster, “as long as you don’t try to steal her from me, I won’t.”
“You know I would never...”
“I know,” he again interrupted. “I’m not sure how I know, but I do.”
“I am not sure you do. I would not because I cannot. I do not desire her in that way. Even were she to be fooled into believing that I did, she would soon see the truth and flee from my presence, this time leaving her trust and our friendship behind. I very much wish to bed her or we would not be here in this extremely uncomfortable situation, making idle conversation out of my psychological disorder. But she desires a foundation. You are her foundation, or at least — if you will accept my apology for mentioning it — you are one of them. I may be an enticing edifice, which I say without undue pride or false humility, but the only foundation I provide to anyone is my work. I am surrounded by many who also desire only fleeting and itinerant commitment, and so my world is ideal for someone like me, which is a most happy coincidence. Kathryn would soon founder on the rocky shoals of my inadequate and insufficient heart. It is my fault, it is my flaw, but it is also who I am. I believe that I am, at least now, a fundamentally good man, that I give of myself with generosity, and that I feel with great intensity, but despite many attempts to act otherwise, my emotions are fundamentally stunted when it comes to interpersonal relationships.”
“I have desired, even ‘loved,’ Kathryn for a very, very long time. Longer, perhaps, than anyone save my family. Certainly for longer than any actual lover of my acquaintance, though that is ... well, that is another conversation for later, if at all. But those feelings remain intact largely because they were born in a different time, and also because we have never acted on them. If tonight goes as I hope, I fear I will lose the greater part of that anchor. In a very strange way with which I don’t expect you to sympathize, consummating the remainder of our unresolved lust may bring an end to that part of our connection. It sounds absurd of me to say, but I will be sacrificing something that has been important to me if I follow through on my desires, for it is likely to be a final confirmation of who I really am. Is that not strange and ugly? Do you now think less of me? I feel like you should. Please be honest.”
“I think I understand what you’re saying. I hope you’re not just trying to find a creative way to talk me off the ledge if you and Kathryn have sex. No, no,” he added, waving off Alejandro’s incipient objection, “I know you’re not. Whether or not I’m going to be teetering on that ledge is all about me. I suppose it makes you a little weird by my standards, but who am I to judge? I’m in love with a married woman who hasn’t fallen out of love with her husband. From any possible perspective, that makes me the bad guy. You, at least, are honest about who you are. Whereas I’ve always liked and respected myself, yet can’t quite reconcile that self-image with how I’m acting right now.”
“If you will pardon me for saying so, I believe you do yourself a discredit. The problem is not that you cannot reconcile your actions with your self-image. The problem is that you have not attempted to make your actions and your self-image conform.”
“You know, Alejandro, telling me that I should break things off is another not-so-great way to make me feel better about you. Though you’re part of a very noisy and popular chorus.”
“But Luke, that is not what I am saying at all. Nor am I saying the opposite. The love you share with Kathryn ... and please do not object or demur, for I see it as clearly as you saw what exists between us ... is an essential part of you. Of both of you. If this is true — and we both know that it is — either your self-image must be flawed and incomplete, or your actions must be insufficient. You have to bring that which is divided and conflicted into concurrence. I do not know which way that balance will tip, but I do know that it must.”
“I’d like to agree with you, but I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say.”
“I should stop speaking on this topic, because I observe that it is distressing to you. I will only say that I do not believe you misunderstand me, yet I am sympathetic to the difficulty involved in rediscovering and reinventing who you are. That is, in fact, what I have spent the last few minutes telling you. Anyway, I am done.”
Luke passed some time quietly scowling at the wall. Why is he so irritatingly right and wise about everything? Can’t he just be a dull-witted Adonis with a big dick who wants to bang my woman, and who I can quite justifiably resent or envy? Why can’t he have a small dick? Or be wrong? Or unsuccessful? Or ugly? Why does he have to be so maddeningly perfect, right down to the rather significant detail of being foundationally incapable of stealing her from me? Although, given his confession, I guess he’s not all that perfect after all. I’m sure living a life screwing any model or actress that expresses an interest isn’t exactly traumatic for him, but I can hear the regret in his voice. And I also hear what he’s confessing without quite saying it: he’s been holding onto a slender thread of hope that Kathryn would prove he wasn’t the person he fears himself to be. But now that the knife-edge is here, he knows that she won’t, and that fills him with melancholy. If only I could embrace that much honesty and clarity.
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LesbianWith our growing nude movement, there was a counter movement that. I recognized them from my glimpse into the future. I had to find a way to smooth things over, and not go head to head with them, so they would not become a force to be reckoned with. I actually went back to my old high school, with help from Mr. Bradley, to give a speech in front of the whole school, to promote nudity and Blanke Schande. But it was their choice to do so. It was kind of surreal, standing on stage in front of...
The next day was a day of further education for Agatha. Breakfast finally settled her down after a night of tossing and turning that included a number of thoughts she was quite sure she wasn’t supposed to be having. They weren’t all about Bobby. She spent a lot of time reviewing her relationship with Harry, which she thought was stupid, since he was dead and gone. She also thought about her friends. She had to admit to herself that they were most likely her ex-friends, now. She thought about...
[ For Robert. The satisfaction of a well-earned orgasm is something very special, and well worth the effort put into obtaining it. ]Chandler: Even though I had a girlfriend (Marissa), Richard was so different in the way he and I interacted. With Marissa, we fucked (that was all she ever wanted to do, and though I enjoyed the feel of her warm, moist pussy around my cock shaft as we fucked, and the feel of shooting my load while I was buried deep within her was great---Richard and I had a...
The boys changed clothes. They didn't go all the way down to my usual grade of slutwear, but it was all very sexy. The girls shed the saris they had worn for the wedding and had pink baby doll t-shirts and harem pants to dance in. Most of the rest of the guests seemed to have known that my house was going to become a night club and had either dressed accordingly or brought something to change into. I went up to change and found a surprise. The boys' den was open and I could hear someone...
I then padded up behind her the site to much to resist as I dropped my pants rubbed my cock until it was hard grabbed her hips and pushed my cock all the way up her tight ass hole. Because she was sleeping her muscles were relaxed making my way into her easy enough. Just as my whole cock entered her ass she awoke with a scream her muscles immediately tightening around me making me moan in pleasure as she gasped as her sore ass was invaded yet again. I kept my cock all the way in her for...
this story starts with my growing obsession about introducing a man to the pleasures his body can give him. Freeing him from things a stereotypical male should and should not like. Its my belief that the adult human body is there to be enjoyed and between consenting adults explored together respectfully and boundaries gently and safely tested.We met online and we chatted nicely about turn ons and turn offs shared links to movies we liked and chatted about how open we were to trying new...
To be frank I am not a story writer and had not even tried it once. So please tolerate with me if this true story gets poorly narrated. My name is Raj and I hail from Kerala. Others tell me that I am handsome. But I was very shy in my child hood days. This reduced my chances with girls. Ok let’s start with what happened 3 years back. I was working in chennai for an MNC. One day while checking my fb account on my I phone, I saw a message greeting Hi. I was surprised to see that actually, because...
Hi readers mera naam Nishant hai. I m 28 years.. mai kaafi handsom hu.. mere Penis ka size 8 ½ Inch hai or 2 ½ inch mota hai. or issi pahele maine kabhi kisi ke saath sex nahi kiya tha. mai abhi Mumbai – Andheri me raheta hu or ek MNC me Job karta ho.. mera email id Main aapko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu yeh meri sacchi kahani jo lag bag aaj se 3 saal pahele ghati hai.. tab mai 24 year ka or MBA ke second year me tha or us year me mere dad ne mujhe mere birth day per mobile phone...
I felt wonderful as Maria and I left her home. The entire car ride I held her hand tightly as Maria and I drove to the closest shopping center which would not open for another 15 minutes.When we parked I looked deep into her eyes and then down at her smile."I love how you look at me." Maria said. She moved towards me and I did not resist as her lips touched mine again.Her kisses were incredible as we sat in her car listening to the radio. Over and over again her lips touched mine and my body...
The figure sat forlornly by the side of the road: the backpack looked almost as big as she was. A car pulled up a few feet away. "I'm going south if you want a lift..." The girl looked up and smiled weakly. She struggled to lift the load, so Luke got out of the car and walked to where it lay on the ground. "Here, let me!" She got into the front and did up the seatbelt. "How long have you been on the road?" "Dunno ... all day..." "And have you eaten anything today?" She shook...
Hi all friends in ISS. It feels good that i got a second chance to write down about my experience. First of all this is not a fantasy story. Its a real incident that started and continued for almost 2 months starting Oct 2014. I am Naveen, 32 yr, married, no kids, keralite who was working in Bangalore (with a reputed Indian IT company) for 9 years and now here in Minneapolis-US for an assignment. This incident is about myself and my colleague who is 38 yrs old married lady, a Tamilian, who is...
Max closed the door behind the two coppers and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a close call. Not two minutes after they reached the waiting vans the feeble voice of the distressed girl wafted up through the floorboards into the dismally cold hallway. "Please, is anyone there? I want to go home!" His mind was racing. "Did the sharp-eyed coppers see anything?" "Did they notice his sister's flights of fancy and befuddled brain?" He didn't think so but one never knew with...
NOTES for story; “Young shemale with Mature Woman” These are notes to the story entitled “Young shemale with mature woman”. Therefore, you’ll need to read said story to properly understand these enticing notes. Wife and young Ben have been enjoying each other’s company for three days now. Freely walking around naked at our cottage and pond. Ben is finally relaxing about the size of his privates as you’ll recall his penis is only 2.5 inches when erect and his ball sack is tiny. Fortunately, he...
I don't know how to begin so I'll just begin. This essay is part of my punishment so I'm sure this will count against me.Before I was writing this I was kneeling in the corner rubbing my bottom after a spanking. It was for a minor naughtiness I was given a lecture which was humiliating enough to bring me close to tears. Expecting a painful but bearable ten minutes or so over the lap I wasn't to nervous until I heard..."Go change into your little outfit!" The tone of voice and the smirk...
SpankingMorning brought me awake feeling my sister kissing my fuzzy cheeks. Dora told me, "Your whiskers aren't dark enough for a short beard. I suppose that you could have a blond beard with some dark streaks, but never that dark shadow some guys have. I truthfully like your smooth face, and just know that it would feel great between my thighs. Growing your hair out will cover your scars, but a beard won't help your appearance." I swatted Dora with a pillow, and held her down to tickle her. We...
Roger had given it a lot of thought. All he had was Hillary’s vague confession to him. There was no real evidence against her. It was just the time line. I was the wake up call he needed to convince him it would take years to be safe, if he ever managed it at all. Having the cops that pissed off at you wasn’t like having your neighbor pissed. Cops could do all kinds of things to a guy. They weren’t likely to kill him, but they would likely have no problem killing his dog. He didn’t have a dog...
I Wish when I get to work this morning you were replacing the woman in the office across the hall from me. So I can call you in to my office to explain some thing. You bend over my desk to look at some papers, I can look down your dress. You ask a question. I show you on my computer what we are talking about. You move over beside me leaning past my shoulder. I smell your perfume and your boob brushes my arm. I move it slightly feeling your nipple on my skin.I say " You either need to step back...
Teasing You’ve been missing me lots and you know how horny I’ve been for you all week long, and you’ve been wet so often over the week just thinking about being back in my arms, being kissed and caressed. Your pussy has been aching for my big hard dick and you want me bad. Whether it’s long slow loving, or being pinned down, tossed around and fucked hard and rough, you want it all. Fed up with sitting down in your pyjamas and watching TV every night, you set out for a week of fun to get the...
Exactly two days after the ‘ACCEPTANCE’ document arrived another parcel arrived at Tom’s home that contained three very clunky looking wrist bracelets. To say they could never be mistaken for a fashion accessory was an under statement because the bracelets were just positively ugly. A covering letter explained that new and much more attractive models were still in the design phase. Those new designs would be made of a non-allergenic plastic material and would come in several different colors...
Introduction: Installment 7 of the my box series. Dont forget i do have email so all my fans can get in contact with me on a report level. Email: [email protected] What the fuck you doing here, he said hovering above me. Tony, I was finishing all the closi… he stopped me mid sentence. Shut the fuck up , get yo shit. We fenna take you home, he started gathering my things Why you so mad, I said getting my stuff. If this shit go right this will be my first child, now do you think I want my child...
Chapter One: The SurpriseDaniel was an 18 year old celibate soldier, just trained as one of the UNA's top guns. He was about to be sent out to his first assignment aboard a small ship called the Virginia, stationed off the coast of China in the North Pacific. He was going to meet up with his squad, and begin his career as a "mercenary peace keeper", performing missions in war zones, designed to bring the conflicts to peaceful conclusions. Swinging his duffle bag over his back, he climbed into...
Girlfriends weekend hunt – part 1I’m Erica and my friends are Lisa and Alison. This is the story of something we planned and did together. But it didn’t turn out the way any of us thought it would.The 3 of us were all accomplished fighters, and we all had some hunting skills too. We became acquainted in an internet group, and decided that an ?in-person? meet in the ?real world? would be a fun thing. We all were very competitive, and LOVED competing with, and defeating other women. Mostly in...
*** Well hung Neighbour explores with me.... It was around 1990 give or take a year when Steven first moved in next door, i came to know soon enough he had relocated from down south a good distance away, i never knew how or why he came to end up living literally next door to me but what i did know was - looking back on that time in my life was i was very happy he did! Steven was the same age as me, in fact he was about a month younger his birthday was early June mine the beginning of May. He...
GayHi my name is Chase Andrews and I have an admission to make: I love older women. I always found it funny when people say they would never date someone ten years or older. As far as I'm concerned I can never remember a time I wasn't attracted to girls and women that fell under the category of being older than me. This is not to say that I didn't try to have relationships with girls my own age. I actually had a girlfriend in high school. Her name was Jennifer. She stood at about 5'6 and was...
What a time it's been since my experience at the automotive repair shop almost two years ago. The baby was born on time, healthy and very beautiful. We named her Jennifer but call her Jenny. Unlike her older brother Jeff who favors his father, Jenny has my features. It was therefore no surprise that she had blond hair and blue eyes. It took a few months but I finally got my shape back, although my breasts remained large as a result of nursing Jenny. Hard work and watching my diet did the...
Penelope Kay is hot and ready to try new things in her life. Jonathan Jordan has got what she needs a big black cock. Penelope reveals her perfectly perfect tits. Jonathan loves playing with her boobs. She takes off the rest of her bodysuit to show her flawless pussy. He rubs her until Penelope is wet and ready to take a massive cock. She rips off his pants to see his heavy junk. Penelope takes as much of his manhood as she can in her mouth. He breaks in her tight pussy. She moans in delight....
xmoviesforyouLet me start the story.the incident that happened is that we shifted our living to near my school so that it will become easier for me to go.this happened while i was at 18. The house was excellent.we had many neighbours surrounding of them was a family with 2 daughters.the elder one was in her 20’s.her name was laxmi(name changed).she looked gorgeous.she had a medium complexion.her boobs were so beautiful.we had a good relationship with them until this happened. One day i was preparing...
As Molly drove down the highway, I sat in the passenger seat. Although I had always had a feminine side, I was experiencing all kinds of new emotions and feelings that I hadn't felt before when dressed. I don't know exactly what brought it out. Maybe it was the love and support of Molly. Maybe it was seeing myself truly dolled-up for the first time, seeing my own cleavage, having my manhood taped and pushed back. Whatever it was, for the first time in my life I felt more girl than man. Molly...
CrossdressingMoka Mora tutors for the local college…specifically the athletic program. You know what a handful it is keeping the jocks eligible and on the field! Since most of the athletes are enrolled in B.A. programs, they need to learn a second language, and that’s where Moka is valuable. Moka hails from Spain, so yea…she’s the Spanish tutor. Do I need to tell you the guys don’t care about learning a second language? All they care about is getting Moka’s sexy red dross...
xmoviesforyouI would like to once again thank my editor Bechgen, for putting forth the time and energy required to correct this work. It is our hope that through our combined efforts can bring you a story that is for the most part free of errors and enjoyable to read. – Double_entendre. Have you ever wondered if your life was preplanned long before you were ever born, or does it simply fall into place randomly by a series of choices that either you or someone else makes that directly or indirectly effects...
Hello, friends this side Vikas from greater Noida. I am 22, currently not working anywhere done with graduation and seeking for a job. I am a regular reader of ISS from last 5 years. This is my first story hope you like it. My height 5.11″, weight-76, wheatish colour, tool 6″ which can satisfy any girl and bhabhi/milfs. Any girls/milf living in greater Noida can contact me which will be totally private. Now, coming to the story.I will narrate my story in Hindi as all the discussion between me...
Hope and Sally develop a bound that will bring their friendship closer than ever. Hope is my best friend, my opposite, my balance, and my soon to be lover. She’s tall, dark skin, brunette hair. She is a clever, loud, unapologetic, and a flirt. After a summer apart we have our first back to school sleep over. Hope’s house was so big we had a whole floor to ourselves. She gets right to telling me what her older cousin showed her over the summer. Just like my cousin Lea had used my holes,...
As ordered by Sir, you, Nicole leave the den for the rear chambers. You please me tremendously. Had I not given you a beautiful two-carat diamond pendant for on your clitoris ring? I am your grateful Dom, Sir. I speak to you, Nicole, "You have been a good slave and have pleased your Man. You will spend the night with me in my bed." With that I help you to your feet. You had been in a restrained position: thighs wide spread, head on your chest and hands behind your backI lead you into the master...
Tuesday 4th September, Miami International AirportThe last five days had been some of the most confusing and intense days of my life. Days full of worry, pleasure, and sexual highs. Oh, and the small matter of avoiding major litigation for my company and icing the details of a career move under the noses of my current employers.Thursday and Friday were days filled with work during office hours and a surreal mix of being the pretend daddy to Haley and the temporary significant other for Veronica...
Wife LoversSexy sweetheart Lily Larimar is loving how you admire her tight little body in her lacy pink lingerie and nude thigh high stockings. She drops her panties letting you admire her ass when she bends over and crawls up into bed. She loves teasing you and wonders what your tongue would feel like if she was to sit on your face! Codey Steele is a lucky chap getting to bury his face in that wet pussy making Lily want to get that hard cock deep down her throat. Codey knows how Lily loves to fuck so...
xmoviesforyouLisa had taken the day off work (she had told Beth and Joy that she had wanted to go into town to pick up a special Valentine's Day gift for Harold). While that had been a good idea and while she would very likely act on it, it had only been a pretext. Her principal destination had been Brookdale University. After parking in the main visitor's lot (She must definitely have to get her own car and stop borrowing Joy's ... but there were always more urgent things to do, darn it!), she stopped...
Later that night, when the women were sleeping, Roban was standing at the bow of the ship and watching the night sky. The sea was calm and a light northeastern wind was pushing them at a steady pace towards the western horizon. Beyond the horizon lay the coast of Vernya, where a war was waiting for them. Hundreds of thousands of warriors were coming to fight and die in this war. Roban heard steps coming closer until one of those warriors stood at his side. “Can you tell me something about...
I laid there beside you and watched you sleep: a gentle smile came across my face just entranced by your beauty. All of those months of talking and learning about one another, the yearning was so powerful that I thought I would die unless I could see you. Now here you are laying beside me, your soft gentle breathing making me sigh and wish I never had to let you go. You looked so exhausted, which you should be after our twelfth session of love making since this morning. Well it was in the...
I walk in the pool room seeing the huge BiFolding glass doors wide open along one side of the pool as it’s such a lovely warm sunny day and can see across a good majority of his garden, the pool looks so inviting but I sit down and relax opposite the pool and doors. Mark soon comes in with a chilled bottle of wine and 2 glasses, he sits next to me and says “Are you enjoying your visit so far?” “Oh yes definitely” I say smiling as he pours the wine and I sip some going on to say “You have a...
One moment I was walking down the Strand at about 3 o’clock, just past Charing Cross Station, when it hit. What “it” was, I have no idea, and all I remember was a light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before, which just burst and surrounded me. Then nothing, just nothing, it was like my mind had frozen, I could see nothing, hear nothing, and think of nothing, though somehow I was aware of the inner me. Time passed, or at least I thought it did, until then with joy, I found I could see....
Once a cannibal Introduction Men and even women, have you ever been walking down the street just minding your own business while casually dodging the cracks in the sidewalk, as we all must do, when you suddenly look up and see that woman of your dreams, the one that stands out in the crowd to such an extent that you nearly walk into the lamppost. A Beautiful face that might have been carved by an angel, hair as fine as silk and a body that was cloned from the very mould of Aphrodite’s...
All throughout high school I was treated like a ghost, no girlfriend no group I fit into. I had three friends, Brent, Sam and John. We were the so called "Rebels" we all had tattoos and piercings and all the other Jocks and girls looked down on us and laughed at us as we walked by. The only one who had a girlfriend through high school was Sam and the rest of us went without. After high school Sam and John went to college in a different state while me and Brent decided to move to a different...
This story was produced by acute insomnia, twisted imagination and a hyperactive libido and as such is best enjoyed under similar circumstances. The Earl recommends that no reader should progress beyond this point unless under the influence of sleep deprivation, hallucinogens and a porn star named Davina. Great thanks to Master Hypnotist, whose How-To on erotic hypnosis provided both the idea and a lot of the facts for this story. It can be found here and is well worth reading. Thanks also to...
The build-out continued and was nearing completion. Of course, Larry wanted to be involved with our grand opening. He kept calling the new gallery Live Oaks II and said how he would provide all the beer for our opening and any shows we would hold. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that we would be serving wine, champagne and expensive whiskey, instead of his beer. Even worse, I couldn’t tell him that I had named the new place the Faith Mitchell Gallery and not Live Oaks. I also didn’t tell...
Her hand felt nice between his and he was rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand when he realized what he was doing. He let her hand go. "Hummm... Uh well I guess I better get back to work." Shelly looked at him and grinned, "guess so, see you tomorrow." Tomorrow was Friday and she was already looking forward to the next day. That evening David picked Mindy up at her hotel and they went to eat at the Gault House downtown. It was way to expensive for what you got but it had the...
Ever since our mom and dad died, Tod believes that he has the right to boss me around. I love him to death since he is my brother, but he needs to let me live my life. Tod is twenty-seven while I’m almost eighteen. I’m simply five three and a hundred and ninety pounds. My breasts being double D’s, I swear that they weigh ten pounds together. Tod and I both have dark brown hair, while he got the blue eyes and I got stuck with the chocolate ones. ‘Tod,’ I whined. ‘When is Adam going to be...
The rest of the pre-dawn was spent at the police station, and come the early hours when Shawna was finally let out into the cold, morning air, she found Tony, Lorraine, Briana and Elspeth waiting. "Where's Marcus?" "They're keeping him in." Tony explained, slouched over his coffee on the bench outside the station. "You want one?" She shook her head. "Keeping him in, why?" "Shawna... he broke Connor up pretty badly. Snapped his arm, broke a couple of his ribs... probably cracked...
In the days of old, when lords and knights went off on spectacular, yet often long winded campaigns, the deserted ladies were left with three choices. Some, due to the nature of arranged marriages, would spend their time in the arms of some miscreant nobleman who, fearful or faithless, remained behind. Others who, with a less hot blooded yearning, were content with their chosen husbands would remain chaste until their men came home. A third choice made was by women whose soul was hued with both...
This story is dedicated in all honor and respect to the fine men (and women) of our armed forces, and to the families who wait and watch – and to two men in particular with my personal love, honor and respect – N.C.I.S. Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (who this character is NOT but who inspired a great deal of this story) and to the love of my life…who knows all the reasons why. # # # # She heard the first car door slam through the open window above the sink while she was rinsing her dinner...
She was always there - looking at me or taunting me. Sometimes she was with her gang of female friends and sometimes she was alone. Today, as I threw my coat around my shoulders as I left home, she stood there. "What is it with you, Tara?" I asked, suddenly finding Dutch courage. "Why do you dislike me so much?" "Because you're stuck up, and because you're ugly!" I turned to face her. "If I am so ugly, you seem to spend an awful lot of time looking at me!" "Ugly things fascinate me," she...
LesbianChapter 5About an hour after Brian left my house, after giving me the slut fucking I so desperately needed, my guilt trip kicked in, but thankfully it didn’t last too long.The guilt trip was somewhat distracted by the party I needed to organise for my teenage daughter and her exuberant friends. Neil had willingly offered to help out at the party, which I was most thankful for. Neil was very attractive and made a sort of pass at me at a dinner dance recently, which I was very tempted to respond...