The Wilmington Woman's ClubChapter 10: Bernie's Exhibitionist Fling free porn video

Bernie had two more dates with Eddie Boyle, but neither ended with anything close to the excitement he'd generated on the condo stairs during the hurricane. She began avoiding his calls, and after a brief interval, Eddie looked elsewhere.
Val was puzzled, for Bernie, while good looking didn't seem to attract all that many suitors; if suitor's translated into desirable hunks. But Val had her Joe, and while she was concerned about Bernie's lack of boyfriends, she didn't dwell on the matter. However, she and Bernie did continue their lesbian antics with some regularity.
One night, they took a blanket, and climbed up on to the roof of one the academic buildings at three in the morning. Giddily, they both stripped completely naked in the light of an almost full moon.
Then, after some whispered instruction, both girls sank down into a squatting position and masturbated in front of the other until both came. They followed this by performing sixty-nine on one another while rolling about in the graveled surface of the rooftop. Both were covered with scratches and small abrasions the next morning.
Eventually, Bernie did find someone who interested her, and on their second date put him to her litmus test.
His name was Mel, and as far as Bernie cared, he could kiss with the best. Yet it was far more than kisses that Bernie craved. It was the excitement she'd felt on being discovered fucking Eddie on that rain-drenched staircase, when with Eddie firmly planted in her cunt; one resident after another peered over the handrail at them as they fornicated in the eye of the hurricane.
Bernie wanted to be seen doing it, pure and simple. However, convincing someone to partner with her while exhibiting herself or them to public scrutiny wasn't as easy as one might think. Sure, plenty of guys were horny enough to screw her in the middle of the town square, but they wouldn't share the rush she got out of it, and that was major as far as Bernie was concerned. They had to be enjoying it almost as much as she was.
Her date with Mel, a senior and member of the NC State track team appeared to be promising. First, they had been intimate the night before; Bernie had blown him at the end of their movie date. Not in his car as one might expect, but in the alley up the street from the theater, with passers-by streaming by. He hadn't minded a whit. But no one thought to glance into the alleyway to see her on her knees. Now this was a bleak, cold, rainy day and they seemed to have the world to themselves as they strolled among the municipal buildings in downtown Raleigh.
They had enjoyed a nice lunch; both had had two beers, and Mel was letting his hand rub her -- as he phrased it — cute little ass. As they drew near the Capital Building in the center of Capitol Square, with all the large trees and public monuments surrounding it, Bernie steered him toward the monument that she viewed as 'the spot.'
Leaning against the cool granite, she kissed Mel and gave his manhood a gentle squeeze. He was getting hard; she was already wet. After a furtive look around, Bernie decided the time was ripe, and hiked her skirt up.
"What the fuck!" Mel sputtered, caught off guard.
"No, no, this is good. It really is good, Mel," she said, hoping to calm him; wanting him to do her then and there.
"I know its raining, Bernie ... but people will see us."
Bernie wouldn't allow him to object any further. She gave his cock another squeeze, felt it jump in her hand, and laughed.
"C'mon, Mel, it'll be a memorable fuck."
He glanced furtively around them; saw no one remotely close, took a deep breath and moved in close. Bernie drank his sweet beer breath into her lungs and pulled her underwear to one side.
"Fuck me, baby," she cooed, as if they were sequestered in a warm, dry motel room.
He fumbled with his fly, and extracted his erection. She pulled her skirt higher, raised one leg to the abutment leading off the monument. Mel caught the leg at the knee, held it up against his hip, and allowed Bernie to guide his cock into her moist nest.
But Mel was apprehensive, and after two quick thrusts, he paused and looked carefully for any possible passers-by. He saw none, but Bernie did. There were two oriental schoolgirls, possibly thirteen or fourteen years of age, sauntering by just out of Mel's vision. Bernie had the audacity to wave to them, and caught their attention. The girls stopped to gawk at Mel and Bernie. Bernie gave a little hop, propelling herself into Mel, and wrapped both legs about his waist.
"Fuck me hard!" she whispered into his ear, even as he began to pump furiously. It was quick, wild and good for the both of them. It was satisfying in that neither of them lasted very long; and with Bernie giggling inanely, and Mel tucking himself away, the two girls yelled over to them from what they felt was a save distance: "Way to go, guys! Way to go!"
"Where the hell did they come from?" Mel asked, not expecting an answer.
In a calm, almost detached tone, Bernie said, "Oh, they saw the whole thing, Mel. Start to finish. Didn't you see them over there?"
"No. Did you?"
"Oh, sure, I waited for them to get closer before I lifted my leg up for you."
"What are you, one of those voyeurs?"
"Wrong choice of words, Mel, I'm really an exhibitionist."
She was exhilarated to see that he was grinning. 'So he enjoyed it too!' Bernie told herself. And then she saw that he was hard again and obviously wanting another fuck, then and there.
"Wait," she said, not wanting to press her luck, "How about your car?"
"I thought you wanted people to see us?"
"I do. It's on the upper deck, remember?"
"Yeah ... what's your point?"
"I don't want to screw in the car. I want to be spread over the hood."
"Be wet as hell on that fine ass, but if you're up for it, why not?"
"You must have something to drape over the hood," Bernie said, as they began running toward the municipal parking lot.
""I had you in mind," he replied. "But I can scrounge something up."
At the car, she stood beside the back door while Mel opened the trunk and rummaged around until he found a small throw rug that wasn't completely oil spattered. Then, with one hand on her ass, he escorted Bernie to the hood, spread the rug out, and hoisted Bernie onto the hood.
She squealed with delight as he pulled her skirt to her waist, and pushed her backward, then stepped between her widely spread legs. Through lust filled eyes, Bernie watched him pull his swollen cock free again. And with a knowledge that belied her years, she turned over and lay on her stomach, presenting her cunt to Mel, who with no hesitation, slammed his meat into her from behind, and fucked her like an animal in the wild.
Bernie watched him through the reflection in the raindrop covered windshield, as he kept plunging it in from behind her.
He later told her that he actually felt animal-like as he'd fucked away at her while she was spread across the hood of his car.
For her part, Bernie later confessed that she kept glancing at the office building across the street and tried to see who might be watching them. She was disappointed in not actually recognizing anyone behind the mirrored windows, but took consolation that someone must be looking at them, and so she waved gaily, as if on a ferry passing another ferry on the river.
After she enjoyed her second climax, she slid off the hood, pulled her panties back in place and enveloped his waning cock in her mouth, cleansed the remnants of his jizm from it, and playfully tucked him back in his pants.
Scott was Bernie's next conquest, although to be fair, it was actually Scott's girlfriend, Regna who she seduced first when she visited their apartment off campus to give Regna a birthday present.
Val had off-handedly suggested that Regna might be bi-sexual. Bernie couldn't get the thought out of her head. She also pondered whether she might seduce the both of them; and over a two-week period crafted a plan to do so.
It was about four in the afternoon when Bernie dropped by to see Regna and wish her happy birthday. Regna and Scott were lounging around still in their robes, watching a baseball game. Actually, Scott was watching and Regna was reading a spicy Victorian novel.
Regna greeted Bernie and happily accepted the present she had for her, while giving Scott a meaningful glance that informed Bernie he had not given Regna anything thus far.
The present got Bernie a light kiss from Regna and when Scott got up from the couch to greet her, Bernie kissed him firmly on the mouth, leaving him with a surprised look on his face.
Regna opened her present, and found a sexy lavender camisole top and matching tap pants. She hugged Bernie and kissed her again, this time the kiss lasted slightly longer than the first, and Bernie took it as a good sign of what was to come.
Scott just sort of looked and smiled, "Nice outfit," he said, and went back to the game.
Regna frowned momentarily, took Bernie's hand, and pulled her toward the bedroom, saying, "C'mon, let's see how it looks on me!"
Bernie watched as Regna removed her clothing and then tried on the lavender outfit. She did look gorgeous in it and set her breasts jiggling under the slinky material as she hopped about looking at her reflection in the mirror.
The two talked incessantly about everything under the sun, but Bernie kept steering the subject back to sex. Eventually, Regna confessed that she was concerned about her relationship with Scott. He was no longer as romantic as he used to be.
"Why not spice up your relationship?" Bernie inquired in a not so innocent fashion.
"Oh? Well ... it's just that, you know, it's still good, but it's not exciting anymore. Actually, it's kinda boring of late."
"Sort of same old same old?" Bernie suggested.
"Yeah, exactly!" Regna agreed quickly, "Wham, bam, and a thank you ma'am."
"Um, let me ask you something, Regna."
"Sure, got some advice to spice things up?"
"Maybe. Have you guys ever tried having sex in strange places?"
Regna shook her head. "No, right here, missionary, like I said wham-bam, and then he's snoring."
Bernie waited, not speaking.
"He'd never go for it, anyway," Regna said at last.
Bernie was pleased. Regna had given her suggestion serious thought, now she would add the key ingredient to her recipe of seduction.
"What about a threesome?"
Bernie counted silently to three before Regna exclaimed, "You mean, the three of us?"
It was Bernie's turn to nod her head.
"I don't know..." then she glanced at the door behind which Scott sat watching his ballgame.
"You know, that may be the best idea I've heard in a long time. But are you sure he'll want the both of us?"
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Bernie asked rhetorically.
Scott was still absorbed in the game when the two women came out of the bedroom with brad smiles and a plan.
"Has the game got a lot longer to go?" Regna asked.
"No, not really," he replied. "It's the ninth inning, Cleveland's up by four. Probably a lock, you know?"
"Why don't you get dressed? We'll go out to dinner, the three of us," Regna said. It was not a question.
Scott grunted; reached for the remote, shut the television off. He got up from the couch, gave Bernie a sly glance, and went into the bedroom and dressed.
"Let's get him stoked up for later," Bernie whispered to Regna.

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