Cheating Piece of Shit Sluts
- 3 years ago
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Jill took the glass, put it to her lips and took a long drink of her Margarita. "Thanks, Kyle."
It only took fifteen minutes for Jill's dress to dry. She got up, went back to the patio and sat next to Amber. Kyle went over to the grill with the rest of the men and watched Paul turn the ribs. Molly and Cindy were in the house, fixing the salads and other things that were to be served with the ribs.
"Everything okay with you and Kyle, Jill?" Amber asked.
"Yes, everything is great. I think he's pissed because Paul and Bob saw me the way I was, you know. Serves the cad right, I wish he could feel like I did when I saw him with his mistress!"
"Well, turn about is fair play you know?" Amber winked at Jill and grinned.
"What are you saying, Amber? Are you saying I should have sex with another man to get back at him?"
"Not if you don't want to, but just think about how he'd feel if he saw you fooling around with a guy."
"Who? How? I can't just go out and pick up some guy and tell Kyle to look through a window."
Amber laughed and shook her head. "No, that's not what I'm suggesting."
Jill looked at her friend and said, "What are you suggesting?"
Amber leaned close and began to whisper to Jill. Jill shook her head and took a drink from her glass. After glancing at Kyle, she turned back to Amber. The two of them talked until Molly called them to the kitchen to help carry the food.
The four couples sat at the table and ate ribs, baked sweet potatoes, fresh salad and corn on the cob. Paul kept everyone's drink full as they devoured the food. Once the meal was finished and the table was cleared, the group relaxed in lounge chairs.
"I have to admit, Paul, those were the best ribs I've ever had. Do you make your own sauce?" Kyle asked.
"Thanks, Kyle, yes I do. I been working on the recipe for several years, but I think I've got it now," Paul replied.
"I loved the sweet potatoes too," Jill said. "That's the first time I've ever had them baked."
"Everything was great, as always," Bob said. "I really look forward to these parties. I can't wait for dessert."
Amber, Chet, Molly, Paul, Cindy and Bob all chuckled. Jill and Kyle looked at the others and then at one another. Neither of them knew why the others were laughing. Suddenly it dawned on Jill what they were laughing about and she smirked and shot a look at Amber. Amber winked at Jill and turned away.
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I'm going to take a dip," Molly said. "It's hot and muggy out here."
Amber went over to Chet and said, "Could you get the bags out of the car, I want to get my suit on so I can go swimming."
"Sure, honey. Should I grab Kyle and Jill's too?" Chet replied.
Amber smiled at her husband and nodded. Chet went out to the car and returned carrying the bags. He gave one of the bags to Kyle and took the other one into the house.
"Come with me," Molly said. "I'll show you to your room, Jill."
Jill and Kyle followed Molly into the house and up a winding staircase. She led them down the hall, opened a door and showed them into a large guest room. The bedroom had a queen-sized bed, two chests of drawers, a couch and two chairs. Molly showed Jill and Kyle the bathroom and then walked to the door.
"Hurry down, we'll be by the pool," Molly said and then she left.
Jill took the bag from Kyle, opened it and pulled out the new swimsuit she'd bought for Kyle. When she tossed it to him, Kyle held it up and shook his head.
"Why did you buy this kind of suit for me, Jill?"
Jill removed her dress, placed it on a chair and replied, "Amber said all the guys wear them. I just thought you'd want dress the same."
"What do the women wear?" Kyle watched his wife remove her bra and thong.
Jill pulled her new bikini out of the bag and held it up. "Amber says they all wear suits like this, but I think Amber's is smaller than mine."
Kyle stood and stared at his wife as she put on the thong bottoms and tiny top. When she finished, she turned around in front of Kyle.
"Well, what do you think?"
"I think it's too small, Jill. It doesn't even cover your tits, let alone your ass. Are you really going to wear that thing?"
"Yes, Kyle, I am. I like my new bikini. I've worked very hard to be able to wear something like this-even if you haven't noticed."
"I've noticed, Jill. You look great. I just don't know if I want you running around half naked in front of those other guys."
Jill stared into her husband's eyes, smiled and said, "It isn't up to you, Kyle. Now, you can either put on your suit or stay dressed. I'm going down to the pool."
Kyle was shocked by Jill's newfound assertiveness. He removed his shorts and boxers and then put on the small Speedo. Kyle held up his shirt and looked at himself in the full-length mirror. Jill grinned as she stared at his crotch and the bulge his genitals made in the tight nylon suit.
Jill grabbed her matching sarong, wrapped it around her waist and said, "You ready, Kyle?"
Kyle nodded, dropped his shirt and followed Jill back down to the patio. When they went outside, Jill poured herself another drink. She was feeling good, not drunk, but she could tell she'd had several drinks. The alcohol made her feel warm inside and just a little light headed.
Cindy and Bob were already at the pool. Cindy wore a micro bikini like Jill's and Bob was in a Speedo. When Amber and Chet came out, Kyle felt a little better. Chet's suit was even smaller than the one he was wearing. Amber had bunched her top so most of her breasts showed and her bottoms barely covered her sex.
When Molly and Paul came outside, Kyle was taken back. Molly's suit was a one-piece garment that consisted of two thin strips of material that came from her crotch over her nipples and behind her neck. The back of the suit was a thin band that went between her cheeks and fastened to a band that circled her waist. Paul's suit was merely a pouch covering his penis and testicles, much like a jockstrap, but made of nylon.
Jill made a quick assessment of the other men's crotches. She decided Paul was larger than her husband, but Bob and Chet looked smaller. She remembered the dildo Amber showed her and the fact that it was a replica of Chet's penis. Jill felt good in her small bikini and she liked the way the other men were checking her out.
Realizing she was the only woman wearing a cover up of any kind, Jill removed her sarong and tossed it on a chair. She took another sip of her drink, put it on a table and went to the edge of the pool. When she saw Amber and Cindy running toward her, Jill jumped into the water. The men and Molly followed and jumped in the pool.
The group swam around and relaxed in the water. After a few minutes, Cindy splashed Paul and then backed away. Paul chased her, caught up and picked Cindy up. He threw Cindy away from him and she went underwater. Soon, everyone was splashing and dunking one another. Chet grabbed Jill around the waist and tried to push her under, as she fought, Chet's hand slid up and covered her breast.
As the play continued, Molly's suit slid off her breasts. Amber's top was also off her breasts and she finally just removed it. Jill moved over to Amber and bumped against her.
"You trying to turn me on, Amber?" Jill whispered.
Amber smiled and winked. "Am I?"
"I don't know if it's you, but I am feeling a bit weird. I don't know if I'm turned on or just drunk."
Amber moved her hand to Jill's crotch and squeezed her. "Well, you're wet."
Jill laughed and shook her head. "I'm standing in the pool, of course I'm wet, you nut!"
Jill took a deep breath and leaned close to Amber. "Remember what we talked about-I'm ready."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Just let me know what to do."
Amber gave Jill a quick hug and moved away. Jill went over to where Bob and Cindy were standing and started to talk to them.
"This is great, Cindy. I'm having a blast here tonight," Jill said.
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Jill. I hope Kyle is having a good time too," Cindy said and then she whispered in Jill's ear. "Your husband has a nice cock, Jill. I got a good feel when we were dunking each other."
Jill's body jerked. Cindy chuckled and said, "He started it. Kyle grabbed my boobs and my ass. I was just getting even with him."
Nodding, Jill made her way to the shallow end of the pool and got out. She found a towel and began to dry herself. Chet and Amber also got out and picked up towels. Once they were as dry as they could get, they got their drinks and sat in lounges. Amber put her top back on and leaned back. The rest of the group got out of the pool and joined Jill, Amber and Chet.
Before sitting down, Molly went to the stereo and changed the CD. When slow dance music began to come out of the speakers, Molly went to Chet and asked him to dance. Chet got up and started to dance with Molly.
Bob stood up, took Jill's hand and pulled her to her feet. He led her close to Molly and Chet, put his arms around her and brought her to his chest. Jill's body stiffened when Bob held her close, but when he began to move with the music, she relaxed. Resting her head against Bob's shoulder, Jill followed his steps.
Amber and Kyle danced together while Paul and Cindy watched. Jill felt Bob's hand stroke her back and let out a soft sigh. When Bob's fingertips began tracing the thin band of material of her bikini bottom, Jill leaned tighter against him. As they danced, Jill could feel Bob's penis growing against her stomach. He swiveled his hips slightly, rubbing his member against her and moved his hand to her bottom.
Jill closed her eyes and moaned as Bob kneaded her butt cheek. She pressed her breasts into his chest and moved against his erection. The drinks, the music and the heat of Bob's body against hers caused Jill to feel a little lightheaded. This was the first time she'd had feelings like that since she started dating Kyle. Jill could feel her nipples swelling and rub the lining of her top.
When the song ended, Jill and Bob remained in each other's arms. They waited for the next song to start and began to move the moment it did. Jill glanced at Kyle and saw he was holding Amber's bottom with both hands as he danced with her. Mid way through the song, Bob moved his mouth close to Jill's ear and whispered to her.
"It's time for shots; want to help me get the tequila and limes?" Bob asked.
Jill nodded and they separated. Jill glanced down and noticed his penis was straining against the thin material of his suit. Bob led Jill into the house and then to the kitchen. He took a bottle of tequila out of a cupboard and then he took a lime out of the refrigerator.
"Why don't you cut the lime into wedges while I get the salt, Jill," Bob said.
Jill nodded and took the lime from his hand. Bob let his fingertips linger on her palm before releasing the fruit and smiled at her. Jill went to the counter, found a knife and began to cut the lime. After getting the saltshaker and placing it next to the bottle of booze, Bob moved behind Jill and put his hands around her waist.
Bob gently nibbled Jill's ear and she stopped cutting and leaned her head back. Bob sucked on her earlobe and began to stroke her stomach. Jill felt her vagina tingle from Bob's attention. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her skin.
"Jill, you have a great body," Bob whispered as his hands moved up to her breasts. "You have really nice tits too."
Bob used his thumbs to push the small triangles of her suit away from her nipples and stroked them. Jill moaned as he gently pinched her hard nipples between his thumb and finger. Pushing her butt back, she wiggled against his rigid penis.
Jill suddenly felt flush and scared. She moved away from Bob and turned around.
"I can't, Bob. My husband could come in and catch me." Jill recovered her nipples.
Bob kissed her on the forehead and smiled. "Okay, I understand. Let's take this stuff out to the patio."
Jill picked up the wedges of lime while Bob grabbed the bottle, the saltshaker and a tray of shot glasses. They went out to the patio and placed the items on the table. Bob filled each of the glasses and told Jill to place a wedge of lime on each one.
"Alright, time for shooters," Bob called out.
The rest of the group came over to the table and each of them picked up a glass. They licked their hands, sprinkled salt on the damp spot and waited for Paul to make a toast.
"To good friends and a hot night," Paul said, holding his glass up.
Everyone clinked their glasses together, licked the salt and downed their shot. They bit into the wedges of lime and put the glasses down. This was the first time Jill had ever done a shot of tequila and she felt it burn as it went down. She shook her head and sucked in a deep breath. When Bob picked up the bottle and offered a second shot to everyone, Jill nodded her head yes.
After drinking the second shot, the group began to dance again. The song was fast and they all moved to the beat. Jill felt the effect of the tequila and giggled as she danced close to Bob. Glancing around, Jill saw Kyle was dancing with Cindy now. Amber was with Paul and Chet was with Molly.
The fast song ended and a slow one began. Bob took Jill into his arms and began to lead. As they danced, Jill saw Amber reach between her and Paul's body. From the angle she was watching from, Jill could see that Amber was stroking Paul's penis through his suit.
Bob placed one hand on Jill's butt and used the other to stroke her side. He turned her so his body blocked everyone else's view and moved his hand to her breast. Jill went rigid and glanced around to see if anyone was watching and when she noticed no one was, she pressed against his hand.
Swaying to the music, Bob moved Jill toward the door leading into the house. When he reached out and opened it, Jill looked into his eyes. Bob squeezed her breast and smiled.
"We need more limes," he whispered into her ear.
Jill allowed Bob the lead her into the kitchen. When she felt her back against the counter, she stopped. Bob took her chin in his hand and put his lips to hers. Jill froze. Part of her wanted to kiss Bob, but part of her said it was wrong. She was half drunk and very excited by the feeling of his lips against hers. Bob planted soft kisses on her closed lips, stroked her back and massaged her breast. When she thought about her husband with the other woman, Jill parted her lips and accepted Bob's tongue.
Bob probed Jill's mouth with his tongue and continued to move his hands over her heated body. As they kissed, Bob moved them into the living room and over to a couch. Keeping his lips sealed on hers, Bob sat down and pulled Jill onto his lap. He tugged the tie on the back of Jill's neck and lowered the top of her bikini. Removing his mouth from hers, Bob leaned down and began kissing her breast.
Jill moaned and held Bob's head as he took a nipple into his mouth and began to suck it. He flicked his tongue against the hard nub and bit it gently. Jill wiggled in his lap, feeling his erection against her hip. When Bob moved one of his hands between her legs, Jill opened them for him.
Bob traced the edges of her suit with his finger, causing her to wiggle against it. He moved his hand from her crotch to her side and untied the bottom of her suit. After untying the other side, Bob pushed the material away from her mons and began to rub the thin strip of pubic hair that adorned her sex.
Jill was lost in the feelings of lust. Bob was only the second man to ever touch her sexually and she was enjoying the sensation. When Bob drew his finger between her labia, Jill groaned and searched for his penis with her hand. She rubbed his member through the nylon suit and felt the heat from his shaft. Jill hooked her finger into the waistband and pulled it away. She slipped her hand into his suit and wrapped her fingers around his penis.
Bob removed the top of Jill's suit, picked her up and sat her next to him on the couch. He slipped to the floor, knelt between her legs and began to kiss her face. Bob kissed Jill's neck as he held her breasts with both hands. Moving his mouth over her hot flesh, Bob began to kiss her breasts and suck her nipples. He moved from one to the other while Jill held his head with both hands. When Bob started planting kisses on her stomach, Jill released his head and fell back against the back of the couch.
Jill put her hands on her breasts and pinched her nipples as Bob continued to travel lower. He kissed the tops of her thighs, put his hands behind her and squeezed her butt cheeks. When Bob pulled Jill's butt to the edge of the couch and covered her vulva with his mouth, she let out a throaty groan. Bob's tongue drilled between her puffy labia and into her opening.
Kyle asked Amber what happened to Jill and she smiled.
"I don't know, we should go find her," Amber said, fighting hard not to smirk.
Amber led Kyle into the house and around the corner so he could see his wife on the couch with Bob kneeling between her legs. Kyle recoiled and started to move toward the two, but Amber grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"Kyle, Jill knows about you and your mistress," Amber whispered.
Kyle turned to Amber and his mouth fell open. "What!"
"I said, Jill knows. She followed you one night and saw you with her. Jill came and got me and we went to the woman's house. Kyle, Jill and I watched her suck your cock and you fuck her."
Kyle was stunned. He looked back at his wife and watched as she had an orgasm. Jill's body squirmed and her legs rose up as Bob kept his tongue in her vagina.
"Hurts, doesn't it, Kyle? Now you know how Jill has felt since she found out you've been fooling around."
Kyle nodded and continued to watch his wife and Bob. Molly, Paul, Cindy and Chet came in and joined Kyle and Amber, watching Bob and Jill.
Bob removed his face from between Jill's legs and sat back on his heels. Jill opened her eyes and looked into Bob's. She began to grin and told him to stand up. When Bob stood in front of her, Jill reached up and pulled his suit down his legs. She took his penis in her hand and began to stroke him. Jill's body was still quivering as she moved her hand over the length of Bob's member. She judged it to be slightly smaller than the replica of Chet's and much smaller than her husband's. Jill used her other hand to cradle Bob's testicles.
Paul put his hand on Kyle's shoulder and said, "Your wife is a very hot woman, Kyle. You should feel very lucky to have her. We have all strayed, but we found we can have just as much fun when everyone knows what's going on."
Kyle couldn't talk and just nodded his head. When Jill leaned forward and licked the head of Bob's penis, he gasped.
Jill heard the noise, glanced up and saw she and Bob had an audience. She saw the look on her husband's face and thought about how she must have looked when she saw him with his girlfriend. Jill didn't feel like she wanted revenge at the moment, but she did want to show Kyle she was as much of a woman as his mistress.
Leaning closer, Jill opened her mouth and took Bob's glans between her lips. She waited a moment and then let a little more of his penis slip over her lips and into her mouth. Jill rubbed her tongue against the underside of his member and moaned around his shaft. Bob moved his hips and began to thrust his penis in and out of Jill's mouth. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and limited the amount of his penis he could push in.
As Jill let Bob move his penis in and out of her mouth, Kyle watched in awe. Amber put her hand around his waist, lowered it and felt his throbbing member.
"That turns you on, doesn't it?" Amber asked. "You're getting all worked up watching Jill suck Bob."
Kyle couldn't move. Amber was right; he was turned on watching his wife give the man a blowjob. Even though his wife wouldn't do it to him, the sight was very erotic. Kyle moaned when Amber extracted his penis and began to stroke him. Her hand moved very slowly, causing his hips to lunge forward.
Jill began to suck harder on Bob and moved her hand so more of his penis could enter her mouth. She was lost in the feeling of the moment and the knowledge her husband was watching her lewd act. When Jill heard Bob begin to moan and felt his penis swell, she knew what was going to happen. Up to that point, Jill didn't feel sick from having his penis in her mouth. She gagged a couple of times when she allowed him to hit the back of her mouth, but never felt like she was going to vomit like she had the other two times she tried it.
When Bob began to cum, Jill's eyes opened wide and she froze as his penis shot several strong surges of semen into her mouth. Jill's stomach felt queasy and she leaned back, letting his penis slip out of her mouth. Bob continued to cum, squirting his semen onto her face and breasts. When he stopped, Jill took him back into her mouth and held him as he began to soften.
Bob sat back and his penis popped out of Jill's mouth. He looked up at her and smiled. Jill used her finger to scrape his semen off her face and then licked it clean.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Kyle asked.
"Kyle, we're all swingers. We get together and have sex with one another," Molly said.
"We discovered that we all like the excitement of having sex with someone other than our wives, but we didn't want the guilt that goes with cheating," Chet said.
"Why don't we go down to the playroom and talk about this, Kyle," Paul offered. "If this lifestyle is something you don't want to be a part of, you and Jill can just be together. We're not going to force anyone to do anything they don't want to."
Amber went over to Jill, took her hand and pulled her to her feet. Bob stood up, removed his suit from around his ankles and grinned at Jill. She smiled back, picked up her suit and followed Amber down to the basement.
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Over the past few years I have been promoted more than my fair share. I am a pretty jaded person so while I am completely deserving of each promotion I have a sneaking suspicion it is because I am an attractive woman in a predominantly male dominated field. I have a hard time working with women so when I was allowed to hire an assistant I picked a young man to cover my desk. He was ten years my junior and exceedingly handsome. To be honest I was never really attracted to him because I was...
I began to suspect that my husband was cheating on me about 6 months ago. He'd call me and tell me he was working late or he'd show up to different events claiming that his boss needed him to finish a project before he could leave. Then his phone started to have more activity than normal. He'd often move to another room to take calls or messages. He started hiding his phone whenever he was asleep so I couldn't go through it. The final clue came when he started to smell different. I had been...
Why is it that every one of these cheating wives is every man's wet dream? I know my wife isn't every man's dream woman. To me, yes she is, she is beautiful, sexy and can raise a hard on me with just a look. However, to others, she is a dumpy housewife. She is forty-three years old, 5'-4" and weighs probably 150 or 160; she has mousy brown hair with some touches of grey, but I see what her love of her children and me is inside her; her personality. It was for me for over twenty-three years...
Cheating Boyfriend By Tiffany Parker The following story is a work of fiction and is copyright property of the author. Please don't repost it without permission. But most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading it. Chapter 1 Nathan woke up on Saturday morning. It was the second round of the NCAA basketball tournament in March and his friends were coming over to watch the games, have pizza, wings, and beer. They had all placed bets on the game which added to the excitement. He...
It's been six months since Derek caught Gabby cheating on him. For the first four months, he stayed at Tom's guest house. When Derek finally went home, he found a note from Gabby, but he didn't bother reading it and just tossed it in the trash. He had the engineer in his Condo, change his locks just in case she showed up. Derek was trying his best to move on. He spent the majority of his time at the club working with Tom on an expansion.It was Friday morning, Tom and Derek just completed the...
CheatingDanica tried to keep a positive outlook on life no matter how bad things would sometimes get. Even though things at home weren’t exactly peachy, she tried to find the silver lining in all of it. And one of her biggest pet peeves was people being negative. It drives her absolutely crazy. Her everyday life involves taking care of her son while her boyfriend works all day. And even when he’s home, he really doesn’t pay much attention to her. He’s more in tune with the Xbox or the T.V. What’s even...
The next day was difficult. After a late-night sexual marathon with Anne, my older married neighbor, I was torn. I was feeling guilty because I had cheated on my wife, Molly. That had never happened before, and I was struggling with my guilt. On the other hand, I found Anne to be too sexual to resist. She did things in bed that I had only fantasized about before, and I had to have her again. Molly was going to be out of town for several more days, so I decided to make the most of my time with...
CheatingAfter wading through several menus on each card company's answering system, she learned that her cards had indeed been frozen, because there had been a flurry of purchases over the last day and a half that had taken her over her credit limit. All but two of the purchases had been at men's shops and sporting goods stores that she knew her husband Gerry liked. How irresponsible could he be? The last two charges scared her. One of them was to a property management firm, which the...
Cheating Bitch Melissa is a very attractive girl of twenty-one. She is tall, thin, and has really big tits for her size. However she is also a cheating bitch. Melissa is five feet ten inches tall, a hundred and fifteen pounds, and wears a 34-D bra. She has a nice tanned body, cute little ass, and legs that go on for miles. She would be a great catch if you could keep her locked up or at least glue her knees together if she did go out. There is an old joke. It contained a picture...
Introduction: The following is an entry into the CALLING ALL WRITERS PT.5 challenge on the Sex Stories forum. See the following thread: Maya was out shopping with some friends from work one day. At her favorite boutique, she had to endure the embarrassment of having all three of her credit cards declined. Red-faced, she mumbled an excuse about card security services perhaps having frozen her cards due to a security breach, and went outside to call...
Chapter 1 through 21 Chapter 1 – Fran I’ve been a bad girl. You see, I’m married, to a nice enough guy, Dave. But…. I heard my girlfriends talking about thee hottest guy, Darren, who was instructing at a local kickboxing class for women. I told my husband of ten years that I’d sign up because my girlfriends were there and it sounded like fun, plus the benefit of some exercise. I was a tad nervous at the first class but quickly saw what the attraction was. Darren was a piece of work. Tall,...
I have been a bit dim at times and not really chosen anyone decent to be with but my first proper boyfriend i lived with wasn't very good in bed, he was 32 and i was 19, but i was good in bed so it didn't matter too much. Anyway about a year of me being on top, and only me giving him oral sex i complained to my boyfreind that our sex life was pissing me off. That night we planned for him to go on top (yay missionary had never seemed so exciting) and give me oral sex for a change and tbf i did...
Cheating wife with best friendThis story takes place about 4 years ago when my husband was away on business.The company my husband works for had asked him to go away for a few days for training, my husband knows I don't like being alone and as much as I like hanging out with women I generally prefer male company so hubby said to me why don't you get Adam to come over for tea and chill with your for the evenings ( Adam is my husband's closest friend).On the day of my husband leaving to travel I...
(This is part 2 of a 3 story about a couple who decide to take their internet fantasy affairs to a whole new level by playing their unsuspecting new friends. Here is a link to Part 1) of their friends had any idea what was really going on. Ken had booked adjoining rooms at the luxury hotel. Jenny had told Jim she would text her room number to him once she was settled. Ken arranged to meet Becky later at the hotel bar. Ken...
As Paul had decided to leave his parents sooner than expected, he decided to get the train home on Friday night instead of returning on Sunday as previously planned. In order to make the surprise complete, Paul decided not to call Lisa to let her know of his plans. His train was delayed half way home and by the time Paul made it to a taxi back home it was gone 9:30pm."Shit!" he though to him "This day is completely shot. Oh, well, at least Lisa will be happy to have me home a few days early....
How a new boss changed her life.Hi, my name is Allison. This is the story of how a job change and my new boss changed my life. It's probably not the boss type relationship that you're thinking of either. I'm 28yo, 5'8", 115, 34-24-33, very happily married, great sex life and all that I could possibly want. I've been married for 7 years and never though seriously of cheating on my husband at all. A year ago I started a new job. My boss is a lovely woman named Gina, a very professional looking...
Hi, I am sibon limbu from Mumbai. And this is my first time here narrating one of the stories hope u guys will like it but its a bit long coz of all the description. So not waste any time let me give u brief description of me, I am 25 years old, I am fair in color and my height is 5.4” a bit in the plump side. I have magnificent boobs frame size of ass and my body size is 38, 32, and 36.And I lost my virginity when I was at 16. And this story is about 4 to 5 years back and I will try to write...
(Long real life story in happening – will be released as a series of stories) – send your comments to Part 1: Was it madness? Was it infatuation? Was is stupidity? Was it the thrill of extra marital affair? Was it the thrill of a change? Was it the thrill of cheating and getting caught? Was it just a true love? For obvious reasons let’s hide the real names ….. Just watched a movie and it had rekha and uday in lead roles…So let’s use them… 16th jan 2008 (Wednesday) evening both rekha and i...
Ruth and Stella had known each other since school. Ruth had been the bridesmaid at Stella and Mark’s wedding. Both Ruth and Stella were 28yo with Mark a year older. Ruth never married, in fact she didn’t even date. She never seen interested in any of the men in town although many had tried. She got the reputation of being a bitch. Maybe that is why she allowed Mark to seduce her. Maybe to prove that she really wasn’t a bitch. Sunday morning Ruth tried to think of why she could go to lunch....
Nadia smiled at the brawny door guard who let her in the back entrance to Miss Kitty's Place. She had 'worked' at the club several times before and the guard recognized her. A friend of a friend of a friend had gone to Miss Kitty's as a way to help her marriage and, although she had initially been repelled by the idea, it had gotten Nadia thinking. She and Steve had been having serious problems in their own marriage for some time, especially their love life, problems that had finally...
My Pen Name is Duna here. I am a fan and author of Cheating wife- Consequence-Recover with other woman stories. But I publish these stories on other Pen Name, because one or more Anonymous posters wrote in the comment section of another story collection. When I find a Cheating wife-Consequence/BTB(Burn The Bitch)-The husband Recover after divorce story I save then I publish. Such stories as this is similar to the folklore they belong to everyone. My own wife of 5 years decided to have...
My name is Isabelle Vagaba and I'm a married woman. I'm considered beautiful, with my cute features and tiny 5'2" tall body. I'm blonde and blessed with unblemished fair skin. Even being so short I'm curvaceous, with large 32 DD cup tits, tiny waist and a generous ass that ends in a nice pair of legs. My husband, George, is a gentle middle aged man, 26 years my senior, I'm 25. I met him in my last year at the University and we fell in love almost immediately. Now, two years of marriage...
Derek was excited about the day he had planned. He was going to go over his girlfriend's place, to make a surprise romantic dinner while she was at work. After dinner, he was going to surprise her with dessert which included an engagement ring on top. When he pulled up to her house he didn't see her car so he thought she was still at work. When he opened the door he heard soft music playing, and saw two sets of clothes on the living room floor. He placed the bag of groceries he bought on the...
CheatingMy name is Richard and I am 46 years old. I have short dark hair and blue eyes. I have a clean shaven face and a nice smile. I have been married for 20 years and in my mind, it has been bliss. I buy my wife flowers once a week and tell her I love her. We have twin boys, my little terrors, and as my wife and I both work we hired a babysitter. Emily was 16 years old when she started babysitting for us. She has Long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. She always came to babysit right from school,...
CheatingI managed to make it through the party without letting on that I knew my wife and Anne were having an affair. I put on my brave face and played dumb the remainder of the night, but when we got home I decided that I had to come clean about my fling with Anne. I couldn't very well confront her about Anne without confessing what I had done. Molly was sitting up in bed when I came into the bedroom. "Honey," I began. "I heard you and Anne talking in the kitchen tonight. I know you've been sleeping...
CheatingPolly schemes against and cheats on ‘her’ boyfriend with his mature boss.1.My legs looked immaculate in my layered fishnet tights. I couldn’t wait to show my lover. I arrived at the meeting point in the car park early, so I could freshen up. I took my phone and called Kev. I told him exactly where and what time to meet me. Kev then started talking some crap about his mean boss, Mr. Boston. I rolled my eyes and told him I really had to go and I would see him, as arranged. I said I had a special...
The following is a true story on me cheating on my boyfriend.So I been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for about a year now and I absolutely love him! It's just I have a lot of sexual fantasies with some involving multiple guys or guys with enormous cock. My boyfriend has a 5 inch cock and I'm okay with it, I love sucking on it and riding him. It's the perfect size for me (I'm 5'2) but it just doesn't completely do it. A few months ago, when my boyfriend went to vacation I was very...
Hi, this is Ajai from Vijayawada. Everything was going according to the plan in my life – highly paying job, good friends and a beautiful girlfriend. But all of a sudden, my life took a U-turn when I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me! Whenever I call her in the evening, she would talk to me panting and sometimes with small moans. I was a little aware of that tone as she would talk to her friends in the same way while I was fucking her. Usually, I used to go crazy and fuck her...
IncestRemembering the night I had taken my neighbor by surprise and how that night introduced me to the life of cheating and fucking other men while I was married. My ex and I would fantasize about us having a threesome or foursomes with other men while we had sex. He would dare me to find a man or men and bring them home. Jeff moved across the street from us with his family. I wasted no time in asking my husband to invite them to a welcome to the neighborhood get together on the weekend. We were...
I sat at my desk feeling sick. It was not just the lies and cheating, but Kathy was a completely different person than the woman I thought I knew.She would be returning from her run and I couldn't face her. I don't know if I would scream or cry or what, but I couldn't do it. I had to get out.I ended up at a diner, nursing a cup of coffee and my growing anger. I wanted to hurt her. Maybe she would come home to find all of her things in the front yard. Maybe I would send a screencap from that...
CheatingCheating Bride by Britney Hoglund MMM look at that tight little ass. Todd said Todd you got to be kidding me she is like 12 years old. I said, as a cute girl walked away she was wearing tight sweat shorts and a pink shirt, and long blondish brown hair. Yea but she was really hot. he said. Does your wife know what a pervert you are? I asked. No, your not going to tell her are you Britney. he said laughing. Todd and I work at an airport fixed base operator, the jobs really boring, its slow at...
My name is Christian. I guess people would describe me as a twink. I’m boyish looking with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a thin toned body. This is a story I thought I’d share with you guys about my cheating experience. I was in a relationship for a year with a lovely guy. His name was Lucas. He was very handsome and had a lovely personality. We were incredibly close, and had a great relationship. But deep inside me there was this dark desire to meet other men behind his back. At first I...
Before I tell you what happened, I need to tell you about Sarah. Sarah is my girlfriend, 5'9",; pale white skin, as white as snow, everyone says. She has big green eyes and long, bright red natural hair. Her perfectly curvy body is round in all the right places. On her perfect pale tits lie two perfect pink nipples. Her pussy is pink and tidy but she has a shock of ginger pubic hair surrounding her sex, She's the ultimate girl next door. She's a stunning ginger. She's a real hottie. And she's...
CHEATING WIFEMy name is Kristy. I'm 5' 8” average looking, redish brown hair and light brown eyes.I'm a little bit over weight since I married, have 34C tits with big nipples and I think I have a decent ass.I was a virgin as was my husband when I married a couple of years ago. I “thought” that was best because we both would have so much sexual tension my husband would turn me into a fuck toy. I wanted him to use me, close to abusing me. Fuck my brains out, cum on my face, in my hair, on my tits...
cheating wife and now I have goes, me and my wife have been together for about 18 yrs we were high school sweethearts and still get along good I'm 35 shes 33.shes drop dead sexy bbw who I absolutely adore. If it was up to me id still fuck her every day but she seems not so into me anymore..and recently shes been distant shes always busy on here phone doing who knows what and we hardly ever fuck any more,so one Friday night I bring home dinner and hoped to send the night...
My name is Christian. I guess people would describe me as a twink. I’m boyish looking with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a thin toned body. This is a story I thought I’d share with you guys about my cheating experience.I was in a relationship for a year with a lovely guy. His name was Lucas. He was very handsome and had a lovely personality. We were incredibly close, and had a great relationship. But deep inside me there was this dark desire to meet other men behind his back. At first I tried...
I've always had a thing for older Italian women, and as soon as I saw Ava at the bar I knew I had to have her. She teased me to the point of insanity, then threw a wet blanket on things by talking about her badass trucker husband. I've been in my fair share of situations with a cheating wife, and know I can hold my own in a fight, but don't see the need to tempt fate for a piece of ass. She said he would be home in mere hours, but after she gripped my cock through my pants there was no way I...
Sally loved Mike a lot. The only thing was Sally needed a lot of sex. Mike was great in bed and many nights fucked her several times but that was never enough for Sally. It started when she was twelve and the neighbor boy rubbed her pussy. She loved how good that felt then his big brother caught them with their pants down and he stuck his cock in Sally and she loved that even more. He then fucked her often and soon she had more boys fucking her. At f******n she grew nice tits and then got...