DeceptionsChapter 3 free porn video

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'If she doesn't hurry up and put her fingers inside me, I'm going to scream! What is she waiting for? I know she wants me, so why doesn't she just take me already?'

So there I was, shouting inside my head. Completely naked, I lay facedown on a queen-sized bed. Katherine and I were alone on stage, and the touch of her teasing fingertips exploring my bare, writhing bottom was driving me insane.

Earlier, after she had sent the rest of the cast and crew home for the evening following our first full rehearsal of the 'fucking' scene, she'd asked Dirk and me to stick around for a few extra minutes, explaining that she wanted to talk to us about something.

I had no problem with that. Despite being naked, I'd just flopped back down onto my stomach atop the rumpled sheets. Dirk, though, clearly seemed a bit embarrassed. With Katherine having taken a seat next to me on the bed, he found himself standing directly in front of us, his big dick bobbing right in our faces.

Funny thing, about Dirk's dick. He had stayed soft pretty much the entire rehearsal. Come to think of it, that was probably the first time I'd ever seen him soft since we'd started this whole sexy game. On every other occasion his cock had always been at least semi-hard, whether it was the 'sixty-nine' scene rehearsals or the nights we'd gotten together at the dorm. Just hearing Katherine describe the hotter scenes was usually enough to make him hard.

I swear, he must have been born with an erection!

This rehearsal, though ... not so much. He was between my legs, and we were supposed to be fucking, so I was fully expecting him to be super hard. I just knew he would be dying to put it inside me once we were 'pretend' fucking.

Nope, and I don't blame him, either. There were way too many distractions. Katherine was constantly hovering over us; moving the covers this way, changing the overhead lighting that way, forever repositioning us. It was actually kind of aggravating. Every time he'd roll on top of me to begin the scene she would immediately interrupt us, shouting, "Cut!" or "Wait!" or "Hold on, I have an idea!" Then we'd be swarmed over by her and the stage crew.

"I hope it won't always be like this," Dirk whispered, spooning me beneath the covers between takes.

"Me too. This isn't half as much as fun as I'd imagined it," I added, accentuating my point by smiling over my shoulder while wiggling my bare ass against his soft cock.

"Sorry. If they would ever just leave us alone, you know I'd—"

"There he is!" I grinned, wiggling against him again as I felt his dick twitch and stiffen. "Dirk, I'm only teasing. I feel the same way. With so many interruptions, it's difficult even to think straight."

Finally, we'd caught a few moments of alone-time. Katherine had decided to call it good for the day, and while everyone was shuffling around gathering their things, Dirk and I were able to touch each other without any instant interruptions.

"You'd better put something on to cover that crazy thing!" I said, giggling at the sight of his swaying pole. Naked, we'd climbed out of bed to grab our clothes, and Dirk was almost completely hard.

So of course Katherine chose that moment to come have her little talk with us.

"This will only take a second..." she said to Dirk, who was obviously looking around the stage for his robe. Sighing in resignation, he just stood there, his enormous erection bobbing directly in her face as she sat beside me on the bed.

Feeling playful, I reached out and boinged his cock, bopping the tip with my index finger. It bounced up and down like a sprung jack-in-the-box, and Katherine and I burst out laughing. Dirk laughed too, relaxing despite his predicament.

"So, what's up?" I asked, exchanging grins with Katherine.

"You mean besides this?" she giggled, grabbing Dirk's huge boner ... then she made it boing too! Oh my god, I about died laughing, especially when she put her hand on Dirk's stomach and said, "It was just staring at me! I had to do something!"

"Oh, so you think this is funny, huh?" he grinned, turning to me. "You want funny? I'll show you funny!" He started swinging his dick left and right and round and round, bapping my laughing face with it. Using it like a club, he pummeled my cheeks, nose and eyes before stuffing it into my wide-open mouth. I swear, I was almost delirious with laughter as I halfheartedly attempted to fend off the comical barrage he was administering with his oversized truncheon of a cock.

"Had enough?" he crowed, gleefully pounding deep into my throat.

I was laughing so hard that tears were pouring down my cheeks, until finally I pulled back and shouted, "I surrender! I surrender! Just don't beat me to death with it!"

Satisfied that he'd demonstrated his mastery, he nonchalantly changed gears. "So, Katherine, what's up? What do you need to speak to us about?"

Just like that!

Katherine was still laughing, but she calmed herself down enough to say, "Guys, I just wanted to talk to you about how things are going so far. I know this has to be a bit of a shock, performing naked on stage and doing simulated sex scenes, and I wanted to tell you that I think you're handling it awesomely. I never would have guessed that you're both only eighteen, or that neither of you had ever done any professional stage work. The way you're breezing right through everything, anyone would think you two are seasoned vets at this stuff."

"We're just doing what you tell us," I said, happily hugging my pillow.

"Yeah, and pretending to have sex with Jen is not exactly the most difficult job in the world," added Dirk, with a sly grin.

"Oh, I'm sure it isn't..." smiled Katherine, resting her hand on my lower back in a gesture of friendliness. "That's not it, though. It's the way you two still remember and execute your lines. It's the way you take direction. It's the way you stay in control, even when I know it must be awfully hard."

She made a show of eyeing Dirk's bobbing cock before turning to me with a sexy smile. "So temptingly hard," she added, biting her lip.

"See you guys tomorrow!" we heard from offstage.

The last of the crew were leaving. The three of us were alone on a darkened stage, with a couple of offstage lights plus the one nightstand lamp illuminating the bed. That was the lighting the audience would see. Our 'fucking' scene wasn't going to take place in near-total darkness like the 'sixty-nine' scene.

Meanwhile, Katherine was doing subtle little fingertip circles up and down my spine.

Oooh! Tingles!

"So do you guys have any questions for me about any of this?" she asked, again eyeing Dirk's throbbing erection.

"Yeah, I have one..." said Dirk. He turned to her, bringing his cock nearly to her lips. "Doing plays like this, I mean with these simulated sex scenes, have you ever had actors actually do it before? You know ... not just pretend?"

"Do you mean have I ever directed porn?" she grinned. Leaning forward almost imperceptibly, she let his tip brush against her soft cheek. Slowly turning her head, she trailed her lips along the length of his shaft and over the crown before pulling back with a beguiling smile.

"No, nothing like that..." I said, jumping in, totally enthralled by her sexy tease. I flashed her an approving grin, and she coyly bit her lip again as I continued, "He means have any actors in your plays ever disregarded the fact that they're only supposed to be simulating the sex? Have they ever actually gone ahead and had real sex on stage when they weren't supposed to?"

"Is that what you two want to do?" she smiled, caressing my back.

"Could we, if we wanted to?" answered Dirk.

"Are you asking me would I mind as the director if you fucked my gorgeous little Jennifer right here on stage?" Katherine responded, grinning evilly. She patted my ass, and I wiggled it for her. I just couldn't help it.

She laughed, "See? You always do that!"

I laughed too. "It's your fault! You know you've got me constantly thinking about it now. It's like whenever someone looks at or touches my ass, I should do it every time. It's almost becoming automatic!"

Katherine patted it again, then she even squeezed it, saying, "Excellent! If I accomplish nothing else in this life, at least with your wiggling ass I'll return to my maker knowing I provided one great service to mankind! You do have the prettiest bottom I've ever seen, Jen. I have to admit I love when you wiggle it, even if it's not for me."

I did an exaggerated wiggle for her. "Like that?"

"Damn, girl! That looks absolutely awesome! Maybe too awesome, if you know what I mean..." Laughing sweetly, she patted my ass again before simply stroking it, which she continued to do during the rest of her talk with us. "Anyway, getting back to your question, to be honest I don't know whether anybody has ever done that before. I've only directed two other plays with nudity, and only one of them really had any implied sex. The way we set those scenes up, I doubt they did anything for real. Besides, that couple wasn't nearly as beautiful and perpetually horny as you two are. They probably had a much easier time of keeping their hands off each other."

"Could we - could you - get in trouble?" Dirk asked.

"Good question. The best answer I can give you is that as far as I know this theater isn't zoned for live sex shows, which is what you're talking about, right? I know we didn't apply for any of that sort of licensing. I also know that the producers and I never even talked about the possibility of the actors doing anything for real. They want a sexy show, not a sex show. I'm pretty sure they don't want explicit sex even if it was legal, which I'm almost positive it isn't in this instance."

"But what about you? Would you get in trouble, and would we?" I asked.

"Yes, maybe. Both of us, possibly. All three of us, I mean," Katherine answered.

"Okay, I was just curious. Now, if you don't mind," Dirk said, drawing our attention to his flagging cock, "I'm gonna go get dressed and head on home."

"Okay, see you tomorrow ... and you too..." I smiled, reaching up to give his thick length a couple of playful final strokes.

"Yep, see you tomorrow, and good job today! Awesome work!" grinned a thoroughly amused Katherine, calling after him as he went to fetch his robe from the back of the sofa. Slipping it on, he gave us this big shy act. We all laughed, then he blatantly flashed us before heading off to his dressing room.

Once he was gone, Katherine said, "Jen, hold on a sec. I'll be right back..." Hopping up from the bed, she dashed over to the little break room offstage. I heard a faucet running, then she returned with a bottle of water and a washcloth. A few moments later we heard the stage door open and close as Dirk left the building.

"You look hot," she said, handing me the water. The washcloth felt cool but not too cold as she pressed it first to my face then down my back.

"Temperature-wise, too," she smiled.

I grinned happily at the compliment. Lifting my hips a little, I wiggled my ass again for her. "That feels so good, Katherine. Thank you."

"You're very welcome," she said, still smiling while languidly running the washcloth down my legs and over my back, giving me goose bumps all over. "You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen ... with the most amazing, beautiful body..." she continued.

"Mmmm ... you're gorgeous too."

I couldn't believe I said that, but it's true. Katherine is achingly beautiful, and I'm developing a serious crush on her. She makes me feel like I have my very own guardian angel, she's so sweet and wonderful to me. Also, she really is genuinely beautiful. Although probably in her mid-thirties, she has a youthful look, and she behaves just like a happy child. She has these huge chocolate eyes and full lips, and I love the way she keeps her long, sexy hair in a French braid draped over one shoulder. She's slim and darkly exotic, with awesome breasts, like an Italian movie star.

She is totally hot. I had never been with a woman before, not even with my friend Steph, yet I easily pictured myself being with Katherine. The way she was touching me, and especially the way she was looking at me with those amazing eyes, she was making me want her like crazy.

"Jen, please, let me finish. What I'm trying to say is that because you are so extraordinarily beautiful, we may have some issues with Dirk and the play."

"What do you mean?" I asked, becoming concerned. 'God, please don't let her have second thoughts now about casting us, ' I thought.

"Jen, let me be straight with you. When we first met, I had my doubts about casting you, simply because of how beautiful you are. You're even more gorgeous than the real Layla, and I was worried that the egghead music critics might rip us for casting such a strikingly beautiful ingénue in a real woman's role. I got over it, though, once I saw your auditions. You're great, and you're great with Dirk."

Having discarded the washcloth, Katherine was stroking subtle circles across my back and down my legs. Tracing elegant swirls up my thighs, she paused at my ass. "Does it bother you, my touching you this way? I'll stop, if you want me to."

"Don't stop. Keep going..." I whispered, rolling my hips with desire.

Running her fingertips over my tingling curves, Katherine began caressing my ass. There was no pretense of it merely being a warm gesture of support, like before. No, she was simply helping herself to my bottom.

God, I loved it. Wiggling my ass again, I bent one leg at the hip to spread myself open for her.

"So perfect..." she whispered. Leaning across my thigh, she propped her head up with one hand while continuing to caress my ass with the other. She was looking directly between my legs, and I knew my drenched pussy was flowering open.

I wanted her to see. I wanted her to take me.

"Jen," she finally continued, "I'm okay now with how beautiful you are. You've proven to be serious about this play. You've also proven to be talented and worthy of the role. Besides, fuck the critics if they say you're too young and beautiful. I think you're absolutely perfect."

She laughed, and so did I. Since I was facing away from her, she was basically talking to my ass! What a strange yet wonderfully erotic feeling it was to have this gorgeous, talented, sexy woman talking so respectfully to me even as she was openly lusting for my pussy. I was so turned on, I was either going to get up on my knees and arch my back or I was just going to roll over and spread my legs for her.

Continuing on, she said, "You and Dirk are what I'm worried about now. It's obvious that you two really want to have sex ... real sex. You do, don't you, Jen?"

"Yes," I said, moving my hips in small undulations beneath her caressing fingertips. "Mmmmmm, yes, we want to fuck."

"Have you yet?" she asked, her breath so warm and sexy on my bare skin. God, she was driving me absolutely insane.

"Fucked? Each other? No, not yet."

"But you plan to, don't you?"

"You know we do, Katherine. He's killing me with that hard cock of his. I'm sure you know what I mean. The way he's always so hard for me, sometimes it's all I can do to keep from jumping him."

"Yes, baby, I know exactly what you mean. He has an amazing cock. I was literally starting to drool there, watching it bob and sway only inches from my lips. I was dying to take him into my mouth, just the way you did. I didn't know about his cock when I cast him for the part, but once I saw it, my god..."

"Are you going to fuck him too?"

Katherine was still helping herself to my ass, and I felt a huge climax building deep inside me.

"As much as I'd love to, I doubt it," she said wistfully, giving each cheek a firm squeeze. "That probably wouldn't be a good idea. I don't think my boyfriend would be too thrilled with the idea of his woman fucking eighteen-year-old cock, no matter how gorgeous the cock. I don't think my girlfriend would be too thrilled about it either."

Silence. As she continued her teasing figure-eights on my bare bottom, she let that one hang there.

"Your ... girlfriend?" I finally asked, then I gasped. She'd slipped a single painted fingernail into my crack. She brushed ever so gently over my asshole before trailing down to my pussy, which instantly went into wet spasms. This beautiful woman knew exactly how to drive me crazy. As my orgasm was approaching, my hips were bucking, and Katherine just kept softly knocking.

"Yes ... my girlfriend," she said, the smile evident in her voice. "With everything I've told her about you, she's already super jealous. The last thing I need is for her to be worrying about another cock, too. She doesn't mind sharing me with my boyfriend, but I think she might draw the line at a second man."

"What about sharing you with other girls?" I asked, barely able to get it out.

Jesus, she was killing me. When the soft pad of her fingertip touched my wet lips, I just about passed the point of no return. I was about to explode! "Katherine," I panted, "you're going to make me cum!"

She dropped the hammer on me. "Jen," she whispered, slowly sliding her finger inside, "I know you're about to cum ... and to answer your question, my girlfriend doesn't mind sharing me with other girls - with you, baby - as long as she's eventually invited to watch ... and join us."

"Oh, Katherine ... god!!"

Katherine let out a squeal of delight when my body convulsed from the crushing orgasm she'd given me. She cupped her hand over my pulsing pussy, just holding it there while I rode out a long, wet cum.

When I was finally done, and my breathing was returning to normal, she leaned down to give my naked bottom a sweet kiss. "Gorgeous girl, you cum just as beautifully as you do everything else," she said, gently moving my sweaty hair off my neck before sliding up my body to blow cool air onto my moist skin.

"That was incredible, Katherine. I've never cum before with a girl," I said, smiling over my shoulder. "Thank you so much. You are just completely awesome."

"No, thank you..." she whispered, painting my grateful bottom with tender, lingering kisses. "Baby, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

I grinned softly. "Katherine, don't look now, but I think I'm falling in love with you."

"Jen, don't you look now either, because the feeling is more than mutual." She was still stroking my wet hair as she trailed a series of delicate kisses along my spine. "Still, what are we going to do about you and Dirk fucking?"

"What do you want to do about us fucking?" I purred, writhing beneath her soft lips.

"I know you two are going to fuck; that's not the issue. There's no way he can resist you. Christ, I can barely resist you."

"I don't want you to resist me. I want you to take me," I moaned.

Caressing my ass, she leaned down to kiss it again, this time adding a few teasing nips. "God, baby, if you only knew ... but let me get back to the subject, okay? Sweetheart, I have no problem with you and Dirk having sex. I just don't know whether any of us can handle you two having full-blown sex as a part of this show. That could be a very bad idea. It might be a very bad thing for your career, and mine too. Jen, please, whatever you do, you have to make sure the crew and the audience think you're only acting. Yes, I want the sex to look real, but we can't show them everything."

I thought about that for a moment. Realizing what she'd just said, I pondered whether to say what I was thinking. I decided that since she was being so straightforward and honest with me, she deserved the same respect. I rolled over onto my back so we could see each other and talk face-to-face.

At first she gasped, then she bit her lip when she took in the sight of my drenched, naked pussy. God, the way she did that, it was so fucking hot!

Reaching up to her, I gave her one of her own coy smiles. "Katherine, I noticed you didn't say Dirk and I can't have sex on stage. You just said to make sure the crew and the audience think we're only acting."

Katherine was simply beaming. She pulled me into her arms for a loving hug, which I eagerly returned. With moist, shining eyes she kissed me gently on the lips before brushing my hair from my face. Smiling with heartbreaking beauty, she sweetly touched the tip of my nose.

It felt like she was looking right through me when she sighed, "Please, Jen, just be careful."

"You gotta be shittin' me!"

That boyfriend o' mine, he sure is an eloquent devil, isn't he?

Anyway, that was his reaction when I called from the theater to give him a juicy little teaser about yesterday's 'sixty-nine' scene rehearsals and tonight's sexy interlude with Katherine.

An hour later, having barely walked through the door, I wasn't given a chance to say a word before Ray and J.T. attacked, tackling me to the carpet. Working as a team, they immediately started in with their 'horny frat boys' interrogation, which basically consisted of stripping me naked and totally molesting me.

Laughing at their pent-up angst over having to wait for their nightly fix of Jen's Sex News, I promised to tell them everything they wanted to hear if they would just let me up. Grudgingly, they finally dismounted. Scrambling onto their beds, they were like children impatiently awaiting their favorite bedtime story.

It was really adorable, I have to say.

"You two will love what happened tonight with Katherine," I grinned. "All guys want their girlfriends to do lesbo stuff, right?"

"Hell yeah!" said Ray, anxiously tapping his foot on the floor. He looked like a trained sea lion flapping a flipper while waiting for a sardine treat.

J.T. was becoming super impatient. "Jen, c'mon! You gotta tell me about your first lesbo experience!"

"Okay, okay!" I laughed. "Are you sure you want to hear about the other stuff, though? The non-lesbo stuff?"

"I know I do!" Ray exclaimed, comically wagging his tongue at me.

J.T. threw a Nerf football at his head. "Pipe down over there, you dog! This is my girlfriend we're talking about here!" Then he turned back to me with a quasi-serious expression. "Okay, you tell me ... do I really wanna hear it? Is it going to drive me insane?"

I pondered it for a moment, and that's when I realized things had fundamentally changed between us. J.T. really wasn't in the forefront of my thoughts any longer. It made for an oddly ironic situation because had I still felt like I was really 'with' him, I would have also felt compelled to tell him the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Now? My overriding feeling has become one of wanting to be gentle with him; even to protect him. 'No need to blow him up. Let him enjoy this. Don't make it too painful for him, ' I thought.

With that realization, I went ahead and did it; I made the decision to deceive him.

"Okay, here's what happened..."

I proceeded to dive into a slightly sanitized description of what was really going on during rehearsals. I told them about the nudity, but not all of the actual touching. Or the sucking. Or the biting. Or the stroking. Definitely not the cum-swallowing. No mention of offers or promises.

I completely left out the wild episode with Dirk in the rec room.

I did feed whatever part of J.T. it was that got off on hearing about his girlfriend turning on Dirk, the female director, and a theater full of actors and stagehands. It was a delicate balance, giving him enough to stoke his excitement while not giving him so much that he might choke on it.

Mainly he got all excited over hearing how Katherine described me and dressed me and positioned me. His raging boner bore testament to the fact that he absolutely loved hearing about Dirk pulling my panties down and lifting my robe to show off my bare ass to the audience.

Ray and J.T. both moaned when I demonstrated Katherine's bit about my little ass-wiggle.

"Let me see you do it in your tiny robe, like you'll do it in the show!" Ray pleaded.

Giggling over his excitement, I said, "God, you're such a horndog! Fine, give me a second to clean up."

Grabbing my silk kimono, I noted with satisfaction the strong scent of wet pussy emanating from the robe following last night's amazing rendezvous with Dirk. I sauntered off naked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, washing my hair and thoroughly cleaning my ass and pussy.

Okay, I may have spent just a little more time than was absolutely necessary on those parts, sensually touching myself. 'It's Katherine's fault!' I thought, giggling beneath the warm spray.

Instead of bothering to do up my hair I simply towel-dried it, giving it a wet and wild look I knew the guys would love. Slipping on my robe, I only tied it tightly enough to keep it from falling open right away.

Finally poking my head out of the steamy bathroom, I grinned, "Turn off the TV and all the lights, except the one desk lamp. Oh, and flip on some music."

The guys jumped into action, then they jumped right back onto their beds.

Swear to god, the way those goofballs were so excited about seeing me, I felt like the Crown Princess of Fucktavia! They've both had sex with me, and one of them fucks me almost daily, yet they were acting as if they'd never seen a naked girl before!

Whatever. It gets me off. I've at least learned that much.

"It looks like this, only with Dirk totally squeezing and fondling my ass," I smiled, strutting into the room. I reprised the little ass-dance I did for Dirk in the rec room, when I had my back to him while leaning over the love seat. This time I was leaning forward onto the computer table as I subtly pulled up my robe to expose my bare ass and pussy.

Watching the guys in the wall mirror, I saw that they were staring in awed silence as I wiggled my bottom for them. More than anything, I was just rotating my hips. That's really what the ass-wiggle is all about. It's not like I do those "ghetto booty" jello shakes you see in rap videos. No, it's simply a sexy little wriggling of my hips that makes my ass look so playful and inviting.

I was really beginning to see why Katherine and Dirk liked it so much, and I felt myself becoming wet again because of it. Bending at the waist, knowing I had two horny guys ogling my smooth bottom and glistening pussy, it was only exacerbating my excitement.

"You like?" I asked, giving them a flirty grin over my shoulder.

J.T. said, "It's awesome, but didn't you say you're supposed to be standing straight, then Dirk squeezes and shows off your ass?"

"You know, you're right. Ray, c'mere."

Ray hopped right up, and J.T. couldn't help but laugh over the obvious hard-on his roommate was sporting in his boxers.

"Sorry," Ray said sheepishly to me, after I'd positioned him near the computer table.

"Don't be. I always want you nice and hard like this. If you're not dying to fuck me every time you see me, I'm definitely doing something wrong. Now get down on your knees, right between my legs. Oh, wait a second..."

I reached into my overnight bag and pulled out a pair of sheer panties. Doing another slinky hip-wiggle, I slipped them on before facing Ray again. "Okay, slowly slide your hands up the backs of my legs and over my ass, lifting my robe with your wrists to show my ass to J.T. Take your time in pulling my panties down. When my panties are at my feet, I'll step out of them, then you slide your hands back up my thighs to my ass. Caress and explore my bottom all you want, gently squeezing it while making sure to keep it exposed so J.T. can see it. That's when you start kissing and nuzzling my pussy."

Ray looked up at me with so much joy, it was like I'd just told him I had the keys to his new Lamborghini inside my pussy.

God, I totally loved how every little thing was becoming so much fun!

Peeking back over my shoulder, I said to J.T., "It will look just like this, only it'll be in front of a lot of people, and it'll be Dirk touching me every night."

J.T. had his hand beneath the pillow he was using to cover his lap. He was already jacking off.

With a sexy smile I silently mouthed, "You know you love it!" Then I turned back to Ray. "Ready when you are."

Grinning like an idiot, Ray began to slide his hands up my thighs, and again I said, "Oh, shit. Wait a second. I forgot, we stand by the couch and make out first before you pull my panties off and nuzzle my pussy. That's when I do my initial little ass-wiggle, while we're hugging and kissing."

"Okay by me!" Ray said with a laugh, standing to face me. I laughed with him as we put our arms around each other.

Turning us sidelong to J.T., I whispered in Ray's ear, "Kiss me hard, like you mean it, and push your cock into my pussy as you slide your hands inside my panties to fondle my ass. After you turn us, that's when you go to your knees to peel down my panties. If you really want to drive J.T. crazy, lick my pussy while you show off my ass."

Smiling in anticipation, I recited my lines before launching into a passionate kiss with him.

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I’m a 23 year old medical assistant. I work for one of the leading urologists in a major city. I know it’s unusual for a female to work in the urology field but I graduated with honors and was highly recruited by all the leading urologists in the city. I chose the field because I have a fascination with the penis and although the majority of out patients are older, we still get enough young virile men to keep things interesting for me. To be frank, it’s difficult for me during an exam...

3 years ago
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Pinball Wizardess

‘Card, please. Welcome back, Frank.’ ‘Mike, you know me by name’, said Frank. ‘You know I don’t drink, I’m here for your arcade games. Why do I have to show my ID?’ The bouncer looked at him. ‘I get paid to make everybody show an ID. You too. You didn’t lose your ID again, did you?’ Frank sighed. ‘New year, new ID.’ He produced his new student ID. He was a senior now. Mike had let him in since he was a sophomore, on his brother’s old ID. Mike didn’t worry nearly as much about the validity of...

1 year ago
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Sharing my Wife with a BBC

My name is Susan. My husband, Steve, and I are in our late 40's and have been married for 20 years. We exercise regularly, watch what we eat, and have both managed to stay in good shape. I'm 5'7" with light brown hair, long legs, and ample breasts with very sensitive nipples. Steve says I'm still hot and he often comments on my nice legs, small tight ass, and beautiful breasts. Steve is 6', and I still find him handsome. Our sex life has gotten worse since the k**s left the nest and we now have...

4 years ago
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A Daughter Discovered

I was thinking about her eyes while driving south from Parma, Ohio, skirting the edge of blue-black clouds fast becoming a monstrous claw of energy ready to strike from the sky. She had revealed her eyes in a cropped avatar photo and then teased me to imagine the rest of her body with adjectives like taut, pink, puffy, and shaved. Her eyes were seared into my soul as my Taurus was enveloped in a brilliant flash and I was deafened by its singeing crackle. I was in the middle of Munroe Falls,...

3 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part IIIParents out of Town Part 1

About 2 months after the dance my parents went out of town for the week, taking my younger twin brothers and little sister with them. Since I didn’t have off school like my siblings did, my parents decided to let me stay home alone. After warning me that the neighbors were watching to make sure I didn't have any parties, they left. I was kind of laid up, because during the state semifinals football game, some defensive end on the other team got in a dirty hit. He got a "roughing the passer",...

Love Stories
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Tempted by brother Part 3 out of 8

That night was troublesome. He wouldn’t fall asleep. So I had to wait for hours until he finally drifted off. And then I spread my legs, this time, definitely promising myself I wouldn’t make myself squirt. I rubbed my slippery cunt, watching my brother sleep. This alone, became a crazy turn on for me. His face looked twice more manly when he was so serious deep in his sleep. I kept stroking my pussy, caressing my lips, spreading them and then penetrating the puddle that filled my vagina. I...

1 year ago
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Graduation Party

It was my high school graduation party. All of my family and friends were there and we were really enjoying ourselves. It was also one of the first times I had been allowed to drink, and I was really taking advantage of that. I mingled and socialized with my family friends, men and women who had watched me grow up from a young girl. There were a couple of my father's friends who kept inviting me back to chat more and give me more elongated hugs and congratulatory kisses on the cheek. I didn't...

3 years ago
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Stairwell cocksucking

You never know who might want to suck your cock.I’ve lived in Corvallis for years but had never been into this particular office building downtown until Ben led me there. He opened the glass door into the modern lobby and pointed toward the elevator. “There’s a roofdeck on the fifth floor,” he said as we walked down the empty hallway. He pushed the button.I’d met Ben just this morning on adam4adam; he worked downtown and I lived nearby so he sent me a friendly message. We exchanged some photos,...

2 years ago
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Unclaimed Cargo

I glanced at the captain when she stepped into my office, "ma'am?" She leaned against the hatch, "what was that business with the small cargo transport?" I smiled and leaned back, "two crates going to Melborne. He paid in advance and in full. He did not even kick about signing the waiver if his contact fails to pick the cargo up." She nodded, "and the cargo of power cells?" I grinned because power cells were made here and not very expensive, "a full cargo and I was able to get...

4 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 4

Joy’s pussy whipping went well, we got a lot of hits on our new web site. She is a natural and begs for more at just the right time. The comments think I’m a good dominant as well, which make my pussy wet. I’ve even taken to wearing tight leather in public and letting my dominant personality be seen more. I found a guy online that could make bigger suction cups for Joy, they arrived yesterday in a big box. Joy was so excited she masturbated her big pussy on the box when I would not let her...

1 year ago
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I Am Not a Lesbian

All afternoon the word "lesbian" jumped out unbidden to ambush my thoughts. At first, I seemed to glimpse it as if from far away and I shied from it, sick and frightened. But as the day wore on, it drew closer until I threw myself on the bed and sobbed in an agony of self-accusation. I cried until I was exhausted.In the calm that followed my shame, I thought of the kiss Sheri and I had shared that day, and the shame dissolved into pleasure. I put my hand against my mouth and relived the...

4 years ago
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Night bus to northern city

Hi guys! This is Vineeth.I'm fair with red lips and beautiful ass with juicy pink ass hole. I’m 22presently. This happened 4yrs backwhen I was 18 yrs old and wasstudying in college. I decided to go to my friends home in a disant place...It was an over-night journeyon bus...So I boarded the bus at 9pm...I was given the last seat... Now on reaching the last seat Irealized that the window seat wasalready booked by some other guywho was already present...This guylooked around 24 yrs fair and...

4 years ago
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Fun With Married Girl

Hi readers, it’s been long time I am reading and I had many experiences among which this is the first one as it happened. I am Kittu, a well built guy with 5’9” height and from Hyderabad. She is Chetana, very beautiful with sexy measures of 34-30-36. I am very active sexually and always tried to find women around to have fun. In my attempts, this was the first incident happened. I am a regular visitor to dating websites in which I used to find for girls and that day I saw a profile with Telugu...

1 year ago
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Le Petite Mort Part I0

How I came to love Zoo and learn its many joys. At a young age I got lucky. I learned about the joys of sex; learned how stimulating my privates could set me a-tingle; how stroking my young cunt would make me shake and feel on a different level; how among the many pleasures in life there was one thing that was the highest thrill: cuming, climax, full body orgasm, an orgasm that takes one’s breath away which some call Le Petite Mort. [“the little death“] I was the luckiest girl to learn...

4 years ago
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The Pregnant Neighborhood MILF

My name is Sandra, and my husband Ed and I are thirty-four years old and live in a nice suburb of Houston with our one-year old daughter. Ed is gainfully employed in the banking industry, and although I also had a good job as a systems analyst, I was able to quit when our daughter was born.We met in our senior year in college and have had a picture-perfect marriage for the past eleven years, at least until seven months ago when I got pregnant with our second child. That second pregnancy, coming...

2 years ago
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Alicia Shelly 02 New Friends

ALLICIA & SHELLY, 02, New Friends An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely  coincidental. All characters are eighteen or older. **** A few weeks after the big snowstorm my best friend Shelly and I were in Gym  class one afternoon. As usual, we showered after class in the girl's locker room.  We had plenty of time because the class was small in size, our town being a  small town with about thirty senior girls....

2 years ago
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 17

"Can't that thing take care of more than one patient at a time?" Karen asked me, after the explanation. "That thing is Charlie and let's ask him." Charlie assured me that he could handle about a hundred patients at once while doing other repair and replication work at the same time. He was proud to say that he was battle ready and that nothing currently on the planet or in orbit could damage him. I kept that last especially in mind then asked him if he would move over and take care of...

3 years ago
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A Chefs JourneyChapter 3

Rebecca — Missing a Brother I ended up spending nearly a week in the hospital, and as soon as I was released, the authorities send me to counseling. George was going to permanently lose the use of his cock due to my attack, but as evidence piled in, the DA had decided not to waste time pressing charges against me for my attack. Photos from the scene with my face bruised by Tamara's fists and splattered by George's cum existed, which made it extremely unlikely that any jury would convict...

3 years ago
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My 1st anal experience

Hey all, this is my very first time I discovered and experienced anal sex. We lived in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia, back in those days all the k**s used to hang out and play on our bikes, skateboards, playing cricket, footy and soccer in the street till late at night… Three houses up from ours were a family - 3 brothers and 2 sisters, I hung out with them a lot and they had a double garage that was turned into a billiards room it had a small kitchen, lounge room, shower and toilet....

4 years ago
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Sex By Surprise

Hi friends. My name is Alex (Mumbai) this is my second story on ISS. After the submission of my first real story, here I am narrating a fantasy I know this is not real but I’m sure the pleasure involved will definitely charge you sexual instincts and take to the toilet for a jerk off or to the bedroom with your hot partners to enjoy. So here is the story. Enjoy and do let me know about this fantasy on (lonely housewives, aunties and any pussies invite for sex) This was the time when I had...

1 year ago
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The BetPart 6 Trouble

Sandy ended up driving my car after all. After school on Thursday and Friday, I drove Sandy just outside of town and let her drive the Nissan for a little bit, to get used to it. Then on Saturday morning, four days after her sixteenth birthday. I took her to the drivers services office downtown to take her drivers test. I still don't know who was more nervous Sandy or me, but the license examiner must have had nerves of steel. As I watched Sandy and the examiner pull out of the lot, I was...

1 year ago
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PterisCast of Characters

Pēteris (Pete) Aloysius Boyle, Junior - Hero. Former combat medic. Average appearance. Miriam Moon - Irish red hair, green eyes set in a round, freckled face. Companion to Pēteris. Robyn Moon - Platinum blond hair, crystal blue eyes, pale clear skin on Scandinavian features. Nurse practitioner. Companion to Pēteris. Daniel Moon - Hero. Grandfather of Miriam and Robyn. Melody Caretaker - Daniel’s Caretaker on Crossroads. Soo-Min Hero Greeter - Petite, Asian - has a severe case of the hots...

2 years ago
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The Training of EmilyChapter 9

The limo made its way to the castle, stopping just out side the massive front doors which opened as the two women exited the car. Melinda came around to assist Emily who walked very slowly with a cane, her steps still painful even after two months of operations and rehabilitation. The two moved into the castle where Emily disrobed and they were ushered into the study where Marcel awaited them. "Emily it is wonderful to see you again!" he smiled as the two women seated themselves. "Thank...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Izzy Lush Dolly Leigh Dual Stepsister Seduction

Believe it or not, Dolly Leigh and Izzy Lush got dumped on the same day! These hot stepsisters are way too sexy to get left out in the cold, so they decide to comfort each other by seducing their nerdy neighbor boy together. They invite him over and he walks into their bedroom to find the girls butt naked, spreading their legs wide for him. He dives right in, licking their dripping muffs until they are begging for his hard cock. Then, he pulverizes there pussies as they take turns giving him...

3 years ago
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Confession Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter One. I was scrolling through Tumbler the other day and I stumbled on a confession page. There were people, all anonymously, giving confessions of some of their dirtiest and kinkiest deeds. It was interesting because they were all confessing about things that they have done that were not particularly nice or very much taboo. The things that they had done were almost all things that would end their marriages if their spouse knew. Lots of affairs or homosexual experiments and things that...

3 years ago
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Emily Awakes Ch 11

Chapter 11 “Professor Anderson,” Evan spoke into the phone at his desk. “I’m glad I caught you,” Janice’ voice came through the speaker. “Actually, I’m headed out to my last class of the day,” he told her “So, you’ll be ready to leave at around four-thirty?” she asked. Evan was confused. “Yes. Emily’s picking me up, as usual.” “That’s why I’m calling,” Janice said. “Emily called me about one o’clock and asked me if I could retrieve you.” “Did she?” Evan said. “We had lunch. She didn’t say she...

4 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Naughty Wedding

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...

2 years ago
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Token Honeymoon episode 9

The next punter spoke better English but had an equally small dick. She watched him in the shower, and to make the experience seem worth the money June got in the shower with him and helped cover him with shower gel and suds. However big or small their anatomy there is some pleasure to be had with silky smooth skin. 'Ten minutes of hot water isn't going to break the bank,' she thought, 'unless Dan is giving me away.''Please Dan, don't sell me cheap.' Could she be the first wife to fuck her way...

Love Stories
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Duty Honor Country Family Part 17

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Seventeen by Danielle J I also want to thank Puddintane for her constant help with this story. She just doesn't do editing for me but provides alot of creative input. DHCF wouldn't be half as good without this help I receive. I also need to thank Lindabeth for her help with this story chapter. Note- Part 16 of DHCF has undergone some edits to make the beginning of part 17 flow better. If you enjoy my story I suggest you go back and re-read the...

4 years ago
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sex with my sexy lady lecturer

hello Readers..Im in india after ages ..i live in london right now.jus here in chennai for a long vacation.I’ve been visiting this site regularly and always curious to narrate my true experience with my sexy professor with whom i had a sexy encounter during my college days. she is a kind of sex bomb in my college.i always admired her a lot..she has the most attractive ass and huge set of tits with a curvey structure. Im 27..very much into sports.i play basketball...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 15

Monday morning came bright and early. Bob stretched his long, lanky body to ease out the kinks. He brushed up against Dana's voluptuous body and couldn't resist stroking her round breast. Her nipple instantly popped up at the attention. She stirred as he continued stroking. He felt movement and a pair of soft melons eased up against his back. Startled he turned away from Dana and into the waiting arms of his youngest wife, Denise. She stretched her neck up and sucked his lips onto hers. She...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 59 All Good Things

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday night when I arrived home from karate, I saw the message light on my answering machine flashing. I decided to shower before listening to it so I walked into the bathroom and quickly got out of my gi and into the shower. After washing up, I put on my silk pajama bottoms and a loose t-shirt and pressed ‘play’ on the answering machine. Hi Steve. It’s Carla Rizzi. Would you please call me when you have a chance? I’d like to talk to you. I pressed...

3 years ago
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Friends Shower Surprise

Friends: Deleted Scenes - Shower SurpriseMonica and Rachel were lying together, naked in Rachel's bed after a morning of lovemaking. Monica rested her head on Rachel's shoulder. Her fingertips brushed her roommate's breast, as Rachel stroked her hair. Monica broke the silence."You know, we have to find some way to tell Ross about us," she said softly.Rachel was silent for a moment. "Yeah, I know. But after what Carol did to him, I'm afraid he'll freak out and break up with me. There has to be...

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The Watchman

"It's such a beautiful place!" Valerie Antonelli exclaimed. "How little people know about southern New Jersey! When you mention New Jersey, people think Camden, Newark, and the Jersey Turnpike! I'm glad you bought it, Mom and Dad!" "I guess I needed to get back into a bit of farming again, now that I'm retired! Jerrold Antonelli said. "I was born to farmers, and now I'll die one! Thank goodness I didn't fall face down onto my desk! I managed to survive 35 years on Wall...

2 years ago
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Family SecretsChapter 6

I sat on my bed, my arms curled around my knees, dreading what I knew was going to soon happen. I refused to cry. I had been here in my room for hours, and the waiting was killing me; though plenty of time for my mind to race wild and come up with all kinds of crazy things. Dale and I had retreated to our own rooms soon after our Moms found us screwing on the couch. I was dreading the terrible screaming match and disappointment from our parents that I had been envisaging. I hadn't seen them...

3 years ago
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Chosen Path

I believe that most people are victims of their fates. I have always chosen mine. Of course, we can only choose what we will do and who we will be. Our lives form along the interfaces between ourselves and the world, by which I mean that we may architect our own destinies, but we cannot choose the ground on which they must stand. Please know that I speak with all due humility in light of my own upbringing’s privilege and luxury, but I have had my moments of choice. I have felt those times at...

4 years ago
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Mom on sons fever night

Hai ISS fans; I am Kamarajan living in Kumily in Kerala. I was 16 when it happened .my mom was 32 bright 38 -30-36 of size. She was always careless about her dressing all the time she would expose her cleavage and which makes every men horny. she always wore saree with low cut blouse. I was fascinated by her from the age of 14 and I used to masturbate remembering her nearly every day since my 14th age. It occurred in a cold night I had a temperature of 108 degree .I was shivering due to fever...

2 years ago
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Magic Part 1

Kandie just finished her profile on an adult date finding service. She decided it was time to add a bit of spice to her life. She sat back and wondered if she added just the right touch of sex appeal. She read the words again, Sexy older woman looking for sexy fun and excitement. Preferences are one on one sex, a bi-curious relationship and a fantasy called stranger-stranger encounter. “I can be traditional or kinky, depending on the mood I am in. When it comes to sex, I am in it for fun,...

First Time
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I Work in a Doctors Office IV

I recently had a patient who came to see the doctor for premature ejaculation. After a short consult with the patient, he turned him over to me. I met with the young man in one of the examination rooms. He was very young, only 18, and was extremely embarrassed when he realized a woman was going to be taking care of his problem. I am used to this and am usually able to assure my patients that there is no reason for embarrassment and that I do this every day. After discussing his problem with...

2 years ago
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Fun at work Chapter 1

After a long restful weekend, (to short like always) it was monday again, and I stood up with the joyful feeling to go back to work. So I did my usual stuff, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, missing my bus, walking to the train station, and taking a nap on the train.   I arrived at work, but stood still in front of the building. Looking up in the sky at the 7 th floor, not a single light was lit. I have always been one of the first to arrive, but something made me...

Group Sex
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Adventures Of Sarah 8211 Part 3

DISCLAIMER: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Please don’t ask for personal details. I prefer my private life to stay private. Also, don’t ask for pics or video chat, such emails will not be entertained. (). This story is the second installment of the series. Here I explored my sexuality and...

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Donna and Box

‘You are about to enter Box.’ Donna looked at me, her mismatched eyes curious. ‘Explain.’ We were on a train, travelling from Bath to London. Donna had been invited to a prestigious London art gallery to join the opening of an exhibition by an artist she had shown some months before. Her boss had not altogether approved of Donna’s selection of this particular artist, whose work is representative and to some eyes, apparently, a little passé. To my own and Donna’s, it just looked good. Her...

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HardtimesChapter 3

It was Sunday morning and Burl was headed out the door. Although he regularly went to church, he was not dressed for church. His baggy pants, faded tee shirt, and torn up sneakers wouldn’t be welcome in polite society. He put his cap on and headed down the street. Two houses down, he walked over to the front door and rang the bell. It seemed to take forever for anyone to answer it. “Hey, Burl! How’s it going?” George asked. George was slender and of medium build with short hair. He had a...

2 years ago
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A night of passion

She lies there listening to him breathe in his sleep. He is in a deep sleep; his breathing is deep and loud. As she lies there his breathing reminds her of past sexual encounters they have had. As she lies there her mind starts working. Thinking of his hands and his lips working over her body. She lifts her hips a little as she thinks of their love making. She looks over at him and feels her desire for him growing. Lying on her back she grabs his hand and places it on her stomach. He...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Nischal Ganga Ki Chudai 8211 Part III

Ye sab dekh kat Ganga ki haalat kharab ho rahi thi. Usko lag raha tha ki uski chut main jaise aag lagi ho. Mera sahlana usko acchha lag raha tha. Mainey jab uski ek chuchi ko dabocha to wo tilmila gayi aur fir jab maine uskey nippale ko touch kiya to wo tharthara gayi aur uth kar khadi ho gayi. Mera haath uski chuchi par hi tha maine hauley se usko fir se dabaya to usney mera haath hata diya aur wahan se nikal gayi. Wo theek se chal nahe pa rahi thi. Shayad itna sab kuch dekh kar khud ko...

3 years ago
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Rob stood at the door, fidgeting and waiting for April to answer his knock. He could hear her approach, so he straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right?Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All...

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The two more embarrassing moments for females and males. In both, you're exposed to other people. In the first one [ENF] your tits and pussy are exposed to the onlookers, that check your whole body or they just have the time to take photos of you naked, and if they're men, probably they got a erection. In the second case, is worse, because the female onlookers just compare your below average dick to dicks that they seen and probably they will give you the sph sign, and then, they will take...

1 year ago
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Indiscretions Ch 05

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter five Mitch stopped at the diner after work the second day in a row. Any questions he might have had about how Bonnie felt about his doing that were answered by the big smile she flashed him when he walked in. Bonnie was the only one visible in the diner, which didn’t surprise Mitch, given the fact that it was fairly late. He wondered where the waitress was. He took a seat on one of the stools and Bonnie came over. Today she was...

2 years ago
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Helping out my room mate

Helping out my room mate "You seem really down lately. Is there anything I can do?" Louisa looked at me and smiled. "Oh, it's nothing you can help with." "Try me," I offered. "Well, it's kind of embarrassing," she laughed. She looked at my face for any hint I might judge her then continued. "It's just... been a while." "Oh," I said. "That's not embarrassing. It's totally understandable. I have some really nice single guy friends if you want, Aidan-" "Casey, no." she smiled tightly. "Oh,...

1 year ago
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Late night GYM workout

I was getting sandwiched between these two black guys and was having all my fantasies fulfilled at the same time. I was moaning ummm ahhh yess fuck me guys fuck me I am your bitch... yess fill all my holes. Hearing me say dirty words both peter and marc got excited and started fucking me hard and I said please fuck me a little more please fuck me a little more I am gonna cum soon and both said me tooo... and three of us came at a time and collapsed on the floor. I was getting late for my GYM...

2 years ago
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Simon Sears

We begin with the sister Emma. It is a Saturday morning and Emma decided before heading in to the shower, to check up on her brother Simon. He is one year older than her with him being 23 and her being 22 and at the moment, she is living with him in his apartment which she generously pays partial rent of. Although they are separated by one year, they seem almost like they could be twins, although Simon is slightly taller than Emma. The both have brown hair and are naturally slim . As Emma...


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