Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 10
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Dinner was interrupted before it began. Diego stopped by with an update on the foal and two problems that needed decisions at my level. Diego has virtually a free hand in running the ranch, but he always defers to me when big money is involved. After the update Cheryl complained when I asked for her help, but she shut up carried the food to the table when I informed her that we'd have to check on the foal right after dinner, and then again just before bedtime.
I had to run some numbers on a spreadsheet before we ate, although that required less than a minute after I called it up. Afterward I found Cheryl standing beside the dining room table, frowning at the bottle of Beaujolais held in one hand while the fingernails of the other slowly scratched the back of her leg just inside the edge of her khaki shorts.
"Bad vintage?" I asked as I quickly scanned the table to see if anything was missing. Nothing was. She didn't want any delays getting back to the foal.
I'd startled her. Surprise turned to sullenness. "You drink this? Don't you have any Boone's Farm?"
"Boone's Farm?"
She flared at me. "What's the big deal with me having a little wine? It's not like I get drunk on it, you know! We all have a glass—just one—when I do a sleepover at ... well, when one of my friends has a sleepover party. You're just like Mom!"
I smiled and said, "The birth certificate is still in my office if you want to check it."
"What?" Anger turned back into the sullen attitude when she connected. "Oh. Yeah. Well, you don't want me to..."
I took the bottle from her hand, interrupting her. "How do you know what I don't want? You haven't asked, and I haven't said."
The look relaxed for a second while she thought, then returned. "Well, you acted like you didn't want me to have any wine."
"You need to work on your body language interpretation skills. I acted like I couldn't imagine you drinking Boone's Farm. That's like the Pepsi Cola of wines. Have you ever sampled a good Beaujolais like this?"
The nose wrinkled. Translation: Eeew! "That's a red wine. Red wines taste like vinegar."
"They do? What color is Boone's Farm? No, wait! I don't want to know." I was afraid she'd say it was green or mauve or puce. Whatever color that last one is. "You're a brunette," I said as opened the china cabinet. "Brunettes look like bulldogs and are as dumb as retarded cows."
I removed another wine glass before giving her a puzzled look over my shoulder. "You judge all red wines by one you apparently tried, unless you inherited your mother's habit of pronouncing judgment on things without any first-hand knowledge whatsoever. Okay. I judge all brunettes by one I knew: Carla Tenny. Isn't that fair?"
"Well..." she drawled as I closed the cabinet door. The sullen look turned blank when she saw me holding the other glass. "I guess not."
"See? Some brunettes are quite beautiful and can be brilliant when they take the time to think."
She watched in silence as I opened the bottle and sniffed the cork, but her eyes reflected the activity behind them. She was taking the time to think.
I poured a taste of the Beaujolais and sipped it. "Nicely full and fruity," I said.
Her eyes rolled up like she was trying to look at her own eyebrows, and she sighed. "I suppose that's another fag thing? Wine snobbery?"
"That's refreshing! You used a term you learned from your dad, not your mom."
That was good enough for a return to silent anger.
I ignored the look. "No, it's not snobbery. Anybody who has a sense of smell and taste can appreciate the difference between a bad wine and a good one. You don't have to concern yourself with silly things like whether the grapes were picked before or after lunch on Tuesday. You merely determine how good the wine itself is." I poured a little in the bottom of the second glass and held it out to her. "Smell the bouquet first. Don't gulp it, sip it. Notice the different tastes and the fruitiness? It's fruity without being sweet. It's not vinegary and it's not as dry as some reds."
Her hands didn't move. "Eeew."
"Have I lied to you yet?"
She had to think for a few seconds. "I guess you haven't. Not that I can tell."
"Then try it. If you don't like it you may have something else."
At first I thought she was going to pinch her nose shut when she took a sip. The brown arched wings over her eyes lifted in amazement. "Oh! That's not so bad."
I nodded. "For most people, reds are more of an acquired taste than the whites, though I've seen some white wine that was far worse than vinegar. It's best to start out with something like this and gradually learn to appreciate the dryer reds." I tilted the bottle into her glass. "You get one glassful, so make it last. You've indicated that you can drink responsibly. I'm not about to allow you to change that while you're here."
"Whatever." She turned to her chair.
"Wait a second," I said as I filled my glass. Then: "I propose a toast."
She tried to look at her eyebrows again. "The food's getting cold."
"Hey, you'll have to do this when you're an adult, and it's embarrassing to do it wrong in public. Would you rather have me or your mom teach you how to do it properly?" I knew Mandy wouldn't let Marek teach her because he'd not meet her standards.
I won by a landslide vote.
"No, correction: two toasts. Okay. Anybody can slam glasses together, but it's considered bad form to slosh your drink over somebody's expensive tux or shatter a glass and splatter it everywhere. You hold your wineglass this way, you lift it so, you repeat the initial part of the toast, we lightly touch the rims afterward so that the crystal rings, and we sip. We always sip a small amount because at most social functions we have no idea how many windbags we'll have to endure, and it's also bad form to run out of beverage before the blowhards run out of blather."
That was good enough for a smile.
"See, I've told you two toasts, but most gasbags won't do that. And, of course, there's always some other gasbag who wants to propose more toasts to grab the spotlight for herself. Okay?"
She grinned like she thought I meant Mandy. "Okay."
"To the success of your visit. May we both have such a good time that none of your mother's intentions come to pass." I pulled my glass back as hers moved forward. "First you say, 'To the success of my visit.' Well, say it."
"To the success of my visit." She sounded like she meant it but didn't actually expect it to happen.
After we clinked and sipped, I said, "To Cheryl's Blaze." I tried not to grin at the sudden startled, then pleased, look on my niece's face. "May she remain healthy and strong, and may she have the beauty, grace, and legs of her namesake."
Startled struck again, but she got the first three words out and managed the movements smoothly.
"Let us be seated, my dear. Our Chateaubriand grows cold."
After she'd tasted everything she rested an elbow on the table and waved the fork at me like a backscratcher. "Are all queers good cooks like you?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, but I doubt it. Are all women good cooks like your mother?" Despite her many flaws, Mandy was the best cook in the family, a fact she wouldn't let you forget, and it's not easy to outdo our mother, even when Mom's having a bad day.
Cheryl retreated back into thoughtful silence. The girl had already accomplished more introspection in one day than she'd done the entire previous month. She might revert back to original form after she returned home, but for a brief period she would be someone Marek and Mandy would not recognize.
She wasn't pleased with having to help with clean-up afterward, what with her being my guest and all. I reminded her that she was family, not a guest, and that on a working ranch, everyone worked.
The sullen attitude disappeared when we headed out the door to check on Blaze. I was pleased that I didn't have to remind her to greet Buena Vista first. I gave her a section of the apple I'd brought and told her to give it to the mare. She attempted to hold the end in her fingertips. I had her hold it in her flat palm and warned her that the horse's lips might tickle when she took it. I also explained that Buena Vista wouldn't bite her.
She flinched at the touch, but she didn't drop the apple section. I gave her other sections until it was gone and then said she could greet the little filly. She squealed and cooed and petted the little animal.
Buena Vista watched for a moment and then turned her soft brown eyes to me. Sometimes I know exactly what a horse is thinking. Her face said it all in unequivocal words: "Kids. They're worth the trouble."
I never argue with a horse when she's right.
Cheryl was reluctant to leave, but she didn't argue when I reminded her that newborn infants need their rest if they are to remain healthy. I showed her around the other buildings. She was still too awed by the foal to be properly resentful. We looked at the stables, checked the horses in them, and then toured the shop, tool sheds, and other barns.
"And this building is the bunkhouse, where the workers sometimes stay."
She was two steps ahead of me. She turned and walked backward. "Sometimes?"
"Yes. There's nobody here but us now. They all have families and go home at night, but in emergencies or really bad weather most usually stay here." I walked to the door as I spoke and punched the lock code. "They can usually make it through snow on their own horses, but sometimes it's better for them and their horses to bunk here."
Summers' fascination with Cheryl became more understandable when I met his wife, Joyce. She said they had lost a daughter at age ten, and Cheryl was practically a reincarnation of their girl, though Cheryl's face was proportionately wider and her cheeks a little fuller. Still, they could have been sisters. "He's never really accepted her death," Joyce said in a quiet conversation at the opposite end of their large living room where the mantel was covered with pictures of Kimberley...
Cheryl lifted her glass. "To the best Sunday I've ever had. And to the uncle who made it happen." "To the best Sunday you've ever had." I pinged her glass with mine and we sipped. She gave her glass a skeptical look and then focused on me. "I guess it would have been better with wine, huh?" I motioned for her to sit and then took my own chair at the patio table. "Of course not. After all, you are much more like hand-squeezed lemonade than Beaujolais." "I am?" she asked with a...
The next week was relatively uneventful. Monday we painted Cheryl's room. "It stinks," she said as she climbed in bed, her pert nose wrinkled in disgust. "Maybe I should have gotten the bright orange after all." "That was oil based enamel, not latex. It would have smelled worse." "Worse than this?" "Yes. Do you want to sleep in one of the other rooms for a couple of nights?" "No. I just want this one to smell better." "It will in a couple of days." "What if the stink...
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"SHIT!" Despite the amused smile that suddenly jumped across his face, Maynard's face managed to remain sympathetic as he looked down at Cheryl, who'd collapsed to sit on the grass and mope. "I'd have told you, honey, but I didn't know." Cheryl put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin atop her fists. "Pardon my French. I can't believe I missed Tyrone Hayes! Of all the times for me to get sick! That makes this my worst Fourth of July ever." "I forgot he was from here," I...
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"Bitch." Cheryl didn't move except to speak. She stared at the cordless phone extension in her hand, now switched off. "Noun or verb?" I asked, gripping her shoulders and massaging her spine with my thumbs. She looked over her shoulder at me. "Huh?" "Was that a descriptive noun, or was it a verb complaining about what she did?" I took the offered phone and shoved it into the charging base on the end table, then resumed working out the muscle kinks she developed while talking to...
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The family is back together, living in the California high rise condo that their father had bought with some of the money he made from selling their company. Sandy Several months had passed since mom and dad had gotten back together. She was still leery of remarrying him quite yet, so they (like Randy and I) had been ‘living in sin’ together. I thought it kinda funny. After mom and dad were back sleeping together, they had basically given up trying to keep Randy and me apart. We slept...
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The next morning, Sandy awoke alone and hungry. Her father was already gone from his bed, their bed. After a quick stop, she meandered downstairs, still rubbing her eyes from sleep. The TV was on some news program. Suddenly it was off, and her father was calling to her. “Come on, sleepyhead. Breakfast is served. Want omelets this morning?” “Sounds great, I’m starved.” He doesn’t let on what he just heard. A hurricane had formed out in the Atlantic. This was before the advanced computer...
Today's story will be with one more of Dad's brothers. My beloved Uncle Orlando, who just was not more incisive, direct, runaway, slutty and shameless for lack of space.I confess that before we became lovers, friends, and confidants, he had laziness. Feeling, which not only made my approach difficult, but also my greatest excuse, to disdain him, completely ignoring his physical and intellectual attributes, which since mid-2017, more than respected, are greatly admired by me.Uncle Orlando,...
Hi dosto, mujhe aap sab k mail mile bahut acha laga,,but kuch log mujhe real girl samjh rahe h ye to sabse achi bat h but fir se bata du main aap sab ko i m 24 years old boy(cross dresser) sissy submissive bottom.. Train me gand marai , train k bad hotel me gand marai-ii k bad kya kya hua un train wale uncle k sath main is part main batuangi, ye sab real me hua h, story nahi real life experience h ye sab mere. Us din k bad main uncle se kai bar mili, but kafi din ho gaye the is bar jab main un...
Gay MaleMera nan vishu hai meri umr 20 sal hai mei up ka rehne wala hoo mein apne maa baap ki ek hi santan hoo…ye koi kahani nehi hai ek sachhi ghatna hai…agar aap logo ko ye pasand aaye ya mujhse koi contact karna chahe to meri email id hai Vaise to mei ek ladka hoo lekin ek uncle ne mujhe itna chauda ki mei ladki ban gaya Ye ghatna aaj se 8 sal pehle ki hai jab mei 12 sal ka tha.mei ek masoom bachha tha gora rang chikna sarir pink lips…choti si gand . mera ek dost tha jiska nam sonu tha .mei sam ko...
There was a catch, however. My Uncle Andy would be coming over to keep an eye on me and the house. Well, that was the excuse this time. Apparently his girlfriend had kicked him out again and this was an excuse that my dad could use to let him stay with us for a few weeks. He wasn’t really a bad guy, and was actually quite good looking for 47, but it did sadden me a little to realise I wouldn’t be as alone as I’d hoped. Let me tell you a little about myself, my name is Tammy. The reason...
Hello its Reena again friends hope aap sab acche hai aur aap logo ko meri last story pasand aayi (uncle ne mujhe chodkar mujhe behal kiya) uske baad se to woh mujhe har weekend par chodte hai lekin 2 weeks pehle hamare saath ek nayi incident hua jo mai aapko batane jaa rahi hoo,hamne plan banaya ki is weekend kahi ghoomne jaayenge aur waha chudai karenge, so hum log ne decide kiya ki hum log long drive pe jayenge aur deepak ji ke ek dost ke farm house pe weekend spend karenge humne yeh bhi...
Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...
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Sherri waited on the computer the following evening at the time she and Randy normally chatted. She wondered if he would show up tonight. The time of their regular meeting came and went, but no Randy. Sherri did her best not to be too disappointed. After all, he was married and there could have been many reasons he was not able to show up. Sherri waited another 30 minutes, then turned off the computer and slowly went to bed. She did not sleep well that night. There were too many thoughts going...
Sherri watched Randy pull away from the hotel and give her a wave as he drove by. She knew he couldn’t see the tears on her cheeks, so she waved back at him. Just to make sure Randy didn’t suspect anything, Sherri started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She saw Randy turn onto the highway and head toward his home. Sherri drove home slowly, her emotions all mixed up. She was so glad that no one was waiting for her at home. She really wanted to be alone and try to sort all her...
Next was Randy who selected Samantha as his date. She called herself, "Sam," and she didn't live far from the country club where Randy, Guy and Bernie had agreed on the Bachelor4U game. Sam suggested meeting at the Xhib Club near her house. She said it was a fun place. He hadn't been there, and knew nothing about it but was curious. Sam said there was a parking lot across the street. She would be waiting there at nine the next night. Randy found his way into the older part of town, and pulled...
Group SexThey drove out to the farm to have an afternoon fuck and discovered that construction crews had cleared the area where the shed had been and were preparing to build an industrial building. Randy quickly called his mother to find out what was happening. She told him that the brothers and sisters had met and decided to sell the farm to developers who intended to build and industrial park where the old farm had been. She then asked why he wanted to know and Randy quickly changed the...
CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND: Jack and Jill Hill have five married children and Frankie. Frankie has stringy hair, wears glasses, still suffers the occasional skin eruption, had been a straight ‘A’ student and her given name is Frances. * * * Unknown to Frankie Hill, the big worry for her parents, siblings and many of the extended family was her parents turning sixty within the next twelve months and having a 30-year old child still living at home. Really appalling for Jack and Jill was the thought...
As Randy came inside of my wet hungry cunt, he slipped out and I escaped from his grasp, locking myself in the bathroom.I sat on the toilet for several minutes trying to gain control of my body and mind.How could I be thinking of allowing a stranger to fuck me with his huge black cock as my beloved husband was passed out upstairs and his remaining friends were outside at the back yard. I cleaned up my sore cum filled cunt and put on a new bikini. I looked in the mirror to make sure everything...
Katie and RandybyNotDoctorPhil©(A note: I am always interested in sharing fantasies and developing new ones with others. If you're interested in sharing fantasies, and perhaps having an orgasm or two together, contact me.)*Young Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having came home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the...
About a year after Rita and I married, I came home one afternoon and found our friend Randy’s VW bus in the driveway. I didn’t think too much about it since Randy and I were good friends. When I came in, Randy and Rita were in the living room. We chatted a bit and then Randy said he had to go. After he left, Rita asked kiddingly what I would have done if I had “walked in on the two of them.” I immediately became aroused and told her that I probably would have left so...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
It had been three weeks since I've seduced and had sex with Randy. The morning after our first encounter, we have had hot morning sex all over my house and we even exchanged phone numbers so we can call each other. I was on my lunch break while at work when my cell phone rang. It was Randy on the other line and he greeted me with a sweet hello. God! Even hearing his voice sends shivers down to my spine. "Hey, how you're doing?" He said to me. "I'm fine, thanks. How about you, Randy?" I...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19 thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...
I came out of the toilet to find Jack sitting on the bed smiling from ear to ear. “You brought back so many memories” he said “how about you?” “I didn’t believe there was such a thing” I replied “but now I know it is real I am so excited about the business”. “And Randy? What about him? Jack continued. I looked over and Randy was looking so happy. I looked back at Jack and grinned “I would say that was the first for me but certainly not the last. I can understand why women enjoy it so much. God...
After Anthony and Becky left I quickly cleaned up and took Randy back to Jack’s place. We had a new client on Sunday and I was loath to leave Randy at the house alone and couldn’t take him home with me. “How did it go?” asked Jack. “Fine Jack” I said “the wife was so happy”. I left Randy there and went back to my apartment. I turned on the computer and replayed the day’s events. I wasn’t surprised that Becky had enjoyed her little romp. I started to get feelings too and a session with a toy...
Unlike most boys growing up together my older bruther Randy and me played more differently than most siblinngs do. Sometimes he liked to make me play dress up and he usually wanted me to dress up as a girl. Randy typically would grab our sissters old dresses from their closets and bring them to me so I could try them on. My siss wore these dresses when she was elevin or twellve. I was in my early teeins at the time and I guess he figured they would fit. Truth was I didn't have the curves, but...
I always knew my time with Randy was going to be short. We liked each other very much and had great sex, but I wasn't totally her type and she was very wild and wanted to play the field much more so than me. We had very different ideals and goals, but that was okay. I always knew and appreciated what and who she was and never judged her poorly because of it. To this day I still defend her whenever someone badmouths her. Randy made a lot of guys, including me, very happy and was never really too...
Group SexHer name was Mandy Bullock aged 43, she stood five foot two in her size seven stocking feet, her long blonde hair hanging just over shoulder length and partially hiding the aspect of her medium build and largish 36DD bust line. Mandy although married To Ted Bullock for twenty five years, still had a very extensive sex drive whilst Ted's tailored off as his age increased, however both were devoted to each other to the point where they would humour each other where sex was involved. Like Ted...
It had been about a month since the night that Randy had forced his way into my life. Since his office was upstairs from my business we saw a lot of each other, but he never mentioned that night until today.Unbeknownst to him, I had thought of that night fairly regularly even though Al and I were still going at it pretty often. He was after all well hung and quite good at manipulating his tool.I was closing up for the evening and he wandered in to say goodnight like we were friends. Friends we...