Betty_(0) free porn video

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This story comes from a way back and is about the first girl with whom I was really intimate. She was a hell of a one to pick..

I wasn't that cool as a kid. On Friday nights when the bad kids from school were just starting to try their luck creeping into bars with fake IDs, I was at home watching TV or playing video games. It wasn't entirely my own fault, we were kind of poor, dad had gone and so my weekend job actually made a difference to house finances. I had to be at work early with bright eyes.

Nah, ok, I was pretty shy too, it was just easier to stay at home so I did. This of course meant that while the bad lads at the end of the night were trying their luck with equally bad girls, I was just stuck with late night TV and my own imagination.

That all changed late one horrid cold windy Friday night. Mum came in to ask me if I wanted to go with her to pick up Fiona from whatever dive of a club she had found herself in this weekend. My half sister Fiona (Fi) was the final part of the home trilogy. At about ten years older then me still represented the closest thing I had to a sibling. As such we didn't get on much. She was sort of mean to me and didn't have much time for anyone who was not helping her get drunk, high or facilitate the expansion of her wardrobe. The upside of Fi was her friends. They were, well, a decade older than me and mostly drunk, high and dressed up to the nines which is pretty much all a teenage boy demands.

Mum drove while I fiddled with the radio. The car was freezing but was warming rapidly as we pulled out onto the dual carriageway. By the time we got to the next town along where we were picking up Fi, the car was toasty warm. Drunken decimation of the street entrance marked the corner of the street where Fi's club was. People sat about on the pavement, busied themselves with either drunken retching or trying to fight or mate with others.

This was time for me to do my bit. Mum hated getting out of the car and dealing with finding Fi amongst the drunken carnage. I, on the other hand, relished it. I loved the excitement in the air, the unpredictability and the drunken beautiful women streaming out of this place that was still to be out of bounds to me for at least another couple of years.

Fi was easy to spot, she was leant against a white wall, trying not to slide down it.

'Just need to wait for Betty', she shouted as she saw me, 'go sit in the car’.

I pointed to where the car was and determined not to instantly give in to my big sister. I bought a bag of chips from a busy street vendor and then jumped back in the car before any of the rolling thugs could mug me for them.

Mum gave Fi a honk and she staggered across the pavement towards us. Mum’s window slid down and a drunk Fi stuck her head through the window.

'I need the front seat, I am gonna be sick', slurred Fi.

I moaned a protest as the injustice hit me but mum's eyes told me to get in the back so I did.

'And can Betty stay over too? She has missed her last bus.' Mumbled Fi as she fell into my nicely warmed front seat.

'Just get in', spat out mum.

The door opposite to me opened and in fell an absolute vision of beauty. My frustration with my rotten drunk sister was forgotten in an instant as Betty got into the back of the car next to me.

The first thing I saw was a long black leather boot stopping mid-thigh just below a tight red skirt. Following the boot and skirt hem was the rest of a fantastic body, a beautiful rounded bum, slim waist and full boobs only just held in by a matching red tight V-cut top.

I could hardly bring myself to look up at her face. She had full red lips punctuating a flawless alabaster complexion and framing brilliant white pearly teeth, split only by a tiny gap in the front. Dark painted eyes looked back at me and beautiful blond hair cascaded over bare shoulders. She was not tall but she was 100% voluptuous.

'Thank you for having me Miz Martin', Betty purred into the front of the car, her accent giving her away as American. I guessed she was mid-thirties but really could have been twenties or forties, she was one of these sort of timeless people.

Panicked I just about managed to spit out a ‘hi’ as her beautiful scent enveloped me.

I don't think she heard it, probably wondering why the small British guy next to her was squeaking. The interior lights in the car went off as we pulled away from the club and towards the fast road. I was in heaven, it sounds trivial now but at that age, just sitting next to a woman like Betty was enough to keep me on a fixed adrenaline high.

Fi and mum chatted in the front as I cosied myself into the back seat, daring only to sneak glances at Betty's thigh next to me. I looked out of my window and shoveled in the chips.

Betty broke the silence in the back, 'can I have one of those?' she asked leaning towards me, close enough that I could feel her warm breath on my ear.

'Of course' I grinned back at her, glad for the darkness concealing my instant hardness. I lent back towards her, my shoulder touching her soft upper arm. I thrust the bag towards her in offering.

'Would you put it in my mouth? My hand are all dirty', she whispered back to me.

With trembling fingers I picked up a warm chip, dabbed it in some sauce and brought it up towards Betty's beautiful lips. She smiled and parted those beautiful lips allowing me to pass it in to the darkness of her large soft mouth. When my finger came to rest on the softness of her lower lip I paused, allowing her to bite off the end of the chip.

I was transfixed in silence to her angelic face, unable to see Betty's incisors coming together behind her soft lips. A quick pink tongue darted out and pulled the rest of the chip in to her mouth in a single movement.

She giggled a silvery laugh, I guess enjoying her effect on me. 'Mmmm, one more?'. She leant her chin on my shoulder and brushed my cheek with her nose as she whispered into my ear.

'Of course'.

I looked down at the bag and pulled out a second chip, trying not to quake with anticipation.

My fingers trembling, I passed the chip up towards the parted lips of Betty. It went in between her soft lips but they did not come together. I brushed my finger slowly in towards her warm waiting mouth. Finger and thumb holding the chip moved into her mouth and rested down softly on her lower lip. I could feel the hard dent of her lower teeth just touching my finger pad. As my finger rested, she smiled slowly, widely, deliberately, peeling back her lips as she did so I could see her upper teeth. As if caught it the headlights I was motionless as a line of obviously sharp incisors flanked by small but very pointed canines revealed themselves.


In an instant a perfectly interlacing wall of enamel snapped shut in front of my eyes, cleanly severing the chip and leaving my finger resting just in front of Betty's beautiful front teeth.

I nearly passed out with the high as she again giggled out a silvery laugh. 'Thanks'. 'You should be careful of that.'

The car pulled up the driveway and we all got out. All three of the ladies pushed in front through the warmth of the open front door. Betty was pulled in by Fi without so much as a glance over her shoulder towards me. My heart sank as the three ladies strode into the warmth of the kitchen, slamming the door behind them. The tinkling of whisky glasses marking the start of the nightcap.

I resigned myself to bolting up the front door, shouting goodnight to mum and then going straight to bed. As I lay in the dark, every now and then I could hear the long lilting accent of Betty over the raucous noise of my family as they went down through the bottle of whisky. Mum had joined them and I think the three of them must have polished off a single malt in just over an hour.

The increase in volume and stamping of feet up the stairs signified three drunken women retiring for the night. One by one I heard giggles and laughs get replaced by heavy breathing and snores through the house in a multitude of intoxicated coma.

Very soon, I was the only one awake. My heart was still pounding, the adrenaline only subsiding a little as I went over in my mind the chip incident in the car and the idea of the woman sleeping in the spare room only a few doors down from my own.

I imagined what it would have been like had I, instead of going in to my own room had hidden under the bed of the spare room and watched Betty retire. She would have come in turning on the light and shutting the door behind her. The two of us would have been closed together in the room, as I would have peered out at the hard step of the bottom of her long leather boots.

Would I have been able to peer out from under the valence to see her peeling off those boots, maybe dropping her skirt and peeling off her tight top? ..and then what? What would she have on underneath? Would I have been able to see any part of her beautifully rounded breasts or her.. Anyways I had not and now she was asleep and in bed.

Insomnia gave way to a need to pee, a natural side effect to having been so hard over the last few hours. I jumped out into the cold and pulled on a t-shirt. Without almost any sound at all, I opened my bedroom door and padded down the hall to the bathroom. What I was not prepared for as I passed it was that the door to the spare room was slightly ajar. My eyes lingered on the gap as I passed and I could barely make out a dark form inside.

The bare bulb of the bathroom light assaulted me with its brightness and made me blink my eyes for a few moments as I lent against the loo to pee. I had to push my rapidly hardening dick down in the direction of the loo simply in order to hit it as an idea formed in my head. Not really an idea, more a notion.

I finished in the loo and turned off the light. I stood in the blackness for a few moments allowing my eyes to readjust. Then I slid back the bolt on the toilet door and moved pad by pad, almost a centimeter at a time towards the door of the spare room. Once I was just in position to see through the door I simply stood in the darkness in silence, just looking in.

I could see Betty lying on her back, well tucked up in the big soft duvet. Her head was tilted towards center of the room, away from the wall. The depth of her breath meant that she was fast asleep and so I inched my way in to the room, taking care not to make the tiniest sound. Once I had passed the threshold of the door, I gently nudged it closed in case anyone else should get up and walk down the hallway.

I knelt down next to the beautiful sleeping Betty, my chin almost touching the side of her bed. The duvet rose and fell in time with her breaths and a slight air disturbance came from between her very slightly parted lips. I could feel the warmth moisture of her breath on the bridge of my nose as I peered into the seemingly giant red lips. I simply froze there and waited for a few seconds in langrous ecstasy, building up the courage to touch her, convincing myself that a third of a bottle of whisky would make for a sound sleep.

With no sound at all, I brought my finger closer to her waiting parted lips and then very gently rested it on the lower one, in the same place to which it had been invited earlier that same night.

The soft full lip peeled back as I touched it to reveal Betty's lower teeth. These were not the new small adult teeth of girls I knew of my own age but the ones of and incredible adult woman from far across the seas.

Some of her lower teeth were slightly crooked, some were straight, all were deeply ridged and sharp. I pushed round her lip a little and exposed a lower canine. It was almost beautifully teardrop shaped except for the vicious slightly inward pointing tip. I rested my finger on its tip a moment, just imagining what it would be like if she bit down.

My finger moved up away from Betty's bottom lip and proceeded to peel back the side of her top lip. Betty's lower teeth had been an adrenaline shock but nothing had prepared me for her upper pre-molars and canines. They were almost like those of an animal or a movie vampire. Although not particularly long, each one was deadly sharp and I watched my finger as it traced a line under their sharp biting edges, pausing under her slightly longer eye-tooth.

Then panic.

She stirred, twitched, murmured in her sleep and my heart leapt. I pulled my finger away from her mouth in an instant and got down flat on the dark floor by her bed not daring to breathe.

I stayed immutable for I don't know how long, praying the pounding of my heart was audible only inside my own head. Betty shifted in her bed slightly, straightening up her face to look at the ceiling and fidgeting a little under the sheets.

Presently her deep breathing resumed and I counted to 100 to be sure she was really back to sleep.

Her lower jaw was now much more dropped than before. I brought myself up over her and peered down into the deepness of her mouth. Slowly, inch by inch, the inquisitive fingers returned. Pausing briefly on the softness of her lower lip, I pushed my finger in until the first knuckle was flush with her lips. I felt no teeth, only the luxurious warm softness of her tongue. Her warm breath tickled the sensitive hairs on the back of my hand.

Betty stirred again and shut her mouth.

I was stuck. To pull back in my panic would surely wake her but what would happen if she felt a foreign object in her mouth? Scream for sure. How the f*ck would I explain this? I couldn't.

I stayed frozen to the spot with my two fingers in her mouth. I felt her large soft lips around the mid of my fingers and the encasing of her soft wide tongue below the pads and her upper palette above them. I felt no teeth but I knew they were there, sharp, hidden just below the protection of the full lips. Kneeling with my fingers in the hot mouth of this incredible woman was to that point the most erotic experience of my young life. It was promptly replaced by the next, which was when Betty softly started to suck.

Her tongue rippled gently under my fingers and she moaned a little in her sleep. I don't know but I fancied there was a slight twitch under the bed sheets.

The fullness of what might lie under the sheet hit me. It was certainly this fantastic strange woman and she could be naked. The encircling and sucking of the soft tongue intensified slightly, there were a few more undulations under the covers and then, after what felt like a wonderful terrifying few minutes, Betty's mouth opened wide and she breathed out a long soft 'Ahhhhhh'.

It was intense enough that her warm breath found its way up to my face allowing me to smell her soft scent as I peered down into her open array of sharp teeth that had been absent from sight but not my thoughts for at least a few minutes.

Self preservation kicked back in and I withdrew my fingers and padded quickly, much more clumsily than before, back into the safety of my own bed. The relief of having got away with it washed over me as I wrapped myself in my own, now cold duvet and warmed up. My hand found my own hard dick almost instantly and I satisfied myself with the hand that was still wet with Betty's saliva and the memories of how it had just got there. I slept soundly for the rest of that night, sweet dreams perfectly preserved.


The sound of frying and the smell of fresh bacon greeted me first thing in the morning and I jumped out of bed to pull on my work clothes. I passed Betty's door, excitement peaking as I did, on my way down the stairs to get my early breakfast.

I shot out to work and probably did the most cheerful shift I ever have, driving like a maniac on the way home lest the beautiful Betty would still be around the house. My heart sank as I entered to see a hung over Fi and nobody else. My impulse was to quiz her on the lovely Betty but I thought better of it. Fi is mean but not stupid.

Two weeks passed and no mention of Betty. I had pinched Fi's address book but she was not in it. Then, on a Friday night as I came in to the kitchen, there she was.

Leaning against the radiator in the kitchen chatting away to mum, Fi making toast. I said a quick hi to all, poured myself a welcome cup of tea and then slid into a corner of the kitchen pretending to examine a leaflet I had picked off the doormat.

Out of the corner of my eye I slowly worked my way up Betty. She was dressed simply in figure hugging jeans, boot cut and hanging loosely over what looked like soft brown leather cowboy boots. She wore a checked shirt on top with a knot at the bottom showing off her bare brown midriff and cutting an angular V across the deep cleft of her breast.

As I worked my way up the blond curls, peeling off her temples she looked across at me quickly, my eyes locking with her sparkling blue ones. I looked down quickly and tried not to go pink.

Fi put some toast in the middle of the table and we all took a piece. As Betty lifted it to her stunning red lips there was nothing I could do but watch as they parted. Caught again like a frozen animal she quickly locked her eyes on mine and bit down in a snap, cleanly removing a semi circle of toast. Once done, she smiled a glittering sparkle of blue eyes and white pearls across at me. Caught I stared at the floor, redness passing over my face, tears forming in the corner of my eyes and a hard on like a mallet in my trousers under the table.

I sat and stared at the text on the table in front of me until the women finished their toast and Fi and Betty flounced past me on the way to get changed to go out. Mum looked up from her tea after they were gone and smiled at me over her glasses.

'You like her don't you honey'.

'No', I snapped back, not raising my eyes to meet my mothers.

'It's ok. She is a very beautiful lady. It is normal.'

I said nothing, once my mother got up to go and water the garden I took the remainder of my tea to my bedroom and turned on the TV.

I heard the door slam as the two girls went out and then emerged from my room to hang about in kitchen for the rest of the night, barely able to contain the butterflies in my stomach as a plan came together. Some time around midnight the call came in and mum shouted to ask me to go with her to pick up the girls. I shouted back that I was really tired and wanted to go to bed. Mum groaned a little but left me to go and get them on her own.

Once the sound of the car was gone I barely sprinted up the stairs and into my room where I changed for bed into some long, warm pajamas. I went and got a load of spare pillows and put them in a line down my bed to look like a body. I turned out the light and left the room.

I then went and found a spare duvet and pillow and pushed it under the spare bed, right into the far corner. I sat on the stairs in exuberant anticipation until I heard the car pull back up the drive and then I shot under the spare bed.

The front door opened and the voices fell in to the hall way downstairs. Footsteps tottered into the kitchen as they had before. Bad news this time though, I heard the kettle go on which meant tea, which meant no whisky, which meant potentially less sound sleep.

I lay frozen in place in the dark under the bed until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as the women went to bed. I could feel little drips of perspiration forming on my brow as I prayed that mum would not look in on me in my room. There was no indication she did and the thought of it was pushed quickly from my mind as the door to the spare room opened and the light went on. Shafts of yellow poked under the bed to where I was hiding and I squirmed back into the recess of the dark corner.

Heavy boot treads came into the room and stopped to shut the door. As they drew parallel, I recognized them as the brown leather Western Style ones of Betty. Heels facing me, she sat down heavily on the bed above me, which creaked but did not give too much.

One by one she pulled off and discarded to the far corner the boots. Then two white bobby socked feet came down on the floor, the clinking of a buckle and the pair of jeans fell down next to me. I could feel myself panting in anticipation. Then the shirt fell next to the jeans, blocking off part of the stream of yellow light.

Betty padded over to the sink in the far corner and I heard her start to brush her teeth. As I thought of those beautiful sharp ivory teeth being cleaned one by one, my hard dick crept out of the slit in my pajamas. I turned my body and slithered silently down to the bottom end of the bed that faced the sink. Peeking out from under the valence I could see her bent away from me over the sink, brushing vigorously.

Betty’s body was an absolute marvel. She stood in nothing but a pair of tiny white panties covered in large red dots. Her ample boobs were hanging low and just grazing the top of the sink. They jiggled a little as she brushed. I saw long brown pointed nipples, erect due to the cold in the room scraping one side and then the other of the sink bowl.

Betty's bum was the proverbial peach, tanned and firm. She stood with her legs just parted enough that I could see the outline of her pussy marked by the droop in her panties. Beautifully rounded the fold in the panties marked a clear slit where her labia major rested slightly parted behind the thin silk lining. What I would have given to bury my face into her pussy and run my tongue up her slit.

Having captured an image that would stay with me forever I slid back into the dark under the bed as she spat and rinsed.

She padded back towards me and clicked the light out. The room fell into darkness and I heard her recline on the bed above me. I wrapped myself in my quilt and closed my own eyes, matching my breathing to hers as she fell into deep sleep.

I lay for what I know was more than an hour as I forced myself to time it by the church hour chimes down in the village.

Once confident she was fast asleep and that there was no more activity in the house, I inched my way out from under the bed. As I did so, I knocked Betty's discarded jeans, which scraped her belt buckle on the floor. She gasped and so I froze but immediately the deep sleep breathing resumed. I counted out a full minute and then continued getting out from underneath.

As I brought my self up on to my knees I saw the beautiful face of Betty daubed gently in the soft moonlight that shone in through the window. She lay on her back, face up as she had been last time I had left her in bed.

I moved my face in towards her and lent oh so softly on the side of the bed so that my eyes were less than an inch from her beautiful red lips. I moved gently so that my lips just brushed hers and then stopped there for a moment. I wondered quickly if this would be the closest I would ever come to actually kissing her and so vowed to remember each detail of the moment.

Betty's breathing stayed even with only a minor intake of breath as her lips parted so very slightly. I brought my eyes down closely and saw large the sight of her front teeth through the tiny parting.

Not being able to help it now, I brought up my fingers and very gently pulled back her beautiful top lip to reveal the perfect line of jagged side teeth. Vicious and mesmerizing, I wished time would stand still.

It didn't.

Betty fidgeted much like she had two weeks before and opened her mouth wide. I was too close to her to panic dive under the bed so I just froze.

I found myself with my eyes peering directly into her gaping mouth. Beautiful ridged incisors a few centimeters from the front of my nose and a cascade of devilishly sharp molars and pre-molars running down the sides to the soft black chasm at the back.

I brought my fingers up and lowered them millimeter by millimeter into Betty's open mouth. I alighted with the most gentle of touches on a molar on one side and then gently lowered the flat of my finger so that it ran right down the line of biting edges of her side teeth.

The little pointed jags grazed across my skin as my mind flashed back to Betty severing the chip and the toast in single hard bites. I wondered what would happen if she snapped shut now, I wondered if I would lose my finger. With anyone else probably not, with Betty it was unclear.

I ran my finger up one side of her teeth and then turned it over and ran it back down the other side. I was in absolute ecstasy as I saw it run back between the vicious line of teeth and especially between her razor sharp canines.

Then the unthinkable happened.

Betty closed her teeth, trapping my finger between a whole long row of side teeth.

She was not biting hard at all but the sharp crests of molars dented in both above and below my finger and the two canines that trapped it just above the knuckle were like two opposing needles, just resting there. My heart was in my mouth and I almost came in a single breath.

Betty let out a soft moan and there was a twitch under the cover. Crumbs, an erotic dream again maybe?

She did not bite down any harder but as her breathing became deeper and intensified, I could feel her tongue licking up and down the side of my finger still trapped between her closed teeth.

The hand moving under the covers moved with more pronounced strokes, making the duvet rise up and down. Betty's whole body seemed to shiver up and down with it as did her breaths.

Then a hand shot up and grasped my one that was trapped by her mouth. The illusion that she was asleep was broken and my sense of impending doom was confirmed as she spoke softly and slowly.

'Get in here, you can do something for me', she almost rasped into my face.

As she spoke she held my hand and in particular my errant finger between her teeth. Each syllable made a little bite and she pronounced it with a pause.

She let me go and lifted up the side of the duvet to reveal herself in the moonlight.

She had perfect round breasts with large nipples that would poked directly up into the air. Her boobs lay flat on top of her above a bare midriff which rolled smoothly down to the panties. The panties rose again in the perfect outline of her pussy.

She pulled me on top of her so that I sat on top of her silky panties, one leg either side of her, looking down into her perfect curl framed face. She took both of my hands and traced them around her breasts.

There was nothing I could do about my cock which was sticking like a flagpole out of the fly of my pajamas. Betty's eyes seemed to fix on it while idly rubbing her breasts with my hands.

'Mmmm, I can use that', she murmured, never once taking her eyes of my rock hard member. She moved one hand down to my cock and wrapped her fingers around it.

It was the first time I had seen a real live woman in the flesh let alone been touched and it sent electricity out of my cock and all over my body. I was helpless as she gently glided a finger over the head and then down again.

Then, without losing hold of my cock, she looped her other hand over my shoulder and pulled me onto herself. I found myself lying flat on top of her, face to beautiful face.

She pulled me up very slightly so that my cock was trapped between my body and her silky panties through which I could feel her soaking cleft running along the line of my dick.

Her legs curled round my bum, pulling me against her hard and allowing her purchase to rub herself up and down me. Her back arched and her head pushed back into the pillow. She opened her mouth wide and let out a guttural moan.

I did what came naturally and ran my tongue along the line of her top teeth, starting at one fang and finishing at the next. Betty’s teeth slammed shut in what almost felt like a warning and her head tilted back into the pillow with closed eyes as she literally pulled me up and down against herself like a giant dildo.

My hard cock rubbed her slick silky panties up into her cleft and I both felt and glimpsed her beautiful pink bald pussy for the first time.

In an instant Betty flipped us over, unleashing a surprising amount of strength for her small frame. I found myself lying back on her soft pillow, staring up at her beautiful gold curl encircled face.

She kissed me quickly on the lips and then spun her body round, sitting back on my face in a 69 position. She pulled her panties to the side, allowing my tongue access to the full length of her slit.

I slowly licked the full length finishing up at her clit, looping around it and then and then gradually stroking all the way back down. Betty let out a throaty moan as I did so and pushed herself hard back on my chin and lips.

Betty worked herself back and forth on my lower face, her strokes becoming harder and more brutal in intensity, her hand snaking its way down to the base of my flag-pole erect cock. She used the grip to work herself even harder and more furiously on my face, her pussy completely now enveloping my mouth.

Then Betty moaned and let out a long sigh. As she did so, she bent herself forwards, taking my cock all the way into her beautiful mouth. The action rolled her pussy so that her clit stabbed between my lips. As I sucked, she sucked and I felt sensations I had so far only ever imagined as her warm luxurious mouth and tongue drew me in and pushed me out.

As I came nearer and nearer to the edge, I felt Betty’s lips slide away from her sharp front teeth. Occurring rarely at first, making a tiny sharp pricks in the end of my cock intermittently. The more she sucked and sucked, the more often the teeth came together slightly, grazing up and down my shaft and stabbing the head.

Then Betty stopped moving her pussy and lay heavily on my body, panting. She gently licked the head of my cock with giant swirling movements of her tongue

The cessation of her body was followed by a few seconds pregnant pause of even her tongue which told me something was about to happen. I fancied that I heard her licking her lips and churning her mouth, almost like and animal about to feed.

Ever so gently, she folded her warm mouth back over my cock and let it rest between her long sharp row of side teeth. Hard, angled molars ending in sharp pointed canines, all digging into the soft flesh, the pain was intense but the excitement that came with it pumped adrenaline through my body as I have never felt.

Betty’s throbbing, gyrating pussy continued its path on my face but this time with new intensity. I stuck out my tongue catching her clit as she rubbed. Her breathing and moaning rose and her teeth bit down harder on my still solid cock.

Pleasure really did start to give way to pain as I started to struggle to try to free my cock but my head remained firmly clamped between Betty’s thighs as she rammed herself into my face. Sharp teeth released my shaft to be instantly replaced only by a another hard bite from her front teeth, then her side teeth, then her front teeth on the head and shaft of my cock as she came in deep moans.

Betty’s rocking subsided and she slowly released my injured cock as she gasped to catch her breath back. She sat back on me a little and relaxed.

‘If you come in my mouth then I own this’, she giggled.

Betty bent back down to my cock, pushing it in through her soft lips again. This time, no teeth, just a warm lapping mouth.

Betty went further and further down until I must have been part way down her throat. I felt her lower lip push down hard on the base of my cock and then a strange sensation as she pushed my balls into her mouth with it. How she was breathing I don’t know, I was entirely focused on the undulating, swallowing throat.

I came closer and closer to the edge, trying to hold it back but not being able to fight Betty’s expert actions or her beautiful bald pussy above my face.

As I felt myself stiffen up in orgasm Betty’s teeth again clamped down, this time threatening to sever all that I had at the very base. As she bit harder and harder, I came down her throat, almost passing out with the excitement. Betty’s throat milked me dry, the strength of her suction overwhelming. It was clear in an instant that she had already mostly swallowed me, all it would take to lose my cock and balls forever would be one hard, vicious bite. I wondered if it would come.

It didn’t.

I relaxed and as I did, so did she, giggling slightly, she got off me and turned to kiss me on the lips. I could hardly move with the emotions washing over me. The best orgasm of my life combined with the removal of the threat to castrate me made me quake with relief.

‘Don’t forget I own this now she purred’, gently brushing my cock with the back of her hand. ‘If you ever use it with anyone else then you will lose it.’

At the time I didn’t care and when I got up the next morning I found she had left early and so I didn’t dwell on her words.

Over the next few weeks, as the incredible ring of teeth marks up and down my shaft and the red ring around the base rendered me almost unable to walk, I thought back to her words and realized the predicament I was in. If I ever touched another girl then would Betty come back and finish what she had started? What if she never came back? Surely she was joking?

These thoughts haunted me for months until I met Jess.


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hello everyone here is a little story about me and my lady at the westwood theater in Toledo ohio aweek ago yesterday it was a day were we wanted to do something but didn't know what i told her lets go to thewestwood as it has been a fun place for us so she got ready put on a blue fishnet nighty under some jeans and tee when we get there we see only 3 cars in the lot so we thought well at least we wont be mobbed. so we go in pay the fee and we go into the theater and sit in the cpls section....

1 year ago
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Cabin Adventures

Walking in to your cabin after a long week, you collapse into the nearest living room chair. You hear my crawling steps moving towards you and open your eyes. Your girl just as you like her, on all fours, hair in a pony tail for grabbing, and skin completely exposed, naked. I move in between your legs, rubbing my face into your groin. I look up hopeful, and you nod. I start to undo your buckle and zipper as you slide down further in the chair, getting comfortable. I push your shirt up...

1 year ago
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Obscene showers

I would press my skin against yours just to feel the moisture and the beating of your heart. I would kiss you in your neck and go through your soaked hair with my right hand and hold my left hand between your breasts to feel you breathe. I can see your breath as clouds climbing from your mouth. Then I would press my lips against yours and close my eyes. I would make our tongues meet while the fabricated rain kept drowning the cold air around us. And from then I would wait for you to take a next...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 9 The Knightrsquos Passion

Knight Kevin – The Free City of Grahata, Yalut Island The night wore on as we stood our watch in the overgrown Labyrinthine Gardens. The trees and bushes were so thick, the stone buildings of Grahata were completely obscured. There was almost no light, the night sky half-overcast, the moon struggling to shine through black clouds. But our eyes had adjusted to what light there was. The entrance to the labyrinth was a dark pit before us, faint stairs slowly merging into the black. My five...

2 years ago
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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

2 years ago
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Enjoying Monica In Goa

Hello friends, this is Dev from Mumbai with yet another sex story. This story is about how I had sex with one of the reader. Coming back to the story. Let me introduce myself Dev from mumbai, average looks with average assets. Being from upper middle class made me enjoy lots of luxuries and gave me an opportunity to travel many places. The heroine of this story is Monica, she is 38 year old women and a mother of 2kids. She is marwadi with wheatish complexion from Jaipur. Her vital stats are...

2 years ago
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Legal Issues Ch 05

Lynn woke slowly, her mind clawing its way out of anear-drunken haze. Her body tugged at her, calling attention to different parts that ached or itched or hurt. She sat up, blinking through gummy eyes while smacking her lips. Sharp pain lanced through both of her breasts when she moved. She looked down at her swollen breasts and suddenly adrenaline crashed through her, lifting the fog from her brain. "Muuh!" Lynn cried out in a sudden deep-throated panic. It wasn't her breasts that alarmed her;...

2 years ago
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Lovers Banging In Car

We knew it was not safe. At school, we loved being with each other, enjoying each other's company, cracking jokes and enjoying the time along with our studies. If we would get a chance, we would do some fondling and touching. The reason we couldn't take a chance again was because everyone had a doubt that we have crossed limits, and we didn't want to give our friends any chance of confirming their suspicion. Since we used to sit in the same horizontal row, even if the teacher was teaching, we...

3 years ago
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Aishas Exercise pt4

Her paused, looked smilingly at Aisha and said, "Most important of all, thank you..."He paused, looking lovingly at his daughter."For what, daddy?""For wanting daddy to suck your naked tits."Oh God! Did she want all that? What was her father saying? She had thought all these were part of the exercise."Aren't all these part of the exercise, daddy?""It's the same thing, darling. You want to produce RH, don't you?""Yes.""So you also want daddy to suck your tits.""I see," Aisha didn't know how to...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part one

PART ONE As I sat on the veranda enjoying the warm morning sun and eating my breakfast, I pondered over what the day might have in store for me. My wife had already left for work and I had little that needed my attention today so I just planned to take things easy. While I sipped at my coffee, a flash of reflected sunlight caught my eye. I looked up and saw that it was the morning plane from Sydney banking on to its final approach to the...

1 year ago
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Mark had been happily married to Jennifer for 4 years now. He was 26, and she 25. Mark himself was of medium height and weight, perhaps even tending towards skinny; black hair that never seemed to look good with any style, and plain brown eyes. He had always thought of himself as lucky, and that Jen was too good for him: she looked almost like an angel. She was of medium height, but had barely any waist. Her light brown hair seemed to radiate, and hung well past her shoulders; her blue eyes...

3 years ago
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The meeting

We had been talking for weeks today was the day we were finally going to meet, we had arranged to meet someplace close to her a park with a lake beside it we decided we were going to walk round the nature trail and just talk.i got there a little after noon I was nervous I had never met someone from the net before I didn’t know what to expect yes we had talked on the phone seen each other over FaceTime but there is always a curve ball thrown in this game we call life.I sat down at one of the...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend

Date: 2/7/15 Hi readers, ye meri pehli real story hai meri girlfriend ke sat mera nam sanju he mere lund ka 7ic he koi v unsatisfy ldki anunty or bhabi ko satisfy karne ke liye kafi hai. Mujhe married ladki jada pasnd.. However, humare ghr me koi nahi he ma papa, me guwahati me rehta hu woha maths me gruduate kar raha hu, meri gfrnd ka nam he anita woh v guwahati mai hi arts strm mai graduate kar rahi hai meri age 21 saal ho gaya aur uski 20 saal uska boobs ka size 36 hai, bohut bada hai. Ek...

2 years ago
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Jasons QuestChapter 12 Jason

As Jase rode out of Chattanooga that fine April morning once more on the road toward home, he thought about what he was leaving behind. Is Sally the girl for me? Do I like a woman to be that aggressive and willful? What would I do for a living if I stayed in Chattanooga? Gambler? I'm good at it, but it's a very dangerous occupation and not one for a family man. Business investor? I already have a start on that one! Hardware store clerk? I've already done that for my father and didn't...

1 year ago
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The Word On JohannaChapter 3

I know not every brother and sister did sex things together, but enough of my buddies at camp had talked about spying on their sisters or playing doctor with them or seeing them kissing their boyfriends when they thought that they had privacy and talked about watching them fumbling around with their boyfriends hands up their skirts to know that there was a lot of sex things that went on in other families. Kathy and I had played doctor, gotten each other off with our hands, we'd both walked...

2 years ago
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The Masseur

The Masseur My wife Lisa and I arrived at Phil’s apartment early on Sunday afternoon for her massage. Our arrival was the culmination of much prior planning and pre-meeting activity. Phil had responded to our contact magazine advertisement for a masseur. His response stood out amongst a number of replies we had received. He included a photo and phone number, and was happy to meet us first on neutral territory. Our initial meeting with him confirmed his claim of respect, good manners, maturity...

3 years ago
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Mary comes alive Part 1

Mary had just turned 40, and because she had had her two children young, it was just she and her husband Tom at home. She had hoped for a career before she married, but when Tom, her senior by 2 years left school and got a job, he had immediately asked her to marry him, though she was not quite 17. He had been her first sweetheart, and though they had played around, they were both virgins when they married. The children arrived sooner than planned, and then there was just so much work to do....

3 years ago
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Side Effects

HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Causes substantial but temporary eye injury. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. Harmful if swallowed. May irritate skin. I signed up for Sandy Greenhall's project because it was free. I'm in my third year here at the university, and I'd given up on gymnastics last year, choosing to focus on the academic path. At 5'5" and 105 lbs., people say I'm pretty, but I have heard the remarks about my small breasts, and it does bother me. So, I signed up...

1 year ago
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Marcus leaned back. The drive to the mall was pleasant, mostly because Marcus enjoyed the pitter-patter of the rain on the windshield and roof. His eyes were drooping as they came to a red light, before the light turned green he was nearly asleep. Marcus has dark brown hair that was a bit longer on top but short on the sides. This hair was currently hanging over his face as he nodded off. His closed eyelids hid his deep green eyes (inherited from his mother), and an attractive face with a bit...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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So Young

As I look back over the years between ten and f******n as magical years, I have only recently noticed something else. Little did I know that the choices I made in those years would lead me where I have ended up today. Now I take young street-boys indiscriminately. I use them, abuse them, and cast them aside. Some are hurt, some are bloodied, and some actively pursue me.It is those who pursue me that I find most interesting. They are of a lifestyle and I am not. They want the rough sex I give...

2 years ago
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Jill Dipping Our Toes Upstairs Interlude

We made our way back to our hotel room and quickly entered and shut the door. Jill turned and looked at me.“Oh my God!” she exclaimed. I gave her a few moments to collect her thoughts, savoring her beautiful, flushed face. My wife. How did we get here? This was so not us.“Are you turned on?” I asked.“God yes... I know I'm soaked,” she said, holding her hands on her cheeks. “I am a strong, independent, woman...but...when you told me to pull my panties down, I almost came.”“Oh? You liked that...

Wife Lovers
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Alls fair in drugs and war PART2

“So what exactly do you expect me to do? I can’t come up with that kind of money at the drop of a hat!” I can’t keep the emotions from my voice. Rage, anger, guilt, hate, disgust and so much more are running through my veins and keeping my eyes from my daughter who is currently on her knees in the corner with some guys cock pumping in and out of her throat. “You see Matthew, that really isn’t my problem and quite frankly, it shouldn’t be your daughters either and yet somehow, you’ve allowed...

1 year ago
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A Serious Lesson

“Smack me!” she had said insolently, in front of the entire class. Prior to that day, I hadn’t realized what I was capable of doing when provoked. Elizabeth had brought out the most primal of my instincts. She had managed to break my gentle mannered ways and turned me into a sex-hungry beast. --- At the age of 34, I considered myself a respectable man in the teaching profession. I had managed to work my way up the ranks, and I was feeling quite happy about my achievements until I met Elizabeth....

2 years ago
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Loving Anal Sex

Loving Anal SexBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Baby, call it a kink or whatever else you like. I am the butt lover far more than the pussy. Either I shall fuck you in the ass or not at all. I shall not force you but if you do not want me to fuck your ass honey, I am out of here.” Alfred was very calm when he said all that.The words were like the bomb-shells. “Raise your legs and the hips. I do not want your cunt, I want your asshole”. Caroline’s jaw dropped in shock of these words. No man had ever spoken...

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I dont know who my baby daddy is

I have a major problem, which I have no idea how to solve. I may be pregnant by someone other than my husband and if I am, the baby will be black. It's an impossible situation, which is mainly my fault, and this is how it happened.I am a 35-year-old woman with 2 c***dren and I work for a large multinational company as a personal assistant to the divisional director. My husband has always encouraged me to involve myself in my job and I always have.A couple of months ago my company had some...

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Contractor to the porn Stars Chapter two

As Ann and I walked through the rooms it was apparent that she'd been right. There were only a few people, setting up equipment for the day's shooting, even though it was early afternoon. We went into the kitchen and raided the refrigerator. There was still quite a bit of the previous evenings delicacies put away nicely by the caterers. We each made a sandwich, I had a beer and Ann had a bottle of some kind of fancy French water that probably cost more than the champagne that was still...

Straight Sex
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Killing Curiosity Part 2

Three months had passed since that first night with Ben. We had met up a couple of times since then but, even though we had enjoyed our encounters, it was never going to go anywhere. I understood that, even though the sex was fantastic, he wanted a woman in his life. Sex with a guy was fine but he could never fall in love with one, the feelings just weren’t there. Last Friday morning, he telephoned me and said that he wanted to meet up for a drink. It was something of a surprise for me. We...

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Her Confession

Judy started rather hesitantly, it was an awkward thing to admit but she knew she had to do it “I was gangbanged by 37 men in a filthy VIP room above a bar in New York. My husband took me to a party and left me alone while he sneaked off with a blonde girl, I was sitting at at the bar all alone when a guy approached me, he told me I was very beautiful and asked if I would like to have some pictures taken as he was looking for models for a shoot for a major magazine. I said ok, but as it was...

2 years ago
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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories Of February 2021

Dear Reader, we present the top 10 stories that many of you have read in the month of February 2021. You can read them again and catch up with some of them if you haven’t read them yet. 1) By: The thought of my hot mother came back and forth. I tried my best to avoid it, but the amazing view forced its way back to my mind. What should I do now? ‘The 8th day of my summer vacation is when I got an amazing view. I was in the shower again, enjoying the ice-cold water pouring over...

2 years ago
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Marriage of Convenience 2

"Marriage of Convenience" 2 Don had suffered great emotional trauma since Sarah had thrown him out of the house a week ago. Leaving in his car wearing only women's lingerie and high heels, he had no idea where to go or what to do. The suitcases in the trunk were filled with his women's clothes only, and his hair was still tightly rolled in curlers that had been set with semen from Sarah's boyfriend's used condoms and dried into his hair under a hair dryer. Not to mention the makeup he...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 3 Jocelyns Solution

June 12, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “What’s going on between you and Jocelyn?” Mom asked when I returned upstairs after talking to Dad. “I thought that was obvious,” I smirked. “Or did you want details?” “Pass,” Mom laughed. “But seriously, Mike, what’s going on?” “We love each other. We had a long, long talk about everything and this is what we want to do. We’re not going to marry; we both understand that. And I’m not going steady with Melody.” “Do you love Melody?” I shrugged, “I have no...

4 years ago
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A Steamy Night With A Junior

Staring with me, I am from Chennai. 21 years of age and with brown skin, 5’9’ in height and a 5.5 inch extremely thick cock.In this narration I will be describing my encounter with my college junior Swathy. First to start with Swathy, she was an ultimate girl. One year junior to me. 5’5” in height decently built girl. She was chocolate brown in colour with a clear face and cute kissable lips. She did not have huge boobs but hand a handful decent rack in there. She always wore a tight chudi...

2 years ago
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Lay It Forward

Rob rolled his skateboard to a halt. The guys hadn’t turned up tonight and instead of feeling part of a gang of like-minded sk8ers, he sensed that, all on his own, at 20 years old, he just looked like a bit of a dork. Out of the corner of his eye, he sensed a movement. Glancing up he saw a tanned feminine leg, ending in a skimpy pleated mini-skirt. Rob averted his eyes and stared at his feet. With an off-handedness that he didn’t quite feel, Rob casually flipped the board up into his hand and...

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A tale to tell

A tale to tell A tale to tell My little slave boy has in fact just turned 19. He looks more like sweet 16 and unfortunately sometimes acts like he is going on 12.I sometimes wonder if he will ever just "grow up". Then again something about his very youthfulness (I am 44) really must appeal to me very much.Awkward and even clumsy at times in a charming very boyish way, he blushes quite easily and indeed he often has an extremely vulnerable, almost poignant young quality about him that I...

1 year ago
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My mom 1

When I turn 18 I get a special gift from my mother hi my name is Joanne My mom JoJo and is up giving me a wonderful present on my 18th birthday the next thing you know when I woke up on my 18th birthday I found her in my bed. She was kissing my neck she was also feeling my brass she has two massage them into the hard nipples. It was soon her mouth moved to my neck to my mouth, and we shared a great long deep tongue kiss together. As she was teasing my nipples. When she was teasing my nipples...

2 years ago
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My Neighbor Sandhya

Hi friends I am Shiva and I am 22 years old and from Bangalore. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my neighbour Sandhya mail me your feedbacks to Both our families are friends. She is 27 years old and is yet to be married. She looks fair, beautiful and very sexy. She always wears a T-shirt tops and a skirt leaving her legs below her knees open. I liked her and she also had the same feelings towards me initially I thought she was looking me like her brother but it was...

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WildOnCam Aften Opal Everly Haze Dive Into Each Other LIVE

Aften Opal is looking sexy in her fishnet bodysuit that is hugging her tight little body well. There is no hiding that gorgeous figure and Everly Haze just wants to get those panties off so she can get her face wet in that pussy! Aften loves how Everly handles her pussy with her fingers and tongue… she is about to cum. There is no holding back! Aften gets those beautiful tits of Everly’s in her face and brings out one of her toys letting it slide right in Everly’s wet pussy!...

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Reaching the Summit Ch 01

Author’s note: This has truly been a labour of love. It’s an adaptation of something I wrote for a different audience, long before I first posted anything on Lit. If you recognise it, you were in the same class as me! My thanks as ever to my partner and editor for her help, and to another friend for her help with the original version. And my thanks to my faithful readers for sticking with me through the vicissitudes of my writing explorations. I don’t seek to be popular, though it’s always...

3 years ago
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Teresa ScaliaThe Final Confrontation

Sitting at her desk with telephone in hand, Roxanne Starr put the finishing touches on a negotiation. "Okay then we're in agreement. Guaranteed controlled access for the night of the 23rd, one person in-house who can operate stage lighting, curtains, and the automated video equipment, and I pay $5000 to rent the hall with a $200 kick back to you." Roxanne paused for a moment as the party on the other end responded. "Very well, I'll be in touch." Thinking to herself, "The venue is...

2 years ago
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Kinky Couple8217s Femdom Fantasy

Hi friends, I have been a regular reader of ISS. The stories I have read encouraged me to share our with my husband and me. This happened very recently, and it’s changed our life completely. This is Shradha, a 29-year-old housewife. I look fair and beautiful, like a typical Indian woman. 5.6″ tall and had a perfect figure of 34D-32-36. My boobs are so attractive. I had a great pair of booty round ass which attracts men at first sight. I was a fitness freak and maintained myself well. My husband...

2 years ago
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The Interracial Sexual Surrogate Chapter three

Chapter three With the belt around her neck, the one brother buckled it choking her to the point of being difficult to breathe! Once this was done it allowed Deanna some relief, she had been told that to fight back and resist would guarantee the most brutal and abusive rape! But the tight belt left her helplessly under his control, as all it took was only a slight tug to restrict and detour...

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forced to be Female Pt1

The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went blank...................!The next thing I remember was...

3 years ago
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Lock Cassandra in the StocksChapter 3

(CONCLUSION) The trials in Salem were long drawn out and totally unrewarding. The faint echoes of Old World prejudices and horrors of the Inquisition did not sit well with most of the populace. The benefit of midwifery and healing by herbs and potions was easily accepted by the simple folk in a place lacking the skills of the trained physician or surgeon. Cassie was lucky to be taken away from the scrutiny of the elders for it is certain they would have found some excuse to cause her great...

1 year ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 3

We breezed into the playoff’s undefeated, drawing a bye in the first round, which gave us an extra week of practice to get ready. We would play the winner of St. Christopher High School and Riverbend High. That Friday night, Riverbend defeated St. Christopher 32-27 in a close game. We would play Riverbend the following Friday night. The week seemed to drag by, the entire school was anticipating the big game. We practiced light most of the week, none of the coaches wanted any unnecessary...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 72

Breakfast the next morning was billed as a country breakfast, and that it was. We ate at 7:30 along with the Baldwin family. There were other guests, but none had opted for the full breakfast and were expecting a more buffet-style but less impressive meal later in the morning. The table was piled full of pancakes, sausages, fried eggs, toast, orange juice, coffee and fresh milk. We ate our fill, and didn't linger, wanting to be at the golf course by eight, hoping to find a driving range to...

3 years ago
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Traceys Ordeal at the Lodge

Tracey’s Ordeal at the LodgeBy: Jake OliveIf you have any comments please feel free to email me at [email protected] sat comfortably in her luxurious white robe while the makeup girl painstakingly applied her work to Tracey‘s face. She could hardly wait to take the stage for the triumph that she had so undoubtedly earned from the lodge. It would be one of her proudest nights and she could hardly wait to give her big speech to the assembly of men at the lodge.It had all started a little...

2 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 5

I had gotten instantly hard when she came into focus on the computer screen. That outfit was hot but then the erection slowly faded as she sucked on that obscene dildo and by the time she started to berate me, it was gone. I guess I'm not voyeur type – certainly not via web cam. I was pretty sure I could get out of here tomorrow right after lunch. Frank could handle the rest. The customer was happy that I had made the trip and that is all what counted. I just wasn't ready for a...

2 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 3

After we finished dinner, we cleaned up and then watched TV before calling it a night. The next morning, I heard the shower running and went downstairs to get some breakfast dressed in shorts and a tee shirt. I heard the shower stop and a few minutes later heard Aunt Jane coming down the stairs. I moved my chair around noisily so that she would know I was there. "Good morning, Joe. How did you sleep?" "Fine thanks," I replied, not turning around right away because I was still...

3 years ago
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Conrad and Pamela Winston

"He's a good guy, Conrad. He's no threat to us, and he's nobody gonna be spreading any bad stuff about us out there either. Okay?" she said. "No, it's not okay. You're either his or you're mine. Which is it going to be, Pamela. There is no in between. Call him now tell him he's history or I am. History that is," I said. I'm Conrad Winston. Age thirty-eight. I'm a building contractor, mostly commercial stuff. Pay's good: 200K annual on average. Pamela my wife is twenty-eight, average looking,...

4 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 39

I woke up Sunday morning, rolled over, and gave Kelly a kiss. She stirred and her eyes fluttered open. “Good morning, Mrs. Rodgers,” I said. “Mmmm, good morning. I love how it sounds and I love the fact I’m Mrs. Rodgers.” Kelly pulled her mouth to mine and kissed me. Moving over her, I covered Kelly’s body with mine. She ran her hand over my back and down to my ass. Wiggling, I rubbed my cock against her mons until it was hard. She opened her legs, moaning as I slid into her...

3 years ago
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Me And My brother Part 1

i am a young girl 17 ,slim , tits size 32D,nice ass and my story is about me and my brother, i always kinda thought that he was good looking hes muscley slim and very good looking hes 2 years older and one day when he was comming out of the shower i was walking past nd he was walking out of the bathroom and his towl fell and obviously it was by accident cuz his face went red and he had a hard on, i looked and his big veiny hard cock was so hard nd it made me horney so i went into my room and...

2 years ago
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How I Became A Slut part 5

It was the last Saturday in October. I got up that morning (I guess it was still morning somewhere). Ashley told me she had a fun day planned for me. She told me to wear a tight crop top, running shorts and flip flops. Bra and panties were not allowed. After I got dressed I found she was dressed the same way. We went out to her car and took off out of College Station toward Houston. I kept asking what the plan was but she wouldn’t tell me. We got to IH10 and were about 30 minutes outside of...

1 year ago
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The graduate assistant

Jason was in deep trouble and he knew it, he was on the verge of flunking Economics 1! Jesus Christ, why did he even take this stupid course, it had absolutely nothing to do with his major, and if he didn't get at least a passing grade, he wouldn't graduate this spring with his class, and what's worse, he'd have to stay for the summer session and take it over again and he had plans to tour Europe with a couple of his buddies as kind of a last fling. While Professor Watters was known for his...

3 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 5 ReIssued

Introduction: Coninuing adventures of Greg Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 5. Re-Issued by xnxx gregorthegrant True Story, Cheating Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Introduction: Continuation of Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Now Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 5.Re-Issued I had showered and shaved before I went back to Sandra and my bedroom to get dressed for the day. It was going to be another hot, dry day so I decided to wear jockey underwear, jean...

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REPOST My First Gay Anal

My friend and I had been sucking each other off for a few weeks at the time (see my first story) but I found that he didn't like sucking my cock that much, though I secretly like sucking his more. We did it almost every time we spent the night together when no grown-upsuch were around, making it easier to pop in a porno; which was hard to come by without Internet and being twelve. One night while watching one called Outrageous Anal #2, we took a secret, dirty taboo to a higher level.We were...

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A short flash story as told to me by a former supervisor I ran into. Dave T was able to transform my scribblings of the conversation into a readable text. All and any errors are mine The sun was just breaking as I pulled up to my house. The place had been a classic "fixer upper" when I bought it decades ago. A lot of sweat equity and real hard cash had gone into the way the house looked today. The maintenance upkeep had been a real financial millstone around my neck for well over a...

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