One Strange Week
- 4 years ago
- 25
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As I slept, Andrew crept into the bedroom and quietly climbed over me, virtually in a sixty-nine position. When I woke with a start, his black leather-clad butt was right in my face! Giggling, I said, "That's quite a view there, Master." I struggled to smack his smooth muscular ass, but I soon realised I could hardly move! My upper arms were pinned under his calves and all I could do was slap his thighs. Which I did! "Oohhh let me up! We have to have breakfast!" I was laughing and wriggling but it was kind of fun.
Like a magician doing the tablecloth trick, he jumped and pulled hard at the silk bed sheet. In an instant my body was exposed to the cool morning air. Between the sight of Andrew's hard butt, and finding myself suddenly at his mercy, I had completely forgotten about his words from the night before.
He wrenched open my knees and held my thighs tightly. Gasping, I squirmed as he sprayed something warm and wet all over my shaved and increasingly excited pussy. Soon the heady aroma of my patchouli and musk oil wafted through my senses and I swooned.
Groaning as his fingers spread and coated me, I was soon slick and slippery and he was working two fingers in and out, getting right up inside me. I tried to put my feet flat on the bed to push myself at his fingers, but with every move he coiled tighter around me like a big snake. He had one of my legs bent and gripped under his arm, and I don't know how he had the other one but I could hardly move at all. All I could see was his ass and I wondered what would happen if I bit it, so I tried! As soon as I did, he deftly hooked his foot over my shoulder and pushed me back on the bed with a thud.
"Oh no you don't, you little vixen!" Andrew teased, then bit me on the inside of my thigh!
"Owww!" I yelped. Wriggling and protesting, I was massively turned on. I could feel his hot breath right on my pussy, and my legs were wide open and held fast. When he slid his fingers out, my pussy was clenching I was so hot. "Oooooo, Sir! What are you doing?"
He was pushing something into me! I wasn't sure what it was, but it was definitely plastic, or maybe latex. It felt like I had a golf ball inside me. I heard a click and suddenly that thing started humming. I stopped struggling, feeling the muscles in my pussy fluttering in little spasms. "Ohh!" It was good! I started squirming again and trying to free myself of his grip. My breath was becoming ragged and my pussy was clenching tighter around the ball. God I love being helpless, I thought as I moaned. My muscles felt so hard and tense, and he held me so tightly! Then, oh my god! He slapped my ass and I almost came. "Ohhhhh!!!"
In a muffled voice he was cursing and calling me a 'hot little slut'. He was smacking my ass over and over and it was just right. I was so wet! With another click that buzzing ball inside me stepped up a notch. I clenched my teeth and willed myself not to cum straight away. Somehow I convinced myself that I couldn't cum if I was held tight like this. I believed it when I thought to myself, To cum I need to thrash about and flex my body. The notion held me back as my ass got hotter and my pussy put a stranglehold on that buzzing little ball. I was going mad and my butt was smarting. My hips started trembling against my will and I moaned really loudly! "Oooooooooohhhhhh!!!"
That maddening ball took off to new heights! The vibrations were so hard they came right through my pussy wall and attacked my clit. Andrew's hot tongue started swirling around it and it was too much. I heard him command me to cum and I grunted twice then my body spasmed and my hips jerked violently. Andrew rolled off me and suddenly I was free and I flew! I was cumming so hard! "Aahhhhhhhhhhh, Jesssuuussssssss!!! Ohh fuck ohh fuckk fuckkkk yessssssssssssss!!!" My hands shot to my pussy and my thighs closed around them. Rolling onto my side, my body flexed over and over, mindlessly squirming across the bed like a sidewinder.
Aftershocks were still running through my body as I rolled onto my back, completely spent. Thankfully Andrew turned off his wicked new toy and I moaned softly in appreciation. "Mmmmm... Thaaank you, Master. Goddd..." Reaching out to him, I scratched the back of his arm lightly as he sat on the side of the bed facing away from me. He turned around, holding his mouth then took his hand away. I'd given him a fat top lip! "Oh my god! Master? Did I do that? Oh, I'm so sorry!"
"Shhhh, it wasn't intentional. But I never knew you had such strength, pet!" Then he grinned at me and said "Owww!"
I pulled myself upright, then kissed and nibbled his fat lip as softly as I could, whispering, "I know it was an accident, but I'm still sorry."
He smiled more carefully this time, telling me, "It's okay. It's not that bad."
"Okay," I breathed, kissing back along his jaw. "Thank you so much." He was freshly shaved and smelled so yummy. I kissed down the side of his neck, caressing his chest through his t-shirt. I smiled to myself when I heard his voice croaking with pleasure, even though it meant an end to play time.
"Mmmmm... All right, Dominique. That's enough. Paul's coming over, remember."
Oh, wow! I'd clean forgotten he was dropping by. "Um, do I need to do anything, Master?"
Taking my shoulders in his hands, he quietly cleared his throat before saying, "Let's get that egg out of you first. Lay back pet, you can do it. You can see what it looks like." I did as he asked and slid two fingers inside me, wedging out the toy. Blushing hard at how wet I was, I handed it to him and he chuckled. "We'll be having lot's of fun with this." He took out his handkerchief and cleaned it, then slipped both into his pocket.
"Oh yes, I can just imagine, Master," I said, grinning. I yawned and stretched my arms overhead. I was starting to look forward to seeing Paul again. Andrew passed me a handtowel from the end of the bed and I cleaned myself up a bit. "All done!"
"Not yet, you're not."
"Um, what would you like me to do, Master?"
"I feel like teasing you all day, Dominique. So," he said, reaching for the bedside drawer. "I'd like you to pop these in."
"Mmmm, thank you, Sir," I replied, gratefully taking my Ben-Wah balls from his hand. I started wondering what he had planned. I'd be sizzling by the time Paul arrived!
"It's a nice hot day. How about putting on your bikini bottoms, the high cut ones and a nice tight t-shirt. You can pick it out."
"Gosh, um... if you think... I mean, okay! I know just which one, Master!" I giggled and bounced around like a schoolgirl. I loved dressing up for Andrew. It was so much easier than trying to decide what to wear myself. Usually it was just he and I, so I didn't mind what he chose. I mean, one thing I didn't miss was standing in front of a mirror, trying on outfit after outfit, trying to decide what to wear. And anyway, no matter who else might have been with him, Paul was coming over!
In a few minutes I was ready for Sunday morning pastries in the backyard.
"Good girl! Let's go eat!"
"Yes Sir!" I replied military fashion and we grinned at each other. Wait till Paul sees me like this! I thought.
Dominique's eyes lit up when I reminded her of Paul's visit. At that moment, it took all my willpower not to say something. But it wasn't the first time. Since the night he visited, each time I mentioned Paul's name she became coy and withdrawn. Though she appeared to be trying to hide it, she was eager to see him again and it made me feel uncomfortable. Last week I called him and we talked it over. I'd been pretty unsure about the scene Paul came up with, even though it sounded like fun.
I let him talk and he informed me of some great news and he had a great idea of killing two birds with one stone. As I listened, I realised that at the very least it would be a great scene. Even if I were wrong, I hoped Dominique would enjoy it in the end, learn much, and forgive me for doubting her. As she and I walked down to the barbeque area, I considered all the angles and figured it was a win-win situation. At the first opportunity I would let Paul know he could proceed.
And it was a perfect day: very warm with a light breeze and brilliant sunshine. Dominique finished putting sunscreen on her arms and legs and picked up the T.V. guide from the wrought iron table while picking at a Danish. I had grabbed the sports pages and was brushing up in case Paul wanted to talk sports. Glancing over at her, I smiled. She looked gorgeous in her designer sunglasses. I wanted her feeling hot and she sure looked it. Her neck had a pinkish hue that matched her cheeks and when she looked at me, her dusky blue eyes smiled as much as her mouth. Hmmm... How much should I tell her?
I was reading some rubbish about Harrison Ford but I wasn't really concentrating. I really loved being outside, sitting with Andrew at the garden setting. He would tell me to get my outdoor cushion if he wanted me kneeling, but today I was sitting on a comfortable chair in the sun. Images of Andrew and Paul working on me kept flashing through my mind, and my nipples were aching. I recrossed my legs and squeezed a little. The way Andrew had me dress told me it was going to be an interesting day, and my pussy was interested! "Master?"
"Yes, pet?"
"I, um... I have a confession to make." I wanted to tell him I was all hot and bothered.
"Can it wait, Dominique? Paul should be here soon."
"Oh, um," I hesitated. He's not in the mood. "Y... Yes, Sir. Yes, of course it can."
" 'Yes, Sir' would be fine Dominique, unless your confession is urgent."
"No, Sir. Sorry, Sir. Um, it can wait."
"All right. We'll talk about it when Paul and Lydia have left."
"Who is Lydia?" I blurted, immediately blushing. There was a woman coming over? Who is she? Oh, damn. Does that mean I won't be getting his attention? But it was so fun!
"Speak respectfully, pet."
"Sorry, Sir. I... I was just wondering who Lydia might be, Sir. You haven't mentioned her name before."
He nodded. "They are old friends. Apparently he saw her again at a bash recently. Apparently they hit it off quite well."
"Oh, um... Will we be expecting them soon, Sir?" Will he still use me?
"Yes, pet. They should be here shortly."
God, I had so many questions. I could hardly contain myself! "Would you say they are an item, Sir?" Will he still be coming over?
"An item? I'm not sure. But I think we'll find out."
"Well, he certainly deserves a good submissive, Master." I bet she's not as pretty as me.
"Someone like you, Dominique?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.
Andrew telegraphs his displeasure to me so clearly, why can't I just shut up? Until then I hadn't realised I was digging a hole for myself. Yet I couldn't stop. I hoped he couldn't read my mind. "Oh, um. Well, I just meant with him being a good friend of yours and um... He's a good Dom, and he deserves someone who can make him happy." Pleased with what I came up with, I picked up my coffee to take a sip. I hoped I'd dodged a bullet. At least Andrew seemed more interested in what I was saying, rather than what I didn't say.
"Oh really..."
"Um, yes Sir." I had an idea. "And um, I think it would be nice to have a submissive girlfriend who lives a bit closer than Gigi, too." Unless she's a bitch.
"Ahh, I see..."
"It's just that, well, sometimes it gets a bit quiet and lonely when you are away on business, Sir. I would dearly love to have a friend, a close friend, in whom I could confide..." I was on a roll now.
"Yes, Sir. You know what I mean, like a girlfriend I could go shopping with, or-"
"Dominique," he interrupted.
"Y... Yes, Sir?"
"Don't say, 'You know what I mean.' I don't like the sound of it."
Oops. "I'm sorry, Sir."
"It's all right."
"All I meant was-"
"Shhh... relax." His eyes followed me as I put down the T.V. guide and took a deep breath. I don't know why I was getting worked up. I didn't want to be in trouble when Paul arrived. That would ruin everything. I bit my lip and Andrew spoke in an understanding tone. "I can see how it would benefit you to have someone with whom you might share things. And you haven't been out with your vanilla friends in a while either. Perhaps you should do that soon."
"I still talk with them on the phone. But yes, I'd like that. It's not the same though. I... I'd like someone I could talk with about everything."
"Do you find our communication inadequate, pet?"
OOPS! "Oh, gosh. No, Master! Definitely not." Just shut up!
"Then I suppose I am wondering why you believe you need someone in this role in your life, pet."
I had to fix this. "It's not that I need someone. Not at all. Just that I would like it. Sometime. Um, in the future. That's all."
"Hmmm... All right. Well, I'll think about it. Perhaps you should have asked me about this first, pet. Rather than having me drag it out of you."
"Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master." I hadn't really thought about it that much. It was just a fleeting thought I'd ran with. But I'd painted myself into a corner and was glad I wasn't in trouble. God, what had come over me?
"We'll talk about this later," he said. I nodded and bit my lip, finally taking my own advice and shutting up. Andrew went back to reading his newspaper, and I picked my coffee and uncrossed my legs. I was getting really wet down there. Even being verbally dominated turns me on. "Oh, and pet?"
"Yes, Master?"
"Lydia is not a submissive."
"Oh. Okay." I wasn't sure what to say. Had he left the lifestyle? What did that mean? Damn it! That threw me for a loop. Would Paul still be visiting when Andrew was away? We had talked about it just last week!
Andrew had explained that Paul had permission to use me in any way in which he would. The only rule being Paul would never come over unless he and Andrew had discussed it. Andrew would know. Paul would in effect be my surrogate Master. It pleased Andrew for me to be treated in this way. To be truthful, after the first time, I found the idea very exciting and looked forward to Paul breaking the monotony during Andrew's occasional absences. Besides, I liked submitting to him. I smiled and blushed when I thought about it. He was a bit of a wild lover.
Andrew told me Dean was the only other one that I had to obey, with the same rules. Andrew said I was entitled call to confirm that he knew of their presence. Also, in the future there would be others. The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck prickled when I considered it, and I couldn't say I was terribly keen. I would do it though, but hoped it wouldn't be too often. I had my hands full already. At that thought I blushed all over again!
"Kitten?" he asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"Yes, Sir?" I loved it when he called me that.
"Be a good girl and go up to the house. Check the beers are cold enough. If they're not, put a couple in the freezer. Also, make up a batch of margueritas, okay? Keep them chilled." He checked his watch. "In fact, I'll come with you and get the steaks." Standing, he folded the paper under his arm and held out his hand for me. "C'mon, let's get this show on the road."
We walked up to the house like young lovers. "Is your lip okay?" I asked softly.
"How does it look?" he replied, making faces.
I smiled. "I can hardly tell."
Then I had an idea. "Should I bring my cushion down to the barbeque when we return? I mean if Lydia isn't a submissive, will I be needing one?" Okay, I was fishing.
"No pet. If I want you to, you can kneel on the grass." He smiled at me and kissed my temple as we walked lazily. If he was trying to explain something to me, I didn't get it.
"Oh... All right." I trusted Andrew, but I didn't know how I felt about 'coming out' with a vanilla person. Lydia might ask all kinds of silly questions like, 'what are you doing kneeling on the ground, Dominique. There's a chair right here!' I giggled to myself, thinking it would be fun to be the shocking one, rather than the shocked one for a change.
"What's so funny?" Andrew asked.
"Well, I... I was thinking it might be embarrassing to be the only one kneeling... But then I was thinking I'd love to see the look on Lydia's face when I kneeled in front of you!" Or in front of Paul!
Andrew cracked up and whacked me on the butt as we arrived at the back of the house, sending me through the doorway. It was a playful smack, but a touch hard. Or maybe I was imagining it. Anyway, it made me grab my ass and pout! Andrew roared with laughter as he walked down the hall to the cellar door. In between fits of mirth he managed to tell me he'd get the beers organised. "Oh, and Dominique?" he asked, turning at the cellar door to face me.
"Yes Sir?"
"I hope those balls aren't bothering you."
"Oh no, Sir. I... Oh, dear!" I looked down and was mortified by the sight. My bikini bottoms were soaked through. I started to shake. God, I knew I was horny but this was ridiculous.
"Pinch your nipples."
"But, Master-"
"Just do it."
He chuckled. "Get the margueritas organised first. Then you can change."
I passed the mirror on the wall, the same one I had turned to on the first night with Paul. Stopping in my tracks, I turned to face it. I look like a wreck! I thought, adjusting my bikini. My nipples jutted through my t-shirt. How embarrassing! Hurry up! Jesus, they could be here at any minute! I've got to get the drinks and get changed and do my hair and...
"COULD YOU LET THEM IN, KITTEN?" Andrew yelled from the cellar.
"YES, SIR!" I yelled back before I knew it. Oh my god! Oh my god! They can't already be here! Quick, think! There was nothing I could do! I swallowed my pride and resolved to face the music. I was definitely going to get changed at the first opportunity! Taking a deep breath and gritting my teeth, I unlatched the front door and opened it wide, the sun streaming in behind our guests, silhouetting them. I clasped my hands together in front of my bikini. "Welcome. Welcome. Please, come in, come in." I bowed a little and squinted up into the shadowed faces.
"Oh, Dominique. You look lovely. Do you mind if I just stand here for a moment and admire you?" Paul teased. He knew!
Damn all Doms for being so observant. I blushed fiercely, looking down and immediately realising it was probably my nipples he was admiring. Half whispering, I quietly said, "You tease me Sir! We were just out um, taking some sun and... enjoying the morning and um, time got away, Sir..."
"It's okay, Dominique. You needn't explain," Paul said, guiding Lydia inside the front door. I closed it behind them.
"I'm just embarrassed. You caught me by surprise, Sir. Gosh! I'm so sorry! This must be Lydia. Forgive me. I'm very pleased to meet you, Lydia." I smiled brightly, offering her my hand to shake. She had the deepest brown eyes I had ever seen. She was lovely. She looked a bit like me actually, but her skin was lighter. Dark hair. Slim, attractive. Eyes like a cat. I was thinking she might be thirty. Goodness.
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I have had a bad run with women over the last year. I tried online dating, speed dating, the clubs, and no luck.To say the least it has been a long time since I got some pussy. I have been so horny lately that I have been consideringseeing a prostitute. My birthday was this Thursday and one of my male coworkers wanted to take me out with his wife to show me a good time. I agreed, and we set up a night out on Thursday. Parker and Emma picked me up at my apartment around 8 pm. Emma...
Chapter 3 – The Night Out ‘We are going to have a lot of fun tonight,’ Jane said, smiling. Shona smiled back then turned to go to her room to shower and get ready for the night out. Shona had been visiting her best friend for a few days already and was beginning to see Jane in a different way. She’d had been a little nervous when she’d first arrived, wondering if her friend had changed and if so, by how much. They had kept in touch over the phone and e-mail, but real life was always going to...
It was Sunday morning. Her bottom was stinging from the spanking shehad been given the night before by Nina’s Mum which had followed far too soon after the double spanking she had received on the Friday, the day she had arrived. 20 year old Makalea was dozing on her tummy, gently rubbing her so sore bottom, when she heard Nina’s Mum walking around her bedroom and then going downstairs setting the alarm off which meant Nina was still upstairs. Moments later Makalea heard Nina get out of bed so...
SpankingChristine woke up on February the 12th with a sense of excitement. As if she would be meeting Santa again. She stretched as the suns morning rays shone through the crack of her curtains bathing her in a halo. Slowly the room came into focus and there on the bed by her feet was a present with a letter. The style was similar if not identical to the gift from Santa at Christmas. Excitedly she tore open the present revealing a scarlet tight knee length low cut dress with matching lingerie. She was...
IncestSusan waited until eleven o'clock the following day, the Orioles' first day on the road, to call Zeke Taylor on his cell. She was trying for minimum feasible inconvenience to him. Knowing the club had a night game scheduled, she was trying to catch the ballplayer before he was likely to head out of his hotel room for lunch. "Mr. Taylor?" "Yes?" "This is Susan Munger. I'm the person Arlie Stone talked to you about. The writer looking for an agent to handle my novel." "Yes. What...
Posted: August 19, 2007 - 08:18:24 pm Clem’s Friday morning news about Howard was interesting to me, mainly because it was right in line with the El Paso history I remembered. Here is what Clem told me. After Howard and Braxton left me yesterday, instead of going to Howard’s ranch, they rode over to the mayor’s house. They took the mayor down to the railroad station and sent a telegram to the governor in Austin. Bo, the telegraph operator, related that the mayor asked Governor Hubbell to...
A few moments ago we had been sitting on the floor drinking sweet, black, coffee. The scene could be of three best friends chilling out, chatting about everything and nothing, except for us being naked, that is. Are we friends? Well Lennie and I have known each other since before first grade but we had only met Tia a couple of hours ago. Since then Lennie and Tia had thoroughly enjoyed each other’s bodies while I had watched on. I guess we should be called ‘friends’ after our night’s...
Synopsis: In the last chapter, Jim and Bette accepted an invitation to a weekend swing party. The party continues: * * * * * Bridget grinned at me. ‘I do love to pet a man’s bum, I do,’ she said in her lilting accent. She was lushly, gloriously, naked. She happily crawled up my body and offered her right breast to my mouth. ‘Is this what you wanted, then?’ she asked. ‘Yes, dear,’ I said, ‘but let me catch my breath, first. That little girl drained me.’ ‘Yes, she does that,’ Bridget agreed....
“And ah, yeah, open this one.” “Goodness, you shouldn’t have,” April gushed. “You’ve already made my day, sweetie.” “One more goodie won’t hurt, will it?” Larry smiled benignly as he handed her the final wrapped package. “Well,“ she said, smiling brightly. “I suppose I won’t let it.” He laughed. “Let’s hope not.” The Phaidon coffee-table tome truly did make her birthday. Never mind the DVDs (“His Girl Friday” and “Gigi”), the Merriam-Webster thesaurus, the Godiva chocolates, and the Mikasa...
I cuddled into Sam, her shapely curves cushioning me. The travel rug was our only modesty as we were bumped about on the backseat, the smooth leather providing no traction under our bare-asses. We had been travelling down twisting single-track roads for hours. We passed the last house around 10 miles back (if you could call it a house; a ramshackle croft turned holiday cottage, waiting out the lonely months till the life spark returned). We had seen no signs of life other than a few small herds...
Ed walked into the bar of the hotel. This was a working class hotel and had a bar that was appropriate for such an establishment. It reminded Ed of Shirley's back home. After looking at some of the characters seated at tables around the bar, he took a seat at the counter. The woman behind the counter looked at him with disinterest. After taking in his cowboy outfit, she asked, "Shot and a beer?" "Coke," answered Ed. Raising an eyebrow, she poured a coke and set it on the bar in front...
Main Mohan fm hayrana se kafi mahino ke baad es site pe apni ek new kahani lekar aaya kahani aaj se thik 8 saal pahle ki hai aasha karta hun ki pahle ke tarah es baar bi mujhe aap aapna aecha response doge. Story padne se pahle land wale apna land hath main nikal le aor chut wali apni chut main ungli karma suru kar de because kahani bahut interested hai vaise to aap ko peta hi hai mere hathiyar aor power ke bare main phir kuch new reader ke liye beta deta hun mera land 9.5 inch longa and...
Time and tide wait for no man, someone once said. They were right. Add to those two fixtures, the uncertainty of weather, along with a rugged cliffside and you had a set of circumstances for the magic that was to overtake two lives, not yet aware of each other. Each was affected by the surging of their own blood, the anger in their hearts, and the urge for some incomprehensible dream. How could they know what fate had decreed for them?Brad Machin had a cosy flat not far from the beach and often...
Love StoriesThe girls and I finally awoke the next day around noon. We spent most of the afternoon cleaning up from the party. Anna had turned on the stereo and it blasted a steady stream of rock music to help the time pass. This gave me a chance to reflect on the night before. The sight of Holly all tied up and helpless while people basically took turns using the woman for their own gratification made my cock spring to life once more. I couldn’t help but notice that Anna’s little ‘star’ was walking...
Tom and I arrived before Tamara and the girls. I felt a little lost without my cell phone but I was pretty sure they were okay. Tom said there might be some ramifications due to the killing. "I expect the newspapers and television stations will be hot on your trail tomorrow. I suggest you do not give any interviews until the Grand Jury completes its inquiry and reaches a decision." I agreed to that. Tom continued, "I'll follow up with the Santa Fe Police to find out all I can about the...
His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, had been on the throne of Kobekistan for twenty-one years and Mr. Ambassador George K. Armstead, Ambassador to the Court of the Triple Palace of the United States of American was enjoying himself. He had rented a house well away from the embassy to use for unofficial pleasures. He had also purchased a local girl in a slave auction and was whipping her unmercifully. Fortunately for her, he was fat, unfit and unskilled in such matters, so...
CHAPTER 3 Hazel had been alone since the age of eighteen. She had fallen in love with her boss, a much older woman. They started their affair when Hazel was sixteen years old, and her lover was forty. It was close to two years before the outside world would discover their secret. Winchester was a small town, with black and white values. People didn't talk about Miss Anna's reported lifestyle. She kept her business to herself. If they learned Miss Anna was carrying on with her young assistant,...
Well I said soon. It has only been a few days and I gave Simon a part of me. We talked and I told him that I wanted him to be all my firsts not just the ‘big’ first. I let him cum inside me. I was so nervous and felt so naughty, but it was such a huge turn on. We met after school the other day and went to our usual spot. He kissed me as we fell into the back seat of his SUV. My skirt was already off and in a pile on the floor boards with my panties. I wore my usual thigh-highs, he loves the...
I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments welcome. * * * * * Jeff was very content for about two weeks. I was finishing a sales meeting when Jeff, looking puzzled, said to me: ”Would you talk to Abigail. She has been acting strange lately and I think it has something to do with the hypnosis thing.” “How has she been acting strange?” ...
I will write about this beautiful nude woman and an interesting episode."I've been through a lot of sex so far, but the bondage I've experienced at work has been amazing."She muttered so.One day, there was a call from a customer who always called me, and the work of a call girl came in.The place I arrived was a beautiful hotel waiting for guests (W).W was in the room.W "I want to bind you and love you today.She tied her hands and was blindfolded, and the door opened.There are voices of several...
Each testicle was the size of a kiwi fruit. His ball sack was beautiful and hairless. I spent a lot of time sucking and licking his gonads after I finished my wine. I stood and turned away from him while standing between his legs and began to sit down on his cock-head. As it touched my sphincter, I reached under and grabbed balls again. As he arched himself upwards, I moved away slightly. "If your cock doesn't slide right in.." I said, "Then that means you're going to have to tongue my ass a...
Chapter 10 A Big Mistake March brought the first signs of spring and with it hope. The news was still bad of course, Captain Sir Tom, a national figure of the first lockdown for his fundraising, sadly passed away. The death rate still rose but the second peak was over. The number of people vaccinated increased dramatically, leaving many Europeans fuming at the United Kingdom's accelerated vaccination programme. Finally, prime minister Boris Johnson announced a timeframe of return to...
Wife loves this story, after reading it the 1st time, she got herself a bull old enough to be my dad. Here is her older bull who she likes to treat as her father in law."Oh... I see. But there's always time for a quicky, hence the word."I said sarcastically."You're to funny. I'll see you in a bit. Bye" Ron replied in a somewhat hurried fashion.I just finished mixing the pasta salad, and put it in the fridge when I heard the front door close....
(This is the second part of a three part series. Please read the first part before you read this. Any and all constructive criticism is most welcome.) * Jessica woke up in Jim’s bedroom as the light of the early morning slipped between the venetian blinds. The simple décor was much the same as the rest of the house and spoke of a man who needed just a touch of feminine style in his life. Somewhere there was a lonely seabird calling and a fresh sea breeze smell lingered in the room. Jessica...
December 2003 I was returning home from work. The weeks before the holidays are always the busiest, what with gift hunting, grading tests before the students went home and submitting the year end reports to the faculty. I had only recently been given a chair in the faculty against some heavy competition and I felt the need to justify the appointment. Things were going great though and I was looking forward to a few days away from the treadmill, time spent with Lillian and the kids. This...
Jaden maintained strict disciplinary control over her step-mum and two sisters, enforcing all of the rules and boundaries set for them. It was now pretty much constant that twenty-year-old Alexis was spanked twice a week, twenty-three-year-old Velvet was spanked three times each two weeks, while Valentine, her step-mum, was spanked once a week.The offences were varied, but Jaden, who was the youngest at sixteen-years-old, operated a strict no second chance rule, which everyone agreed was the...
SpankingThere were six of us on the trip, my daughter Beth and four of her best girlfriends. I had rented a beach cottage for the weekend for Beth's eighteenth birthday and told her she could bring whomever she wanted just as long as they were all girls. The cottage was a two-hour drive from our house and after the long drive and listening to 18 and 19 year old girls talking about school and their boyfriends I was bushed as we pulled into the sandy driveway of the rental cottage. After everyone had...
This is a work of fiction. All characters are of majority age (18 years or older). His Valentine’s gift keeps on giving… I would watch him for hours from my bedroom window. He was the most perfect specimen of a man I ever knew. To this day, I can’t get over how absolutely beautiful he was, in every respect. He was the first man I ever took inside my body. I willingly gave him my maidenhead and have never regretted it for an instant. His family was from Columbia. His mother and father...
Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of te year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in EuropeSweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...
The ringing of the cell phone cut insistently through the fog in Charlotte’s mind, refusing to let her sink back down into her relaxed, dreamy trance. ‘Yes, hello,’ someone said irritably as they finally answered it. Wait…trance? She cracked an eyelid open just a little, the act seeming to take a lot more effort than she’d expected. When did she go into a trance? ‘Yeah, I really can’t talk now,’ the man said as Charlotte tried to focus on him through eyes that were used to wearing glasses. She...
It was late May and everyone in the Crosley home had settled in for the night when a major thunderstorm rolled in. Rain battered the windows and lightning made the rooms almost as bright as day. The sudden crashes of thunder made it difficult to sleep. Frightened a bit by the storm, Emily rose from her bed, put on a pair of gym shorts under here long t-shirt and made her way across the hall to her brother's room. Their parents' bedroom was on the main floor. The second floor held the...
His hand gripped my cock tightly. There was a slight element of pain there, but this was countered quickly with pleasure. When he held me this way my knees felt like they had gone liquid. I was powerless when he held me this way but, honestly, I was powerless whenever I was around him. I gave myself to him fully. I would have had trouble standing had I not been lashed to the cross, my arms and legs akimbo. The leather cuffs held me fast to the wooden cross. He moved his hand from my cock back...
I am 28 years old and married to Kulsum who is two years younger than me. Although I was born in India, I have lived in Sydney, Australia with my mother since I was four years of age. I would like to share with you the story of my sexual life which may seem quite extraordinary, but quite commonplace in a city like Sydney. My story takes you through my sexual awakening in early childhood right through my experiences to my present day situations. I hope to make it as detailed an account as...