AngelChapter 5 free porn video

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"How are things at university?"

"The same as they were the last time that you asked, which was," Susan looked at her watch, "all of 20 minutes ago."

"Sorry, I never know what to say. I'm so pleased to see you, I just can't say. It's so good to see a friendly face."

"There's been no let up, then?"

"It's not just Angela's mother any more. In fact, my mum says she seems to have toned down her comments now."

"What are you going to do?"

"What I'm doing now, keeping my head down, keeping my nose clean, keeping away from Angela." As I said this, I could feel a distinct sense of unease. I'd become familiar with this sensation over the last ten years, and it could only mean one thing. I shivered and pushed the sensation away.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, someone walked over my grave, that's all."

Susan laughed and looked at her watch. "Time to go, I'm afraid. I said I'd meet my mum and yours in twenty minutes. We have some serious shopping to get in."

I shuddered in mock horror as we pushed back our seats and made our way out of the food court. The place was seething and a couple sat down at our table almost before we'd stood up. We pushed our way through the throng into an oasis of sudden calm and started to walk towards the place were Susan and our mothers were due to meet. I listened with half an ear to something that Susan was saying about life at university. Up ahead of us, there was a knot of people. I could hear shouting; my sense of foreboding grew deeper and, ignoring Susan, I slipped through the press of people and made my way to the front of the throng.

The shouts were coming from the building society. For some reason, only people approaching from my direction were aware of something going on. I looked in through the windows and could see why; the window displays hid the action if you came from the other way. Some sort of robbery was in progress; it seemed to be going wrong, badly wrong. I looked up to see what I'd dreaded: Angela and her friends approaching, oblivious to what was going on around them; chatting and laughing and looking simply gorgeous.

There was a bang as the door to the branch was smashed open by one of the robbers; he was clearly deranged with fear. Suddenly, Angela was caught in the glare of one of the spotlights that were used for illumination in this part of the shopping centre. For a long moment, she glowed, and I knew at once that it was that time again. Heedless I rushed forward and saw the danger. The robber pointed his gun at Angela and screamed at her incoherently.

For the first time Angela and her friends were aware of the danger. One of them screamed. Angela froze as she caught sight of the barrel of the pistol. Some sort of .22 target gun, I noted absently. I could see his finger curl round the trigger as he took up the slack in it. I half dived in front of him, putting myself between the gun and Angela and pushed her away and to the side with all of my strength. I could see her go down and heard the bang of the pistol almost simultaneously. Angela seemed to fall in slow motion and the crack of the gun seemed insignificant, something like the sound that a toy might make.

I felt a tap on my back near my shoulder. It was almost as if the robber was trying to get my attention so I would get out of the way. For an instant, I thought he hadn't shot me, but then I felt a strange weakness and, all of a sudden, I was falling myself, my legs unable to sustain my weight. The sounds that had seemed muted returned with full vigour and my head reverberated with the screams and cries of shocked shoppers. I felt a pair of hands holding my face and I opened my eyes to see Angela's eyes very close to mine and filled with tears.

"Mark? Oh God, Mark! What has he done to you?"

I wondered why I couldn't feel any pain, and then I could, and I screamed as the wound in my back made itself felt. I could hear Angela shouting that I wasn't to be moved and then slowly, ever so slowly, the scene before me faded to blackness...

The shock of the bullet hitting me was still fresh in my mind as I popped through the last bubble. I thought I knew what was going on now; at least I didn't think there was anything else for me to experience. Even though I was certain that I knew what was coming, I felt strangely calm, which may have been something to do with the inevitability of the process, or maybe it was just inherent in the situation. Either way I was grateful, whatever was going to happen next it was better to be calm than to be panicking and incoherent.

It seemed that I wasn't ever going to re-experience the barely remembered thrill of the first time that I held a girl's bare breast, licked a nipple or saw a pussy. The most feeling that I could dredge up was a mild disgruntlement. I let my mind wander over the last decade or so and I felt content. I'd made a difference. How many people could say that about themselves? Without my intervention Angela would have been dead, disfigured, raped or with a criminal record. I let myself wallow in the good feeling.

Still it would have been nice to remember that time with...

I noticed for the first time that the blackness was looking distinctly grey with overtones of pink. Then I saw a shaft of bright light, at the same time I could hear the sound of someone calling my name. Mentally, I squared my shoulders, and moved towards the light...


"Mark. Wake up Mark." I opened my eyes and blinked, blinded by the strong light that a blurry shape was shining into them.

"He's awake!" The voice sounded strangely familiar. I tried to turn my head towards the voice but nothing happened, so I moved my eyes instead. Another blurry figure swam into view. "Thank God he's woken up!" I blinked rapidly and suddenly my eyesight cleared. It was Susan! Another figure appeared, my Mother!

"Oh Mark..." I could see tears streaming down both their faces. I tried to say their names but all I could manage was a strangled croak. Someone stuck a tube between my lips and squeezed a sip of water into my mouth. It seemed to disappear before it reached my throat.

"More?" I tried to nod and was rewarded by the feel of my head moving. Another squirt, and some of it reached my throat. I nodded again and received a further squirt for my trouble. Eventually, I reached the point where my mouth felt like it would work and I shook my head slightly. The tube was withdrawn. I tried to speak. Again the words sounded strangled and weak to my ears, but the two women smiled and cried as if I'd made them the happiest people in the world. After several attempts I managed to say what I wanted to say.

"Mum, Susan, what happened?"

Before they could answer the first voice interrupted. "We'd rather you remembered as much as you can before we tell you anything, what's the last thing that you recall?"

With much croaking and a few more sips of water I managed to answer his question.

"I was trying to push Angela out of the way of some madman with a gun. I remember someone screaming and feeling like I'd been punched in the back, and then it was just black."

"You were shot. You lost a lot of blood, but you were very lucky, your shoulder blade stopped the bullet from entering your lung, though it did quite a bit of damage in the process. I think we managed to repair most of it. You seem to have healed very well indeed, however you've been in a coma for almost a year. I was beginning to think you were never coming out of it. But these ladies persevered and here you are." The doctor smiled at Susan and my Mother.

Susan spoke first, "You're a bloody hero!"

I shook my head in irritation. "Was Angela all right?"

"Of course. She probably saved your life in return by stopping them from moving you until the paramedics arrived. The surgeon said that moving you in the wrong way might have allowed the bullet to end up somewhere dangerous."

I grunted at that. "I don't see how even Mrs Peters could blame me this time."

There was a half-gasp from the other side of the room. I turned my head and focused on the source of the noise. It was Angela's mother! "Sorry." I wasn't sorry at all actually, but one had to obey the forms, "I didn't see you there."

"Before you say anything that you might regret I think you should know that Angela and her mother have been helping us with our vigil." I nodded; there wasn't a lot I could say. I felt my eyelids drooping. The image of a string of pearls floated into my mind. Oddly they seemed familiar, but even as I tried to concentrate on them they faded from view. The last thing I remember hearing as sleep took me was the doctor shooing everyone away.

"I think that's enough for now; he needs some rest."

I'd been out of my coma for a couple of weeks and today was the day that I would get to sit up on my own. The last fortnight had been a continual round of physiotherapy. Yesterday, they removed the last drip; it was a relief to be able to move both of my arms freely without worrying about dislodging anything. All of the monitoring equipment had been removed. The room looked pretty much like any private hospital room. The door opened and Susan came in, she looked worried.

"Is everything all right?"

"Mark I have to show you something." She took a deep breath, "If it makes you cross, I'm sorry, but at the time I felt I needed to put right some wrongs, and the doctors were worried that you would never regain consciousness, so I wrote an article about you."

"What kind of article?"

She held a folded newspaper out to me, "This kind."

I opened the paper and started to read.

Guardian Angel in our Midst? by Susan Jennings Shot youth still in coma after rescuing same girl 11 times. Today a young man lies in a coma. 6 months ago he risked his life to save the life of young woman, the daughter of his neighbour. Without a second thought he 'took a bullet' as the American Secret Service say. This is an amazing story of itself. However, this is not the end of the tale. 6 months after the Building Society robbery, Mark Connors, 18, is still in a coma. He was shot by a robber while protecting neighbour Angela Peters. Mark's "taking the bullet" for Angela is the 11th time he's rescued her. Instead of recognition, all he got was slander and abuse. Having been neighbour to Mark and Angela since their birth, and having witnessed or taken part in most of the events described below, I feel obligated to tell Mark's story. It seems uncertain now that he will ever regain consciousness, and I am again hearing disparaging remarks against his character, so I wish to set the record straight. 1990 The first incident happened when Mark was 7 and Angela 4. Mrs Peters, Angela's mother, left her outside in her pushchair while doing purchases. When the pushchair was jostled by a dog and began to roll downhill, Mark stopped it. Alarmed by her daughter's cries, Mrs Peters jumped to conclusions and accused Mark of trying to hurt her daughter. 1991 On the same downhill street, Mark prevented a runaway shopping trolley from crushing Angela, taking himself, the brunt of the shock. When she found him holding the trolley and her daughter crying, Mrs Peters deduced he was responsible. This became a pattern. Over the years, Mark would leave the scene of a rescue, even if he had been injured, rather than risk the inevitable tirade. 1992 Mark saved Angela as she fell from the climbing frame that used to be in the local playground. He broke her fall, but at the cost of a broken nose, a mild concussion and a bleeding scalp wound. He told no one of the cause of his injuries. 1993 When swimming in the river with all the neighbourhood children, Angela got caught in the reeds. Mark was able to untangle her and bring her close to shore. Mrs Peters heaped further abuse on him for apparently upsetting her daughter. 1994 This is the first incident I witnessed in full. Angela stepped onto a street just as a car swept around a blind bend. The driver of the car, distracted by a conversation, never saw her. Mark grabbed her and pulled her out of the car's way. Before Mark or I could speak to explain the situation, a weeping Angela's mother berated Mark for injuring her daughter, struck him and knocked him to the ground. 1995 Angela and her friends played a trick on Mark in the local department store, slipping lingerie items into his bag while he was browsing in the bookstore. Mark realised their actions when a guard stopped him, and managed escaping an accusation of theft. As Angela and her accomplices had been caught on CCTV, they would probably have been arrested along with him. 1996 When Mark witnessed Angela and her friends pushing childish experimentation too far and saw Angela drinking half a bottle of brandy, he intervened and tried - successfully - to make her vomit to avoid alcohol poisoning. Covered in regurgitated brandy and half digested food, Mark helped the drunken girl to leave the woods and to make their way back to her house. I came upon them as they were leaving the woods and Mark asked me to 'phone for an ambulance. Unfortunately by now Angela's friends had alerted Mrs Peters and Mark was accused of being drunk and assaulting her daughter. The timely arrival of the paramedics prevented the crowd from lynching him. 1997 Mark protected Angela from serious injury by a falling scaffolding pole. He pushed her from the path of the pole. As a result, he suffered lacerations from the chips thrown up from the paving stones and severe bruising to his shoulder. Unwilling even to attempt to explain his participation in a rescue, Mark was already leaving the scene when I caught up with him and persuaded him that he needed hospital treatment. 1998 Mark intervened when a gang of bullies assaulted Angela. The injuries that she had already received required in-patient treatment. In a tragic twist to the usual aftermath to one of these incidents, Mark received a beating from the gang for interrupting their 'sport' and was yet accused by Mrs Peters of being part of said gang. 1999 When the temporary seating at the local stadium collapsed, Mark was able to catch Angela, preventing her from being crushed, and dislocating his elbow. Despite the pain, he also pulled me and many others out of danger - he was the "mystery youth" whose praises could be found in many newspapers at the time. Despite several weeks in a sling, Mark felt that he had got off lightly, as he wasn't the target of abuse from Mrs Peters. 2000 Seeing Angela slip out of her window at night to meet her boyfriend in the park, and feeling that she was out of her league with the older boy, he followed her. Angela was about to be sexually assaulted, and possibly raped, when Mark interrupted them. She escaped relatively unscathed, but Mark received a severe beating from the enraged 'boyfriend'. Only the intervention of my boyfriend and me prevented a real tragedy. By now Mark had garnered an unwarranted reputation as a troublemaker and a thug, so he received no sympathy for his condition, which kept him bedridden for several weeks. 2001 Today, as Mark lies in a coma after putting himself between a gunman and Angela, that same reputation is causing people to question the truth of what happened six months ago. He can't - and wouldn't - defend himself, so I am doing it for him. Mrs Peters sometimes calls her daughter 'my Angel'; I have to tell you now that, by his actions, Mark has proved himself to be an Angel too, at least in my eyes, and now, I hope, in yours.

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Jay Gets His Wish

Brad and I have been friends ever since my family moved to Milwaukee eight years ago. Being fifteen, that's over half our lives. We have a lot of the same interests (sex, girls and sex, mostly) and I just get all gooey inside when I'm around his mom, except for the part of me that gets hard, very hard. She's really pretty with a nice figure and she's just so nice, nice to me. As I rang the bell waiting for Brad to open the door, I saw a shadow in the sidelights and the door swung open to...

3 years ago
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Why black men

I get called a snow bunny just about everyday, whether it's someone I know or not. My home town in PA was small, just big enough to get around with different people. The area I lived in was primarily black, due to being a poor neighborhood. Now I haven't always been black only, after my freshmen year of high school I became curious. I had a white bf at the time who ended up cheating so the timing was perfect. One thing led to another and I was laying down legs open for my first black man. I was...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Gina Valentina Mi Ha Doan Case No 7968433

April 25th 7:00pm – Case # 7968433 – Twin suspects were apprehended and taken for questioning in LP office. Suspects attempted to use their 5th amendment right to not incriminate themselves. Further bickering between the suspects caused them to reveal more sensitive information. An escape was attempted but LP officer caught the suspects in the act. A deal was made by LP officer to ensure the girls freedom and humiliate them for the rest of their lives. Evidence logged on Apr 25,...

2 years ago
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Getting Started1

After his wife and her date disappeared from view Tim flopped onto the couch thumbing his phone. Sexting pictures of his stable to random guys and scheduling his girls was a full-time gig. Between messages he flipped on the big screen and navigate to the webcams set up all over the house. He scrolled through them between vibrations from his phone smiling as he watched all the girls being occupied in the suburban residence. His wife was already on her knees at the foot of her bed choking on the...

1 year ago
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The Apocalypse Chapter 2

Introduction: Susan get to know Jeff A little better. Note: This is only my second story. This is a plot induced story, if you just want sex your out of luck here. There is sexual actions though but they are near the bottom of each chapter/part. Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues. Please Help me out with the story by submitting feedback and ideas. The next story might be a long wait it might not I dont now yet. Thanks ****** Mary OK, for the record that was scary as shit. I was in shock...

2 years ago
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A little more Christmas tale part 4 man whore

Nice car I said as we approached her Bentley. Thank you she said. As I deposited the bags in the spacious trunk. She handed me a wad of bills which I refused. And then as if making up her mind she stared straight at the ever present bulge in my pants and said to it. Well if you won't take my tip I will just have to take yours. She grabbed me by the belt marched me to the side of her car and climbed in pulling me in after her. By the time I turned from closing the door behind me her blouse was...

4 years ago
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A New Job A New Life Part 3

Charlene managed to walk somewhat gracefully into the restaurant, although her knees were still a bit weak from the near orgasm she'd had on the way over. The three of them found a table in a quiet corner and sat down. Charlene had never been to this particular establishment and as they sat there waiting to place their orders, she took a good look around. It was a well-decorated and quaint place, not real large, with several tables of varying sizes and shapes scattered around the room, all of...

Office Sex
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VortexChapter 5

Even though Wendy was now driving she and Betty continued to shop together on a Wednesday. They alternated the driving. The Wednesday after Betty's supper party it was Wendy's turn and they had decided to have lunch together in Gloucester that day. They chatted happily about this and that until Betty reached across the table and laid her hand on Wendy's. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you after supper last week," she said gently. Wendy smiled. "I knew you were only teasing," she...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 06

For a moment Elaine wondered where the disappointment was coming from. Maybe she was just annoyed with herself. She was usually meticulously punctual. But it wasn’t like she’d promised to meet him. It had just been a ‘maybe’. Shaking her head, she had a new appreciation for the term ‘wasted’.   Who am I kidding? she wondered. The guy could be a nut. Simone said he wasn’t but who was Simone? Maybe HE was ‘Simone’. Surely no one was that devious. She had to admit it was possible. Elaine decided...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Susy Gala El Especial De La Manana

If you want to start the day off right, you need a morning special, and Susy is the only chica who knows how to do it right. She will show up at your casa scantily clad and ready to get your day started with a bang! After shaking her ass all up in your face, she will slowly strip and allow you to rub her tits. Before you know it, your cock is rock hard and Susys time is up! This is where you have to spring for the deluxe package. As soon as she gets her extra cash, your cock will be halfway...

3 years ago
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My wife the internet swinger

Sorry that this first chapter is a little long.  I wanted to establish a background that would explain how this couple evolved into what they became.  I have seen real women just like her on a popular unnamed picture site.  They have no problem posting pics of themselves with men other then their husband.      My wife and I have been married 10 years. She is 35 and I am 36. We lead a pretty normal suburban life. We don't have any kids, but not from lack of trying. She was on the pill for the...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Dirty And Hot Sex With My Ex Girlfriend In Delhi

Hi readers of ISS. I am Samir from Delhi with my new story here telling you about my sexperiences. Thank you for the response to my last stories on ISS. For new readers, I am single, hot and horny guy and I love dirty and oral sex a lot. Today im going to narrate you my one of the dirtiest sexperience with my ex girlfriend. My girlfriend was also from Delhi and we enjoyed some real good moments and even after breakup we do cherish such moments. So we often used to discus about sex and one day...

3 years ago
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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

3 years ago
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The Fifth World of Superman

The Fifth World of Superman By Ellie Dauber Copyright, 1999 (With Thanks to Steve Zink for his help with some of the technical details of this story.) Background: DC recently ran a four part story based on the premise that Jor-el, Superman's father, ran a number of scenarios to decide where to send his infant son before Krypton exploded. He recorded these, and they fell into the wrong hands. Superman was captured and made to experience the lives that might have been. The...

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He gets it in the end

The night didn't end with you hopping in that cab.  It didn't end with you leaving me standing on that corner, where the wind was cutting through everything but me because you had me so turned on I could have been naked in the snow and the snow would have melted.  The night didn't end because I wasn't imagining that the soul-searing kiss I saw you give her wasn’t just for your pleasure, but also meant to entice me as well.You changed your mind in the cab ride home after a short block deciding...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 90

“So you suspect Oonagh’s up to something, John?” Morgana queried me during a meeting called with Roxanne, Verenestra and William. “Yes, almost certainly,” I replied carefully. “Though I’m not sure if it’s harmful to our cause or something that will be beneficial for us.” “It would not be in her interests for the Vultoqi to win,” Verenestra mused thoughtfully. “But Oonagh always works to a plan ... or did.” “Can see her hoping we’ll both lose,” Roxanne grimaced. “But I’m biased; I don’t...

3 years ago
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ReunionChapter 6

Smith & Jones Solicitors was a seven partner firm formed in the early nineteen-eighties by David Smith and Maurice Jones. The firm quickly established a reputation for quality service and as Milton Keynes grew, so did the firm. The latest expansion plans were for three new partners (and the staff to work under them) in the next eighteen months. Each partner headed up a different department within the firm, specialising in two or more areas of law. Each department was supported by at...

2 years ago
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My black overnight guest

I kissed Joe goodbye and watched as he left for a trip that would take him away for a few days and decided right then and there I would head back to that bar and see if I could get another black man to have sex with. My craving for black cock was now becoming an obsession and so I dressed in a nice sheer black babydoll under a short dress, black hose and heels and headed out for the bar. As I entered I saw a few more black men and as I sat down at a table, I quickly saw one who I thought would...

2 years ago
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Lynn finds a Boyfriend Part I

The holiday season is in full swing with the usual festive gatherings. My wife, Lynn, and I are at a party hosted by one of her friends. We have been married for about 8 years and are in our late fifties. Lynn still looks very good as a result of her attention to her diet and regular workouts. We make the rounds at the party greeting old friends and meeting some new people. After awhile we get separated as we each find people that we have some common interests with. Eventually, I figure that I...

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Lauras Last Christmas Present

Scott climbed the steep stairway to Midway General Hospital with an uneasy gait that betrayed his inner turmoil. He had promised his lovely wife Laura a Christmas present today, but had come up empty handed. Six months earlier, Laura had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Despite massive chemotherapy and a radical mastectomy, the cancer had spread to her bones and liver. With the exception of losing a little weight, she looked remarkably good, and was generally in high spirits. But the...

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The BreakIn

She switched off the ignition and sat in her Jeep for a few moments, too tired to even open the door and get out. She laid her head on the headrest just for a few moments… when she opened her eyes it was an hour later. Leah finally mustered up the strength to walk to the house. Her feet kicked the gravel as she trudged towards the front door and groggily put her key in the lock and opened the door. Walking in, she dropped her firehouse gear by the front door and kicked her boots off. Suddenly...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 2 The Twins

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Two: The Twins Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Monday, August 10th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun was hot as I crossed the mountain meadow. One of the cows had broken through the fence and wandered far from the cabin. The long summer had begun drying out the grass, turning greens to golds. I wiped at my brow and scanned the tree line a mile away for the missing cow with a pair of broken binoculars. One...

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Aliens and CowboysDisciples

They walked behind the guards as they led the way to the cathedral. The place was massive and almost looked like a castle of sorts. Just like in Corinth, the cathedral had an enormous plaza in front of it for people to congregate for his sermons from the balcony. It was disturbing seeing the blood covered stairs in front of the cathedral, as many adults were shielding the eyes of their children. The grisly sight making Mark wonder how many people the Pope had murdered to protect his...

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The Curse of Anne Boleyn

The medieval drama needed someone to play the doomed English queen. Step forward the prettiest boy in school. It was all fun and games for our “actress” until the last grisly scene when everything went horribly wrong.Jay had always been a would-be thespian. He loved Shakespeare and often spent hours at home in front of the mirror reciting the dialogue. Lady Macbeth and Juliet were his favourite characters and he dreamt of playing them on stage in front of an appreciative audience.Of course, he...

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My Nudist SisterChapter 4

I was waiting for my sister when she got home from school that day. She smiled at the sight of me, sitting by the door. Everything was different. Unlike the first day, she dragged it out. She undressed slowly - we both knew I’d seen what was under her outfit, but she decided to tease me, to make me want it even more. She undid her blouse, button by button. Aside from the ticking of the clock, the room was completely silent, but she somehow used those ticks as a beat, a rhythm to a silent...

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Vivid Memory

In the early fall of 1953 an incident lasting from the dark of Midnight to the predawn hours remains my most vivid, graphic, and lasting memory. It needs no embellishment, rather, needs be be believed as stated, for tis a true memory, tho seems to this day, the fantasy of my fevered mind. On the ranch in Wyoming, where I grew up, we separated to ewes in first “season” to keep them from being bred too early, as they are just not mature enought to carry to full term ,and the mortailty rate is...

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The Helen Chronicles Chapter 5

The Bartender The last of Helen's lovers that I know about for sure was Richard Barton. Rich was the first of the three men I saw on film to shove his shit covered cock into Helen's mouth and make her clean it off. That act alone kept me from hurting him too bad when I went to pay him a call. After Helen gave birth to Marlene she did not go back to work for the Hamburger Man. She was a stay at home mom for about six months and then one afternoon the doorbell rang and I answered it and...

2 years ago
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Our Steam Sauna Experience

We are both steaming hot in the steam sauna in this small-town Italian sauna in the middle of a very non-descript part of the south. The 'dress-code' was variable, most naked, but a few, like us preferring to have a towel round us! At one point, space was a bit tight, and it seemed as if all of the customers were stacked up on the benches. Until one by one they left. We are sitting side by side. Feeling you gently nudge my knee, I glance to see you as I am leaning back onto the upper bench,...


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