My Former Succubus 2: A Holiday To RememberChapter 8: Holy Glow free porn video

"Josh! Beth!" screamed the lovely former flight attendant, as she dropped her bags next to the baggage carousel before sprinting towards us.
"Dee!" I cried as I launched myself into her arms. We clung to each other for a few moments. I took in her heady scent of her perfume and shampoo and noticed the sheen of her perspiration which gave her chocolate complexion a wonderful glow. Then we kissed. It was electric. I possessively took her ass in my hands and squeezed, as she moaned into my mouth. This was my woman. Like with Beth, Kelly, Nora, Reenee and AM, I could not wait to get her home and into my bed. More importantly, I could not wait until Beth had performed her sex genie magic on her and made her mine forever. It was funny. I had no desire to take the Van Allen sisters (though I realized that it was almost a foregone conclusion that we would), or anyone else for that matter. Still, I was completely emotionally invested in a woman that I had met for just a few hours about a week ago. The pull of her being "turned to me" was completely overpowering. Dee's sweet nature helped to enhance these feelings. I was now convinced that I loved this woman as much as my others.
After our tongues had dueled for a minute, Beth tapped me on the shoulder, obviously wanting her turn. I sighed and broke the kiss. Then I was treated to Beth and Dee giving me show as they lesbian tongue kissed for about half a minute. I noticed that their little display of affection caught the amused glances of many onlookers, so I broke their kiss. I then took one of my women in each arm and we walked back to Dee's bags.
Mom was introduced to Dee and then Mom left to go shopping. This gave Beth a good hour to make Dee ours forever. Soon, all three of us were naked and sitting on my bed.
When Beth turned into her true form, Dee did not look frightened in the least.
"I know what you are, Darling. It's OK," smiled Dee.
"What am I?" asked my obviously bemused Beth.
"You are a demon of pleasure and you are about to make me one too so we can serve our master. It is odd though."
"What?" I asked.
"I sense no evil in either of you. My grandmamma told me that I had 'second sight'. She said that I could see things that others could not see. All I can see when I look at you and Josh is goodness; not demonic evil."
"Goodness?" I asked, thinking it odd that I was breaking a number of the precepts of most organized religions by living outside the covenant of organized marriage with multiple partners and employing a former demon, now wife, in recruiting more partners for me (albeit with reluctance on my part).
"Yeah ... I can't explain it anymore except to say that I was so sad and lonely and now I know I'm about to become happy and fulfilled for the first time in my life. If that's not goodness, then what is?" asked Dee.
"Well, I'm not a demon ... well, at least anymore," stated Beth. "I now consider myself a 'sex genie'. I've dedicated my existence to helping the man I love to be happy."
"And I'm assuming you mean Josh," said Dee, stroking my arm affectionately.
"Yes. I could tell he wanted you on the plane..."
"So you took me for him."
Beth nodded. "Yes."
"But there's more, right?"
"Yes. I sensed your loneliness ... your emptiness ... you were an empty vessel."
Dee smiled, "A vessel that needed to be filled."
I laughed and kissed Dee quickly on the lips and her lips and eyes smiled back at me.
"Yes, and Josh filled you physically and emotionally. Soon, I will fill your mind with a new purpose," clarified Beth.
"To be with him, you and the others ... for the enrichment of our mutual joy, right?" she asked.
"Exactly," said Beth.
Dee smiled. "And now we have to make this permanent?"
"Yes!" I exclaimed, as my excitement and anticipation grew at always having Dee in my life.
"Then let's make this permanent," laughed Dee.
Her laugh turned into a moan when Beth sank one of her fangs into Dee's neck. I eagerly scampered behind Dee, positioned her, aimed my member and entered her. Dee's arousal was muted by Beth's mouth that was soon covering Dee's.
I saw Dee's body begin to take on that familiar pink glow that surrounded her dark complexion, as I sawed my hard cock into her creamy depths. I noticed that Beth had led Dee's head to one of her nipples and now she was hungrily drinking. Dee began to thrust her body back on my spike, as I continued to drive into her.
This went on for a while, as I tried to delay my explosion for as long as possible. Then Beth did something that made holding off any longer impossible. She changed into a doppelganger of Dee.
"Fuck me, Josh!" moaned Beth/Dee, causing me to explode into the real Dee's pussy. Then Beth/Dee leaned over and bit Dee in the neck again. Dee's body spasmed in a fit, as her pussy milked every available drop from my cock.
When it was over, Dee pledge her undying love to me by referring to me as her "master". It took a while to get Dee to stop calling me "Master". Due to her race, the whole thing made me feel uncomfortable. Now, like with Beth, she just does it when she wants to tease me.
Things continued for a while as they had. For the last couple of days, Mom and Dad were screwing like bunnies. Since Beth introduced Dad to her "protein shake" (the secret ingredient being her expressed restorative breast milk), he had been wearing out Mom. Dave and Monica had fallen in love. While they had fucked themselves unconscious the last two nights, Monica was truly happy and was able to express her true feelings to my brother. When my brother realized who the real Monica was (a loving girl, not a slut), he realized how lucky he was. He began to treat me like his best friend. It was weird, but I hoped our new relationship would allow me to be a positive influence on him.
While my family situation was OK, there were some problems looming. The Van Allen sisters continued to be annoying. They both were pushing Beth to add them to the "Pussy Posse", but Beth knew of my feelings on the subject, so they continued to need to wait. The other issue was Steve's girlfriend (or should I say "Steve's cock's girlfriend"). I had promised to help him with Bea. As it turned out, she had called Steve, begging him to go visit her (she missed her sweet friend, referring to Steve's penis). Steve convinced her to visit him instead. She was arriving the day after Christmas. Beth and I would get to work on her then. Beth told me that we might be able to shift her affection from Steve's cock to Steve himself, but that it would be easier just to turn and convert Bea (according to Beth, as Steve's cock was apparently Bea's heart's desire, it would be easy).
The biggest concern was obviously the fact that my best friend Mike was under a succubus' sway. He and the Succubus apprentice would be arriving just before New Year's Eve to remove Doreen. Needless to say, Doreen's fate was no longer a concern, but we needed to find a way to free Mike. Beth assured me that should not be an insurmountable problem. She would be infinitely more powerful than the apprentice and Beth thought it likely that she would be a great deal more powerful than the succubus herself.
The only immediate worry I had was my sister. Mary was a smart girl. She was also the only person in the house who was not really being manipulated. She had noticed the change in Ann Marie in addition to the constant presence of Doreen in our household. She also saw how happy Dave was now that he was involved with Monica and how horny Mom and Dad were all of the time. Now with the arrival of Dee, I could not simply just put Mary off anymore.
"It's Beth, isn't it?" she asked.
"Yeah," I admitted.
"And everybody's happy?"
I simply nodded.
"Well, you have four girlfriends, so you should be happy."
"Actually, I have six. My friends Kelly and Nora from school too."
"Isn't Kelly the one you had a crush on?" she asked.
Mary looked me in the eye. "You're not hurting any of them, are you?"
I was kind of hurt, but I realized that from the outside looking in, the situation was at best, strange; at worst quite sinister. "C'mon, Sis! You know I'd never hurt anybody."
Mary sighed. "I know, Josh, but I'm scared."
"I don't want Beth to do anything to me."
I smiled at my sister. "Mary, you need to understand something about Beth. She only changes people when they need changing. Can you keep a secret?"
"Kelly was in a relationship with a drug dealer. She had already used heroine once when Beth changed her. Her roommate Nora was hopelessly in love with Kelly. It's possible that Kelly's boyfriend might have manipulated Kelly to get Nora hooked on drugs to please Kelly and then her boyfriend might have taken advantage of Nora, who was a lesbian. I guess Beth made her bisexual, but Nora seems truly happy now, as is Kelly. Nora even took Kelly home for Christmas to meet her family."

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