Fountain of Youth
- 2 years ago
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Tommy Johnson lived in a completely different social strata than Senator Thurston. Although the areas were not separated that far by distance, they were thousands of miles apart financially.
Tommy Johnson lived in Daly City. Daly city is predominantly Filipino. The area Johnson lived in was well kept. The lawns were trimmed and the houses looked in good repair. Given his involvement in the Aryan Majority, I'm sure it irked Johnson to be living where he was.
We found Johnson's house with no problem, but we didn't find Johnson. We figured he must be at work, but since he was a construction worker, we had no idea where he might be working. At least we found where he lived.
We got the whole family together after dinner to talk about the Aryan Majority. I thought we'd have a hard time convincing Annie of what we needed to do, but I got a real surprise.
Is this about the Aryan Majority? Annie asked before anyone else could say anything.
Yes, Annie, I said.
I've spent a lot of time on this in the last couple of weeks, she said. I spent several hours scanning Thurston. I followed Johnson to his work one morning and scanned him as he worked. I tracked down Thurston's and Johnson's seconds in command and scanned both of them.
Okay, I said.
I think you were right to begin with, Mike. All four of them are bloodthirsty sons-of-bitches. All four of them will do everything in their power to see that any influential person in a minority group is killed. I don't see any alternative to killing them.
Mike, I've just had an idea, Cindi said. You know what we did to that pimp a while back. Why couldn't we do something like that to these guys?
I'm not sure we could, honey. Prejudices are pretty deep seated. We might prevent them from killing anyone, but they'd still hate them.
But, isn't it their right to hate someone if they want, as long as they don't do anything violent about it? Sharon asked.
I suppose it is. I do hate to think the ones who are in public office can still work against the minorities, even if they can't kill them.
How about something like this, Jude said. How about we put it in their heads that they have to go to the police and confess to what they were going to do?
Okay, I like that, I said.
We could make it so they had to tell the absolute truth to anyone who asked them a direct question, or to the police, Cindi put in.
We should also make them tell the police and the news media what they were planning to do and who all was in on the plot, Melly said.
I looked over at Annie and I could see her smiling. This just keeps getting better and better, I said.
My suggestion is, Ken said, that tomorrow morning, first thing, my family will get close to one of the leaders. Your family should get close to the other one, Mike. When we both have contact with our target, we'll let each other know, then we do it at the same time.
That sounds reasonable, I said. Tim, could you guys find this John Griscom tomorrow morning and monitor him until we know what's going on with the rest of the group?
Sure, Mike. We've talked it over and we're agreed we'll take a more active part if we need to.
You'll probably get your chance once the new leaders are in place, I told him.
I think we all felt a lot of relief that we weren't going to have to actually kill these idiots. I know I certainly did.
Tuesday, December 18, 1979
It was decided we'd go after Thurston and Ken's family would go after Johnson. Annie was with Ken's family and I suspected she'd be a part of it soon.
We were all up very early and were in position before 7:00 AM. Are you guys ready? Ken asked.
Yeah. Let's go over what we're going to do one more time though. First, we're going to have them write out a list of the names of everyone they know who is in the Aryan Majority. Then we're going to have them write out a confession as to what the group's plans are and what they were planning to do.
Right, Ken said. Then we're going to make sure they tell the truth to anyone who asks them a question about the Aryan Majority or about their actions. After that, they'll go to a local TV station and give them a copy of the list and the confession. We'll let them stay there and answer questions for a reasonable length of time, then they'll have to go to the police station and turn themselves, the list, and the confession in.
Did we leave anything out?
Not that I can think of, I said. Let's do it.
We did. I must say, the news media had a field day that day. The confessions by Senator Thurston and Mr. Johnson were the lead story on every local TV and radio news broadcast. The newspapers in the area ran it with two inch headlines. There was even a large splash on the national news about the California Senator and about his allegations about a cabinet member and several congressmen.
I don't know if you've thought about it or not, Jude said, but we're going to have to do something about the people at the national level too. The original plan for the San Francisco operation came from our Secretary of the Interior.
Yeah, I know. It's going to be a little harder to get close to the big wigs in Washington. So far at least, to mess with someone's mind we've had to be within a couple of hundred feet of him. The people in D.C. are going to be guarded by the FBI. That's going to make it a lot harder.
We didn't realize it at the time, but other things were going to make it harder still.
Before we went off to bed, Ken announced that Annie had accepted their proposal of marriage and would be joining his family. That pleased all of us. I ended up making love to every one of my wives before we finally went to sleep.
Wednesday, December 19, 1979
Missy, Jude, Sharon and I were snuggled together, drinking coffee the next morning when Jude asked, When are we going to do something about the national level of the Aryan Majority?
I think we need to make sure the immediate threat in the bay area is over first, I said. The police have confessions from Thurston and Johnson, but they only have accusations about any of the other leaders of the group. We need to make sure that anyone who moves into a position of power goes in and confesses as well.
Yeah, I kind of figured that. Maybe we should let Ken and Tim's families take care of that, though, and we could start taking care of national.
We could probably do that. Let's talk it over with the rest of the family this evening and see what everyone thinks of the idea.
Well, it turned out that the rest of our family didn't agree at all. Ken's family wanted to be the ones to go to Washington. So did Jude, Cindi, and Sharon. Bonnie, Missy, and Tiffie were ambivalent. I didn't actually want to go at all, so I just kind of stayed out of the argument.
Finally, Jude, Cindi, and Sharon agreed it would be more fair for Ken's family to go since our family had made the last excursion away from home. Everyone agreed that the trip shouldn't be made until after Christmas.
Tuesday, December 25, 1979
Christmas just doesn't seem to mean as much when the cost of the things you are buying isn't significant to you. I think O. Henry had the right idea when he wrote of Della and Jim in "The Gift of the Magi". If you have to sacrifice something that is meaningful to you to buy a present for another, then that present is truly meaningful.
For our family, money has ceased to mean much at all. That's why we decided that any present we gave this year would be something we made ourselves. We spent over a month just preparing for Christmas.
Unfortunately, my talents for making presents are severely limited. I will say we had a wonderful time and we had a lot of laughs at the presents.
Tuesday, January 1, 1980
We spent the week between Christmas and New Years just being lazy. We closed down MBBS completely for the week, and gave all of our employees a paid holiday.
Wednesday, January 2, 1980
Today was the day when Ken, Thelma, Mellie, Beth, and Alice started making preparations for a trip to our nation's capitol. It turned out to be a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.
What did I know? I mean, I'd have never thought that each and every female would have to have a complete new wardrobe for the trip. Another thing I didn't take into consideration was how far in advance they'd have to book tickets for them to all be able to fly in first class.
I wasn't really worried about how long it was going to take to get them to Washington. I wasn't exactly sure when Congress would be in session again, but I knew it wouldn't be immediately after the first of the year.
Monday, January 21, 1980
Well, we finally got Ken's family headed out to DC. We really have no idea how long it is going to take to accomplish everything they want to do, so they set it up so they'd be in Washington for two weeks. I don't begrudge them the vacation time.
It's just about a month and a half until Missy is due to deliver our first child. All of us are excited about it. I'm still a little worried about the birthing process, but none of the women in the family seem to be concerned at all. I hope they're right.
Saturday, February 2, 1980
San Francisco to Washington, DC was a little out of range even for Cindi. We talked to Ken's group a couple of times on the telephone, but we were afraid to say too much.
That doesn't mean we didn't know what they were up to. The first indication of what they were doing came from Congressman Charles DeGraff. Congressman DeGraff got up on the floor of the House of Representatives and confessed his membership in the Aryan Majority.
The very next day, Senator Elkwood did the same thing in the Senate. These two congressmen were followed rapidly by another Senator and six Congressmen.
The last of the DC bigwigs to fall prey to Ken's family was Secretary of the Interior, Paul Gates. The Secretary requested an interview with the President, where he confessed his sins. The President's bodyguards immediately arrested the Secretary, only to find that he had held a press conference just before he confessed to the President.
To say that Washington was in an uproar would have been a major understatement.
All of our families greeted Ken's group at the airport. We spent Saturday evening just relaxing. Everyone wanted to know what had gone on in DC, but Ken's family was tired, so they put us off until tomorrow.
Sunday, February 3, 1980
Actually, it all went pretty easily, Ken informed us.
Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth 3 By Don Abdul (c)2011 Part Three: Exploring Deeper and further Jamal swung by the following morning right after his morning run and he took her hard and rough right over the kitchen table as she attempted to make breakfast. He was such crazy fun and great fuck too. She found herself getting wet again just thinking about their sex that Sunday morning; he had smeared maple syrup all over her tits and pussy, and then licked it all up while he fingered her cunt...
Mature‘I want some of the weed you’ve been smokin’!’ Sam Beckett exclaimed, ‘Or a taste of your psychedelic mushrooms!’ ‘You can call off the narc squad – I’m as clean as a set of bowels after a gallon of polyethylene glycol colonoscopy prep,’ bantered Tom Kiernander, one of Sam’s poker buddies and a fellow sales associate at Kevvexx Pharmaceuticals. ‘Besides, I have the information on the highest authority.’ ‘Whose? The redhead’s in accounting whose skirt you’ve been chasin’ the last couple of...
Fountain of Youth - Best Laid Plans By Shawna Hello, my name is Danny Ford. I am a research biologist in my mid- twenties, having achieved my doctorate at the age of 20. I have recently made a breakthrough with my formula designed to regress age - a virtual fountain of youth. If I'm as successful as I believe I will be, my discovery will make my distant relative Henry Ford's fame and fortune pale in comparison! This breakthrough will enable...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 CHAPTER TEN: A Private Party (Delicious Desserts) Loraine’s squirted juices trailed down over Jamal’s balls, and she felt his nuts and caressed them rubbing her juices into his sac. “Mmmm…” she let out a soft moan and then shivered as she replayed the moment when his load of hot cum shot up her vagina. She had squeezed his cock and choked his shaft with her tight cunt muscles and held his hot seed inside her body. She was determined to...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 CHAPTER TEN: A Private Party (Delicious Desserts) Loraine’s squirted juices trailed down over Jamal’s balls, and she felt his nuts and caressed them rubbing her juices into his sac. “Mmmm…” she let out a soft moan and then shivered as she replayed the moment when his load of hot cum shot up her vagina. She had squeezed his cock and choked his shaft with her tight cunt muscles and held his hot seed inside her body. She was determined...
BDSMMrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part One: Shirley Gets Her Groove Back “Good morning pretty lady, did I wake you up?” Jamal Washington chirped happily as if he had just done her a huge favor. ‘Oh fuck!’ Mrs. Shirley Crane thought, so annoyed with herself for not imagining that it could be him at the door. He looked so painfully handsome and sexy that her first instinct was to grab his shirt and throw him on the floor and fuck him right there on the living room carpet of...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part One: Shirley Gets Her Groove Back “Good morning pretty lady, did I wake you up?” Jamal Washington chirped happily as if he had just done her a huge favor. ‘Oh fuck!’ Mrs. Shirley Crane thought, so annoyed with herself for not imagining that it could be him at the door. He looked so painfully handsome and sexy that her first instinct was to grab his shirt and throw him on the floor and fuck him right there on the living room carpet of...
MatureMrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...
InterracialI deleted this a while ago. Was a bit frightened. Now I’m putting it back up with some changes. This is (likely) a three part series of stories. ***** The year 2016 was an extraordinary year. It was a year of chaos and confusion. Fear and fervour were the emotions of the time. Bombastic and hardline attitudes became the norm of politicians. Common people entrenched themselves within their own worldviews, clashing with those who differed even slightly. To an outsider — and many insiders — it...
Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth ByDon Abdul (c) 2011PART TWO: In the Beginning ….It had been hard to tell exactly what the problem was but despite the fact that Shirley had been lucky in life generally, she gradually sank into despair. Not even her blessings of a healthy son who had just gone off to college, a loving husband, relative wealth and a great group of friends could ease her suffering. She even saw a shrink once who had explained to her that she was merely going through a mid life...
MatureSaturday, October 6, 1979 We spent Thursday and Friday taking care of Tim and trying to find out anything that might give us a clue to where we might find Jason. Missy, Jude and I were cuddled up Saturday morning, drinking our coffee, when Jude said, {Cindi and I were exploring a little last night and we may have a lead on Jason.} {Tell me about it, } I said as I gently stroked her butt. {If you keep that up, I won't be able to tell you anything, } she said, then kissed me on the end of...
Wednesday, September 19, 1979 I was awakened at 6:03 AM by someone pounding on the door of the RV. As I quickly put on some clothes, I awakened Missy who had been sleeping beside me, and told her to wake everyone and get them dressed. When I opened the door, there was a big burly policeman standing there. I stepped outside and asked what I could do for him. "I'm officer West. Is this your rig?" "Yes sir. My family's anyway." {Cindi, open the passenger side front door please. He's...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART SIX: A Private Party (Appetizers) On her way home from another successful day of work, Shirley needed a boost from the loneliness that had dogged her for the past week. Jamal had been so busy at college he hadn’t been spending any time in her bed. She was so desperately horny, lonely and a little downcast too, and so she decided to do some lingerie shopping at an adult shop she had discovered just about the same time she had...
LesbianI had a semi-regular client named Jonathan. He was in his early fifties, and kept himself fit and smelling pretty good (those things matter, trust me). His wishes were pretty vanilla – i.e., he’d hire me for a couple of hours and we would have pretty basic sex, running through most of the common positions and things that a man and woman can do to and for each other. He always enjoyed himself enormously and I liked him a lot. He often remarked that I was very good at it. As he got to know me...
First TimeMonday, September 10, 1979 I was gently rubbing Missy's tummy as we were having our morning snuggle. She was just starting to show a slight rounding that would become our first child. She was content and we were in rapport. {How's the house coming?} I asked her. {It's coming along better than I thought it would, Mike. The contractor is telling me two to three more weeks before we can move in, but what they have already is impressive.} {I haven't been out there in almost a month, but...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART SIX: A Private Party (Appetizers) On her way home from another successful day of work, Shirley needed a boost from the loneliness that had dogged her for the past week. Jamal had been so busy at college he hadn’t been spending any time in her bed. She was so desperately horny, lonely and a little downcast too, and so she decided to do some lingerie shopping at an adult shop she had discovered just about the same time she had started...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul (c) 2011 PART TWO: In the Beginning ….It had been hard to tell exactly what the problem was but despite the fact that Shirley had been lucky in life generally, she gradually sank into despair. Not even her blessings of a healthy son who had just gone off to college, a loving husband, relative wealth and a great group of friends could ease her suffering. She even saw a shrink once who had explained to her that she was merely going through a mid life...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART EIGHT : A Private Party (Juices and Nectar) ‘Does that mean I get to regain my freedom, and perhaps also get Jamal’s cock?’ Shirley wondered too scared to ask her captor. The question was however written all over her face and Loraine laughed as she shook her head saying, “Yes, eventually you would get his huge cock in your slutty married pussy, but first things first, I need me some cunt.” Turning to Jamal, she whispered, “Hey...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part Five : Eden in the Garden Shirley had awoken early the following morning blushing, she was almost in shock as she recalled how naughty she had been the previous night. She and Jamal had gone clubbing, and it had turned out to be even more fun than she ever thought it could be. She had downed quite a few drinks early enough for Dutch courage. As the alcohol began to take effect, her inhibitions plummeted paving the way for her to...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...
Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part Five : Eden in the Garden Shirley had awoken early the following morning blushing; she was almost in shock as she recalled how naughty she had been the previous night. She and Jamal had gone clubbing, and it had turned out to be even more fun than she ever thought it could be. She had downed quite a few drinks early enough for Dutch courage. As the alcohol began to take effect, her inhibitions plummeted paving the way for...
InterracialSunday, September 30, 1979 Missy and I were cuddled up with our morning coffee, when Cindi and Jude came in together. As Jude was getting their morning brew, Cindi said, {Guys, I think we have a problem.} {What's that, Sweety?} I asked. {Jude and I had some really bad nightmares last night. These weren't your normal falling or trying to run away from something nightmares. These were full blown Steven King or Dean Koontz nightmares. When we woke up this morning we were talking about them,...
Friday, October 26, 1979 I guess we were all feeling a little guilty so we all went into work on Friday. Sharon and I got a lot done, and we did get a chance to talk with Ann for a while. So far at least her ex hadn't been bothering her at all. Our collective guilt didn't extend to the point where it kept us at work all day. I don't think any of us were there past 1:00 PM. It was a perfect, late fall, day and we were all anxiously awaiting what would probably be our last cook out of the...
Monday, November 5, 1979 The FBI wasn't even there to greet us when we had arrived home. In fact, we heard very little from them afterwards. Sarah had a long talk with Jimmy and informed him that if he didn't knock off the sexual advances, she was going to move out. It must have done some good because he did lay off, at least temporarily. We called a family meeting Monday morning and decided we needed to try to find out who had done the kidnapping before any of us went to work. We all...
Tuesday, June 12, 1979 Missy and I were doing our normal morning snuggle, sipping on our first cup of coffee, when Jude came into the kitchen. She poured herself a cup and came over by where Missy and I were cuddling. Missy moved over onto one of my legs, opening the other one up for Jude. Instead of sitting across my leg like Missy was doing, she straddled it, facing me. Her bare pussy was tight against my leg as she leaned into us. She put one arm around me and the other around Missy and...
Wednesday, November 28, 1979 For the first time in either one of my lives, I awoke snuggled up to a pretty young black woman. Missy was snuggled up to the other side of her. When I opened my eyes, I saw Missy looking at me, so I gave her a smile and said, {This seems natural, even though she's in another body, doesn't it?} {Yeah, it's still our Sharon. You know, she could probably mold her body to look like the old Sharon. She could probably even change her skin color.} {Let's get up...
When we pulled in at the house, the whole family was waiting to meet Tim. Cindi performed the introductions. Bonnie told us dinner would be ready shortly, so the rest of us settled in the living room to talk until it was served.
Friday, November 23, 1979 We did have our wedding ceremony with Tiffany this morning. It was beautiful as always. As we were going back into the house afterwards, Missy said, {Now, aren't you glad we gave her the ability to rejuvenate her body?} {And a fine body it is,} I said as I pinched Tiffy lightly on the butt. {God, it's hard to imagine how I looked just a few months ago and how I look now," Tiffany said. {Speaking of bodies,} Sharon/Jude piped up, {Could we start looking for a...
Saturday, June 2, 1979 If you have seen 'Nudist Quarterly' or 'The Natural Life' magazines you have a pretty good idea of what visiting a nudist resort is NOT like. Crow Valley does have a nice pool and a small lake that are both excellent for swimming. There are barbecue pits and picnic tables. There are also miles of trails. You will very seldom if ever see beautiful women playing volleyball on a sandy beach. For one thing, if sand is accidently kicked into a pussy, it isn't a very...
After the agents had gone, we checked with Jude and Cindi. Neither had been able to come up with anything, so I asked them to come home. Ken and Thelma agreed to stay up with Cindi, so Missy, Jude and I grabbed a sandwich and settled in for a nap before it was our turn to take over at midnight. We snuggled in and did a little mutual groping, but we knew our night was going to be short, so we didn't take it any farther than that. We did all fall asleep while in rapport though, which was a...
Monday, June 4, 1979 Missy and I were sitting in deep rapport, drinking our morning coffee, when she asked, {Are you really going to try to get me pregnant tonight?} {If that's what you want, then I definitely am Sweetheart. I just want you to be sure. It's your body that will be carrying our little monster for nine months. I wouldn't push you to do that, but if it's what you want, then I'm all for it.} {Oh, it's what I want. It seems like I've loved you forever Mike. Having a baby...
Cindi came in and joined us before long and not long after that Tiffany asked us if she could join us. We all started kicking around ideas about how we could get around a mind shield and either detect a shield or detect a person's thoughts behind the shield. Tiffany said.
Friday, June 8, 1979 After our morning cuddle and rapport, Bonnie, Missy, Sharon and I headed in to work for a while. We hadn't much more than got into my office before Ann came in. "The police came by to see me last night," she told Sharon and me. "They wanted to know if I knew anything about my ex-husband getting beaten pretty badly yesterday afternoon. I assured them I didn't, and gave them the names of several people who knew I was at work when it happened." "Did they say how...
Thursday, November 22, 1979 Thanksgiving Day! With everything that had been going on, I had totally forgotten about Thanksgiving. Missy and I were snuggled on one of the love seats. We were in rapport, but we weren't saying anything. Jude came in and got herself some coffee then joined us. {Happy Thanksgiving, } Jude said as she sat down. {Well, I'll be damned. Happy Thanksgiving. I had totally forgotten.} {Happy Thanksgiving, } Missy said. {I had forgotten too.} {At least the rest of...
Thursday, June 7, 1979 As we were having our morning cuddle, I asked Cindi if she was still keeping tabs on Andrews. {Yes Mike. He's been thinking of Ann a lot. He is the one who raped her, by the way. I scanned him last night. He plans to do it again, probably tonight.} I asked.
After dinner, the whole family gathered in the living room. I filled everyone in on what Cindi had found. I told them of the proposal for everyone to go into rapport, and that Cindi would then probe the blocked area to see if we could find any more about it. No one had any other suggestions, so we decided to try out the rapport and probe. After everyone was comfortably in rapport, then Cindi and Jude started probing Tim's blocked area. Nothing happened at first.
Monday, October 8, 1979 Missy, Jude and I were in deep rapport the next morning when Beth surprised us by coming in and joining us. She sat on the loveseat across from us and waited for us to realize she was there. I said.
Monday, June 11, 1979 Missy was snuggled on my lap as we were having our first cup of coffee. I had my arm around her and was gently caressing her right nipple. There was nothing sexual about it on either of our parts, just gentle loving. {You know the reason I'm pushing so hard on the new house, don't you?} she asked me. {I figure it has something to do with what you have in here, } I said as I gently rubbed her lower abdomen. {Got it in one, } she giggled. {I've made myself the real...
Saturday, November 17, 1979 Saturday morning seemed almost like a normal morning for us. Missy, Jude, and I were up first. We were on one of the love seats in the sitting room in deep rapport and sipping our first cup of coffee. {Is Sharon still asleep?} I asked Jude. {Yeah, she'll probably sleep for another hour unless something disturbs her.} {It doesn't wake her if you move around or talk?} {No, I pretty much have to direct a thought directly at her if I want to awaken her before...
He turns the cup once more, the little tea that is left inside swills around and he watches as it slowly re-finds its stillness. The little spoon by the side of the saucer makes another darker spot on the tablecloth as one more drip of tea falls and the teapot gives out its last final blast of steam. Across the table lies an empty space where the person he is waiting for should be sitting, ‘late again’ thinks Adam the main person involved in this tale. He remembers the first time that he and...
>>>>>> “The best laid plans….” That was just about all I could think. My wife Beth and I had planned our retirement for years and had everything ready for my sixty-second birthday. But Beth had been experiencing what she called minor occasional abdominal pain for more than a year. She had pooh-poohed my requests that she see her doctor, claiming it was muscle spasms or maybe uterine fibroids. “They’re nothing. You’ll see.” Well, of course, they weren’t “nothing.” “Nothing”...
What do I know? 1) My mom is not my mom. 2) Her name is Laura. 3) I don’t know where I come from. 4) Most importantly - the woman I believed to be my mother has become overwhelmingly in need of my cum. 5) I fucked her. 6) I loved it. My mom was waiting for me back in the living room. We had just finished having sex there, and though I knew it was a mind-blowing experience, it was also bordering on traumatizing. I wished I could get back into the mindset I was in when I was on...
Introduction: The second part of the story. Hopefully fewer mistakes. Thanks so much for the feedback. First experience writing erotica, so it all helps. I took a shower to rinse off all the sweat and everything else still sticking to my body. It had the added effect of settling my mind down a bit. Things came a little into perspective. I wasnt sure if I should be panicked. What do I know? 1) My mom is not my mom. 2) Her name is Laura. 3) I dont know where I come from. 4) Most importantly...
On the morning of my 18th birthday, my mother sat me down for a talk in our living room. “Jack, have you noticed the girls looking at you differently over the last couple of months?” I had. All the women in my family had begun to treat me a little more playfully over the last couple of months. They looked at me with a strange new curiosity, and they tried to find more opportunities to hug me or place a hand on my shoulder. “Now that you bring it up, they’ve been more affectionate these...
Introduction: This is my first story, and its the first in a series. Let me know if youd like me to continue It wasnt until I was in my mid teens that I started to wonder why the women in my family never seemed to get any older. As a kid, they just looked like adults to me. Even my sisters who were in their early twenties. That age, to a kid, still just looks like an adult. But when I turned 14 I started to wonder – are you guys not aging? I started to ask questions. My mom, who was 46...
The throbbing tension in Jamal’s manhood had grown quite intense from watching the unsuspecting Shirley being ravished by the seductress Loraine. He was enjoying every bit of his deeply rewarding voyeur experience; he was so lost in the moment that he almost jumped out of his skin when suddenly an unexpected and ill-timed text message alert from his cell phone alerted the women to his presence. Loraine whipped her head around to catch him watching them. She had completely forgotten about him in...
BDSMCHAPTER NINE : A Private Party (A Taste of Black Steak) Next she picked up a realistic looking chocolate vibrator which very closely resembled Jamal’s own erect phallus and then walked very seductively towards bound black stud. Jamal’s face wore a frown as he wondered, ‘what the fuck is she fixing to do with that ugly mofo?’ Jamal certainly wasn’t looking forward to the crazy bitch sticking any fake cock in his butt, ‘hell no!’ he thought. His frown however disappeared as quickly as it had...
Chapter Eleven: Mr. Crane’s Affair (Princess of the Niger) In her kitchen Loraine opened her oven and dished a tray of hot fresh food, and then fetched a bottle of red she had kept on ice. With three glasses carefully placed on the tray, she carried the food upstairs to her hungry lovers. If her plan worked as she was certain it would, Shirley and Jamal would be spending the entire weekend with her. The party was just beginning… ****** Lagos, Nigeria 24 Hours Later Jack Crane laid in...
The throbbing tension in Jamal’s manhood had grown quite intense from watching the unsuspecting Shirley being ravished by the seductress Loraine. He was enjoying every bit of his deeply rewarding voyeur experience, he was so lost in the moment that he almost jumped out of his skin when suddenly an unexpected and ill-timed text message alert from his cell phone alerted the women to his presence. Loraine whipped her head around to catch him watching them. She had completely forgotten about him in...
Chapter Eleven: Mr. Crane’s Affair (Princess of the Niger) In her kitchen Loraine opened her oven and dished a tray of hot fresh food, and then fetched a bottle of red she had kept on ice. With three glasses carefully placed on the tray, she carried the food upstairs to her hungry lovers. If her plan worked as she was certain it would, Shirley and Jamal would be spending the entire weekend with her. The party was just beginning… **** Lagos, Nigeria 24 Hours Later Jack Crane laid in...
InterracialCHAPTER NINE : A Private Party (A Taste of Black Steak) Next she picked up a realistic looking chocolate vibrator which very closely resembled Jamal’s own erect phallus and then walked very seductively towards bound black stud. Jamal’s face wore a frown as he wondered, ‘what the fuck is she fixing to do with that ugly mofo?’ Jamal certainly wasn’t looking forward to the crazy bitch sticking any fake cock in his butt, ‘hell no!’ he thought. His frown however disappeared as quickly as it had...
BDSMRashid was indeed stopped in his tracks by the knocking on the door. The pain in his face was joined by an expression of great annoyance. Not - again - interrupted exactly when it mattered most? A hesitation got into his step, but he decided to ignore the visitors. Maybe it wasn't Quam, and they would just leave? Didn't they notice the 'Purification in Progress' sign on the door? - KNOCK KNOCK - Apparently not... The man cursed, looked like he wasn't sure what to do for a second,...
He walked into the room… an air about him struck her immediately. He was unlike any of the other Masters ~ quiet, observing all that was going on in the room. She whispered to one of her sisters ‘who is that handsome Master that just entered?’ Her friend whispered that he was an occasional visitor there… every time, he did the same thing ~ sits on a chair, looks around the room, keeps his comments to himself, almost expecting to find something that sparks his interest, and if nothing does, he...
I opened my door for my mystery man and he touched my shoulders, my neck, took my face in his hands and gave me a soft kiss. I kissed back and soon our tongues explored each other. As we kissed, his hands roamed my body, touched my breasts, my stomach, my ass, and thighs. I didn't even say hello. He took his shirt off and I saw the lean mass of muscles and I touched his bare chest. He took my hand and led me to my bed. I told him that I was nervous, that I haven't had sex with a man that...
1.01 The Youth Club: 1.02 Night Recording, Room 223: 1.03 Night Recording, Room 470: 1.04 Training Room, Jenny: 1.05 John, Special Service: 1.06 John, Special Service Testing: 1.07 Lisa and Aron, Therapeutic Session: 1.08 John, Special Service, Preparation: 1.09 John and the Wife: 1.01 The Youth Club: It was a special 'Leaving party' for Hugh. This month he turns eighteen and has to leave the Youth Club at the end of the school year. He was taken into the runaway shelter...
Youth Is Wasted on the Young By Eric Inspired by Dales The twisted stuff TV series # 10 Regina hungered for youth! It was an ache inside her. It nagged at her all her waking hours and haunted her dreams. She was fifty years old! Fifty! Where had her youth went? She wanted it back. She deserved it back. Regina looked in the mirror. She was still beautiful, everyone said she looked like Jaclyn Smith but there were the tell tale sighs of age - the wrinkles around the eyes, the...
113. Wendy, seducer of youth. First a brief description of the lady, she is Wendy a white American, five feet six tall, auburn hair and though she won`t see 21 again she has brown sparkling eyes, an attractive body that she weighs 129lb`s has 34c tits a slim 29inch waist and a delectably smackable 36inch arse, though the odd spank is all that she allows as anal turns her completely off, however she keeps her Jack and Danny waxed and trimmed and instantly ready for use. Her hubby is Trevor and...
Wendy, seducer of youth First a brief description of the lady, she is a white American, five feet six tall, auburn hair, brown sparkling eyes, she weighs an attractive 129lb`s has 34c tits a slim 29inch waist and a delectably smack able 36inch arse, though the odd spank is all that she allows as anal turns her completely off, however she keeps her Jack and Danny waxed and trimmed, Her hubby is Trevor and he works away a fair bit, and though a good man at home and in bed, he`s never quite been...