HomebodiesChapter 12 free porn video

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The office of 1st Lieutenant Sparksafroth, HSF Marine Corps, was on the bottom floor of the administration building where Gath had met with Colonel Lister the previous night. It was a small room, originally used for storage but recently and hastily converted to office space when the new position of Officer of the Day Adjunct was created especially for the occupant of the office.

Gath found the door at 0920 local after searching for more than fifteen minutes. Sparky’s name and new title—both hand written in black ink—were posted to the side of the door on a simple piece of printer paper. He touched his finger to the entry pad and the doors slid open, revealing a space barely large enough for the standard issue desk. Sparky was behind the desk, his face glum as he worked on some sort of report. He looked up and became a bit more animated when he saw who his visitor was.

“Gath,” he greeted warmly, standing up and leaning over the desk. “Welcome to purg.”

“Nice place you got here,” Gath said. “It smells like cleaning products.”

“It was a janitorial services storage compartment forty-eight local ago,” he said sourly.

They exchanged the elbow bump shake of friends greeting one another and then Sparky sat back down. Gath grabbed a seat in the chair next to the desk. He had to scoot close, however, or the door would not slide shut.

“So,” Gath asked him, “what exactly is an ‘officer of the day adjunct’, anyway?”

“A makeshift position for bad little el-tees,” Sparky replied. “It means I handle most of the work of the real OD, dealing with the day to day slag that pops up around here. They have to keep me off real OD duty in case there’s an order related to the resolution that needs to be issued.”

“What is the real OD doing then?”

Sparky shrugged. “Today it’s Fang from Third Platoon. If I know that slacker, he’s probably either sleeping at the desk or polishing his torkin’ missile. My declaration is the best thing that’s happened to that slaghole since Skank started selling hooch.”

“Yeah,” Gath said, “I’ve been out with Fang a time or two. He’s about as commanding a presence as a ballerina dancer.”

“What’s a ballerina dancer?” Sparky asked.

“It’s not important,” Gath said dismissively. “I suppose you heard that I’m being shipped out?”

“I did.” He gave a cynical look. “Pretty funny how the low seniority medic on the base gets to go to Mars—the medic who just happens to be the one who came up with the data flooding scheme.”

“Yeah,” Gath said bitterly. “For all the torkin’ good that idea did.”

“It did more good than you know,” Sparky told him. “Have you been following the bulletin boards and watching the media reports? Zing and his band of slagger lickers have increased the number of declarations by at least forty percent with that little stunt they pulled. Humes who are all in favor of the resolution on the merits are now declaring against it. And the media. Whoever wept, are they pissed off. You give them some torches and a little organization they might just storm the torkin’ admin building on Topside.”

“Yeah,” Gath agreed, “I’ve been following all that. The ultra-whites certainly overplayed their hand with that one, but it won’t do any good as far as stopping the resolution goes. Despite all the opposition, the plan rolls on. Maybe a little slower and with less organization, but there are still a lot more in favor than opposed.”

“True,” Sparky allowed. “But no one is going to be able to accuse you of complicity or participating when this is all said and done.”

“There is that,” Gath allowed. “Except for the fact that I installed those drug cartridges in the wells of the Shiloh and the Maidu.”

“That was before we knew what the drug was,” Sparky said. “It was that installation that helped identify the drug in the first place. I’m sure the prosecutors who will some day be sorting through this torkin’ mess will understand.”

“Probably,” Gath agreed, “but that doesn’t help assuage my conscience in the matter.”

Sparky gave him a shrug. After all, his objection to the plan was not based on matters of conscience or personal opposition to the plan. “What can you do?” he asked.

“Well now, that’s kind of why I came to see you, Sparky,” Gath told him.


“Yeah,” Gath said. “If you’ll recall, I did a little favor for you the other day and you said you owed me a big one.”

“I did,” Sparky said carefully.

“I need to ask a favor,” Gath said.

Sparky nodded. He had a marine’s sense of honor, after all. “I’ll help you if I can, Gath. You know that. What do you need?”

“I need a hover,” Gath told him. “Do you still have command authority to assign them?”

“A hover?” Sparky asked. “What do you need a hover for?”

“They’re kicking my slagger out of here in the next few days,” Gath said. “Before I go, I want to remove those drug cartridges from the wells I installed them in.”

Sparky was already shaking his head. “That’s impossible, Gath,” he told him.

“So, they took away your command authority for hover assignment?”

“No,” he said, “I can and do assign hovers for missions. That’s not really the problem. There is no way I can assign a squad to provide overwatch for you, that’s the first issue.”

“I don’t need a squad,” Gath told him. “I’ll go out there by myself with the engineering tool for access to the wells. I can land and have it done before the first homers can close my position.”

“You want to go out to Homerville by yourself?” Sparky said incredulously. “Do you have a torkin’ death wish? And do you really expect you can get the job done and get out at the Shiloh’s village before they skin you alive with those Whoever damned knives of theirs? That well is less than half a klick from the village.”

“I’ll be armed and armored,” Gath said. “They’ll be hesitant to move in initially. I can get that cartridge out in less than three metric minutes from the moment I’m wheels on the ground. I guarantee it.”

“I’m having trouble believing that,” Sparky told him frankly. “But even if you’re right, I can’t assign a hover to a mission like that. Anything going to a wellhead would be tagged as a mission in support of the concluding resolution. That would automatically send a big red flag to the screens of the ultra-whites, starting with our good friend Colonel Lister.”

Gath gave him a little smile. “I understand that,” Gath said. “You’d have to lie about the purpose of the mission.”

“Lie about it?” Sparky asked.

“I wasn’t exactly truthful in my report of your injury,” Gath reminded him.

Sparky sighed. “No, you really weren’t, were you? But what the purg am I supposed to say is the purpose of the mission? I have to input the Shiloh village and the Maidu village as the mission targets or the Flyer will trigger the ATC with a deviation report.”

“I don’t know,” Gath admitted. “We’ll have to come up with something. It doesn’t even have to sound reasonable, right? I mean, the whole purpose of this exercise is to avoid having a human being other than ourselves noting that the mission even flew in the first place. There must be some ratslag excuse we can formulate.”

Another sigh. “Maybe,” Sparky allowed, “but there is still one other problem. You have to take at least one marine with you. Minimum mission requirements for filing a flight plan are two personnel, one of whom must be a flight qualified marine.”

“How about you?” Gath suggested.

Sparky was shaking his head. “I have been removed from deployment status thanks to my pastry-puff ways,” he said. “Anyone else?”

He did have someone in mind, but he didn’t want to name names just yet. He had to ask first—and he wasn’t quite sure what the reaction was going to be. “I’ll work on that,” he told Sparky. “If I can scrounge up a volunteer, can you get me the AVTOL for tomorrow night?”

Sparky looked at him pointedly. “And what if I said no?” he asked. “Would you change your report on what happened to me the other night?”

“No, Sparky,” Gath told him. “I wouldn’t. You’re in the clear as long as Gnarly keeps her mouth shut. I’m asking a favor here—a big one I realize, but still a favor—I am not engaging in blackmail.”

Sparky thought it over for a second or two and then nodded. “All right,” he said. “You get a volunteer, bring him or her to me in person so I know who they are and that they’re really down with it, and I’ll put in the order.”

Gath grinned. “Thanks, Sparky. Now I’ll owe you one.”

“We’ll just call it even,” he replied. “Only one thing. The mission can’t go at night. You’ll have to fly out during the day.”

“Why?” Gath asked.

“Think about it, Gath. Do you think someone might notice a hover launching after sunset when no known orders are posted? You think that someone might start looking into that slag if they see such a thing?”

“Well ... maybe,” Gath allowed. He hadn’t thought of that.

“You need to fly out during the day, when traffic is heavier and a hover taking off isn’t an unusual sight. And you need to be back before sunset as well.”

Gath frowned a little. “That will certainly make the mission a little more interesting, won’t it?”

“Landing in hostile villages with only two humes while the homers are wide awake and can see you? Yeah, that’s a little more interesting, all right. Still want to do it?”

“I have to,” Gath told him.

“All right then. Bring me a warm marine body and we’ll do business.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Gath told him. “Hold my seats for me.”

Taz had been scheduled for clinic duty that day. She was not there, however, when Gath checked in after leaving Sparky’s office. Rif was acting med tech in her place. Bong was the duty medic. While Rif placed a bandage of some sort on the face of a marine private in room three—and while two MPs questioned the private on exactly how he had come by those injuries—Gath sat down next to Bong.

She was working on the DOC regarding the private in question. He saw the words struck several times in the left facial region with a closed fist floating in the air below a holo of a nasty area of swelling. “Hey, Gath,” she said, her tone quiet.

“Hey, Bong,” he returned, nodding toward the DOC. “Another disagreement over the concluding resolution?”

“It’s like you’re psychic or something,” she confirmed, checking a few boxes. “Apparently he and his bunkmate do not agree on the issue and forgot how to use their words to come to an accommodation on the matter.”

“A lot of that going around these days,” he remarked sadly. It really was a sad state of affairs for what was widely considered the most professional and respected branch of the armed services in both spaceborn and groundborn cultures.

“What can you do?” she asked with a sigh, giving the standard fatalistic attitude of the climate of late.

“What we can,” was Gath’s answer. “I notice Taz isn’t here today. Was there a change in schedule?”

“She was having some knee pain so I gave her some prostaglandin inhibitors and a twenty-four local off duty,” Bong said.

“Knee pain?” Gath asked, raising his eyebrows at that. Knee pain was perhaps the number one ratslag excuse the OBDS patients liked to complain about when seeking to get out of duty. Taz, as a regular clinic staffer, knew that.

“I couldn’t find anything wrong with her,” Bong told him, “but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Taz has never tried to pull the OBDS bit before. Besides, there aren’t any deployments scheduled for the next forty-eight local.”

“Maybe she really does have knee pain?” Gath asked doubtfully.

“The scanner didn’t show any unusual sensory nerve activity,” Bong said. She looked up at Gath for the first time, her expression meaningful. “All the same, there was something wrong with her.”

“What do you mean?”

“She was upset about something, very upset. Her eyes were all swollen like she’d been crying, her fingernails looked like she’d been chewing on them, and she was as tense as a coiled spring. When I touched her shoulders to guide her over to the exam table they were knotted up with tension. That’s mostly the reason why I gave her the medical pass for the day. The knee was ratslag but something is definitely going wrong in her world right now.”

The break-up with me? Or the word that I’m being transferred? Gath wondered, but then dismissed those thoughts as quickly as they had come. Spaceborn broke up with their friends all the time. Whenever one of the friends was reassigned the relationship generally came to an end. They were culturally wired not to get too upset about that. Generally, there was a little bit of sadness involved—not even on par with losing a pet in groundborn culture—but nothing like what Bong was describing in Taz. No, something else had to be going on.

“I think I’ll go check in on her,” Gath remarked. “As long as you have things under control here.”

“I think that’s a good idea, Gath,” Bong told him, still giving the meaningful look. “I think she could use a friend today, even if that friendship has hit a rough patch of late.”

That was about as close as a spaceborn would come to acknowledging that she knew what the score really was between two friends. Gath was surprised she had even said that much.

“All right then,” he told her. “I’ll be on commer if you need me for anything.”

“Sounds good,” she said, turning back to her DOC, a slight smile on her face now.

He left the clinic and made his way through the tunnel to the adjacent building, which was one of the housing units for enlisted marine personnel. Since Taz, like all marines at CVS below the rank of lieutenant, shared her quarters with another marine, Gath had never actually been in her residence before. There had never been any reason to since medics at CVS enjoyed private quarters.

Her room number was 317—he knew that much from previous conservations with her. He walked up to the third floor and followed the signs outside the stairwell to make sure he was going in the right direction. He found the room and then hesitated, staring at the alert button next to the door. Was this really a good idea? Well, there was only one real way to find out. He pushed the button.

Gath knew that Taz, if she was in there, was now looking at his image on her holo screen. She could speak to him through the door intercom if she wished. She did not. Silence ruled for perhaps twenty seconds. Just as he was about to give up and go away—she was either not in there or did not wish to even tell him to tork off—the door slid open. Taz was there, dressed in an off-duty shirt and shorts, her feet bare. Her face looked every bit as miserable as Bong had described.

“Hey, Taz,” he said carefully.

“Gath,” she repeated, her voice barely audible, her eyes looking into his.

“I ... uh ... heard you weren’t doing so well today,” he said.

“No,” she agreed with a short, angry laugh. “I’m really not.”

“I came by to see if there was anything I could do ... you know ... to help.”

She shook her head a few times, her misery increasing. “There’s nothing you can do, Gath,” she said, her voice choked, tears forming in her eyes. “There’s nothing anyone can do.”

She broke down completely, sobs pouring out of her, the tears running freely down her cheeks. Gath stepped forward and took her in his arms. She did not pull back. Instead, she returned the embrace almost desperately and laid her head on his shoulder.

“Come on, Taz,” Gath whispered to her. “Let’s go inside. Ghoul isn’t here, is she?” Ghoul was Corporal Golishovinski, her quarters-mate.

“She’s on duty,” Taz blubbered.

Gath led her inside the residence. She did not resist. The room was tiny, smaller than Gath’s even though it was designed for twice as many occupants. There were two single beds and two tiny desks with holo stages upon them. A door led to the shitter/shower combo room that was only slightly larger than the communal showers on transport spacecraft. He led Taz to the nearest bed, not knowing if it was hers or Ghoul’s. He sat on the edge of it and pulled Taz into his arms again. She came willingly and resumed her crying, letting it all out, her hot tears wetting the side of his neck and running down to dampen the collar of his duty shirt. He rubbed her back soothingly with one hand while stroking her short hair with the other.

He did not know how long it went on—maybe five minutes, maybe ten—but finally the sobs petered away to sniffles. She took a deep breath and pulled away from the embrace. Though her eyes were still swollen and red, there was now a little color to her face. She looked better.

“Whoever’s slagger hole,” she said, shaking her head. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

“It seems like maybe you needed to,” Gath told her, still rubbing her back as she arranged herself to sit next to him.

“Yeah,” she said, “it’s still embarrassing. If you tell anyone about this, I’ll squash your bells together.”

“I wouldn’t want you to do that,” Gath said. “What’s seen here stays here. I’ll never say a word.”

She nodded. “Thanks,” she told him. “For everything.”

He gave her a one-armed hug and then released her. “Do you want to talk about it?”

She wiped at her face, clearing the last of the tears away, as she thought about this. “You always were a good listener,” she told him. “That was one of the reasons I really ... you know ... liked having you as a friend.”

“I’m still your friend, Taz,” he assured her. “Maybe not in the spacie context of the word, but in the friendship context. Obviously, something significant is going on to make a bad-slagger marine cry. Maybe I can help.”

She thought it over for another moment and then nodded. “I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to help, but I’ve got to talk to someone about this. I feel like my whole torkin’ life is spiraling out of control.”

“What’s the problem?” Gath encouraged.

“It’s Ox,” she said.

“What about him?”

“I talked to him on the commer last night,” she said. “He’s still stuck at berth up on Topside.” She hesitated for a moment. “He’s ... he’s against the concluding resolution.”

“Is he?” Gath asked, surprised. He would have thought Taz’s husband would have been full front in favor of it.

“That’s what he told me,” she said. “He’s opposed to it for the same reason Sparky is, for the same reason a lot of the marines and naval personnel are—because he thinks it is eventually going to be declared an illegal order and that those who participate in it are going to face repercussions.” She looked at him. “The same torkin’ thing you tried to tell me the other night.”

“Is that why you’re so upset?” he asked. “Because Ox is opposed?”

She shook her head vigorously. “No,” she said forcefully. “What do you take me for? You think I’d cry over some simple slag like that?”

“Well ... uh ... I don’t know,” he said weakly. “Your emotions were pretty strong about my disagreement with you, and I’m not even your husband.”

She dismissed that with a wave of her hand. “Thrusters and lasers,” she said, using the spaceborn analogy for two different things that could not and should not be compared to one another. “The reason I’m upset is because this torking resolution is putting Ox in a position where he may very well end up V-wasting his naval career.”

“What do you mean?”

“He got orders yesterday,” she said. “There is unrest going on at Mars Topside. Dock workers, naval personnel, and food production workers are getting extremely agitated and episodes of violence are occurring.”

“I’ve seen reports of that on the media channels,” Gath said.

“Well, apparently it’s getting worse and there are rumors of organization starting to spread among the agitators—most of whom are anti-resolution, of course.”

“Of course,” Gath agreed.

“Command is afraid that there might be an out and out uprising of some sort, so they’re sending a battalion of ninety marines from Earth to Mars to help out if the slag hits the intake. They want them there as quick as possible and the Magnum is the fastest ship available at Topside.”

“They’re going to put ninety marines and all of their weapons and equipment on a ninety-nine ship?” Gath asked. “Whoever wept. Where are they going to put them all?”

“It’ll be a little tight,” Taz agreed, “but that’s not the issue. Ox got his orders yesterday. He is going to have to declare opposition.”

“I suppose he will,” said Gath.

“Do you know what happens to ship captains who declare opposition?” she asked him, her voice angry again. “He’ll be relieved of command! And once a captain is relieved of command, it’s gone forever. He’ll never command another ship as long as he lives. He’ll never have another promotion! He’ll spend the rest of his career in the Fleet riding a torkin’ desk in some slaghole AZ orbital platform, ordering food stocks and torkin’ toilet paper!”

“Unless the concluding resolution is ruled illegal,” Gath said. “If that’s the case...”

“That slag doesn’t matter, Gath,” she told him, tears running down her eyes again. “He’s in a mothertorking impossible position. If he follows orders and the resolution is declared illegal he’ll be removed from command and likely prosecuted for following any orders related to it. If he declares himself in opposition, he’ll be removed from command immediately and it won’t even matter if the resolution is declared illegal. Someone else will have already taken his place by then and he won’t get his command back. And he’ll always be remembered as the captain who gave up his command, no matter what happens. They’ll never give him another. It’s torkin’ infuriating.”

“True,” Gath had to agree. “I don’t really see an easy way out of the box he’s in.”

“There is no way out,” Taz said. “And Ox knows it. He’s starting to talk some wild slag, Gath. He was torkin’ scaring me!”

“What kind of wild slag?”

“He ... he...” She took a deep breath, hardly able to say it. Finally, she spit it out. “He told me he was thinking about just getting in the ship and making a run for the circuit point so he can spread the news about what’s going on here.”

Gath raised his eyebrows up. “Really?”

“Torkin’ really,” she said. “Isn’t that the craziest torkin’ thing you’ve ever heard of?”

“Was he serious, do you think?” Gath asked.

“He seemed awful damn serious to me,” she said. “I don’t know that he would actually do something like that, but he’s certainly thinking it over. Do you have any idea what would happen if he did that? That’s Whoever damned mutiny! No matter how the concluding resolution comes out, he’ll be guilty of mutiny, stealing a torkin’ ship, and probably ten or fifteen other charges as well. I tried to talk him down when he mentioned it, but...”

“Could he actually do it?” Gath asked, feeling the beginnings of an idea forming in the back of his mind.

“What the tork are you talking about?” she demanded. “Is everyone going torkin’ mental around here?”

“Could he do it?” Gath repeated. “Is it physically possible for him to take that ship through the circuit points and get it to groundborn space without getting caught?”

Taz looked in his eyes, not liking one bit what she saw there, but she answered the question anyway. “He could do it,” she said. “With a little luck, anyway. There’s nothing faster than a ninety-nine in system right now except a few other ninety-nines that are hanging out. His officers are divided on the resolution, as are the enlisted, but there are enough of both that are loyal to him that he could operate with a skeleton crew. Why are you asking this slag, Gath? Tell me you’re not thinking it’s a good idea.”

“Word of what is going on here has to get out of this system, Taz,” he told her. “It has to get out before we reach the end of phase one. Ox’s ship just might be the answer.”

“Oh, Whoever’s left testicle,” she moaned. “Everyone has gone torkin’ mental.”

“But just getting out won’t be enough,” Gath said, the loose ends of the plan starting to thread together. “There needs to be ... evidence of what’s going on, and ... there needs to be someone who can testify before a judge and maybe a legislative body, someone who can turn the tide in favor of the homebodies and establish their right to live.”

“Who is that?” she asked.

He turned to her. “Are you still in favor of the resolution?” he asked.

The scowl on her face deepened. “No,” she said. “I’ve changed my mind. After that slag that went down with the data limits and especially after talking to Ox and hearing his rationale ... I’ve decided not to support the resolution until it’s been ruled on by a judge.”

Gath smiled, though a part of him marveled that he, her lover and closest confidant, had been unable to convince her to change her position but her husband, a man she hardly saw, had no sexual relations with, and had only spoken to via com link for most of their relationship had done so in one conversation. Maybe there really was something to these spacie marriages besides genetic and financial combinations. Maybe there really was a deeper friendship between them than a romantic relationship could foster.

He decided to leave that thought for later ponderance. Right now, something much more important was at hand. “Taz, I want you come back to my quarters with me.”

“What for?” she asked suspiciously. “I really appreciate you giving me a shoulder to cry on, but I don’t think I’m quite up for...”

“Not for that,” he said—although he certainly wouldn’t turn it down if it were offered. “I need you to get Ox on the comm for me. I want to speak to him.”

“Why?” she asked.

“I want to save his naval career,” he said. “And my own career as well, and yours, and the lives of all these homebodies on the planet.”

Ox—in holographic form—looked as miserable as Taz, but he seemed genuinely happy to see Gath.

“How are you doing, Gath?” he asked. “Taz updated me on what kind of slag is going down with you. Raw deal, huh?”

“Pretty raw all right,” Gath agreed. “Is this comm secure, Ox?”

“It should be,” he said. “It’s a person to person comm, and those are still privileged communications under the Fleet code of justice. Unless the ultra-whites have traveled way outside their sector, we should be able to speak freely.”

“I guess we’ll just have to chance it,” Gath said. At this point there was little he wouldn’t put past the ultra-whites.

“What are we chancing?” Ox said. “Taz, did you tell him what my situation is up here?”

Taz, who was hovering over Gath’s shoulder, just enough to keep her face in the holo camera’s view, looked immediately guilty. “I’m sorry, Ox,” she said. “I was very upset by the news and Gath came by and ... well ... I had to talk to someone. Gath hasn’t told anyone else.”

“And I don’t plan to,” Gath assured him.

Ox looked stern for a moment and then nodded. “I guess I did drop a full waste load on you last night, didn’t I?” he asked her.

“With chunks in it,” she agreed.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “So, Gath, you know what’s happening up here. I’m pretty much slagger-torked no matter what I do, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Maybe not,” Gath said.

“Oh?” Ox said. “Taz tells me you’re pretty smart for a groundie. Did you come up with a miraculous plan to somehow get me clear of this slag-storm?” He did not sound hopeful by any means, just sarcastic.

“Maybe I have,” Gath replied.

Ox gave a cynical smile. “By all means, let’s hear it.”

“I’m still kind of putting things together in my head,” Gath said, “but before I go any further, I need to ask you something.”

“Fire at will,” Ox told him.

“How serious were you about taking your ship and making a run for the circuit point?”

Ox let his head hang down while he shook it back and forth. “Whoever wept, Taz. You told him that part too?”

“You seemed torkin’ serious about it to me,” Taz barked at him. “What the purg do you think I was the most worried about? For Whoever’s sake, Ox!”

He looked back up at them. “I’d had a few down at the club before I talked to Taz,” he said. “I was venting. I don’t think I’m quite ready to go full-on mutiny as a way to express my opposition to a poorly thought out plan.”

“A mutiny is in the eye of the beholder,” Gath said. “Ox, word needs to get out of this system about what is going on here. It has to. If we just let things go as they are, virtually the entire breeding age population of Earth is going to be permanently sterilized in the next one hundred days and the genocide will be irrevocable. Do you disagree with this statement?”

“No,” Ox said. “I do not.”

“You have, at your hands, a way to stop the genocide from being carried out to completion. Far Space command, who issues orders to you, have proven themselves unworthy of that trust by their initiation of the plan in the first place and their repeated, illegal actions to suppress information and keep it here in the system. The ratslag probe shortage, the holding of ships in the system, and, most recently, the data transfer limits designed quite obviously to keep the data probes from firing. In addition, they are arbitrarily and punitively transferring personnel who oppose their plans and try to thwart them. I believe there is a very strong argument, both legal and ethical, that any order given from Far Space command is an illegal one on the basis of breech of trust and violation of mission statement.”

Same as Homebodies
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Fuck her cunt

Raveena tandon, the famous Bollywood actress and mast mast girl of the 90’s had been enjoying her married life, and being mother to her 2 Kids. But she was thinking about making a comeback and start working In films again. Her husband was also supportive of her idea. She was Going through a few scripts but was not able to decide which film she Should accept. Then she went to attend a high profile party at a five Star hotel on a saturday night with her husband. Raveena and her Husband were...

4 years ago
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بعد قراءة الكومنتات الللا اكيد استفدت منها قررت اكمل الحكاية العجيبة وهكملها بالعاميه. لما نزلنا من الاتوبيس الشاب ده قعدنى فى كافيتريا عالبحر وطلبلى مانجه فريش واستااذت منى لمدة10 دقايق وسابنى ومشا وانا شربت المانجا ولقيت عقلى ابتدا يشتغل: ايه الجنان ده؟ هتنامى مع واحد ماعرفتيهوش الا ساعة زمن ولا اكتر شوية؟ وحتى ماتعرفيش ان كان هيرحك ولا هيتعبك؟ طب مش جايز هيجيب حد معاه وانتى مبتحبيش كده؟ مش جايز يفضحك ولا يصورك ولا حتى يقتلك؟ جرالك ايه ياحيوانه دانتى كده زيك زى الشرموطة اللى بتقبل تتناك من...

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Sex With A Slutty Woman

Hi readers… thanks for your excellent feed back for my first story “fantastic 4 days”. Your comments encouraged me to write my next experience. For new readers… this is Rahul from TamilNadu, 5.11, 70kg, fair complex with 6.5 inch weapon always ready to attack. This incident happened before 2 years when i was 20. It was 2 weeks since we have shifted to new apartment. It’s a Sunday, i started for a jog by 6 am when i noticed this lady with tracks, tops and shoe. Those huge melons are going up and...

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ks These Days

The video shows this: A cell phone moving through the kitchen at a loud party, in to the living room. A strobe light, loud hip hop. Young bodies grinding against each other. Wonky guys hoping to see some action. The women dance and flirt, but push the guys away at the last moment. Teasing is fun. The cycle repeats as the phone moves through the crowd, bumping against swishing dark bodies until–An opening. A couch against the wall. Some people are watching and laughing, others are steering clear...

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BackroomCastingCouch Autumn 02122018

Autumn is only 18 years old and like a good girl she is studying hard in college to one day become a physician assistant – but she has probably already watched more porn than you, judging by her insane blowjob and deep-throating skills. Seriously, this teen ranks in the top 10 of all time. That self-gagging, deep throating, spit throwing mess she causes is one for the ages. As if that weren’t enough, her monthly visitor shows up riiiiight when Vince is about to give her teen pussy...

4 years ago
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Carlys Story Chpt 3 Bad Morning After

CARLY"S STORY Chpt. 3 BAD MORNING AFTER I awoke. That's the best I can describe it because everything was wrong. The pain was the first thing, my stomach, my testicles, my anus, my legs, even my neck and jaw all screamed at once. I had breasts. I had long hair. I smelled awful, a mix of cum, piss, shit, and sweat. I was on my bed, but wearing high heels, a mini skirt, and a girls top. As awareness and memory after memory came crashing in, things went from bad to horrible. I...

3 years ago
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Gassed in an Elevator

This is just a short story inspired by an excellent tale I read on here, but please know that this is entirely fictional, and is my own creation, please enjoy :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Ok, I'll see you sometime soon, thank you for the nice tea, speak soon!"I chirped to my friend, having just kissed her goodbye on the cheek. I only visited her for a couple hours to have a good ol' girlie natter over a cup of tea at her...

2 years ago
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Jennys Last Day

Jenny's Last Day by: Paul G Jutras When Jimmy put on his blonde wig he became Jenny. A beautiful woman with deep blue pools for eyes. The type of eyes men loved to drown in. He always thought he could make it as a model, but was too afraid to go for his dreams. That was, until Sunny came into his life. Sunny Boone was a talent scout by trade and a scum bag by nature. Anything for a buck was his motto. There were even some rumors that he was involved with shipping women overseas into...

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Saga Of Babu And Menka

By : Menka Bhatia My name is Menka, now a 32-year-old woman with an infant babe aged some 8 months. I am very attractive, wheatish in complexion, endowed with a good height (5’7”) and a voluptuous body (36/30/36), and very horny since my adolescence. I came to Mumbai 9 years ago from a small town in Uttar Pradesh.  Well, I lost my virginity at 18 to one my senior cousin who used to stay with us to carry on with his studies at a local college. His name was Shekhar who had not only taught me...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 17

Maiden by Decree Chapter 17 Captivity Or: I Really Need to Find a Better Class of Kidnappers "Tell me how this happened." Garret surveyed the splattered gore, and disheveled bed then turned to Chalmnessa's Guard Captain with a look that would have cracked granite. "How did anyone, let alone more than one person, get in here to do this without being spotted before they reached this point or when they were...

2 years ago
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A Charming Find

Tim had a long walk to home but enjoyed his time while in the great outdoors. Many a time he would walk alone, just for time to think and the exercise he got. There was one walking time when he thought of it as nothing different than any before, but it proved him wrong. He would whistle a merry tune to pace his stepping along, feeling more refreshed that day because of the date being early into the fall season. He took deep breaths of the fresh air and felt the strength that only people of...

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Tennessee Waltz

I was enjoying a quiet pint in what had become my local pub. I'd found the Fisherman's Arms - that was tucked away, some way off the beaten track - by chance just after I'd moved into the village, about three years previous. In the height of the summer season some holidaymakers found the pub, but not very many; so the place tended to cater more to the regular locals. On this evening, there couldn't have been ten people in the place, so it was nice and quiet, just how I liked things. It was...

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The GovernorChapter 13 The Locket

"Mr Pendrill. I want to play a game." "A game?" "That's right. A game. If you succeed, everything you desire will be yours. If you fail, you return to your early morning duties and you lose out on the fantastic opportunity that I've been offering you. It's that simple. This is the big one and it's for SJ6: the department, the whole caboodle. It's all or nothing. Do you understand, Mr. Pendrill?" Howard swallowed hard, and he straightened and stiffened his back. "Yes," he...

1 year ago
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BFFs Jessica Lozano Jessa Blue Coralee Summers Hoes Before Bros

Jessica Lozano loves pussy and hates dumb guys. Her two best friends are having some boy trouble so Jessica decides that she is gonna show the girls once and for all how much better it is to be with girls. And she is going to record the whole thing. She invites the girls over and hides the camcorder just out of sight. She lures each of the girls back into her bedroom to makeout with them individually. Soon after that, the girls are all rolling around naked on the ground, eating each others...

4 years ago
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Where mistakes may take you Part 2

Now the kiss had confused Katie. She wasn’t a lesbian, she wasn’t even bisexual, but she could notice a women’s beauty and therefore appreciate it. Admittedly, she had formed a slight crush on Lucy during the short time she had known her, but that doesn’t mean she could go from being as straight as ruler to being either lesbian or bisexual… Could it? Katie entered her squalid apartment, barely big enough to accommodate a dog never mind a fully grown adult, but it was home. After spending the...

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The SocietyChapter 3

Once again Sondra busied herself with family matters. Ginger had been given a small part in a school play and Sondra tried to keep her mind occupied with playing chauffeur for the budding actress, baking cookies for Cindy's class bake sale and serving as chairperson for a charity fund raiser. In addition, Brad has twice asked her to meet him for lunch during the past week, a most unexpected and enjoyable break from the housewife routine. She realized that despite the pressures which seemed...

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Boarding School

Sumnima Rai, a young and beautiful Nepalese girl was standing at the doors of what was to be her home for the next couple of months. It was barely her first day, yet her friend Garima had shown her around the grounds already. She knew it was going to be tough living away from home. Was she ready though? Sumnima herself was always considered among the most attractive girls. Very petite, short and slim, with a cute barely-visible butt, fairly long slender legs, raven-black hair going down to her...

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My friends dad

I'm Callie and I have a friend named Jeanette. We're best friends and have had a select few small arguments, but that's it. Her parents got divorced 3 years before I met her in high school just before we were Juniors. My dad died when I was little and I live with my mom. We all live in New Jersey, where Jeanette and I are both in college and inseparable. I'm 24 and she is 23. But she still lived with her dad John. He's 42, but looked more like 35 honestly. He was a little attractive to me...

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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 9

I spun Bethany out of her damp towel and pushed her down on my bed. She had a broad grin as she scooted back against the rumpled sheets and jumbled pillows. The explosions from the video game in Joe’s room were loud enough to cover any kind of accidental noises we might make. My towel tumbled down to the floor as I crawled up on the bed between her legs. “I’m gonna fuck you,” I growled. “Good,” Bethany gasped as I ran my hands ran up her things. Her small bushy nest had dew drops I licked...

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Wilmington Womans Club Ch 10

Chapter 10 Bernie’s Exhibitionist Fling Bernie had two more dates with Eddie Boyle, but neither ended with anything close to the excitement he’d generated on the condo stairs during the hurricane. She began avoiding his calls, and after a brief interval, Eddie looked elsewhere. Val was puzzled, for Bernie, while good looking didn’t seem to attract all that many suitors, if suitor’s translated into desirable hunks. But Val had her Joe, and while she was concerned about Bernie’s lack of...

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NaughtyGirl Round One

I was away on a business trip, was a long day. I went to the bar at the hotel for a few drinks before heading to my room. The bar wasn’t very busy but I noticed her as soon as I walked in. She was hot as hell, young for this 45 year old guy but her mouth got my attention first. Sexy red lips, her tongue kept licking them in such a sexy way. You could hear her sexy laugh throughout the bar. I moved closer to where she was standing to get a better view. She was gorgeous, long brown hair… curvy...

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Aarons New Stepsister

Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....

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Cleaning lady 3 ndash Had to happen

Well guys, and galls alike I suppose, looking back, I imagine t had to happen. I’m pretty busy with clients and stuff these days but yesterday was cleaning day and I decided to work at home. You know the set up. I’m in my office and Theresa comes in on her own every two weeks.The temperature yesterday was 89 degrees and humid. I have to admit I was looking forward to seeing what she would wear and I wasn’t disappointed. White T-Shirt, as usual, lacy bra, as usual but this time transparent. You...

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Enjoying Life With Friend8217s Wife Shallu

Mera naam romil hai aur mai dehradun ka rehne vala hun, filhal mai delhi ke mnc mai software developer hun. Mera lund 6″5′ lumba hai aur 2″5′ mota hai.Jo ke kisi bhi unsatisfied women ko satisfy kar sakta hai. So anyone interested or want to take advise aur simply talk can mail me at- “”. Mere colleague jo ke mera bahut acha friend hai uski shaadi thi 15 din tke baad. Magar mera usa mai office trip ke vajah se mai attend nahi kar paya. Fir jab mai vahan vapas lauta to usse milne gaya usne mujhe...

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The Gifted Part One

It was an unseasonably cold night in October and Amber Shelton had had a bad feeling.She would have them from time to time, the bad feelings. When she was a little girl she would call them her feels. They were relatively infrequent, and there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for when they would occur. Most of the time, they never amounted to much, like being able to predict a happening or see the future.Most of the time.There was, however, one incident at Lake Leamore. Amber was ten. The...

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Me and my little sisterpart two

Shit, I just realized that I'll be called down to supper in a few minutes and I can't very well show up with a massive boner. Just as I was about ready to jerk off, my little sister came running in and said Mom said to tell you dinner will be ready in ten minutes. She looked at the bulge in my pants and started walking towards me. I asked her what she was doing and she said she ought to finish what she had started earlier. I told her that there wasn't enough time but she ignored me and got...

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Extra Credit FutaFemale ProfessorStudent Black

*All characters are 18 or older.*I am the original author of this story.The classroom was articulately quiet as the students penned away at their exams. Pencils and erasers going left and right. Mrs. Hannah sat at the head of the class behind her large oak desk, on her very comfortable swivel chair. She was leaning back against the back of the chair, her hands folded just below the curve of her bosom. Adamantly content with the silence of the room.Only it wasn’t silent. The students couldn’t...

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How I became a voyeur my first look at a mature p

To start this is a true story. No mental scars though. The time was early 70’s no porn mags just the Sears lingerie section or topless African women in National Geographic. I was hanging out with my friend when his little b*****r fell asl**p on the couch. His mom asked someone to carry him up to bed, after the usual wining from his b*****r I volunteered. I picked him up carried him up the stairs to bed and then realized that I didn’t know what room was his. I looked around and then saw his Aunt...

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How To Get a Body Like Mine

How To Get a Body Like Mine By Akira Marx "You know you look ridiculous, right?" Kim's mocking voice surrounded him. Her chiding had kept up steadily while Noah got ready for work. "I thought you said you were going to leave me alone," he grunted while he hiked up his pants for the umpteenth time that morning. Even with the belt pulled as tight as he could get it, they kept sliding down, only stopped from dropping all the way to the floor by his widened hips and newly pronounced...

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Late Night Call

It was a Friday night and my husband was working late (as always), so I was home alone watching some horror movie on television. I remember it was raining outside and the thunder was very loud. So when the phone rang it frightened me. "Ring, Ring." I jumped, and proceeded to answer. "Hello," I answered in my sexiest voice. "Is this Sahsha?" the person asked in an even more manly, sexy voice. “Why, yes it is," I answered while looking over at the clock, which read 11pm. "May I ask to whom am I...

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My Stepmother Part Two

My Stepmother-Part Two As we drove back to my apartment I couldn't help but wonder if this was all a bad dream or a dream come true. After all, I've been in love with wearing dresses, and everything that goes with that, for most of my life. The thought of being able to wear a dress on a daily basis in public was both exciting and scary. Was this what my Step Mother meant when she said, "I prefer you this way and we need to figure out a way to keep you in dresses" or was...

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Magnetic ass of my sister2

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the continuation of my story “Magnetic ass of my sister”. Finally I told my sister about my friend’s agreement. She said, “No. I am not a whore to fuck all the guys” “Please Elcy, please if you wont agree he may tell the relationship between us to everyone he know. The matter will be spread to all the fellows we know and unknown fellows too” I said her. “Oh Shit!” “If you agree to fuck him, the matter stays between us. so..” She put her hand on...

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Becky and Her Son Chapter 3

The two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms. Becky awoke several hours later and wondered if it had all been a wonderful dream. Then she felt her son lying beside her and realized that it wasn't a dream. He had fucked her and as if too prove it she slipped her hand between her legs. When her fingers returned covered in sticky cum she no longer doubted that her son had fucked her. She turned on her side and saw him sleeping peacefully. While she didn't want to wake him she could not...

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Off The Deep EndChapter 2

I didn't actually learn Nao's name until a few days later. Each day after practice we had to haul in the lane markers, clearing the pool for the university water polo team to practice. Coach rotated through a different grade level each day, and made boys and girls alike go through the process of heaving out the massive storage reels and hauling in the cables with the plastic floats. Usually the boys did the heavy work of turning the wheel whilst the girls made sure that the lane markers...

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The Blinding White

Chicago, Illinois — 2006 Laresa sighed, unable to assist her Mistress due to the last command Hanna had spit out in a drug-fogged fit of pique. Just stand over there invisible and watch. Stay out of this. I can handle my fucking high, okay? Laresa shook her head sadly as she remembered the words, knowing they weren't true then, and certainly weren't true now. Bent over the arm of a sofa, Hanna was finally unconscious after two days of indulgence. Sticky trails led from her sex and the...

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Mummy Pratima Ko Randi Banaya Part II

By : Wick I had been fucking my bitch Pratima almost every day after that, I did not introduce any more gangbangs as I did not want neighbors finding out. I have a girlfriend Ragini. She is also quite an attractive girl. I got together with her when I was 18. As years went by I found out that she had an enormous sex apetite, she could probably outlast a Randi easily. And she sometimes behaved like one, but I am no saint either, so even after some serious issues we stayed together, We often...

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Rupali Ki Chudai

Hello dosto mera naam rahul hai aur main ist ka bahut purana member hun…main yahn dusron ki sex stories ke bahut kisse sune…kabhi mujhe aisa lga nhi ki main bhi kabhi yahan apni kahani likhunga aur aap sab se share krunga….So,mera naam rahul hai aur main ek 5’8” ek smart guy hun…jo ki kafi ladkiyan kehti h.Mera lund approx. 6inch ka hai. So,main siddha kahani pe aata hun yeah kahani rupali(changed name) ki h jo mere ghar ke paas hi rehti thi….Ooh by the way I am from chandigarh and main kisi...

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Trophy Wife by loyalsock

When I look back on what happened last month, I definitely blame myself to a large extent. I’ve been married to my gorgeous and sexy wife for 12 years. My wife Lea has an incredible body – the kind that all men dream about getting to screw at least once in their lifetime. She has long legs leading up to a great shapely ass, the most amazing tits that I’ve ever seen and to top it all off, her face is beautiful with stunning eyes and sexy lips. Lea and I met during my junior year in college and...

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True Story Best Anal Sex to me

True Story – Best Anal sex I ever hadI’m now in my early 40s, I started getting fucked when I was about 24. I can still remember the first time I tried it, the guy was very gentle, average cock and yet I recall crying my way home with a sore ass. I bought a few toys ranging from butt plugs to a 16” double dildo. It took me a few years of practice and even now my hole still gets tight right before I get fucked.Ok to the story, I had been chatting with this guy I met on A4A for a couple of...

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My InheritanceChapter 18 Lisa Leaves

It was three days to Christmas as Andy, Mary, Lisa and I drove in the Bronco from Aspen. Thanks to the Colorado Highway Department, the roads were clear with mounds of snow packed along side, but I kept the truck in four wheel drive. We stopped at the ranch in Glenwood Springs, then in Vail to get Lisa’s possessions. We were taking her to the Denver airport. Lisa was leaving us. Mary and Lisa had been discussing it for three days now. Lisa finally explained it all to me, punctuated it with...

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two at once

She was living every girl’s secret dirty fantasy. She was standing in the middle of a crowd of onlookers, trying to stop the madness while at the same time secretly and shamefully loving it. “Back off,” Matty was yelling, “she’s mine.” “Like hell she is,” Jake was yelling in reply as he pushed Matty. “Guys, just stop it,” she tried feebly to be heard over the noise. Matty was pissed- no way was he going to get pushed around in front of this entire crowd, especially in front of Jenna. He threw...

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Oolong at Midnight Chamomile at Dawn

The First Mona Youngblood Story Mona Youngblood had a good view of her apartment from her hidden vantage point. Which is, of course, the point of hiding for advantage. Or, in this particular case, hiding for safety, since there was an intruder standing not six meters away from her. Having worked for several years on the fringes of society and the law, Mona had the foresight and the resources to extensively remodel this apartment. There was a very good wall safe behind an oil original in...

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My First Time

I could feel my heart racing as I parked my car in the driveway. I texted her to let her know that I had arrived, waiting anxiously for her answer. She told me her front door was open and to let myself in. I excitedly walked up to the front door and made my way inside my goddess' house. I had waited for this moment every since I first met her online all those months ago, wanting nothing more than to serve this ebony trans goddess anyway that I could. "I'm upstairs, come one up," she called to...

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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 38

Mom and Dad, along with Vince and Donna, arrived two weeks before the wedding. They moved into two of the rooms in the house. We all went out for dinner and the women spent the entire evening talking about the wedding. The next morning, we all went to the new property to show everyone the trailer and the progress on the lodge. Dad and Mom commented on the trailer, telling us how nice it was. “This is going to be great,” Mom said as we stood at the building site looking down at the...

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A Mothers LoveChapter 3

Mum switched on the set and we sat together on the big four seater sofa, "Is there any football on mum?" "You're not watching bloody football that's for sure" "Just have a flick through to see" "No chance" "Aw mum" She burst out laughing, "You sound just like a naughty little schoolboy" "Here's one mum" I said as Sarah Michelle Geller appeared on the screen, "It's called Cruel Intentions, it's supposed to be good" "Okay, let's get the other bottle" We filled...

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a game

It started with just me and my wife having a little fun well really turns me on when other guys want her so we used to go to the bar and we can go in separate and I would sit there watch all them horny guys hit on her and she would flirt back she's a little want to be s*** even though she pretends not to be and of course I get a little jealous but I like that as the years went by watching guys touching on my wife it kind of got boring to me little did she know I wouldn't mind sharing her so as...

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Bbc vacation

In the winter Sarah and I took a week-long trip to Aruba. I told her that this might be a chance to fuck some other guys with big black cocks.On our first day there we came out of our beachfront hotel room to find a volleyball game going on. There were about eight young black natives playing along with five or six white tourists, and they invited us to join them. Sarah had played volleyball in college, and as she became active in the game I could see her breasts bouncing around under her...

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Notes on a Sandal

Notes On A Sandal Jay, of this site, was the lucky man who got to tell me what to do onSaturday. He suggested I go out, shopping/whatever with no knickers on. It's not unheard of, but I usually do wear a nice snug 9 string, not least because, well I don't want to do a Pairs Hilton getting out of my sports car, and partly because, well this is quite embarrassing, I get rather wet down there, quite often and I would hate to dribble! I figured the best way to get into danger, as it were, would...

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Best Friends Son

Greg and Sarah Murphy pulled into their driveway after going to the store to retrieve a few last minute items for their cookout. The gathering was intended to celebrate a number of occasions from their 19th wedding anniversary to the return of Greg’s longtime friend, Edrick, from Kuwait. They grabbed the bags and walked inside the comfortable split-level home they had purchased seven years previously. Their marriage had been like any other – plenty of good times and a few bad ones as well. They...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 3 Jock Trouble

Two of our school’s bad-boy jocks decided to visit one Friday night unannounced. The not so bright jocks bragged about their plan in the locker room. The coach did not hear them but he took action when two team members told him. (I’m piecing this together from bit and pieces I learned later so it’s not absolutely 100% sure to be exactly what went on outside of my hearing.) Coach thanked them and told them to totally ignore what they heard. “I will set things in motion that will prevent them...

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Vegas Adventure

My name is Keith, and my friend Ellie and I have a lot in common. We are married….but not to each other and we have an incredible sexual attraction to each other. We also like to explore new things and just go with what feels good. We are both much more adventurous than our partners and have, over the years, explored that side of ourselves. Recently I found myself in Vegas for a week long convention and made arrangements for Ellie to join me. In anticipation of the trip, I had done some...

Group Sex
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Last Wives Club 8 A Favor Sent

Not long after the first time that I whored myself out to enhance my husband's career, Dan was offered a promotion into senior management. He would become a vice-president and head of a division. He would have to move to another city, Columbus, Ohio, but I could find work there in my field. I consulted with Mrs. Cardinal to verify that the Last Wives Club would help if my company wouldn't transfer me. He accepted the promotion and we made preparations to have a commuter marriage until the kids...

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Brians New HousekeeperChapter 15 Epilogue Part 2

Kirstin could not believe she was doing what she was doing. She felt her hands pressing against two obvious erections and she stared hard at Brian’s prick, watching it continue to pulse as she tried to make herself go along with his instructions. So much of her was at war that she was frozen in place for a long minute, staring while slowly, almost absentmindedly, caressing the two strange cocks. She was so aroused, and Brian had seemed to know just how to get her worked up, but still she was...

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Mamaseer eto madhu

Er aage masee’r kachhe ekebare hate-nate dhara pore chhilam bathroomer darja’r chhidro diye mayer chan kara dekhte giye. Sedin masee aamar kaan dhore kitrim raag dekhiye chhilo, ebong ma ke bole dibe bolechhilo. Kaan dhore aamake tar roome niye baka-jhaka kore bolechhilo “kire madana, paji, badmash, bathroomer darjar chhidro diye khub maja kore ma-masee’r nagta dekhish na? Aamake dekhish bhalo katha, didi jadi ter pay tabe ki kandota hobe bolto? Bashay bashe vcd, dvd te american, hindi, bangla...

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