Justin Nanny
- 4 years ago
- 43
- 0
Sandy said, “I think I might know someone who would be interested in a job as a nanny. She’s been one of my waitresses when we do big parties, and she’s reliable as anything, personable, and I’ve known her for two decades. She’d be perfect. She just finished launching her own kids that she started when she was in college, is suffering from empty nest syndrome, is a widow – he died in an auto accident, and has been wondering what to do with her life. She hasn’t been a player in any of our late-in-the-party games though.”
Alice said, “Call her ... right now. See if she can come over and talk to us.”
Sandy pulled out her cellphone, and punched in a number.
An hour later, an attractive forty-plus-year-old came into the house after Sandy met her at the door. “Ladies, this is Tammy Reinhold. Among other things, she was on my cheerleader squad, and she is one who can probably still fit into her old uniform too.”
Tammy greeted everyone, and instantly there was a bond with the pretty middle-aged brunette.
Alice and Sandy described the situation in the house, and the need for a nanny. Of course, she skipped over a few salient facts about the household to get to meat of the situation with the children.
Tammy said, “Wait, I don’t understand. Is this like a condominium, and the new moms are hiring someone? Are there apartments here?”
Sandy winked at Alice. She said, “Tammy, let me give you a tour. Brad and I live here about half-time.” She rose and Tammy did too. The two women headed off towards the lounge area and patio. Sandy was saying, “No, it’s not like a condominium. Do you remember the French house on campus that was co-ed, and all the students used to... ?”
Lynn bounced Marshall on her lap. She laughed, “Either she’ll run past here screaming about sexual misconduct, or we’ll have a nanny by the end of the tour.”
Michelle said, “And probably another member of The Circle. She’s cute, and will appeal to the men, and I admit I wouldn’t mind playing with her either.”
Lynn needled her friend, both of them in their fifties, “Oh, you slut. You just like younger women.”
Michelle nodded, “Yes. The pussy tastes younger and fresher.” She was obviously teasing, and playing at being naughty with her best friend, who tried to look insulted as she looked down at her crotch.
Steph was laughing at their antics.
Twenty minutes later, Sandy and Tammy returned to the living room. Tammy’s eyes were certainly large, as though she’d had a real dose of reality. She sat down silently.
Lynn put Marshall in her lap, and went off with Michelle to get more toddlers. She was back in two minutes with Theodore and Ariana. Alice appeared with Patrick, and Steph brought in the other two babies.
Tammy fussed over the babies, and cooed and played with them the way you’d expect a seasoned mother to do. They smiled and giggled and liked her immediately.
After a while Sheila appeared to claim Marshall, and together with the grandmothers, they took the kids off to the lounge area.
Tammy said, “I want the job, but we haven’t talked about the rest of it. Am I even what you want?”
Alice said, “This all started in a conversation only an hour or so ago. Can we come up with an offer to you?”
Tammy said, “Yes, of course, but know that I’ll probably take it regardless. Based on what Sandy said, I know you’ll be more than fair.” She hesitated and added, “I’d almost work for free just to see what goes on around this household. I can’t imagine thirty people living together in harmony the way Sandy described. My late-husband and I often couldn’t get along with each other, and there were only two of us; trying to do that with thirty is unimaginable.”
Sandy laughed and retorted, “There’s safety in numbers.”
Steph tossed in, “The sex helps solve all problems.” She grinned at her own remark.
Tammy asked the women, “You really sleep with all the men?”
Sandy retorted with a laugh, “Well, usually not all at the same time, and sleep is seldom on the agenda, but yes, over a period of a week or two, I will make love with each of the men, and many of the women.”
Tammy asked in a hushed tone, “But don’t you feel kind of ... I don’t know...”
Sandy said, “Slutty is the word you’re groping for, and the answer is rarely. Many people love each of us. The sex is one important expression of that love. As I mentioned on our tour, everyone in the house seems to be a little oversexed.”
Alice said proudly, “I believe I’m a genuine nymphomaniac.”
Sheila stood with Marshall on her hip. She’d listened to the last couple of minutes of discussion. She said to Tammy, “Hi, I’m Sheila. You should know that we have some illustrious people as part of our circle.” She winked at Alice.
Alice said, “Oh, yes. Renee Duval lives with us when she’s home. Right now she’s in London and Paris with Ellen, her assistant, who also lives here.”
“You mean the supermodel?” Tammy said with awe in her voice.
“Yes,” Sheila said. “We also have Marlene Mason and Tina Valentino as circle members.”
Tammy gave her a blank stare. “I don’t know those names. Should I?”
Sheila smiled, “They’re both porn queens, but for that matter some of us are too.” She winked at Alice and Sandy. “We’re all dormant ‘stars’ right now. I tell you this because I don’t want you to get here and discover some of this as a huge surprise and run screaming for the door.”
“Do they still make videos or whatever they did as porn queens?” Tammy was not reacting in a negative way, only appearing to ask out of curiosity.
“No. Tina works at a spa doing massage, and is working on getting certified as a physical therapist – not an easy task, I might add. Marlene works with Alex, also one of our members, doing investments in penny stocks. She’s catapulted her own net worth from near zero into millions, and is working with Alex to do that that for some of his firm’s investment clients.”
“And the rest of you?”
Alice said, “I usually work from home doing web design work on a freelance basis.”
Sheila said, “I work for a financial advisory service, sort of in the same area as Marlene and Alex, but with a different bent. I also work with clients, and I just got promoted to major accounts investment manager about a month ago.”
Tammy looked at Steph.
Steph replied, “Paralegal, and I think I might be starting a new job Monday. I’m not a mother, by the way.” She paused and added, “Yet.”
Alice stepped in, “Some of our other circle members are engineering managers, land developers, photographers, claims adjusters, researchers in pharmaceuticals, home and commercial construction, bank manager, optical sales, TV news anchor, and on and on. We have a pretty robust group of professionals with demanding jobs; it’s why we need some help with the kids.”
Tammy nodded. Obviously ignoring the negative that she’d reacted to, she said, “Just let me know what I need to know, and tell me when you want me here.”
Sandy and Alice exchanged looks. Alice said, “Either Sandy or I will definitely call you tomorrow before the end of the day.”
At dinner that night, Alice brought up Steph’s idea. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have another latent need that was called to our attention today by Steph.” She gestured at Steph, who instantly blushed.
Steph said, “I just observed how Lynn and Michelle were so tired by early afternoon tending to the children, and everyone is so busy. It just seemed that The Circle should hire a nanny or two. We shouldn’t be tiring our own grandmothers.” She looked back at Alice to pick up the thread.
Before Alice could speak, several at the table were mumbling ‘Of course,’ ‘Duh,’ ‘How’d we miss this one,’ and so on.
Alice said, “Sandy?” She gestured to her friend.
Sandy said, “So, I know a woman who’s a new empty nester, cute, ex-cheerleader, widow, and a ball of energy, and loves kids, and I called her. Tammy Howard is her name. She came over and saw our set up, and is ready to start.”
Bob said, “How much does she want?”
Sheila offered, “Maybe the moms pool some money together to pay her and...”
Bob said in a loud tone that made everyone stop and take notice, “NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.” Everyone looked at him in alarm. He started, “I’m sorry Sheila, but I had to interrupt. This is not something that only the mothers do. When we decided to have children, it was a unanimous GROUP vote – we ALL wanted kids around. We went out of our way pretty much to be sure that paternity is uncertain, so every man and every woman is in on this journey. This is a Circle expense, NOT something that only the mothers pay for. If anyone disagrees, please speak up.”
Heads nodded around the table, and no one said a word.
Bob gestured back to Alice.
“Ooooookaaaay. Now, I looked up nanny pay. The high end for a ‘live out’ nanny is about $18.50 an hour, but there are benefits and overtime atop that, and some kind of bonus, probably at Christmas time, plus vacations.”
Jim looked at Sandy, “Is she really good?”
Sandy puffed up, “I’ll put my reputation on the line for her. Yes, she will be outstanding.”
Jim said, “Then we should pay her at a premium of $20 an hour, and increase to $22 after six months if all goes well; overtime beyond forty hours should be at $30 an hour; three weeks vacation paid; and we can pick up her healthcare under our Circle plan. We should also get her some insurance and put her on some kind of IRA or 401k or whatever too.”
Heads again nodded.
Bob stepped in, “Is what Jim said all right? We’ll pay her out of the general fund. Objections? Comments?”
There were none.
Tammy started at noon the next day.
Bob was down on the floor playing with Teddy and Ariana, both of whom were nearing the two-year-old mark. The floor was littered with various toys.
Tammy sat on the sofa beside them holding Patrick, Ellie’s baby, and Charlyn, Tina’s baby. Sheila had taken Marshall on some errands, and Monica was working from home and had little Alyson upstairs with her.
Monica, Ellie, and Tina were still nursing their babies, a point the men relished with glee because their breasts were swollen and looked marvelous, plus they often got to taste the nurturing milk.
Tammy said to Bob in a low tone, “I watched you suck on Monica’s breasts yesterday; you actually drank some of her milk.”
Bob laughed and teased, “It tasted good, and I got to suck on one of my favorite teats.”
She blushed, “I also saw Derek and Kyle making out with Tracy – at the same time. They then all went off to her bedroom.”
Bob asked, “Did those things bother you in some way? I apologize if we were out of line. Alice said that Sandy told you about our lifestyle.”
Tammy said in an embarrassed tone, “Well, I guess it’s the difference between hearing about something and actually seeing it in action.”
“I’ll remind my family to be a more discreet around you. We don’t want to lose our great nanny only a few days into her having joined us.”
“Oh, no. Please don’t say anything,” Tammy pleaded. She blushed and said in her quiet tone again, “I kind of liked seeing it.”
Bob chuckled and teased, “The you that you wish you were?”
“Yeah, kind of.
Neil came into the living room, “Ah, Mr. Cooper, I was thinking of chicken parmigiana as the entrée tonight, along with salads, a tasty dessert, and some special vegetables. Is that all right?”
Bob rolled his eyes, “Please, call me Bob. Mr. Cooper is my father. The dinner sounds delightful, and I also remind you that you are in charge of the menu unless you decide to serve liver and onions, or haggis with lima beans, in which case I will be part of the posse that lynches you.”
Tammy moved bare assed to the bathroom where she quickly bunched up toilet paper to wipe the juices from her sensitively swollen and hairless sex, catching the juices before they oozed too low. The girl continued to ponder her future. Stuck like this. The thought made her grin self consciously. Nervously. She shivered. A girl. Small. Sexy. Under John's thumb. Never to be a man again... belly swelling with his child. Breasts laden with milk. A sense of forbidden desire clouded these...
Babygirl As told by my Wife and Nanny Jane. YES, I am going to Vegas with the girls Don and I am not going to discuss this any more. You know the girls and I have been planning this trip for 2 months and the tickets have already been purchased so quit your griping. You travel alone plenty for your work now its my turn. Damn, I wish you would stop whining like such a baby about it. Really Don, I know you really want me to go so you can hang out and read your porn, eat chocolate...
It had only been intended as a fun night out on the town, my husband's first attempt at going out dressed as his persona Tammy. He had revealed to me very early in our relationship that he liked to dress up in women's clothing. I have to admit, while most women might be horrified by the prospect, I was bit intrigued and even a little turned on. In college I had explored my lesbian side, and it seemed like with Tammy I'd get the best of both worlds. It had been by my encouragement that...
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The Nanny Belladonna This was not how I thought my life would go. When I found out about the opening, I never figured that I would get this attached. About 6 months ago, I was an unemployed college graduate. I had worked for almost 3 years after I graduated from college before I was lost my job when my employer went under. It took some adjusting when I found that it was practically impossible to get a job. I had to give up my apartment and move back in with my mother. She was...
I slowly came to consciousness lying face down in a puddle of salty, filthy water. I inhaled a little into my nose, making me cough violently and waking me up. I sat up, having no idea where I was. As I looked around, it hit me like a bolt, my recollection of the night before. I was sitting in a puddle of cold salt water in the left-hand stern corner of a very large wooden lifeboat.Tammy!Where was she? Had she made it?"Tammy! Tammy!" I screamed, looking frantically around the boat. Dozens of...
Tammy Johnson drove into the long drive way of the well kept large house in the better suburb of Belle Vue. There was a pickup truck parked at the top of the drive. 'Johnston Constructions' read the sign painted along the tray of the rig. Her husband's Cadillac was parked next to it. "What is that silly old bastard doing to the house now?" she questioned under her breath. Tammy had been a trophy wife to Duke Johnson for twenty five years. She was now forty four and had married a man nearly...
Group SexWe, that is Tammy and I are both southern belles born and bred, Tammy looks like Nicole Kidman in the movie "Practical Magic" and I'm more of a Jennifer love Hewitt type. Our husbands Mike and Greg are submariners and serve on the same submarine, they frequently go on three month long missions to keep the world save. I'm recently married to Mike and moved in with him. So I'm a newcomer is this small naval community. I quickly became friends with Tammy who has showed me around and has taken...
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My wife Tammy works as a secretary in a small school district, we live in the country on a farm and have one daughter. Tammy is in her early 40's and is very beautiful, my friends often tell me how lucky I am to have such a hot wife. Tammy is 5'5" and 125 pounds with shoulder length naturally curly brown hair, dark brown piercing eyes and 34D's with nipples the size of mini marshmallows, she has a flat tummy and a gorgeous ass. One day last spring Tammy told me that she had been ask to prom by...
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Ever get so turned on – get so hard – that you felt like you could fuck for hours on end – cumming and cumming and cumming – with a dick that never went soft – and at the same time wanting to strangle the woman you were fucking? Been there and fortunately didn’t do that or I’d be in prison rather than planning a divorce. Story starts out like a million others. My wife Tammy and I had been married for a little over fourteen years. We were high school sweethearts and yes it is a cliché but I was...
Tammy was a river girl. Now when you say someone is a river person and don't say which river, you can generally assume they are referring to the mighty Mississippi. In Tammy's case you would be absolutely correct. Her Granddaddy, Captain Amos Ravelle was a well-known river boat man. He was nearly 70 years old when his grandchild, little Tammy Ravelle was unceremoniously dropped on his gangplank by Parson Brown. When he heard all the commotion outside his cabin, Captain Amos thought it was...
Tammy sat waiting for Josh to come over. He and his family had gone on vacation, and were just returning after being away for a week. It was Friday in the afternoon, and he was late. They were supposed to be home by now, and Tammy was one horny woman. She had plans for her man. Josh was learning at a fast rate, but there were a lot of things about making love he had yet to discover. It would be her joy to teach him these sexual practices. Tammy had a “Welcome Home!” gift for her only pupil. It...
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thank you cindy once again for the help!!checkout my profile once finished with the story!!15 years you know when something just isn?t right. I couldn?t put my finger on it, but Tammy just seemed a little distant or preoccupied with something other than her family. At 5?2? and 38 years old she still looked good. She?d gained a few pounds but I liked a full booty on a women. I on the other hand, was the same weight as when we got married. Being a long distance runner, I had almost no body fat on...
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You'd think one night of 'girl time' with Tammy, Leah, and Cindy would have been enough, but Jamie went with Miss Johnson and Tammy on a 'girl's night out' to see a chick flick. Jamie was wearing Tammy's shorty pants and a girl's top, with appropriate lingerie, as Tammy refused to give James back his overnight bag. Surprisingly, James, dressed as Jamie, enjoyed the film and the time he spent sitting next to Tammy. What he couldn't stop noticing was how nice Tammy smelled. She kind of...
Today was Friday. Josh flew home from high school and quickly changed his clothes. He flopped down on his bed and began to watch television, but his mind was on Tammy. He pictured her as she was last night, in the bathroom with her shirt off. It was all he could do to not rub his cock just thinking about her. “Josh?” His mom stuck her head in his door. “Listen, dear. Your father and I are going out for the evening. We will probably be home very late, so I already set it up with Tammy for you to...
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Today was Friday. Josh flew home from high school and quickly changed his clothes. He flopped down on his bed and began to watch television. But his mind was on Tammy. He pictured as she was last night, in the bathroom with her shirt off. It was all he could do to not rub his cock just thinking about her. “Josh?” His mom stuck her head in his door. “Listen, dear. Your father and I are going out for the evening. We will probably be home very late, so I already set it up with Tammy for you to...
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Every day for the next week it was the same. Josh would come to Tammy’s house and do his homework. Then they would find a place in the house away from windows, and she would let him feel her up for a bit. Sometimes Tammy would take her bra and top off. Sometimes she was in the middle of a project, so she would only allow him to grab at her boobs from behind while she worked. If she was reading, Josh would lie on her lap and play with them. By the end of the week, Tammy was beginning to get more...
Straight SexSissy Tammy It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a child I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games. My...
Is My Name Tammy? By : Girl pup Email : [email protected] ? To be perfectly honest the few months have been a complete blur for me. My name is Rich, oh; excuse me it used to be Rich. Now my name is Tammy, or Tam for short. It all started when I got evicted from my old apartment. I needed a cheap place to stay so I called on own of my old friends Jenn. She lived with three other girls, but one was moving out in two days. She said that she would talk it over with the other girls. I said...
Every day for the next week it was the same. Josh would come to Tammy’s house and do his homework. Then they would find a place in the house away from windows, and she would let him feel her up for a bit. Sometimes Tammy would take her bra and top off. Sometimes she was in the middle of a project, so she would only allow him to grab at her boobs from behind while she worked. If she was reading, Josh would lie on her lap and play with her tits. By the end of the week, Tammy was beginning to get...
EroticCars well ,they had to look good and go fast and if they did I found that they attracted the pretty girls.My first car was a 64 chevy impala that was fast and looked good the best part was it had a big back seat. Now at 17 I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship and the longest was about 2 months .It all depended how long it took to get them in the backseat with their pants down. This story is about two girls that were friends and the fun I had with each of them separately . Tammy was...
This is a continuation of my story "Toby", I'd recommend reading it first to understand the beginning.About four weeks had passed between the times that I'd met Toby pool hopping at the Hawaiian Inn and when we both started high school. It was a month that I would never forget given that I not only lost my virginity but had spent nearly every weekday since at my house exploring every one of both our sexual fantasies. There was not a surface in my house that hadn't hosted our sweaty young bodies...
In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...
TrueIn the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...
TrueTheir ad read “WM to watch us, no touching, you can masturbate, but respect boundaries”Since I could not find a couple to play with, I thought this was the next best thing. I sent them my stats and photo and arranged to meet them Saturday afternoon. They are and attractive couple about 15 years younger than me. Their names are Brett and Tammy. When I arrived, we had a drink on the back patio to get acquainted then headed into the bedroom. They started kissing but seemed not to know how to get...
It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a c***d I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games.My only real play friend was a pretty...
I have a nice job with some good time off every now and then so I often do side jobs like remodeling and outdoor projects for some extra cash. Tammy was a good friend that I work with in my office. She had the most incredible body and a really cute face, the kind with a southern charm. Her ass looks like that of an 18yr old. Her tits were incredible, practically busting out of her shirt with her slender frame. I would often joke with her saying, “You know, rumor has it that your boobs are...
Tammy Janet Stickney As the only son, my dad had looked the other way whenever I pestered my sisters, kind of a wink and a nod as I screwed their closet door shut, or put paint in their hairspray bottle. By the time I was in my first year at high school, (I was 14) I had quit growing, but my sisters had not. I was now smaller than Cheryl...
For a boy to wake up with three beautiful girls all snuggled around me, I was in heaven. Okay, I did sleep on the floor with some sleeping bags wrapped around. And I was wearing a bra and panties with Tammy's Hannah Montana nightgown twisted around my body. I tried to unwrap myself as quietly as possible so I didn't wake the girls, but Tammy was already awake and staring at me. "You should have washed your makeup off before you went to sleep, Jamie." I stood myself up and fixed the...
I first became involved with Tammy as her form teacher. I taught Math's at Hazlehurst Grammar and like most young teachers the sexual provocation from the girl students seemed to be almost everlasting. Each school year brought a new crop of young girls whose hormones were doing their best to motivate the girls to seduce any eligible male within the orbit of their daily lives. I was unmarried, basically because I had not yet met the right girl. Not that I had been searching strenuously, but as...
I first became involved with Tammy as her form teacher. I taught Math’s at Hazlehurst Grammar and like most young teachers the sexual provocation from the girl students seemed to be almost everlasting. Each school year brought a new crop of young girls whose hormones were doing their best to motivate the girls to seduce any eligible male within the orbit of their daily lives. I was unmarried, basically because I had not yet met the right girl. Not that I had been searching strenuously, but as...
Erotic FictionMe:U hav no idea how much I'm littarally dyin for u to suck my dick Tammy:I'm dyin to to it once u walk in my door ima undo ya beltMe:Mmmmmm it will b tooooo gooodMe:I want u proooper showing me how much uve missed suckin this cockMe:I want u spitting all over my cock telling me ur my slut Tammy:I wanna suck it till u cum xMe:Mmmmm ill make sure I buss hard 4 uMe:Mmm the way I'm gona eat ur pussy for agesMe:I want ur juices on my tongue so badMe:Before I fuck u doggy deep Tammy:Want u to cum...
Mother asked Miss Johnson if she wouldn't mind watching me on a Friday night through Sunday as she had some out-of-town business to attend. Miss Johnson's daughter, Tammy and I are in the same class at school and she really is my best friend in the whole world. I don't get into sports and all that and enjoy spending time just talking with her. It's not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, mind you. Though I'm sure everyone in the school thinks so. We sit together at lunch and play...
I didn't see Tammy at all during the week. She had after school activities every night and even thought she asked me to come to her soccer game and her field hockey game I passed. She pouted and I said: "Your mom is likely to be there and she just might notice the way we look at each other." I did talk to her every night on the phone and it got pretty mushy at times. I did lay it on kind of thick, but Tammy ate it up. We had a date for burgers and a movie for Friday night and again on...
Tammy jones is asked to work at the first football game of the year. Her daughter Shelly is a cheerleader and son on the team so of course she says yes to Marlene Thorn even thought she hates the woman. At 6pm Tammy gets there in a T-shirt top and shorts seeing as it's still warm out. She is 42yrs but keep good care of herself so looks about 32 and her 34Ctits and onion ass keep the guys looking at her. Tammy works for a good friend of the family and has it made there. Her life in general is...
Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...
Tammy and Josh had a lot of fun for the next week. Since he was never staying overnight, there was never an opportunity for them to make love in her bed. That, of course, never stopped them. Josh would stop by and do his “homework”. After a little training session, he would go home. A typical session would be for Tammy to suck his cock on the stairs so that he was always in the living room in case they got visitors. Every time he was getting close to cumming, he would tap Tammy’s head for her...
EroticBecoming Tammy, Part 1 By Incognito ******************** Authors note: This is my first longer story. I've written a few caps over at Rachel's Haven, but nothing of this length. Therefore, I'd love to get feedback. Is there enough background information? Does the story work? Is it sexy? Is there any part of the story you'd like me to expand on? Does my writing style work? English is not my first language, but I like to believe I'm fairly good at it none-the-less. I would also like...
Becoming Tammy, Part 4 By Incognito ******************** Author's note: If you have any comments, please post them! I love constructive critique, both of the overall storyline, of scenes and of details. Is there any part of the story you find jarring, breaking suspension of disbelief? Any details and parts that seem unrealistic (the subject matter taken into consideration)? Any behavior that seem to break character? For this part, I would especially like some feedback on the...
John knocked on the door to his friend’s house and it swung gently open. The latest chart music boomed from inside. He called out, “Hi its John?”No answer; so he went further in the house the music was coming from upstairs so John went to investigate. He needed to find someone so he could pick up the money. The music was louder upstairs and though he called out again no one answered.Then he saw his friend’s thirty year old son Tim. He was dancing around in a red lace thong to the music. Tim saw...
CrossdressingTammy and the EldersThe doorbell forced Tammy out of her reverie. Last night had really been something. She had met this guy at a local bar and they had made a night of it. He had fucked her 4 times and Tammy had cum at least twice as often. The thought of his huge cock pounding her was enough to send shivers through her body now. Bleary-eyed she made her way to the front door. ?Hello, Tammy.? The man was in his fifties with a slight paunch and a serious expression on his normally smiling...
Josh knocked on Tammy’s door. Moments later Tammy opened up the door and, seeing Josh, let him into the house. Tammy was Josh’s next door neighbor, and she had been a friend of his family for over ten years. Tammy was single, having divorced her husband soon after they married. She was 30 years old and very attractive. Josh’s parents had used her to baby-sit him as he grew up, and he loved her very much. She was like a big sister to him. Well, sort of. Josh was 18 now. He was in the tenth...
EroticWhile growing up the only one of my three stepc***dren that wanted to go fishing was my youngest stepdaughter. The oldest daughter had no use for it as well as my stepson. Tammy, the feisty redhead would beg to have me take her fishing, and that we did. She finally grew up, got married and found a husband that loves to fish, but only with his brother.One day, the family was all together and we got to talking old times. Tammy brought up how we used to go fishing together and what fun she had....
Tammy True Part 1 My Flight into Hell Or Why I Hate Airports! By Angel I've always looked forward to the end of school, that is, until 2 years ago! That was when my mother got it in her head that my summers would be better if I spent them with my Aunt Megan, her older sister. My mom, Ms. Greta Cert, gets very busy in the summer and flies off at almost anytime and never knows how long she will be gone. From the beginning of June until the end of August I might see her...
Tammy Leigh quickly managed to establish herself at the exotic men's club where her girlfriend Amy had challenged her to try out as one of the featured dancers. In fact, Tammy Leigh had to be careful because as her name and the hotness of her dance performances began to spread, she not only suspected but found out through the grapevine that some of the other girls were becoming very jealous of her newfound success and popularity. Tammy found herself very soon not only feeling much more...
THE ROBOT NANNY By Sissy Cindy ([email protected]) The Purchase "Now, I want to make sure I understand your request, Mr. Smith. Here at Living Robots Inc., we aim to please," the beautiful customer service lady named Mona said. "Your desired specs: The nanny model. Tall. Hypno-eyes package. Femdom and girl-training subroutines." She entered the information into the terminal as he spoke. "All right. Here's the picture." She spun around the monitor so Mr. Smith...
David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...
A few nights after Tammy and Amy had enjoyed their first sexual experience together in a girl/girl situation, Tammy had been dancing through her first two routines when she got a card sent to the dressing room by a man in the audience. Tammy took it from the girl who'd been asked to deliver it to her and she looked at the name -- Bob Willington, Casting Director, Imperial Film Studios. She looked at the card for a moment and then walked into the larger dressing room and asked the other...
Tammy and Jason Wetzel were celebrating their wedding anniversary. They went to their favorite restaurant and had a lovely evening together. They were celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary.Tammy had a special night planned for when they got home. She bought a black underbust corset and a black thong for their night together. She also bought a new vibrator and left handcuffs and a blindfold on the bed.She set up a tripod to tape their sexual night. They both enjoyed sex and liked to...
AnalTammy “Bye honey, have fun at work, I'll miss you?” I said to Karl as he hugged me good bye.It was Monday morning and another sunny day. I watched as he got into his Maserati and listened to the roar of the engine as he revved it. He was like a kid with a new toy, and I loved the sound of it. I watched him disappear down the hill and when he was gone out of sight I walked back into the empty house.Brad would arrive in an hour or so from music camp so I had time to do the dishes and the cleaning...