ShawnChapter 29 free porn video

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It was now almost three o'clock so I helped make the house presentable. Some wooden chairs were glued and some seats coverings needed tacks. I assessed the house to see what had to be purchased to make it easier to sell. The piano was the only extravagance and I used my power to tune it. When everything was done I called a taxi and while waiting played some music. My hands were now getting large enough to make most of the chords so my abilities were much less needed.

At last, the taxi arrived so I had to cut short my recital as we got into the vehicle and went over to the Casa D'oro. The four parents were there along with six other adults and seven children. I shook hands with each. The parents I had met earlier in London when I flew the plane back. I was introduced in turn to the rest of the family and tried to give each person a bit of my time to know they were noticed and perhaps appreciated.

Our waiter came over and I had to absorb his dialect from his village in Calabria. There were not many blond Italians from his area in the south but he looked to see me better. I had to say I picked up the language instead of being from that district. He could speak the Italian spoken in Napoli but not as well as he would like. I ordered for myself, Sofia and Rachael. The rest used English and got whatever they liked.

When the food came three bottles of complementary wine came with it. I half filled my girls and my own glasses then asked my neighbours if they too would like some. Canada was nothing like Europe and had very antiquated ideas about alcohol. You had to be eighteen and the girls definitely weren't, also some of my guests thought I was too young as well. I picked an excuse and told them about Canada's parochial views. I knew what they were thinking and formed my opinion on the subject so as to not allow them a chance to counter attack my choices.

My main reason for talking to them other than to show I was interested in the girls personally was to bring up the matter of the girl's education. Their marks in grade thirteen were falling until I phoned. I said that I would see them again and demanded that they return their minds to their work. Each set of parents wanted their girl to go to the University of Toronto. This way they would be at home and the costs would be lower.

"I have been looking at the University of Waterloo. The school is new and has a good engineering and mathematics department. Sofia and Rachael will do well in the business department."

One young man of about twenty four and a young uncle of Sofia asked, "Are you going there when you graduate?"

I chuckled good-naturedly and said, "Scott, I graduated when I was six. Since that time I have been a university professor in quite a few fields, as well as gaining my licence to practice medicine. I still teach when I have the chance."

The man had not really looked into my background and hardly even followed the news. "You must be pretty smart then."

"I was just lucky to be born that way and to have a great curiosity. With those two things almost anything is possible. I hear you are an actuary. Tell me what it is like working for your company." He brightened at this and told me about the insurance company he worked for.

The seven children I also got involved in the conversations, so they would not be considered just as unformed people but as young adults that had something to give to the whole. Towards the end of the meal I was invited to a family trip to Collingwood to ski. I had to decline because of prior commitments at the theatre, however in return they were all invited to one of the performances if they asked ahead of time. Most gave a favourable reply and said they would respond to me when they could.

After the meal I took the bill and paid it. The cook had come out and I mentioned how the meal was excellent and that I would recommend the establishment to others if the occasion arose. I helped Sofia and Rachael from their chairs, then on with their coats. They each gave me a kiss on the cheek and they went home with their family. They looked at me longingly but they knew that they had to go.

On the way back to Mary I felt bad about leaving the two girls for a week. I would only be able to see them in a few stolen moments unless I planned something special.

When we pulled into the driveway Sally ran to tell the rest that I was home. When I got to the door it was like the way any father or husband would want it. The girls were all lined up waiting to be greeted. Each was given the best hug and kiss I had and when we were done I pulled them all into the living room for a talk again.

Mary asked, "How did it go with the parents?"

"Fine as far as it went. I let them know I was going to continue looking out for the girls. I think some were relieved and perhaps hoping I would help finance their children's education."

Liz was trying to be sly and asked, "Were there any more girls at the restaurant?"

"Liz there are many pretty girls. Just because I see them doesn't mean I have to have them. Your mom, you, Sofia and Rachael are enough for me now. One day I may get others to join our family but they would have to be very special like you are. Don't forget I have a family in Ethiopia with some children depending on me."

"Why I wanted to talk was to get some other things cleared up. Sally has three blemishes that I would like to remove before too long. It should be painless. Mary you have something that has to be looked at too. It will take a bit longer and again there will be little pain."

"What is it Shawn? I'm worried now."

"Oh just a small growth that should be removed. I will do it and you will only miss a day off work. Speaking of work, I would like you to give up your job at that shop after giving notice. I will supply you with more than enough money for the family. In the meantime you have to start studying some texts on business. That way you can be home with Sally if you want or continue with the sitter. As for Liz, would it be all right if I go to your school with you for one morning?"

Both girls seemed eager for this and Liz wanted to show me off to the few friends she had.

I taught piano for an hour then because school was tomorrow I took Sally upstairs and gave her a bath and put her to bed with a kiss. She went to sleep then without incident. Liz's bath was much slower and I made tender love to her with my lips because she was sore and would be that way for a few days.

Now that we were alone I told Mary more about her growth but did not make too much of a deal with it. I equated it with a tooth extraction. The radio was turned on and we danced to some music. Mary saw me smile and asked, "What?"

"Nothing, the lyrics talk about a man dancing with his woman before he makes love to her. I wrote that song and it couldn't have come at a more opportune time."

"Oh Shawn. I love you and I hardly even know you yet."

"You have no regrets about taking up with a younger man. You may be ridiculed later because of our age differences. Nobody will comment that you are closer to me mentally than any of the others."

"I will have to take that as it comes. My alibi would be that you are taking care of my daughter and I am just accompanying both of you."

"Well the girls are asleep. Would it be all right for me to look after you? I don't like sleeping alone either."

Later after some very tender lovemaking I started to work on Mary's tumour. Even though it was not too large it was starting to spread. I was able to cut off the flow of blood to the area and went looking for cells that had been displaced and could start again. I took my time and went over her body many times and found only the occasional cluster that may or may not produce a problem later.

Next morning Mary woke up with a little bit of a fever. It was a reaction to all the dead cells in her system. I could only say that it was the flu and said that it wasn't morning sickness yet. I got up, awoke the girls and started to make breakfast. They got up a little grumpy as usual till they saw me making their meal. They got a kiss and told to get ready. Mary got up and enjoyed being fed for a change. School was a fifteen minute walk but would be longer with the snow that fell during the night.

Liz made her lunch and I added some fruit. She didn't argue but would normally have. I was able to clean the car and shovel the drive and walk before she came out. I went in and gave Mary and Sally a kiss and said I would have to go to the airport later to pick up the performers flying in.

The morning was brisk and our breath was easy to see as steam in the cold morning air. We talked of school and friends and how Liz felt about her relationships within the school. We came to a large brick building whose spacious grounds marked it clearly as a school. We heard and saw children that had come early playing or talking in groups. This school only went to grade eight and this was the grade which Liz currently was in.

Liz wanted to enter via the door that the girls normally used but I insisted that we use the more formal front entrance. I had a request to make and I didn't want to do it from an inferior position of entry.

Accordingly I said to Liz, "We have to talk to your principal first to get his permission. Since this is official we have to enter the by the front door."

I opened the massive oaken door and allowed Liz to enter first. She took my hand into hers, somehow needing the security that the touch conveyed. The walls were a light green colour, the floors the traditional terrazzo. I stamped my feet to dislodge snow before going any further. Liz pulled me to the left toward the principal's office. I looked through the clear glass in the door to see an older heavy set man with a balding head and thick glasses. He was reading a paper with one hand while the other absently held a mug of coffee. His desk was littered with paper work. A long wooden counter separated the large office into an area for teachers and supplicants. It reminded me a bit of Britain and my difficulty in getting into the school system.

A feeling of dread pulsed from Liz. I wondered for a moment if the administrator an ogre or was this unaccustomed event the cause of the unrest? This door opened much easier but this time I entered first, seemingly to protect Liz from any attack. She seemed to be falling back into her old ways and I had to stop this.

"Good morning Mr. Worth," I stated.

A puzzled look appeared on the old man's face for I could feel no anger at the interruption. The thick glasses in the black frames were adjusted to better see the visitor. "Good morning to you too. What can I help you with young man?"

The man was not bad but he, like his British counterparts, were a bit conservative in thinking. I brought my briefcase up and put it on the nearby counter to access it. Out came a heavily embossed leather folder with gilded text and a coat of arms.

He saw the expensive folder and read the text: 'The Federated Republic of Rhodesia' then below it, 'Department of Foreign Affairs'.

The principle wondered how I had come by the briefcase and folder, for he had not thought of ever meeting me. "My name is Shawn Boz. I would like to audit one of the classes Miss Norton takes today. I wish to present my bona fides to you then ask for your permission."

"Audit? You want to audit a grade school class. That's only done in a university."

"The term can be used in many situations. I write text books. I would be surprised if you didn't have some of my works here in the school now. This is part of the reason I would like to observe how a class in Ontario is conducted."

The man looked at me a lot closer now and said, "I have heard the name before. Weren't you involved in killing a lot of people in Africa not too long ago?"

I replied with some regret in my voice. "They killed my family and friends. I was protecting my country. Would you have done any differently?"

"I couldn't do what they say you did. I see Miss Norton behind you. She was in the papers recently too. You did a fine thing there Mister Boz." He turned to Liz and asked, "And how are you dear? That was a very dangerous thing to do."

"I know sir," came shakily from her. "What I remember most is sinking down and seeing Shawn swimming to me. After that it was mostly a blur."

The principle listened to Liz's every word and I could see his vivid imagination filling him in on the details.

I replaced the embassy folders and closed the briefcase. I pulled the shaking girl close and kissed her forehead. "Don't be upset. Everything is all right." I raised my free hand to elevate her eyes as I made the statement. I gave her a small kiss on her lips causing Liz to almost melt against me.

The principal was quite shocked that this act of affection was displayed right before him. He was ready to say something but considered the things that he had recently found about me and desisted. The newspaper articles of my exploits reminded him of not only my abilities but what I was like to those that I protected.

I turned to the man and said, "May I have your permission for the audit sir?"

"Yes young man, certainly you may, I would like to see what comes of it. I'll write a note for you." He wrote out the slip and added a lengthy post script in Latin about me having to be watched carefully. He was not too sure about me. He also wanted to know all the details so he would have something to talk about later.

Classes would not start for at least fifteen minutes and I decided to drop the note off to the teacher without the students witnessing too much disruption. We climbed to the classroom but I already knew it to be empty. Here I had to go through the motions one more time. Before we had gotten half way down the stairs, an old woman in a very cranky voice said, "And where do you think you two are going?"

Liz tried to get behind me, she was so frightened. Students were not allowed into the school before the bell I quickly found. Before replying I could feel the dread coming from Liz. This made me angry that somebody entrusted to look out for the children could be so cruel. "Down the stairs ma'am. Is there any thing else you would like me to help you with?" We made a short pause waiting for a reply. I just stared at the tongue-tied woman. When no answer came we just resumed our journey.

Immediately outside the girl's entrance we laughed to relieve Liz's tension. I held her very close. It seemed to work as the girl looked up into my eyes and gave a small smile. We stood on the landing looking into each others eyes as our lips made another lingering touch. Some of the early arrivals looked in wonder that two people who would actually kiss in public.

Sue Gresham came running up seeing her best friend and stopped in her tracks. She watched a strange boy kiss her friend. This was so odd to her. Liz was so timid and here she was doing something that she had hardly ever seen.

I could feel the curious onlookers gathering around. They were all girls for this side was reserved for their gender only. Rather than embarrass Liz further I relented and held her hand as we turned to face the audience. "We have company."

We walked down the steps with Liz at my side. I could see the way Sue looked at Liz; they were good friends. I steered our path toward the girl. She moved hesitantly to Liz and away from the strange boy she saw. Males were starting to get very interesting but only a few girls were old enough to find out some specifics.

I saw that Sue was attracted to me too. She saw that I was tall, light blond hair, tied in the back with a leather thong which would look very nice on any girl. She was not sure if she liked it on boys but it seemed to fit me well in this case. My arms were covered by an expensive coat but she could see the highly developed muscles well enough. She looked at my wide shoulders. The face she could only describe as beautiful. She felt ripples start at her neck and travel down her body. Perhaps she had been too hasty and should have moved closer to me instead of away. She felt an aura of competence and harnessed violence this seemed to attract her. She suddenly wondered if I was the person in the newspapers that rescued her friend.

Sue was a very pretty and freckled red head. She was taller than Liz and had even larger breasts and hips. "You must be Sue. My name is Shawn."

Both girls looked at me. Liz was not over how much I seemed to know everything about her. Sue assumed that Liz had mentioned her name.

I held out my hand and could sense her attraction to me already. Usually the boys and girls did not interact very much in public but Sue put her hand out to be shaken.

Most girls were attracted to me and Sue seemed to be no different. Luckily this infatuation would soon be over. Sue though was a nice girl and even more important a friend of Liz. I would try to be especially nice to her.

She was very shocked when I seemed to float very close and brought her hand to my lips to give it a kiss. She tried to jerk her hand back but was powerless to even try. After the first touch she considered never washing her hand again. The tremors from before were nothing to what she felt now. She looked into my eyes and felt a rush through her sex. She had only felt this in the privacy of her own bedroom before. She looked into the deep blue eyes before her that seemed to sparkle with a life of their own.

She came close and had to hold me. I pulled her close for a hug. She suddenly realised where she was and wondered how she go here. She looked about and found Liz with a worried look on her face. The strong arms under her promised many things but she felt bad about her feelings for her best friend's companion.

I stood with Sue in one arm and smiled at Liz.

Sue asked, "What happened to me?"

Liz knew and did not want to upset her friend too much. She stepped closer and hugged her friend. When her lips were close she whispered in her ear, "You like him too." I felt the girl stiffen and begin to pull away. "It's ok. He makes me feel that way too." The girls relaxed and separated slowly. Sue refused to look at Liz or me. She still felt that she would be seen as trying to take me away.

Liz knew the probable feelings going through her friend and said, "I'll share him with you but remember he's mine." This was all done without consulting me or the other women she knew I wanted. Sue looked at me to see if it were true. A kindly smile greeted her for I didn't want her to feel bad.

Liz's attitude was quite a change from the girl I had been looking after the last few days. Perhaps I had done too well in getting Liz to come out of her shell. There had to be some joker thrown into this hand for I figured that once Liz was back in her class she would revert the way she did when meeting her principal.

Other people had made their way forward and heard Liz's statement. They were still all girls and most were from Liz's class. I could feel a teacher quickly coming forward to see what had happened. The old woman from the steps. Had she seen something and come scenting blood?

"What is going on here?" She spoke loudly, trying to assert her authority. The circle of girls parted quickly, fearing the teacher's notorious bouts of anger. The woman wanted to know why the boy that embarrassed her earlier was here holding onto a girl and not where he should be. She stared at me trying to cow me. I released the girls and put one hand across my stomach and supported my elbow. The other hand came up to my chin while I used body language to give the idea that I was evaluating her.

Mrs. Gundy was taken back by my attitude. In thirty five years she had never had a problem before where she did not come out on top. She started to question herself while I only slipped some images to her. Why did she really want to bother this boy? Boy: perhaps not a boy. The young man had still not said anything, just his judgmental attitude and his girlish hair and a man's body but small. That face she had seen before but where. That old book on Norse mythology. He looked like the artists rendition of Thor, Thor the god of war. She felt weak, weaker than at any time before. Her mind went back to her childhood and her father when he had been angry at her. Her father had yelled at her, spanked her and worse of all the feeling that he didn't love her anymore.

Mrs. Gundy lowered her eyes and carefully retreated not even bothering to pretend that she had won. She was very confused. Never before had she questioned herself in such detail. All the girls except Liz thought that any offender to stir up Mrs. Gundy was due for the strap. She would lay ten on each hand, somehow gathering strength from the act itself leaving happy at the outcome. All that witnessed this about turn in behaviour wondered at Mrs. Grundy's actions.

My internal clock told me that it was almost time to enter the building. "Time to go in girls. I started to pick up my briefcase but Sue got it first and slipped her other hand into mine. Liz saw the play and happily put her hand through the other just as the bell rang.

We lagged behind the rush until we were the last to enter.

The halls started to empty. Some of the grade eights were climbing the right side of the steps making their leisurely way to the top floor class. This was our destination too.

When we got to the top, I took it away again by kissing both quickly and slapping their butts hurrying them into class. Some in the class and the ones we passed on the steps saw this. I took the principal's note from my pocket and entered with my briefcase.

Miss Joan Wu was a young teacher who had snagged the grade eight job because of her excellent marks at teachers college and her way with the younger teenagers. She stood about five foot six with long black hair which hung to her waist, not the way the school board would recommend, but what she was determined to have regardless. She wore a long cotton print dress on a very attractive frame.

She had been busy and had not noticed the scene outside her door. Her eyes came up at the unexpected silence that pervaded the class when we entered. When she turned to look she saw a beautiful young boy enter. Long blond hair and sparkling blue eyes, muscles pushed out his expensive overcoat, showing more definition than she had ever seen before. His thin waist and tight pants showed equally powerful legs. He carried a briefcase, much like a businessman would carry. She knew of nobody in public or even high school that would be seen with one, not that they were bad but that it was just not in style.

She noticed vaguely that Liz was back, she had been gone for more than a week. The newspapers had told her that she was very lucky to have survived.

I found the woman simply beautiful, no doubt the boys in her class would have many fantasies about her. I had found out what Miss Wu was thinking and knew that she was looking on me very favourably. I started sending out suggestions to smooth out any troubles I may run into. This had the effect of also getting the woman slightly aroused. She still had the authority to deny me my audit of her class.

"Good morning Miss Wu. My name is Shawn Boz. I have a note here from the principal, explaining my presence."

All the students had seated themselves except Liz and Sue, who seamed to await my preference. "Put your coats away and take a seat please," I whispered to them.

Miss Wu asked me to be seated after reading the note. When I too hung up my coat in the 'boy's cloakroom' she inquired if we could talk later about this situation.

I picked a seat towards the back, so I could keep an eye on my girls. I seemed to have acquired another, a teacher to my other two admirers I reflected. I looked at Liz and saw that she was not jealous yet and to be truthful there was no reason to be. I had more than enough commitments but it was nice to flirt or to make friends. It would also take Liz out of her worn groove and force her to act differently for the girls would now see her much differently.

The girls in the class were disappointed, as only the unruly boys sat at the back. I managed to smile at all the girls that turned to look at me as the morning progressed. The boys found my younger look to be too feminine so I must therefore be a sissy or queer.

I spent the morning scanning the minds in the class, especially Miss Wu, or Joni to her friends. The suggestions I had sent earlier had worked well perhaps too well. Apparently the commands had also worked on the other females as well. One small boy on the other side of the class seemed to be affected as well. I scanned him carefully. Jimmy was very intelligent and had skipped the last grade. Unfortunately he was being molested by some of the larger boys in this class. He was forced to perform oral sex, not that he objected too much, more that he wanted a choice in the matter. He was usually beaten afterwards.

Rocky a large boy that happened to be the oldest pupil was the ringleader. His group would corner the younger boy in a quiet place and demand to be serviced. Rocky presently sat next to me now playing with his genitals and hoping that Jimmy would blow him or that Miss Wu would lay down and spread her legs for him. I dug a little deeper and found that young boys and teachers were not the only prey Rocky and his group sought.

I searched minds about me to actually do some work on a book I was writing. Each class had its own dynamics and I just tried to see if anything was new. The bell eventually rang. The class waited to be dismissed for recess. I waited knowing that I had to speak with Joan. All the girls seemed to lag behind so they could meet the new arrival. Jimmy waited the departure of the boys then passed by still looking around carefully trying to avoid Rocky and his gang. He needed the washroom but not the beating after he had been forced to suck. I followed the gang and Jimmy in my mind.

Miss Wu came over having to more or less fight her way through the admiring girls around my position. Sue and Liz had fought harder to get into their positions.

I could plainly see that the girls were very eager to meet me in more intimate surroundings. Of the fifteen women in the class only the teacher and now Liz were not virgin. I would have to control the suggestions a little more in the future I knew.

The girls started to ask questions as I just listened and nodded my head retaining the queries till most of the girls had run down.

I now knew that I was needed. "Excuse me a moment ladies. I will be back in a few minutes to answer most of your questions."

I could now sense the commotion in the washroom. Two boys lounged beside the door trying to act other than the guards they were. When I approached they stood straighter and actually blocked the door daring anyone to get by them. They smiled at me with an evil glint. I felt that Jimmy did not have the time for me to use peaceful means of gaining entry. My hands came forward and grasped each by their shirts below the neck, lifted them and using their bodies to strike the door propelling it open. Their heads hit against the door a split second after their bodies did. The now unconscious youths were dropped to the floor inside the room.

Rocky had his hands in Jimmy's hair forcing Jimmy's mouth around his engorged member. Another boy had his fly open waiting his turn. I calculated my position and then the opponents and moved forward very quickly. Very quickly as when my parents had been killed. I slowed and pulled the boys together then with my hands on opposites sides of each opponent pushed them together with just enough force to knock their heads together. I felt them fade into unconsciousness as they sagged to the floor beside their companions.

I stooped to the floor in front of Jimmy and carefully moved the hair around the crying boy's face. I pulled him to me and gave him a big hug whispering consoling words. In a minute I picked the boy up. He needed to use the toilet still. I backed him up into a stall and lowered the boy's pants and underwear before seating him. I retreated closing the door as I went. "Hurry up Jimmy. I need to have a word with your friends and I want you there to see it." I knew what his body required. "Don't flush the toilet though."

With the unconscious boys on the floor I worked to put a little fear of Jimmy into their minds as I had done to Lusa's rapists. Not enough to incapacitate them from being in the same room with Jimmy but enough to see him safe from retribution when I was gone.

In a few minutes or so Jimmy returned leaving the stall door open. I grabbed each of the unconscious boys in turn and used the full toilet to revive them. I picked them up as if they only weighted a few pounds. Jimmy had never seen anybody do something like that before. Rocky was last and ending up getting a flush as well. The boy was thrown onto the others as if he were just a toy.

"Well girls," I said to the now conscious punks, "if I find you doing this again I will have to take more drastic measures. If you want to meet me after school, be my guest." I got some toilet paper and moistened it at the sink as I wiped Jimmy's face, treating him like a much younger child. This is what the boy needed.

Same as Shawn
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cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Janson Marshall Angie’s husband. Marion davenport Angie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide...

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Shake Down On Sacker Street

“Still got it, girl,” she said to her reflection. Taking another deep breath, Yvonne attempted to calm her nerves. Today was a big day. Her small catering company had been hired for a prestigious event, ‘Women at The Top'. The city’s movers and shakers would be there, and all were women. Make a good impression and doors would open. “You’ve worked hard, girl,” she told herself. Forty-Two, trim figure, shoulder-length dark hair, divorced from a jackass of a husband, a beautiful daughter and...

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Ever since I was a young girl I’ve been fascinated with cocks, I love the way they look and feel – big ones, small ones, old ones, young ones and oh boy do I love being fucked. Just the thought of a yummy hard cock makes my pussy feel all hot, tingly and juicy. It all started when I was in my early teens, I would lie in bed fantasizing about some imaginary lover touching my body, teasing my nipples with his tongue and finally fucking me with his big cock. (I had not actually seen one in...

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Kitchen Counter

We are both in the kitchen. It's an early morning, we both just woke up. We are not even dressed yet. You're on your panties and a tank top and I'm on my boxers and an undershirt. As you are bent over the sink. I come behind you and I hold you really close and I start nibbling on your neck. With my tongue I trace the contours of your neck and shoulder. With one hand I grasp your ass tightly. With the other I grasp your breast firmly. As you start to moan I flip you around and I start kissing...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 8 Summer Fun

The next few weeks passed by quickly and relatively uneventfully. Uneventful that is unless you are a seventeen-year-old boy, soon to be eighteen, about to graduate from high school with final exams coming up, looking at colleges and all you can really think about is the most beautiful pussy in the world waiting for you at home. Probably the only thing that saved his academic career was Cheri's period starting less than a week later. This not only put the question of pregnancy in abeyance...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 24 John and the girls grow closer as they discuss his powers

John stood aside to let Jade enter the room first and she smiled at him in appreciation of his gentlemanly manners, as she sashayed into the room. John followed in her wake, enjoying the view of her spectacular dark green body as her hips swayed in front of him. He smiled to himself when he saw the hand print on the perfect round curve of her bottom, the evidence of their shared lust where she had encouraged him to spank her beautiful asscheek. He stopped leering after the Nymph to look up...

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Milfty Tina Kay All Those Lonely Nights

Tina Kay has been waiting for her husbands call all day since it is their anniversary. When she finally gets him on the phone, she finds out that he will not be coming home to celebrate with her. Tina is upset, and when another man shows up at her doorstep, she cannot hide her emotions. She has been so lonely without her husband, spending nights all by herself. She just misses making love to him. Our stud listens intently, and then makes his move. He kisses Tina, and then carries her into her...

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Ethical dilemma

AUTHOR'S NOTE: THIS IS A SEQUEL TO "TURNING TEACHER'S PET INTO TEACHER'S SLUT," BUT THIS STORY CAN ACT AS A STAND ALONE IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ IT. ANYONE CAN ADD TO THE STORY, AND I WOULD MORE THAN APPRECIATE ANY COMMENTS OR HELPFUL TIPS. THANK YOU FOR READING, AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE STORY. Sarah was happy to finally be in college. It was something she had been looking forward to for a while, and now she was finally here. She had a full ride, thanks to the fact she was valedictorian and her...

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My Hot Friend Sarah Chapter One The Boys Locker0

She wasn't surprised to see Marcus in the locker room, shirtless, staring slack-jawed at her with wide open eyes and his PE shorts starting to tent because of his hardening boner. He was pretty good looking himself, with a finely muscled body expected of an athlete like him, blonde hair, sea green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. Sarah smiled at him, with a little glance down to his boner, and walked towards him. He looked down at his boner then back up to Sarah, then quickly sat down on the...

2 years ago
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Caring and Fucking

By: AWC Zoey brought Beverly back to the bed, lovingly putting her down and then maneuvering her towards the middle of the big round bed. So very gently he undid her shirt buttons and pushed it of her naked shoulders, exposing her very young, touching 21 curvy solid meat breasts decorated with the most perfect and erect nipples. The force of his bright black eyes was making Bev to tremble as he licked her lips and bent down to take her nipple in his mouth once again, licking and sucking them...

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Vishal ko experiance aurat mili

Hi friends, its me Nikunj back with a very good story for u. Its about a boy Vishal, who was alone and had very less friend in his life. He was just 20 and had not much heard of sex in his life. He never had any intercourse with anyone till yet. So let me start my story in Hindi. Ek din vishal ek café mei coffee pi raha tha. Tabhi uske samne wale table par do ladki apni apni mummy ke sath bathe the. Ladkiya itne sundar thi ki unse ankhe jamm hi jayi thi.par unke maa bhi itne hi khub-surath...

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Fucking Your Wife Ch11

Jeff and Katrina left the pub and began walking towards the wharf when they stopped dead in their tracks. Passengers were leaving the ship in droves and at least eight emergency vehicles were parked near the vessel. Red flashing lights from the vehicles reflected from the ship’s hull. Three were ambulances two were fire trucks and the rest, police cars. The passengers did not appear panicked but they did seem worried and anxious. Many carried suitcases or bags. Some carried belongings in...

Wife Lovers
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Revenge on Uncle

One day I had to go help Joe set up in his new apartment. We worked till late night and barely finished unpacking half of his shit. He asked me to stay the night and i agreed. We were both laying down in the bed and it was getting hot. Joe said it would be better if we sleep in my undies. He wasnt wrong. He was the first to strip down to his undies and then i did. It was the first time Joe had seen me almost naked since i mostly wore baggy clothes. My tight undies wrapped around my huge ass...

1 year ago
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Julies First Black Cock

My wife has led a very sheltered life, there were no blacks in her area and she had only ever seen them from afar. We visited New york and Julie wsa awed by all she saw, after a few drinks she was pretty loose and I said to her, have you ever seen a black cock up close, she said no.I asked if she would like to, she said yes.We went to a club and several guys were dancing and checking the ladies out, one huge good looking black guy Leon was his name came over and he was real friendly, soon we...

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The Slave PrincessChapter 2

Late that evening, Han Solo was released from his frozen carbonite prison by the mysterious bounty hunter who had successfully snuck into the trophy alcove while everyone else slept in their quarters. Suffering from hibernation sickness, Solo found himself to be temporarily blinded and unable to view his savior. Reaching up and touching the helmet of the person crouching above him, Solo nervously asked, "Who are you?" Boushh removed the yellow helmet and whispered in a soft, soothing...

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Sue Her Night Out

THE NIGHT BEGINS I looked at my nude reflection in the bedroom full length mirror. I'd just toweled off after stepping out of the shower. Slowly, I turned a full circle and then came to a stop facing the mirror. Unconsciously, my left hand began making slow, lazy circles around my right breast and nipple while my right hand was lightly rubbing my pussy mound. The term statuesque entered my mind. I'd just turned twenty-five the day before and my venus like figure on a six foot frame carried...

2 years ago
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A Mistake To Remember Chapter 2

Chapter 2: I awoke slowly, remembering my death. I snapped my eyes open and gasped for breath, a sharp move that made my head spin. "Whoa, Charlie. Take it easy," said a soothing voice, Evalyn's. "What happened? Where am I?" I still lived! And then -- my voice: I sounded like a woman! Surgery? My hand flew to my throat. "What ? what's going on?" "It's nothing to be worried about," she said, her tone all serene and comforting. Her hand settled on my shoulder. "In fact, you'll...

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Canoe CanoeChapter 2

“What can I do to help?” Angie asked, as I undid the straps on the car-top carrier. “If you would just stand at the front of the vehicle and gently guide the canoe away if it gets too close, that would be great help,” I answered. “Otherwise I should be able to get it.” I lifted the canoe deftly off the rack and proceeded to walk it down to the water’s edge. “Wow, pretty impressive,” Angie said. I rolled the canoe onto my hip, and then laid it on the sand. “I’ve done this a few times...

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So tight

The following was a response I sent to another user on a different site. As I was reading it again before posting it, I thought I haven't shared any writing here, so maybe this would be a good story. All the better because it's true:...that is why i wish more men were open to ass play. then i don't feel that them wanting to fuck my ass is coming from a place of degradation/humilation. the intent is to provide pleasure.i love anal play. i don't have a lot of experience, but i have bought...

2 years ago
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The Woman You Need To BeChapter 5

When I awoke this morning I was in a very crowded bed, Carol was sound asleep on my left side on my right was Richard who was also sound asleep I took stock of the situation I now found myself in. I was dressed in a bright red bustier the cups of which were too small they squeezed my breasts tightly against my chest the only relief I felt was from where my nipples poked through the cups at least there were holes in them for that. The underwire was digging into me making my skin underneath ny...

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KristinChapter 44

When the girls returned home, things got a bit amusing. First of all, we all agreed — that’s Mom and Dad, Kris and me, Liz, Tina, and even their younger sisters, Kim and Judy — that it would have been better if the girls had gone out to the Coast or the guys had come East. As it was, Little Bit and Ann seemed perpetually to have satellite phones in their ears. And with the usage charges at our end alone it would have been cheaper if I had bought the dumb satellite! They were yakking with...

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NubileFilms Tiffany Tatum Burning Desire

Sweet and sensual Tiffany Tatum is looking fine as she comes to the door of Raul Costa’s house with her lips attached to his. Her ass hits the door with her skirt up to reveal her thong. When they finally make it inside, the duo gradually moves into the foyer as they shed their clothes Raul drops to his knees to worship Tiffany’s panties, and she returns the favor a moment later by pulling out Raul’s big dick and slipping it between her eager lips. By the time they make it...

4 years ago
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Fire Smolders Within

Thousands of times a week my eyes fall on the picture I have of you on my wall. You are such a precious person to me. Your beauty is far more than skin deep. Each time I activate my cell phone, your smiling face greets me and I feel better, no matter what problems I may be facing. I close my eyes and can visualize you naked. Your body excites me like no other. You have fulfilled my wishes for happiness and I long for you to again quench the fire of my lust that rages within my soul. Fire...

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Addicted to cum

Brittney woke up with a grin on her face and a gleam in her green eyes, hungry like always, hungry for cum. She quickly put on a tiny bikini, it streched taunt over her breast while her curly blonde hair fell down almost to her nipples. She ran down to her garage and hopped on her bike and started peddling to the beach. "Ooooohooooo" some construction workers called and whistled at her as she rode by.

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It all started when Part 1

It all started when......... I got this new job at a restaurant. I was hired on as a dish boy and quickly moved up the ladder to assistant manager. Now by quickly I mean within a year. I was very proud of myself and so was everyone I knew. Fortunately no one knew who I REALLY was not even my parents. With the extra money I was making I had quite the following of women that wanted to be with me but I had other ideas. I don't care for women who are into me for sex or friendship. I’m old...

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Maid: "You expect me to wear that?" my wife Elizabeth asked. "If the shoe fits wear it," I said passing her the maid's outfit I had bought for her. I was tired. I had just finished a long day at work and my wife had been complaining yet again that I did not do enough around the house to help her. Elizabeth had said countless times "I don't think I am your wife anymore I think you treat me like a maid." I was worried about where our marriage was going but I worked. She stayed...

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Shop Task

sue stopped outside the pet shop and checked the address on the piece of paper her Mistress had given her. It was the right place ok. She pretended to look at something in the shop window while she steadied her nerves, the mixture of fear and excitement she felt made her stomach churn and she licked her dry lips anxiously. She took a quick look over her shoulder at the people passing by in the street, she hardly ever came to this part of town and she was sure she would not bump into anyone she...

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Red Hawk The Story of My TribeChapter 7

The story is now being told by my great-great-grandson Grey Wolf, as this story now jumps ahead 100 years. Hi, my name is Grey Wolf, and I am the chief of chiefs of many tribes. I have only seen thirty summers, but our bloodline has been chief of chiefs since Thunder Bird was the first. Every three years the tribes meet at the great meeting grounds. At this meeting we then call ourselves the nation. The tribes have all thrived, growing crops, medical knowledge, and herbs. Our weapons have...

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Bridal Gift

Author’s Note: This story was written a few years back under a different pseudonym on a different site. I went back and revamped it a bit. I hope you enjoy it; this story was inspired by a picture I saw of a woman wearing her wedding gown and getting fucked by the groom reverse cowgirl style & her bridesmaids were there to help her as well.Keeley Mason was getting married today.Keeley’s a deliriously happy twenty-four-year-old bride who was madly in love with her boyfriend of close to three...

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Daddy Kidnaps Daughters

Daddy Kidnaps Daughters Daddy Kidnaps Daughters By The Jellyman [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on, and in fact strongly disapprove of anyone who would even contemplate these actions.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] Pete Hanlon secretly paid Hank and Tony to kidnap him and at least one daughter, and rape them,...

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The Cowboy

She had been walking through the woods, the fall colors blazing through the branches of the trees. Peaceful and quiet, she let the cool fall breeze clear all thoughts of her lonely, unhappy life. As she rounded the curve of a trail she was on, she noticed a man sitting on the bench up ahead. He had on a brown cowboy hat, a flannel shirt, tight blue jeans, and black cowboy boots. He was watching her as she approached."Hello, cowboy.”"Hi, good looking”Blushing, she asked, "How are you today?”He...

2 years ago
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Of Literature and Lollipops

Introduction: A lollipop, a library, a librarian and a desk… Sometimes you have to be a little naughty to get something nice. Okay class, the essays are due on Monday. And rememberprinted papers, not handwritten. At least five paragraphs, no double spacing. You know the drill. One student grunted in agreement, whilst the majority had their eyes trained on the slowly ticking clock above the door. They were already practically out of the classroom even before the bell rang. I sighed, setting a...

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The Looters of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 10

Desmond knew that the band was changing and there was nothing he could do about it. The original core group of the chop shop car thieves and the Motorcycle club bad boys had been absorbed into the wider spectrum of store owners, housewives, and rural folks who just wanted to stay alive in a dangerous world. They were no longer just "looters" like some of the bandit groups of evil-minded survivors doing the devil's work in this society without structure. He sometimes plain didn't know...

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I stood before the full length mirror, naked, admiring myself. I was alone in the house. Thirty nine years old, I stand five foot four, shoulder length jet black hair, 36C breasts, areolas the size of a half dollar, nipples sticking out like pencil erasers, pussy hair shaved back to bikini-friendly. Ever since junior high school, I've been told that I was built like a brick shithouse. I know it's a compliment, but I'll be damned if I know what it actually means. I do know that I never had...

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Penny and her PussyChapter 9

"Are you alright Penny?" Harry Burns was concerned as he saw the worried look on Penny's face early one Thursday morning. "Yes, Harry. Just a bit worried - it's probably nothing. Just that my cat wasn't waiting for me last night when I got home and that's not like him. He'll turn up soon enough, I expect!" She tried to busy herself with her work, but the tears would not be banished, unlike when she had been painfully and soundly thrashed by Miranda on many an occasion and remained...

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The Sexual Awakening Part 8 The Cure for What Ail

One Week Later....As I regained my strength in my room. Ben was there every day keeping me aprised of his research. "Dude!" he said bursting into my room. "Guess what I found!" he added. "What?" I asked lampooning his excitement. "I found THE Milo Rembaldi expert, his name is Dr. Michael Reyerson!" "And this helps us how?" I asked. "Because not only is he the Rembaldi expert he's also his great grandson. He was Born Milo Michael Rembaldi!" "We gotta talk to this guy, he has to have answers!" I...

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The March of the RoseChapter 4

Motes of blackness began to appear in the air, swirling about in the center of the Hall of Kings, near the Dais of Swords. The motes began to coalesce into a large mass pulsing and throbbing with power. "Hand of Death, I require an audience," the mass declared. "What do you require, Oh Prince of Hell?" the astral image of DeathBringer asked, appearing high above its stone. "You know the law prohibits you from being here." "I come on the bequest of my master," the voice of Lord...

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Three some with couple

Hi Friends! Love to be back again after a long time. Thanks to all my fans who encouraged me to write all this by giving me ideas and inspirations. I am going to narrate an experience I had long back with a couple. Actually he was my friend and I used to go to him often and was sort of family friend. His name is Rajan and his wife is Uma. Rajan works in a private factory and has shift duties. Since I am working in officer cadre, I had normal working hours. I am telling this because everything...

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My Uncle Bought My Soul

First year was almost over, and next month my birthday would see me entering my twenties, University has been easy, more of a revamp of my final year at Gymnasieskola (Pre-University)Class was dismissed, and I walked outside, my thoughts were already filled with Summer.I descended the concrete stairs and made my way across to the big tree, where upon reaching I sat down under its swaying branches, with my back upright against its trunk.There was always something about nature and my body, my...

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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 33 Freedom

When Sally and I arrived at the hotel, Sever was wide awake and fighting vigorously against her bonds. Charlotte and Chloe were anxious. Neither of them was happy having Sever there but they understood that we couldn't dump her just anywhere. I went over and picked her up. She fought against me, but I carried her over to the bed and dumped her on it with little fuss. She squirmed and rolled over to face me. Her look alone told me more than enough to know what she would do if she got...

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Never Knew I Could Get So Romantic With My Friend8217s Wife

Hello everyone.. I really feel blessed to be here among all of you guys and girls and . And I’m overjoyed with the response I have received and I want you guys to keep them coming and I hope you are satisfied with my speed and my replies.. Unlike other writers I shall reply you within in an hour or 2 max to max in a day.. I love to be in touch with my readers.. you can even reach me directly on hangouts using this email id. Remember you don’t need to share ya number with me to chat on...

3 years ago
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Soldiers Tale

“There was a young soldier from Munich{br} Whose penis hung down past his tunic, And their chops girls would lick When they thought of his prick, {br} But alas! he was only a eunuch.” -author unknown # Soldiers Tale by Caesar, Copyright 1994, Revised 2007 License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Sicily was not what Ed had expected. Lieutenant Edward Thurmann and his haggard, war-weary platoon had slugged over the hills while slowly beating back the Germans. Ed was...

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Me And My Virgin Girlfriend

Mera nam jayet hai. Ye kahani tab ke hai jab mai room lekar dehradun mai rehta tha. Mere age 27 hai aur avg looking ladka hun. Mera tool 6.5″ lumba aur 2.5″ mota hai. Mujhe married ladkiya bahut pasand hai. Koi bhi secret relation ya advice ke liye mujhe bejhejhak msg kar sakte hain at “”. Ye kahani mere aur mere girlfriend ke beech ke hai jo 3 saal purani hai.This is the only time I had sex with her aur abhi 2 saal se hamara breakup ho gaya. Tub se bas ab chudai hi karne ke ikcha hoti hai,,per...

2 years ago
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Lost Virginity To Friend8217s Mother

Hi, Indian sex story readers, My name is Dicky. I’m from Bhubaneswar.I’m single and preparing for govt jobs. My height 5″9. I have a 4inch length dick and 4inch girth.I am slim and medium brown in color.I am a regular reader of ISS. Okay now to my sex story… I have recently completed my studies and was preparing for govt. I was tired of studying and thought of visiting a friend for “Khatti- chitchatting”. I called my friend Risabh and went to his house to meet him. I reached his house and...

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Geetha a Terrific Experience

I am nearing 21 and am from Kerala, India. My name is Raju and I am a graduate in B.A and I always had a fantasy regarding aged ladies since I had a terrific experience during my school days. I got my first sexual experience, as a gift from Sulochana.She was aged 23 and was my cousin brother's wife. After that we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She taught me various love positions, how to control ejaculation for 7 to 8 minutes and how to take a woman to the extreme...

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The Naughty Professor

She was my obsession. The purveyor of my every sexual fantasy. From the moment I saw Professor Patricia Ellington, my business administration teacher, I wanted her. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. She was so beautiful; with her shining blonde hair, smooth skin, supple breast, and firm ass and full luscious lips.Before I go on, let me introduce myself. My name is Evan Daniels. The story you're about to read depicts a huge turning point in my life. The lessons I learned and most...

3 years ago
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Bringing everyone together

"James!!" I snap out out of my daydream "Earth to James" my mom continued to talk as I realized I had been zoning her out for over 20 minutes now "Yes mom" I answered nervously "Have you not been paying attention to me this whole time" she looks over at me "and here I thought I had a great lister as a son" she begins to laugh " I was listening mom it's just that I started getting a bit tired" I rub my eyes and let out a small yawn hoping she believes me " well we're 5...

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Deflowering My Shy Muslim Classmate Shafaq

Hello everyone. This is Prem from Nagpur. I have been an avid reader of Indian sex stories for quite some time and reading these  stories has inspired me to write my own experiences. This is the story of how I lost my virginity to one of my classmates. The story begins when I was in the first year of college. As everything is new, you are scared at first but then you start making new friends and adjust to the new environment. As I was adjusting to this environment, I saw two familiar...

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