ElevatedChapter 10 free porn video

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Before he'd arrived at the house, Corvus had planned to invite his new household to join him for dinner. He'd imagined they would all sit around the table, sharing a meal and discussing the events of the day. After his encounter with Formerly Regula, he'd revised the plan. Everyone but his former classmate would join him while she was brought bread and water out in her new quarters.

But then he thought of John. The enormous gardener looked like he could crush a man with his bare hands and, based on Malcolm's description, probably didn't have the best table manners. Besides, he smelled like scallions.

Then, he thought of Merula and all her talk of ravishment. He was going to have to ask Pera to stop telling her daughters he was going to ravish them all. But, he wasn't going to ask just now as talk of ravishment tended to ruin his appetite.

So, he found himself in the odd position of having dinner alone with his father's steward while Pera, Nerila, and Gwen served the table. They'd managed to make a passable roast beef, but Corvus realized he would need to get a full-time cook to train them up.

"Your father and I used to eat like this all the time," said Malcolm when Corvus mentioned the oddity of it. "In Britannica. You have to remember that your father was a subaltern at the time. It wasn't proper to eat with his men and nearly everyone in the officer's mess outranked him. So, most nights, it was just the two of us."

Corvus looked over his shoulder at the door of the kitchen where his slaves worked. "You cooked?"

Malcolm gave a half-smirk. "I cooked in a war camp. The first few years, there was no electricity or gas. Your father had a wood-burning Oracle stove brought over so that I at least didn't have to use a campfire. Still, this..." He held up a forkful of beef. "Would have been a delicacy. Should I have one of the cooks come over from your father's house and see what she can make of the staff here?"

"Please," said Corvus gratefully. He reached for a salt shaker. "I ... handled this all badly. Didn't I?"

Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Your approach isn't what I would have chosen, sir. That doesn't mean it won't work ... although I still don't know how you're planning to get through to the slave formerly known as Regula Vitellius without formal training."

Corvus lifted his wineglass. "How did my father get through to you? You never had formal training."

A strange transformation overwent Malcolm's eyes as he thought back. "You have to understand the difference between my situation and hers. I was raised by savages who taught me that the pleasures of the flesh would keep me out of a paradise that was my only reward for suffering through this life. Hot showers, sanitary conditions, and electric lights were miracles from God and the Romans had all of them. What was I to think?"

Corvus nodded. "How long did it take?"

"About two years," said Malcolm. "For the first two years, I woke up every day convinced that was the day I would finally get the drop on my hated master, Gaius Gallicus, and murder him."

He said it so casually that a shiver went down Corvus's spine. Malcolm might seem mild-mannered and sophisticated now, but he'd been a savage, painted warrior once. Corvus asked, "What changed?"

"I began to acquire common sense," said Malcolm. "It dawned on me that, were I to succeed, I would be executed rather horribly by the Romans or I would escape back to the embrace of my church, my community, and my family, which wasn't much better. Gaius respected me, trained me from the beginning to read and keep his books, and was a considerate lover. Many slaves didn't have it so well."

Corvus choked a little on his wine and it ended up coming out his nose. Malcolm offered him a white cloth napkin without comment. The young patrician wiped his face. "You and my father were lovers?"

Malcolm nodded. "In a manner of speaking, yes. I was his catamite, although he wasn't that much younger than him. Not many prisoners had been taken at the time and the training to make them good slaves was lengthy. Only flag officers had girls dedicated to their service and the ones the rest of the officers' corps shared ended up killing more Romans with disease than all of England managed with swords and bows. Many subalterns took boys in battle and kept them for personal service." He wiped his own mouth. "Were you ever a catamite? I was led to understand that a lot of teenage plebeian boys traded such service for favor from patrician men."

"No," Corvus admitted. "I considered it, but there aren't as many men looking for that sort of thing as there used to be ... at least in civilian life. I was never pretty enough to be offered anything that made it seem worth the effort."

Malcolm nodded. "You have to understand, there's no such tradition in England. I mean ... I grew up knowing men of quality did that to serving boys and the like. But, we were taught it was a disgusting practice, sickening to the eyes of God and that the boys were just as culpable as the men. Do you know what we mean when we say, 'Service is the master's gift?'"

"Clover kind of explained it to me," said Corvus. "I think I partly understand."

Malcolm nodded. "It helped me come to terms with being a slave. It means that, when you serve, all decisions are the master's and the slave is never to blame for what he's been told to do. In England, a serving boy has no more right to refuse his master than a slave here. He can do what he's told or run away and starve. But, he's blamed for whatever 'immoral acts' he might perform. Romans are far more civilized."

Corvus retired to his room that night with a lot on his mind. Along with his encounter with Formerly Regula and his conversation with Merula, he had what he'd learned from Malcolm to consider. The steward had eventually told him a story about an ambush he and Gaius had lived through in part because Malcolm had picked up a gun and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the future general, shooting down his one-time countrymen as they tried to swarm his position. To hear Malcolm tell it, he'd save Gaius Gallicus's life that day when even touching a gun meant he should have been executed.

He didn't know the truth of it, but it sounded true and it helped explain a lot of why his father treated Malcolm differently from other slaves. And of course there was the matter of Malcolm having been Gaius's catamite for years. It didn't fit Corvus's impression of either man, but it had been a long time ago when Gaius hadn't been much older than Corvus was now.

He didn't speak as Nerida helped him undress for bed, too rapt in thought. Only when she went to her knees, dark eyes glittering up at him and asked, "How may I serve?' did Corvus remember his conversation with Merula and the girl's recommendation that he would enjoy taking Nerida to his bed.

He thought about it for a second. He'd seen Nerida around school as much as he had Regula and didn't often think of her as a slave. She dressed in current fashions, attended classes, and had a slender, aristocratic figure like her mistress. She and Regula could have been classmates or even sisters.

But, Nerida was still a slave. Even if she was a girl's companion, she was an attractive young woman in a household without so many slaves that they could be too specialized in their use. She probably assumed when she'd been summoned her that she would be spending the night. Still, it was wise to check. "Nerida, have you served in this room before?"

Nerida smiled. "Yes, sir. I served the traitor Labeo Vitellius often until his wife insisted he buy a woman more appropriate for a man his age." She looked up at Corvus. "Are you asking only about this room? I was trained to be a girl's companion, but I've been pressed into other service when the need arose. I could tell you about the men who have used me and what they did if it pleases you to hear." There was an odd sparkle in her eye that suggested she might enjoy the recounting or thought Corvus would.

"Uh..." Corvus hadn't expected quite so thorough an answer. "Another time maybe. Would it please you to stay with me tonight?"

Nerida's face went smooth and unreadable, but she didn't school the mischief in her eyes. "Would you seek to please me, master?"

Somehow, there was something much more forbidden about this than being with Clover or Rose had been. He'd gone to school with her for years. If he looked at her from the right and couldn't see her provenance mark, he could imagine Nerida as a citizen or even a patrician. The idea excited him powerfully. "I would."

"Then it will please me twice. There is no greater pleasure than that received in service." Nerida rose from her knees. "Would you like a massage? I'm certain today's activities must have left you tense and sore and I've been told my hands are quite skilled in easing such aches."

"That sounds ... wonderful," said Corvus. As Nerida indicated, he stripped off his pants and lay face down on the bed. She disappeared into the bathroom and reemerged a few minutes later naked and carrying a glass phial of oil. Corvus glanced away at first before he remembered Nerida was his property and he was allowed, even encouraged to look.

When Corvus had first learned he was going to be elevated, he'd thought he understood what being a patrician meant - the money, the slaves, the power, the easy access to good food and drugs. What he hadn't even guessed at was the most profound part of his elevation. He got to see how beautiful the world could be.

True, he'd seen some ugliness he might have been sheltered from as a plebe. He never would have gone to the slums out by the airport if he hadn't had a patrician's security retinue. And he wouldn't have seen Regula's tantrum if he hadn't had something she wanted and refused to give it to her. But that was more than balanced by the beauty he saw everywhere he went. In his father's house, he was surrounded by artifacts and art from around the world and they were often surpassed by the vistas from the house's many windows. His car was a work of art and craftsmanship that as a plebeian he would have been chased away if he even stared at it too long.

And now, there was Nerida. Corvus already had Clover and now Rose at home. Both were so incredibly beautiful that he was occasionally astounded that he could touch them and not be dragged away by police, but they looked like slaves - voluptuous curves, wide hips, and generous chests. There were plenty of girls among the plebiscite with similar appearances and even a couple in Corvus's class at school, but it was unquestionably a "lower-class" look and girls of that class never took it as a compliment to be told they were "built like a house-slave."

Nerida might be a house-slave, but she was built like a patrician. If she were dressed casually or in something flowing and diaphanous, her figure might even be called boyish, but that would be a mistake. She was all long, toned limbs the color of buckwheat honey and gentle, elongated curves. Her breasts were high and firm, the nipples dark like chocolate, tempting Corvus to taste them. There would be no mistaking her for a boy.

As Nerida straddled Corvus's waist, resting lightly on his bottom with only the thin cloth of his shorts between them, he said, "I think you would have made a better citizen than your mistress, Nerida."

Nerida drizzled oil on his back and started to rub it in with the heels of her hands, eliciting a low, appreciative groan from Corvus. "I have no mistress, sir -- unless you have someone in mind." One fingertip traced a hard line down his spine. "You're so tense. I do hope your meeting with the slave once known as Merula Vitellius went better than the one with her sister?"

"In some ways." Corvus groaned at the tension leaving his body. "I did have to explain a few things to her. She was convinced I was here to rape her whole family. Did you ... have something to do with that?"

Nerida gave a little laugh. "She asked me a lot of questions about being a slave, but I guess she didn't quite understand the answers I gave. Everyone knows you can't rape a slave."

Corvus groaned again, partly from what Nerida was doing, but partly from what she'd said. "I ... that's not what I explained to her. And she didn't say 'rape, ' but, I don't intend to ravish her either. I have plenty of slaves that seem happy to serve in that capacity. I don't need to ravish anyone."

Nerida leaned down close enough to press her chest against Corvus's back, spreading the oil between them. "If happy slaves are what you want in your bed, I am born to service."

"And Gwen?" Corvus asked, thinking of the secretary he'd acquired.

Nerida shifted most pleasantly against Corvus's back and kissed the juncture between his neck and shoulder. "Well, yes. But I think she might be less pleasing to you than I can be." She kissed him again. "Even after he had her, Labeo took every opportunity to smuggle me back into his bed whenever his wife's back was turned."

Corvus chuckled and stretched out, enjoying her touch. "And were you happy to be there, Nerida?"

She shifted again, rising enough to rub her way down his spine with her hands, her legs squeezing fractionally harder around his waist. "Yes. Serving Formerly Regula could be taxing at times and I..." She stopped and seemed to consider her next words. "Are you really so concerned about the happiness of your slaves, Citizen Corvus?"

Corvus glanced back over his shoulder at her. "Shouldn't I be?"

"You should be as you like," said Nerida immediately. She gave him an odd half-smile. "It only seems an unusual preoccupation. Slaves are fulfilled through good service. We gain contentment through providing for your happiness, not our own."

"Rise a little," said Corvus. When she had, he rolled on his back. Nerida settled again, sending a whole new wave of wonderful distractions through his body as she retrieved the oil and poured a line of it down his chest. "You don't want to be happy? I don't believe that."

Nerida leaned in close to stroke his shoulders. Her hair made a curtain around Corvus's head and made it seem like their conversation was being held in secret. "I try not to want anything. The weight of desire rests on these shoulders and I can feel the tension of it in every muscle. Service is the master's gift and spares us from desire."

Corvus rested his hands on her hips, stroking the soft flesh. His cock raged against the cotton of his shorts, pressed between them, but he was momentarily more interested in the conversation. "You really believe that?"

Nerida nodded. "I've believed it my whole life. It's what we're taught in the creche. Why wouldn't I believe it?"

"It's just ... very alien to my way of thinking," said Corvus.

"Then fortunate we are the gods made me a slave and you a patrician," said Nerida. She'd stopped massaging him and rested her hands on his chest.

"Gaius Gallicus made me a patrician," said Corvus. "The gods made me a plebe."

Nerida smiled and gave a faint shake of her head like she disagreed. "How may I serve, Citizen?"

Apparently, the massage was over and Nerida wanted to move onto the next thing ... or didn't want, but was ready. Still, Corvus had more questions, "Would you become a citizen if it were offered?"

She gave a faint nod and her smile got warmer. "Oh, yes. If there were a man who wanted me and would provide. I wouldn't want to be out on the street, but I could gladly serve my husband and the Empire as a wife and mother."

Corvus nodded thoughtfully. He'd already mentioned the possibility of finding Merula a husband and manumitting her at some time in the future. The girl hadn't been enamored of the idea, but Nerida seemed to be. Maybe at the same time he manumitted the former Vitellii, he would offer Nerida the same option.

"There are some slaves who don't believe what they're taught," Nerida said quietly. "Or they do for a while and then some crazy idea slips into their head and they become discontent. Even girls of good breeding can fall prey if they're not vigilant." She leaned in closer so that her lips were almost touching Corvus's and wriggled against his straining cock. "Would you like me to be one of those girls ... or a citizen. I've done it before."

Corvus was having a hard enough time parsing basic Latin when she moved like that. Her last sentence made no sense at all. "You've done ... what?"

Nerida gave a little smirk. "Formerly Merula isn't the only one in this household who can act, master. I can be a citizen or a rebellious slave if that's what you want. I've done both." She reached down and touched the bruise Regula had left on his cheek. "I know how to struggle without really struggling ... if you like."

Corvus was horrified, but his body gave an entirely different signal that Nerida couldn't possibly miss, straddling him as she was. Still, he shook his head and said, "No. I only want happy slaves in my bed."

"Of course." Nerida kissed his lips softly. "How may I serve?"

Corvus sighed and raised his hips, all the signal Nerida needed to slide off his shorts and slide herself down onto his aching cock. She was hot, tight, and wet and it was some consolation to Corvus that he apparently wasn't the only one in the room turned on by their previous conversation.

As Nerida rode him, she started to make little pleasure noises that rose with the speed of their coupling. But they sounded a little ... wrong to Corvus. "Nerida, what are you doing?"

"I'm riding my master's cock," said Nerida brightly. "And it makes me happy."

Corvus gave her a playful swat on the ass. "Don't do that unless you mean it. I'll never learn if everything seems to work."

Nerida shifted her hips so she was no longer arching her back, but instead leaned forward to rest her hand on the bed and look down at him. "I wish only to express my joy at being in your bed, master. If you prefer, I could sing instead."

"No singing," said Corvus emphatically. He gripped Nerida's hips and thrust upwards hard, drawing her down on himself at the same time. Nerida let out a cry that sounded halfway between pleasure and distress. "That's far more honest. I only want to hear those sounds from you when you mean them."

Nerida nodded and shifted her hips. "As my master wishes."

She rode him again, her breathing quick, but didn't make another sound until Corvus flipped her on her back and pounded into her with unbridled enthusiasm. Then she cried out, clinging to him until her nails drew furrows across his back. She shuddered out her pleasure beneath him shortly before his exploded into her.

Later, Corvus lay on his back panting. "I don't need my slaves to humor me, Nerida. I need you to teach me how to do that so a woman enjoys it. I'm bound to end up with a wife one of these days and I'll need to know what I'm doing. She won't be born to service."

"Of course not." Nerida rolled on her side against him, cuddling up on his arm. "I understand you're a very rich and powerful man. The woman who captures your heart will have to be incredibly beautiful."

Corvus chuckled and stroked her back. "Perhaps, but the one I marry will only need to have a rich and powerful father. I won't get to marry for beauty."

"A terrible burden," said Nerida earnestly. "Still, if she's ugly, she'll be an ugly girl happy to be in your bed - especially if as you're such an enthusiastic learner."

Corvus smiled and cupped Nerida's ass. He would have to be careful with her. Labeo Vitellius must have been a very insecure man for her to have learned so thoroughly to stroke a man's ego. He drew up the sheets over them, feeling as relaxed as he had all day.

He was mostly asleep when Nerida asked, "You are going to let someone fuck them. Aren't you?"

"What?" Corvus slurred. "Let who fuck who?"

"The former Vitellii," said Nerida. "They're beautiful and two of them are young. Formerly Regula has all the natural appetites of a healthy young woman and Formerly Merula has been increasingly curious about the subject. I was to be her companion once she turned fifteen, but she already had a million questions. It would be unnatural and cruel to deprive them for their whole lives."

Corvus certainly hadn't thought of it that way. He'd been so worried about the consequence of ordering them to his bed that he hadn't even thought there were consequences to not ordering them there. Sending them to someone else's bed posed the same problems. Until Malcolm had brought it up, he hadn't thought slaves would sleep with each other, but it apparently did happen. "They don't have to be deprived. Slaves can sleep with each other. Right?"

"If their master allows it," said Nerida. "But, there's only John. He's simple and smells a bit. She might settle for other girls, but I'm certainly not going to sleep with her anymore unless you will it and I very much doubt any of the other girls will volunteer for the task. Besides, what sort of girl gives up her maidenhead to another slave? You might as well steal the silverware."

Corvus lay back and closed his eyes. "Well, it's not something I have to decide tonight. We should get some sleep."

Nerida snuggled closer. "Plenty of time tomorrow."

That wasn't what Corvus had meant. He was planning on putting off the decision for a while at least. He wasn't sure he was even going to be able to keep Regula or if he'd have to send her off for training. He wondered if training involved someone having sex with her. Maybe they did it all with girls.

His eyes flew open again. "Did you say you used to have sex with Regula?"

"Only as service required," said Nerida. "Not since her fall."

"But, you had sex with her?" Corvus insisting, trying to wrap his brain around it.

"I did." Nerida rose to look in his eyes and that glint of mischief was there. "Should I tell you all about it? Some men have asked for such stories."

Considering what he'd seen between Clover and Rose, Corvus wasn't at all surprised that men would be curious about such things. Still, it raised a fresh worry. "Did you tell them?"

"I told them what Formerly Regula ordered me to tell them," said Nerida. "I would tell you the truth if you asked."

Corvus shook his head. "What did she order you to tell them?"

"That she was a skillful and adept lover, uninhibited and free with her touches - that her kisses left me breathless and I couldn't contain myself when she touched me." Nerida scowled. "That ... I was so distracted by her beauty that I would forget to do other tasks, daydreaming about her. Service is a gift, but I did not like saying that at all."

"She wasn't a..." What was the phrase Malcolm had used. "A considerate lover?"

"She wasn't a lover. She was a mistress. I served her pleasure, not she mine." Nerida shrugged as if to say that was the way with the world. "Boys somehow like the fantasy of a mistress who pleasures her slaves and I did not mind playing it, but to have me tell them I was a lazy daydreamer? Service is a gift, but it's not always an easy gift to bear."

Corvus stroked her hair, comforting her even if he didn't really understand the nature of her pique. "Who were these men?"

"Patricians," said Nerida. "Men who sought to contract Regula as a mistress. As a maid, she couldn't very well go to their beds herself, but she would send me with her regrets."

Corvus frowned. "Wouldn't a simple 'no' have sufficed?"

"If these were men she meant to say 'no' to, there are many ways to say it," said Nerida. "These were the ones she was considering."

"Regula was considering taking a lover?" Corvus wasn't sure how many more shocks his impression of his former classmate could take.

"She was seeking one," said Nerida. "She wanted to raise a dowry before she went looking for a husband. Any one of them might have shielded her from this, but none were ever good enough for her."

Corvus doubted a patrician lover could have saved Regula from the taint of a traitor's get, but didn't bother to argue. "I ... it never occurred to me that Regula thought about sex at all. She always seemed ... untouchable to me, like a beautiful statue made out of glass." He frowned. "You did say she was a virgin. Right?"

"Just barely, but she thought about sex quite a bit and probably still does. Like I said, she has healthy appetites and she fed them as best she could." Nerida kissed his chest. "She's a virgin, but there's not much left to blush about."

Corvus looked in her eyes. "You make it sound like she'd be eager to have sex with me."

Because he was watching for it, he saw when Nerida's eyes flicked to the right, indicating a lie. "I think she would."

Corvus considered his new slave, wondering what her angle was on this. He could think of only one thing. "And would you be eager to see me take her, Nerida?"

Nerida's smile chilled him. "I would be pleased to see Formerly Regula accept her new lot in life. The sooner tears are cried, the sooner they dry."

Corvus understood now. Nerida had made no secret of her dislike of her former mistress and she was out for some good, old-fashioned payback with Corvus as the instrument of her revenge. He could understand the animosity. He'd required a rather startling amount of it towards Regula in the course of a day. But, it didn't make him like Nerida any better. He lay back again. "I'll consider it ... tomorrow."

The next three days were a whirlwind of activity in Corvus's new house. The last remnants of the Vitellius family (other than the family themselves) were packed up, swept up, and washed away. With Crispa Iunius's help, Corvus spent each morning meeting with furniture sellers, tradesmen, and others who would as Crispa put it, "Transform his new home decor from 'early Imperial traitor' to 'patrician modern.' In the end, the furnishings and the work that was to start immediately on expanding the slave quarters was going to cost him more than the house had cost his father, but that was apparently the price of surrounding oneself with beauty.

His conversation with Nerida had made him realize how badly he'd let himself be lulled in some ways by his rise in the world. Among the skills Lucretia had insisted he learn growing up, he'd considered the ability to read people one of the most important. He still did it, but he'd only been doing it selectively - on the people he thought could most impact his future.

But who could impact his future more than the people in his own house? It was easy to think that most slaves had simple motivations based around their jobs. But whatever they were taught to believe, after watching a few more closely as they worked, Corvus had no doubt they wanted things.

Malcolm was largely an enigma, but watching him interact with others, Corvus started to see how much the man valued respect. He was aloof with the other slaves, but could show the sharp side of his tongue in a flash if one of them seemed to be talking back. With most citizens, he spoke as if he considered himself their equal and most fell into treating him as such. A few felt the need to establish their superiority by word or attitude. To those, he became instantly supercilious, but also painfully correct and polite in his words and form of address.

He watched Nerida and Gwen and their interaction as they cleaned, cooked, and worked around the constant chaos. The second night, he took Gwen to bed with him. She was built more like a house-slave than Nerida and performed admirably, but after she was done, she took her leave to clean herself up and straightened the room before asking if he wanted her to stay the night. Nothing about her body language suggested disgust or unhappiness, but this was clearly just another task for her and, when Corvus dismissed her back to her own room, she seemed just as pleased to go as to stay.

He didn't need that. The Vitellii might not be able to afford enough slaves to suit each to their best purpose, but he could. It was a shame in a way. Gwen and Clover could almost have been sisters in appearance, but that spark he felt with Clover simply wasn't there. Mostly, his encounter with Gwen made him miss his body-slave. So, he sent for her to join him on the third day.

He returned from a long lunch with Crispa Iunius to find her arranging linens in one of the closets off of the master bedroom. The bedroom door was open and he was able to watch her unobserved for several seconds before she realized he was there. A tightness that had been building in his chest vanished. She was smiling happily to herself at folding and storing sheets. He'd started to worry that she might be secretly unhappy as a slave, but everything about her relaxed posture and wide, easy smile suggested a woman in her element.

When she turned and looked at Corvus, her face fell and his heart sank with it. But he realized after a moment that he was seeing compassion and concern, not revulsion. She ran over and went down on her knees in front of him. "How may I serve?"

Corvus stroked her hair. "I didn't mean to interrupt. Go back to what you were doing."

Clover rose to her feet and headed back to the closet, but she kept glancing at Corvus's face out of the corner of her eye. The bruise on his cheek had faded a little, but it was still a mass of yellow and brown with a tinge of purple. But, Corvus ignored her glances. He didn't want to talk about Formerly Regula and had become something of an expert at not doing so. She'd been confined to the slave quarters since the attack with all the work that could be carried and couldn't be botched too badly brought to her. No one talked to him about her, not even her mother or sister. Corvus had the feeling that, if he didn't say anything, she would just stay there forever, forgotten and alone.

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Thanks to all the authors in the Swarm mailing list for the help on canon questions and their editing prowess. Too many to list, but Omachuck stands out, having put a lot of time into this and my next one. Brooke, Nuke Danger, Zen Master, all of them contributed and helped make this readable. All remaining errors are mine and mine alone. I wished, not for the first time, that the asshole would do something, anything that would let me get us out of his house. I felt guilty because that...

3 years ago
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The Visit

I knock on the door, I wait anxiously, not sure what to expect. You open the door and walk away from me so I can see your body dressed in black stockings, suspenders and basque... I step inside, feeling excited, but as the door shuts you swing around and grab me by the balls, and say from now on you call me mistress, you do what I say and receive what I give you willingly as tonight you are my cock slut.... do you understand, I nod amongst my whimpering... you order me to undress, as I take off...

3 years ago
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My Incestful Sex Life 8211 Part 1 I See My Mom Topless

It had been almost 3 years since I started writing erotic stories. Most of my work belonged to the illicit category of Incest. Fortunately for me, I had been receiving a considerable amount of praise, and it gave me a lot of satisfaction. More than the ratings I managed to achieve, submitting a story gave me a sense of contentment. As much as I enjoyed the process, it was still a very classified activity. It was a secret I always wanted to remain one. But, when I fell head over heels for Pooja,...

3 years ago
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Pinkys little pinky

Pinkie woke up from his nightmare. He had a dream his sister had stopped him naked at school and his mother spanked him over her knee in his classroom. the whole classroom laughing, his little nub of a cock poking out for all to see, his bare ass red with the imprint of his mother's hand. the idea was horrifying but even so Pinky's little pinky was stood upright, at a full 3 inches and throbing as he pulled back his covers slowly with a groggy moan. He was starting to remember. He was Pinky, he...

1 year ago
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Late night flight

I was sitting in the Mumbai airport restaurant lounge waiting for my flight which didn’t leave for another three hours. It was a late night flight for I never could predict if the meeting could be over in time for evening flights to get back to Delhi, I rushed to the airport n not thinking of checking in some hotel just for few hours. I quietly sat and looked out the window, had some coffee, and watched the other people in the lounge. When few of the flights left, I was the only person in the...

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Me and my dad

Marrying at a young age, 22, during my first year university is something I don’t think i’ll ever understand. It’s not like I asked her to marry me. She asked me and I accepted. Sadly, our marriage was anything other than wedded bliss. She the ex-wife got pregnant the following year. She was 24 at the time and had just received her Master’s Degree. Her family supported us for the most part until both of us were out in the world pulling our own weight. Along came Mehul, our son and I wasn’t...

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Mic Drop The First Track Side B

Two hours later, the house was booming with excitement. The house was packed with people from college friends to acquaintances and music industry snoops just looking for a party. The guests ranged from dancing in the living room with drinks in hand to sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows to tipsy skinny-dipping poolside.The music was blasting through giant speakers. A mixologist stayed by the bar shaking and prepping drinks within minutes, even seconds. Hand food was stacked on tables....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Can I See It

“Can I see it?” I asked him with a giggle and received a playfultelling off from Danny who told me it wasn’t a peek show. I pouted and hung my head and gave a few sniffles. Danny’s friend was staying overnight on his way to the City the next day where he had a job interview. We’d been chatting and drinking and Danny happened to mention that Mickey, his long term friend from way back in his college days, was hung like a stallion and put many a black man to shame. The drink had certainly...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Hot Sexy HR Nisha 8211 Part 2

I mean I just wanted to visit my friend after a long time, have a good time and then come back. Instead, life decides to make things interesting for you. I mean, Nisha could have just worn all her clothes and come out. Now I am sitting on the toilet with my jeans and underwear down. My cock is rock hard after seeing her sexy body. Did I ask her to show her milky white skin wearing a small bra and jiggling her boobs in front of me? All I could do was hold my cock and jerk off, spitting a thick...

4 years ago
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How the Other Half Loves

***This story is 10 years old, I am not 100% sure who originally wrote it but it has some good content. I wanted update it all this time later although various authors have done different stuff on this over time. Please enjoy this story but understand it will be changing a lot so some stuff might now really work*** "That's crazy," she says. "No, it's true," you tell your wife, "I can't see you naked without wanting sex, even when I'm tired." Sam looks at you with that disbelieving half-smile...

3 years ago
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New Roommate 60

After Nate had left for his shift at the pub, I pulled Kevin and Paul to one side so i could talk to them. "Guys, we need to talk. I am so sorry about this hole situation, and I'm sorry that it has dragged out this far, and so you guys know Im looking for a new place to live." I say feeling slightly realived. "No you are not moving out Rox, you are part of this family, and to be honest, things would be strange with out you." Paul says. "Im sorry Paul, but I have to go, it is just so...

1 year ago
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Service WifeChapter 18 Captains Wife Gets Tripled

When I came out the boys had all gotten dressed, no one had underwear on. I say that because I could clearly see every one of their cocks pushing out against the pants they had on. Everyone got into the places Jack wanted them and we began with me walking in the front door of the bar. We did it just the way Jack said, it was like everyone knew what to say and do with out ever stopping to talk about it. As I was laid on my back on the pool table, they put my ass right on the edge. I hooked my...

2 years ago
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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

2 years ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 8

August 1958 Eddie’s MotherThe idea of fucking Mrs. Rooney never once crossed Vic’s mind. Why would it? Not only was she his best friend’s mother, she didn’t do for him what her sister did. In other words, Vic never got stiff from looking at Eddie’s mother like he did from looking at his aunt. Marion O’Rourke got him big and hard. Mrs. Rooney didn’t. It was as simple as that. No, it wasn’t. Eddie’s aunt had Vic seeing her sister in a whole different light.It started when Marion asked to...

3 years ago
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I Need 30 Comments to Bang This Woman

Guys, this sweet ass could be mine to bang on Friday, but I need your help. Read the story and you will understand! PLEASE HELP, BECAUSE I DEFINITELY NEED THIS WOMAN!!!!Not all of my weeks where I am conducting training start with a late afternoon wine and dine cocktail and appetizer get together, but then I am not always training execs for a fortune 100 company either.Anyway, I met Arbi this afternoon. She was born in Europe and has the aristocratic features of royalty in her face and a body...

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Football strip

Nicole was not a sports fan. Her family was never into sports. That had been fine, until she met Matt, who loved sports. They got along well in all other areas – beliefs, goals, physical activity, dreams – everything but sports. Matt was a big football fan, and spent every Sunday (or Monday) watching his favorite team, the Green Bay Packers. This was fine with her, as she spent that time studying and reading journals for her career. Their relationship continued to blossom, and soon they were...

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Proton—Absolute Center Faustus Mortal is a fictional character. So is Sari Stone, for that matter. This is not to say that they were not inspired by living human beings, however, any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental and none should be inferred. It is mid afternoon. Faustus Mortal goes to the Basilica Cardinale. He is there almost every day as a religious. Seated in the knave are two whom he knows: Sari Stone and Toy Euler. Sensing him arrive, Sari rises and goes...

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Lonely Horny Mumbai Housewife

Hello all friends, I am Aniket from Andheri , Mumbai. I am 28 years of age, 5’8″ tall, reasonably good looking, athletic yet with boyish charms. I work with a MNC. You can read my earlier experience at Now coming to the story, it happened a few days ago. I had a stormy fucking sessions with a washi (Navi Mumbai) housewife. We are good friends and meet often whenever her husband goes outstation. She has a very close friend with whom she shares everything in her life. That friend was also...

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By The Balls

BY THE BALLSwritten, produced and directed byTHE SUPREME GODDESS NATASHA Ft. Lauderdale, FLMen are so easy. I mean they are so easily seduced. Regardless of your strength, your assertiveness, your courage and heroics, the size of your muscles or the size of your cock, whether you are a fireman or a financier, a smart Woman can conquer you with the merest whiff or suggestion of sex and reduce you to crawling and begging for Her favors. A smart Woman can have you eating out of Her hand...

1 year ago
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Bondage made me come Part 2

I got home from my first bondage session, I went upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I needed to get out of my Tights, they were soaking wet from my cum, my body was still shaking from the Orgasms the master had given me. Finally I was naked and got into the shower, I put my hand between my legs and fingered myself silly thinking about what I had just done. My head was buzzing, I never thought In a million years that I would have to guts to go and do that, I didn't feel guilty and to be...

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Six Times A DayPart 27 Anyone for Tennis

There was a big Halloween party planned for Saturday night, so Alan figured there wouldn't be much action earlier in the day while people were conserving their energy and preparing for the party. However, everyone was keen to test the waters on how things would be now that Ron was gone. Katherine woke up fairly early and went jogging. She'd been exercising regularly to keep in shape since before she became a cheerleader, but lately she was even more dedicated because she considered herself...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Realized Part 3

Fantasy Realized - Part 3 Cindy Johnson - [email protected] If you would like the free audio version, please leave a review and send me a request. Prologue: Wilson and Helen use sex as a hobby and a way to stay connected. The meaning of love and sex has become blurred for them, however, each of them enjoy the journey. My name is Wilson and the story you are about to read is true and it has been an amazing journey... Part 3: She was excited but also felt sorry for Wilson when she...

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Getting Even

I overheard my sister-in-law putting Judy, my wife, down. Putting people down is something that Kate has done all of her long life. Not to anyone's face mind you, but behind their back. She also makes up stories that are definitely not true. It is like she has a license to lie. It is like she has the first, last, and all of the gossip at her hand. You could stand it if it wasn't so malicious. What is sad is that she never seems to get caught, and still has a circle of friends that listen to...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbor

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Just put it in the far room, please.” Even his voice was sexy. How could he be so perfect? He was 19, 6’ 2”, and had the shaggiest sensual tan and finely sculpted muscles. His eyes were the deepest pool of blue, and his smile was filled with such warmth. And he was my new neighbor. Oh, how many dreams of mine he’s starred in! If only he could just look at me with those blue eyes. I’d drown in them, and not want to come up for air! But, of course, like...

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Neighbor Girl Needs Help 3

The next morning as I get home from work, I see the neighbor lady that lives kitty corner from me. Miranda, I think her name is. She looks good for her age, mid 40s probably, wearing a simple red t-shift and light blue capris. I say hello on the way to my door, she smiles back and replies "Coffee Time!" and keeps on walking. As I get to my door I fumble for my keys, looking back to check her out as she walks to the coffee shop down the street, her tight pants showing off that ass, swaying the...

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Why Not

Why not?There was a family tragedy. It wasnt easy to get over, thats if I ever really did. But it made me revaluate things. Too long leading the quiet normal reasonably happy life. Just the normal mundane married life.My sex life had ended years ago. I still loved my wife but, through no fault of her own, she lost interest in sex. I was happy enough to make do occasionally wanking off to internet porn. Lots of occasions. I loved to watch some lesbian fun.Anyway my life seemed to be chuntering...

2 years ago
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Carnival EroticaChapter 2

The two young Americans sat nursing cups of coffee at a small sidewalk cafe. Both women were exchange students who had come to Romania, one to study the language, the other its culture. Kristy Anders' passion for the culture of Eastern Europe had its origins in American vampire movies and her youthful fascination with Transylvania. She had scrimped and saved since a sophomore in high school and along with modest help from her not-well-off parents and a generous grant, she was now spending...

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NubileFilms Anie Darling How Sweet It Is

Ricky Rascal is working from home when his girlfriend, Anie Darling, emerges from the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Ricky’s shirts. Grabbing a lollipop, Annie observes the situation and tries to determine the best course of action to get her needs met. She decides to tackle Ricky’s inattention head on with an approach that may not be subtle, but which is effective. Strutting to the mirror that Ricky can see just out of the corner of his eye, Anie peels off her shirt and slips...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 494 Tiny Tina

“I haven’t eaten since I got here, but I think I can keep up,” I told Tina. “Maybe. You look a bit big to do parkour gracefully and not to bust your ass,” Tina teased. “I guess we will see, won’t we?” You didn’t get the memo, I see. You’re challenging a grandmaster in all martial arts to do some jumps, flips, rolls, walk narrow ledges, and bounce off walls. I would freak out the Ninja Warrior people. I went to my apartment here to find some workout clothes. It wasn’t hard to find a pair of...

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Breaking Drake Ch 08

The two men slept badly, dreaming of screams and groans. Drake twitched on the sandy ground, imagining the scaled whip snapping and tearing through his skin once again. He woke up with a start, panicking and hyperventilating. He laid on the ground, trying to calm his breathing down. He looked over at Riley, who was twitching in the throes of his own nightmares. The sun was just rising, and the arena was quiet, besides the occasional snort from one of the large pens. Drake watched as a female...

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Going Bi sex

Thanks to Carolyn, I had morphed literally overnight into a superstud. Three months into my sixteenth year, I had fucked three different girls besides Carolyn. I liked the sex, and I liked girls more than before, but I had that feeling we all get sooner or later that sex wasn't all I wanted. I was still lonely, and I think screwing girls made it worse because each time it was a new girl, I cared for her a little less. I still looked at boys, and in my heart of hearts, I had that vague...

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Selene And The Tongue Of Lilith

It had only been three months since Selene’s eighteenth birthday and she had already all but mastered animation and transmutation spells.  She was wandering through the library when she came across the forbidden section.“Naughty naughty,” said a voice behind her.  Selene spun around and found Cadence, an upperclassman who was known for her lewd yet sly nature.“Oh, um hi Cadence.  What are you doing here?” Selene sheepishly backed into the bookcase, nearly knocking all the artifacts off the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Birthday exploits of a salesman

I once shared a house with a guy called Mike who was a salesman.One day it was Mike's birthday. A cause to celebrate and often such celebrations got a bit boisterous.So to celebrate his birthday Mike went out with some mates of his leaving me by myself in the house. Mike and one of the mates he'd gone out with returned in the small hours in high spirits with a couple of women (sluts as they called them) they had picked up. I heard Mike demand "Where's Emma" (me). I was still up sitting...

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The Photograph

Leanne’s was impressed the first time she saw him: slim, fit, very good looking, very attractive for a man in his late thirties; twenty years her senior, but clearly very much in his prime. She had always been attracted to older men, and she put this down to her ‘daddy-issues’. She had never known her father. Her mother had told her the story many times. “It was a brief but very passionate affair. He was fantastic in bed!” “Ooh Mom! Too much information! I don’t need to know that,...

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Promotion To A Male Escort From A Professional Masseur

Hello everyone.. I really feel blessed to be here among all of you guys and girls and . And I’m overjoyed with the response I have received and I want you guys to keep them coming and I hope you are satisfied with my speed and my replies.. Unlike other writers I shall reply you within in an hour or 2 max to max in a day.. I love to be in touch with my readers.. you can even reach me directly on hangouts using this email id. Remember you don’t need to share ya number with me to chat on...

4 years ago
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The first masturbation

As a boy he began to have sex very early, even with older girls.The first erection came on a day like many, a c***dhood friend while studying a page of history and her parents were out. Who knows what had happened to give rise to the excitement ... Maybe the perfume she was wearing ... Maybe they were her features, her skin smooth and soft or probably just had to happen.The fact is that he had heard seething inside, his face looked the book, but the eyes and mind were focused elsewhere. Began...

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Birthday Baby Surprise

I had contacted Laura through a popular online dating site, she was just turning 40 and a very good looking red head. She seemed to have a lot things going for her, working on a PhD, driving a Hummer and she was a high placed administrator at a Community College. She was extremely determined to meet and wanted to meet soon! I told her I had a commitment on the night she was insistent on meeting. I offered to meet the next day. I asked her what's the rush, the tone of her voice changed and she...

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Second ChanceChapter 46

With Jim home bound, and Millie, Colleen and Rebecca refusing to leave his side, I was free to explore the idea of purchasing the island nation of Nauru, and turning it into a self-supporting community. The Judge cleared the road with the 'government' of Nauru, which turned out to be a dispirited group of people, exhausted from decades of fruitless struggles, trying to keep people fed, housed, clothed, and the island economically afloat. With the promise of better living conditions,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 294 ISS

I never thought about going into space. What the hell else do these aircraft do? The three kid’s total disbelief that I was taking them to the International Space Station quickly dissolved as we slowly approached the place my visor was showing me. It guided me toward one of the docking ports on the side. Before I could figure out how the hell we were going to dock with the space station, a robotic arm began taking things from an external location to reconfigure the docking port. The nose of...

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The White Apron Did It 3

THE WHITE APRON DID IT! By Monica Graz PART 9 Lita looked again at her brand-new passport and the photo attached to it. She was more concerned than usually. Was she going a bit too far this time? Her crossdressing and submissive tendencies were all declared loudly at her passport photo. All she could see was a young plain looking woman dressed in a light blue dress with a white collar, the unmistakable symbol of a maid's uniform. She looked at the passport name again,...

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Grieving Widow

Even after three months, it didn't even let up. The scene was almost always the same: late into the night, Tammy, my 23 year old daughter, would break down into uncontrollable sobs and litanies of regret and self pity. Her husband of less than one year, Michael, was killed in an automobile accident by a drunk driver. There was nothing her mother and I could do but comfort her in her hour of need. We took turns, Mary and I. Some nights she would spend with Tammy, neither of us leaving her...

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A massive BBC in Anas tight butt

After fucking in a wild manner during all night long, my sexy wife told me she had a date for next evening. I was really astonished and stared at Ana, asking her who would be the lucky bastard.My sensual wife giggled, saying it would be Ronnie, one of her black coworkers; a guy that I had never met before…I asked Ana why that guy was the chosen one and she laughed, telling me she wanted to be fucked in the ass by a giant black dick… And Ronnie had one…and he was willing to taste her tiny...

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hot sister in law

My wife of many years, Karen had decided that sex was no longer something that she wanted to do. I wasn't ready to give up on it yet and every girl I saw started to look better and better to me. I contemplated having an affair but I lived in a small town and I was afraid that I would be caught. Karen didn't want to have sex but she also made it clear that she didn't expect me to stray. All of this made no sense to me and I just got hornier and hornier. Her sister Leanne lived one town over and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Mirror Part 1

The Mirror (Part 1)The distance between our apartments was about 20 feet. Just wide enough to get a truck into the laneway. When they moved in a month ago, I saw her. I guessed she was around my age, 15/16, tiny with wild curly black hair, olive skin and small perky tits. Opening up the window, she looked out over the laneway directly at me. Holding my gaze for a minute, she went back to whatever she was unpacking in the room. I still remember her eyes. Incredibly large, almost black. She...

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Staying on the Farm With MomChapter 5

That started us going again. Opportunities for sex, even longer sessions, were easily found. Marylou was busy with the kids and Little Hank worked with me and the men out in the fields. It wasn’t hard for me to come back to the house for a session, sometimes even twice a day. We almost wore out the Christian position which was a novelty for us, although I don’t think the Bible meant for anyone to do it the way we did. We often mixed it up with our doggy style but even that got better as Ma...

2 years ago
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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 5 Rewards Executive Style

"Mummy, Mrs. Moncrieff is looking at you." Alison's daughter Rebecca was tapping her arm and pointing at the gate that was the entrance to the local primary school. She looked in the direction Beccy was indicating and grinned as she saw the old busybody, and secretary to the school's principal, Mabel Moncrieff moving in her direction with a frown on her face, a frown that these days seemed to be stitched on. "Mummy why does she look angry at you?" Rebecca Jones looked at the way her...

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Gaaoun Gaaoun Ki Kahani

Ram Jaanay, voh konsi gharhi thi jub yeh shubh kaam huwa. Molvi Sahib ka aksar yahaan se guzar hota tha aur kabhi aisa nahi huwa tha keh koi mozoun age, shakal ki fuckable aurat/ housewife nah mili ho. Yeh gaaoun se baahar, dour dousray end par voh jagah thi jahan long time ago, angrazoun ne shayad railways ke liye tunnels dig ki thein magar phir kisi wajah se yeh kaam adhoura reh gaya magar needful ke liye chodaai ka buht secret aur buht munasab addah bun gaya. Nahi nahi, ghalt matlab nah...

Gay Male
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Wine Country

I'm 32 years old, dirty blonde hair, green eyes and curvy. I recently reconnected with an old friend from my 'formative' years.I was out in Napa Valley for work,and he decided to take a road trip and decided to come and see me.To be honest, I thought about what it would be like yo fuck him now,and hoped that maybe something might happen.I made sure to wear a cute new bra and panty set that I had just baought.A lacy black bra, and some sheer black thong panties with little crystals.Very cute.I...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 152

This one is compliments of harry One day a man decided to retire... He booked himself on a Caribbean cruise and proceeded to have the time of his life, that is, until the ship sank. He soon found himself on an island with no other people, no supplies, nothing, only bananas and coconuts. After about four months, he is lying on the beach one day when the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen rows up to the shore. In disbelief, he asks, "Where did you come from? How did you get here?" She...

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Just My LuckChapter 9

I was up and ready early, ate breakfast at the local IHOP, and was at the factory's offices at 8:45. I guess I was a little early, since Mary had not arrived as yet. I waited in her outer office and had a cup of coffee. At five to nine, a very well dressed forty-something woman walked in and waved me into her office. "You must be Bob Rothman, I'm Mary Herman, I'm the CEO around here and we will be meeting in about a half hour to discuss your designs for our website. I am truly sorry for...

3 years ago
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Lured Chapter 2 Her Story

I'm Lisa. My husband George has already related to you some of our experiences with Patrick and Michelle in "Lured". This is the continuation of that story.After our first session of sex we relaxed for a bit on the soft flokati rug. Michelle was sucking on Patrick's dick while I was working on George's. Both guys were soon ready for more. George was lying on his back on the soft flokati rug, his cock pointing toward the ceiling. I straddled him and lowered my pussy down onto his hard cock.As we...

2 years ago
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There Must Be a Mistake Ch 03

Note: All persons used in this novel are fictitious. Although the areas used in this novel are real, the streets, buildings, roadways, recreational areas, and other points of interest used to make this interesting reading for you, are neither at the exact heights, or in the location described. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this is not the story for you. As I have it notated now, those scenes will be evocative rather than aggressive. They also will be a few and...

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