Beautiful Journey
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Before he'd arrived at the house, Corvus had planned to invite his new household to join him for dinner. He'd imagined they would all sit around the table, sharing a meal and discussing the events of the day. After his encounter with Formerly Regula, he'd revised the plan. Everyone but his former classmate would join him while she was brought bread and water out in her new quarters.
But then he thought of John. The enormous gardener looked like he could crush a man with his bare hands and, based on Malcolm's description, probably didn't have the best table manners. Besides, he smelled like scallions.
Then, he thought of Merula and all her talk of ravishment. He was going to have to ask Pera to stop telling her daughters he was going to ravish them all. But, he wasn't going to ask just now as talk of ravishment tended to ruin his appetite.
So, he found himself in the odd position of having dinner alone with his father's steward while Pera, Nerila, and Gwen served the table. They'd managed to make a passable roast beef, but Corvus realized he would need to get a full-time cook to train them up.
"Your father and I used to eat like this all the time," said Malcolm when Corvus mentioned the oddity of it. "In Britannica. You have to remember that your father was a subaltern at the time. It wasn't proper to eat with his men and nearly everyone in the officer's mess outranked him. So, most nights, it was just the two of us."
Corvus looked over his shoulder at the door of the kitchen where his slaves worked. "You cooked?"
Malcolm gave a half-smirk. "I cooked in a war camp. The first few years, there was no electricity or gas. Your father had a wood-burning Oracle stove brought over so that I at least didn't have to use a campfire. Still, this..." He held up a forkful of beef. "Would have been a delicacy. Should I have one of the cooks come over from your father's house and see what she can make of the staff here?"
"Please," said Corvus gratefully. He reached for a salt shaker. "I ... handled this all badly. Didn't I?"
Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Your approach isn't what I would have chosen, sir. That doesn't mean it won't work ... although I still don't know how you're planning to get through to the slave formerly known as Regula Vitellius without formal training."
Corvus lifted his wineglass. "How did my father get through to you? You never had formal training."
A strange transformation overwent Malcolm's eyes as he thought back. "You have to understand the difference between my situation and hers. I was raised by savages who taught me that the pleasures of the flesh would keep me out of a paradise that was my only reward for suffering through this life. Hot showers, sanitary conditions, and electric lights were miracles from God and the Romans had all of them. What was I to think?"
Corvus nodded. "How long did it take?"
"About two years," said Malcolm. "For the first two years, I woke up every day convinced that was the day I would finally get the drop on my hated master, Gaius Gallicus, and murder him."
He said it so casually that a shiver went down Corvus's spine. Malcolm might seem mild-mannered and sophisticated now, but he'd been a savage, painted warrior once. Corvus asked, "What changed?"
"I began to acquire common sense," said Malcolm. "It dawned on me that, were I to succeed, I would be executed rather horribly by the Romans or I would escape back to the embrace of my church, my community, and my family, which wasn't much better. Gaius respected me, trained me from the beginning to read and keep his books, and was a considerate lover. Many slaves didn't have it so well."
Corvus choked a little on his wine and it ended up coming out his nose. Malcolm offered him a white cloth napkin without comment. The young patrician wiped his face. "You and my father were lovers?"
Malcolm nodded. "In a manner of speaking, yes. I was his catamite, although he wasn't that much younger than him. Not many prisoners had been taken at the time and the training to make them good slaves was lengthy. Only flag officers had girls dedicated to their service and the ones the rest of the officers' corps shared ended up killing more Romans with disease than all of England managed with swords and bows. Many subalterns took boys in battle and kept them for personal service." He wiped his own mouth. "Were you ever a catamite? I was led to understand that a lot of teenage plebeian boys traded such service for favor from patrician men."
"No," Corvus admitted. "I considered it, but there aren't as many men looking for that sort of thing as there used to be ... at least in civilian life. I was never pretty enough to be offered anything that made it seem worth the effort."
Malcolm nodded. "You have to understand, there's no such tradition in England. I mean ... I grew up knowing men of quality did that to serving boys and the like. But, we were taught it was a disgusting practice, sickening to the eyes of God and that the boys were just as culpable as the men. Do you know what we mean when we say, 'Service is the master's gift?'"
"Clover kind of explained it to me," said Corvus. "I think I partly understand."
Malcolm nodded. "It helped me come to terms with being a slave. It means that, when you serve, all decisions are the master's and the slave is never to blame for what he's been told to do. In England, a serving boy has no more right to refuse his master than a slave here. He can do what he's told or run away and starve. But, he's blamed for whatever 'immoral acts' he might perform. Romans are far more civilized."
Corvus retired to his room that night with a lot on his mind. Along with his encounter with Formerly Regula and his conversation with Merula, he had what he'd learned from Malcolm to consider. The steward had eventually told him a story about an ambush he and Gaius had lived through in part because Malcolm had picked up a gun and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the future general, shooting down his one-time countrymen as they tried to swarm his position. To hear Malcolm tell it, he'd save Gaius Gallicus's life that day when even touching a gun meant he should have been executed.
He didn't know the truth of it, but it sounded true and it helped explain a lot of why his father treated Malcolm differently from other slaves. And of course there was the matter of Malcolm having been Gaius's catamite for years. It didn't fit Corvus's impression of either man, but it had been a long time ago when Gaius hadn't been much older than Corvus was now.
He didn't speak as Nerida helped him undress for bed, too rapt in thought. Only when she went to her knees, dark eyes glittering up at him and asked, "How may I serve?' did Corvus remember his conversation with Merula and the girl's recommendation that he would enjoy taking Nerida to his bed.
He thought about it for a second. He'd seen Nerida around school as much as he had Regula and didn't often think of her as a slave. She dressed in current fashions, attended classes, and had a slender, aristocratic figure like her mistress. She and Regula could have been classmates or even sisters.
But, Nerida was still a slave. Even if she was a girl's companion, she was an attractive young woman in a household without so many slaves that they could be too specialized in their use. She probably assumed when she'd been summoned her that she would be spending the night. Still, it was wise to check. "Nerida, have you served in this room before?"
Nerida smiled. "Yes, sir. I served the traitor Labeo Vitellius often until his wife insisted he buy a woman more appropriate for a man his age." She looked up at Corvus. "Are you asking only about this room? I was trained to be a girl's companion, but I've been pressed into other service when the need arose. I could tell you about the men who have used me and what they did if it pleases you to hear." There was an odd sparkle in her eye that suggested she might enjoy the recounting or thought Corvus would.
"Uh..." Corvus hadn't expected quite so thorough an answer. "Another time maybe. Would it please you to stay with me tonight?"
Nerida's face went smooth and unreadable, but she didn't school the mischief in her eyes. "Would you seek to please me, master?"
Somehow, there was something much more forbidden about this than being with Clover or Rose had been. He'd gone to school with her for years. If he looked at her from the right and couldn't see her provenance mark, he could imagine Nerida as a citizen or even a patrician. The idea excited him powerfully. "I would."
"Then it will please me twice. There is no greater pleasure than that received in service." Nerida rose from her knees. "Would you like a massage? I'm certain today's activities must have left you tense and sore and I've been told my hands are quite skilled in easing such aches."
"That sounds ... wonderful," said Corvus. As Nerida indicated, he stripped off his pants and lay face down on the bed. She disappeared into the bathroom and reemerged a few minutes later naked and carrying a glass phial of oil. Corvus glanced away at first before he remembered Nerida was his property and he was allowed, even encouraged to look.
When Corvus had first learned he was going to be elevated, he'd thought he understood what being a patrician meant - the money, the slaves, the power, the easy access to good food and drugs. What he hadn't even guessed at was the most profound part of his elevation. He got to see how beautiful the world could be.
True, he'd seen some ugliness he might have been sheltered from as a plebe. He never would have gone to the slums out by the airport if he hadn't had a patrician's security retinue. And he wouldn't have seen Regula's tantrum if he hadn't had something she wanted and refused to give it to her. But that was more than balanced by the beauty he saw everywhere he went. In his father's house, he was surrounded by artifacts and art from around the world and they were often surpassed by the vistas from the house's many windows. His car was a work of art and craftsmanship that as a plebeian he would have been chased away if he even stared at it too long.
And now, there was Nerida. Corvus already had Clover and now Rose at home. Both were so incredibly beautiful that he was occasionally astounded that he could touch them and not be dragged away by police, but they looked like slaves - voluptuous curves, wide hips, and generous chests. There were plenty of girls among the plebiscite with similar appearances and even a couple in Corvus's class at school, but it was unquestionably a "lower-class" look and girls of that class never took it as a compliment to be told they were "built like a house-slave."
Nerida might be a house-slave, but she was built like a patrician. If she were dressed casually or in something flowing and diaphanous, her figure might even be called boyish, but that would be a mistake. She was all long, toned limbs the color of buckwheat honey and gentle, elongated curves. Her breasts were high and firm, the nipples dark like chocolate, tempting Corvus to taste them. There would be no mistaking her for a boy.
As Nerida straddled Corvus's waist, resting lightly on his bottom with only the thin cloth of his shorts between them, he said, "I think you would have made a better citizen than your mistress, Nerida."
Nerida drizzled oil on his back and started to rub it in with the heels of her hands, eliciting a low, appreciative groan from Corvus. "I have no mistress, sir -- unless you have someone in mind." One fingertip traced a hard line down his spine. "You're so tense. I do hope your meeting with the slave once known as Merula Vitellius went better than the one with her sister?"
"In some ways." Corvus groaned at the tension leaving his body. "I did have to explain a few things to her. She was convinced I was here to rape her whole family. Did you ... have something to do with that?"
Nerida gave a little laugh. "She asked me a lot of questions about being a slave, but I guess she didn't quite understand the answers I gave. Everyone knows you can't rape a slave."
Corvus groaned again, partly from what Nerida was doing, but partly from what she'd said. "I ... that's not what I explained to her. And she didn't say 'rape, ' but, I don't intend to ravish her either. I have plenty of slaves that seem happy to serve in that capacity. I don't need to ravish anyone."
Nerida leaned down close enough to press her chest against Corvus's back, spreading the oil between them. "If happy slaves are what you want in your bed, I am born to service."
"And Gwen?" Corvus asked, thinking of the secretary he'd acquired.
Nerida shifted most pleasantly against Corvus's back and kissed the juncture between his neck and shoulder. "Well, yes. But I think she might be less pleasing to you than I can be." She kissed him again. "Even after he had her, Labeo took every opportunity to smuggle me back into his bed whenever his wife's back was turned."
Corvus chuckled and stretched out, enjoying her touch. "And were you happy to be there, Nerida?"
She shifted again, rising enough to rub her way down his spine with her hands, her legs squeezing fractionally harder around his waist. "Yes. Serving Formerly Regula could be taxing at times and I..." She stopped and seemed to consider her next words. "Are you really so concerned about the happiness of your slaves, Citizen Corvus?"
Corvus glanced back over his shoulder at her. "Shouldn't I be?"
"You should be as you like," said Nerida immediately. She gave him an odd half-smile. "It only seems an unusual preoccupation. Slaves are fulfilled through good service. We gain contentment through providing for your happiness, not our own."
"Rise a little," said Corvus. When she had, he rolled on his back. Nerida settled again, sending a whole new wave of wonderful distractions through his body as she retrieved the oil and poured a line of it down his chest. "You don't want to be happy? I don't believe that."
Nerida leaned in close to stroke his shoulders. Her hair made a curtain around Corvus's head and made it seem like their conversation was being held in secret. "I try not to want anything. The weight of desire rests on these shoulders and I can feel the tension of it in every muscle. Service is the master's gift and spares us from desire."
Corvus rested his hands on her hips, stroking the soft flesh. His cock raged against the cotton of his shorts, pressed between them, but he was momentarily more interested in the conversation. "You really believe that?"
Nerida nodded. "I've believed it my whole life. It's what we're taught in the creche. Why wouldn't I believe it?"
"It's just ... very alien to my way of thinking," said Corvus.
"Then fortunate we are the gods made me a slave and you a patrician," said Nerida. She'd stopped massaging him and rested her hands on his chest.
"Gaius Gallicus made me a patrician," said Corvus. "The gods made me a plebe."
Nerida smiled and gave a faint shake of her head like she disagreed. "How may I serve, Citizen?"
Apparently, the massage was over and Nerida wanted to move onto the next thing ... or didn't want, but was ready. Still, Corvus had more questions, "Would you become a citizen if it were offered?"
She gave a faint nod and her smile got warmer. "Oh, yes. If there were a man who wanted me and would provide. I wouldn't want to be out on the street, but I could gladly serve my husband and the Empire as a wife and mother."
Corvus nodded thoughtfully. He'd already mentioned the possibility of finding Merula a husband and manumitting her at some time in the future. The girl hadn't been enamored of the idea, but Nerida seemed to be. Maybe at the same time he manumitted the former Vitellii, he would offer Nerida the same option.
"There are some slaves who don't believe what they're taught," Nerida said quietly. "Or they do for a while and then some crazy idea slips into their head and they become discontent. Even girls of good breeding can fall prey if they're not vigilant." She leaned in closer so that her lips were almost touching Corvus's and wriggled against his straining cock. "Would you like me to be one of those girls ... or a citizen. I've done it before."
Corvus was having a hard enough time parsing basic Latin when she moved like that. Her last sentence made no sense at all. "You've done ... what?"
Nerida gave a little smirk. "Formerly Merula isn't the only one in this household who can act, master. I can be a citizen or a rebellious slave if that's what you want. I've done both." She reached down and touched the bruise Regula had left on his cheek. "I know how to struggle without really struggling ... if you like."
Corvus was horrified, but his body gave an entirely different signal that Nerida couldn't possibly miss, straddling him as she was. Still, he shook his head and said, "No. I only want happy slaves in my bed."
"Of course." Nerida kissed his lips softly. "How may I serve?"
Corvus sighed and raised his hips, all the signal Nerida needed to slide off his shorts and slide herself down onto his aching cock. She was hot, tight, and wet and it was some consolation to Corvus that he apparently wasn't the only one in the room turned on by their previous conversation.
As Nerida rode him, she started to make little pleasure noises that rose with the speed of their coupling. But they sounded a little ... wrong to Corvus. "Nerida, what are you doing?"
"I'm riding my master's cock," said Nerida brightly. "And it makes me happy."
Corvus gave her a playful swat on the ass. "Don't do that unless you mean it. I'll never learn if everything seems to work."
Nerida shifted her hips so she was no longer arching her back, but instead leaned forward to rest her hand on the bed and look down at him. "I wish only to express my joy at being in your bed, master. If you prefer, I could sing instead."
"No singing," said Corvus emphatically. He gripped Nerida's hips and thrust upwards hard, drawing her down on himself at the same time. Nerida let out a cry that sounded halfway between pleasure and distress. "That's far more honest. I only want to hear those sounds from you when you mean them."
Nerida nodded and shifted her hips. "As my master wishes."
She rode him again, her breathing quick, but didn't make another sound until Corvus flipped her on her back and pounded into her with unbridled enthusiasm. Then she cried out, clinging to him until her nails drew furrows across his back. She shuddered out her pleasure beneath him shortly before his exploded into her.
Later, Corvus lay on his back panting. "I don't need my slaves to humor me, Nerida. I need you to teach me how to do that so a woman enjoys it. I'm bound to end up with a wife one of these days and I'll need to know what I'm doing. She won't be born to service."
"Of course not." Nerida rolled on her side against him, cuddling up on his arm. "I understand you're a very rich and powerful man. The woman who captures your heart will have to be incredibly beautiful."
Corvus chuckled and stroked her back. "Perhaps, but the one I marry will only need to have a rich and powerful father. I won't get to marry for beauty."
"A terrible burden," said Nerida earnestly. "Still, if she's ugly, she'll be an ugly girl happy to be in your bed - especially if as you're such an enthusiastic learner."
Corvus smiled and cupped Nerida's ass. He would have to be careful with her. Labeo Vitellius must have been a very insecure man for her to have learned so thoroughly to stroke a man's ego. He drew up the sheets over them, feeling as relaxed as he had all day.
He was mostly asleep when Nerida asked, "You are going to let someone fuck them. Aren't you?"
"What?" Corvus slurred. "Let who fuck who?"
"The former Vitellii," said Nerida. "They're beautiful and two of them are young. Formerly Regula has all the natural appetites of a healthy young woman and Formerly Merula has been increasingly curious about the subject. I was to be her companion once she turned fifteen, but she already had a million questions. It would be unnatural and cruel to deprive them for their whole lives."
Corvus certainly hadn't thought of it that way. He'd been so worried about the consequence of ordering them to his bed that he hadn't even thought there were consequences to not ordering them there. Sending them to someone else's bed posed the same problems. Until Malcolm had brought it up, he hadn't thought slaves would sleep with each other, but it apparently did happen. "They don't have to be deprived. Slaves can sleep with each other. Right?"
"If their master allows it," said Nerida. "But, there's only John. He's simple and smells a bit. She might settle for other girls, but I'm certainly not going to sleep with her anymore unless you will it and I very much doubt any of the other girls will volunteer for the task. Besides, what sort of girl gives up her maidenhead to another slave? You might as well steal the silverware."
Corvus lay back and closed his eyes. "Well, it's not something I have to decide tonight. We should get some sleep."
Nerida snuggled closer. "Plenty of time tomorrow."
That wasn't what Corvus had meant. He was planning on putting off the decision for a while at least. He wasn't sure he was even going to be able to keep Regula or if he'd have to send her off for training. He wondered if training involved someone having sex with her. Maybe they did it all with girls.
His eyes flew open again. "Did you say you used to have sex with Regula?"
"Only as service required," said Nerida. "Not since her fall."
"But, you had sex with her?" Corvus insisting, trying to wrap his brain around it.
"I did." Nerida rose to look in his eyes and that glint of mischief was there. "Should I tell you all about it? Some men have asked for such stories."
Considering what he'd seen between Clover and Rose, Corvus wasn't at all surprised that men would be curious about such things. Still, it raised a fresh worry. "Did you tell them?"
"I told them what Formerly Regula ordered me to tell them," said Nerida. "I would tell you the truth if you asked."
Corvus shook his head. "What did she order you to tell them?"
"That she was a skillful and adept lover, uninhibited and free with her touches - that her kisses left me breathless and I couldn't contain myself when she touched me." Nerida scowled. "That ... I was so distracted by her beauty that I would forget to do other tasks, daydreaming about her. Service is a gift, but I did not like saying that at all."
"She wasn't a..." What was the phrase Malcolm had used. "A considerate lover?"
"She wasn't a lover. She was a mistress. I served her pleasure, not she mine." Nerida shrugged as if to say that was the way with the world. "Boys somehow like the fantasy of a mistress who pleasures her slaves and I did not mind playing it, but to have me tell them I was a lazy daydreamer? Service is a gift, but it's not always an easy gift to bear."
Corvus stroked her hair, comforting her even if he didn't really understand the nature of her pique. "Who were these men?"
"Patricians," said Nerida. "Men who sought to contract Regula as a mistress. As a maid, she couldn't very well go to their beds herself, but she would send me with her regrets."
Corvus frowned. "Wouldn't a simple 'no' have sufficed?"
"If these were men she meant to say 'no' to, there are many ways to say it," said Nerida. "These were the ones she was considering."
"Regula was considering taking a lover?" Corvus wasn't sure how many more shocks his impression of his former classmate could take.
"She was seeking one," said Nerida. "She wanted to raise a dowry before she went looking for a husband. Any one of them might have shielded her from this, but none were ever good enough for her."
Corvus doubted a patrician lover could have saved Regula from the taint of a traitor's get, but didn't bother to argue. "I ... it never occurred to me that Regula thought about sex at all. She always seemed ... untouchable to me, like a beautiful statue made out of glass." He frowned. "You did say she was a virgin. Right?"
"Just barely, but she thought about sex quite a bit and probably still does. Like I said, she has healthy appetites and she fed them as best she could." Nerida kissed his chest. "She's a virgin, but there's not much left to blush about."
Corvus looked in her eyes. "You make it sound like she'd be eager to have sex with me."
Because he was watching for it, he saw when Nerida's eyes flicked to the right, indicating a lie. "I think she would."
Corvus considered his new slave, wondering what her angle was on this. He could think of only one thing. "And would you be eager to see me take her, Nerida?"
Nerida's smile chilled him. "I would be pleased to see Formerly Regula accept her new lot in life. The sooner tears are cried, the sooner they dry."
Corvus understood now. Nerida had made no secret of her dislike of her former mistress and she was out for some good, old-fashioned payback with Corvus as the instrument of her revenge. He could understand the animosity. He'd required a rather startling amount of it towards Regula in the course of a day. But, it didn't make him like Nerida any better. He lay back again. "I'll consider it ... tomorrow."
The next three days were a whirlwind of activity in Corvus's new house. The last remnants of the Vitellius family (other than the family themselves) were packed up, swept up, and washed away. With Crispa Iunius's help, Corvus spent each morning meeting with furniture sellers, tradesmen, and others who would as Crispa put it, "Transform his new home decor from 'early Imperial traitor' to 'patrician modern.' In the end, the furnishings and the work that was to start immediately on expanding the slave quarters was going to cost him more than the house had cost his father, but that was apparently the price of surrounding oneself with beauty.
His conversation with Nerida had made him realize how badly he'd let himself be lulled in some ways by his rise in the world. Among the skills Lucretia had insisted he learn growing up, he'd considered the ability to read people one of the most important. He still did it, but he'd only been doing it selectively - on the people he thought could most impact his future.
But who could impact his future more than the people in his own house? It was easy to think that most slaves had simple motivations based around their jobs. But whatever they were taught to believe, after watching a few more closely as they worked, Corvus had no doubt they wanted things.
Malcolm was largely an enigma, but watching him interact with others, Corvus started to see how much the man valued respect. He was aloof with the other slaves, but could show the sharp side of his tongue in a flash if one of them seemed to be talking back. With most citizens, he spoke as if he considered himself their equal and most fell into treating him as such. A few felt the need to establish their superiority by word or attitude. To those, he became instantly supercilious, but also painfully correct and polite in his words and form of address.
He watched Nerida and Gwen and their interaction as they cleaned, cooked, and worked around the constant chaos. The second night, he took Gwen to bed with him. She was built more like a house-slave than Nerida and performed admirably, but after she was done, she took her leave to clean herself up and straightened the room before asking if he wanted her to stay the night. Nothing about her body language suggested disgust or unhappiness, but this was clearly just another task for her and, when Corvus dismissed her back to her own room, she seemed just as pleased to go as to stay.
He didn't need that. The Vitellii might not be able to afford enough slaves to suit each to their best purpose, but he could. It was a shame in a way. Gwen and Clover could almost have been sisters in appearance, but that spark he felt with Clover simply wasn't there. Mostly, his encounter with Gwen made him miss his body-slave. So, he sent for her to join him on the third day.
He returned from a long lunch with Crispa Iunius to find her arranging linens in one of the closets off of the master bedroom. The bedroom door was open and he was able to watch her unobserved for several seconds before she realized he was there. A tightness that had been building in his chest vanished. She was smiling happily to herself at folding and storing sheets. He'd started to worry that she might be secretly unhappy as a slave, but everything about her relaxed posture and wide, easy smile suggested a woman in her element.
When she turned and looked at Corvus, her face fell and his heart sank with it. But he realized after a moment that he was seeing compassion and concern, not revulsion. She ran over and went down on her knees in front of him. "How may I serve?"
Corvus stroked her hair. "I didn't mean to interrupt. Go back to what you were doing."
Clover rose to her feet and headed back to the closet, but she kept glancing at Corvus's face out of the corner of her eye. The bruise on his cheek had faded a little, but it was still a mass of yellow and brown with a tinge of purple. But, Corvus ignored her glances. He didn't want to talk about Formerly Regula and had become something of an expert at not doing so. She'd been confined to the slave quarters since the attack with all the work that could be carried and couldn't be botched too badly brought to her. No one talked to him about her, not even her mother or sister. Corvus had the feeling that, if he didn't say anything, she would just stay there forever, forgotten and alone.
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Chapter Four - Island Pleasures and Misadventure The next day the four kinksters awoke to the sounds of a ship entering a harbor. As various signals were used and the shore birds arose looking for scraps, the group shared a lovely breakfast on the balcony and discussed their shore leave plans. Thoughts of the troubles from last night were forgotten as the pleasures of stepping onto firm land and exploring this island paradise became the focus. The two female dominants were...
Part OneDiane sat with her foursome drinking in the bar. Their golf round was cancelled as a downpour slammed into the clubhouse windows. The waiter came by, "Anyone ready for another?" Diane looked at her watch. It was four and she had already had three drinks. She looked over at her friend Julia."What do you think?""I have to meet Carl. I'm sure he's home early because of the rain and it's date night.""Oh." Diane knew what 'date night' meant to Julia. Her and Carl were going to fuck. Diane...
This is a continuation of an earlier story. To recap, I have two adopted Asian teen daughters, Jasmine and Vina, that I’ve raised from the beginning to be good little sluts. Vina is only 5’ tall, and Jasmine is even a few inches shorter. Both have beautiful long black hair and sensual almond-shaped Asian eyes. Their tummies are flat and their titties tiny, not even enough to fill out A-cup bras. And both have nice round tight little butts and smooth, hairless pussies.I had just had my friend...
In the year 2000, me and gal, a distant cousin with 34c size breast perky nipples, slender body. Used to visit her often…One of the weekends, she told her family that she was attending a team building session in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and we hooked up overnight in a beach hotel. We had a good time at the beach.I decided to take a step forward and started teasing her body here and there during times at the beach. She kept on smiling. My hands used to “Accidentally” touch her at the breast...
Hi this is my true story it all began when I visited my Mausi place to give her some sweets which my mom had asked me to give her. There was cousin of my mausi husband who was visiting her at that time, her name is shweta. I saw shweta 1st time and just gave a smile; I did not spoke anything to her, as I was very shy at that time. I was studying engineering at that time in the year 2005. We both did not spoke anything just looked at each other eyes. For the next few years there were no...
A week had passed since I had masturbated for daddy and he had masturbated for me, but the moment in the shower with him was still fresh in my mind. I could still feel daddy slamming my eighteen year old body up against the shower wall. I did have a bruise on the small of my back, but after a week, it had dissipated. However, the bruise was well worth it.I had not touched my pussy since that time and now it was beginning to itch with a frenzy for my daddy's cock. It wanted to wrap around his...
IncestThis is for all of those people that wants more of this family love, since there is more people wanting more, while just a few people thinks, that it was a good way to end the story with the campfire, that starts a new begining for the family. So here is another chapter for all of those that asked for it.When Beth, Clare, and I, woke up the next day, we got up and headed out into the trees to releave ourselves and then returned back to the campsite we had set up behind the house and Clare,...
My wife and I had been married about 5 years when I finally confessed my craving for sucking cock. We were on a long drive and we always talked about sex and fantasies or would visit the sex shops we passed as we traveled. She was taken back at first but wanted to hear about my fantasies. It started like most, in my teens and hanging with a close male family member. One thing lead to another and as horny teens go, we started with touching each others cocks and moved to sucking each other until...
InterracialAlex went back inside and watched the rest of the game with his dad. Allie tanned her supple body for another hour or so sated by the climaxes Alex gave her. She fantasized about him fucking her from behind as their parents were just inside the house and could catch them at any time. The thought of fucking her brother was exciting enough but the thought of doing it with their parents mere feet away was so tantalizing. Even if he just pumped into her for a few strokes it would be worth...
Sam Davies I was buzzing as Dad rolled off of me. I felt so open now. I wasn’t a virgin any longer, and it was amazing. My awesome, sexy dad deflowered me. His cum leaked out of me. I could feel him in me, brimming in me. He was finally mine. Mom was out of town. I had Saturday and Sunday to make him all mine. To steal him utterly from Mom. I loved him the most. I cared for him. I would be his lover. If I could marry him, I would. But now I had him. He had felt my feelings and didn’t care...
Tori and I had been putting varying amounts of cash in our checking accounts each week so we stopped by and got printouts. I asked her how come she had more than I did and she said that the Queen dirt dauber always had more honey than the Drone dirt dauber. I told her I said Money, not Honey, but she said it was the same thing. I told her that was fine but don't forget her checkbook tomorrow. She asked if we could each carry nine thousand and be legally under the 10K law. I didn't know but...
Hello friends. I am Shivang from Mumbai. I got many encouraging replies for my previous lesbian story which I wrote on behalf of my friend-Ruchi! Thanks a lot for that. This story is mine and is what happened with me a couple of months back. It is about how I managed to fuck my own dadi (grandmother). The story will be a bit long but I assure you it’s worth shagging your dick and fingering your pussy on. Those who don’t know me I am Shivang 21years old male from Mumbai. I love mature women and...
IncestCéline is a cute slim shy sweet lovely light blonde beauty with tiny titties and hardly any assCéline is a long time friend of me as we met twenty years back when we played our first Go-gameI invited her for friendly games at my private place, where I won first her friendship and trustI slowly seduced Céline step by step to show her private parts to me during an intimate interviewLater I learned that I had made an unforgettable impression with the sweet start of her sex-lifeLovely Céline...
as niki and i sat on the sofa fondling each other niki whispered,"you know jay that last time in the treehouse when we gave eachother hand jobs i wanted so much to have your hard-on in my mouthand have you cum in my mouth, and i still do. am i sexy enough foryou that you'll let me suck on your cock?" i gasped in reply, "ohyeah niki you are very sexy and i want you to do whatever you wantwith me. but first i'd like to fulfill a fantasy of mine first.""you have a fantasy concerning me jay?" niki...
It all began after the year-end exams. I was 18 at that time, and I had knocked into a fellow student while pondering my next chemistry project. I was mesmerised. I had seen her before; Alicia was one of the students at the literature class. She didn't have the largest breasts, however they were perfect and perky. She had long brown hair, always with a smile and always at the gym. It was that day that changed everything. I got to know her more, eating lunch and hanging out... March 11th, one...
EroticLast month I met the most amazing man. We met at a book store. I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into him. When he helped me up, it was love at first sight. We have been dating for a month now. Tonight is, our one month anniversary. He is taking me to a new Italian restaurant in town. I picked out a black dress, black lacy bra and black thong. I had a Brazilian wax a few days ago, in case we have sex. I am so excited to be with Mark. I am just wondering, if we will finally have sex...
"You have been a bad little girl these last few days, Whitney. Or should I just call you Kenny like everyone else?" said the transformed Mato. Kenny was full of fear and dread as he felt completely defeated. "Listen here girlie, we are going to both go into dear Agent Leo's vehicle and I will deal with you all from there," Mato said with complete venom in his voice. "Don't even think about screaming you stupid little bitch. You see I still don't know why your mind came back but I need to...
Hello friends mera nam nihal hai or mai jamshedpur ka rehne wala hu yeh meri ISS par pehli kahani hai or kisi v galti k liye aap logo se mafi chahta hu yeh 1 sachi kahani hai pehle mai apne bare me aap logo ko bata du mai 19 sal ka 1 well built ladka hu. Mera lund 7 inches lamba or 3 inches mota hai jis kisi ladki ya aunty ko phone y real satisfaction chahiye ho wo mjse mere email id par cntact kar sakti hai mera mail id hai Ab mai apni kahani par aata hu maine apni 10th khatam ki thi or...
I first met Rene when I was working for my uncle’s company throughout school. The company was a maintenance company that took care of those “honey do’s” that women have, but can’t get taken care of. This soon grew into full-blown property maintenance while continuing our residential customers. Being the boss’s nephew had some benefits. During summers I got experienced at most areas of the business. When I finally graduated high school and started college, I got a lot of high paying jobs that...
Straight SexDAY TWENTY FOUR FOR JOANNE "I think I've got it, darling!" It was Frieda whose triumphant voice announced that the hatch was finally free. The two lovers dived down to see. Then they surfaced. Francesca pronounced her verdict. "Lots and lots of lovely juicy kisses are in order, Frieda. How scrumptious! Come on! Let's make out! We don't have all the time in the world my sweet! Oh, sweet lovely Frieda! Why can't I be whipped instead of you? I got you into this, you darling!"...
It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle...
Kylie Page is one of the hottest babes the adult industry has ever seen. Her incredible, massive, all-natural boobs, sensual voice, bouncy ass, and sexual energy are just a few of her incredible qualities. After a break from the business get ready to get truly LUCKY as she cums back in full force. This heavenly beauty doesn’t miss a beat as her perfect, tight, wet pussy is ready to take it deep. She sucks, strokes, rides, and throws her amazing ass back on the dick before using her massive...
xmoviesforyouYou know whether or not you should be reading this. Do not include this story in any collection or site that charges a fee or I will hunt you down and kill you slowly. Piercing by Pink Hair Girl I am down on my knees, my hair flowing across my face as I find myself servicing another man. He is longer than the last one but not as thick. My grip around his shaft makes up for what will not fit in my mouth. My gag reflex is not what it once was but I still have limits in what I can...
Jenny brought in a standard FedEx box and started to open it on the coffee table in Dave’s office. Dave got up from his desk and walked over. He asked, “What’s that?” Jenny smiled, “A gift for you and all of us.” As the box got opened, she dumped the contents on the coffee table. About fifty cellphone batteries cascaded onto the table, some sliding almost to the edge. Each was wrapped in heavy cellophane. Jenny crowed, “This is part of the first production batch from the Phoenix plant....
In honor of shark week... Two great white sharks swimming in the ocean spied survivors of a sunken ship. “Follow me son” the father shark said to the son shark and they swam to the mass of people. “First we swim around them a few times with just the tip of our fins showing.” And they did. “Well done, son! Now we swim around them a few times with all of our fins showing.” And they did. “Now we eat everybody.” And they did. When they were both gorged, the son asked, “Dad, why didn’t...
The Adventures of a Former Prom - An Eventful Summer: Part I (A Sequel to "The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy") By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007) 1 - A Big Disappointment Perhaps no girl in the history of Carney High School had ever had such an exciting and more satisfying year of school than did Corey Sanders. She had entered her junior year as a shy, retiring, picked-upon boy and ended the school year one of the prettiest girls ever to turn a boy's eye. She had in...
I met Hannah through my cousin Rebecca. Rebecca knew I was an ass guy, so she figured I would love Hannah. She was about 5' 4" with long blonde hair and the thickest girl I had ever seen. She had the smallest hint of a belly that just added to her sexiness and 34 C's that got lost because you couldn't stop staring at her ass. It had to be at least 55 inches around and she knew just how to shake it. She put any black girl I'd seen to shame.I made no secret about wanting to fuck her. We were very...
I looked at Blossom as she sat at the breakfast table and her eyes told me what I wanted to know. “Blossom? Baby, I need to talk to you. Alone, please.” She slowly stood and followed me outside and onto the patio. I took her into my arms and held her tightly for quite a while. “Tell me about the babies.” “Paul? You don’t believe me?” “Blossom, did the Babies dream to you last night?” “Yes.” “And did your dream say anything about a stranger with them?” Blossom stiffened in my...
My college was about 10 minutes from where I went to high school. I was young for my grade, I didn't turn 18 until halfway through my freshman year in college so I had a lot of friends in the grade below me that were still just down the street. A bunch of them would come by the college and hang out, go to parties with me, and even just come by the study. One of these was my friend Nancy. Nancy and I had been friends since she started her freshman year at our high school. She's a Taiwanese girl,...
The very strange Story.“That's it!” I put the brush in a glass and covered the canvas.“Have you already finished?” She asked."Not. That's all for today. I need to think a little, but this is already without a model. ”“Do you not need me anymore?” She asked.“I think yes. Money on a table near the window. ”“I'm not tired at all today. Only my hands were numb. ”She said. She got up and waved her hands several times, like a bird.«Do not look at me. I will get dressed."“Don't look, I'm shy,” she...
Professional MILF Lexi Luna is a hard bargainer, but when she gives her favorite employee too meager of a raise, he is pissed. She finds out that he is unhappy, so she invites him over to her place to set things right. The stud shows up, and Lexi demonstrates how valuable he is by spreading her long legs and exposing her lacy red panties. She rides his dick, fucking him like she is the head bitch in charge. Then, she sucks his dong voraciously, running her tongue along the length of his boner...
xmoviesforyouThe Lee Odyssey. Chapter 1I was a junior in high school when it began. I lived in inner city of Detroit and our high school was integrated. We all got along fine though except for the few catty girls both black and white. There were a lot of cliques and it could sometimes get nasty. I was held back a year due to an illness so I was 18 and a year older than most of the girls in my classIt happened at a basketball game. Lee was the star of the team. He wasn’t that tall but he could really play....
I had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn’t get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...
Hello all ISS readers. I am Krishna from southern part of India. I have been a regular visitor to this site since my college days. I am a male gigolo. I have been serving the elite class audience and a few actresses since a couple of years. I am going to narrate one such incident that happened with a south Indian actress 5 months ago. I don know how many of you know that there are people like me who serve actresses sexually. But anyway here it goes. As I have been in touch with some of the...
“Life is boring,” was the constant thought that went through Luke’s mind. Although what else would run through a seventeen year old high school guy’s head while he sat in English class. The teacher was going over the word usage that Shakespeare used in his works and the only thing Luke could think of was how many times the teacher was going to say the same thing. At seventeen Luke had a decent grasp on how school ran and got good enough grades to stay a head of the course. Which, leads to...
‘In Paris, its good to smell like you’ve been fucking to make them respect you.’- Killing Zoe, 1994 I had landed back in Paris after a few years break from the city of love and lust. The French attitude to sex has fascinated me since I first encountered the Marquis de Sade, his incest and days of Sodom. Expressive, direct, lustful, wanton and uninhibited. The French revel in exploring each others minds and bodies, mistresses and gigolos are commonplace. Admitting you have a married lover is...
I had finished 2 years of tech school and took a job with my dad fixing computers. It was easy work that paid good money, and I was good at it. I would work a lot on my own running the shop so that dad could do things he wanted to do, and I liked being there on my own. Most of the time people would bring stuff in and I could fix right then and there and send them on their way. On this day a very sexy, very classy woman drove up in a BMW-the 7 series. She came in, reddish blonde hair, low cut...
MAC MELVILLE – The JUNCTION – Day 14 - Sunday This Sunday wasn't going to be a day of rest, I thought, as I got out of bed. I needed to check on how the techs of the Counterfeit Investigations Division were doing, presumably they would be using the Federal labs in LA, and it could take some time to get a response out of that group. Then I had to get Sunshine Helicopters organized as I couldn't rely on Gita Fullwood being able to do anything. After a quick breakfast at the cafeteria, I...
My name is Robert Herman. I was born on May 29th 1969. I had what you would call a very uneventful childhood. I had two parents who remained married until all the kids graduated college. I also had two siblings, an older sister and younger brother. Until the age of 14, like most males my age my life was consumed by comic books, Atari, the rock band Kiss, soccer, baseball and hanging out with my friends. Compared to most of the boys in my class I was a late bloomer. I didn’t hit puberty...
At age nine, Nancy Nickels still believed in Santa Claus. She was one of three kids in her grade four class who cried when a big bully boy from grade six burst into her classroom just before the bell and blurted out " Hey kids, There is no Santa!" before he rushed off down the hall stupidly laughing, uncaring and ignorant of the disastrous devastation his dastardly deed had done. Nancy went home weeping that day, December 24, 2007. Christmas had been ruined for her. Even as she opened...
On the drive to my house, Michael spoke up, "You handled that meeting very well, John. I said it before and I'll say it again, you don't act like you just came into money." "I have a long background in Project Management. I've done scheduling, cost controls, and contract administration. I've worked on some very large projects. I just have never had to do it with my own money. I'll be hiring someone to look out for our investments in the same manner. I learned a long time ago, it's...
I am living at my brother's place right now, and him and his wife love to drink. I admit I love to drink as well but they drink to get wasted. My brother left town for business and when he leaves he's away for a while. My sister-in-law is a short BBW with long wavy brunette hair, glasses and big 38DD tits (I knew that having looked at her bra on the towel rack after she took a shower) and thick muscular legs and calves that she loves to show off by wearing short shorts. One night my...
David visited after dinner. It was really good to see him without his entourage, though I was sure that mum had something planned for Sunday. I asked him about the vineyards' preparations for locust swarming. "We weren't badly hit these past few years, though 2000 saw some damage. The fact that we can't use DDT is a problem. With the good rain we've had, summer of '06 might be a killer." "Dad's worrying about that, too. I told him about the fungus they tried a few years...
I dreamed that I awoke in her bed. Warm. Cozy. Close. Our limbs intertwined like familiar lovers.She's asleep. So peaceful. Angelic. She even has a hint of a smile on her face.I look at her clock as I carefully slip out of bed. It's still a little bit early. The alarm should be going off before too terribly long. It's still dark outside.I creep off quietly to the bathroom to take care of things.Then I find a washrag and soap. I give myself a quick sponge bath at her sink. I wash my...
I had a long flight ahead of me and the gate is usually a very dull place. On this evening, the object desire at the gate was a tall beauty about 18 years of age. She was leaning against a far wall apparently oblivious to the fact that she was thus worshipped. She was a brunette with fairly Long hair and wearing a nice skirt and blouse. The skirt looked shorter than it was, since much of her legs were below the hemline.Her legs just seemed to go on and on. All in all I estimate her height to be...
THE DROOGS The Characters in this story speak in English but also in a slang from the book "A Clockwork Orange" known as Nadsat. The Glossary can be found below. The characters in some scenes drink milk+ or moloko+ which is simply milk containg drugs Glossary Droogs = Friend or Friends Devotchka = Girl or Woman Moloko = milk gulliver = head (man or womans) Chapter 1 "In the Korova" There was me, that is Alex and my three Droogs that is Pete, Georgie and Dim. And we sat...
Hi mera name rohit hai mai delhi se living with my dad mom and wife now I am 26yra my mom name is kavita and my wife her name is preeti now coming to my story it all started when I was in 12th and preparing for my board exams and the same year my elder sister also got married and shifted to mumbai with her husband and my dad is in business so after my sis marriage my mom was sad as she was feeling lonely as my dad is busy in his business and me in my studies and I was also missing my sis as she...
I am clara this is based on a true story. .. destiny is remarkable—- The cabin creaked as it was old Victorian . It was warm and filled with candles all the lights were off. As the rainstorm thundered from outside. Darkness becomes, as the rain storm showered the walls. Crackle crackle. In darkness she rose. Like a ghost. The cabin lit with candles and the smell of lavender filled the room as I slept. .. as if in a dream aunt Kim entered.. sliding herself next to me and caressing my breast....
I must admit I stood there for a full minute not quite able to take in exactly what had just happened. Not just in the preceding few minutes since reaching my hotel room but the evening as a whole.This sort of thing just doesn't happen to me. I’ve never found it easy to ‘pick up’ (I hate that phrase) women, especially in a bar or well, anywhere to be honest. Yet here I was with someone I had only known for a few hours, having mind blowing sex. To quote one comedian I have the sort of luck that...
Straight Sex"Is Jill going to need Little One?" Jeff quietly asked Diana as they sat in the living room and watched Jill walk carefully in. Diana, in her favorite position on Jeff's lap, whispered in his ear, "No. And believe it or not, her new pussy is in better shape than her ass." "Her ass?" "Yeah. Bill spanked her for what happened with Ingles," she returned with an odd expression. "She ate her breakfast as she sat in the water of the hot tub. She has trouble sitting in a chair,...
As you recall from Chapter One, my husband and I had an intimate discussion about my obsession with writing erotic stories on LUSH after I informed him that I had recently published my ninety-ninth story on the site. I also asked for Jim’s help coming up with an idea for my one hundredth story. I wanted to do something special for this milestone. Jim got me to open up and describe for him my motivation for writing these stories. I told Jim how aroused I become recreating the tales of real-life...
Office SexMy name is Paul Ripley. Having escaped from a PoW camp in Nazi Germany, I was now living as a woman. Circumstances had led to me becoming the reluctant girlfriend of Count Helmut von Rumstahl, and soon I'd be his lover. THE CROSSING - part 9 by BobH (c) 2015 - 21 - It was Sunday 12th September 1943, and having attended morning service at the church, Helmut, Gerda, and I were returning to the castle, Helmut having one of us on each arm as we...
I am mid fifties, five feet tall, with 34D tits and on heat. Just recently a good looking college guy joined the company I work for as a stores person on a work experience project. It all started with a bit of sexist banter like pointing at my name badge and asking what the other one was called, but then got hotter with my new work colleague telling me he was available any time I fancied a good fucking. I was very embarrassed at first but must admit I liked the attention. I started getting...
I had the day off so I checked the security recording, the big titted slut I fucked was one of Bill's carers, I had seen her visit many times but paid here no attention as she was short, fat, 50 and bloody ugly; without the blindfold I probably would never had got a hard on.Later that morning I heard someone enter Bill's, it was a neighbour Julie, a married women of about 30. From an up stairs window I could see and hear her, she was saying she had heard he need help and she was prepared to...