Driven to the Edge
- 2 years ago
- 19
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Corvus had managed to live in Gaius Gallicus's house for more than a month without knowing it had a dungeon.
Once the subject came up, it seemed rather obvious. The place had been a fortress once, a final redoubt built for the first New Roman settlers to fall back on if Rio were ever overrun by an enemy. Even now, a thousand years after it had been built, the estate maintained a small farm, emergency generators with massive reserve tanks, an underground spring, and dozens of cisterns for collecting rainwater. The Arx Terminus could still withstand a siege provided the enemy didn't have helicopters or bombers or anything else that could just fly over the wall and drop things on them.
It made sense that there were dungeons. Still, the first time Quad mentioned them, Corvus assumed he was making a joke. They'd been discussing new security protocols and the whole conversation already had a surreal edge to it. On an intellectual level, Corvus believed Quad when he said there had been assassination attempts against both him and his father, but he'd never even seen the would-be assassins.
Some of that must have shown in his voice as he listened to Quad's explanation of shift rotations, check-in protocols, security barriers, and round-the-clock surveillance. Corvus agreed every point and even asked follow-up questions to clarify points he wasn't entirely clear on, but apparently he didn't sound frightened enough because Quad said, "You need to take this seriously. I know it was fun to drive off with my cousin and leave me at the car dealership when there was a vague threat against all generals and their families, but they've drawn a bead on you now. If you get outside of your security coverage, you'll be in real danger."
Corvus had been taking it seriously, even if his attention had been divided. He and Quad were sitting in one of the estate's inner courtyards sharing a glass of wine and going over the day's business. They'd been interrupted by a call from his advocate to go over some last-minute details about their meeting the next day and by Clover with a question about the catering for the graduation party but it wasn't like Corvus had asked to be interrupted. He scowled at the implied reprimand. "I've got it, Quad - no running off and leaving my security detail behind. How long do you think these protocols will be necessary?"
Quad scratched the back of his neck like the question made him uncomfortable. "The enhanced protocols should stay in place until we can confirm the immediate threat has been neutralized. The Home Guard has been doing its best to wipe out Famul Ioshua and the other death cults in Rio, but the Christians are a bit like cockroaches. They go to ground and only come out where you're not looking."
Corvus sipped his wine. "Best guess on a timeline? I won't hold you to it."
Quad looked down at the papers he'd spread out in front of him like he thought they held the answer, but his eyes weren't really focused on them. "For the enhanced protocols? Two weeks maybe - maybe longer. We'd want to know that whoever sent the assassins was dead or in custody and that no one else took up that particular mission. It could have been over before it even started if the Home Guard had set up a proper perimeter before moving in on Famu Ioshua like we would have in Europe. Hopefully they learned something from that."
Corvus raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound particularly hopeful."
Quad gave a shrug. "The Home Guard has a thousand-year tradition of defending the capital and I don't think their commanders like being told how to do their jobs. I know they don't like having the Legion here. It's made things tense."
Corvus nodded thoughtfully. "Is there anything we can do to nudge them towards a more enlightened approach or ... I don't know, fill in where the Home Guard is falling down to push this to a faster a resolution?"
"You want to ... help the Home Guard do their jobs?" Quad frowned. "I think that would be taken even worse than unwelcome advice from the Legion."
"If the alternative is indefinite round-the-clock surveillance while they get their acts together, maybe it's worth pissing them off and letting them talk to my father about it when he gets back from Europe. We are talking about people trying to kill me, Quad."
Corvus couldn't interpret the look Quad gave him, but it wasn't a happy one. "Even once the immediate threat is abated, we should probably keep someone on you at all times. You're a target now. Cultists, nutters, kidnappers, criminals, they'll all take a shot at you if they think they can forward their agenda or make some money by doing so."
Corvus didn't like the sound of that, but he couldn't argue with the wisdom of it either. "So, I guess I should get used to the idea that I don't have a private life anymore?"
"Most of the time, we can watch you from a distance - secure access points, monitor the area, but stay out of sight," Quad offered. "You'll only know they're there if something goes wrong."
Corvus really didn't like the sound of that, but there wasn't much point in protesting the unfairness of it and he had a more immediate concern. "Anybody who's going to be guarding me closely enough that they might overhear my conversations needs to be absolutely trustworthy. Lanatus will run a thorough background check on each of them. Honestly, it would be better if they didn't speak Latin at all."
"Absolutely trustworthy guards who don't speak Latin. I'll put an ad in the classifieds." Quad deadpanned.
Corvus sighed. "Just make sure my security team doesn't become a security leak. The Galicii have enemies that could do a lot worse than just kill me if the wrong bit of information got out. What does Gaius do to keep information from leaking out through his security detail?"
"He ... leads a division of the Glorious New Roman Legion. There's a whole culture of loyalty built into service to the Legion that you won't get with hired help. To the rank-and-file, their general is like a god. Even to those of us who have worked with him on a daily basis, he's more like a patriarch than a boss." Quad shook his head. "You can't buy that."
Corvus nodded thoughtfully. "I'll have to earn it then. Just have Lanatus make sure whoever comes on-board is starting with a clean slate including the ones you've already hired. And the next time someone tries to assassinate me, see if we can't keep him alive long enough to tell us where the Famul Ioshua is hiding out. The sooner we can deal with them, the sooner I can minimize the number of people watching every time I take a piss."
There was more frustration in Corvus's voice than he'd meant to put there and it wasn't specifically directed at Quad. Corvus was under more pressure than he was used to handling gracefully. He'd had the run of his father's estate for four days and the forensic accountants hadn't turned up anything yet. Luculllus Memmius was recommending bringing in more people. Corvus was hesitating, unsure what would happen if one of them came across evidence of Gaius's sexual deviancy. Fusa had assured him that forensic accountants were supposed to be incorruptible, but Corvus suspected some were more incorruptible than others. On top of that, Crispa had kept her distance since their tryst in the arboretum and suggested she might not return until he could produce a contract.
In the meantime, the war of words with Atellus Rufius had escalated. Through Aquilina, Corvus had issued a statement saying the heartland senator was ejected from his parents' wedding reception for "outrageous behavior" and directed the press to ask Senator Rufius about it. Atellus's response had been an aw-shucks-I'm-just-a-farm-boy comment that he had no idea what someone like Corvus would consider "outrageous," but he certainly hadn't meant to offend anyone.
The press had gotten a good snicker out of that and asked Corvus's people for a clarification, but he'd let the matter drop. There was much more interest in what was being called Corvus's "man of the people" speech, which had been released at more or less the same time as Atellus was giving his press conference. Everyone seemed to have an opinion on it and Aquilina was struggling to keep up with the media's demands while filling the staff positions of people who had quit after Corvus's first day in the office.
Corvus was so absorbed in analyzing what was making him unusually tense that he almost didn't register what Quad said next.
"We left the last one alive. He hasn't told us much. Footsoldiers rarely know more than a tiny part of their organization."
"The guy who tried to kill me is still alive ... in custody?" Corvus asked, surprised.
"Sure. We've got him down in the dungeons."
That got a deep scowl from Corvus. "Seriously. Is he alive or not?"
"He's alive down in the dungeons," Quad repeated. "I can probably arrange for you to see him if you like. The Home Guard has him in custody, but it is your house."
It still took several more rounds of question and answer, but Corvus eventually managed to learn that the Arx Terminus did indeed have dungeons or, more accurately, subterranean detention facilities going back to its time as a working fortress. When Gaius took command of the Home Guard and their role changed following the attack on General Agricola's son, the general had leased the facility to the Guard and the Guard had put them to use holding Corvus's would-be assassin.
Corvus had noticed there were still soldiers on the grounds even with Gaius in Europe, but hadn't thought much about it. They stayed out of his way and didn't come to the main house. As far as he knew, they were just part of life at the estate.
"So, should I see about getting you in to see him?" Quad finally asked.
After a moment's consideration, Corvus gave a nod. "Yeah. I'd like to see who tried to kill me."
After Quad had left, Corvus sighed and rubbed his face as he once again iterated through his outstanding problems for anything he could do to resolve them. Quad was addressing security. The forensic accountants had long since gone home to sleep. Aquilina and Lanatus were handling staffing issues back at the office or more likely asleep themselves. His contract for Crispa was already written and the meeting scheduled for tomorrow at noon. All the details of the graduation party he could plan for had been planned for.
He sipped his wine and forced his mind into calmer patterns. In "Homo Politicus," Annicus had counseled the need to put work aside each night and enjoy the comforts of family and friends in order to renew the spirit and remind the political man what he was fighting for. Corvus suspected Annicus had had a much more orderly social life than his own. His family was all away - divided from him by the Atlantic Ocean or the similarly impassable wall of his new social status. His aunt had barely understood his problems when he was still a plebeian and his cousins had been worse than useless to him more often than not.
As for friends, Corvus had already done better as a patrician than he ever had as a plebeian. Through school, he'd been "the odd one with his nose in the book," which was preferable to being the poor kid whose mother is a whore, but hadn't caused anyone to warm to him very much. He'd had friends in the political sense, but not the personal one.
Now he had Quad, Crispa, and Crispa's friends, but Quad was mad at him for not wrapping himself in cotton and hiding underground until the danger of assassination passed, Crispa was staying away as a negotiating point and he hoped their mutual friends were the sorts who would support her by staying away as well.
Still, he had his girls. It was a measure of how much his view of the world had changed that Corvus saw sleeping with his beautiful slaves as anything other than the best possible use of his nights. They were an enormous comfort to him, but their world was limited by both law and custom. Clover and Rose would give themselves to him completely and even seemed to take joy in doing so, but they wouldn't challenge him or argue with him or call him an idiot when he was being one. He was both grateful for and frustrated by that at the same time.
Leaving the last of his wine in the glass, Corvus took a walk through the garden before heading up to his room. He knew his security detail was there, trailing him just out of sight or in the periphery of his vision, but if he chose not to look for them, he could enjoy the faux solitude for a little while.
When he reached his rooms, another guard he didn't recognize opened the door to his antechambers. He gave the man a nod of acknowledgement and made a mental note to learn the names of his security detail. If he was ever going to command the loyalty his father did, that was the first step, but it would wait until tomorrow at least.
As he stepped into his antechamber, Datura looked up at him and smiled brightly. "How may I serve?"
There was something infectious about her smile and Corvus found himself grinning back, wondering if he'd ever seen Regula Vitellius smile like that. He was pretty sure he hadn't. She'd smiled a lot, but in a polite, detached way, always pleased, but never happy.
"I'm going to bed. How would you feel about joining me?"
"I would be honored to do so. May I find someone to cover the desk?" Datura rose gracefully.
Corvus liked the precision of her answer. She didn't say she was happy or even pleased, but honored. It balanced neatly on the fine edge of being both truthful and what she thought he wanted to hear. He nodded his assent. "You can bring another girl if you like. It's up to you."
Datura didn't hesitate, but gave a perfectly-executed slave bob and disappeared into the side hallway. Corvus chuckled and headed into his bedroom. Telling Datura a decision was up to her didn't cause the momentary panic it seemed to with other slaves. Whether she came back alone or with another girl, it would reflect her own preferences. Corvus hadn't yet learned the language to express that he wanted his other girls to do that as well - that being in bed with two women who disliked each other wasn't nearly as enjoyable as when there was genuine affection between everyone involved.
He undressed quietly, knowing Clover and Rose were probably sleeping in the next room. Maybe it was normal patrician behavior to have one pair of slaves undress him in order to get into bed with a different pair, but it still felt weird to Corvus.
"How may we serve?"
Corvus shouldn't have been surprised to see Tansy at Datura's side when he turned. He had agreed to treat her like a slave in every way including this, but hadn't fulfilled the last part of that promise. As always, when he looked at Tansy, he saw no hint of his spy Alyse Londinia beyond the physical resemblance and even that was muted by posture and countenance.
It made sense that Datura would choose her. Everyone else in Corvus's service either had some grievance against her, was related to her, or both. Tansy, being new, wouldn't have any history with Datura or know about her first disastrous meeting with Corvus in the garden, which he'd forbidden his other girls to talk about. She stood waiting, lips faintly pouted, hips tilted sensually, eyes worshipful in a non-specific sort of way. Alyse had explained the deliberateness of Tansy's behavior, but that did little to dull its impact. A spike of desire hit him and he reached out to stroke her cheek. She rubbed up against his palm like a cat. At the same time, he extended an arm to Datura who moulded herself to his side and laid her head in the crook of his neck, her breath warm on his skin.
"Tansy, isn't it?"
Tansy opened her eyes to meet his. They were blue like Rose's. "As you've named me, sir."
Corvus let his hand trace its way up Datura's spine. "Why haven't I had you before, Tansy?"
Tansy pressed herself against his chest. "You haven't called for me. As soon as I joined your household, you sent me to serve Plautus Iunius."
"You've bathed since?"
Tansy gave him a puzzled look suggesting she didn't know why he was asking. "Yes, sir. I had a bath before bed."
As Corvus put his arm around Tansy, he found Datura had already drawn her in close. She kissed his neck. "Tansy promised she would show me some things you'd like if we were to serve together here."
Tansy kissed Corvus's chest and her fingertips stroked him through his boxers. "Provided you allow it, of course."
Corvus chuckled. "I will allow it, presuming you're right about what I like."
Tansy wasted no time, kissing her way down Corvus's chest until she was kneeling in front of him and drawing his boxers down. Datura raised her head so she could watch as Tansy gently stroked his cock to life and took it in her mouth.
Corvus tightened his grip around Datura's waist and gave a low, throaty chuckle. "Lucky guess. I like that very much."
Datura reached down and brushed Tansy's hair back in what might have been an affectionate gesture or might be just to give herself a clearer view. She watched intently, standing very still, brow furrowed in concentration.
Corvus laughed and kissed her neck before whispering, "You look like you're studying."
"I ... can't really see what she's doing," Datura said in a conversational tone. She turned to look at Corvus. "Is she using her tongue or just sucking?"
"I ... she ... yes, both." Corvus hadn't really been analyzing Tansy's technique as much as enjoying the net result and hardly thought it was a fair time for a pop quiz.
Datura craned her neck to watch more closely. "What are you doing with your hand?"
Tansy raised her head. "I'm squeezing here so that..."
"Tansy!" Corvus protested, laughing. She looked up at him for instruction and he stroked her strawberry-blonde hair. "Explain later, please. For now, just focus on what you're doing."
Tansy got back to it, taking him into her mouth again, her tongue teasing its way up and down his shaft, one hand squeezing the base of his cock to regulate how much blood could flow in and out of it. Datura continued to watch intently as Corvus closed his eyes and lost himself to the pleasure.
Minutes later, Datura whispered in his ear. "I think I understand what she's doing if you like."
Corvus's eyes opened. Datura was watching him, looking oddly hopeful. She didn't look overcome with desire, but rather like she was eager to accept a new challenge. Corvus nodded and said hoarsely, "Tansy, let Datura give it a try, please."
Tansy rose to her feet. "It might be easier for her if you lie down."
Corvus did as she suggested, stepping away from the girls long enough to lie on his back on the bed before gesturing for them to join him. They did, each climbing in on one side of the bed.
Datura knelt between his legs, gripped him in one hand, and took him into her mouth. Tansy crouched at her side and seemed to be whispering in her ear as her hands ran lightly over Datura's back and chest.
The sight was incredibly erotic and, if Datura lacked experience, it didn't seem to matter much. Even when she stopped to ask a question and, once Tansy whispered the answer, gave a surprised, little giggle, it did little to dim Corvus's desire, but he still gestured and said gruffly, "All right. Enough lessons for now. Come here."
Datura raised her head and straddled first one, then both of his legs. Tansy continued to whisper in her ear and stroke her, one hand sliding between her thighs. Datura closed her eyes and her breath caught as Tansy kissed her shoulder. The British girl met Corvus's eyes over Datura's shoulder and there was a question there. Not sure what he was being asked, Corvus nodded anyway, trusting she knew what she was doing.
Tansy straddled him behind Datura, pressing herself against the other girl, one hand staying between her thighs, the other cupping and kneading her breast. Datura had her eyes closed and her breathing accelerated. Tansy kissed her shoulder, her neck, and along the line of her jaw.
Only when Datura's pleasure had crested, her body quaking and wordless cries issuing from her throat did Tansy reach past her to take Corvus's cock in her hand and guide the other slave forward until she was impaled on it. Datura's eyes flew open like she'd forgotten for the moment that Corvus was there. But, she wriggled her hips as she sank down on him and laid her hands in the center of his chest to give herself more leverage as she raised and lowered her hips over his.
Corvus had been so aroused by what he'd watched that he found himself gripping Datura's hips to slow her pace and savor the moment a little before it was over. He had to get a good, solid grip before he could slow her enough but once he did, they fell into a good rhythm. Still, Corvus had to close his eyes to not see Tansy, who was still stroking and teasing Datura, now taking one ear gently between her teeth. That sight alone almost undid him.
Still, he only lasted as long as it took Datura's pleasure to rise and crest again. At the sound and the feel of it, his self-control unwound like a snake striking, electrifying his whole body as he exploded inside of her.
Even as he came to rest and Datura slid off of him, the motion didn't stop. When Corvus again opened his eyes, Tansy was crouched over Datura, kissing her stomach and again stroking between her legs. Datura watched her with amused uncertainty as she kissed fractionally lower.
Corvus reached down and stroked Tansy's red-gold hair. Tansy looked up at him, again questioning and a again Corvus gave a nod that he hoped meant, "Don't stop on my account." Tansy kissed lower still.
"Oh..." Tansy raised her head. "Tansy, I don't think you ... He just ... Oh." As Tansy's head settled between her thighs, Datura laid back and her hips rose seemingly over their own volition.
Corvus watched, fascinated. He was pretty sure that kissing a slave-girl's freshly-fucked sex was something he would leave to other slave girls, but in the moment, the sight of Tansy's fair hair spread across Datura's tan thighs was enough that it didn't take his body long to respond.
He rose and walked around to the end of the bed, kneeling between Tansy's thighs. Without raising her head, she spread her legs to accommodate him and his fingers spread her sex, finding her wet and ready. He ran his hand over her body, so much like Datura's, but different at the same time, slender at the thighs and hips, her curves soft and feminine, but not at all overstated.
He took Tansy and it wasn't until later that he would remember she was also Alyse and hope she accepted his actions as the homage to her skills that they were. She'd created the perfect simulacrum of a beautiful, desirable young slave and Corvus treated her as one.
Certainly Tansy didn't seem to mind. When he thrust into her, she pushed back, intensifying the contact. Each joining was more intense than the one before, but she never lost focus on the sweet torment she was inflicting on Datura until Corvus wasn't sure which sensations echoing through his body had originated with which girl or even which were his own.
Later, when he lay spooned up against Datura's back and dozed, Tansy snuggled in close to her on the other side. There were no tears on Datura's cheeks as she looked into Tansy's eyes and even a faint smile on her lips.
As dungeons went, the one Quad led Corvus to the next morning was something of an anticlimax - or at least the outer office was. Fake leather couches sat on speckled industrial carpet. The receptionist did have to talk to them through a speaker from behind thick bulletproof glass, but she ruined the effect by coming out to bring them coffee while they waited for clearance.
Corvus looked back at the elevator they'd emerged from. They'd descended from what looked like a non-descript utility shed on the estate's farm, but was just a facade for the elevator shaft. "This wasn't really what I had in mind when you said 'dungeons, ' you know."
Quad nodded. "The original ones are around somewhere I think, but these look a lot like the ones we build in Europe. They get even more utilitarian once we get to the holding area, but it'll still be closer to a modern office or an industrial space than stone rooms and iron shackles."
With a discordant buzz, the door from the office area opened and a man in a drab green uniform with no rank insignia emerged. He smiled and shook Corvus's hand. "Citizen Gallicus, thank you for coming. I'm Doctor Durmius."
Corvus shook the doctor's hand and followed him into the offices. Unless Quad had convinced the Home Guard to to request Corvus's presence today instead of asking them for permission, his wording was curious. Such subtlety didn't really seem like Quad's style. Plus, there was a tension in the doctor's shoulders that seemed inconsistent with his relaxed demeanor. He looked like a man being pleasant while performing a task he personally found distasteful.
Past the first security door were the facility's administrative offices. Apart from the flickering fluorescents overhead and the complete lack of natural light, they were defiantly mundane. If the people sitting at the rows of desks hadn't worn Home Guard uniforms, Corvus could have easily believed he was coming here to renew his driver's license.
It wasn't until they reached a back corridor that Corvus saw a really distinctive feature. Set into the back wall was a massive steel door that looked like it should lead to a bank vault. One of the men guarding it glanced at a clock on the wall and said, "Four minutes thirty seconds, doctor."
Doctor Durmius nodded. "That gives us a chance to schedule your return. Do you know how much time you'll need?"
Corvus glanced at the wall clock. "I should head back up no later than eleven thirty if I want to have time to change before I meet Crispa."
The doctor frowned. "That's only forty-five minutes. You may not be able to get anything out of him in forty-five minutes."
"Door has to be set to open at least an hour in advance," said the guard. "Security precaution."
The doctor nodded. "We can take you out the long way, but someone would have to drive you back up to the estate. The back door isn't on the grounds."
"I..." Corvus started to say.
"An hour should be fine. You don't really expect my cousin to be on time. Do you?" Quad offered.
"Not if there's an advantage to be had in being late," said Corvus, glad to have found some part of the conversation that made sense to him. "An hour is fine."
The guard typed something into a console in front of him. "The door will be openable from eleven hundred forty seven thirteen to eleven hundred fifty forty seven for two people. If you do not signal that you are ready to leave during that time, you will have to go out the long way. Is that clear to you, sir?"
"Not ... remotely," said Corvus.
Doctor Durmius shook his head. "Don't worry. I'll show you once we're through."
That seemed to satisfy Quad who said, "We're not here to interrogate the prisoner, just to get a visual confirmation of his existence and to determine if he's anyone Citizen Gallicus has seen before."
Strangely, that seemed to make the doctor more tense. He gave a sharp nod. "Of course. We should be able to take care of that quickly enough. You do realize that he's not a prisoner in the strict, legal sense of the word. Don't you?"
"I'm not following," said Quad, echoing Corvus's thoughts.
"The Home Guard took custody of Aculeo Cocceius from your team early on the morning of December tenth at your request." Doctor Durmius recited. "He was brought before the Special Tribunal that same morning, tried and found guilty satis scelerum. The Tribunal condemned him to be executed immediately and stripped him of his franchise. The Tribunal commuted the sentence long enough to lend him to us for questioning. He's not a prisoner. He's property. That means we can follow different protocols when questioning him than we would have to if he were still a citizen."
"Satis scelerum? That means he wasn't tried on a specific charge, but the judge decided he'd clearly done enough wrong to be executed without addressing every charge. Right? I thought that was an outdated statute." Corvus was impressed that he'd remembered that much history. Somehow the phrase had stuck with him.
Doctor Durmius shrugged. "I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that it's still on the books. If you have some concern about precedent, you should probably address it to your father's special tribunal."
The door gave a chirp. Both guards stood to one side of it, inserted keys in keyholes and turned them. A loud buzz sounded and the door moved with a loud grating noise of metal on stone.
"Doctor, you seem to be under the impression that I'm here to judge your operation," Corvus said once the worst of the noise had subsided. "I'm really just here to see the man who wanted to kill me and give you any information I might have about him."
"Of course." The doctor looked unappeased. "But you are going to be a senator at some point. Yes?"
Corvus nodded. He went on, "Then at some point, you will be asked to judge our operation and we really haven't had time to prepare for you, so I hope you'll forgive me if I say I was against granting this visit."
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Good HousematesBy: Londebaaz Chohan The excitement of the first job in a new town, far away from the restraints and the restrictions of the parents. Every thought seemed to stimulate and motivate Ben to leave and be in the new town, at least a thousand mile away.Search for the residence was not easy. This morning he had picked up the paper and looking through the real estate section, his eyes caught the look of the photograph of the house. It truly looked beautiful in the pictures. A gorgeous...
LE GIRLS' BY JANICE Last April when school was out for a week Carl, my best friend, and I were alone at our house watching a TV show about cross dressers. They kept talking about how much fun it was to be all dressed up as an attractive woman. We, Carl and I, to see exactly what they were talking about, decided to try on one of my sisters dresses. We got them from the pile she had ready for the used clothing box at...
((There might be some changes throughout the chapters. This is because I am finding out the way I like to write. I'm learning different styles and quirks. Because of this, chapters might differ in style from time to time. This is definitely a trail and error kind of thing, chapters might have changed once you re-read them, this is because I might have gone back and found that I'm not very pleased with it.)) The feeling of uncertainty never seemed to want leave Erik's subconsciousness. Even as...
TranssexualI told her in an angry tone that her “insolence would not be tolerated†and let loose with a flurry of blows to her already red swollen ass. Her screams grew louder so I found the ball gag on the trolley, placed it in her mouth and buckled it tight around her head and neck. Straddling a pommel horse shaped bench covered in studded leather, my wife sat naked in the dimly light dungeon. Her body trembled with excitement and anticipation. Her eyes were wide open, staring at me wantonly, desperate...
BDSMJim Danvers sat naked in the circular room, slowly stroking his limp penis. He had already come twice, evident by the two shot glasses on the table next to him, half full with his cum.In the middle of the room, and completely naked, sat his nineteen-year-old daughter Meghan. She was quite the sight. Blonde, slender, beautiful, a classic cheerleader. Her perky breasts and erect nipples pointed upwards. The sheer arousal on her face was unmistaken. Her eyes filled with hunger as she looked up at...
InterracialIntroduction: Forced to take sisters boyfriends cock If you look closely, you see us all the time, leaning against shop windows, lining the street corners, or sprawling bars. Sometimes we hide behind more discreet clothing but often the light see-through t-shirt revealing the lack of bra, short skirt leaving little to imagination and the sexy high-heel boots make it rather easy to guess what were after – a nice thick cock to fill our hungry whorey cunts and give us good hard fuck. But then, I...
So you know how every new partner makes you want more and more?? Since leaving the hotel a couple days ago we didn’t have much contact which was making me lose sleep thinking about her body but on the third day....I got a call from my wife at work and she asked could I do her a favor because she couldn’t get out of work in time. My wife wanted to know if I could go to her daughters house to watch the k**s for an hour until she got home from work as her husband was working too. I, of course,...
It was the first day of University. Looking around, I was a satisfied to see that a few of my friends managed to secure class with me. which was a relief. Looking around some more I noticed a small hijabi girl. Her frame was short and slender, but the lumps on her chest makes it obvious she was packing some great tits. She seemed like someone i’d love to hold down ad fuck her brains out, but the issue was she seemed like the religious type, with the Hijab and what not. So I decided not to be...
Brenda squeezed herself onto the bus. There was nowhere to sit, and many were standing, holding on to the rails. She was annoyed. She had to be downtown, but her car wouldn’t start. So the bus would have to do.She wasn’t really dressed for a bus ride. She didn’t have time to change when she found out her car wouldn’t start. So she was in her short skirt and heels, with only a thong underneath. She liked to keep cool in the Venezuelan heat. In fact, she really liked going with nothing...
It was my fantasy, but I was glad to have my fiancé Tina there with me. She snuggled her body with its curves and round hips and breasts up against me and I inhaled the scent of her hair. She nibbled on my collar bone as I felt her hands mover down between my legs. My rigid cock filled her hands and she slid them over and over again across the sensitive velvety tight bulge of my cock head and I groaned. She looked up at me and smiled. It was a wicked smile, full of intent! “You agreed to this,...
And the lonesome sound of the outward bound made me a slave to my wandering ways... “Mr. Merle, if I’m ever going to grow up, learn to be a man and take on some responsibility, I reckon now is as good a time as any to start. I have never taken over anything, but if I’m to take over being the man of this family and the head of this ranch, I need you to teach me what it is I’ll need to do, during this next month. Will we still have talks like this so you can help me? I don’t know shit about...
Chapter 34 On the way home Stan had dropped into an off-licence and bought some Dom Perignon. Now the ladies were sat in his living room with champagne flutes in their hands, glasses that Stan was filling. After filling his own glass, Stan once again lifted his own. ‘To us.’ He said, simply, and the three drank a toast to their new relationship with one another. Once they’d drunk the glasses down, Stan refilled them and then sat back. ‘Now, that’s better. We can talk without having to lower...
On one occasion while at university a few of us lassies were wanting to go to see a top boy band that was going to play in the city. I confess it was not my ‘cup of tea’ however, I did not want to miss out. Of course, all being students money was short, and tickets were expensive. I had just turned twenty-one at the time. Knowing that I was a free spirit with the boys, one of my friends suggested that a great way to pay for the tickets would be to charge guys to come and fuck me. I initially...
Chapter 1 Sixteen, that’s when I fell head over heels in love. With sex. He was seventeen, a friend of my older brother. It was at my house, he’d come to see Al, my brother, and he wasn’t home, wouldn’t be for hours. And I was raging with hormones, so, I innocently asked him in and took him up to my room and very un-innocently took my clothes off. The rest, they say, is history. Yes, I made sure I was protected. The first time was oral, the thrill of his cock entering my mouth and my lips...
Ted and his dad, Sam, had been planning for months to take a trip to the cabin in the mountains his dad purchased when Ted was just a little guy. Every year for 10 days to two weeks, Sam, his wife Susan, and Ted would go to the cabin and Sam would teach Ted to hunt and fish. When they weren't hunting or fishing, the three of them would canoe, kayak or anything else they could not do at home normally. The cabin had two bedrooms, an upper loft for mom and dad and a guest bedroom on the main...
Fantasies Fulfilled Just before I opened the door I put on the rubber gloves so that I wouldn’t leave fingerprints and then I pulled down my ski mask. I opened the door and walked into the office. It was always the last office to close up and go home on a Friday. Linda the woman that worked there was awfully dedicated, as was her secretary Amanda. They were both very attractive ladies. I had been stalking them both for quite a while. I closed the door behind me and locked it from...
I felt so guilty that night on the way to his house. I had promised not to do this. I had a battle in my head: Why would you promise this? Why is this wrong? My own voice would answer, It is wrong because he doesn’t want you except to use you for pleasure. I promised this because I need a life coach, I need an outside conscious. Yet here I was in my car on the freeway so excited to get there that I could feel the heat between my legs rising high. It was like the very first time all over...
“Take your bottoms off Jack and let me show you how it’s really done!” Jo said to me. Those words were like lightning striking my short hairs. I had just had an incredible encounter with Jo and she wanted more. She was gently rubbing that warm moist pussy against my still hard dick and for a moment I could not respond except to moan a little and stare at her beautiful body. Looking up at me from the sofa, Jo said, “Come on honey, I wanted you to cum outside of me the first time so we can enjoy...
MILFIn a darkened room, with an adult movie playing on the TV screen, is where I had my first sexual experience. Even at that young age, I felt very sexual. Sex and playing with my cock took up a fair portion of my day, each and every day. So, when an older neighbor asked if I wanted to watch, of course I said yes. And that’s how it started.We had watched a movie together before, but this time it would be different. With a scene of a girl sucking a guy’s cock on the screen, he mentioned how good it...
I thought we loved each other.But, she cheated on me.I found out about it through a friend who saw her at a hotel bar in our neighboring town. I started paying closer attention to her comings and goings and times she was out of the house. I actually followed her one time and saw first hand for myself.It shook me to the core. I initially just wanted to divorce her and be done with it all but I thought about my anger. I had to have retribution to feel whole again.I never confronted her about it...
When I got home, mom and I cooked burgers on the grill. Aunt Karen, and Molly came over and ate with us, and we all rehashed our vacation, all the good times we had, and mom told them about my physical at Dr. Burk’s clinic. She told them that she was putting it on the computer and we would all watch it the next time we got together. Everyone was excited about this, my first porn movie and picture, Aunt Karen kept saying. The party soon broke up, Aunt Karen kissed us all and left. Molly went...
Unsere Phantasie: Wir stellen uns vor bei einem Senior, gemeinsam mit einem sehr jungen Teeny-Paar ein Wochenende zu verbringen. Der Senior ist 62 Jahre, groß, schwer, muskulös mit dickem Bauch und großem sehr dicken Schwanz, der Bull. Wir ein Mittdreißiger-Ehepaar mit Cuckoldneigung und ein junges zierliches Paar um die 19 Jahre erleben eine Rollenspiel-Wochenende bei dem Herren.Das junge Paar ist schon da als wir eintreffen. Wir kennen uns bisher nur aus Nachrichten und einem längeren...
I was afraid I lost you in a sea of names. Regrets that I didn’t ask you more while I had you’re undivided attention began to come over me. My life is filled with pleasing others, so I don’t have very much time to cater to my urges. Is it too much to ask for passion and frequency? Intimate acts that aren’t immediately followed by sex are the perfect foreplay. The more I listen to my heart, the more I cannot deny something is wrong in my life. I’ve been thinking about you all this time. You’re...
as a cross dresser and not a gay cross dresser what happened the other evening was quite amusing to me, i had spent the entire day around my home, dressed in my usual black satin underwear and a satin dressing gown, i had nothing to do so I got all dressed up, wearing white satin panties, bra, suspenders and black stockings, I decided to wear a red dress, not to tarty, nee length with a lovely top, feeling very special I was now putting on all the make up and lipstick (red to match of coarse)...
I moved up and we kissed again, this time her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer. I ran my hands down her back and gripped her ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling. Then I gave her a quick swat with my right hand, just enough to sting, but not hurt. Her response surprised me, rather than and ouch or oooh, I got a moan. I spanked her ass again, a little harder and got a deeper moan. I knew now that my big sister was going to be even more fun that I had expected. I broke our kiss...
IncestIde floated from the airlock with a gentle push of a thickly gloved hand, and drifted slowly toward the looming empty dark hulk of the station, glimmering faintly in the starlight. Ide's breath sounded loud in the confines of the suit, the whirr of tiny fans recycling air, scrubbing out carbon dioxide, adding back in the oxygen used by the precious human cargo it protected and nurtured. The tether trailed behind, sliding smoothly and silkily, securing but designed not to impede or...
For those who read the first two BBW stories, Madi and I had a friendly friends with benefits situation going that was growing into something more flavorful with each meeting. She would meet me at my locker, talk for a bit before she'd grab my cock, or would allow me to see a rather large amount of her cleavage, sometimes even her full breast, before leaving for class. It was a lovely sight, as it made me want to cum on them more and more.Our third sexual adventure was a different experience,...
BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...
He was sat up in bed as she entered the room. There was no smile on his face as he took in the sight of the young fair haired girl dressed in just a white, see-through nightdress that rested on her hips and a pair of matching see-through panties, instead there was a look of pain. Neither was he sat up voluntarily, his arms were outstretched and tied to the bedposts of the large headboard by short ropes attached to wristbands. His legs were also attached to the bottom posts of the bed via...
Angelet und ich arbeiten zusammen. Naja zusammen, wir arbeiten in der gleichen Firma. Das mit uns beiden geht schon länger. Nein es ist keine Beziehung, wir sind gute Freunde und wir haben guten Sex. So wie es heute wieder welchen geben wird. Auf der Arbeit haben wir uns schon viel geschrieben und heiß gemacht. Also werde ich heute noch zu ihr fahren und sie mal wieder richtig rannehmen. Sie ist devot und ich extrem dominant. Wie praktisch..... Ich komme zu ihr in die Wohnung. Ich ziehe meine...
Edited by Willyb220 My name is Jack and I just turned 13 last month. I'm sitting in class at school right now with a big hard on. My cousin Dolly was over to visit us with her parents on Sunday. We fooled around and wrestled outside in the snow and I got a lot of cheap feels from her. I was on top of her a few times and I was pumping away on her thinking to myself that I was screwing her and it felt great. She gets me hard all the time when she comes over to our house. Afterwards we went in...
Hi kamukta story loving friends, mera naam Deep hai aur mai pune ka rehene vala hoon. Ye story meri or meri chachi ki hai jisme kaise meri sex karne icha jagi. Pehle mai apne bare mai bata doon mai ek middle class family se belong karta hoon. Pehele hum joint family mai rehate the par ab mai mere mummy papa or mare bhai alag rehete hai. Ab mai atta hoon story par. Hum sab matlab mere mummy papa chacha chachi. Sab eksath rehete the. Ye ghatna 5 sal purani hai. Mai mba ki tayari kar raha tha aur....
I have this fantasy of you sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and having coffee, wearing only a robe and black dress socks. I wake and come in to get some juice, wearing only my tighty-whiteys. I notice you've dropped a piece of the paper on the floor. I bend over to pick it up, giving you a fantastic view of the globes of my ass in the briefs, and when I straighten up and turn around. I notice a tent forming in your robe as you look me in the eye, and mom has just pulled out of the...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom P. Fogg: A MEMOIRPart 15Copyright© 2004 by Paris Waterman
You said,after finished reading your beloved grandma's will , in a greatly astonished tone "A legacy——only to me?!" The lawyer, standing in front of you,smiled full hearted "Yes. A nice surprise, isn't?" You sat there, stunned. Though without any acknowledgment of whether it would be nice or not, it's really a big surprise, especially from Granny Tiffany. Granny Tiffany is your most favorite elder. She is full of zest and creative ideas and always understanding. She has a taste of all...
LesbianIt was 9:00 pm. Me and David were at the town carnivel. It only visits once every three months. David grabbed me by the waist and hugged me in the air. Attached to his body. He kissed me multiple times. All around my face. Very quickly. He then reached my lips. It lasted about a minute. Maybe even two. All I could remember was the taste. The smell of his listerine mouthwash. The bulge in his cut off jeans. He must have sensed that I was attracted to his body. His thick build. Muscles throughout...
First TimeThe Devil’s Rejects were ten minutes into their set, before Sylvia Steele recognised her former student Jared. By that stage her second Black Russian was seeping its way through her bloodstream and her body was swaying rhythmically with the band. Her gaze had strolled over the lead guitarist’s tightly-muscled body several times before she made the connection. “Oh my god. That’s Jared Morgan!” “Who?” asked Gretchen, her fellow teacher at Glen Lake High School. “Before your time,” Sylvia replied,...
SeductionHi all ISS readers, myself Karthik a 26 yrs. Handsome guy from Chennai. I’m an ISS reader since last one year and got highly inspired by all those stories all you people wrote, so here I’m putting forward my true story which happened 3yrs back. My house is in a very posh locality, where there is very less neighborhood interference as most of them were staying out of the city and remaining houses were for sell. My father refereed one of the neighbor houses to his old friend who recently came in...
The Strangest Dream By Tiffany Rose It was the strangest dream... I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club... I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance. We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment,...
The great thing about thongs was that you get a great ass in them, which was the reason why Hermione had begun wearing them during her fourth year, she was after all fifteen and going on sixteen in a matter of months. The bad thing about them was first of all it took time to get used to the feeling of the fabric between your cheeks and second of all you had to make sure they sat correctly or they would be ever so uncomfortable .Hermione stifled a yawn as she flushed the loo and began pulling up...
Okay folks, this is my first story so be kind! Let me know what you think of it, its all true so enjoy, hopefully it's the first of many!So a little background to it. If you haven’t seen my pictures, I’m a 19 year old, 5’6 girl with short blonde hair and a fairly nice body, pretty slim, a nice ass if I do say so myself! And definitely nice boobs, 32d. I’m a tomboy, not into make up, skirts dresses and all that bull. I wear jeans and trainers and like to get dirty with the boys, in more ways...
## Begin Flashback ##I rode this bastard hard! Had him by the balls, squeezing those sorry fuckers until he was drained. I nearly killed him, sucked everything he had into my pussy; he probably won't even be able to walk for two days, the sorry big-balled bastard.I was a lean, toned woman with more strength than ten men put together! The more sperm I took from them, the stronger I got!They usually didn't last very long with me! Maybe two weeks at the most. I was, as I called it, power milking...
FemdomI was a teenager when my parents went to Hawaii for two weeks on a second honeymoon. My Aunt Clare (my fathers 27 year old younger sister) came to stay to “keep and eye” on me. I didn’t know it at the time but Clare was a lesbian. My parents described this aspect of her to me as “she didn’t particularly care for men.” I assumed, naturally enough for a teenager, that she just didn’t like guys. I wasn’t sophisticated enough to attach any sexuality to it. Clare was something of a...
I awoke in my bed and yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes…then all of a sudden I was wide awake! Today was the day! I was going to a book signing featuring none other than Bonnie Wright, the woman who plays Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films. I had gone to watch the 6th film with my friends and had noticed how amazingly gorgeous Bonnie Wright was getting and I felt like I had to meet her. I began to get ready, putting on a surefire sexy outfit consisting of tight low cut jeans,...
So many of my previous stories had me earning money to get to college. Well, here's my first story about earning money while at college.So my sophomore year began and I had probably the sweetest deal you could find in the dorms. way off in the lower levels of the older dorms, the ones bulit in the 50's and 60's there are rooms, one per dorm, that is all by itself, behind a couple of doors and they have bathrooms to themselves. perfect for being a working college student.So I advertised in...
Victor and my new sex toy It was a lazy Sunday morning in bed. We were snuggling. Back to back. Butt to butt. I woke up first and watched my loving Victor still relaxing for the past hours. We had been fucking all night long like crazy. We had sucked and licked each other, I had been tied to the bed as he had fucked my arse… I turned around and leaned over, kissing him on the neck in way to show him my satisfaction. I looked down and laughed to myself. When I kissed him, the last cum from...
I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the many ways...
Hey guys, Shikhar here after a break. I didn’t have anything to post until now. I hope you guys have already read the stories which I posted before this. Oh and yes, do write to me on my email id.. It begins few years ago when I was attending a function at one of our relatives place. I don’t remember what it was or when it was because I came to know this only after the girl told me this. According to her, I was at this functions couple of years ago and my host of the function had introduced...
Hello to all the readers and this is my very first story on ISS and therefore, I would like to share my first sex experience with you all. Let me introduce myself to you all. My name is Daksh Oberoi, 24 years of age, working as a partner in a real estate company. I have actually joined my dad’s business after completing my studies. The incident I would like to share today happened to me when I was of 20 four years ago when I used to stay with my parents. Oh! I forgot to tell you that from last...
This story is about an incident with an office colleague named Swapna (name changed). Talking about the girl, her name is swapna who is junior to me. The size of the bra she uses is 32b. It was a Friday and we had a hectic work as it was year ending and we had to update too many reports. To assist me I had asked swapna to extend beyond her shift hours for which she had agreed. I and her have been working for the entire day without even going for lunch. We left the office at around 8pm and I...