Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 34
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I stared at the stern of the boat. There, in gold lettering, in a very nice cursive script, were painted the words ‘Lady Calista’.
“Dad,” I whispered, “I can’t buy that.”
“Why not?” he asked.
“The name,” I said pointing.
He laughed.
“Well, if you like the boat and buy it, you can just change the name,” he said.
“I can?” I asked, “but what message would that send to Cal?”
“What message do you want to send to Cal, son?” he asked.
“I don’t really know,” I answered, “why does it have to be so complicated?”
“That’s life, son,” he told me, “and it won’t get any easier. Look, let’s have a look at this boat, then when we get home, we’ll go in my study and talk about it. How’s that sound?”
“All right dad,” I said, “it sounds good.”
We looked round the boat, it had two cabins, fore and aft, a galley, toilet and plenty of space to sit. I liked it.
“I’m interested,” I said at the end of the tour.
“But,” my dad interrupted, “we’d need to get a survey done first. I’ll arrange it and be in touch.”
“I can recommend a first class surveyor,” the man offered, he could do the survey this afternoon.”
“Thanks, but I have my own man,” Dad replied, “we’ll be in touch.”
Back at the shop, Dad took Paul Wandless’s card and promised to be in touch within a couple of days. Business concluded, we all walked back into Bowness town and arrived at the jetty just as the next boat back to Lakeside was pulling in. The evening sun was nice sailing back down the lake, and we all piled into the car just after six for the journey back home, where we arrived just after eight. Dad had bought Mum a slow cooker for her birthday, and she’d decided that today would be a good time to try it out. She’d put all the makings of an Irish stew into it before we left and left it on the kitchen counter cooking away.
Except that when we arrived home, she’d left it on the kitchen counter, not plugged in. When she noticed it she swore, then blushed, then face palmed herself.
“It’s all right,” she said, eventually, “I have some chicken breasts in the fridge, and some noodles, I’ll do us a stir fry.”
She then rounded up the three female members of the group to start that and Dad looked at me and jerked his head towards the study. I followed him in there and closed the door behind me.
“Well,” he said once we were seated facing each other across his desk.
“Well what?” I queried.
“What do you intend to do about Cal,” he said, softly, “no, what do you want to do about her?”
“I don’t know Dad,” I replied, “I can think of three possible scenarios. One I just cut her off completely and permanently. That would be difficult because of the closeness of our two families, and I’m not sure Mum would let me do that.”
“Don’t worry about your mother son,” he said, “go on.”
“The second one is that we stay friends but that’s as far as it goes, she’s free to see anyone she likes and so am I.”
“And the third?” he asked.
“That I just say all right she did what she did, she’s fifteen and was stupid, I’m fifteen and I probably do stupid things too. She’s learned her lesson, let’s just move on from there.”
“So where do you go from there?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I replied, “I won’t be around much for nearly three months, so option three is unlikely at the moment, option one is impractical in real terms, so I suppose we are left with option two. I’ve got Kathy, but to be honest I don’t think that will survive me being away.”
“Then the only advice I can give you son, is don’t make any decisions yet. You need to concentrate your thoughts on the TV drama you’re doing, all this other stuff is just sidetracking you,” he said, “but remember, your Mum and I went through something a lot like this, and we’ve survived.”
“You’re right Dad,” I sighed, “at fifteen I shouldn’t be obsessing over a girl, even if I do love her. We’re going to be friends, I won’t avoid her like I have recently. But I’m not going to be in her pocket either.”
“Good lad,” he said, “now, about Wednesday. Am I taking you over straight from school, or do you want to come home and eat first?”
“I think probably get straight off,” I answered, “Mum won’t be home until after five thirty, then there’s cooking and eating, then goodbyes, it could be midnight by the time we get there.”
“Whatever you think best. And you’re staying at the Midland?”
“Yes, the whole cast is, except those who live locally. I think they got some sort of bulk deal,” I told him.
“I seem to remember some member of the cast of coronation street lived there back in the sixties and seventies,” he said, “can’t remember who though.”
We were interrupted by Mum calling out that tea was ready, so we joined the rest and ate our stir-fried chicken and noodles.
Everyone declared the quickly prepared tea to be delicious, and since it had been a long day, Cal and Aunt Mary left straight afterwards, and Alison went off to bed. That left me and Andy to clear up and load the dishwasher.
“David,” he said, as he put the last of the dishes into the machine, “are we good?”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You know, about what happened last weekend,” he replied, “you know, me and Cal?”
“Yes,” I replied, “you meant well, although you were a bit clumsy about it. But when it comes to it, it was my reaction, rather than your action that caused it. I think perhaps you didn’t think it through properly.”
“I think perhaps, you may be right, I’m sorry little bro.”
“Forget it big bro. Water under the bridge. But, Andy,” I said.
“Next time you have a big idea like that, try talking to me about it instead of trying it out, it might be less painful,” I said, “for both of us.”
I switched the machine on and we walked out of the kitchen together laughing.
“What’s got you two amused?” Mum asked as we walked into the living room.
“We were just talking,” Andy said.
“Yes,” I agreed “just talking.”
There was no need to tell the parents what we were talking about.
I said goodnight and went off upstairs, to play an hour or so of Final Fantasy and get my books ready for school the following morning.
From research my Dad had done, the ‘teaching’ offered by the studio would be fairly basic, so we’d arranged with the teachers that they’d give one of my friends the text book sections we were studying and what the homework was, Dad would pass that on to me when I came home at weekends, and I’d do it and bring it back the next time for marking.
As I sat down at my desk, my eyes strayed to the corner where my guitar stood on it stand. I’m sure I could hear it complain that I’d been abandoning it. I picked it off the stand and played a few chords, it was gloriously out of tune, no way to treat a Stratocaster. OK so it was a Squier Stratocaster, but it was still made by Fender. And I still had an AC30 amplifier to play it through, even if it was transistorised and a copy. I breathed in, then put the guitar back, looked at it again, picked it back up and spent a couple of minutes tuning it.
When I tried the chords again, it sounded much better, so, I plugged it into the amplifier, turned the amp on, plugged in my headphones and spent the next hour practising chords, runs and riffs, remembering the fun I used to get from playing, and vowing to do more of it in future. I made a mental note to take it to Manchester with me. Or maybe I’d buy an acoustic.
With that thought in mind I got myself ready for bed and was asleep as my head touched the pillow.
The next three days at school were hectic, sorting out with teachers my studies for the next ten weeks of school, fortunately because of my injuries I didn’t have to do PE or Games, so I had some free time to get things sorted out.
On Monday Dad kept his promise and arranged for a surveyor to go up and look at the boat, he’d be going on Thursday and we’d have his report early the following week.
Leaving school on Wednesday was the worst. I walked Kathy home and she was in tears, you’d think I was going away forever. I promised her I’d be back weekend after next and we’d do something really nice together, which calmed her down, and after a nice long sweet kiss or two, we said goodbye and I walked home to where my dad was waiting.
My bags were already in the hall, one suitcase and a bag of books. I’d decided to buy an acoustic guitar in Manchester, rather than take the Strat and amplifier. I just needed to bring my laptop down from upstairs and I was set.
We packed my stuff in the car boot, climbed in and set off for Manchester. Fortunately it’s only about forty miles away so took us less than an hour. We pulled up outside the door of the Midland Hotel, Dad killed the engine and we were immediately approached by a uniformed commissionaire.
“Good afternoon, sir, welcome to the Midland, can I get you someone to help with your bags?”
I looked at Dad, who nodded.
“Yes, please,” I replied, “two, in the boot.”
He went back inside and returned with a young man in uniform who opened the boot and took the bags out.
“Am I all right parked here for half an hour?” Dad asked.
“Yes, sir, the wardens are off duty at this time of day, you’ll be all right,” the commissionaire replied.
Dad and I followed the guy with our bags inside and up to the registration desk.
“Good evening, sir,” the receptionist, a pretty young woman in her early twenties, whose name badge declared her to be Siobhan, “how may I help you?”
“David J Barker, checking in,” I replied.
She consulted the computer monitor in front of her.
“Ah yes,” she said, “a junior suite, open ended booking, billable to Robbo Productions.”
Dad and I looked at each other.
“Robbo Productions?” he mouthed to me.
I just shrugged.
She passed a form across the counter to me, which I filled in and passed back. She punched some buttons on a machine and handed me a key card.
“Three four seven,” she said to the guardian of my luggage and he led us off towards the lifts.
The suite was just that, it consisted of a central sitting room, with two comfortable sofas, a desk and a small dining table, and two bedrooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom. The beds were huge, easily six foot wide.
“Well it looks like you’re going to be comfortable,” Dad said as I deposited my suitcase on the stand in the right hand bedroom.
“Yes,” I agreed, “but I wonder why the two bedrooms.”
“Maybe you’re going to be sharing with another actor,” he said.
“I can’t think who, “I answered, “all the other actors in the show are much older. Surely, they wouldn’t have me sharing with somebody in his thirties or forties.”
“I suppose that’s possible,” he replied, “stranger things have happened, but no doubt we shall see. Now shall we see about getting some dinner before I head back?”
“That sounds like a plan,” I said, “Since my stay is chargeable to the production, shall we try the hotel restaurant.”
Over an excellent dinner, we discussed Leeds United’s prospects in the league and Europe in the new season, hoping that they’d do well in both, which in fact they did, and my plans for the future.
After dinner, we said our goodbyes outside by the car, then I went back inside and up to my room. I unpacked, and put, my clothes away, put my toiletries in the bathroom, where I found a big fluffy white bathrobe and the biggest white towels I’d ever seen, then got out my laptop, placed it on the dressing table, plugged it in and connected to the hotel’s internet.
Once that was done, I picked up my bag of books, and started some school work. Science, single cell organisms, the amoeba, it was really fascinating stuff.
After an hour I’d had enough of Amoebae, or Amoebas, whatever they called themselves when they got together and closed the book, confident that I was now the world expert on single celled organisms. I’d just put the book away when I thought I heard voices from the sitting room. I stood up, walked to the door and opened it, just in time to see the opposite bedroom door close. It seemed that I had a room mate.
I walked quietly over to the door of the other bedroom and tapped lightly on it. After a few moments the door opened, and I was confronted by a woman who was about Mum’s age, perhaps a year or two older. I took an involuntary step backwards and let out a little ‘Oh’ of surprise.
“What are you doing in my daughter’s room, young man?” she asked, an imperious, haughty tone in her voice.
“I’m sorry,” I replied, “but actually, I’m in my room, I checked in earlier.”
“We’ll see about that, you may as well start packing your things,” she said, and marched back into the room, slamming the door in my face.
I just shrugged and took a seat on one of the sofas.
Five minutes later, she re-emerged from the bedroom and glared at me.
“I told you to pack young man,” she demanded.
“I’m sorry missis, but even my mother asks me to do things, not demands, I’m booked into this hotel for the duration of the shoot on a TV drama I’m in, until someone from either the hotel or the production walks in here and tells me to pack my things, I’m staying,” I replied, calmly, “so unless you wish to share, I suggest you gather your things and leave.”
“You can’t talk to me like that,” she spat.
I looked her straight in the eyes, unblinking.
“Also, vielleicht möchten Sie, dass ich mit Ihnen so spreche?” I said.
“What?” she asked, puzzled.
“He suggested that perhaps you’d prefer him to speak to you like that, Mummy,” a second voice said from the bedroom door, “it was in German.”
I looked across and saw a slim, attractive young girl around my age, four inches shorter than my five foot seven with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
“Are you David Barker?” the girl asked.
“Yes,” I confirmed, “who are you?”
“Charlie Hudson,” she replied, “Charlotte to my mother, I’m playing your sister.”
“Ah,” I exclaimed, “the penny’s dropped. The hotel received a bulk order for rooms for the cast and paired two boys called Charlie and David.”
“Not realising that Charlie, was, in fact Charlotte,” she continued.
The pair of us laughed, while her mother just glared at me.
“So what do we do about it?” I asked.
“Do we need to do anything?” she said.
Her mothers glare changed to a look that could kill.
“Charlotte, you are not staying in a hotel room with that,” she stooped and took a breath, “that boy.”
“Mum, I’m not in a hotel room,” Charlie replied, “it’s a suite. I have a separate bedroom with its own bathroom. And there is, in case you haven’t noticed, a lock on the inside of my door, so I’ll be well protected in case he tries anything. Just as there’s a lock on his door, so he’ll be protected from me.”
“HE doesn’t need protecting from YOU, it’s the other way round,” her mother retorted.
“Mummy,” Charlie objected, “what do you think he could possibly do?”
“I’m not even going to discuss that subject with you, and particularly not in front of him,” she snapped.
“In that case Mummy,” Charlie said, “it’s a long drive back to Surrey, if you set off now, you’ll be home before eleven o’clock.”
“I’m not leaving you here alone with this,” again she stopped, “this boy.”
“David,” Charlie said, turning to face me, “is it all right if I call you David?”
“Well, it is my name,” I replied, with a nod.
“David,” she continued, “are you a rapist?”
“Not that I know of,” I replied, “are you?”
“Absolutely not,” she replied, “so if we share this suite you’ll not try and force your attentions on me?”
“Besides, I have a girlfriend back home, and believe me, fidelity is very important to me,” I assured her.
Then I turned to the mother.
“Mrs. Hudson,” I began.
She interrupted me.
“It’s Ms. And my name is Bridges, not Hudson. Hudson was Charlotte’s no good philandering father.”
“Very well,” I conceded, “Ms. Bridges, I will make you a promise, and it’s the only promise I will make to you. I will not do anything with your daughter that she is not in complete agreement with. I will not attempt to seduce her.”
Was that a look of disappointment on Charlie’s face?
“Nor will I treat her with any form of disrespect. That’s how I was brought up. It’s who I am, it’s who I intend always to be. Now I suggest that you have two alternatives, either accept my word on that, or remove yourself and your daughter from my suite.”
“We will not move out, you will,” she insisted.
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I awoke early the next morning, tangled together with a very naked Cal. A very thin, emaciated naked Cal, looking every bit like an anorexic. I also had two relatively minor personal problems. The first was an incredible desire to pee. The other was a really raging erection. Steel like, one that was going to cause me a problem with the first problem if I didn’t solve it. I untangled myself from Cal as gently as I could, causing her to protest in her sleep at the severing of contact and...
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I was surprised. I’d enjoyed the film, I even thought I looked good in it. Cal thought it was a great film and told me she even managed to separate me and the character I played. When the credits had finished, we walked out, and Cal announced a need for a pit stop. I hung around in the corridor to wait for her. I made two mistakes while I was out there. Firstly, I stood next to a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Greg Paradise, and secondly, I adopted the same casual pose leaning against the...
My visit to Frankfurt was unremarkable. We landed just after eight thirty, I was out of the airport by nine, and a short taxi ride got me to the Hilton. Once checked in, I tried the TV, where the only English language channels were CNN and BBC World, so I opted to read. I’d brought Heinlein’s Stranger in a strange land with me, and opened it, then put it down and rang Cal to let her know I’d arrived. After I’d spent ten minutes talking like a pair of babies with Cal, I rang home and let the...
The town was quiet, but then, it was Sunday morning and the shops weren’t open yet, apart from a couple of the small, local, shops, who weren’t covered by the Sunday opening regulations. The Blue Cup was closed, however, so I went to a different café, the Tartan Coffee Lounge on Commercial Street. I got myself a coffee and took a seat by the window, ready to watch whatever people were going by, thinking idly of the next two years of school. Our local education system is divided into three...
When the five of us sat down to eat that night, it was unusual. Neither Jean nor Geoff joined us, and Cal and her Mum were absent as well. It was the first time for a long time that only people called Barker sat around our table. Unusually for our dinner table, we all ate relatively quietly, it felt as though there was something in the offing. After I finished clearing the table and loading the dishwasher, apparently despite my having been away working for most of the summer, my siblings...
On Saturday morning I woke up early and went out for a run, I did a steady three miles, then showered and changed into my normal clothes. I then decided to go next door and see what my girlfriend had planned. I knew she had a voice class this morning, but I wanted to see if we could do something in the afternoon. When I walked in she and her Mum were sat at the kitchen table talking. “Good morning beautiful,” I announced my arrival. “Morning sweetie,” Cal replied. “Actually I meant your...
Disneyland and home. George picked me and dad up at 9:30 for the trip to Disneyland. He had his daughter with him, a cute fourteen year old blonde named Millicent. “Just call me Millie, everybody does,” she said as we were introduced, “except the ‘rents.” “And everybody calls me David, including the ‘rents,” I answered. She smiled at my little joke, and she had one of those smiles that light up wherever she is. Whether that was due to her natural disposition or a tribute to American...
As I walked back to where I’d left the girls, my heart sank. Why did they have two boys sat with them, chatting away like old friends? I took a detour over to where Andy was fishing. “Caught anything?” I asked him, handing him his ice cream. “Not yet,” he replied. I gestured over to the girls. “Looks like Cal and Pip have,” I said. “Hmm,” he grunted, “what’s going on there? Want me to come back over with you?” “Nah, they probably just heard Cal singing in the club last night and are...
It was after two am when we arrived home, all of us so shattered that all we could do was roll into bed and sleep. When I got up the following morning, Dad was on the phone to the insurance company about the attack on the caravan. After breakfast I decided that since Cal and I would have been spending the day together anyway, there was no need to change that plan, and walked next door and let myself in through the back door. The kitchen was empty, as were the other two downstairs rooms. I...
My room at the hotel was comfortable, and the receptionist, Britte, spoke very good English, much better than my schoolboy German. She gave me a room on the quiet side of the hotel, away from the street. I thanked her took my key and went up to the third floor and found room 312. Being Tuesday, I decided that Cal would be in lectures or whatever until late afternoon, so decided on a nap, then I’d go and scout the best way to get from where I was to the student accommodation on Ismanninger...
I walked straight through the kitchen and started up the stairs when I got back home. As I reached the top, I heard my father speak. “Not now Pat, leave him be, for a while.” “I think I’d better get back round home,” Mary said, then I closed my bedroom door on them. I threw myself down on the bed and wept. I don’t know how long for, but it was a long time, and I wept myself to sleep. When I woke up someone had covered me in a blanket. That was a bit silly because it was a lovely warm...
On Tuesday at school, I met up with Kathy at break time and asked if she’d like to go to the regular gang cinema outing with me on Friday. She said yes (of course) but reminded me that I’d have to ask her Dad but did say that she didn’t think it would be a problem. Which is why, at seven thirty that night I walked through the doors of the Roundhill Working Men’s club in Castleford, walked up to the bar, and stood next to the club chairman. “Evening young David,” he greeted me, “what are you...
From James, I found out that Steve Parkin was one to watch out for, a shark. He was interested that Parkin had got my contact details from his office, and promised to look into that. Parkin’s normal method of operation was to contact a newcomer to the business, such as me, and promise the earth, tell them he couldn’t represent them to producers unless they were under contract to his agency, bind them to a long term, high percentage contract and them put them forward for the rubbish jobs that...
I got Kathy safely back home, and said a long goodnight to her, mainly reassuring her that she had neither said nor done anything wrong, but I didn’t want to feel that I was pushing her further than she wanted to go. I stressed the wanted, rather than was willing, and arranged to see her at school on Monday morning. We parted with a long and sweet kiss. I said hello to the family when I arrived home myself, then went upstairs to do at least some of my weekend homework. The maths was easy,...
It was Wednesday of the following week when Cal and I got together for our talk. I’d told Kathy about it at school on Monday, and she’d thought it was a good idea to clear the air. As we left school on Wednesday afternoon, Kathy pulled me aside before I started to walk home. “David,” she said, “about tonight.” “Yes?” I queried, apprehensively. “Good luck, I hope you can figure out some way forward,” she said, “much as I like you, you’re not happy at the moment are you.” “With you yes,” I...
Cal didn’t come to school on Tuesday either, or Wednesday. It was on Wednesday that I got a call from the TV production company. I listened to what they were looking for, and the twenty five thousand pounds a week fee they were offering, and asked them to ring my Dad, since the final decision lay with my parents. As soon as I arrived home, I asked dad if they’d rung. They had, and they were couriering a script over for me to read. I was due in Manchester, at their offices on Saturday at...
“That’s no problem,” Cal said, “I can walk home by myself, it’s only ten minutes. “Kathy and I will walk you home, then I’ll walk Kathy,” I said, “that makes sense.” “No it doesn’t,” Kathy insisted, “the sensible thing to do is for you and Cal to walk me home, then you and Cal walk home together.” “No seriously,” Cal said, “I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.” “That is not going to happen,” Kathy said, “the rule is girls don’t walk home alone. David, tell her.” “I just don’t want to be...
I looked at Cal open-mouthed. Her. My brother. What the fuck was going on? “Cal,” I blurted out, “why?” Then I ran. I bolted for the door and was through it and off down the drive, running. I didn’t know where I was headed, I didn’t care where I was headed, I just ran. I ran for ten minutes, thirty, an hour I have no idea how far or how long I ran, then it stopped. I felt a sudden searing pain in my left side and the world went black. There was a light, bright, very bright, a long way...
I didn’t have long to wait on Friday, Kathy called in on her way home from school. I was on my own in the house, since Alison was at school hockey practice, when I heard the doorbell. I got up from the chair I was sat in and went and opened it. “Hi,” she said, a huge smile on her face, “it’s nice to see you up and about.” “Thanks,” I replied, “it’s nice to BE up and about. What’s got you so happy?” “I had a weird conversation today at school,” she said. “With Cal by any chance?” I...
I woke on Sunday to the sun streaming through my bedroom window, and the sound of Mum shouting me for breakfast. I climbed out of bed, went across to the bathroom and relieved myself and then, still dressed only in my sleep shorts went downstairs, where, as usual, my Dad had cooked our Sunday morning fry-up for breakfast. “What time are we setting off?” I asked as I began to shovel forkfuls of food into my mouth. “Well, it opens at ten,” Dad replied, “I thought we’d set off about ten...
Years of experience, plus the close proximity of Mum, Alison, Cal and Aunt Mary, have taught me one very valuable lesson. The girls are in charge. So when Kathy and Charlie told me to make myself scarce (or, as they put it, go find some trees to photograph), I went to find some trees to photograph. Actually I spent nearly an hour looking around for things to photograph, and found some good shots, or at least I thought them good. I took so many that I ran out of memory on the camera. When...
By the time I turned into our street I was breathless from running all the way from Kathy’s house. I stopped dead as I turned the corner. Outside our house and Cal’s two police cars and an ambulance were parked. The sight of them there, gave me my second wind and I sprinted the rest of the way, bursting through the front door and skidding to a halt in the living room. The sight I was confronted with in the living room horrified me. Cal was lying on the floor, apparently unconscious, being...
I sat, alone, in the coffee bar in the entrance to the hospital, waiting for whoever was coming to pick me up. I had a coffee and a piece of cake in front of me, both untouched, and my head in my hands, supported by my elbows on the table. I’d been sat like that for about ten minutes when I felt, rather than saw, another person sit down opposite me. “David,” Aunt Mary said, softly, “I’m sorry. It looks like she has absolutely no memory of what happened in Germany. She seems to think that...
Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Nine: Illusive Dreams By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Xandra – The Mirage Garden My husband's cock slammed in and out of my pussy. I writhed beneath him on the silk sheets, his muscular chest rubbing on my small breasts. My cunt gripped his cock as it reamed into me. Chaun's dick felt bigger than usual. But he was a changeling. He could enlarge himself for me. The pleasure rippled through my body as I gasped and moaned, slamming into the fog...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...
This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...
I overheard two women talking at the mall about going to an adult bookstore that was not very far from Indianapolis. They were talking about sucking cock and being naked in the bookstore. I just had to go it sounded so exciting. Since I was only sixteen, I needed to figure out how to get in. With my big breasts, I was sure I could make myself look older and get in to do some flashing and maybe suck a cock or two. Three nights later I told my parents I had a date and going to the...
ExhibitionismBy JIMMY 07/05/12 Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom window to repair a leaking sash. He knew the sound had come from that window. He slept nude and had woken with a massive aching erection. He didn’t bother with...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
SupernaturalMy name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooTEEN 4 EVER - PT. 2 By BERTHA Bert, now Carol suffers from a rare condition known as Peter Pan Condition in which some sufferers stop aging during pre or early teen years, they never grow any older looking. The events depicted here take place during Bert/Carol's second year as a girl at St. Rita's School for Girls. It will be narrated in Carol's own words. I'm Bert; I'm eighteen and am better known as...