Bailey Our Baby Sitter and a Friend
- 4 years ago
- 55
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It’s kind of funny, with everything I’d been through in the past few weeks, you think I’d be really messed up. Despite losing my virginity, my friends, my job, and even more than that, I didn’t feel any different. I’m just a normal teenager. I still check in on insta and fb, I still get up and go to class, well I mean I guess there are a couple differences. I had to wear scarves for a couple days. After I got home I was lucky to see the bruises before mom did. I tried to use makeup to hide them but that didn’t work all that well. Also, I had to hide a baggy of my brothers drugs in my room for the night.
I managed to sneak the drugs back into his locker at school. He probably freaked out in the morning if he checked but they were there later. No harm, no foul. I was kind of curious about them, I admit. Was Brian on drugs? Was he selling them? He had to be selling them at least. What kind of drugs were they? Prescription opiates? Designer drugs? I should have kept one pill now that I think about it. Crap.
Becky and I made up. I am not exactly sure how, one day I was walking by with my head down and she and Addy just started talking to me like nothing had ever been wrong. She didn’t say anything about it that whole day, just talked about normal stuff, she asked me about my scarf, and that was that.
Dad came home and was back for a week, mom picked up dinner from the rib place, and Brian actually came home early enough to eat with the family. We had a real family dinner. Maybe the conversation was stilted. I guess I usually say more. Dad sometimes would ask me about what I was reading and I’d share and everyone would listen. Wow, I guess that hadn’t actually happened for years now. It didn’t happen then either. I guess my mind was preoccupied with things I couldn’t talk about. Still, for 20 minutes, it felt nice to pretend to be a normal daughter in a normal family.
Back in school, I ran into we met up with Becky for lunch and she asked me if we could talk. Addy went on ahead. That’s never a good sign. Quick tip, if someone asks you to talk, it’s probably not going to be pleasant. I was already nervous, “What’s up?”
“I think you know,” she said flatly. Seeing my silence, she added, “We’re friends right?”
I looked down. I guess the past few days were an illusion of friendship. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
I raised my eyebrows at her.
“No, I mean it, for what are you sorry.”
My inner voice was clamoring at me to say I was sorry for being a stupid worthless slut. I had been a real slut that day after all. Maybe that’d be best, just admit what a terrible person I am and beg for forgiveness. “I’m sorry for being a worthless ... terrible ... person.”
“Wow, that ... Bailey. Look, I already know what really happened. Just ... if we’re going to be besties again, we have to be honest. Did you kiss him?”
“OK, but you told him you liked him.” I nodded. “Did you know he was my boyfriend?”
“It’s alright to tell me the truth, I already forgave you, otherwise we wouldn’t be talking. But I need to know I can trust your word. I mean it seems a little suspicious that all of a sudden we start dating then suddenly you who never even looks at boys and gave Phil the freezeout gets all into my boyfriend. You see how that’s weird right?”
I nodded and looked down. She deserved some truth, “I liked Garrett. For like forever. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you two were together, I wouldn’t have said a thing and I promise I’ll never do anything again, just please don’t hate me, Becky?”
She shook her head at me, “Oh Beelee, she slumped back against the locker, why now? Why didn’t you ever say something before? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know,” I mumbled to my feet.
“Do you still like him?”
“No, I promise-”
“Don’t,” she held her hand up, “don’t finish that. Garrett and I, we are going to eat lunch, we sit together now. When you’re really over him, you can join us. Until then, just take some time, ‘kay?”
Becky was being the bigger woman about this. That was how Addy framed it. She told me that he told her nothing that first day. After she saw me avoiding her she’d figured they kissed or something. She thought he was cheating. Brian was quiet about it and that pissed her off more than anything and she was about to dump him when Addy got him to admit to her the truth that I’d confessed my love for him. Addy told Becky, Becky got him to tell her, and he told the story about how he resisted and was loyal. But he didn’t want to ruin our friendship and that’s why he didn’t say anything. I never got a chance to say anything so there was nothing to challenge the narrative that I was a conniving bitch.
I mean the story was basically true so I confirmed it. It was probably, no definitely, better than trying to explain the whole truth of it. Everyone had a story already by second hand hearsay and that’s pretty much gospel so whatever.
I mean, AAARRRRRGGGGHGHHHHHH! You know? Stress! I felt weak and spent after lunch with Addy. My nerves were wrung out, and I was about to head to Mr. W’s class.
I guess I was supposed to act like a love sick puppy for him. A love sick puppy who promised never to seduce him again. A love sick schoolgirl who got thoroughly fucked by the hidden beast inside her mild mannered teacher. I never would have imagined how interesting Mr. Wainwright really was. He was this incredibly smart man, so kind and thoughtful, but boiling under the surface was a raging conflagration of passion. A passion that had him thrusting in me over and over again, filling me and driving out all thoughts from my head.
I let my mind wander through the whole of class. I guess Mr. W. noticed once or twice that I was touching my lips as I watched him. God, if he could only know the nasty things I was thinking about. If he could read my mind he’d have to keep me after class and punish me with a long hard- The bell rang and he dismissed us.
“God that class is so boring,” Addy complained.
“Yeah,” I agreed and looked back for one last glance, “boring.”
As for Brian, my sweet brother, I guess he was spending a lot of time dealing drugs but worst of all to Dad, he was late for dinner. My mom wanted to wait. Dad got hungry and started fixing himself a plate and she cut him off. He got a beer instead, cracked it open and stared at her. I felt the room get colder and curled a blanket around me. After I got back from my school, I hadn’t gone for a run. I probably could have used the stress relief but since I hadn’t any of the fun kind of stress relief, yesterday I’d gone six miles so I needed a day off.
When the yelling started, I curled up into a ball and checked out. When they started cursing and throwing accusations, I snuck upstairs and hid in bed. I still felt cold and exposed, so I pulled my comforter and hid in the closet curled up on the floor. I hadn’t done this in years. The closet was a lot smaller than I remember, but I still fit. I used to hide in here for hours, even fall asleep. But as I set there in blankets and hearing the yelling I just felt uncomfortable. I wasn’t a little girl anymore, I didn’t need to hide when my stupid parents fought. God, why were they such trash? Why didn’t they just get a divorce like everyone else? Fuck it.
I got up and went into Brian’s room and opened up his laptop. I needed to talk to him about ... well there were a lot of things I could talk to him about, not the least of which was drugs. There was a teacher that knew where his stash was after all. Though after what he did to me, I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to say anything. The bruising was almost completely gone, but the memory of his hands there lingered in a terrifying and thrilling way. No, I wasn’t here to look at porn and get stress relief like that, I was here to find out where he was. His recent texts caught up like breadcrumbs that I followed to an address. Looks like big bro wasn’t coming home anytime soon. His party was tonight, and I had the address.
You know how in the tv shows, they always show the teen sneaking out of her window to go to the party? That’s a bunch of crap. At least for me, it is. I put on the new top I’d gotten with the draped front and split cross back, since it was the most showy thing. I put on the jeans to match and wedges to make me feel taller. I even tried to do some evening style makeup with eyeshadow to match. The party wasn’t till later anyway, so I had the time. Still had no idea where Brian was right now, but I knew where he was going to be. I looked at myself in the mirror, and felt as satisfied as I was going to feel. I really needed more practice at this, or maybe I needed a gbf like they always have in those dumb shows. Well, I still felt better than I had in days, so I threw on a jacket and left.
I felt so much lighter in the clean air outside that oppressive house. This was definitely a good plan.
The address was a mile and a half away from the nearest bus stop, but that was alright. I watched the sun go down before the first transfer and ended up walking alone in the dark. The house was deep behind a fence and large hedges. It was old and a little overgrown with cracks in the driveway where weeds were creeping up. But inside was light and music.
I knocked, but no one answered. I felt less and less sure, but I tried again and just heard laughter from inside. They probably didn’t hear me. I pressed the doorbell and heard the clomping of heavy boots. A man answered, scraggly beard, hunched and muscled, “Door ain’t locked come on in-” he stopped when he saw me and chuckled, “Sorry honey, we ain’t buyin’ no girl scout cookies today.” I froze, and he peered at me, “What are you lookin’ at, go home, kid.”
“Uhm, is Brian here yet?”
His eyes flashed angry but his voice was cool and calm, “Brian who?”
“M- Marsh?”
“Oh you’re Brian’s girl? He told you you could come?”
I nodded, “Well now that’s interesting. Come on in,” he put an arm around me, “We’d all love to meet Brian’s girl.” He led me back in to announce me, “Look here, looks like Brian brought a girl for us tonight. Meet - what’s your name shortstack?”
“Bailey, good Irish name. I prefer Guiness myself, but I won’t complain,” I gave a timid wave that didn’t really fit the room, he smacked my ass saying, “Welcome to the party.”
“Hey Fish, don’t scare the poor thing,” a guy with yellow tinged glasses and a cigarette in his hand called out. His girlfriend, or at least the girl who was on his arm for the night added on, “Yeah, she ain’t hurt’n nobody.”
A couple rough looking men looked me over maybe once, then ignored me, three more were in the corner engaged in some engrossing storytelling about some kind of fight. I felt safest joining the two couples at the table smoking and playing cards, since they were the friendliest.
I pulled up a chair and sat down, “Hi.” I felt WAY out of place. Everyone here was older, like adult older, and I didn’t see Brian anywhere.
“So he says to the judge, ‘judge, I gotta git a dee-vorce cause my wife, she’s a fuckin’ naggers.’ Judge says, ‘You can’t just get a divorce for nagging.’ He cuts in, ‘Naw, judge, she’s a fuckin’ naggers! Every last one o’ ‘em.’”
He busted out laughing and everyone else laughed, but I didn’t get it. I chuckled to hide and shrunk in my seat. He made a couple other jokes really loudly, and doubled up the laugh. I felt the heat of a stare and looked up to see a familiar face. Robby Webb, the football player who came to visit Brian before was scowling. I smiled and waved at him and he did a double take.
The joke teller kept laughing, “Ain’t that right Bobby?”
“Yeah,” he breathed out with a straight face, “No offense. Hey Bailey, ‘sup girl?”
“Oh, you know Brian’s ladyfriend?”
Robby blinked for a second, but only for a flash, “Yeah, oh yeah, we met before, I saw you over at his place.”
“Oh, so you’re Brian’s girlfriend?” the laughing man’s girl asked me.
I got a little flustered, I we had done things that a boyfriend and girlfriend do, but no, it’d be weird if I said yeah, then he told them I was his sister. Oh god I really didn’t want them to find out about everything I was thinking, no. “Oh, no, god no I’m not his girlfriend-”
Robby cut in, “What she means is, they’re not exclusive,” he came up behind me putting his hands on my neck and shoulders giving me a faux backrub, “She’s free as a bird, ain’t that right.” He gave me a meaningful squeeze and I could tell from his tone I should be following his lead.
A little confused, I went along, “Well yeah, I mean you know, I like to date around.”
That made the other guy smile in a creepy way, and the joker just grinned, “Well alright then, you do that.”
“Oh, to be young again,” his girlfriend said.
“The hell are you talking about, woman, you ain’t even thirty yet.”
Robby pulled me away, “We’re going to get reacquainted,” he kept talking as we walked to another room, “You know I’m surprised to see you, glad to, but surprised.”
“Oh, you know, I like a good party.”
“How’d you hear about it anyway?”
“Brian told me.”
“He invited you?”
“Not exactly.”
He smiled, looking off, his amusement grew into a chuckle, “Yeah well, in that case, let me have the honor of being your guide for the night.” I didn’t see any harm in it, so I smiled and nodded. “First thing to show you is, the pool room,” He slid open an flimsy accordian style door to reveal a pool table. “Ever played pool before?”
I shook my head.
“Then c’mon, I’ll teach you.”
Robby was surprisingly nice. I mean he was flirty and he’d get a little touchy handsy with me, but never too much. He showed me how to play eight ball and how to set up a good rack. He even got us a couple of beers, but Mr. Gadsten was right, beer tastes gross. By the time Brian came in the room, I had sunk a couple of balls and was feeling pretty good, “Hey Brian!” He looked a cross between terrified and furious.
“Hey, Brian, you don’t mind if I play pool with your girlfriend a little right?”
There eyes spoke back and forth a few moments. I could tell they were having some kind of communication, but I didn’t know what they were thinking. Finally he replied, “No, it’s ... cool.”
“See now, this is the life for a playa. Pool table in your own home. Ballin’.”
Brian joined us, leaning on the table, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, you know, when I’m running things, tho, I’ll have a pool room with a pool in it and a pool table. That way I can have Bailey here in a bikini swimmin’ around while I play.” He nudged me, “What do you think, you wanna lounge around in a bikini in my mansion?”
I giggled, “Okay, sure. Wait, do I get one of those big floaty things that you can lay on?”
“Deal,” I giggled. Robby wasn’t actually all bad.
Brian looked at me, “Hey, so Bailey, you wanna head home soon? We don’t have to stay.”
I frowned at him, “No. I’m having fun, I wanna party.”
“Yeah,” Robby piled on, “She’s having fun man. ‘Sides, party has just started, you got something for me?”
Brian sighed, “Yeah sure fine Robby, but later alright?”
“Awe don’t make the g-man wait, B. You know I don’t like to wait.” Robby’s voice took on the hint of an edge. Brian relented and pulled out a baggie from his pocket. It was the one that Mr. Wainwright had taken and I’d stolen it back. Most of the pills were missing from it, but there were a few left. “That’s my boy.”
Brian took my hand. It was the first time he’d touched me since that night. He’d been absent for days and I just never knew where to find him. I’d started to think maybe the voices in my head that always told me how terrible I was were right and that he was going to abandon me too. But he took my hand and it made me feel at ease for the first time in days. “Come on, we need to talk.”
“Let her stay man, she’s having fun she said.”
I looked back to Robby, “Sorry, be back in a minute.”
He led me around the corner from the pool room and I flung my arms around Brian and hugged him, “Hi.”
“Bailey, what are you doing here? How did you even get here?”
A man barked from back in the kitchen, “Brian, getcher bitch ass back here, it’s piper time.”
“Shit,” he hissed, “Just- don’t go anywhere and be careful.”
Careful? Okay, I mean some of the people were a little scary lookin’. I resolved it best to go back to Robby in the pool room.
“Got rid of him quick, huh?”
I nodded.
“Hah, well party girl, let’s have some fun.” He produced a pill from the baggie, took my hand, and laid the pill in my palm. “This is my gift to you.”
“Oh, I don’t think Brian would want me to.”
He chuckled, “Are you kidding? Brian is the one who gave these to me, you saw that.”
“Yeah but,”
“Trust me, just take one and chill out, I promise you’ll have a blast.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a party supply. Guaranteed to brighten up a party.”
“Aren’t you having one?”
“Already took it, baby,” he grinned. He didn’t seem any different, but he did have a big smile on his face. I knew I probably shouldn’t. I knew I really shouldn’t. But then again, what’s the harm, right? I mean Brian wouldn’t hurt anyone, so yeah, okay, this was drugs, but people do drugs for a reason, it’s not like they are just horrible experiences. If drugs were terrible, then no one would take them right? Plus, if I was ever going to do drugs, it’d make sense to do them where my brother could take care of me. It was already in my hand, so I just figured, what the hell. I threw it back and took a swig of my rapidly warming beer to wash it down.
I shrugged, “Okay then. Now what?”
He grinned at me, “Nothing baby, now we just play pool and have a good time.”
“Oh.” Right, it probably take a while to kick in huh. So I racked us up for eight ball. My heart was hammering a little, just waiting for the effect of whatever I took to kick in. When he broke, I asked, “So what was that?”
“Nah-ah ah, no spoilers,” he grinned at me and handed me the cue. “I left the table open for you. Whatcha gonna do?”
I looked at the table and thought about it. Solids were split up more, but there was a stripe I could maybe get in the corner pocket. “Uhm, the thirteen?”
“Alright, alright, let’s line it up.”
I guess whatever we’d taken, he was starting to feel it a little. He was getting all flirty again. He helped my line up the cue, guided my hand, and left his hand on my waist. It was a little distracting with him whispering into my ear, “nice and easy.”
I flubbed the shot, “Hey quit it!”
He chuckled at me.a few shots later, I was trying to line up another shot and he came up behind me. I could sense his body heat against my back and he tilted my elbow and adjusted me without asking. “Hey,” I complained again.
“Trust me, baby, just hit it.”
I let myself go and took the shot. Somehow it chipped the side perfectly and sunk my little striped ball right in the side pocket. “Hey, I did it!”
“Yeah you did.”
“That the first time I got one in the side pocket! Like ever!”
He grinned and nodded.
I jumped for joy and wow, I guess the lights must have turned up a little in the room, or maybe I was a little more in tune, just focusing on the game. Hyped up I went to my next shot, just sure I could make them all in one shot. Feeling goofy, I decided to hit it way hard but the cue just slapped over the top of the cue ball and it barely rolled. I giggled as did he. I never realized how much fun pool could be, but you know what was more fun? When Robby came up behind me and started massaging my neck muscles.
Oh my god, it felt SOOOO good. I can’t even tell you, I just moaned a wow. I managed to hold onto the cue for a good 5 seconds before I dropped it onto the floor, but his strong fingers kept sinking into my tensed muscles working them over.
“So THAAAT’s what they do.”
“What’s that?”
“They make you feel good. Is this what you’re feeling?” I kept my eyes closed as he rubbed my skin.
“I don’t know, what are you feeling babe?”
“My skin feels nice,” oh my god it really did. Like all over too. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair and revelled in the gloriousness of it.
He reached up and pulled out my ponytail and I let my hair fall around my face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I moulded my body against him. I wasn’t trying to be sexy or anything, it just felt really good all over. I opened my eyes to see Brian, “Hey Brian! Come here.”
“What’s going on?” he looked to Robby.
I hugged Brian when he got close enough, “Robby, did you know that Brian is the greatest brother in the world, like ever?”
“Is that right?”
I gave my big brother a big snuggle hug, “Yeah, don’tcha just love him.” Fingers ran through my hair and scraped my scalp and I moaned in pleasure. It took a minute to register they were too big to be Brian’s hands. Must be Robby, I figured.
“Are you high?” Brian asked.
I smiled at him, “Totally, oh my god it’s the best. I- Brian, I had no idea the pills did this.”
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The sun came up, birds were chirping, everything in the world was where it was supposed to me. I showered without getting my hair wet and was ready for school fast. My brother didn’t tease me at breakfast. Becky and Addy were chatty on the bus to school and I remembered why I loved having them as friends. I was totally fine. Everything was how it was supposed to be. Except that under it all, it wasn’t. I’d been letting my homework slip, sometimes I did a rush job and I even got a couple...
My brother's wife Bailey is a fox. She is the sexiest woman I've ever met and for years I have lusted for her. Not that anything would ever come of my lust. My wife would kill me if I ever acted on my lust for Bailey and if she didn't my brother most certainly would. I couldn't touch, but I could look and I did. I could also flirt and I did that too. Bailey was aware of the effect that she had on me and it pleased her to tease me every chance she got. I've never seen her in the nude, but...
Bailey's tongue rubbed back and forth over my sensitive nipple as she sucked my boob into her mouth. It was a little freaky to be touched like this by a girl, but I kept telling myself "just friends no big deal". And the longer she did it, and the more turned on I got, the nicer it was. Her hands groped gently at me as she eased my top off, moving to the other side to suckle on my right nipple."Oh my god, we're doing this..." I said, laughing nervously a little.She gave a lick to my breast with...
"I'd like to apply for the Bailey option, m'lud" asked my solicitor. "For both defendants?" asked the judge. "Yes, m'lud." The judge looked Charlie and me up and down twice. We were both typical fifteen year olds, except somehow we'd got into trouble. "Application provisionally granted," he said. "You know the requirements of the Bailey option?" "Yes, m'lud." "And when do you think that you will be ready? With all the requirements in place?" "By this afternoon,...
Series 7, Episode 6: Bailey Dummett (26) Welcome to Torquay - a picturesque harbor town on the English riviere. We float over hundreds of small craft and yachts moored along wooden jetties behind the Princess pier, before closing in on one of the boats. As we get closer a very pretty young blonde woman steps up onto the small deck of the boat. She’s wearing a bikini that highlights both the beautiful weather and her stunning body. Slim from top to bottom, with small but firm boobs barely...
Last night kept coming back to my mind all day. I wondered if there was just something missing in me that I couldn’t be sexy, but I dismissed that though. It was a learning curve. Maybe he was right, and I needed to learn to be sexier, I thought as I sat behind him on the bus. Most seniors drove, but we couldn’t afford a car, so we both rode the bus home. Addy and Becky were both going to cross country, so I didn’t see them at all after school. God, I’m kind of a loser. I hardly have any...
Saturday morning, I walked out to the front yard and sat to soak in the beauty of it. It’s quiet in the mornings, usually my family is still asleep, unless mom has to work, but then she’s gone. The arguing is usually on Sunday. I wondered what it’d be like to be in one of those families where they make pancakes with maple syrup, bacon, and eggs. Everyone has their own way of doing things, I guess. I laid out an old stained towel on the grass with my own picnic of a breakfast: An orange, a...
I breezed through class Monday excited for the chance to spend my weekend gains. It wasn’t much, maybe one nice blouse or a pair of jeans, more if I went to the clearance rack, but it was better than I had before. I didn’t want to waste the whole afternoon on a bus, though. When I got back home, Mr. Gadsten wasn’t back yet so I went for my now usual run. When I got back I saw the garage open, so I walked up and saw him there polishing something, “Hey boss.” “Oh, hey there Bailey. What are...
I woke up fresh and revived, with last night feeling a million miles away. Everything was fine, my brother just thought he caught me having an erotic dream that he created. If anything, that probably made him more likely to think I was pretty, so, yeay. It was a good enough rationalization. Mr. Gadsten really liked my new outfit. He made sure to be out in the yard when I went for a run and again when I came back. I suppose a young girl wearing tight fitting sexy clothes going for a run was...
I waited by the stall door when, finally she opened it. As she turned the corner and faced me I slapped her pretty white face, knocking her into the stall wall. She hit it with a thump and passed out. I stood there gazing at her beautiful 15 year old body, well developed for her age. She had double c tits and a big firm ass. She had blonde hair the fell about halfway down her back. She wore black tights that showed off her ass and a small OU shirt that revealed her cleavage. I walked over...
March 13th, Dear Diary, Well, today was shit. Nothing new there. My work day was overloaded - like usual, I dropped my coffee and stained my shirt, ripped a stocking and the guy I've been trying to be semi-serious with is only interested in having a lay. Now, after being unable to decompress on my own, I'm sitting here on my couch with a bottle of Chardonnay and my largest - and favorite of late - wine glass while I try to write away my sorrows and frustrations. So, here goes: My life feels...
Love StoriesThe court room at The Old Bailey was packed with spectators, but the Tremaynes found seating with Sir Archibald opposite from Mr. Barstow's group that consisted of Barstow, his secretary, and two police detectives. Also included with them was Sir Hamilton and Miss Wharton, the latter two serving as the Crown's chief witnesses. Priscilla had to stand alone in the dock. Her bruises had faded completely, and she looked every bit the virtuous young lady in her new charcoal grey dress. So much...
[NOTE: This page is pretty much background on the universe; Feel free to skip ahead if you want to get to the 'meat' of the story.] In this future age, the peoples of the Confederation of Worlds expand ever outwards, across the galaxy and into the uncharted universe. At the fringes, on the frontier, there are numerous things to consider when one considers authority. While the Confederation of Worlds has an overarching decree of laws, their treaties indicate that the individual races also have a...
This story has nothing to do with the song of the same name. I just liked the title, so I nicked it. I'm not above stealing song titles for stories, or even the occasional handle. ;) Many thanks to all the kind folks on the TF writers' list who helped me polish this monster. I get the feeling I could have spent the rest of my natural life rewriting it, but I've decided to cut it loose. It contains some pretty explicit sex, so if you don't like to read that kind of thing, you've...
As promised, I will share a little more about how we expanded our horizons beyond just attending naked parties in our apartment complex. My wife, Liz, and I were great friends with our next door neighbors, Bill and Samantha, and Liz in particular with Samantha. They would get together and have girl’s night out events, which I didn’t mind, it left time for Bill and me to watch sports on TV without interruption. Bill and Samantha had introduced us to the naked parties after we had lived there for...
And now for my erotic delectation a new option to mull, sex parties. Doing an unrelated internet search, espying a suggestive link, clicking it, and now here we are.Five days of scheduled parties coming up this week, two each day. Various themes, nurses, stockings, bunny girls, nudie, thong, suchlike. Three hours for some, four hours for others.Come visit our newly refurbished apartment in Stratford, just near the Olympic village. Contribution required for drinks and snacks. Activities taking...
We all own homes with spacious patios, beautiful pools, and big outdoor kitchens, so we decided to have all our swinger parties poolside, and to rotate among all four homes every 2 weeks, or so. And living in Florida, we could have our pool parties virtually year round. So, over the past four years each couple has hosted multiple parties. All these parties are fun, filled with lots of laughing, drinking and crazy sex …. and the one Stan and I hosted last week was no different. As usual, we...
Now some backround information about home parties in the Netherlands. We have two kinds. One type is most of the time with family and cake, sitting in a wide circle and full of light conversation. Yep, just as boring as it sounds. The second type is later at night, mostly with just friends. Enough booze and weed to anaesthetize a small hospital, completed with loud music. Luckily, this was the second type. Personally, I love parties at home. The best place is most of the time the kitchen...
When it comes to sex, the more, the merrier. There is no limit to how many bitches I'll fuck at one time. As many as you can line up, I'll knock them down. I have an unrelenting insatiable appetite for pussy. If I had nothing but time on my hands, the three and a half billion bitches inhabiting the planet still wouldn't be enough. I've got a lot of love to give.Cum Production LineSo do you, but it's in a different way. See, I have so much sex that my body has become a cum factory. My balls...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesTwo totally different parties.Now for the truth part, all about myself and my life.I am Mrs Tina Jones, 48 and married to my one and only man, we have two sons, the oldest is 20 and the youngest being 18.We have had what you can describe as a normal life, live in a semi detached house, have one holiday a year. Even our love life was normal, would never do anything silly or crazy, but I suppose that was down to me, not wanting to try anything new, I could put that down to me not having a very...
WKRP cast Jan Smithers: as the shy and demure Bailey Quarters, WKRP's commercial programmer. Loni Anderson: as Jennifer Marlowe, WKRP's sexy blonde receptionist. Howard Hesseman: as Dr. Johnny Fever, daytime DJ for WKRP. Gary Sandy: as Andy Travis, WKRP's programming manager. Tim Reid: as Venus Flytrap, nighttime DJ for WKRP. Gordon Jump: as Mr. Arthur Carlson, the infantile station manager. Frank Bonner: as Herb Tarlek, WKRP's advertising manager. Richard Sanders: as Les Nesman,...
I am blessed to have experienced private and swingers parties as a participant as well as a host. Both are great ways to have fun and sex. But fun and sex do not always go together. Below is a list of fun games to not only break the ice but also to resurrect the mood and create lasting memories. Needless to say all guests should be wearing their birthday suit. Other than this, participation cannot be forced. However, the last thing you want is have guests just looking only. So, careful...
I had been a widower for two years and very much missed the sex my wife and I had had. I didn`t want to try to get a "girl friend" which other men had done. Instead, I masturbated pretty regularly. Always standing up and in the nude in my lounge with newspapers on the floor to catch my cum when I ejaculated. I had been jerking off and had a good erection when the doorbell rang. I put on my dressing gown and opened the front door. My next door neighbour, Margaret, was there. She had come to...
Straight SexI spent the weekend helping Mom around the house and thinking about Inge. My dad had told me when I was very young about consequences for my actions, and he'd brought the point home to the seat of my pants more than once. Life is about choices, and the wrong ones bring severe penalties. Masturbation was my only peace. I was keeping my obsession a secret from my parents as well as others, but I knew sooner or later that it would become known. My greatest fear was how to handle the...
1. Guess The Cock: half of the guests volunteer to kneel and wear a blindfold. The other half stand in front of them and place their genitals right in the kneeling players face. Both kneelers and standers must not touch each other other than with their lips and tongue and not a single word should be uttered. Sighs and moans are welcome. The kneeler who guesses the owner of the cock in his/her mouth is the winner. This is a hard game for new members of the group; however, it gets easier as...
It was just another e-mail from my boss, Johana, mixed in with the rest of the e-mails that hit my inbox during that day. I usually glance over the subject headers to pick out the urgent e-mails, dealing with the rest later. This one caught my eye; subject: The Party To End All Parties. I opened it and read on. It was an invite to my boss's country property for a party, Saturday evening in a few week's time. She went on to explain that it was a great opportunity to mix with a few of my work...
My friend had a haloween party at his moms house in the finished basement, what was also his bedroom/livingroom etc etc.. I was dressed as a female devil. I had on a red wig, red lipstick and red eye shadow, a long red dress ( the kind you buy at a halloween shop in a package with other accessories) but I cut the red dress into a very short mini dress with a slit up the side and it was pretty tight. I also wore a pair of red tights(no underwear under them) and redfour inch high...
Mom asked me the next morning about my night out, and I asked her about her night in. She giggled and told me Daddy had been very pleased with the personal service his maid had provided. She had served him drinks and some appetizers, then he had served her an appetizer, a thick and juicy sausage! She had blown him, served him some more drinks and nibblers, then they had made it in the living room while watching a porn movie. Afterwards they had gone to bed for one last session. Daddy came in...
The Christmas parties where in full swing and the office party invites had gone out. I was sitting at home opening my mail after a long day it was the christmas bash and it would be a good one free drink,food and hotel. The day came and we all set off in the company bus.We arrived at the hotel a very plush 5 start I got ready black tie and dinner jacket affair I alsso knew that unless you was totaly brain dead it was garenteed your get laid. The food and drink was plenty as we all got very...
Back to LA for a weekend and I went to 2 sex-parties. This is what happened Friday Jan 24. Very excited to go. I haven’t had sex since November and I needed cock!. Arrived early and went into one of the cubicles with a glory hole. After a few minutes I gave a blowjob to a tall guy with very nice tick cock. I enjoyed sucking him for a long time, but he didn’t want to cum and left . I went to the groperoom. The club has several rooms and cubicles. However the groperoom is the...
The weeks leading up to the final exams were busy; not just studying for the two exams that I had, but helping Fiona get her internship report finished and ready for submission; last minute coaching for some of my students, and trying to fend off a potential war between some people at Sydney University and other participants in the AARNET project. Independent of the AARNET project, Sydney University had developed a simple store-and-forward network, but they wanted to use the country-level...
The sun was beginning to set, the ocean’s evening tidal wakes’ roar had turned to a low grumble as they rode upon the beaches in Goa. A few hot and spicy parties were still blazing the beachfront; most of the party’s were on spring break. Anjali and her friends were also on their spring break; they had picked the beautiful beaches of Goa to make the most of their time off. The twins, Nikhil and Alok were busy living it up at some hot spots while Anjali and Karishma took themselves away from the...
I wore the same outfit to school the next day, but with the camisole. Still I felt different, confident. On the way out to the bus stop, I ran into Mr. Gadsten who greeted me with a “Good morning, Bailey.” “Morning,” on a whim I spun on my heels and pointed at him, “I’m running again tonight. Consistency.” He smiled and nodded in agreement, “Consistency.” At school, I was chatting with Addy and Becky. Even got yelled at in home room for chatting. We giggled at that. “You look good,” Becky...
I woke up the next morning in my room, having gone there after almost falling asleep in Brian’s arms. I wanted to stay, but I wasn’t ready for what that meant. I smiled thinking about Mr. F. He called me a beauty. I guess that was one thing older guys have, they appreciate you. Well, I think I’d had my fill of Mr. F for a while. Wow, that was a bad pun. I smirked. Brian was nice to me at breakfast and Mom asked me where I’d been. I told her about the movies, but left out he part about Phil....
My head throbbed and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with rotted cotton. I think I might have eaten a pillow in my sleep. The sun was streaming in and I couldn’t keep covering myself in covers to block the sun because I was hot and stuffy. I was a chicken nugget under a heat lamp with a pounding vice on my head. “Honey, it’s a beautiful day, come have breakfast, or lunch really,” Mom had come in and raised the blinds. Oh jeez, they were down before, now it was really bright. I moaned a...
After twenty-two years of marriage my wife threw me out. She said that we had nothing in common anymore. She was correct. After our daughter Stephanie had moved out and gone to college we really had nothing to talk about. The sex had not been all that great in the last ten years either.After a couple of weeks of living in a motel and not finding a suitable house to purchase, I decided to check the local want ads.The one that really caught my attention was for an older man to share an apartment...
Mom and Dad were madly in love for as long as I could remember. Dad always seemed sexually satisfied by Mom and never seemed to stray.Mom was usually sexy around the house but much more sexy when she went out on Thursday’s.At home Mom wore a lot of sexy dresses with plunging necklines, slits up the sides, or strapless. Dad was allowed to squeeze her breasts, pat her ass, or even reach up under her dress. When I became a teenager Dad started doing it more often in front of me.At first Mom...
I really wanted to go to that concert but I didn’t have enough money for the ticket. My father would not give it to me either, he just kept telling me to get a job. Fuck that, I wasn’t going to work for a living. There had to be better ways to get money. Then it struck me…steal it.I got a hold of my father’s pistol but he kept the bullets in another locked box that I couldn’t get into.I went out one rainy night thinking that it would be easier to catch some helpless woman by herself.I was...
I am s*******n years old and out of school for the summer. Dad helped me get a good paying job on a construction crew. I wanted a car but dad wanted me to earn it myself. I had to save enough money to pay for my own insurance too. Dad said that if he gave me a car that I wouldn’t appreciate it, but that if I bought it myself that I would. I had the car already picked out too. That’s why I was so depressed when the boss sent me home early today. Sure I had screwed up today but not as bad as some...
I was s*******n years old when I discovered my mother’s obsession with panties. She not only bought a new pair for every day but she kept the old used ones too. Maybe that should be, only used once panties. She also kept my sister’s used once panties. Erika was sixteen at the time.I had my suspicions but when I found the boxes of panties up in the attic I knew. They had dates on the outside of the boxes with Mom’s name on some, Erika’s name on some, and unknown on others.I opened a few boxes...
I hate my life, I hate my father, and I definitely hate Catholic School.My name is Angelica but everybody calls me Angel. Don’t let the name fool you. I’m almost fifteen years old. I have light red hair that is kind of a blend of red and blonde but I escaped all of those freckles that usually go along with red hair. Mom always called it strawberry blonde! My hair is soft and hangs almost to my waist but it is thin too and I like to keep it in a ponytail. I like the way it swishes when I walk....
Let me start out by telling you that I am a fifteen-year-old virgin male. I’m a little shy but I sure like girls. My sister Tiffany on the other hand is sixteen years old and pretty sexually active. Well that’s what mom calls it. Dad calls her a little slut under his breath.My sister talked me into letting her make a cast of my cock. First I had to undress in front of her and let her shave off what little pubic hair that I had. Next Tiffany mixed up the plaster stuff and undressed herself. That...
My sister Stormy is older that I am. She was nineteen years old and dating a guy with a motorcycle. I thought that he was a jerk and so did our parents. However she was in love with him. Then one Friday night we got a phone call to come down to the hospital…there had been an accident. Stormy had broken both of her forearms. The doctor said that it was a simple fracture but that he had to immobilize the joints on either end so she was in two casts from the palm her hands up past her elbows. She...
Alyssa and Zelda are my sixteen-year-old twin daughters. Two c***dren were all my wife and I ever wanted so when we knew it was twins we picked out our names. We decided on A to Z. If it were to be one or two boys it would have been Allen and Zachary. The first one born became Alyssa and of course the last one became Zelda. Last being only three minutes later.My wife died in a car accident when the girls were twelve years old. She hit her head hard on the steering wheel and was pronounced brain...
Mekala instantly caught my eye and probably the eye of every man there. She was just so energetic and vibrant. She ran down the edge of the soccer field and then did three back flips in a row to the amazement of all those watching her. As I watched her practice I realized that she was very good at soccer too. She was thirteen years old and much better built than the rest of the girls out on the field. This was the first day of practice for the fifth and sixth graders. Mekala was a sixth grader...
I was lucky to have a girlfriend as smart and pretty as Amy was. She let me do a lot more than feel her up on our first date. I had taken her to a movie. Her mother had offered to drive us there so all I had to do was walk a few blocks to their house.As I sat on the couch waiting for Amy to come down her mother sat down in a big chair opposite of me. She started asking me questions about myself as she kept opening and closing her knees. She was not even subtle about it. She had sat on the edge...
My wife and I were at the zoo so that I could try out my new camera. It has a great zoom lens and I could get some nice pictures.As we started out I saw a woman in a very short dress but my wife told me that it was a long shirt. Then she noticed that the lady was wearing pantyhose and that she was pregnant.All I noticed was that her dark gray dress fit her like a second skin, that it was just below her crotch and that I couldn’t see a thing. I also noticed that she never had to pull it down.We...
Mom was entertaining the Church Finance Committee at our house. They had been meeting at various houses over the past few weeks trying to figure out if they could repair the roof on the church. They planned several fundraisers and the meeting at our house was to try and finalize the latest one.There were six women, including my own mother. The minister’s wife was there, a banker’s wife, the mayor’s wife, the high school principle, and the wife of the man that owned most of the downtown...