InsomniaChapter 2 free porn video

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When the cum finally stopped draining out of me I wiped myself and struggled to my feet. I wasn't sore exactly. But I was exhausted and parts of me were very tender.

I tried very hard not to think too much as I took a quick shower and dried and brushed my hair. I brushed my teeth and put on a little lipstick. Then I stared at myself in the mirror. It still looked like me! But these things I was doing! That wasn't me!

And then I was at my front door, trying to figure out why I would do what I was about to do. I was about to step out into the hallway that was shared by twenty apartments. I was going to step out into public in the nude even though somewhere in the back of my mind a voice was screaming at me not to do this. I seemed to have no choice but to ignore that voice in my head and obey Ian.

It was as if I had been drugged. But I knew that no one had drugged me. No one had an opportunity. That was one of the things that a single girl learned to look out for, especially after moving to the big city. I hadn't been hypnotized. Not ever. No one had threatened me. I wasn't being blackmailed. So what was compelling me to allow the man next door to undress me and have sex with me and then order me join him in his apartment, in the nude?!

And why, despite the fact that I knew how wrong this was, was I not even trying to fight against my apparent acceptance, my complicity in these degrading acts?

I was starting to get a headache from trying to answer a question that could not be answered.

I opened my front door slowly and peeked out. I stuck my head out and looked in both directions. When I was satisfied that there was no one in the hallway I stepped out and shut my door. I felt so exposed, so incredibly vulnerable ... and so fucking excited!

I took three steps and I was at Ian's door. I knocked and waited anxiously for him to open it.

I heard his voice call out, "Just a minute, Kari. I'll be right there."

But he lied!

He took his sweet time. He took so long that two young men got off the elevator and turned towards me. I glanced in their direction and almost screamed when I recognized them. I had spoken with both of them several times since I moved in, out at the pool or when meeting at the mailboxes downstairs. Neither of them had asked me out. We were just neighbors and acquaintances.

I saw them take several steps in my direction and then come to a stop. I quickly covered what little of my exposed flesh that I could with my arms but even then I didn't rush back into my apartment! I stood waiting for Ian to let me into his apartment so that he could continue to sexually abuse me.

The two men, Mark and Karl, began walking slowly down the hall in my direction. They stopped a couple of feet away. After staring for a moment, Mark asked, "Kari? Is everything alright?"

I felt myself blushing furiously. I must have been bright red all the way down to my waist! I nodded my head and said, "Yes. I'm okay. Please, don't ask me to explain this. I can't. But I'm alright."

I didn't actually believe that I was alright. But how could I explain my behavior? I was obeying every command I received without being threatened or drugged or compelled in any way that I could discover.

Karl chuckled and said, "Looking good, Kari! I see you're a true redhead. I don't think I've ever seen a redhead naked before. Very sexy."

I had enough time to say, "Thank you, Karl," before Ian finally opened the door. He smiled and said hello to Mark and Karl. Then he stood back and let me in.

I rushed past him and stood behind the door. I was so desperate to hide from the two men in the hall that I never even noticed that Craig was sitting in the living room watching me with a huge smile on his face.

Ian spoke briefly with the two men and then stepped out into the hall with them and closed the door. It wasn't until that moment that I saw Craig. I squealed and covered myself with my arms again.

Craig laughed and said, "Put your arms down, Kari. You're beautiful. I want to get a better look at you."

I obeyed! What the hell?! I was now permitting a fifteen year old boy to ogle my naked body.

Craig got to his feet and crossed the room with a lewd smile on his face. He stopped in front of me and then ordered me to turn around slowly. Once more I obeyed.

When I was finally facing him again he said, "You are so hot! I can't wait to fuck you. This is going to be so fucking great! Dad said I can do anything I want with you. You're going to suck my cock and I'm going to fuck you until I can't get a hard on anymore. It's like I'm living my wet dreams!"

I shook my head and asked, "Why? Why are you doing this to me? How are you doing this to me? I don't understand. I'm not like this!"

Craig grinned and replied, "Dad told me not to answer any of your questions. You have to ask him. All I know is, he came back from your place half an hour ago and asked me if I was a virgin. When I admitted that I was he said, 'Today is your lucky day!' He sure wasn't lying. When he told me that you were gonna come over here and let me fuck you I got a hard on. I've had it ever since."

He reached out tentatively and rested a hand on my breast. I could see from his expression that despite what his father had told him he wasn't sure that he wouldn't get slapped.

But even now, even with this boy, I seemed unable to refuse him anything. I felt compelled to let him do whatever he wanted. I also felt my own sexual arousal building quickly again. This was turning me on! This was making me as horny as flashing those men on the subway or letting his father rape me just half an hour ago.

When I didn't object to his touch or attempt to pull away, Craig began to explore my breast with his hot, sweaty hand. His other hand came up and began to move over my other breast. It was obvious from the expression of wonder on his face that he had never touched a breast before and he was in awe of mine. He had probably never seen naked breasts in real life before this moment.

I almost laughed when I thought about the fact that up until today only four boys had seen my breasts. But in the last hour, three men and a boy had seen them. The number of males that have seen me naked just doubled!

The door opened, startling both of us. We were so wrapped up in what Craig was doing with his hands as he explored a female body for the first time that we had forgotten about Ian. He closed the door behind him and smiled when he saw what Craig was doing. He said, "Craig, why don't you take her to your room. Take your time, enjoy yourself."

Then he turned to me and said, "You do whatever the boy wants, bitch. Do you understand me?"

I nodded. But the additional instructions seemed unnecessary. I didn't seem capable of saying no to anyone anymore.

Craig released my breasts, grabbed my wrist and led me to his room. As soon as we were inside he began to undress rapidly. I stood back out of the way and watched.

I should have been crying and screaming and I knew it. I was about to be raped again. I might be going along and obeying every order. But I was self aware enough to know that something was different about me. Someone had done something to me to make me this way. I don't know who or what. I just knew that someone had been playing with my brain.

Even knowing that, though, I felt my sexual arousal growing as I watched Craig undress. Much like his father he was a fairly handsome and well built boy, though the boy part still bothered me. And when he finally removed his underwear I saw that he took after his father down there, too. His cock was hard and throbbing and nearly as large as his father's. It was pretty damned impressive for a slender fifteen year old boy!

As soon as he was naked, Craig pulled me over to his bed. He sat down and spread his legs and pulled me close. He examined my body for a few minutes. He was fascinated by my pussy and spent a long time looking at it and touching it.

He didn't know what he was doing. And he obviously wasn't doing it to arouse me. He was merely exploring the first pussy that he had ever seen. But I was being touched by a boy. That turns me on. Even under these strange circumstances being touched by a boy turns me on.

He spread my pussy open and stared at it for a long time. After he had looked at it long enough to memorize every feature, he released my labia with his right hand and slowly worked first one and then two fingers inside of me.

I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and shuddered with pleasure. I almost didn't hear him ask, "Do you like that? Does that feel good?"

I sighed and answered, "Yes. Yes, that feels very nice."

Then I asked, "Do you really want to know how to please a woman? I can show you."

I have no idea where that came from! Why would I want to help him rape me?!

He answered instantly, "Yes! I want that. Tell me what to do, Kari."

I looked down and smiled. His cock looked like it must be painful. It was hard and dark red, almost purple. It was throbbing wildly and I somehow felt compelled to suggest, "Let me take care of that first. Then I can tell you how to please a woman."

I didn't wait for him to answer. I moved back a little and dropped to my knees between his legs. I reached out and held his throbbing cock at the very base with just my thumb and forefinger. Then I didn't even hesitate. I leaned down and took half of his cock into my mouth all at once.

My mouth closed around his cock and he cried out wordlessly. His ass came right up off the bed and he exclaimed, "Son of a bitch! Fuck that feels good!"

I massaged his cock with my tongue and slid my mouth up and down the shaft as far as I could. On the fourth or fifth stroke his entire body started quivering. His ass lifted up again and the flood gates were released. It is difficult to judge volume under these circumstances. But I am pretty sure that he shot almost as much cum into my mouth as his father had a little while ago.

I almost didn't gag at all. I suppose what they is true. Practice makes perfect. I don't mean to imply that I could now provide a perfect blowjob. But I seemed to be getting better at it.

I waited until his cock was completely drained and then I straightened up again. I looked up at Craig. He had a silly grin on his face. He was still bright red and his breath was still a little ragged. But he opened his eyes and exclaimed, "That was fantastic!!"

As soon as he had recuperated I invited him to join me on his bed. His bed was a twin bed and it was going to be kind of cramped but I was sure we could manage.

Craig had other plans for me before we began his sex lessons. He stood up and said, "There is something else we need to do first. Don't move."

He went to his desk and took a digital camera out of one of the drawers. Then he started taking nude pictures of me. I covered my body with my arms again and pleaded with him to stop. I had never allowed anyone to take this kind of picture of me. The idea that there would now exist nude pictures of me and that they would be out of my hands was terrifying.

But Craig just smiled and ordered me to put my arms down. I wanted desperately to disobey him. But for the same mysterious reason that I did everything else I was told now I obeyed.

He moved around me, taking pictures from every angle. Then he started ordering me into humiliating poses while he took more pictures. The pictures quickly started to devolve. I was ordered to hold my breasts out and then to tease my own nipples. I was forced to spread my pussy open while he took more pictures. He even made me turn around, bend over and spread the cheeks of my ass apart for his viewing pleasure!

He must have taken close to fifty pictures before he put the camera down. I was incredibly humiliated. And yet I was so very aroused!

My last few poses had been while lying on his bed. He joined me there now and I began to instruct him. I started with the very basics. First we worked on his kissing technique. He seemed to enjoy it. But kissing wasn't what he was interested in and he quickly grew impatient.

I tried to point out that patience was an important virtue for a good lover. He was too anxious to move on for that advice to sink in.

I amused myself as I tried to teach Craig how to be a good lover. I sounded like an expert when it came to sex. The truth was that I didn't know much more about sex than he did. But I was bound to know more about the female body than he did since I happened to be in possession of one. And that was what he really wanted to learn about.

We lay together with his hand on my breast while I explained how girls liked to be touched. I showed him all of the erogenous zones that I was aware of and explained how best to use those parts of a girl's body to turn her on. I also tried to make him understand how it worked to his benefit to turn his partner on. He seemed to be having trouble concentrating but I actually think he was getting it, some of it anyway.

When I started to explain the parts of the female sex organ, especially the clit, and how best to stimulate a woman, he moved down and after spreading my legs apart he lay down between them with his face just inches from my pussy. He gently spread my pussy open again and stared at me.

No one had ever examined my sex organ so closely before, no one but my gynecologist. I should have been extremely embarrassed. Well, actually, I was. And yet I felt my own level of arousal growing rapidly.

He started to lightly tease my clit with the tip of his index finger while I talked about how sensitive it was. I didn't even finish my first sentence before I had to stop talking until my orgasm subsided.

He watched me, fascinated, and I think more than a little excited at having caused me to have an orgasm.

His expression changed when I began to describe the manly art of pussy eating. Suddenly he looked skeptical. He was aware that people did that sort of thing, of course. But he wasn't so sure he wanted to try it himself.

My state of arousal had been growing slowly since I followed Craig to his bedroom. I had already experienced one orgasm. By now my pussy was beginning to excrete the clear fluid that women secrete to make intercourse more pleasurable. I explained what that fluid was and that it was, for all intents and purposes, the same fluid that oozed from his cock when he became aroused. That may not have been the smartest thing to say to him. You know how insecure guys are.

I finally was able to convince him to taste me. He reluctantly transferred some of my fluids to his tongue from his index finger. When he didn't taste anything he screwed up his courage and leaned forward slightly. He extended his tongue very timidly. To watch him you would have thought that he was about to touch his tongue to the burner of a hot stove.

But when he didn't get burned, when the taste turned out to be not at all unpleasant, and when I moaned in pleasure he quickly lost his fear and began to eat my pussy while I offered advice between continued moans of pleasure.

It wasn't very long at all before Craig was doing a very good job, and doing it enthusiastically. His enthusiasm seemed to escalate when I started having one vocal orgasm after another as he practiced his new found skills on me.

I finally couldn't stand it any longer and I gently lifted his head away from my pussy. I was gasping and panting for breath and only half aware when he crawled up over me. I felt him probing for my opening with his throbbing cock.

I reached between us and guided his cock into me. He slammed it into me with one violent, uncontrolled stroke. His body stopped moving and stiffened up as if he was having an orgasm when his cock was buried in me to the hilt. He groaned and exclaimed under his breath, "Oh my god! That's ... that feels ... FUCK ME! I never felt anything like that in my life! Jesus, Kari!"

I realized that he had not just cum as a result of the feel of a pussy clamping down on his cock for the first time. He was just enthralled by the sensations he was experiencing.

I smiled up at him. The look of absolute bliss on his face was exciting me even more than I already was. I put my arms around him and pulled him down on top of me. We didn't move for several minutes. We savored the moment, that moment of extreme bliss two people experience when a hard cock enters a hot, wet pussy for the first time.

Craig finally opened his eyes and looked down at me. He had a look on his face that could only be described as adoration. But I knew it wasn't because he was in love with me. He adored the feelings that my body was providing to his. Now he knew what was so special about sex.

He leaned down and kissed me, forgetting everything I had just taught him about technique. It was a violent kiss. And it was just right for the moment we were sharing. I hugged him tighter and returned his kiss with just as much gusto. I tasted my juices on his lips and that only added to my excitement.

After several minutes, Craig finally started to fuck me with long slow strokes. His fat cock felt wonderful inside of me. It felt just as exciting as his father's slightly larger cock had felt when he raped me in my bedroom when I got home from work today.

Neither one of us was able to put up with those long, slow strokes for long, though. We were both extremely excited and I was afraid that he wouldn't be able to last long enough to bring me to orgasm one last time. He was obviously very close to cumming himself.

He started slamming his cock into me rapidly. It felt great but I knew he wasn't going to last very long. Unfortunately I was right. He probably didn't last longer than three or four minutes before he started cumming inside of me. If he had kept that up for a while I could have easily cum half a dozen times. When I realized that he was having an orgasm I groaned, experiencing an emotion that was almost despair.

I desperately needed to cum again. Whether by accident or by design, I suspect the former, Craig began grinding his pubic bone against me during his surprisingly long orgasm and in seconds he provided me with just enough friction in just the right place to push me over the edge.

I went crazy under him as my orgasm took over my body and I performed a violent horizontal dance unlike anything I had done before. I nearly threw poor Craig onto the floor.

I thought it was over then. I lay there under him, waiting for him to roll over and let me catch my breath. But much to my surprise he wasn't done. He had stopped moving for a few moments. But I don't think his cock ever got soft. He started moving again, slowly at first. He ground his pelvis against mine and then he began to slowly pull his cock almost all the way out of me and then slowly slide it back in. It was very pleasant.

He maintained that slow motion fucking for a long time and I really loved it. I started moaning I pleasure and telling him how good it felt.

His own excitement began to build and he began to fuck me faster and harder. I thought for sure I was done for the night after that last orgasm. I was wrong!

He continued to pick up the pace and he lasted much longer this time. He lasted long enough that I came and then I came again just before he had his third orgasm of the evening.

He finally rolled off of me and we lay side by side, pressed tightly together because the size of his small bed demanded it. We held hands but didn't speak for a long time.

It was several minutes before we were startled by a knock on the door. It jarred us from our thoughts and brought both of us back to the present. We had both been pleasantly lost in thought. I'm not sure what was going through Craig's mind. I had been wondering once again at the change in me, not sure what to make of it or even how I felt about it after such a pleasant interlude.

Craig moaned and asked, "What?"

Ian answered through the door, "It's getting late. If you are done in there I'd like another blowjob before we send Kari home."

I groaned in dismay. I was exhausted. But I sat up without a single thought of saying no to him. I seemed to be totally normal until someone told me to do something, or even just suggested it. At that point I seemed to be totally without free will. And even when I did not want to do whatever it was that was being asked of me, I found myself becoming instantly aroused at the prospect of each new indignity.

I was afraid of this sudden change in me. I had every reason to believe that I had suddenly developed some strange form of mental illness. I knew that I wasn't the kind of girl that did the things I found myself doing in the last couple of days. I knew that I didn't want to become that girl. But I didn't know how to stop it!

I glanced at the clock on Craig's nightstand and was shocked to see that we had been in his room for almost two hours. The time had passed so very quickly!

I sighed and got to my feet. I spotted a box of tissue on Craig's desk and used a handful of them to clean myself up a little. Then I went to the bedroom door. Ian was waiting on the other side of the door. He led me back out to the living room and after pulling his pants and underwear down he sat down and spread his legs.

Craig followed us out. As soon as I knelt in front of his father and began to suck his cock, Craig began taking more pictures, including a lot of close-ups of my face with a mouth full of his father's fat cock.

I was so much more embarrassed because he was watching us and taking those degrading pictures. But as the embarrassment hung over me like a cloud I became aware that I was becoming aroused once more.

I was not so far gone that I was unaware of the fact that each time I became embarrassed in the last few days I also became aroused. Combine that strange circumstance with my apparent inability to say no to any man and my irresistible desire to display my pussy on the subway and it all added up to some sort of uncontrollable sexual perversion unlike any I had ever heard of before. And that just scared me all the more.

But it didn't inhibit the blowjob I was giving Ian. I was now taking more than half of his fat cock into my mouth and the knob at the end of it was banging into the back of my throat on each enthusiastic stroke. I think that we were both amazed that I was doing what I was doing without gagging, apparently without any discomfort at all.

I glanced up from time to time as I sucked his cock. Ian was watching me closely with a knowing smile on his face that irritated the hell out of me. But he didn't say a word. He just watched me work until his eyes closed and he filled my mouth with another load of hot cum. I sat up and swallowed while Craig took a few more humiliating photographs.

Ian patted me on the head like a pet and then stood up and pulled his pants up. He helped me to my feet and picked up the white noise machine from the lamp table. He handed it to me and started giving me instructions, talking down to me like a child, "You can go home now. I inspected this. It's safe. Plug it in and make sure you turn it on when you go to bed. I want you to go take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow, when you are getting ready for work, I don't want you to wear any underwear. I don't want you to wear underwear again unless I ask you to put some on for a special occasion. Thank you for a pleasant evening, Kari. Goodnight."

I smiled and said goodnight as if this had been a perfectly ordinary evening and I had not just been ordered to stop wearing underwear. I crossed to the door and opened it as if I had clothes on. I didn't even look to see if anyone was in the hall before I stepped out. Fortunately, no one was out there. It wasn't until I closed the door to my apartment that I paused to wonder about what I had just done. Not the sex. I was already very concerned about that. I didn't understand the blasé way that I had just stepped out into the hallway totally naked.

My brain was whirling like crazy. I should have been terribly upset. I should have been crying and dialing 911. But amazingly, I didn't feel like crying. I felt almost calm. My life was totally out of control and I didn't even seem to mind!

I walked to my bedroom and plugged my borrowed white noise machine in. I turned on the surf sounds and made sure it still worked. I left it on and went to take a shower.

When I returned to my bedroom I got into my sleep shirt and I started to pull on a clean pair of panties. I suddenly remembered that I couldn't wear underwear anymore and put the panties back in my dresser drawer.

I selected a dress to wear to work tomorrow. Ian had said nothing about choosing a dress. But I found myself choosing another short, sexy little dress that was right on the edge of being inappropriate to wear to work. I hung it on the back of my closet door and went to bed. I was tired. It had been a long, eventful day. I turned out my light and went to sleep in minutes thanks to the restful sound of the surf from that white noise machine.

The next morning I got up and took another quick shower. I didn't remember my dreams but they must have been hot. My sleep shirt was soaking wet and my pubic hair and my upper thighs were encrusted with my dried juices. I have never awoken to that sort of mess before. But I didn't seem to think anything of it.

I finished up in the bathroom and went back to my bedroom to dress for work. I put my dress on over my naked body as if it was my idea. It seemed to feel quite natural. I knew in some part of my brain that this wasn't right. But I easily ignored that nagging little voice in the back of my head. It wasn't very loud and was easy to disregard.

I slipped my shoes on, grabbed my purse and headed for the elevator. While I was standing in the elevator lobby I heard someone approaching from behind me. I looked around and saw Karl. He smiled just as if he had not seen me naked last night.

I returned his smile. But I felt the blush spreading down my face and neck when I thought about the image of me that he must have in his mind after last night. But I tried to sound calm when I wished him a good morning.

He walked up, stood beside me and casually placed his hand on my ass.

I jumped and looked him in the eye. I started to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing but he smiled and suddenly I had no words. I knew it was wrong. But some warped part of my brain decreed that if this was what he wanted then it was alright.

To make matters worse, I was incredibly embarrassed. And just like last night and the night before, the more embarrassed I was the more aroused I became.

We stood like that with his hand gently massaging my ass cheeks for a couple of minutes before the elevator arrived. He dropped his hand just as the doors opened and we squeezed into the small car with several other people.

When we got off the elevator in the lobby of the building, Karl winked at me and walked away without a word! I stared after him in total disbelief. I felt a shiver run up my spine. I wasn't sure whether it was from arousal, fear, indignation, or just humiliation. It took me a moment to shake myself back to awareness. I finally snapped out of it and made my way to the subway.

I was lucky enough to have a schedule that allowed me to miss the worst of the rush hour. I go to work and leave work nearly an hour after the worst of the rush hour crush. The cars are still pretty crowded. But they are not as crowded as they are even fifteen or twenty minutes earlier. I am almost always able to get a seat each way.

This morning I sat down in an empty aisle seat without paying much attention to the man occupying the window seat. I glanced around briefly at the other passengers. Even as I was looking around I found myself wondering if I was looking for the man I had flashed on the way home the last two evenings.

I didn't see him. Not until I felt the man beside me rest his hand on my thigh. I glanced up at him in shock. But my shock increased when I saw that it was him.

He leaned close and whispered, "I was hoping you would sit there. I didn't think that there was a chance in hell. But one can always hope. I normally take an earlier train. But I thought I'd gamble and see if I could catch you. I wanted to thank you."

I didn't ask what he was thanking me for. We both knew.

His hand squeezed my thigh lightly and another shiver ran through me. I glanced around to see if anyone noticed. Fortunately, I think, only the person sitting across the aisle from me was in a position to notice and he had his face buried in a newspaper.

The stranger's hand moved slowly up my thigh. He was tentative at first. But when I didn't object he slowly slid his hand back down toward my knee. When it was resting on my bare flesh he slid it slowly back up, pushing the hem of my skirt ahead of his hand.

When his fingers came into contact with my bare pussy we both gasped at the same time. I was reacting to a stranger resting his hand on my pussy. I think he was shocked to find that the only thing covering my pussy was his hand.

His little finger rested in my moist slit and my embarrassment and therefore my arousal ballooned almost out of control. I could still hear that little voice in my head asking me what the hell I was doing letting a complete stranger finger my pussy on the subway. But I had no answer to give it.

Same as Insomnia
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It was when I was still living at home, or at least staying there in the college holidays, that Mum came home and found me and Jack Horton lying on the living room floor, naked, and giving each other sixty-nine. She knew I was gay, or course, but was still shocked. As was Jack.After he'd dressed and left, literally with his tail between his legs, my mother and my father came into my bedroom together. Looking grim. I thought I knew what was coming, and I was in fact right."Terry, look. When...

2 years ago
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Hollys late night

Introduction: This is my first one. If I get enough feedback, (which I hope I do.) Ill try to make the second one better. It was Tuesday night I had just gotten off work and was ready to go home. Holly… my boss, Mark called out from the sci-fi section of the book store. Yes Mark? I walked over to him. Heres your check. You dont need to come in tomorrow. He said as he handed me the envelope. Thanks Mark. I could really use a day off. Im gonna get going you good by yourself? of course he was, hes...

3 years ago
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Double Trouble

Amy was browsing the internet. She should have been doing her homework but she always found English so boring. In the corner of her screen was the Skype conversation that she was having with her breast friend, Jen, which had come to one of those natural pauses.Amy was about to type in the box to tell her friend what she was up to when a frantic message appeared.'Fuck, you've gotta see this.'It was followed by a link. Amy looked over her shoulder just in case. She always did this before opening...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 12

Authors Note: So here I am back again, after three crashed hard drives, and two computers, I finally got to the stories I thought I had lost forever and believe me it will not happen again. I will be doing my best to do some more work on them and A Ride to Heaven and Back Part 2 in the near future. You’ll also find that Dani and Bull decided to pull some twists and turns on me that needless to say I was not prepared for but that will come clear in a later chapter. Not only do they have to...

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Birthday Bash Bonus IDs changed

I must share this one from about 5years ago. It wasn't my birthday but that of some friends of my pal's wife, who's also become a great friend.The particular girl called Annie was sharing a party with two gay male friends at a hall quite a way South from me & my pals. They were going by car later, so I got 3 trains down, intent on having a lift back that night.I'd arrived earlier on & picked up a gift along the way, plus it meant I could drink plus it was a bash where I could take my...

3 years ago
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Life model

Gaye told me one of her friends was going to do some nude posing for her evening art class. As a member of the art department I was in theory allowed to have a look-in if I wished. Besides, Gaye let me know that her friend Sue might be available....So I was feeling some excitement as the first Thursday evening arrived. Gaye introduced me to Sue. She is a very curly redhead. She was wrapped up in a long trench-coat: after all, it was a rainy day. So, I couldn't see what she was hiding...

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The Boy Next Door The following summer

Chapter 1 Trish was really looking forward to getting her maid back for the summer. Mark was due to return home today, and she was looking forward to picking up where the two of them left off the previous summer. Over the winter she had decided to keep increasing her feminization of the young man, and mentally started ticking off some of the things she had planned for him over the coming months. There were the obvious things such as going lingerie shopping, taking him to her...

3 years ago
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Dumpster Date

She had sworn to herself she wasn’t going to do it again. But here she was, behind a parked car in yet another dank and quiet alley way, willingly parting her long, bare legs and lifting her skirt hem for another dog’s curious muzzle while the animal’s leering owner and her father looked on. This one was grayish, rangy-legged, nondescript. A mutt. But a mutt definitely now into the smell and flavor of an offered treat of pussy. In no time her hips were rocking in that usual wanton way,...

4 years ago
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Brother and sister are doing the 8220nasty8221 when their mom catches them at it

This story was written as an xxx fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. Pam Fulton and her twin brother, David, had been working for several days now, cleaning out the downstairs bedroom. It had belonged to Steve, their older brother. Steve had gone off to college and Pam was eager to get his room, since it was larger than hers and easier to sneak back into the house if she was out too late with a boyfriend. Dave did most of the heavy lifting and moving,...

2 years ago
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The Passage of Chastity

The carriage jounced along the road carrying a young woman. She looked out the window and saw in the distance a great building. "Is that it?" she shouted up at the driver. "Yes, miss. That's it, Milford Hall." The girl gazed at the edifice. Three stories of red brick with oriental domes and heavy chimneys, the building had been built in the Elizabethan period. It was U shaped, with two massive wings extending behind. It looked frightening to her. The young girl settled back, nervous now...

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Jillian and Jake Get Lucky

As Jake jerked off for the third time in as many hours to his favorite DVD, ‘Barely Legal First Time Butt Babes’, it occurred to him that he might soon have to purchase a new keyboard. This once had begun to exhibit sticky keys and it was inhibiting his ability to easily enter data. Jake was finally coming to the realization that his favorite form of porn was just fantasy. Girls like those portrayed in the film just didn’t exist. Sure, he knew and had dated young women every bit as...

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My Best Summer

This happened to me at the end of my senior year in High School. I’d just graduated, turned eighteen and was looking forward to the summer. I normally worked in my uncle’s store during the summer, but I’d planned to take the summer off and enjoy myself before starting college in the fall… one last fling, so to speak. My friend Wesley and I were spending the weekend at his parent’s house while they were away. We got into his father’s beer fridge that was always full of several twenty four packs...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Noises coming from mens room

I have been very careful not to let anyone let on that my little Asian boy and I are fucking , we have been sneaking around and I park my car 2blocks from his house . In the gym we just say whats up to each other but Wednesday night we slipped up and the whole gym caught on and now the story is spreading like a wild fire. Wednesday it was 90+ degrees in NYC so mid way thru my workout I decided to go into the bathroom and change my shirt due to my sweat . My Asian fuck toy followed me into the...

4 years ago
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Webmeets Diary Ch 04

As I neared the end of my university course I had less and less time for playing around on adult personals sites, and spent most of my free time planning my journey I would be going on once I'd finished. Exams out of the way though, I suddenly had a few weeks of free browsing time, but instead of arranging immediate meets I decided I would see if there was anyone in the countries I was going to, as there I thought I would be less nervous with no chance of people I know learning of my...

3 years ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 15

Callie watched the countryside pass in a blur, the TGV, France’s high-speed train racing at over three hundred kilometers an hour. Across from her Hunter was absorbed in the laptop. “You promised to tell me what the microdot contained,” she reminded him. He shut the laptop, pushed it aside, leaned back, and looked out the window. “You’ve heard about the Israeli-Palestinian peace accord?” “Sure,” Callie nodded. Everyone knew about it; the single biggest achievement in the past fifty years,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 254

A short one from Gary You know the honeymoon is over when she comes in to take a dump while you’re brushing your teeth. Yep! ✧ ✧ ✧ Thanks Allan B for this group::::: Health Alert for Men If you are taking the Viagra pill, make sure it says “Made in USA”! We do not want the Russians meddling in our erections! A wife said to her husband, “When I’m talking and you answer, it interferes with the dialogue between us”. Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the Shell station A...

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When we arrived at the Blue Room for Drip's private dance, there waiting was a bottle of chilled expensive red wine, shrimp cocktails, rolled chronic and a mirror lined with coke. The beefy bouncer cracked the seal on the wine, laid some fresh towels on a fancy stand near the couch then exited with a sinister grin. About ten minutes passed then Drip glided into the room wearing only silk pajamas and Versace slippers. He looked really nice oiled and masculine." Ms. Taffy will you do the honors...

1 year ago
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Munts To The Rescue

Jake was in a wheelchair. The doctors told him after his car accident that his chances of walking again were pretty good if he followed a course of intensive physical rehab. For the next year his pretty young wife Lola accompanied him to the best rehab center in the area. Every other day an ambulette was sent to pick them up and drive the 45 miles to the center. The firm payed for everything even a private driver. Munts was his name and from the first day Jake could feel the chemistry between...

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The Way Back Ch 09

Life has intervened and I’ve not been able to proofread this part as fully I would like. So I apologise for any typos or other mistakes. FORTY-TWO I rang the bell at Stephanie Fanshaw’s front door and switched on my recorder. There was a long pause and then the door opened. Stephanie Fanshaw was a striking woman. She was very tall with a thin angular body. She was quite flat-chested but had a waist and hips and a flat bottom which reminded me of anorexic catwalk models. Her face was soft and...

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Christmas Star

CHRISTMAS STAR BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "Today's the day." Carl James called to his twin sister, Jennifer. Both of there are just over five feet tall. Both have the same blonde hair and blue eyes. While Jenn was a supernautral freak, Carl was into math and science. "Love the gangly snowflake earrings." Jen replied. "Let's go downstairs." It was almost seven. Jennifer and Carl had gotten dress early. Now they were joining their parents in preparing for the family christmas...

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Shastas TaleChapter 11

"You're what?" Nesho and Sosho exclaimed simultaneously. From then on a constant flow of questions, accusations, recriminations and demands came with such rapidity it was almost impossible to determine who was saying what at any one time. Throughout it all Dent merely grinned and nodded occasionally; Clarise simply sighed and nuzzled into his neck tighter. During the first lull he craned his neck to whisper in her ear. "Clarise, darling," he said, "aren't you getting tired holding on...

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Shock Treatment

Back in the 1960s and 70s a French artist by the name of Joseph Farrel created a sizeable number of BDSM drawings.  He felt that the drawings were works in themselves and that people should make up their own stories to go with them.  Later the drawings were published with short vignettes by Robert Merodack and others.  Joseph Farrel is sadly now dead and much of his work is out of print. For my own amusement I have written my own short stories to accompany some of the drawings.  Here is one of...

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The stepdaughter

Choose to play as Connor. You are a 42 year old man with brown hair and blue eyes. You work out regularly and are very ripped for a man your age. 4 years ago you married Ellie. She already had 2 daughters. Shayla and Emma. Recently your sex life with Ellie has been non-existent. Shayla has grown into a beautiful sexy woman and has recently turned 18. You find yourself unable to stop fantasizing about her. How far will it go? Choose to play as Shayla. You are an attractive 18 year old girl. You...

1 year ago
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Cousin Fucked Me Like A Whore

Hello guys and girls of indian sex stories doot net , this is kamran.I am back with another story.if you have not read my previous stories then first read them then you will know about me. About me mera nam kamran he aur me 1 gay bottom hoon.meri body girlish type he mean mere bade aur naram boobs he aur meri gaand bhi badi aur bohat naram he. Mera lund chota he. Mujhe chudwane me bohat maza aata he. Me pure bottom hoon aur kafi log meri gaand ke deewane he. Story parhne ke baad feedback zaroor...

2 years ago
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I awoke not having any memory of falling asleep, in a strange place. It looked like a tube and the end-cap (and some of the side, above me) was open and a pretty young thing said "Good morning, Jeff. How are you feeling?" This question had me thinking and I quickly did an inventory of all easily checked parts by stretching and feeling myself against the walls of this tank. I noticed that I was very nude and looked up to the girl, there, answering "I seem to be fine. Could you tell me,...

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"Hey babe, check this out," I heard him call from behind me. "What's that, dear?" I glanced over the top of my book to where he had briskly moved in front of me.  There he stood, with a single rose in his hand. "Here this for my beautiful lady." I glanced at the rose and back at him chuckling slightly, " I bet you read that somewhere."  "No. No. No. I swear I didn't," he said as he plopped on top of me. Trying to brace myself from the impact of his body, I managed to cough out the words, "You...

Straight Sex
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Mile High Club

For about the twentieth time, I looked down the aisle to see why we were not departing. To my surprise, coming down the aisle towards me, was an attractive dark haired woman. Behind her I noticed the hostess closing the front door. I though she looked Brazilian, dark hair, olive complexion and wearing a dark blue dress that was buttoned right down the front. The dress was fitting at the top, where it was stitched in patterns with light blue cotton, highlighting her breasts, and then flaring out...

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Car Break Down

Brie Larson is driving through town on her way to a convention. She stops at a red light when suddenly her car dies. " oh no what the hell?" She asks. She tries to start it, but it won't come on. Frustrated, she gets out and checks under the hood. Since shes in the middle of the street, as soon as the light turns green, the person behind her honks. "Sorry, but my car wont start!" She yells to the person. The person gets out, a short chubby man. "Let me help you get it off the road" he tells...

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TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT (LESBIAN) PART II always thought my aunt Melissa was so cool. Since I was little, she always brought me gifts, nothing expensive but always something thoughtful, whenever she visited me and my mother. My mother always called her a “spinster” with a short nervous laugh whenever I asked her if aunt Melissa had once been married. She rarely mentioned her. When it was time for me to go to college, I chose a college which was located a short drive from my aunt. She had told me:...

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grandpa grandma and me

same as other story just titled for better search results!please comment and provide feedback!The story sounds better in first person and in a perspective of past tense. I have changed it a few times to make up for tense problems and fluency, so please do not criticize the verb and tense agreements as I am sure that I have missed more than a few mistakes. this is my first story and it is fiction Character description I am a twenty-one year old male living in Oregon. I am 5’8” and have muscle...

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Listening to Mom and Dad

Do you know how much it sucks to move just before your senior year? Daddy works for a big manufacturing firm and they tapped him to help absorb a new factory they had purchased clear across the country. Without even talking to me, Daddy and Mom decided to sell the house and move from Arizona to some small country town in Kentucky. Apparently, they were able to sell our nice house and buy an old country house and pocket a sizeable profit. "We're talking enough to pay for your college, Pam," Mom...

4 years ago
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Her Barking StudChapter 8

Under pressure from Weird Stanley, Jan led him into her house, her thoughts really more on the whereabouts of her dog than on the tall, cadaverous and mentally retarded bartender. She pushed him down on the couch, asked him if he wanted a beer, got him one when he managed to nod assent, and then asked him what he wanted. "I got a message from Davis and Lester," he said. "They tried to call you, but you didn't answer." "So they sent you to see, me?" Jan asked skeptically. "Well, I...

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Fucked My Aunt Kavitha In Chennai

Hi all, Let me describe about me i am Ramesh from Chennai. 6 feet tall and average body with fair color and aged at 29. And about Aunt Kavitha height about 5.8″ and really good figure. Aged around 31. This aunt was a wife of an top most official and she also use to work in some sector. I used to watch this aunty whenever she crosses our house and she always use to wear saree. the way she use to wear the saree will show exactly all the parts and the back clearly. She looks homely and fair in...

3 years ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 15

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 15 By: Malissa Madison I couldn't believe I was getting to ride in a Lyconian Police Transport. Heck I couldn't believe I was getting to spend the next month with my boyfriend. Randi sat next to me as I watched Torri, the driver preparing to shoot the portal even though we were still ten minutes away. Sharra at the communications console was busy scanning beyond the portal to be sure there was nothing inbound. The other...

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love respect kindness

I couldn't believe my luck when I first saw you. The way you smiled at me I knew right there and then that you had a hold of me I couldn't take my eyes of you. I wanted and needed to feel your touch to kiss and hold you. I was to shy to scared to let you see this feeling I had for you. my mind was playing tricks on me I noticed u looking at me was my mind doing it again. I had given my self hope I truly believed I was going to be happy then it happened.I told you how I felt and at first you...

Love Stories
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The mature Nurse

This is also a true story, as you would have guessed, I work in the medical field, so a few years from the first story when I had my first encounter, I was working with a mature nurse. She was 45 years old or around there and had 4 kids. Her kids were all girls starting with 21,17, 12 and then 8 years. Things were normal until the time we started doing the night shift a lot. In the beginning we were but once a month doing the night shift, then it started getting like twice in a week. In...

2 years ago
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Wilsons WebChapter 6

There was a deafening silence. I did not know what to say to Ray, and I imagined he must have had the same problem. I mean what could he say? He was no more likely to comment on Clare's performance than I would his technique. It was a strange situation in more ways than one. Here we were sitting together on the sofa, both of us bollock naked, and both of us lost for words. It was Ray who finally broke the ice. "Do you want to know something, Tom?" "Go on." "I don't think the...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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Black Lawman with an Ebony Femboi

Jason Whitmore planted himself in the luxuriant cushions of the recliner. He set the tall boy beer can in the cup holder and turned on the TV. He put his hand into his underwear and held his junk. He scrolled through the menu options and selected one of his cloud accounts that housed an extensive porn collection. He chose a vid of a muscle-bound Ebony stud disrespecting some wimpy white twink’s boipussy. His dick jumped to attention as he watched the buff Black bull’s meaty cock impale the pink...

1 year ago
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My first black bull

On our family holiday to Florida I had noticed that the strong and sexy black man in his late 40s-50s next door was always watching me, especially when I was outside sunbathing in my little bikini. He had a study or something right across from our hotel window and Iwould some evenings see him in there in the dark, watching. I got a secretthrill taking off my clothes in front of him.One night I went to my room to get ready for bed while my parents were still out. As I turned on mylights, his...

2 years ago
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Fuck my wife Please

My wife Joyce and I have always enjoyed reading letters and stories about a lifestyle we have found to be exciting for both of us. That life style is wife sharing. I truly enjoy sharing Joyce with other men while she enjoys the excitement and sex from many different partners. Until recently I have found and offered her to most of her partners. We have lost count of how many different men she has had sex with but it has been over 75 in the 13 years of our marriage. On one trip to Florida...

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From Facebook To Bed

Hello ISS readers,Mera naam abhishek mishra hai age 19,height 5’11,7 inch ka lund aur atletic body hai jo haar ek ladki apne boyfriend me dekhna chahti hai aur me mumbai se belong karta hu.Ye meri pehli story hai so please galtiyo ko maaf karna.Zyada bore kiya bina story pe aata hu. Ye kahani 2 mahine pehle ki hai jab maine ek ladki anaita(name changed) karke ladki jisse maine facebook pe request bheja tha kyuki usske pics aise the maano voh koi pornstar thi.Dusre din hi usne request accept kia...

2 years ago
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Diana stood at her bedroom window, looking down at the street outside. She began to have second thoughts about what she was doing. Diana had planned to go on a picnic in the park with John, her new customer of some months, then to a movie in the evening with him. But I had called her before starting to drive over and she had mentioned to me that her parents were out of town, she was going to be house sitting. I had talked her into having the picnic lunch on the kitchen table and spending all...

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An Evening at Home

This is my first and only erotic story. I'm welcome to any comments and/or suggestions."Take a hot bath and freshen up for me." You tell her. "I'll be home in an hour."On your way home, just thinking about the plans you have for tonight gives you a raging hard-on. When you walk through the door, she meets you with your favorite cocktail, a vodka cranberry. Her hair still damp from her recent shower, her nude body glistening in the light, she wears nothing but a thin diamond studded collar, the...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Nina Lopez Rubbing Down Nina8217s BIG Naturals

Sexy Latina Nina Lopez is packing a pair of beautiful, big natural tits. Tyler Steel is tasked with oiling them up & rubbing them down. He soaks her top so her fat boobs are visible through her shirt. He unleashes the girls and jiggles and squeezes them, exactly like you know you want to yourself. Nina gets turned on as he puts his fingers deep in her wet pussy. She turns around to expose her naked ass to him – Tyler uses both hands to penetrate her cunt in this position. Nina is...

2 years ago
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A Lad and a LadyChapter 3 Mistakes and consequences

A plainclothes policeman came to my door. I knew he was a policeman by the way he was dressed and by the way he walked. It may have been that I knew he was an officer of the law because I'd been expecting him. He had come to arrest me. You see, I had been breaking the law. It is unlawful for a lady of thirty-two to have sexual relations with a lad of sixteen, and I'd been doing it for a few weeks. I knew I was breaking the law, but I couldn't stop. "You can make breakfast for you and...

4 years ago
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Its The Small Things That Count Part 2

I slowly woke up again, the sun shining on my face. It was 9am on a nice Sunday morning and a delicious smell was coming from the kitchen. I got up, only wearing a black shirt, my pants still on the floor where I left them, or rather, she did. I took a quick glance in the mirror—I looked really fucked. My hair is always a mess when I get up. I decided to get up, put on my boxers and go into the kitchen to see what that smell was about. ‘Morning, sleepy head. I hope you slept well,’ Rachel said...

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My Colleagues Wife 1

This story began quite a few years ago before I started my business and I was working in a consultancy firm. My company had transferred me from Saudi Arabia to Canada on temperory basis for a training project. I did not know anyone there other than a few company employees, but it was a promotion training and with the promotion came a large increase in my salary.The company maintained a small apartment near the office in which I worked and I was given the apartment to use until I finished my...

3 years ago
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Exploring The Virgin Pussy Of Hot Maid 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Suresh again. Let me give a quick recap. I am 20 years old now and I have a six pack body and a 7-inch cock. It had been long since I had sex. I never really had a virgin pussy. But I always wanted to have one. As usual, summer vacations came and I went to my granny’s village. My granny welcomed me with joy and happiness. I saw a girl there who was around 18 years old and looking hot. I asked my grandma who she was. She said her name was Kaveri and she was the maid who was hired to...

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